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As a 65 year old woman, I have seen a lot during my years on this earth. Back in the 1950's when I was in grade school, the McCarthy era was at hand, and I did think that was the best thing that ever happened. We need a little McCarthyism today. In the 1950's, my dad was a night school student at St. Louis University in St. Louis, Missouri. There were communist teachers back then too. Washington University in St. Louis, one of the most elitest Universities, had communists also teach on their campus. Everyone new who they were. In those days, students were taught what communism was, what to look for, and what life was like in communist countries.
Today, there are more communists than ever teaching in all of our schools in general. Today, American History is not really taught as it was then, and even back then, there was a progressive bent to it as well.
The teachers I had taught us, we learned, we were also taught how to learn. In addition, we were taught how to think and analyze. We were taught how to make decisions and use common sense. Today, children and adults are taught to be robots--to repeat what they want us to know. We are no longer encouraged or taught how to think, but what to think.
An example of this is global warming. For believers, we believe God is in control, man is not. So if that is true, that God is in control, all we need to do is be good stewards of the earth--we do not polute, we clean up and keep things clean--and I do not mean environmental controls. Lets face it. A person whose car is burning oil would get their car fixed if they had the money. No one likes the smell of burning oil. We are told sugar is bad for you. And we are told fat is bad for you. So everyone changes their diets to accommodate.
Now, what we have are people using chemicals instead of the real stuff--the natural stuff--which used in moderation is good for you. The chemical stuff, on the other hand, actually has proven to be more harmful for you.
What we need is a commitment to education. I have a masters degree in curriculum and instruction. And I, for one, would like to be a part in reforming our educational system. Many school districts are having to cut their budgets now, cut teacher's benefits, etc. That is not a bad thing because of the stats of public school education that loom at us like a bad hair day. Only thing is, it will take a decade to try to straighten the system out. Something is wrong when 67 % of the high school students attending college or a university, are not scoring high enough on even placement tests to be placed in college level classes and must take at least one if not all three remedial courses, two semesters of each in reading, writing and English. These are basic--stuff they should have learned while in grade school and high schools all over the nation. Our children all know how to make a baby, they know to experiment with life styles, etc. But they can't read, write, and do even simple math. There are no moral values and virtues, nor character being taught in most schools. This has got to change if we are to survive as a nation.
If any of you feel education needs to be a top priority, please post, and if there is a site on which to become involved for education reforms, please guide me to it.
Thank you so much for reading this soap box position.
With his new budget, Obama not only ducked our economic problems, he gave it his famous finger. What was it that Tennessee Ernie Ford said -- "Another day older, and deeper in debt! Saint Peter dontcha call me, 'cause I can't go. I owe my soul to the company sto'e (that's the White House, my friends)" Debt, debt, debt. Debt for you, for me, for our children, and for our grandchildren. It's sinful, and the man in the White House has no conscience.
"It's Debt On Arrival", Congressman Paul Ryan said.
Most of the same old names we elected in Ohio are trying to put it too the people who educate our children and protect us from harm. Our new Ohio goverments " wall street " way of thinking is really distressing. What is wrong with public employees keeping their " collective bargaining rights "?
Elected officials aren't under it so lets put it to the professionals who fight our fires, keep our streets safe, and teachers that build a foundation of knowledge ensuring our childrens future. The last election and new Ohio administration put us back in the USSR.
And an astronomer said, "Master, what of Time?"
And he answered:
You would measure time the measureless and the immeasurable.
You would adjust your conduct and even direct the course of your spirit according to hours and seasons.
Of time you would make a stream upon whose bank you would sit and watch its flowing.
Yet the timeless in you is aware of life's timelessness,
And knows that yesterday is but today's memory and tomorrow is today's dream.
And that that which sings and contemplates in you is still dwelling within the bounds of that first moment which scattered the stars into space.
Who among you does not feel that his power to love is boundless?
And yet who does not feel that very love, though boundless, encompassed within the centre of his being, and moving not form love thought to love thought, nor from love deeds to other love deeds?
And is not time even as love is, undivided and placeless?
But if in you thought you must measure time into seasons, let each season encircle all the other seasons,
And let today embrace the past with remembrance and the future with longing—
Kahlil Gibran
Embracing the past with remembrance, and the future with longing—appropriate, I thought. I created a video for you. look for Roaring Twenties1. You'll see a picture me from the tip of my nose down, including my guitar.
Hi There,
Good news, your calls, faxes and emails are having an effect! Please redouble your efforts on Thursday starting in AM. Rep. Steve King will be introducing his Amendment to defund Obamacare in it's entirety on the floor of the House on Thursday or NLT Friday and it is vital that we amass wide support.
Simply ask your Representatives to support the King Amendment to completely defund Obamacare when it, or any motions in support of it, come up or for a vote. Remind those that promised last November to "KILL THE BILL" and stop Obamacare, that you view that promise as a sacred trust, it is that important, and you will accept nothing less. If funding for Obamacare is allowed to proceed in any way, shape or form, you will consider that sacred trust broken and you will not forget.
This time in addition to calling your individual representatives and the freshman, PLEASE include calls to Speaker Boehner's office and Majority Leader Cantor's office. Capitol Switchboard (202)-224-3121 or (202)-225-3121 or Toll Free (877)-762-8762, if lines are busy or slow to answer, here is a link to get their direct lines:
Remember it is our responsibility to make sure our Representatives do the right thing, take the hard votes, honor their promises and defend our liberty. It is up to us to make sure they do not slip down the path of least resistance, otherwise known as "the slippery slope" that we have been on for years, and has our children's futures mortgaged to the hilt!!
Thank you for all that you do to further the cause of Liberty!!
For Liberty's Sake
Tom Whitmore
". . . in this "Obama-Motors Scandal" it appears that Mr. Obama -- who willfully wielded a frayed toothpick when it came to cutting out parts of the bloated federal budget he created -- chose a bulldozer when dealing with the GM and Chrysler dealerships."
“Obama-Motors” Slashes GM and Chrysler
Republican Ownerships as Potential Scandal Emerges
Yes, Virginia, Santa Obama does know who’s “naughty and nice” and does pick the winners and losers! Naughty Republicans get coal in their stockings and Nice Progressive Democrats (forget those “Blue Dog moderate Dems, young lady) get to hold onto their part of the American Dream, ho, ho, ho!
As most Americans are aware, “GM” now might as well stand for “Government Motors.” Both General Motors and Chrysler as official corporate “wards of the state” are government-controlled entities run by the Obama administration . . . run, it seems with quite a bit of partisanship and crony-capitalism in mind.
Let’s put this apparent partisan scandal in personal terms, imagine yourself a businessman or businesswomen whose family has owned a car dealerships for the last 80-90 years. Imagine yourself being told that your well-respected and highly profitable GM dealership is ordered closed while nearby dealerships less profitable or even ones actually losing money are allowed to stay open. Would you be shocked? Would you be outraged? Imagine further that GM comes to you and orders you to turn over your list of car customers and service-department customers (presumably to help your less-profitable competitors) . . . would you like the idea that your $15 million business was made worthless overnight so that an Obama campaign contributor competing with you might now find the playing field “more level?”
Well you don’t have to imagine any of this after all: after the auto bailouts were first announced, a second announcement was almost immediately made stating the intention of Chrysler and General Motors to close roughly 2,100 dealerships across the nation. Later it became known that some of the proposed closures involved highly profitable dealerships in the same vicinity as less profitable or even UNprofitable ones which were to remain open . . . why the citizen-voter asked himself would you close any profitable dealerships, much less the MOST profitable ones? If you’re closing dealerships why would you leave any UNprofitable opens at all? Apparently politics may have played a big part since the numbers of McCain campaign contributors dramatically outnumbered the numbers of Obama donors among those to be closed down. No wonder surveys show 42% of Americans say they won’t buy Chrysler or GM cars because of the bailouts . . . .
To top matters off, an additional 2,800 dealerships have recently been notified that they’ll be closed down this year. Yes, including some profitable and highly-profitable ones located near other UNprofitable or barely profitable ones allowed to stay open once again. These issues are now being contested bitterly by about 22% of the notified dealerships, but rest easy there’s hope; it seems after all, if Barney Frank or other Democratic representatives or senators like your politics, dealers protesting the closures are far more likely to win the right to stay open after all.
Given the scenario shown above, how much confidence would you place in a “Car Czar” named by President Obama whose integrity, qualifications and past history had never been investigated by Congress or the FBI (as customarily occurs with real presidential appointees)? Would you be surprised to find that said Czar (one of 40+ Czar appointments made by Obama to run the country like a personal empire without Congressional oversight), a fellow named Steve Rattner, was a very close personal friend of Barack Obama and one of the most successful Democratic political-fund raisers in history. Besides Czar Steve Rattner being himself a powerful Democratic fund-raiser; his wife Maureen White was formerly the finance chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Rattner was himself also formerly a reporter for the New York Times, among the most progressive newspapers in the country. One might expect the tendency toward favoring Democratic contributors over conservative businessmen must have been difficult for Rattner to overcome . . . .
But, but, but, would you be surprised to then find Mr. Rattner only a few months later quietly giving up his Car Czar position and, to avoid criminal punishment, paying out $10 million in settlement fees to the State of New York for his part in a kickback and influence-peddling scandal pulled off four years earlier. Would it surprise you that such a crucial player in the Obama administration was now hawking a book on his extensive experience in the auto industry despite having virtually none? The extensive Imperial Obama czardoms are full of such stories and it’s not likely we’ll find fairness and free-market values well-protected by their ilk.
Supposedly the American Arbitration Association is now handling the 600+ claims from among the 2,800 revoked dealerships, but in actual fact numerous documented instances show that dealers who visited Democratic representatives and senators found themselves immediately granted face-to-face interviews and eventual successful retention of dealerships while dealers who’ve relied on merely filling out the required arbitration paperwork get no such preferential treatment . . . one can only imagine the huge amount of Democratic-butts that are kissed and the eventual campaign donations involved in this fair and unbiased process. Of course Republican congressman Buchanan who found his Chrysler dealership slated for closure (while a competing dealership chain in Missouri and Arkansas partly owned by former Clinton White House chief of staff Mack McLarty and partly owned by a huge Democratic fund-raiser who have magically seen numerous nasty conservative competitors eliminated) has not had much luck appealing his case to the powers that be . . . it’s probably just a coincidence that while hundreds of G.O.P. contributors are being closed down, so far just one Obama 2008 contributor among all the hundreds of closures so far has surfaced.
The Republican representative in question, (who has a Nissan dealership as well in Venice, Florida), called the proposed closures an outrage, “It’s no problem for me, it’s not about me, I’m going to be fine; but we’re talking about 100,000 jobs around the country . . . we’re supposed to be creating jobs.” Were these Chrysler and GM ownerships closed down for voting or donating to Republican candidates?
A lawyer representing a group of Chrysler dealers who are on the “hit list” deposed senior Chrysler executives and later told Reuters News Agency that the closings have been forced on the company by the White House. "It became clear to us that Chrysler does not see the wisdom of terminating 25 percent of its dealers. It really wasn't Chrysler's decision. They are under enormous pressure from the President's automotive task force," according to attorney Leonard Bellavia.
Government making economic decisions is bad, bad news . . . but government intervening in the free market (car dealerships are just small businesses after all) can be ultra-political at worst and just plain stupid at best. Since a significant amount of the closures were of profitable dealerships and since the Obama administration’s auto task force is doing the deciding on whose business lives or dies, on the face of it this looks very ugly. The “criteria” for these decisions MUST BE RELEASED to the public.
In fairness, we must say that since car dealerships are small businesses and often family-owned small businesses . . . any educated guess would have to put the political propensities of dealership owners at anywhere from 75% to 90% conservative. Since conservatives overwhelming favor low taxes, low government spending and operating government in a businesslike fashion without deficits and debt . . . one would expect donations from dealership owners to be overwhelmingly Republican. However, contrast the treatment of teachers (union members 90%; Democrats 86% and well-documented Obama supporters) with that of their handling of small businessmen in general, not to mention this potentially scandalous treatment of GM and Chrysler dealership owners . . . would we expect to see Mr. Obama’s people closing down school teacher positions in the rather brusque and unintelligent, indeed counter-intelligent fashion they’ve used on car dealers? Even IF no actual scandal emerges . . . surely all of this points out the evil inherent in letting government pick and choose winners and losers in the free market?
Let us be even more pointed in criticizing the egregious corruption we see here . . . Even the New York Times as well as hundreds of other liberal newspapers recently criticized Mr. Obama’s lackluster budget attempt. Your blogger Rajjpuut would say that in this "Obama-Motors Scandal" Mr. Obama willfully used a frayed toothpick when it came to cutting out parts of the bloated federal budget but chose a bulldozer when dealing with the GM and Chrysler dealerships.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
Hitler’s final solution was the annihilation of all Jews. Well, he was wrong about a lot of things. The Brotherhood, for the annihilation of Jews, teaches children to glorify Allah by blowing themselves up to kill Jews. Islam offers, through Sharia law, that the individual counts for naught, the collective everything; it calls for total and complete control of the world.
Obama doesn't have a problem. He's for collective salvation. Can this be God? To mention doubt is politically improper. It’s racial profiling. As a consequence, TSA workers are stealing huge amounts of cash and other valuables from passengers at airports. TSA work is attracting the perverted who get their kicks groping women and children, just to mention a couple of things about the impropriety of being politically proper. Sharia law happens to be the ancient way of handling people, long before people were literate and had modern means of communication.
At the Tea Party, there are a great many reasons given for the leveling of the playing field. But what to do? President Obama is not serious about balancing the budget; he is serious about bankrupting America morally, spiritually, and fiscally. Note that our President, our keeper, is making a big play now, after he has left them without a future of their own, on the young building our future. Obama has a lot in common with the Brotherhood.
All these issues, but the only place you can hear what to do that makes sense is on my blog. Everyone else is hung up on his particular paradigm limitation. For instance, I was brought up a Christian. Every Sunday in church I repeated the Lord’s Prayer. I didn’t realize until recently what Jesus said in the Lord’s Prayer—“in earth as it is in heaven,” followed by, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God,” Earth and heaven are quantitative, the kingdom of God is qualitative, without bounds. Neither Christians, Muslims nor Jews get the message Jesus left. What’s the point of being here? We are not here waiting for pie in the sky. I’m not hearing—not anywhere—the message Jesus left us.
What led me to Edward S. Corwin’s The “Higher Law” Background of America Constitutional Law?” I bought this little book in a secondhand law book store for one dollar. It was the fist step in my thousand mile journey, which began in 1974 with my determination to get my pound of flesh from Uncle Sam. There have been many signs along the way that let me know my purpose. Now in the twilight of my life, if my life could be any better I don’t know how. Was is the luck of the draw?
Do you baby boomers really think you are going to get the same as we seniors now get? People think they are paying for their senior years. Nothing could be further from the truth. You are paying for may keep. This isn’t insurance. It’s a Ponzi scheme that has been with us ever since Roosevelt’s New Deal law. Only 15 percent of the budget is discretionary spending. If the government eliminated every penny of it, we still be going bankrupt. It is a foregone conclusion: the politicians are not going to solve the debt crises. The FED is printing money with nothing to back it. We are literally living on borrowed time. We've already seen more than once what is going to happen.
The facts speak for themselves. For the past 2,000 years, people have been extremely sensitive to the voice of authority, absorbing their ideas, and frauds. Desperate to do the right thing, but as a rule with weak wills, they are easily influenced by external factors.
I march to a different drummer. After I learned my God-given rights, I acted. My life drastically changed, but the American public’s life remained unchanged, clinging to Roosevelt’s New Deal, and going deeper and deeper in debt. I fought it every inch of the way. Roosevelt’s New Deal is still in place. I’m reaping the benefits, but for how much longer? America’s day in the sun will soon be gone.
It will take years of hardship, under the very best of circumstances, to undo what Roosevelt’s New Deal law has done to America. There is every reason to believe America will lose her hard fought freedoms and end another banana republic. You don’t believe it, but everything is working out the way it was predicted long ago.
The astrological sun rose on me on September 17, 1925 at 4:21 pm in Houston, Texas. I was born with Aquarius rising. This sign means that I began my life with the part I showed the world Aquarius and grew into a total Aquarian, someone who perceives the future.
Jesus wasn’t a Christian. His message was to everyone. If we’d have followed it, we would not now have the Islamic Brotherhood leading the way to Sharia law. After we Americans face the consequences of frittering away our freedoms under New Deal law—robbing Peter to pay Paul—Aquarians are going to lead America, and the world, to brotherhood of a different sort, rather than of force, one based on spiritual energy.
Obama Budgets Much, Much Higher Taxes,
Spending, Interest, Debt, and a Useless Train
After three years of promising America “hope and change,” Barack Obama has proven himself fixed in cement, immobile and unable to change. His recently submitted budget was hyped as “innovative” and “ground-breaking” and as “a solution for the $14.1 TRillion debt-bomb” now haunting the nation . . . instead it’s proven itself more of the same old same old tired tax and spend progressive politics.Mr. Obama has apparently forgotten the five high profile speeches he’s made to America’s citizens pledging each time that he would dedicate or re-dedicate himself to jobs-jobs-jobs. What his recent budget dedicates itself to, however, is a relatively few government created jobs created at the cost of impaling the entire private sector’s job-creating ability for the next decade.
His plans will completely gut the private sector’s ability to create jobs and destroy the jobs that ultimately provide the revenue for all government spending. In a phrase, Mr. Obama’s proposed budget would guarantee a rise in unemployment to around 12% within two years; and a $26 TRillion debt by 2021; he also does NOT take into account the overall effect of the interest on the national debt which by 2018 would become the single largest item in the budget beyond even defense and Medicare. That is, where a wise man would be looking to pay down the debt, Mr. Obama is increasing debt so dramatically that the very interest on that debt will become larger than the entire budgets for 98% of the world's nations.
Under the guise of cutting spending and using a set of ultra-rosy economic projections that would make an Optimist’s Club president blush, Mr. Obama’s proposals for fanciful items like a nationwide high-speed rail system all comes down to far more government attempts to stimulate the economy based on a whole set of new taxes on corporations and individuals that will actually hammer the final nail into the coffin for America’s REAL economy. After initiating a high profile “Debt Commission” in 2010 which came up with some mild, but at least sensible approaches to handling the debt crisis, Mr. Obama has not only totally ignored the recommendations of his own commission, but decided not to even face the largest five problem areas: Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare, Social Security and the whole bundle of so-called “non-discretionary spending,” but rather to grandstand as an “innovator” when his real title should be “fiscal madman.” AmTrack has been losing money fast enough for five decades, Barack; we don’t need to lose ten times as much at six times the speed.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
In the past it has been the "dark side" that has caused us so much angst and made us have to work so hard. I am sorry to report that I have to ask you to go to work again, only this time it is to work against the Republican leadership to defeat allocation of funds to Obamacare.
A federal judge has ruled that Obamacare is unconstitutional, end of argument. The Republican leadership should have no problem honoring their pledge to defund Obamacare, ALL of it, not just parts.
They have the perfect opportunity to defund Obamacare in the Continuing Resolution that the House will be debating and voting on this week. Conspicuously missing is the language to defund Obamacare in all of it's manifestations. It is this oversight, which at this point can only be construed as an intentional play, that spurred Rep. Steve King to propose his amendment to completely defund Obamacare!
Leadership has chosen to hide behind "rules" and have disallowed his amendment in the Rules Committee for probably the same secret reasons that complete defunding is not addressed in the CR. The whole reason for a "Rules Committee" is to establish special rules for large or significant bills that the "normal" House rules don't cover. You have to ask yourselves what are they up to, what is in it for them? Is this another Omnibus like bill with "special political gifts" heretofore known as earmarks and now we just hide them in the bill or include key concessions?
The Republican leadership promised to defund Obamacare and stop it dead in it's tracks! Don't let them pull a fast one like when Senate leadership said they got it on earmarks and then tried to slip a bunch of them through in the Omnibus bill in exchange for their votes. We stopped the Omnibus and now we must stop the funding of Obamacare.
Call your Representatives NOW at the Capitol Switchboard (202)-225-3121 or tollfree (877)-762-8762 and urge them to support Rep Steve King's amendment to completely defund Obamacare. Anything short of that will be seen as a backroom deal and Republican leadership should come squarely into your "crosshairs". They are going to have to either make good on their promises or they become part of the problem and we must seek new solutions in 2012.
We cannot afford to take prisoners where Obamacare is concerned; KILL THE BILL!! I don't know about you but I am tired of the stench coming from the "Swamp". Pay special attention to your newly elected freshmen in the House. We need to nurture and mentor them along they way that they are not led astray.
For Liberty's Sake,
Tom Whitmore
For tune:
Ba-rack promisin’ change
Now we know Ba-rack’s all de-ranged
Ba-rack’s bringin’ us ruin
Nothing but PINK notes to his tune
Ba-rack said we’d soon see
Everyone working happily
To him, tax larceny’s
Redistributing proper-ly
Then they took over the economy
Implied Marx-ism would set us all free
Then they claimed ugly debt-limits were good
They said . . . we’d just: mis-understood
Bar-ack he seems to dream
Illogical nonsense constantly
Ba-rack worked for ACORN
Home-lenders are sheep -- he has shorn
Then we lost more jobs made ev’rything worse
Ba-rack came back, hands in my purse
He said illegals were better than us
Made slav’ry from freedom, now I don’t trust . . .
Ba-rack said W. Bush
Caused all of our pain
But t'was CRA ’77
That clogged up the drain
Jimmy Carter gave us that law
While Billy Clinton continued to claw
Four CRA expansions** in only eight years
Progressives now cryin’ crocodile tears
Then they took over the economy
Implied Marx-ism would set us all free
Then they claimed ugly debt-limits were good
Ba-rack promisin’ change
Now we know Ba-rack’s all de-ranged
Ba-rack’s bringin’ our ruin
Lately there's RED notes in his tune
Big dreams, all of them dead
They sold us big dreams
Now we’re RED
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
** Specifically: Bill Clinton paid back ACORN with the Motor Voter Act of 1993 and with four expansions of CRA ’77 mortgage-guarantee legislation originally passed by Carter as the Community Reinvestment Act in 1977. By presidential edict in 1993 he expanded CRA ’77 by means of regulatory change; twice legislatively in 1995; and with a poisonous steroid-version expansion of CRA ’77 in 1998. Clinton was our first ACORN president.
The background for understanding Clinton’s and Obama’s part and becoming an informed citizen (right now only 6% of us are) can be found at these two weblinks:
The short version which covers some different areas from the valuable blog info above is this . . . .
1. A philosophy called “progressivism” has dominated the country’s top politicians from both major parties for over a century. Progressives believe that we must ‘progress’ beyond the outdated and ill-conceived U.S. Constitution as our only hope to ‘progress’ toward an earthly Utopia (more or less the same goal that Marx delineated and which created “Fabian Socialism” in England is on this continent: American Progressivism).
2. Famous American TRUE Progressive Presidents include Republicans: Theodore Roosevelt and Herbert Hoover; Democrats: Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama. Light progressivism is found in Republicans Eisenhower and both Bushes. All of the true progressive presidents a) ignored the U.S. Constitution in large part b) instituted dramatic increases in taxes, spending and debt and made individual Americans far poorer and c) moved the country much closer to socialism than we were before they took office.
Generally, the background on Clinton, etc. is . . .
Three “NEO-Marxists”: Community Organizer Saul Alinsky (author of Reveille for Radicals; and Rules for Radicals) and Columbia University professors Richard Cloward and his wife Frances Fox Piven (authors of The Weight of the Poor: a strategy for ending poverty which has popularly come to be known as “Cloward-Piven Strategy for creating and profiting from chaos”) created the revolutionary structure that today’s progressives have been using for overthrowing the United States as we know it. Cloward-Piven and George Wiley openly used and bragged about using the strategy to bankrupt New York City in 1975 (and nearly bankrupt New York State) and send the whole nation into a huge recession during most of 1973-74 and double the welfare rolls from 8 million to 16 million. The federal government bailed out NYC late in 1975. They told their followers to switch concentration to voter-registration and housing.
In 1977, Jimmy Carter passed a very bad law called the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA ’77) a mortgage-guarantee law FORCING home lenders to knowingly make very bad loans to people who were serious risks for foreclosure. At the same time the bill was being passed, Cloward-Piven (the two most important words for informed Americans to understand) ally and head of the National Welfare Rights Organization, George Wiley, already had one his community organizer lieutenants in place in Arkansas: Wade Rathke. Rathke created ACORN (Arkansas Community Organizations.
ACORN using massive voter fraud (they purported to be gathering new voters, but threw away all the newly registered Republican paperwork) to elect Bill Clinton governor of Arkansas in 1978. They kept him governor through 12 of the next 14 years and got him elected president in 1992. ACORN efforts just in Arkansas doubled the percentage of bad home mortgages from 1 in 404 in 1975; to 1 in 196 by 1985. ACORN was then expanded nationwide (now it was called Associations of Community Organizations for Reform Now). President Bush #1 who had successfully vetoed 45 of 46 bills that progressive Democrats had pushed upon him, in 1992, failed to veto a bill he largely favored. That bill had a minor provision expanding CRA ’77 to federal programs Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac.
When Bill Clinton became our first ACORN president he immediately paid back Cloward and Piven and ACORN by passing the Motor-Voter Act (“a 12-lane highway to voter fraud”) and expanding CRA ’77. In 1993 Clinton used regulatory fiat to expand the law; then twice in 1995 he got CRA ’77 expansions passed through congress; and in 1998 he passed a poisonous steroid version of CRA ’77 expansion. As a result of Bush #1’s and Clinton’s actions . . . in 1995 14% of all home mortgages were suspect (issued with less than 3% down payment to risky home buyers); by 2005 the number of bad loans had risen to 34%. Worse, thanks to Clinton’s ’98 steroid expansion of CRA ’77, A) many of the loans were being made at not 3% down payment but with Zero-down payment B) ACORN now had less trouble putting an unqualified loan recipient into a $440,000 home than they’d had in putting him into a $110,000 home fifteen years earlier and C) the unqualified loan recipients now included people without jobs at all; people without even rental histories; people with horrendous credit ratings; people without I.D.; people whose only “income” was food stamps; and even illegal aliens.
All this brought on the prime-lending crisis which was about 94% of the problem underlying our recent financial meltdown. By the way, in 1996 Community Organizer Barack Obama was working as an ACORN attorney shaking-down unwilling lenders to force them into bad loans. Obama was famous for not only getting promises for large numbers of loans but also getting these financial organizations to donate to ACORN.
Why the decline in the quality of life? Why the dependence on government? Why the increase in violent crime? Why the high divorce rate? Why the decline in educational standards? Why the poor economy? Why jihad?
In 1974—on my own—I went to the county law library to study the Constitution and Bill of Rights, not for the sake of knowing, but with a plan to use the law to protect my inalienable right to exist on the fruits of my labor.
The “authorities” had informed me that the 16th Amendment to the Constitution (the income tax amendment) gave Congress the authority to tax my income up to 100 percent. I bet you didn’t know that. The reason you don’t, I venture to say, is because you have not demanded your right to exist on the fruits of your labor.
The question came up because in 1973 my business enterprise lost money. I was forced to sell some of my homestead for living costs. Double digit inflation had caused the dollar to be worth half as much. I sold the land for double what I paid for it and broke even. The law said I made a capital gain that was taxable. I said no to that, pointing out that the government entitled got cost of living increases. I was entitled to the same consideration. The United States said no, I was not entitled to the same consideration. What does that make government entitlement?
A Tax Court judge called me into his chambers and asked me why I felt that I didn’t owe any tax when everybody else had to pay their tax. I explained. The judge said he was going to rule against me. In fact, the law said he had to rule against me. But he ruled against the IRS on its erroneous tax assessment, it's deliberate mistake, the purpose of which was to tell me you don't mess with the IRS.
After the case was closed, the IRS reinstated its erroneous assessment and confiscated my property to pay an assessment that the tax court had ruled against. It was an obstruction of justice. The Court of Appeals ruled for the IRS. The Supreme Court refused to hear the case.
I filed a complaint in the U.S. District Court for the money the IRS lawlessly took from me. The Department of Justice said the assessment was wrongful. My property was refunded. Then the IRS then went to my bank and took every cent in my checking account. For the good of all, Congress allows the IRS to make limitless mistakes. I bet you didn't know that. Thanks to a complicit press, I was out of sight, out of mind.
A miracle: The Palm Beach Post investigated. The IRS admitted that for 11 years it had been mistaken. A front page story detailed what had happened. It didn’t change a thing. if the story did anything, it scared taxpayers. They knew what would happen if they dared to challenge their tax. For the good of all, we have the problems I named in my first paragraph.
My case makes the statement that no American has an inalienable right to exist on the fruits of his own labor. Does this not answer the questions I raised in my first paragraph?
The uprising in Egypt is going to be repeated in America. The question is what comes next? Those same politicians who robbed you of your sacred rights envision themselves in total control of your lives. How do you stop them?
If my present life could be any better, I don’t know how. What brought about my good fortune? Was it the luck of the draw? Which is bigger, my inalienable rights or politicians doing what is best for all? I’ve been telling you for several months how I won. You don’t believe me.
The outcome of this revolution is unpredictable because the authorities now licking their chops don’t look beneath the surface, nary a one of em! Those self-servers now grabbing center stage begin with their desirable end, the Islamic Brotherhood, with its Sharia law taking the world back to sixth century Arabia, the progressives and their collective good—that which Obama calls collective salvation, taking the world to La La Land. Both the Brotherhood and the progressives have a common goal: control. They will argue the details later. The important thing now is control. Obama can be read like an open book. Now that the Egyptians, at great sacrifice, have opened the door, there is an evil glint in Obama’s eye. If Obama has his way, the Egyptian people could wind up worse off than they were, not to mention the Jewish people.
The above mentioned self-serving predators’ ideas of control have never worked because the powerful don’t understand the fundamental nature of man; that we don’t have the mentality of herd animals. All they do is muddy the water. It really gets to me that the world’s control freaks begin with their desirable end, and force all the pieces to fit. It’s called the end justifies the means. For the good of all, the individual is trained to jump through their hoops, this idea hatched in higher schools of learning like Harvard. What do Harvard people know? Bill O’Reilly, a Harvard man, who says he is looking out for you, after listening to this bombastic buffoon, I conclude that O’Reilly is looking out for O’Reilly. After interviewing Harvard’s Obama on Super Bowl Sunday, O’Reilly pinned roses on himself for days. I don’t know why. The interview was two babbling egomaniacs, the ill-conceived products of Harvard.
My vastly superior education came in the school of hard knocks. After ten years of mind-search and making written notes, now putting it all together, I see beneath the surface. I’ve observed signs along the way. The first sign resulted from my study of the U. S. Constitution in 1973—on my own—my bigger than life calling—and taking legal action against the IRS. Mine is the Constitution Obama has repeatedly said he wants to change. I felt that voices from the past were guiding me—inner power I’d never before experienced. I won. The Wizard of Oz ate crow on the front page of The Palm Beach Post. What does that tell you about Obama? He’s now transparent, an out and out hypocrite. Obama told O’Reilly that people who hate him don’t know him. I know the four flusher. He is bad news for Americans and Egyptians. I don’t hate him, but as one created equal to Obama—endowed by my Creator with certain unalienable rights, Obama’s power from the seat of his pants, whatever he is he, I don’t give a damn, he doesn’t belong here. Send him back to Kenya.
The second sign was my cutting from the herd. I departed my old life on Good Friday, said to be the day Christ was crucified. Jesus was nailed to a cross for telling his people that their authority had profaned the Sabbath. But just like authority to tell you that you are born in sin and must confess your sins in order to be forgiven, and leave some money with authority for this fine service. Are we daft?
This maverick arrived in Miami, Florida on Easter Sunday for the first day of my new life, with the idea of telling the world that authority had profaned my God-given rights. We don’t realize, dumbed down as we are, that “we have only fear itself to fear,” that under God’s law, we, individually, are in control of our lives. Why have we ignored what the Founding Fathers left for us, law that says we are to be self-governed. Why have we opted for a hothouse environment, with Washington twisting valves and pulling levers? Look what the self-serving stumblebums have done to our freedoms.
The third sign was in the seven lives I miraculously saved from a watery grave, my own included, during my two years at sea. The message: I am my brother’s keeper.
The fourth sign was in meeting my fourth wife. With three failures in marriage, why on earth would I want a fourth? Frankly, it was the last thing I wanted. But from the moment I met Karen, I felt I was meeting an old friend I’d not seen for a long time. After thirty years of married bliss, she remains the best friend a man ever had. I have a fiend in Jesus. Karen was heaven sent.
The fifth sign is in having all my dreams come true. The message: We are meant to be self-governed. The Constitution says it. Higher Law says it. My new life did not begin by following the dictates of authority. Did authority achieve its end. No. I achieved my end. I threw down the gauntlet. The Egyptians did the same. They have now won the first round. Will the Egyptians get the message or will authority win the battle? Hopefully, they will be aware of the facts I’ve given you. If you know an Egyptian send him this blog.
My new life began by studying and knowing the one and only Higher Law. More lately, by studying the first book in The New Testament, The Gospel According to St. Matthew, I’ve found that one does not have to be a Christian to know what Jesus taught. I’m not. If my good life has anything to say, Muslims, rather than adhere to Sharia law, would do well to know the message Jesus left them.
Jesus said, “in earth as it is in heaven,” followed by “But first seek ye the kingdom of God,” implying that God’s kingdom, rather than in earth or in heaven is in one’s own heart and mind. Therefore, forgo ye, my Egyptian friends, the Islamic Brotherhood and Sharia law. Accept Jesus as spirit, the son of man within us, our individual power, and never ever Sharia law, but “whatsoever ye would that men should do to you do even so to them, for this is the law and the prophets.” It is Golden Rule of mankind, the only way to peace. I’m non-religious, but not anti-religious. My father was Christian, my mother Jewish, but she used to listen to Christian evangelist Orville Roberts on the radio every day. Be Muslims—believing in Jesus. Like me, your dreams will come true.
Ancient Egyptian priests were very much aware of “in earth as it is in heaven.” The Egyptian god Osiris is known as the “Lord of Love.” Osiris brought rebirth. I’ve come from a past life. “In earth as it is in heaven,” when I was born Saturn, the learning planet, was in its most favorable alignment with Pluto, the generational planet. This means that I would have the ability to understand the laws by which subtle forces are organized. In my chart, other planets lend themselves to this configuration, making this alignment, Saturn trine Pluto, one of the most profound anyone could have. An astrologer told me that with Saturn trine Pluto I could have considerable willpower and inner strength, having endured many hardships in past lives. Quoting Astrologer’s Handbook, “They are able to work slowly and make fundamental and irrevocable changes in their own and others lives. Often there is a sense of destiny or a peculiar karmic mission which they must fulfill.”
This brings me to quantum physicist Evan Harris Walker’s The Physics of Consciousness: The Quantum Mind and the Meaning of Life, my science bible. Under “A God for Tomorrow,” writes Walker: “In the development of quantum theory, the observer emerges as a co-equal in the foundry of creation. . .The observer interacts with matter. Consciousness, the substance of this newfound reality that defines the observer, has fundamental existence. It is the quantum mind that is the basic reality,” as Jesus put it, connected with the kingdom of God. In mind we exist in a state of consciousness, as limited only by us.
In progressive government, the individual is stripped of his power for the good of all. In my Bible’s introduction, Reverand Scofield writes about the progressive order of the divine dealings of God with humanity, “the increasing purpose” which runs through and links together the ages. In As a Man Thinketh, James Allen: “As a being of Power, Intelligence and Love, and the lord of his own thoughts, man holds the key to every situation, and contains within himself that transforming and regenerative agency by which may make himself what he wills.”
In earth as it is in heaven, we are now moving away from the Age of Pisces, the symbol of which is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions. We are entering the Age of Aquarius, the symbol of which is the water-bearer. The Age of Aquarius, as prophesized by Jesus, is an age of brotherhood and fraternity.
In The Rising Sign, under “Aquarius Rising,” I’m Aquarius rising, Jeanne Avery writes: “He may be the person to bring back information that has been lost to civilization for centuries.” “In Cosmos and Psyche,” from the back cover we read, “distinguished philosopher and cultural historian Richard Tarnas demonstrates the existence of an astonishingly consistent correspondence between planetary alignments and the archetypal patterns of human history.”
I could go on for pages listing coincidences, but this ought to be enough to convince those of us with open minds that so-called authorities, especially those with Harvard educations, are leading the world on a wild goose chase. Hopefully, those brave Egyptians wanting freedom will get the message and spare themselves the misery the world’s control freaks are attempting to push off on them.
Here we go again. Newt Gingrich? Too many choices for the Republican ticket, and too many old and worn out ones at that, with not enough declared new faces. RINO Romney, who endorsed Mary Bono Mack, who voted FOR Cap & Trade, or Huckabee, who is more concerned with "governing" than standing on principle, and pardons criminals who go back to a life of crime -- one killing four police officers. That being said, I'm old enough to remember the waffling of Newt Gingrich on core issues. Not as bad as The Chosen One, but bad enough.
Mr. Gingrich struts around like he's Thomas Jefferson....
I thought this very appropriate. I look forward to meeting and joining in Tea Party activities.
Americans Now Learning Real History,
A recent Rasmussen Reports Survey seems to show that Americans are starting to understand that the country was NOT rescued from the Great Depression by government spending and government policies (a.k.a. interference in the free markets), but rather that the government actually cost the nation millions of jobs, intensified a normal recession with its increased spending, creating and lengthening the depression and eventually turning it into the “Great Depression.” The lesson, however, is not necessarily transferring into a greater understanding of today’s economics . . . .
According to the Rasmussen survey, 43% now say that government policy mistakes created the Great Depression of the ‘30s; while only 26% disagree and 31% say they are unsure. Americans, today however, are still greatly confused about the cause of the financial meltdown which, they think, began about October, 2007. More on that later . . . .
Despite the Rasmussen poll results, thanks to two and a half generations of revisionist history ,today far too many Americans still believe that Herbert Hoover was a) a conservative rather than a progressive b) that greedy Wall Street created the Great Depression c) that Hoover’s administration spent almost nothing fighting the economic problems d) that government spending can create jobs in the private sector e) that in 1932 Franklin Delano Roosevelt campaigned for president against Hoover’s “conservativism” f) that FDR did virtually everything entirely different than Hoover and g) that FDR saved the country from the Great Depression. Let’s quickly put those lies to rest before dealing with today’s situation, eh?
Since progressivism (we must ‘progress’ beyond the out-dated and seriously flawed U.S. Constitution if we are ever to make ‘progress’ toward an earthly socialist or even Marxist Utopia) first became a serious undercurrent in American Politics in the 1890’s only once in the following 120 years has a serious economic downturn been handled by pure conservative restraint . . . and no, Ronald Reagan was NOT president when that happened (Reagan actually increased government spending while cutting taxes extra-severely and created some whopping deficits in the process of also creating twenty million jobs).
Teddy Roosevelt was our first progressive president. You’ll remember that his “Bull Moose Party” was actually a third party officially known as, wait for it: the “Progressive Party.” Teddy certainly had done a lot of questionable and presumably out-and-out unconstitutional things earlier when he was a Republican president, luckily most of them worked out pretty well for the nation. Perhaps a Progressive president once every century or so wouldn’t be a bad thing, but certainly no more often?
Our first ultra-progressive president, Woodrow Wilson, however, was another story. Besides giving us the Federal Reserve Banking system and the income tax (still called today: “progressive” income tax), Wilson was a great propagandist who ran for a second term under the slogan “He kept us out of War” but within a month after his March, 1916 inauguration he deliberately and unnecessarily thrust us into World War I. He was the first truly big-spending president the country had ever known . . . way, way beyond the costs of the war. When his term was winding down, we were in a serious recession much worse than the recession sparked by the 1929 collapse. When he left office in March, 1921 the country was in a full-fledged depression.Curiously, those events are generally overlooked by history. People in the know, however, speak of “The Invisible Depression” or of the “Not-so-Great Depression.” Why was the Invisible Depression so invisible we don’t even know about it today?
Two things: 1) revisionist progressive historians have done everything possible to hide this quite remarkable set of events and keep us from comparing it to Franklin D. Roosevelt’s approach while creating an enormous myth of FDR as a savior and 2) these policies worked out as the launching pad for the World’s most expansive decade in free market history and gets lost in the shuffle while everyone writes books and novels and treatises about the “Roaring ‘20’s” instead. What actually happened was this:
Warren G. Harding and his vice president, Calvin Coolidge took office in March, 1921 with a full-fledged economic contraction underway. The full story is available from the Cato Institute here:
but let’s sum it up briefly. Unemployment stood 150% higher than it was a year earlier; and GDP was only 76% of 1920 levels. Harding immediately cut government spending 49%; taxes 48%; and reduced government debt 30%. Unlike the business-bashing that Wilson, FDR, LBJ (Lyndon Johnson) and Obama are infamous for, the Harding administration did everything it could to get government out of business’ way. In fifteen months the country was humming again and the Invisible Depression was over. When Harding died, VP, Calvin Coolidge continued the same policies saying “the business of America is business.”
Where did Herbert Hoover come from? Hoover was a highly respected humanitarian with an engineering background that Harding installed as his Secretary of Commerce to appease certain Eastern Republican interests. Under both Harding and Coolidge was very ineffective. Hoover promoted government intervention under the rubric "economic modernization" and tried to get Harding to dole out unemployment benefits to ease the pain of the high 1921 joblessness. Through the next eight years both presidents Harding and Coolidge largely ignored Hoover.
Hoover was, in short a progressive . . . Some people are aware of that but here’s what most don’t know. At the end of World War II, Hoover’s humanitarianism including involvement in a program akin to the Marshall Program after World War II which benefitted defeated Germany and the Bolsheviks in Russia. Hoover was so influential and well respected that the New York Times named him “One of the ten most important living Americans. Woodrow Wilson considered Hoover “my ideal successor,” Democratic leaders looked upon Hoover as a strong presidential candidate and FDR said, “There could be none finer.” Hoover, who up to then was a-political, said that because of his childhood memories, he had no interest in being a Democrat (supposedly the only Democrat in his home city was “the town drunk) and ignored Democratic overtures. Hoover decided he’d become a Republican and announced his candidacy for president but couldn’t get much Republican support although he did finish 2nd in the 1920 California Primary. Despite the gridlock at the RNC Convention that year, Hoover’s name was never seriously discussed and Harding became a popular compromise candidate and he won the nomination on the 10th ballot.
After the 1920 Republican -- to appease influential Republicans on both coasts -- Harding installed Hoover as his Secretary of Commerce. Hoover’s only real contributions during his stint as Commerce Secretary were some important traffic safety (embracing motor vehicle standards, rules of the road, and urban traffic control) innovations. Nevertheless, he sought to expand the Commerce Secretary domain in every possible way. He became known for trying to take over parts of other cabinets so much so that the joke was that Hoover was "the Secretary of Commerce... and Under-Secretary of Everything Else” and Coolidge called him “Wonder-boy.”
After the combined Harding-Coolidge administration ended in 1928, Hoover again ran for president. As soon as he was elected in 1928, he set about making the government much bigger. His biggest moves began right after his inauguration and including implementing a wide series of farm programs and a much-criticized huge tariff increase. A self-described “Progressive” and “Reformer,” Hoover saw the presidency as a vehicle for improving the conditions of all Americans by regulation and by getting government involved encouraging of volunteerism. Long before entering politics, he had denounced laissez-faire thinking. As Commerce Secretary, he had taken an active pro-regulation stance. As President, he helped push expensive and interventionist tariff and farm subsidy bills through Congress. Hoover also increased taxes and increased the federal budget 50% (for comparison Barack Obama so far has only increased the budget 41%). It’s obvious that the real Hoover was nothing like the do-nothing Hoover that Progressive historians have insisted he was.
Just as they did back then, the left (the progressives of today’s Democratic Party) is now seeking to blame the current economic crisis on a conspiracy that is an inversion of the actual facts. By the way, back in 1932 FDR and his first VP-to-be called Hoover a “socialist” and promised to use Harding’s methods to regain prosperity . . . that is FDR promised to pay down debt; slash taxes; and slash government spending. Instead he actually raised the budget 100% above Hoover’s last budget; confiscated the nation’s gold and in other ways undermined the recovery so badly that only the nation’s entry into World War II nine years later got us out of the depression.
Most Americans have no idea about the facts you’ve just read and their opinions about government’s ability to create jobs in the private sector by increased spending are largely based upon the “Savior myth” of FDR as the man who heroically saved us from the Great Depression.
When it comes to today’s problems and today’s myths the infamous Obama-car-in-the-ditch myth (blaming all our woes on conservatives and the free markets) tops them all. The truth, however, is:
To prove this surprising assertion for yourself: you’ll need a little education:
The fact that Frances Fox Piven is today still openly calling for bloody revolution and urging the poor and unemployed to “use their anger” and begin the Marxist “revolution” while the lame-stream, mainstream media is accusing the TEA Party of hate-mongering and ignoring Piven is the greatest possible journalistic malfeasance.
The fact that George W. Bush’s administration recognized the problem as early as January, 2005 and sought to repeal the horrific CRA ’77 laws but the vote was defeated. And that Bush made at least 19 separate speeches on the matter and continued to strive for elimination of CRA ’77 right up until finally in July, 2007 (30 months later) when a much weaker law was passed has not been allowed as part of the history of the meltdown even though Obama’s Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner in August, 2010 credited Bush with preventing an absolute collapse of our financial system and with preventing total disintegration of the housing market again reflects poorly on the so-called journalistic “profession.” The “watchdogs of the Republic” have turned on us . . . this is the biggest story of the last half of the 20th and of the first decade of the 21st Century and naturally, it’ll never be reported by the present generation of mainstream journalists . . . .
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,