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Author: Brian D. Hill

Source: USWGO Alternative News; Sources are listed below the article

Date: August 16, 2010

Damon Dunn is a Republican being put in the position to be nominated for the Secretary of State of California is actually a registeredDemocrat in border-bottom: medium none;"">Florida since 1999 according to Dr.Orly Taitz. The speech by Dr. Taitz about the Election Fraud was foundon YouTube by theuser William Wagener.

Dr. Taitz is also running to be nominated for Secretary of State so Damon Dunn who is competing in the nominations for California Secretaryof State is who she is up against in the elections.

According to Dr. Taitz Mr. Dunn has violated three Elections codes of California. Those California Elections codes are §8001(a)(2),§18203,and §18500which has been searched up on the California Governmentcode search engine.

For those who don't know what three Elections Codes were violated I will explain all three.

According to §8001(a)(2)

No declaration of candidacy for a partisan office or for
membership on a county central committee shall be filed, by a
candidate unless

(2) the candidate has not been registered as

affiliated with a qualified political party other than that political

party the nomination of which he seeks within 12 months, or, in the

case of an election governed by Chapter 1 (commencing with Section

10700) of Part 6 of Division 10, within three months immediately

prior to the filing of the declaration.

So somebody that is already affiliated with a qualified political party has to state their change to another political party 12 monthsprior to running for office.

According to §18203

Any person who files or submits for filing a nomination
paper or declaration of candidacy knowing that it or any part of it
has been made falsely is punishable by a fine not exceeding one
thousand dollars ($1,000) or by imprisonment in the state prison for
16 months or two or three years or by both the fine and imprisonment.

So in simple terms for this one if anybody who files for, makes a declaration for, or submits a filing for Nomination or Candidacy knowingthat the information put on the filing was false information then thatis considered fraud according to California Election Code (CEC). So inother words if I filed that I am not affiliated with any political partyeven though I was years ago then I am lying about my politicalaffiliations to a Government registration facility which is what fraudis. So if I told the FBI my name was Sally Joe then I am committingfraud in a Government office. So you get the picture of what fraud is.

So the last Code is §18500 and so according to it

Any person who commits fraud or attempts to commit fraud,
and any person who aids or abets fraud or attempts to aid or abet
fraud, in connection with any vote cast, to be cast, or attempted to
be cast, is guilty of a felony, punishable by imprisonment for 16
months or two or three years.

So according to this law if somebody aids, commits, approves, encourages, or supports Fraud then they are held liable and is guilty ofa Felony.

So now I explained what all three California Elections Codes Damon Dunn has violated according to Dr. Taitz.

Dr. Taitz claims she wants to become the California Secretary of State to expose all the inner political corruptions within California.Dr. Taitz has also been fighting in court for months to years overObamas Birth Certificate issue over the fact that Mr. Obama did notrelease a valid long form Birth Certificate before his inauguration toPresidential office.

Also according to William Wagener's video description it says

Across America, TEA PARTY fakes are endorsing and Pushing RINO's to win
the Republican Primaries. RINO = Republican In Name Only. Damon DUNNis the man who had forged Signatures on his Nomination Papers, in theCalifornia
Secretary of STATE GOP primary. See Proof, in "Nomination FRAUD" onY.T.
Mr. DUNN had been a registered Democrat all his life, publically statedObama is His "Hero", in a Stanford Blog interview, and voted only in2009 one time. ONE TIME. Yet, he makes wonderful speeches and wantsus to believe he is qualified to run the States Elections, having votedONE TIME, prior to the June 2010 Republican Primary.

So according to William Wagener there are democrats who have became Republicans just to get elected even though that is a false Declarationof affiliation for a political party. It is nomination Fraud whensomebody does not declare that they begin to affiliate themselves with adifferent political party because of the corruption and infiltrationthat breeds from the sudden change in political parties. So that is whystates have passed law codes that anybody who changes a political partyhas to wait a certain time period plus has to declare that the person isready to change to another political party.

Even though the Standford Interview is mentioned by William Wagener I am unable to source it at this time until somebody notifies me of thesource of the Interview.

Damon Dunn got a scholarship into Stanford University then got into Football. Dr. Dunn also played in the NFL for the Jacksonville Jaguars,Cleveland Browns, New York Jets and Dallas Cowboys.

Damon Dunn has also been affiliated with the Democrat party according to Dr. Taitz.

Damon Dunn also thought of Obama as his hero according to a Stanford Blog Interview.

The video regarding the Orly Taitz speech is below:

[stream flv= share=true width=640 height=480 dock=true controlbar=bottombandwidth=high autostart=false /]

Sources (Links are within the article but sources are also included here for reference):

CommonElections Fraud Violations - Also mirrored here

YouTube - 2010 - Another RIGGED ELECTION - Video mirrored here

California Government codes search engine

CaliforniaElections Code §8001(a)(2)

CaliforniaElections Code §18203

CaliforniaElections Code §18500

Links that were referenced in this article:

William Wageners YouTube page

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The latest red meat thrown out by BO is yet to be taken advantage of by the Republican or Conservative leadership. You would think support by BO for building a Muslim mosque at the site of ground 0 would make the Republicans and or conservatives come out swinging on, at least, this issue. No wonder in a poll of likely voters less Republicans are willing to vote for members of their own party than Democrats. Republicans have yet to successfully market a reason for voters to vote for them other than voting against the Dems. The country is starving for conservative leadership where are the leaders? Where are the other Sara Palin's and why aren't they demanding press coverage?
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"Sooner or later, socialists always run out of other people's money." Margaret Thatcher
“Just Desserts” Policy Will Save
CA, NY, CT and MI
More Importantly Save the Nation
(Our first six paragraphs will give you a panorama of our vicious-circle economic situation and the scope of the problems. Then we’ll show you why “just desserts” <letting the irresponsible “Failed-Four” states go bankrupt> is actually the very best that could happen to them and more importantly the very best that can happen to the other 46 states and to the federal government.)
Just six weeks ago it appeared America had found its “Greece” in big taxing, big spending, union- and Democrat-dominated California. With, as well, a predominance of “Sanctuary Cities” also teetering upon bankruptcy within her borders, the “Golden State” seemed the perfect bad-example of what happens when progressivism is allowed to open the throttle to full speed ahead. Greece’s bankruptcy and riots and the obscenity of corrupt government, thank God was, however blessedly only confined to one ridiculous state. Now, however, it’s obvious that New York, Connecticut and Michigan have also been imitating California’s Greek tendencies . . . red ink has become the progressive fashion of the day not only in these “Failed Four” states but in every state dominated by big government and unions, not to mention those with unionized government employees.
Recently, Obama-Pelosi-Reid made another end run around the American people by passing yet another bailout, Cash-for-Flunkers if you will a $26 Billion bailout, aimed ostensibly at shoring up jobs for teachers, firefighters, etc. which actually is aimed at A. Raising an extra $40 million for union coffers which can be donated to Democratic campaign funds before November’s elections B. Entrapping over 40 of the states into the “Let’s-be-like Greece” web of irresponsibility so that C. Current problems are NOT faced, but rather, glossed over long enough so that Barack Obama can win re-election in 2012.
Yes, the $26 Billion bailout appears to save necessary jobs, what isn’t being said, is that 1. The cost in private sector jobs will be about 2.2/1 in lost jobs for every government sector “saved job” 2. The bill is also a band-aid which keeps states from eliminating waste, fraud and unnecessary programs. As an example of what that means . . . consider a municipal example, Oakland, California, the poster boy for irresponsibility. Oakland has the nation’s highest crime rate, yet they’re cutting a vast number of police jobs, NICE. Meanwhile, Oakland is a proud sanctuary city for illegal aliens that’s being bankrupted by a huge presence of undocumenteds plus violence and drug and associated crime problems, overcrowding of schools and hospitals. Oakland also has a lot of green programs, and arts programs and a huge pension program for city retirees. Rajjpuut has never been a “pile on the rich” advocate; however when it comes to museums, opera, arts programs not to mention fiscally-irresponsible and stupidly designed pension funds standing up against police in a crime-ridden city, do you doubt that Rajjpuut’s vote would go against the opera lovers and the privileged unions?
The real Obama flim-flam, however, lies in the broadness and wording of the new law. All the states mentioned and a huge amount of states that do not need federal money, especially “swing-voting” states are unnecessarily included in the law. Why? Because there’s a provision of the bill that requires any state that accepts the federal money from reducing its budget for three or more years. In other words the money-accepting states will be legally prohibited from acting fiscally responsible – making more of them likely to join the “Failed Four Bankruptcy Club” with California, New York, Michigan and Connecticut.
Just yesterday, China surpassed Japan to become the second largest economy in the world. Depending upon who is asked the lead time before China surpasses the United States varies between a dozen years and thirty years with most knowledgeable commenters opting between 25 – 30 years. Since China doesn’t have Barack Obama and we do, Rajjpuut more wisely puts the number between 12-15 years. Meanwhile, the #12 economy (1. USA 2. China 3. Japan 4. Germany 5. France 6. England 7. Russia 8. Brazil) India seems to be out-doing China and in thirty-five years might pass the United States and China as well as all the other well-known economies now ahead of her.
Our policies in outsourcing jobs to India and in allowing many China-like trade advantages to India are even more shortsighted than we’ve allowed China. Imagine this, if a Chinese company wants to flood our country with their goods, no problem. If a U.S. high-tech company wants to sell in China, we must, the Chinese say, set up the business in China and reveal our technology to them for free. On another front, Chinese "pirates" copy our books, movies, dvds, cds etc. at will and spread them all over the world as pirate goods without Chinese officials doing more than giving a wink and a nod. China wantonly violates U.S. patents as well and meanwhile our impotent federal government says and does nothing. If the whole country goes Greek, blame it upon Obama and the shortsighted diplomats who have sent up and continue to allow today’s present trade and fairness imbalances. The problem is -- as always -- OPM, other people’s money. While there seems to be no direct connection to the emergence of China and India and the decadence of our own economy on the one hand with, on the other hand, the Greecification of California, Michigan, Connecticut and New York . . . they are two intimately related symptoms of fiscal irresponsibility and the anti-business stance that has brought our once proud nation down, down, down. The solution for both problems begins with informing the citizenry and then the citizens of the other 46 states protesting vociferously on their states’ capitol grounds against their states accepting the new bailouts funs to their states and the fiscal handcuffs that go with them.
Let’s get to it! How doe we eradicate this wild mess of economic woes? More of Obamanomics will NOT cure our ills, but rather send us from a Great Recession to a double-dip recession to another Great Depression. The most generous light on the “Cash for Flunkers” $26 Billion bailout is that it’s a band-aid on the arterial bleeding of the four states involved . . . repeat, the most generous light . . . .
This is a complex problem, one of the first things required is to get Mr. Obama and the federal government out of the way. Mr. Obama, who could greatly help these four states by the simple expedient of slamming the southern border shut to illegal aliens thus beginning to eliminate an escalating problem in all four states, insists only “comprehensive immigration “reform” can take care of the border problem – practically guaranteeing us another 4,000 page bill, now for the first time finds himself facing an actually complex problem. You see, the problems he’s decided to face so far were simple, even though he did not handle them that way.
For example our economy’s overall difficulties are best and most simply ended by dramatically reducing A. national debt B. taxes C. government spending and D. the size of government as Harding and Coolidge showed us in making the “Invisible Depression” earn its name by carrying out ABCD without further ado as soon as Harding was elected. The illegal immigration problem mentioned above is handled by considering our immigration laws sufficient right now and securing the borders and cracking down on employers of illegals -- later we can add 60 pages of immigration reform to settle the overall picture. Our rising health care cost problem should have been addressed effectively with the 45-pages of real reform the Republicans asked for instead of 2500 pages of mumbo-jumbo that created 390 brand new government agencies (FDR’s four terms only saw the creation of 40 new agencies). Our auto industry problems were best handled by keeping government out of the picture, but instead a huge bailout, stealing rightful creditors’ money and handing it off to the union that supports Obama’s policies 100% was the preferred solution . . . those all were simple problems requiring a scalpel instead of the artillery canister barrage of voluminous laws Obama’s chosen. Now that barrage is a great deal of the problem. Business cannot operate under Obamanomics. But there are other considerations as well.
Look to New Jersey, there’s where the answer lies. The people of the third-most liberal Democratic state in the union, voted a conservative Republican into office. State bankruptcy loomed on the horizon just as it does for Michigan, Connecticut and New York and already plagued California. Fundamental restructuring of state and local finances and facing up to the unions (labor relations for 60 years in New Jersey have consisted in kissing up to the union demands without appropriate concessions), cutting taxes, cutting spending, cutting government and yes, cutting pay for state union jobs is aiming New Jersey toward fiscal solvency.
In nearby New York and Connecticut, the union-plague is leading to bankruptcy as sure as a cartoon banana means a disastrous slip is coming. In Connecticut for the current fiscal year a one-shot $2 billion federal subsidies drop (13.3 % of its $15 Billion state budget) has saved the day. Barack Obama has provided such grants to other states making up, surprise! Some 330 electoral college votes. Not only is this federal largesse of questionable ethics, it just doesn’t work. The same night last November that New Jersey elected Chris Christie, Virgina’s new governer was chosen – another conservative named Bob McDonnell. Virginia also is now fighting its way out of the red ink and into the black. Mc Donnell has slashed state spending to pre-2006 levels and, just like Christie, he’s refused to raise taxes. This model of responsibility is also evident in Indiana, which next to Michigan and Nevada was among the very hardest hit of our states.
With even more roadblocks facing him and his state than either New Jersey or Virginia faced, governor Mitch Daniels has quietly moved his state into the solid prosperous solvency area that only Texas previously enjoyed. How did he do it? Easy, everything that Barack Obama stands for, Daniels did the opposite in spades. The same business-friendly atmosphere and commonsense fiscal conservativism found in New Jersey and Virginia is in evidence everywhere in Indiana. Daniels has just had a much longer time to put his ideas into practice, five years and seven months in office so far. Indiana is a heavily union state that didn’t get much help from Obama as its auto plants shut down, indeed, Obama in orchestrating the bankruptcy of Chrysler personally robbed three large Indiana pension funds (teachers, police and municipal employees) of the money they were owed in the auto bailouts and instead gave that money to the United Auto Workers mostly in Michigan. So successful has Daniels been that some cry for “Daniels for President** 2012” has arisen. Daniels says he’s got enough work to do in Indiana.
So Obama wants to subsidize the key states and to force them to avoid fiscal responsibility and thus protect his unions and his big government approach. What happens IF the new congress refuses to go along with the Obama bailout-the-states agenda?
Expect the “Oakland Response” from the Failed Four and other profligate states such as Nevada, Illinois, and Massachusetts. In Oakland they’re extorting and shaking down the citizens and the nation by adding alligators to their cesspool. Instead of eliminating the “sanctuary cities” label and supporting their police, Oakland is blackmailing its people and the state and federal government. Perhaps Oakland ought to get out of the mural-painting and museums and opera and art and sanctuary-city businesses and return to the basics . . . but that makes too much sense.
Expect likewise the Failed Four and others to threaten to cut essential jobs and avoid dealing with their union war lords and their out-of-control pension problems. Just as the country has a China problem with lent money, many states have horrific bond problems. If they cannot get money loaned to them, many will dry up and go de facto bankrupt. If the federal government stays out of the mix, the only way they can borrow more will be at exorbitant rates as their state bonds are seen as much more risky. As bond rates jump from 4-5-6% non-taxable to 9-10-11% non-taxable, the crushing weight of the compounding of that debt will force the state citizens to finally understand what’s going on and to boot out the progressive politicians in the state house and in congress and force a return to simple fiduciary integrity. That’s step #1. Step #2 will be a forced restructuring of the unions, of the pensions of state employees and of unnecessary spending in general. This beneficial process can be abetted if the new congress decides to amend the federal bankruptcy laws so that states can declare bankruptcy (they are NOT too big to fail and should NOT be treated as such); and then the bankrupt states can renegotiate the killing contracts that big spending politicians voted upon the taxpayers. Government would return to the people. As Dick Morris has reminded us, the Reagan boom began when Ronald Reagan refused to knuckle under to the air-traffic controllers’ union and ran them out of the government – couldn’t we use another 20 million jobs now?
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
** despite his incredible success, the otherwise reasonable and far-seeing conservative Mike Huckabee has attacked Daniels’ approach to politics. Daniels says that right now conservativism can save our state and our country – fiscal conservativism. Daniels' TEA Party-like approach has riled up Huckabee who says Republicans (not all of them are conservatives, mind you) must stand up for a “socially-conservative agenda.” Unlike the three conservative Republicans mentioned above (Christie, McDonnell and Daniels) Huckabee wants to reignite the abortion, anti-gay,^^ creationism taught in public school science classes agenda that has doomed Republican conservatives from taking their rightful leadership position since Barry Goldwater in 1964. Daniels is exactly right, we’re locked in a Constitutional and Fiscal crisis courtesy of Barack Obama and the progressives of both parties and that is were intelligent emphasis must lie . . . social issues, in any case, need to be treated mostly on a live and let live basis.
^^ Let homosexuals WED in “gay-unions.” Do not allow homosexual adoptions but keep that as a province of “real marriage” only . . . Americans believe that is fair and responsible. Forget about abortion, creationism, singing Christmas carols in public schools and more intolerant treatment of gays . . . the American people won’t stand for that agenda. Vouchers for private schools, yeah! But vouchers for religious private schools, why? Religions already have a monstrous tax break given them. Let the churches semi-subsidize their own religious schools and parents so inclined can pay for the rest.
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John Wycliffe

As I’ve mentioned, while studying the U. S. Constitution, feeling that voices of the past were speaking to me, now I receive from an unknown The Great Controversy, voices of the past. Today I read about John Wycliffe. He arose in England, the “morning star of the Reformation.”

“Men of learning and piety had labored in vain to bring about a reform in these monastic orders; but Wycliffe, with clearer insight, struck at the root of the evil, declaring that the system itself was false and that it should be abolished. Discussion and inquiry were awakening. As the monks traversed the country (England), vending the pope’s pardons, many were led to doubt the possibility of purchasing forgiveness with money, and they questioned whether they should not seek pardon from God rather than from the pontiff of Rome.”

“Wycliffe was called to defend the rights of the English crown against the encroachments of Rome. . . But the arrival of the papal bulls laid upon all England a peremptory command for the arrest and imprisonment of the heretic. These measures pointed directly to the stake. It appeared certain that Wycliffe must soon fall a prey to the vengeance of Rome.”

“The death of Gregory was followed by the election of two rival popes. Two conflicting powers, each professedly infallible, now claimed obedience. Each called upon the faithful to assist him in making war upon the other, enforcing his demands by terrible anathemas against his adversaries, and promises of reward in heaven to his supporters. This occurrence greatly weakened the power of the papacy.”

“The schism, with all the strife and corruption, which it caused, prepared the way for the Reformation by enabling the people see what the papacy really was. . . Wycliffe called upon the people to consider whether these two priests were not speaking the truth in condemning each other as the anti-Christ.”

“Wycliffe came from the obscurity of the Dark Ages. There were none who went before him from whose work he could shape his system of reform. Raised up like John the Baptist to accomplish a special mission, he was the herald of a new era.”

However—the English monarchs, “eager to strengthen their power by securing the support of Rome, did not hesitate to sacrifice the Reformers. . . Hunted as foes of the church and traitors to the realm, they continued to preach in secret places, finding shelter as best they could in the humble homes of the poor, and often hiding away even in dens and caves.”

The pope’s vassals failed to burn Wycliffe at the stake during his life, “and their hatred could not be satisfied while his body rested quietly in the grave. By the decree of the Council of Constance, more than forty years after his death, his bones were exhumed and publicly burned, and the ashes were thrown into a neighboring brook.”

This sorry spectacle of historical fact took place in Christ’s name. Give people power and they become animals. Speaking for voices of the past, follow your conscience or become a slave of the powerful.

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American Socialists Release Names of 70 Congressional Democrats in Their Ranks. Seventy! Openly declaring their membership gives an indication of how much American society has been mislead on the virtues of socialism. What would have been unheard of 20 years ago, declaring oneself a socialist, is now yawned at by far too many in this country.

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Voices of the Past

In The Great Controversy, which was sent to me by an unknown, I’m thinking perhaps voices of the past, I studied the U. S. Constitution and felt voices of the past were speaking to me. I had a bigger than life calling.

This morning I read in The Great Controversy, “The Pilgrim Fathers.” The Church of England followed many dictates of the Holy Catholic Church. In the beginning, Christianity sought to supplement the authority of God with the church, I read. Authority is a word that rings an alarm bell in me, and for good reason. My father, who never saw a good quality in me, referred to my disobedience as the story of Adam and Eve, who ate the forbidden fruit.

The early Christian Church “began by enjoining what God had not forbidden, and ended by forbidding what God had explicitly enjoined,” I read—my father, the unquestioned authority, who never saw a good quality in me, I can relate to the Pilgrims. “Many earnestly desired to return to the purity and simplicity which characterized the primitive church. They regarded many of the established customs of the English Church as monuments of idolatry, and they could not in conscience unite in her worship. But the church, being supported by the civil authority, would permit no dissent from authority, would permit no dissent from her forms. Attendance upon her service was required by law, and unauthorized assemblies for religious worship were prohibited, under penalty of imprisonment, exile, and death.”

“In their flight, they had left their houses, their goods, and their means of livelihood. They were strangers in a strange land, among a people of different language and customs.”

In the spring of 1975, I cut from the herd, arriving for the first day of my new life on Easter Sunday. I went to sea on a 37 foot sailboat I named Bold Venture. While at sea several miracles occurred. After two years at sea, strictly on my own, with God’s help, I survived knowing who I was and what I was about. When everything should have gone wrong for me, according to authority, everything went right, and has continued to go right. Believe it or not, there is great power in you. Follow the dictates of your conscience.

Under “The Pilgrim Fathers,” I read: “It was their desire for liberty of conscience that inspired the Pilgrims to brave the perils of the long journey across the sea, to endure the hardships and dangers of the wilderness, and with God’s blessing to lay, on the shores of America, the foundation of a mighty nation.”

“Eleven years after the planting of the first colony, Roger Williams came to the New World. Like the early Pilgrims, he came to enjoy religious freedom; but, unlike them, he saw what so few in his time had yet seen—that this freedom was the inalienable right of all, whatever might be their creed. . . Williams was the first person in modern Christendom to establish civil government on the doctrine of the liberty of conscience.” Wouldn’t you know civil authority would not allow this? Civil authority maintained that such a liberty “would subvert the fundamental state and government of the country. He was sentenced to banishment from the colonies, and, finally, to avoid arrest, he was forced to flee, amid the cold and storms of winter, into the unbroken forest.”

Roger Williams found refuge with an Indian tribe “whose confidence and affection he had won while endeavoring to teach them the truths of the gospel. Making his way, at last, after months of change and wandering, to the shores of Narragansett Bay, he there laid the foundation of the first state of modern times that in the fullest sense recognized the right of religious freedom. The fundamental principles of Roger Williams’ colony was ‘that every man should have liberty to worship God according to the light of his own conscience. His little state, Rhode Island, became the asylum of the oppressed, and it increased the prospered until its foundation principle—civil and religious liberty—became the cornerstones of the American Republic.”

In the Declaration of Independence, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable right; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” and in the U.S. Constitution, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,” here we go again with authority’s unquestionable misbegotten control. On the phony legal ground that Roger Williams’ theory would “subvert the fundamental state and government of the country,” we, the people, are forbidden from acknowledging in schools and other public places our trust in God as the maker and keeper of the law. American children are being misinformed on the historical background of the Constitution being based on “Higher Law.” What began as enjoining what God had not forbidden has once again ended by forbidding what God had explicitly enjoined. What comes around goes around. Wake up, America! You are about to be enslaved.

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Author: Brian D. Hill

Source: USWGO Alternative News

Note: If you conducted a poll regarding the Sharia Law and want USWGO to add the results to the USWGO poll results article then send aemail to admin @

USWGO Founder Brian D. Hill is now posting forums threads on David Icke's Forum, MisterPoll, FaceBook, Quizilla, and other places to gather votes on whether the Sharia Law is approvedby the majority of people or whether the Sharia Law is opposed by themajority of the people.

For those who don't know what Sharia Law is USWGO prepared a article a while ago along with it a attached pdf file explaining how Sharia Law threatens Human Rights and the American Constitution.

The Sharia Law being implemented by stealth in America will mean a radical overhaul of the Court system providing a double court systemwhere one religious group gains higher justice then other religious andnon religious groups, one religious group may beat up women and attackpeople of other religious groups, Free speech will be abolished, Freedomof the press will be abolished, Freedom of Religion will be abolished,Freedom of assembly will be abolished, woman can no longer wearswimsuits or even tan and women will be raped if they violate this partof Sharia Law, and other horrors await America as Sharia Law is beingsecretly passed throughout local areas of America until it reaches theCapital for evaluation on whether a National Sharia Law should beenacted.

Sharia law threatens the Constitution and threatens Human Rights groups and even the Court on Human Rights as the Sharia Law was createdby radical Islamic (Not Muslim) groups that don't believe in any form ofHuman Rights or even a Constitution.

Muslims have been attacked and discriminated whether they agree with the Sharia Law or not because that law has turned many people againstMuslims and has even formed secretive hate groups against Muslims. Manypeople now feel as though Muslims are terrorists or support radicalIslam even though it's not true. The hate has spiraled and willeventually lead to violent wars and holocausts if Sharia Law keeps beingpassed throughout the world.

"It will become Us against Them kind of scenario if we let this absurd law be sneaked into every law system throughout the world. Infact it won't lower discrimination against Muslims but will lead to morejealousy, hate, and violate Human Rights" says Brian D. Hill of USWGO.His anti Sharia Law views has led to several facebook users attackinghim, calling him racist, and leading to attacks against USWGO'sreputation.

Will the Sharia law pass or will it be rebelled by the people? Polls will tell and USWGO is allowing 7 days before they publish a articleregarding the poll results.

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A friend sent me this article from American Spectator. I was at once elated and horrified reading it. For a long time I wondered why the TeaParty existed, wondering why the movement didn't simply join and empower the Republican Party. This article makes it easier to understand. We have little choice at the moment to do anything but support Republicans, but eventually, a new political voice, a new party, seems to be needed: A party that is not part of the "ruling class." Enjoy.

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Corrupt Journalism Top Story of the Decade

Come the late October or early November 2010 stock market collapse which the present “Hindenburg Omen” readings (a hit and a near miss on August 12th and August 11th this week respectively) are pointing at . . . a lot of Keynesian economists and other leftist pundits are going to be blaming Republicans for “obstructing” the tax and spend policies of Obama-Pelosi-Reid and their cohorts. They will, of course, neglect to put even .0001% of the blame on themselves or the five great scandals they have helped perpetrate. Those five scandals and their associated sub-scandals, in order of importance now, are . . . .

1. A. The Mainstream Media Sellout to the Left

B. The Mainstream Media Redefining “Racism”

2. A. Cloward-Piven Strategy Undercutting the economy and the consitution

B. Housing and Stock Market Abuses Going Unexamined

3. Progressives hijacking the Democratic Party

4. Republican Party Abandoning Conservativism, while Some

embrace Progressivism

5. Voting Fraud institutionalized in Motor Voter Act

If a TRUE story of the hijinks of the early 21st Century ever gets written, the failings and corruption of America’s “fourth estate” (the journalism profession) will prove to be the major cause of America’s woes. It’s been a long time coming, but the first key indicators were the widely disparate treatment of Clarence Thomas’ Supreme Court confirmation hearings and the unsubstantiated sexual harrassment claims of Anita Hill on the one hand; and the virtual free ride given Bill Clinton considering the well-documented (tapes and blue dress, for instance) sexual shenanigans and Clinton’s eventual admitted confession that he lied to the American people.

In the one case, a good man’s reputation was outrageously trashed by the media and particularly the feminist reporters and commentators without one shred of evidence. In addition, the alleged victim was a lawyer who had the wherewithal to protect herself had even one of the charges she raised been true and a woman who had deliberately followed Clarence Thomas from one job to another.

In the other case a man with a history of covering up his nasty little philanderings (even with state troopers helping him find mousy unassertive women without the benefit of education or status) who was elected by “the soccer moms,” was not attacked and his integrity was never questioned (even after admitting to the lie) by the mainsteam media (MSM), most particularly the feminist reporters while the total lack of stories requiring comment from the National Organization for Women or other feminists was astounding.

Of course two months ago we discover the JournOList scandal where 400+ individuals on a special server were communicating strategies to boost the Democratic party and slam conservatives of all ilk. The mainstream media, naturally enough, did NOT cover this JournOList scandal in their own midst that had been ongoing for at least 12 years in which feminists in the media deliberately “bit their tongue” about Bill and Monica . . . where over 400 liberal journalists, academicians and media personnel conspired to downplay the Reverend Jeremiah Wright “Not ‘God Bless America,” but God Damn America” scandal and to seek stories of “Republican racism” as a diversion to make the story go away.

We also find out that this group had been conspiring since 2007 to make Barack Obama president, even to the total ignorance of a string of stories that showed that Hillary Clinton was cheated out of the presidency by fraudulent tactics that won Obama 13 of the 14 caucus states after losing a majority of the 44 primary voting states (some states had both a caucus and voting) including voting states Hillary Clinton had won by comfortable margins.

The media conspired to give us an Obama presidency and they’re now conspiring to make him look good and get him and his supporters re-elected. For example, in the Shirley Sherrod story, the leftist MSM tried without evidence to paint the problem child of the story as FOX news’ racist commentators (the timeline of events refutes that) while they’ve deliberately refused to cover a much more important story . . . did Barack Obama (and Sherrod?) conspire to defraud the country out of a good part of $1.25 Billion in the Pigford v. Glickman class action suit revived by then candidate Barack Obama. In that suit alleging racial discrimination by the Department of Agriculture, Sherrod got the largest award ($13 Million); and Obama appears to have multiplied the number of claimants to 86,000. Since the census shows we have at most 39,000 Black farmers and since its extraordinarily unlikely that even all of those 39,000 applied to the Ag Dept for a loan or felt they were discriminated in the process . . . Obama has a lot of explaining to do, but the media is not holding his feet to the fire.

Americans still blame conservatives and particularly George Bush for the financial collapse of 2007 to present. Don’t be shocked, but the liberal media has refused to cover . . . .

ITEM: What is this “community organizer” thing, anyway? Saul Alinsky was the most well-known community organizer, one of his famous quotes from his book “Rules for Radicals” is this one, “"A Marxist begins with his prime truth that ‘all evils are caused by the exploitation of the proletariat by the capitalists.’ From this he logically proceeds to the revolution to end capitalism, then into the third stage of reorganization into a new social order of the dictatorship of the proletariat, and finally the last stage -- the political paradise of communism."

ITEM: Perhaps six percent of Americans know who Saul Alinsky is and perhaps 55% of those in the know are MSM journalists, for example on the day following our last Christmas, just five days after affirming on air that he is “a liberal,” MSNBC host Chris Matthews exclaimed that radical community organizer Saul Alinsky is one of his heroes, “Well, to reach back to one of our heroes from the past, from the ’60s, Saul Alinsky once said that even though both sides have flaws in their arguments and you can always find something nuanced about your own side you don’t like and it’s never perfect, you have to act in the end like there’s simple black and white clarity between your side and the other side or you don’t get anything done. “I always try to remind myself of Saul Alinsky when I get confused,” Matthews said on his “Hardball” show. In other words, one of the most powerful journalists in America, chooses sides and aligns himself with radical leftism in the person of self-avowed Marxist Saul Alinsky. But, for the most part, this “taking sides” is hidden and more insiduous, they never let you know that they want the Left to win.

ITEM: the MSM hasn’t covered Chicago Community Organizer Saul Alinsky’s infamous book “Rules for Radicals” or Obama and Hillary Clinton being Alinsky’s “Teacher’s Pets;” or Obama teaching “Rules for Radicals” and becoming a community organizer in the Alinsky mode and an ACORN lawyer. Alinsky dedicated his book this way, ““Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.

ITEM: the creation and publication of Cloward-Piven Strategy in 1964 based upon Rules for Radicals.

ITEM: The MSM has not covered George Wiley, Frances Piven and Richard Cloward creating the NWRO (the National Welfare Rights Organization) in 1968, with the express purpose of bringing the system to collapse-point and getting the Democrats to institute a National Guaranteed Income (NGI).

ITEM: Nor has the MSM covered the 1975 bankruptcy of New York City and the near bankrutpcy of New York state being crowed about by Cloward, Piven and Wiley and Cloward and Piven regretting that it didn’t bring about the NGI, advising their people to move their activism into housing and voter registration next.

ITEM: Nor has the MSM connected the dots with the creation of ACORN in accord with Alinsky and C-P models; and the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 requiring mortgage companies to deliberate give bad loans; and the further expansions of CRA ’77 in ’92, twice in ’95, and the steroid version in 1998.

ITEM: Nor has the MSM allowed Americans to see ACORN attorney Barack Obama in action shaking down banks and lending organizations to make bad loans and ACORN donations.

ITEM: The MSM understands all these connections, but say nothing about who really caused the sub-prime lending crisis . . . ACORN and others who forced lending organizations to make loans to folks without jobs; to folks with abysmal credit ratings; to folks without I.D.; to people without even a rental history; and even to many illegal aliens. The related problems that arose after the sub-prime lending crisis was first noticed (November, 2003, by James Stack of along with his “Housing Bubble” chart) were severe, but the buildup of the sub-prime problems in the decade after 1998, when the steroid version of mortgage-guarantee legislation was created, were the primary cause of 99% of our fiscal problems. And those problems were not just something that happened, they were problems created by ACORN overloading the system in C-P fashion just as the NWRO did between 1967 and 1975.

An almost equal disservice from the MSM is their new definition of “racism.”

ITEM: Take the recent case of Omar Thornton. Omar was caught on tape stealing from the company. According to the union records and testimony Omar had never alleged racism before he shot and killed nine fellow employees, all White, during a disciplinary action against him. He was prepared for his own action after hiding a pistol in his lunchbox. The liberal media took Mr. Thornton’s last words a cell phone call alleging racism as GOSPEL. Mr. Thornton added that he’d killed the people and just wished he could have killed more of them. The MSM spin was that Omar acted in justifiable counter-attack to a racist environment. Logic says that the opposite was true: angered and ashamed at being caught stealing and about to be fired, Omar made a racist attack on White co-workers. But that doesn't play in the Oval Office, for Obama and the Dems and the MSM "racism" means being against the progressive agenda, nothing more and nothing less. When a Black man is not only elected president but gets more votes from Whites than the last two presidential candidates of his party and 48% of the White vote, the "race" card needs to be torn up. When Blacks only give his White adversary 4+% of the votes, perhaps we should discuss the true definition of racism, eh?

ITEM: The recently dropped case by the Obama Department of Justice against four New Black Panthers in paramilitary uniforms, one with a billy-club, shouting threats and racial slurs at White voters and threats at one Black poll watcher at a Philadelphia voting site in November, 2008 was abhorrent. The men were caught on videotape and arrested with cause. Three were let off. The other man (who on another video-tape is yelling about “killing crackers and killing they (sic) cracker babies”) was likewise unpunished . . . his sentence? He couldn’t go to that polling spot until 2012. Wow, talk about painful punishment! Of course he’s NOT a racist.

Americans still blame conservatives and particularly George Bush for the financial collapse of 2007 to present. The liberal media has refused to cover . . . .

ITEM: Perhaps six percent of Americans know who Saul Alinsky is and perhaps 55% of those in the know are MSM journalists, for example on the day following our last Christmas, just five days after affirming on air that he is “a liberal,” MSNBC host Chris Matthews exclaimed that radical community organizer Saul Alinsky is one of his heroes, “Well, to reach back to one of our heroes from the past, from the ’60s, Saul Alinsky once said that even though both sides have flaws in their arguments and you can always find something nuanced about your own side you don’t like and it’s never perfect, you have to act in the end like there’s simple black and white clarity between your side and the other side or you don’t get anything done. “I always try to remind myself of Saul Alinsky when I get confused,” Matthews said on his “Hardball” show. In other words, one of the most powerful journalists in America, chooses sides and aligns himself with radical leftism. But, for the most part, this “taking sides” is hidden and more insiduous, they never let you know that they want the Left to win.

ITEM: the MSM hasn’t covered Chicago Community Organizer Saul Alinsky’s infamous book “Rules for Radicals” or Obama and Hillary Clinton being Alinsky’s “Teacher’s Pets;” or Obama teaching “Rules for Radicals” and becoming a community organizer in the Alinsky mode and an ACORN lawyer. Alinsky dedicated his book this way, ““Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.

ITEM: the creation and publication of Cloward-Piven Strategy in 1964 based upon Rules for Radicals.

ITEM: The MSM has not covered George Wiley, Frances Piven and Richard Cloward creating the NWRO (the National Welfare Rights Organization) in 1968, with the express purpose of bringing the system to collapse-point and getting the Democrats to institute a National Guaranteed Income (NGI).

ITEM: Nor has the MSM covered the 1975 bankruptcy of New York City and the near bankrutpcy of New York state being crowed about by Cloward, Piven and Wiley and Cloward and Piven regretting that it didn’t bring about the NGI, advising their people to move their activism into housing and voter registration next.

ITEM: Nor has the MSM connected the dots with the creation of ACORN in accord with Alinsky and C-P models; and the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 requiring mortgage companies to deliberate give bad loans; and the further expansions of CRA ’77 in ’92, twice in ’95, and the steroid version in 1998.

ITEM: Nor has the MSM allowed Americans to see ACORN attorney Barack Obama in action shaking down banks and lending organizations to make bad loans and ACORN donations.

ITEM: The MSM understands all these connections, but say nothing about who really caused the sub-prime lending crisis . . . ACORN and others who forced lending organizations to make loans to folks without jobs; to folks with abysmal credit ratings; to folks without I.D.; to people without even a rental history; and even to many illegal aliens. The related problems that arose after the sub-prime lending crisis was first noticed (November, 2003, by James Stack of along with his “Housing Bubble” chart) were severe, but the buildup of the sub-prime problems in the decade after 1998, when the steroid version of mortgage-guarantee legislation was created, were the primary cause of 99% of our fiscal problems. And those problems were not just something that happened, they were problems created by ACORN overloading the system in C-P fashion just as the NWRO did between 1967 and 1975.

How, could this happen? You ask. Well, the liberal media somewhere after the First Gulf War began openly rooting for the ultra-left or progressive wing of the Democrats and when if doubt where to find justification began calling any and all conservatives racists and anti-woman, the same strategems they and the progressives employ so successfully today. If conservatives are racists, then none of their ideas are any good since they’re all based in racism. If conservatives are racists, no decent person could ever vote for them If conservatives are all anti-woman, no woman or decent man can vote for them.

Progressives believe we must “progress” beyond the Constitution, an inadequate and out-of-touch document and as Saul Alinsky taught them, “Even when you see the weaknesses in your argument, treat it all like it’s black and white and your adversary is wrong.” In other words, the “noble” progressive ends always justify the progressive means however slimy. This strategy shifted the Democratic Party sharply right toward a radical agenda that most Americans could not identify with. The Republican Party also became a much more big-spending groups and gradually progressive Republicans like Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine became more and more common.
And so we approach the single most important “midterm” election in our nation’s history and hold it, hold it, there’s one more scandal to deal with. ACORN, you see was also involved with voter registration. 32 ACORN members have been convicted of voter fraud since 2008. The state of Washington was a beautiful example. Of some 1200 ACORN registrants there, less than 50 were genuine registration of real people. Now . . . .

ITEM: The MSM has claimed that no voter intimidation involving the Black Panthers occurred and then dropped coverage of the story.

ITEM: The MSM seemingly barely knows who Julie Fernandez is.

ITEM: Obama appointee to the Department of Justice (the folks who dropped the Black Panther story), Deputy Attorney General Julie Fernandez told a roomful of DOJ employees there was “Zero interest in prosecuting” cases of Black racism exercised against Whites.

ITEM: Julie Fernandez has also been quoted as another time before another large group saying the DOJ would not be investigating possible violations of the Motor Voter Act “because that would just decrease turnout.” Ms. Fernandez thinks dead voters; voters who’ve moved out of an area; illegal felons; and fraudulent voters registered by ACORN and others; ought to have as much right to vote as you and I do.

Item: The Civil Rights Commission investigating the dropping of the Black Panthers voter intimidation case has run into a stonewall. Ms. Fernandez has commanded the DOJ employees not to answer CRC subpoenas or to testify . . .

Oh, by the way, in the famous picture of Bill Clinton signing the Motor Voter Act (which conservatives rightly called "a license for voter fraud) who are the man and woman standing directly behind Mr. Clinton as he signs this weakened voting bill that Obama's not going to enforce? ** If and when America dies from one mortal blow after another, then consider the MSM willing accomplices and foul abettors of the crime.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** Richard Cloward and Frances Piven, of course. The photo and information about what they’re wearing is found here:

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Beware of the scorned ex-wife. Newt Gingrich's ex-wife (Marianne) is making all sorts of reckless claims in an effort to derail Newt's 2012 White House aspirations. This is another liberal media sponsored pack of

Newt represents all that is good about America and what is good about the Tea
Party. He's a true American and would go to great lengths to purify America.
Marianne's shameful claims are likely motivated by a liberal media paper trail.

Marianne's shameful allegations against Newt include:

Newt proposed to Marianne (she was 28, he 36) in 1980 while his first wife, Jackie, was in the hospital recovering from treatments for uterine cancer. He hadn't yet even asked her for a divorce.
Newt met Jackie in high school. She was his geometry teacher. He was sixteen,
she was 25. When he left, Jackie was nearly destitute. Jackie had to get
a court order just to pay her utility bills.

---- AND ---

Callista Bisek, Gingrich's current wife, became his mistress first and his wife second (really third, if one is counting wives), while Marianne was home visiting her mother. In 1999, Marianne
had just been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Newt asked Callista to marry
him before he and Marianne had agreed to divorce. The affair had been going on
for years. Newt compared Marianne to a "Jaguar" and Callista to a
"Chevrolet" and said he needed a Chevrolet, not a Jaguar.


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Author: Brian D. Hill

Source: USWGO Alternative News

Investigative Journalism of possible Super Rich pushed Fraudulent schemes by Brian D. Hill. I won't allow the Fair Tax if it's anotherscheme to take more money from the middle class and the working poor. Iam tired of the super rich stealing from the people.

I had my suspicions over the Fair tax proposal because the Bilderberg's have used false messiahs, Environmentalism, incrementalism,and anything to push American citizens into socialism not to mentionanything I do to attack the fair Tax Trap gains me lots of negativecomment attacks.

So I got even more suspicions because I haven't received this many attacks since the Bilderberg Group hand picked the false messiah andpuppet Barack Obama to become the next president and many attacking meon YouTube over my anti Obama videos. So then I have decided to do alittle investigative journalism on and did background checkson all of the High Ups of

According to my investigation Leo E. Linbeck Jr. the Founder of used to be apart of Duke Energy's Board of Directors and he is a past chairman and director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Texas.

Now the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Texas is one of twelve regional Reserve Banks inthe Federal Reserve System. Also the Federal Reserve System is run byBilderbergers not to mention has stolen trillions of dollars and so theonly way that can be legally proven to get them indicted is to Audit theFederal Reserve System.

The fact that the Founder of the Fair Tax used to be a director of Dallas TX Federal Reserve System could mean the possibility that theFair Tax Proposal is a trap and a fraud that will only make the poorpoorer, make the super rich richer, and destroy the Middle Class.

There's also a chance this could tie the Bilderbergs into the Fair Tax Organization and it's not just Leo E. Linbeck Jr. who could beinvolved with the horrible Super Rich criminal bankers that want toenslave the world but also there is Robert C. McNair who is ranked 242 in the Forbes 400 Richest Americans. Robert who is the second founder of the Fair Tax Organization has a net worth of $1.5billion discovered on Also only Billionaries can join theinner circle of the Bilderberg Group Billionaires club so there is achance since he has made a net worth of $1.5 billion then theres a verygood chance he ties into the Bilderberg group even though he is not onthe Attendee List or he could at least be a puppet.

So why would a bunch of rich elitist people want to propose the Fair Tax on all Americans? Well we know this tax won't be fair to allAmericans because anytime the super rich propose something it is onlyfor power, and greed. Also the super rich including the Bilderberg Groupwant to enslave humanity by spreading their ideals of socialism underthe guise that we will have fair pay, fair taxes, fair vacation time, adecent home, universal Health Care, and even be treated the same aseveryone else but the flaws to socialism is that as long as the superrich elite bankers control over Government then this socialism systemand taxation won't apply to them.

People keep telling me it's better to have a Fair Tax then a income tax but the super rich will again flee the requirements oftaxation as always or finds a way to sock it to the poor so in otherwords we will be charged more so the super rich can stay materialisticwhile the poor will be completely trapped on Government welfare whilethe Middle Class may be downgraded to the poor.

Also when Billionaires recommend the Fair Tax it makes me suspicious that these super rich men aren't just doing it because theywant a fair tax, they are doing it to get something in return. Obama hasalso been advocating for the Value Added tax which would be just as badif not worse then the Fair Tax where when raw materials get sold to thefactory it gets taxed then the factories sell it to the stores thengets taxed, and then sold from the stores to the consumers it gets taxedagain.

So will my investigation end, not just yet. I have also found out the Howard W. Horne, Sr. the director of is also a George W. Bush supporter according to Intelius. Also George W. Bush plus the Bush Family is at the heart of the Military Industrial Complex and the New World Order.

Also Allen C. King according to LinkedIn is under the industry of Venture Capital & Private Equity.

This is what Private Equity means:

Private equity, in finance, is an asset class consisting of equity securities in operating companies that are not publicly traded on a stock exchange. Investments in private equity most often involve either an investment of capital into an operating company or the acquisition of an operating company. Capital for private equity is raised primarily from institutional investors. There is a wide array of types and styles of private equity and theterm private equity has different connotations in different countries.[1]

Among the most common investment strategies in private equity include leveraged buyouts, venture capital, growth capital, distressed investments and mezzanine capital. In a typical leveraged buyout transaction, the private equity firmbuys majority control of an existing or mature firm. This is distinctfrom a venture capital or growth capital investment, in which theprivate equity firm typically invests in young or emerging companies,and rarely obtain majority control.

So are there Billionaires and serious business money makers interested in the Fair Tax? Well there has to be a larger benefit thenloss when the Fair tax is enforced because a business is never supposeto make poor business decisions. Businessmen, especially an elitist aswell as Bilderbergs, is suppose to always gain more then loses. Abusinessman is suppose to gain as much profits as possible so whatsprofitable with the Fair Tax? well for one thing they can circumvent itby traveling across the border into Canada or Mexico to purchaseanything without being taxed and then avoid the Income tax as well.

So people for the Fair tax were wrong and I am not a liar because the Fair Tax is a way the Super Rich won't have to pay taxes ever againbecause they can purchase goods from other countries and then won't haveto pay income taxes since the IRS will be abolished so in other wordspeople like me that can't afford to keep going across the border will beforced to pay more heavy taxes every time I go shopping.

So is this a way of the super rich making the poor poorer? You Bet!

Could the Fair Tax Organization be run by a Bilderberg Group member or puppet? Highly likely!

What proof do I have? Well I did investigative Journalism and source links are below as well as links within the article.

Why only super rich businessmen? Does this mean the poor are again being strung along like labmice to support another legal theft of thepoor and middle class by the super rich and powers that be.

Source Links:

#242 Robert C McNair -

Howard W. Horne Sr

Allan C. King - LinkedIn

Board of Directors - 2004 Annual Report - Duke Energy

The Dallas Fed

Americans For Fair Taxation: About Us

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Did Shirley Sherrod, Barack Obama

Lead $1.25 Billion Fraud?

There was once a thought that the 1997 legal case Pigford v. Glickman might someday rival the famous Brown v. the Board of Education of Topeka as an example of institutional and systemic racial discrimination finally refuted by the courts. Indeed the junior Illinois senator, pushing the reincarnation of the case in 2007, was purportedly sure to get a big boost from the case in his run for the presidency . . . but today . . . matters seem a little bit murkier.

Discussing a recent high-profile instance of supposed “racism,” Black political blogger Willie Brown of the famous “Willie’s World,” blog apparently agrees with Rajjpuut’s assessment in a recent blog that Shirley Sherrod is a sewer, ‘er “suer” . . . Mr. Brown put it like this, “ . . . you don't fire someone without at least hearing their side of the story unless you want them gone in the first place. This woman has been a thorn in the side of the Agriculture Department for years. She was part of a class-action lawsuit against the department on behalf of black farmers in the South. For years, she has been operating a community activist organization not unlike ACORN. I think there were those in the Agriculture Department who objected to her being hired in the first place.”

Actually, Willy, “thorn in the side” doesn’t quite say it all: you see, Shirley Sherrod and her husband received the single largest payoff, $13 Million, in the Pigford v. Glickman lawsuit. She was definitely a leader among the claimants which won their suit against the Ag Dept. for racism shown by the department’s supposedly continual policy of denying loans and lines of credit to Black farmers. Eight years after Shirley’s big payday, the revival of Pigford v. Glickman by former ACORN lawyer, Barack Obama, resulted in 86,000 claims for a total of $1.25 Billion dollars in payouts an average of $14,500 per farmer. Only one problem, the census in 2000 showed far fewer than 40,000 Black farmers in the entire country.

That amounts to less than half the 86,000 claims in the class action suit. How likely is it that all 39,000 of them joined the suit and averaged 2 1/3 claims each against the Ag Dept . . . when you add in the fact that the case was settled quietly without the media even knowing about it and that monstrous $1.25 Billion settlement makes one wonder if the “fix was in,” Mr. Obama. Of course, Ms. Sherrod’s successful claim amounted to almost $1,000 times the size of the average claim so that just one of the 86,000 claimants received 1% of all the money awarded. Like so much in this administration, here’s just one more matter that begs to be investigated by an independent counsel . . . .

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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A Mortal Wound for America and Americans?

The worst has happened . . . the 10th Amendment, the most important and unappreciated of our Bill of Rights, may have just been beheaded and America as we know it KILLED. Does Rajjpuut exaggerate? You be the judge . . . .

While Boobus Americanus could NOT be bothered to leave his sitcoms and reality shows and pay attention to the needs of America, the Obama to Pelosi to Reid dance with the devil just fired potentially the final shot of the WAR going on right in front of Boobus Americanus’s eyes and potentially won that war to institute a communist-like socialism upon America. Here’s what happened:

Patriotic and informed Americans thought we had at least a month to relax because the tax-and-spend-and-bend-and-urinate-on-the-Constitution-and American-tradition-parade was ended while congress went on summer vacation. But no, suddenly, Harry Reid found himself voluminously and astoundedly thanking the two Maine** Republicans Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins for betraying you, betraying the Constitution and our founding fathers and betraying America . . . for betraying America, perhaps to death . . . . it’s a short story but extremely ugly. Miraculously (ugh) a $26 Billion spending bill was passed in the Senate. If you ever thought that progressives (“we must progress beyond the outdated and imperfect U.S. Constitution”) were just “well-intentioned” blundering idiots who really did love America the Republic born in 1776, think again. This bill, sent back to the House (once Pelosi rallied the troops back from their vacations) for quick approval and back even more quickly to the Senate (officially, only the House can originate spending bills) before heading to Obama’s desk . . . does three despicable things:

1) It raises a minimum of $45 million dollars for unions to immediately bring to the rescue of Democrats running for office this November. Nifty how that works out, eh, your tax dollars and your DEBT are financing the election of Democrats who’ve spent the last nineteen months undermining everything patriotic Americans have believed in for the last 234 years . . . but that’s just the tip of the icing on the cake to mangle a few appropriate metaphors . . . .

2) It does potentially provide some money for a very few teachers etc. that would have lost their jobs in 47 states (IF state governments decided they’d rather fire essential workers than get rid of non-essential wasteful spending in their budgets). Mostly it’s a bailout for California, Michigan and New York so that their fiscal stupidity won’t be punished and the other 47 states will be punished instead. So it rewards three states that ran themselves into bankruptcy and penalizes 47 other states . . . but that’s not so bad . . . .

3) Most importantly, it does indeed potentially behead the 10th Amendment of the United States by FORCING all fifty states to act irresponsibly and against the best interests of themselves and their citizens for the next several years and instead willing bankrupt themselves, because . . . here’s the rub . . . states who take part of this new bailout money will be forbidden by the provisions of the $26 Billion bailout bill itself from reducing their state budgets in coming years . . . that is, they will be forbidden from saving themselves from bankruptcy by the sensible measure of reducing spending.

Now Boobus Americanus doesn’t get it, but you, the loyal Rajjpuut reader already smell a huge rat don’t you? Economies are saved from severe financial collapse in states and at the federal level when one of two things happens: the country goes to war^^ (WWII provided 16 million jobs effectively ending$$ the Great Depression); or somebody gets the great idea of simultaneously cutting spending and cutting taxes.

History has several good examples for us of what’s works and what fails miserably. The link at the top and bottom of this blog will give you the ugly details . . . in a nutshell@@, however: When government gets involved economic downturns, turn sharply downward and endure much longer. When government gets out of the way (taxes are cut, government spending is slashed or both) economic slumps disappear.

So this bill prevents states who receive this money from acting sensibly. Why in hell, would anyone pass such a law? It’s our old friend Cloward-Piven&& Strategy.

You remember C-P, the “we can fundamentally transform into socialism by creating crises to undermine the capitalist system” strategy . . . the strategy Cloward, Piven, and George Wiley bragged about using when a manufactured welfare crisis bankrupted New York City in 1975 (it took them eight years) and almost bankrupted the entire state of New York. You remember, the strategy that created ACORN and set them about using poorly thought out mortgage guarantee legislation to undermine the country by creating the sub-prime lending crisis (that took them thirty years) that almost bankrupted the nation, but did get their own ACORN lawyer and Saul Alinsky activist Barack Obama voted into the Oval Office). And, of course, loyal Rajjpuut readers know that when the NWRO bankruptcy of New York City worked, Cloward and Piven and Wiley called for moving into housing and voter registration.

What? You forgot about voter registration? In 2006, ACORN registered 1,800 new voters in Washington state. All but six of the names submitted were bogus. The secretary of state called it the "worst case of election fraud in our state's history."

According to Fox News, “ACORN workers told state investigators they went to the Seattle public library, sat at a table and filled out the voter registration forms. They made up names, addresses and Social Security numbers and in some cases plucked names from the phone book. One worker said it was a lot of hard work making up all those names and another said he would sit at home, smoke marijuana and fill out the forms.”

ACORN explained this was an "isolated" incident, yet similar stories have been reported in Missouri, Michigan, Ohio and Colorado — all swing states by the way. ACORN members have been prosecuted for voter fraud in a number of states.

But now the Obama Department of Justice (DOJ) dropped a clear voter intimidation suit against the black panthers and Obama appointee (Deputy Attorney General) Julie Fernandez has instructed a roomful of DOJ employees not to prosecute Black on White hate crimes or voter intimidation; and not to involve themselves at all with violations of the Motor Voter Act. Are we starting to get the picture here? Let’s wrap it up.

What’s going on? The most important and least understood and appreciated of the Bill of Rights amendments, the 10th Amendment has just had its legs cut out from under it. States who take the money are forbidden from exercising fiscal responsibility. Short of almost immediately tens of thousands of Boobus Americanuses and TEA Party folks demonstrating on their own State Capitol steps demanding that their own state legislators REFUSE their part of the $26 Billion . . . short of that and short of that strategy succeeding in about 37-38 states . . . the deepest and most lethal wound so far from the progressive dagger has just been inflicted.

In addition, the most crucial election in American History since the Civil War is coming in November and the DOJ has just told its employees to ignore enforcement of the ultra-weak (yep, that was Richard Cloward and Frances Piven standing right behind Bill Clinton in the 1993 picture when he signed the Motor Voter Act into law) Motor Voter Act that conservatives in ’93 called a “license to commit voter fraud.” So your vote in November is liable to be cancelled out and superseded by votes from the dead, duplicate voters, illegal felons, and other fraudulent voters . . . are we happy now?

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** It sounds “noble” doesn’t it? Saving the jobs of teachers, firefighters, etc. (and Obama’s successfully used that ploy upon taxpayers nine different times) . . . but the devil is, as always in the details. That $26 Billion will incidentally dramatically increase the war chests of the teachers’, firefighters’, etc.’s UNIONS and that money will immediately funnel to the Democrats that UNIONS support 100% and hit the air waves to save the real jobs, Obama-Pelosi-Reid plan to save . . . those of Democratic congressmen. OUCH!

Virtually all of the misery since Republican Scott Brown’s election to the Senate seat once owned by Ted Kennedy has come from the failure of three “Republicans” (Brown himself and the two Maine senators) to actually read and understand the proposals that Harry Reid was presenting in the Senate. Instead of standing strong with the Republican filibuster, one or two or all of this threesome joined Reid to pass some monstrous-sized evil bill forcing greater government and greater debt upon us. It started with Obamacare and continued to the new $26 Billion bailout.

In each case, since February, a big-government big-debt bill whose real purpose had nothing in common with the noble-sounding name of the bill was stymied by a Republican filibuster and America was far, far better off because of it . . . and then, oops, one or more of this triumvirate caved in and the country was stabbed in the chest.

^^Yes, yes we know . . . this is the “Broken Window Fallacy” hiding under the “Blessing of Destruction” disguise . . . .

And, yes, besides all the human misery WAR brings, there is a huge economic downside, even for the victors. But the fact, is that, before you get into all the 75-80 evils of war and the 20-21 economic evils of wars . . . it does tend to solve unemployment (regardless of the litany of other evils that ensue)! Rajjpuut is guessing, Mr. Obama won’t be using that ploy anytime soon, however.

$$ There was, indeed, a speculative bubble which burst nastily, but the real damage from the simple panic that hit Wall Street in October, 1929, was created by the reactions of the two progressives Herbert Hoover and Franklin Delano Roosevelt that turned a simple recession into a 12+ year Great Depression. Months earlier Hoover immediately upon taking office had proven himself the greatest “economic tinkerer” in American History when he abandoned the low tax, low spend policies of Harding and Coolidge (he assumed office upon Harding’s death) which ended the “Invisible Depression” of Wilson very quickly and set about with social re-engineering. The economy was definitely NOT broken when Hoover became president, but he proceeded to fix it . . . .

FDR’s campaign painted Hoover as a socialist for all his government interference and government spending and promised to return to the successful recipe of Harding-Coolidge and dramatically cut taxes and cut government spending. In any case the economy was rebounding in July 1933 before FDR’s own interference set things spinning badly the other way. Among other measures, FDR created 40 new government agencies (Obamacare, one law, created 390 new agencies just this year); and he confiscated all American gold; then a few months later the gold he’d confiscated at $20.76 an ounce was proclaimed worth $35.00 an ounce, effectively stealing 61% of the America’s private wealth and putting it into the government’s hands.

@@ Some of this is repetition, but here’s the history of the last 93 years of severe American recessions-Depressions . . .

A. Progresssive Woodrow Wilson’s “Invisible Depression” was handed off to Warren G. Harding but (despite Commerce Secretary Herbert Hoover’s insistence upon draconian interference measures) simply dried up and blew away when Harding did three things, he paid down the debt 33%; he cut taxes and cut government spending. Notably the cuts in taxes and spending were between 45-49%.

B. Coolidge continued Harding’s policies and boom times resulted

C. Coolidge chose “not to run” and Hoover was elected and immediately began fixing the economy with higher taxes, higher spending and the creation of a whole litany of new government agencies. The Wall Street bubble burst, a financial panic ensued and Hoover (despite the lies of progressive historians who say he did nothing and just fiddled while the economy “burned”) ran around like a chicken with his head cut off trying to intervene in any way possible to stop the bleeding (you have heard of the Hoover Dam, eh?

D. FDR after promising to follow the Harding-Coolidge model made Hoover look like a thumbsucker and nine more years of bad times ensued ended finally by WWII.

E. In more recent times, the stock market collapse of 1973-74 was actually proving rather benign because the whole country was consumed by Watergate and almost no government interference took place. Nixon resigned and Gerald Ford introduced Draconian measures which along with the inflationary policies of the Viet Nam era caused prices to rise across the board. Ford is given the boot (more for pardoning Nixon then anything economically) and inflation got worst under Jimmy Carter (who among other things gave us the Community Reinvestment Act, CRA ’77 which started us on the path to four more mortgage-guarantee expansions and our 2007 collapse) and then much worse and became “stagflation” a stagnant economy during an inflation. Reagan is elected.

F. Reagan with the Democratic congress cuts taxes like madmen. Eventually 20 million new jobs are created and inflation and stagnation are ended. Not a pure example because Reagan wanted his military buildup and the Dems wanted their social programs buildup so spending was high . . . but taxes were cut deeply and the economy boomed.


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