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The acrid mixture of gunpowder and blood was everywhere. The timbers of the two sinking ships rudely joined by grappeling hooks groaned in mutual agony. Two mortally wounded sailors a Limey and a Colonist lie immobile as their life’s blood joins in the splintered deck beneath them. Suddenly, the British Captain somewhere in the smoke and fog to their left yells through his megaphone, “Captain, Do you agree to surrender your ship?”
The instantaneous Colonial reply, “I have not yet begun to fight!”
The dying American sailor groaned, “There’s always 10% that never get the word.”
Americans, Generous to a Fault,
Still Love Obama and Tooth-fairy
In a recent poll conducted by some liberal polling group, 55% of Americans called Barack Obama a “Socialist.” After three and a half years of Obama in the national spotlight that’s your best insight, my compatriots? All the evidence is there for anyone seeking the truth, yet . . . totally unwilling still to face the truth of the Commander-in-Chief’s status as an ex-Red-Diaper-Baby, my countrymen are by this suspension of disbelief very likely to sign the death certificate of the Republic.
Friends, Couch Potatoes, Babes in the Woods and other Trusting Souls these are the facts of life . . . .

In reverse order here’s what our gullible people should know but don’t. Our mainstream media needs to get real and do its job. I invite all readers to check my facts for 100% accuracy . . . .

11. Our government has been systematically lying to us or covering up for almost eight decades for example, . . . .

10. Obamacare, one law, a) creates 388 brand new government agencies b) funds abortions with federal money c) increases the deficit d) drives up the cost of health care and health insurance. All of this was easily foreseen but most chose to believe Obama.

9. In 1975 one in 404 home loans was granted with 3% or less down payment. Five mortgage-guarantee laws later, it became in 2005, 34 out of 100 loans at less than 3% down. That's an amazing 13,600% more presumably bad loans today. The progressive left have pushed our lenders into bad loans by sponsoring these ill-conceived laws. This was easily foreseeable, but we were too busy with sitcoms and, of late, reality shows.

8. The United States used to have the world’s highest private home ownership, now Canada does. Our system was not broken, but the progressives fixed us with the Community Reinvestment Act under Carter and four expansions of CRA ’77 mortgage-guarantees in ’92, twice in ’95 and the steroid version in ’98 (the last three under Clinton). We all know better than to “fix what ain’t broke,” yet we allow the politicians we elect to do it every day.

7. Barack Obama was an ACORN lawyer shaking-down lenders to make unwise loans for parts of three years 1994-1996. Once Clinton’s steroid version of the law was passed in ’98, ACORN forced banks and other lenders to make home loans to people without ID; without jobs; with only food stamps to declare as income; without even rental history; with abysmal credit ratings; on welfare; illegal aliens; and other miserable loan prospects. Anyone listening with half an ear could see that all his promises could NOT be kept; anyone inspecting his past could see he was always way to good to be true. His communism was only slightly better hid.

6. ACORN discovered by early 2003 that they could get a $400,000 loan almost as easily as they could get a $120,000 loan for an indigent client and went about it with gusto. Why?
5. Alas, it gets even more sinister. In ’66 Richard Cloward and Frances Piven published their Cloward-Piven Strategy to end poverty by creating GNI, (guaranteed national income). In ’67 these two and George Wiley created the National Welfare Relief Organization (NWRO) put their strategy into action. In eight years they added over six million people to the welfare rolls in New York. By 1975, New York City was bankrupt and needed a federal bailout. New York state just missed bankruptcy. The threesome bragged about their accomplishment even though they made poverty worse and didn’t get GNI. C &P said the next two areas to work their “orchestrated crisis” magic upon were voter registration and housing. The sub-prime lending crisis and the ensuing financial meltdown were Cloward-Pivven at work once again as you'll soon see.

4. When CRA ’77 was passed, ACORN was immediately created in Arkansas (only later would the “A” stand for Association instead of Arkansas) to work C-P Strategy on housing and voter registration. They weren’t hugely successful at first, but they did put Bill Clinton into the governor’s mansion in Little Rock for 12 years; and he became the first ACORN president in ’92. One of his first official signings was the Motor Voter Act (“a license for voter fraud according to conservatives) with Cloward and Piven standing directly behind him in the official pictures. Three Clinton mortgage-guarantees followed in the next five years and ACORN went nuts making lenders meet their silly requirements. In effect Cloward-Piven Strategy was unleashed not on NYC this time but upon the entire USA.

3. Republicans in January, 2005, saw the handwriting on the wall and tried to repeal much of the mortgage-guarantee nonsense but were stopped cold by the Democrats. In July, 2007, enough Dems came to see the truth that a watered-down version of the earlier bill was passed. It was, of course, way too little – way too late. Nevertheless . . . .

2. Last week Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner praised George W. Bush for that 2007 law which he said prevented the recession from becoming much, much deeper and the drop in housing prices from tumbling to dangerous levels. In effect, Geithner altered Barack Obama’s car in the ditch story. You and I now know the bigger story: Obama, ACORN, and progressive Dems and Republicans pushed the car toward a 500-ft. CLIFF. G.W. Bush braked and steered the car into a controlled skid into a friendly-looking ditch.

1. The first ten problems are gnats compared to the herd of elephants in the room right next to us, because with . . . all the unfunded liabilities we face (on top of the National debt and our present economic woes) unbelievable Social Security, Medicare and the Federal Side of Medicaid obligations that amount to $112 Trillion in services the government owes its citizens but has refused to fund (which was required by law lo’ these last 76 years).

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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obama bashes arizona

Obama Hauls Arizona Before the UN Human Rights Council
By Ben Johnson, Floyd Reports

Apparently Barack Obama is not content to make a federal case out of his immigration feud with Arizona; he wants to make it an international one.

The president’s first-ever report on U.S. human rights to the UN Human Rights Council contains a rich vein of offensive material. So far, one aspect has not been reported: our petty president used the situation to bash Arizona’s immigration law. Throughout the report — while sounds like an Obama campaign speech — the president discusses “the original flaw” of the U.S. Constitution, America’s tolerance for slavery, and his version of our long and despicable history of discriminating against and oppressing minorities, women, homosexuals, and the handicapped. After each complaint, he addresses how he is delivering us from ourselves, patting himself on the back for such initiatives as ending “torture,” promoting Affirmative Action, and passing health care legislation.

In his section on “Values and Immigration,” he praised the Department of Homeland Security’s efforts to provide better medical care for detainees and increase “Alternatives To Detention” (e.g., letting them go). Then he turned to the one state that has had the temerity to stand in his way of fundamentally transforming the American electorate:
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This DEMONIC Islam is the biggest threat to America and Israel and the entire world...and our leaders play fantasy with this RELIGION FROM HELL.

[That question was sent to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years]

The following is his reply:

Can a good Muslim be a good American?

Theologically - NO. Because his allegiance is to Allah, the moon god of Arabia.

Religiously - NO. Because no other religion is accepted by his Allah except Islam [Koran 2:256].

Scripturally- NO. Because his allegiance is to the five pillars of Islam and the Quran [Koran].

Geographically - NO. Because his allegiance is to MECCA, to which he turns in prayer five times a day.

Socially - NO. Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.

Politically - NO. Because he must submit to the mullah [spiritual leaders], who teach annihilation of Israel and destruction of America, the great Satan.

Domestically - NO. Because he is instructed to marry four women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him [Quran 4:34].

Intellectually - NO. Because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.

Philosophically - NO. Because Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran do not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist. Every muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.

Spiritually - NO. Because when we declare "one nation under God", the Christian's God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as Heavenly Father, nor is he ever called love in The Quran's 99 excellent names.

Therefore after much study and deliberation, perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country. They obviously cannot be both "good" muslims and Good Americans.

Call it what you wish...It's still the truth.

If you find yourself intellectually in agreement with the above statements, perhaps you will share this with your friends. The more who understands this, the better it will be for our country and our future.

Pass it on to Fellow Americans. The religious war is bigger than we know or understand!
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What Progressives Don't Want
Voters to Know
Part I

Americans who listen to and believe the left-wing rhetoric of the progressive Democrats in power today really need to learn to separate facts from historical revisionism . . . the words here below are 100% true, Rajjpuut crosses his heart . . . .

Myth: The Nazis were fascists, and both fascists and Nazis were conservative (right-wing) organizations.


The National SOCIALIST German Workers’ Party came into power by viciously attacking the Republican values and Democratic methods of the Weimar Republic. They promoted “a managed economy that was neither capitalist nor communist” according to their literature. The first time the world at large learned of them, was after Adolf Hitler’s “Beer Hall Putsch” an attempt to violently overthrow the government of Bavaria in southern Germany and replace those in power with Nazis. Until Hitler joined and took over, the Nazis were perhaps the most pathetic of about 20 leftist organizations vying for power in the country and most of them had the word “socialists” in their name. They were most jealous of the Communist Party’s large membership and Hitler made a point of blaming the loss of World War I on his three main scapegoats: the Jewish bankers and businessmen; the Communists and the so-called “November Criminals” that he said had all worked together and undermined the army in the field. The same areas so exciting to today’s progressives were big interests for the Nazis: environmentalism, nutrition, emphasis on organic and wholistic health and food-raising, and even state-run exercise and health programs and most importantly their utter conviction that they could create a utopian society.

The Nazis and Communists were both very popular in the 20’s and early 30’s but the two groups were decidedly incompatible. Why? Because Hitler emphasized the Aryan idea of purity and the notion that all things good came from their Teutonic heritage of blood and culture a direct attack on the made-in Russia worldwide communistic movement. For their part, the Reds after Hitler’s attack on Russia also felt a need to distance themselves from the Nazis because the Nazis were proof-positive that all revolutions were not good. They could have pointed to the French for that also. The lower classes were the Nazi’s base; only after Hitler came to power did the industrialists begin to show any attention to him. The Nazi’s burned the Reichstag and blamed it on a retarded communist, and immediately gained “emergency powers” that superceded the Weimar Constitution. Thus Hitler became a powerful dictator.

While we’re at it, today the left calls Nazis “fascists.” This is wrong, but more importantly the fascists (such as those found in Italy under Mussolini), were a labor-union phenomenon, hardly the stuff of right-wingers. The labor unions in Italy took over the corporations. In any case, we conservatives like very small government and do not like the totalitarian states which are found under Communism, Nazism, and Fascism. The Left has made a concerted effort since Woodrow Wilson (a progressive president who wrote his own interpretation of American History) to revise all of American and World History to reflect the notion that all things LEFT are “good.” Anyone who hasn’t read the epic expose` “The Nazi Seizure of Power” definitely should. In a fictional vein, Eric Maria Remarque’s novel “The Black Obelisk” vividly portrays the German landscape prior to and immediately after the Beer Hall Putsch as seen through the eyes of a lost soul who was one of a band of iconoclastic “merrymen” watching their civilization collapse around them.


Communism is a benign political ideology. Che Guevarra and Mao, for example, are world cultural heroes.


“Democide” or killing of citizens of the state by their very own government (including genocide and mass murder) is not a new idea. But the most efficient and ruthless in history were all 20th

Century communist states. While Hitler killed 13 million of Europe’s assorted Jews, gypsies, intellectuals, royalty, Jehovah’s Witnesses, homeosexuals, aged, retarded, handicapped, and other folk they classified as “undesirables” . . . comparatively few German citizens were killed by the Third Reich say perhaps two and a half million. Communism, concentrating itself mostly upon “purifying” their own citizenry, was directly responsible for the deaths of 120-128 million people during the 20th Century. Mao killed 54 million Chinese during peacetime. Stalin killed roughly 50 million in war and peace (not counting the 8 million Ukranians he deliberately starved to death that history likes to overlook) . Pol Pot killed 2.5 million in tiny Cambodia. Viet Namese communists, Tito’s Yugoslav communists, and North Korean Communists round out the sad story. Che Guevarra is said to have said he lost count of how many Cuban prisoners he’d personally killed somewhere after 150. Love those Mao and Che T-shirts, do you?


The Communist Party has always had an evil effect in the USA.


While a lot of evil and mischief (our current financial crisis for example) are directly attributable to the Communists operating in this country, early on the Communist party was one of the few voices the common working man in America had. A lot of abuse by mega-corporations in the 1890’s and early 20th

Century were vehemently opposed by communists and the early labor unions. Later when unions got big and powerful and virtually lockstepped themselves with communism and sought to gain huge war chests for political power . . . that’s when the whole process became ruinous rather than refreshing. It’s striking that now the left is calling “rednecks” racists and all manner of evil. When coal miners in West Virginia were advised by their communist and labor union leaders to wear red banadannas around their necks so they could identify themselves in a confrontation with corrupt mine owners and their machine gun wielding armies of “detectives” who’d already slaughtered some of the miners’ leaders . . . that was not a racist act but an act of labor defiance and fighting for human rights. “Red Necks” were originally union men or strikers (as the Southern Colorado miners in the Trinidad District Strike were). Only much later was the term applied to so-called “poor white trash” and “trailer trash” lumped together as racists and mental-defectives by the Left. Next time, Part II.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Who Do You Think You Are?

NewsMax - Texas Governor Rick Perry has accused President Barack Obama of "gambling with American lives" after a bullet believed to be from a gun battle in Mexico hit a building. "For the second time in two months, bullets from a gun battle in the escalating drug war in Juarez have struck a building in El Paso," Texas’ Governor Perry said. By comparison, the border issue is minor. There is a far greater issue on our minds now, due to Obama’s late stand that gambles all American lives.

A blogger on Blogit wrote: “Don't try to explain why you are here. If you do, you will be gone.” This blogger’s thought was brought to mind when I read on MSN news today, under “misidentification,” a fault of the keepers of the law. After a person identifies a criminal from a police lineup or a picture, one or two years later at trial the identifier is more certain he was right. “You get wedded to your own version.” Innocent people are convicted. In short order you lose your freedom. Think about this. If you look like some criminal, you can be locked up for life. The case is closed. It is good for prosecutors.

“You get wedded to your own version” and justice in mind, obviously, there are a lot of opinions of who we, the American people, are. We’ve never been more divided and little wonder. The Founding Fathers wrote a Constitution we, the American people, have never followed. Today’s problems began on day one. We’ve expediently interpreted the law since day one to suit the needs of the moment. Today, misidentification of who we are is the Sword of Damocles hanging over every American’s head. It is good for Obama. He will own you if you let him have his way.

United we stand; divided we fall. The astrologers’ zodiac tells them America was born under the sign of Aquarius. Astrologer’s Handbook tells us Aquarius stands for brotherhood. There are lots of brotherhoods in the world. One is the Islamic Brotherhood, which operates under Sharia law. Violators are stoned to death. Jesus said we are our brother’s keeper. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Sharia law or Jesus? It should not be a problem to decide, but it is. It comes under the heading of freedom of religion, a shrine to Sharia law on hallowed ground. In America, we believe we have souls. We value human life above religion, but Obama has a far different view. Marxist Obama refuses to comment on his idea. Beware! You are a short step from enslavement.

Marxism and Islam have this in common: neither gives any credit whatsoever to individual rights. If mainstream Marxism and Islam have their way, together they will rule the world. Thus, if you leave it to the authorities to decide your fate, if you try to explain why you are here, you will soon be gone. That’s for sure. Having said this, I have another question to the above mentioned blogger issue about explaining why you are here: Why would anyone in his right mind leave it to the authorities to decide his fate? If you value your life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, why would you not stand up and be counted?

If we lived in a perfect universe, there would be no movement. Without movement, what you have is zilch, nothing, zero. You can’t zero out your soul; it is not a quantity. “Misidentification”—wedded to your own version? Excuse me! Your soul is defined as your immaterial essence, your animating principle, your actuating cause of life. You are here in a moving environment for your purpose, not authority’s purpose.

We fear movement, but change is certain to come. Should we move toward Marxism and Islam? According to the astrologer’s zodiac, we are leaving the Age of Pisces. We read that Pisceans have a terrible time in making up their minds of who they are. Yes, and while they are trying to make up their minds, we all lose every right we have. “The very purpose of the Bill of Rights was to withdraw certain subjects from the vicissitudes of political controversy, to place them beyond the reach of majorities.” West Va. State Board of Education v. Barnette. Adding to “Leadership Void throughout Government,” Timothy L. Peyton’s blog, something esoteric that never enters most American minds, making up our minds is not a problem for we Aquarians. We know the law of all times. The U.S. Constitution is a good Aquarian fit. A groundswell is building in the form of the Tea Party. Obama’s proposed transformation is sinking. He can’t change the universe to his version. The Tea Party and Aquarians operate as one on one; they fit the mold Jesus left.

At last, on earth as it is in heaven, we are going to start following America’s fundamental law—no expediencies. We are entering the Age of Aquarius. It’s something to look forward to, and BTW, in case you didn’t know, the U.S. Constitution is backed by “Higher Law.”

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Double-Dip Recession

Courtesy of Obama, Soon Official

What happens when you combine gross INcompetence with hatred of capitalism and a vow to make a “fundamental transformation of America” (along Marxist lines): double-dip recession, that’s what! Mr. Obama has now officially made himself into the worst president in the history of the nation by damaging our economy and our way of life (via unending attacks upon the U.S. Constitution) in the shortest possible time frame (roughly 19 months). Short of turning our own nukes on us, how much harm can one man do?

Item: In one law, Obamacare, he created 388 new government agencies (almost ten times the output of Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s 12+ years in office.

Item: Calling himself a friend of business and the “Jobs President,” Obama forced through a $787 Billion job stimulus bill in February, 2009, that America didn’t want, claiming that when it was passed unemployment would not go above 8%. That figure shot to 10% and has been stuck at 9.5% in recent months. Our “Bailout President” has certainly disproven dramatically any claim to being the “Jobs President.”

Item: 27 percent drop in existing home sales on top of our other woes

Item: Home foreclosures have multiplied 10-fold over the last three years

Item: He is plotting to raise taxes in January, by NOT extending the Bush tax cuts now in place. If there is one item that all economists, even the most lost Keynesian economics professors, agree upon it is this . . . thou shalt NOT raise taxes in the midst of a recession. Of course, raising taxes in the middle of a double-dip recession is the ultimate government-interference sin.

Item: House Republican leader John Boehner, Tuesday, urged Obama to immediately support an extension of tax cuts and to fire key economic advisers, arguing that more than a year of "government as community organizer" has failed to revive the economy. Thus far Obama, now on vacation again (in Martha’s Vineyard this time) and his adminstration have not deigned to reply.

Item: Earlier this week, Treasury Secretary Timoth Geithner said that the George W. Bush law (originally pushed by Republicans in January, 2005, and finally in watered down form) passed in July, 2007 saved the economy from a much more severe recession than we’ve so far had and that without it home prices would have plummeted.

Item: Thanks to five progressive mortgage guarantee bills culminating in the three passed by Bill Clinton the statistic that only one in every 404 American home loans was made with 3% or less down payment, had changed to roughly one in three loans by 2005 were questionable loans forced upon lenders by government regulations. ACORN has been pursuing those loans for 33 years and Obama worked as an ACORN lawyer shaking-down lenders to make them follow the ignorant federal requirements so that people without ID, without jobs, without rental history, without decent credit ratings, with only food stamps to show as “income,” on welfare, and even illegal aliens could own $400,000 homes.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


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Five Dollars to protect our Borders ?

Would you spend $5 to secure our border ?
Paul Smith is on the verge of loosing his home. and we are on the verge of loosing some one who actually stood up for border security.
Paul wants to unseat a rabid Liberal in California's 5th Congressional district.
This is Border security.. this is National Security.... this is Economic Security... this is our Children's Security...?
I am appealing to all Tea party members, All conservatives, All Californians, this is a call to action..!
This man stood in front of City Hall and faced the City Council in Sacramento when they called for a boycott of Arizona.
This man stood up for the Rule of Law on a rainy night in Sacramento and faced several Illegals and SEIU members.
Now it is time we Stand up for Paul Smith and the Security of California and our Nation !
lets work together on this contact every one you know.
let's find a away to save this campaign and to save our country..!
Nothing is more important.. Nothing..!
United We Stand Divided We Fall...

Here is a link to donate.
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Rajjpuut's Fables for Our Times

A Fable for Our Times

The ‘CO’, the Oak Seed,
the Dream and the Mechanic

By Rajjpuut

Once upon a time there was a lawyer and community organizer (CO) who really, really wanted to become a mechanic. There was an industrial arts college near him but he wasn’t making much money with his law degree and couldn’t yet afford the tuition. He didn’t know what to do so he asked his pastor.

“God damn, America,” said the pleasant older man. “Those Jewish White bankers are standing in everybody’s way . . . if you want to do God’s will the Wright-way, and find a way to make them stop obstructing our Black Liberation Theology goals and get them ponying up for the good of God’s earthly representative then you, son, will be justly rewarded!”

The community organizer was astonished. “You mean Jesus is back here on earth? In my reading of the Koran, I knew that would happen some day, but now?”

“God-double-damn, America, son! You’re interpreting things all wrong or my name isn’t Wright! Yes, Jesus is found in both books, but the earthly representative I’m talking about is ACORN! Put your trust in ACORN and all will work out Wright!”

The CO was very confused. “What,” he said to himself, “does an oak-seed have to do with me becoming a mechanic?”

But he put his faith in Wright-thinking, it had never failed him before . . . . And the community organizer took on another job where he could use his law degree working for a pleasant little group called ACORN. His new ACORN job was actually a lot of fun and he was very good at it. Using the techniques from a course he taught called “Rules for Radicals” based upon the thinking of a sweet man now deceased named Saul Alinsky, the community organizer would call upon mortgage-companies and persuade them to make very, very stupid loans to people who couldn’t ever be expected to pay off their loans . . . .

If he found a man without any ID, his job was to get him a housing loan. If he found a family with neither partner working, his job was to get them a housing loan. If people had to list food stamps as “income,” his job was to get them a housing loan. If people had terribe credit ratings, his job was to get them a housing loan. If people didn’t even have a rental history to show on the application forms, his job was to get them a housing loan. If people were on welfare or even were illegal aliens, his job was to get them a housing loan.

Once while he was talking to a friend named Bill (who used to make and plant bombs aimed at killing policemen, whose main job now was telling teachers how to inspire their students) who was now ghostwriting the community organizer’s first book about his communist father’s dreams, the community organizer said, “Ayers, how exactly does all this work?” I know it’s good that we pull off the Revolution and all so that everybody’s equal . . . but isn’t it dangerous getting all these billions of dollars in loans for people who won’t ever be able to repay them? I mean where’s the hope and change in bankrupting the whole system like that?”

Ayers, pushed away the stack of disorganized, notes, tapes and other collected jibberish he had in front of him . . . “B.O., my friend, the country is a lot like these notes of yours you left me to fit together . . . right now, it’s just a mess. But one of these days with the right intelligence behind it, it’ll be a masterpiece. In the case of the book, the right intelligence is me organizing the whole thing, planning it out and then making all the little things ‘sing’ like I did in my own two books. In the case of the country it’s the Revolution. When we’re done with it, it’ll be a Utopia and the whole country and everyone in it will ‘sing,’ that is, everyone will cooperate perfectly and we’ll see that all the necessaries are given to everyone in accordance with his needs and everything will be taken from everyone in accordance with their abilities.” At that moment, Michelle, the CO’s wife came in, “Barack baby, quit bothering Bill it’s your turn to wash the dishes.”

Well yes, Ayers’ ideas did make sense but still he’d read where in 1975 only one in every 404 home loans was made for 3% downpayment or less; and today (1995) thanks to his work, one in every seven home loans was made with 3% downpayment or less. And he was getting a lot of his clients into $500,000 homes . . . oh well. And he’d go to bed every night, dreaming of becoming a mechanic and of the Revolution and he’d say his meditations and end with ‘God-double-damn, America, AMEN!’ and sleep sound happy-dreamfilled sleep.

In his favorite dream, one that repeated all the time, he was talking about a ditch and a car in the ditch. Somehow, some fool had driven the car into the ditch because the CO’s mechanical work had been really, really poor and he’d gummed up the steering and messed up the brakes by getting a huge ACORN jammed in under them and even made the windshield wipers stick out on either side of the car . . . and here he was talking to a big crowd just like the Reverend Wright might and he was talking about the poor fool that had driven the car into the ditch because he was drunk or something . . . but really in his dream the CO knew that somehow his mechanicking and his ACORNing had really done it and yet even though it was a mess and he had caused it, somehow he was sure it would work out all Wright and Utopia was on the horizon. And he slept very soundly.

The End

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


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The homely fellow calls out to a gorgeous girl passing him on the street, “The world’s going to end unless we have sex right now!” Astonished she turns quickly and replies, “Do we have time to get to a motel or must we do it right here?” scene from the movie “The Invention of Lying.”

Obama Puts Integrity and Honor

in the Ditch, Geithner** Says,

Bush Saved Car from Ruin

For those who fancy sound-bites and many people do:

ACORN and ACORN lawyer Barack Obama and progressive Dems deliberately pushed the car toward a 500-foot cliff. George W. Bush braked and steered the vehicle into a controlled skid and allowed it to coast safely into a friendly ditch instead.

For those who believe everything Barack Obama says, Rajjpuut dares you to read this blog . . . . the truth contained in the preceding paragraph relies upon a recent statement by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and a short string of logical and statistical facts that anyone with a 5th grade education can understand. But first a bit of background . . . .

A love letter is not a recipe for turtle soup; a suicide note is not a travelogue; a court summons is not graffiti; a nursery rhyme is not a thesaurus; an encyclopedia entry is not a page in a joke book; etc., etc. To people who think clearly . . . it’s starkly obvious that different styles and distinct types of communication have different purposes altogether. And it’s dramatically evident that some people use “communication” for utterly different and more sinister purposes than honorable folks usually do. For a good example of a bad example, let’s think about Barack Obama.

If one piece of Barack Obama’s medium-length communication can be seen to be “successful” in his eyes, it is clearly the parable of the car in the ditch. He’s repeated that little story at least thirty times. He’s repeated it on all sorts of occasions for a wide variety of audiences. He’s taken to embellishing the story like an old time serial writer getting paid by the word by talking about the heat, having other Democrats help him push the car out of the ditch, even talking about mud and insects in the ditch. Barack Obama loves that story!

If one slogan has been utterly positively met by his audiences over and over and over again, it can be summarized this way: “It’s all George W. Bush’s fault.” He’s repeated that statement or some corollary of it perhaps 500-600 times. He’s repeated it on all sorts of occasions for a wide variety of audiences. In some speeches he’s used that slogan or a corollary four or five times. And he’s seen to it that his administration and his party use the slogan repeatedly. Often the “Blame it all on Bush” slogan and the car in the ditch story are clearly the only really certain applause, however muted, that’s awaited his speeches of late.

Just like the parables of Jesus, Obama’s two terse communications are powerful in part because they are so short. Obviously the car is a metaphor for the U.S. economy and the ditch is a metaphor for the economic collapse. What do these two sound bites have in common? They both sidestep all blame and accuse Obama’s predecessors; they’re both used to create an immediate gut response rather than a thoughtful response; and they are both designed more to obscure the truth than to reveal it . . . in a phrase they’re both examples of a propaganda technique called “the Big Lie.”

Adolf Hitler in chapter 10 of Mein Kampf coined the term “the Big Lie” to refer to two purported Big Lies that he claimed the Jews, Communists and other “November Criminals” (these were his three main scape-goats) had propagated at the end of World War I as they sold Germany out: A) that the German army had been defeated in the field and B) that General Ludendorff was mostly responsible for Germany’s defeat. Of course, Mein Kampf and most of Hitler’s communications were in themselves Big Lies including his creation of the November Criminals idea; repetition of the Zionist Conspiracy among the Jews fable; and fabrication of the notion of Aryan superiority in blood and cultural achievement.

Among the propaganda techniques Hitler discussed, the Big Lie, he said, was a “a lie so colossal that no one would believe that someone ‘could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously’ ergo it must be true." He continues, “In the Big Lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the Big Lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.”

Hitler also advised upon how to exploit the Big Lie which was later summed up by American OSS intelligence officials this way in the profile they created of Der Fuhrer: “His primary rules of conduct are never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough virtually all people will sooner or later believe it.” Since Hitler also advised never admitting a lie was false, but just keep hammering away at it even if you look a bit ridiculous . . . we can predict that his spiritual godson Barack Obama, who seems to operate under the same megalomaniacal modus operandi will never stop blaming Bush and will never stop telling the car in the ditch story.

So for those of us who believe in clear thought and who can spot a “false prophet” miles away . . . . What exactly is wrong with Barack Obama’s “Blame it all on Bush” slogan and his “car in the ditch” parable? And why are Obama and ACORN deliberately pushing the car toward the cliff, in the more accurate sound bite given above?

Again, the Obama soundbites are designed to hide the truth and convince people of the validity of a Big Lie viscerally, in their gut, while bypassing their brains. They have the hyper-added benefit of being wonderful sound-bites themselves while at the same time hiding a truth so damning and yet virtually difficult to convey that ostensibly no sound bite can clear things up. It’s a lot like Mondale’s (“Where’s the beef?”) accusation of Gary Hart during the 1984 Democratic Presidential Primary Campaign which implied that Hart was little more than a pretty boy. So let us now show Barack Obama’s car in the ditch story up for the falsehood it is . . . .

ITEM: some statistics and some facts . . .

A) Richard Cloward and Frances Piven, two leftist Columbia U. professors (NYC) published their article, “The Weight of the Poor: a Strategy to End Poverty” in The Nation magazine in 1966. They opined that a welfare registration drive would put the entire nation in a crisis and the result of the crisis would be the Democratic party would institute (GNI) a guaranteed national income and presto that would be the elimination of poverty. The Cloward-Piven Strategy is based upon one of (self-avowed neo-Marxist community-organizer) Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” (from his book, Rule #4 “Make the enemy live up to his own book of rules.”) Their idea is to manufacture a crisis to move the country to their socialistic ends. In 1967, they enlisted another radical community organizer George Wiley to create the (NWRO) National Welfare Rights Organization to test their theory by hook or by crook, he enlists over six million new welfare recipients. In eight years (1975) New York City is bankrupt and needs to be bailed out by the federal government. New York state barely escapes the city’s fate. Wiley, Cloward and Piven brag openly about their great deed hardly regretting that the GNI idea failed. Cloward and Piven suggest to Wiley and other radicals that housing and voter registration are the next two areas where C-P Strategy should be employed.

B) 1946- 1992 USA has 62-65% private home ownership, the envy of the world, the system was NOT broken and required NO fixing.

C) 99.76% of all US homes are bought with more than 3% down payment in 1975

D) To “fix” the broken home ownership problem, the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 is passed by Jimmy Carter and progressive Democrats to force lending institutes to make bad loans they would otherwise not make. In Arkansas in ’77, ACORN is quickly created by George Wiley’s lieutenant Wade Rathke who will also later found the SEIU union. ACORN goes to work on both C-P recommended new territories: voter registration and housing. The organization also hooks up with Bill Clinton just elected Arkansas Attorney General in 1976, an up and coming politician who they will help and who will help them mightily. The group is mostly ineffective at first because CRA ’77 was so poorly crafted that smart lenders could avoid most of the forced lending to unqualifed people. But ACORN is patient.

E) By 1985, little has changed 99.5% of all home loans still are made with 3% or more down payment. Clinton was elected governor in 1978 at the age of 32. He’s defeated in ’80 but elected again four more times and serves a total of almost 12 years.

F) In 1992, George H.W. Bush who successfully vetoed 44 out of 45 bills he disliked fails to veto a big housing bill. Unfortunately, one of the small portions he hates about the bill expands CRA ’77 so that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (the two huge government agencies) are now made part of the CRA mortgage-guarantee progam. The plot only sickens from here on out.

G) Clinton with the support of ACORN whips Bush and becomes President. One of the first things he does is create the Motor Voter Act (called by conservatives “a license for voter fraud”). He signs the bill into law with Cloward and Piven standing directly behind him in the official photograph (available in several places on the internet). ACORN can finally go to town on voter registration. In 1995, Clinton passes two laws expanding CRA ’77 mortgage-guarantees. Even before that, at the end of 1994, a community organizer named Barack Obama begins working as an ACORN lawyer. He has taught Alinksy’s “Rules for Radicals” to Chicago students and is very good at browbeating and shaking-down unwilling lenders to make them comply with the expansions of CRA ’77. Obama will work for ACORN for parts of the next three years. By 1995, the situation has changed dramatically in housing now 14% of all home loans are made to borrowers who cannot afford a 3%^^ or more home down payment. That is, since CRA ’77 was created lenders are now making 55 times as many questionable loans as they were in 1975.

H) In 1998, Bill Clinton, Democrats and especially Progressive Democrats and Progressive (we need to “progess” beyond the limitations of the "outdated and flawed" U.S. Constitution) Republicans pass a final expansion of CRA ’77 which puts the whole arena of mortgage-guarantees on steroids. Clinton, the first ACORN president, has delivered for them in a huge way on voter registration and on housing. Barack Obama is gone, but now ACORN goes nuts (pun intended). With Clinton’s new bill they immediately start browbeating loans for those without ID; those without jobs; people claiming food stamps as income; other welfare recipients; people without rental histories; people with horrific credit ratings; and even illegal aliens. Worst of all, ACORN gets real aggressive and finds they have little more trouble getting an impoverished applicant qualified for a $400,000 home than for a $120,000 one.

I) In November, 2003, James Stack of revealed a graph he called the “Housing Industry Bubble” (housing prices had soared, yes, but stocks in the housing industry had risen an amazing 1300% in a relatively short time) and began talking about a coming “sub-prime lending crisis.” We had ample warning, you see. Bush and the Republicans saw the problem within a year themselves and sought to correct things with a bill in January, 2005 that would have undone most of the steroid-like ills brought about by the 1998 final version of mortgage-guarantee legislation. They were defeated. Meanwhile thanks to ACORN and Clinton's law 34% of all home loans are made to applicants who pay less than 3% as a down payment. Roughly 135 times as many questionable loans are being made in 2005 as were made in 1975.

J) Finally in July of 2007, enough Democrats agreed that a problem existed to pass a heavily-diluted law based upon Bush's January, 2005 efforts. It proved to be way too little, way too late, but it did enough good that Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner recognized five days ago that Bush had saved our bacon. Without Bush’s administration passing that law, Geithner said, the recession would have been much, much deeper and housing prices would have dropped far, far lower. Americans that watch FOX News find this out three years after the fact, most Americans inundated by the mainstream media (MSM) will never find this out . . . . and in sum, the facts in a nutshell shaken together to make an accurate parable are that:

ACORN and ACORN lawyer Barack Obama and progressive Dems deliberately pushed the car toward a 500-foot cliff. George W. Bush braked and steered the vehicle into a controlled skid and allowed it to coast safely into a friendly ditch instead.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** Actually, the Treasury Secretary could have told a fuller story here: because Bush's original attempt to stop the bleeding and undo the damage in January, 2005 was rebuffed . . . . almost all of the CRA '77 legislation and its four expansions (including many horrific Clinton-Steroid version of '98 features) is still on the books like a timebomb waiting to explode the next time an ACORN-like entity wants to cause havoc. We need to return to the 1975 levels with perhaps 1/400 home loans made at 3% or less down payment. In other words we need to get out of the private sector's way. One other "tiny detail" should be mentioned to wrap up the last loose end. In 2003, Bush and the Republicans sought to change the oversight for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (contending that congressional oversight was far too lax) but that initiative was also defeated by the Congress and most particularly the progressive Democratic wing of the congress that was abetting the whole process all along. Thank you, Barney Frank.

^^ It bears saying that 3% loans were originally created for fiscally-responsible veterans who qualified under a special program created for them. Once CRA '77 is created; almost anyone can get ZERO-Percent downpayment loans.

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United We Stand, Divided We Fall

On MSN’s news page today, we read about the Virgo sun sign. “With an acute attention to detail, Virgo is the sign in the Zodiac most dedicated to serving. Their deep sense of the humane leads them to caregiving like no other, and their methodical approach to life ensures that nothing is missed. The Virgo is often gentle and delicate, preferring to step back and analyze before moving ahead.” My sun sign is Virgo.

My thoughts: Ground Zero, a shrine of American capitalism and a shrine of Sharia law next door have nothing to do with religious freedom, so why would Obama use religious freedom as an excuse? Obama is a divider, a socialist. Islam and socialism have this in common: Neither give the individual any rights. For its base, capitalism gives the individual the right to life, liberty, and property.

To show his hand by supporting a mosque near ground zero is one more reason to suspect that Obama has something up his sleeve we all need to know. It makes no political sense. Obama has said he is going to “transform” America. To what is the question? He didn’t explain. We are left to assume. Obama has surrounded himself with socialists and communist revolutionaries, most of whom were members of SDS, the hippie bomb throwers of the sixties.

From his apparent lacking in political savvy, one would think that Obama doesn’t care if the Republicans win and become the majority in the House. One can assume that Obama’s transformation is from capitalism to socialism. He has already gone a long way in that direction. One can assume that the Tea Party opposition has to go. This means freedom of press has to go, namely, Fox News. Obama is in compliance with Sharia law. We are a short step away from the spiting up of the world between socialist dictatorships and Islam’s theocracies practicing Sharia law.

Not only is my sun sign Virgo, but my rising sign is Aquarius. Here’s what Jeanne Avery in The Rising Sign, under “Aquarius Rising” says: “He can express strong humanitarian concern, have a strong sense of freedom for himself and for others, and be ahead of the time. . .He becomes the water-bearer by walking to the beat of a different drummer. He may be the person to bring back information that has been lost to civilization for centuries.”

In Astrologer’s Handbook, we read that when Saturn is trine Pluto (my Saturn is trine Pluto), “This trine gives the natives the ability to understand the laws by which subtle forces are organized, enabling them to use these laws consciously or unconsciously. . .They are able to work slowly and make fundamental and irrevocable changes in their own and others’ lives.”

We read on the back cover of Cosmos and Psyche, “Distinguished philosopher and cultural historian Richard Tarnas demonstrates the existence of an astonishingly consistent correspondence between planetary alignments and the archetypal patterns of human history and biography.”

On page 209, we read: “The successive quadrature alignments (the most unfavorable alignments) of the Saturn-Pluto cycle coincided with especially challenging historical periods marked by a pervasive quality of intense contraction: eras of international crises and conflict, empowerment of reactionary forces and totalitarian impulses, organized violence and oppression, all sometimes marked by lasting traumatic effects.” On page 214, we read, under “The Saturn-Pluto Cycle,” that in November 2009 through August 2010 Saturn and Pluto were in exact quadrature alignment.

On earth as it is in heaven, this prophecy from Astrologer’s Handbook: The Piscean personality unconsciously absorbs the ideas and mental outlook of authorities. They desperately want to do the right thing. They don’t have strong wills; they are influenced by external factors. They will generally suffer injury rather than fight for their rights. Pisces is a water sign. Pisces is mutable and compassionate. We are moving away from the Age of Pisces, moving into the Age of Aquarius.

The Aquarian personality, humanitarian—his brother’s keeper—has for his symbol the water-bearer, although Aquarius is fixed sign. Aquarians, in contrast with Pisceans, are stubborn and determined. It’s like mixing oil and water. While the Piscean personality can jump from being strongly optimistic to terribly pessimistic, the Aquarian personality is likely to feel that these unsure souls, who are unreceptive to his ideas, actually incapable of comprehending, are a great source of aggravation. Aquarians hate hypocrisy. They operate as equals with equals. They are extremely independent.

Aquarians enjoy working with others on an ideal. Ultimately, their interest in human problems wins them respect and confidence. Rather than compassionate, though, their sympathy is impersonal and their response intellectual. They are tireless workers. Do you make the connection? Welcome to the Tea Party. Welcome to the Age of Aquarius.

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Summary of Sep 9-12 DC Events

SUMMARY OF EVENTS, EXHIBITS, MARCHES, ETC TAKING PLACE SEPT 9-12 IN DC(THERE ARE SOME DETAILS MISSING RELATING TO VIP LUNCHES, DINNERS, ETC)XPO - Liberty ExhibitThe Liberty Xhibit of Patriot Organizations (XPO) will be held Thursday and Friday, 9-10 September, in the exhibit hall of the Omni Shoreham. Operating hours are 1:00 pm until 8:00 pm on Thursday, the 9th, and then 9:00 am until 6:00 pm on Friday, the 10th.State HallIn conjunction with the March on DC & Unite In Action Liberty XPO and Symposium, a State Hall is provided for attending grassroots groups “from back home” to network 9-10 September with like groups and other patriots. These grassroots groups will have the opportunity to congregate, distribute their information and products, recruit new members, exchange best practices with others, and form state coalitions as desired.Liberty SymposiumThursday September 9TIME CLASS SPEAKER9:00am- 11:50am Putting America Back in the Hands of the People One Neighborhood at a Time The proven strategy to win votes and impact elections Presented by The Voices of America with Homemakers for America and the Abigail Adams ProjectPete WolfWarren EdstromKimberly FletcherPortrait of a Christian Nation. Presented by Conservative Moms for AmericaMary BakerRuth WhiteDebbie JansenDebi Keatts9:00am- 9:50am Understanding the System (American Majority)Ned RyunU.S. Foreign Aid: Enslaving Nations Tatiana MilneYOUTH: ROAR into Action I Matt Cook10:00am- 10:50am 10 Tips on Full Speed- How to be Most Effective in the Next 7 Weeks (American Majority)Matt RobbinsDefeating the “Big Money” Special Interests (Independence Caucus)Frank AndersonYOUTH: ROAR into Action II (Leadership Institute)TBA11:00am- 11:50am Patriotism and Communication (American Majority)Austin JamesMeet the Media and Win! (Speak to Lead)Lou HamptonYOUTH: A Renaissance Education Tatiana Milne12:00pm- 1:00pm Lunch Break1:10pm- 2:00pm Digital Pamphleteering: Learning the Tools to Win Online (American Majority)Austin James7 Events that Made America America (A Patriot’s History)Larry SchweikartEconomic Chess: How to counter the move the government is taking to destroy your wealth Gary RathbunYOUTH: Freedom’s Future: Inspiring the Next Generation of Liberty Leaders (Conservative Messenger)Keith Carl Smith2:10pm- 3:00pm Poll Watching (Athens Brigade)TBAStaying the Course Bob BassoNon-Profit Status and Legal Protection for Grassroots Groups (UIA) Jerry ThompsonYOUTH: TBA ROAR into Action III (Leadership Institute)TBA3:10pm- 4:00pm From Freedom to Slavery: Re-igniting America’sPassion for Liberty (Conservative Messenger)Keith Carl SmithA Renaissance Education (Leadership Education Mentoring Institute)Aneladee Milne"Tavern to Tavern: The US Founding Story"Stan KlosYOUTH: ROAR into Action IV (Leadership Institute)TBA4:10pm- 5:00pm Community Organizers for Freedom (American Majority)Ned RyunCycles of Education (Leadership Education Mentoring Institute)Aneladee MilnePassion Into Change Mackinac CenterHannah MeadPatriot Coaching TBA5:10pm- 6:00pm TBA (Break The Bonds of Tyranny)TBA7:00pm- 8:30pm Movie Premiere: Rockin the WallLarry Schweikart8:30pm- 10:00pm Evening Concert TBAFriday September 10TIME CLASS SPEAKER9:00am- 9:50am Becoming a Social Capitalist: Social Networking (American Majority)Austin JamesModern-day Minutemoms (As a Mom)Anita ReevesRUNNING: How To Design And Execute A Winning Political Campaign (radio host on Windows to Liberty) Peter FuscoYOUTH: Title coming Soon(Campus Majority) Beka Romm10:00am- 10:50am Voter Registration (American Majority)Anita MoncriefChild Centered Funding: the logical answer for a decaying educational system Bruno BehrendDefend the Constitution then Take the Hill Thomas PaineYOUTH: Key of Liberty Tatiana Milne11:00am- 11:50am Citizen Journalism 1: Access to Information Trent SeibertRestoring the Heart of America one Story at a time Marlene PetersonBreaking the Fundraising Code Ken HappelYOUTH: Trumping the Race Card Panel Alan KeyesKeith Carl SmithKevin JacksonMary BakerLisa Fritsch12:00pm- 1:00pm Lunch BreakFounders Friday: Lunch with the Founders1:10pm- 2:00pm Voter Fraud (American Majority)Anita MonCriefGovernment Bankruptcy: Tea Party RevivalLeland BakerFreedom Project (Leadership Education Mentoring Institute)Aneladee MilneYOUTH: TBA (Campus Majority) Beka Romm2:10pm- 5:00pm Putting America Back in the Hands of the People One Neighborhood at a Time. Presented by The Voices of America with Homemakers for America and the Abigail Adams ProjectPete Wolf,Warren Edstrom,Kimberly Fletcher2:10pm- 3:00pm Citizen Journalism 2: The Truth behind the Candidate Trent SeibertWhen No Means Yes to Freedom in the Constitution (Powerthink Publishing)James Michael Pratt,Paul B. SkousenBreaking the Chains of Plantation Politics (The Christian Politician)Apostle ClaverRockin’ the Wall MatineeYOUTH: TBA (Campus Majority) Austin James3:10pm- 5:00pm Mock Selection Session with GOOOH3:10pm- 4:00pm 10 Tips on Full Speed- How to be Most Effective in the Next 7 Weeks (American Majority)Matt RobbinsTBA (Numbers USA)Roy BeckYOUTH: TBA (Act for America) Lisa PiraneoNonie Darwish4:10pm- 5:00pm Understanding the System (American Majority)Ned RyunTBA Nonie DarwishYOUTH: Tomorrow’s Leaders Panel Peter Fusco7:00pm- 8:30pm Concert: Jeremy Hoop & Austin Hicks7:00pm- 9:00pm I-Caucus Candidate Meet and Greet 9-11 Memorial CeremonyAM Saturday September 119-11 Memorial Ceremony the morning of September 11thDate: Saturday, September 11thTheme: I Will!Pre March Gathering: 11:00am-11:45amWhere to Meet: Crowd will assemble between 11:00am and 11:45am in the area of the mall at Madison Dr NW and 4th St NW across the street from the National Gallery of Art (between the National Gallery of Art and the National Air and Space Museum) The March will begin at 12:00pm as the crowd proceeds to the Rally location down Constitution Ave and entering the Mall at the northeast corner of 15th street.March on DC Rally For AmericaPM Saturday September 11the March On DC Rally the afternoon of September 11thMarch Time: 12:00pmMarch Location: 7th Constitution AveRally Time: 1:00-4:00pmRally Location: Washington Monument Stage at 15th & Constitution AveSpeakersPerformersMapsWhat Should You Bring?Please join us on the afternoon of September 11th as we unite together on the National Mall and rededicate our lives to liberty, to the Constitution, and to the preservation of the values our nation was founded on.This is not a protest against our government. It is a rally FOR America! We encourage you to bring signs but this year our signs need to be different. This year our signs need to display messages of hope, pride, and gratitude. We need signs that thank the troops and all those who are fighting to defend our liberty; signs that reverence God and the providential history of our nation; signs that pay tribute to our Founding Fathers; and signs that simply say I WILL!I will dedicate my life to freedomI will read, honor, and respect the U.S. ConstitutionI will stand united with my fellow patriots to preserve libertyI will pay any price, I will make any sacrifice, I will do whatever it takes to ensure that America remains free for us, for our children and all those who will come after us.We are the people we’ve been waiting for! This is our nation. It is our freedom at stake. It is time to Unite as one nation under God to preserve the liberty that He gave us! It is time to heal our land!Speakers:Yvonne Donnely - National Director 912 ProjectBob Basso as Thomas PaineTatiana Milne - Young PatriotLarry Schweikart - Bestselling Author/ Producer Rockin the WallStuart Rhodes - Oath KeepersAmy Kremer - American Grassroots CoalitionApostle Claver - Raging ElephantsDon Hutchison - Tea Party ExchangeDr. Diaz Yoserev MD - Cuban ImmigrantJay Devereaux - Unite In ActionRabbi Jem GoldenKimberly Fletcher - Homemakers for AmericaLori Parker - As A Mom…Sisterhood of Mommy PatriotsStephanie Scruggs - President Unite In ActionStephanie Jhan - iCaucusRuth Bryant White - former candidate US PresidentStay Tuned, we saved a few suprises, more to come.Performers:Austin Hicks - www.austinhicks.netAva Aston - www.avaaston.comChuck Day - Paige - Curtis - SwornayMore To Come9/12 Taxpayer March on Washington, DCSunday September 12Who: FreedomWorks and allied conservative groupsWhat: 9/12 Taxpayer March on Washington, DC - 2010When: Sep. 12th, 2010, 10:00am until 5:00pmWhere: The Washington Monument and the U.S. Capitol building (MAP)Why: To protest big government and support lower taxes, less government and more freedomTentative Agenda for 9/12/201010:00am Nondenominational Service at The Washington Monument12:00pm March begins at Freedom Plaza and heads down Pennsylvania Ave. to the Capitol2:00pm Rally begins at the Capitol5:00pm Rally ends at the CapitolFeatured Speakers and Performers on 9/12/2010Ana Puig - Kitchen Table Patriots (Pennsylvania)Matt Kibbe - FreedomWorks president and CEOErick Erickson - RedState.comRep. Mike Pence - IndianaRobin Stublen - Punta Gorda, FLDick Armey - Former Majority Leader and FreedomWorks ChairmanRyan Hecker - Contract From AmericaTito Munoz - Conservative Hispanic CoalitionKen Cuccinelli - Virginia Attorney GeneralGary Johnson - Former Governor of New MexicoC.L. BryantThe Gatlin BrothersJon David KahnPhillip RogersBrazen 3
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~ There are 35,213 Qur'ran verses, hadiths, Sharia Laws and various Muslim scriptures commanding and encouraging killing, violence, war, annihilation, corporal punishment, hatred, boycott, humilitation, and subjugation aimed mainly against no...n-Muslims. Even if 90 percent of Muslims do not follow their religions command to kill, how can you or anyone else guarantee that others-however small the percentage-who consider themselves true believers will not obey the commandments? It is the duty of our government to protect the citizens from hate speech and calls for murder, even if such commandments are in a "religious document".

According to the U.S, Constitution, "All men are created equal" There are NO EXCEPTIONS made for religious commandments that are obeyed by their believers to kill U.S. Citizens on the basis of religion, rejection of religion or changing religion (which Islam teaches).
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