Bob VanDeHey's Posts (418)

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What Obama Gains

from Multi-State Bankruptcy


            If ugly truth is worse to you than lovely myth, go read someone else’s blog, I won’t myth you.   Most Americans are woefully ignorant of their foundations and the great vision of the Founding Fathers.  Over the years the progressive minority has attacked those foundations and the Founding Fathers incessantly and used that ignorance against us as they seek to destroy our Republic and replace it with a communist state. Progressivism, after all, is a desire to “progress” beyond the “ill-conceived and outdated” American Constitution in order to achieve progress toward a progressive-socialist (Marxist?) utopia on earth.

            Barack Obama believes that American Exceptionalism doesn’t exist and never actually existed. Most Americans feel there’s something definitely wrong with the President’s approach to things, but find it difficult to point a finger at exactly what’s not right. Let me give you a clue. The word “democracy” that he and others bandy about so pointedly is meaningless

Yes, our American Republic employs democratic means to select Representatives and Senators and semi-Democratic means to choose our president (the Founding Fathers put the electoral college into the mix for a damn good reason). But Democracy is not all that it’s cracked up to be . . . 

         A.  Justice and Freedom count; democracy can be misused and often is and doesn't matter
         B. There is always the possibility of “tyranny of the masses” in any democracy   
Democracy among ignorant folks has happened often in history and the resulting mob rule has never been pretty
         D.  Words are one thing, reality is generally another.  The Peoples' Democratic Republic of China is not for the people; not a Democracy; and certainly not a Republic.  They mow protestors down in the streets. 
         E.  Democracy among savages amounts to nothing more than Thugocracy and often Theo-Thugocracy.  

            Right now there is great talk of democracy in Tunisia, Libya and Egypt, Yemen and Bahrain all Islamic countries.  The chances they will degenerate into theocracies like Iran are excellent.  And Iran is definitely a Theo-Thugocracy. In a recent survey in Egypt a week before Dictator Mubarak was ousted, 85% of those surveyed approved of Shariah (strict Islamic code) “Justice” and Shariah Law. That is, 85% of the Egyptians think stoning people to death for not being a good Muslim; for adultery; for teaching other religions; believe that raped women must have four male witnesses to back up their case; think thieves should lose their hands; and see public lashing as fit punishment for women failing to cover themselves properly from head to foot . . . how much is democracy worth among such savage people? 

Democracy is certainly over-rated. Here in America, we have a Republic and the most successful republic in history and American Exceptionalism is alive and well, but severely threatened by Mr. Obama and his cohorts. The most Republican documents in our nation are: Paine’s Common Sense; the Declaration of Independence; The Constitution of the United States; The Bill of Rights added to the U.S. Constitution; and recently two more have been added  . . . The TEA Party’s “Contract from America;” and the Republican Party’s Pledge to America.   Perhaps two or three American in every 1,000 have read all six of these documents: a great pity that so many are so willfully ignorant. Here are some brief excerpts to serve as background before we get to the meat of this discussion with links to the whole documents provided so that the ignorant folk you know might be educated:


“America is more than a country

“America is an idea – an idea that free people can govern themselves, that government’s powers are derived from the consent of the governed, that each of us is endowed by their Creator with the unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. America is the belief that any man or woman can – given economic, political, and religious liberty – advance themselves, their families, and the common good.

           “America is an inspiration to those who yearn to be free and have the ability and the dignity to determine their own destiny.

           “Whenever the agenda of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to institute a new governing agenda and set a different course.

            “These first principles were proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence, enshrined in the Constitution, and have endured through hard sacrifice and commitment by generations of Americans.

            “In a self-governing society, the only bulwark against the power of the state is the consent of the governed, and regarding the policies of the current government, the governed do not consent.”     From “A Pledge to America” a 2010 document of the Republican Party


            “SOME writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them; whereas they are not only different, but have different origins. Society is produced by our wants, and government by our wickedness; the former promotes our happiness positively by uniting our affections, the latter negatively by restraining our vices. The one encourages intercourse, the other creates distinctions. The first is a patron, the last a punisher.

            "Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil in its worst state an intolerable one; for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamities is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer! Government, like dress, is the badge of lost innocence; the palaces of kings are built on the ruins of the bowers of paradise. For were the impulses of conscience clear, uniform, and irresistibly obeyed, man would need no other lawgiver; but that not being the case, he finds it necessary to surrender up a part of his property to furnish means for the protection of the rest; and this he is induced to do by the same prudence which in every other case advises him out of two evils to choose the least. Wherefore, security being the true design and end of government, it unanswerably follows that whatever form thereof appears most likely to ensure it to us, with the least expense and greatest benefit, is preferable to all others.”    From Common Sense by Thomas Paine



“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed . . .” from the Declaration of Independence unanimously approved by the 13 colonies


                We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”    The Preamble to the United States Constitution notice the huge size of the first three words . . . .


                                                “Amendment X

              "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”   as added to the U.S. Constitution four years after the Constitution was approved. Of the 27 Amendments to the Constitution, the first ten are the vital Republican documents cementing our freedoms and limiting government known as the Bill of Rights.


The Contract from America

      We, the undersigned, call upon those seeking to represent us in public office to sign the Contract from America and by doing so commit to support each of its agenda items, work to bring each agenda item to a vote during the first year, and pledge to advocate on behalf of individual liberty, limited government, and economic freedom.

Individual Liberty

      Our moral, political, and economic liberties are inherent, not granted by our government. It is essential to the practice of these liberties that we be free from restriction over our peaceful political expression and free from excessive control over our economic choices.

Limited Government

      The purpose of our government is to exercise only those limited powers that have been relinquished to it by the people, chief among these being the protection of our liberties by administering justice and ensuring our safety from threats arising inside or outside our country’s sovereign borders. When our government ventures beyond these functions and attempts to increase its power over the marketplace and the economic decisions of individuals, our liberties are diminished and the probability of corruption, internal strife, economic depression, and poverty increases.

Economic Freedom

      The most powerful, proven instrument of material and social progress is the free market. The market economy, driven by the accumulated expressions of individual economic choices, is the only economic system that preserves and enhances individual liberty. Any other economic system, regardless of its intended pragmatic benefits, undermines our fundamental rights as free people.

1. Protect the Constitution

      Require each bill to identify the specific provision of the Constitution that gives Congress the power to do what the bill does. (82.03%)    From the TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Party Contract from America in which Americans voted on their top ten issues and resolutions from among 24 key proposals. In the case of this #1 “plank” 82.03% of respondents thought that it was vital and it became the #1 issue for the TEA Party.


                In fairness, Rajjpuut has included some input from “the other side”:    When Barack Obama wrote his first autobiography, Dreams from My Father, here are the dreams he was referring to from his father’s article in the “East Africa Journal” as taken from a liberal website:


                    “Theoretically, there is nothing that can stop the government from taxing 100 per cent of income . . . I do not see why the government cannot tax those who have more . . .”    From Barak (no ‘c’) Hussein Obama’s article “Problems with our socialism in the East Africa Journal


                So, the question naturally becomes, “Besides Obama’s attacks upon American Exceptionalism and his utterly weak foreign policy, what exactly is it that Barack Obama, the progressives of both parties, the Democratic hierarchy and the union leadership are doing that threatens to destroy the American Republic? We could write whole volumes . . . .  

               Three main things come to mind:  1) Undermining the American Dollar and preparing its elimination as the world’s reserve currency right now thanks to Ben Bernanke and the Federal Reserve Banks’ unrestrained money-printing, theoretically the 2011 dollar is worth about 3.2 pennies from the late 2008 dollar 2) Bankrupting the federal government with trillion dollar deficits and refusing to aim for a balanced budget and reduction of runaway federal spending and 3) Setting up multi-state bankruptcy so that the individual states (re-

read the 10th Amendment above) will be made so weak and so totally dependent upon the federal government that all power will reside in Washington, D.C. and the federal government will run the life of the country totally and completely with the states no more than weak agencies of the federal government. 

               One of the overlooked aspects of Obamacare is that it mandates state takeover of much of the present federal side of Medicaid and of a great share of Medicare to pay for Obamacare. These provisions would bankrupt all 50 of the states sometime between 2022 and 2026.  

              The main reason that Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats did not pass a fiscal-2011 budget is that they had hidden $105 Billion in set-up fees (unconstitutionally hidden in Obamacare’s 2,900 pages. That is, they illegally took away all power from future congresses to control Obamacare and to save the states from financial ruin. If they’d passed a budget that $105 Billion would have stood out as stark evidence of their malfeasance. That final copy of the 2,900 page bill was given to the House to vote on just two hours before the vote. At that last minute, a cave-in by so-called anti-abortion Democrats led by Michigan’s Bart Stupak passed the bill (on receipt of a one-page promise from Barack Obama that no federally funded abortions would ever be part of Obamacare – so far over 200,000 have been paid for under Obamacare) with every Republican and 32 Democrats voting against it.

              Barack Obama wants to nullify the power of the states and the power of the individual citizens guaranteed by the 10th Amendment and his and the Union leadership's assault on Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio and Michigan aims to hamstring all the states with government workers unions once and for all.



Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,



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“It’s an ill wind that blows nobody good.”   Old saying



How to Best Protect All Future

Nuclear Reactor-Powered Generating Plants



    This blog will concern two closely related aspects of the Japanese tragedy that began over a week ago . . . .  

              1. John Heywood’s “Book of Proverbs” published in 1546 included this now famous saying: "An yll wynde that blowth no man to good, men say" and how it relates to the American economy now

              2. How to protect the nuclear power industry and, more importantly American citizens and the American economy

              Let’s begin with a current anecdote that thematically ties the two stories together: did you know that in response to the “meltdown” of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi’s support, Russia --which holds U.N. Security Council veto power -- was the main obstacle to the world agreeing to institution of a no-fly zone over Libya? Why? Because as one of the world’s greatest oil producers, Russia enjoys all manner of chaos that regularly tends to drive the price of oil skyward. In other words the “ill-wind” in Libya was blowing the Russian economy lots of good, thankfully worldwide pressure has seen the Russians capitualte. Similarly, that same “ill wind” in Libya is causing lots of consternation here in America as oil prices rise and drive gasoline cost at the pump inexorably higher. The connectedness of the world’s economy is both a curse and a boon depending upon which way the wind blows.

             America has a duty to help out our long-time ally Japan, no question.   At the same time, the American auto industry and auto- parts industries and all other American manufacturers need to respond to fill the vacuum left by the severe hit on Japan’s manufacturing from the combined 8.9 magnitude earthquake and horrific tsunami. Demand for automobiles and their parts; and electronics; and other manufactured goods is not going to drop substantially, someone needs to fill that void and it might as well be us. An ongoing and surprising example is the present boom in the sales of American Geiger counters and of American nutritional sales of potassium-iodide pills to the Japanese and to our own West Coast citizens.   On point #1, the ill-wind** needs to be exploited in our favor, ‘Nuff said.


             Point #2   As a former navy nuclear reactor operator on an American warship, Rajjpuut is aghast at the apparent state of the peace-time American nuclear industry in general; and more on our blog topic, those in Japan run by TEPCo (the Tokyo Electric Power Company); and most pointedly at the reactor plant grouping found at the Fukushima Daiichi generating station in the northeast of Japan’s main island of Honshu. As a former trainee of the Kepner-Tregoe management advisors, Rajjpuut believes that nuclear safety while a very complicated and utterly critical requirement: is ultimately quite easy.   “Yes,” complicated and critical, therefore NOT simple, but also “Yes,” easy. 

             Nuclear power safety issues are made easy by the utter necessity of ZERO failures. If cost, for example, can become a serious issue, then you wind up weighing-balancing cost and safety; and cost vs. safety  . . . clearly cost can NEVER become part of the decision-making process. Quality at every step, in every decision ties in to virtual 100% safety planning.   The key question as it always is in Kepner-Tregoe’s PPA (potential problem analysis) process is “What could go wrong?”

             With that key question “What cold go wrong?” guiding us, then it immediately becomes obvious that Japan is one of the worst places in the world to build nuclear reactors.   That does not mean that smart-safe reactors cannot be built there . . . it just means that SAFETY, which we knew was vital before, becomes absolutely a thousand-fold more critical.    Why? Because sitting on the edge of the Pacific Rim of Fire where severe and violent earthquake and tsunami activity are relatively common activities a whole lot more can be expected to go wrong on a regular basis.   TEPCo (a Japanese corporation with a scandal-ridden past throughout much of its fifty-year history in the nuclear industry) is the corporation ultimately responsible for cooling down and safeguarding the public from the threatened Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors.   However, TEPCo clearly hasn’t lives up to the challenge as its communications generally appear at odds with the international nuclear power agency’s evaluations and even to be internally contradictory.  Since TEPCo has five times been cited for false safety records in just the last decade, it’s an easy call to say that even though logically COST cannot matter . . .   TEPCo has badly violated that principle in the past and presumably is doing so right now also. Planning for a 7.5 magnitude earthquake in the initial stages and then not protecting reactors from potential tsunamis is a travesty. 

             Someone deliberately violated the safety before cost principles and now the whole island nation is at risk. Rajjpuut’s betting that in future, nations will be insisting upon nuclear plants built a minimum of five miles inland (away from tsunamis at any rate) capable of withstanding magnitude ten earthquakes.   Rajjpuut will also bet that common sense will prevail and future nuclear sites will contain only one reactor within a three-mile radius. Obviously the problem at the Fukushima complex has escalated so that if one reactor becomes a new Chernobyl, than the prospects are that the immediate three other reactors and the other two reactors at the site (six in all) will also become part of a monstrously greater problem.

              It’s been a long time since Rajjpuut worked in a nuclear reactor environment. However, referring back to his magnificent Kepner-Tregoe training, he believes that virtually any thinking man or woman with even a moderate exposure to the basic concepts of nuclear physics (and learning those basics are no harder than mastering many principles of the internal combustion engines (ICE) powering our cars) could plan how to safeguard virtually any nuclear reactor with very little effort. Again, the key concept is that failure is NOT an option/100% virtual safety is the goal. So what’s the idea here?

             What is the worst-case scenario with Japan’s nuclear reactors right now? Something Chernobyl-like at least in the public consciousness? And why does that situation now exist?

            The problem exists because power was cut by the earthquake. Power was cut by the tsunami. Power which was supposed to keep the reactor cooling system was not available. Backup systems that were supposed to replace essential cooling systems all failed 100%.  And the tsunami corrupted the reactor area itself. So what is the essential problem underlying the potential nuclear disaster in Japan?

            The cooling of the reactor’s fuel cell and total core has failed. If, despite the 8.9 quake and the ills brought by the tsunami . . . somehow the reactor core remained at normal operating or normal shutdown temperatures . . . no harm, no foul. So here’s Rajjpuut’s failsafe method . . . offered to the world for free:

            With each reactor (and remember they should each always be located separate and independent from other reactors and away from potential tsunami damage) build two rectangular buildings capable of withstanding an earthquake of magnitude 11. Each will house a diesel-powered emergency generator -- each generator built integral with the building itself. The generator, for example might be attached to the building with four solid beams attached one to each wall.   Test Generator A every Wednesday and Generator B every Sunday and examine all their connections to the reactor electrically and mechanically every other week. Even if all hell breaks loose as happened in Japan, you can lug in portable pumps etc.   just knowing you’ve got lighting, fans and electric power would be a “Godsend!”    Expensive? You bet? But public safety should NOT be compromised. Short of an earthquake with its very epicenter below the reactor and the two emergency generators . . . nothing except a one in a quadrillion hit by a giant meteorite will bring on the equal of today’s problems at the Fukushima site.


Ya’ll live long strong and ornery,



**        Sidebar here:  By the way, speaking of ill winds, there is a growing body of scientific knowledge that says that very small amounts of radiation from nuclear plants; x-rays; security scans; etc. is actually beneficial . . . it’s called “radiation hormesis:”

and actually helps prevent cancer for just one of its many indicated benefits.  That means it’s quite likely that the thinking that any sun at all is bad for you; and any radiation at all is bad for you is just utter nonsense. No sun, for example, means that millions of Americans are suffering from inadequate levels of Vitamin D-3 . . . .

            The trouble with “medical science” is that so much of it is tied to profit for somebody or other which gets in the way of serious science.   It’s all reminiscent of a time when health educator Rajjpuut was telling people back in the 1970’s that eggs were a wonderful food and that cholesterol didn’t cause heart attacks despite their so-called scientific evidence (based upon a mere 47% correlation between heart attack deaths and high cholesterol – less than a coin flip; while triglycerides in some studies show 86% correlation). Cholesterol levels used to be considered high at 280; then they were adjusted to label “high” at 250; then 200; and now some idiot doctors are saying that a 175 reading is “high.” Two comments: 1) Very low cholesterol readings can leave you vulnerable to strokes (and the idea that taking an aspirin every day can prevent heart attacks also makes one similarly more vulnerable to strokes) that waxy substance cholesterol is absolutely vital for your body’s well-being and your brain needs more of it than any other parts do and 2) if you drop the cholesterol readings low enough soon you’ll have a 100% correlation that will mean exactly nothing. When they can explain ultra-high cholesterol readings in highly fit aboriginal peoples (for one example, in Eskimos who subsist on blubber) and in Third-World peoples who never have heart attacks, then Rajjpuut will be listening.



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Is Trickle-Up Poverty the New Prosperity?


           While being assaulted on all sides with Barack Obama’s “trickle-up poverty” and other progressive government boondoggles like Obamacare on top of trillion-dollar national deficits as far as the eye can see and well beyond . . . a strange new phenomenon has emerged to further muddy the waters already obscuring our future hopes. China is now selling off American debt and ridding itself of dollars so that now the largest holder of American debt is . . . drum roll, please, Maestro! . . . the United States Federal Reserve Banking System. Yes, you read that correctly. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is now in the voodoo economics business all the way up to his fuzzy skull.  

           Over the last three months, China has sold roughly $19 billion in treasury bonds and other U.S. debt instruments. China, in other words, has become concerned about the sheer size of the U.S. overall debt and the high probability that the Federal Reserve’s unceasing money printing for the last twenty-nine months has debased and devalued the world’s reserve currency for ‘lo these last 60+ years: the American Dollar. Looking back in history that’s exactly what happened to the British Pound Sterling which had been the World’s Reserve Currency for over two hundred years until the Brits ousted Winston Churchill with World War II still not entirely won and brought in their Labour (progressive-liberal) Party to run the show. Labour inflated their once proud currency so much that the citizens and nations of the world began dumping the Pound and fleeing for gold, silver, the gold-backed Swiss Franc and most commonly for the American Dollar.

            The American Federal Reserve now standing as the largest holder of U.S. Treasury debt means that financing Obama’s third trillion-dollar federal budget deficit in succession has become something the rest of the world has begun to shy away from. China is still the largest foreign-holder of American debt, but the Chinese seem determined to remove their names from the top of that dubious list (other top foreign holders of U.S. debt instruments include: Japan, Russia, Brazil, India, Korea, England, France, Germany and Saudi Arabia). It also suggests that faith and trust in the “Almighty Buck” may be reaching a low-ebb.

            Unlike hard money (gold and silver) and all hard-money backed currencies such as the Swiss Franc and the Kruggerand-backed South African money . . . paper money has zero intrinsic value . . . it only exists and continues to serve so long as people trust the government issuing the paper bills (and that goes double for a nation’s paper debt instruments).    Bernanke has run the printing pressings so long that on a sheer mathematical basis the dollar of today is technically worth only as much as 3.4 pennies compared to the dollar of late 2008 when the financial crisis reached its low spot and the U.S. government started stepping in. What’s going on here? Why is Bernanke printing so much money?

            Bernanke is a well-known student of the Great Depression and has written numerous articles suggesting that the reason the Great Depression turned from a “little-d depression” into a “capital-G/capital-D Great Depression” is because there was never sufficient money in circulation to head off relentless deflation. That is, he believes a vicious-circle of deflation was created and that the continuous dropping of prices fed off itself and destroyed jobs which destroyed buying power which destroyed businesses which destroyed more jobs, etc., etc. 

            There is some truth to what Mr. Bernanke suggests . . . but it’s a lot like yanking your starting pitcher off the mound with the score going from 2-1 in the 6th to 8-1 against you in the 8th . . . once so much damage has been done . . . almost nothing will work. Perhaps the twirler should have been sent to the showers when he looked tired after 120 pitches before the start of the 7th?  Or after he’d allowed a home run and walked the next two batters with no outs in the 7th? Poor decisions early in a process can make finding good decisions later . . . very, very difficult.

            Rajjpuut suggests a different reading of history is more accurate.    Almost precisely a full decade before the infamous 1929 stock market crash we had a depression start-up that 98% of Americans never heard about. Progressive Woodrow Wilson’s so-called “Invisible Depression” started in late 1919 and was full-blown by the time Warren G. Harding was elected in November, 1920; and much worse when Harding took office in March of 1921 (they had a four-month Lame-Duck session in those days). Production had already dropped nation-wide by 26%. Ignoring the suggestions of his Commerce Secretary Herbert Hoover for immediate implementation of numerous government aid programs and other subsidies . . . Harding did only four things:


1.       Cut government spending by 48%

2.      Cut taxes by 49%

3.      Paid down the nation’s debt by 30%

4.       Slashed government regulatory interference across the board


            In fifteen months the economy had rebounded mightily (just a couple months later,  Harding died in office so he barely got to enjoy his success). The United States was now well into the “Roaring Twenties” the most single prosperous rebound of any economy in the recorded history of the planet. Calvin Coolidge, Harding’s vice-president continued the Harding policies faithfully, but chose “not to run” in 1928.   One of the most popular men in America and a famous philanthropist and author, Herbert Hoover ran for the presidency for the Republicans and won in a landslide over Democrat Al Smith.  Only three men in history have become president of the U.S. without extensive military or business executive or elected experience: Taft, Obama and Hoover.

            Hoover was a famous geologist and mining engineer who married the daughter of a rich banker.  He believed mightily in the “Efficiency Movement” (if you’ve read Cheaper by the Dozen, the father, Frank Gilbreth, was founder of the Efficiency Movement) and believed that the economy was riddled with waste and inefficiency which could be dramatically improved by “experts” like him once they identified the problems and solved them. Hoover became, according to the New York Times “one of the Ten Most Important Living Americans” for his charitable and humanitarian work during World War I.  

            Hoover administered distribution of over two and one-half million tons of food to nine million war victims and was later named head of the brand new U.S. Food administration by Woodrow Wilson when the country entered the War. A member of the Supreme Economic Council after the war, as well as head of the American Relief Administration he continued organizing shipments to millions of starving people in Central Europe.  A well-known philanthropist, Hoover like Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson was like them a self-described “Progressive and Reformer.”

             He came to be known as “Wonder-Boy” during the Harding-Coolidge administrations for his notorious and comical lust for expanding portions of everybody else’s bailiwicks into new roles for the Commerce Department. The reporters of his day called Hoover, "the Secretary of Commerce... and Under-Secretary of Everything Else!" Long before he had entered politics he had abandoned laissez-faire economic thinking. Outside of engineering and charitable work he was a terrible micro-manager always on the look out to fix what wasn’t broken.  History shows that Hoover did one very important thing as Commerce Secretary:  he codified and standardized traffic lights across the nation. 

              As soon as he was elected president Hoover set about planning the undoing of much of the good work created by Coolidge and Harding.   He raised government spending and taxes and debt.  He initiated numerous “eleemosynary” style federal activities (reminiscent of his charitable work in World War I) to protect workers and farmers and businesses from the natural vicissitudes of the free market economy. His biggest mistake was instituting a huge tariff designed to protect American farm workers from foreign competition but remove such protections from business; the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act was to cause great consternation in the business world. The agricultural tariff increase was the second highest in U.S. history and put a lot of people out of work. Overall, once the stock market crashed in 1929, Hoover instituted the biggest big-government policies the nation had ever seen.

             Franklin Delano Roosevelt (who had once praised Hoover in 1919 and tried to get him to run as the Democratic presidential candidate) and his v-p running mate Garner accused Hoover of being a socialist and promised that when elected they would:


1.      Cut government spending severely

2.      Cut taxes dramatically

3.      Pay down the nation’s debt

4.       Slashed government regulatory interference across the board and eliminate many of the socialistic programs of Hoover


          Since these amounted to little more than promises to do what Harding had succeeded with in 1921, people embraced FDR and he won in a landslide taking office in March 1933. History shows that the bottom of the Great Depression was reached in July, 1933, and the bottom of our own “Great Recession” was reached in March, 2009, in each case shortly after the new president took office. Ordinarily the expectation is that after the bottom is reached, prosperity begins to return within six months. In both FDR’s and Barack Obama’s cases, however, government interference made things much, much worse.

          FDR, of course, did exactly the opposite of what he promised. He dramatically raised taxes and government spending and debt and deficits. He expanded all of Hoover’s social and economic programs and added 40 of his own (just one law in 2010, Obamacare, created 384 new government agencies, so FDR was a piker compared to Barack) and made big government a way of life. He also confiscated gold coinage and then instituted an overnight inflation of 69% by pegging the dollar to gold at $35 per ounce (he’d given the citizens just $20.76) impoverishing the taxpayers while enriching the government. Of course doing what Harding did and avoiding what Hoover and FDR did is just common sense . . . something seemingly beyond Obama and Bernanke . . . .

          In June, 2009, when the full-folly of the Obama policies began to outline themselves in sharp contrast to common sense . . . the Chinese held $896 billion in American debt; today they hold $764 billion a 15% reduction in greenback holdings. Since an outright flooding of the market with U.S. debt notes would destroy China as well as the U.S., it seems the Chinese are now buying up gold and silver in large quantities and making an orderly retreat from the dollar – leaving our suspect currency in the hands of less astute nations and of Ben Bernanke. Since the American trade deficit with China alone reached a record $273.1 Billion in 2010, the Chinese are going to have to work awfully hard to keep lowering their dollar holdings . . . so one suspects that gold and silver will continue to rise quickly.

          Bernanke’s monetary policy, known as “Quantitative Easing” a.k.a. “irresponsibly printing money,” has seen the Federal Reserve recently buy up $600 billion worth of Treasury debt. Big Ben’s plan is to hold down interest rates and thus help lower the cost of federal government borrowing (to cover the Obama deficits) and incidentally increase inflation which he believes will stimulate economic growth and create jobs. This is a very Keynesian economic philosophy. In the months prior to his death in 1946, John Maynard Keynes (as the ending of the British Pound Sterling’s  200- year reign as the world’s reserve currency approached) who had long preached against the classical economic wisdom of Adam Smith and Smith’s “invisible hand of the marketplace,” like an atheist seeking God at the last hour repented . . . .

          As Britain’s economic hole under the progressive Labor Party deepened, and his own death drew near, Keynes told Henry Clay of the Bank of England of his hopes that Adam Smith’s “invisible hand” would somehow save the English economy and yank Britain out of the economic swamp it found itself in: "I find myself more and more relying for a solution of our problems on the ‘invisible hand’ which I tried to eject from economic thinking twenty years ago." The inflation destroyed the Pound Sterling as the Labor Party continued with government largesse and Keynes’ deathbed conversion went to naught.

          Here in America recent spikes in food prices and energy costs are a direct consequence of Bernanke’s unofficial devaluation of the dollar. The government continues under-reporting of inflation assisted by the Labor Statistics Bureau’s refusal to include fluctuations in prices of food and energy. Bernanke, however, believes that deflation is still the rule and continues to inflate the currency to avoid a second Great Depression. Since job creation by the private sector is the key, perhaps the government ought to try: cutting spending; cutting taxes; eliminating debt; and getting the government out of the way of the free market . . . oops, that’s been mentioned before . . . .


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,



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Japan Moves 8’; Earth 10”; Reactors Deteriorate;
Nuclear-Waste Cataclysm Awaits???
            Murphy’s Law and recently revealed Japanese nuclear-incompetence may be setting the world up for an absolute disaster. First the background: The entire nation of Japan and all its islands moved a full eight feet closer to the United States; and the entire earth was shifted ten inches on its axis (and rotational speed slowed slightly) by the recent 8.9 mega-quake striking the sea floor near northeast Japan. The ensuing tsunami (tidal wave) was, naturally enough, worse than anyone prepared for . . . in other words an unimaginable amount of power struck the Japanese and unimaginably devastating consequences are now happening.
            Unimaginable to you and me is not the same as "unforeseeable" in the world of engineering, or shouldn’t be. However, the up-to-now competent Japanese engineering community seems to have blundered badly in one respect that might soon come to haunt them and many of us: nuclear waste storage. Incredibly enough, reports say that the Japanese have been storing the radioactive waste on site – get this – in rooms above the reactor containment areas. It doesn’t take a genius to see that this sort of idiocy could instantaneously turn the worst-case scenario into a mega-disaster for the ages. 
Murphy ’s Law (“Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong at the worst possible time, in the worst possible way!”) is now in play. The densely-populated Japanese islands hold fifty-five reactors. Many of them have been idiotically clumped together (economical in many ways, but dangerous to the nth degree) so unfortunately, threats to one reactor’s core could conceivably threaten the whole group and even make normal human operation of the nearby ones impossible. 
Three of those reactors (two at the Fukushima site) have now been assigned to the scrap heap as emergency sea water cooling has been introduced into them destroying all future value as power generators. Granted moving a monstrously huge island eight feet eastward is hard to predict . . . but, clumping reactors in close proximity and storing highly dangerous nuclear waste above the reactors themselves; these are the sorts of acts that can win a whole truckload of Darwin Awards (given to those who find ultra-ignorant ways to wipe themselves out of reproducing and affecting the gene pool) for a people whose intelligence and engineering savvy had been famous worldwide up to recently.
Rajjpuut would suggest that whole volumes will soon be written about the errors of judgment attached to Japan’s nuclear industry. What to do about the waste now? OUCH!  Moving it away from the threatened reactors seems very wise, but remember they’ve had over 300 aftershocks; more than 120 of those aftershocks have been of greater magnitude than the quake that demolished parts of New Zealand last week; more than 150 of these aftershocks have been greater than 6.0 reading – do you want trucks of nuclear waste travelling around the flattened landscape waiting for one more 6.3 Richter Scale tremor to destroy the trucks and release their deadly cargo everywhere?   OUCH!
            Since multiple meltdowns (multiple meltdowns!!!) are now a distinct possibility on top of everything else that's attacked the island; we recommend the American management experts Kepner-Tregoe be invited in to help the Japanese deal with this unmitigated mess (a K-T technical phrase describing a conflagration and confluence of intertwined problems) ASAP. Pray for Japan.
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
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“The survival-value of human intelligence has never been proved.” Michael Crichton late-great science-fiction novelist speaking to us from his first great novel, The Andromeda Strain
                “Human beings can be made to believe anything and to advocate dangerous actions, so long as the supposed authority behind the ideas is SCIENCE.” Rajjpuut’s thematic extraction from Crichton’s last novel State of Fear
To Err is Too Damn Human
The word “Chernobyl” comes immediately to mind. The situation in Japan has deteriorated markedly in the last fifteen hours. The so-called “perfect storm” has hit. 1. An 8.9 magnitude earthquake (3,000 times more powerful than the one that hit New Zealand recently) struck from the ocean floor near northeast Japan. 2. A huge tsunami generated by the earthquake struck the region. 3. The combination of seawater and the original earthquake and 136 aftershocks each greater than  6.0 on the Richter Scale destroyed the viability at least one nuclear power plant at the Fukushima site powering Tokyo turning it into a serious ecological threat. 4. Several mechanical back-up systems wisely created to prevent “the perfect storm” have so utterly and miserably failed that they might as well have taken on a mind of their own and deliberately sabotaged the whole endeavor 5. It appears that initial planning and particularly site location for at least some of the fifty-five Japanese plants was less than circumspect and for the Fukushima nuclear plants (more than one are located there – tell me it ain’t so, Lord!) was downright criminal. 6. It is very, very likely that human error after the initial earthquake also played a part in the ongoing disaster.
Short of a magic-bullet solution, this mess is on course to deteriorate far worse and far more rapidly than most of us can imagine. Japan is a densely-populated nation and an island. Japan is the site of routine and powerful earthquake activity on the “Pacific Rim of fire.” Japan has suffered a horrific 8.9 magnitude earthquake and 136 severe aftershocks most of them rivaling the power of the earthquake that hit New Zealand. If normal “protocols” following a major earthquake occur, Japan can expect Mother Nature to send them a string of tremors lasting at least the next five weeks . . . each of them with the potential to make the Fukushima situation categorically WORSE. Think of the British Petroleum disaster one year ago. Now multiply the potential ill-effects by half a trillion . . . it’s not just a mess. It’s the ultimate mess (note:  the term “mess” is an exacting term first applied to human activity in a meaningful and scientific way by Americans Charles Kepner and Benjamin Tregoe and their Kepner-Tregoe Management Systems program beginning in the late 50’s and early 60’s, more on this later).  Perhaps two of the worst effects in the long run from this situation will be adding weaponry to the environmental saboteurs’; and Jihadist saboteurs’ arsenals . . . any doubt where they’ll tend to aim their attacks now? Let’s try to put this disaster into perspective . . . .
We’ve all seen techno-thriller movies with the now common theme of “technology-run-amuck.” It wasn’t always so.  The idea itself was so powerful that Hollywood itself couldn’t even hope to handle it adequately. For example, they took one of the greatest novels of all time, Frankenstein, and made such a farce out of it in numerous variations for sixty years, that when finally an honest rendition of the novel was produced they had to name it “Mary Shelley’s” Frankenstein to let people know this was the real McCoy exactly as the great novelist wrote it and not some hangover from the Hollywood 1940’s. They even had to get Robert De Niro to play the part of Adam, Victor Frankenstein’s misbegotten creation to lend authenticity to the project.
The single greatest pioneer of this genre of sci-fi, late great sci-fi writer Michael Crichton wrote many extremely popular books and was part of several truly great movies as well. Two of his greatest endeavors were found near the beginning of his rise to fame and near the end of his days: The Andromeda Strain and the lesser known but seriously provocative State of Fear. The two novels present alternating views of human reality, neither one of them very flattering. In the Andromeda Strain Crichton ventures the idea that the survival value of intelligence has never been adequately documented and thus we often become our own worst enemies. The message in State of Fear is even more pointed and poignant . . . human beings can be made to believe anything and to do any dangerous things, so long as the authority behind the lies is “science.” One is reminded of the so-called science of “eugenics” operating as a founding principle within Nazism. The Nazis actually made serious long-term trips to the Himalayas to “investigate Aryan roots.”
Crichton’s suggesting in State of Fear that in the name of the supposedly good (e.g. “environmentalism”) reacting to perceived techno-threats, we are also capable of tremendously stupid actions with the potential to create enormous dangers** to ourselves.   Taken together the message from the two books is easily underestimated: To err is human; and human arrogance makes all problems exponentially worse. This is the story of the third hit in Japan: the nuclear disaster following the earthquake, the tsunami, the 136 aftershocks and everything else that went wrong. As a tenet from Messers Kepner and Tregoe which has so often been validated puts it: “the most important management activity is potential problem analysis (PPA) and follow-up prevention; the most important question in PPA is “What could go wrong?”
When you find the answer to the question “What could go wrong?” is “Absolutely everything!” You know somebody didn’t ask the vital question seriously enough in the first place. Let us break down this “mess” into its component disasters:
1.       Should a nuclear reactor ever be built in an earthquake zone, “What could go wrong?”
2.     Should a nuclear reactor ever be built near enough to the coastline that a tsunami could conceivably hit it, “What could go wrong?”
3.     Should two or three or more nuclear reactors ever be built within fifty miles of one another? If multiple reactors are built within very close proximity, “What could go wrong if one reactor has a severe lack of coolant accident?   Could things be made exponentially worse by the presence of a second reactor so near?”
4.     Even if a nuclear reactor’s redundant safety systems survive a severe earthquake, “What could go wrong if a tsunami hits?”
5.    Even if a nuclear reactor’s redundant safety systems survive a severe earthquake and a tsunami, “What could go wrong if a string of aftershocks more than 6.0 on the Richter Scale hit?”
6.     Even if a nuclear reactor’s redundant safety systems survive a severe earthquake and a tsunami, and a string of aftershocks more than 6.0 on the Richter Scale, “What could go wrong if back-up power systems fail?
7.     Even if a nuclear reactor’s redundant safety systems survive a severe earthquake and a tsunami and a string of aftershocks more than 6.0 on the Richter Scale and a failure of backup power systems to employ,  “What if the core still cannot be cooled and what if even heroic human endeavors fail to return the core to safe levels?”
Such is the anatomy of a mess: a confluent congregation of problems each of which by itself might not amount to an insurmountable problem, but which in their overwhelming negative synergy can prove disastrous.  Let’s add the final questions . . . .
8.    What if human operator or human management error is added to the other problems?”
9.     What if human slowness in the face of conflicting evaluations is added to the other problems?
10.What if danger to human operators and/or managers makes even trained proper responses impossible?
11.  What if the universe decided to make an example of us on this one?
You get the picture . . . the road to hell can indeed be paved with the very best of intentions, but a certain amount of stupidity makes the devil’s work go ever so much smoother.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,

** For example, the banning of DDT has unnecessarily killed roughly 78 million people (just from malaria, not to mention five other serious widespread insect-borne tropical diseases) since 1972 based upon the pseudo-scientific book Silent Spring by Rachel Carson. The 1972 level of 40,000 malaria deaths annually worldwide has now deteriorated to 2.1 million deaths annually. The pseudo-science of global warning by reverting the entire globe to energy use reminiscent of the early 1800’s would result in death by starvation, etc. of perhaps two-thirds of present humanity within two or three years if the most “ambitious” anti-global warming solutions were employed. Some solutions are much more dangerous than the problems (if the problems even actually exist). Crichton’s State of Fear is the perfect vessel for understanding the political biases rampant among people who use the environmental movement as a vehicle for personal empowerment, wealth and CONTROL.



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                The next dozen or so times you talk with the Creator, put in a good word for the Japanese who really need all the help, divine or otherwise, they can get.  In the wake of the 8.9 magnitude earthquake and the ensuing tsunami, in the last half hour things just got a lot worse. The news is, in short:  not good. According to reliable sources in Japan, “an explosion” at Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant injured several workers and began emitting either smoke or steam about ten minutes after a loud explosion was heard. 
Purportedly the ceiling of the reactor’s radiation containment building collapsed. Cause of the explosion is under investigation but any such damage at any nuclear plant is cause for serious concern. Rajjpuut, who worked as an electronic technician and reactor operator on the U.S.S. Truxtun (a nuclear-powered frigate), has not been optimistic since he first heard roughly 24 hours ago that several Japanese reactors had scrammed and that two were having cooling system problems. In the worst-case scenario, a meltdown is underway already. Lesser scenarios are much less potent and deadly, but hardly anything to cheer about except to say, “Hurrah, NO meltdown is going on yet!”  Apparently the problems all ensued when several normally reliable back-up systems failed at the same time as the reactor "fail-safe" scram on the heels of the massive 8.9 Richter-scale earthquake which struck northeast Japan. 
           Worst news of all at that time was that the backup cooling system was inoperable. Nuclear energy comes from heated water in a contained primary system heated by nuclear fuel generating steam in a secondary system that turns turbines serving as generators of electricity.  The primary system of a nuclear plant MUST be contained/housed inside thick radiation-proof walls and never be allowed to overheat or to come in contact with ordinary atmosphere.  Nuclear fuel rods generate incredible heat which must be removed constantly by a reliable cooling system. Because of the high density population on Japan, the short- and long-term health risks are almost unimaginably stark for people in the vicinity. Complicating the issue is that the Fukushima nuclear site is a multiple reactor location with at least two operating reactors. No word yet on the cooling systems for other Fukushima reactors. Pray for the Japanese people.
Say a sincere and righteous prayer,

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“You can always fool every one of the people who feel that your lies encompass their pre-conceived foolish notions and presumed (but irrational) best interests.” Rajjpuut
"Gold is not necessary. I have no interest in gold. We will build a solid state without an ounce of gold behind it." - Adolf Hitler
"I find myself more and more relying for a solution of our problems on the “invisible hand” which I tried to eject from economic thinking twenty years ago." John Maynard Keynes (nearing his death) in 1946
Ben Bernanke, Barack Obama
Inflating Our Dollars in Hopes
of Avoiding Double-Dip Recession
          It’s a monstrous game of “Hot Potato.” The winner of the “Biggest Fool Trophy” for economics’ “bigger fool theory of market crashes and bubbles” is right now being fought out among three extraordinary combatants . . . a) the Chinese and other nations’ government officials hoping to avoid collapse of their own economies b) Barack Obama and the congressional Democrats and c) the American public.   All parties, though they may not yet realize it, are faced with the disaster of being the last one holding more and more worth less and eventually worthless American dollars. Let’s examine the battlefield they’re contesting upon.  
The history is brief but poignant: the oldest continuing currency in the world is the British Pound Sterling (BPS) first minted in 775 A.D when "sterlings" or silver pennies were the main currency; 240 sterlings or “pence” weighed one pound.  Silver is relatively heavy so you can imagine how small these sterlings were:  just 1/15 of an ounce each. Their earliest common use was to bribe the Viking invaders  with so-called danegeld and that money became the currency of many 
Scandanavian nations as well as England.  
For over two hundred years between the early 18th and middle 20th Centuries, the BPS was esteemed as the world’s reserve currency (a currency from one country held in substantial quantities by a significant amount of the world’s other nations whose leaders believe this “hoarding” of the originating country's currency as a “reserve” was in the best interests of their countries and the  leaders themselves). 
Before World War I the BPS was clearly and easily the most important international currency with London the world's most important financial hub.  Over 60% of global trade was financed, invoiced and settled in sterling, and the largest proportion of official reserves owned by the world’s nations, apart from silver and gold, was found in BPS notes. Although not even all the territories within the British Empire itself used the BPS as their local currency, most of those that did NOT, pegged their local currency at a fixed rate to sterling, as did many foreign countries outside the Empire including virtually every advanced and important country in the world.   But this two-century old revered status for the BPS was soon to end . . . .
After World War I, the two greatest economies of the planet (America and Britain) had long based their economic thoughts and actions on the hero of the Scottish Enlightenment Adam Smith, author of  . . . the Wealth of Nations (1776) a long-titled book that profoundly motivated our American Founding Fathers when they started drawing up a Constitution eleven years later. Smith who had referred to the idea of “the invisible hand” in his books History of Astronomy and The Theory of Moral Sentiments, eventually found his real niche and talked about “the invisible hand” of the marketplace; and laissez-faire capitalism as the foundation of sound economics.  And England and America as a result of common sense and listening to Adam Smith found themselves prospering mightily. Smiths' fundamental tenet was this:   free market economies are more productive and beneficial to their societies and both England and America largely practiced what Smith preached and prospered mightily over the next century and a half.  But something new was very rotten in England . . . .
England’s own John Maynard Keynes became one of the world’s most trusted economists and Keynes believed that gold and silver and currencies pegged to precious metals were holding back economic growth around the world. Keynes’s  two-volume economic idiocy* Treatise on Money, was published in 1930** and Britain left the gold standard in 1931^^, and many foolish countries that had pegged their currencies to gold and kept reserves in the BPS went along with the nonsense, most especially those countries within the British Commonwealth of Nations.  These countries and others around the world became known as the "sterling bloc".
After World War II ended, the ungrateful British citizens ousted Winston Churchill and welcomed in the progressives (the Labor Party) who began to immediately and seriously inflate the British Pound.  In response most countries outside the Commonwealth quickly began jettisoning the pound in droves. The world faced economic chaos. The natural action of the wise countries was to put their reserves in gold or silver; but they also wanted a more flexible currency as part of their reserves. Since that time, the American Dollar has been the world’s reserve currency and has dominated the international scene for over sixty years.
However, all has not been peachy keen for dollar holders . . . .
1) Richard Nixon in the midst of a pervasive and lengthy American stock market crash (it ran from 1969 with a brief hiatus in ’70-’71 to become a full-fledged meltdown in 1973-74) sabotaged many of them when he let the dollar float against gold.  Nixon's and his second vice- president Gerald Ford's and especially the actions of President Jimmy Carter (inflation briefly reached 21% near the end of his single-term presidency) caused much consternation among dollar-holders.
2) About late 1998, many worldwide holders of the dollars again began to feel serious misgivings about the effect of sub-prime home lending policies festering in America and began ridding themselves of dollars. In the decade between 1999 and 2009, many began putting their reserves into other currencies (most notably the Euro). The peak dollar holdings in 1999 at 70.9% plunged to 62.2% in 2009; while the Euro became the 2nd favorite reserve currency going from 17.9% to 27.3% holdings. Since mid-2009, serious discussions have been taking place about replacing the dollar as the world’s reserve currency and now the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has made a recommendation to that effect while countries like China and Russia and Brazil and India are exploring conducting trade among themselves in their native currencies (Yuan, Ruble, Real and Rupee), while buying gold and silver and lowering their dollar holdings.
Dollar holders face another serious threat in the Obama era.  Neither the IMF nor the many foreigners and foreign nations holding American Dollars already . . . and especially not those foreign governments most-willing in the past to loan money to Americans (by buying our Treasury Notes and other debt instruments)  . . . are enthused by the deliberate and egregious inflationary actions of Obama and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke.
C) Bernanke has been running the money printing presses full-time for over thirty months right now.  Currently, if mathematics alone (and not pure trust and tradition) were the telling factor in how much the 2011 American dollar should be worth, it would weigh in   about 1/30 of the value of the October, 2008 American Dollar.
D. In February, 2011, President Barack Obama’s feeble attempt at a national budget showed willful refusal to deal with  our nation's and the world's "dollar problem."  Obama, Pelosi, Reid, the vast majority of Democrats and Union leaders and Michael Moore go so far as to deny any debt crisis exists.   It seems you can always fool every one of the people who feel that your lies encompass their pre-conceived notions and presumed (but irrational) best interests.  Obama and the progressive are now threatening even greater American deficits and national debt. This shows the world that unless the Republican House of Representatives can change the nation’s direction . . . loaning America money and holding American dollars is one of the stupidest actions anyone can make. This brings us back to paragraph one above, where we (presuming that the Republican efforts to eliminate the debt and balance the budget fall short of success) said:
It’s a monstrous game of “Hot Potato.” The winner of the “Biggest Fool Trophy” for economics’ “bigger fool theory of market crashes and bubbles” is right now being fought out among three extraordinary combatants . . . a) the Chinese and other nations’ government officials hoping to avoid collapse of their own economies b) Barack Obama and the congressional Democrats and c) the American public.   Who will be the sucker left holding the American Dollar?
            Unless the G.O.P. can work a miracle . . .  who will be the biggest fool of all still holding onto American dollars rather than using them as toilet paper by 2013?  One world famous economic theorist once said, “"Gold is not necessary. I have no interest in gold. We will build a solid state without an ounce of gold behind it." On the theory that you can’t go too far wrong doing precisely the opposite of whatever Adolf Hitler would recommend, a lot of the “contestants” will undoubtedly opt-out of the contest and buy gold and silver. Another man finally wised up at the very end . . . "I find myself more and more relying for a solution of our problems on Adam Smith’s ‘invisible hand’ which I tried to eject from economic thinking twenty years ago," said John Maynard Keynes nearing his death in 1946 just before the BPS lost its place as the world’s reserve currency.
            Isn’t it funny how the wisest words spoken by some of the world’s most influential progressives are totally ignored? FDR and labor leader George Meany and Jimmy Carter, for example, all agreed that allowing labor unions among government employees is a horrible idea. The founder of Keynesian economics, John Maynard Keynes himself, admitted that Adam Smith had been right and he’d been mistaken . . . but the progressives remember only their nonsense and, indeed, come to worship it.   In all this talk about “millions” as “chump change” and “billions” as “insignificant,” let’s examine what they really mean. Politicians love the public’s inability to deal with large amounts of money, since it frees them to do just about whatever they please . . . think of this: we are currently $14.1 TRillion in debt so paying off the debt at $1 per second means that . . .
1 million seconds = approximately 12 days to pay off $1 million
1 billion seconds = 32 years to pay off $1 Billion
1 trillion seconds = 32,000 years to pay off $1 Trillion
14.1 trillion seconds = 451,000 years to pay off $14.1 TRillion
             Now let’s get back to that game of Hot Potato. Rajjpuut encourages you NOT to be the last one holding dollars in serious quantities when inflation rears its ugly head. Good luck!
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
^^ Influenced also by Keynes, FDR confiscated all non-numismatic American gold in 1933 giving the holders of the coins $20.76 per ounce of gold. He then pegged the value of gold at $35.00 an ounce thus within months inflating American paper currency by 68.6% and robbing the people, to enrich the federal government – a move that turned the depression with a little ‘d’ into the 12.5 year long Great Depression.   Compare the dealings of progressive presidents Woodrow Wilson and FDR to Harding (and his vice president Calvin Coolidge who succeeded Harding when he died in office) in dealing with the “Invisible Depression,”(see the next footnote) should you ever get confused about what’s best for the people and how the purported best-interests of the nation almost always amount to out-and-out theft from hard-working and thrifty individuals.
** Keynes’ “thinking” in 1930 deliberately ignored the fact that the American resurgence (“The Roaring 20’s”) from the “Invisible Depression of 1920” came almost immediately on the heels of the policies of President Warren G. Harding who cut government spending by 48%; cut federal taxes by 49% and paid down the national debt by 30% ending Woodrow Wilson's depression in fifteen months.  Perhaps Keynes believed that the progressive policies of Wilson that created the debacle were responsible for the greatest single-decade jump in prosperity the world has ever known? In any case like many English Fabian-Socialists, Keynes embraced and encouraged progressivism. His ideas fitting right in with the demands of totalitarian states and wannabes everywhere have been thunderously applauded for 80 years but never once worked satisfactorily . . . hmmmm.
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Al-Jazeera Channel Given Rave Reviews

by American Secretary of State Clinton



     You might be as surprised as Rajjpuut is that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has now become a great fan of the Arabic newspaper Al-Jazeera long known as an “instigator of anti-American viewpoints” and propaganda . . . .



     Has Al-Jazeera done a dramatic about face or is Clinton entering early senility? “Al-Jazeera, Clinton suggests has become a leader in “changing people’s minds and attitudes” according to what Clinton told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. “Like it or hate it, it is really effective,” Ms. Clinton continued. Going to the horse’s mouth, however, Rajjpuut discovered that Clinton’s contention that Al-Jazeera was gaining an American following was pure horse crap, unadulterated pure horse crap. According to my old friend Amin,   a retired navy officer who would prefer NOT to have his last name in print, Al-Jazeera is part of the problem with Muslim radicalization . . . rather than just some neutral dispenser of news.

     According to Amin, Clinton is out to popularize Al-Jazeera because the progressives in America and the radical/political Islamists have the same agenda: hate for conservative America (and more pointedly in the case of Al-Jazeera:  for America as the #1 super-power). He says the Al-Jazeera channel has made almost no inroads in America except in Washington, D.C. and that Clinton was exaggerating when she described how popular the Muslim network was becoming in the United States.   Al-Jazeera is a broadcast and cable Arabic TV station headquartered in Qatar that is an ultra-popular and ultra-radical voice across the Muslim Middle East.

     Amin shows no ambivalence about the station, “Al-Jazeera is “very, very dangerous.” They often show the same news in English that they show in Arabic. Amin describes the English language version as always “muted and comparatively neutral” alongside the Arabic language broadcast which is "very inflammatory." Besides this many American Muslims can read the Arabic writing scrawling along the bottom of the screen which often gives a totally different impact; and they are often referred to the Al-Jazeera and other radical websites available in both English and Arabic. 

     “Secretary Clinton is being very naïve if she thinks Al-Jazeera can serve her purposes, whatever they are, without bringing all of us some severe repercussions.” He described the so-called ground-zero mosque controversy as an example of the left “bedding down with rabid dogs” . . . Shariah Law is “not a joke unless you consider public floggings; stoning; beheadings; and all loss of female rights as humorous.” They are absolutely serious when they talk about the “flag of Islam someday flying over the White House and the implementation of Shariah Law here in the U.S. eventually.”   Amin related the near Ground Zero-Mosque issue to one of the most popular programs on Al-Jazeera: “Shariah and Life” and said that the English version of the program included many references to the Quran which actually were, if you bothered to read them, totally opposite in meaning from the English words spoken on the program. The following link which expands Amin’s ideas . . .


is about a particular program from "Shariah and Life" talking about Christian-Muslim co-existence and Jewish-Muslim co-existence neutrally in the English language version but which actually turns out to be (if you visit the Quran) one unending anti-Semitic and anti-Christian hate message after another. Don’t you just love Hillary Clinton?

            This phenomenon of Muslim radicals aligning with the American Progressive left is becoming more commonplace. Between February and mid-April in 2010, leading union activists from this country and Britain made an extended field trip to the Muslim countries of the Middle East to press upon the unemployed there; the young; and many young and middle-aged workers how much unions could help their plight; and giving them instructions on how best to incite the rebellions we now see taking place across North Africa and the Middle East.   Now “surprisingly” we are seeing out-and-out rebellion in the same countries the union reps visited (what a coincidence)! Now the Union leaders in Indiana, Ohio and Wisconsin are talking repeatedly about “Wis-Cairo” and implying that American unions are being inspired by the “Democratic activism” among Muslim countries . . . OH, PLEASE! Not that word “Democracy!” Democracy absolutely does NOT matter . . . here’s why . . . .

     In one nationwide study, 85% of the Egyptian’s surveyed just before the demonstrations that eventually led to the ousting of strongman Mubarak, said that Sharia Law (allowing thieves’ hands to be cut off; requiring raped women to provide four male witnesses to pursue a case against her attacker; stoning adulterers to death; requiring women to cover their bodies from head to foot; allowing beheading of those who practice or discuss other religions; allow public flogging for minor offenses) . . . Sharia law, they said, overwhelmingly, was the best governing and legal system . . . thus, according to more than five out of every six Egyptian citizens surveyed, infidels like you and me should be killed for the good of Egypt and of Islam, NICE! 85% of any country’s population is a powerful force. And how do you feel about 85% of a country supporting savagery, idiocy and condemning freedom of religion and all the other freedoms guaranteed by the United States Constitution?  Their so-called “Cries for Democracy” will undoubtedly result in merely another country like Iran where Muslim Thuggocracy/ Theocracy dominates everyday life. This is what Democracy looks like? God forbid, but it may be closer than you think.

     Just a few Sundays ago radical British Muslim activist Anjem Choudary revealed the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood’s plans for western civilization:  “The East and the West will one day be governed by Shariah. One day the flag of Islam will fly over both the White House and #10 Downing Street.” Mob rule and stoning deaths seem far-fetched, of course, but the takeover of the Wisconsin Capitol and the flight of the Democratic senators have moved us several giant steps closer to Rule by Super Thugs compared to which, the union thugs even those like the obese Mr. Trumka are utter bantam weights.


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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 Now we find out WHY Nancy Pelosi didn't pass a 2011 budget!"    

2011 Americans Robbed of $105.464 Billion
 by Obamacare UNconstitutionality
           Two huge secrets and loads of corruption have now been revealed for all thinking American voters and taxpayers to cogitate upon: 
1.                  Why did Nancy Pelosi and the house Democrats NOT pass a budget for Fiscal Year 2011?
2.                 What exactly was Nancy Pelosi talking about in Mid-March, 2010?
            Speaking about Obamacare, Nancy Pelosi told us “We’re just going to have to pass this bill so people can find out what’s in it.” According to information recently revealed in a report by Congressional researchers to Minnesota Republican Representative Michelle Bachman, “what’s in it” . . .  is loads of UNconstitutional features designed to STEAL your money and mine.   The Heritage Foundation and Congressional Republicans combing through Obamacare to get the fundamental knowledge to pass an honest and accurate budget for 2011 (albeit six months late) stumbled upon a cesspool full of corruption expertly hidden within the law . . . how did this happen?
ITEM: The final copy of the 2,900+ page Obamacare was in the hands of the voting representatives less than two hours before the vote . . . totally contrary to the rule of law as well as common sense, fiscal responsibility, and statesmanship.  Not a single Republican voted for the bill; 31 Democrats joined them in opposing Obamacare . . . obviously, it was impossible for any of them to have read and fully understood what they were voting on, so the only sensible and honest vote under those conditions was a "NAY!"
ITEM: The final copy included material pounded out by Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and officials from the Obama Administration that no one except them and the progressive SEIU and several progressive foundations and their lawyers (who actually constructed the bill) had read before . . . again, . . . totally contrary to the rule of law as well as common sense, fiscal responsibility, and statesmanship.
ITEM: Even the passage of the monstrous Senate version of the bill almost three months earlier was accomplished under shady circumstances:   late on Christmas Eve of 2009 as if it were some great emergency law needed to stave off catastrophe rather than in ordinary fashion for a law that wouldn’t be implemented fully for eight and a half years . . . once more with emphasis . . . totally contrary to the rule of law as well as common sense, fiscal responsibility, and statesmanship.
ITEM: In section 402 Health and Human Services Director Kathleen Sibelius was given a $16 Billion slush fund to use as she sees fit within the health care field. UNconstitutional!  But Kathleen was part of another fraudulent action as well . . . .
ITEM: In section 1311A Sibelius was also given as many blank checks as she wishes, for as much as she wishes (“slushus fundus godzillus”) to enable the White House to make loans and grants to individual states having problems with implementation (California, for example would have problems). UNconstitutional to the max!
ITEM: The first eight years of Obamacare establishment costs have been pre-funded removing all control of the funding for establishment and implementation from the congresses that would follow and putting it all under the responsibility of Obama, Pelosi and Reid at that one sick moment in time Mid-March, 2010. UNconstitutional!  Never in the history of the republic has such a bill been passed tying the hands of future lawmakers and budgeters . . . .
ITEM: $105, 464,000,000 of pre-funding for Obamacare was included in the bill . . . effectively by-passing the right and ability of future Congresses to control the purse strings. Like voting once and giving us bad laws like Prohibition or allowing Slavery in certain states forever. UNconstitutional!
            So what’s going on here? Barack, Nancy, and Harry have stolen $105.464 Billion from the American taxpayers and usurped the constitutionally separated rights of the present and future congresses to control the purse strings of the country as the Constitution provides. While there have been greater usurpations of power by a president . . . Teddy Roosevelt just taking the land for the Panama Canal from Colombia comes to mind . . . the shared guilt of Reid, Obama and Pelosi has to be viewed as among the most totally arrogant acts by a single party in the country’s history. The Republican Party now has the full moral right and obligation to demand a) all the money back b) all the slush funds closed c) all 2,900+ pages of Obamacare be repealed d) and full co-operation in balancing the budget for fiscal 2011 which Nancy Pelosi didn’t deign to pass . . . WHY?   Because by not creating a budget, she hoped to hide the revelation of the $105.464 BIllion in UNconstitutionally stolen taxpayer money (and usurping of power from future Congresses) which would have stuck out like a sore and swollen thumb.  Sweet Nancy . . . and as for Barack, we now have clear grounds for impeachment as he was part of the executive branch commandeering the role of the House of Representatives.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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Politicians Need to Listen

to the Voters NOW!


      Despite adding hundreds of billions of dollars in spending laws and Obamacare (a massive new entitlement program) in 2010, Nancy Pelosi’s Democrat-controlled House of Representatives didn’t bother to pass a budget last year.  Now Pelosi and Senate Majority leader Harry Reid, another Democrat, have decided that despite the results of November’s election, the only budget concerns that matter today (spend, spend, spend!) are theirs.   Taxpaying voters, meanwhile according to a recent Rasmussen Reports survey say, “A pox on both of your houses, shut down the government, until agreement on substantial CUTS*** is reached.” 

      While the two parties haggle, 58% of voters would rather see a partial shutdown of the federal government rather than maintaining spending at current levels ($3.7 TRillion in the Obama budget) according to the ever accurate Rasmussen Reports. Only 33% of likely voters told Rasmussen they’d prefer to see government spending continue at present levels rather than shutting down the government.   Opinions fell upon partisan lines with 58% of Democrats opting for maintaining spending levels; contradicted by 80% of Republicans and 59% of Independents who thought partial shutdown until agreement on cuts was the better idea. Overall just 6% of voters support more spending while 61% say cuts are in order. 

      The public seems more clear-thinking on fiscal matters than our elected representatives according to numerous Rasmussen polls. The majority of voters for years have said that cutting taxes and reducing government spending are best for the economy.   Of all Mr. Obama’s promises casually-made and super-casually-unfulfilled, voters have consistently rated “cutting the federal deficit by half  by the end of his first term” as the most important promise that nominee Obama made. Today survey after survey confirms that few voters expect he’ll keep it.  

      Mr. Obama’s present $3.7 TRillion budget will see government spending increased taking it over $4 TRillion very soon unless some drastic cuts and changes to the Washington modus operandi are quickly made. Who’s going to make the hard decisions?   70% of voters believe that the voting public is more willing to make the hard choices necessary to reduce federal spending than our politicians are.   66% of polled voters say that the Democratic Party is NOT interested in cutting spending; and 49% say Republicans don’t go far enough with the spending cuts they’re seeking. These voter opinions on government spending have held very consistent since late 2005. The survey-meister himself, Scott Rasmussen observed in his 2010 book In Search of Self-Governance that . . . .


                     "The gap between Americans who want to govern themselves and politicians(and power brokers) who want to rule over them may be as big today as the gap between the colonies and England during the 18th century." Rasmussen added that “The American people don’t want to be governed from the left, the right, or the center. They want to govern themselves.”



Ya’all live long, strong and ornery

*** NOTE:  just before this blog was completed, two huge stories popped up 1)  the House had just overwhelmingly agreed upon $4 Billion in spending cuts with 104 Democratic Reps siding with Speaker John Boehner as part of a CR (continuing resolution) to fund the federal government for two more weeks.  $2 Billion in cuts per week is a good but not great precedent.  Every time a new CR is created a $2 or $3 Billion cut per week of extension would be a phenomenal idea.  2) The General Accounting Office, one of the few government oversight agencies worth its salt, announced that in reviewing  some (but not all) the discretionary budget they found between $200-$250 Billion in overlap, duplication of services and conflict between U.S. government agencies.  For example fifteen different agencies look at food safety; ninety-two different agencies are assigned to educational improvement; etc.    One shudders in ecstasy to think how much more the GAO might find a) in the discretionary budgets and then b) in the entitlements and defense spending
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“Barack is Standing With Us”


“Wis-Cairo’s” Senate Desertion, “Capitol Take-Over”

Orchestrated by Re-election Committee and DNC



          Nancy Pelosi used the term “astro-turf” to describe what she saw as a “fake grass-roots” movement, the TEA Party, created, she said:  by the Republican Party.   It appears now that the “leftist pot” has been calling the “tax-paying kettle” black for quite some time now.


            It begins with information provide by two union workers . . . who said they took part in the planning of “Wis-Cairo” and were told “Barack is standing with us,” and who insisted, “They’ll kill us, I mean it, they WILL kill us, if they ever find out” . . . was revealed because the two men were active TEA Party members in the Midwest.  According to the men, who will be called “Tom and Jerry” because that’s not their real names . . . .


Item #1: The campaign of labor unrest was dubbed “Wis-Cairo” very early in the campaign. Union leaders in early spring, 2010, had visited Egypt, Tunisia, and many other Middle-Eastern nations to foment a “grass-roots” movement toward democracy among the young, the unemployed, the malcontented, students, etc. The idea was to make it appear that a world-wide grass-roots rebellion against the “evil” status quo was occurring virtually simultaneously. The Middle-East was chosen for the “first-wave” because so many of the leaders were dictators that almost no one approved of.


Item #2: Both the decisions for Democratic senators to abandon their posts and flee their states (thus preventing key votes) and for Union protestors to “take-over” the Capitol in Wisconsin came from the Obama Oval office with members of the president’s 2012 re-election campaign, “Obama for America,” the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and two key Union Bosses involved. Washington has been “calling every move, every step of the way.”


Item #3: The president referred to his “Wis-Cairo Campaign” as a chance to “revisit his roots” as a community organizer. (The President was an attorney for ACORN shaking-down mortgage lenders to force them to comply with the CRA ’77 law and make knowingly bad loans to high-risk of default clients. As an ACORN attorney, Obama was famous for not only getting the loans and promises of further loans from beleaguered bankers, but even coaxing out ACORN donations from them.) He reportedly told some Labor Department officials and at least one Union Boss, the exercise made him “feel like a General.”


Item #4: The term “Wis-Cairo,” invented by AFL-CIO leader Richard Trumka and it pleased Obama immediately. One thing that did not please President Obama was his own involvement . . . . Almost as soon as he made his (Cambridge-police-like) comment three weeks ago attacking Wisconsin governor Scott Walker for bringing an all-out attack on the rights of working people, President Obama regretted his words. He regretted them even more once Walker suggested that Obama needed to pay attention to Washington matters and work on “reducing his own debt.” Rather than following up on his comment about Walker being out to destroy collective bargaining, Obama elected to remain silent for roughly three weeks because media attention on himself, the White House, the DNC and his election committee would undermine public perception that a grassroots, simultaneous up-swelling of emotion was taking place in Wisconsin. 


Item #5:  From the start “spreading the excitement” to Indiana and then backlash against Governor Chris Christie in New Jersey was part of the plan as were all the coordinated union demonstrations at other state capitols held on Saturday, February 26.


Item #6: The campaign has just begun. According to Tom and Jerry, further coordinated efforts aim at . . . .


a)    “making ‘them’ start laying off people”

b)    “making  ‘them’ shut down the government”

c)    “embarrassing FOX to get a ‘media neutrality’ law passed”

d)   “spreading this thing across the entire country”


          In related news, President Obama elected to re-join the fray today both personally and through his Labor Secretary Hilda Solis. Solis said, “The fight is on” and vowed that she was going to be part of it. Nice, the federal government entering a labor battle to the detriment of a state’s citizens and taxpayers, NICE! Obama’s comments were much more toned down, he not only did not mention Wisconsin or Walker by name, but also merely re-iterated his opinion that “attacks upon working people” by government entities must be fought. Both put efforts at “collective-bargaining” repeal among Wisconsin government employees at the heart of the matter. Solis, meanwhile went further and blamed not just Walker but the entire Republican Party for “trying to strip the rights of America’s workers.”


         Walker himself was not inactive, he gave the hooky-playing fourteen Wisconsin Democratic Senators “24 hours” to return to the state and vote on the bill so that he would not be forced by law to begin laying off 1,400-1,500 government workers to make up the state's budget red-ink. Wisconsin is facing a shortfall of $3.6 Billion.  While the unions belated agreed to accept some slight cuts in pay and benefits the crux of the matter has been "collective bargaining" on items other than pay.  Walker, saying that the typical budget battle and union negotiations at the county and local and state levels takes fifteen months . . . aims to remove the union's power to dominate Wisconisn affairs.  As one measure of how pervasive Wisconsin union influence is, according to Tom and Jerry, their workers never have to pay union taxes because the money is "automatically removed" from the workers' checks and then the state pays the dues in one lump sum to the unions.  Wow . . . . excuse Rajjpuut's "tell" (never have had a poker face) but what an obvious conflict of interest that's taken part in Wisconsin for 'lo these many years.


         At the protest site in and around the Capitol in Madison, FoxNews reporters and camera crew have been heckled, shouted down and otherwise interfered with. Reporter Mike Tobin was caught on camera being shoved and punched twice. Tobin laughed and called the affronts “part of my job.”


         Meanwhile in Washington, D.C., despite reports of “secret negotiations” between House and Senate Republicans and Democrats, no movement toward any sort of compromise or action leading to passing a new CR (continuing budget resolution) to keep the government “fully operational” has been spotted. A shutdown appears imminent, but complicating the issue is that the cuts most recently requested by Republicans were items President Obama approved of axing. One way or another, we can hope that some money will be saved, either by shut-down or by deliberate budget cuts.


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,

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Wisconsin Guv Walker First Gets it Right;
Then Screws-up in Battle vs. Unions
“Collective Bargaining for government employment conflicts with the interests of the nation and the tax-payers.”  President Franklin Delano Roosevelt
I respect the right of workers in the private sector to strike. Indeed, as president of my own union, I led the first strike ever called by that union. I guess I'm maybe the first one to ever hold this office who is a lifetime member of an AFL - CIO union. But we cannot compare labor-management relations in the private sector with government. Government cannot close down the assembly line. It has to provide without interruption the protective services which are government's reason for being. It was in recognition of this that the Congress passed a law forbidding strikes by government employees against the public safety . . . . I must tell those who failed to report for duty this morning they are in violation of the law, and if they do not report for work within 48 hours, they have forfeited their jobs and will be terminated.”  President Ronald Wilson Reagan
Confusion Reigns on All Fronts as Nation Stagnates;
Seethes in Obama-Created Swamp
            “. . . She’s the most disgraceful country that ever you have seen,
            They’re hanging men and women there for wearing o’ the green . . .”
            The Founding Fathers must be spinning at 300 revolutions per second in their graves right now. And like “dear old 'Oirelan'” in the song The Wearing of the Green, something quite disgraceful is going on in America right now. 
Item: Democratic Senators from Indiana and Wisconsin have left the states where they won election and are now roasting weenies and enjoying the Iron Chefs reality TV show in Illinois. This “protest” (which is really a disgusting aberration of their responsibilities as elected representatives of their state) is in its second week.
Item:   Spend, spend, spend and spend some more. AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka is propagating the Democrats message that taxing creates jobs. Trumka, who next to SEIU President Andy Stern is the second-most frequent visitor to the White House and therefore ranks as an Obama-advisor, wants to dramatically raise the federal gas tax so that “a dedicated source of revenue will be created to fund infrastructure permanently.” Of course the unions and Democrats, who claim to be the proponents of the poor and the middle class, have to realize that taxes upon necessities like food and gas are “regressive” . . . that is they harm the middle-class and especially the poor by taking a far greater proportion of their meager disposable incomes for taxation. And then there’s the fact that a tax on gas amounts to a huge inflation as the costs of it will show up in every single item that’s bought or sold in the country. Of course, yes, more union and government jobs would be created at the cost of 2-5 times that many jobs in the private sector. This is an example of the well-known economic gaff called the “Broken Window Fallacy.”
Item:  the Democrats are now talking about renewing their highly successful, they say, “Cash for Clunkers program which is an example of “The Blessings of Destruction” another gaff that an Econ-101 should never make, much less an elected official.
specifically, Cash for Clunkers created a scarcity of used cars (they were destroyed in huge numbers, remember) and pushed the cost of the average used car in the country up $1,800.  Mr. President, the rich don't buy used cars, so who do you suppose your stupid law hurt?
Item: Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has been thwarted in his attempt to bring his state back from a $3.6 BIllion shortfall and to free all state and county and local governments from the shackles of collective bargaining and may soon have to start laying off government employees to make his budget balance. By the way, there is no “right” to collective bargaining either in the constitution or the laws of nature, no matter how often such a “right” is trumpeted about.
Item: The just mentioned Governor Scott Walker is, however, playing favorites. No doubt because of the political realities, Governor Walker is not addressing unionized police and unionized fire-fighters in Wisconsin they are exempt under his new bill which otherwise would be an impossibly unpopular move.   A real statesman does the right thing, not the popular or expedient one.  The good governor needs to familiarize himself with the history of the 1981 Air Traffic Controllers Union that resulted in the firing of 11,000 ATC employees who refused to honor the law created by Reagan’s predecessor, Jimmy Carter; and who violated their oaths of office. Carter removed the ability of federal workers’ unions to strike or use other collective bargaining against the taxpayers with Title VII of the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978. In Walker’s defense, President Obama who often speaks without knowing anything about his subject: vowed that he would “put on comfortable shoes and march with a picket sign” anywhere where the collective bargaining process was being challenged . . . sounds like it’s been really challenged in Washington, D.C., Mr. President, no need to go to Wisconsin.
Item: President Barack Obama has ordered his INjustice Dept. to stop defending the Defense of Marriage Act. The aim is twofold:  to please his gay supporters cementing their votes in his behalf; and to eventually make gay marriage legal with all the rights of real marriage including adoption. The folks at NAMBLA must be enjoying bouts of orgiastic excitement about now. Who cares about non-voting children after all?
Item: It’s begun abundantly clear since the revelation of the pathetic Obama budget that in his eyes no single government spending or government interference or government abuse or fraudulent government boondoggle deserves to be cut; apparently no federal government program ever created suffers from fraud, abuse or incompetence and all must be continued into perpetuity with ever-increasing budgets?   The United States’ federal government officially faces a $14.1 TRillion national debt and $112 TRillion in UNfunded liabilities (Social Security, Medicare, and the federal side of Medicaid; and NOT including all the Welfare programs) and the president and his Progressive buddies on the left side of the aisle cannot understand why the America voters kicked so many of them out of office last November. They are refusing to consider $30 Billion in spending cuts and moving the country closer to a federal government shutdown. ‘Lest you think this is just the Rajjpuut’s interpretation of the economic situation . . . two voice no less far apart on the political continuum than Secretary of Defense Hillary Clinton and new TEA Party Senator Rand Paul when asked what constitutes the greatest threat to America’s security gave the same answer: the nation’s DEBT.
Item: That privileged class known as unionized government workers has become the new elite that President Obama prefers above and beyond all others. It works like this: The government unions use up to 85% of the union dues they collect for the salaries of union officials and for political contributions. 96% of those political contributions go to the campaign funds of Democratic candidates. Those candidates when elected create a bunch of new “goodies” for the unionized government workers whose dues again fund the bloated salaries of union officials and the war chests of the Democratic Party. If, occasionally, they are not successful in electing a lot of Democrats one year, little will be lost between then and the next election and the dues-campaign funds vicious circle continues eternally. And who pays for this vicious circle profitable to progressive Democrats and union leaders alike? The taxpayer, of course.
Item: Even without Obamacare, the ridiculous budget submitted by Obama will almost double the National Debt in the next decade: $13.2 TRillion more. The present Republican budget (which is just a preliminary <designed to make up for the fact that the last Pelosi House did not pass a budget> doesn’t include necessary further cuts . . . but IF the present Republican budget extended into the next decade it would result in additional debt of over $10 TRillion dollars. Of course with Obamacare, both budgets would swell by another $2.4 TRillion over the next decade.  When will the voters wise up? When will they understand that government spending programs and entitlement programs are all PONZI SCHEMES? When will they understand that Thomas Jefferson had it right when he said, “That government is best that governs least . . . “?
Item: The Obama administration is drawing up a bill that will charge sellers of artificial trees a “tariff” to support a marketing fund for the natural Christmas tree industry to make up for their ever falling share of the holiday tree market. Can one eagerly look forward to the day when the feds will bailout the natural tree promoters?
Item: You may not know these facts, but facts they are . . . the United States has discovered and verified the discovery of the biggest oil deposit in the world 88% beneath us and 12% below Canada called the Bakken Fields oil deposit. This makes Saudi Arabia look like energy-paupers. Even without the Bakken deposits (now outlawed for use except those portions under Indian reservations), recent advances in natural gas and oil drilling technology would presumably soon allow the United States to become an exporter of natural gas and IF drilling were maximized, to be virtually free of foreign oil dependence . . . but, of course, that would mean that green energy subsidies would not have any merit. Government studies showing that wind energy is NOT practicable for large scale use; and the Spanish economic study of the results of that nation’s 23-year failed (Unemployment went from 4% to 21%) green energy program have been stifled by the EPA and not reported in the mainstream/ lamestream media. The EPA and Progressive Democrats are attempting to quash reports contrary to their green agenda . . . for example: turbines require enormous quantities of concrete, steel, copper, and rare earth minerals – and huge orders of difficult resource extraction, refining, smelting, manufacturing and shipping and monstrous amounts of pollution and carbon dioxide emissions (which the EPA has called “toxic”) at every step of the way.
            Greater wind-turbine development which the Obama administration is describing as a “MUST” would also necessitate greater dependence upon China. Roughly 96% of the world’s rare earth production is centered now in China and Mongolia. Theirs is a very pollution-concentrated process which hopefully we will not emulate seeking rare earths here in the U.S. In 2009, China produced 150,000 tons of rare earth metals – and over 15,000,000 tons of waste.  As mentioned earlier, wind turbines do NOT work on a large-scale basis. Why? Because the backup power plants (the wind doesn’t always blow, hence the need for backups) are not only far more INefficient but according to the EPA’s own literature they also generate far more pollution and carbon dioxide than if they were able to run at full capacity. As backups for turbines they must operate constantly but ramp up to full power, and back down, numerous times daily, in response to shifting wind electricity production.

Ya'll live long, strong and ornery,
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“Showcased” Obama-Endorsed Green Company

Wasted $ 390 Million in Stimulus Funds



            Here’s one more story the mainstream-lamestream media won’t cover. Is that thirty-six or thirty-seven major scandals or lies within Mr. Obama’s corrupt administration we’ve been spared?***

            As the country once again moves toward $4 a gallon gasoline, this time with an anti-oil administration running the Oval Office which swore to create five million green tech jobs and begin the end of oil dependency, do you remember that $787 Billion Obama stimulus that was supposed to keep unemployment below 8%?   A green-tech company that raised huge amounts of  money for Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign, which then became the poster-boy for  his green-tech initiatives and the first company to receive  Obama stimulus money, Solyndra, Inc. of Fremont, California, has it turns out wasted at least $390 million of $535 Million of federal Stimulus funds.  

          Solyndra, which received three ringing TV appearance endorsements personally from Vice-President Joe Biden and two from Obama himself, is now the subject of a congressional investigation into waste, fraud and abuse by the House Energy and Commerce Committee which has revealed that the company was not eligible for a loan guarantee which the company stated would help them create 3,000 construction jobs and 1,000 permanent green jobs in the manufacture of solar panels. Solyndra is also closing plants instead of opening new ones. The oversight committee has also revealed details of an $800,000 ad campaign designed to promote good eating habits which might have created 2.5 advertising jobs, but did nothing seriously to fight unemployment. While the advertising company did turn a profit from the stimulus, Solyndra has never turned a profit during the six years of its existence despite being a pet project for Oklahoma billionaire George Kaiser who did a better job as a major campaign fund raiser for Obama-Biden 2008 then he did running a green-tech company.

           Mattie Corrao, government affairs manager with Americans for Tax Reform, said the Solyndra loan shows how hollow Obama’s promise to “keep close track over how stimulus money has been spent” has proven itself. “They (the Obama administration) are trying to pretend we’re creating jobs and hoping the taxpayers are dumb enough and blind enough to believe the lie,” Corrao said. “After two years of unemployment about 9 percent, people aren’t going to believe it anymore.” Because of the close personal connection between Kaiser and Obama, Corrao says the loan should never have been considered in the first place. No Solyndra officials would speak with conservative reporters about the story.


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,



***          Let’s count backwards, OK? But first, when you go to:


You’ll find a 40-page list of the stories that the mainstream media has refused to cover or investigate about president Obama’s administration; their associations; their lies; their failures etc. Stories which, if a conservative were involved, would have each rated about two weeks coverage . . . judge for yourself. It begins with him seeking 1995 political endorsement in Chicago from the coalition (of ACORN and the union SEIU) which called itself:  the “Marxist New Party.” Obama at the time was an ACORN attorney browbeating and shaking down lenders to get them to comply with the deliberate-bad-loans requirement of the CRA-77 legislation that led to the subprime crisis that eventually bankrupted the country and caused the financial meltdown in late 2007.   His rant on “White Folks Greed” is actually a quote of Jeremiah Wright (the pastor he says he never listened to while spending 20 years in his church) which Obama put in his own book “Dreams from my Father” . . .  runs through 175 appointment scandals (44 Czars never vetted by the Senate or FBI include at least 35 with acknowledged communist ties) . . . etc., etc.  How can the mainstream media refuse to show this guy’s true stripes?

Here is a list of ten key stories taken at random by Rajjpuut that 95% of Americans have never heard about because the liberal press refuses to bring this guy’s very suspect record up for examination. He’s their darling and they will protect him. Here are the stories and the nature of the scandal involved:

10.    Solyndra: stimulus money goes to firm of major Obama fundraiser. $390 million of the $535 million stimulus money is wasted and 4,000 promised jobs are NOT created.        CRONY-CAPITALISM

9.  Third revelation of General Motors and Chrysler closing down profitable car dealerships owned by Republican donors so that nearby failing or barely profitable dealerships owned by Obama 2008 supporting dealerships benefit from near monopoly status.       


     8. Two things here . . . . a) Not only was President Obama lying when he said his plan (Obamacare) would allow you to “keep your present plan, if you like it;” and he failed to tell the public that an “interim final rule” filed as regulations by three agencies (among the 390+ agencies created within Obamacare) made it against the law for your plan to make certain changes required to keep them compatible with Obamacare, so these plans (including plans specifically ‘grandfathered in’) are non-compliant and you can’t keep using them. And b) you’ll remember that Obamacare passed first by reconciliation in the Senate so that the 60-40 majority wasn’t required to allow a vote; and then Obama had to sign a last minute piece of paper guaranteeing that no federally-funded abortions would be allowed under Obamacare. This got him 12 last-minute anti-abortion Democratic votes led by Michigan’s Bart Stupak. Over 100,000 federally-funded abortions have already occurred under Obamacare; indeed they were made the very first covered Obamacare operations.         HHS (sometimes called the “Dept. of Health and Abortion Services”) run by Kathleen Sebelius has also not been in compliance with the federal government’s financial management laws so it’s impossible to trace exactly how widespread this federal-funding of Obamacare abortions really is and literally cannot account for hundreds of millions of dollars.  LIES, DOUBLE-DEALING, and DELIBERATE MISUSE OF FEDERAL FUNDS 

7.   Remember all those promises of openness and square-dealing that Obama would insist upon as he dramatically changed the “climate in Washington?”  The Obama administration has on at least 40 occasions denied release of information under the Freedom of Information Act by claiming that “such-and-such report is still in draft form” and therefore exempt from the FOIA and somehow the final form is never ever completed. Most recent case of this broken promise game: The Department of Justice’s (DOJ) promise made in federal court that they’d be forthcoming and release an internal memo detailing their investigation into how and illegal alien known criminal was never deported and allowed to stay in the country long enough to kill a Virginia nun in a drunken-driving incident. When did she get killed?  August, 2010. The latest missed date on this case: January 18, 2011. And, yep, the report is still in “draft” form.

                                DOUBLE-DEALING; OBSTRUCTION of JUSTICE; LIE related to OPENNESS

6. You know all those continuing resolutions (CRs) that are passed so that the government continues to operate? Why isn’t any permanent “fix” ever passed? Obama sneakiness. Virtually every permanent spending bill Barack Obama has tried to get passed has been full of freebies and other goodies for his union supporters. One that caught my eye was back in September last year when one bill turned out to contain a $20 Billion list of add-ons benefitting the unions with taxpayer money. For example: the $1.9 Billion “Race to the Top” grants supposedly aimed at rewarding better-performing schools . . . was, it turned out, merely  $1.9 Billion so that school districts could hire $1.9 Billion worth of new UNION teachers . . . the bill discriminated against teachers who would not join the teachers’ union.



5.   You’ve heard of the New Black Panther voter-intimidation case in Philadelphia that was already won which the Obama DOJ chose to drop? Well this one is much, much more serious. The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) boss Andy Stern, according to White House logs has been the most frequent single visitor of the President over the first two+ years of his administration. SEIU was the biggest contributor to Obama-Biden 2008. The Federal Election Commission under the Obama DOJ has dropped an election violation case against the SEIU union that was also won. The union required local affiliates of SEIU to contribute to the union’s political action fund violating federal election laws.   Of the $9 million war chest the SEIU amassed how much might have gone to Obama’s Democrats? 97%? More? SEIU is now squeezing its local workers for the 2012 elections. How often do you hear of prosecutors with already won cases dropping them?



4. Goldman-Sachs company is sometimes called “Government-Sachs” because of all their political connections and their ability to come out smelling like a rose no matter how scandalous their behavior.   You’ll recall that G-S earned several billion dollars acting on behalf, supposedly for AIG, in the federal bailout of AIG.   You’ll also recall that G-S was forced to make restitution to thousands of clients for double-dealing when it sold them with glowing reports virtually worthless security options. Now it turns out that a)  Goldman-Sachs “minted” most of the horrible real estate investments that got AIG in trouble and that Obama Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner helped them to hide that information. Geithner is a former Goldman employee as is his chief of staff, Mark Patterson.  According to web watchdog “When a congressional panel convened a hearing on the government rescue of American International Group Inc. in January, the public scolding of Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner got the most attention. Lawmakers said the former head of the New York Federal Reserve Bank had presided over a backdoor bailout of Wall Street firms and a cover-up… Representative Darrell Issa,…placed into the hearing record a five-page document itemizing the mortgage securities on which banks such as Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Societe Generale SA had bought $62.1 billion in credit-default swaps from AIG. These were the deals that pushed the insurer to the brink of insolvency — and were eventually paid in full at taxpayer expense. The New York Fed, which secretly engineered the bailout, prevented the full publication of the document for more than a year, even when AIG wanted it released.”  By the way, Geithner also once ran the NY Fed Reserve Bank. The Obama Administration has obstructed a proper accounting of what went wrong in the financial crisis. More from Bloomberg: “The public can now see for the first time how poorly the securities performed, with losses exceeding 75 percent of their notional value in some cases. Compounding this, the document and Bloomberg data demonstrate that the banks that bought the swaps from AIG are mostly the same firms that underwrote the CDOs in the first place. The banks should have to explain how they managed to buy protection from AIG primarily on securities that fell so sharply in value… Professor James Cox of Duke University School of Law says: “They may have been trying to shield Goldman — for Goldman’s sake or out of macro concerns that another investment bank would be at risk.” — points out there are numerous Goldman Sachs pals of Barack Obama and Timothy Geithner who now work for the Obama Administration. They include: Adam Storch, Neel Kashkari, Geithner himself, Mark Patterson, Gary Gensler, Gene Sperling, and Jide Zeitlin.


3. A story that got absolutely NO coverage in the mainstream press was the dissolution of CCX. Funny, over the nine years of its existence the Chicago Climate eXchange’s very existence was dubious; at least the lame-stream mainstream media saw no reason to tell the taxpayers and voters they existed.    Based upon Al Gore’s dubious premises about global warming now proven only supported by corrupt “scientists,” in the background,


Progressive Democrats (including Gore, Kerry, both Clintons and Obama) have been trying to sell Americans for the last nine years on the need for cap and trade legislation. In 2001 based upon money illegally diverted from federal homes programs by Franklin Raines, a patented computer program for carbon-trading was created. A group of about 100 progressive insiders including Gore, Obama, Raines, Goldman-Sachs officials, George Soros, and numerous self-declared Marxists from the sixties established CCX. If Cap and Trade law had ever been passed carbon-trading would have changed the American economy overnight from a $15 TRillion economy to a $25 TRillion one without creating a single new product or service . . . in effect an overnight 67% inflation ($10 TRillion cap and trade charges divided by $15 TRillion REAL economy) as the holder of the patent and owner of CCX this scandalous progressive consortium would have extracted huge commissions on every carbon-trade that ever occurred for the next twenty years and beyond making virtually every member of the group a hundred-billionaire. When Conservative news gatherers like FOXNews caught the scent several participants sold out their shares. When Cap and Trade failed again and a largely Republican House was voted in – CCX dissolved and the participants moved to England where’s Gore’s shell company is still hoping for Cap and Trade to become global.

                SIMPLE PURE CORRUPTION . . . LIES . . . Cover-up’


2. We have a tie for the #2 spot. a) After conservative press and bloggers got wind of the connections behind Obama’s 44 Czars showing that most of them were self-admitted Marxists and other radicals the mainstream media (MSM) refused to cover the stories of these Czars’ background. When two of them made their outright communism evident (Anita Dunn (praising Chairman Mao killer of 58 million Chinese in peace time) and Van Jones (several of his speeches calling for “revolution” got out across the internet), the MSM still ignored the stories. Finally, it came out that Van Jones’ radicalism included being  a “9/11-Truther” who claimed the U.S. government had conspired to create 9/11’s devastation . . . after the conservative press carried the story for three weeks, Van Jones quietly “resigned” and Dunn as well. Total coverage by most of the MSM: two minutes. b) Obama’s plan to seize over ten million acres of land in nine western states using an obscure clause of the Antiquities Act of 1906 to designate all the land as “monuments” went totally uncovered by the MSM. For those of you who don’t know it, the vast majority of federal land is already owned in the west with Nevada, for example, belongs 55% to the Feds rather to its own citizens and in Alaska even a larger percentage is federal land. This proposed law misuse much like the cap and trade scandal was so egregiously corrupt that even with large majorities in both chambers of Congress, the measure was defeated handily when S.C. Senator Jim DeMint of TEA Party fame exposed the facts on the Senate floor. ZERO Coverage by the MSM. 

                                                   POWER-GRABBING UNETHICAL USE OF INAPPLICABLE LAWS


1.  One of the bigger untold stories by the MSM is the absolute idiocy and corruption and total INCOMPETENCE involved in Obama’s energy policies. We’ve already mentioned Solyndra; already mentioned CCX and cap and trade . . . but things get much, much worse very quickly . . . .

       a) During a 2008 campaign interview with the San Francisco Chronicle Barack Obama admitted his policies would bankrupt the coal industry and “necessarily make the price of electricity skyrocket” his own words. The Chronicle sat on the story and the MSM has deemed it unworthy of print for 31 months now. If all Americans were aware of that story, how much credence would Obama’s confused and contradictory “energy plan” have?

     b) You can thank the FOIA for this little gem. The “success of Spain’s and Denmark’s wind energy programs” frequently touted by candidate and President Obama was disproven by two studies that outright refuted his claims. Immediately Obama turned to progressive multi-billionaire George Soros and his own Department of Energy and former CEO Cathy Zoo of Al Gore’s company to begin massive lobbying efforts on behalf of wind energy legislation despite the fact that more Freedom of Information Act efforts are being thwarted to reveal documents showing that Wind Energy may be fined for pumping water or running a mill here and there, but it does NOT work on a large scale. The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) is still filing requests for FOIA information still being withheld by the Department of Energy. How many people do you know who are aware of this story?

C. Recent surveys show that only about 8% of Americans have heard this and 82% of those who know about it say they were “unpleasantly surprised” when they learned of it. Mr. Obama has repeatedly promised/threatened to create “five million new green-tech jobs” in America.    Spain which saw its economy go from #1 in Europe and 4% unemployment in 1996 to one of the most fragile economies and 21.3% unemployment now was the leader in the green movement beginning in 1997-98. Mr. Obama frequently cites Spain as an example of a great green success although those unemployment figures make that lie hard to swallow. A study of the Spanish green debacle by a noted Spanish economist gives us these details: 1) government subsidies of Spanish green technology cost 2.2 jobs in the REAL free-market economy for every single green job created 2) cost of the average green job was $676,000 each 3)some of those green jobs lasted less than six weeks but they were counted the same as the permanent green jobs 4) only 10% of all the green jobs proved permanent 5) Spanish green jobs typically paid only $10-$14 per hour which was less than the average REAL job lost ($16) . . . . OUCH! So let’s extrapolate Obama’s promise of creating five million green jobs here in America:   the cost would be eleven million REAL free market jobs for creating the subsidized green jobs; given rising prices, the cost would be around $840,000 to create the average green job; some of those green jobs would still last only six weeks and they’d still be counted as if they were “permanent;” only 500,000 permanent green jobs would be created and they’d be moderate-paying at best . . . in sum 22 REAL jobs would be lost to create one permanent Obama green-tech job.


Read more…

Obama, Lame Duck Semi-Conservatives

Sabotaged Nation



            America is now standing at the critical crossroads of fiscal- and Constitutional-destruction brought about by over a century of progressive (we must “progress” beyond the outdated and ill-conceived Constitution if we are to make “progress” toward our Socialist-Marxist utopia on earth) politics. This foolish progressivism has created a severe insolvency fiasco both in the states and the federal government created by 109 years of overstepping the Constitution. Right now the problem seems to be assaulting our states more severely because the federal government has shown itself willing to impoverish the people and the states by destroying the American Dollar, a resource thankfully not available to the individual states.  How did we get to this sad situation? It all began with the compromises of the 2010 Lame Duck Congressional Session.


           The most sensational sites for this national progressive shipwreck, besides Washington, D.C. itself, are found in a dozen moderate to high profile states. The strikes and nonsense now playing out in Wisconsin are likely to soon see ugly sequels in California, Illinois, Arizona, Nevada and even perhaps in Florida, Rhode Island, Oregon, Washington, and Michigan. Meanwhile two other states in very bad fiscal condition (New York and New Jersey) appear to have a great chance of avoiding Wisconsin’s fate because their two governors (Andrew Cuomo and Chris Christie, respectively) have shown immense backbone and common sense in attacking their state’s debt crisis head on and their state legislative bodies have largely kept out of their chief executives’ way; not so in Wisconsin where the entire Democratic senate had refused to come to work and is now hiding out in Illinois.   How did we get to this sad situation? It all began with the compromises of the 2010 Lame Duck Congressional Session.

           The situation in the nation stood dramatically better on election eve, 2010 than it stood on New Year’s Eve 2010-2011. The deterioration of the prognosis owes itself to the idiocy of the semi-conservative Republicans holding forth in the 2010 Lame Duck session who caved into President Obama’s demands on virtually all fronts instead of standing strong and letting the newly-elected representatives and senators deal with Mr. Obama’s foolishness in 2011. At that time Mr. Obama’s “strong”-approval rating showed a minus -18 percentage points, while today in many polls the overall (mild + strong approval and disapproval ratings) ratings show President Obama has climbed from 41% overall approval and 56% overall disapproval (a -15% overall rating) to showing him at +2% (51% to 49%) a dramatic increase in the president’s perceived competence after Republicans compromised with the President’s agenda.

           It’s to be hoped that House Speaker John Boehner and his chief lieutenants Ryan, Simpson and Cantor and their House Republican colleagues . . . learned volumes from the failures of Newt Gingrich dealing with the clever Bill Clinton and of the recent 2010 Lame Duckers in facing Obama. But just in case they haven’t, here are the lessons they should learn:

1.       DO NOT compromise on principles. Make a stand for statesmanship.

2.     Do NOT compromise on the Constitution: follow your promises from the 2010 Republican “Pledge to America” 100% to the letter.

3.     Do NOT compromise on taxes, spending, deficits, borrowing, the national debt or the entitlement mess. Save our country.

4.     Do NOT compromise with our Marxist president on any single thing. He wished to gain re-election. He can only do that IF he appears to American voters as a reasonable and center-dwelling politician. Make the Marxist skunk show his stripes.

5.     HOW does the G.O.P. save this country?


           By never giving in and fighting the president tooth-and-nail at every step of the way, that’s how. Specifically: don’t swing for the fences, make solid contact on every ball and be content with walks and singles.   If baseball is NOT your cup of tea, look at things this way, the battle before them is a marathon not a sprint . . . because every easily-gained compromise makes Barack Obama look reasonable and statesmanlike. Every grudging compromise by Obama shows his true ultra-socialist colors plainly for the entire country to see.

            The G.O.P. was elected by landslide numbers across the country to stand up to the president and his apocalyptic philosophy of spending, taxes government interference and unfettered government growth. They must do what they were elected to do . . . bring sanity back to Washington. Sanity without the presidency or the senate means only one thing: deadlock. If the issues that doomed Democrats to wide scale defeat in 2010 are still foremost in the voters’ minds, the Senate and the Oval Office can be won and sanity can prevail. If Obama through slight of forked-tongue can make himself appear “reasonable” to the electorate and re-elected in 2012, there is no limit to the harm that our nation will face (bankruptcy will be the smallest part of it). It’s a strategic battle . . . a chess game.

            Rajjpuut has coached children as young as two years old to become strong chess players and helped some of them earn five Colorado Chess Team Championships in the elementary, middle school and high school divisions in Colorado. No matter what the game involved (or the personal, military or commercial requisite) is, strategy always comes down to this:

1)      Play so that the opponent’s weaknesses become the key factor in the game. If he’s got an exposed King, a bad Bishop or tripled Pawns . . . make them stink up the board.

2)    Play so that your own weaknesses are irrelevant.

3)    Play so that your opponent’s strengths are irrelevant or unusable.

4)    Play so that your own strengths are the dominant factor across the whole board.

5)    Play aggressively if possible; or play defense so tenaciously that the opponent will face a lot of tough situations and in frustration will eventually slip however slightly.

            What are Obama’s weaknesses? What lost the Democrats so much in 2010? Obama has said directly, he does not “wish to re-fight the battles of the past couple years.” Obamacare; willingness to tax; willingness to spend; creation of huge deficits; cap and trade and other EPA interference; card check; his inconsistencies and lies of the past four years (starting in January, 2007, when he declared his candidacy for president); his apology-tour foreign policy; putting federally-paid abortion in Obamacare; stopping drilling in the Gulf; creating inflation; weakening the dollar; taking over the economy so that government went from 15% control to 58% control of American life; the Beer Summit; and now his refusal to show leadership in financial matters but rather to provide a ludicrous and irresponsible federal budget. The biggest weakness of Barack Obama is a combination of 1) The Democratic Party’s part in CRA ’77 legislation (Bill Clinton expanded it four times; three times legislatively) 2) His connection to ACORN and Clinton’s Connection to ACORN and 3) When Bush was trying for 30 months to repeal CRA ’77, the Democrats stopped him and all of that led to the meltdown in late 2007 and 2008 via the sub-prime lending crisis.
            What are the conservative's potential weaknesses?  Social-conservativism especially as attached to anti-abortionism is largely unpopular.  It is, however, popular to prevent federal funding of abortion, such as President Obama swore he would to get Obamacare passed, IF the G.O. P. can confine itself to that:  no problem.  And of course the Lame Duck compromises showed Obama that some conservatives will not stand up for their principles.

            What are the G.O.P.’s strengths? The TEA Party “Contract from America” and the G.O.P. “Pledge to America say 90% of it all. If 60% of voters became familiar with these documents, Obama would have trouble getting 30% of the vote. The Republicans have also appeared more statesmanlike over the past two years and reasonable; and conservative-fiscal and Constitutional-conservativism is the approach that won the day on Election Day, 2010.

            What are Obama’s strengths? People don’t look at the truth of what he’s saying because they want to like him so much . . . thus, he can get away with almost anything and Republicans have not held his feet to the fire.   For example, the President has never told Americans that he worked as an ACORN attorney shaking down mortgage lenders to force them into compliance with CRA ’77 and he even went so far as to tell his “car in the ditch story” in at least 150 speeches while the Republicans were so foolish as never to expose Obama’s ACORN activities; CRA and Cloward Piven’s role in the meltdown; or Bush’s efforts to undo CRA ’77 and prevent the sub-prime lending crisis which led to our financial meltdown. This truth has never been revealed or understood by the voters as a whole, and until it has been, Obama will personally seem almost unassailable . . . .


            The TRUE CAR IN THE DITCH Story

                      In January, 2005, President George W. Bush saw that progressive Democrats, ACORN, Clinton and Obama were deliberately pushing the car (our American economy) toward a 500-foot ditch. He jumped in the driver’s seat and grabbed the steering wheel and slammed on the brakes. Despite Democratic opposition for 30 months, he was able to guide it into the nearest friendly-looking ditch by July, 2007.


             Since that is the 100% truth which 96% of Americans don’t know and since that underlined word “deliberately” ties the whole thing to the progressive movement and the aims of Cloward, Piven, George Wiley and Wade Rathke and to the ACORN presidencies of Obama and Clinton . . . no matter what obstacles the lamestream-mainstream media throw in their path, that history of treachery must be revealed.


             Here are five “fact paintings” to push the point into America’s permanent memory:

#1: In 1975 before CRA ’77 only 1 in 404 home loans was “suspect,” that is issued at 3% down-payment or less. America in 1975 with 62-65% private home ownership is the envy of the world. That solid beneficial status rests upon the accepted standards of long years: a 20% down payment requirement for home buyers and great credit ratings. CRA ’77 FORCED home lenders to knowingly make stupid loans to unqualified recipients at ultra-low down payments.

#2: In 1985 after eight years of CRA ’77 and ACORN operating in Clinton’s Arkansas alone and in no other states:  1 in 196 home mortgages was suspect. That is the rate of bad loans has doubled just from ACORN browbeating lenders in one state, Arkansas.

#3: In 1995 after three CRA ’77 expansions by Clinton (two of them legislatively) and the expansion of ACORN nationwide: now 1 in every 7 home loans was suspect. By the way, Barack Obama worked as an ACORN attorney during this era, browbeating mortgage lenders into making knowingly horrific loans to bad risks.

#4:  In 2005 following seven years of Clinton’s 1998 “steroid-version” expansion of CRA ’77: 34%, roughly 1 in every 3 home loans was suspect with many issued with 0% down-payment. Thanks to Clinton’s ’98 steroid expansion of CRA ’77 it’s now easier for ACORN to force home lenders to put an unqualified would-be home buyer into a $440,000 home than it was a decade earlier for Barack Obama and other ACORN attorneys to put the same person into a $110,000 home . . . and it’s now far more likely that the loan recipient a) won’t have a job or b) won’t even have a rental history or c) won’t even have I.D. or d) will list his only “income” as food stamps; or be on welfare or e) will have a terrible credit rating or f) will be an illegal alien.

#5 Luckily Al Gore didn’t win the presidency in 2000. Gore was a big believer in CRA legislation. Instead George W. Bush is elected between the two ACORN presidents, Clinton and Obama, and rather than driving the “car” into the ditch by incompetence as Obama loves to imply, Bush keeps the economy from utter ruin created by the deliberate actions of ACORN in abusing CRA ’77  (a deliberate Cloward-Piven effort to overload the system and create chaos using Saul Alinsky tactics) and prevents it going over the cliff, but rather he steers it into a friendly ditch and away from the abyss the progressives were pushing us toward. It happens like this . . . .

In January, 2005, George Bush makes the first speech (of 19 speeches he’ll make in the next 30 months) on the dangers of the CRA ’77 law and its expansions seeking repeal of the worst aspects of the laws. However, the bill he supports is defeated by the progressive Democrats and various compromise bills will continue to be defeated by them until a very weak version of his bill is  finally passed in July, 2007. It is, of course, too little and too late and the sub-prime lending crisis is soon underway. Nevertheless, the new law Bush passed is hailed in August 2010 by Obama’s Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner as saving the country’s economy from a truly hideous recession and an absolute meltdown in housing prices.

            These truths, of course, are as unpopular with the mainstream, lamestream media as Bush himself was . . . yet, these are the truths that will set the country free . . . These truths; the “chess-like” strategy mentioned above and simple patriotic stubbornness*** are the secrets to dealing with Mr. Obama and his progressive ilk.


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,



*** D. Morris at his website put it like this:


                    “If the Republicans hold firm in demanding huge spending cuts and Obama does not give in, the question of whether or not to cut spending will dominate the nation's political discourse for months on end and will spill over into the 2012 election.


                    “To assure that it will, the Republicans should hold firm to their budget spending cuts without surrender or compromise. If necessary, it is OK to vote a few very short-term continuing resolutions to keep the government open for a few weeks at a time, always keeping on the pressure.


                    “When the debt limit vote comes up, they should refuse to allow an increase without huge cuts in spending. If the debt-limit deadline passes, they should force the administration to scramble to cobble together enough money to operate for weeks at a time.


                    “If Obama offers a half a loaf, the GOP should spurn it for weeks and months. Then, rather than actually shut down the government, let them accept some variant of their proposed cuts but only give in return a few more weeks' time, at which point the issue will be re-litigated. Don't go for Armageddon -- just keep fighting the battle.


                    “Same with the debt limit. Extend it for a few hundred billion dollars and then go back for more cuts in return for a further extension. Make Obama pay for each continuing resolution and each debt-limit hike with more cuts to spending.


                    “Always avoid cuts in Medicare and Social Security. Save those for after 2012. For now, focus on Medicaid block granting and discretionary spending (including some modest cuts in defense).


                    “Like a guerrilla army, never go to a shutdown (a general engagement) but keep coming up with cuts, compromising, letting the government stay open for a few more weeks, and letting the debt limit rise a few hundred billion, and then come back for more cuts and repeat the cycle.


                    “And don't just demand spending cuts. Go for defunding of Obamacare, blocking the EPA from carbon taxation and regulation, a ban on card-check unionization and constraints on the FCC's regulation of the Internet and talk radio. Put those items on the table each time, each session.


                    “Every time the issues come up, every time the cuts are litigated, Obama's efforts to appear to be a centrist will be frustrated. Time and again, he will have to oppose spending cuts. Over and over, he will come across as the liberal he is, battling for each dime and opposing any defunding.


                    “Obama's campaign strategy has two elements: Change the subject from the 09-10 agenda and move to the center. A tough, determined Republican budget offensive, embracing all these elements and fought in this guerrilla style, will frustrate both and lead to his defeat.”


Read more…

 ". . . in this "Obama-Motors Scandal" it appears that Mr. Obama -- who willfully wielded a frayed toothpick when it came to cutting out parts of the bloated federal budget he created -- chose a bulldozer when dealing with the GM and Chrysler dealerships."


“Obama-Motors” Slashes GM and Chrysler

Republican Ownerships as Potential Scandal Emerges



            Yes, Virginia, Santa Obama does know who’s “naughty and nice” and does pick the winners and losers! Naughty Republicans get coal in their stockings and Nice Progressive Democrats (forget those “Blue Dog moderate Dems, young lady) get to hold onto their part of the American Dream, ho, ho, ho!

            As most Americans are aware, “GM” now might as well stand for “Government Motors.” Both General Motors and Chrysler as official corporate “wards of the state” are government-controlled entities run by the Obama administration . . . run, it seems with quite a bit of partisanship and crony-capitalism in mind.     

            Let’s put this apparent partisan scandal in personal terms, imagine yourself a businessman or businesswomen whose family has owned a car dealerships for the last 80-90 years. Imagine yourself being told that your well-respected and highly profitable GM dealership is ordered closed while nearby dealerships less profitable or even ones actually losing money are allowed to stay open. Would you be shocked? Would you be outraged?   Imagine further that GM comes to you and orders you to turn over your list of car customers and service-department customers (presumably to help your less-profitable competitors) . . . would you like the idea that your $15 million business was made worthless overnight so that an Obama campaign contributor competing with you might now find the playing field “more level?”

            Well you don’t have to imagine any of this after all:   after the auto bailouts were first announced, a second announcement was almost immediately made stating the intention of Chrysler and General Motors to close roughly 2,100 dealerships across the nation.   Later it became known that some of the proposed closures involved highly profitable dealerships in the same vicinity as less profitable or even UNprofitable ones which were to remain open . . . why the citizen-voter asked himself would you close any profitable dealerships, much less the MOST profitable ones?   If you’re closing dealerships why would you leave any UNprofitable opens at all? Apparently politics may have played a big part since the numbers of McCain campaign contributors dramatically outnumbered the numbers of Obama donors among those to be closed down. No wonder surveys show 42% of Americans say they won’t buy Chrysler or GM cars because of the bailouts . . . .

            To top matters off, an additional 2,800 dealerships have recently been notified that they’ll be closed down this year.   Yes, including some profitable and highly-profitable ones located near other UNprofitable or barely profitable ones allowed to stay open once again. These issues are now being contested bitterly by about 22% of the notified dealerships, but rest easy there’s hope;  it seems after all, if Barney Frank or other Democratic representatives or senators like your politics, dealers protesting the closures are far more likely to win the right to stay open after all.

            Given the scenario shown above, how much confidence would you place in a “Car Czar” named by President Obama whose integrity, qualifications and past history had never been investigated by Congress or the FBI (as customarily occurs with real presidential appointees)? Would you be surprised to find that said Czar (one of 40+ Czar appointments made by Obama to run the country like a personal empire without Congressional oversight), a fellow named Steve Rattner, was a very close personal friend of Barack Obama and one of the most successful Democratic political-fund raisers in history. Besides Czar Steve Rattner being himself a powerful Democratic fund-raiser; his wife Maureen White was formerly the finance chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Rattner was himself also formerly a reporter for the New York Times, among the most progressive newspapers in the country.   One might expect the tendency toward favoring Democratic contributors over conservative businessmen must have been difficult for Rattner to overcome . . . .

            But, but, but, would you be surprised to then find Mr. Rattner only a few months later quietly giving up his Car Czar position and, to avoid criminal punishment, paying out $10 million in settlement fees to the State of New York for his part in a kickback and influence-peddling scandal pulled off four years earlier. Would it surprise you that such a crucial player in the Obama administration was now hawking a book on his extensive experience in the auto industry despite having virtually none?   The extensive Imperial Obama czardoms are full of such stories and it’s not likely we’ll find fairness and free-market values well-protected by their ilk.

            Since Rattner’s departure the Car Czarship has been run by committee. Here’s what one elected representative had to say about the “gangster government” that committee (The Presidential Task Force on the Auto Industry) represents:


            Supposedly the American Arbitration Association is now handling the 600+ claims from among the 2,800 revoked dealerships, but in actual fact numerous documented instances show that dealers who visited Democratic representatives and senators found themselves immediately granted face-to-face interviews and eventual successful retention of dealerships while dealers who’ve relied on merely filling out the required arbitration paperwork get no such preferential treatment . . . one can only imagine the huge amount of Democratic-butts that are kissed and the eventual campaign donations involved in this fair and unbiased process.   Of course  Republican congressman Buchanan who found his Chrysler dealership slated for closure (while a competing dealership chain in Missouri and Arkansas partly owned by former Clinton White House chief of staff Mack McLarty and partly owned by a huge Democratic fund-raiser who have magically seen numerous nasty conservative competitors eliminated) has not had much luck appealing his case to the powers that be . . . it’s probably just a coincidence that while hundreds of G.O.P. contributors are being closed down, so far just one Obama 2008 contributor among all the hundreds of closures so far has surfaced.

            The Republican representative in question, (who has a Nissan dealership as well in Venice, Florida), called the proposed closures an outrage, “It’s no problem for me, it’s not about me, I’m going to be fine; but we’re talking about 100,000 jobs around the country . . . we’re supposed to be creating jobs.” Were these Chrysler and GM ownerships closed down for voting or donating to Republican candidates?

            A  lawyer representing a group of  Chrysler dealers who are on the “hit list” deposed senior Chrysler executives and later told Reuters News Agency that the closings have been forced on the company by the White House. "It became clear to us that Chrysler does not see the wisdom of terminating 25 percent of its dealers. It really wasn't Chrysler's decision. They are under enormous pressure from the President's automotive task force," according to attorney Leonard Bellavia.

            Government making economic decisions is bad, bad news . . . but government intervening in the free market (car dealerships are just small businesses after all) can be ultra-political at worst and just plain stupid at best. Since a significant amount of the closures were of profitable dealerships and since the Obama administration’s auto task force is doing the deciding on whose business lives or dies, on the face of it this looks very ugly. The “criteria” for these decisions MUST BE RELEASED to the public. 

            In fairness, we must say that since car dealerships are small businesses and often family-owned small businesses . . . any educated guess would have to put the political propensities of dealership owners at anywhere from 75% to 90% conservative. Since conservatives overwhelming favor low taxes, low government spending and operating government in a businesslike fashion without deficits and debt . . . one would expect donations from dealership owners to be overwhelmingly Republican. However, contrast the treatment of teachers (union members 90%; Democrats 86% and well-documented Obama supporters) with that of their handling of small businessmen in general, not to mention this potentially scandalous treatment of GM and Chrysler dealership owners . . . would we expect to see Mr. Obama’s people closing down school teacher positions in the rather brusque and unintelligent, indeed counter-intelligent fashion they’ve used on car dealers? Even IF no actual scandal emerges . . . surely all of  this points out the evil inherent in letting government pick and choose winners and losers in the free market?

            Let us be even more pointed in criticizing the egregious corruption we see here . . . Even the New York Times as well as hundreds of other liberal newspapers recently criticized Mr. Obama’s lackluster budget attempt. Your blogger Rajjpuut would say that in this "Obama-Motors Scandal" Mr. Obama willfully used a frayed toothpick when it came to cutting out parts of the bloated federal budget but chose a bulldozer when dealing with the GM and Chrysler dealerships.



Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Obama Budgets Much, Much Higher Taxes,

Spending, Interest, Debt, and a Useless Train



     After three years of promising America “hope and change,” Barack Obama has proven himself fixed in cement, immobile and unable to change. His recently submitted budget was hyped as “innovative” and “ground-breaking” and as “a solution for the $14.1 TRillion debt-bomb” now haunting the nation . . . instead it’s proven itself more of the same old same old tired tax and spend progressive politics.Mr. Obama has apparently forgotten the five high profile speeches he’s made to America’s citizens pledging each time that he would dedicate or re-dedicate himself to jobs-jobs-jobs. What his recent budget dedicates itself to, however, is a relatively few government created jobs created at the cost of impaling the entire private sector’s job-creating ability for the next decade. 

     His plans will completely gut the private sector’s ability to create jobs and destroy the jobs that ultimately provide the revenue for all government spending. In a phrase, Mr. Obama’s proposed budget would guarantee a rise in unemployment to around 12% within two years; and a $26 TRillion debt by 2021;  he also does NOT take into account the overall effect of the interest on the national debt which by 2018 would become the single largest item in the budget beyond even defense and Medicare.   That is, where a wise man would be looking to pay down the debt, Mr. Obama is increasing debt so dramatically that the very interest on that debt will become larger than the entire budgets for 98% of the world's nations.

     Under the guise of cutting spending and using a set of ultra-rosy economic projections that would make an Optimist’s Club president blush, Mr. Obama’s proposals for fanciful items like a nationwide high-speed rail system all comes down to far more government attempts to stimulate the economy based on a whole set of new taxes on corporations and individuals that will actually hammer the final nail into the coffin for America’s REAL economy. After initiating a high profile “Debt Commission” in 2010 which came up with some mild, but at least sensible approaches to handling the debt crisis, Mr. Obama has not only totally ignored the recommendations of his own commission, but decided not to even face the largest five problem areas: Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare, Social Security and the whole bundle of so-called “non-discretionary spending,” but rather to grandstand as an “innovator” when his real title should be “fiscal madman.” AmTrack has been losing money fast enough for five decades, Barack; we don’t need to lose ten times as much at six times the speed.


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,




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Ba-rack Promisin’ Change
By Rajjpuut
A parody sung to:  Irving Berlin's great classic tune Blue Skies

For tune:   



Ba-rack promisin’ change

Now we know Ba-rack’s all de-ranged

Ba-rack’s bringin’ us ruin

Nothing but PINK notes to his tune


Ba-rack said we’d soon see

Everyone working happily

To him, tax larceny’s

Redistributing proper-ly


Then they took over the economy

Implied Marx-ism would set us all free

Then they claimed ugly debt-limits were good

They said . . . we’d just: mis-understood


Bar-ack he seems to dream

Illogical nonsense constantly

Ba-rack  worked for ACORN

Home-lenders are sheep -- he has shorn


Then we lost more jobs made ev’rything worse

Ba-rack came back, hands in my purse

He said illegals were better than us

Made slav’ry from freedom, now I don’t trust . . .

Ba-Rack . . .
                                                Musical interlude

Ba-rack  said W. Bush

Caused all of our pain

But t'was CRA ’77

That clogged up the drain


Jimmy Carter gave us that law

While Billy Clinton continued to claw

Four CRA expansions** in only eight years

Progressives now cryin’ crocodile tears


Then they took over the economy

Implied Marx-ism would set us all free

Then they claimed ugly debt-limits were good

They said . . . we’d just: mis-understood

Ba-rack promisin’ change

Now we know Ba-rack’s all de-ranged

Ba-rack’s bringin’ our ruin

Lately there's RED notes in his tune


Big dreams, all of them dead

They sold us big dreams

 Now we’re RED


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,



** Specifically: Bill Clinton paid back ACORN with the Motor Voter Act of 1993 and with four expansions of CRA ’77 mortgage-guarantee legislation originally passed by Carter as the Community Reinvestment Act in 1977.   By presidential edict in 1993 he expanded CRA ’77 by means of regulatory change; twice legislatively in 1995; and with a poisonous steroid-version expansion of CRA ’77 in 1998. Clinton was our first ACORN president.

The background for understanding Clinton’s and Obama’s part and becoming an informed citizen (right now only 6% of us are) can be found at these two weblinks:


            The short version which covers some different areas from the valuable blog info above is this . . . .

1.       A philosophy called “progressivism” has dominated the country’s top politicians from both major parties for over a century. Progressives believe that we must ‘progress’ beyond the outdated and ill-conceived U.S. Constitution as our only hope to ‘progress’ toward an earthly Utopia (more or less the same goal that Marx delineated and which created “Fabian Socialism” in England is on this continent:  American Progressivism).


2.      Famous American TRUE Progressive Presidents include Republicans: Theodore Roosevelt and Herbert Hoover; Democrats: Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama. Light progressivism is found in Republicans Eisenhower and both Bushes. All of the true progressive presidents a) ignored the U.S. Constitution in large part b) instituted dramatic increases in taxes, spending and debt and made individual Americans far poorer and c) moved the country much closer to socialism than we were before they took office.


Generally, the background on Clinton, etc. is . . .

Three “NEO-Marxists”:  Community Organizer Saul Alinsky (author of Reveille for Radicals; and Rules for Radicals) and Columbia University professors Richard Cloward and his wife Frances Fox Piven (authors of The Weight of the Poora strategy for ending poverty which has popularly come to be known as “Cloward-Piven Strategy for creating and profiting from chaos”) created the revolutionary structure that today’s progressives have been using for overthrowing the United States as we know it. Cloward-Piven and George Wiley openly used and bragged about using the strategy to bankrupt New York City in 1975 (and nearly bankrupt New York State) and send the whole nation into a huge recession during most of 1973-74 and double the welfare rolls from 8 million to 16 million. The federal government bailed out NYC late in 1975. They told their followers to switch concentration to voter-registration and housing.

In 1977, Jimmy Carter passed a very bad law called the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA ’77) a mortgage-guarantee law FORCING home lenders to knowingly make very bad loans to people who were serious risks for foreclosure. At the same time the bill was being passed, Cloward-Piven (the two most important words for informed Americans to understand) ally and head of the National Welfare Rights Organization, George Wiley, already had one his community organizer lieutenants in place in Arkansas: Wade Rathke. Rathke created ACORN (Arkansas Community Organizations.

ACORN using massive voter fraud (they purported to be gathering new voters, but threw away all the newly registered Republican paperwork) to elect Bill Clinton governor of Arkansas in 1978. They kept him governor through 12 of the next 14 years and got him elected president in 1992. ACORN efforts just in Arkansas doubled the percentage of bad home mortgages from 1 in 404 in 1975; to 1 in 196 by 1985.   ACORN was then expanded nationwide (now it was called Associations of Community Organizations for Reform Now). President Bush #1 who had successfully vetoed 45 of 46 bills that progressive Democrats had pushed upon him, in 1992, failed to veto a bill he largely favored. That bill had a minor provision expanding CRA ’77 to federal programs Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac.

When Bill Clinton became our first ACORN president he immediately paid back Cloward and Piven and ACORN by passing the Motor-Voter Act (“a 12-lane highway to voter fraud”) and expanding CRA ’77. In 1993 Clinton used regulatory fiat to expand the law; then twice in 1995 he got CRA ’77 expansions passed through congress; and in 1998 he passed a poisonous steroid version of CRA ’77 expansion. As a result of Bush #1’s and Clinton’s actions . . . in 1995 14% of all home mortgages were suspect (issued with less than 3% down payment to risky home buyers); by 2005 the number of bad loans had risen to 34%. Worse, thanks to Clinton’s ’98 steroid expansion of CRA ’77, A) many of the loans were being made at not 3% down payment but with Zero-down payment B) ACORN now had less trouble putting an unqualified loan recipient into a $440,000 home than they’d had in putting him into a $110,000 home fifteen years earlier and C) the unqualified loan recipients now included people without jobs at all; people without even rental histories; people with horrendous credit ratings; people without I.D.; people whose only “income” was food stamps; and even illegal aliens. 

All this brought on the prime-lending crisis which was about 94% of the problem underlying our recent financial meltdown. By the way, in 1996 Community Organizer Barack Obama was working as an ACORN attorney shaking-down unwilling lenders to force them into bad loans. Obama was famous for not only getting promises for large numbers of loans but also getting these financial organizations to donate to ACORN.


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Strange Bedfellows, Not So Strange After All 
                        On August 23, 1939, Nazi Germani and the Communist-controlled Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) concluded a Treaty of Non-Aggression between them just nine days before the Nazis launched World War II with its attack on Poland (a country situated immediately between the two great totalitarian states). Many in the United States were surprised, some even shocked by this turn of events. They, believing the lies they’d grown up with about the “Fascist Right” and the “Communist Left,” couldn’t understand how two such DISsimilar regimes could ever come to any agreement on anything.   Cases of “strange bedfellows” always catch someone unaware and what happened in 1939 and what’s going on in Egypt and the United States today definitely fit the bill . . . but they needn’t have.
            Compare the oldest instance first: the progressive or left wing “historians” in the United States have long put forth the distinction that Fascism is a “right-wing” ideology; and communism is a “left-wing” ideology.    Since everybody today is ignoring the fact that Communist leaders killed more than 122 million of their own citizens (its technically called “democide”) during the 20th Century, it’s convenient for American Progressives to have a bad example to point to on the right and they love to use the terms “Fascists” and “Nazis” for name-calling of conservatives. Only one problem:  Fascism began in Italy when labor unions got so powerful they took over the large corporations and then the large corporations took over the government under Benito Mussolini. Labor unions? Sounds like the left to me.  
The Nazi Party was the “National Socialist German Workers Party.” Socialists? Workers’ Party? That’s obviously from the left also, though perhaps not quite so far left as communism. Indeed, the Nazi literature proudly stated, “We are NOT communists and not capitalists. We are something different; something better.    So the non-aggression treaty between the Nazis and the Reds was very understandable: two great totalitarian leftist states, both looking to expand their borders agreed not to fight among themselves and to divvy up ultra-week Poland which still fought war on horseback. 
The progressives also like to lump despots like Egypt’s Mubarak, Panama’s Manuel Noriega, Uganda’s Idi Amin, and  Indonesia’s Sukarno into the so-called “right-wing dictator” category. The key item here is that these men all led totalitaraian states with their citizens allowed virtually no rights at all.   Those “right wing” American patriots such as the TEA Party who champion taking back our rights from a big-spending government are clearly not the same as any totalitarian dictators; and indeed all of this information has debunked the gross progressive lie that Fascists, Nazis, despots and dictators are different varieties of creatures all belonging to the right wing . . . in truth they’re all worthy of being lumped together in a different and leftist grouping known as “totalitarian leaders.” So much for leftist lies from the past . . . what about today? In Egypt? 
Prolific author Andrew C. McCarthy, famous for his 2010 masterpiece How Obama Embraces Islam’s Sharia Agenda, has outdone himself with his latest and perfectly-timed The Grand Jihad which is subtitled: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America.
                Much like the Non-Aggression pact between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Communists, any alliance between the left and Islam seems a strange marriage indeed. But once again proponents of atheistic totalitarian states where big government is looked upon as the prime agent of group salvation actually have an awful lot in common with Islamic fundamentalists. Both groups do advocate immense state-control over the individual; both carry a Utopian picture in their mind (from Marxism on the one hand; and from Allah on the other) and advocate the group salvation created by an over-arching state: both are anti-capitalist; both see the American way of life as a severe threat to the planet; and both of them are founded upon the belief that in public statement before the infidel, you can say whatever you like because the infidel is no good and doesn’t deserve the truth from you.  The fundamentalist Islamic theocracy founded by the Iranian Revolution in 1979 is the model to be feared, for example in Egypt where the infamous Muslim Brotherhood** is hoping to hold sway now that Mubarak is gone . . . and the differences between Iran's and the Soviet Union's totalitarianism are few indeed.
            One recent example of McCarthy’s premise is radical American leftist group Code Pink recently joining with Islamic terrorist group Hamas in proselytizing for Revolution; against Capitalism and Jews; and joint-financing a blockade running venture to Gaza last summer after which they condemned the Israelis for violence. Code Pink (Women for Peace) launched that so-called Gaza Flotilla with Hamas; and has been heavily involved with the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist jihadist organization during the rioting in Cairo. But this is just one small example of what McCarthy has uncovered in this eye-opening book . . . . highly recommended.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
** The Looming Towers:  Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11 tells the story of the Muslim Brotherhood and its expansion into ever more and more violent activities culminating in the fall of the Twin Towers
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Americans Now Learning Real History,

Might NOT Have to Repeat Ill-Effects

A recent Rasmussen Reports Survey seems to show that Americans are starting to understand that the country was NOT rescued from the Great Depression by government spending and government policies (a.k.a. interference in the free markets), but rather that the government actually cost the nation millions of  jobs, intensified a normal recession with its increased spending, creating and lengthening the depression and eventually turning it into the “Great Depression.” The lesson, however, is not necessarily transferring into a greater understanding of today’s economics . . . .


According to the Rasmussen survey, 43% now say that government policy mistakes created the Great Depression of the ‘30s; while only 26% disagree and 31% say they are unsure. Americans, today however, are still greatly confused about the cause of the financial meltdown which, they think, began about October, 2007. More on that later . . . .

Despite the Rasmussen poll results, thanks to two and a half generations of revisionist history ,today far too many Americans still believe that Herbert Hoover was  a) a conservative rather than a progressive  b) that greedy Wall Street created the Great Depression c) that Hoover’s administration spent almost nothing fighting the economic problems d) that government spending can create jobs in the private sector e) that in 1932 Franklin Delano Roosevelt campaigned for president against Hoover’s “conservativism” f) that FDR did virtually everything entirely different than Hoover and g) that FDR saved the country from the Great Depression. Let’s quickly put those lies to rest before dealing with today’s situation, eh?

Since progressivism (we must ‘progress’ beyond the out-dated and seriously flawed U.S. Constitution if we are ever to make ‘progress’ toward an earthly socialist or even Marxist Utopia) first became a serious undercurrent in American Politics in the 1890’s only once in the following 120 years has a serious economic downturn been handled by pure conservative restraint . . . and no, Ronald Reagan was NOT president when that happened (Reagan actually increased government spending while cutting taxes extra-severely and created some whopping deficits in the process of also creating twenty million jobs). 

Teddy Roosevelt was our first progressive president. You’ll remember that his “Bull Moose Party” was actually a third party officially known as, wait for it:  the “Progressive Party.” Teddy certainly had done a lot of questionable and presumably out-and-out unconstitutional things earlier when he was a Republican president, luckily most of them worked out pretty well for the nation.  Perhaps a Progressive president once every century or so wouldn’t be a bad thing, but certainly no more often?

Our first ultra-progressive president, Woodrow Wilson, however, was another story. Besides giving us the Federal Reserve Banking system and the income tax (still called today: “progressive” income tax), Wilson was a great propagandist who ran for a second term under the slogan “He kept us out of War” but within a month after his March, 1916 inauguration he deliberately and unnecessarily thrust us into World War I. He was the first truly big-spending president the country had ever known . . . way, way beyond the costs of the war. When his term was winding down, we were in a serious recession much worse than the recession sparked by the 1929 collapse. When he left office in March, 1921 the country was in a full-fledged depression.Curiously, those events are generally overlooked by history. People in the know, however, speak of “The Invisible Depression” or of the “Not-so-Great Depression.” Why was the Invisible Depression so invisible we don’t even know about it today?

            Two things: 1) revisionist progressive historians have done everything possible to hide this quite remarkable set of events and keep us from comparing it to Franklin D. Roosevelt’s approach while creating an enormous myth of FDR as a savior and 2) these policies worked out as the launching pad for the World’s most expansive decade in free market history and gets lost in the shuffle while everyone writes books and novels and treatises about the “Roaring ‘20’s” instead. What actually happened was this:

            Warren G. Harding and his vice president, Calvin Coolidge took office in March, 1921 with a full-fledged economic contraction underway. The full story is available from the Cato Institute here:

but let’s sum it up briefly.  Unemployment stood 150% higher than it was a year earlier; and GDP was only 76% of 1920 levels. Harding immediately cut government spending 49%; taxes 48%; and reduced government debt 30%.   Unlike the business-bashing that Wilson, FDR, LBJ (Lyndon Johnson) and Obama are infamous for, the Harding administration did everything it could to get government out of business’ way.   In fifteen months the country was humming again and the Invisible Depression was over. When Harding died, VP, Calvin Coolidge continued the same policies saying “the business of America is business.” 

Where did Herbert Hoover come from? Hoover was a highly respected humanitarian with an engineering background that Harding installed as his Secretary of Commerce to appease certain Eastern Republican interests.  Under both Harding and Coolidge was very ineffective. Hoover promoted government intervention under the rubric "economic modernization" and tried to get Harding to dole out unemployment benefits to ease the pain of the high 1921 joblessness. Through the next eight years both presidents Harding and Coolidge largely ignored Hoover. 

Hoover was, in short a progressive . . .   Some people are aware of that but here’s what most don’t know. At the end of World War II, Hoover’s humanitarianism including involvement in a program akin to the Marshall Program after World War II which benefitted defeated Germany and the Bolsheviks in Russia. Hoover was so influential and well respected that the New York Times named him “One of the ten most important living Americans. Woodrow Wilson considered Hoover “my ideal successor,” Democratic leaders looked upon Hoover as a strong presidential candidate and FDR said, “There could be none finer.”    Hoover, who up to then was a-political, said that because of his childhood memories, he had no interest in being a Democrat (supposedly the only Democrat in his home city was “the town drunk) and ignored Democratic overtures.   Hoover decided he’d become a Republican and announced his candidacy for president but couldn’t get much Republican support although he did finish 2nd in the 1920 California Primary.   Despite the gridlock at the RNC Convention that year, Hoover’s name was never seriously discussed and Harding became a popular compromise candidate and he won the nomination on the 10th ballot.

After the 1920 Republican -- to appease influential Republicans on both coasts -- Harding installed Hoover as his Secretary of Commerce. Hoover’s only real contributions during his stint as Commerce Secretary were some important traffic safety (embracing motor vehicle standards, rules of the road, and urban traffic control) innovations. Nevertheless, he sought to expand the Commerce Secretary domain in every possible way. He became known for trying to take over parts of other cabinets so much so that the joke was that Hoover was "the Secretary of Commerce... and Under-Secretary of Everything Else” and Coolidge called him “Wonder-boy.” 

            After the combined Harding-Coolidge administration ended in 1928, Hoover again ran for president. As soon as he was elected in 1928, he set about making the government much bigger. His biggest moves began right after his inauguration and including implementing a wide series of farm programs and a much-criticized huge tariff increase.   A self-described “Progressive” and “Reformer,” Hoover saw the presidency as a vehicle for improving the conditions of all Americans by regulation and by getting government involved encouraging of volunteerism. Long before entering politics, he had denounced laissez-faire thinking.  As Commerce Secretary, he had taken an active pro-regulation stance. As President, he helped push expensive and interventionist tariff and farm subsidy bills through Congress. Hoover also increased taxes and increased the federal budget 50% (for comparison Barack Obama so far has only increased the budget 41%). It’s obvious that the real Hoover was nothing like the do-nothing Hoover that Progressive historians have insisted he was.  

Just as they did back then, the left (the progressives of today’s  Democratic Party) is now seeking to blame the current economic crisis on a conspiracy that is an inversion of the actual facts. By the way, back in 1932 FDR and his first VP-to-be called Hoover a “socialist” and promised to use Harding’s methods to regain prosperity . . . that is FDR promised to pay down debt; slash taxes; and slash government spending. Instead he actually raised the budget 100% above Hoover’s last budget; confiscated the nation’s gold and in other ways undermined the recovery so badly that only the nation’s entry into World War II nine years later got us out of the depression.

Most Americans have no idea about the facts you’ve just read and their opinions about government’s ability to create jobs in the private sector by increased spending are largely based upon the “Savior myth” of FDR as the man who heroically saved us from the Great Depression. 

When it comes to today’s problems and today’s myths the infamous Obama-car-in-the-ditch myth (blaming all our woes on conservatives and the free markets) tops them all.   The truth, however, is:

George W. Bush saw that ACORN, the progressives, big spenders, and Bill Clinton and Barack Obama were deliberately pushing the car (our economy) toward a 500-foot cliff. He jumped into the front seat, grabbed the steering wheel and slammed on the brakes . . . guiding it into the nearest friendly ditch.        
To prove this surprising assertion for yourself: you’ll need a little education:
           That our current president was an ACORN lawyer and community organizer deliberately bankrupting our country as part of Cloward-Piven Strategy using Jimmy Carter’s 1977 Community Reinvestment Act (CRA ’77) who has the gall to repeatedly tell the car-in-the-ditch story is one of the most shocking hypocrisies imaginable.

The fact that Frances Fox Piven is today still openly calling for bloody revolution and urging the poor and unemployed to “use their anger” and begin the Marxist “revolution” while the lame-stream, mainstream media is accusing the TEA Party of hate-mongering and ignoring Piven is the greatest possible journalistic malfeasance.

The fact that George W. Bush’s administration recognized the problem as early as January, 2005 and sought to repeal the horrific CRA ’77 laws but the vote was defeated. And that Bush made at least 19 separate speeches on the matter and continued to strive for elimination of CRA ’77 right up until finally in July, 2007 (30 months later) when a much weaker law was passed has not been allowed as part of the history of the meltdown even though Obama’s Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner in August, 2010 credited Bush with preventing an absolute collapse of our financial system and with preventing total disintegration of the housing market again reflects poorly on the so-called journalistic “profession.” The “watchdogs of the Republic” have turned on us . . . this is the biggest story of the last half of the 20th and of the first decade of the 21st Century and naturally, it’ll never be reported by the present generation of mainstream journalists . . . .


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,



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Verdict is in: Obama’s Political Correctness Kills

Does Administration Understand Yet?



     Today in a speech before the U.S. Senate, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano spoke passionately about the terrorist- threat our nation faces.   So passionate was Madam Secretary that during the speech she used the words “terrorism” and “terrorist” more than sixty times. This marks an incredible reversal of form and adoption of reality for Ms. Napolitano because in her initial speech to the Senate after her appointment was confirmed in 2009; Napolitano used the words “terrorism” and “terrorist” exactly . . . ZERO times. 

     You do remember that the Obama administration’s tortured political correctness originally banned the term “War on Terror” and rather than using "terrorism" spoke instead of “Man-Caused Disasters.” You do remember that immediately after the Fort Hood massacre, President Obama called for “patience” and insisted that Americans NOT “jump to any conclusions”^^ about Major Hassan, the man who yelled “Allah Akbar!” before killing thirteen fellow soldiers and wounding 29 others. You do remember that Major Hassan had been sharing his hate-filled inner life with fellow soldiers for seven full years prior to the Ft. Hood shooting . . . and that for his open anti-Americanism Hassan rather than being given a dishonorable discharge had instead been rewarded with three promotions. 

     You also do remember that in the Army’s 84-page report on the Ft. Hood disaster they never once named Hassan and never once used the words “terrorist,” “terrorism,” “Jihad,” Jihadist,” “Islamic radical” or “Islamic terrorist.” Political correctness, in other words is nothing but what in psychology they label “DENIAL.” And since whether in psychology or self-defense, denial leads to disaster: we are pleased to mark Ms. Napolitano’s belated return to reality, but wonder what’s keeping Mr. Obama** himself from similarly embracing reality . . . .


Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,



** The Army report also insists that Major Hassan “acted alone” which is 100% false: Major Hassan was in contact with Al Qaeda and specifically prior to the shootings exchanged numerous messages with Anwar al-Awlaki, Hassan's former imam.   We are not safer thanks to all this self-delusion, but rather much, much more imperiled . . . .
  ^^Mr. Obama made no such request after the Tucson shootings and allowed his supporters in the House and Senate, and the media and internet three days to villify the TEA Party, Republicans, and Conservative talk shows as guilty of driving Jared Loughner to the acts . . . finally the President made a mild request for "civility"  without criticizing his own party. Loughner, of course, was a disturbed Leftist/Liberal nut-case who listed the Communist Manifesto among his favorite books.  Don't be shocked, but no apologies were ever made to conservatives.
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