barack (200)


A Mound-Of-Mitt Judy v. Obama SCOTUS Faces Romney as a Birther Motion & Order
Why did Mitt Romney become a Birther? Find out how a Mound-of-Mitt could effect the election in the logic before the U.S. Supreme Court submitted in the United States Supreme Court by Cody Robert Judy in Judy v. Obama July 14th,2012.
See the Motion & Order here.
The affective position of this Motion and ORDER is actually in protection of the Democratic Party Nominee of which it is easily assumed more than half of all Americans have a stake in for election of the next President of the United States.
 Assuming for instance, the Court does not hear this action, or adopt the Petitioner’s ORDER, the result could substantially affect the election process in the following scenario. Mitt Romney becomes the nominee for the Republican Party, and once he has the nomination, with affective and competitive standing, (just like Petition has right now within the Democratic Party), decides because he is down in the polls to challenge Barack Obama’s eligibility because he is not qualified as a natural born citizen, and wins affectively eliminating the entire Democratic Party chances in the election because it’s too late to reorganize prior the November 6th 2012 election.
If the Court somehow believes or is certain Mitt Romney as the Republican nominee would not do such a thing basically all of the lower Court’s decisions that represent dismissals because of Standing are moot, because a parties nominee has affective standing to challenge any other Parties Candidate for eligibility. If for instance Barack Obama won the Democratic Party nomination and went on to win the general election but Mitt Romney had filed a eligibility complaint to this Court having lost in a very close call, Mitt Romney could Constitutionally remove Barack Obama from his general election win, and that could cause a real chaos in the Nation. Hence it is a much better scenario for the Court to hear this challenge now, and procedurally adopt this Motion and grant the ORDER attached.
Link to read entire Motion & Order here
Check this CRJ Video out and more on YouTube Channel CODE4PRES or CRJ TV
Politicians Like Romney think the Constitution will kill us

Stay Tuned in for further developments in this Case and please realize that Cody Robert Judy needs your assistance now more then ever. Please make a contribution and join Cody in this fight to save our Country and Constitution.

The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign


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Well folks, what many said would never and could never happen is actually happening. When you read the following letter and see the ORDER Cody Robert Judy has submitted for the United States Supreme Court, you might feel a chill run up your leg if your a Birther.
If your an anti-birther, for there exist only two planes to catch on this issue regarding the ineligibility of Barack Obama qualified for the Office of the President according to the demands of the United States Constitution ( "Birther" and " Anti-Birther"), you may experience a slight cold dizzy spell for you'll recognize along with the Birthers that this has NEVER happened before!
Let me write that one more time: This has NEVER happened before!
100% of the law suits brought against Barack Obama's eligibility have been dismissed either in lower courts or the United States Supreme Court because of "Standing" or "Jurisdiction".
Before the United States Supreme Court now in Judy v. Obama are two Presidential Candidates competing for delegates at the NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION in Charlotte, South Carolina.
In the first movie National Treasure - Actor Nicholas Cage utters as the last word before he found the treasure, could the secret really be that simple, " The secret lies in Charlotte" as he inserts the key and twist unlocking the door to the treasure hidden by Founding Fathers see Trailer here:
While our Constitution is our National Treasure, it has never happened that a challenger for President has actually reeled another candidate for President into The UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT, especially before the National Convention of the Democratic Party, where a decision from the Justices could have a legal bearing on the eligibility requirement demanded in the United States Constitution.
It's unheard of. The closest anyone has ever got to this was Diplomat and Reagan appointed Ambassador Alan Keyes running for president as a Republican in 2008 but that wasn't even heard seen in the U.S. Supreme Court until 2011, where the U.S. Supreme Court refused the Petition upholding the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals decision that Keyes was not a candidate for President in 2012, nor had he obtained his Parties nomination to represent the Republicans.
This is unprecedented to have a Democratic Candidate for President challenging Barack Obama in the Democratic Party, and to have it hit the U.S. Supreme Court before the Democratic National Convention has taken place is the U.S. Supreme Court in Star Trek's, "Warp-speed Scotty".
Upon hearing the news that he was finally going to get his Case in the U.S. Supreme Court Cody responded with a big grin;
" Well, this journey has been an uphill battle that felt as if I was being pelted with stones the whole way up the Hill. I've done the best I could with what I had available to me, which wasn't much. It took me about 10 times to make it up the hill resubmitting over and over and over again, I think like 10 times, but it's good... it feels real good. I'm kind of reminded of the song I wrote "Big Things Happen Everyday" ,because this is a pretty big thing happening."
When asked whether he thought the U.S. Supreme Court would hear the Petition the Democratic Party Candidate for President said,
"That is not my department, that is the Justices of United States Supreme Court's decision. The only thing I know is I've done what I needed to do to get it to them in time ,they do have time for a decision, and I have "competitive standing" seeking to uphold not only the eligibility requirements of the Office of President in the Constitution, but the Legislative Mandate made so by proposals that the Constitution's demand be changed having never made it out of a Legislative Committee. I suppose at this juncture the U.S. Supreme Court is the check and balance of our Republic."
Judy continued, "I do want to thank everyone who has contributed to my campaign. We haven't got a lot of big contributions or a Super PAC supporting my campaign, however everyone who has contributed from many of the States- Maryland, Arizona, Georgia, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Utah, California, Idaho, Colorado, Nevada, Florida, Wisconsin you Patriots know who you are, have been very appreciated and crucial without which I could not have come this far. I need your help more now then ever before, please log on to and contribute to this Campaign making a stand for our Constitution."
The United States Supreme Court is believed to have a case number in reserve for Judy v. Obama owing to their instruction to Mr. Judy to get to them the Stamped copies of the lower court decisions on track to be released to the public sometime after the 18th of July, 2012.
Continued here:
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The Obama Stain Revealed


Obama Stain Revealed

As seen on:
Republicans failed - Cody Robert Judy, (I am), the only Democratic Party Presidential Candidate to take Obama's Eligibility to the U.S. Supreme Court and showcase Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Cold Case Posse result.
I have placed Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Cold Case Posse results into the very first Judicial Court- The Superior Court of Georgia March 2nd,2012. This was appealed to the Georgia Supreme Court and now the U.S. Supreme Court.
Why? Well it wasn't because Sheriff Joe is my good friend because I've never met him. It was because Sheriff Joe decided by the order of his constituency to investigate for truth. I credit the people who surround Sheriff Joe who have hired and elected him as truth loving people. God bless them all.
That truth is what I've represented since suing McCain and Obama in 2008; the same truth that was used when I testified at the CIA COLUMBIA OBAMA SEDITION AND TREASON TRIAL in Harlem New York and he was found "Guilty" by a Jury of American Citizens who I had never met before and who came from every corner of the Nation.
The truth is a hard thing for those who make a lie. Obama can't say anything against the truth and not be seen as a Circus act and a Carnival Barker. The devil gets very angry at the truth because its the lie that gives him his power, and its the truth for Gods sake, that takes it away!
Boy I'll tell you the list of Judges and Courts and Public Figures that have chosen to align themselves with Obama's malignant fraud and massive forgery will have something of a ding on their resume for a long time won't they?
The stain of Obama they will be trying to wipe away from the public's eye for their entire life.. may they live a long life.
Ordinarily, I would feel more pity for them but these are people who have sworn oaths to the Constitution, had money or fame or the spot light of the MSM in which they were such cowards for the truth rather then standing up boldly for our United States Constitution.
When a politician tells a lie and the people support it, the cup is filled with a lie and its just a matter of time before it spills and the resulting action stains what its spilled on.
How many people really believe a lie can be covered up for long; or is a good thing when it hurts the very fabric of our election process; when it undermines the credibility of the United States to the core; When it makes the beacon on the hill of freedom and light seem more like a joke then a light?
Who of the media will be able to hold their heads high and not look like a Obama's fool?
Who has had him on their show and called him "President" rather then the usurping idiot with nothing to hide his nakedness, but his own dis-dain for our Constitution?
Obama own words have dug a hole for him. He has trumped that "Responsibility, Accountability, Transparency, and Law" are the hallmarks for Businesses whose practices he has called into question because of their gambling on the stock market with so much that if they lost they would need a public bail out AGAIN.
What example is Obama to "good practices"? What shall those businesses say to him, "Well, your the one whose setting the example for us?"
Obama understands that when these checks and balances or values leave the market, the market is doomed to fail, yet he doesn't have the respect for the White House, for the U.S. Constitution, for "We The People" to employ those values to himself?

What exactly do you call someone who applies great laws and goodness to businesses and everyone else, but won't employ them to himself in the Office of the President requiring a 'natural born citizen?
What should we call him?
The 'devil' come down to us?
The truth shall set you free from the lie Mr. Obama. The truth shall set you free from Mr. Obama Democratic Party.
Make the choice, and free yourself from Obama's malignant narcissistic personality disorder join The Birther Movement and become an Article II Patriot who supports Politicians who support, defend,protect, and preserve the Constitution in truth and real power.
Cody Robert Judy
The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign
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What is Wrong With Conservatives?

I often wonder what is wrong with conservative voters.  Too many people either can’t or won’t see the forest for the trees.  People decry John Boehner for being a coward but take a look at voters who call themselves conservatives.  I belong to 25 conservative social network sites and interact with people on facebook almost daily.  The biggest majority of those I come in contact with are so afraid of Barack Obama and what he will bring in a second term that they are willing to vote for “anyone but Obama”.  I wrote about this very subject a few months back ( .  Fear is not a good motivator in something so important.  It blinds people to the danger ahead. 


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Breaking News: U.S. Supreme Court Case Needs Your help in Judy v. Obama

This is probably going to sound more like a journal entry then a blog piece, but I am moved to express some things that I think are important at this time.

First I do want to thank and pay a tribute to those who are fighting the good fight; those who are raising their voice and going on the record. I know the last week I have received more of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals treatment #5 (Rule 5: Ridicule is man's most potent weapon) these weeks then I have ever received. It’s nasty, distasteful, and ugly.

Here’s just one example that’s tame enough to print-
“Anyone that makes videos of their self trying to be Pres and claiming Obama is not qualified to be Pres needs help. I hope U get that. Do U have a doc? Mental disorders R not to be made fun of. I hope U don't hear voices but help is there 4 U!”

I do kind of agree with him that ‘I need help’ but its more on the financial side in contributions then from a doctor trying to convince me to abandon the Constitution in favor of Obama’s State of the Union and usurpation.

If anyone could comprehend how many people support Obama and picture them all ganging up on me you’d get some idea of what my mail box looks like in the above times 10,000.

I thinking I’m not sure what’s worse:

The precarious status of the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear units and the risk presented by the enormous inventory of radioactive materials and spent fuel in the event of further earthquake threats with 1,565 fuel rods translating into 460 tons of nuclear fuel stored in a pool in a barely intact building on its third and fourth floors that could result in a catastrophic radiological fire that could wipe out most of the northern hemisphere; certainly it would be a massive civilization-breaking event or Obama’s eligibility going un-checked, ignored and avoided by the U.S. Supreme Court?

I know people in Washington DC don’t think about the most prestigious monument representing our first President George Washington in the cracked Washington monument with a 5.8 magnitude earthquake hitting east of the Rockies for the first time since 1897 or Hurricane Irene blowing through the same geographical area a few days earlier being the first of the Hurricane season showing exactly how bad the cracks were, or the 700 mile storm front that bee-lined from Chicago to Washington DC, causing 3 million to lose power -The very symbolism of losing power in an area like The Beltway is as poignant as it is profound, not to mention Obama's same course from Illinoise to Washington DC being traced; as part of God pointing out Obama’s ineligibility, but if you had to trace God’s finger it’s no stretch of the imagination to say our Founding Fathers are pissed off people!

To read Ann Barnhardt’s sentiments about the situation involving Obama’s ineligibility and the U.S. Supreme Court’s majority ruling which “Ok’d” a tax on every American’s very existence making it a possible crime to be born breathing if you don’t pay, well she said it very well I think:

“I don’t want the people who are living on this continent ten or twenty years from now to be able to whine and deflect responsibility for their sorry, sorry state by claiming that “no one ever told us” or “no one ever explained anything to us.” No, you were told. You were warned. And it wasn’t just me doing the warning and explaining. You will accept your suffering in SILENCE. You will blame nothing and no one except YOURSELVES. You will own the tyranny that you live under, because you begged for it. You bought it with your own stupidity, and you nurtured it with your own squealing cowardice.”

I do think she’s probably right about the Government as it stands now never repealing any part of ACA whether Republican Mitt Romney is in charge or Obama’s ineligibility never meets the U.S. Constitution head on.

She says thoughtfully as Ann always does, Republicans ‘will start referencing the fact that ObamaCare is SCOTUS-approved, and approved by Chief Justice Roberts, no less. They will also start to argue that it would cause “chaos” to repeal it. Day by day, this rhetoric will increase. It will begin on the news channels, then spill over into the faux-conservative blogs like . I wait with bated breath for Ed Morrissey or Allah pundit’s piece on how “sensible folk understand that ObamaCare simply cannot be repealed.” Oh, just you wait. It is coming. I promise you that.”

She continues, “You HAVE to wake up and acknowledge that Romney is a sociopathic liar who is simply bullshitting, and that is the word for it – bullshitting you people in order to raise money. He will say ANYTHING in order to raise money and maybe “get elected.” You are being conned just as sure as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, and if you aren’t smart enough or mature enough to see when you are being blatantly conned, then you deserve what you get.”

Sadly it appears the payday for politicians exist if they do “lie”, if they don’t tell the “truth”, they are rewarded with what you “hope” they are going to represent. Romney reportedly raised 100 million in June. Well we all know what path that led us with Obama, but somehow we always hold out “hope” for a politician who actually means what he says and does what he says he’ll do.

With history as a guide to Washington DC actually having the power to beat the constitution-swords that go there elected with good intensions who then get beat into plowshares wanting to go to the latest Washington DC cocktail party, you’d think Citizens would understand the best remedy would be to send someone there whose actually done time for ‘Taking A Stand’. I mean is that the kind of courage you want or is that just crazy to you?

If history is a judge of Romney’s path you understand very clearly exactly what Ann (not Romney’s wife) is saying. You gotta give that pack a dynamite Ann credit where credit is due. She’ speaks the truth about the big fish in the race getting contributions for the office their running for, but she still hasn’t got a clue to actually putting her mouth to work for someone who is running for office and could certainly use a little positive support and help out here and we all need to ask ourselves the same question:

How will we respond to these and many of the other upcoming events which are poised to take this world of ours by storm? Who are we supporting and to what extent does our support towards that person represent our making the best decision we can?

Are you ready for some hard answers God has for you? All of those answers can be found within. Now is the time to go inside and ascertain the true meaning for each person in the contemplation of your family’s future.

Of course you want someone who pays for it all for you, who pays the bill, and makes the sacrifices so you don’t have to. But how in the world could you gain any appreciation for what our Constitution actually give you if it was all for FREE?

Indeed your participation in helping build a house makes it YOUR HOME.

You know in the Court cases I’ve represented against Obama about 99.999 percent of you haven’t paid a dime. You haven’t raised a single word of support. I’m not so sure you don’t deserve what you pay for. One thing I am sure of God’s going to give it to you, oh yea, you can count on that. But .. I still find myself wishing.

That brings me to the chapter I read in the Bible last night which was so telling of how things should be, or maybe how things are when they are done right and correctly in 1st Chronicles chapter 28:29 David outlines that not only has he gathered all that he has for the Lord’s Temple but he has himself given his own wealth to the project-

“Besides, in my devotion to the temple of my God I now give my personal treasures of gold and silver for the temple of my God, over and above everything I have provided for this holy temple: three thousand talents of gold (gold of Ophir) and seven thousand talents of refined silver, for the overlaying of the walls of the buildings, 5 for the gold work and the silver work, and for all the work to be done by the craftsmen.”

Then David asks a real simple question? I think its telling, but here he is in charge asking people to give of themselves. He isn’t saying for instance if you breath your taxed as our own ACA is mandating.

David says: “Now, who is willing to consecrate themselves to the LORD today?” The response was incredible and amounted to much more then could have ever been collected in a forced mandated tax, because of a simple few words, “ The people gave willingly”. Wow! How incredible is that power of genuine love?

“Then the leaders of families, the officers of the tribes of Israel, the commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds, and the officials in charge of the king’s work gave willingly. They gave toward the work on the temple of God five thousand talents[d] and ten thousand darics[e] of gold, ten thousand talents of silver, eighteen thousand talents of bronze and a hundred thousand talents of iron. Anyone who had precious stones gave them to the treasury of the temple of the LORD …”. “The people rejoiced at the willing response of their leaders, for they had given freely and wholeheartedly to the LORD. David the king also rejoiced greatly.”

Please take note of the words “GAVE” to the 4th power or used 4 times in those words, also “FREELY” and “WHOLEHEARTEDLY” associated with the acts of giving and the reward of freedom the Lord had given Israel from bondage, and then not only that but the feeling of “REJOICEING” by everyone at what was accomplished together. Imagine our world if our elected leaders gave so willingly to the Constitution?

All of this “taxing” and “putting people in prison” for stupid stuff, and not standing up for our freedoms and liberties that are inalienable rights given by God is not us. That’s not the United States principled under the United States Constitution.

WE ARE CAPABLE OF SO MUCH MORE and its important not only to us here in the U.S. but its important to the world who sees us as a shining beacon of light on a hill representing what people can do with freedom and liberty. We can’t let this go.

I say as David said, “What “change” have you to give towards REALLY standing up for the Constitution and my campaign for upholding it? Will you send me your change?

If my Campaign is the only one holding up the Constitution’s demand for a ‘natural born citizen’ against all the hatred, and devils crying foul, how much more can you count on me then Mitt Romney or Obama’s lies?

You’ve seen what I have done by myself and given; will you now help me in Taking A Stand?

You can contribute here

Cody Robert Judy
The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign

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Things are heating up with the recent published globe article citing Obama’s long form fabrication has been forged and the forgery alleged to have been identified here by Sheriff Arpaio:

BREAKING! Arpaio FINDS MAN who forged Obama Birth Certificate!


The March 1st 2012 Press Conference of Sheriff Joe Arpaio in which a ‘Cold Case Posse’ released some 2200 hours of investigation results finding ‘probable cause’ Obama’s long form birth certificate is really a long formed fabrication as well as Obama’s Draft registration, America is waking up to discover there’s been many a slip between the cup and the lip of their elected representatives.


Understanding the fix Republicans found themselves in when in 2008 they signed on to be the employed silencers on Obama’s gun to the Constitution’s demand for a ‘natural born citizen’ with every Republican Senator voting for the Obama/Clinton co-sponsored U.S. Senate Resolution 511, fermenting the security wanted for Sen. John McCain’s 2008 presidential qualification quagmire as Panama’s most famous son.


Some have wondered why all those Republican Senators and House Congressmen have been so silent- Well now you know the answer! The elephant was painted into a corner by the jackass and has been afraid to come out owing to their own lack of courage for the Constitution’s demands for the Office of the President repeatedly shot down as a Legislative mandate to encroachment.


The fact the Constitution’s demand for a natural born citizen was assaulted some 8-10 times with attempts to change it, just since Obama came into existence on the political stage as a Illinois State Senator is a testimony to the Legislative Mandate secured that the Judicial Branch should not be running rough shod over or avoiding.


Americans are catching a glimpse of what one good Sheriff can do as far as using some intelligence in investigation. Lord knows the House and Senate have the same power but are letting the Sheriff do its bidding.

While the Sheriff has been terrific at releasing the results of the investigations of the Cold Case Posse led by lead investigator Michael Zullo in the March 1st,2012 Press Conference, and the upcoming scheduled July 17th,2012 press conference reported to be even more damaging to Obama’s usurpation and identity cover-up, there’s one thing the good sheriff hasn’t done and that is what Cody Robert Judy, Democratic Party Presidential Candidate, can and has done.


That is taking the investigation results of the Cold Case Posse to an actual formal legal prosecutor!  


The Sheriff’s job is largely outlined as an “enforcer” of the law in the executive branch of local government and investigator of crime, but the actual prosecution of the actions always is relayed to a member of the Judicial Branch known as an Attorney General.


Cody Robert Judy is the conduit of Sheriff’s Joe’s investigation result to the Solicitor General of the United States Supreme Court currently held by Donald B. Verrilli Jr.


The task of the Office of the Solicitor General is to supervise and conduct government litigation in the United States Supreme Court. Virtually all such litigation is channeled through the Office of the Solicitor General and is actively conducted by the Office. The United States is involved in approximately two-thirds of all the cases the U.S. Supreme Court decides on the merits each year.


As a Candidate for President of the United States in the Democratic Party, Cody Robert Judy has a very unique and tangible standing that has been used to dismiss nearly 95% of the eligibility cases from the judicial branch.

The employment of the Solicitor General’s requirement is found in an organ of the United States Government called the Federal Election Commission , (FEC) , and what that Federal sponsored commission might be doing that is undermining the Republic?


See the first question on Cody’s Petition for Writ of Certiorari for the U.S. Supreme Court found on page ii outlines the office of the FEC as a culprit that amounts to aiding and abetting candidates who are not qualified in Federal election races according to the demands of the Constitution,as well as the Mailing Declaration found after page 38 showing the Solicitor General address.


Whenever a federal agency’s policies are called into question in a Petition for Writ of Certiorari the Petitioner must file a copy with the Solicitor General as is noted by U.S. Supreme Court Rule 29(4)(b) and also the Act of Congress that certified Obama’s eligibility by the Electorate.


This amounts to Government protection of unqualified candidates by securing for those unqualified candidates Government cover, especially in the solicitation of campaign contributions to those trusting citizens contributing under a false pretense of a Candidates qualification or eligibility to run, not to mention the Republics peril.


At the heart of America is a Constitutional Republic that represents a very unique form of Democracy where ‘We The People’ are represented as ‘individuals’ who can stand up against the mob and win. Might isn’t right, when it comes to trampling individual rights and if each individual’s rights are not stood up for very quickly ‘We The People’ are subverted to another form of Government such as a fascism-dictatorial government, or an elite Oligarchy much more associated with totalitarianism or despotism.


As an example the rich in America are about to find out that Tax- Mandates that run into Health Care insuring 45 million new consumers all at once will soon be found a strategy to stay poor rather than an incentive to progress which has always been the problem in varying degrees of socialism. Unwilling to yield the claim that it works, ultimately the frustration goes to war as the diversion.


So .. first they try to insure you with socialism, then they kill you when it doesn’t work, one way or the other. I think Donald Trump recognizes this with his claim that Obama will start a war before or to win the election. The result will be catastrophic loss of life that socialist were so worried in a false pretense of insuring, not to mention the complete disregard of passing on the debt to future generations who can’t vote right now.


Taking A Stand is not always the easiest thing to do, but Cody Robert Judy has done it, Taking A Stand for the Constitution’s demands for a ‘natural born citizen’.

Originating out of a “Georgia Administrative Court” Cody received the first ruling by a Judge on the merits of ‘natural born citizen’ that he appealed directly to the Superior Court. Three other petitioners emerged out of that Ballot Challenge also, but Cody’s complaint was the only one to include Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse 2200 hour investigation and probable cause results.


In a spectacular timing coincidence Sheriff Joe released the results of the Cold Case Posse March 1st,2012 and Cody’s response to Obama’s Motion to Dismiss was due March 2nd,2012. Cody was able to use Sheriff Joe’s Cold Case Posse results in the first Judicial Branch Court, the results of which made the investigations findings very appealable to every higher Court.


Cody’s case begin in 2008 as a Presidential Candidate who filed in Federal court against McCain and Obama, in 2010 testifying at the CIA COLUMBIA OBAMA SEDITION AND TREASON TRIAL in New York, and he continues in 2012 his appeal as a Presidential Candidate in the Democratic Party from New Hampshire’s Ballot Challenge to New Hampshire’s Supreme Court and into the Georgia Ballot Challenge, Georgia’s Superior Court then on to the Georgia Supreme Court- the first State Supreme Court to have the findings of the Cold Case Posse results included!


Today, the process of appeal was finalized in the highest court of the land. Sheriff Joe’s Cold Case Posse results have entered the U.S. Supreme Court through Cody Robert Judy’s Petition for Writ of Certiorari and have been appropriately glued into the weavers beam of the Solicitor General’s Office (as integral as Goliath’s spear was to Goliath), a  person appointed to represent the federal government of the United States before the Supreme Court of the United States. 


You can help by spreading the intricate word that forms the pattern formed by the loom of which the weavers beam is associated and help Cody as a modern day David fighting the Goliath of the eligibility silence of the U.S. House and Senate ultimately through the U.S. Supreme Court!



Help Cody’s campaign now to broadcast the commercials and strengthen the campaign with your contributions that have the first and most devastating chances of not only eliminating Obama from the 2012 Presidential contest, but repealing Obamacare based on it not being signed by a legitimate President of the United States, and most importantly securing Obama’s usurpation in the history books as exactly what it was, illegitimate, ineligible, and a constitutional crying shame in the history books as an example for us all to remember to uphold our United States Constitution.


Contribute to Cody’s campaign here:



The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign

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As seen on:

Breaking News Report on Judy v. Obama U.S. Supreme Court Washington DC
Due to the 4th of July Holiday and United States Postal Service schedule, the legal pleadings of Judy v. Obama in the United States Supreme Court 'petition for writ of certiorari' were delivered as follows:
Tracking at
U.S. Supreme Court Writ of Cert.- July 6th, 2012 11:03AM
Tracking number- 0310 3490 0000 1696 2655
Solicitor General of United States - July 6th,2012 - 11:01AM
Tracking number- 0310 3490 0000 1696 2648 
Mr. Michael Jablonski Esq. Counsel for Barack Obama Georgia - July 5th,2012 8:33AM
Tracking number- 0310 3490 0000 1696 2624 
Mr. Brian Kemp SOS of Georgia Counsel Russo/ July 5th,2012 10:12AM
Tracking number - 0310 3490 0000 1696 2631 
Here is the document they have received as per Mailing Certificate on approx Page 39 (page 1) of the below linked document; of course the U.S. Supreme Court received 11 copies of the some 80 pages therein:
Stay tuned, the Campaign will keep you updated here with any breaking news.
The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign
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Projections: WWIII Deaths 613,870 Americans vs. Your Vote for Constitution

The last few days I’ve been thinking of a dream I had just a few days ago actually. It was one of those intelligent dreams where you get information to think about from, but you have no idea where what you were talking about came from.

Someone asked me about the war with Iran coming because they had read about it in my book “Taking A Stand-The Conservative Independent Voice”. I said, “Yes., but it’s going to cost America more lives than WWI,WWII,Korea, and Vietnam.”

That was it..the end of the dream. I woke up thinking that was really strange. Of course I wondered to myself I wonder how many lives that really is. I also did recall the dream that I had that was actually in my book Taking A Stand-The Conservative Independent Voice, that was published in a rush for the 2008 Independent write-in campaign for President.

It really came down to the wire and I had to rush editing and really rushed proof reading, so there is more spelling errors in it then I’d like that spell check didn’t pick up. Anyway the point is I do recall wondering whether I should put the dream in the book that ultimately I did. Of course here it was Iran and we were involved with Iraq and Afghanistan was still in the future.

Saddam Hussein was put to death close to the beginning of 2007, and it’s incredible to think about a war from 2003 clear through 2011, but the point here is there were only 4,409 soldiers killed and a reported 31,928 wounded in action. That is a remarkable small number for that long of a war and then I started wondering about just how many the 4 wars would actually include as far as a tally for what I had said in my dream.

Well, I recalled doing a Veterans Day Memorial Show that I had done some research in on that subject so went back to see what I could find. Watching it I just started adding up the numbers and the impact started to hit me.

WWI – 116,516 WWII – 405,399 Korean War – 33,746 and Vietnam – 58,209

Here’s the YouTube Video I did:

In my dream there was a projected loss of 613,870 soldiers. That is one staggering number.

When I woke up from that dream I was thinking also about the few numbers that actually have read or followed my blog. As of today, July 3rd,2012 I’ve only had 20,685 page views on my blog which was started also in 2008. Also begun in 2008, was my YouTube Station CODE4PRES that as of July 3rd,2012 with 165 videos has 47,024 views in its entire history.

For all intensive purposes you could say the General Public is completely un-aware of any of the work I’ve done. Maybe it just hasn’t quite caught on yet of course the added benefits of advertisement with guest appearances on shows and stories being written about you or your campaign can increase that dramatically as we’ve seen things go viral before and wooed and awed about it.

I started thinking about how many people don’t vote and thinking about the ‘apathy’ in America- reasons that so many Americans didn’t care to vote, or really get in there and push with enthusiasm their preference in voting.

The thought came to me how many people were in the families of the projected 613,870 soldier deaths that would feel affect by those deaths? Of course deaths don’t come close to the number in a war of wounded in battle. If Iraq were a measure we had approximately 5 times more wounded men then we had deaths.

Project that on the projected 613,870 deaths and you get a number like 3,069,350 wounded. With those kind of numbers it would be very difficult not to say everyone in America is going to be affected pretty directly by the war.

The thought of all the mothers in America came to me who would have missing children killed in WWIII.

Voting is such an easy thing to do. If you equated casting a vote meant that you wouldn’t have to choose which one of your children would die, how many people would vote then?

If you understood that defending the Constitution with your vote meant that your children wouldn’t have to die defending it, would you cast your vote for someone TAKING A STAND for the Constitution?

How many politicians in Washington DC have you voted for, that haven’t given a rats ass about Obama not being a ‘natural born citizen’ qualified by the demands of our Constitution?

When I do contemplate the record of Citizens voting for politicians who haven’t raised their voice up, I’m left wondering about the umbrella of God that has surrounded our Nation as the Constitution and the freedoms and liberties kept protected by it, and the prospects of that being removed and what the consequences of that would look like?

America, I encourage you with all my heart to somehow raise your voice and consider this very seriously and consider it very personally as it relates to your own record with our CREATOR.

I’d like you to register now to vote, call your U.S. Representatives and Senators and demand Obama’s Eligibility be heard and send them my United States Writ of Certiorari.It’s your record. on record and please pass it on to others while your contemplating the Independence of the United States of America this 4th of July,2012. I urge you in joining with me inTaking A Stand

Cody Robert Judy
The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign

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As seen on Cody's blog here:


More and more Americans are seeing the value of the work I have been doing over the past 4 years. With the “Green Light” on Obamacare that the 5-4  U.S. Supreme Court  held this past Thursday along with a ‘contempt’ vote that was shielded by Obama’s executive order on Fast & Furious, one could surmise we have had some very destructive blows to ‘freedom and liberty’ dealt to us.
I wish I had good news to report about the U.S. Supreme Court receiving my case on appeal from the Georgia Supreme Court but in the horse world I’m familiar with let me parlay, “We were headed in to the class for a show and 10 yards before entering our champion stallion threw a shoe by stepping into a deliberately dug hole meant to sabotage our entry, and we had no choice but to scratch the class, and head off to the blacksmiths shop for a new shoe.
The good news would be we didn’t break a leg stepping in the hole and when I relate to you what happened I think it will be quite obvious that the U.S. Supreme court clerk responsible for this has got a major grudge against my action and dug the hole.
The bad news is the Supreme Court in Washington DC is in recess till the first Monday in October and I’m beginning to wonder about the door to the U.S. Supremes being definitively closed to me because of the unprecedented action it represents to the establishment in maintenance of the status quo, which everyone knows I’m not representing really well but rather exposing.
Now I have never been one to take adversity placed upon me as some grand conspiracy and I believe my record will do for that fact. While I have been tested and perhaps pestered with deficiencies I represented I have attempted more to accommodate those and to understand them, and correct them, where they accumulated into facts.
I just don’t think losing a game legally is worthy of poor sportsmanship and so when I have lost legally I generally shake my opponents hand, congratulate him, lick my wounds, and move on. However, when I am wronged blatantly, deliberately and intentionally I have no problem relating the facts of that to others which I am about to do, especially in light of Obama’s ineligibility as it certainly affects many, many, many more than me.
I relate the facts you certainly can make your own calculations and do the math.
1-Wednesday- June 27th 2012 approximately 10:30am, I reported and show the service of the ‘Petition for Writ of Certiorari’ appealing the Georgia Supreme Court decision case no. S12D1584 JUDY v. OBAMA, I received June 21st,2012, with a ‘received by signature’ United Postal Service Record, to the U.S. Supreme Court’s Clerks office which had been sent Monday morning.
2-Thursday-June 28th,2012 – Owing to security maintained at the U.S. Supreme Court and my own prior experience with them I know my document isn’t going to get a case number the day it gets there but I figure 24 hours later is a good time to check on it because you know it’s not like the DMV where they’re receiving thousands of entries every day and reasonably your document after its signed for, ought to make the Clerk’s office 24 hours after it’s received.
So I speak with Gail Johnson about Noon- EST time, who is my assigned case analyst and ask her point blank if she has received my case. She says “No” and refers me to the argument that you know it takes time from service to get through security and to them, and says, “ call back tomorrow”.  I was actually encouraged by her request to ‘call back tomorrow’. This as you recall was the same day the U.S. Supreme Court was set, and did release their decision on the Health Care with a 5-4 vote upholding it in its entirety absent the confirmation that it was ‘Constitutional’, with Sotomayor and Kagan, both Obama appointees, in on the decision.
Of course without those two there, we are left with a pretty strong message from the dissenting Justices that the Act fails quite easily the Constitution, and we are also reminded quite clearly that without an eligible President signing their appointments, their confirmation is not legitimate.  Now how important is Obama’s Eligibility? How important and imperative is my case?
3- Friday-June 29th –Noon -Approximately same time I call back and get Gail Johnson’s voice message that she’s out of the office until Monday July 1st,2012 and that if something urgent is needed please contact another analyst by the name of Redman, who also is ‘out of the office until July 1st. I make another call to the Supreme Court Clerk’s office and a nice operator tells me as I relate my predicament that he did see “Higgins” come in and will direct my call to his office. I get a voice mail and relate to him my name which they identify your case with, and ask for a call back. I call again at approximately 3pm EST and relate my desire for a call back upon the matter.  Predictably I don’t receive a call back.
Of course I’m not all that discouraged because Gail Johnson related to me she had not received my package Thursday. The damnedest thing happens Saturday morning.
4- Saturday-June 30th,2012 I receive in my mail box the entire box containing 11 copies of my Petition for Writ of Certiorari back with a letter from Gail Johnson dated Thursday June 28th,2012. Of course you recall I had called her and spoke directly to her and she confirmed she hadn’t received it.
Very interesting letter received that was taped to the top of the package that states the package is returned for the very same reason it was returned May 17th,2012 because the U.S. Supreme Court only reviews cases from the U.S. Court of Appeals or the highest State Court available.
Pictures of the letters here:
May 17th,2012 Letter from U.S. Supreme Court to Cody Robert Judy
Order from Georgia Supreme Court dated June 21st, 2012
Wow! On the very first page of my document it says in the first paragraph, Georgia Supreme Court Case No. S12D1584 Judy v. Obama is being appealed, and that the Supreme Court of Georgia had granted my ‘indigency’ status. How did she miss that on the very first page, first paragraph signed with a notary seal June 24th,2012?
Incredibly two things available here for us to discern because we know she can read- Either Gail Johnson didn’t read the document as an analyst assigned to that duty is supposed to, and ordered it packaged up unread and sent back the exact same moment it was opened, or Gail Johnson doesn’t know the Georgia Supreme Court is the highest court in the State of Georgia presumed by her own letter to be appealed directly to the U.S. Supreme Court.
When I opened the box up, about 10 minutes after it cleared my security department, another letter was inside, which was indeed Gail Johnson’s letter to me May 17th,2012 that related to the April 4th 2012 version of my Petition for Writ of Certiorari which indeed hadn’t been reviewed by the Georgia Supreme Court, but had been reviewed by the New Hampshire Supreme Court which I argued should suffice.
So, now I have returned to me by the U.S. Supreme Court clerk Gail Johnson not one but two State Supreme Court decisions, one from New Hampshire and one from Georgia, that are legally reviewable by the U.S. Supreme court. I really think this should call for her termination in the employment to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Can you imagine just for an instance if perchance the U.S. Supreme court Justices had been notified Wednesday afternoon that my case had come into the Courts authority and was docketed, that could alter their decision on Obamacare, based on the eligibility requirement that an eligible president must first sign an Act of Congress before its legal?
How big is this case?  How many people does it represent and or affect?
Can you imagine one Court Clerk having the power to keep something like this from the dissenting Justices on the eve of their Summer recess until after the Sept 5th National Democrat Convention in which a decision on my case could have moved Obama from even being included as a Democratic Party candidate at that convention verses being the nominee, and the Justices return scheduled for October after the convention?
I don’t think anyone upset with Obamacare passing even has a clue what it means to have another Presidential Candidate in the Democrat Party qualified for a U.S. Supreme Court hearing with two State Supreme Court referrals to them means.
If anyone did I really suspect people would be going through the roof, and contributing to my campaign and calling their Senators and Congressmen and faxing the U.S. Supreme Court of this outrage, and burning down the phone lines to the U.S. Supreme Court. WND would have feature stories about the outrageousness of it, and small business magazines across the United States would be saying “contribute” the individual maxim to this guy which is $2,400 per individual small businesses or pay the estimated annual increase of $54,000 on healthcare for your small business.
Of course I need your help and I hope to have somehow inspired you of the importance and urgency of this case. You know the Voeltz v. Obama case getting so much publicity is stated by Esq. Larry Klaymen to be appealed by either side upon a decision suffered a big set-back with the Judge granting the motion to strike the Amended Declarative relief. Here :  and - “Klayman told WND Obama’s lawyers immediately went into a tailspin and filed to have the amendment for declaratory relief stricken, which the judge granted,..” How long do you think it would take Klaymen to reach the Florida Supreme Court and hence the U.S. Supreme Court?
Now, put into that equation he does not have a Democratic Party Candidate for President on the complaint, but a Democratic party member who is a voter and who by the standards thus far used by the Judicial Branch won’t have or satisfy the 3 levels of ‘standing’ upon the appeals into the Judicial Branch?
Also factor in Obama will by Sept 5th,2012 have the nomination of the National Democratic Party Convention locked up and how many Supreme Court Justices are going to see that one clear against Obama? Ask Mr. Klayman about the Political Doctrine Question and he will tell you the chances after Obama becomes the Democratic Party nominee are slim to none after Sept. 5th, 2012.
I’m calling for the only thing I believe will help and that is an all points bulletin to every Conservative across the board in the political arena to rally for my case. I will send it back to the U.S. Supreme Court this Monday and by Wednesday I would like to see about 10 national stories about this outrage and calls numbering in the thousands to the U.S. Supreme Court, your representatives in Congress and the Senate and if you hold any value to reaching across the aisle I even challenge Mitt Romney to come out and make a statement on the Justice happening with my case being locked out of the U.S. Supreme Court.
I believe that is possible if you will do your part in sharing this very real possibility that you cannot let slip by. If you’re a business owner or interested in employment Obama care is a major blow to small businesses and the capital they have to work with that would necessarily be opening new jobs.
Please act now… just DO IT! What can America do from Sunday to Wednesday, for the sake of our Country I’m asking you contribute your time, talent, energy, contributions to ‘Vision to Believe in’ represented by our Constitution and my campaign, The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign.
I believe this case is so important and has been biased so fraudulently by the Clerk’s Office that when and if the U.S. Supreme Court Justices hear about it, that it will merit the call for a ‘Special Session’ to be called by the U.S. Supreme Court Justices in the Order to adjudicate the case without bias towards me before the National Democratic Party Convention Sept 5, 2012 in the interest of voting delegates at that Convention who have been chosen by the interest of State Tax Payers money to vote for Constitutionally eligible candidates.
Tell the U.S. Supreme Court Justices - Tax money has been used by the Democratic Party in the primaries and in such is responsibly connected to the Constitution and Obama’s eligibility. RESPONSIBILITY in taxes was the message of Obama care, let them hear about the responsibility to our Constitution that ‘taxes’ demands in representation.
Cody Robert Judy

The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign

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Cody's Taken A Stand for the Constitution and needs your help for his Georgia Supreme Court Case. He's asking that you send him the 'hope and change' Obama gave you represented by the "Change" in your pocket America. Cody says, 'Help Me Help You" in this funny but true plea for 'change'." target="_blank">">

Also, take a look at Cody Robert Judy's 3 Point Platform in 3 minutes!

The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign


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A twofer post.  They are intertwined and I could not separate them so I took excerpts from both but have provided the links for the full articles. 

First was By Steve Baldwin for the Western Center for Journalism

Second by Jerome R. Corsi WND EXCLUSIVE


This should concern all Americans.  A nation-wide network of researchers has sprung up to attempt to fill in the blanks, but at every opportunity Obama’s high-priced lawyers have built walls around various records or simply made them disappear. It is estimated that Obama’s legal team has now spent well over $1.4 million dollars blocking access to documents every American should have access to. The question is why would he spend so much money to do this?

The president who campaigned for a more “open government” and “full disclosure” will not unseal his medical records, his school records, his birth records or his passport records. He will not release his Harvard records, his Columbia College records, or his Occidental College records—he will not even release his Columbia College thesis. All his legislative records from the Illinois State Senate are missing and he claims his scheduling records during those State Senate years are lost as well. In addition, no one can find his school records for the elite K-12 college prep school, Punahou School, he attended in Hawaii.

What is he hiding? Well, for starters, some of these records will shed light on his citizenship and birth. So, people - you just keep thinkin' it ain't possible that our gvt (or should I say the Marxists left in our gvt) have been planning for this INELIGIBLE FRAUD to be president for a looooong time.



So compare these men – if you HAD to guess which he looks most like… yeah. I thought so. I posted this to my facebook for all my "in the dark" friends to keep your head in the sand… nothing to see here… ignorance is bliss, isn’t it? I wouldn’t know, because I am not ignoring the facts like many of you are in this country.

Honestly, I don't give a ratzass who is father is - I just know he is NOT ELIGIBLE to be our president. The constitutional crisis our esteemed leaders are in fear of isn't that this happened, but that they are too cowardly to CORRECT IT!

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Three Bullet Points:

1) Cody Rrt Judy v. Barack Hussein Obama has been docketed in the Georgia Supreme Court Case No. S12D1584

2) Within the Application for Review is Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse which concluded there is probable cause that Obama’s long form birth certificate released by Obama is a forged document as well as Obama’s selective service draft registration.

3) With the three questions asked in the Supreme Court Application the Justices will have a candidate with standing, asking about the precedent of the U.S. Supreme Court on ‘natural born citizen’ and the ground work that a denial basically sets starts precedent for a release of anyone who has committed fraud or forgery.
The questions asked a Supreme Court are not to be taken lightly. They involve deep rooted issues that often affect each and every person and touch families in the living room.

Our United States Constitution is a document that is considered whole. In other words, deconstruction of any one part of it is a violation of precedent and the rules of construction. In laymen’s terms you can’t start withdrawing bricks from any wall and expect not to have sirens go off.

De-construction of the Constitution is exactly what Obama subscribes to though and has done so since swearing by oath that he was a “natural born citizen” qualified for the office of the President.

While Court clerks and Secretaries of States’ are the gate keepers, they don’t profess to be able to stand up to someone out right lying to them under oath. That is essentially how Obama has managed his way into the White House since his late summer win over Hillary Clinton in 2008 and subsequent win over Republican Sen. John McCain.
Drawn into the summer, gave Obama a big strategic advantage. Why sue a candidate if he’s not going to be the nominee? Who knows if a challenge should be mounted? I’m sure you get the point. By the time Obama was declared the Democratic Nominee his snowball chance was rolling with loads of cash to protect him from Ballot Challenges in every state, and any Presidential Candidate chances of getting to a Supreme Court that had not already received Obama favors, ie Sen. John McCain’s Sen. Res. 511 declaring the Panama son an American ‘natural born citizen’, co-chaired by Obama, was left to write-in candidates or third party candidates.

In 2011 the 9th Circuit Court of appeals ruled that Presidential candidates have standing, but those challenging in 2008 didn’t seem to be running in 2012, so couldn’t claim continued damages. Retrospective damage was dismissed by the Court in the ruling of Barnett v. Obama.

2012 dawns a new light. While the Birther movement has continually been scalded by the media and stung as fringe, the true sting is an assault upon the qualification of the President to hold office demanded by the Constitution which is as was said not a document that invites further construction without a 2/3rd majority of Congress.
The 8-12 challenges to the clause even from the onslaught of Obama’s political career in Illinois outlining the qualifications of the Office of the President in the legislature have all been soundly defeated.
Why main stream media doesn’t champion those defeats in the legislature and accredit the Birther movement to the sound principle championed by the Legislative Branch to Main Street is pretty good writing on the wall that spots a corporate agenda.

Today, June 7th,2012 Cody Robert Judy ( a presidential candidate in the Democratic Party) v. Barack Hussein Obama has been docketed in the Georgia Supreme Court in a application for review. What makes this case so unique is it is brought by a Candidate for President that started at the lowest level – A Ballot Challenge, for the court that means it has roots, and now that is in the highest court of the State of Georgia that ultimately is charged to protect the United States Constitution, things could be different.
You can’t find an Obama eligibility challenge anywhere in 2012 that has a Candidate for President in the same party, coming to the highest Court of the State, with time for their decision to make a difference before the Democrat National Convention in September. Supreme Courts have a reputation of making sure if they do rule on a case that their decision is not moot.

If the prospective of the Occupant of the White House being a total fraud offering forged documents as accrediting his qualification isn’t enough to unhinge your gate and you think Cody’s just spouting his mouth, wait just a minute there’s more. You probably have heard of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse that consisted of 2200 hours of law enforcement investigation on Obama’s long form birth certificate?
Cody Robert Judy was the first qualified Candidate for the Office of the President to grab hold of that law enforcement investigation with the integrity of upholding the law and on March 2nd,2012 placed that whole investigation into the Superior Court of Georgia’s consideration which now the Supreme Court has as a staggering dismissal on their plate.

A good read of the questions presented to the Supreme Court shows the corner Obama has placed upon Justice in the United States. If the Court hears the case and agrees with precedent, Obama could be placed as a ‘disability’ to the Constitution and Congress could be placed on Notice to act on his removal as a ‘disability’.
If the Supreme Court doesn’t act, legal construction exist to free anyone in the Georgia penal system or for that matter the United States, to be set free sentenced by the law on crimes of fraud or forgery, because what’s good for Obama ought to be good for any prisoner convicted or sentenced by the law, if allowed, Obama skirts. That quandary exists in Cody Robert Judy’s 3rd question to the Justices in Georgia.

Obama’s probability to have it both ways is the sort of non-transparency that has existed from Obama’s first executive order sealing all his documents. Only problem with those executive orders is they are no good unless they are signed by an eligible President under the Constitution.

Stay tuned for more action and please help Cody and his courageous campaign by logging on to and making a contribution.

Links to Application Reviews Questions:



The Cody Robert Judy for President U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign

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Obama’s Strategy to Destroy Our Nation


Government is not the solution to the problem, government is the problem.  Ronald Reagan

No, this isn’t propaganda this is the writing on the wall.  Here’s what Obama has accomplished in his 3 ½ year reign as dictator of the USA.  He’s destroyed our economic power and sicked EPA on all businesses big and small. Many businesses have downsized or closed their doors and others are in a holding pattern afraid to hire or expand their businesses.

He’s increased our National Deficit over 5 trillion dollars and refused to balance our budget.  Daily the Nation’s debt is increasing about $3.93 billion per day and each citizen’s share surpasses 50,000.  Here’s an interesting tidbit from Cicero: "The budget should be balanced; the treasury should be refilled; public debt should be reduced; and the arrogance of public officials should be controlled."-Cicero. 106-43 B.C.  Americans etch these words on your foreheads – this is the only way we will retrieve our Country and place it back on its once very strong foundation. 

It took Obama over a year behind closed doors to craft Obamacare – it’s an albatross around the necks of the private citizens, the medical field, the insurance companies and has hidden taxes, a death panel (call it whatever you want) and definitely will push granny and grampy over the cliff.

The Obama’s green company scams of is just that – his big bundlers benefited from the scams and taxpayers lost billions of dollars on companies like Solyndra, Sun Power, Tesla and many more.  Fisker Automotive Company was financed by Americans.  Americans not only lost millions of dollars, but Fisker subcontracted the Finish to manufacture the new electric cars.

Fisker’s $97,000 vehicle bankrolled by Americans via the DOE is over a year behind in their schedule - a couple of vehicles have finally been delivered to customers. Throw the Chevy Volt into the mix, which is literally a time bomb with botched batteries and slopped up charging systems and you have an accident waiting to happen plus millions of taxpayer’s money lost and gone forever. We haven’t heard the last of the GM debacle – Obama rolled out the red carpet for GM once again misusing taxpayer’s money to fund an incompetent company with a gob of over - paid CEO’s that dug their own hole and ran with their tale between their legs to Obama. 

What about Obama’s favorite vulture bundler and crook – Jon Corzine?  The Liberal News media runs and hides every time they hear Jon Corzine’s name – they won’t touch this subject with a ten foot pole.  

Obama has declared a peaceful Martial Law, which is a fire drill for the time he deems it necessary to pass a full blown Martial Law which will stop the Presidential Election thusly keeping his job intact.  He was hired for an 8 year run by his puppeteers and he’s not about to relinquish the office of Commander in Chief.

What about the Senate hiding behind closed doors passing bills and spending millions of taxpayer’s money – Obama & the Senate are passing bills right and left prior to the November 2012 election?   Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) voiced concerns that the Senate passes over 90 percent of legislation without any debate, without amendment, and without a roll call vote.

How’s that for treasonous acts against acts against our Nation – no one gets to read these bills, there isn’t any transparency and Obama & Reid are using the hatchet against all Americans hoping you’re preoccupied with his  class warfare and racism tactics to notice what he’s doing while we sleep. So for those gleefully running around refusing to vet this imposter – you may not be “birthers” but you’re verging on stupidity – we have terrorists in our midst and on our turf as we speak.   

Let’s quit playing childish games the buck stops at the Commander in Chief’s desk and he is responsible for the GSA’s lavish conferences, vacations and sick entertainment.  He’s responsible for the Fast and Furious gunrunner operation that has killed hundreds of innocent Mexicans and 2 of our border agents; the DOJ website quite clearly states that Obama funded 10,000,000 and ear marked it for the Fast and Furious gunrunner operation. 

The OIG (Office of the Inspector General) notified Congress, Holder, Napolitano, ATF and Obama about the dangers and problems that the gunrunner operation posed way before Jaime Zapata or Brian Terry were murdered.  He’s responsible for high unemployment, our weakened Military, our unsecured borders, reduction of our nuclear capabilities and the blatant misuse of taxpayer’s money. 

There’s no nice way of defining the actions of Obama the person some call our Commander in Chief – he is an imposter engaging in 3 ½ years of deception.  He defies our Constitution, threatens the Supreme Court Judges and places himself above the laws of our land. All of his Czars are Communists, Marxists or extreme radicals who are his “gophers” of choice – all of these strays are foot loose and fancy free preparing our Nation for Obama’s New World Order. 

Obama’s actions and motivation the past 3 ½ years have been with the intent to overthrow our Government.  In 2009 he literally robbed our “piggy bank” taking 787 billion dollars for his slinky redistribution agenda.  On his watch our credit rating was dropped, our debt ceiling raised, inflation is nipping at our heels, gas prices are a bloody mess and our National Deficit has gone off the Richter scale.  

Obama has been in the attack mode since he took office in 2009; he’s a narcissistic dictator who has attacked our businesses, our religious freedoms, our 2nd Amendment, our Constitution and our freedom of speech. 

Girma Tassew /May 3, 2009 discusses the pathology of a “dictator.”  Obama fits the DNA of a dictator or autocratic ruler and below are a few of the most obvious symptoms. 

  • Continual claims for attention and admiration
  • Cold and uncaring behavior toward others
  • Other people are seen only as an extension of the self      to be manipulated and/or eliminated as needed; an inability to relate to      people as people or separate from oneself
  • Inflated/exaggerated sense of self-importance.

Regardless of his citizenship, his past or his relationships Obama has intentionally and willfully harmed one of the greatest Nations in the world; he must be removed from office prior to November 2012.  It’s our duty to protect our Constitution and defend our Nations from all enemies; this isn’t an option, this is a responsibility and that is included in our citizenship.  Ask yourselves one question – are you better off now than you were in 2009? 

May God Bless America

As Always,

Little Tboca

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The Real Obama – Not the Fake One


Author Marcia Wood (Grandmother of seven awesome angels)

Wake up America this is 2012 and we’re being placed under lock and key by the one some call Obama.  The abuse that African Americans have taken since 2008 is beyond belief and it’s due to the actions of the “real Obama, “not the fake one.  The fake one promised African Americans the whole ball of wax, better schools, better teachers, jobs, help with their homes being repossessed, transparency, lower taxes – 95% of the African American community voted for him in 2008. 

Still after the bashing the African Americans have received the majority will vote for him in 2012 – go figure.  Here’s what they received from the greatest snake salesmen of all times.  Higher unemployment, no jobs, homes were repossessed, absolutely no transparency and horrifically poor conditions in many of their schools due to Union control.  Obama allowed the Unions to take over their schools and the trickle down affect has been inferior teachers who pretty much work banker hours for a pay check and a hefty retirement. 

Like Maxine Waters insinuated Obama is MIA most of the time, not spending time in their communities – he’s too busy playing footsy with his big bundlers, the Unions, the Muslim Brotherhood and Soros’s special interest groups.  In fact he’s treated them like second handed citizens and would prefer handing money out to the Gay Community then helping his own people. 

Obama told African Americans to “Take off your bedroom slippers, put on your marching shoes. Shake it off. Stop complaining, stop grumbling, stop crying.” it’s not exactly the type of comment you would expect from the Commander in Chief” of America.

But after all of the lies and false promises to the African American Community many are still hanging on to his coat tails and will obediently vote for him in 2012.  Instead of working with other Americans who just want to take back their Government and Country, they have bought into his class warfare and racism malarkey. 

Isn’t it time for the sake of their children, grandchildren and future generations to quit hanging on to Obama’s false “Hope and Change?”  He flushed their “Hope” down the toilet in early 2009 and the “Change” that they were promised was nonchalantly tossed out the White House window because Obama wanted their votes for one reason only.  In a nutshell, Obama had plans to put all of us in shacks, give us enough food and water to barely make it from one meal to the next and take away our God given freedoms and rights.

The very people the African Community consider their friends and saviors are the culprits who are taking food from their mouths and money from their pockets laughing all the way to the bank.  Maxine Waters, Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, Van Jones, Valarie Jarrett and others are terrorizing the African American communities.  These people have turned on their own people misusing and abusing them to promote a false ideology that has never worked in the history of mankind. 

The African Americans who plan to vote for Obama in 2012 might want to at least check out some very special resources – they’re true Patriots and they care about all Americans and our beautiful Nation.


Condoleezza Rice

Alan Keyes

Herman Cain

Please go to this website for some of the best of the best African Americans in our Nation.

May God Bless America

As Always,

Little Tboca

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The Real Obama – Not the Fake One


Author Marcia Wood (Grandmother of seven awesome angels)

Wake up America this is 2012 and we’re being placed under lock and key by the one some call Obama.  The abuse that African Americans have taken since 2008 is beyond belief and it’s due to the actions of the “real Obama, “not the fake one.  The fake one promised African Americans the whole ball of wax, better schools, better teachers, jobs, help with their homes being repossessed, transparency, lower taxes – 95% of the African American community voted for him in 2008. 

Still after the bashing the African Americans have received the majority will vote for him in 2012 – go figure.  Here’s what they received from the greatest snake salesmen of all times.  Higher unemployment, no jobs, homes were repossessed, absolutely no transparency and horrifically poor conditions in many of their schools due to Union control.  Obama allowed the Unions to take over their schools and the trickle down affect has been inferior teachers who pretty much work banker hours for a pay check and a hefty retirement. 

Like Maxine Waters insinuated Obama is MIA most of the time, not spending time in their communities – he’s too busy playing footsy with his big bundlers, the Unions, the Muslim Brotherhood and Soros’s special interest groups.  In fact he’s treated them like second handed citizens and would prefer handing money out to the Gay Community then helping his own people. 

Obama told African Americans to “Take off your bedroom slippers, put on your marching shoes. Shake it off. Stop complaining, stop grumbling, stop crying.” it’s not exactly the type of comment you would expect from the Commander in Chief” of America.

But after all of the lies and false promises to the African American Community many are still hanging on to his coat tails and will obediently vote for him in 2012.  Instead of working with other Americans who just want to take back their Government and Country, they have bought into his class warfare and racism malarkey. 

Isn’t it time for the sake of their children, grandchildren and future generations to quit hanging on to Obama’s false “Hope and Change?”  He flushed their “Hope” down the toilet in early 2009 and the “Change” that they were promised was nonchalantly tossed out the White House window because Obama wanted their votes for one reason only.  In a nutshell, Obama had plans to put all of us in shacks, give us enough food and water to barely make it from one meal to the next and take away our God given freedoms and rights.

The very people the African Community consider their friends and saviors are the culprits who are taking food from their mouths and money from their pockets laughing all the way to the bank.  Maxine Waters, Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, Van Jones, Valarie Jarrett and others are terrorizing the African American communities.  These people have turned on their own people misusing and abusing them to promote a false ideology that has never worked in the history of mankind. 

The African Americans who plan to vote for Obama in 2012 might want to at least check out some very special resources – they’re true Patriots and they care about all Americans and our beautiful Nation.


Condoleezza Rice

Alan Keyes

Herman Cain

Please go to this website for some of the best of the best African Americans in our Nation.


May God Bless America

As Always,

Little Tboca

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Commemorating Memorial Day in honoring our Military personnel, those who have died, been injured, and those who are fighting for the United States Constitution I am excited to release this new song and video, 'The Lion's Share". In creating this song, and feeling myself to be kind of an instrument from which this music and creation came, I was moved to depict two things:

An honor for military's service and and honor for America's good deeds. So many times the chain reaction of good deeds is unnoticed and I wanted to depict that chain reaction which is amplified clear up to the Constitution of the United States and the honor we as Americans have living under it as The Supreme Law of the Land.

This song is not fiction but a story that is true much of it happening in one day. The song is a celebration of gratitude. Happy Memorial Day - Enjoy! The LION'S SHARE

Cody Robert Judy


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Commemorating Memorial Day in honoring our Military personnel, those who have died, been injured, and those who are fighting for the United States Constitution I am excited to release this new song and video, 'The Lion's Share". In creating this song, and feeling myself to be kind of an instrument from which this music and creation came, I was moved to depict two things:

An honor for military's service and and honor for America's good deeds. So many times the chain reaction of good deeds is unnoticed and I wanted to depict that chain reaction which is amplified clear up to the Constitution of the United States and the honor we as Americans have living under it as The Supreme Law of the Land.

This song is not fiction but a story that is true much of it happening in one day. The song is a celebration of gratitude. Happy Memorial Day - Enjoy! The LION'S SHARE

Cody Robert Judy


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Obama’s Liberal Junkies


This headline depicts the idiotic thought process of the Liberals - MSNBC Host: 'I'm Uncomfortable' Calling Fallen Soldiers Heroes Sun May 27. In honor of our brave Military, American citizens should remove these terrorists from our turf. 4063519551?profile=original

Take a gander at a few of the Liberal Obama worshippers and meet the Liberal junkies who spew a “false ideology”.

They’re not the smartest creatures in the turnip patch, but they religiously sit up, beg, roll over and play dead for their puppeteers.  They are the Communist, Marxist and Rothschild zombies or robots and they’re pre - programmed, brainwashed and unable to function on their own.  

Chris Mathews from MSNBC, the man who gets a tingle up his leg when talking about Obama not only lost his tingle, but lost his marbles too on Jeopardy.  Chris exposed himself as a rather senile disturbed human being when it comes to “smarts.”  Without Soros pulling his strings and writing his script Chris like Biden isn’t safe on the streets by himself; he’s an accident waiting to happen.  

Valerie Jarrett possibly could feign poor eyesight, but her “I’m the Queen” attitude at the Alfalfa Club was over the top.  Jarrett ordered one of our high ranking officers in full dress uniform to bring her a glass of wine.  Jarrett, Obama’s senior adviser has a distinguished nick name that has hung onto her like glue.  The White House gophers have dubbed her “the Worst White House Aide:”  Valerie is the one who had a White House tantrum  and threatened to walk if Obama let the CIA and Seals snuff Osama bin Laden.  Funny thing is neither Obama nor Jarrett had enough clout to stop the CIA and Seals from finishing their job.  Hats off to the CIA, the Navy Seals, Hilary Clinton, Rear Admiral Edward Winters and Leon Panetta for a job well done. 

Maxine Waters another one that idolizes the ground Obama walks on lost her composure and gave the Black Caucus an ear full about Obama’s lack of engagement in the African American community; Maxine was mad because Obama told the African Community to suck it up, stop grumbling and quit complaining.

Waters is the one who said that the Government has the right or power to seize control of private industry.  Waters also said, “"If [the big banks] don't come up with loan modifications and keep people in their homes that they've worked so hard for, we're going to tax them out of business."  So much for intelligence!

Good old Joe Biden reminds us that it doesn’t take brains or political correctness to fill the shoes of Vice President.  Joe never worshipped anyone but “Joe” and he provides the comedy for the Obama Administration by hook or by crook.  Biden is like a stray dog, he’s never been particularly fond of Obama and no one at any time can predict where the stray is going to make his next dump.   Obama has tried without success to keep Biden under lock and key, but Joe is rather illusive and totally resistant to rules and regulations. 

Then there’s Debbie Wasserman Schultz who isn’t exactly the perfect mouth piece for the Democrats.  She’s the Raggedy Ann with the big hair always putting her foot in her mouth.  Debbie would make “Pinocchio” hide his head in shame; her inflammatory crude language makes her Obama’s “Junkyard Dog,” definitely not his attack dog for she bites everything that moves including the Tea Parties, Conservatives, the poor, the Military, the Catholics, unborn babies, the Jews and of course Scott Walker.

In the early 1990’s David Axelrod was given the dirty assignment of mentoring and preparing Obama for the position of Command in Chief.  David sold his soul to the puppeteers years ago and now he’s stuck in the White House as Obama’s janitor.  David tags along after Obama mopping up his messes and putting out his fires.  It’s a dirty job, but I guess someone has to do it. 

The Obama worshippers aren’t exactly what one would call a brilliant articulate group of low lives, but they are faithful followers of those who have worked years to destroy our Nation.  There remain an enemy of our beautiful America; they’re dangerous pawns or gophers in the political chess game.  We must fight back – It is our duty as United States citizens to protect our great Nation.

Above all, we must realize that no arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women. It is a weapon our adversaries in today's world do not have.
Ronald Reagan


May God Bless America

As Always,


Little Tboca

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May 20th 2012 Ltr. to U.S. Supreme Court Clerk Judy v. Obama

CODY ROBERT JUDY                                                                                                                             3031 So. Ogden Ave. Suite #2,                                                                                                                        Ogden UT. 84401                                                                                                                                                  801-497-6655

-          -     -     -

SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES                                                                                         Mr. WILLIAM D. SUTER -Office of the Clerk                                                                                              1 First Street N.E. Washington DC 20543-0001

RE:  Your May 17th, 2012 letter in re: Judy v. Obama

Dear Mr. Suter:                                                                                       May 20,2012

          Thank you for your letter and attention May 17th, 2012 in which you stated : “ Dear Mr. Judy: The enclosed papers were received again on May 17th, 2012 , and are herewith returned for the reasons stated in my letter dated April 10th,2012. Until and unless you receive a decision from a United States Court of Appeals or highest state court within which a decision could be had this Court does not have jurisdiction of your case. Sincerely, William K. Suter, Clerk by: Gail Johnson (202) 479-3038.

            Sir, I understand what you’re alluding to, however your statement is just not true and please, follow me as I explain because I do feel, while it is unusual, that the Court has Original Jurisdiction in my case. Now keep reading.. don’t stop there. Please Sir, Let me explain this as I understand it.

While it is true that the Court may only review "final judgments rendered by the highest court of a state in which a decision could be had" if those judgments involve a question of federal statutory or constitutional law, the Constitution specifies that the Supreme Court may exercise original jurisdiction in cases affecting ambassadors and other diplomats, and in cases in which a state is a party, as well as when a Act of Congress is called into question: See #1 in Jurisdiction Statement. i.e. the Court is hearing the  The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)- Action by Congress considered in Joint Session is an Action of Congress the Court has jurisdiction to hear in a Direct or Original Appeal as underlined in my Writ.

 I do understand that in most all cases,  the Court has only appellate jurisdiction and that it considers cases based on its original jurisdiction very rarely; while almost all cases are brought to the Supreme Court on appeal and in practice the only original jurisdiction cases heard by the Court are disputes between two or more states, or when an Act of Congress is called into question- my case involves both- two states with two Secretaries of States official capacity in a Federal Election question in which I as a party INDEED CAN RECEIVE RELIEF FROM INJURY with a favorable decision in future primaries of western States, and also in the Democratic Party National Convention where I am free to court delegates who are un- bound in the Primaries of New Hampshire and Georgia by a decision of the U.S. Supreme Court that Barack Obama is not eligible under the U.S. Constitution Art. II, Sect.1, clause 5 referring to us only a ‘Natural Born Citizen’ is eligible for the Office of the President. Arizona’s Secretary State is now in contention of not placing Obama’s name on the Ballot because he’s not eligible. How is this not an Original Jurisdiction moment in our history Sir?

The power of the Supreme Court to consider appeals from state courts, rather than just federal courts, was created by the Judiciary Act of 1789 and upheld early in the Court's history, by its rulings in Martin v. Hunter's Lessee (1816) and Cohens v. Virginia (1821). The Supreme Court is the only federal court that has jurisdiction over direct appeals from state court decisions, although there are several devices that permit so-called "collateral review" of state cases, in my jurisdiction statement I include the act of Congress that also invites original jurisdiction as Joint Session of Congress Action failed to ask for dissention or hear those hands raised in the electorate count of Jan. 8th, 2008.

Since Article Three of the United States Constitution stipulates that federal courts may only entertain "cases" or "controversies", the Supreme Court avoids deciding cases that are moot and does not render advisory opinions, as the supreme courts of some states may do. For example, in DeFunis v. Odegaard, 416 U.S. 312 (1974), the Court dismissed a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of a law school affirmative action policy because the plaintiff student had graduated since he began the lawsuit, and a decision from the Court on his claim would not be able to redress any injury he had suffered, however, the mootness exception is not absolute.

If an issue is "capable of repetition yet evading review", the Court will address it even though the party before the Court would not himself be made whole by a favorable result. In Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973), and other abortion cases, the Court addresses the merits of claims pressed by pregnant women seeking abortions even if they are no longer pregnant because it takes longer than the typical human gestation period to appeal a case through the lower courts to the Supreme Court, and it is the same with the contention of one Presidential
Candidate against another in the eligibility of a candidate in regards to this very case.

You Sir, are prohibiting the U.S. Supreme Court from acting on a case while the Court still can without desecrating the ‘political doctrine question’ in the 2012 election. As a candidate I have provided the case precedent of the U.S. Supreme Court and the violations of that precedent the NEW HAMPSHIRE SUPREME COURT, and Georgia lower Courts that with all due diligent conscience could be heard by the 1st Circuit, the 11th Circuit, or the Chief Justice himself in Original Jurisdiction. Original Jurisdiction seems the logical action in my case so I didn’t place “for the 1st Circuit” or “for the 11th Circuit” in the caption of the case.

Regarding your insinuation that action is denied based on a case in which “a decision could be had’, while the Primary is over and a decision from the U.S. Supreme Court cannot undo the results of New Hampshire’s Supreme Court decision, remedy is available by the delegates in the electorate who CAN be unbound with the exclusion of an unqualified candidate especially before the Sep. 2012 Democratic Party National Convention. I remind you Sir, that candidate Obama is NOT elected President 2013, and I am not contending against him as President as your letter blatantly and prejudicially states in the following statement from your letter “RE: Cody Robert Judy v. Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States.”

Do you see any such mention of my listing him as President of the United States in my action against him? Why have you inserted that if it is not perilously discriminatory to my action? That to me Sir is a blatant representation that you have taken sides actually prohibited by your position and I do note that insertion as insult to my action- Constitutional Authorization of eligibility trumps Declaration by your office.

Yes Sir, this is an unusual case, it’s not normal as far as your regular Appeals from State courts or for that matter U.S. Courts,.. but let me ask you a question Sir:

Where in the law does it state that the U.S. Supreme Court shall be bound, or have their hands tied up as hostages, by the Court Clerk from hearing a case by a Presidential Candidate by reason of avoiding, extending, and stalling until the National Democratic Convention is over regarding the eligibility of a candidate directly in opposition to the Constitution?

That’s the law I need you to please point out for me or I need you to file my case and get me a case number Sir.

If a women by law has a right of choice in an abortion, and she does right now, then I as a Candidate also have a right to be heard before the Democratic Party- a major party in the United States, in which I am running, chooses an ineligible and constitutionally unqualified candidate by those who protect precedent- The United States Supreme Court.

Thank you for your attention to my original jurisdiction argument. Its just amazing to me that I’m having this argument with you in the first place but the American people will see eventually how transparent this has been if you send me my Writ back without a case number and the embarrassment of this argument will undoubtedly last longer than Obama will in any illegal capacity.


Cody Robert Judy

                                                                                                                                                                                                 The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 Eligibility Campaign

cc: Scribd link – Media of U.S., all Social Media of United States Citizens

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UN DAILY NEWS from the

14 May, 2012 =========================================================================


A group of United Nations independent experts today called on the European Union (EU) to take the lead in promoting the adoption of a global financial transaction tax that would offset the costs of the current economic crisis and protect basic human rights.

“Where the world financial crisis has brought about the loss of millions of jobs, socialized private debt burdens and now risks causing significant human rights regressions through wide-ranging austerity packages, a financial transaction tax (FTT) is a pragmatic tool for providing the means for governments to protect and fulfil the human rights of their people,” said the Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, Magdalena Sepúlveda.

According to a news release from the UN office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights (OHCHR), estimates suggest that at its lowest rate the FTT would yield about $48 billion across the Group of Twenty major economies, with higher rates offering up to $250 billion per year to offset the costs of the enduring economic, financial, fuel, climate and food crises.

The call from UN experts comes a day ahead of the Group of Eight Summit of industrialized countries, which will take place in Camp David in the United States.

“EU countries must take bold leadership now to pave the way towards what should eventually be a global FTT,” the UN experts urged, welcoming recent EU proposals to implement the financial transaction tax across the Eurozone.

Countries such as the Republic of Korea have implemented similar taxes in non-discriminatory ways to raise resources to achieve the right to development. The FTT, experts argue, would also help stabilize financial markets by discouraging speculation, and therefore mitigate the type of volatility which led to the 2008 financial and food crises.

“Food prices have twice spiked dangerously over the past five years, and could easily do so again,” stressed the Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Olivier De Schutter. “The FTT will likely reduce hot capital flows that fuel speculation, drive price instability and wreak havoc on the right to food worldwide.”

“A global FTT is not a silver bullet, but it would help relieve sovereign debt load stemming from the financial crisis, shift the burden from ordinary citizens to the private sector which caused the crisis, and significantly enlarge government fiscal space for spending on desperately needed economic and social rights programmes.” said the Special Rapporteur on foreign debt and human rights, Cephas Lumina.

The FTT would provide governments with an opportunity to act on their commitments to sustainable development and to take a step to advance development and include marginalized populations, said the Special Rapporteur on human rights and international solidarity, Virginia Dandan.

“When the financial sector fails to pay its share, the rest of society must pick up the bill,” Ms. Sepúlveda emphasized. “It is high-time that governments re-examine the basic redistributive role of taxation to ensure that wealthier individuals and the financial sector contribute their fair share of the tax burden.”

What about "Dear Leader"? Think he isnt for this?

Remember when Joe Biden wanted the same thing?

“For years, American manufacturers have faced one of the highest tax rates in the world. We want to reduce that by over 20%. We want to drop the rate, particularly, for high-tech manufacturers like you, Mr. President, even further than the 20%.

We want to create a global minimum tax, because American taxpayers shouldn’t be providing a larger subsidy for investing abroad than investing at home."

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