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4063963427?profile=originalAll of us that call ourselves God fearing Christians have a duty to vote and to encourage our fellow Christians to vote ! imagine how much difference it would make if these Christians had voted for God fearing political candidates. We might just save our once great country !

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How many legislators voted to pass Obama care based on false pretenses!     All officers are oath and duty bound to the highest standards of honesty, truth, and integrity.    Are there any who had read and understood the legislation when they voted for it?    How many yes voters have completely read the bill, understand it and can explain the laws and recite a firm cost per year with truthful disclosure of who is going to pay for it.    Is there an accounting and consensus on the legality of stripping hundreds of billions from MEDICARE Funds that are required for retiree SSI-MED benefits... as part and parcel of SSI trust fund covenants?

If any of the naked ignorance and deception discussed in the media over the past several years is remotely true, we are following the Pied Piper of fraud over the cliff and into a sea of destruction.    It isn't enough to defund Obamacare, we have fraud in treasonous proportions to prosecute, and no one seems to have the guts to file charges!

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Question: What is the Cloward-Piven Strategy and is it covertly being employed by President Obama and his allies as a means of destroying this great country of ours?

There is sufficient evidence to prove that President Obama is in fact employing this strategy to destroy the USA as we know it today-You Decide:

“The Cloward-Piven Strategy is a deliberate series of tactics designed to bring a system down in collapse so that a preferred system can be erected in its place. Named after two Columbia University professors, it was actually employed in the early 1970s.  I want to repeat that:  it was actually employed.

This is not your ordinary conspiracy theory.  In this case, we know that the strategy was employed and had some effect.  Namely, by deliberately burdening New York city’s welfare system, they managed to bankrupt the city, which so declared in 1975.

Cloward and Piven, therefore, have made it impossible to take at face value measures which are put forward as being ‘for the poor,’ especially when those plans emerge from people associated with them or their organizations.

Cloward taught at Columbia University for almost five decades.  During his tenure, a certain Obama attended.  Did Obama and Cloward ever interact?  Did Obama ever take any of Cloward’s courses?  No one can prove he didn’t because Obama refuses to allow Columbia to release his transcripts.   In 1982, Piven returned to New York.  Did Obama interact with these two individuals?

In light of the current push for nationalized health care and the nationalization of numerous sectors of American society we have to consider the real possibility that the point of these measures is actually to bring about a national collapse.

I know there is a real horror among some to be associated with anything that smacks of a ‘conspiracy.’  Also, the American people tend to want to give people the benefit of the doubt and operate on the view that people have sincere intentions even when they are sincerely wrong.  What does one do, though, when you are talking about people who have embraced conspiracy, surprise, and manipulation as their actual method?

 “If you lie down with dogs, you wake up with fleas.”

Obama’s connections to organizations like Saul Alinsky’s Industrial Areas Foundation are well known.  The circles he has been running in for the last three decades ensure that he is at least conversant on the topic of the Cloward-Piven strategy (which was inspired by Alinsky, itself).  How do we know that Obama doesn’t have the same goals?  Piven, for example, was a board member of the Democratic Socialists of America.  The IAF, founded by atheist Saul Alinsky, spun off the Gamaliel Foundation (which Obama worked for), an organization that deliberately works through churches to achieve their agenda.  These are people who rely on sleight of hand and deception to operate.  How do we know that Obama isn’t the same?

There are hundreds of thousands of progressives, liberals, and Democrats who sincerely want to help people, and that is why they advocate for programs such as nationalized health care, welfare, etc.  I know some of them, and I know that they would be repulsed by the notion that these programs be used as a means for transforming the United States to reflect Piven’s socialistic vision for it.  I am calling upon these very people to rise up and demand that Obama release records that would help us understand what his values really are.  Obviously, no one will listen to conservatives.  They are too easy to dismiss as ‘birthers.’  But if liberals shout loud enough… well that might be something else.

Indeed, this essay has been written to just those people, for conservatives already know the truth about ACORN, the IAF, the Gamaliel Foundation, and Cloward and Piven and their National Welfare Rights Organization under George Wiley.  These connections are easily documented by basic searches online.  I think you are dead wrong-headed in your attempt to solve the nation’s ills through the government but in the main I think you are right-hearted.  I know you would be disgusted to discover that you’ve been played as dupes if the real goal of those actually implementing these programs is to bring the country down to its knees.  Even many liberals have noted that the practical effect of all of these government intrusion is national bankruptcy unless something dramatic happens.

Normally, one can look back on a politician’s career in order to ascertain what they really believe in contrast to that which they say they believe.  Actions speak louder than words.  In the case of Obama, there are a scant two years as a United States senator to look at and his time as a state rep generated very little insight into his true beliefs, as well.  If Obama actually intends to employ the Cloward and Piven strategy, however, ‘looking back’ might be too late.

Call upon Obama to release all requested records, immediately (especially the Columbia University records in this case).  If we wake up in ruins because you didn’t demand these records and they proved pertinent, it will be on your head.  If we see the records and they yield no new insight, then we will have harmed nothing, having only viewed what just about any president has eventually had exposed.

But we all have the right to know… but only you can bring it about.



Anthony Horvath

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The Left Takeover

Written by Roger Hedgecock - former mayor of San Diego Wednesday, 25 January 2012


I live in California . If you were wondering what living in Obama's second term would be like, wonder no longer. We in California are living there now.


California is a one-party state dominated by a virulent Democrat Left enabled by a complicit media where every agency of local, county, and state government is run by and for the public employee unions. The unemployment rate is 12%.


California has more folks on food stamps than any other state, has added so many benefits and higher rates to Medicaid that we call it "Medi-Cal." Our K-12 schools have more administrators than teachers, with smaller classes but lower test scores and higher dropout rates with twice the per-student budget of 15 years ago. Good job, Brownie.


This week, the once and current Gov. Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown had to confess that the "balanced" state budget adopted five months ago was billions in the red because actual tax revenues were billions lower than the airy-fairy revenue estimates on which the balance was predicated.


After trimming legislators' perks and reducing the number of cell phones provided to state civil servants, the governor intoned that drastic budget reductions had already hollowed out state programs for the needy, law enforcement and our schoolchildren. California government needed more money.


Echoing the Occupy movement, the governor proclaimed the rich must pay their fair share. Fair share? The top 1% of California income earners currently pays 50% of the state's income tax.


California has seven income tax brackets. The top income tax rate is 9.3%, which is slapped on the greedy rich earning at least $47,056 a year. Income of more than $1 million pays the "millionaires' and billionaires'" surcharge tax rate of 10.3%. Brown's proposal would add 2% for income over $250,000. A million-dollar income would then be taxed at 12.3%. And that's just for the state.


Brown also proposed a one-half-cent sales tax increase, which would bring sales taxes (which vary by county) up to 7.75% to as much as 10%. Both tax increases would be on the ballot in 2012.


The sales tax increase proposal immediately brought howls of protest from the Left (of Brown!). Charlie Eaton, a sociology grad student at UC Berkeley and leader of the UC Student-Workers Union, said, "We've paid enough. It's time for millionaires to pay."


At least five other ballot measures to raise taxes are circulating for signatures to get on the 2012 ballot in California . The governor's proposals are the most conservative.


The Obama way doesn't end with taxes.


The governor and the state legislature continue to applaud the efforts of the California High Speed Rail Authority to build a train connecting Los Angeles and San Francisco . Even though the budget is three times the voter-approved amount and the first segment will only connect two small towns in the agricultural Central Valley . But hey, if we build it, they will ride. And we don't want to turn down the Obama bullet-train bucks Florida and other states rejected because the operating costs would bankrupt them. Can't happen here because we're already insolvent!


If we get into real trouble with the train, we'll just bring in the Chinese. It worked with the Bay Bridge reconstruction. After the 1989 earthquake, the bridge connecting Oakland and San Francisco was rebuilt with steel made in China . Workers from China too. Paid for with money borrowed from China . Makes perfect sense.


In California , we hate the evil, greedy rich (except the rich in Hollywood , in sports, and in drug dealing). But we love people who have broken into California to eat the bounty created by the productive rich.


Illegals get benefits from various generous welfare programs, free medical care, and free schools for their kids, including meals, and of course, instate tuition rates and scholarships too. Nothing's too good for our guests.


To erase even a hint of criticism of illegal immigration, the California Legislature is considering a unilateral state amnesty. Democrat State Assemblyman Felipe Fuentes has proposed an initiative that would bar deportation of illegals from California .


Interesting dilemma for Obama there. If immigration is exclusively a federal matter, and Obama has sued four states for trying to enforce federal immigration laws he won't enforce, what will the President do to a California law that exempts California from federal immigration law?


California is also near fulfilling the environmentalist dream of deindustrialization.


After driving out the old industrial base (auto and airplane assembly, for example, air and water regulators and tax policies are now driving out the high-tech, biotech and even Internet-based companies that were supposed to be California's future.


The California cap-and-trade tax on business in the name of reducing CO2 makes our state the leader in wacky environmentalism and guarantees a further job exodus from the state. Even green energy companies can't do business in California . Solyndra went under, taking its taxpayer loan guarantee with it.


No job is too small to escape the regulators. The state has even banned weekend amateur gold miners from the historic gold mining streams in the Sierra Nevada Mountains . In fact, more and more of California 's public land is off-limits to recreation by the people who paid for that land. Unless you're illegal.


Then you can clear the land, set up marijuana plantations at will, bring in fertilizers that legal farmers can no longer use, exploit illegal farm workers who live in hovels with no running water or sanitation, and protect your investment with armed illegals carrying guns no California citizen is allowed to own.


The rest of us only found out about these plantations when the workers' open campfire started one of those devastating fires that have killed hundreds of people and burned out thousands of homes in California over the last decade.


It's often said that whatever happens in California will soon happen in your state.


You'd better hope that's wrong.




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Dee adds a very unique and tangible perspective to our endeavors here, and I for one am quite grateful for her hard work and obvious grasp of our situations.  Her topic of discussion "Why Are We All Here?" soundly mirrors what we see and hear, feel and think on a minute-by-minute, day-by-day basis.

As Dee points out, the change in the rhetoric of the Left bears paying attention to.  They have made it abundantly clear what they intend to do, even if they refuse to describe how they will do it in many instances.  Apparently, they fail to recognize that actions speak louder than words...or perhaps they are just blinded by their stunning intellectual superiority.  You can hear it in their voices and condescending tones when you talk to them.  It literally DRIPS off the page when they correspond with you...if that's what you'd like to call it.

The answer to the question is quite simple for me: We are all here because we have been called into the fight against absolute, totalitarian evil...an AGE-OLD fight, not unique to us only, but certainly unique to this Nation, particularly because of our Founding Principles and history.  Consider that this is the longest-surviving Constitution in the history of the world.  This is the greatest experiment in liberty in the history of the world, which asks the question "Is man capable of governing himself?"  The question remains at this hour unresolved...we are in the same battle now as our Founders were in their day.  I believe the case could be made that it is arguably WORSE.  Marx & Engles didn't pen "The Communist Manifesto" until 1848, for example.

We have our share of trolls on Tea Party Radio and Founder's Quest.  On Wednesday of last week, March 14, (check it out in the archived shows @ www.blogtalkradio.com/teapartyorg) we had Miki Booth with us as our guest.  Miki was followed by a group of trolls who were in the chat-room and also had called in.  It was rather entertaining.  One caller in particular would be a good case in point; After sentence 2, where he was "we're really REALLY  big fans of yours!", I caught on.  You just can't miss the simpering condescension and hatred lurking behind the facade.  He was trying to bait Miki and then intimidate her (once he was exposed on-air) into making some kind of terrible admission that "they" would use to file some lawsuit or something, some case they had feverishly worked up in their grandmother's basement they use for "strategy sessions" or whatever they use relative's basements for.  Chilling and quite nefarious, I can assure you.  

Chat-room was equally nefarious.  I was berated for hating Obama because he is black.  My reply-I don't care what color he is.  Why do you have a problem with people of color?  End of THAT line of conversation.

The point being, you don't always have to say much.  Just say it well, speak the truth, don't let them get to you, and hold up the mirror.  At the end of the day, we must realize exactly who we are up against.  Trolls for the most part are morally-challenged individuals; they are cowards to a fault; they are generally traitors to any rule of law they claim to understand; they cannot uphold a real position in a real debate because they are devoid of what we in the real world call "facts"---kind of like that petulant Kenyan we will probably have to drag out of the White House in a strait-jacket.

And THAT, my friends, is the biggest TROLL of them all.


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Calling a Spade a Spade,
Evil, Evil and
Sharia Law, Evil
                Those apparently few American voters who are both aware and sane got another slap to the side of the head last Wednesday when Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner revealed that the Obama administration planned to raise taxes on small business owners so that the size of government would not shrink . . . I kid you not. Mr. Geithner and Mr. Obama are clearly in denial of the fact that 64% of our new job creation comes from small business growth. 
This incredibly absurd stupidity is par for the course among the progressive** left in economic matters . . . but no one seems to be paying attention to their stances on feminism, human rights and freedom of religion and speech in this country which have become so convoluted that even the progressive left is finding it difficult to know which group deserves slander in the name of political correctness and which groups do not. I refer you to Sharia Law; Radical Islam; and teaching of Jihad to children with cartoon characters talking about the beauty of becoming a martyr for Allah and using phrases like “kill the Jewish monkeys.” Surely political correctness ends where simple and easily discoverable truth about EVIL begins, no?
According to the progressive left, Radical Islam is NOT to be criticized. Those who criticize the fruits of the Radical Jihadist Muslims as Bill O’Reilly did October 14th of last year on the ABC program “The View” . . . will earn the eternal scorn of the left for being “racists and extremists.” O’Reilly’s factual statement “It was Muslims who killed us on 9/11” was the stimulus for two of The View hosts, Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg to walk off the show’s set that day. Radical Islam under the cover of being moderate folk interested only in freedom of religion has already instituted Sharia Law in the United Kingdom and seeks to expand Sharia Law not only into this country, but into a dominant role in this country. They (the radical Jihadists) already have Attorney General Eric Holder and the Justice Department supporting CAIR (the Council on American-Islamic Relations) in their suit against the state of Oklahoma because an Oklahoma Law prohibiting Sharia Law was voted in by an aware public. Truth, it seems doesn’t matter. http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/cair/
What exactly is Sharia Law: to begin with, its legal sanctions are what in the U.S. Constitution are called “cruel and unusual punishments”: beheading, public stoning, public whippings, public caning; cutting off hands; etc. ad nauseum. The crimes that bring these harsh punishments are beheading for apostasy (deserting Islam and converting to another religion); beheading for homosexuality; cutting of hands for thievery; stoning for adultery; caning for a woman guilty of public immodesty; and various types of death penalties may be meted out for blasphemy against Allah. The progressive left which has long championed human rights in the United States all those times when we so egregiously violate them; and specifically homosexual rights; abortion rights; and female rights calls all who disagree with them in any fashion “extremists,” racists,” fascists and Nazis” even when Sharia Law is being attacked by clear thinking patriotic Americans for violating human rights; homosexual rights; abortion rights, child or adult slavery or the rights of women. Supposedly there is no contradiction between allowing Muslims access to Sharia Law in the United States and the United States Constitution? And the many individual state constitutions?
The matter of public modesty legislated against women by forcing them to wear the burkha is utterly shocking. Where is the National Organization of Women (presumably NOW is right where they were during the Monica Lewinsky affair when they said not word one against the philandering sexual harasser Bill Clinton? Or when conservative women are abused in public discourse and even called “stupid c_nts” by liberal commentators) why do they say nothing against Sharia? The twisted laws emerging from the Quran (or Koran) are based upon the evil notion that a man is not responsible for his actions if he rapes an “immodest” woman. Indeed any woman, even one in a burkha, hoping to bring charges of rape must provide three MALE witnesses to be heard in court and have any chance of justice being done.
The Sharia laws on homosexuality are clear, unless homosexual rape is perpetrated upon a slave in a Muslim household . . . which is truly A-OK and all right, of course. Heterosexual rape of slave women is, naturally OK, too. These slave women are immodest, of course, required to be naked from the waist up . . . so that’s some understandable justification for rape, eh?  
The much ballyhooed “Arab Spring” that Barack Obama (who attended Muslim school for parts of five years and has a statue of himself at ten years old standing in his schoolyard in Jakarta (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/8500974.stm) has liberally praised on numerous occasions . . . in Egypt is all about burning Coptic Christian (10% of the population of the country) churches, killing their members; and quite righteously also yelling “Kill the Jews Kill the Jews” before liberal journalists who seldom or never translate what’s being chanted.   This was all predictable, to anyone who saw the shocking survey of Egyptians back in November that showed that Mubarak or no Mubarak 87% of Egyptians favored Sharia Law and 92% favored beheading for apostasy.   
Arab Spring is just a way to claim Democracies are arising . . . when in truth: jihadocracies are the fruits of Arab Spring.  By the way recently an Egyptian high official opined that the reason that the economy hadn’t exploded into prosperity since strongman Mubarak was ousted, was that “raiding” had pretty much ceased. He was talking about raiding Black Africa and all around the world to obtain slaves for sale which is one of the most lucrative occupations in Egypt and the Islamic world. Of course the presence of one or more slaves in a Muslim household is the easiest and surest way to improve the family’s standard of living.
“What in the hell,” you are probably thinking is the motive for this stunning alignment with Islamic terrorists; Sharia Law; and just plain evil by the progressive left? In case you missed it, the much-discussed “Revolution” is underway. During “THE Revolution” the enemy of my enemy (capitalism; the U.S. Constitution; and American freedom and power and wealth) is my friend . . . as you’ll soon see when the lamestream-mainstream media; Code Pink; Bill Ayers; Bernadette Dorne; George Soros; and the Unions all come to the support of the radical Islamic 2nd “Freedom Flotilla” which will in a few weeks try to run the Israeli arms blockades again this year.   These (the progressive left) are the people who are controlling our country right now and most Americans are too lazy, or too ignorant, or too stupid to see EVIL right in front of their noses. Or . . . nowadays is it just politically INcorrect to bring the matter of EVIL to anyone’s attention?
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
** Progressivism is the doctrine that we must “progress” beyond the ‘ill-conceived and outdated U.S. Constitution’ if we are to ever make “progress” toward an earthly Utopia. You’ll recognize the direct influence of Communist theorist Karl Marx in those words, no doubt. American Progressivism is an offshoot of Britain’s Fabian Socialist movement. They named themselves after the Roman general Fabius who eventually defeated Hannibal of Carthage (remember him crossing the Alps with war elephants?) after a nearly twelve-year war of attrition. Here’s the Fabian Socialists’ infamous stained glass window from the London School of Economics: note the wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing society emblem of the Fabians; and the stack of socialist reading material:
Rajjpuut thinks of progressives this way:  at least half an hour every week they make some public pronouncement that amounts to “praying for” their fellow man. The other 167 ½ hours of the week they’re busy “preying upon” their fellow man.

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               "It’s all GASP been put off!   Damnation, are our beloved Revolutionaries just procrastinators at heart?  Hope this blog puts you in the pink!"    



                          Gaza “Freedom Flotilla” Date
Changed for 4th Time, Now late June
“Beware the Ides of May” is apparently no longer their rallying cry . . . apparently scheduling “The Revolution” is proving a bit more difficult than Marxist-progressive activists anticipated. According to the Associated Press (AP), the much ballyhooed “2011 Gaza Freedom Flotilla, now operating under the name “Gaza Aid Flotilla” has changed its departure date for the fourth time in recent weeks and will now sail in “late June” according to the latest information. Popcorn, drinks and candy will be available in the lobby; please silence your cell phones and no tweeting or texting will be permitted.
The flotilla aiming to create a confrontation again this year with the Israeli Navy,  which monitors all shipments into the Gaza Strip (weapons ammo and “war supplies” are banned), was originally scheduled to sail on May 15, the date of the “Palestinian Holocaust” which the Israeli’s celebrate as the date of their nation’s founding. The history in question occurred 63 years ago. The original sailing date would have marked precisely one year since a similar flotilla attempted to outrun the Israeli naval blockade of the area.
            In that 2010 incident, nine of the people on a Turkish ship were killed and seven Israelis were wounded when the protestors began attacking the Israeli military boarders with sawed-off pipe segments.  One badly-injured Israeli was thrown overboard and had to be rescued.  The media worldwide treated the story as an “unprovoked Israeli massacre.” About a dozen of the well-known Jihadists on that flotilla had created videotapes of their “living wills” . . . so the question of who provoked what is really not a question. 
The sailing date for what’s now expected to be a 9-ship flotilla has changed from May 15, to May 22, to May 31 and now to “late June.” The “event” last year and purportedly the one this year have been funded by the Marxist/Feminist group Code Pink “Women For Peace” and planned by (70’s Weather Underground bombers and bomb-makers) Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dorne (both her names have been spelled various ways and she’s often called “Bernadette” as well) close political allies and personal friends of Barack Obama.  The American Ship “The Audacity of Hope” joins this year’s activities. The original May 15, 2011 date had been trumpeted in progressive and Marxist media as a date when simultaneous “uprisings” against capitalism and oppression would begin.  More on that ongoing collaboration between the radical left and Jihadist Muslims later . . . .
Turkish officials have stepped up criticism of Israel since the three-week “war” in Gaza ended in early 2009, and have stated that the Turkish activists are permitted to sail from its shores.An Islamic aid group in Turkey has said it expects the convoy to be at least twice as big as the one that attempted to reach Gaza last year. If so, since six ships set sail last year the most frequently released “nine boats” information would be a low estimate. This year's convoy includes the Mavi Marmara, the same Turkish vessel operated by IHH (Islamic “Humanitarian Relief “Fund) on which the activists died in the raid, and American vesselThe Audacity of Hope, the title of President Obama's second autobiography and of the sermon from Reverend Jeremiah “God damn America” Wright which Obama based his book upon.
Eight Turks and a Turkish-American died in the “event” last year. Seven Israeli soldiers were wounded. Each side said the other started the violence. The incident  plunged ties between former allies Israel and Turkey to new lows. Israel eased its land blockade of Gaza amid an international uproar over the raid. But it says its blockade policy prevents weapons from reaching Iran-backed Hamas militants who violently seized control of the territory in 2007. The original May 15, 2010 flotilla seeking to outrun the Israeli naval blockade was the first recorded instance of collaboration between the radical American leftwing and Jihadist Islamicists. The sudden and surprising “revolts for democracy” all over the Middle East were planned and funded by American unionists . . . the same people who bragged publicly in Wisconsin that the new union movement in the Middle East was “with us” as they ‘desecrated’ that state’s capitol.
For their part, Israeli military officials have confirmed preparations have been made to stop any new flotilla while avoiding casualties, and that different tactics would be employed this time around. The flotilla sailing on May 15th was lauded as a simultaneous event with mass “walk-ins” by Palestinians crossing the Israeli border to “reclaim” the land they lost 63 years ago. There’s been no mention of that concurrent event being planned this time around or of other synchronized events such as a planned destruction of America’s banking system first revealed by SEIU union bigwig Stephen Lerner planed by him also has not occurred. Here was their original scheduling:
#1 Code Pink, Ayers and Dorne again uniting for a repeat of the blockade-running event on May 15, 2011 with The American ship Audacity of Hope joining the festivities.
            #2 As SEIU Union bigwig Stephen Lerner promised (it’s all on videotape at my Rajjpuut’s Folly blog site in a different blog): 
 the assault on the American banking system he’s personally planned . . . and designed to deal the ultimate crippling blow to capitalism is scheduled for May 15, 2011.
            #3 A whole range of nasty union demonstrations are scheduled to coincide with . . . wait for it . . . May 15, 2011.   The Union movement has now gone global (Workers of the world unite!) and far more Marxist. Go to the websites of the AFL-CIO or SEIU and see all their propaganda about all the countries “standing with Wisconsin.” They believe that Capitalism is on the ropes and all they have to do now is keep attacking the free market system until they can land a haymaker . . . and move their twisted statist philosophies into the forefront.
            #4 A restoration of lost land in which Muslim Arabs on all sides of Israel are supposed to simply walk into the country and “reclaim their acreage” is also scheduled for, yep, you guessed it . . . May 15, 2011. Beware the Ides of May???? 'er beware some other date . . . .
         It’s all GASP been put off!   Damnation, are our beloved Revolutionaries just procrastinators at heart?  Perhaps they see discretion as the better part of Marxist valor and now consider coordinated attacks a little too PINK to actually work without bringing backlash?  Nevertheless, despite the postponements, the facts are simple and straightforward, with this being the headline: 
The Radical Left has Now Joined with Radical Islam to
Initiate “THE Revolution” NOT Only Here in the
United States, but Around the World . . .
These moves are a culmination of several trends long in evidence such as the push for Shariah Law across Europe and here in the United States. To say that this new tactic is treasonous is a huge understatement.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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Strange Bedfellows, Not So Strange After All 
                        On August 23, 1939, Nazi Germani and the Communist-controlled Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) concluded a Treaty of Non-Aggression between them just nine days before the Nazis launched World War II with its attack on Poland (a country situated immediately between the two great totalitarian states). Many in the United States were surprised, some even shocked by this turn of events. They, believing the lies they’d grown up with about the “Fascist Right” and the “Communist Left,” couldn’t understand how two such DISsimilar regimes could ever come to any agreement on anything.   Cases of “strange bedfellows” always catch someone unaware and what happened in 1939 and what’s going on in Egypt and the United States today definitely fit the bill . . . but they needn’t have.
            Compare the oldest instance first: the progressive or left wing “historians” in the United States have long put forth the distinction that Fascism is a “right-wing” ideology; and communism is a “left-wing” ideology.    Since everybody today is ignoring the fact that Communist leaders killed more than 122 million of their own citizens (its technically called “democide”) during the 20th Century, it’s convenient for American Progressives to have a bad example to point to on the right and they love to use the terms “Fascists” and “Nazis” for name-calling of conservatives. Only one problem:  Fascism began in Italy when labor unions got so powerful they took over the large corporations and then the large corporations took over the government under Benito Mussolini. Labor unions? Sounds like the left to me.  
The Nazi Party was the “National Socialist German Workers Party.” Socialists? Workers’ Party? That’s obviously from the left also, though perhaps not quite so far left as communism. Indeed, the Nazi literature proudly stated, “We are NOT communists and not capitalists. We are something different; something better.    So the non-aggression treaty between the Nazis and the Reds was very understandable: two great totalitarian leftist states, both looking to expand their borders agreed not to fight among themselves and to divvy up ultra-week Poland which still fought war on horseback. 
The progressives also like to lump despots like Egypt’s Mubarak, Panama’s Manuel Noriega, Uganda’s Idi Amin, and  Indonesia’s Sukarno into the so-called “right-wing dictator” category. The key item here is that these men all led totalitaraian states with their citizens allowed virtually no rights at all.   Those “right wing” American patriots such as the TEA Party who champion taking back our rights from a big-spending government are clearly not the same as any totalitarian dictators; and indeed all of this information has debunked the gross progressive lie that Fascists, Nazis, despots and dictators are different varieties of creatures all belonging to the right wing . . . in truth they’re all worthy of being lumped together in a different and leftist grouping known as “totalitarian leaders.” So much for leftist lies from the past . . . what about today? In Egypt? 
Prolific author Andrew C. McCarthy, famous for his 2010 masterpiece How Obama Embraces Islam’s Sharia Agenda, has outdone himself with his latest and perfectly-timed The Grand Jihad which is subtitled: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America.
                Much like the Non-Aggression pact between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Communists, any alliance between the left and Islam seems a strange marriage indeed. But once again proponents of atheistic totalitarian states where big government is looked upon as the prime agent of group salvation actually have an awful lot in common with Islamic fundamentalists. Both groups do advocate immense state-control over the individual; both carry a Utopian picture in their mind (from Marxism on the one hand; and from Allah on the other) and advocate the group salvation created by an over-arching state: both are anti-capitalist; both see the American way of life as a severe threat to the planet; and both of them are founded upon the belief that in public statement before the infidel, you can say whatever you like because the infidel is no good and doesn’t deserve the truth from you.  The fundamentalist Islamic theocracy founded by the Iranian Revolution in 1979 is the model to be feared, for example in Egypt where the infamous Muslim Brotherhood** is hoping to hold sway now that Mubarak is gone . . . and the differences between Iran's and the Soviet Union's totalitarianism are few indeed.
            One recent example of McCarthy’s premise is radical American leftist group Code Pink recently joining with Islamic terrorist group Hamas in proselytizing for Revolution; against Capitalism and Jews; and joint-financing a blockade running venture to Gaza last summer after which they condemned the Israelis for violence. Code Pink (Women for Peace) launched that so-called Gaza Flotilla with Hamas; and has been heavily involved with the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist jihadist organization during the rioting in Cairo. But this is just one small example of what McCarthy has uncovered in this eye-opening book . . . . highly recommended.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
** The Looming Towers:  Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11 tells the story of the Muslim Brotherhood and its expansion into ever more and more violent activities culminating in the fall of the Twin Towers
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Corrupt Journalism Top Story of the Decade

Come the late October or early November 2010 stock market collapse which the present “Hindenburg Omen” readings (a hit and a near miss on August 12th and August 11th this week respectively) are pointing at . . . a lot of Keynesian economists and other leftist pundits are going to be blaming Republicans for “obstructing” the tax and spend policies of Obama-Pelosi-Reid and their cohorts. They will, of course, neglect to put even .0001% of the blame on themselves or the five great scandals they have helped perpetrate. Those five scandals and their associated sub-scandals, in order of importance now, are . . . .

1. A. The Mainstream Media Sellout to the Left

B. The Mainstream Media Redefining “Racism”

2. A. Cloward-Piven Strategy Undercutting the economy and the consitution

B. Housing and Stock Market Abuses Going Unexamined

3. Progressives hijacking the Democratic Party

4. Republican Party Abandoning Conservativism, while Some

embrace Progressivism

5. Voting Fraud institutionalized in Motor Voter Act

If a TRUE story of the hijinks of the early 21st Century ever gets written, the failings and corruption of America’s “fourth estate” (the journalism profession) will prove to be the major cause of America’s woes. It’s been a long time coming, but the first key indicators were the widely disparate treatment of Clarence Thomas’ Supreme Court confirmation hearings and the unsubstantiated sexual harrassment claims of Anita Hill on the one hand; and the virtual free ride given Bill Clinton considering the well-documented (tapes and blue dress, for instance) sexual shenanigans and Clinton’s eventual admitted confession that he lied to the American people.

In the one case, a good man’s reputation was outrageously trashed by the media and particularly the feminist reporters and commentators without one shred of evidence. In addition, the alleged victim was a lawyer who had the wherewithal to protect herself had even one of the charges she raised been true and a woman who had deliberately followed Clarence Thomas from one job to another.

In the other case a man with a history of covering up his nasty little philanderings (even with state troopers helping him find mousy unassertive women without the benefit of education or status) who was elected by “the soccer moms,” was not attacked and his integrity was never questioned (even after admitting to the lie) by the mainsteam media (MSM), most particularly the feminist reporters while the total lack of stories requiring comment from the National Organization for Women or other feminists was astounding.

Of course two months ago we discover the JournOList scandal where 400+ individuals on a special server were communicating strategies to boost the Democratic party and slam conservatives of all ilk. The mainstream media, naturally enough, did NOT cover this JournOList scandal in their own midst that had been ongoing for at least 12 years in which feminists in the media deliberately “bit their tongue” about Bill and Monica . . . where over 400 liberal journalists, academicians and media personnel conspired to downplay the Reverend Jeremiah Wright “Not ‘God Bless America,” but God Damn America” scandal and to seek stories of “Republican racism” as a diversion to make the story go away.

We also find out that this group had been conspiring since 2007 to make Barack Obama president, even to the total ignorance of a string of stories that showed that Hillary Clinton was cheated out of the presidency by fraudulent tactics that won Obama 13 of the 14 caucus states after losing a majority of the 44 primary voting states (some states had both a caucus and voting) including voting states Hillary Clinton had won by comfortable margins.

The media conspired to give us an Obama presidency and they’re now conspiring to make him look good and get him and his supporters re-elected. For example, in the Shirley Sherrod story, the leftist MSM tried without evidence to paint the problem child of the story as FOX news’ racist commentators (the timeline of events refutes that) while they’ve deliberately refused to cover a much more important story . . . did Barack Obama (and Sherrod?) conspire to defraud the country out of a good part of $1.25 Billion in the Pigford v. Glickman class action suit revived by then candidate Barack Obama. In that suit alleging racial discrimination by the Department of Agriculture, Sherrod got the largest award ($13 Million); and Obama appears to have multiplied the number of claimants to 86,000. Since the census shows we have at most 39,000 Black farmers and since its extraordinarily unlikely that even all of those 39,000 applied to the Ag Dept for a loan or felt they were discriminated in the process . . . Obama has a lot of explaining to do, but the media is not holding his feet to the fire.

Americans still blame conservatives and particularly George Bush for the financial collapse of 2007 to present. Don’t be shocked, but the liberal media has refused to cover . . . .

ITEM: What is this “community organizer” thing, anyway? Saul Alinsky was the most well-known community organizer, one of his famous quotes from his book “Rules for Radicals” is this one, “"A Marxist begins with his prime truth that ‘all evils are caused by the exploitation of the proletariat by the capitalists.’ From this he logically proceeds to the revolution to end capitalism, then into the third stage of reorganization into a new social order of the dictatorship of the proletariat, and finally the last stage -- the political paradise of communism."

ITEM: Perhaps six percent of Americans know who Saul Alinsky is and perhaps 55% of those in the know are MSM journalists, for example on the day following our last Christmas, just five days after affirming on air that he is “a liberal,” MSNBC host Chris Matthews exclaimed that radical community organizer Saul Alinsky is one of his heroes, “Well, to reach back to one of our heroes from the past, from the ’60s, Saul Alinsky once said that even though both sides have flaws in their arguments and you can always find something nuanced about your own side you don’t like and it’s never perfect, you have to act in the end like there’s simple black and white clarity between your side and the other side or you don’t get anything done. “I always try to remind myself of Saul Alinsky when I get confused,” Matthews said on his “Hardball” show. In other words, one of the most powerful journalists in America, chooses sides and aligns himself with radical leftism in the person of self-avowed Marxist Saul Alinsky. But, for the most part, this “taking sides” is hidden and more insiduous, they never let you know that they want the Left to win.

ITEM: the MSM hasn’t covered Chicago Community Organizer Saul Alinsky’s infamous book “Rules for Radicals” or Obama and Hillary Clinton being Alinsky’s “Teacher’s Pets;” or Obama teaching “Rules for Radicals” and becoming a community organizer in the Alinsky mode and an ACORN lawyer. Alinsky dedicated his book this way, ““Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.

ITEM: the creation and publication of Cloward-Piven Strategy in 1964 based upon Rules for Radicals.

ITEM: The MSM has not covered George Wiley, Frances Piven and Richard Cloward creating the NWRO (the National Welfare Rights Organization) in 1968, with the express purpose of bringing the system to collapse-point and getting the Democrats to institute a National Guaranteed Income (NGI).

ITEM: Nor has the MSM covered the 1975 bankruptcy of New York City and the near bankrutpcy of New York state being crowed about by Cloward, Piven and Wiley and Cloward and Piven regretting that it didn’t bring about the NGI, advising their people to move their activism into housing and voter registration next.

ITEM: Nor has the MSM connected the dots with the creation of ACORN in accord with Alinsky and C-P models; and the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 requiring mortgage companies to deliberate give bad loans; and the further expansions of CRA ’77 in ’92, twice in ’95, and the steroid version in 1998.

ITEM: Nor has the MSM allowed Americans to see ACORN attorney Barack Obama in action shaking down banks and lending organizations to make bad loans and ACORN donations.

ITEM: The MSM understands all these connections, but say nothing about who really caused the sub-prime lending crisis . . . ACORN and others who forced lending organizations to make loans to folks without jobs; to folks with abysmal credit ratings; to folks without I.D.; to people without even a rental history; and even to many illegal aliens. The related problems that arose after the sub-prime lending crisis was first noticed (November, 2003, by James Stack of Investech.com along with his “Housing Bubble” chart) were severe, but the buildup of the sub-prime problems in the decade after 1998, when the steroid version of mortgage-guarantee legislation was created, were the primary cause of 99% of our fiscal problems. And those problems were not just something that happened, they were problems created by ACORN overloading the system in C-P fashion just as the NWRO did between 1967 and 1975.

An almost equal disservice from the MSM is their new definition of “racism.”

ITEM: Take the recent case of Omar Thornton. Omar was caught on tape stealing from the company. According to the union records and testimony Omar had never alleged racism before he shot and killed nine fellow employees, all White, during a disciplinary action against him. He was prepared for his own action after hiding a pistol in his lunchbox. The liberal media took Mr. Thornton’s last words a cell phone call alleging racism as GOSPEL. Mr. Thornton added that he’d killed the people and just wished he could have killed more of them. The MSM spin was that Omar acted in justifiable counter-attack to a racist environment. Logic says that the opposite was true: angered and ashamed at being caught stealing and about to be fired, Omar made a racist attack on White co-workers. But that doesn't play in the Oval Office, for Obama and the Dems and the MSM "racism" means being against the progressive agenda, nothing more and nothing less. When a Black man is not only elected president but gets more votes from Whites than the last two presidential candidates of his party and 48% of the White vote, the "race" card needs to be torn up. When Blacks only give his White adversary 4+% of the votes, perhaps we should discuss the true definition of racism, eh?

ITEM: The recently dropped case by the Obama Department of Justice against four New Black Panthers in paramilitary uniforms, one with a billy-club, shouting threats and racial slurs at White voters and threats at one Black poll watcher at a Philadelphia voting site in November, 2008 was abhorrent. The men were caught on videotape and arrested with cause. Three were let off. The other man (who on another video-tape is yelling about “killing crackers and killing they (sic) cracker babies”) was likewise unpunished . . . his sentence? He couldn’t go to that polling spot until 2012. Wow, talk about painful punishment! Of course he’s NOT a racist.

Americans still blame conservatives and particularly George Bush for the financial collapse of 2007 to present. The liberal media has refused to cover . . . .

ITEM: Perhaps six percent of Americans know who Saul Alinsky is and perhaps 55% of those in the know are MSM journalists, for example on the day following our last Christmas, just five days after affirming on air that he is “a liberal,” MSNBC host Chris Matthews exclaimed that radical community organizer Saul Alinsky is one of his heroes, “Well, to reach back to one of our heroes from the past, from the ’60s, Saul Alinsky once said that even though both sides have flaws in their arguments and you can always find something nuanced about your own side you don’t like and it’s never perfect, you have to act in the end like there’s simple black and white clarity between your side and the other side or you don’t get anything done. “I always try to remind myself of Saul Alinsky when I get confused,” Matthews said on his “Hardball” show. In other words, one of the most powerful journalists in America, chooses sides and aligns himself with radical leftism. But, for the most part, this “taking sides” is hidden and more insiduous, they never let you know that they want the Left to win.

ITEM: the MSM hasn’t covered Chicago Community Organizer Saul Alinsky’s infamous book “Rules for Radicals” or Obama and Hillary Clinton being Alinsky’s “Teacher’s Pets;” or Obama teaching “Rules for Radicals” and becoming a community organizer in the Alinsky mode and an ACORN lawyer. Alinsky dedicated his book this way, ““Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.

ITEM: the creation and publication of Cloward-Piven Strategy in 1964 based upon Rules for Radicals.

ITEM: The MSM has not covered George Wiley, Frances Piven and Richard Cloward creating the NWRO (the National Welfare Rights Organization) in 1968, with the express purpose of bringing the system to collapse-point and getting the Democrats to institute a National Guaranteed Income (NGI).

ITEM: Nor has the MSM covered the 1975 bankruptcy of New York City and the near bankrutpcy of New York state being crowed about by Cloward, Piven and Wiley and Cloward and Piven regretting that it didn’t bring about the NGI, advising their people to move their activism into housing and voter registration next.

ITEM: Nor has the MSM connected the dots with the creation of ACORN in accord with Alinsky and C-P models; and the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 requiring mortgage companies to deliberate give bad loans; and the further expansions of CRA ’77 in ’92, twice in ’95, and the steroid version in 1998.

ITEM: Nor has the MSM allowed Americans to see ACORN attorney Barack Obama in action shaking down banks and lending organizations to make bad loans and ACORN donations.

ITEM: The MSM understands all these connections, but say nothing about who really caused the sub-prime lending crisis . . . ACORN and others who forced lending organizations to make loans to folks without jobs; to folks with abysmal credit ratings; to folks without I.D.; to people without even a rental history; and even to many illegal aliens. The related problems that arose after the sub-prime lending crisis was first noticed (November, 2003, by James Stack of Investech.com along with his “Housing Bubble” chart) were severe, but the buildup of the sub-prime problems in the decade after 1998, when the steroid version of mortgage-guarantee legislation was created, were the primary cause of 99% of our fiscal problems. And those problems were not just something that happened, they were problems created by ACORN overloading the system in C-P fashion just as the NWRO did between 1967 and 1975.

How, could this happen? You ask. Well, the liberal media somewhere after the First Gulf War began openly rooting for the ultra-left or progressive wing of the Democrats and when if doubt where to find justification began calling any and all conservatives racists and anti-woman, the same strategems they and the progressives employ so successfully today. If conservatives are racists, then none of their ideas are any good since they’re all based in racism. If conservatives are racists, no decent person could ever vote for them If conservatives are all anti-woman, no woman or decent man can vote for them.

Progressives believe we must “progress” beyond the Constitution, an inadequate and out-of-touch document and as Saul Alinsky taught them, “Even when you see the weaknesses in your argument, treat it all like it’s black and white and your adversary is wrong.” In other words, the “noble” progressive ends always justify the progressive means however slimy. This strategy shifted the Democratic Party sharply right toward a radical agenda that most Americans could not identify with. The Republican Party also became a much more big-spending groups and gradually progressive Republicans like Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine became more and more common.
And so we approach the single most important “midterm” election in our nation’s history and hold it, hold it, there’s one more scandal to deal with. ACORN, you see was also involved with voter registration. 32 ACORN members have been convicted of voter fraud since 2008. The state of Washington was a beautiful example. Of some 1200 ACORN registrants there, less than 50 were genuine registration of real people. Now . . . .

ITEM: The MSM has claimed that no voter intimidation involving the Black Panthers occurred and then dropped coverage of the story.

ITEM: The MSM seemingly barely knows who Julie Fernandez is.

ITEM: Obama appointee to the Department of Justice (the folks who dropped the Black Panther story), Deputy Attorney General Julie Fernandez told a roomful of DOJ employees there was “Zero interest in prosecuting” cases of Black racism exercised against Whites.

ITEM: Julie Fernandez has also been quoted as another time before another large group saying the DOJ would not be investigating possible violations of the Motor Voter Act “because that would just decrease turnout.” Ms. Fernandez thinks dead voters; voters who’ve moved out of an area; illegal felons; and fraudulent voters registered by ACORN and others; ought to have as much right to vote as you and I do.

Item: The Civil Rights Commission investigating the dropping of the Black Panthers voter intimidation case has run into a stonewall. Ms. Fernandez has commanded the DOJ employees not to answer CRC subpoenas or to testify . . .

Oh, by the way, in the famous picture of Bill Clinton signing the Motor Voter Act (which conservatives rightly called "a license for voter fraud) who are the man and woman standing directly behind Mr. Clinton as he signs this weakened voting bill that Obama's not going to enforce? ** If and when America dies from one mortal blow after another, then consider the MSM willing accomplices and foul abettors of the crime.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** Richard Cloward and Frances Piven, of course. The photo and information about what they’re wearing is found here:


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‘Poll-Bounce’ from Slick Obama Speeches
Not Lasting Nearly So Long These Days
There’s a strange dichotomy – a weird chasm -- in the brains of those on the Left. Much more slowly than the conservatives in this country, but oh so slowly and oh so surely the Left has been noticing the deeds of Barack Obama and he’s been dropping steadily in their esteem as a result. For example, Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for today, Saturday, June 5, 2010 shows that 25% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Slick Barack is performing his role as president while 42% Strongly DISapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -17. And yet, every time that’s happened (for example ten days back his strong approval was at 23% and his strong disapproval was at 44%) he’ll make a “key speech” and suddenly he’s bounced back to only -7 or -10 in the polls again. That pattern has gone on now for well over a year.
Yes, Obama’s approval rating has gradually slid lower and lower. But the surprising thing is how much credence the “great man’s words” carry with the adoring Left. While Unaffiliated voters and Republicans grade him on his deeds, clearly the Left is just sitting at home waiting to be inspired by his voice over and over and over again. One good thing, however, is that each time Obama’s silver-tongued 'bounce' has lasted for a shorter and shorter time. The last bounce came when he gave his “the buck stops with me” (about the Gulf oil spill) speech nine days ago early in the day on Thursday, May 27. In contrast, when he addressed Congress on Obamacare the “tongue-bounce” lasted almost a full month. More and more Americans are grading Obama on his deeds rather than his promises and more and more are finding the president grossly wanting on GO, despite his always intriguing SHOW.
It all comes down to the American Dream . . . . According to info from the Rasmussen Consumer Index surveys, most Republicans (57%) believe the economy is getting worse while a plurality of Democrats (46%) say it is getting better. Among those not affiliated with either major party, 29% say better and 43% worse. However, when asked about their own personal finances, a plurality of Republicans, Democrats, and unaffiliated voters all say “things are getting worse.”
According to Rasmussen, “It will take several days before the impact of yesterday’s jobs report is reflected in the daily consumer confidence updates,” but the situation on the home owner front is perhaps the single-most bleak aspect of the present economy: right now, one in seven homeowners (14%) expect to miss a mortgage payment in the next six months but only 55% of homeowners believe their home is currently worth more than the mortgage. This data show that Mr. Obama’s mortgage-relief plan has been a dismal failure and has done exactly the opposite of what it was supposed to do as foreclosure rates keep rising around the country.
Most recently, Mr. Obama is seemingly enjoying flaunting his "superior" intellect in constant opposition to the will of the American people as he did on Obamacare. For a recent example, Rasmussen polls showed that 70% of voters favor strong sanctions against employers who hire illegal immigrants; 50% favor sanctions on landlords who provide housing for illegal immigrants; and 58% say a child born to an illegal immigrant in this country should NOT become a U.S. citizen automatically. Mr. Obama is deliberately NOT protecting our southern borders; has made five-weeks worth of nasty remarks about Arizona’s efforts to protect her own borders and now opposes an earlier Arizona law from his own Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano when she was Arizona governor imposing sanctions on employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens.

That law has already been tested** and passed muster by the most liberal federal court in the country, but Obama is now seeking to take it all the way to the U.S. Surpreme Court. Among Rajjpuut’s friends, 96% believe that Mr. Obama’s “Comprehensive Immigration “Reform” is just a euphemism for
making 13-20 million illegal aliens into virtually automatic U.S. citizens expecting 80% of them to vote Democrat and insure him his second term.
Despite actions, rhetoric and figures like those above and the most truly gruesome first fifteen months in office of any of our first forty-four presidents, Democrats in particular, find it difficult if not impossible to criticize Obama. Overall, 45% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the president's performance. Fifty-four percent (54%) disapprove. The lowest presidential overall approval has been 42% so far. In Ol’ Rajjpuut’s eyes anything above 7% strong approval by 100% of the certifiable 7% of maniacs in this country means the nation is standing up to its neck in deep doggy-doo.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
** It jives 100% as it should with the applicable 1986 federal immigration law. In fact, the federal law gives the right to license or remove licensing for companies due to immigration violations to the states and forbids the federal government from getting involved.
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The Liberal distortion of equality.

I have been doing some real thinking on how this nation and it's political parties see liberty. After hearing certain people on this site declaring they believe in it's core values and what the TeaParty is all about, I have come to the conclusion they only seek to discredit our cause. The left is so terrified of us that they have sunk to the level of divisions in society. They know all to well what it means to label a group our a person racist. They have no respect for free speech or the people who truly fight for it. Like when Janeane Garofalo called the TeaPartiers " Racist redkneck tea baggers". How are those words not racist? She doesn't know every TeaPartier personally, she can show no proof of racist bigoted behaviour, she has never actually spent any time talking with anyone in the TeaParty nor has she giving any credible reason for calling them "racist redkneck tea baggers", other then the sole fact they are mostly white. So who is the real racist?

So where is the racism coming from? good question. Let's look at some names being tossed around and there source. "Oreo" was used to label black teapartiers who are trying to keep their freedoms. Why are they being called "oreo's"? because the left is trying to call them traitors for not supporting a black president's agenda. Meaning they are black on the outside but white on the inside. Wow, and we are the racist? Now how about redkneck? that term is used to label dumb uneducated white's who because are uneducated they have to be racist. Interesting, considering the education level within the TeaParty is actually higher then the nation as a whole. Which is why they behave with respect for others and their political and racial background. And "tea baggers", this term can not be used for any other definition then a sexual act of immorality. And all this racist double standard B.S. is coming straight from the left!! Hmm..... it can't be? their for civil liberties and individual freedoms. Right?

Civility has also become a tactic of the left. They describe the TeaParty as behaving in an uncivil protest. Really? And how many buildings or businesses have the TeaParty attacked or vandalized? None. How many credible threats have come from the Teaparty Protest? None. How many civilians have been harmed in the TeaParty protest so far? None. So once again, how is this uncivil? But wait, let's see how civil the protest are coming from the left. How many buildings have the left attacked or vandalized?15. How many threats have been from the left? All. How many civilians have been harmed from the left? All. So this uncivil behaviour seems to only come from the left. With threats to shoot police officers by the left protesters in Arizona. with the threats to attack white Americans with axes and shovels by those calling the TeaParty racist, the left. With white students being unable to wear their nations flag to school because of those on the left. Or how about the black principle up north who told his white students they could not go on his field trip that allowed all blacks. Again from the left!! And where is our President who promised us civility in government? Well, he is from the left. He has done nothing while in office to unite the American people. He has only been able to call the American people uncivil, misguided extremist from the right.

Here is what is going to happen. The left will continue to label the TeaParty "Racist redkneck tea baggers" in every approach because they are unable to find an actual cause to target or discredit us. We will continue to fight for real freedoms and real liberties that the left is so terrified of. And we will still protest with dignity and civility that the left has been unable to proclaim in their speeches, arguements, ideals and laws. So continue your assualt on us because we will neither fall or surrender!! We will not give you our freedoms without a fight!! The rule of law will prevail with real equal justice and real civil liberties!! God Bless all those who oppose tyranny and fight for Liberty!! I love all of you!!

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