progressives (67)

Black Panthers and NAACP are Pots
Pointing Fingers at Black Kettles
In psychiatry and psychology, the term “projection” refers to someone who sees their own weaknesses, failings and sins in everybody else. People who “project” are not a new phenomenon; the Bible suggests something like “First rid yourself of the stick in your own eye before complaining about the speck in your brother’s eye.” We’re all guilty of projection at one time or another . . . some of us, however, are much more deeply guilty of much more serious projection . . . there is a saying now in popular use that first arose in the Black community in the Reconstruction South about 1870 about “the pot calling the kettle black.”
Certainly New Black Panther members who intimidated White voters; the Black Panther baton carrier from that incident who called for “killing crackers and killing their cracker babies”; the old National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) that praised the Black minister and other Black thugs arrested for beating up a Black entrepreneur selling “The Audacity of Dope” buttons (he made a killing in 2008 selling pro-Obama buttons) and who called that Black victim an “Uncle Tom” at a widely viewed NAACP meeting; that same NAACP who called the TEA Party “racists”; and a good deal of the 96% of Black voters who supported Barack Obama’s presidency with their vote . . . all these are great examples of truly racist Blacks calling everybody else racists when it is they with the stick in their eyes calling everybody else Uncle Toms and Oreos (Black on the outside, white on the inside) . . . an obvious case of pots and kettles.
Calling himself “an unshackled Black man,” a TEA Party member named Rujon Williams, said it better than Ol’ Rajjpuut could ever have expressed it in an open letter to Black citizens:
“A few confused Black groups tell you ‘the white man is our enemy’ when it is a small befuddled part of the Black community. These confused Black organizations have no power, if they were really honest, they would tell you they get their money from the same table they so hate, the table the white man dines at as well.
“For years these small groups of loud mouth and confused Blacks have labeled anyone that did not believe the way they did, and spoke out against them calling their victims ‘Uncle Toms’, when in fact, they are the real ‘Uncle Toms’! Instead of leading their community to a better and richer life they are driving Black people onto the slave master’s high-rise plantations.
“The ‘Sell Outs’, quietly take and cannot stand on their own without the support of the white man’s money. They are the Oreo’s desiring to have the power of the white man. They hate achievement; it goes against their agenda.
“In the world of these ‘Sell Outs’ everyone is on welfare, lives in the project and eats government cheese. There is no need for education because the government will tell everyone what they need to know. There will be no need to work because the government will take care of everything . . . .
“The truth be told, the modern NAACP is nothing but a sock-puppet for those who drive the agenda of new slavery. This new slavery is without chains, but the Black community will be shackled never the less.
“Those who fall victim will be shackled to the hopeless society the progressives** seek to create.
“Truth comes in every color and unfortunately the New Black Panther Party does not hide their truth, and it is hatred for white people and Jews. They openly speak against what the freedoms the United States offers, using these same freedoms to advance their hideous agenda.
“It is time to expose the true agenda of these confused and bewildered Black groups. Some preach their confusion in boots and black military uniforms, while other preach in Brooks Brother’s suits, but their message is the same.
“These confused ‘Uncle Toms’ have sold the Black community out for less than 30 pieces of silver. They are nothing more than prostitutes and cheap ones at that.
“If these confused souls will sell themselves to the lowest bidder, they will surely sell you out as well.
Rujon Williams
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
Progressives stopped calling themselves “progressives” starting about 1925. For over 80 years they preferred the label “liberals” but when people started tying “tax and spend” to the now pejorative term “liberal” they began referring to themselves as “progressives.” That term “progressive” is now increasingly being aligned with another buzzword “socialism,” among the Republican leadership but “progressive” is still largely a positive term in the lexicon of most voters even though a recent Pew Research Center survey showed that “socialism” was the second most “negatively regarded” political buzzword behind only the term “militia” in the link immediately above. Socialism was regarded as positive by only 29% of voters while 59% of them regarded “Socialism” as a negative. And today James Carville released a survey
with information showing that 55% of Americans believe Obama is a socialist. Rajjpuut begs to differ, here are the facts: Obama is a dyed-in-the-wool Communist. He wrote his first autobiography “Dreams from My Father” based upon this dream from his Kenyan birth-father which includes “100% taxation,” seizing private land and foreign businesses in Kenya, redistribution of wealth from Kenya’s Asian and White citizens to its Black ones, communal ownership of land, and central government planning of the economy and possible ownership of the means of production :
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Obama's Political-Correctness Manifesto

Gets Hangnail,

but P-C Death Far, Far, Far Away

The nasty little euphemism “politically-correct” was first aired to the world when Hillary Clinton and her hubby Bill came to Washington in 1993. Rajjpuut wishes to be absolutely and 100% transparently clear here . . . political-correctness is just a term covering up a savage lie. Political-correctness assumes that whatever is best for the progressives in this country is “best” for America and that is clearly the biggest most-damaging lie in American history.

Today, in commenting upon the Al Qaeda bomb strikes upon two groups of Ugandan citizens gathered together to watch (three bombs were actually involved, one was apparently a dud) the World Cup final game between Spain and Holland, Mr. Obama used a politically incorrect term, saying, “. . . Islamic Radicals were no respecter of the life of African Blacks,” a very unusual statement, why not say “human life?” Since the 86-page report on the Ft. Hood shooting totally avoided mentioning the words “Muslim” or “Islam” or even once named the shooter (Major Nidal Halik Hasan); and Attorney General Eric Holder has gone into utter contortions in Congress to avoid saying the words “Islamic terrorism” or “radical Islamic terrorists” this is indeed “a change,” but what kind of change exactly?

Certainly Nancy Pelosi is NOT on board. She today called White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs “politically inept” after Gibbs said enough house seats were in play in November to allow “the Republicans to win the house.” An obvious fact canNOT be stated because it’s politically-incorrect? The Speaker of the House openly buys into the political-correctness doctrine. Remember how, when talking about Obamacare, she openly said, “we should call it the ‘consumer option’ not the ‘public option’ . . .”

Political-correctness has always been about lies, half-truths, evasions and euphemisms and “right-seeming propaganda” and doing the popular thing rather than the honest and upright action. Political-correctness has almost always been about changing history itself. It began with the first Democratic Progressive Woodrow Wilson. Before Wilson, the first actually progressive president, Teddy Roosevelt a Republican, was guilty of overstepping his bounds (National Parks, Panama Canal) without allowing congress or the people to have a say on his agenda . . . kind of a “might makes right” statement. Wilson, a Princeton educator actually wrote a book changing the story of the Founding Fathers and the creation of the nation.

Wilson**, the first to actually call himself a “progressive,” allowed D.W. Griffith’s racist masterpiece “The Birth of a Nation” to premier at the White House. “The Birth of a Nation” depicts the Ku Klux Klan as the savior of American civilization. Wilson was the first to openly disparage the Constitution and suggest that it was a document that Americans needed to “progress beyond” and used the terms “inadequate” and “outdated.”

Obama’s and Gibbs’ recent remarks definitely do NOT mark the oncoming death of political-correctness but rather merely showing a splinter beneath the skin of the progressive Leviathan. Denying their own racism while labeling all political opponents racists is the progressive stock in trade. Black racism is clearly so politically incorrect that the mainstream media has never been known to make a habit of showing it. Consider the horrific and ugly Black racism of the New Black Panthers which the Department of Justice refused to prosecute; or the racism of the NAACP seen in yesterday’s headlines; or the almost 96% of Blacks that voted for Obama; or the widespread tendency of Blacks to label non-Democrats “Uncle Toms” -- just as they deny Woodrow Wilson’s racism (he and FDR are their big heroes) Black’s canNOT be racists against Whites, they just canNOT be, it wouldn’t be politically-correct, now would it?

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** Wilson proved so unpopular in his day, that after Wilson's depression was solved by Harding cutting taxes and spending both over 45% ended it and it became known as the "Invisible Depression," progressives stopped calling themselves progressives and adopted the word "liberal" which served them well for more than 80 years.

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Exactly Why Progressivism Sucks,

FDR’s/Obama’s Second Bill of Rights

and our Actually $212 TRillion PROBLEM

You do recall candidate Obama’s pledge not to raise taxes on anyone earning less than $250,000 a year? A pledge already worthless? Well consider this, in just a bit over five months, all the Bush tax cuts we’ve been enjoying will be rescinded, but that’s not a tax increase is it? Well, welcome to Bill of Rights Hell, Obamastyle . . . .

Barack Obama would like to take all the credit/blame for his radical legislative program but it’s been around since there have been left-wing progressives interested in “progressing beyond” the United States Constitution which they regard as “outdated” or even “an inferior and ill-conceived document.” Barack Obama himself calls it outdated and adds that it’s merely “a catalog of negative rights.”

Woodrow Wilson was the first recognized Progressive (Teddy Roosevelt was actually the first and mildest** one, however). Wilson, an educator and President of Princeton University wrote several books re-writing history and most particularly the history of the founding of the nation and of the founders. Wilson, according to real history – not progressive history, was an abject racist and the first to segregate the armed forces since Civil War Days. D.W. Griffith’s racist silver screen masterpiece “The Birth of a Nation” which glorified the Ku Klux Klan as the most vital element in post Civil War history, was premiered at the White House for Wilson and his Cabinet.

Herbert Hoover, a Republican like Teddy Roosevelt, believed in government involvement in peoples’ lives to a much greater extent than Teddy did. He sought to involve the government in welfare schemes and to give price supports to farmers among other progressive farm programs. He dramatically reversed the Harding-Coolidge trend of substantially lowered taxes and substantially lowered government spending (over a 45% reduction in both cases in response to the “Invisible Depression” Harding had inherited from Wilson). After the Crash of October ’29 under Herbert Hoover, the Depression was ending with the bottoming out of the stock Market three months after Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s inauguration (in March, in those days). FDR had run on a promise to return to common sense and cutting taxes and cutting government spending which had cut Wilson’s Depression down to size very quickly and left it known as the “Invisible Depression.”

FDR’s policies extended the Depression another nine years from taking office and presumably would not have ended the Depression at all except for the U.S. entry into the war in December of 1941. In the United States that period in history is known as the “Great” Depression but the rest of the world had a rough three years and simple call it a little ‘d’ depression.

FDR’s Second Bill of Rights was aimed, as many progressive schemes are, at redistributing wealth and its been adopted in whole cloth by Barack Obama. The harm done by FDR was incalculable. Hoover only created two new government agencies, FDR created forty. Barack Obama’s Obamacare health care “reform” has created 390+ new government agencies in just one law. Again, as most people sense, Obamacare has little to do with health care and will NOT cut health care costs it is just a method of grabbing more control for the government and redistributing wealth.

Before FDR’s 1944 inauguration (his 4th!) speech he paid homage to the idea but he’d already come out specifically talking about his agenda of redistributing wealth during his earlier 1944 State of the Union Address. The “Second Bill of Rights” according to FDR are “positive rights,” that is what government can do for or to its citizens (after taxing them unmercifully for the money to do it with). He included:

1. The right to a useful and renumerative job

2. The right to earn enough to provide not only food and clothing but

also recreation

3. The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return that

would give him and his family a decent living

4. The right of every family to a decent home

5. The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination from monopolies at home and abroad

6. The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health

7. The right to a good education

8. The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident and unemployment.

Quite the socialist agenda, whereas the Founding Fathers said, we’ll keep the government out of your hair and maximize the money you can keep from what you earn and thus maximize your freedom to take care of your needs as you perceive them, FDR said we’ll tax the hell out of you and then give you some of your money back in the form of cradle-to-grave Nanny-state protection, not noticing that this would destroy the economy’s ability to create jobs and make it a lot less likely that anyone would have money to be taxed. This is clearly virtually identical to Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society” progam.

Let’s look at item #4, in 1977 Jimmy Carter and his dual-chamber Democratic majority in congress passed the CRA of ’77 (Community Reinvestment Act) which for the first time required banks and local lenders to knowingly make bad home loans to otherwise ineligible clients. Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac were added to this travesty in 1992; these “rights” were expanded again twice in 1995; and the Bill Clinton final expansion in '98 (the third expansion under Slicky Willy) put the whole process on steroids and with the help of the Cloward-Piven Strategics of ACORN . . . created the sub-prime lending crisis at the root of today’s economic debacle.

And think of this, the United States had enjoyed for over half a century by far the world’s highest home ownership percentage (62-65%) so there was no problem. What exactly is wrong with renting a home, especially when one is young? What about the rights of landlords to operate their business and perform a clearly useful service?

Item #2 has raised its ugly head often since LBJ’s days, the right to a “guaranteed income.” Wow! Do you mean the right of the lazy and unproductive to extort money from those who earn it fairly by trading their goods and services and talent and education in the free market?

Item #8 is likewise quite interesting. This is the welfare “RIGHT” is it not? At present, our country not only has a $14TRillion national debt, but also $110 TRillion of UNfunded liability courtesy of Social Security, Medicare and the federal side of Medicaid. No one ever talks about these things or this UNfunded liability . . . but something that’s even less obvious and even more secret: roughly $88 TRillion in UNfunded welfare liability is also coming our way in the next 44-45 years.

#6 is Obamacare and its travesties are just coming to light. It is a nightmare fiscally, will destroy the health insurance industry and the health care industry as we know it. Count on old folks dying courtesy of the rationing which the newly-appointed health care director openly expressed. As well, a lot of infants also will prove to be “not viable enough” to warrant all the health care bucks and services and time that would be needed to keep them alive. And from having the highest cancer cure rate in the world, count on the United States gravitating toward the rate of Great Britain where early intervention against cancer is somewhat of a joke.

#7 is the right to a good education. Wow, Ph.D’s for everyone? Rajjpuut went through college courtesy of the GI Bill he earned and five different jobs he held and wound up with a 3.92 GPA despite taking as many as 29 hours in two different quarters. A lot of people getting through on mommy’s and daddy’s money wasted their education and their time in Rajjpuut’s not-so-humble opinion . . . what’s wrong with people working to put themselves through college? Why should anyone be guaranteed a college education as Barack Obama has promised to provide?

#1 the right to a useful and remunerative job. Really? What about the right of an employer to hire who he needs and only who he needs and to pay them what he must to get good work out of them all the while keeping his company afloat? Study after study has shown that minimum wage laws just put more people out of work and threaten the solvency of more businesses . . . so much for government interference in the marketplace.

#3 means that an inferior farmer has the right to survive and charge enough to cover his ineptitude. He grows cotton in the north and succeeds in half the years but is frozen out in the other half, why should anyone give him more than top dollar for an inferior, at best crop?

#5 Sounds pretty nice. Actually, the policies of FDR favored big business and cut the throat of small business which is one great reason why the Depression lasted almost ten more years after FDR came to power. But if it really were true, big IF that, just as in the case of the farmer, why should someone be forced to pay more than top dollar if the product is inferior or the process to produce it is inefficient? So much for the “Second Bill of Rights!

In other words, FDR who gave the country almost ten extra years of Depression and who ran promising to cut taxes and cut spending but did just the opposite, was the king of the early progressives and the first clearly socialist president and was aiming to move the country toward something quite close to communism. And remember he only created 40 new government agencies Ol’ FDR, while Obama created 390+ just in one law: Obamacare. Gotta love them progressives, don’t you?

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,

** Building the Panama Canal and establishing National Parks have to be called progressive by anybody, not that they were bad but that the people had NO say in their implementation; why not have a parks amendment voted on? Teddy feared it wouldn't pass or it wouldn't pass quickly enough or wouldn't set aside enough money, etc., etc., so he abrogated the people's right to decide the issue . . . .
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America as Desired by Obama . . .

Morally, Fiscally Bankrupt

You’ve seen those commercials where someone is saying, “ . . . we don’t make things in America any more . . . ,” a sad commentary on what was once the greatest manufacturing country the world ever knew becoming the greatest outsourcing country the world has ever known. Somewhere along the way America lost its greatness. Now, at a moment in our history where greatness is required of our leaders, instead we’ve been blessed with Marxist ideologue Barak Obama who, eschewing mediocre 2nd World status for the country is aiming us toward abject and utter Banana Republicdom$$. His economic policies have all led in the wrong direction and merely enriched the wallets of his supporters, but out of charity let’s forget all that, let’s look at his plans for our future.

Obama has promised his economic and energy policies will “bankrupt the coal industry” and “necessarily cause the price of electricity to skyrocket.”

And all of this madness is based upon a lie called “global warming” which even the ultra-liberal London Times has denounced:

It’s never ever been about cleaning up the atomosphere or about us making the environment better, Obama’s “handler” Joel Rogers has admitted that cap and trade will NOT stop “pollution,” it will just tax those who emit . . . which is a two-fold lie . . . it will tax all of America and all Americans virtually out of existence while enriching the pockets of almost twenty progressive foundations (such as the Tides Foundations, the Joyce Foundation and numerous shadow foundations funded by these two) while, must we remind you, carbon dioxide is NOT actually a pollutant. Profit for the liberal elite and power for Obama. Here’s the endgame he’s brought in store for us . . . .

People like Al Gore (5th largest owner), Obama, Rogers, Richard Sandor, Maurice Strong, Franklin Raines, George Soros, about a dozen Goldman Sachs people and the Goldman Sachs firm itself (10% owner), Gore’s London-based Generation Investment Management company -- all of these groups through their ownership of CCX (the Chicago Climate eXchange) which with the passage of cap and trade legislation will gain commissions on virtually every single “trade” in what Richard Sandor has admitted will be annually “a $10 TRillion industry.” Since cap and trade produces NOT ONE new product and adds NOT ONE new service for Americans or the world . . . this means that America’s $15 TRillion economy will become a $25 TRillion economy overnight (with no new products or services and thus all prices will rise 67% the ultimate tax on breathing . . . . The time has come to ask not “Who is John Galt?” but rather “Where is John Galt”** because the country needs him NOW.

The most important truth YOU need to get out of this blog is this, The situation is bad, critical, nearing meltdown and yet, NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT THE MOST IMPORTANT TRUTHS FACING OUR COUNTRY TODAY. On occasion they’ll mention the roughly $14 TRillion national debt now growing by leaps and bounds under Obama . . . but no one is talking about the $110 TRillion in Unfunded obligations^^ the nation faces from Social Security, Medicare and the federal side of Medicaid . . . nor are they mentioning that it’s highly likely that our Unfunded obligations from Welfare and similar entitlement programs could add another 80% to that figure pushing the nation toward total debt and unfunded obligations in excess of $215 TRillion.

In fact, the U.S. congresses and presidents have made a policy of definitely NOT TALKING about these matters since about 1977 when the combinations of building social security obligations, the new welfare state, Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society” met the new wave of outrageousness with Jimmy Carter’s Community Reinvestment act of 1977 when for the first time the federal government REQUIRED lenders to make knowingly bad loans. The fact that this evil mortgage guarantee program could be expanded four times (’92, twice in ’95 and put on steroids in ’98) while the set-asides since 1934 and 1965 were blithely ignored shows you how corrupt the system was. But in orders of corruption, you ain’t seen nothing yet, baby, because Barack Obama’s now in charge.

Of course, Barack Obama who reportedly was extremely morose during the years 1989-93 when the Berlin Wall fell and the Warsaw Pact nations and U.S.S.R discarded communism . . . now has his opportunity to deliver to the world an utterly bankrupt United States of America and all will end well in the future hee-hee-ho-ha-hee-hee-ho-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha . . . the combination of what progressives have already done to us with their “spread the wealth FDR and LBJ ‘Great Society’ schemes” and what Barack Obama is doing to us, will make disaster concepts like nuclear winter and other contemplated environmental disaster scenarios seem like a day at the beach.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


$$ and meanwhile our media does not report that the real unemployment rate (a.k.a. the functional unemployment rate has reached 17.6% and with underemployment## we're now talking about 22% of the country facing job problems

##underemployment involves only having part-time work; former managers, etc. now having fulltime McDonalds' jobs and the like

^^ Look at how this played into the hands of the progressive enemy among us (folks like Saul Alinsky author of “Rules for Radicals”; and Richard Cloward and Frances Piven whose Cloward-Piven strategy was employed by them to create the American Welfare Rights Organization, AWRO, in 1967 with a black militant named Wiley to bankrupt the city of New York and just miss bankrupting the entire state of New York by using street intimidation tactics to get eight million new welfare recipients on the rolls by 1969. Cloward and Piven when bragging (orally and in writing) about their “accomplishments” recommended that voter registration and housing be their followers’ next areas of emphasis. The picture of President Clinton signing the Motor Voter Act with both C and P of C-P Strategy standing directly behind him is classic. MVA was called “a license for massive voter fraud” for good reason, now a Ms. Fernandez in the Department of Justice, already infamous for not prosecuting the 2008 New Black Panthers’ voter intimidation case and telling roomfuls of people that the DOJ will NOT prosecute Black defendants in voting cases with White victims, in the same roomful of people has stated that Motor Voter Act laws (weak as they are) so that the dead, the moved away, the duplicate and triplicate and other fraudulent voters carried on the rolls of a city, etc. can not be removed from the rolls. And who has been key in voter registration and in housing abuses? Lawyers like Barack Obama shaking down banks and other lenders forACORN . . . ACORN which gave us at least 18 full-out years warring against the system they hate and getting loans for people without I.D., without wealth or income, without jobs, without credit references, with abysmal credit ratings, people without rental histories, people without even rental addresses, and most important of all, even illegal immigrants. Somehow we’re NOT supposed to tie together the fact that the sub-prime lending crisis was the main ingredient in our poisoned soup?

**actually Rajjpuut would NOT recommend either the Fountainhead or Atlas Shrugged from Ayn Rand but instead “Capitalism the Unknown ideal,” “For the New Intellectual,” “The Virtue of Selfishness,” or for fiction fans the brief novelette “Anthem.”

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Voter Ignorance Makes Obama's
Big-Guv Takeover Easier

Ignornace is NOT bliss. Something which used to surprise Rajjpuut, but which no longer does, and which goes on pretty much unchanged year after year is the ignorance of the American voter about the simplest matters involving political thinking. Roughly 45% of them do not truly understand, for example, the terms “left” and “right.” At least half cannot give a reasonable explanation of the terms “liberal” or “conservative.” And, most dangerously, at least 75% do not know what the term “progressive” ^^ means. Is it any wonder we, as a people, almost always elect the government and people that give us virtually the opposite of what we need and want? For that matter, with the exception of Ronald Reagan, we’ve elected either the most youthful and photogenic or the most well-known candidate (often both) in every election since 1952 which takes a lot of political savvy, eh?
If the reader were to visit the link above he would find a website proclaiming the “World’s Smallest Political Quiz.” Rajjpuut recommends every thinking American take and understand this little test and revisit it often putting the words and actions of our elected and would-be elected officials to the test. Running the quiz, the reader would then receive a score for the politician that would be graphed automatically upon a diamond-shaped chart. Then taking the test oneself, it would be duecedly easy to decide how much the candidate truly represents your own views and desires for the country . . . .
Looking at the chart of someone everyone knows, Sarah Palin, for example, we see that she scores a 10 on social issues and a 60 on economic issues according to the same chart transmigrated to the bottom of her own website’s first page (Rajjpuut recommends you visit the site):
It is the 10 score on social issues that makes Sarah Palin so very unpopular with all Progessive Democrats and feminists. It is that 10 and especially the 60 (low in Rajjpuut’s eyes) score she gets on economic issues that would have Rajjpuut thinking, “Is Sarah Palin really what we need?” Her scores reveal her to be far more statist (she labels it “populist” . . . but that’s NOT accurate), far-far more statist than Rajjpuut likes to see . . . in his not-so-humble opinion only action along the lines of Harding and Coolidge (cutting taxes and spending both by 50% in the first years of their combined administration) can begin to save us from our economic quagmire. Now Palin has talked a great game, but typically semi-statists such as her and statists likeJohn Mc Cain do NOT cut taxes and spending 50%.
Let’s look at someone else you know . . . Rajjpuut has declared himself a Libertarian on this blogsite and elsewhere in life. When he visits the website and takes the test . . . lo’ and behold, he scores a 70 on social issues and a 90 on economic issues: not a pure Libertarian but a slightly Conservative-Libertarian. Purity of view-point like that would probably make it very difficult for Rajjpuut to be elected dogcatcher. Let’s now look at a probable ranking for Ronald Reagan. If we score Reagan by his words and deeds as Rajjpuut just did, we’d find most likely a score of 50 on social issues and 100 on economic ones. Perhaps this is why Reagan helped create 21 million jobs during his two terms. The fact that Reagan scores a “knight’s jump on the chessboard” away from Rajjpuut’s own views explains the two men’s compatibility. Reagan’s scoring@@ rates right on the line between Libertarianism and Conservativism on personal issues and makes him ultra-Conservative on economic ones. Now looking at our present president, we get a huge surprise to many, but not to Rajjpuut . . . .
If we took to scoring Mr. Obama, using his words and actions as Rajjpuut interprets them we’d see a 10 on social/personal issues and a 20 on economic issues which would rank him as an ultra-Statist. Knowing his Marxist upbringing which the liberal media never vetted, Obama is precisely what should have been expected and virtually diametrically opposed to everything that Rajjpuut sees as good and honest and necessary.
For the liberals and other Democrats who mainly voted him into office, (themselves typically scoring about 30-60 on the chart) many did NOT get what they expected. And as Mr. Obama in a certain sense campaigned in a Ronald Reaganesque manner, the conservatives who wanted anything but a Republican, especially a progressive John Mc Cain, after G.W. Bush’s big-government moves, these conservatives, (themselves scoring typically 60-30 on the chart . . . ) 100% didn’t get what they wanted either. So that accounts for about 75% of the electorate voting for exactly the worst of two evils (Rajjpuut likes to call it “choosing between Tweedle-dumb and Tweedle-dumber” and it’s mostly what happens in November every four years). Ah, humanity!
So now that we’re all pretty well versed on political thinking, what about America’s present constitutional and economic crisis, eh?
At present it appears the Conservative force is attracting a huge national following in fiscal-matters owing to the nation’s runaway spending, deficits, monstrous UNFUNDED obligations (Social Security, Medicare and the federal side of Medicaid with $109 TRillion) and national debt and the growing opposition to Progressive programs to expand government. The Progressives, of course, (having the votes in the House and Senate plus owning the Oval Office) are calling all or virtually all the shots in law-making and spending. The important law-making they control includes burdensome taxes; expAnsive new expEnsive programs that impinge upon individual freedom and the free markets and place the government into the dominant realm of our nation’s activities rather than in its naturally-expected realm of being subservient to the people’s wishes.
The feeling of the Conservative element is that the Progressives are running roughshod over the country and the Constitution. Where formerly there was a Moderate element, now tinges of Moderation are found in the tiny proportion of liberals who vote bi-partisan opposition to the President’s sweeping programs but no real moderation is found, mainly polarity. The Democratic Party under the gross and ill-advised Progressive leadership of Pelosi, Reid and Obama and their loyal followers has unquestionably moved the nation into deep socialist waters. The underpinnings of this socialism is a powerful forcible re-distribution of wealth: that is, THEFT.
The most basic principle of our American government is freedom. The American experience, the American constitution and the spirit of America are tied to freedom. That means the citizen is in charge of the government and not the other way around. Liberals and progressives tend to see the citizen as the always available FUNDING Source for the federal legislators. Pure progressives see the citizen as an obstruction, a bump in the road to their efforts to create (their version of) a perfect world. There are only 17 specific powers allotted to the federal government by the government and there are ten amendments (the Bill of Rights) limiting the power of the federal government over both the states and the individuals.
All too often lost in the nonsensical arguments raised by Progressives (those who see the Constitution as “flawed” and who say we “MUST PROGRESS BEYOND” the Constitution), is that there is a gross difference between rights and needs. We all have needs and it is our own responsibility as individuals to employ our rights and our self-will to take care of those needs. The “NANNY-STATE” advocated by Progressives sees an unending number of basic needs (they call them rights) which the Federal Government is OBLIGATED to fulfill . . . the cost of fulfilling this cradle-to-grave catalog of needs is the loss of our real rights and our real freedoms to the increasingly powerful all-controlling federal government.
Rights are not negotiable they come to us from God and not from the government; it is the responsibility of the government according to the Constitution’s Bill of Rights to protect these individual rights. They belong to the individual as an inheritance for being human. Rights are NOT needs, however. For example, there is no natural right to health care; no natural right to have the government bail you out if your business fails; no natural right to the resources of others just because you are needy. Taking resources such as money and labor or goods by legal force from the individuals and the individual states **is theft by the federal government. It is power from the barrel of a gun used to hold up some citizens for the benefit of others. The federal government has no right to deny freedoms to any group of people to advance the well-being or to benefit others. There is NO natural right to EQUALITY, except the equality of opportunity. The Federal Government has an obligation to defend the freedoms of each and every one of us and to protect us when our rights are violated but no right to force all of us into EQUALITY of means. Freedom means equality of opportuntiy to be free, it does not mean forced equality.
The most basic rights and freedoms protected by our Constitution against the infringement of the Federal Government are the freedoms guaranteed by the 10th Amendment, the last Amendment within the Bill of Rights and clearly the most important. The Obama administration has willfully stomped all over the 10th Amendment while stomping all over the American Dream on the one hand and willfully ignoring their obligations under the Constitution. In other words, they have done everything that they shouldn’t do, and very little (for example, protecting our borders) that they are required to do. In fact, according to a leaked document in the news today, they are plotting to within nine months make 13-20 million illegal aliens into citizens because they believe that they will receive 80-85% of those new citizens’ votes and will be permanently locked-into the halls of power. This cynical attempt at permanent power, they say, is based upon the fact that our Immigration laws are “broken.” Over 220 years our immigration and naturalization laws have faithfully served the nation. They cannot be changed willy-nilly to benefit one political party over another, they must be amended in the Constitution and only in that may they be changed. The cynicism and Marxist grab for power of Barack Obama constitutes the single most damming threat to our nation in its 221 year history.
That is the most important thing that voters need to understand about what Progressives want to steal from all of us: our American freedom and the Constitutional American traditions that have made this the greatest most powerful and most just nation on earth by eternally defending and renewing our freedoms to pull from each of us the intrinsic strengths that Americans has thrived upon for over two centuries.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
^^ Notice the value of the charting above: people can be conservative economically and liberal socially and vice versa (which they often are) . . . rather than the cookie-cutter liberal and conservative that the mainstream media seems to expect. But let’s make sure everyone understands these crucial terms . . . .
Liberals, as they are generally understood, advocate lots of freedom on social issues and oppose traditional restrictions there while believing that government ought to intervene early and often in economic matters and government restrictions there are exactly what’s best for the country.
Conservatives show great deference to the Constitution on economic matters but seem to like restrictions on personal behavior in line with traditional religious values. Hence the criticism that conservatives “want to be in everybody’s bedroom.”
The “left” refers to people who are liberal-oriented and score on the left side of the diamond. The “right” refers to people who are conservatively-oriented who scored on the right side of the diamond. The origin of the term is disputed some say it arose during the French Revolution and others refer to the British Parliament where, in either case, the distinctions were pretty much along class lines. In any case NOT understanding these terms puts one in the realm of politically-ultra-ignorant, not the place to be when electing presidents and congressmen.
Progressives are in favor of “progressing well beyond the constitution” (which they see as an outmoded and flawed document) toward really big ultra-controlling government. In Rajjpuut’s wide experience, ultra-progressives tend to be Marxists, but do everything imaginable to hide it. Barack Obama is a Marxist and an ultra-Progressive as are virtually all the Czars and many of the members of his cabinet and inner circle. They are seeking to progress well beyond the Constitution and create their version of a Marxist Utopia for us. The most well-known American progressive presidents and presidential candidates were Woodrow Wilson, Herbert Hoover, Franklin Roosevelt, Thomas Dewey, Lyndon Johnson, Hubert Humphrey, George McGovern, Jimmy Carter, Walter Mondale, Michael Dukakis, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Al Gore, John Mc Cain and Barack Obama. Certainly Theodore Roosevelt and George H.W. Bush would qualify as “semi-progressives.” The only true conservatives in the oval office in the last ninety years were Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, Dwight Eisenhower and Ronald Reagan. Semi-conservatives were Harry Truman and John Kennedy. You’ll note that Rajjpuut’s monthly Truman-Reagan-Kennedy award honors the memories of two semi-conservatives and the only true conservative of the last 50 years.
** right now Obamacare will temporarily ease the Medicaid burden upon the individual states, however, that changes quickly and the increasing share of Medicaid forced upon the states by Federal Medicaid requirements commanded by federal law will in due course bankrupt each and every one of them.
@@ Some would complain, "21 million jobs, but he ran up some pretty big deficits, too." Remember the Democrats largely controlled both chambers of congress during the Reagan years so a lot of the laws they passed which Reagan didn't veto were compromises including tax-decrease measures Reagan wanted but spending progams that the Dems were after. Reagan unlike Harding, was never offered a chance to both cut spending and cut taxes so he only cut taxes . . . nevertheless, his legacy is enormous: the fall of monolithic communism; 21 million new jobs and worldwide respect for the country.
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Patriotism: a High-Demand Commitment
Part III: Understanding the Progressive Opposition We Face
Let us now talk about the "enemy." We are wise not to dare consider him the "loyal opposition" since he refuses to play by the rules of the Constitution, nor the rules of truth and normally understood fair play . . . and yet he holds us to those three high standards at all times (employing our "scripture" to do their hellish work) and has the mainstream media virtually 95% committed to advancing his lies. We must, under these circumstances, conduct ourselves in the most circumspect and non-violent manner, like the superior human beings knowing a superior and more ultimately compassionate truth that we are. Every day, that policy has won, the TEA Party, for example, greater and greater respect. But enough about us . . . . What do progressives believe? What do they feel they need to pass on to help us less-enlightened Americans to understand and embrace the beneficial changes they’re wisely bringing us? How do we conservatives refute all the specious progressive nonsense that’s continually thrust upon us and ballyhooed in the mainstream media? The progressive argument is found in normal print below. The Conservative rebuttal is written in italic print.
America through progressive eyes:
This is a very flawed land and jingoistic land where hypocrites abound. Our national vision is a gross lie seen through a distorted mirror called American History learned by rote triviality and blended into a “melting-pot” consciousness known as American “exceptionalism.” Justifying our founders as “God-led” patriots we dismiss with little thought their genocide of the native tribes inhabiting the lands when we first arrived; the enslavement of Black Africans whom we tore away from their native shores; the outright theft of 2/3 of what was once Mexico away from its people; and the use of concentration camps to control vast numbers of German- and Italian-Americans in World War I and Japanese-Americans in World War II. These sins are each of them so great they can never be expiated. Calling our most monumental lie “Manifest Destiny” a charade for some of the cruelest actions ever seen on earth, may not make us popular, but these truths can NOT go unsaid.
America, the Big-Picture truth:
America, like all nations, has had and still has its failings. Evil men and women have always existed even upon our own shores. Good men and good women also are prone to error. The mistakes of the past, however, are in the past and immutable. Choosing to use them as permanent stains upon the people of the present is utter nonsense and foolhardy propagandistic ranting, nothing more, nothing less. Clearly, the wide library of progressive lies about America, Americans and the “American Way” tell us way more about the kind of malcontented people that become progressives and raise their children that way than they do about America’s weaknesses. The utterly worst chapters of American History show a not very compassionate and often cruel or at least careless thoughtlessness toward other cultures. But cultural clashes are not unknown elsewhere and seldom have been moderated into absolutely benign cultural mergers anywhere. Looked at in that light, America comes out flawed but not evil. That is realism, plain and simple. Understand your mistakes, learn from them and avoid them in the future. Nihilistic progressivism would have all Americans forever guilty and apologizing for our very breath. Rajjpuut did NOT enslave anyone. Rajjpuut did NOT put anyone in a concentration camp. Rajjpuut has never killed anyone. Rajjpuut refuses to be held eternal prisoner to the sins of the past. Rajjpuut recommends all clear thinking Americans adopt a similar line of thinking, the past is uncontrollable . . . work now on improving those things we can control, period.
Be fair and accurate, Progressives! And notice, that the examples given in World War I and World War II were brought about by progressive presidents Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Delando Roosevelt. Be fair and accurate, Progressives! Why not compare us to what you are espousing: totalitarianism (all collectivism -- and progressivism is utterly collectivistic, regardless of how they attempt to sugar coat it -- is based upon the Utopian ideas of Engles and Marx and owe much of their strength to labor and environmental movements like the Luddites in Great Britain in opposition to the Industrial Revolution) . . . all this is another sort of Clashing of Cultures and the prime collectivist states Communist USSR, Communist China and Nazi Germany have seen to the murder of 94 million civilians in the name of their ideologies with the Nazis only responsible for 13 million civilian deaths. Compared to what progressivism espouses, America looks darn good. What’s going on upon these shores is pretty wonderful in its own way. There’s a reason that the French gave us the Statue of Liberty. There’s a reason that ours is the land that hundreds of millions of people have dreamed of and tens of millions of peoples have uprooted themselves to come here legally. There’s a reason that millions of people cross into our country illegally while Berlin Walls and Iron Curtains couldn’t stop people from escaping collectivistic states. America has been for roughly 200+ years, the land of opportunity. America has things in its past to be ashamed of, America need have NO SHAME for the present. America is in a certain sense perfect, in a greater sense: perfecting.
The Military through progressive eyes:
America is an imperialistic and violent nation (look at that “National Anthem”) interested in virtual-colonization of the Third World. Our military serves the evil purposes of enslavement and oppression of other cultures. There can be no “just” American war and no heroic American fighters because we come into battle with the malevolent thought that our might makes us right always. In league with big business, the military—industrial complex (M-IC) seeks to control the minds, bodies and votes of all Americans as well as much of the rest of the worlds’ peoples and resources. America hides behind its ruthless military strength to browbeat other cultures and nations and their leaders into compliance with America’s desires. We have no real friends in the rest of the world, only a few toady and sycophantic nations that align with us. The existence of the American military-industrial complex (M-IC) allows unenlightenend Americans to believe that they are the greatest, freest and most generous peoples the planet has ever known . . . enlightenment,however, tells us that Americans (until properly educated in progressivism) are narrow-minded slaves to the M-IC who are selfishly plundering the rest of the planet and endangering us all with environmental Armageddon.
The American Military, the Big-Picture Truth:
Here the progressives missed their best chance to embarrass and demean the American military and didn’t . . . so in the spirit of full and open truth-seekers, let us remind them of Custer’s two raids on defenseless Indian camps populated mostly with women and children before his own ultimate demise; plus the Sand Creek Massacre; plus Wounded Knee; plus the U.S. Army’s role in bringing about the horrific death march known as the “Trail of Tears.” Hell, let’s throw in Kent State while we’re at it and Hiroshima and Nagasaki – America’s the only nation ever to drop a nuclear bomb on another nation, after all.
Armies and Navies, etc. are designed to FORCIBLY bring one’s enemies into line while protecting one’s own nation and its interests. Abuse of military power is evil, clearly and undeniably evil. Clearly and undeniably, some unenlightened and abusive use of the nation’s military power has occurred and far too often. Not to mention the almost always inexcusable collateral damage and friendly fire incidents created by either incompetence, ignorance, or accident. The two A-bombs mentioned above, by the way, ended up saving presumably three to four million Japanese lives and ¾ of a million American lives not to mention the wounded on both sides and the virtual destruction of all of Japanese infrastructure and culture.
All the incidents mentioned in the penultimate paragraph are facts of history and cannot be undone, but only learned from. The progressives make a repeated and consistent logical error in always allowing themselves the right to learn from their more than abundant past mistakes, but branding America’s past errors as utterly damning, ubiquitous and eternal. The progressive would brand America and the American military for all our mistakes forever – the mote in our eye -- while forever refusing to acknowledge the far more monumental shortcomings of progressivism and the military abuses of collectivist states – the huge post** in their own eye -- such as the USSR and Red China annihilating the freedom-loving opposition in places like Hungary and Tibet, etc., etc. ad nauseum and stealing the freedoms of their own people by the full-pressed weight of their military might and their military-like police enforcement techniques and philosophy.
In fact, the American military has been largely a force for good in the late and 21st Centuries. It was the American military that brought the utterly cruel and despotic Japanese empire to its end. Ask the Chinese and the Koreans about that. It was the American military that played the primary role in wiping out Nazi Germany with American military supplies also bolstering the causes of Stalin and Churchill against Hitler's forces mightily. It was striving to keep up with the American military which brought about the bankruptcy and eventual PEACEFUL capitulation highlighted by the surprisingly quick fall of the Berlin Wall; collapse of the Warsaw Pact; and the dissolution of the USSR itself. When natural calamaties and crises fall upon innocent civilians, it is more often than not, the American military on the front lines delivering and providing aid and comfort to the stricken. On balance, the American military is more deserving of praise than censure and when you’re talking about virtually unlimited power being used with a respect and restraint that is truly a magnificent truth.
Next time Part IV: the Constitution through Progressive Eyes
Ya'all live long, strong and ornery,
** For example, the progressives don't like to acknowledge that the lion's share of the present almost $14 TRillion national debt is of their making; that pay-go which they just passed is like "set-aside" which they always attached to their monumental public welfare schemes like social security, medicare and the federal side of medicaid and since passing pay-go earlier this year, they have refused to acknowledge and follow their own good law and find a way to pay for proposed new laws as pay-go requires. Most importantly, let us never talk about the fact that the three government interference set-aside boondoggles (also government spending boondoggles, thus GIBs and GSBs) named above are now obligated for $109 TRillion in required services . . . this is the progressive legacy which they totally ignore while piling scheme upon impossible scheme as if there will never be a day of fiscal-reckoning . . . in other words, progressivism is an enormous lie and a filthy ponzi scheme.
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Anything Worse than Progressive Lawmakers
Making Laws? Yes, Trial Lawyers Making
Laws for Lawmakers to Vote on!

Yesterday a suspected car bomb was found by police in Times Square. Thankfully, no one was hurt. Unfortunately, our nation has been under economic-terrorism for close to a century and most Americans don’t seem to know it or understand it and the media shows no interest in informing the public about it, but rather they make a constant practice of slanting their coverage to “bless” the economic terrorists among our politicians and savage the good names of productive people who believe in the constitution and in the power of free markets. The important thing to realize is this process, this corruption, is NOT just a D.C. phenomenon, but rather part of the progressive social fabric we've been blessed with for quite some time. In a couple paragraphs we will discuss the job-killing house bill 10-1394, whose design will cost thousands of Colorado jobs . . . that is the epitome of what’s being talked about here: economic terrorism. And it’s coming to every state like Colorado where the progressives swept into power because the best friends of the progressive movement after the unions are lawyers and lawmakers.

Since the days of Woodrow Wilson, Americans have been cursed by a progressive onslaught from the left (those looking for government to always step in and solve problems the Constitution says free people need to solve for themselves). Today such progressive ideas as Social Security, Medicare and the Federal side of Medicaid have given all of us $108 TRillion worth of unfunded obligations – a number over eight times larger than the present national debt and eighty times more ominous. Count on the new Obamacare law to add a TRillion dollars a year to that figure despite Obama-math projections that the bill will ease our deficits and slash the national debt. All this money must come from somewhere, whether from the present productive members of society or their productive children and grandchildren. That $108 TRillion came to be our present burden because progressives want their specious laws right now and within the laws to “set aside” the money to pay for the new laws, except, ooopsy-doopsy, they never ever actually set any money aside and that is their mode of operation: promise anything and everything for everybody to get the votes of the masses of the uninformed, but forget to balance the budgets and omit actually paying for anything.

Progressives, by the way, and liberals are the same animal, but “progressive” is a better name, much more accurate because even though it is correct to say that “liberals” are liberal users of OUR money rather than their own . . . it is more informative to realize that progressives believe the U.S. Constitution is just some ancient piece of parchment and that the country truly needs to “progress” beyond the fuddy-duddy out-dated concepts of the founding fathers. As far as the most adamant progressives among them are concerned they, having read “Das Kapital,” surely know a better way and the Constitution be damned. At its roots all progressivism is based upon the ideas that Karl Marx espoused of a Utopian (communist) society where “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” was the way every person on earth perfected himself and where the state’s job was to look out for the total interests of everyone which, of course dovetail perfectly with the state’s interests. Capitalism, by contrast, is based upon imperfect people looking out for their own interests, rational and otherwise, and rewarding those who do a good job in the free market of satisfying the needs of others and themselves. One of the most evil things the progressives have done is to progressively over time create a climate wherein lawmaking has become a full-time proposition. The only state that presently reflects the spirit of the original founding fathers is Texas whose lawmakers meet for only 140 days every other year. Everywhere else in the country including Colorado and Washington, D.C., the legislative mischief progresses unabated virtually year round every single year.

Today across our nation we are met in a raging war between the two economic systems. At present the socialist precursor to communistic government is winning hands down. One battle in that war is raging in Colorado as we speak. The Progressive-wing of the Democratic party dominates here but unlike the national battlefield, where the Republicans have decided to stand on principle on every vote and the only bi-partisanship to be found is Democrats voting with the G.O.P against the various Obamanations masquerading as “reform” which aim to bring our whole economy under the government’s umbrella . . . however, here in Colorado the Republican Party has capitulated almost entirely to the Progressive Democrats.

Recently, for example, a unanimous voice vote in the Colorado House of Representatives revealed just how stupid our elected officials can be. Remember, that’s unanimous, as in nobody has even the slightest doubt that the law they’re voting for is an absolutely superb idea. The bill concerned insurance and was named HB (house bill) 10-1394. That bill was created by trial lawyers, the only one to prosper from this bill becoming law will be, you guessed it, trial lawyers. Just as Rajjpuut says unequivocally that anything that’s good for the radical Obama administration must be bad for the productive rest of us, let’s also agree that people who make their living fighting in courts are not the people to be making laws for us . . . for every wonderful Erin Brockovich out there (and, remember, she was NOT a trial lawyer just a concerned neutral citizen) there are sixty folks interested in every passing ambulance like a certain ex-trial lawyer who recently ran for vice-president of the United States. Any bill good for trial lawyers must almost certainly be a disaster for the rest of us. In this case the trial lawyers want to control insurance offered to construction companies in Colorado so that it’s almost impossible for anyone suing a construction company or its insurance company to ever lose a case. And to top that off, they want the wicked tentacles of this law to extend backwards into time to affect virtually every house built in Colorado by any current construction firm. Gee whilikers, Batman, you think that might bring out some crazy lawsuits? Clever, even if NOT principled, those trial lawyers . . . clever.

That bill is now in the Colorado State Senate. Meanwhile at least fifteen of the largest national insurance carriers have pulled out of Colorado and will no longer insure the Colorado construction industry, because, among it’s numerous evils, the bill is retro-active to the start of construction on virtually every house in Colorado and on those who built the house and insured the building of the house (the Constitution forbids ex post facto laws, but those clever trial lawyers can do an awful lot of damage and make an awful lot of money and tie up a lot of good people in court for an awful lot of time before the new law is ruled eventually unconstitutional so a lot of money would by necessity have to be set aside* and just sit around in escrow on the mere possibility of such shenanigans). Colorado’s construction industry just had it’s first positive month recently and now this bill, if it becomes law will guarantee that Colorado construction firms cannot buy enough insurance with all the money in the world to protect themselves from the greed of the trial lawyers: one wonders if that will drive up housing costs? Insurance costs? Mortgage costs?

Right is right and wrong is wrong. If defects exist, insurance’s purpose is to cover justifiable claims. Their purpose is not to guarantee that insurors and construction companies must suffer wanton nuisance claims which the trial lawyers have guaranteed cannot be lost ever by any Bozo the clown carrying a brief case. This bill is the death of the construction industry in Colorado and must be repealed. You Flatlanders out there, watch for it, coming soon to a state near you . . . .

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** When insurance companies "set aside" reserves to cover contingencies, they really do put the money aside . . . in contrast to politicians. The insurance companies are always whipping boys for politicians, but since their average take for health insurance is 3.7%, the politicians' logic, as almost always, is greatly flawed.

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