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How could Ambassador Rice explain an attack that she had no personal knowledge of?
Smells like a Watergate style cover up.
So, now Ambassador Rice surfaces in what seems to be an attempt to regurgitate the exact same inconsistencies and cover up narrative as if, telling a lie often enough will suddenly become the truth. Not this time Ms. Rice. Not good enough!. Your oath of office should have more value than protecting a cover story. Just ask the White House officials who went to jail because they lied to congress about their own culpability in the Watergate cover up.
Maybe Ms Rice you need to be reminded that these were real people with real families. Their names were: Ambassador Chris Stevens, diplomat Sean Smith, and former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods, and Glen Doherty.
Again, what was she thinking?
Did Susan Rice truly believe that after the Presidential election, America, the news networks and the congress would go on as business as usual? Well, Ambassador Rice, America’s business is to find out what the truth really is and why the administration would allow a series of lies to fester in a climate of White House CYA political theatrics.
Four Americans, who had families and had loved ones, only, asked that their Commander in Chief would act like one and defend their lives. The administration reneged on its solemn duty. The families that saw their loved ones return in coffins deserve more, far, far more than a circle of lies.
History has a way of repeating itself. Forty years ago, Richard Nixon was reelected president of the United States. Congress then went to work. Articles of Impeachment were voted on, and well, you know the rest of the story.
Fast forward to 2012, where Obama is doing victory laps and Ambassador Rice is apparently aiming for the Secretary of State seat now being kept warm by Hillary Clinton. Well if conventional wisdom serves, perhaps, Ambassador Rice should be setting her sights more toward a congressional investigation witness seat.
The Real Story of Thanksgiving
November 21, 2012BEGIN TRANSCRIPT
RUSH: What is the story of Thanksgiving? What I was taught, what most people my age were taught, maybe even many of you were taught, the Pilgrims got to the New World, they didn't know what to do. They didn't know how to feed themselves. They were escaping tyranny, but they got here, and the Indians, who were eventually to be wiped out, taught them how to do everything, fed them and so forth. They had this big feast where they sat down and thanked the Indians for saving their lives and apologized for taking their country and eventually stealing Manhattan from 'em.
But that's not what really happened.
"The story of the Pilgrims begins in the early part of the seventeenth century ... The Church of England under King James I was persecuting anyone and everyone who did not recognize its absolute civil and spiritual authority. Those who challenged ecclesiastical authority and those who believed strongly in freedom of worship were hunted down, imprisoned, and sometimes executed for their beliefs. A group of separatists first fled to Holland and established a community. After eleven years, about forty of them agreed to make a perilous journey to the New World, where they would certainly face hardships, but could live and worship God according to the dictates of their own consciences.
"On August 1, 1620, the Mayflower set sail. It carried a total of 102 passengers, including forty Pilgrims led by William Bradford. On the journey, Bradford set up an agreement, a contract, that established just and equal laws for all members of the new community, irrespective of their religious beliefs. Where did the revolutionary ideas expressed in the Mayflower Compact come from? From the Bible. The Pilgrims were a people completely steeped in the lessons of the Old and New Testaments. They looked to the ancient Israelites for their example.
"And, because of the biblical precedents set forth in Scripture, they never doubted that their experiment would work. But this was no pleasure cruise, friends. The journey to the New World was a long and arduous one. And when the Pilgrims landed in New England in November, they found -- according to Bradford's detailed journal -- a cold, barren, desolate wilderness. There were no friends to greet them, he wrote. There were no houses to shelter them. There were no inns where they could refresh themselves. And the sacrifice they had made for freedom was just beginning. During the first winter, half the Pilgrims -- including Bradford's own wife -- died of either starvation, sickness or exposure. When spring finally came, Indians taught the settlers how to plant corn, fish for cod and skin beavers for coats.
"Life improved for the Pilgrims, but they did not yet prosper! This is important to understand because this is where modern American history lessons often end. Thanksgiving is actually explained in some textbooks as a holiday for which the Pilgrims gave thanks to the Indians for saving their lives." That's not what it was.
"Here is the part that has been omitted: The original contract the Pilgrims had entered into with their merchant-sponsors in London called for everything they produced to go into a common store, and each member of the community was entitled to one common share." It was a commune. It was socialism. "All of the land they cleared and the houses they built belonged to the community as well," not to the individuals who built them.
"Bradford, who had become the new governor of the colony, recognized that this form of collectivism was as costly and destructive to the Pilgrims as that first harsh winter, which had taken so many lives. He decided to take bold action. Bradford assigned a plot of land to each family to work and manage." They could do with it whatever they wanted. He essentially turned loose the free market on 'em. "Long before Karl Marx was even born, the Pilgrims had discovered and experimented with what could only be described as socialism." And they found that it didn't work.
"What Bradford and his community found was that the most creative and industrious people had no incentive to work any harder than anyone else," because everybody ended up with the same thing at the end of the day. "But while most of the rest of the world has been experimenting with socialism for well over a hundred years -- trying to refine it, perfect it, and re-invent it -- the Pilgrims decided early on to scrap it permanently. What Bradford wrote about this social experiment should be in every schoolchild's history lesson. 'The experience that we had in this common course and condition,' Bradford wrote. 'The experience that we had in this common course and condition tried sundry years... that by taking away property, and bringing community into a common wealth, would make them happy and flourishing -- as if they were wiser than God. ... For this community [so far as it was] was found to breed much confusion and discontent, and retard much employment that would have been to their benefit and comfort. For young men that were most able and fit for labor and service did repine that they should spend their time and strength to work for other men's wives and children without any recompense.'"
What he was saying was, they found that people could not expect to do their best work without any incentive. So what did they try next? Free enterprise. "Every family was assigned its own plot of land to work and permitted to market its own crops and products. And what was the result? 'This had very good success,' wrote Bradford, 'for it made all hands industrious, so as much more corn was planted than otherwise would have been.'"
They had miraculous results. In no time they found they had more food than they could eat themselves. So they set up trading posts. They exchanged goods with the Indians. The profits allowed them to pay off the people that sponsored their trip in London. The success and the prosperity of the Plymouth settlement attracted more Europeans, began what became known as the great Puritan migration.
And they shared their bounty with the Indians. Actually, they sold some of it to 'em. The true story of Thanksgiving is how socialism failed. With all the great expectations and high hopes, it failed. And self-reliance, rugged individualism, free enterprise, whatever you call it, resulted in prosperity that they never dreamed of.
RUSH: I can't leave here without once again telling all of you how utterly important you are to the country, to this program, how much you've meant at me, my family, and all of us here, the overrated staff, everybody. This show would not exist, and it would not be what it is without you. And we love you to death here. I do personally, and I wish there were ways beyond words I could show you and express it. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving weekend.

Thanksgiving 2012, finds a nation that has changed dramatically since the 1865 end of the U.S. Civil War. There still remains an ongoing attempt to select racial winners and losers when a person’s conduct, professional or otherwise comes into question. The latest example has been U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice’s ineptness in presenting the White House cover up account of the U.S. Benghazi Consulate American murders.
On Tuesday, Rep. James Clyburn, a Democrat, attacked nearly 100 Republican congressmen who sent a letter to President Obama, opposing a possible nomination of Susan Rice for Secretary of State. The congressmen cited her recent apparent incompetent behavior as the reason for their opposition. Congressman Clyburn to the rescue! He called the congressmen’s comments racist. There Clyburn goes again.
Well, there is still Clyburn, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, the diminishing exceptions who are the race-based clingers. They cling to racial solutions for colorblind problems. They embrace easy simplistic gotcha assertions, like “that’s racist!” or “They hate blacks” or they keep blacks down!”
This behavior must be called out for what it truly is. This is race bating and hate mongering. Blacks and liberals engage in this practice to make political and racial hay. They use racial division as a pay day card for their elections, non-profit race bating organizations and television network talk shows. But America is tired and America must move on.
America must grow up and Americans of all colors must accept that bad attitudes, incompetent behavior, or irresponsible conduct should not be defended because of race!
So, enough is enough of this school yard nonsense. The shadow of a racist past in America is not the nation of 2012.
This nation does not need an affirmative action answer for every real or imagined problem or issue that besets American minorities. America has to realize that if there is a civil rights issue that confronts a person who feel wronged or rights have been abridged, then repair it with the same laws that any person who has his or her rights abridged.
This is not a nation that should continue to have two sets of laws and two sets of results. The law of the land should not be used to pick winners and losers as if it were some type of carnival game, where the deck is stacked.
Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for America is that they might be saved. This was the Apostle Paul's prayer for Israel as found in Romans 10:1. I've obviously changed "Israel" to "America" here to reflect the burden of my own heart. (Please note that I'm in no way trying to change Scripture here, which is why I italicized the word. I'm simply trying to show that, as Paul was burdened for his nation, so am I burdened for mine.) I was deeply disappointed by last week's election results, but I cannot say that I was surprised. There's a part of me that watched in disbelief as the results unfolded. While my mind screamed "how can the majority of our country vote for a man whose policies have so obviously failed, who has driven such a wedge in our country, and who stands up for sin and against what is good?" my heart knew the answer. It's found in Romans 1:28: "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient." If you'll read the verses leading up to this one, you'll find that they have "America" written all over them. These verses speak of how, when the people knew God, they didn't glorify Him as God, but became lifted up with pride in themselves, professing themselves to be wise. Does this sound like many of our educated crowd today, who by and large deny God? They then changed the incorruptible image of God into images like unto man, birds, and beasts, and began to worship the creature more than the Creator. Does this remind anyone of the environmentalists groups of today? It was from there that they got into homosexuality. It seems needless for me to point out that this is a huge issue today. So to me, these verses paint a perfect picture of what's been going on in America.
Col. Harry D. Tunnell IV, commander of 5th Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division.
An American hero, Colonel Harry Tunnell IV, Commander of the 5th Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, documented the truth about the war in Afghanistan.
What Obama is reallydoing in Afghanistan is treasonous.
Dated August 20, 2010, a letter was written to John McHugh, Secretary of the Army, signed by Colonel Harry Tunnell IV. In the letter, four significant factors about military operations in Afghanistan were revealed.
1.When US soldiers arrive in Afghanistan, they are told that they are fighting for the Afghan people:
“Soldiers join the military today to protect the United States, yet they are told once in Afghanistan that we are fighting for the Afghan people – this is a rather mercenary outlook and ignores the fact that the United States was attacked September 11, 2001.”
2. Contrary to the lies Joe Biden told the American people during the VP debateon October 11th, Afghan Security Forces are not able to be properly trained:
“The idea that Afghan forces can lead operations such as Marjah, as was touted in the media when the operation began, is pure fancy.”
“As part of our formula for success we place a remarkable amount of emphasis on the Afghan Security Forces without understanding the men who make up that force. It is very unlikely that we will be able to provide Afghans with a level of education and training to make them an independent and reliable forcethat can deny Afghanistan as a safe haven to terrorists…. The Soviet Union’s attempt to create a professional independent military collapsed as soon as the Soviets withdrew (from Afghanistan), which is what contributed to the ascendency of the Taliban. This should provide an obviously cautionary tale.”
“An overview of a few cultural behaviors of Pashtu men might help one make an informed assessment about the efficacy of plans requiring independent performance from Afghan Security Forces– to determine if the objective is consistent with the reality. This cultural information is well known, there are numerous anecdotal reports, and there is a growing body of research from Human Terrain Teams and others.”
“… Afghan security forces… lack of technical skills… Out of a class of ten at our recent academy to train a Fire and Rescue Service for Spin Boldak District, only two of the trainees had ever driven a vehicle – and that is giving credit to the trainee who had driven a tractor once or twice in his life. Even simple tasks… present challenges.”
“Attempts to integrate women into the security forces… Afghan males are among the greatest misogynists in the world.The Burqa is not a Taliban invention; it is a Pashtu cultural norm.”
“Health and hygiene will not be maintainedat an acceptable level… Afghan military units – particularly small outposts – are bastions of filth.”
“Aberrant sexual behavior is acceptable. Considering the misogynistic culture… There is an acceptance of pedophilia that is wide spread and boys are sometimes kidnapped. Leaders have been known to sexually assault male subordinates…”
“NCOs… are largely illiterate.”
“…the population does not like how the Taliban deliver but the incontrovertible fact is that the Taliban are Pashtu and their cultural norms are the same as any other Pashtu male… In fact, religiously inspired Pashtu movements are a traditional part of life in southern Afghanistan. The British… had a nickname for them: “Mad Mullah Movements”. The most frequently ignored fact is that the average farmer in southern Afghanistan will appreciate far more what Mullah Omar is proposing than what we are…”
3.US military resources are misappropriated, leaving our US soldiers ill-equipped and vulnerable to greater risk of death and injury.
“Formations that are assigned maneuver tasks without the requisite training or equipment will suffer increased and unnecessary casualties.”
“There are two important things to note: (1) this mission, to secure Kandahar City and its environs, was exactly how American forces were arrayed before being dispatched in the ill-conceived freedom of movement mission and (2) all of the maneuver was done by United States Army units – an extravagant use of tens of millions of American taxpayer dollars to placate British units and commanders.”
“In addition to marginalizing American leaders, British forces take advantage of American resources such as Full Motion Video from Unmanned Aerial Systems, Route Clearance Packages, and other capability that should go to American soldiers. We had instances when these tools were denied to American troops in contact because they were not released from British control (even though they were observing no enemy activity). A more direct example of disregard for Americans is the manner in which Task Force Helmand addressed the catastrophic IED strike on an American engineer vehicle supporting their operations. The vehicle was attacked with an IED and one US Soldier was killed. The killed and wounded were evacuated, but the remaining Soldiers were left for several days on the disabled vehicle before recovery…. American engineers were eventually forced, at great risk, to get the equipment themselves – having another Route Clearance Package battle damaged in the process. Another instance… when conducting a joint resupply patrol with the British and was abandoned half way through the patrol. The British took the American Route Clearance Package and simply left. The engineer task force sent two Route Clearance Packages to recover this BSB patrol – it took two because the first one was blown up.”
“The denial of American resources to American soldiers that is commonplace is heart-breaking. The United States and Romania allow military personnel to travel on aircraft that do not have armor or defense capability, but several other partner nations do now. The result is that foreign military members are frequently prioritized at a higher level to fly on United States military aircraft which takes seats from Americans who are left to fly civilian contracted air. We expose our own service members to greater danger for the convenience of our partners and the American taxpayer, who has provided this capability for the protection of Americans, is deceived.”
4.Rules of engagement were changed under Obama’s command, thus ensuring greater risk of death and injury to our soldiers.
“Our potential for greater coalition casualties does not have to be inevitable, but due to our flawed approach to operations we wind up enabling our enemy. The population-centric approach which places the population as the center of gravity is applied to the point of absurdity. The enemy is entrenching himself among the civilian population as we cede to him territory and lines of communication. Our poor military approach, inadequate tactics, and haphazard operational art are compounded by NATO partnership in general and British leadership specifically. A gross lack of concern for subordinates manifests in guidance that “zero” civilian casualties are acceptable and coalition soldiers may have to be killed rather than defend themselves against a potential threatand risk being wrong and possibly resulting in injury or death of civilians – a verbal order from MajGen Carter.”
“Population-centric approaches to war have resulted in senior officers that are almost pacifistic in their approach to war; while they may have a public persona that seems offensively spirited, that is not the reality when they are issuing guidance to subordinates.”
“It is clear that US Army units are employed in ways that are grossly inconsistent with sound military tactics.”
“Related to the emphasis on the population, and ignoring an improved capability against the enemy, is the contempt for technology… We are far behind where we should be and this has contributed to increased American deaths and non-combatant casualties while our enemy retains freedom of movement and maneuver locally, regionally, and internationally.”
By Craig Andresen on November 21, 2012
As We prepare for Thanksgiving, the travel, family, friends and a feast, too many individual traditions are there to mention. Some may volunteer to serve those who through circumstances are homeless while others may take time to visit retirement communities.
Some will remember our troops in various ways and I hope we all take a moment to thank them for all they do to maintain our freedoms.
There will be laughter, prayers, football, food and stories told tomorrow.
Some will, no doubt, speak of the first Thanksgiving, the Pilgrims, the Indians, their hardships and how they came together.
I would, this year, like to take you back to a Thanksgiving long ago which most never think of on this holiday.
Before Thanksgiving WAS an official holiday it was still celebrated. Perhaps now as we celebrate it today but, indeed it did hold meaning.
The Thanksgiving of which I hope you will remember is that of 1776.
A newly declared independent nation was at war.
Thanksgiving was no longer thought of as a Puritan or holiday of religion. In 1776, it was a holiday for Patriots.
Traveling to the home of relatives was generally not done unless of course, those relatives lived in your community. Distance was one thing and naturally, by carriage or horseback, such travel would have been quite time consuming.
No, it was the danger of traveling in 1776. On THAT Thanksgiving, those who celebrated, as Patriots, would have become a target of the British army.
Thanksgiving in 1776 would have been somewhat subdued and spoken of ahead of time in hushed tones.
Neighbors likely would have come together and shared the meal and in some places, where the sound of muskets had been heard in previous days or where the British had been spotted nearby, curtains would have been drawn or window shutters closed.
No need to draw attention to a gathering, a large meal or anything else that would signal a Patriot lived there.
In some ways, that Thanksgiving, in 1776, was very similar to Thanksgiving 2012.
Families who celebrated at home were incomplete. Fathers, brothers and sons were away from home, fighting for freedom.
Families didn’t know exactly where their loved ones were or when they might return. Some had already lost a loved one to the war and others had returned home, injured.
Returning home after two months on the road touring the country singing, speaking, writing and campaigning to defeat Obama, I felt similar to a heartbroken soldier after losing a war. I trust God, but in all candor, I felt emotionally drained.
Shopping for salad stuff in Walmart, I focused on a sign “Gold Bell Peppers $1.68 each”. To my surprise, I became extremely angry. As absurd as it sounds, $1.68 for one bell pepper was the straw that broke the camel's back. It epitomized my frustration and anger over the idiocy of Obama voters. Why in the world would they allow Obama to continue destroying our country?
Food and gas costs continue to sky rocket. Obama's war on domestic fuel, business and the rich kills jobs. He has tripled our national debt. And yet, according to exit polls, 52% still believe our poor economy is Bush's fault.
An idiot relative said, “I voted for Obama because Romney will make us all Mormons.” A yahoo said, “I voted for free healthcare”. News flash knucklehead, healthcare “ain't” free.
Thank God Christmas is over a month away. I need time for God to give me the grace to forgive my black family. I am furious and extremely disappointed in them for voting skin-color over Christian principles.
I feel like saying, “Don't tell me about your commitment to Jesus Christ ever again. I don't want to hear it!”
I will not apologize for my anger because mine is a righteous anger. Evil appearing to triumph should make one angry. Jesus was angry when He turned over the tables of the money changers in the temple.
The Bible says, “Be angry, but sin not”. Thus, I will not tell-off my family and I forgive them. But, I think it best that I not be in their presence or take their phone calls for awhile.
Like millions of Americans, my heart is broken for my country. Years of liberals indoctrinating our kids K thru college and liberal bias in the media have created a wasteland of dumb-down idiot voters. Far too many Americans are clueless to the greatness of our republic and the extraordinary cost and value of freedom which is our God given birth-right.
I am angry over the willful ignorance and racism of black America. During an interview on the “Inside Detroit” radio program, I informed black liberal host Mildred Gaddis that gas was $1.84 when Obama took office. Mildred rejected this fact. I begged her to research it. Mildred said you can not believe everything on the internet. Mildred also rejected the truth that Obama supports abortion and that half of black babies are aborted. Mildred rejected various easily confirmed truths about Obama's destructive leadership – I am talking willful ignorance. As far as Mildred and her listeners were concerned, Obama's skin-color automatically made him worthy of their vote.
I am outraged regarding the blatant voter fraud in states where a photo ID was not required to vote.
More disappointed than angry, I was shocked to learn that Romney got 3 million less Republican votes than John McCain. After four years of Obama's tyranny, I assumed Republicans would crawl across broken glass to vote against Obama regardless of our candidate.
Since the election, I have avoided much of the media. I could not stomach the left spiking the football or weak-kneed conviction-less pandering from our side. Decisions made in panic or fear are always unwise. Better to wait until the dust clears rather than making new fear-based policy statements.
I still believe pedal to the metal Conservatism works every-time it is tried. Why? Because unlike Liberalism, Conservatism speaks to the higher nature of the human spirit and is best for all. Pure and simple.
Yes, there will always be those who want a free-ride. Jesus said the poor you will have with you always. No one is against a safety-net for those truly in need.
When the virtues of Conservatism are boldly articulated, they win in a landslide as per Ronald Reagan.
Beyond the catastrophic economic issues, Americans cried when Obama won reelection because of the death of an ideal. This evil dictator appears to have transformed America from being a shining example of the virtues of a free society into a nation of deadbeats in which class envy and government dependency rules. So yes, I am very angry.
Here is the good news. I am witnessing a new heightened resolve in patriots to fight harder than ever to turn our country around. We are in a culture war and more and more are beginning to realize it.
So I will suck up my anger, trust God, rest in His peace and continue doing my part in the battle to restore America.
Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Obama’s Gun Ban List Is Out
Alan Korwin – Author Gun Laws Of America
Here it is, folks, and it is bad news. The framework for legislation is always laid, and the Democrats have the votes to pass anything they want to impose upon us. They really do not believe you need anything more than a brick to defend your
home and family. Look at the list and see how many you own. Remember, it is registration, then confiscation. It has happened in the UK, in Australia, in Europe, in China, and what they have found is that for some reason the criminals do not turn in their weapons, but will know that you did.
Remember, the first step in establishing a dictatorship is to disarm the citizens.
Gun-ban list proposed. Slipping below the radar (or under the short-term memory cap), the Democrats have already leaked a gun-ban list, even under the Bush administration when they knew full well it had no chance of passage (HR 1022, 110th Congress). It serves as a framework for the new list the Brady’s plan to introduce shortly. I have an outline of the Brady’s current plans and targets of opportunity. It’s horrific. They’re going after the courts, regulatory agencies, firearms dealers and statutes in an all out effort to restrict we the people. They’ve made little mention of criminals. Now more than ever, attention to the entire Bill of Rights is critical. Gun bans will impact our freedoms under search and seizure, due process, confiscated property, states’ rights, free speech, right to assemble and more, in addition to the Second Amendment. The Democrats current gun-ban-list proposal (final list will be worse):
Rifles (or copies or duplicates):
M1 Carbine,
Sturm Ruger Mini-14,
Bushmaster XM15,
Armalite M15,
Thompson 1927,
Thompson M1;
NHM 90,
NHM 91,
SA 85,
SA 93,
Olympic Arms PCR;
Calico Liberty ,
Dragunov SVD Sniper Rifle or Dragunov SVU, Fabrique National FN/FAL, FN/LAR, or FNC, Hi-Point20Carbine, HK-91, HK-93, HK-94, HK-PSG-1, Thompson 1927 Commando, Kel-Tec Sub Rifle; Saiga, SAR-8, SAR-4800, SKS with detachable magazine, SLG 95, SLR 95 or 96, Steyr AU, Tavor, Uzi, Galil and Uzi Sporter, Galil Sporter, or Galil Sniper Rifle ( Galatz ).
Pistols (or copies or duplicates):
Calico M-110,
MAC-11, or MPA3,
Olympic Arms OA,
TEC-22 Scorpion, or AB-10,
Shotguns (or copies or duplicates):
Armscor 30 BG,
SPAS 12 or LAW 12,
Striker 12,
Streetsweeper. Catch-all category (for anything missed or new designs):
A semiautomatic rifle that accepts a detachable magazine and has:
(i) a folding or telescoping stock,
(ii) a threaded barrel,
(iii) a pistol grip (which includes ANYTHING that can serve as a grip, see below),
(iv) a forward grip; or a barrel shroud.
Any semiautomatic rifle with a fixed magazine that can accept more than
10 rounds (except tubular magazine .22 rim fire rifles).
A semiautomatic pistol that has the ability to accept a detachable magazine, and has:
(i) a second pistol grip,
(ii) a threaded barrel,
(iii) a barrel shroud or
(iv) can accept a detachable magazine outside of the pistol grip, and
(v) a semiautomatic pistol with a fixed magazine that can accept more than 10 rounds.
A semiautomatic shotgun with:
(i) a folding or telescoping stock,
(ii) a pistol grip (see definition below),
(iii) the ability to accept a detachable magazine or a fixed magazine capacity of more than 5 rounds, and
(iv) a shotgun with a revolving cylinder.
Frames or receivers for the above are included, along with conversion kits.
Attorney General gets carte blanche to ban guns at will: Under the proposal, the U.S. Attorney General can add any “semiautomatic rifle or shotgun originally designed for military or law enforcement use, or a firearm based on the design of such a firearm, that is not particularly suitable for sporting purposes, as determined by the Attorney General.”
Note that Obama’s pick for this office, Eric Holder, wrote a brief in the Heller case supporting the position that you have no right to have a working firearm in your own home. In making this determination, the bill says, “there shall be a rebuttable presumption that a firearm procured for use by the United States military or any law enforcement agency is not particularly suitable for sporting purposes, and shall not be determined to be particularly suitable for sporting purposes solely because the firearm is suitable for use in a sporting event.” In plain English this means that ANY firearm ever obtained by federal officers or the military is not suitable for the public.
The last part is particularly clever, stating that a firearm doesn’t have a sporting purpose just because it can be used for sporting purpose — is that devious or what? And of course, “sporting purpose” is a rights infringement with no constitutional or historical support whatsoever, invented by domestic enemies of the right to keep and bear arms to further their cause of disarming the innocent.
Abraham obeyed the Lord's commandments, His mitzvot: the Lord is the King of kings, and the Lord of lords, the Commander-in-Chief, and the Supreme Will, and has the right to command us to do this or that, or not do this or that. We should know what He has commanded us, and what we are responsible to obey.
Mindy I need you to read this.
I have long said that the truth is its own defense. Many people over the years have told me that they are glad that I dare to speak out, -- because they cannot because they're not black. Not only do I find that cowardly, I find it extraordinarily ignorant of the history of the very bible many claim to embrace. Following are two comments posted on my blog in the past couple days: Irving Hines ( wrote me: "I recently read a article you wrote about the Obama's. It is my believe that you are a recent arrival to this country. Could it be you are from Haiti?,or possibly Africa?. I say this because people from these countries seem to be so ignorant of the history of the blacks in america. Isuggest that you inform yourself of this history and free yourself of your puppet attitudes and blantant ignorance to what goes on in this country.I am ashamed of people like you and the harm that you do to decent black people for the sake of money.Get a decent job and stop disgracing your blackness because you can't get away from it." RLH ( wrote me: "Mychal Massie, you are a complete fool. You are not qualified for anything other than to scratch your on ass. You have the brains of a baby bird, you baby bird brain fool. It is niggers like you that caused slavery to go on for so long. You are a complete fool that we do not need in this country. What have the Obamas done to you , fool? Absoutely nothing. This fool is trying to garner attention in order to make a living. I wonder how the true brother in LA can allow this fool to walk the street. Mychal Massie stop your ranting, you are a complete fool and if you are ever in Florida, look me up, I will solving your problem about the Obamas, you fool, nigger and less than a man, and a disgrace too the black man." Specific to my point, this is the best these individuals can come up with to argue against the truth of my writing. And trust me, it is the best they can come up with against you, as well. For all of the bluster and hot air, they never attacked my points -- they simply attacked me for making them. Their attempt at insult is indicative of those with no ground to stand on. Being as polite as his diatribe dictates necessary, I strongly suggest Irving Hines to find a good urologist because his apparent intrauterine torsion is obviously constricting the flow of oxygen to his brain as well. As for RLH, it seems his real name is Richard L. Howell. The interesting thing about this petulant, little, would-be racist bully is that, if I'm correct, this individual several years ago was in Alexandria, Virginia where he supposedly coached at Cora Kelly Rec and Hammon Junior High School and boasted, "I consider myself a teacher of the game." If this is the same person, his ability to teach a game was inconsistent with his ability to embrace socially acceptable morals in his own life. But even more interesting is that this person now resides in Brooksville, Florida, where he filed a discrimination lawsuit alleging "discriminatory tactics against African-Americans by denying them a safe and healthy community to live in." If this is the same person and it appears it is, there is little I need say about him that his own words have not said for him. Now, I ask you, are these the kind of people you need fear? ( for those that have been asking, the link to the Federal firearm permit kit is here ) |
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A mass exodus from ignorance and organized opposition to tyranny is the dream of every freedom-loving person within the liberty movement today. We would like nothing better than to put an end to the expanding establishment police state in the most peaceful manner possible. We dream of a day when a transition back to the Constitutional values that once made America brilliantly unique in the world is possible, and when it can be accomplished without incredible pain or terrible bloodshed. We long for that once-in-a-century uprising, that great march, that spontaneous eruption of the citizenry demanding a more truthful government. At the same time, though, we realize that such events are rare and that few, if any, great changes in the history of man are made without sacrifice and without direct confrontation.
The reason why peaceful and popular activism almost never occurs successfully, the reason why good people are made to stand and suffer, falls not only to the establishment elites who seek out and abuse power; others share in the blame. Regardless of the age, the culture or the social conditions, there is always a percentage of the general populace that embraces the totalitarian dynamic. There is always someone in our neighborhood, workplace and within our family who finds vindication or advantage in supporting the state, even if the state has turned viciously criminal. They are not only useful idiots; they are conscious participants in the process of pacification and enslavement of their own society. They understand their role perfectly, and they enjoy what they do.
In his examination of the rise of violent fascism in Germany as well as the collectivist surveillance state in communist Russia, psychologist Carl Jung theorized that there is in fact a certain percentage of people in any given epoch that carry within them a latent ability to abandon conscience. That is to say, there is always hidden within a portion of the multitude an inborn potential for sociopathic and psychopathic tendencies. These tendencies remain dormant for many people under most circumstances. But, every once in a while, a society falters to the point where such diseases of the soul are encouraged, and the monsters are allowed to come out and play.
Is it possible that some men are more apt toward truth and freedom while others take more naturally to dominance and deceit? Perhaps. I find that under certain circumstances even the best human beings can make catastrophic errors in judgment. However, there is a difference between those who misstep in life and those who savor destruction. For these people I reserve the label of the “statist thug,” a ghoul in common man’s drag just waiting for the opportunity to scrape out a spoonful of petty authority and assert his will over others. These folks are the day’s damned. And, what’s worse, though they may have been born with a predisposition towards despotism, they still had a choice and they chose villainy. They deserve no special treatment from us.
As America faces down wave after wave of fiscal difficulties, a government gone rogue with false left/right politics and policies that disregard civil liberties for the sake of centralized authority, I believe the statist thugs of our time will soon flow out of the dark recesses and rotten sputtering gutters of our society like a river of septic putrescence. We all know them when we see them, but do we really understand what makes them tick? Here are some common psychological attributes of the overzealous statist, the failings and inadequacies that make him what he is.
Statist Thugs Thrive During Immoral Times
The worst statists are utter screw-ups and failures in normal or semi-normal environments. They barely have the ability to function without constant surrounding chaos and desperation, which they use to camouflage their spastic and childish characters. They are often seen as the dregs of a culture during peaceful years and climb to prominence only when crisis overtakes the nation. When a social environment turns tenuous or explosive, the statist excels. Corrupt governments require the aid of questionable individuals in order to tighten control at the local level, so anyone willing to set aside morality and principle automatically becomes a highly valued commodity. Statists will flock to government employment during national “emergencies” or unjust wars and use the inbred system to their advantage.
Statist Thugs Want Respect, Even If They Don’t Deserve It
Statists demand respect, and they will pursue authoritative positions just so they can remind people of the respect they are supposedly owed. Some of them realize that legitimate respect is earned through valuable works, knowledge, experience and generous creativity. They know it cannot be bought and that it cannot be conned through clever talk, boastful discussion and theatrical chest-beating. So instead of attempting real achievement or taking the risk of falsely playing a part and being exposed, they look for a title and a uniform to fill the void. They eventually attain respect derived by force through institutions within the system. This title will likely be a miniscule part of the overall government conglomerate, but the statist will act as if he is the emperor of Earth once you wander into his narrow jurisdiction. The slightest hint of defiance will send him into fits of rage.
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