Remember Please, we only loose rights we give up. If you refuse tyranny and fight it it will always back down. It is the same as a bully, they never expect to confront courage, they never attempt to challange a person of courage. We have a Constitution, it just happens to be the highest law of the land and rights in it are by law unalienable, they are the peoples and no treaty can trump it. Unless of course you accept the lie that it does. If you want Freedom then you know the cost. Let your enemy know you will not conform you will not concede and you will not compromise your rights, values or Freedom, so help you God.
All Posts (28109)
Hello All,
Just joined.....So damn fed up with the Republicans and their lack of back bone. Below is a blog I created on my own. Check it out and comment if you like. Agree or disagree, that is what this is all about, the First Amendment.
General Petraeus:
What is happening I really can't say, however the reason Obama is giving for the General's resignation from head of CIA is simply phony. I am reflecting on recent developments like the Admiral of the carrier fleet in the Arabian Gulf is relieved of his command. General Ham is placed under arrest for doing his duty. Now General Petraeus has allegedly resigned his position. This leaves Obama with his choice of command in Afghanistan, his choice of command in the waters of the mid east and his choice of leadership in the CIA and most intelligence. This combined with the executive orders, NDAA, and other Generals Obama has had removed is starting to indicate a pattern I really don't like. I would bet allot on the fact that the reason for General Petraues's resignation is a lie. I have had conversations with the General, as have two others I know of here on Face Book, and I am sure we could agree the excuse given is simply not in the General's character. Take from this what you will, there is much more to this, however I believe I have said enough for you to make your own opinion. Something evil this way comes! There are many people in government lying through their teeth to American citizens. These lies amount to one of the greatest wrongs a human being can commit, betrayal of a sacred trust, also known as High Treason.
I have heard many people complain about the Electoral College and suggest its removal from the Presidential election process. I could not disagree more with this stance. The Founding Fathers feared that larger population groups would be able to rule over more rural areas because of a pure majority vote. Even with the removal of the Electoral College, this most recent election outcome would have been the same. Obama received a majority of the popular vote. However, if you look at a map of the votes broken down by county and color coded red for Republican and blue for Democrat, you will see that a majority of the individual counties were red. As a matter of fact, if you could drive in a straight line starting on the west coast and head east, you could drive a line that would bring you within a few hundred miles of the east coast without passing through one single blue county. Driving from north to south, you could literally drive a line from the Canadian border to the Rio Grand and never pass through a blue county.
What happened with the 2012 election is exactly what the Electoral College is supposed to prevent. So what happened? The answer is simple. The Electoral College system was not designed by the Founding Fathers as a winner take all system. It was intended that Electoral votes would be awarded by congressional district. So the candidate who won the popular vote in the most congressional districts would have the most electoral votes.
Let's examine Florida, my home state, for instance. Florida has 29 Electoral votes. Obama received all 29 of those votes because he won the popular vote in the state. But when you look at the map of Florida broken down by county, Obama really did not win that much of Florida. What he did win was the major metropolitan areas, such as Tampa, Miami, Orlando areas. Now I won't claim I know how the congressional districts are broken up, but I will estimate that under a proper system, Obama would have carried maybe 4 or 5 of Florida's 29 votes. Even in California, which we all consider one of the most liberal states in the Union, Obama would not have carried a majority of its 55 Electoral Votes.
So the Electoral College in itself is not the issue. The issue is the system has been altered from its original intent and is broken. We need a grass roots effort across the nation to get as many states as possible to award their Electoral votes by Congressional District the way the system was intended to work.
The Pilgrim and Puritan forefathers laid the foundation of Western culture with Biblical principles. The philosophy was Theism, a positive, God-centered philosophy. This theistic belief affected and should continue to affect our commerce, ethics, morality, domestic activities, and policy as a nation. It directed and should continue to direct every one of our nation’s judiciary, military, educational, governmental, civil, and economic areas.
During the 1700’s when values became diluted because of a growing number of immigrants, many church members were not “born-again” and there was a growing concern with the issue of moral backsliding. As a result of the preaching of Theodore Freylinghousen, Jonathan Edwards, John and Charles Wesley, and George Whitefield, revival broke out across the nation, and the cultural consensus returned to Biblical principles. It was this generation that laid the foundation for the birth of America, its Constitution, and Capitalism. The foundations were laid using the Bible’s declaration that man was a sinner – with an inclination to do self-destructive and evil acts – and therefore needed a government with checks and balances that would put restraints on men.
By the 1800’s this ‘experiment’ by our forefathers, called “liberty”, was working so well that it attracted an even greater number of immigrants. Most of them came from Europe where Godly values were in decline. In 1813, we were then introduced to Robert Owen, the “father of modern socialism.” His little commune that he started in Indiana (the Owenites, as they were referred to) was called New Harmony, where he conducted his first experiment with Socialism in America.
The foundation for Socialism is the exact opposite of Capitalism. Socialists believe that man is good and therefore does not need restraints. It is an atheistic worldview. What do they believe is evil? The system. They believe that if they can just “fix (reform) the system”, and create the right environment then there will be a utopian (perfect, harmonious) society.
The first system on their agenda to “fix” was the education system. When public criticism arose against Owen and his followers, they organized into secret cells to continue their aims. They hid in the shadows always waiting for the opportunity to strike. Robert Owens returned to Europe and succeeded in transforming the entire school system of Prussia from a religious-based to a government-run system.
In 1827, Horace Mann enters the scene when after a year of teaching he went back to college and became a lawyer. Later, he was elected to the Massachusetts Board of Education and was appointed secretary to the state board of education. Mann visited Prussia to see the system created by Owen. Mann was so excited that he came back to America to fashion Owen’s radical experiment as a model for New England schools. He called this model Progressive and it watered the first seeds of government education on American soil. He is not the “father of public education” as he is erroneously called in the history books. America had public education 200 years before Mann. He is actually the “father of government-run public education”. Education was never mentioned in the Constitution. It was one of the rights reserved to the people.
One minister at that time said, “If we do what Mann wants us to do with our schools we will create the greatest tool for the advancement of atheism [and therefore, socialism] that the world has ever seen.”
What are some of the the fruits of Socialism?
Statistics from 1986:
Suicide - The third leading cause of death among teens
Drugs – Two-thirds of teens use drugs by the time they finish high school
Drinking – One out 5 teens have a drinking problem
Pregnancy – Nearly a third of all teenage girls get pregnant at the rate of one
million each year
Abortions – 400,000 teen abortions yearly
STD’s – 2.5 million teens are infected with sexually transmitted diseases yearly
Runaways – Over one million runaways leave home every year
Prostitution – Of the one million runaways and six million homeless children –
many of them wind us as prostitutes on the streets
Single Parents – By 1990, 50% of families will be headed by a single parent
Stress – 56% of teenage girls and 35% of teen boys report that it is hard to cope
with stress at home and school
Crime – In one year, 1,311 young people under 18 were charged with murder
SAT scores – From 980 in 1956 down to 890 in 1980
Dropouts – From 72 in 1961-62 to 799 in 1981-82 (Value x 1000)
Pretty good fix, wasn’t it? And each year the numbers just keep going up, or down in the case of SAT scores.
We, of course, cannot talk about Socialism and leave out Karl Marx. This man who came in to the picture in 1867 wanted to “fix” another system, our economic system - Capitalism. Marx attempted to apply Darwin’s evolution theory (Darwin’s attempt to “fix” the scientific system) about the forms of animal life as a universal concept to explain all of life’s disciplines. He taught that “survival of the fittest” also applies to government and society. Marx suggested that the government system evolved from Feudalism, to Capitalism, then eventually to the utopian system, Socialism.
The next system to be “fixed” was Psychology. This was to be accomplished with the aid of Sigmund Freud, known as “the father of modern psychology.” Freud taught than man needed to be “freed” from his religious values and could find within himself all of the necessary guidelines to protect and advance society. In fact, Freud went so far as to slander belief in God as a mental disorder. He tried to disassociate guilt from sin.
Our philosophy (“as a man thinketh”) determines our actions and politics (“so is he”).
As said earlier, theistic belief affected and should continue to affect our commerce, ethics, morality, domestic activities, and policy as a nation. It directed and should continue to direct every one of our nation’s judiciary, military, educational, governmental, civil, and economic areas. [However, without vigilance it will not continue. This vigilance is the responsibility of the Church. Unfortunately, the Christians have left their posts and no one is on guard. They don’t think it’s their duty to do the guarding. The only thing they guard is their seat on their favorite pew. Why? That “separation of church and state” thing that they never bothered to look up to see that it’s not in the Constitution, and they never bothered to read what Jefferson in his personal letter really said…]
Donald R. Howard, Ph.D., founder and president of Accelerated Christian Education, Inc., Teen Turmoil, 1988
Since the results of the 2012 election came in, Speaker of the House John Boehner has shown signs of abdicating his role as a Conservative American leader.
On taxes he has said “For purposes of forging a bipartisan agreement that begins to solve the problem, we’re willing to accept new revenue, under the right conditions.”
Where repealing Obamacare is concerned: "Well, I think the election changes that. It's pretty clear that the president was reelected, Obamacare is the law of the land."
What were Boehner’s remarks regarding amnesty for illegal aliens? "A comprehensive approach is long overdue, and I'm confident that the president, myself, others can find the common ground to take care of this issue once and for all."
This is not the kind of leadership Conservative Americans deserve.
Boehner appears to be falling into the same trap Republicans have repeatedly fallen in to when dealing with “progressive” Democrats. Time after time, Republicans have agreed to “compromise”; essentially capitulating to “progressive” Democratic demands in exchange for meaningless, empty promises.
Abandoning American principles by caving in to “progressive” demands has never led to success for Republicans. Republicans have tried the surrender approach before and it has never worked. The only way Republicans ever make gains is by standing by the principles of liberty and freedom that made America great.
Passage of amnesty legislation will not help the GOP win Hispanic voters. Passing amnesty in 1986 did nothing to help Ronald Reagan and his fellow Republicans in the 1988 midterm elections. The Republicans still lost. Hispanic voters kept voting for Democrats, as they continue to do to this day.
The facts show, Republicans like Boehner who support amnesty are helping “progressive” Democrats import more Democrats.
Since becoming Speaker, Boehner has blocked voting on immigration enforcement in Congress. This includes a bill that would have freed up seven million jobs currently held by illegal aliens. Not only is Boehner apparently willing to help “progressives” import more Democrats he also holds the morally reprehensible position of allowing unemployed American workers to suffer.
Less than a week after losing a fairly close election it is understandable that the losing side feels under siege. Nevertheless, feeling under siege does not justify surrender.
The only real solution for Republicans is to employ the considerable talents of young Hispanic leaders within the Republican Party to reach out to Americans of Hispanic descent and explain to them why America’s founding principles are more in line with their values and beliefs than are “progressive” ideas.
If Republicans wish to remain a vibrant Party that seriously contends in future elections, this is the path. The sooner Republicans begin the process the better.
Is this CPUSA's end-game message to America?-You Decide:
Posted on Gulag Bound-By Trevor Loudon-On November 8, 2012:
“Communist Party USA leader Sam Webb, has hailed the election of Party “friend” Barack Obama, as the “dawn of a new era.”
The Party is cock-a-hoop over Obama’s victory, seeing it as both a repudiation of the conservative agenda and an opportunity to move the United States further towards socialism.
From the People’s World:
“After a long and bitterly contested battle, the forces of inclusive democracy came out on top yesterday…
An African-American president was re-elected to the office of the Presidency, the Democrats unexpectedly strengthened their hand in the Senate and House, and victories, including big ones for marriage equality, were registered at the state level.
Moreover, the balance of forces – that is, the ground on which people fight going forward – has shifted in a progressive direction. And thanks in large measure goes to what might be the most notable development in this election - the emergence of a multi-racial, male-female, working-class-based electoral coalition that has the potential to transform America in the years and decades ahead.
The Communist Party said a year ago that the 2012 elections would be the main front of the class and democratic struggle, and subsequent events have confirmed that fact.
Indeed, we argued that defeating right wing extremism was the key to moving the whole chain of democratic struggle forward in the coming period.
Conversely, we said that a victory by right-wing extremism would set into motion a far-reaching assault on the people’s living standards, rights, and organizational capacities, the likes that we’ve never seen.
Had Romney won the Presidency and the Republicans the Congress, it would have accelerated to warp drive a capitalist class counterrevolution – a reversal of seventy years of social progress. In a matter of three months time, the entire body of social legislation dating back to the New Deal could have been expunged…
Above all, what was decisive was the unmistakable election imprint of a rainbow working-class based electoral coalition, which has the potential to effect a process of long-term political renewal and realignment the likes of which we haven’t seen since the New Deal coalition of the 1930s…
This was not a vote for savaging social programs like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid; or rolling back domestic spending; or resolving the budget crisis on the people’s backs.
It was instead a vote for jobs, housing relief, withdrawal of our troops from Afghanistan, an end to U.S.-led wars in the Middle East, the preservation of the package of benefits and rights that the American people now enjoy, equal pay for women, health, and reproductive rights, infrastructure renewal – marriage equality, a larger commitment to public education, a tax system in which the wealthiest families and corporations pay a much larger share, reform of our punitive and anti-democratic immigration laws, a reduction in the unconscionable inequality that sets us apart from other advanced capitalist countries, and, not least, an America that stands for fairness, tolerance, and decency…
Without catching its breath, the AFL-CIO and its allies are organizing actions against a bipartisan resolution that falls on working people. But organized labor can’t do it alone.
The coalition that mined the country for votes over the past several months and the rainbow electorate that elected the president and defended democracy yesterday must spring back into action. Tens of millions must be mobilized. Diverse forms of struggle must be employed. Not everyone has to be an Obama voter. The fight to get the anti-austerity message heard above the din of the major media is a real challenge. But it can be done.
Whatever the outcome of this immediate battle, the struggle to put the people’s needs and nature before corporate profits and war spending will be a long one. This still- emerging multi-racial, working-class based coalition will experience victories, like we did on Election Day. But it will also encounter defeats. The main thing is that it never lose sight of the necessity of deepening and extending its reach, unity, and multi-racial, class-based character.
The task isn’t to replicate the movements of the 1930s and 1960s, but today’s activists would do well to draw the lessons from those movements and adapt them to current conditions.
Both have much to teach, but given the concentrated corporate economic and political power that the American people are up against, today’s movement has to eclipse them in terms of scope, depth, and class and anti-racist understanding and unity. We are at the dawn of a new era.”
Until the Republicans realize that they are in a war for their country, and treat it as such, they will be outmaneuvered by the Communist/Labor/Democrat alliance.
The Republicans thought they had this election in the bag. It appears they didn’t understand the power of the forces arrayed against them.
Mitt Romney tried to win America by being a nice guy… and he did an excellent job of it. But that wasn’t enough. If America has any chance of survival now it needs bare knuckle, knock em out fighters.
Winston Churchill didn’t compromise with the Nazis. Maggie Thatcher didn’t compromise with the British communist led unions. Ronald Reagan won by fighting hard and negotiating from a position of strength.
If the Republicans really want to save this country, they must take a hard line against the Democrats and their communist/union driven agenda. Reaching across the aisle to the Democrats is a recipe for defeat and disaster.”
Note: The following articles and/or blog posts, report and videos relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
Communist Party USA Celebrating Obama Win!-Posted on November 29, 2012:
COMMUNIST PARTY USA: GO, OBAMA, GO! ‘Organization staging events to encourage higher taxes, spending!’-Posted on November 30, 2012:
Obama’s America: Path is clear for socialism’s triumph!-Posted on The Washington Times-By Jeffrey T. Kuhner, The Washington Times-On November 8, 2012:
Video: Obama’s Socialist Background!-Posted on Lea11011-On June 16, 2011:
Video: Is Barack Obama a communist?-Posted on helpfulinfo777-On April 12, 2012:
Video: Reagan Warned Us About Obama!-Posted on 9deuel-On May 22, 2011:
Video: Allen West: Obama is a Marxist!-Posted on revolutionactivist-On July 19, 2011:
Video: Allen West Believes 78 to 81 Communist Members in Democrat Party!-Posted on alliefox25-On April 23, 2012:
Soros-Backed Super PAC Targets Allen West For Exposing Communists in Congress!-Posted on The Shark Tank-By Javier Manjarres-On July 10, 2012:
Video: Obama's Favorite Congressman Hangs With Commies!-Posted on JesusTheWay2-On March 12, 2012:
HERO GENERAL: OBAMA FOLLOWING CASTRO’S PLAN: ‘The things done in every Marxist insurgency are being done in America today’!-Posted on Drew Zahn-On July 2, 2012:
THE INFILTRATION OF THE U.S. GOVERNMENT!-Posted on News With Views-By Cliff Kincaid-On November 7, 2012:
Video: The Untold Story About The Collapse of Communism!
Communist Goals (1963)!-Congressional Record--Appendix, pp. A34-A35 January 10, 1963:
Video: How the Soviet’s former KGB operatives have brain-washed Americans in four distinct stages: Demoralization, Destabilization, Crisis, and Normalization!-Posted on TomAndrews47-On April 24, 2011:
Video: The KGB Connections in America!-Posted on PublicResourceOrg-On Dec 12, 2009:
College Students Cheer for Karl Marx, Socialism, and Barack Obama!-Posted on Godfather Politics-By Gary Demar-On November 10, 2012:
Russian writer: ‘Obama’s fools, Stalin’s fools share the same drink of illusion’!-Posted on Examiner-By CHRISTOPHER COLLINS-On November 19, 2012:
Democrats, Republicans Diverge on Capitalism, Federal Gov’t!-Posted on Gallup-By Frank Newport-On November 29, 2012:
Video: Milton Friedman – Socialism is Force!-Posted on Conservative Plus 50-By NEWSEDITOR-On November 9, 2012:
The Socialist Democrats: An Election Primer!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Matthew Vadum-On October 30, 2012:
Obama secretly signs the most aggressive cybersecurity directive ever!-Posted on From The Trenches World Report-By # 1 NWO Hatr-On November 15, 2012:
FEDS WANT OBAMA’S INTERNET INSTRUCTIONS KEPT QUIET: ‘Agency says presidential directive will not be made public!’-Posted on BOB UNRUH-On November 22, 2012:
CENSORSHIP OF WEB SITES INCREASING!-Posted on Devvy-On November 30, 2012:
Video: Zbigniew Brzezinski Still Admits The Global Political Awakening Proving Very Difficult For The Elite!-Posted on UrbanWarfareChannel-On October 8, 2012:
Senate bill rewrite lets feds read your e-mail without warrants!-Posted on CNET News-By Declan McCullagh-On November 20, 2012:
Video: Feds Will Soon Be Able To Read Your Email!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On November 21, 2012:
Democrat Congressman Wants Congress to Restrict Free Speech!-Posted on Political Outcast-By Gary Demar-On November 30, 2012:
Video: U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)!-Posted on America’s Survival-On November 30, 2012:
U.N Celebrates Obama Re-Election By Pushing Global Gun Control!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On November 8, 2012:
NRA CEO On The Results Of Election Day 2012!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On November 10, 2012:
Obamas Gun Ban List Is Out: “Here It Is, Folks, And It Is Bad News”!-Posted on Before It’s News-On November 20, 2012:
Video: Black Friday Gun Sales Crash FBI System, Twice! Meanwhile UN Gun Ban Approved And Signed By Obama!-Posted on Before It’s News-On November 27, 2012:
Report: ‘Overwhelming Evidence’ That More Guns Equal Less Crime!-Posted on Restoring Liberty-By Jessica Stanton-On November 27, 2012:
Video: Lawmakers Investigate Obama’s Soviet Style Mind Control!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On November 19, 2012:
Are We Guinea Pigs For Progressives?-Posted on Western Journalism-By SAL TRAINA-On November 21, 2012:
Video: Unions Target Airlines, Ports, And Stores Ahead Of Holidays!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On November 21, 2012:
When Extortion Becomes The Law Of The Land!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Cheryl Pass-On November 21, 2012:
Federally Elected Official v. The American Citizen Serfs!-Posted Unlawful President-On December 29, 2011:
The POWER Controlling Obama/Soetero!-Posted on Unlawful President-On July 10, 2012:
Government Manufactures “Occupy Wall Street” Terrorism!-Posted on Political Outcast-By Mark Horne-On November 21, 2012:
False Flag? Explosion At Arizona Social Security Building!’-Posted on Before It’s News-On November 30, 2012:
Obama’s Latest Attempt To Overwhelm The System!-Posted on Western Journalism-By THOMAS PAINE-On November 23, 2012:
Deadly Delusions!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Janice Fiamengo-On November 23, 2012:
District Of Corruption’ Reveals ACORN Still Pushing Obama’s Agenda!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On November 25, 2012:
Video: Silent Conquest – The End Of Freedom Of Expression In The West!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On November 25, 2012:
Video: Government Crime Families Running America!-Posted on November 24, 2012:
Russian News Outlet Pravda (Previously the Official Press of the USSR) Labels Obama a ‘Communist’ in Scathing OpEd!-Posted on The Blaze-By Tiffany Gabbay-On November 26, 2012:
Video: Soviet Union calls Obama a Communist!-Posted on December 1, 2012:
Video: Obama And Hitler Messiah Worship Compared!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On November 30, 2012:
Video: Children Of The Future – Obama / Nazi Indoctrination!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On November 30, 2012:
Would You Knowingly Condemn Your Children to Slavery?-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On November 28, 2012:
Video: Michael Savage On Obama Eliminating Term Limits!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On November 30, 2012:
Video: Hitler And Obama: The Cost Of Silence!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE –On December 6, 2012:
Obama Confirms Jarrett’s Promised Pre-Election Revenge Plans!-Posted on The Ulsterman Report-By Ulsterman-On November 30, 2012:
Obama: Give me Dictatorial Powers or I’ll Take Your Country Out!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On December 6, 2012:
Now Obama Voters Will Suffer the Consequences of Their Decisions!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On November 25, 2012:
Now, Will You Fight?-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On November 11, 2012:
Massive Anti-Obama Rally @ “Obama’s” Inauguration Day!!!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On December 1, 2012:
Note: I find it interesting that President Obama’s puppet master, George Soros’ foundation network founded in 1979, whose flagship is the Open Society Institute (OSI), has dispensed more than $5 billion to a multitude of organizations, to include some who have had a long lasting friendly relationship with the Communist Party USA and whose objectives are consistent with his overall anti-American agendas.
Some of those organizations include: a) Amnesty International: In 2005, this group’s then-executive director William Schulz alleged that the United States had become “a leading purveyor and practitioner” of torture. Irene Khan, who charged that the Guantanamo Bay detention center, where the U.S. was housing several hundred captured terror suspects, “has become the gulag of our time.” Schulz’s remarks were echoed by Amnesty’s then-secretary general; b) Global Exchange: Founded by Medea Benjamin, a pro-Castro radical who helped establish a project known as Iraq Occupation Watch for the purpose of encouraging widespread desertion by “conscientious objectors” in the U.S. military. In December 2004, Benjamin announced that Global Exchange would be sending aid to the families of terrorist insurgents who were fighting American troops in Iraq; and c) American Friends Service Committee: Views America as the world’s chief source of international strife, has long had a friendly relationship with the Communist Party USA and is an organization that advocates America’s unilateral disarmament and/or steep reduction in its military spending. Lamenting that “the United States spends 59% of the discretionary federal budget on military-related expenses,” the Committee seeks to “realig[n] national spending priorities and to increase the portion of the budget that is spent on housing, quality education for all, medical care, and fair wages.” In 2000, George Soros himself was a signatory to a letter titled “Appeal for Responsible Security” that appeared in The New York Times. The letter called upon the U.S. government “to commit itself unequivocally to negotiate the worldwide reduction and elimination of nuclear weapons,” and to participate in “the global de-alerting of nuclear weapons and deep reduction of nuclear stockpiles.”
What follows is the source for the above information, along with videos and an articles and/or blog posts that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
Guide To The George Soros Network: A Guide to The Political Left-Posted on
Video: Trevor Louden: An Urgent Message for America!-Posted on keywiki-On October 18, 2012:
Video: Operation Hot Mic!
With Friends Like These!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Mark Tapson-On October 25, 2012:
Media Blackout: CIA director accused of links to Communist spy contact—scandal ignored!-Posted on RenewAmerica-By Wes Vernon-On June 13, 2011:
Note: The following websites reveal George Soros’ ultimate goal of destroying America and establishing a one-world socialist government, along with videos that reveal the New World Order by former Governor Jesse Ventura-You Decide:
George Soros Files!
George Soros is Implementing a “One World” Socialist Government-Posted on
Video: Jesse Ventura-Exposes NEW WORLD ORDER!-Posted on ProConstitutioner-On October 26, 2012:
Note: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that reveal: 1) the live presentation by Joel Gilbert, his DVD Film titled "Dreams From My Real Father," along with the newly released film titled "The Unvetted”; 2) the Islamic infiltration inside our government armed with our secrets, to include the President's secret link to Hamas; the Islamic infiltration inside our military; the Communist infiltration inside our government, to Include President Obama's secret link to Communists; the George Soros connection, to include the shared agendas of George Soros and the President; and 3) the President's secret CIA connection/link, along with the disastrous results of these infiltrations, links and connections, which I believe relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 1):
The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 2):
The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 3):…
The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 4):
Continue Reading My Following Blog Posts That Relate To This Disturbing Issue:
Dishonest Media Avoids Truth about Obama Through Diversions!
Vote Fraud – What They Aren’t Telling You!
Impeach Obama for Treason – Tancredo on Benghazi, Libya!
An Open Letter To Communist Valerie Jarrett!
Is Obama Employing the Cloward-Piven Strategy?
The Audacity of Socialism!
Progressives and Communists Are Out of the Closet Together!
The Midterm Elections and the Communist Manifesto!
Progressive group maps out President Obama’s strategy for next 2 years!
New World Order By Executive Order!
Powerful men who meet secretly and plan how to run our country!
Will The New START Undermine Our Nuclear Security?
Nuclear Summit Part of Obama Administration’s ‘Fantasy Foreign Policy’!
What is the true intent of the UN Small Arms Treaty?
How Much Longer Will We Be “Allowed” To Keep Our Guns?“allowed”-to-keep-our-guns/
What was the true intent of Operation Closed Campus?
Did ATF provide weapons to Mexican drug cartels that were subsequently used to kill one of our own?
It’s Getting Very Serious Now!’s-getting-very-serious-now/
The FCC Should Not Interfere With The Internet!
What Happened to Free Speech?
Was the Economic Crisis Manufactured?
The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!
Did Saudis Buy Obama 2008 Election?
Active complaint to the FEC over President Obama’s campaign finances!
Why did a black preacher from Harlem have a “hit” placed on his life?
Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?
Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!
Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!’t-tr...
Where Is America Today?
The Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!
Is History Repeating Itself?
Letter to Congressman Allen West Regarding Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Allegations!
Note: The following videos seem extremely appropriate today:
A Republic, If You Can Keep It!
The Fightin Side of Me!
We Are The Resistance-Keep Blogging, Exposing and Pursue Treason Charges!
Declaration to Restore the Republic!
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser. Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.
“Food For Thought”
God Bless America!
Semper Fi!
Michelle Obama?
Can anyone tell me if it is true that Michelle Obama said "white people are just guest in America anymore". Loyal Americans would like to know!
Why in the hell should we try to "take over" a party. It is high time, no it is past time, to create a REAL 3rd party? If you take over the right hand you are still connected to the left hand and the worthless, sick body of current day politics. Seems like a waste to me.
I will follow our leaders marching orders, but I wanted to make my thoughts first.
At the Ready,
Many American White folks have deleted rugged individualism and support of free markets from their social software. In its place is an imitation of life I describe as, "volunteer Negroes. "
I see the real world
Covered with ashes and sorrow
I fall into decay
There is no hope for a better tomorrow
Here I am, again they feed
Me to the poison dream
To the silent dimension
I'm the man in chains
I know the truth, they are so ignorant
I'm the man in chains
Back from the dream world
I lay dormant inside this aquarium
The time running faster
When I come to my senses again
Here I am, again they feed
Me to the poison dream
To the silent dimension
I'm the man in chains
I know the truth, they are so ignorant
I'm the man in chains
And finally I am somewhere
In a different world
Trying to look back in time
I don't have memories at all
I'm the man in chains
I know the truth, they are so ignorant
I'm the man in chains
I know the truth, they are so ignorant
I'm the man in chains
Be your OWN Superhero!"
" Be your OWN Superhero!"
Fellow patriots, over the last two years it has become painfully obvious that John Boehner does not have the backbone we need as a Speaker of The House. I was totally dismayed at his response to Obama's illegal appointments in January of 2012. The House's response was nothing at all. I even wrote my Congressman about it and called for the House to draw up Impeachment Articles. The response I got was that it was the Senate Responsibility to confirm the appointments. While that is true, it is the House that has to draw up Articles of Impeachment and hold the hearings.
Also, during the debt ceiling crisis it was Boehner who blinked. That was a point when a stronger leader could have held Obama's feet to the fire along with Reid's. But NO, we don't want to cause the Federal Government to shut down. That would be bad. Hello, does anyone remember President Reagan? Didn't he shut down the Federal Government three times when the Democrats refused to work with him?
What we need is very strong leadership in the House. We need a Speaker of The House that has a very strong spine. That person is not John Boehner. We need to write our Congressmen and Congresswomen, and tell them to support another person for the Speaker of The House. We need someone who has the GUTS to stand up to Obama and Reid.
Even though there are many good conservative Republicans that could fill this position, I think a very good choice would be Paul Ryan. We got a glimpse of his coolness under pressure in the Vice Presidential debate. I personally think he made the “elder statesman” look like a clown. He kept his cool even in the face of some of Biden's flat out lies. He made his case.
Paul Ryan also is a fiscal conservative. He understand the fiscal cliff this country is heading for and understands what needs to be done to fix it. I believe he would stand his ground even with the heat of the liberal media coming down on him.
Write your Congressman or Congresswomen. Let's get this done so we can block the Obama/Reid agenda and get Obama's foot of the accelerator as we move toward the fiscal cliff we are heading.
Here's a preview of your letters to Congress. Review and send below.
Edit letter
November 8, 2012
Dear President Obama:
Dear Representative Cuellar:
Dear Senator Cornyn:
Dear Senator Hutchison:
We the undersigned oppose the proposed UN Arms Trade Treaty. We call on the president and Secretary of State not to sign the Treaty. We demand that the UN General Assembly not approve it. And we ask our Senators to reject the Treaty if it is signed by our president.
The majority of American citizens will not recognize any UN control or accept as American law any terms of any treaty which in any way conflicts with or in any whatsoever is contrary to the rights guaranteed by the Constitution of The United States of America. Any attempt to remove or diminish those rights by means other than Constitutional Convention and ratification by two thirds of the states will be met with fierce resistance and nullification by individual states. Congress must understand that the American people will draw a line when it comes to the Constitution. We know the federal government has no authority to alter the very instrument our founding fathers put in place to protect Freedom from tyranny by government. Therefore, it defies logic to believe that the government would attempt to do so. That would constitute a breach of oath and an act of treason placing the government on the wrong side of our most fundamental law and most Honored institution, the people's Constitution.
I posted this because it is time people "honestly" thought if they will or will not stand for freedom. Many say "I will never give up my guns "when in fact they would jump through hoops for anyone. There is one very basic "truth", when a citizen of a nation gives up the right to defend themselves they have simply accepted eventual tyranny and slavery. Freedom and Liberty are not a gift, they must be fought for and protected. Any civilization or individual not willing to sacrifice all they have to be Free will never know or keep their liberty. If Americans ever allow their right to protect themselves by use of weapons to diminish it will spell the end of Freedom in the United States. Note I used the phrase, "allowed to diminish". I did it because if the right of manufacture is taken away or burdensome taxes are allowed to be placed on these tools of Freedom it is the same as giving them up. In this modern era citizens should be demanding rights to weapons outside the common rifle. Our founding fathers made the right to own arms an unalienable right to protect Freedom from the federal government not for hunting or home invasion. "The right of the people to own and bear arms "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" that statement makes this right permanent and not subject to any government authority or treaty. It is up to Free People to decide if they and their children will know Freedom or if they will surrender their ability to live without fear of tyrants in control of their government. The highest law of America, which can never be taken away, guarantees this right and only the people can throw it away. You must decide, Live free or _______________, it is up to you to fill in the blank. Never before has it been as important as it is today in America. Every veteran who ever fought for our nation has answered the call, will you?
Art Phillips
Legal, Loyal, Law-abiding, and God Loving, American Veteran and Patriot
No Regrets, No Remorse
Mr. Art Phillips
225 Brian Drive
Pleasanton, TX 78064
The Best Results – Consult The Hard Truth The Constitution Will Win
Why was Barack Obama winning the Election the Best Conservative Result?
The Constitution
Morning after the election- Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh on the radio- I haven’t been a regular listener for quite some time, but I’m impressed. Glenn’s talking about The Constitution – Now and Forever. Rush is talking about the rich being Santa Clause and scratching his head about how Sandy helped Obama.
I wonder if they gets it now? If they get that their words and actions pre- election have been two different things. They weren’t standing up for the Constitution pre-election. They were trembling in fear about the truth of the Constitution’s natural born citizen clause, which is the Pandora’s Box of the Constitution.
It’s this simple, you want to destroy America you do it through the office of the President, and its working.
Glenn is correct about half the Country voting for Mitt Romney and the popular vote being shy for Mitt Romney only by 2 million. Rush is right about Obama being down 10 million votes from 2008 and Republicans still losing by 2 million votes. Who are Birthers?
I wonder if Glenn & Rush remember 10 days ago Donald Trump’s Charity offer for Barack Obama to release his pass port records and college entrance papers for the opportunity to have 5 Million Dollars contributed to any Charity?
Sandy victims could have really used that, but Obama refused and Donald said everyone would know he was right about Obama not being qualified to be President: Everyone but conservative talk show radio host? I don’t want to pick on Glenn and Rush and Sean and Fox but I have to. The writing is on the wall. Read it.
Glenn talks about the sacredness of the Constitution, but I wonder if he even realizes that if Mitt Romney had won last night, all of Obama’s corruption, all of the fraud and forgery represented in Obama’s identity would have passed into the bliss of United States History?
I thought to myself this cannot be. I believe in the long term of history Obama himself will regret ever even asking America to double down on his contortions and twist and fraud of the Constitution.
I believe Obama was close to a spot in history but he got greedy with asking for a second term, just like a thief going for the big ‘safe’ instead of settling for what’s in the till. Two terms is just too much time and the cops are coming and his hands in the cookie jar. He’s going to get caught.
God is indeed waking people up. Did you know I am a part of a Birther Movement that is the backbone of the Constitution? I am a minority in this Country in that I’m a Birther. However, our Constitution is the center of America and we are a Republic.
Do you know that a Republic, based upon the foundation of a Constitution, is not a mob rule democracy? If the majority of a population in a Republic chooses wrong, or is opposed to the Constitution, the majority loses in a Republic.
“I believe the best is yet to come”, Obama said. “Oh yes.. the best is indeed yet to come Obama, but I’m not sure you’re going to think it’s the best.”
The minority can survive in a Republic. Birthers are a minority in the Country, but we are in the right when it comes to the Constitution and Barack Obama not being a natural born citizen, qualified for the Office of the President.
As a minority in this Country, I have the rights engraved in the Constitution to stand against the majority. Any minority in this country should understand this.
Whoever you are as part of a minority in this Country, you have had a place to survive in America. It’s part of the American Dream.
Birthers, people who believed in the Constitution have been ridiculed, scorned, put in a corner, scoffed out, rejected, made fun of, swept under the carpet and worse…and the so called conservative part of this Country has been a part of that political massacre.
How are you feeling about that; conservative radio talk show hosts of America?
Have you seen the light now? Have you thought about joining the Birther movement or have you hardened your hearts further and doubled down on protecting the lies of Barack Obama while at the same time you are horrified by half of America not caring about the lies Barack Obama when it comes to Benghazi, while you and your half continue to sweep the lies of Obama’s identity under the carpet and call Birthers loony.
Do you care that the Dow is down 300 points? Do you care about the economy of this Country, or are you so convinced with the side of the Country your calling ‘defenders of Obama’s lies’, that it’s your way or the highway, the Constitution be damned when it comes to the demand for a natural born citizen in the office of the president of the United States?
If that’s the case Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh receiving every press release from my campaign for a year, please do us all a favor, and print signs that say “The Constitution – Gone - Rejected Here” and hang that up in your offices.
Do you remember from your history lessons in high school that a ‘natural born citizen is a person ‘born in the United States to Citizen parents’ and that Barack Obama is not qualified?
Do you remember that there was an honest Sheriff in the State of Arizona who actually investigated, with people who had professional criminal investigating qualifications, Obama’s lies and that I have a case in the United States Supreme Court with those findings? Will you continue to cover-up for the Usurper?
The truth is you don’t have to look anywhere but in a mirror to understand why Mitt Romney didn't win the election last night. God does not want Barack Obama to go down in history as a President of the United States that endorses fraud and forgery.
Why is that so hard for you to understand?
Are you so dumb that the Bill Clinton slogan, “It’s the economy stupid” is greater the foundation of the Constitution and it’s principles? “It’s the economy, it’s the economy, it’s the economy”, wow, have you underestimated the power of the United States Constitution. Have you underestimated The Birthers? No, No,..It’s not a question.
America has always been a place where minorities could come and feel protected by the Constitution of the United States but everyone who has called Birthers, citizens of this country who simply asked for you to take a stand for the Constitution who are a minority, crazy.
Well if every minority is considered ‘crazy’ by the GOP, based on the stand the GOP has taken with Obama endorsing his fraud and forgery and identity theft and obfuscation, then why would God reward them with the White House?
Take a minute and assume the best God position you can and ask yourself if the vision of this Country includes the Chief of the Executive Branch, not being qualified according to the Constitution.
13 of the 48 pages of The Constitution booklet are referenced to the Office of the President. Why am I telling you this Glenn , Rush, Sean, GOP.. Mitt Romney.
I think Mitt Romney is a ‘good guy’ too, but what choice did he give God?
He was sweeping the devils work under the carpet.. Mitt Romney was. Yeah, Mitt Romney didn't belief me. He said in the most doubting Thomas voice you can imagine.. “Come on Cody”.
Well, just imagine a minute an election without Barack Obama? Now tell me if the principles of the Constitution endorsed fraud and forgery when it comes to the qualification demands of the office of the President.
Can half the Country even VOTE for Barack Obama if he’s not on the Ballot?
Can the GOP do a better job at “endorsing amnesty”, “endorsing redistribution of the wealth’, ‘destroying businesses’, ‘covering everyone with mandates on health care’, and ‘raising taxes’ then the Democrats? I don’t think so!
Can the GOP do a better job at taking a stand for the Constitution? I sure think so, unfortunately I think the GOP is gone, and Gov. Mitt Romney along Sen. John McCain as Party nominees for President have destroyed their party beyond repair. Being President of the U.S. is much more than being a “Good Guy”.
Independents are going to have to go this alone. Come join us if you believe in the Constitution.
<a href="">
I want to thank you for tuning in, reading, watching, and most of all spreading this around.
UPDATE ON THE United States Supreme Court case Judy v. Obama Motion for Reconsideration found here:
Delivered to the United States Supreme Court Nov. 6th, 2012 at 11:05AM
Priority Mail®
November 06, 2012, 11:05 am
Expected Delivery By:
November 3, 2012
Delivery Confirmation™
Every American should be very happy that this action,
Judy v. Obama 12-5276 was not made "moot" by a Mitt Romney win.
Cody Robert Judy
Election 2012 - What Went Wrong?
Reasons Republicans are reeling to Socialist
Ann Coulter today on Glenn Beck stated that she thought Republicans had run the best candidate they have had since Ronald Reagan. She said Romney was far better than John McCain and that the incumbency factor was a bigger factor than she had thought it would be.
Now, I like Ann, and have written about her beautiful hair before, and she is a crack-’n-whip that is faster than a bug zapper in a mosquito infested swamp with her tongue when she has to make a point fast, but occasionally she says something that is really dumb-founding that makes her sound like a socialist loving creature, and that brings me up to my topic today.
Coulter said something today that also was reiterated to me on Facebook yesterday by a dis-enchanted and bitter Republican. So I thought I’d shine a little light on it to focus a little attention on the issue Republicans are having with the Constitution, which ultimately was their Achilles heel in the election as I’ll explain.
You may have heard yesterday that with the votes Gary Johnson and a few other independent candidates for president got that Mitt Romney would have won the election and been pushed over the 270 electoral votes needed to win the electoral college vote. That theory has been circulated. It was in this context that Ann said she thought that unless you were a Governor or a member of Congress that you shouldn't run for President.
Is that a qualification Ann in the Constitution?
The facebook acquaintance I had a brief exchange with said that people like me and Gary Johnson made him want to puke and added heap upon his vocabulary onslaught by calling those “Independent Candidates” Egomaniacs that were insane for running in a race we could never win. He also mentioned that he thought I had about as much chance of winning President as a snow ball in hell.
I responded, “Well, .. you never know, Hell might be just around the corner.”, considering Obama’s second term.
What Ann Coulter said, ( I really feel like coming up with a nick name for her, maybe the Republican Rapunzel? That might work) ,was poignant to the elitism infesting both major parties but really was a crippling blow to Mitt Romney that Obama sold effectively. Nowhere in our Constitution has a pre-requisite of being a Major, Governor, Representative, or Senator in order to be President or run for President ever been instituted and there are good reasons for it, Ann never took the time to mention, but they certainly contributed more to a Republican loss.
Romney’s not “going to apologize for being successful”. How many times did Romney say that? A lot, but maybe that wasn't so much the issue as the elitism mentality that was exposed. What if Romney would have said to that kind of barb,“you know I respect that anyone who is 35 years old and is a natural born citizen can run for President.”?
Wow! That’s powerful! It recognizes the power of all Citizens and their rights in the context of the Constitution instead of zeroing the focus on his success as a businessmen compared to everyone else who hasn't been as successful.
What is absolutely hysterically about that is the Ruling Class of Republicans can’t even get the current demands of the Constitution for the Office of the President right. How does Ann expect them to adhere to even more qualifications, than being over 35 years of age and a natural born citizen?
Republicans ran John McCain, a foreign born naturalized citizen as their nominee in 2008 which is why they are winking and smiling out of the back of their mouths about Obama, and he received more votes than Mitt Romney. What does that tell us?
See Additional Info at bottom of this page.
Well I hate to tell Republicans, but there are Americans that actually agree with the Constitution and for those who don’t there is an agreement on how to change that, but rather than spot light all the legislative acts to change that which have failed, they are winking and smiling why they ultimately break the law and then many of the “Party faithful” call their representatives “good guys” rather than acknowledging the Constitutional cheats and liars that are making a mockery of our The Supreme Law of the Land.
That is stunning! You want to talk about the ultimate lessons in hypocrisy in Republican form?
The Natural Born Citizen clause is so fundamentally understood to mean, “Born in the United States to Citizen Parents” that it represents a Yes or No answer. Any type of citizenship that is questionable to the contrary, warrants a “No”, and that to error on the side of safety. This is a National Security major fundamental error on the Republicans part that has dis-enchanted those who have seen Republicans as strong on defense.
Now do you hear Republican talk-show host talking about their failure in this? No you don’t. You hear them talking about appeasement and yelling about how minority friendly they are with Sen. Marco Rubio ,Allen West, and Rick Santorum, and wondering if they ran the wrong Vice Presidential Candidate who couldn't even help them carry Wisconsin.
I’m telling you Republicans started this dirty little “Birther” game with McCain, and it’s come back to bite them in the behind, and it’s looking like with Rubio and Santorum they just might be on the path to McCain again , which is why I have thought and continue to think that there just isn't a Presidential game in town the Republicans are ever going to win again.
Ann said it, they ran their best and it just wasn't good enough to win. Mitt Romney considered by many to be squeaky clean on family, a detailed businessman, and experienced as a Governor who worked with Democrats. What’s missing for Republicans? Mitt Romney even had more hair than Obama.
How in the world do you come to terms with running your best and failing? Well, you never come to terms with it unless you have the ability to step back and look at a bigger picture.
Now one thing I do believe many Republicans have, and that’s the ability to do and to grasp the concepts of Jesus without being offended. The concept of loving chastisement has given way to “think tank” in the Republican Party in many respects I’m afraid, which has led to the huge factor of hypocrisy.
Hypocrisy was the biggest turn off to Jesus, and continues to be to the American public. It was the one thing over adultery and what seemed like every other sin , he’d really lose his cool over. The merchants in the temple selling merchandise might seem like good capitalistic idea with Republicans but Jesus wasn't going for it.
You know I love Jesus and that is one of the reasons I do. He is strong on forgiveness to those who are penitent, and very strict on the concepts of hypocrisy.
Sweeping dirt under the carpet as the Republicans have been responsible for with Obama’s identity is a complete and utter hypocrisy to our Constitution and then to hear Republicans say they are the champion party of the Constitution is about as big of a joke as you could come up with.
Republicans can hardly exact the price for the truth from Obama in Benghazi or Mexico’s Fast & Furious because of the hypocrisy of the ineligibility represented by their own cover-up of Obama.
There is no way the Republicans are ever going to win the Presidency again. I think it’s over for them. They are unwilling to make a reckoning and want to pick and choose the lies they get Obama on, in the order of covering their own asses. It seems tentatively, that they are completely unwilling to repent of this error either.
Until they are willing to consider their hypocrisy on our national security and economy, they, Republicans represent, with the very big issue of the qualifications of the President, it is very unlikely that they will ever regain the trust of Americans again.
I believe whole heartedly that if they had taken a stand for the Constitution on the demands of the Constitution in the eligibility department of Barack Obama, and fully investigated it with hearings in Congress or the Judicial Committee of the House in 2010, that ultimately they would have represented much more of a trust with the Constitution to the American People and that might have translated into votes in the Independent Parties, Tea Parties, and Libertarians who are all very Constitutionally oriented citizens of America winning the White House.
The Republican repeatedly have ransomed the Constitution wondering in astonishment why the Democrats who have the walking talking violation of the Constitution in the White House have been allowed by God to get away with it.
The answer is reflected for Republicans looking in the mirror. They have no one else to blame but themselves.
One very interesting thought is that Democrats have always gotten Republicans to play their game. That game consisted of Republicans playing the game with one arm tied behind their back. That arm is the principles of the Constitution. As long as Republicans continue to play the game with one arm tied behind their back, does anyone beside me think it’s hilarious that they expect to win?
You know if I was so anti-Republican would I even bother wasting my time? You know for me I think there are principles that Republicans represent that are very good and there are some principles that the Democrats represent that are very good but our Constitutional principles are those we can come together on.
I believe that as Americans we have the ability to decipher a good combination of these and ultimately we don’t have to choose the lesser of two evils. WE can form a more perfect Union together.
Cody Robert Judy
Senator McCain was born in 1936 in the Canal Zone to U.S. citizen parents. The Canal Zone was territory controlled by the United States, but it was not incorporated into the Union. As requested by Senator McCain's campaign, distinguished constitutional lawyers Laurence Tribe and Theodore Olson examined the law and issued a detailed opinion offering two reasons that Senator McCain was a natural born citizen. Neither is sound under current law. The Tribe-Olson Opinion suggests that the Canal Zone, then under exclusive U.S. jurisdiction, may have been covered by the Fourteenth Amendment's grant of citizenship to "all persons born . . . in the United States." However, in the Insular Cases, the Supreme Court held that "unincorporated territories" were not part of the United States for constitutional purposes. Accordingly, many decisions hold that persons born in unincorporated territories are not Fourteenth Amendment citizens. The Tribe-Olson Opinion also suggests that Senator McCain obtained citizenship by statute. However, the only statute in effect in 1936 did not cover the Canal Zone. Recognizing the gap, in 1937, Congress passed a citizenship law applicable only to the Canal Zone, granting Senator McCain citizenship, but eleven months too late for him to be a citizen at birth. Because Senator John McCain was not a citizen at birth, he is not a "natural born Citizen" and thus is not "eligible to the Office of President" under the Constitution.
Additional Info:
Here's John Birth Cert
Here's the Law suite Judy v. McCain -
U.S. Supreme Court Case Minor v. Happersett Judy v. Obama 12-5276 - Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents.
Two prongs..1 prong) born in the U.S. McCain was not 2 prong)To Citizen parents
2008 Judy v. Obama with much information on McCain
2012 Judy v. Obama 12-5276 SCOTUS
In 1936, the Canal Zone fell into a gap in the law, covered neither by the citizenship clause nor Revised Statutes section 1993 (passed as the Act of May 24, 1934), the only statute applicable to births to U.S. citizens outside the United States. As then-Representative John Sparkman explained in 1937: "the Canal Zone is not such foreign territory as to come under the law of 1855 [Revised Statutes section 1993] and, on the other hand, it is not part of the United States which would bring it within the fourteenth amendment." The problem was well known; Richard W. Flournoy's 1934 American Bar Association Journal article, Proposed Codification of Our Chaotic Nationality Laws, explained "we have no statutory provisions defining the nationality status of persons born in the Canal Zone . . . ."
Because the Canal Zone was a "no man's land," in the words of Representative Sparkman, in 1937 Congress passed a statute, the Act of Aug. 4, 1937 (now codified at 8 U.S.C. § 1403(a)) granting citizenship to "[a]ny person born in the Canal Zone on or after February 26, 1904" who had at least one U.S. citizen parent. This Act made Senator McCain a U.S. citizen before his first birthday. But again, to be a natural born citizen, one must be a citizen at the moment of birth. Since Senator McCain became a citizen in his eleventh month of life, he does not satisfy this criterion, is not a natural born citizen, and thus is not "eligible to the Office of President."
Hi everyone, I'm new to joining the Tea Party Command Center! My father pointed me in the right direction to join. About 4 months ago I returned from Afghanistan after completing a 12 month combat tour. While I was there I did manage to write a book. It isn't about my combat tour in Afghanistan or anything. I wanted to do something different. I published the book on amazon for readers to download to thier e-books, computers and cell phones. I took what has been going on in the country in that last 4 years and wrote a fictional story that the liberals were not happy with. The book is availible for download on amazon. It is properly titled AN AMERICAN INSURGENCY written by me Michael Podemski. I still serve on active duty in the Army. I love my country and am sad to see it in the condition that it is in currently. My friends who have read the book told me that the senerio the book was written around scared them silly. Let me know what you think of the book and its content! Thanks's great to be home and a new member of the Tea Party!
here is a link for my book;

Be a one person tea party! This isn't a catch phrase- it's a daily call to action only each can answer in whatever ways he sees best.