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Thanks DEVO For Warning About American De-Evolution

This wildly creative late 70s-80s group had an interesting premise: modern man was devolving due to pollution; radiation; mutation and social pathology. 
As a kid I thought the future would be somewhere between granddad's Buck Rogers cartoon strip and the original Star Trek TV series.
Little did I know Mad Max or Escape from New York, was more the coming motif. Super drugs like crack and super deviation like liberalism insured a country the likes of which traditionalists had never seen.
So here I am in my 40s fighting for Old School values in a nation abandoning them at warp speed. 
Modern man is indeed devolving, as the long litany of negative social stats bears out. The Obama administration seems determined to speed up this entropy  
Despite having the social devolution market cornered in entertainment, DEVO wasn't a conservative group. 
That's why is all the more ironic that their art is a creative " canary in a cage " for traditionalists watching America devolve into something out of our worst nightmares.
" Oh dad- we're all DEVO ' their mascot Booji ( produced "Boogie" ) Boy told his father in the song, " Jocko Homo,"also one of their pioneering music videos. 
Booji Boy represented the infantile mindset DEVO felt afflicted modern man. After these last four years few can argue the character's prophetic truth.
Will Americans eventually devolve en masse into something unrecognizable?
Looks like we're already there!
 Cap Black, The Hood Conservative & One Man Tea Party. asks:
" When will Black folks be Bold again?"
(504) 214-3082
Help Cap Black Promote Patriotism! 
" Be your OWN Superhero!"
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Voter fraud, letter to congress

Art, your letters are on the way!
Your email to:
President Barack Obama sent!
Your email to Rep. Henry Cuellar (D TX-28) sent!
Your email to Sen. John Cornyn (R TX) sent!
Your email to Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R TX) sent! ...
To : House and Senate, read if you have courage.  
When the process fair and honest elections is compromised by fraud the institution of democracy is no longer possible. Those who's responsibility it is to ensure the integrity of the election process must be willing to take whatever measures necessary to accomplish that goal. When they fail America fails. If there exists evidence of fraud they cannot and must not allow the fear of riots or any other discourse to cloud their judgment with regard to their sworn duty. America's leaders must have Honor, Loyalty, Honesty, courage and morality at all times when performing duties of their offices. What do you stand for Congressman, Senator, are you one of the corrupt who betray the America so many have given life, limb and blood for? Maybe you are one with the courage, Loyalty and integrity it takes to be a real American. There is one absolute here, if you are aware that any fraud whatsoever was committed and do nothing about it, you are among the criminal element and without any socially redeemable character.
Art Phillips

Mr. Art Phillips  
225 Brian Drive  
Pleasanton, TX 78064
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I am trying to find how best to initiate the change in law, rules, or policy that guarantees $450K / year for former Presidents. It should be based this Calendar year at $249,000. From that it would be capped each year at the cost of living. That is to say if, during his term, the Cost of living has gone up from this year's base, the payment is increased by that much at the end of the term and on during the retirement. This is an unfortunate offer of compromise but it is reasonable to incite good people also.

This would begin either with all current living Presidents or the next term. They are all millionaires and don't need the money.

$249K is under the mark of being "rich" and therefore  would show unity with the Middle Class as it is defined by this Administration.  If the Rich will be taxed more, then the President needs to also have skin in the game.

This is a serious proposal and I am looking for advice.

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National Papa Johns Appreciation Day

Papa John's Pizza - Louisville, KY

  • Nationwide
  • Share with ten like-minded people:

    The CEO of Papa John's, John H. Schnatter, has said that he will have to cut employee hours because of Obamacare. Schattner has received intense media scrutiny in addition to being demonized as an evil rich guy by the Left. Obamacare is a fiscal nightmare and because of it, many small businesses aren't hiring now. Some are even closing their doors. Obamacare is now, as John Boehner said, "the law of the land."

    In solidarity with John H. Schnatter, we propose that Novembe
    r, 16th, 2012 be National Papa John's Appreciation Day. The Left thinks we are discouraged; they think they have won. Let's send a clear message this Friday, like we did on Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day, that we are here to stay and that we won't stop fighting. There are over 2,600 Papa John's stores in the United States. Let's flood all of them like we flooded Chick-Fil-A.
    How the event works:

    1. "Like" Papa John's Facebook page:

    2. Change your Facebook avatar to the Papa Johns logo on Friday.

    3. Go into your local Papa John's this Friday, November 16th, and order a pizza. This will only be effective if you go into the store itself. Take a picture of your visit and your pizza, share it on your Facebook wall and/or tweet it with the hashtag #IStandWithPapaJohns

    4. If you live further than a half hour from Papa Johns. Participate on twitter with the hashtag #IStandWithPapaJohns

    Also: We would like to suggest that anyone participating in this event also purchase an additional pie to share with someone that is struggling right now. Perhaps a neighbor who lost a job, a food shelter, church group, afterschool program for kids in need.... There are many options, but please consider buying a pie to share!

    Let's send a clear message this Friday. Thank you, everyone.

    This event was created by the team at @Reboot_USA 
     Cap Black, The Hood Conservative & One Man Tea Party. asks:
    " When will Black folks be Bold again?"
    Help Cap Black Promote Patriotism! 
    " Be your OWN Superhero!"
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We can make a difference we do not have to go to the slaughter with the Socialists!
Start now....Boycott and do not buy union built not visit or vacation or buy products built in not visit Las Vegas or Nevada...or Colorado... do not support any Socialist union run businesses! Commit now to start the Change for America...there is not much time left!
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WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama said The U.S. Constitution is out-of-date, so he is ripping it up and writing a new one. President Barack Obama told reporters last night that the U.S. Constitution has become a hindrance to progress in America.  “The document is so out-dated, that it is now becoming a hindrance to governing the country.” Obama said that he has signed an Executive Order voiding the U.S. Constitution.  “We need to move forward.  We need change.” ...
Obama said he has already drafted a new constitution and that Americans “will love what I came up with.”   Insiders say that Obama is keeping a lot of old elements from the original constitution “he’s just making it better, bringing it into the 21st century,” said White House Spokesman, Jay Carney. Many Democrats said that President Obama was a constitutional scholar and probably the only President – since the Founding Fathers – who is qualified to change the Constitution. “President Obama knows more about the Constitution than  any man who has ever lived,” said Minority Leader, Nancy Pelosi.  “It’s about time we changed that document and we are lucky to have President Obama to do it.” Republicans, of course, were outraged that Obama would even consider changing the constitution, and they vowed to fight.   “We will fight this to the bitter end,” said Speaker of the House, John Boehner, “there’s no way we are going to let the Constitution of the United States be altered even a little bit.   If there are changes to be made to the Constitution it should be done the appropriate way – through amendments and we think Paul Ryan and Eric Cantor are the ones to make any changes.” Insiders say the new Constitution will look a lot like the constitutions of Kenya, France and Soviet Russia. There are many, many changes in the New U.S. Constitution, but here are a few of the highlights. 1) SUPREME COURT – Will now have 11 members, which reflects the growing U.S. population. President Obama will appoint two new members immediately.  The President can name a new justice without needing the approval of Congress. 2) EXECUTIVE FINANCIAL POWER – The President will have the power to unilaterally enact any financial policy he chooses, without approval of Congress.  He must inform them, but they will not “stop” him (or her) from promoting their agenda. 3) LOBBYISTS – They will now be outlawed. There will be no more lobbyists in Washington.  However, there are some exemptions outlined in the New Constitution” :  Trial Lawyers, National Education Association and unions.  They will all be able to lobby. 4) REPRESENTATION – California, New York and Illinois will double the number of representatives in Congress – permanently.  “The President feels that the smartest people in the country live in these states, so they should be over-represented,” said Jay Carney. 5) GUNS & RELIGION – Both will be banned in the United States.

Visit Washington State Militia at:

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battle lost war to win

to loose such a battle is a shame, but some times we must loose a battle to find the strength of our opponent,

1 to win the war we must use truth and understanding and patience.

2 truth Freedom for all is our goal,

3 limited Federal Government,  pass the rights back to states and cities and counties etc,

Back to the people,

Federal Government limited to protecting Our Rights and Freedoms,

    Nothing more nothing less

    Marriage , and Family laws to be exclusive at state level,

    if some one supports Gay Marriage and abortion let them live in that state,

    If some one wants traditional values , let them live in that state,

but stop the interstate taxes, like if you own a car why should you pay a tax when you move,,,

etc, the Federal laws must be limited, just like Government handouts,

    Any thing given to any one or any organization or Government Must be given to all US citizens First,

that will stop the pandering and stealing, by Big Government

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"The Faith of Abraham unites the West & Believing World against  the secular socialist serpent which slithered into America's civil rights and world liberation movements of minorities not seeking coups- only citizenship. Deny this serpent comfort in ur customs & culture. Bruise his head & send him on his belly back to Mother Russia." 
-a Cap Black Freedom Rant.
 Cap Black, The Hood Conservative & One Man Tea Party. asks:
" When will Black folks be Bold again?"
Help Cap Black Promote Patriotism! 
" Be your OWN Superhero!"
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As seen on:  (edited by Admin)




Dear American Citizens,

God bless you, on Saturday Nov, 10,2012 four days after the Presidential election, I received a letter from the SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES (SCOTUS) signed by Mr. William K. Suter by assistant Gail Johnson saying they had received my MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION OF WRIT OF CERTIORARI that was postmarked November 1st and received in their office November 7th, 2012.



This would co-inside with the security department of the SCOTUS receiving that (edited by Admin) document election dayNov 6th about 11am as I reported to you in my report that day. The reason I’m telling you this is to update you that SCOTUS has asked for a revision and re submission within 10 days, which is fantastic news. I’ll explain to you why, mostly because of what my Mom used to say to me.



She used to say to me when I was a kid and still does occasionally, “more words Cody” in an effort to get me to explain something a little more in detail that I may have glossed over and not satisfactorily explaining to her. I wonder sometimes if I’m doing a good enough job for you. Boy, our world sure is changing from a place where balancing “more words” and “getting your point across in one text message” must somehow find a balance.



I will give both the short and the long version. For those of you who want the message in a short form text message here it is:


Text 1-“The Nov. 7th,2012 SCOTUS letter means CODY ROBERT JUDY is still in the Presidential race of 2012 and has not conceded the race- it isn’t over- and Barack Obama has not cleared all the hurdles necessary to be President contrary to what the media would have you believe. You know the Electoral College vote has not happened!


Text 2- “Cody needs your help immediately! Appeals to the U.S. Supreme Court are expensive. The Campaign is tied together with bailing string and fishing line right now- we desperately need new laptop computers- advertising and traveling dollars- and our rent & electricity bill is two months behind and the web site bill is due tomorrow. Please go to (edited by Admin) and make a contribution now, especially if you were a Mitt Romney voter.


Ok, here’s the long form for those of you who haven’t gone to (edited by Admin) and made a contribution yet. You know 30% of the Country fought in the Revolutionary War while the other part sat back and watched. I want to address those people who are watching right now… Glenn Beck & Rush.


Yes, I received a notification that Glenn Beck is now following me on Twitter. Just to be fair, Glenn I sent you a notification back and am following you now too, and I’m listening to you right now. Here’s what you’re saying, “ as delicious as pie Obama tax … bla bla bla” you’re talking about the fiscal cliff we’re headed for and a commercial just came on. I wonder silently if Republicans will help or if they are too bitter and would rather sabotage efforts to remove Obama legally in a misguided effort to prove themselves right.


I've have around 4,500 Facebook friends many of whom asked to be my friend because they were interested in being able keep up with the Campaign and the SCOTUS Case Judy v. Obama 12-5276. I honored that and accepted their friendship request. I have 2 questions for those of you who are watching. How do you feel about that? How do you think .., How am I supposed to feel about that?


Feel about what you ask? How am I suppose to feel about your sitting on your hands while I save the Country? You say, “ Who the hell do you think you are Andy Jackson?” I say, “Well, I am the Constitution against Barack Obama. How powerful is that? How powerful should it be?”


I imagine myself in George Washington’s army who crossed the frozen river in the dark of night after losing 13 battles, understanding that he had to win one to get more recruits and to give hope to those who believed in the principles of the Constitution that hadn’t even been written yet, and to quell the nay-sayers who had been doubting Thomas’s and watchers of his Revolutionary efforts. Hello Mitt Romney. How’s your campaign going- Billion dollars later.. And you lost.


If you could have seen the glory of America at a time even before the Constitution had been signed, and you were a “watcher”, how could you not send, how could you withhold a little bit of money to George Washington in order to get one of his soldiers out of the worn socks and boots as you saw the red snow that marked their way?


How can I convey to you the need at this time when victims of Hurricane Sandy are so desperate also, and so many Americans are facing a rough road and are stretching every dollar? I have to, in the faith, belief, and hope that the Constitution is more of a blessing to everyone for this generation and for generations to come. Hurricanes will pass go, but the Constitution or the lack thereof will stay.


My campaign needs laptop computers because ours are limping from being sabotaged, we need really badly to sure up our traveling expense account, completely depleted now. If I was called to Washington DC I’d be walking or hitching a ride.


Could I depend on Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh to get me to Washington DC because I have a case against Barack Obama not being qualified, or is their attitude one of .. “We’ll wait and see how the ruling goes first?” How am I supposed to feel about that? How do you feel? Is it just my problem?


The legal Revisions cost money; ask any attorney if they will work for free and the answer is usually no, there will be copy fees, postage and mailing fees, Insurance needs to be paid, web site needs to be paid, electricity is two months now unpaid shall I go on? Ask yourself if you’re enjoying hearing this…ask yourself if Obama’s camp is enjoying hearing this? Whose camp are you in?


Of course I am used to cutting corners and managing the best I can with what our campaign has received, as we have the whole year and a half since the Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign was founded a week before TX. Gov. Rick Perry got into the Presidential race, and truthfully I cannot believe we have had to stay in the race the entire time in order to maintain our ‘standing’.


We have had to, at any time, be ready to replace Obama against Mitt Romney’s campaign. There’s 185 or so Video’s on my YouTube Station, over 250 Blog entries detailing what we've been through, a 100 page web site, and the worst part is America is generally unaware of our campaign or the facts that we were in Iowa, went to New Hampshire clear to the State Supreme Court , in Georgia clear to the State Supreme Court there, and finally, since around July have been furiously working on the United States Supreme Court case Judy v. Obama 12-5276 the mainstream media has been silent about.


One thing I want to convey to you is that none of the commercials I made that had Mitt Romney in them were false, and you know it now ,for sure. Nothing I said or wrote about Mitt Romney was a falsehood.


The Republicans fight without the Constitution didn't work, and in a campaign where the oath of Office demands preserving, protecting, and defending the Constitution, is that at all surprising to you? Did I not tell you unemployment would suddenly dip below 8% just before the election? Did I not tell you Obama controlled the gas reserves and Ohio had gas below $3 dollars a gallon during the election?


Obama is not a ‘natural born citizen’ and as much as all of his supporters would like to say that the qualifications have morphed and a naturalized or 14th Amendment citizen can now run for President, it simply isn't true. Obama is not a natural born citizen by his father, and he’s never proven where he was born. That’s a two prong test, fail one and you can’t be President, fail them both and you still can’t qualify to be President.


Everyone who voted for Obama did not have their vote protected and has been disenfranchised in voting for an ineligible candidate. Now while they may not appreciate my defending their rights, or yours, future generations of America will have a different outlook because hindsight is always 20/20.


I am asking for your help. Future generations will look at you and ask “Why didn’t you help?” Please make a contribution(s) today. If you can’t, please forward this to someone who you think could, or even someone you think should, make contributions today. Send this to every rich person you know. It’s got to get to someone who has 100 million dollars in the bank sooner or later.


Send this to every media outlet you know, with an expression of what you think of them because they have hidden this fight from the American Public.


They have continually swept under the carpet my campaign even though as a Presidential campaign I have Obama in the United States Supreme Court. But, they would cover Mitt Romney’s son in a town at a small campaign event, or Jon Huntsman’s daughters campaigning for their dad with a music video.


Now of course I cannot promise you anything accept that with a contribution to my campaign you will know that you have contributed to a campaign that has and continues to take a stand for the Constitution against Barack Obama’s ineligibility unlike any other campaign in history; against the fraud and forgery of Obama’s identity records investigated by professionals in law enforcement; and a campaign who has fought for you whether you see or like it or not, and is still alive.


If my campaign is successful, Obama will not be in the White House the next four years. If the Supreme Court of the United States determines to hear my case basically in the order of my campaign’s damages due to Obama running and not being qualified, and we win, how will you feel about that?


Please help all of making a contribution now at (edited by Admin)


We will post exactly how much we have collected because it’s time that you knew exactly what this campaign has done for you with so little help and we want you to join this effort as an American.


It’s also time to shame those who could help and haven’t because America and our Constitution have given them so much… HOLLYWOOD… hint hint ;), and to be seen as so ungrateful as to just watch is almost like applauding a massacre or a extermination of alternative lifestyles order. Without the 1st Amendment Hollywood would be behind bars right now and they know who would like to put them there, but they need to know that if the Constitution dies,…that’s where they will be.


The bottom line is also for those who said "There will NEVER be a RECONSIDERATION" by SCOTUS, you have also now been proven wrong. And for those who keep going to those people who keep telling them I will never be successful, haven't you figured out by now that they fall into two categories either "doubting Thomas's" or those whom I call " bounty hunters", those who really don't want anyone else getting any credit besides themselves about Obama's ineligibility."? We all know them, or should know them anyway and its not so much about the Constitution for them as it is about their professional career.


I will let you know if any of the Bounty Hunters calls me and asks to help pro bono because they sure haven't offered any help so far.


Please enjoy the commercial and understand that I have not quit the 2012 election, but I am also legally under an obligation with certain demands for standing to continue this into 2016 if necessary because what’s filed in Court today might take 3 months to hear and if I step in there and am not a qualified candidate, they will say its ‘moot’.


So please, make a (edited by Admin). We need $10,000 immediately! Whether that comes from 5 contributors of $2,000 or 1,000 contributors of $10 we need it now…today! Please, please, help us..Help the United States of America.


I will keep you informed and post the document received from SCOTUS this later today or tomorrow.


Now if your one to say, " you know I'd make a contribution today Cody if I knew you were telling the truth about the Supreme Court of the United States and the letter. If you'd just show me the letter I'd believe", then what would you be obligated to do if I showed you the Sincerely,
Cody Robert Judy (edited by Admin)


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Revolution! Divided We Fall

Many states have petitioned to leave the union under Obama.  The revolution has been provoked.  But, divided we fall.  Without the U.S. military to defend them, how many states will come under fire from global jihadists?  Muslim separatists will want their own states as conquest for Islam is a fundamental principle in Islam (per the Qur'an and Sunnah).  Just look at Dearborn, Michigan.  The Muslim Brotherhood was established in 1928 to restore the caliphate (global rule of Shairah law), and Obama is leading the Arab Spring.  If the United States separates it will be Black zones vs. White zones vs. Muslim zones (of states).  We are doomed.  It is past time for those who know God (or know of God) to turn to God for help and to take a stand that government is NOT their god, especially Obama's Shariah-compliant Socialist/Communist government!  It is time to demand the United Stated Constitution (which includes all Amendments) be restored as the supreme law of the land and to impeach and prosecute for treason those who are working to subvert and overthrow it.

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Why Are American Blacks So Pro-Palestinian?

Late PLO head Yasser Arafat

Why are American Blacks so pro-Palestinian? This support isn't violent but is vibrant.  A rainbow coalition of radicals have worked hard to cast Israel as a foreign version of past US segregation.   

As UN Ambassador, civil rights legend Andrew Young lost this position for calling for official recognition of the Palestinian Liberation Organization ( PLO) in defiance of US policy.
File:Andrew Young, bw head-and-shoulders photo, June 6, 1977.jpg
The PLO was later recognized decades later but Young's single mindedness illustrates the depth of Black support for the Palestinian cause.    
Look back to socialist infiltration of our community for an answer. The Soviets also backed the Palestinian Liberation Organization ( PLO ) and the rest of that bouquet of brutality. 
Israel was sold to us as another Jim Crow White country, with an unlikely past alliance with apartheid-era, anti-Semitic South Africa as proof.
This alliance was based upon mutual opposition to Communism and not an admission of Israeli racism.
At my historically Black college I served as secretary-general for a Model Arab League sponsored by an organization promoting better understanding of the Mid East.
They sought to offer a "balanced" view of that complex region. We even had the PLO UN envoy address us.
While there a two sides to every story, the alarm shown by Jewish faculty then, in hindsight, confirms long held suspicions: we were sold the Arab line as impressionable collegians.
It was a blue chip experience all the way: PR; great stipend; fancy awards. 
All those perks doesn't change the Israel isn't a Jim Crow country. 
Arabs comprise roughly 18% of her population- a few points above American Black demographics. They enjoy equal rights with Jewish countrymen and aren't subject to compulsory military service.
Arabs also serve in the Knesset, the nation's version of England's Parliament- similar to our Congress- By choice, Arab and Jewish communities often reside in separate areas, but this isn't a legal mandate.
Israel is also one of the few countries regionally where women can vote.
Female enfranchisement is hardly the sign of state=sanctioned bigotry.  On March 17, 1969, Golda Meir became their first female prime minister.
Odd how I never heard any of that during my collegiate Model United Nations and Arab League experiences. I knew it personally but again note how so little positive information about Israel was shared in those forums.
That needs to change. 
Socialists have too much sway in American higher education, particularly historically Black colleges and universities where their foothold is deep and disguised by historic discrimination.
A member of my generation now sits in the White House. His exposure to socialism is far more robust than mine growing up.
Patriotic Americans, especially Black ones, must be national security owls who never sleep. A major tenet of socialism is turning people of color against Israel under the guise of "liberation."
Look at the former Soviet Union's anti-Semitism for evidence of real state-sanctioned racism.
The reason why American Blacks are so pro-Palestinian is we've been misled to see Israel as a Jim Crow country with its foot on the necks of a displaced populace of color.
Masterful manipulation of Black history by those who've always used it against us for recruitment purposes,
 Cap Black, The Hood Conservative & One Man Tea Party. asks:
" When will Black folks be Bold again?"
(504) 214-3082
Help Cap Black Promote Patriotism! 
" Be your OWN Superhero!"
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4063630197?profile=originalDo you ever feel as if standing up for your U.S. Constitutional rights has allowed the liberals and the blame game mainstream media to paint a red target on your back as a Tea Party supporter? Well, it appears that since the election the reengineering of the election results are giving GOP moderates as well as alphabet soup network pundits’ greater incentive to bury the Tea Party movement in another shallow grave.

One of those pundits is former President Reagan Speechwriter, Peggy Noonan who stated on CBS Face the Nation, Sunday November 11th that , “The tea party style of rage is not one that wins over converts and makes people lean towards them and say, ‘I want to listen to you.’ I think a friendly persuasion has to begin now from the Republican Party to people of the United States.”

Exactly what type of converts is Noonan referring to? Is she asking that Tea Party supporters moderate their positions so that U.S. Constitutional principles become warmed over mush? Does Noonan and other moderates want Tea Party supporters to sacrifice deeply held foundational values on the Obama alter of socialist expediency? This is absolutely and categorically not going to happen.

The Sunday network talk shows are beside themselves with more than usual self serving glee to bury this genuine grass roots movement of millions of Americans as quickly as they can. The problem is clear, The Tea Party has not retreated since the 2009 continuous assault from mainstream media vicious mistruths. The goal was to label the patriot citizens as extreme, rabid racists who were only interested in destroying the failed tax and spend deficit policies that cooperative republican moderates and liberal democrats have forged for several decades.

Well, guess what, one of the most important color blind leaders to come out of the 20th century probably described the Tea Party movement best. Rev. Martin Luther King taught the nation to stand up against unjust systems. Rev. King stressed: “Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can't ride you unless your back is bent. “

The Tea Party movement did not bend its back or kneel to the constant and sometimes withering assaults from self serving civil rights leaders like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, but it stunned the nation 2010, with the results of a survey from one of its own: the New York Times.  ( read more )

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No matter what; we must never abandon our principles. We must never surrender our rights that are declared in the Bill of Rights. This is not negotiable and we must state this in our Mission Statements. Our rights are God given and they will be defended at all costs against enemies foreign and domestic.
We have a lot of work to do. There is no place to go. This country is the last free country on Earth

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What are we a Third World Country or a Republic? 

Many brave Americans have and continue to make the ultimate sacrifice to uphold and defend our “Constitution” and “Bill of Rights” and it’s a disgrace that their votes were suppressed again across the country.

I just signed the petition "United States Federal Election Commission: We Demand a Full Recount of the 2012 Presidential Election" on

It's important. Will you sign it too? Here's the link:

Additionally, please take some time out of your busy day to visit the following website for daily updates regarding voter fraud, sign the other listed petitions and ask your family and friends to do the same for the sake of our Republic:

Barack Obama Voter Fraud 2012!

Demand a Full Recount of the 2012 Presidential Election:

Petitions for Recount! 

Petition to Congress

Petition to White House

Petition to GOP


God Bless Us All-God Bless The USA!

Semper Fi!


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NumbersUsa Amnesty Alert.

NumbersUSAUrgent Action
roy beck
Speaker Boehner says Republicans will help Pres. Obama pass 'comprehensive immigration reform. Phone your reaction now.

I know you must be as livid or concerned as all of us here by the comments of the Republican leadership in the U.S. House, suggesting willingness to help Pres. Obama pass another amnesty for illegal aliens so they can compete in the legal jobs market against beleaguered Americans.

Here's your opportunity to let Boehner, Cantor and other leaders know that they have stepped into a real mess with their post-election comments.

icon-action-fax.pngGOP Leaders Need To Hear Response This Afternoon

Comments suggesting amnesty from Boehner & Cantor were trial balloons. Extremely important that they hear that people are sticking pins in them

Click on the red button to find the phone numbers of top House GOP leaders and the talking points you can choose from. Just a quick call to express your concern will do wonders in slowing down these leaders from rushing into an amnesty agreement.

icon-action-phone.png Call Boehner & Other GOP Leaders
or click
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Has America Become a Huge Duck Pond?

4063629885?profile=originalDr Wayne Dyer describes people as eagles and ducks.

With a majority of Americans voting to give the undeserving Obama a second term, I felt like the odd-man-out voting against him. It occurred to me that I have a history of being odd-man-out, not in sync with the thinking of my family and friends.

When I was in junior high school, my dad acknowledged my artistic talent and encouraged me to pursue a career in that field. Dad said, “You could be a great black artist someday.” While I appreciated Dad's support, I thought, “ Why can't I simply be a great artist? Why must my success be limited to the black world?”

Admittedly, I probably misinterpreted the meaning of Dad's statement. The reason is because my family and friends appeared to view the world through a narrow black lens, limiting blacks to certain tastes and behaviors. I was criticized and looked at suspect for enjoying music beyond R&B, black Gospel and Jazz. I have always dealt with people as individuals. Thus, I was criticized for having “too many white friends”. Early on, I viewed the world as my oyster, eager to explore life beyond the American “black experience”.

Though they love me, family and friends have been furious with me on numerous occasions over the years for not participating in their group think or indulging in unauthorized black behavior.

Rejecting Barack Obama is my latest offense. Not only did I reject the first black president, family and friends found it incomprehensible that I chaired a PAC against him.

So, why have I never quite fit in with my family and friends? Why have I suffered their rebuke all these years? Finally, I understand. They are ducks. I am an eagle.

Obama's reelection has concerned eagles concluding that America has become a huge duck pond. In Obama's duck pond, high flying independent self-reliant eagles are mandated to have their wings clipped, limiting their ability to fly to hovering slightly above the pond. This will not enhance the life of one duck other than appeasing their envy of the eagle's “unfair” ability to fly high.

When Obama touts hard work, he is really only talking to eagles. Ducks are encouraged to chill-out and rely on government. Eagles are ordered to deliver most of what they gather to government Lilly pads to be redistributed. Ducks simply waddle or float to the nearest Lilly pad to receive freebies delivered via the hard work, sweat and risks of eagles. Free duck-phones are a huge hit.

In Obama's new duck pond America, high minded eagle ideas such as personal responsibility and ambition to build a better life for ones self and their family are criminalized. Obama's vision is no duck having more than another sharing equally for the good of the pond.

To the horror of us eagles, a majority of Americans are ignorant naïve ducks who believe Obama's vision will ensure prosperity for all floating around the pond. Dear Lord help us, please!

There is a reason why the Bald Eagle was chosen to symbolize America. It is a bird of great vision and resilience which refuses to be controlled or contained. Its rights and desire to be free are gifted by God.

Eagles simply can not and will not allow Obama's duck pond to become the permanent new standard of what it means to be an American. Despite the decree of the Imperial Ruler of the pond, eagles will stealthily conceive new ways to regrow their wings to fly high, soaring higher than ever before. Such is the spirit and nature of the American eagle.

Unquestionably, Obama's reelection is a monumental devastating defeat of us eagles. Currently in America, ducks rule!

Eagles across America have already begun to regroup, plan new strategies and ways to educate a nation now dominated by clueless ducks.

For ever long as it takes, American eagles will not give up or surrender until a majority of Obama ducks are defeated or miraculously transformed into eagles. Eagles will not rest until Obama's duck pond America is restored back to its divinely ordained role as the largest greatest eagle's nest on the planet.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

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Obamas Israel Policy Tells Them To Duck & Cover

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This is a picture of an Israeli home in Gaza recently destroyed by a rocket. While urban crime is bad in America, none of us live under daily threat of airborne attack.
We'd have to reach back in our national memory to World War II or even the Cold War for a frame of reference.
Israel is ramping up a military response to this latest round of ongoing aggression. Observers wonder whether the Obama administration will help or continue allowing daylight ( read: appeasement ) to encourage Islamist hatred.
The Middle East's lone democracy earned our friendship a million times over. Despite this, Obama continues mistreating Prime Minister Netanyahu like a leper.
Back channel negotiations with worse than street thugs ( Iran ) seems the presidents sole concern. Perhaps an Oval Office chat with survivors of rocket attacks and homicide bombings in shopping centers would open his eyes?  

He sits safety in the White House while Israelis fear when the next projectile will kill them- Imagine the terror of unexpected death from the sky at any moment? 

Were Americans living on such a bulls eye, would we appreciate a policy of daylight and hand holding with our enemies?
Israels tormentors are using Obama's first term daylight doctrine as license to continue their pogrom against innocent civilians.
One wonders if this second term will amount to more than figuratively telling Israelis to duck and cover?
How about helping Israel make her attackers duck and cover instead?
 Cap Black, The Hood Conservative & One Man Tea Party. asks:
" When will Black folks be Bold again?"
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" Be your OWN Superhero!"
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That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
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