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I am a proud American who honorably served his country unselfishly for twenty years as a Marine Corps Mustang Officer, like many before and after me. 

I am also proud to say that I come from a long line of Veterans: my two eldest sons honorably served their country as Marines. My eldest son participated in the first Gulf War as a Marine and Iraqi Freedom as a weekend warrior with the Air National Guard, which he continues to be a member of, along with being a full-time Combat Air Traffic Control Instructor. Four out of my six male siblings honorably served their country and my father was a WWII Veteran who survived the Battle of the Bulge, but lost the battle with his severe PTSD symptoms/condition at the young age of fifty-nine. I served my tenure in the Marine Corps during the entire Vietnam War and lost many a friend during that war that fought and made the ultimate sacrifice to uphold and defend those freedoms that are provided us under our “Constitution” and “Bill of Rights”, which sadly too many Americans take for granted. 

I have to admit that I tend to get extremely concerned when I see politicians and others, regardless of their political affiliation, sex, race, color (in the Marine Corps we were all green), creed, ethnic/national origin or religion, doing things and/or taking actions that I see as a threat to: 1) those freedoms and/or rights provided each of us under our “Constitution” and “Bill of Rights”; and 2) the safety, security or welfare of our Veterans, active duty members and their dependents and/or survivors. 

We Americans, all of us, owe a debt to the American who came before us, and by their military service, in which all gave some and some gave all, preserved freedom for us. We repay that debt to those Americans who came before us by our willingness serve and sacrifice as they did to preserve freedom for those Americans who will come after us. 

May God bless and keep each and every American that has made the ultimate sacrifice for this great country of ours.

May God also bless and keep all our veterans and active duty members and their families on this day and always.

And may Americans never cease to remember them, and their sacrifice, for our freedom. 


American Wars Killed In Action

Revolutionary War .............. 25,324

War of 1812 .......................... 2,260

Mexican American War ..... 13,283

Civil War ............................... 650,000

Spanish American War ....... 7,166

World War I ......................... 116,708

World War II ....................... 408,306

Korean War ......................... 54,246

Vietnam War ....................... 58,223

Persian Gulf War ................ 363

(Desert Storm)Operation Iraqi Freedom .. 4,421

Op. Enduring Freedom ...... 2,000 (+) (Afghanistan)

All Other Conflicts sincethe Revolutionary War ....... 8,330

Islamist jihadist terrorism . 3,336(9-11-2001)

Operation New Dawn ......... 66

TOTAL: ………….1,354,031 (+ or -) [plus 88,000 MIA]


It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech. It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us the freedom to demonstrate. It is the soldier, not the lawyer, who has given us the right to fair trial. It is the soldier, who salutes the flag, who serves under the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag.


God Bless Us All-God Bless The USA!

Semper Fi!

Jake Martinez


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Truth takes courage

Doesn't matter what the press says. Doesn't matter what the politicians or the

mobs say. Doesn't matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is

something right. This nation was founded on one principle above all else:

The requirement that we stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or

the consequences. When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move,

your job is to plant yourself like a tree next to the River of Truth, and

tell the whole world, "NO, YOU MOVE."

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Fiscal Cliff

Entitlement Cliff’ Threatens America

Much has been said about the “fiscal cliff” coming at the end of the year, when tax cuts are set to expire and automatic spending cuts begin, but that “pales in comparison” to the “entitlement cliff” looming for the country in coming years, a new report warns.

Entitlement spending is already so high that the cost of all entitlement programs plus interest on the debt is nearly equal to total federal revenue. That means virtually everything else the government does is being paid for with borrowed money, the report from the Institute for Policy Innovation discloses.

Entitlements include Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and means-tested welfare programs, plus veteran benefits, unemployment pay, disability pay, and more.

A number of these programs have grown substantially since President Obama took office. Medicaid has grown from 46.9 recipients to 56 million, disability beneficiaries have increased from 7.5 million to 8.8 million, and the food stamp program has grown from 32 million beneficiaries to 47 million.

All told, more than 120 million Americans receive entitlements of some kind, according to the Institute, a Texas-based think tank. Add to that an estimated 16 million new Medicaid beneficiaries resulting from Obamacare, and some 18 million people who enter the health insurance exchanges beginning in 2014.

The bottom line: For fiscal 2012, the federal government spent about $2.2 trillion of its $3.7 trillion budget on entitlement programs, while gross annual revenues stood at $2.6 trillion. Add interest on the federal debt of $220 billion to the entitlement payout, and that leaves less than $200 billion to pay for everything else, including defense, transportation, education, and homeland security. So the government makes up the shortfall by borrowing, or printing, money.

The problem will only get worse in coming years. Since 1980, Medicare and Medicaid have grown at more than 9 percent annually, and an estimated 77 million baby boomers are beginning to retire and collect Social Security.

At the same time, the pool of workers who pay for these programs is not growing. The Tax Policy Center reports that only 53 percent of households now pay both income and payroll taxes.

The Institute observes: “Attempting to collect enough money to sustain this level of entitlement spending will only result in a reduction in work effort, reduced employment opportunities, and more people moving onto entitlements.”

The Institute offers several steps necessary to deal with the growing entitlement problem. One way is to reform entitlements into real safety-net programs that help those most in need and don’t encourage continued reliance on welfare.

Another is to encourage economic growth by lowering personal and corporate income tax rates while eliminating loopholes, and lowering taxes on investment income.

Also, several programs could be transitioned into prefunded personal accounts.

The Institute’s conclusion: “Any solution that maintains the current defined-benefit structure — unless it is for a small number of the poorest Americans — is only postponing the inevitable financial day of reckoning.”

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Veterans Day

Yesterday as Kattie and I took a walk, we seen people proudly placing American flags around their yard honoring all of those who fought and died defending our freedom. Veterans day honors those who fought heroically defending Freedom and life. They risked the ultimate making sure that we don't fall to socialism, communism and tyranny.

A lot of people sensed that our country changed after 9/11, but this change began long before that terrible day in our history. In 1959 Nikita Khrushchev stated that Americans are so gullible and one day we would live under communism. He went on to say that Americans would not accept communism out right, but they would keep feeding it to us in small doses and one day we would wake up and find ourselves in communism.

Ronald Reagan said, "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same."

Khrushchev's words have come back to haunt our lives, as somewhere along the way we fell into slumber and woke up to the realization of the haunting words from both of the men above. We let it slip by and we winked at the slow and methodical changes taking place in Government that we did not want or agree to, but it was injected in small amounts into the very veins of this country until it grew into a large cancerous tumor that we now face.

The main reason we are in this fix now is we turned our backs on the very God who gave us this wonderful land. We have lost his hand of protection and his blessing he bestowed on us, because this nation went and put their Bibles away and stayed home for Sunday night football. A great American said," The cold wind we felt last Tuesday was the protective hand of God being lifted off this great nation." This is so true.

We can save this nation, but now we face a monumental task ahead of us. We can change the minds and hearts one by one as the socialist and communist did over the decades, but we have to get active and stay active in this Grassroots orginazation and hope it doesn't bring us back to civil war to root out the cancer that slowly grew on this nation, because that is a very possible reality if we don't take this seriously.


Anthony Bernard  





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Voter fraud

All , the author of the article Dee posted is asking for Patriots in the states involved to step up and initate action. It appears that those of us who do not live in those states cannot take action. At least not at the state level. If any of you are in one of those states , please, step up to the plate. Time to go work, time for action.

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The King Has No Cloths

I cast my first vote for President of the United States in 1964 for Barry Goldwater. I remember working very hard including selling six packs of AuH2O as a fundraiser. I was at the same time curious why the tepid support of the GOP hierarchy and almost no defense of their candidate from the near hysteria of the Democrat Socialist party. I later came to understand that the GOP itself had been infiltrated with the same progressive mindset as the Democrat Socialist party.


          Since that time there has been only one person I could be proud to pull the lever for and thrust my proud to be an American chest out. That was of course Ronald Regan and even he was subjected to the same tepid GOP support and near hysteria but through his strength of will alone managed to push all this aside and define a winning conservative agenda.


          During the Republican primaries, Romney and the RNC went to no limits to stifle any apparent conservative voices and during the RNC convention, the glaring absence of Sarah Palin was breath taking in overt spinelessness.


As to the 2012 general election, I was screaming at the political cowardice of Governor Romney who had opportunity after another again and again to put this Socialist movement into the dust bins of history but he (and I am presuming with the assurances of the RNC) wanted to “Play it Safe”.  I am now disgusted with all of, and anything to do with, the Regressive party and as a result I am switching my political affiliation to Independent and when and if the Tea Party ever gets it’s act together, The GOP will go the way of the Wigs.


Now we have abandoned all that was good about America and are on a one way ticket to Hell. Now is the time for me to get off this Republican Progressive (RE-Gressive) train.


This letter may or may not make it to your desk and you may or may not choose to reply, but I am by no means at the end of the line with this. My mission now is to defend my family, my home and my country from the results of so many years (at least 100 to my count) of progressive and regressive government. I know I am not alone here. My mission now is to find the others and swarm all over the thugs and cowards who now rule. It is too obvious…..


The King Has No Clothes.

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Alabama Joins Texas and Louisiana

There is a petition for the State of Alabama to secede from the Union.  Our grievances are these:

1) The Federal Government has refused to secure the country's southern border with Mexico.  Many illegal immigrants have come to Alabama causing a great burden on our welfare system that is forced upon the state by the Federal Government.

2) The President has ignored the limits placed on his office by the Constitution of the United States of America and Congress has failed to take action against him.

3) The Affordable Health Care Act (a.k.a. Obamacare) has an individual mandate that the President and the Democrat Party says is not a tax.  This makes this provision of Obamacare unconstitutional and further makes the entire bill unconstitutional.  Yet the Supreme Court upheld the individual mandate calling it a tax and saying Congress has the power to levy taxes.

4) During Congressional debates over Obamacare, polls said and many Americans wrote expressing that they did not want this bill to be passed.  Congress ignored the will of the people and passed it anyway.

The following link leads to the Petition for AL.

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I accept responsibilty , I can blame no other

I, one of the people, take responsibilty for allowing a gov to grow out of control. I take responsiblity for having been negligent in my duty to this country, to freedom. I take responsibilty for the economic crisis. I take responsiblity for having been lazy and slothful, wanting Big Bro to fix all the problems of our nation because I did not want to be bothered. I accept that responsiblity and I own this crisis. I can blame no other, no politician, no lawyer, no immigrant, no white, no black, not God, not you. I, one of the people failed in my duty to protect and defend our nation! Having accepted that responsibilty and aknowledging my own failure, I will do all that I can do to restore America, Freedom, so that future generations will be insured a free and strong America.

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4063371581?profile=originalWhat's disturbing and unforgiving about this picture?-You Decide:

Impeach Obama for Treason – Tancredo on Benghazi, Libya: “BENGHAZI AMOUNTS TO GIVING ‘AID AND COMFORT’ TO THE ENEMY!”-Posted on Gulag Bound-By Tom Tancredo-On November 5, 2012:

The four American deaths in Benghazi are a direct result of decisions and actions by President Obama that undermine the national-security interests of the United States. Those deaths may well be only a foretaste of the catastrophe awaiting the United States if Barack Hussein Obama remains in office four more years.

As we all know, Obama may be removed by a vote of the people Nov. 6. But if not, if the lapdog media succeed in hiding his malfeasance and incompetence well enough for Obama to win a narrow victory at the polls, then Congress may summon the courage to exercise its constitutional duty to impeach and remove him.

Obama’s foreign-policy disasters have not been a major focus of the presidential race, and that is unfortunate. The grave national-security issues raised in the Benghazi fiasco cannot be easily or intelligently addressed in a 30-second television spot, but they are nonetheless critical to our future safety and well-being. Obama’s pro-Islamist policies are more than mere blips on the political radar screen.

In the view of many, Obama had earned impeachment even before the Benghazi tragedy of Sept. 11. His open abuse of power in making recess appointments when the Senate was not in recess, his open defiance of Congress in his administrative amnesty for 2 million illegal aliens, his misuse of “executive privilege” in withholding documents pertaining to the illegal Fast and Furious gunwalking scandal – those actions alone qualify as impeachable offenses under the Constitution.

However, if treason is added to the mix, Congress will find it hard to shirk its duty to impeach him. The many people who think those other offenses do not rise to the constitutional standard of “high crimes and misdemeanors” will not be so charitable with regard to the crime of treason.

But when does a foreign policy “blunder” cross the line into treason? Well, maybe when it is not a blunder at all but the entirely predictable consequence of a deliberate policy that invites attack on our embassies and indeed our homeland.

The word treason means a betraying, treachery, or breach of allegiance. Article III of the U.S. Constitution defines treason against the United States to consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid or comfort. If radical Islam is a self-declared enemy of the United States, as can be easily demonstrated, Obama has certainly given them aid and comfort: Most Americans will think that welcoming the Muslim Brotherhood into the White House and appointing Muslim Brotherhood members to important posts does in fact constitute “aid and comfort.”

If the Muslim Brotherhood is not an avowed enemy of the United States, what else should we call an organization that openly and officially calls for the replacement of the U.S. Constitution by Shariah law? Apparently, an Islamist armed to the teeth must carry an al-Qaida membership card to qualify for Obama’s distrust.

Here is the brute fact of the matter. The attack on the United States consulate in Benghazi was a terrorist act. Obama’s foreign policies and decisions not only left the consulate vulnerable to attack but in fact invited the attack – and then he blamed an unknown American film for the attack and turned a blind eye on the al-Qaida allied terrorists who were responsible.

Despite the establishment media’s best efforts to protect Obama from any fallout from the Benghazi deaths, we now know that Obama and his team lied about those events.

Obama lied when he said the attack on the consulate was a spontaneous act in response to an obscure film no one in Libya had yet seen. He knew differently. He lied when he said the Libyan embassy staff had not requested additional security for its Benghazi consulate. He lied in the weeks leading up to the Benghazi attack when he said al-Qaida had been “knocked back on its heels” and is no longer a threat to the United States.

Obama’s lies about the Benghazi attack and the four American deaths are lies told to cover up not State Department “incompetence” but the predictable consequences of policies of denial, neglect and stupidity toward our nation’s enemy, radical Islam.

But here is the most damning aspect Obama’s behavior. Obama is unwilling even today to name the enemy that has declared war on the United States and to deal forthrightly with that imminent threat. Our pro-Islamist president will not name Islamism, the Muslim Brotherhood and the government of Iran as enemies of the United States even though they have declared war on us and are engaged in numerous plots to bring death and destruction to the American homeland.

Why are we so reluctant to call this by its right name – treason?

The failure in Benghazi was more than a State Department failure to provide needed security for the embassy personnel in our Libyan outpost. That failure is bad enough, but it is only part of a larger betrayal. Additional security was denied to Benghazi consulate because doing so would have been an admission that eastern Libya was under the effective control of armed militias allied with al-Qaida. Making that admission would have undermined one of the pillars of Obama’s re-election.

When the attack was under way, military assistance that was only two hours away was denied. Today’s revelation by the CIA that it sent a four-person support team from the capital, Tripoli, does not answer the question of why military backup was denied and who denied it. Sending additional CIA support to the post was admirable but was too little and too late. Why was military support at AFRICOM – less than two hours distant – denied when it was available and ready to deploy? Did Secretary of Defense Panetta consult Obama in making that decision?

The many unanswered questions about Benghazi are unanswered for only one reason: Truthful answers would embarrass Obama and jeopardize his re-election. This is election fraud conducted not from Chicago but straight from the West Wing of the White House.

Thanks to a compliant media, the American people will not have those answers in time to make an informed choice on Tuesday. It will fall to the people’s representatives in Congress to find those answers. And when the full truth is known, Congress must consider removing Barack Obama for giving aid and comfort to America’s enemies – and that is treason against the United States.”


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide: 

4063627863?profile=originalSleeping With the Devil: How The U.S. and Saudis Have Been Backing Al Qaeda!-Posted on WashingtonsBlog-OnSeptember 5, 2012:

4063627814?profile=originalObama’s Benghazi investigator tied to Libya bombing. Globalist doctrine used to depose Gaddafi’s regime!-Posted on Klein Online-By Aaron Klein-On November 2, 2012:


FL Grand Jury: OBAMA AND BIDEN: TIME TO INDICT BOTH!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On October 21, 2012:

4063627827?profile=originalAttorney Stephen Pidgeon Publishes Prime Crimes: Treason in Libya!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On November 2, 2012:

4063601410?profile=originalBenghazi: The Democratic Party Will Be Lucky if Obama Loses!-Posted on PJ Media-By Roger L Simon-On November 2, 2012:

4063443859?profile=originalThe Petition To Impeach Barack Obama Over Benghazi!

4063613204?profile=originalOBAMA INCRIMINATED IN BENGHAZI!-Posted on Big Peace-By JOEL B. POLLAK-On October 26, 2012:

4063613140?profile=originalWhite House Tries To Throw The Military Under Bus Over Benghazi!-Posted on Cowboy Byte-On October 28, 2012:

4063627877?profile=originalNAVY SEAL PAC DEMANDS CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION OF WH ON BENGHAZI!-Posted on Big Peace-By AWR HAWKINS-On November 3, 2012:

4063627894?profile=originalVideo: Benghazigate Shocker: Obama Lied! Allowed Ambassador Stevens to Die – Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer!-Posted on Before It’s News-By November 6, 2012:

4063627933?profile=originalVideo: Navy SEAL Debunks Clinton Benghazi Narrative!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On November 14, 2012:

4063627955?profile=originalVideo: Retired Navy Adm. Wants Answers On Benghazi!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On November 6, 2012:

4063628053?profile=originalVideo: Veteran Exposes Obama Cover-Up Of Benghazi!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On November 6, 2012:

4063628072?profile=originalVideo: Navy SEALs Expose Obama!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On November 6, 2012:

4063628091?profile=originalIs Obama Guilty Of War Crimes And Treason By Gifting Libya To Al Qaeda?-Posted on Western Journalism-ByBREAKING NEWS-On November 6, 2012:

4063627985?profile=originalTreason: Benghazi Revelations Could Sink Obama!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On November 7, 2012:

4063628009?profile=originalVideo: Malkin: Impeach Obama For Benghazi ‘Jihadi-Coddling’!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On November 10, 2012:

4063628157?profile=originalOBAMA IS FORMALLY AND CRIMINALLY CHARGED WITH TREASON, BY THE U.S. MILITARY!-Posted on We The People-By jcscuba-On November 8, 2012:


4063628173?profile=originalWhy Did CIA Director Petraeus Suddenly Resign … And Why Was the U.S. Ambassador to Libya Murdered?-Posted onWashingtonsBlog-On November 10, 2012:

4063628039?profile=originalVideo: The Real Reason Petraeus Resigned!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On November 10, 2012:

4063628118?profile=originalVideo: Congressman Wants Petraeus To Testify One Way Or The Other!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On November 10, 2012:

4063628134?profile=originalPetraeus Knew of Benghazi Plea for Help: ‘Writer allegedly involved with ex-CIA chief said he knew “within 24 hours” of CIA annex’s request for reinforcements!’-Posted on Irael National News-By Gil Ronen-On November 11, 2012:

4063628173?profile=originalFBI Suppressed Petraeus Scandal to Protect President!-Posted on Ronald Kessler-On November 11, 2012:

4063628147?profile=originalLindsey Graham: We Need Watergate-Type Committee to Investigate Benghazi; Petraeus Must Testify!-Posted on Terence P. Jeffrey-On November 11, 2012:

4063628216?profile=originalGeneral Allen investigated for emails to Petraeus friend: ‘Nomination to serve as top NATO commander placed on hold as investigation unfolds!’-Posted on Army Times-By Robert Burns, The Associated Press-On November 13, 2012:

4063628229?profile=originalWas Petraeus Sacrificed for Obama?-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Matthew Vadum-On November 13, 2012:

4063628312?profile=originalVideo: FOX News Confirms US Was Holding Prisoners At Benghazi Annex!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On November 13, 2012:

4063628259?profile=originalYes, the CIA does still have ‘detention authority’!-Posted on AEIdeas-By Marc Thiessen-On November 14, 2012:

4063628276?profile=originalPetraeus Scandal Means Media Can No Longer Ignore Benghazi!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Rick Esenberg-On November 14, 2012:

4063628334?profile=originalABC NEWS’ TAPPER ADMITS DERELICTION IN LIBERAL MEDIA’S FAILURE TO COVER BENGHAZI!-Posted on The Daily Pen-By Dan Crosby of The Daily Pen -On November 15, 2012:

4063628299?profile=originalFBI Dedicated Enormous Resources to Taking Down Petraeus!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Daniel Greenfield-On November 14, 2012:

4063628343?profile=originalVideo: Krauthammer: White House “Held Affair Over Petraeus’s Head”!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On November 14, 2012:

4063628456?profile=originalObama to Republicans on Benghazi: ‘Go after me’!-Posted on The Daily Caller-By Nicholas Ballasy, Senior Video Reporter-On November 14, 2012:

4063624053?profile=originalVideo: Upside Down Flag Protests Over Election Results And Benghazi!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On November 14, 2012:

4063628470?profile=originalWhite House petition for Obama impeachment tops 28,000 signatures!-Posted on The Daily Caller-By David Martosko, Executive Editor-On November 16, 2012:

4063628429?profile=originalJudge Napolitano on FBI: ‘If they can do this to David Petraeus, they can do this to anybody”!-Posted on The Daily Caller-By Matthew Boyle, Investigative Reporter-On November 15, 2012:

4063628443?profile=originalJill Khawam Kelley acted as “Go-Between” for Central Command Officers and Muslim Leaders!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Daniel Greenfield-On November 15, 2012:

4063628491?profile=originalVideo: Rival Of Petraeus Mistress May Be A Spy!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On November 17, 2012:

4063628379?profile=originalVideo: Petraeus testifies CIA’s Libya talking points were changed, lawmaker says!-Posted on November 16, 2012:

4063628386?profile=originalObama Knew Benghazi Was Terrorism Before Deploying Rice!-Posted on Big Peace-By BEN SHAPIRO-On November 16, 2012:

4063628604?profile=originalDID WHITE HOUSE JUST EXPOSE ANOTHER RICE LIE? ‘Administration’s explanation raises more questions about Benghazi!’-Posted on AARON KLEIN-On November 19, 2012:

4063628568?profile=originalPetraeus Recants Obama’s Benghazi Fiction!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Matthew Vadum-On November 19, 2012:

4063628586?profile=originalHouse Intel Chair: ‘Appointees From Administration’ Changed Rice’s Talking Points!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On November 19, 2012:

4063628617?profile=originalHERE’S HOW ALL REFERENCES TO TERRORISM WERE REPORTEDLY REMOVED FROM BENGHAZI ‘TALKING POINTS’!-Posted on The Blaze-By Erica Ritz-On November 20, 2012:

4063628639?profile=originalVideo: Obama Commits Treason With The Muslim Brotherhood!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On November 23, 2012:

4063628657?profile=originalState Department review board on Benghazi attack works in secrecy!-Posted on The Washington Times-By Guy Taylor, The Washington Times-On November 18, 2012:

4063371035?profile=originalThe Enemy From Within!!-Posted on Western Journalism-By GABOR ZOLNA-On November 26, 2012:

4063628675?profile=originalVideo: Murder by President!-Posted on WildBillforAmerica-On November 28, 2012:

4063628531?profile=originalTossing Susan Rice Under the Bus!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On November 29, 2012:

4063628544?profile=originalVideo: Benghazi Bimbo Susan Rice Has Ties To Iran!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On November 28, 2012:

4063628708?profile=originalVideo: Senator: Benghazi Will Be ‘Biggest Cover-Up In History’!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On November 29, 2012:

4063628730?profile=originalBenghazi explained: Interview with an “Intelligence Insider”!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On November 30, 2012:

4063628763?profile=originalCONGRESSMAN: MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD ADVISING OBAMA: ‘President made ‘horrendous decisions’ about Middle East revolutions!’-Posted on November 30, 2012:

4063628773?profile=originalVideo: Congressman: Muslim Brotherhood Advising Obama Admin!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On November 30, 2012:

4063628790?profile=originalBENGHAZIGATE: OBAMA ADMIN KNEW LIBYAN TERRORISTS HAD US-PROVIDED WEAPONS!-Posted on Big Peace—By BEN SHAPIRO-On December 5, 2012:

4063628810?profile=originalBENGHAZI BUNGLE AN ATTEMPT TO ADVANCE ISLAM? ‘Analyst says impromptu Obama decision twisted terror attack details!’-Posted on TAYLOR ROSE-On December 6, 2012:

4063359777?profile=originalNote: I find it interesting that General Petraeus has finally been taken down by George Soros and other leftist organizations who have no love for him or our military.  I believe that this action is only one piece of their overall agenda, which is to bring down and/or destroy our military and bring on President Obama's Private Army and/or Civilian National Security Force (e.g., Homeland Security, ObamaCare Reserve Force, etc.) that he talked about during his 2008 Presidential election campaign.  

Soros funded an unincorporated association by the name of “Peace and Security Funders Group (PSFG)”, which was established in 1999 and consists of more than 50 private and public foundations that give a portion of their $27 billion in combined assets to leftist organizations that undermine the war on terror in several interrelated ways: a) by characterizing the United States as an evil, militaristic, oppressive nation that exploits vulnerable populations all over the globe; b) by accusing the U.S. of having provoked, through its unjust policies and actions, the terror attacks against it, and consequently casting those attacks as self-defensive measures taken in response to American transgressions; c) by depicting America’s military and legislative actions against terror as unjustified, extreme, and immoral.

Additionally, since 1979, Soros’ foundation network, whose flagship is the Open Society Institute (OSI), has dispensed more than $5 billion to a multitude of organizations whose objectives are consistent with his anti-American agendas.  Some of those organizations include:  a) Amnesty International;  b) Global Exchange;  and  c) the American Friends Service Committee, which views America as the world’s chief source of international strife, has long had a friendly relationship with the Communist Party USA and is an organization that advocates America’s unilateral disarmament and/or steep reduction in its military spending; 

What follows are the sources for the above information, along with articles and/or blog posts and videos that I believe substantiate the disturbing information-You Decide: 


Funding the War Against the War on Terror!-Posted on John Perazzo –On October 6, 2006:


Guide To The George Soros Network: A Guide to The Political Left-Posted on


Wife of White House mouthpiece behind Petraeus attack: ‘Lee given new post to battle ‘negative’ reporting about president during his 2012 re-election bid’-Posted on Aaron Klein-On May 25, 2011: 

4063628867?profile=original Ad Takes Aim at Petraeus: “Ad From Liberal Activist Group Takes on Petraeus and the GOP Finds a New Talking Point”-Posted on JAKE TAPPER-On September 10, 2007:


Obama and Holder’s Hidden Agenda!-By Andy McCarthy, National Review-On November 13, 2009:


Video: Obama’s Private Army!-Posted on iFreedom4ever-On Apr 8, 2010:


Is a U.S. general losing his job over Benghazi?-Posted on The Washington Times 24/7-By James S. Robbins-On October 28, 2012:


Obama Fires Top Admiral For Advocating Libyan Rescue?-Posted on Before It’s News-On October 29, 2012:


Glenn predicted Petraeus dismissal 2 weeks ago!-Posted on Glenn Beck-On November 12, 2012:


Video: Sex, Lies, and Libya!-Posted on Glenn Beck-On November 13, 2012:


OBAMA’S FBI USES MEDIA TO SMEAR A WHISTLEBLOWER!-Posted on Cliff Kincaid-On November 21, 2012:


Video: Rep. Cummings: Petraeus scandal ‘critical moment for our military’!-Posted on The Hill-By Alicia M. Cohn-On November 13, 2012:


Who Benefits When Top Military Brass Fall!-Posted on Western Journalism-By SUSAN STAMPER BROWN-On November 14, 2012:


Obama vs. the Brass: Benghazi Cover-up, Agenda to Gut Military?-Post on The New American-By William F. Jasper-On November 14, 2012:


Video: CIA Operative Exposes White House!-Posted on Before It's News-On November 15, 2012:


Video: CIA Is Purging The U.S. Military In Globalist Coup!-Posted on Before It's News-By TheAlexJonesChannel-On November 14, 2012:


Is A Military Coup In The Works?-Posted on Before It’s News-By Jack D. Douglas-On November 15, 2012:


Video: Obama's Surprise: Martial Law Report!-Posted on PIWarsVideo-On September 5, 2012:


End Time Current Events!-Posted on Contending For Truth-By Dr. Scott Johnson-On September 2, 2012:


IS THERE A DARKER SIDE TO THE PATRAEUS SCANDAL?-Posted on Before It’s News-On November 20, 2012:


Video: Soviet Union calls Obama a Communist!-Posted on December 1, 2012:


Video: Trevor Louden: An Urgent Message for America!-Posted on keywiki-On October 18, 2012:


With Friends Like These!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Mark Tapson-On October 25, 2012:


Media Blackout: CIA director accused of links to Communist spy contact—scandal ignored!-Posted on RenewAmerica-By Wes Vernon-On June 13, 2011:


Veterans and members of our Armed Forces under attack!

4063359777?profile=originalNote: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that reveal: 1) the live presentation by Joel Gilbert, his DVD Film titled "Dreams From My Real Father," along with the newly released film titled "The Unvetted”; 2) the Islamic infiltration inside our government armed with our secrets, to include the President's secret link to Hamas; the Islamic infiltration inside our military; 3) the Communist infiltration inside our government, to Include President Obama's secret link to Communists; the George Soros connection, to include the shared agendas of George Soros and the President; and 4) the President's secret CIA connection/link, along with the disastrous results of these infiltrations, links and connections, which I believe relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide: 


The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 1): 

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 2):

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 3):

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 4):

4063359777?profile=originalNote: My following blog posts relate to this disturbing & time sensitive issue-You Decide:


Hold Obama Accountable For Libya!


2000 Dead Soldiers and Obama Can Still Do No Wrong!


Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!


Is Israel the next Arab Facebook Campaign?


Communist Party Leader: Obama Victory “Dawn of a New Era”!


An Open Letter To Communist Valerie Jarrett!


Just Happened!


The Question of Obama’s Legitimacy Will NOT Go Away With a Change of Office!




Is it time to call for Obama’s resignation!


Washington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!’s-impeachment/

4063359777?profile=originalNoteThe following videos seem extremely appropriate today: 



A Republic, If You Can Keep It!


Freedom Isn’t Free:


I Stand For America!


The Fightin Side of Me!


Video: Obama, the Final Straw!


We Are The Resistance-Keep Blogging, Exposing and Pursue Treason Charges!


Declaration to Restore the Republic!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”


God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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Obama's Black vote numbers indicate we've decided racial bloc voting isn't confined to 60s era White Citizens Councils.


In the best tradition of segregation era Democrats, Blacks have decided Obama's pigment trumps appalling lack of performance.

Echoes of our jubilation over the OJ Simpson verdict just crossed my mind. Sadly, many have fully committed ourselves to payback politics.
I doubt any of his followers have given race relations a second thought. The message to White conservatives is especially stark- as stark as the reception civil rights workers of all colors got decades ago.
Now the mob mentality and blatant bigotry is committed by those who look like me. Some progress.
Congratulations folks, you've become real Democrats: a bigoted herd hellbent upon trampling anyone socialist shepards aim you against!
You've integrated partisan intolerance and outdone whatever Republican racists you can cite. 
Since Black now equals four more years of Obama, I've decided my ethnicity is better described as, " Bold " from now on.
If more American Blacks were Bold they would have voted against Obama's horrible track record. Were more of us Bold, Democrats wouldn't own our ballot nation wide.
I've always been a Bold American, expressing and defending my individualism.
I thought one could be both Bold and Black.
Apparently not.     
Cap Black, The Hood Conservative & One Man Tea Party. asks:
" When will Black folks be Bold again?"
(504) 214-3082
Help Cap Black Promote Patriotism! 
" Be your OWN Superhero!"  
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4063627637?profile=originalDo you truly believe that conservatives in Ohio, Florida, Colorado, Virginia or any other state in America were just too, too far to the right for Mitt Romney or any Republican to win? The notion is incredibly meritless on its face. The facts are quite simple. Obama saw a drop of nine million plus voters from his 2008 vote totals for president. 1.6 million less blacks voted for him than did in 2008 as well.

The true fact is that Romney received nearly 2 million less votes from conservatives than Senator John McCain did in 2008. The truth appears to be that more conservatives have to be brought to the election table and for the right reasons.

Already there are apologists in the republican establishment who are straining their neck to receive the nod of approval from mainstream media pundits and the alphabet soup networks. Their goal is to toss conservatives under the bus.

Liberal pundits like MSNBC Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow and Al Sharpton are crowing over the thug-in-chief behavior of Obama and his Chicago campaign street crew. They believe it is permissible to attack, demean and destroy republicans and Tea Party candidates because, after all those Republicans and those Tea Party people are “not decent, and are racist!”

Instead, these pathetic pundits were very desperate to showcase on as many network broadcasts as humanly possible the bowing and scraping of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. They could not wait to display for the nation Christie’s love fest adoration for Obama over a Hurricane Sandy photo-op. This is the picture that liberals want conservatives to change into.

If that were to happen in some alternative universe, the reality still will remain the same. The liberals and mainstream media will still demonize Republican and Tea Party candidates, but they will repeatedly kick their butt with a smile. Meanwhile in New Jersey, hundreds of thousands of people still are cold, without food, housing or power. Where is Obama’s promise of a15 minute phone call response for those who are suffering in worse than Hurricane Katrina conditions?

Ahhh yes. Phones must not work in the White House. Conservatives should be good little boys and girls and take a long walk off a short pier just like Governor Christie did in selling out his state for a disingenuous smile from Obama. The commander of stealth also threw in a Bruce Springsteen phone call for Christie too. 30 pieces of silver would have gotten him a lot more.

              ( read more )

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Obama Brings UN’s Gun-Grabbing Resolution to Limelight


This is very serious.  Please do not take lightly the resolve from the United Nations and our own left to eventually turn us into England where don't have gun rights.


We absolutely must stand against this and any other crap they drive down our throats about being "reasonable".


Gun control is not about guns--it is about controlling you.  Gun control has never worked, anywhere.  Our safest cities and states are those with the least restrictive gun laws.  These are undisputed facts rather than the lies you will hear from Obama and the media.


Go to if you want to begin fact checking.  Link to the FBI Crime Staistics reports, Google what happened in England or Australia.  There are several YouTube videos of Brits and Aussies bemoaning how they were taken in by "reasonable" gun control that morphed into total confiscation. Rest assured that your ideological enemies fully understand their limits as long as America retains it 2nd Amendment rights.


The election is over.  I'm not happy with the outcome, but I cannot change it.  I don't care to argue about who you voted for or why.  I am warning you of some of the consequences.  This is not some "chicken little" the sky is falling or a "boy crying wolf".  This is a very real agenda that we can never give an inch.  Once you give an inch, it's like letting the camel get his nose under the tent; you'll soon have the whole camel to deal with.


The NRA, JPFO, and a number of other organizations are fighting for our rights.  We have to join them, support them, write/call congress and tell them where we stand.  We must be unrelenting or you, your children, and subsequent generations will never know liberty.

PLEASE TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY.  Do your own research.  Hillsdale College offers a free on-line course on the Constitution--EXCELLENT!  JPFO has a number of FREE educational videos regarding our constitutional rights under the 2nd Amendment as well as what have been the historic reasons and results of gun control.



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Mike Massey shared The Federalist Papers's photo.

The death of Journalism started with oBUMa's 1st Campaign where ironically, dead people(brought 2u by ACORN &  others) got him fraudulently elected in 2008. R.I.P. real media, thinking minds miss you so much. It was replaced with  the  "Lame with NO SHAME BOUGHT & PAID FOR oBUMa MOUTH PIECES", which is also ironic because everything these oBUMa MOUTH PIECES say come straight from their A$$!  So it now falls upon real Americans to become the new media.  This means introducing old but Real American concepts:

1. Telling the truth

2. No Fear

3. Never Sellout!

4. Always Speak Out

5. Realize that criticism by the sheep that believe if they are told something enough times it must be true no matter how absurd it is, are going to criticize you.

6.  Speaking the truth will draw the race card when ironically the ones claiming racism are in most cases the racist, they think you will cower to this as so many others have.

7.  A racist is one of the lowest forms of life, if you are a racist please don't write, your party is the left if you are a racist.

8.  Have a thick skin and know that if you can just get one person to think on their own instead of being a mindless sheep drone.  You have done your job and can live with the insults of the racists, Lib Losers and Demodestructionist that are surely coming.

9.  Exploit every lie, apology or weakness that is written, spoken or inflicted  about or on our Great Nation!

10. The oBUMaDamnation  Corporation is going full speed ahead by causing jobs to go overseas, energy dependence, weakening our defense, strengthening terrorist, loss of jobs, lowering morale and hope for the greatest Nation on earth. 

11. Our job is to save our Country, with words of Truth, Prayers to GOD from the heart, Not accepting this path to Socialistic Failure that oBUMa can't wait for us to become.

12.  Acceptance is not an option, I'm not talking violence, the only way to turn this around is to bring to light every lie and to expose every corruption. 

13.  We will get the Real Media back by becoming that media and letting the sheep become thinking minds again, by offering them  the truth, and that it is okay to believe the truth.

14. Then and Only then will we return to the Greatest GOD Loving Nation on Earth! 

Here's another page you might like: Boycott the Main Stream Media and their Advertisers - Please visit this page, click "like" and then share this post with your friends! Together we can make a difference!!
Boycott the Main Stream Media and their Advertisers - visit this page, click "like" and then share this post with your friends!Together we can make a difference!!" src="" width="403" height="403" />
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Life in College as a Tea Party Patriot

Brace yourselves, the tax hikes are coming. What does this mean for us? Is he raising the taxes on all tax payers? Well if so, he is an idiot. When a country is in a recession, raising taxes is the last thing he should do. But people have their palms out demanding more. So the hard working people who create jobs are being punished. I see a dark, impoverished country ahead. Hopefully it will stop. But we live in Bizarro World so what is wrong is right and what is right is wrong. Thankfully, history has proven that after times of hardship, good times are awaiting. Just time will tell.
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Inner-City Housing Block (© Alex MacLean)
The Black Democrat Coalition is a startling sight!
There are Obama phone ladies elbowing crack heads out of the way in neighborhoods more dangerous than Baghdad.
Maybe the view improves when we look toward the middle class Black liberals who love Obama phone ladies and crack heads so much they live miles away from them!
"Between 2005 and 2009, the year the Great Recession officially ended, the average black household’s wealth fell by more than half, to $5,677, even as their white peers held about $113,000 in assets. Nearly one-quarter of African-Americans have no assets besides a car,"
Nope, not looking much better there either.  The same article in states, according to a, "...Pew report released in July ( 2012), nearly 70 percent of blacks raised in families at the middle of the wealth ladder fall to the bottom two rungs as adults.  
Hmm, looks like Black professional's kids have a great shot at becoming Obama phone ladies and crack heads.
Wow, what a beautiful picture,
This is what Black progressives and their pale Politburo offer: the chance to vote to be a slave with no quality of life.
This is an even more bitter irony given our ancestors were forced to be slaves. They didn't run to the polling place to elect "massa" and brutal overseers.
It seems Black America can anticipate another term producing even more Obama phone ladies; unemployed thugs; crack heads and Black professionals on economic life support.
"Progress" like this is fatal! The Black Middle Class Is Vanishing Under Obama -Trifecta, PJTV
Cap Black, The Hood Conservative & One Man Tea Party. asks:
" When will we march against the free party ( Democrats)?"
(504) 214-3082
Help Cap Black Promote Patriotism! 
" Be your OWN Superhero!"
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“ Obama Wins ! Is The Answer Revolution, Civil War or Jesus ? “

“ Obama Wins ! Is The Answer Revolution, Civil War or Jesus ? “
So here we are....
Obama wins the Presidency of the United States Of America once again. As some blog article writers and journalists are already laying blame on Romney's failure to get in to the White House on such matters as “voter fraud”, the “new Black Panther group members”, the “Liberal media” and a whole host of other matters not the reason....Obama will remain the President of the so called United States of America. That is the bottom line....Obama remains and no one, but no one can change that fact, minus an act of God himself in removing him.
I know what I am about to share will turn a lot of people off but it all must be said. We must all now recognize that what the majority of American's wanted...they got it. Obama by cheating or in real votes -gained, has won. If there was cheating, lying and or voter fraud, very few are going to go after those who have violated the election laws. I haven't heard one Republican politician or legislator going after Obama in court trying to reverse the election decision, have you ? Nope, not a Obama is here to stay.
The reality is, while many Americans are walking around with our heads up our clouds, evil runs a muck. That's the problem here in the US of A, people who wanted to compromise and vote in their Mormon cult RINO lost and instead of doing what's right long ago in demanding a better run of candidates from the Republican Party elites, settled for evil. I mentioned this many times over well before the election and all I got was people mad at me and deleting me from being so called “friends” on social media sites. Well guess what, you can ignore all the Biblical Truth you want but that doesn't change what needed to be done then and what is needed now to clean up this nation.
That Biblical Truth I just mentioned---matters. We have three choices in getting this nation back as I ee it. First, we can either have a wide spread revolution against our evil and corrupt government, or secondly; we can have an outbreak of civil war... the US and it's State's Governments(a large percentage of the US Military)along with the Liberals, Communist and Socialists verses the Conservatives, True Christians and perhaps some Libertarians... both ideas resulting in many body bags filled or, the third and most effective way and by the far the most peaceful, we can get our nation back through repentance and accepting Jesus Christ as Lord/Saviour of our lives and King of our nation.
Killing one another is the easiest solution believe it or not. The ways of the “flesh” are always easiest. Practically anyone can pick up a gun and shoot it. It takes a man and woman of deep conviction as well as concern for more than “self” to say “I was doing life all wrong” then pick up the cross of Christ and follow Him. Yepper, that's the much harder route because “self” is put last, not first. In fact “self” is just what got this nation in trouble to begin with if Americans can ever get honest and real with them selves. Folks got dependent on political party's rather than Jesus Christ. There's a statement for you huh ? Guilty as charged ? Well---maybe you're not there yet.
My friends, forget about our National Anthem with the words; “...home of the brave.” The only brave people left in our nation are like the few in our military who still believe in God of the Bible, the men and women who have not divorced their spouses and the extreme few politicians who will not compromise on Biblical principles. There are not many of us brave souls left. Most Americans have compromised their Biblical beliefs(were they ever real Christians to begin with ?) and the day is becoming increasingly into night here and around the world. Folks who have been hiding in their church buildings for years will soon be dragged out to their death by the homosexuals, the socialists, or the police and our own US Military. Like wise,we will soon see Feminists cutting open pregnant women’s uterus' right out on the street killing unborn children and their mothers for all to witness, and peadophiles will be surely be granted lawful permission to grab and rape any child they want and any parent or adult trying to prevent it will be arrested and jailed on site by the police(for we know the vast majority of police love their paycheck much more than the US Constitution already).
Think that what I share here will never happen ? Then you are willfully blind as well as foolish. The day and hour of this nation already belongs to the devil-God allowed the hearts of Americans to keep evil Obama for God's purposes. You may enjoy Fox News or any number of so called “Conservative pundits” who write their journalistic opinions in various paper or on-line newspapers but they cannot rescue this nation nor give you proper perspective on why our nation is dying and how to really get America back. Ideas on how to gain our nation back from evil can all be floated around all day long, and they have been voiced over and over and over again up to this very day by many so called “conservatives” but the fact remains...unless that “idea” includes a 100 percent surrender to Jesus Christ, America will soon completely cease to exist.
Ask yourself today these series of important questions---Have we as American's not had enough of evil ? Have we not woken up to the idea that we really do need to do things God's way as He has commanded ? Has not America already suffered enough ? Can this nation really survive on humanistic and secular ideals ? Before you answer... first, take a good hard look at Europe. We are heading to be like the next Greece, the next France and Obama as well as his supporters will ensure that when they die, they will take all of us to the grave with them. Is that truly what you want America ??... to go to your grave and be dead forever ? I surely hope not but without Jesus Christ of the Bible(no, not as the false wolves you see so often on TV proclaim or perhaps attend and hear at their religious buildings currently), there is no hope.
I am in no way saying to put away our guns, not in protecting our children and family from evil but those efforts made are only with the flesh...carnal weapons. We all need to realize what will really work in getting America back... All must pick and choose Jesus Christ. If you so desire; continue to ignore me, hate me, delete me but you can't delete the Biblical Truth no matter how hard you try. Bible Scripture or American Founding father quotes on your “Facebook wall” is not going to do a dern thing seeing America restored. The bottom line is you have two choices in getting America back and it will take all action(not just prayers or words) that is either through massive spilled blood and death everywhere OR through the only peaceful means... through widespread repentance and salvation through Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Some may tell you out of their own religious ignorance that it's to late--- we all just should just give up, wait for Jesus' return and pray only because “we are all doomed.” Nothing in the Bible declares such things. Our job is not to hide, our job is to share Biblical Truth and be the light of Jesus irregardless of our circumstances. There may be one more revival before we all go before the Lord in Judgment, you will never know though however if you follow the plans of the devil and follow further into carnal and man made ways.
God's plan is the perfect plan in restoring America(2Chronicles 7:14). As I have made myself available many times in the past, I am willing to travel if necessary to those groups that wish to hear the Gospel message, I pray if you are a true believer in Jesus Christ, you are willing to do the same.
So pick and choose very carefully America. Not only does your very soul count on your decision, but so also the life of your neighbors and nation !
Pastor Paul Waldmiller~Black Robe Regiment Pastor
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