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What Color Is Liberty?


American Blacks are taught by liberals to wield our past like a weapon against fellow Americans. Opposing real racism isn't the issue.

The heroism and constitutional valor of old school liberals like Charles Hamilton Houston and Thurgood Marshall sets the tone of my response to real racism as a de facto conservative.
We use the law and moral suasion to beat this serpent back into the civic hole it crawled out of.
They didn't spend their careers attacking every White person for the sins of a few.
Why should we, who never suffered Jim Crow, be so blindly embittered toward the good America offers, White folks included.
Race relations hinges precariously upon president Obama's re-election chances. I've heard rumors Left and Right about potential ghetto riots and military coups.   
We should resolve to be better Americans in the face of such historic uncertainty. 
Inner city Obama loyalists should carry Dr. King's non-violent standard to urban hot spots and remind them that whatever progress American Blacks have came through principled reform like his- not mob rule.
Patriots in the armed services should carry the constitution to their peers and remind them of their sacred duty to obey the orders of civilian authority- even if they don't like the current commander-in-chief.
We are not some banana republic where overthrowing government lurks whenever ranking military officers have too much time on their hands.   
We don't need the Hood nor service personnel waging war against America. Doing so means disloyalty to our country in her greatest hour of need.
I'm not saying be yes men. I am asking all of us, regardless of party, philosophy or pigment, to say, " Yes! " to the peaceful transfer of power which has made us the envy of the world.
Since race is the volatile variable in Election 2012 it's fair to ask:
What color is liberty?
Look in the mirror.  
Cap Black, The Hood Conservative
(504) 214-3082
Help Cap Black Promote Patriotism! 
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Obama, a REAL teachable moment!


A teachable moment Mr. President!
Photo of my father, Lee Phillips. He could hardly stand for this photo because of wounds not as visible as his hands, WWII, Solomon Islands, Eighth Engineers. He was in the critical care unit when he volunteered to raise funds for the war effort.
Obama, just posted this so maybe someone would show you what "real" Americans paid for this country. You might also learn what a real man is. I hope this makes clear why I disrespect a little punk who still sucks on a pacifier. This is "service to one's country" know now why I get sick every time I hear you or some congressman say "I served".
Art Phillips (Elevengun)

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Chicago Schools Bribing Trifling Parents

Chicago Public Schools Parents

When government has to bribe parents to get their children's report cards it shows just how low some have sunk.

This is happening in the president's hometown of Chicago, where $25 Walgreens gift cards are dangled to entice parents into getting their kids report cards and attending parent-teacher conferences.
When parents are that disinterested in their children it's unfair to blame school systems or society.
The old school Black diagnosis of this behavior is called, "trifling."
Trifling behavior was the ultimate condemnation in the Hood BC ( Before Crack ). It meant a total failure of self-respect and embarrassment to the community.
Parents should be ashamed to have to be bribed to act like parents. But, liberals have produced this inert class who only respond to government incentives. 
Such neglect gives rise to parental responsibility ordinances where fines and possible arrest are imposed upon trifling parents.
It goes without saying Chicago's public school system is majority Black. Once again,  inner city dysfunction is again the culprit.
In the 1990s, Newt Gingrich once floated a residential group home idea where urban youth would be raised apart from the waste lands they inhabit.
Liberal out cry was loud and immediate but the fact remains, when parents refuse to parent and inflict illiterate, violent off spring upon society, what are we to do? 
Somewhere between penalties and group homes may lie the answer.
The fact that parents even participate in such an embarrassing program tells you how trifling many are in zip codes 
where trifling behavior amounts to a death sentence!
Cap Black, The Hood Conservative
(504) 214-3082
Help Cap Black Promote Patriotism! 
"BE your OWN Superhero!"
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How desperate is hurricane-ravaged New Jersey? Not desperate enough to suspend a union monopoly that keeps the state in thebottom ten states for economic competitiveness (and #48 forbusiness friendliness). Relief crews from Alabama who were specifically called to New Jersey found themselves diverted to Long Island, NY after they arrived because they use non-union labor. Alabama is a right-to-work state.

WAFF-TV of Hunstville, AL reports:

Crews from Huntsville, as well as Decatur Utilities and Joe Wheeler out of Trinity headed up there this week, but Derrick Moore, one of the Decatur workers, said they were told by crews in New Jersey that they can't do any work there since they're not union employees....

Understandably, Moore said they're frustrated being told "thanks, but no thanks."

With so much at stake--and lives still in danger--it would seem logical to tell special interests to step aside.

On Wednesday, while visiting cleanup efforts in New Jersey in the company of Gov. Chris Christie, President Barack Obama vowed: "We are not going to tolerate red tape, we are not going to tolerate bureaucracy."

Unless, of course, that red tape is enforced by Obama's union cronies. Then stranded residents have to wait

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Be Encouraged!


Howdy all!  Well, we are at the final weekend of ads, bickering, and name calling.  Who would have thought that We the People would be inundated with such childish behavior from grown men.  And the women as well!  I know this election is more important than any other we have experienced in our life time.  But, reeeeealllly!!

So, let’s see what we can see,..

But from there you will search again for the Lord your God. And if you search for him with all your heart and soul, you will find him. ~ Deuteronomy 4:29

All see, and most admire, the glare which hovers round the external trappings of elevated office. To me there is nothing in it, beyond the lustre which may be reflected from its connection with a power of promoting human felicity." --George Washington, letter to Catherine Macaulay Graham, 1790

We may never find the person that George describes.  Lord only knows we want that kind of person.  Can anyone running for President meet these criteria?  ABSOLUTELY!  They only have to follow George’s lead.  So, why can’t we find them?  Well, we only look at those who try to run.  300 million plus, and the stage is full with 9 people.  That’s 0.000003 percent of our population.  We only look at the small percentage of Americans who say they are willing to meet the expectations of We the People.  That means the best choice for us is not necessarily on the ballot.  So, we need to choose who ON the ballot is best.  Today’s verse from Deuteronomy may help here.  If you search for him with all your heart, you will find him.  The best for us all may not be on the ballot.  But those on the ballot have their own unique abilities which may be a great fit for the job.  And they could learn!  Wouldn’t that be a twist! 

What to do; pray.  Pray in the manner of your beliefs.  Use Deuteronomy 4:29 as a guide.  You will be glad you did, and your choice will be the wisest you have ever made.  This goes equally for all of the choices you have to make.

Take care, God bless and especially at this time in history,


Tom Kiley

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Romney Rising

In Ohio, voting machines are changing a vote cast for Mitt Romney to Barack Obama.

Maybe that is what the “progressive” Democratic Party needs to combat lower voter turnout for the Democratic ticket.

4063619218?profile=originalFor “progressive” Democrats and their much heralded ground game, which in early voting has not been as effective as advertised, perhaps their real problem is that more voters trust Mitt Romney to break gridlock in Washington DC.

Polls have consistently shown that the enthusiasm, which was so strong for “progressive” Democrats in 2008, has switched sides. The Tea Party generated momentum and enthusiasm that appeared in 2010 has carried over into 2012 and is working in favor of Romney/Ryan and the Republicans.

Perhaps that two thirds of the meager number of jobs created during Obama’s four years in office having gone to both legal and illegal immigrants is the problem.

Said Steven A. Camarota, research director at The Center for Immigration Studies:

“It’s extraordinary that most of the employment growth in the last four years has gone to the foreign-born, but what’s even more extraordinary is the issue has not even come up during a presidential election that is so focused on jobs.”

Obama’s record on the economy is dismal, which is why he and his campaign team have focused so much energy and invested so much money in attempts to distract voters away from the economy and the tens of millions of Americans who cannot find a decent job to much more important matters like big bird, binders and bayonets.

According to Obama, David Axelrod and other “progressive” Democrats, women far less concerned with a lack of jobs, the price of groceries, escalating energy prices and economic uncertainty than they are with receiving $120 a year worth of birth control pills from the government.

There is more news for “progressive” Democrats.

The latest surge in financial support and months of spending restraint means the Republican National Committee is flush with cash- $68 million as of Oct. 17th.

That is nearly seven times what the Democratic National Committee has left.

The cash on hand difference allows Romney to ramp up the scale of his campaign in the final days, spending far more heavily on ads, mailers and telemarketers. This reinforces the momentum Romney has enjoyed since the first presidential debate on October 3rd.

Republicans started making a play for Pennsylvania this week, forcing “progressive” Democrats to spend their dwindling resources in response.

The new Pennsylvania push is a sign that Obama’s candidacy is waning and Romney is on the rise.

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When he is confronted about the failed green-energy loan program, President Obama deflects blame—pointing to “career bureaucrats” in the Department of Energy (DOE) who supposedly approved the loans that have become an embarrassment to the White House. 


For months, along with researcher Christine Lakatos, I’ve been reporting on, first, the junk-bond rated projects (such as Solyndra) that received fast-tracked approval from the DOE and, then the failed and troubled stimulus funded companies. Solyndra was just the tip of the iceberg. 

Embarrassment after embarrassment has come to light as the projects touted as the hope for America’s future have filed for bankruptcy, sent money and jobs overseas, and faced technical difficulties.

According to GAO March 2012 statistics (and emphasized in the June 19th Congressional hearing), "For the 460 applications to the Loan Guarantee Program (LGP), DOE has made loan guarantees for 7 percent and committed to an additional 2 percent."

And of the 26 projects that got the loans, 22 were junk-bond rated—meaning private investors wouldn’t fund them. So why did we, the taxpayers?

Of the 26 loans issued through just the 1705 LGP to 21 firms, virtually all of them have meaningful political ties (bundlers, donors, supporters, etc). Our research showed that at least 90% of the projects had close ties to the White House and other high ranking Democrats. Despite the obvious connection, President Obama has repeatedly denied any involvement—preferring to blame “career bureaucrats” who could take the fall with no political consequence.

In March, Energy Secretary Steven Chu, testified that, “We looked at the loans on their own merits.” Also, back in November 2011, he said: “I am aware of no communication from White House to Department of Energy saying to make the loan or to restructure.”

Just last week, on October 26, President Obama affirmed Chu’s position when he said: “Decisions made in the loan program office are decisions, by the way, that are made by the Department of Energy, they have nothing to do with politics.”

However, late Wednesday, the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform released a new report of “over 150 emails that contradict statements by the President, Secretary Chu, and White House and DOE officials.” The emails reveal a series of questionable practices, including coercion, cronyism and, cover ups.

The Committee has been asking for the emails and additional testimony since the Solyndra story broke in September of 2011, but the DOE has been refusing to cooperate. Emails were finally leaked from former DOE employees. Some of the incriminating evidence includes the following:


  1. From an email dated March 1, 2010 from David Schmitzer, DOE LPO Director of Loan
    Origination to LPO Credit Advisor McCrea and others: “Jonathan just said at our staff meeting that, opposite the message received on Thursday, AREVA is now a “go” (seems on Friday POTUS himself approved moving it ahead).”
  2. From an email dated June 25, 2010, LPO Executive Director Jonathan Silver encourages LPO Credit Advisor Jim McCrea to remind a Treasury official of White House Interest in now bankrupt Abound Solar: "You better let him know that WH wants to move Abound forward. Policy will have to wait unless they have a specific policy problem with abound.”
  3. From an email dated September 9, 2010 from LPO Credit Advisor McCrea to
    DOE contractor Brian Oakley: "Pressure is on real heavy on SF [Shepherds Flat] due to interest from VP.”

These emails are just a snippet of the 150 emails we are reviewing as a part of the just-released report. We have reported on each of the projects listed above and will report further.

We know that the Obama Administration operates from a “culture of corruption,” now we see that there is also a culture of deception within the White House walls. The White House green lies are bigger than innocent, little white lies; they are expensive green lies that have produced $34.7 billion in red ink for the taxpayers.

The Obama green energy program is the largest, most expensive, and deceptive case of crony capitalism in American history.


Back Story

As I was busy being "proud of myself" for making it on The Daily Caller (October 30th) with a "hit" piece featuring my "Obama Green-Energy Failures," I heard Newt Gingrich "On the Record with Greta Van Susteren” (Fox News Channel). Lo and behold, Gingrich had this to say, after noting that the rumor [more incriminating Benghazi emails were forthcoming], if true, would have a substantial impact on the presidential election, Gingrich pointed to another possible “October surprise” in the coming days.

“The other big story, I think, that is going to break is on corruption and extraordinary waste in the solar power grants and direct involvement by the Obama White House, including the president, in the solar panel grants involving billions of dollars, and I suspect that’s going to break Wednesday and Thursday of this week,” Gingrich added.


The next day, I received the above bombshell Intel in my inbox around 4:30 PM, and I was immediately in contact with Marita via emails, text, and on the phone –– thus we threw up this breaking news at [Emails Catch White House Lie on Green-Energy Loans], divulging just a snippet of data into the 150 internal emails released by the House Oversight Committee on October 31, 2012: Emails Contradict President Obama, Administration Officials on Energy Dept. Loan Program.



Besides the obvious contradictions, coercion, and cover up, since April this year, we had already chronicled many of the green-energy, crony-corruption stories –– the driving forces behind the majority of the loans that flew out of the DOE. In fact the three firms/projects found in the "smoking gun" emails released by the House Oversight Committee –– that we decided to highlight in our breaking story –– we had already reported on since April 2012.


AREVA acquired Ausra Inc.* –– $2 billion (covered in my 2010 Green Corruption piece, and then again October 7, 2012 with Marita in our Romney to Obama: “You Pick the Losers." column

In March 2010, this Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers (KPCB) investment that “develops and deploys utility-scale solar technologies,” was acquired by AREVA Inc, the French state-owned nuclear giant. Two months later, in May of 2010, the DOE offered AREVA Enrichment Services, LLC a conditional commitment for a $2 billion loan guarantee (from the 1703 LGP) to support the Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility in Idaho Falls, Idaho. As rumors of AREVA “suspending its Idaho uranium enrichment plant” circulated in late 2011, AREVA CEO Luc Oursel did confirm: “the company has been hit by financial problems that will affect the Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility and others worldwide.” Further, according to John Stossel's Green Energy Myth July 2012 tally, “Shareholders of AREVA lost over 60% of their money last year [2011]. Why did we enrich the French? Who knows, but it's awfully fishy when we find our usual green cronyism suspects hovering around "government green" like vultures—Kleiner Perkins, where John Doerr and Al Gore are both partners and 2008 Obama supporters. Meanwhile billionaire John Doerr –– considered "a very big-ticket Obama donor" by New York Magazine –– influenced the 2009-stimulus, sits on the president's job council, and in February 2011 hosted a star-studded billionaire Silicon Valley dinner for the president. He just so happened to rake in billions of stimulus money for his KPCB clean-energy portfolio, including Fisker Automotive listed above. Other investors in Ausra close to Obama are Khosla Ventures and Gore's Generation Investment Management firm, but let's leave those cans of worms closed for now. 

 Ausra Connections:

  • As mentioned Kleiner Perkins as well as Al Gore's Generation Investment Management firm (GIM) also tied to the Spanish company Abengoa that received more than $2.8 billion in loans and grants—making them the second largest recipient of the $16 billion doled out through the DOE 1705 loan guarantee program.
  • Khosla Ventures, where billionaire Vinod Kholsa, another big VC winner in the green taxpayer funded giveaway, that includes Ausra (listed here), Coskata that snagged a $250 million DOE loan as well as Nordic WindPower (also a Goldman Sachs investment) for $16 million, plus more. Vinod Khosla, an affiliated partner of Kleiner Perkins, whose firm Khosla Ventures has also invested in some of the same companies as Kleiner Perkins, which include; AltaRock Energy Inc., $25 million grant from the stimulus; Amyris Biotechnologies, $25 million grant from the stimulus; and Mascoma Corporation has received state and federal grants from the DOE since 2006, totaling over $170 million and as recent as 2008, received another $49.5 million in funding from the DOE and the state of Michigan. According to Scwheizer's Throw Them All Out, "Kholsa had been the head of Obama's India Policy Team during the 2008 election and contributed to Democratic candidates. 

Abound Solar* (covered in my July 25, 2012 piece, and then again with Marita in our September 30, 2012 Obama Never Admits Green Failure column)


Received part of a $60 million grant under the Bush administration, and was awarded a $400 million loan under Obama in December of 2010. Abound was awarded a $9.2-million loan from the Export-Import Bank in July 2011. Bankrupt: June 2012


President Obama, in July 2010, praised Abound Solar, which was to make advanced solar panels in two locations: Colorado and Indiana. He believed these plants would be huge job creators: “2000 construction jobs and 1500 permanent jobs.” In December 2011, CEO Craig Witsoe called Abound Solar the “anti-Solyndra” saying that his company “doing well and growing.” However, just months after that optimistic report, Abound Solar filed bankruptcy—blaming cheap imports from China. Todd Shepherd, an investigative reporter for Colorado Watchdog found that “Abound’s problems appear to have been rooted in the quality of its own products, the competitiveness of the business model, and its inability to retain top talent.”


Abound Solar UPDATES


Abound Connections
Those that gained financially and politically:

  • 2008 billionaire heiress Pat Stryker, early investor in Abound (then AVA); 2008 Obama bundler and Democrat donor (and Obama donor for 2012)
  • Democratic Congressman Paul Kanjorski’s nephew Russell
  • Then-Colorado Democratic Congresswoman Betsy Markey (tied to cap-and-trade) 
  • At the state level, then Democratic Colorado Governor Bill Ritter strongly supported Abound Solar and its application for a DOE loan guarantee, gave letter to Secretary Chu.
  • Republican ties: Abound Solar is also backed by Invus Public Equities Advisors LLC, which was co-founded by Raymond Debbane, who has donated to Republican candidates including Representative Darrell Issa. Also, Abound, formerly known as AVA Solar won part of a $60 million grant under the Bush administration.

Shepherds Flat* (I covered in my July 2012 piece entitled, General Electric Making “Bank” off Obama's “Green” Stimulus Money; Over $3 Billion and Counting


General Electric, CEO Jeffrey Immelt, Chair of Obama’s Job Council and the Billions They Raked in Through the 2009 Obama Stimulus Package 

Whereas General Electric (GE) is a heavy donor to
both Republicans and Democrats, and Immelt himself "plays the role of typical corporate donor who hedges his bets on both sides of the fence," in 2008, GE gave the Obama campaign $529,855, marking them a top Obama donor. Nevertheless, GE is a major player on the clean-energy scene as well as in this green energy scheme. Even The New York Times recognized GE’s “green power,” noting that in 2009, GE lobbied Congress to help expand the “clean-energy subsidy programs, and it now profits from every aspect of the boom in renewable-power plant construction,” including “hundreds of millions in contracts to sell its turbines to wind plants built with public subsidies.” In fact, you'll be "blown away" by the billions of "wind energy grants" that blew out of the stimulus package back in February 2010, of which GE is contracted to at least 26% of them as the "Turbine Manufacturer."

In late 2009,
it was reported that GE became "one of the newer smart meter players," and that they "had been working with utility Oklahoma Gas & Electric on a 6,600 smart meter trial, and had procured "a contract with Pepco Holdings (PHI)," which received Smart Grid Investment Grants totaling $168 million. GE also has a big contract with Florida Power and Light," also the recipient of a $200 million stimulus grant.

Yet, this is just the beginning of the GE "green bucks"...

a recent "news flash" was published by the Republican National Committee, confirming via that "General Electric received over $1.2 billion worth of stimulus loan guarantees, awards, contracts and grants" (the majority of which were for renewable energy projects), they missed billions more. Two large 1705 loan guarantees that I had outlined in April of this year, as well as a forthcoming $490 million cash grant and a $54.6 million loan from the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA). Add in some smaller government subsidies and awards for a multitude of green projects, programs, and through some of their "green alliances," that I found during my 2011 research, and GE's "green tab" exceeds $3 billion in direct (some indirectly) taxpayer cash, and counting. ;

Let's take a look at GE's two projects from the
1705 Loan Guarantee Program, both of which are included the DOE's risky investment portfolio.

  • 1366 Technologies Inc, Rating B by Fitch, Sept 2011 –– $150 million
  • Caithness Shepherds Flat, LLC –– Rating BBB- by Fitch; Oct 2010 for $1.04 billion (or $1.3 billion)

GE sponsored the Caithness Shepherds Flat, and also supplied the project with 338 wind-turbines. On top of the $1.3 billion loan, the Caithness project is set to receive a cash grant of $490 million from the Treasury Department once those turbines start turning.

another close associate of, and big donor to the president invested in Caithness. As uncovered by Peter Schweizer in his book, Throw Them All Out, "Google's CEO at the time, Eric Schmidt, served as an informal advisor to President Obama.” Still, Schmidt, Google Executive Chairman, was an Obama donor in 2008, and since April 2009, is a member of the president's Science and Technology Advisory Council (PCAST). Interestingly, Google’s $814,540 contribution to Obama’s campaign made it the fifth largest donor in 2008. As of late, Google has aimed its "search engines" at green technology, many of which have received government "help" –– BrightSource, Solar City, Telsa Motors, and others, but we’ll stay focused on GE.

The House Oversight, March 2012
investigation reveals internal memos of concern over the fact that the Caithness Shepherds Flat project was receiving “an excessive amount of public subsidy (where grants, tax credits and loan guarantees provided 65% of the funding for the project), and that private parties did not have sufficient ‘skin in the game.’”

Further, it goes on to state, “Four months after the DOE approved the Caithness loan, President Obama named Jeff Immelt, the CEO of GE, as the Chairman of Obama’s Job Council” –– a council
stacked with Democratic donors, and several Obama bundlers, both for the 2008 and 2012 campaigns.

It also discloses “General Electric’s broad access to loan guarantees,” and it gives a very illuminating account. “Since Immelt’s appointment as Chair of the Job Council, two additional government-backed transactions have occurred." "First the poorly rated 1366 Technologies, sponsored in part by GE, received a direct $150 million loan commitment from the DOE for its solar manufacturing plant." Second was the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) that loaned $54.6 million to Kansas City Southern Railway Company (KCSR) "to purchase thirty new General Electric ES44AC diesel-electric locomotives" –– a loan that raised red flags in the House investigation. 

More to come...

However, another incriminating factor that struck me in the new report (memo) released by House Oversight is that "DOE officials were aware of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s tough reelection in 2010 and moved projects that were important to Senator Reid forward." 

  • In a December 5 2009 email, Loan Program Office Senior Credit Advisor Jim McCrea forwarded an article about Senator Reid’s reelection campaign to LPO contractor Paul Barbian and stated: “Since this is not going to go into the DOE, and just to be clear, the translation is: Reid may be desperate. WH may want to help. Short term considerations may be more important than longer term considerations and what’s a billion anyhow?” 
  •  In a May 4 2010 email, LPO Executive Director Jonathan Silver wrote in an email “I need some stats on how many projects we have funded or have in DD [due diligence] as a percentage of totals.  Reid is constantly hit at home for not bringing in the federal dollars.”
  • Throughout 2010 LPO emails indicate that projects in Nevada were prioritized because they were “high profile,” “tied to larger events,” or because they had Senator Reid’s support.  These projects included the $343 million SWIP project (Email #10, attached), the $98.5 million Nevada Geothermal project (Email #11, attached), and the $737 million SolarReserve Tonopah project. 


This is another part of the Green Corruption scandal brought to you by Marita and I in July 2012, Senator Harry Reid’s Part in Green-Energy Crony-Corruption. However, speaking of Jonathon Silver and Secretary Chu, they are both implicated in these newly released and damning email dumps –– both on my Green Corruption radar since 2010, along with at least a "Dozen DOE Insiders."

And in April 2012, Chu in my Green Corruption: Department of Energy “Junk Loans” and Cronyism, noting that in a gripping line of questioning, Ohio Representative Jim Jordan confronted this issue head on during that same hearing where he pressed Secretary Chu on nine of the firms that received loans, revealing their political connections. Chu countered that the loans were based on merit. Yet Jordan was perplexed, “so if you weren’t helping your buddies, and you were basing your decisions on the merits of the loan, how do you explain the fact that 23 of 27 recipients of the loan guarantees were rated as junk status investments?” Jordan concluded, “If it wasn’t your political buddies, it had to be incompetence.”

At first glance, we have plenty more cronyism and corruption to piece together with these "smoking gun" emails (and we will), and 100's of more emails to read. Still, it would be a worthy endeavor to investigate if Silver or Chu perjured themselves (or any other CEO as well as any former or current DOE Official for that matter), during any of the (five) House Oversight Committee hearings that have been conducted since 2011 –– my hunch, yes!

Stay tuned...

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email from one of my state Senators;

Dear Mr. Cogburn,
Thank you for taking the time to email me a quote from Ben Stein. I appreciate hearing from you and I apologize for my delayed response.
You shared with me the following: “Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured…but not everyone must prove they are a citizen…Many of those who refuse, or are unable, to prove they are citizens will receive free insurance paid for by those who are forced to buy insurance because they are citizens.”
I certainly understand your frustration regarding mandates on individuals to purchase health insurance and I share your opposition, as insurance mandates drive up the cost of health care for everyone, making it harder for most Americans to access health insurance.  The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has estimated for every 1 percent rise in the cost of health insurance, 200,000 to 300,000 more Americans go uninsured. 
Some of the inequities in the federal health care law mean that Americans face more burdensome requirements under the law than do legal or illegal immigrants, according to a recent analysis from the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service (CRS). Starting in 2014, Americans will be subject to an individual mandate penalty of $695 annually if they do not purchase federally-dictated health insurance. However, under the new federal law, illegal immigrants will not be forced to purchase health insurance, though, as the quote you shared with me noted, they will still be able to receive health care—regardless of their ability to pay—in a hospital’s emergency department.
According to CRS, “Unauthorized (illegal) immigrants are expressly exempted from the mandate to have health insurance and, as a result, cannot be penalized for noncompliance.”  So illegal immigrants get health care without paying for it, but citizens face the choice of either buying expensive health insurance or paying a new tax. As a result, the cost of illegal immigrants’ health care in the emergency department of hospitals will be shifted to Americans with insurance and taxpayers.
This is unjust, and is a perfect example of how backwards our government can be. The health care debate ultimately comes down to one thing: freedom. This includes patients’ freedom to make their own health care choices in consultation with their doctors. At the center of the health care debate lies the question of what role Americans want the government to play in our lives.  I believe, as our founders did, that limiting the federal government will protect individual liberties.  This belief is the core of our Constitution, and throughout history, we have enjoyed our greatest economic success and personal freedom, when the role of government is limited. I am convinced positive change can be accomplished only when the federal government gets out of the way and allows individual Americans the freedom to make those changes.  
I discuss this issue and other issues in three oversight reports that I have authored, along with my colleague and fellow physician in the Senate, Dr. Barrasso from Wyoming.  The newest report, Warning: Side Effects, A Check-Up on the Federal Health Law, presents the American people with a two-year update on the economic and financial impacts of the law.  The report also includes information about several critically harmful provisions of the law, including new Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) insurance rules which increase costs and destabilize insurance markets, research that could be used to deny payment for patients’ care, and hundreds of billions of dollars in tax hikes.
While I do believe we should continue to strive to ensure that everyone in America has access to medically necessary care, I agree it is unfair to shift the costs of illegal immigrants’ care to the American taxpayers.
Thank you again for writing to me. I wish you the best.
November 1, 2012
Tom A. Coburn, M.D.
United States Senator
TC: ler
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4063618838?profile=originalThe war in the right to life for the future unborn may boil down to the number 18.  The number18 is the age of majority when a young person becomes a legal adult in America. More importantly, it also represents the 18 electoral votes the winner of the Ohio presidential contestwill need to lock down the presidency in this battleground state.  


Every single voter of faith in Ohio should listen to their heart to the cries of the vanquished souls of 50 million babies who were deprived of their God-given gift to see the age of 18, since the 1973 Roe v Wade abortion decision. These Ohioans must be the firewall against the abomination of Obama’s continuing assault on right to life efforts in America.


Will Ohioans understand in their hearts that for every beautiful and precious life they hold a baby shower and christening for, there is another equally beautiful precious future life that needs to be prevented from being destroyed.  Every voter must embrace the notion that to save a future life is to be their brother’s keeper.  The rights of the unborn in Ohio, Michigan, Virginia, and Florida or anywhere in this nation is a right interconnected with each American.


This is where Ohioans and Americans step up and put faith into action. Genesis 4: 9-10    “Then the Lord said to Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?” “I don’t know,” he replied. “9Am I my brother’s keeper?”  10The Lord said, “What have you done? Listen! Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground.”


Ohio, this is personal, because you are your brother’s keeper.  The decision to vote early or vote on Election Day, November 6th is more than just an exercise in democracy.  It is your own clarion call from an inner spirit learned in youth that the laws of God are above the laws and opinion polls of man. 


It is the right to life that flows from the essence of man’s creator.  This is the foundational basis for the nation and is the first statement of the United States Declaration of Independence. “ We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. ”

The battle for freedom has to be fought and yes won on the basis of this very elementary question.  Are you ready and are you prepared to go outside of your comfort zone to take a stand for the future of the nation’s unborn?  Will you be willing to be the firewall to protect their right, in their own Revolutionary War for life?


The decision to save the life of the unborn is more than an exercise in semantics.  It is a serious occasion that calls for prayer in your heart and affirmative action to awaken your friends, family members and neighbors to exercise a vote for life.  The nation’s unborn future generations do matter. Be the moral sledgehammer against politicians and judges who circumvent life based upon convenience.


Is it more important to be conveniently politically correct than to stand up for the fetal viability of the unborn child.  Fetal viability of the unborn child was a test constructed by the Wade v Roe U.S. Supreme Court 1973 case decision. The court decided nearly forty years ago that the last third of a pregnancy was the line in the sand for life, or sometimes between 24 and 28 weeks, where an abortion could be legally permissible.


Where is the line in the sand now?    ( Read More )

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Hope and Change

Are you hoping for a change this November?

Well, then let's make it happen.  We are all working hard to elect Governor Romney and Congressman Ryan as the next president and vice president, but there are a number of critically important Senate races that need our attention too.

In these last critical days before Election Day, Patriot Voices PAC is asking you to help in these very close races.  A last minute influx of campaign cash can make the difference in a tight race so please make a donation to each candidate, or perhaps find one or two closest to where you are from and help them.  Every dollar counts.  Here's a quick recap of the closest races:

Todd Akin, Missouri
After all the attacks against Republican Congressman Akin, he is trailing Senator Claire McCaskill by only 2 points according to recent polls.  Donate to Todd Akin.

George Allen, Virginia
Current polls show Republican former Senator George Allen closing in on former Governor Tim Kaine.  This race will come down to just a few points.  Donate to George Allen.

Rick Berg, North Dakota
This race is important to Democrats and they are fighting hard to win it bringing in former President Bill Clinton to campaign for their nominee.  But recent polls show Republican Congressman Berg up by 2 points.  Donate to Rick Berg.

Deb Fischer, Nebraska
This is another race that could turn this seat from blue to red.  Republican State Senator Deb Fischer is 2 points ahead of Senator Bob Kerrey.  Donate to Deb Fischer.

Dean Heller, Nevada
Even though this is Harry Reid's backyard where Democrats have a tendency to pull out tough races, incumbent Republican Senator Dean Heller is up by 5 points against Congresswoman Shelley Berkley. Donate to Dean Heller.

Josh Mandel, Ohio
With Ohio being a key battleground for the Presidential race, Republican State Treasurer Josh Mandel is closing in on Democrat incumbent Senator Sherrod Brown.  Donate to Josh Mandel .

Richard Mourdock, Indiana 
While polls in this race have shown Republican Richard Mourdock up, tied and slightly behind his opponent, we know this race is winnable for Republicans.   Donate to Richard Mourdock. 

Denny Rehberg, Montana
Polls show Republican Congressman Rehberg and his opponent Senator Jon Tester neck and neck, with the most recent poll showing Rehberg up by 3 points.  Donate to Denny Rehberg

Tom Smith, Pennsylvania
Recent polls show Tom Smith within just a few points of Democrat Incumbent Bob Casey.  This is a big shift from when Casey was leading by 19 points just a few months ago.  Donate to Tom Smith .

In addition to giving directly to these candidates, please consider giving to Patriot Voices PAC  as we send hundreds of volunteers into battleground states to turn out conservative voters this coming weekend.  We are committed to making a difference in Tuesday's election.  If you hope to make a change next Tuesday, then join with us and support these candidates now. 

Game on,

Rick Santorum siganture

Rick Santorum

P.S. Please join Patriot Voices this weekend as we unite to help with the final push in key battleground states.   Our Strike Force is campaigning in Northeastern and Central Colorado, Statewide in Iowa, Eastern Ohio, Southern Michigan, Eastern Missouri, Northwestern North Carolina, Central Pennsylvania, Northern Virginia and Southern Wisconsin.  Please visit and we will contact you to discuss logistics and schedule. See you on the trail!

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