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4063527597?profile=originalDuring dinner on the Rebuild America Defeat Obama bus tour, a fascinating discussion evolved amongst our team. Someone said he fears who we have become as a people; a nation in which a majority believes it normal to receive government-handouts. He witnessed people using food stamps to purchase extravagant foods. Someone else chimed in about the huge kiosk in the lobby of his daughter's elementary school encouraging parents to sign up their child for free lunches. Parents who can well afford to feed their child are on the free lunch program.

While their examples are anecdotal, my team members conclude that we are rapidly losing the self-reliant individual spirit which has made us great and are trending towards becoming a nation of takers; making government dependency the new normal.

Their negative prediction regarding the new America was pretty depressing. But as they spoke, my mind wandered to a story my 84 year old black dad told me about his first job.

When dad was around eleven, he and his buddy were shoe-shine boys at the Greyhound Bus station in Baltimore – Saturday night through Sunday morning.

Folks, Dad has had an amazing life with numerous achievements, some historical – first black Baltimore City Firefighter of the Year, first black paramedic, a pastor of numerous churches and an author.

And yet, when Dad told me, over the phone, about the salesmanship and creativity he and his buddy employed as young entrepreneurs shining shoes, I could hear in his voice the pride and joy he still felt about it.

Their deal with management was a dime base pay plus tips. Dad excitedly said, “The money was in the tips.” So he and his buddy made their customer's shoe-shine experience an entertaining show. They twirled their shoe shine brushes high into the air and caught them. They made rhythmic popping sounds with their shoe-shine rag.

After the shine, they used a whisk broom to brush down the gentleman's suit. Amazingly, there was always a little something on back of the gentleman's suit requiring a little extra effort to remove. They were always successful and gentlemen were appreciative.

On a good weekend, Dad made $1.25. He gave Aunt Nee, who raised him, 50 cents. He purchased a t-shirt. Dad said he bragged to his friends, “I am paying rent and buying my own clothes now.” In Dad's mind, he had become a man. What was the magic ingredient that made Dad feel so good about himself?

The answer is individual personal achievement.

Despite Obama's four year shock and awe assault demonizing entrepreneurs and individual personal achievement, I still believe a majority of Americans are cut from the same cloth as my dad. They do not hate the rich nor subscribe to Obama's plan to punish them. They garner pride and self-esteem from earning and paying their own way.

Obama's hate-the-rich rhetoric does resonate with a minority – the losers, the ungrateful, lazy and entitlement-junkies who showed up at the Occupy Wall Street protests. Think about that folks, these arrogant idiots have the audacity to demand that government confiscate the profits from entrepreneurs (risk-takers) to redistribute to them. And they call that 'fairness”. The day a majority of Americans side with such low-life scum is the day we cease being a great nation.

Obama's reelection campaign is geared to three groups, the clueless, entitlement addicts and racists. A black woman at a gas station was interviewed on Fox News. She said the high fuel prices are having a disastrous effect on her family's well-being, but she is voting for Obama because she agrees with everything he is doing.

Folks, I do not mean to be rude, but either this black woman is clueless and/or a racist. I suspect her support of Obama is a combo of both. She is voting for Obama because she is uninformed and he is black like her.

This election will define who we are as a people. Are we a nation of entitlement addicts and racists or do we still find great pleasure in using our creativity, ingenuity and will power to pursue our dreams?

I believe a majority of Americans are go-getters and dreamers like my dad. Barack Obama your reign of lowering-the-bar of what it means to be an American is over.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

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Be Encouraged!


Howdy all!  It has been a long time coming but it’s finally here!


God saved you by his grace when you believed.  And you can't take credit for this; it is a gift from God.   ~ Ephesians 2:8

I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink; but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death. ~ Thomas Paine, The Crisis, No. 1, 1776

So many of you out there have been so busy working to gain the respect of your neighbors, confidence of those you meet in the store, at the train station, in the airports, at work, everywhere.  You have walked door to door, called on the phone, networked on social media.  You have done a tremendous amount of work.  Why?  You have been enlightened.  You have been awakened.  You may have missed what was happening to our republic before but are now absolutely aware, and now you realize that you don’t want it to pass into the dark.

To all this I say well done!  There has been so much done by so many with relatively little means except a voice that has echoed through the ages.  As Mark Levin calls it, the Paul and Paulette Reveres.  Glenn Beck once spoke of the ‘refounders’; those who would be willing to step forward and revive the republic as the original founders had.  He said he had 9 committed.  I think that if asked now, he would say he had thousands if not millions.  They are you.  You all are the refounders of our nation.  I salute you for everything you have done.  So, what do we do now? 

Monday.  You may have the energy to work just one more day.  If so, do it.  You may be ready for a break.  If so, spend that time in peaceful prayer.  Pray for what will happen Tuesday.  Pray for what will happen Wednesday.  Pray for what will happen up until Jan 20.  And pray for what will happen over the next four years.  We all have learned that even the best intended citizen-statesmen and women can be co-opted.  And there will be efforts to co-opt every single one.  Pray they can withstand the efforts against them.

Tuesday?  Watch.  Watch with every sense.  Watch with your eyes, with your ears, with your mind, with your soul.  Whatever happens at the polls, be not afraid.  Gather strength from distress.  Grow brave by reflection.  Those who may be present to intimidate or ‘observe’ are people of the business of little minds.  Keep your heart firm.  Keep your principles close to your heart.  And above all, believe in yourselves.  Believe that you are full of the strength God gave you.  Take credit for your work in this election season, but take no credit for its outcome.  That is God’s gift to us all. 

Wednesday?  Rejoice!  I have already taken Wednesday off.  A good cup of tea, a biscuit, and a shot of the finest single malt scotch you can find.  And a good book.  You deserve it!

Take care, God bless and especially at this time in history,


Tom Kiley

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4063621611?profile=originalOn Friday, in the closing days of the presidential election President Barack Obama encouraged his supporters in Ohio to head to the polls on Tuesday with hateful revenge in their hearts.  He shouted out that this election result must be about revenge and not about America’s noble principles, values or even future.  This runs counter to his post 2008 election, when he implored Americans to accept his word that he would usher in a new type of non-partisan presidency. 


Instead Obama’s presidency and campaign degenerated into the most partisan Chicago-style thuggish character assassination campaign mugging the nation has ever witnessed


Obama used revenge as his clarion call to battleground state, Ohio, to top off the last hours of his campaign. Is hate and revenge truly what undecided voters are searching for?  Should Americans embrace the insidious nature of his closing argument for the courtroom of the American public?  Consider how the true nature of Obama has lowly become unmasked.  His hate-filled attack ads were reminiscent of his religious mentor and teacher Rev.  Jeremiah Wright.


Why should Americans be surprised?  This president lied about being present when his religious mentor Rev. Wright spoke with venom in his voice about hate. Remember, in 2003 he shouted from his pulpit, “God Bless America.’ No, no, no, God damn America!”  Obama after doing some fancy verbal footwork, around the issue, quickly threw Rev. Wright and his association with him, under the bus.


So, Obama is not unfamiliar with hate or with use of revenge as a useful tactic.  Contrast Obama's behavior with Romney’s revenge voter edict. Romney insisted that Americans should go to the polls on November 6th, “to vote “for love of country!”


Imagine that, “love of country.”  Not unique for a true leader who truly loves his country.  Not unique for a presidential candidate who believes in building up a nation and its future instead of a president stumbling through  four years of mediocrity, incompetence and multi-trillion dollar deficits.

But think about it a minute.  What was President referring to when he asked supporters to take revenge to the polls on November, 6th?   What type of revenge could he be considering?  After all the “Blame Bush” rhetoric is a dog that will not hunt anymore.  Could it be a diversion away from his unwillingness to leave no one behind in the murders of four Americans in Benghazi?  Could it be that the October surprise is that Islamic world tour apologies will no longer cut it with the American public, grown tired of excuses?


Worst yet, could President be a real life Manchurian Candidate who through is youthful foreign travels and Muslim upbringing is truly contemptuous of America as a Judeo-Christian nation?  So consider again the narcissistic placement of the word “revenge” in taking it to the polls on November.  Is Obama a possible foil for socialism or other “ism” that was hatched by his ideological mentor and admirer of Satan, Saul Alinsky?  In fact it was Saul Alinsky who gave a supportive nod in his book, “Rules for Radicals to Satan.  ( read more )

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I said this before, but you're getting ready to;



When you do... will you realize what you are voting for?  Not who... WHAT!

You will stand before GOD to give an account on how you vote.

Will GOD approve of how you vote?

Will you vote for homosexual marriage... abortion on demand...what do you think of partial birth abortion THINK before you press that button...then watch the machine in front of you... it may turn blue as you touch it.


            MORALS and SOCIAL MESSAGE CANDIDATES:                                                            VOTE THE DECALOGUE!   

            We are living Deuteronomy 28. His story repeats itself every so often. How can we ask God to bless U.S. if we won’t do what He asks? II Chron 7 says “IF”.

            America has a dilemma; as Americans we need to start thinking about where we are; where we came from; and where we are going.

            As many have stated, we are about to have the most important election in our history. Which way we vote is an important factor; what are we voting for?

What do we want them to do for us?

Many say we desire a form of socialism; and many say we like the idea of free trade/ old fashioned earn it ourselves policies. I believe we need to take a good look at the policies of where we came from; and where we are headed before we vote.

            I worked in a black family’s home one day after Mr Obama came into office. This lady claimed to be Christian, the lady was apologetic for Mr O when she said “he made some mistakes”.   How he exponentially increased abortion was one of them. I am not racist because the lady is black either. She just voted for him because he is black or mixed race. She did not consider her Christianity, or his policies; so I think America needs to think a little about what people should vote for.

            I think America looks at how handsome or pretty they are rather than the morals of the politicians. Consider Bill Clinton.

            When America was young we were shocked easily, seldom did people curse or swear. If politicians did use foul language, it was when and where the public could not hear readily.

America still considers ourselves a Christian nation by approximately 80% and as professing Christians, we should be aware of our voting habits, because we will stand before GOD and give an account to Him for what we say we want done.

            As a nation, we went to war against what was the greatest, strongest nation on earth, at the time; and won; because we were practicing Christianity. HE has been good for us.  We practiced good morals; “people did the right thing” as we went about our business. Doors and locks were left open; today we cannot do that.

            Why do you think that is?

            We have forgotten our maker! We pay him no mind! Prophecies happen every day and few even think about it or recognize them.

            What I am trying to say is vote the Decalogue. That will happen when we realize how. We start by identifying the morals of our Representatives and “Executive branch. The “Supreme” Court will be a gradual thing which will be determined by the morals of the constituency; if we last long enough.

            When an executive branch endorses a homosexual life style, or abortion on demand, or lying to Congress or any of the other things we see today, you know that Christian constituency is not as Christian as we claim to be.


We, as a nation are headed for an aristocrat type government;   the super rich; and the destitute. Similar to what Communism is.  

John Stormer wrote about people trying to get free from where they came from.

It doesn’t even make sense ‘till we realize we have left out something; … God. Like Billy Graham, Franklin Graham, Billy Sunday, and a host of other spiritual advisers say, that place in an individual that is God shaped.

            We know some thing is wrong, we can’t put our finger on it but we still know that something is wrong. We are not thinking about History; His Story.

            Well… I have some thoughts also; they go like this:

            Some Americans still vote; When we vote for those we want to represent us, and

For Presidents and Senators; we are actually voting for what type government we want. When Mister Obama acquired his office, many thought he would do what he said he would do. Well, he did some of the things he said; raised the cost of gasoline and other fuels. Then he gave great strength to the abortion industry.

            I do not recall him saying anything about taking away our rights to practice our faith the way our Creator laid down for us in His Bible.

      I remember the “yes we can” chant; but I don’t think we can. We can’t honor our

God and Practice homosexuality we can’t honor our God and deny the freedoms outlined in our Bible and how can we honor our God and deny our faith when 80% of America claims Christianity?

      When we vote, how can we say we are Christians when we are calling for the killing of children in the womb?


       Lev 20:13  If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.


            Now tell me what we are supposed to do when that same 80% claim abortion is a “right”, or accepted by that same God? You know where I’m going with this. Now he called for homosexual marriage. What can be next?

            We need to be asking ourselves what we are voting for and what the occupier is making us do. Mr Obama has called for an exponential increase of abortion; he got it.  God has other things He does not like; such as throwing public money away. I think the Scripture is in Proverbs; about not wasting.

            Then we have people in America who; are causing people to think something other than the truth so people cannot defend their selves in racial issues. That is called lying.

            There are numerous things I am speaking of as I post these views; they can be read in a book:


Deu 5:16  Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.  (That land was the U S A .)


Deu 5:17  Thou shalt not kill.

        I think this actually should be translated Murder; and includes children

We should be aware of the fact we are calling for these things when we vote. I don’t think people are aware of the consequences of elections.

(Abortion is a product of the courts “voted”) How can we be? Mr Obama signed an abortion bill as the first thing he signed as he rushed President Bush out of office. Mister Obama signed it very quickly.


Deu 5:18  Neither shalt thou commit adultery.

Deu 5:19  Neither shalt thou steal.

Deu 5:20  Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour.

Deu 5:21  Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour's wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour's house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour's.


In the United States of America!



We need to consider what HE was teaching us as Moses said:


Deut 5:5  (I stood between the LORD and you at that time, to shew you the word of the LORD: for ye were afraid by reason of the fire, and went not up into the mount;) saying,



Deu 5:7    

Deu 5:8    

Deu 5:9    

        Well, Pandora’s box has been opened; what do we do now?

At least we can vote with morals .


Deu 5:11  Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

        This seems to be common practice in both our houses of Congress today.


Deu 5:12  Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee.


Tell me; WHY should God bless us?

            We murder babies in the womb like they are being sacrificed to Moloch; we lie cheat and steal on our taxes; we vote for those that murder in the womb; we don’t believe God any more.

            We need to repent!



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 All I can say is VOTE 11/6 so we can get an AMERICAN back in the White House........

Yes there are a lot of  pictures but they are important to the message at the  end.

No             words needed

No words                                 needed, but read the                                 ending!


THIS MOST UNBELIEVABLE PRESIDENT? HERE IS HIS RESPONSE WHEN HE BACKED OFF FROM HIS DECISION TO REQUIRE THE MILITARY PAY FOR THEIR WAR INJURIES. Bad press, including major mockery of the play by comedian Jon Stewart, led to President Obama abandoning his proposal to require veterans carry private                                 health insurance to cover the estimated $540 billion annual cost to the federal government of treatment for injuries to military personnel received during their tours on active duty. The President admitted that he was puzzled by the magnitude of the opposition to his proposal.

"Look, it's an all-volunteer force," Obama complained. "Nobody made these guys go to war. They had to have known and accepted the risks. Now they whine about bearing the costs of their choice? It doesn't compute..." "I thought these were people who were proud to sacrifice for their country, "Obama continued "I wasn't asking for blood, just money. With the country facing the worst financial crisis in its history, I'd have thought that the patriotic thing to do would be to try to help reduce the nation's deficit..I guess I underestimated the selfishness of some of my fellow Americans.."Nobody made these guys go to war. They had to have known and accepted the risks. Now they whine about bearing the costs of their choice?"

GO TO HELL "obama" !!!

God bless you and your wife Taylor Morris I salute you!!


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What’s disgusting and unforgiving about this picture? You Decide:

Posted on DREW ZAHN-On November 4, 2012:

“Documents obtained by former Muslim Brotherhood member Walid Shoebat reportedly demonstrate the Obama administration is to blame for the deaths of Americans in the Benghazi consulate attack because it effectively empowered the Islamic terrorist organization al-Qaida to take over governance of Libya.

Shoebat reports a group of anti-al-Qaida Libyans in exile have come into possession of some highly classified documents that, in their view, “will bring the Obama Administration down.”

“Obama gift-wrapped Libya, handed it over to al-Qaida,” the group asserts, “and we can prove it.”

The group has already provided the copy of a letter that, as WND reported, suggests the Obama administration approved assigning a member of al-Qaida to handle security at the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli.

“The rest [of the documents],” Shoebat’s sources say, “will be provided when Mitt Romney is in office. His election is our only hope for humanity.”

But Shoebat has provided a glimpse into the evidence that is reportedly on its way: “They include passports of al-Qaida operatives and identifications of terrorists from many nations – Chad, Egypt and Pakistan to name a few – which are now all camped in Libya as they enter by crossing borders guarded and managed officially by what they called ‘government appointed al-Qaida leaders.’”

Shoebat says claims there are “countless documents,” which will soon be turned over to the National Center for Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism.

“They show evidence of bribes [see image at right] by the government to top officials, weapons dealing and bank siphoning by al-Qaida operatives, to include copies of bank transactions that illustrate the subordination of the newly established Libyan government to al-Qaida,” Shoebat asserts. “These included [Osama] bin Laden’s personal driver Sufyan Gammou and Abdul Wahhab Hassan Qayed, the brother of the recently assassinated Abu Yahya al-Libi. Qayed was officially put in charge of Libyan border control. This arrangement is responsible for the passage of large amounts of al-Qaida operatives into Libya.”

Shoebat’s sources claim the documents demonstrate that the terrorist attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi were not merely the result of an intelligence failure, but of negligent, willful ignorance of al-Qaida’s influence in Libya.

“It wasn’t failure,” these pro-U.S. agents reportedly said, “but the Libyan government’s mafia-like system, subordinate to al-Qaida and installed with the blessings of the Obama administration that is responsible for the deaths of Americans in Benghazi.”

The Benghazi controversy has been developing since Sept. 11 when on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans were killed in an organized terror attack.

While evidence now indicates the White House knew almost immediately it was an organized, planned terrorist attack, for weeks officials blamed the deaths on Muslim anger over a trailer of an online movie critical of Muhammad.

Reports now have emerged that there were orders for the U.S. military to stand down and not respond to calls for help from Benghazi.

Shoebat is the grandson of the Muslim mukhtar, or village head, of Beit Sahour-Bethlehem, who was a friend of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj-Ameen al-Husseni, an ally of Adolf Hitler.

After serving as a member of the Palestinian Liberation Organization and participating in acts of terror against Israel, Shoebat studied the Tanach, the Jewish Bible, in a challenge to convert his wife to Islam.

Six month later, he says, he realized that everything he “had been taught about Jews was a lie.”

Convinced he had been on the side of evil, he became an advocate for his former enemy.”


4063359777?profile=originalNote: My following updated blog posts relate to this disturbing & time sensitive issue-You Decide: 


The real reason behind Benghazigate!


Middle East Analyst: U.S. Appeases Muslim Brotherhood; Syria in Possession of Missiles!


Hold Obama Accountable For Libya!


Arming Our Enemies!


“Innocence” Film a Premeditated Provocation for Islamic Terror?


The Film ‘Innocence of Muslims’ — Made By Terrorists?


2000 Dead Soldiers and Obama Can Still Do No Wrong!


Obama WILL Do Anything to Win!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On October 30, 2012:


The Question of Obama’s Legitimacy Will NOT Go Away With a Change of Office!


Red Flags All Around–But the Media Won’t Tell!


Was Obama rattled by developing donor scandal story?


Just Happened!


Dishonest Media Avoids Truth about Obama Through Diversions!


Still Don’t Know Who to Vote For? Then Read This!



4063359777?profile=originalNote: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that reveal: 1) the live presentation by Joel Gilbert, his DVD Film titled "Dreams From My Real Father," along with the newly released film titled "The Unvetted”; 2) the Islamic infiltration inside our government armed with our secrets, to include the President's secret link to Hamas; the Islamic infiltration inside our military; the Communist infiltration inside our government, to Include President Obama's secret link to Communists; the George Soros connection, to include the shared agendas of George Soros and the President; and 3) the President's secret CIA connection, along with the disastrous results of these infiltrations, links and connections-You Decide: 


The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 1): 

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 2):

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 3):…

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 4):

4063359777?profile=originalContinue Reading My Following Blog Posts That Relate To This Disturbing & Time Sensitive Issue:


Communists and Muslims: The Hidden Hand of the KGB!


White Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Weather Underground, Barack Obama, and the Fundamental Transformation of the United States!




The planned re-election of Obama, revolutionary style!


Is President Obama inciting riots across the US and abroad?


Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!


Is Israel the next Arab Facebook Campaign?


The President Must Stop Voting “Present” on Iran!


What are CAIRs obstructionist goals?


Federal judge confirms CAIR is Hamas!


The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!


Has President Obama Gone Off The Deep End?


Are We Witnessing Narcissism At Work?


Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!


Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!’t-tr...


Where Is America Today?


Is History Repeating Itself?


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On October 28, 2012:


Follow-up Letter to NM Governor Martinez Requesting The Removal of President Obama From The NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on October 28, 2012:


Letter to Congressman Allen West Regarding Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Allegations!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On October 28, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Congressman Martin Heinrich Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On October 28, 2012:


Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On October 29, 2012:

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following videos seem extremely appropriate today:



A Republic, If You Can Keep It!


Breaking Point: 25 Minutes That Will Change America:


We The People:


The Fightin Side of Me!


Freedom Isn’t Free:


Declaration to Restore the Republic!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”


God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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For Love of Country

Speaking in Springfield Ohio, Barack Obama mentioned Mitt Romney.  As soon as he mentioned Romney's name, the crowd began to boo. Obama told the crowd:

“No, no, no. Don't boo, vote. Voting is the best revenge.”

Speaking in New Hampshire, Romney told supporters how Obama had said that voting would be their "best revenge" against Romney:

"Vote for revenge?  Let me tell you what I'd like to tell you: Vote for love of country. It is time we lead America to a better place."

This is but one snapshot highlighting the difference between Americans and “progressives”.

The choices Americans have on Tuesday November 6, 2012 fall into two distinct categories. The difference between these two philosophies is so clearly defined that it should be easy for Americans to decide where their sentiments lie.

4063621349?profile=originalThe Declaration of Independence was a radical document because for millennia mankind had been ruled by monarchs, Caesars, Czars, or similar forms of dynastic oligarchies determined by bloodline. The universally accepted school of thought was that Kings, Queens, Emperors or Caesars were anointed by God, or were even gods themselves. Only monarchs or nobilities appointed by monarchs owned anything. They "allowed" the "common people" to work the land as serfs, indentured servants or as slaves. But "common people" were never "allowed" to own property. All they produced belonged to the monarch and was the monarch’s for the taking.

America's Founding Fathers disavowed this view of society.

They declared that all men are created equal, that in effect, all men are kings. That they are endowed by 4063621417?profile=originaltheir Creator with certain unalienable rights. Among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. They declared that people could govern themselves without a monarch or an oligarchy ruling over them.

This was a radical departure from centuries old norms. They envisioned a system which allowed "common people" to own property without first obtaining permission from a "divine" ruler. Anyone could come to America, work hard, earn money, save it and buy property.

Those who rebelled against the Royal British Crown knew that if they failed in their endeavor, they would all hang. Yet, "with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence" they pledged to each other their Lives, their Fortunes and their sacred Honor.

The Declaration of Independence was the mission statement for the United States Constitution.

Yes, the Constitution established an imperfect government, which among other flaws still allowed slavery. Yet at that point in history, the original 13 colonies could not have formed one nation capable of maintaining a semblance of unity had they not reached the 3/5ths compromise. But the Founding Fathers were wise when they wrote the Constitution. They ensured that the Constitution could be amended, so that in time slavery and other injustices could be altered through an orderly process which provided change that enjoyed overwhelming bi-partisan support.

4063621381?profile=originalThe Marxist school of thought is in direct opposition to the uniquely American concept that everyone has the right to own private property. How would Americans react if, after years of struggle, they finally owned their own home, then government "informed" them that it did not belong to them, that it belonged to "all the people" and Americans had to let strangers live on their property whether they liked it or not?

If an all-powerful, big government oligarchy is allowed to seize private property in this manner, as in the concept of "social justice" or "economic justice", America is dead.

The real philosophical divide in the United States lies between the intent of America’s Founding Fathers and the intent of “progressives”, who favor the Marxist view.

The American idea, the shot heard round the world, is that We The People can govern ourselves. By the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God we are entitled, by virtue of our humanity, to the maximum amount of Individual Liberties consistent with law and order, and to the Right of private ownership, not the least of which is the Right to own and decide for ourselves. These Liberties and Rights are to be equally protected by a constitutionally limited, representative government that derives its just powers from the consent of the governed.

This is a distinctly exceptional American idea.

The “progressive” idea is that an all-powerful centrally planned government, with extreme hostility towards private ownership, forces redistribution of wealth in the name of social or economic “justice”. In order to ensure “fairness”, an oligarchy of self-imagined, self-appointed "intellectual elites" will control businesses, industries and people who are incapable of governing themselves. This was the position of a fringe minority who called themselves “progressives” until early twentieth century Americans saw for themselves exactly how bad "progressive" ideas were.

The “progressive” idea came to America from Britain's Fabian Socialists, who advocate socialistic democracy, and from Germany's Frankfurt School, who came to America after fleeing Adolph Hitler because they knew Hitler would kill them for being Communists.4063621395?profile=original

These ideas are European, not American.

The settlers who founded America rejected European ideas in fleeing Europe searching for a better future.  America has been a success and a beacon to freedom seeking people for over two centuries because the American idea is the better idea.

Among Americans unpolluted by "progressive" ideas, there is little debate that the United States of America is the most inventive, productive, prosperous and charitable nation in the history of the planet. There has yet to be put forth one rational, logical argument to support abandoning the highly successful American idea in favor of a European idea that is currently failing in Europe itself.

Before voting on Tuesday, November 6, 2012, decide which fate America deserves.

Then vote not for revenge, but for love of country.

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Traditional Marriage: Our Best Social Program


As a creative patriot ( color obvious ) my duty is to make sure more urban youth have parents like these beautiful kids in the portrait gracing this article.
The best vehicle for doing so is the traditional family, a unit defined by the holy union of a man and woman. Black children need fathers in their lives, not alternatives.
Traditional marriage is our best social program. It dominates as the most effective initiative for enhancing crime prevention; education; teen pregnancy and quality of life- period!
This dominance isn't merely confined to America. Traditional marriage is the best social program in human history.
Liberals and even well meaning libertarians seek to reduce traditional marriage to just another option available to free people.
While government can mandate to recognize civil unions; the definition of marriage ultimately rests with faith communities, who overwhelmingly see marriage as between a man and woman.
Black America has a crisis in heterosexual unions, where children are produced with no direction and scant resources. 
Promoting gay marriage in the face of such a crisis is criminal. Insuring gay citizens aren't harassed or discriminated against makes better sense.
Our children need their parents together as traditional families infinitely more than worrying about what gay Americans do in their private lives.
Conservatives and traditionalists agree on one social program above all others: traditional marriage!  
Look at that portrait and tell me every Black child ( or any American youth ) doesn't deserve a loving mother and father.
I'm blessed- I had a three-parent household: my grand parents and divorced mother.
Today's children, especially in the Black community, aren't so fortunate.
Activists and politicians must preserve traditional marriage as an unquestioned norm!
Cap Black, The Hood Conservative. asks:
" Why Can't I Be A Black Conservative Real Life Superhero? "
(504) 214-3082
Help Cap Black Promote Patriotism! 


" Be your OWN Superhero!"


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“ They Tell Me;..'Trust No One ' “

“ They Tell Me;..'Trust No One ' “

“ They Tell Me;..'Trust No One ' “
I hear the phrase more and more often. I have been hearing these words now for over three years...the very sound of those words to the ear of an unbeliever in Christ Jesus can be actually quite discouraging and to those who do not recognize the time in which we have reached according to the Christian Bible. However way you choose to view the very words of someone speaking; “trust no one”, the reality is that these words are indeed being increasingly voiced these days from many throughout every society-everywhere. Biblically speaking, many hearts are at the place of end times, spoken of in 2 Timothy Chapter 3. You can hear it from housewives, pastors, businessmen and to every different vocation and walk of life. There is a fast moving and rapidly growing attitude among many here in America as well as across the world that we should no longer have trust and or faith in man made organizations, governments and or ideals. It has even come to some of our own family members and near-by neighbors--- they have become at times-suspect in the travesty of mistrust. I believe there is wisdom to be learned here from our decrease in trusting one-another. The matter however will mean full acceptance of the root cause of the issue, and this means of course we will once again need to look at the condition of the human heart.
Today, unfortunately it has become the norm I'm afraid, to see our world fall to such a place that just cannot rely on others as we once could in the past. What's worse, we are seeing an epidemic of everywhere with an attitude of many not only being unreliable in regards to their willingness to help out a fellow human in need, but I'm equally afraid it has gotten much more worse than that in respect to how people treat others in general. Sadly, the new “norm” we now realize seems to be acts of abuse and or in taking advantage of persons in need rather than in helping them. What I mean is this; I have seen where the poor, homeless, or those with financial or family/relationship needs of help, are often reaching out to churches, government agencies, neighbors, friends, even other family members, only to be often times; to become rejected, or worse; manipulated into doing things that run contrary to human decency and or respect, just so to get a little bit of assistance or financial help.
This attitude of, and acts of manipulation on the part of those being asked of assistance can often times turn into something quite dangerous. By dangerous, I do not only mean physically dangerous, but emotionally and spiritually dangerous as well. As an example, we see women who have gone to social services where feminist social workers, or domestic violence program workers will tell women seeking assistance from the government to divorce their husbands(although there is no domestic abuse or marital strife)so that they may receive government assistance(or greater assistance)or they may even become demanded of that they give up their children to/for foster care and or adoption. Men often fare no better... they are often targeted for their ability to be put on government “lists” that will financially profit ungodly and wicked government agencies and further the government's devilish plan to purposely erode the family unit. The one supposed “hospital” of all society; that is the “Church” has sadly often times become no better than government agencies according to the accounts of many. Although there are some reading this article that will attribute all of the “Churches” problems and pagan type attitudes due to a 501c3 IRS tax exempt status (here in the USA)that many churches hold, this idea is simply untrue. A churches unbiblical attitude, in stark reality has nothing at all due with a government piece of paper. The stark reality is however that plain and simple... churches because of self-centered and unbiblical attitudes, more often then not; find ways to wiggle out of their Biblical responsibility in helping people(I for one, am thankful for attending a church with some helpful and quite Biblical Christians in attendance).
No doubt that governments which often abuses it's citizenry are the main culprit when it comes to abuse of people causing the attitude of mistrust that many across the world hold to these days but the Christian Church does not lag far behind in regards to it's contribution to this attitude of harming folks as well. It appears that many so called “christians” attend weekly church services and or go about proclaiming publicly their being “Christian” to others but when “the rubber hits the road”, there is little to evidence of their Biblical beliefs visible. So it has become, “christians"(note the small letter “c”) have infiltrated the Church giving true Christians and yes, even pagans good reason to suspect all Christians...true in faith, or not. I for one, have personally experienced lack of Biblical support and help in the past. In fact, on many occasions my only offer of help from “christians”(but people calling themselves “Christians”) was the offer only of prayer or of meeting a “good group of guys at the church men's breakfast meeting.” For the nominal christian, perhaps even reading this article now, they would say that prayer alone is enough, but for those of us who know our Bible's(seems not to be an awful lot of us folks out there), we know that prayer alone is only a portion of what true Christians are called to do for those in need.
There is an old saying that's been around the true Church for as long as I can remember. Maybe you have heard it before, the phrase has been used about certain so called “christians” and their churches(again, please denote the small letter “c”)... “christians are the only ones who take their wounded behind the wood shed, beat them some more then after...shoot them.” have you heard that phrase previously ? I have... and more than once. Now, that is not to say that people who are engaged in unrepentant sin or are active in unbiblical activity shouldn't be confronted and dealt, that would be entirely unbiblical and wrong in attitude... all unrepentant sin mus be addressed. However there are plenty of people such as I, when for example, I tell people about being victimized by a Filipina Migration Marriage Scammer, being threatened with murder by a City of Batavia, NY cop, having my children, house and all my property taken away from me due to my “Biblical Christian beliefs”,( often times “christians”, then begin to act strange, get a glazed look over their eyes, or start treating me like I had the Bubonic plague or something worse. It shouldn't be that way, but that's the reality of people even in the so called “Church.” People in the church love you when you pay your tithes, shout holy-holy and have no problems or needs to speak about but have you a problem ? Bam !uh-oh ! People often begin to treat you like you just spit them in their face. The attitude with them becomes; How dare you share that you have problems in life !
To shore up my point here, I'd like to share a recent event that occurred to my beautiful wife and I. Unashamedly on my part, I can share with you that I experienced a horrible event due to so called some people I met who quite poignantly, call and refer to themselves as; “Christians.” I was informed these folks were “Christians” by some others who call themselves by the same, but after a short time, I found out that indeed, the whole lot of them believed in a different jesus than the Bible. In the end, their actions caused me and my wife to live in dog feces, dog hair and dog dandruff and in plain and simple--- put our lives in danger. No matter how much my wife and I cleaned the dogs dandruff, feces, and hair in that house, as well as all this women and her son's garbage strewed across the same house, we were always wallowing in and eating the filth because this women would allow her four dogs to leave their excrement all over and then roll around in it and then leave it all over in the house on a daily routine. I tried my best in a brotherly fashion(I thought at the time she was a “Christian”) to set healthy boundaries with her but she refused to oblige in healthy living, The bottom line for her was that after telling her of the dangers and setting a Godly example in helping her routinely clean her house for her, she thought only to reject every notion of the unhealthy and unsafe living conditions and instead asked a con man to move into the house with her to shore up her unhealthy living conditions.
My wife and I set out to be as we told this woman a few months previous; to be “a Biblical blessing” to her and her son, and of course she liked the idea and in seeing that my wife and I would clean for her, sometimes cook for her and her son, and even do extra chores for her despite already giving her monthly rent payments. Indeed, she enjoyed that notion of receiving Biblical blessings but when it came to Biblical correction in love(regarding our health and safety), she would have no part of it. She wanted to do with her life what she wished without acknowledging the effect upon others living with her and as well certainly wanted no part in hearing how our health was impacted. Of course the evidence of her vile heart showed much more. She often would exercise herself, playing baseball, tennis jogging, etc... and saw to it her body was in shape but in regards to her son, he was not so fortunate. Her son being only 12 years-old---was allowed to eat whatever he wanted. There was(is) absolutely no diet of fruit, vegetables or other healthy foods for this young boy. His food intake daily was about the same... hot dogs, corn dogs, pizza and or tacos.... that's it. That was, and I'm quite sure still is to this very day, his entire daily diet of food intake.
One day, we noticed that this women came home early from work. Apparently her son called her to come home, he had not excreted for several weeks(again, according to her) and for one week following, was now giving her son daily enemas. Her sons feces was left all over the bathroom floor, bathroom floor rugs and in the bathtub from sometimes hourly rectal enemas. All the “mess” was left by her for us to clean up. Her son went to the hospital for 4 days soon after, apparently, this boys colon shut-down. I don't doubt it after seeing the boys diet. My wife and I though in our Biblical minded attitudes scrubbed everything with bleach several times over and again offered her and her son even more Biblical help. I even shared with this young lad and his mom information regrading the importance of having a healthy diet and why. All this help put into practice on our end, but my wife's and my “reward” for being a Biblical help to a mom and a son in crisis---It was in the end, the rejection of our most earnest desire and in practicum of help, and most importantly, to see all of us live in a healthy and safe home. In the end, This woman decided that her dangerous ways of living, her son's continuing to eat and harming her son's body was what she wanted, and did not wish to hear any longer of the dog feces smeared throughout the house or the dog feces, hair or dandruff in our food. She, in her heart of hearts, decided to call the police to have us thrown out. Her last words to me and my wife were; “I don't care !”(believe me, that's a whole story in itself, The way that-that foolish cop acted, thank the Lord that neither that cop nor I died that day).
So it goes...lesson learned... “trust no one” is the thought once again echoing in my head. Now, if I did not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ of the Bible, I would undoubtedly have become bitter and unforgiving through these experiences. The reality of this experience however has taught me a valuable lesson that indeed, we all should have firmer boundaries with others before helping them or when entering into any relationship from here on out. As a true believer in Christ Jesus, it is my “job” to love on others as I am able, but from here on out also, I will be even more cautious when dealing with others, so called “Christian” or otherwise. After all, I believe the days of the evidence all around us, the days of the anti-christ is fast approaching... Matthew 10:21 “And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child; and the children shall rise against their parents, and cause them to be put to death.” The fruit of many hearts these days shows us that we are almost there.
Pastor Paul Waldmiller~Black Robe Regiment Pastor
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Executive Lies

Obama said that the two Seals killed were part of Stevens security force. That statement was a outright lie, they were not there to protect Stevens or anyone else. They did what soldiers do they tried to save lives of innocent people. Obama made the statement trying to cast his personal failure on the Seals. It truly bothers me that so many people believe there is some socially redeemable value w
ith regard to Barak Obama. He has been called smart when in fact any intelligent individual is aware of his ignorance. He has been called articulate when in fact he can't make a coherent sentence without someone writing it out for him to read, then it must be in simple words. One simple fact has protected Obama his entire life, he is black. However for the first time people are beginning to learn that a person's skin shades should earn them no favor. Any man or woman who defines themselves by the shade of their skin is pathetic. The only, and I mean only measure of a man is their character and values.
By they way, Biden called him clean, I have heard from personal friends who have been in positions close to him this isn't exactly true either.

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