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My Romney/Ryan 2012 Suggested Slogan


Barack Obama-

Integrated Misery!


Mitt Romney

Integrates Opportunity!


Romney/Ryan 2012


Cap Black, The Hood Conservative

(504) 214-3082
Cap Blacks Make Peace With America Fundraiser!
#HoodConservative Online Newspaper Traditional Values From The 'Wrong" Side of Town! 
#CapBlackTheHoodConservative Blog  Defiant Defenses of Traditional Values Amid Black America's Cultural Implosion! 
"Be your OWN Superhero!"
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..of O."the chair" plus his heartbeat away replacement Joe Hee Haw Hee Haw Biden...
Speaking of Biden, did you hear that he couldn't dial
911 because he couldn't find the 11?


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4063608362?profile=originalDuring the debate, Obama performed like the classless lying Chicago bully-in-chief that he is. Every answer out of Obama's mouth was a thinly-veiled personal attack calling Romney a liar, lacking in character, or pronouncing him ignorant.

Romney's responses were too classy for my taste. He let Obama get away with far too many attacks. They say the aggressor sets the rules. Since Obama started it, I wanted Romney to deliver multiple factually loaded verbal left hooks to Obama's jaw.

Smooth talking manipulators such as Obama turn my stomach. I have known characterless lowlifes like him all my life. They know all the right words to get the girl, get the money and get their way. Meanwhile, there is not one once of sincerity in their words or their intentions.

Obama touts women rights while implementing policies that hurt women. He talks about putting Americans back to work while demonizing business owners, vowing to punish them with higher taxes and strangling them with thousands of new regulations. Obama has the nerve to pat himself on the back regarding national defense while refusing to call a “terrorist-attack” a “terrorist-attack”.

Case in point. Families and surviving heroes of the Ft Hood shooting are denied combat benefits because the Obama Administration insists on classifying the shooting as “workplace-violence” rather than what is was, a terrorist-attack. Why? Because Obama has said the war on terror is over. Thus, classifying the Ft Hood shooting as a terrorist-attack would contradict and embarrass Obama. Consequently, surviving heroes of the shooting and their families, no benefits for you! Disgusting.

Obama is nothing more than a jive talking Chicago thug. Polling immediately after the debate declared Obama the winner. I see right through Obama's smooth and compassionate sounding hogwash. I do not care what the polls say. The American people are over Obama's snake-oil salesmanship skills and are donating their “Hope & Change” t-shirts to Good Will, cutting them up for rags or using them as painting shirts.

Every policy Obama has implemented over the past four years have created the complete opposite of his stated intentions. Obama says the right things while doing the opposite wrong things in plain sight. The mainstream media supports his every lie and assault on our Constitution and our freedoms.

Romney did get in a few strong jabs during the debate. As I stated, I would have loved to have seen a more aggressive Romney confronting Obama's lies and empty rhetoric.

However, watching the debate, I asked myself, “Which of these men do I believe most qualified and trustworthy to handle foreign policy and to turn our economy around?”

Unquestionably, my answer is Mitt Romney.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

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I'm Not Black.

Strap on your seat belts for the following announcement:

I'm not "Black."
Obviously we're not talking color but are discussing content,
I, like others, am not "Black" in the socialist sense. Their definition means being an eternal grievance class t convicting every White person of complicity in racism.
Alot of these Black folks smile in Whites faces and hate them to the depths of their tortured souls. I grew up in a very racist town and could have simply chosen to reflect it equal oppoerunity hatred.
As an healthy individualist I couldn't do that. Taking people on a case-by-case basis and not lumping them into negative groups has served me well to date.
Despite how Dr King is trumpeted, sun tanned socialists who hijacked his standard ( correctly ) decree healthy individualism as far to the political right of them.
That's the best place to be!  
I can't tolerate 1960s retreads; young chocolate Klansmen and anything-goes liberalism at close range! Their "Blackness" is more a product of East European White supremacy than authentic African captive or American Black culture.
While they hate American Whites and dead Western patriarchs they paradoxically revere deceased White radicals like Marx; Lenin and company whose ideas still poison to this day.
Black self-haters d-mn America while blessing ghettos and liberal manipulators contributing more misery justified by more accusations against American Whites.
This self-hatred gave us a president who has little in common with American Blacks. His worldview as an African socialist nurtured at home and abroad sees American Blacks as political commodities- not kinsmen.
A truly self-loving, patriotic American Black electorate would have rejected him- or at least offered far less than 96% support. 
I'm not calling his Black base traitors. They simply see themselves as the isolated popular liberation front  socialist overseers wish and thus cannot recognize Obama nor liberalism as their opponent.
The 'Black" they've been forced fed by socialists disguised as post-King civil rights leaders; educators; politicians and worst of all, clergy, spells this acronym:
"Bitterness and Liberalism-Allied to Crush Kindness!"
This kind of "Black" person kills without blinking.
This kind of "Black" person hates America so much he calls himself anything but American. Call him one and see how fast he acts like a vampire doused by holy water! ( LOL )
This kind of "Black" person is so hostile toward traditional values that he would rather drown in the filth he's created than admit any error.
No, I'm not "Black"- not like that.
"Black" means another acronym to me:
"Brotherhood-Loyalty-Ability-Courage-Kindness" Five color blind principles anyone can use.
 I'm an American- not an outcast.
The socialist definition of "Blackness" is beneath me.      
Cap Black, The Hood Conservative
(504) 214-3082
Cap Blacks Make Peace With America Fundraiser!
#HoodConservative Online Newspaper Traditional Values From The 'Wrong" Side of Town! 
#CapBlackTheHoodConservative Blog  Defiant Defenses of Traditional Values Amid Black America's Cultural Implosion! 
"Be your OWN Superhero!"
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Sherrod Brown to Ohio Miners: Go to Hell

During a recent debate, radical Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown told Ohio coal miners who have suffered under the wrath of Obama's destruction of the US coal industry, "There is no 'War on Coal', period."

Ohio coal miners have rightfully struck back.  Let's help the miners reclaim their jobs and dignity from those who would throw them on the ash heap of history.  Help spread the word.

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'#FreedomFriends " is my appeal to conservatives to peacefully protect speakers and other figures whom the Left has targeted for heckling; harassment or even assault.


Conservative victim of liberal thugs


This young Wisconsin man was attacked by thugs stealing the Romney/Ryan yard sign from his front yard???

















 The cyber-sickness spewed against Black Latina actress Stacey Dash after she endorsed Governor Romney is a matter of well documented, hotly debated public record.


So patriots, what do we DO about this?


#FreedomFriends is my suggestion, Drawing upon our rich heritage of lawfully standing up to repression I suggest concerned conservatives and other good citizens unite around public speakers and other figures the Left opposes.


Unlike New Black Panthers or union goons our goal is keeping the peace and promoting political freedom. No one should have to fear for his safety because of his beliefs.


Not in America!


#FreedomFriends should contact media and local law enforcement to state their role as observers and supporters of free speech. Let the Left do the law breaking, you just make sure nobody gets hurt! 


Document any incidents you witness and be prepared to testify in court if needed.


It's a sad, sad day when some Americans sink to these tactics but as a country we've been there in the past.


Like the Revolutionary War patriots and civil rights protesters #FreedomFriends are there to preserve liberty in the face of tyranny.


What a great way to spend a day! :)


Cap Black, The Hood Conservative has extensive security and high risk activist experience he is more than willing to share with fellow Freedom Friends!


(504) 214-3082


Cap Blacks Make Peace With America Fundraiser!
#HoodConservative Online Newspaper Traditional Values From The 'Wrong" Side of Town! 
#CapBlackTheHoodConservative Blog  Defiant Defenses of Traditional Values Amid Black America's Cultural Implosion! 


  " Be your OWN Superhero!"
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if you read the page bottom of page

Paid for by Obama Victory Fund 2012, a joint fundraising committee authorized by Obama for America, the Democratic National Committee, and the State Democratic Parties in the following states: CO, FL, IA, NV, NH, NC, OH, PA, VA, and WI.Paid for by Obama for America


why is no one talking?

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From Russia-With Love

4063608116?profile=originalHave you ever wondered where MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, The New York Times, Newsweek, Time Magazine et al get their talking points?

It is difficult to determine if Chris Matthews is America’s answer to Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey or Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey is Russia’s answer to Chris Matthews., Russia’s online neo-KGB government controlled news site, sounds troublingly like what can be found online at Yahoo News, the Daily Kos or Media Matters.

Or is it the other way around?

Consider some excerpts from Bancroft-Hinchey’s piece on the upcoming U.S. presidential election.  Quite presumably referring to writers for National Review, The Wall Street Journal etcetera or people who appear on FOX News, he ponders:

“There are those who somehow manage to get their articles printed in reputable international newspapers, claiming that a vote for Obama is a vote for "murder" or "destroying America" or "lack of freedom" but then again there are those who trick their way into the homes of the stupid and gullible selling dreams and promising the Earth in exchange for a pay-check or a pledge to clean the windows once a month.”

Then Bancroft-Hinchey makes a claim that is repeated ad nauseum by “progressive” pundits who actually appear multiple times a day on FOX News:

“They never turn up again, just like the "birther" tsunami which peaked a few months ago and has whittled down to nothing after being shouted down from all sides of the political spectrum. The "birthers" claimed that President Obama was not eligible to stand for office, despite the fact that he would have been vetted by everyone, by every newspaper and journalist, from the day they announced he was a candidate.”

Apparently propagating revisionist history is practiced by both the Russian Pravda and America’s “progressive” Party Pravda.

Of course, as America’s “progressive” Party Pravda does with vigor, Russia’s Pravda relishes bashing Romney with straw-man arguments.  Long a staple of radical fringe left extremists world-wide:

“These same people support Mitt Romney. Who? You know, the gaffe guy, the one who opens his mouth and insults people, or accuses them of things they never did. In short, a foul-mouthed oaf, a wannabe President with no credentials beyond the Governorship level.”

Never mind that Obama’s credentials going in to the 2008 race were being a community organizer, an invisible State Senator from Illinois and a first term junior U.S. Senator who began running for the presidency almost immediately after taking up residence in the Beltway.

Then, in true “progressive” form…wait, this is from Russia.  In true Communist form, Moscow’s Pravda throws up the classic red herring argument by comparing Romney to George W. Bush:

“Mitt Romney, without this competence, without Barack Obama's skills, wants to be there, and so do those ousted elements from the Bush regime dying to get back in. Rumour has it that Senator McCain is ear-marked for Secretary of State. Ask a Nam Veteran what they think of McCain and then decide whether this Bush regime remnant is the perfect external image of the US of A.

Governor Romney's position in the Peter Principle is...Governor Romney. Not President Romney. Everyone knows it, the Obama freeze in debate number one gave rise to some flights of fantasy (OK Barack Obama is better at being President than debating maybe, and so?)...and so we can conclude that he is better at handling the extremely difficult conditions bequeathed to him by the Republican Bush regime than at making an idiot of himself in televised debates getting everything wrong, as Mitt the Twit does.”

Mitt the twit? No doubt the likes of George Stephanopoulos or Brian Williams wish they could work for MSNBC or Current TV so they could use such language.  For these proud, card carrying members of the “progressive” Party Pravda, it must be discouraging having to conform to broadcast media standards.

Russia’s Pravda falls short of accusing Republicans of wanting dirty air, dirty water or seeking to leave old people and special needs kids to fend for themselves.  Instead, they choose to attack the GOP in their own unique style:

“Right, same old, same old Grand Old Party. The same Grand Old Party which just four years ago had the United States of America synonymous with sodomy, illegal detention, rape, urination in food, sleep deprivation, murder, torture, water-boarding, concentration camps...”

Then, there is one last swipe at Romney:

“And on a more serious note, would YOU trust a guy who has never had a glass of beer in his life? Or says he hasn't...”

A review shows that when comparisons are drawn between American news media and Russia’s Pravda, such comparisons are not made in a vacuum.

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obama came in a loser and went out a that makes Romney...THE WINNER!!...but more importently The American People "THE WINNERS!"...these debates are to see who had to have a sip of water first...DRAW!...then who could "Look Presidential" ...obama looked like a snake ready to strike,venom dripping...Romney PRESIDENTIAL!...then what the debate was supposed to be about "Foriegn Policy"  Romney won on Most Sensible, obama may have won on "Most Foriegn of Foriegn Policy" call?...the referee made no call!!

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#ObamaDoesntDefineMe Freedom Tweet/Text/Post/Email

#ObamaDoesntDefineMe! RT if u are 4 Black political freedom! Cap Black The #HoodConservative
Translation: " Obama Doesn't Define Me! Re-tweet if you are for Black political freedom! "
Feel free to post it on your face Book page etc; text it and e-mail it to friends.
Cap Black, The Hood Conservative
Cap Blacks Make Peace With America Fundraiser!
#HoodConservative Online Newspaper Traditional Values From The 'Wrong" Side of Town! 
#CapBlackTheHoodConservative Blog  Defiant Defenses of Traditional Values Amid Black America's Cultural Implosion! 
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The Least of These

Each month, Patriot Voices is focusing on a charity to support, and for the month of October, we are supporting Crisis Pregnancy Centers throughout the country.

Of course, this is heavy political season right now and you may ask, why would you focus on this now?

Well, I would argue why shouldn't we?  As political candidates talk about the economy, national security, and our exploding debt - issues they no doubt should be focusing on - we at Patriot Voices want to remind them that we can't forget about the most vulnerable among us: the unborn.

Crisis pregnancy centers help expectant moms and dads learn about alternatives to abortion and how to cope with an unplanned pregnancy. They offer vital services to young mothers, and your support of the local crisis pregnancy center in your area can make a huge difference.

There are different crisis pregnancy centers across our country, so it is difficult for us to suggest which exact one you should support. Instead, we invite you to to locate a center nearest you. 

To help us support crisis pregnancy centers, we are asking you to do three things.

1.       Go to this website and enter your zip code in the top right corner to find a crisis pregnancy center closest to you. [ Please note that we are providing this link to you for informational purposes only. We do not endorse any specific crisis pregnancy center which is listed.]

2.       Call that center and ask them if they are accepting donations at this time. If yes, find out what they need (diapers, wipes, maternity clothes for moms, etc.) and then pick the item up and drop it off at the center.

3.       If no donations are needed at this time, feel free to ask if you can volunteer or help in other ways. They will no doubt steer you in the right direction.

We hope you'll join us in this important effort.  Crisis pregnancy centers are critical to our efforts to protect life, and since they usually operate solely on donations, helping them in this way can make a huge impact on their efforts.

Thanks and God Bless,

Rick Santorum siganture

Rick Santorum

Donate Today button

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America: Super Hero Nation

Imagine a super-smart; super strong every man; war hero; former police commissioner; who topped it all off by becoming president of the United States!!

Doc Savage? No.

Definitely Superman, right? Nope
Batman? Gotta be Batman? Not even!
A man in a batsuit, with a cowl on his head, a utility belt, and a cape flowing behind him.

Teddy Roosevelt holds this distinction of being a larger-than-life example of what America can really produce!
teddy roosevelt

President Roosevelt reminds us how using our nation's super principles can produce results just as miraculous as those of fictional super heroes.
Our values produce real life super heroes of every size, shape and color. This universal wealth is what allows Americans  to triumph.
As two political parties peacefully ( for the most part lol ) battle for the White House during a really bad economy it's worth remembering that America, for all her faults, is still a super hero nation!
Have you found your "super " today?
Cap Black, The Hood Conservative
(504) 214-3082
Cap Blacks Make Peace With America Fundraiser!
#HoodConservative Online Newspaper Traditional Values From The 'Wrong" Side of Town! 
#CapBlackTheHoodConservative Blog  Defiant Defenses of Traditional Values Amid Black America's Cultural Implosion! 
" Be your OWN Superhero!"
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URGENT: A few days ago we sent you a warning about a secret plan Obama and his one-world comrades are cooking up. Obama, “America’s Fraud President” is still planning the overthrow of all we hold dear, all that is constitutionally sacred and all that we believe in. How can this be?

Obama is about to order the execution of his Executive Order 13603. This is not an “if” but a “WHEN”!

Executive Order 13603 was recently uncovered

by the Tea Party Research Team—it’s one of those stealth maneuvers America’s Fraud President likes to pull as he pulls the wool over the eyes of innocent Americans.

We know that we stumbled upon what was supposed to be a big secret—a real hush-hush move made by O’Scuma. It is our duty as Americans to expose his malevolent agenda to you and to all Americans.

Let me tell you: if you thought that voting God out of the Demoncrat Party was wicked, wait till you hear this.

The Tea Party reported to you a few weeks ago that on March 16, 2012 Obama (America’s Fraud President) wrote and signed Executive Order 13603 naming it: “National Defense Resources Preparedness,” and while a few conservative media outlets wrote a handful of stories about this outrageous Executive Order, the interest died out.

The pieces of the Obama puzzle are falling into place and his sinister plan is emerging clearer than ever: Use of weapons of mass destruction on Americans!

Through Executive Order 13603 Obama gave himself the power to control all vital aspects of our beloved nation.

The more the Tea Party Research team digs, the more we discover about the execution of Obama’s America-killing plan as it unfolds—and it is HORRIBLE. Beyond the worst you can imagine.

Take a look at some of the sinister and menacing forces that will be put into motion. They are weapons of mass destruction!

Seizing of all forms of civil transportation

Do you realize what this means? Obama specially wrote “civil” NOT “public” transportation. In the name of a national emergency (which Obama has yet to define which, in turn, means he can define it any way he wants) he can grab ALL forms of transportation civilians use, including:

Automobiles, trucks and delivery vehicles

Boats and ships

Your cars, your children’s cars and even grandma’s car

City buses





Scooters, skateboards and wagons

Horse and buggies


Tractors (Yes, some people drive to town on tractors)

A secret plan went into action right under our noses a few months ago—the very plan the Blame Stream Media deliberately hid from the American people.

Obama forgot to tell you that he can grab ALL FORMS OF CIVIL TRANSPORTATION, didn’t he? How convenient to keep the good citizens of America in the dark.

But it doesn’t stop there.

While other groups are asleep at the wheel and playing politics your Tea Party has been at work exposing the rat in the White House.

Obama doesn’t stop at just grabbing transportation but will grab the food out of your mouth. He will also grab”

All commodities and products capable of being ingested by either human beings or animals. In other words all food products, growing, picked and in store, including:

Farm crops

Inventory in grocery stores

Grandmas garden vegetables

Your canned goods

Dog food and livestock feed

Survival food cache

Fish from fish farms

Fruit from orchards

The lame stream media not only turned a blind eye to Obama’s evil deeds but has refused to comment on the Obama grab when presented with the facts! The Main Blame media is NOT your friend.

Ready for more?

Health resources, which include, but are not limited to: drugs, biological products, medical devices, materials, facilities, health supplies, services and equipment. This includes:


Vitamin stores

Wheel chair suppliers

Oxygen providers

Drug stores

First Aid supplies

Red Cross

Medical insurance companies

And the savage takeover of America doesn’t end there. Obama gives the power to government to take over…

All forms of energy:

Solar energy farms

Wind turbine projects

Niagara Falls electric plant

Your home generator

Hydro-electric dams

City power plants

All usable water from all sources:

Mississippi River The Great Lakes

Colorado River and all rivers

All ponds

All wells

All water sheds

All snow melts

All bottled water companies

Yep, COMPLETE GOVERNMENT CONTROL OF IT ALL!!!! If this does not frighten you out of your wits, I don’t know what will.

The Tea Party Research Team is discovering more everyday about “America’s Fraud President.”

Sound impossible? If you don’t believe what we are saying then look up Executive Order 13603 yourself. I assure you this one thing: you will be shocked and frightened beyond anything you have ever known.

I can also tell you this: the Tea Party has been examining the Obama records from day one. Why? Because it has been proven time after time Obama is a liar and cheat. This is why he has earned the name “America’s Fraud President.”

He has lied to the American people about his college transcripts, his law license, his birth certificate and his master piece ObamaCare and ObamaTax.

If you have not seen it yet I strongly urge you to go see the documentary, 2016. You will be shocked and appalled at what you learn. You will be shocked at how Obama’s ideologies were formed and by what his true plan is for subverting our country.

I guarantee you that by the end of the film, the entire puzzle will come together and you will see why we have been screaming FRAUD all along.

The big picture will come completely into focus.

And, you will see that the Tea Party is gravely alarmed with very good reason—and understand why you should be, too.

Executive Order 13603 is another piece to the puzzle that brings together Obama’s evil master plan.

How can you help? Donate now to help us spread the word far and wide about the atrocities being committed—and those being set in motion—by America’s Fraud President.

You might ask: now how could he pull this off? I’ll tell you exactly how.

When Obama is defeated on the night of November 6, 2012 he will remain president until Romney is sworn in on January 20, 2013. That gives Obama over 74 days to do anything he can to finish his socialist agenda and possibly hurl America into such a deep, dark abyss that we may never recover!

Here’s what’s even more frightening:

Obama could grab America before the end of the elections!

How do we know this? Read the analysis yourself.

Why is Obama not worried about winning the election?

Obama is going to sledgehammer Executive Order 13603 into America no matter what the outcome of the elections may be.

He has already demonstrated he will write any executive order, take any action and lie any way he can to complete his master agenda: the total and complete conversion of our Free-Enterprise Republic into a government-controlled socialist regime.

Obama, with great glee, signed on March 16, 2012, his Executive Order 13603 redefining and creating new policy about America’s National Defense.

Obama’s Executive order 13603 is “National Defense Resources Preparedness.”

Mr. Obama – YOU SHALL FAIL!!!! We will NOT let you take America to her knees.

The Tea Party has risen to prevent your re-election.

The day of big government will come to an end. The bailouts will stop and the grab for America will fail. We The People will not stand by and watch our beloved nation be turned into a socialist state run by global communists.

We stand here and say: We are mad as hell and we are not going to take it anymore!


The Tea Party shall not elect any group who:

Fires God

Votes to turn their back on Israel

Demands higher taxes

Bails out Wall Street

Forces ObamaCare/ObamaTax down the throats of America

Tries to turn our free-enterprise republic into a government run communist state

Hey Barack! George W. Bush did something you can’t: He held America together on September 11th and paved the way for Seal Team 6 to kill Osama bin Laden.

Are you starting to get the picture?

Do you think Obama would have issued this type of executive order if he thought he would be replaced by Romney or some other non-donkey party candidate?

What does Obama know that we don’t?

Now do you understand why Obama and his minions MUST be defeated this coming November–and Congress must immediately act to impeach him so he cannot call up any emergency in his remaining 74 days in office?

The Tea Party is comprised of all races, religions, all walks of life, retired, unemployed and over-employed, a true cross-cut of America and we are tens of millions strong.

With our Tea Party power we must use our political muscle. We MUST deliver the KNOCKOUT BLOW to Obama.

Listen Up: The Tea Party has America’s back!

It is time to get off the couch and support our efforts to expose the rat in the White House…and I mean now. Obama, “America’s Fraud President” is growing more dangerous by the day.

Please Donate Now to help us get the word out…help us make those MILLION PLUS phone calls to expose America’s Fraud President and all his latest frauds like Executive Order 13603.

With less than 10 weeks to the election we HAVE to bring people up-to-date on the latest findings on this deadly executive order along with his fraudulent birth records.

In case you missed it, we now have evidence, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Obama is America’s Fraud President. For starters, he presented a FORGED COPY OF HIS BIRTH CERTIFICATE to the American public. He’s hiding something huge.

The evidence is as clear as day. Won’t you please help us? Stand up and take aim. The only way we are going to defeat his sinister plan is to stand up and fight it every step of the way.

Are you with me? Can we count on you?

Please say YES and DONATE TODAY to help us keep going with our campaign to EXPOSE AMERICA’S FRAUD PRESIDENT and take out this imminent and deadly threat.

You are the hope for America. When the chips are down the American people come through every time. Many recognize the internal destruction causing havoc in America but feel powerless and don’t know what to do next.

Well the Tea Party has the answer and it is to empower you!

Here are some of the ways you can be involved from your home or office:


Be a sponsor and help get the message out to America and By-Pass the Lame Stream media. For less than .23 per household!

Photo: To view this as a web page, click here URGENT: A few days ago we sent you a warning about a secret plan Obama and his one-world comrades are cooking up. Obama, “America’s Fraud President” is still planning the overthrow of all we hold dear, all that is constitutionally sacred and all that we believe in. How can this be? Obama is about to order the execution of his Executive Order 13603. This is not an “if” but a “WHEN”! Executive Order 13603 was recently uncovered by the Tea Party Research Team—it’s one of those stealth maneuvers America’s Fraud President likes to pull as he pulls the wool over the eyes of innocent Americans. We know that we stumbled upon what was supposed to be a big secret—a real hush-hush move made by O’Scuma. It is our duty as Americans to expose his malevolent agenda to you and to all Americans. Let me tell you: if you thought that voting God out of the Demoncrat Party was wicked, wait till you hear this. The Tea Party reported to you a few weeks ago that on March 16, 2012 Obama (America’s Fraud President) wrote and signed Executive Order 13603 naming it: “National Defense Resources Preparedness,” and while a few conservative media outlets wrote a handful of stories about this outrageous Executive Order, the interest died out. The pieces of the Obama puzzle are falling into place and his sinister plan is emerging clearer than ever: Use of weapons of mass destruction on Americans! Through Executive Order 13603 Obama gave himself the power to control all vital aspects of our beloved nation. The more the Tea Party Research team digs, the more we discover about the execution of Obama’s America-killing plan as it unfolds—and it is HORRIBLE. Beyond the worst you can imagine. Take a look at some of the sinister and menacing forces that will be put into motion. They are weapons of mass destruction! Seizing of all forms of civil transportation Do you realize what this means? Obama specially wrote “civil” NOT “public” transportation. In the name of a national emergency (which Obama has yet to define which, in turn, means he can define it any way he wants) he can grab ALL forms of transportation civilians use, including: Automobiles, trucks and delivery vehicles Boats and ships Your cars, your children’s cars and even grandma’s car City buses Trains Airplanes Motorcycles Bicycles Scooters, skateboards and wagons Horse and buggies Snowmobiles Tractors (Yes, some people drive to town on tractors) A secret plan went into action right under our noses a few months ago—the very plan the Blame Stream Media deliberately hid from the American people. Obama forgot to tell you that he can grab ALL FORMS OF CIVIL TRANSPORTATION, didn’t he? How convenient to keep the good citizens of America in the dark. But it doesn’t stop there. While other groups are asleep at the wheel and playing politics your Tea Party has been at work exposing the rat in the White House. Obama doesn’t stop at just grabbing transportation but will grab the food out of your mouth. He will also grab” All commodities and products capable of being ingested by either human beings or animals. In other words all food products, growing, picked and in store, including: Farm crops Inventory in grocery stores Grandmas garden vegetables Your canned goods Dog food and livestock feed Survival food cache Fish from fish farms Fruit from orchards The lame stream media not only turned a blind eye to Obama’s evil deeds but has refused to comment on the Obama grab when presented with the facts! The Main Blame media is NOT your friend. Ready for more? Health resources, which include, but are not limited to: drugs, biological products, medical devices, materials, facilities, health supplies, services and equipment. This includes: Hospitals Vitamin stores Wheel chair suppliers Oxygen providers Drug stores First Aid supplies Red Cross Medical insurance companies And the savage takeover of America doesn’t end there. Obama gives the power to government to take over… All forms of energy: Solar energy farms Wind turbine projects Niagara Falls electric plant Your home generator Hydro-electric dams City power plants All usable water from all sources: Mississippi River The Great Lakes Colorado River and all rivers All ponds All wells All water sheds All snow melts All bottled water companies Yep, COMPLETE GOVERNMENT CONTROL OF IT ALL!!!! If this does not frighten you out of your wits, I don’t know what will. The Tea Party Research Team is discovering more everyday about “America’s Fraud President.” Sound impossible? If you don’t believe what we are saying then look up Executive Order 13603 yourself. I assure you this one thing: you will be shocked and frightened beyond anything you have ever known. I can also tell you this: the Tea Party has been examining the Obama records from day one. Why? Because it has been proven time after time Obama is a liar and cheat. This is why he has earned the name “America’s Fraud President.” He has lied to the American people about his college transcripts, his law license, his birth certificate and his master piece ObamaCare and ObamaTax. If you have not seen it yet I strongly urge you to go see the documentary, 2016. You will be shocked and appalled at what you learn. You will be shocked at how Obama’s ideologies were formed and by what his true plan is for subverting our country. I guarantee you that by the end of the film, the entire puzzle will come together and you will see why we have been screaming FRAUD all along. The big picture will come completely into focus. And, you will see that the Tea Party is gravely alarmed with very good reason—and understand why you should be, too. Executive Order 13603 is another piece to the puzzle that brings together Obama’s evil master plan. How can you help? Donate now to help us spread the word far and wide about the atrocities being committed—and those being set in motion—by America’s Fraud President. You might ask: now how could he pull this off? I’ll tell you exactly how. When Obama is defeated on the night of November 6, 2012 he will remain president until Romney is sworn in on January 20, 2013. That gives Obama over 74 days to do anything he can to finish his socialist agenda and possibly hurl America into such a deep, dark abyss that we may never recover! Here’s what’s even more frightening: Obama could grab America before the end of the elections! How do we know this? Read the analysis yourself. Why is Obama not worried about winning the election? Obama is going to sledgehammer Executive Order 13603 into America no matter what the outcome of the elections may be. He has already demonstrated he will write any executive order, take any action and lie any way he can to complete his master agenda: the total and complete conversion of our Free-Enterprise Republic into a government-controlled socialist regime. Obama, with great glee, signed on March 16, 2012, his Executive Order 13603 redefining and creating new policy about America’s National Defense. Obama’s Executive order 13603 is “National Defense Resources Preparedness.” Mr. Obama – YOU SHALL FAIL!!!! We will NOT let you take America to her knees. The Tea Party has risen to prevent your re-election. The day of big government will come to an end. The bailouts will stop and the grab for America will fail. We The People will not stand by and watch our beloved nation be turned into a socialist state run by global communists. We stand here and say: We are mad as hell and we are not going to take it anymore! ATTENTION ALL TEA PARTY MEMBERS: Don’t forget the….. The Tea Party shall not elect any group who: Fires God Votes to turn their back on Israel Demands higher taxes Bails out Wall Street Forces ObamaCare/ObamaTax down the throats of America Tries to turn our free-enterprise republic into a government run communist state Hey Barack! George W. Bush did something you can’t: He held America together on September 11th and paved the way for Seal Team 6 to kill Osama bin Laden. Are you starting to get the picture? Do you think Obama would have issued this type of executive order if he thought he would be replaced by Romney or some other non-donkey party candidate? What does Obama know that we don’t? Now do you understand why Obama and his minions MUST be defeated this coming November–and Congress must immediately act to impeach him so he cannot call up any emergency in his remaining 74 days in office? The Tea Party is comprised of all races, religions, all walks of life, retired, unemployed and over-employed, a true cross-cut of America and we are tens of millions strong. With our Tea Party power we must use our political muscle. We MUST deliver the KNOCKOUT BLOW to Obama. Listen Up: The Tea Party has America’s back! It is time to get off the couch and support our efforts to expose the rat in the White House…and I mean now. Obama, “America’s Fraud President” is growing more dangerous by the day. Please Donate Now to help us get the word out…help us make those MILLION PLUS phone calls to expose America’s Fraud President and all his latest frauds like Executive Order 13603. With less than 10 weeks to the election we HAVE to bring people up-to-date on the latest findings on this deadly executive order along with his fraudulent birth records. In case you missed it, we now have evidence, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Obama is America’s Fraud President. For starters, he presented a FORGED COPY OF HIS BIRTH CERTIFICATE to the American public. He’s hiding something huge. The evidence is as clear as day. Won’t you please help us? Stand up and take aim. The only way we are going to defeat his sinister plan is to stand up and fight it every step of the way. Are you with me? Can we count on you? Please say YES and DONATE TODAY to help us keep going with our campaign to EXPOSE AMERICA’S FRAUD PRESIDENT and take out this imminent and deadly threat. You are the hope for America. When the chips are down the American people come through every time. Many recognize the internal destruction causing havoc in America but feel powerless and don’t know what to do next. Well the Tea Party has the answer and it is to empower you! Here are some of the ways you can be involved from your home or office: SPONSOR ONE MILLION PHONE CALLS - CALL Be a sponsor and help get the message out to America and By-Pass the Lame Stream media. For less than .23 per household! DONATE – Grassroots Funded Non- Profit - GIVE Keep the Tea Party going by helping underwrite our work. We get no government money, no fat cat PACS, our efforts are completely funded by YOU! SEND A FAX BLAST – 435 Fax Pages in one order! - BLAST All 100 Senators and all 435 Members of the House of Representatives. Prewritten low-cost fax blast. Blast the hell out of them! FREE – Join Our Social Network Site - JOIN Free page, blog, forums, post/watch videos, talk to like-minded Patriots, read postings, join in free chats, get free Newsletters, Alerts, and much more EVERYTHING IS AT STAKE. Please donate now to the ONE MILLION PLUS CALL CAMPAIGN to expose America’s Fraud President and keep the incredible momentum going! Tea Party Citizens have tasted victory…now let’s take it all the way to Capitol Hill! To squashing America’s Fraud President and the face of evil! Ready, aim, FIRE THAT FRAUD!!!! Steve Eichler CEO— PS: Donate whatever you can today so America’s future is secured for tomorrow. A donation of just $23 can help us reach 100 households. Donate now—whatever you can do will help, no matter how large or small! …and don’t forget: Pray for America now. (If Obama keeps this up, tomorrow prayer may be outlawed.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This email is never sent unsolicited. You have received this email because you subscribed to it or someone forwarded it to you. To opt out, see the links below. If this email has been forwarded to you and you would like to sign up: SUBSCRIBE For information on advertising with, please contact: ADVERTISE TO OPT OUT Remove your email address from our list. We respect your right to privacy. View our policy. This email was sent by:, 24338 El Toro Rd, Suite E-108 Laguna Woods, California 92637

Comments by Combat:

Take a look at the complete set of the illuminati card game by copying and pasting this link in your browser: password: abovetopsecret

I am suspecting Obama to be the first Beast of Revelation


I am suspecting either of those to be the next false flag: /story/2156/417/THE_STAGE_HAS_BEEN_SET_FOR_AN…

Washington, D.C. gets NUKED! (DAY AFTER DISASTER)

Is Washington, DC the next 9/11? now-if-we-want-to-overturn-postpone-this-because-it-is-where-we-are-headed/



Queen Pope Face Courts for Crimes Against Humanity Part 1 to 3

Bush and Blair brought to justice for war crimes:



This is only a study of Bible Prophecy and how it relates to the current events we see unfolding in our world.

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