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He said it because that has been HIS life experience. He hasn't created anything positive. Everything he has ever had or has he either was given or someone stole for him.

He didn't even create the family living in the Whitehouse....somebody else did!

His whole outlook on life is negative because he recognizes his whole life is a scam.

No wonder he is insane!

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Benghazi Action Alert

Dear Patriots,
I've spent the morning calling all of the Republican members of the House Oversight Committee to request a PUBLIC hearing BEFORE the election with Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Susan Rice. If it turns out that the White House was watching while Chris Stevens and his staff were being killed, and help could have been sent and it wasn't, then this is totally unacceptable and American voters should know this information before the election.
In doing so, one staff member gave me THE number to call to request a hearing, and I'm asking you all to call this number. I spoke to a live person, and the more of us who call, the better. Thank you, and have a wonderful day! - Kristy
OGR Committee: (202) 225-5074

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Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On October 25, 2012:


Has Obama’s occupation of the White House been constitutional and/or legal?

Dear Editor:

I’ve just emailed a letter to all the Republican members of the U.S. Senate, which I wanted to share. It points out why the matter of presidential eligibility will not simply disappear with a change of office. A copy is posted below.


Dear Senator,

I am writing concerning the issue of presidential eligibility. The uncertainty our country has demonstrated over the last several years as to who are its natural born citizens, and so eligible to the presidency, is apparent to many. The reluctance of our country’s officers and representatives to deal directly with the matter leads the onlooker to an inevitable conclusion:

It is presumed that when the presidency next changes hands, the matter will fade away.

If the matter were really about Mr. Obama after all, this would probably be true, but to suppose that it is just about him, or that it will fade away, is to misunderstand the issue our country faces.

The matter of presidential eligibility involves the natural right of citizenship, which necessarily affects:

  • Immigration….. the right of the nation to establish and enforce a reasonable immigration policy.
  • Dual citizenship….. the right of the nation to refuse dual allegiances, (or dual citizenship, so called).
  • The right to vote….. full participation only in one’s own government; that right to self-government which naturally attaches to the legal citizens of the nation.
  • Future presidencies….. the right of the nation to require that its highest offices be held only by those whose connection and allegiance to the country has remained undivided.

How will our government be able to act honestly on any of these issues without potentially declaring the Obama presidency a farce? If the rule of law and the oath to support the Constitution is to be maintained in pretense only, the charade will need to be continued for a much longer time and over a much wider range of issues than was perhaps suspected!

Must we really continue to treat our laws with contempt in order to avoid self-reproof? Should our nation remain ensnared to avoid an uncomfortable situation? Absolutely not! We should free ourselves from the snare. There is no real loss when a person or nation stops doing wrong in order to do what is right. Partiality in the administration of the law is not a benefit to any nation, but justice brings stability.

Around the country, numerous eligibility cases have been filed which have been tossed out on “lack of standing”, while “official” opinions have been offered in an attempt to dispel the issue. However, the rule of law is not preserved by evasiveness, judicial oaths are not maintained in pretense, and the Constitution cannot be construed so as to be ineffectual.

Even today our government seems unable to address immigration in a reasonable and legal fashion, and by a doubtful construction of birthright citizenship, it causes all foreigners born within our borders to be dual nationals. Can we expect improvement if we are not forthright about such matters?

There is yet another possible consequence of failing to deal with the issue of presidential eligibility.

Uncertainty as to the legality of a presidency causes all legislation passed under that administration to be uncertain. If there are, in fact, any such laws, which are invalid, they remain unenforceable even after a change in office.

Should our state governors, representatives, and judicial officers be placed continually in the position of enforcing and punishing “offences” against federal legislation, which is itself of questionable validity? We have already seen the result of a case involving Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, (a six month prison sentence, and his questions as to the legitimacy of the Obama presidency unanswered).

It is a treacherous path for all. Such a matter as involves the presidency and affects the entire nation can never really be brushed aside as a mere technicality.

“…No Person except a natural born Citizen… shall be eligible to the Office of President…”

“…This Constitution… shall be the supreme Law of the Land… The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution…”

  • The United States Constitution, Articles 2 and 6”


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following articles and/or blog posts relate to and/or support the above article and/or blog post-You Decide: 


LIFE AFTER ROMNEY AND THE REPUBLICANS: ‘Exclusive: Larry Klayman tells of citizens grand jury set to hear evidence against Obama!’-Posted on LARRY KLAYMAN-On September 28, 2012:

“The economy is in shambles, war is about to break out in the oil-rich Middle East, our “commander in chief,” Barack Hussein Obama, is AWOL and instead appears mainly on television shows like “The View” – rather than honestly addressing the recent attack that killed an ambassador and three other Americans in Libya, or meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other world leaders at the United Nations’ General Assembly this last week over Iran’s nuclear threats. And through it all, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney and his party continue to sink like a rock in the political polls.

We could belabor the reasons for this crash and burn, but it would take up an entire tome well beyond the word limit of this column – so just stick a fork into Romney and his hapless and disingenuous band of Republican phonies; they are cooked not just with regard to the November elections, but perhaps for all time. If they cannot politically defeat the “mullah in chief” and his incompetent and corrupt socialist, Jew-, Christian- and white-hating comrades (even classless leftist singer Madonna proudly acknowledged this week that Obama is a “black Muslim”), then what is left of the Grand Old Party? Zip!

We the People faced a similar and far less grave situation in the years leading up to the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and the ensuing Revolutionary War. The words of our Founding Fathers in this beautifully crafted Declaration ring even truer today and bring tears to any patriot who loves our nation and wants it to survive.

“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God entitle them …

“Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, – That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. – Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.”

Last week my column was entitled “Our lying presidents.” The long litany of abuse and dishonesty I wrote about barely scratches the surface of the ills of our governing elite. Capped off by our current so-called president – Obama is not eligible to be president as he is not a natural born citizen – the leaders of the nation have furthered tyranny far worse for the last 50 years (with the brief exception of the Reagan presidency) than anything King George III perpetrated and imposed on the colonies. And at least in colonial times, our economy was booming, the young and soon-to-be-birthed nation had looked to the Judeo-Christian God for wisdom and divine grace, and our leaders were willing to risk their honor, sacred fortunes and lives for freedom.

Mitt Romney and his band of Republicans have and will risk little to nothing to confront the usurper and his tyranny over the American people and Jews and Christians worldwide. They do nothing, articulate no real vision, speak out of both sides of their mouths and mostly dedicate themselves to enrichment at the government trough. That is why in the face of the tyrant Obama and his corrupt Democratic Party, Romney and the Republicans can get no real traction and are destined to lose the November election.

So what do we do then? We do what our Founding Fathers did. First, we rise up legally and exercise our God-given rights to freedom and democracy and use whatever legal means we can to take control of our destiny.

On Oct. 31, 2012, I will be in Ocala, Fla., presenting evidence to a citizens grand jury, chosen in the ordinary course without regard to politics and biases, seeking the indictment of the likes of President Barack Hussein Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and others who have betrayed and terrorized the nation and violated the rule of criminal law. With regard to Obama, not only has he defrauded the American people by being elected president despite his not being a natural born citizen, but he also has compromised, in treasonous fashion, our national security. Once indicted, we will then seek to try him for these crimes. If he refuses to appear at trial, which he surely will, the people will try him in abstentia.

In effect, along with a coterie of other patriots, we will make Ocala in 2012 what Philadelphia was to the colonies in 1776. Please join us in the noble cause, as We the People have been abandoned and scorned by our so-called leaders for far too long. See Now it is our time to risk our fortunes, sacred honor and lives to preserve the nation, using the rights that our Founding Fathers bequeathed to us: the citizens grand jury.

Forget about Mitt Romney and the Republican Party; their game is up. We can save the nation and live without them, so help us God.”



The Birthers Aren’t Going Anywhere!-Posted on YouGov-By Adam Berinsky-On October 1, 2012:

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following is an important book in PDF format that contains a general view of the origin and nature of the U.S. Constitution and Government of The United States, along with other eye-opening articles and/or blog posts that reveal that our Constitution currently faces a 'Progressive' threat-You Decide:


A General View Of The Origin And Nature Of The Constitution and Government of the United States!-Posted on Citizens For A Constitutional Republic-By Henry Baldwin, Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States (January 18, 1830 – April 21, 1844):


George Soros assault on U.S. Constitution: ‘White House officials involved in rewriting nation’s founding document’!-Posted on Aaron Klein-On March 27, 2011: 


Obama Versus the Constitution!-Posted on American Thinker-By James Lewis-On April 25, 2011:


American Constitution faces ‘progressive’ threat!-Posted on Aaron Klein-On July 3, 2011:


The Elite Are Not Even Trying To Hide How Much They Hate The U.S. Constitution Anymore!-Posted on The American Dream-On July 5, 2011:




Obama Administration’s War On the Constitution!-Posted on ThruthOut-By John Cusack-On September 1, 2012:


EXCLUSIVE—Mark Levin on ‘Ameritopia:’ ‘We Now Live in a Post-Constitutional Country!’-Posted on P. Jeffrey-On January 16, 2012:

4063359777?profile=originalContinue Reading My Following Blog Posts That Relate To This Disturbing Issue:


The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!


Was there a conspiracy to put Obama in the White House?


Clearing the Smoke on Obama’s Eligibility!


Did Saudis Buy Obama 2008 Election?


A Vote for Every Murderer and a Ballot for Every Rapist!


Massive Voter Fraud-Again!


Was Obama rattled by developing donor scandal story?


Active complaint to the FEC over President Obama’s 2008 campaign finances!


Recipient of Foreign Donations Accuses Others of Taking Foreign Donations!


CIA Columbia Obama Cover Up!


Why did a black preacher from Harlem have a “hit” placed on his life?


Just Happened!


Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!’t-tr...


Where Is America Today?


The Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!


Is History Repeating Itself?

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”


God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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Obummer the Biggest USA Failure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For the past month I have listen to the Debates and have to suffer through all the lies that I have heard from Obummer. From the economy to foreign affairs he has done nothing but lie through his teeth. Listening to the last debate I thought we were listening to Bidden.
The economy, I need to ask to you folks in the Tea party, can anybody tell me is the Middle Class, I looked it up and got all kinds of different numbers on it. These people that support this Liar-an- Chief are either brain dead or getting free handouts. Or maybe they are the ones that ran off to Canada during the Vietnam War.
Do these people have to have a bomb drop on there heads to wake them up. Well they will have if they elect Obummer, Iran will deliver it air mail.
Obummer has never worked an honest job in his life, never started or ran a business. After listening to some of his commits about math he must have failed it in school. He’s the one that doesn’t know math.
Most of the time he talks to what looks like is High School or College kids who think they should get free college education. Hate to tell these kids but the real world does not always come out of a book. And you can not life on Welfare all your life. Half of them can not even think about looking for a job before they get out of school, on top of that they think they should be paid big money the day they get out of school.
With Obummer you get Peat and repeat, they are going to get a repeat of his first 4 years. And they will still be without a job. It’s very surprising to me as to what the younger generation is being taught in school. And to think they would like us Americans to pay for it, if that be the case then “We the People” should have something to say as to what they are being taught.
Seems the younger generation can not see beyond their noses. I’m 67 years old and I think just how fast the past 40 years have gone. They may want us folks out of the way so they do not have to listen to the truth about life itself. The younger generation need to put away their I phones, I pads, and maybe their computers and wake up to the real world. Many Men and Women have died for their freedoms to play their games.
We the People with a brain know that you don’t keep borrowing money to get out of debt. And you don’t by all means spend more than you make, that’s called going backwards.
We the people are playing by two playbooks. The Federal Government playbook and the private sector playbook and they do not match. Has anybody looked up the Government retirement system verses the private sectors system. Please be seated while you read it, it will shock you.
Green energy yes I somewhat agree we need green energy but do you invest in that when you have 23 million people out of work. Or do you invest when you have money to do so. This is where the private investors come in, if it is so good why haven’t the private investors gotten in on it? They do not invest unless are going to get a return on there investment. They will not invest in a company that is going broke. They are not that dumb, that’s why they are making money not wasting it. These wind turbines are like billboards. They are getting in the way of seeing the mountains or anything else, on top of that now they want to TAX the WIND, it’s called a wind tax.
As for taxes We the People are over taxed, with Federal, State, Local, and Property taxes that we pay. Healthcare Obummer has 21 new taxes in his healthcare law, and he has said that Taxes are going to go up after the first of the year, not just on the rich either, on everyone. That means your paycheck is going to go down so you have less money to spend. With the gas prices going up, grocery prices going up, utility bills going up that means one thing income goes down.
Foreign Affairs this is a big issue that is coming to light with Americans today. Obummer has been a total failure at, to me he doesn’t want to often his fellow Muslims but it’s okay to help kill Americans. Which I fell strongly he did in Libya, 4 Americans did not have to die, to me he should have pulled them out of there when the Brit’s pulled out, and maybe put them back in there when things got better. Do not use Americans for Political gains. If the people of the United States want to knoe the truth about what going on overseas just ask the everyday GI not the Generals, because the brass are just trying to make their next star verses telling the American people the truth about what really is going on.
To me this is just another Vietnam playing political games with American lives and paying the price later down the road when they pull another Terrorist attack again. I still believe that you turn the Military loose and get the job done once and for all insist of have to see people get killed for political games.
People today have to think about the future of this country, free to do the things we wish to do whether that would be to travel to see this beautiful country. Or just to see their kids enjoying the thing they wish to do. The younger generation had better take theirs out of where it does belong and start looking to the future because they aren’t going to stay young forever.
Obummer wants to become a dictator in this country, if that happens then their lives are over with. They will not have any freedoms, they will look in the mirror and say they made a mistake in voting for this clown, hate to tell this younger generation it will be to late to correct things.

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4063610945?profile=originalThis week former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin penned an article on Facebook with the title "Obama's Shuck and Jive Ends With Benghazi Lies,” This has set off a firestorm of criticism throughout the liberal punditry world.  MNBC’s Chris Matthews has railed against Palin, calling her comments of having "a particular ethnic connection" and that she aimed "to throw it at the president as an ethnic shot is pretty blatant."

What about President Obama’s own White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, who used the phrase last year in September 2011?  In talking to the press corps at the beginning of a White House briefing, he stated, "Sorry. I'm going to shuck and jive! Time to shuck and jive. So America gets it, only certain people can say it. Where was the liberal rap on the knuckles for insulting black people or his boss?

Should Chris Matthews and other liberals, receive a free pass when they have used the phrase on several occasions without similar howls of protest.

In fact, Chris Matthews the self appointed defender of the liberal faith used the phrase in 2010 when fellow MSNBC pundit Rachel Maddow was discussing her ratings driven trip to Afghanistan.  Matthews reportedly asked Maddow, “What has it been like, as you shuck and jive, hang out with the men over there, the women over there, in uniform risking their lives every day?”


Did Matthews become suddenly affected with “Obamnesia,” the known malady which infects liberals’ with sudden outbursts of hypocrisy and a temporary loss of liberal fictional talking points?  Matthews clearly had a strong case of this.  Yet, where was the outcry from the defenders of the liberal faith?  Was Matthews hoping that Maddow would discuss how she found proud black soldiers risking their lives, engaging in being foot shuffling’ Negros?


What about New Governor Andrew Cuomo, who while New York Attorney General, in 2008 targeted democrat presidential candidate U.S. Senator Barack Obama for his all too frequent side stepping of the facts?  Out of frustration, Cuomo blasted Obama in a radio interview by stating, "You can't shuck and jive at a press conference!"


Where were the liberal siren and alarm bells in 2008?  Where was Chris Matthew’s denunciation or even Rev. Jesse Jackson, or the other liberal pundits?  Meanwhile, some of the liberal cleanup crew likened Cuomo’s comments to a boxer who was “bobbing and weaving” around the facts.  So was it racist or was it inarticulate?

( read more )

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Romney for all his faults and there are many of them, deserves to get his wish and be POTUS.

My vote for him will do nothing to get him elected [ NY will go to Obama]

So what am I saying

The next president will be in office for the biggest economic and financial crash in history and may be the scape goat for it.

You think he can save the economy

You are an idealistic fool to think so, and the reason is plain to see if you take a hard look at the economic numbers

The true debt is a staggering number where EVERY PERSON ALIVE IN THE USA TODAY HOLDS A SHARE IN IT OF $400,000 or more .  That is on top of all the private debt we have.

What can you expect

A hyper-inflationary depression that will make the one that occurred  in Germany in 1923 look mild

Nothing like it has ever occurred before

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Should the USA get out of the Middle east?

Ron Paul suggested we withdraw from all active military engagements in the Middle east, and I agree with his assessment.  In fact I believe that we can and should close down all foreign military bases no and rely on the old concept of big stick diplomacy, which is , IF you attack American interests we do not send troops to your shores , we just drop an ICBM on your capital !

The United States has armed troops in the middle east for 2 reasons !

1 Protect the oil and American interests in it as well as the petrol-Dollar connection!

2 Protect Israel ?  They have over 200 nukes of their own so why is this needed? 

                            [PS Remember the USS Liberty?]

We are spending money we don't have on people who do not like us? 

Ron Paul is right on this one as well as on the issues with the Federal Reserve system.

Do you really want your son's and daughter's sent to foreign lands to bleed and die for Mobil oil or

some guy in Israel or a south Korean you never met? Let them fight their own wars.

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Is Black Conservatism Just Another Come Up?

Don't Sleep

The BET program, " Don't Sleep, " recently had a episode addressing whether Black conservatives are essentially " in it for the money " to use a popular phrase.
Interesting question.
Any student of American Black culture knows we've got more than our share of dons and divas with noses turned in the air. 
Every group does and perhaps our history makes it even more pronounced. 
A life long traditionalist, I've observed our classism for nearly 50 years. The fact that members of the well compensated Black liberal elite question community conservative's commitment is laughable. 
Few Black liberals of any means donate millions to HBCUs the way Bill Cosby or Tavis Smiley have. Fewer still will stand and talk to so-called " little people " the way global progressive icon Dick Gregory does.
Black liberals who've " made it " are easily a thousand times more snooty than White counterparts. Try holding a conversation with one if you aren't famous yourself. 
Reports state you are often get ignored or, if they have security, roughly rebuffed.
I don't doubt some high profile Black conservatives see themselves as stars. That goes with being on national programs like Don't Sleep or headlining big rallies.
Black conservatism isn't just another " come up " to those laboring silently in a liberal-led Black America, confident American alternatives to the Left will triumph.
By my estimate, for every phony Black conservative there are easily hundreds if not thousands more liberals active simply to be a smug " Black Face In A High Place " too.
Please note few if any high profile Black liberals do their activism for free.
Cap Black, The Hood Conservative
(504) 214-3082
Cap Blacks Make Peace With America Fundraiser!
#HoodConservative Online Newspaper Traditional Values From The 'Wrong" Side of Town! 
#CapBlackTheHoodConservative Blog  Defiant Defenses of Traditional Values Amid Black America's Cultural Implosion! 
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TO: United States Congress

 President of the United States

Washington DC


President, Congressmen, Senators,

Because I believe each of you are unsure of just how devoted many American citizens are with regard to protecting their Constitution, Freedoms and Rights.  I can't accurately speak for every Patriot in America, however I can convey the way I feel.  As you read what the following I am convinced that you would be safe to assume that what I write applies to them as well.

 If I were a part of the overt corruption and treason taking place in Washington DC I would be very concerned about any part I played in the betrayal of my country.  If I were innocent of criminal acts of my colleagues it would be of no consequence had I done nothing to counter it.   However if you are one of the few in congress who has tried to stem the corruption and treason or sound the alarm this has little to do you.

Again, as you each read this keep in mind I am but one of millions who feel and will act in much the same way. 

I am a very Loyal Patriotic American citizen.  I am duty bound by the oath I took to protect the Constitution.  Honor, something which escapes a large number of elected people, is a very important character trait I hold dear.  I have a steadfast belief in my God and will never compromise my faith or my values and I strive to be a moral individual.  Those of you in this administration and congress who ponder the question, "would American citizens really engage in an armed revolt against their government" have good reason to ask.  Only those guilty would consider this question, as they are the ones who will be the point of just such an action.  If you have the misguided assumption that American citizens do not possess the courage or the will to take such an action you  gravely deceiving yourselves.

 As I said before, I am a Loyal American citizen, I have never committed a crime or even been suspect of any.  I have served my country with Honor and bled for it as did every male in my family that I am aware of.  It is this which gives my words the ring of truth and display the fact that I, as well as the millions I mentioned before, will not accept tyranny and treason.  Many of us have put our lives on the line for America before to fight foreign enemies.  As dishonorable as the act of treason is just how far do you think we would go to confront a domestic enemy.  By now you are fully aware the acts many of you have committed are criminal and Patriots of America are aware of them all.  You would have to be insane to believe American citizens would allow you to subject them to  NDAA and treaties which, "you think will countermand Constitutional rights",  as well as other ill-conceived legislation by the 111th and 112th congresses without a fight.  As it stands the Democrat party along with some liberal republicans are at the threshold of being guilty of causing the greatest destructive evil ever brought upon this land.

 If any of you truly believe in God then you are aware of where you stand and that you have no chance.  If you are among those who are atheists, this is one time you would do well to listen to those who believe though your arrogance will never permit it.  I am not a member of any Militia though I support their efforts and sometimes contribute training for them.  There are a few refuse to help, I only help those truly committed to our nation and our laws and whose greatest concern is protecting the Constitution as well as the rights and Freedom it protects.  Those organizations acting out of a desire to play army or have an axe to grind are not what our Constitution calls Militia.  These types are merely camouflaged sociopaths.  I am relieved that these are few and far between.  Most new Militias are down to earth Honorable American citizens from every occupation including Law, Military, Medical, Mechanic, Store clerks, Teachers and so on.  They come from every religion and race.  They are the exact people America was built by, the exact people who make America work.   They are the people who are telling you in Washington DC to either stop your attempt to rule and take over their home or they are going to put in a place you are not going to like. 

Congressmen, Senators you live in the communities where these people live also, your continued corruption is going to make your going home very hard.  None of you are respected anymore.  You will have to earn your rights, our Constitution does not protect government.  This is the very reason you want to destroy it.  What you fail to realize is that your attacks on the Constitution makes each of you criminals. Obama is already a felon, though none of you have the courage to hold him accountable.  None of you do your duty or live up to your responsibilities or oath.  I am simply telling it like it honestly is, you in Congress are playing a very dangerous game with your own lives.  This is no threat it is a fact you will be held to answer for your actions and many of you will be in a prison cell.  I sincerely hope to see you there before you start a justified, legal and moral revolution.  A revolution even our founding fathers would bless and ask what took so long.  Congress, get this very clear in your minds, you have absolutely nothing to be proud of.  And never insult America by saying "you served" that is simply bull shit.  Soldiers serve, Police serve, firemen serve, you? huh, are a waste of breath thus far.

Art Phillips (Elevengun)      


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