" Be your OWN Superhero!"
Our Rebuild America Defeat Obama Tour rally in Mount Pleasant, MI was held in a charming throwback hall. Mirrors covered the walls. Decorative small light bulbs wrapped the columns and strategic spots around the room creating a warm friendly setting. To my surprise among the sea of patriots, I noticed “Obama/Biden” signs held above the crowd in back of the room.
A day or so before, in Grand Blanc, MI we encountered obnoxious protesters, half of which were black. The black Obama zombies called me a traitor to my race and other assorted insults. I was aggressive and confronted the brain-dead racists head on.
So, when I saw the Obama protesters displaying their signs in back of the room, I wanted to verbally attack them from the stage. But, a still, small voice inside of me said, “Don't do that. Simply tell your story.”
I shared with the audience my family's history of government dependency and the devastating negative effect cradle to grave welfare had on many of my relatives. In 1956, my black dad broke the color barrier and became a Baltimore City firefighter. This afforded my family funds to move out of the projects and off of the government system.
Unfortunately, many of my cousins/relatives stayed on government welfare their entire lives and it destroyed them.
Throughout my speech and during the speeches of other speakers at our rally, to my amazement I saw the Obama protesters applauding along with our audience.
The grand finale of our rallies is a military tribute which blew away the Obama supporters. They rose to their feet applauding along with our enthusiastic patriotic audience.
Now, I am not saying the Obama supporters were converted to Romney/Ryan supporters. I am confident that they heard indisputable truths and felt inspiration and love for the greatest nation on the planet.
Donald, a member of our team said he noticed that everyone at our rally was polite and non-confrontational with the Obama supporters. Had the situation been reversed, Romney/Ryan supporters showing up waving signs at an Obama rally, unquestionably the Romney protesters would have been putting themselves at great risk of physical harm.
The mainstream media despicably continues to lie attempting to portray us as violent racist haters. With over 300 tea party rallies nationwide under my belt, I can testify that we tea party folks are extremely peaceful patriots who love God, family and country.
In short, we are the good guys. I am confident the good guys will win in November.
Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Through all the rhetoric and rumor and posting one thing must be retained by every human being on this planet. This "unfortunate truth" is undeniable. It has been proven out over the past four years again and again. That truth is, "if Barak Obama and the current make up of the United States Congress remains in power for another term Freedom worldwide will cease to exist and there will be wars never before seen on earth". This election will not solve all the problems but it will buy civilized people a little more time to defeat the evil we have allowed to enter our home. If you are one who believes in God and values morality and Freedom.
You will vote Obama and most Democrats out of office until both parties can offer Honorable alternatives and we can change the way our elected people are allowed to behave. The American people must get in control of their government for the world's sake. We must not be the ones who let the beacon go out!
I have recently been engaged in running dialogue with several “useful idiots” over Mitt Romney’s recent speech at the Al Smith Dinner. And the disconnect displayed by several respondents to 1 simple statement I made that: “THIS is how an AMERICAN PRESIDENT ACTS!” has been if anything; enlightening to the mindset of these individuals. The first comment I received was the following:
Zhadeix in reply to Keith Westbrook 1 day ago
And the descent into discourse continued at an accelerated rate from all sides with my help. The fact that my comment was based on the closing statement that Mr. Romney made was inconsequential to the discussion and completely missed by the zealous left. And my response was less than cordial from that moment on.
I have for many months now into several years studied the “progressive/socialist” movement in this Country and written about it on numerous occasions. I have included in those dissertations, THOUSANDS of fact- checked reference's verifying the information contained within. And throughout it all one glaring fact based truth is undeniably evident: NO GOOD HAS EVER COME FROM IT!
It is from a position of indifferent arrogance that the progressive socialist movement has not only stayed alive but prospered within academia and government in this Nation. The “intellectual elite” are entrenched in the belief that they, because of their devotion to so-called intellectual self-enlightenment are entitled to the greatest share of wealth and control over the rest of the populace. They along with progressive/liberal politicians have created the largest socialism indoctrination system outside the former Soviet Union and modern China. We now have multiple generations of Americans who have no perception of anything in the way of information that is not spoon fed to them by the media. It is structured propaganda that the progressive movement created and I will prove it:
And the indoctrination is even more self evident in the following response:
And as with the former Soviet Union and in China today as well as Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea and others, controlling the media narrative is imperative to controlling the population at large. If not for the 1st. Amendment where would this Republic be right now? Yet we have entire groups of “useful idiots” that side with a complete lie fabricated to hide the failing policies of this administration. We have an entire media that except for the unwilling act of occasional journalism, has become the incestuous bedmate of progressive socialism, failing to see that throughout history the socialist govt. once empowered KILLED every teacher, journalist and elected official that they perceived a threat. The most recent example was the reign of terror by Pol Pot.
This has been in the making in America for 100 years now, starting with the Woodrow Wilson Administration and the first foray of the academic elite entering politics. His progressive policies were responsible for the largest growth of the government since the Civil War and reconstruction periods and created everything from the Federal Reserve to Income Tax. Under his administration with the help of a Democratically controlled House the federal govt. grew by 250% and also helped create legislation opening the door for union activism to proliferate without oversight.
The push back on progressivism by the massive over intrusion by Wilson’s Administration led to many years where the title of progressive was deemed an insult, mostly because of his views of the Founding Fathers and his desire to end the govt. that the Constitution of the United States formed, in favor of a more Parliamentarian style of govt..
The one thing that these progressive socialist’s realized was to affect change they had to change the perception of an entire Nation, and the best way, was to start early and work slowly through indoctrination methods. During Wilson’s administration he set in motion legislation that would fund schools, that started the erosion of state and local responsibility for education, which allowed for the federal govt. and not local school boards to set standards dictating curriculum.
And every 20 years or so from this administration forward we have had revisits to progressive socialism:
Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Roosevelt expansion of the federal govt. by any means necessary includes passing a record 3728 executive orders or almost 1 a day for 12 years! It was called the “New Deal” for a reason
Lyndon B. Johnson: a life long politician and political insider whose “Great Society” legislation has led to 47 years of constant federal govt. expansion at the cost of states rights. Historians argue that Johnson's presidency marked the peak of modern liberalism in the United States after the New Deal era.
Jimmy Carter: During Carter's term as President, two new cabinet-level departments were created: the Department of Energy and the Department of Education.
William Jefferson Clinton: During his presidency, Clinton advocated for a wide variety of legislation and programs, much of which was enacted into law or was implemented by the executive branch. Some of his policies, such as the North American Free Trade Agreement and welfare reform, have been attributed to a centrist Third Way philosophy of governance, while on other issues his stance was left-of-center
Barack Hussein Obama: He is the first POTUS since Wilson to come from Academia with no other real background outside of instutionalized education, except for a brief stint in the Illinois state govt. and then 2 years as a Senator.
All of these individuals were all deemed by the media of their day as “intellectual elites”, including Clinton being a “Rhodes” scholar. All have presided over the greatest loss of individual freedoms in the name of the “common good” than all of the previous administrations COMBINED!
All have been the darlings of their bed fellows the media, which when the Constitution was written granting them the powers of the 4th estate, it was as a watchdog against the very actions that they now defend or try to obfuscate from the American people. But this relationship has only existed when it is a Democrat Administration.
I am old enough to remember quite accurately the media’s relentless pursuit of Nixon on Watergate and his involvement which led to his resignation. Their pursuit of Reagan in the Iran Contra Affair and the prosecution of Col. Oliver North. The relentless media attacks of every Republican administration for the last 100 years as compared to the media’s handling of Democrat administrations has been shameful. From Hoover-villes to the “New Deal” from the “great society” to Nixon's war( Vietnam which was escalated by Johnson) and on and on it has become an exercise in futility to expect anyone in America, exposed to their diatribe, to remain anything but indoctrinated to their propaganda.
All of these media elites were educated and indoctrinated into this movement in the Academic environment. They now carry forward the “progressive socialist” message and agenda driving the narrative, instead of observing and reporting on it.
Progressive socialism is a cancer, it kills everything it infects, and like cancer it slowly destroys the body whole, until only radical treatment can have a chance of saving the patient. In any life threatening situation there is always an acceptable loss of tissue to justify saving a life. We have now reached that point in America’s future health, we must now cut the disease from the body to save the body whole.
America is finally awakening from her long sleep and the media is now more despised than unions. But we must continue to remove them further from infecting our Country.If we stopped supporting any company that supports any newspaper and all of the alphabet networks we could choke them to death from lack of funding. End their revenue resources and we end them. I have personally boycotted all major products that advertise on any network or media outlet. I do not miss them and neither does my wallet.
We must continue to remove the federal influence of govt. from our local education. I am a firm supporter of oaths of office to be given to teachers and administrators, like my military and fiduciary oath. Until their loyalty to the children’s education supplants socialist dogma and union manipulation we are faced with an ever declining education system teaching more about non-American values and globalism than the fundamentals of the 3R’s and about this Great Nation’s history.
My readers know one of my favorite sayings is it is time to cull the herd, it is from the John Wayne movie McClintock when he describes the “poor specimen” that is the territorial governor. The ‘useful idiots” go ballistic when I use it and I love seeing their heads explode yet they are the ones advocating creation of a government that will have just that power through Obamacare. Their stupidity knows no bounds!
In Freedom,
Dr. Keith C. Westbrook Ph.D.
So you want to bring UN troops on American soil to monitor our elections? Well I hope you are ready for the response they will get in every county in this nation. You will spend the rest of your life apologizing. Those who are not placed under citizen's arrest and put in county jail will likely go home in a body bag. Is this what you are hoping for, in case you did not know, it is
not legal for foreign troops to operate on US soil, even with your permission. Don't bother looking it up, it is the law because the American people will make it so. Just remember, Jackass, the people who make things happen in this country are against you and all your Islamic criminal friends. Every man who has ever fought for this country will be outraged by the sight of any foreign uniforms on American soil. That outrage will turn into rage and your UN friends will be in grave danger. Obama you need to pull your head out of your ass now and then, a little air might kick start that pea brain of yours. Then again, not!
At the end of September, Marita Noon and I began to expose the various failures of Obama’s green-energy expenditures (mainly from the trillion dollar, 2009-stimulus package where over $90 billion was earmarked for "green") –– projects and firms that have gone bankrupt (confirming 15 with more on our radar). A hot topic that became part of the first presidential debate where after President Obama pressed Mitt Romney for supporting tax cuts for oil companies, Romney reminded Obama that he put $90 billion into failing green companies like Solyndra, Fisker, Tesla, and Ener1. “I had friend who said you don’t just pick the winners and losers, you pick the losers,” Romney cleverly added.
We then we moved on to those that are functioning, but facing difficulties –– struggling either financially, while some environmentally, still others laying off workers, and quite a few on life support (approximately 20).
Lastly, we addressed the "5 million green jobs that Candidate Obama had promised in 2008," of which Team Obama is now claiming victory, however, as we noted, the math doesn't add up, nor does the gimmick accounting –– recycled ones; those that already existed –– used by the Obama administration's Labor Department.
While in Marita's Townhall.com columns we placed an * after the project/company’s name to indicate a political connection (cronyism and corruption), in my subsequent blogs I expanded upon our efforts, and plugged in my research, listing those critical ties.
In our three-part series, two focused directly on the failures, and our sums were 15 bankruptcies and 20 troubled (a total of 35 with over 65% having meaningful Democrat political connections –– bundlers, donors, supporters, etc). Yet, considering the rapid speed of these "green" bankruptcies and issues (about 10 that I read about just last week), I'm compiling new totals here, which will include a new and updated list by the Heritage Foundation dated October 18, 2012 –– President Obama’s Taxpayer-Backed Green Energy Failures –– with their total of 36 (updated later with a number of 34). And most listed at The Heritage and ours are very similar, however, they have some we don't and vise versa.
New calculations: 22 bankrupt, 25 troubled, equals a new "Obama green-energy failure" list total of 47. And so far, at least $15 billion of "green" taxpayer money is either gone or still at risk, and the majority was funneled to Obama and Democrat cronies –– I can confirm that over 62% are political connected.
A123 Systems*: Received $390 million, of which $249 million of it was a Recovery Act Grant. Filed for Bankruptcy October 16, 2012, and two companies are seeking to buy A123; Johnson Controls and the Chinese firm Wanxiangis.
Johnson Controls –– $299 million
Department of Energy Collateral Damage
*Denotes companies/projects with confirmed cronyism and/or corruption.
The is the complete list of faltering or bankrupt green-energy companies by The Heritage Foundation, October 18, 2012 (updated later to reflect 34) –– President Obama’s Taxpayer-Backed Green Energy Failures
The complete list of faltering or bankrupt green-energy companies:
*Denotes companies that have filed for bankruptcy.
Figures for four companies have been updated: Beacon Power received $43 million from the U.S. government, not $69 million as originally reported. Azure Dynamics received $5.4 million from the federal government, not $120 million as originally reported. Compact Power Inc. received $151 million as part of the stimulus, not $150 million as originally reported. Willard and Kelsey Solar Group received $700,981 in government funding, not $6 million as originally reported.
The following companies have been removed from the original list: AES’s subsidiary Eastern Energy, LSP Energy and Uni-Solar did not receive government-backed loans, based on additional research. The National Renewable Energy Lab did received $200 million in stimulus funding, but it is a government laboratory.
NOTE: My blog reflects the Heritage "corrections," however, I kept in AES and the National Energy Lab –– and we initially had four unconfirmed bankruptcies:
So far, at least $15 billion of "green" taxpayer money is either gone or still at risk, and the majority was funneled to Obama and Democrat cronies
As you can see tracking President Obama's failed green-energy expenditures is like aiming at a moving target, and calculating the exact dollar amount is even more difficult to pinpoint. This is partly due the fact that companies/projects received multiple green government subsidies that weren't recorded or tracked properly (federal and state loans, grants and special tax credits, and from various programs and agencies). Also, some of these firms were given a loan guarantee, yet didn't have access to the entire amount, prior to their bankruptcy. However, as a ballpark figure, I'd say that at least $15 billion that we know of at this time. And here's why...
I had purposely listed the bankrupt and troubled from the Department of Energy's Loan Guarantee Program (DOE LGP) first. Since 2009, the DOE has guaranteed $34.7 billion – 46% through the 1705 ($16 billion of which 90% are politically connected), 30% through the 1703 ($10.3 billion—AREVA and Georgia Power), and 14% through the ATVM ($8.4 billion and 3 of the five loans are tied directly to Obama).
Marita and I covered eleven companies from the DOE LGP (Solyndra, Abound Solar, Beacon Power, Fisker Auto, Telsa Motors, AREVA, BrightSource Energy, First Solar, Nevada Geothermal, NextEra Energy's Genesis Solar Project, and SunPower/NRG Energy's California Valley Solar Ranch), noting that from that program alone, close to $10 billion of taxpayer money is already gone, while, as you can see, some is still at risk. What's interesting to note is that of the "26 loan guarantees under the 1705 program, of which the DOE doled out in excess of $16 billion, “23 of the loans were rated “Junk grade” due to their poor credit quality, while the other four were rated BBB, which is at the lowest end of the 'investment' grade of categories.”
Meaning that the DOE had already put the majority of that $16 billion into excessively risky investments. And to add insult to taxpayer injury, the driving force behind these decisions weren't based merit as the DOE would have you believe –– obviously it was cronyism and corruption. My April 2012 analysis of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform March 2012 report confirmed that over 90% have meaningful political ties to President Obama and high ranking Democrats, or both, which gives credence to Congressman Ryan's jab to the so-called "Stimulus Sheriff," Vice President Joe Biden during the VP debate, "$90 billion in green pork to campaign contributors and special interest groups." Ryan went on to call the Obama green-energy expenditures what it is, "crony capitalism and corporate welfare."
In case you missed our Obama Green Energy Failures, Three Part Series:
PS: If anyone cares to add up these failed green-energy expenditures, drop me a line and I'll post it on my blog. Thanks, Christine @calfit32@gmail.com; THE Green Corruption blogger.
Don't take the bait. There are no talks scheduled. Anything to stop talking about their real failures.
You’ve got to watch this eye-opening, scary video by Trevor Loudon,
Glenn Beck’s “go to” person for identifying President Obama's inner
circle of friends, socialist supporters, and the mentors who dramatically
influenced his political perspective. Loudon authored the acclaimed
book “Barack Obama and the Enemies Within”. He exposed Van Jones,
the “green jobs czar,” as a radical leftist, which led to Jones’ departure
from the Obama administration.
Loudon’s bottom line, well-documented, message is that for decades,
the leftists have been trying to emasculate the US military, and now
with the distraction of a shattered economy, Obama is close to making
it happen.
With the election fast approaching, Loudon’s message needs to go viral.
You owe it to your family and friends, and to America, to blast this to your
social media networks and ask them to do likewise.
PLEASE, Share it NOW…America is running out of time!
Every service member shot by traitorous US Army Major Nidal Hasan deserves the prestigious Purple Heart medal and other meritorious benefits.
Alright, I know that the Electoral College remains a mystery to most people, but after a quick Google of the topic, anyone should be able to have enough information to realize why the founding fathers put such a system into place.
Evidently CBS Sunday Morning programmers/editors/writers have had their fingers broken or don't have access to a computer....
CBS Sunday Morning (10/21) just finished a piece on the Electoral College that was created to undermine and vilify this part of voting process. Using young school children (they're so cute, innocent and honest that you have to have sympathy with them - typical emotional blackmail tactics), they set out to show how UNFAIR the Electoral College is to the voters (after all, "your vote doesn't count") and how antiquated the process is ("no other country in the world uses a construct like the Electoral College").
What they don't explain is that the Founding Fathers realized the destructiveness of anarchy brought about by the popular vote, how 'popularity' and 'emotionality' could swing this country onto the wrong course; sort of like being hoodwinked by a slick talking community organizer with silky words but no action plan.....oops been there, done that.
The rest of the piece went on to talk about the organizations who have put into plan the nullification/revocation of the Electoral College, even having 'constitutional scholars' backing such plans....oops been there, done that too.
This insidious plan to nullify the Electoral College must be exposed and stopped before it negates that safeguards put into place by our founding fathers.
States who participate in the plan to nullify the Electoral College include Massachusetts. The nullification phenomenon is all the more important because of the deafening silence from Washington. It should come as no surprise that there are no fiery, angry complaints from Washington regarding this challenge to the Constitution by Massachusetts legislators. Five other states already have passed similar measures. The current administration is very choosy in how it asserts its authority.
The Constitution can be altered or amended only through a constitutional convention or a two-thirds vote in both Houses of Congress (Article 5). State legislatures are not empowered to alter or amend the Constitution.
The Founders were very specific about their preference for representative versus direct democracy. They thought, with a few exceptions, that direct democracy would be more likely to lead to a tyranny of the people very much like what was seen in the murderous and cruel actions of mobs in the latter stages of the French Revolution.
John Adams and Thomas Jefferson argued these points extensively, especially during their famous correspondence. Adams took the representation side and Jefferson the populist.
Adams was motivated by a lack of trust in the ability of “the people” (as a bloc) to make the wisest decisions. He argued that better-qualified people (educated and with upstanding character) should be selected by the general electorate so they could then make the best decisions in their representative capacity. In this way, the mob mentality of large populations, like that of the French Revolution, could best be negated.
We must defend our Constitutionality.
We must ensure that the safeguards put into place over 200 years ago remain.
We MUST make this an issue along with our political party affiliations, or we will be ruled by the emotional, pandered to masses whose motivation comes from what they can get from those who still pay taxes.
While open minded Americans of ALL colors see this image of Mitt Romney
Obama’s election firewall is melting like a house of wax all over America. States like Florida, Virginia, Iowa, Michigan, and Wisconsin where President Obama’s election machines had once appeared impregnable are now crumbling. What is even more telling is that Ohio, the battleground of all battleground states is now fast becoming Obama’s possible Waterloo.
According to many recent national polls, including results from Fox News Poll that was released Friday, October 19th, Obama’s lead over Republican challenger Mitt Romney is narrowing. The president’s former lead of 49-42 percent from late September has dwindled to 46-43 percent. What appears even clearer is that the president’s second debate performance, while well scripted at how to be evasive and fact challenged, and has not slowed Romney’s growing momentum.
The growing White House cover up of how U.S. ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevens and 3 other Americans were murdered on September 11th at the American consulate in Benghazi is taking center stage. As more and more intelligence documentation, real time videos, and congressional documents are made public a bizarre and tragic web of deceit is being unearthed.
The White House and the president’s campaign have stepped up their visits to Ohio and other battle ground states as well as their attacks on Romney. Their hope is that voters would ignore the facts that these murders were avoidable and preventable. But on Monday October 22nd, the last presidential debate should bring the truth of the Benghazi scandal and the unraveling of the administration’s stonewalling into America’s living rooms.
The presidential election stakes are much, much higher now. Now the White House narrative and tangled terrorist assault storylines are unraveling, thanks to the recent congressional hearings on Capitol Hill. Its gets even worse. President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are now telling competing versions of the Libyan murders’ timeline.
Timing is everything, and with Foreign Affairs being on the table for the last debate, the White House is on lock down. It is refusing to honor requests for documents from congress that detail what the president knew, when he knew it and what action did he take. Fear that truth of possible evidence being covered up concerning pre and post attack terrorist activity by the White House could prove an administration cover up is in play.
What evidence could the administration be afraid of providing congress and the American voter before the election? Could it be proof that Ambassador Stevens desperately sent request after request to the State Department for more security, while terrorists linked to al-Qaeda steadily increased their attacks and assaults as late as August on the consulate?
Could it be evidence that the President decided to ignore in-person daily Security Council briefing. Will White House meetings records reveal that he either golfed or attended entertainment and Hollywood fundraisers on the lead up to the anniversary of the most horrific terrorist attack in the nation’s history?
What is so important in the timeline which lead up the murders in Benghazi that Obama is afraid that voters will discover? What the administration possibly fears can be found in the recent Fox News video concerning the timeline that led up to the Benghazi tragedy. ( Read More )
Today marked an epiphany in my life. An event occurred which set me off on a quest. Like Don Quixote, I am probably tilting at windmills, but I must pursue the seemingly impossible dream nonetheless.
I was out in the front yard washing out the endless supply of dirty litter pans when much to my surprise, the Chinese made hose connector blew off the end of my Chinese made hose, thereby drenching me and my Chinese made clothes. I paid good, hard-earned money for all of the above, so I naturally found myself in a somewhat inhospitable state of mind. After graphically discussing the ancestry of the evil people who made these despicable items of torture, I went in and changed into dry clothes and convinced myself that now was the time to publically address this deplorable situation.
For years now, I, like all other Americans, have watched the value of my money dwindle. Each time I go into a store, my money seems to purchase less for the same expenditure. And, like most people, it has come to my attention that darn near everything I purchase is made in China, or Taiwan, or Korea, etc. Some of the products are OK, others are so-so. Those from mainland China are almost without exception --- JUNK! And as indicated, I am not discussing their charming little sail boats. I am talking about the boatload after seemingly endless boatload of consumer products that are poorly made, broken in the original container, broken shortly after being put into service, and in some cases, downright hazardous to your health and well-being. It would seem that quality control is a phrase that does not translate into either of the common Chinese dialects (Mandarin or Cantonese for those who are interested).
I can’t count the number of times I have purchased a product only to discover I could just as easily have flushed the money paid down my Chinese made toilet and saved a lot of time and travel. (assuming of course that the toilet still works). I have decided that there are two distinct issues here that need to be addressed. I shall deal with them in turn.
I, like many working Americans, shop at what are referred to as the “Big Box” stores; most notably, Wal-Mart. Usually, if the item is bad out of the box or reasonably new (30 days or less) and you can still locate the sales ticket, Wal-Mart will grudgingly replace the item. After 30 days you are instructed to get in touch with the manufacturer. Now, I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am NOT going to spend hours on the phone, in the middle of the night, with a functionally illiterate customer service representative in China. The only way to prevent this problem is if you agree to pay Wal-Mart for an “Extended Service Policy”. OK, most items carry about a year of manufacturer’s warranty. At one time, a store that sold products from a manufacturer was considered an agent in fact of the manufacturer. They were required to honor the original warranty. For instance, if I buy a car, any dealership in the country is required to honor the manufacturer’s warranty. There was a time when a store, Sears for instance, would replace or repair a misbehaving item of merchandise with no hassle. Wal-Mart? Forget it. Unless you pay them first, they don’t honor any warranty … period. You buy it, it’s yours, and the manufacturer. This needs to be stopped. If a store sells a product, they should be made to honor the full term of the manufacturer’s warranty without a payoff. When they sell a product they should be forced to stand behind it. If the product line has a history of shoddy workmanship and constant failures, then it behooves the store to find another source of products that they can reasonably expect to last through the warranty period. They should take the same gamble that a car dealer has to take. This must be made enforceable under state or federal law (preferably state law). There should be no ambiguity; if a store sells a product, they are on the hook for the warranty if it fails or breaks under normal usage. Period.
OK. That problem is relatively easy to solve. The other problem is going to be a powder keg. China has most favored nation status with the US of A. They are considered a major “trading” partner. This does not mean what you think it does. Normally, a trading partner is one who sells their products in our markets and allows our manufacturers to sell their products in the foreign market. Not so with China. We owe China an incredible amount of money. Money borrowed in boatloads by our screwed up federal government. No names or finger pointing here as all administrations have spent more than they had on hand. Both parties are to blame. We spend like there is no tomorrow. Since we can’t repay our debt to China in the foreseeable future, we give them most favored status. They send us tons and tons of what amounts to crap and we get to sell … zip … in their markets, unless you count MacDonald’s burgers as a trade item. They have us over a trade barrel and they know it. They can send whatever they want, no matter how crummy, and we are more or less forced to take it. Our federal government has failed us miserably in this area. All of our homegrown manufacturing has left for China and other labor friendly countries. They can let quality go to pot and still make a killing selling it to us. China taxes the manufacturers and charges an export duty to ship our own stuff back to us. We on the other hand make every effort to keep import duties low so as to not tick the Chinese off. The consumer pays for all this good old boy backroom dealing. The manufacturers get their products to market here for little or no real investment in labor. They let quality slip because who is going to call them in the middle of the night? The politicians let the junk into our markets, driving local production out of business. The stores sell the cheap junk below what a mom and pop store can manage which drives out the competition, small though it is. The big box boys buy the junk for next to nothing and sell it to the unsuspecting public with no assurance that it will work or keep working past next Tuesday. Everybody benefits except the American consumers. I propose a slight change in the status quo.
Let’s create an agency (yes another one) to inspect at random as many products as possible at the port of entry. Any products found lacking in safety or quality are denied entry. The manufacturer is put on notice that they will not be allowed to ship goods into the USA for a period of six months. After six months, their products will again be tested and if found to be unable to meet the requirements, they are banned for a period of one to five years. Those who do manage to pass the second test will be hit with a 25% import duty for a period of five years after they are granted access to our markets. These “fees” will help defray the cost of staffing the agency and testing labs. These conditions are to be foisted on American companies doing business abroad as well as foreign companies. Any company who has three or more violations in a ten year period will be permanently banned from US markets. Severe? Yup. I don’t see any alternative. If we don’t put a stop to this travesty, it will only get worse … much worse.
Hmmmm ... just an afterthought. I just bought a package of “Texas Gulf Coast Shrimp” at Kroger. When I got it home, sure enough, at the bottom of the package was the statement “Farm raised in Thailand”. Sighhhh. What’s next?
How Romney Can KO Obama in Monday Debate!-You Decide:
Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On October 19, 2012:
(Oct. 19, 2012) — The final 2012 presidential debate is scheduled for this coming Monday evening and the subject will be Foreign Policy. This is an area where the Obama Administration has failed more miserably than even their domestic and economic disaster.
The Obama campaign is on the verge of free-fall. The latest Gallup poll shows Romney up 52%-45% over Obama, gaining another point following Obama’s improved debate performance. Immediately following this week’s debate, LIVE pollster FrankLuntz interviewed a group of “undecided” voters, most of whom voted for Obama in 2008. Almost all of them switched to Romney after watching Obama’s more aggressive, but still defenseless performance.
Meanwhile, the Internet was raging with threats to assassinate Mitt Romney, all posted by Barack Obama supporters. The Obama campaign was heading into total meltdown. The Secret Service is aware and following the leads on numerous death threats made against Romney by angry Obama supporters.
Front and center on the national news is Benghazi-gate, although the lame-stream press is not quite up to speed with all of the nasty little details. People have to learn the facts online at publications like Breitbart, until the press has no choice but to confront the truth with Obama and Clinton.
Obama’s Foreign Policy trouble begins right here, with the fact that this administration has experienced more high-level security leaks than a kitchen colander, and the fact that every member of the Military, Intelligence community and State Department knows how dangerous these leaks are to both foreign policy and national security. Even most civilians are smart enough to figure this out.
Next are Obama’s insane Rules of Engagement on the field of battle, responsible for more American KIA and WIA in three years than Bush had in all eight years combined. Then, there are the ongoing bold faced lies from this administration about what is actually happening.
First, they said the 9-11-12 attacks on U.S. Embassies were the result of an obscure anti-Islam third rate youtube video. They said that it was not an act of terrorism and had nothing to do with U.S. Foreign Policy, or even with radical Islam.
They told us it wasn’t a planned attack, but rather another organic reaction to a youtube video. They even arrested the film producer, whom we have not seen or heard from since.
Then we all watched terrorists raise the black flag of jihad over our embassies. We watched our Ambassador be raped, murdered and dragged through the streets. We saw the initial attack spread across the Middle East, country after country, embassy after embassy.
Two weeks after the attacks, Obama still didn’t have the FBI on the ground investigating, after all the evidence was long gone. The last time America had an ambassador assassinated was under Jimmy Carter, the last president to project a weak Foreign Policy and a tolerance that borders on an open invitation, for terrorist acts against America.
Eventually, they admit what many of us knew from the start, that the youtube film had nothing to do with it, that it was terrorist groups, it was a planned attack, many of them, and that the very people that Obama and Clinton “liberated” in the Middle East were now attacking their liberators, with U.S. weapons.
The so-called Arab Spring was not organic at all. The entire meltdown of the Middle East is nothing but a community organizing operation run out of the Obama White House and State Department — using old organizing friends like Ayers and Dohrn, on the ground in the Middle East months in advance to stir, fund and arm the uprising that ended with the Muslim Brotherhood in charge of the Middle East.
My Note: The following articles and/or blog posts support the above statement-You Decide:
You wouldn’t expect George Soros’ tentacles here, or would you? ‘Group promoting ‘peace’ in Middle East tied to Occupy, MoveOn, ACORN, more!’-Posted on WND.com-By Aaron Klein-On December 25, 2011:
Another Soros tie to Occupy Wall Street. Envisions ‘New Economic World Order’ no longer dominated by 1 superpower!-Posted on Klein Online-On October 13, 2011:
In short, the Obama Administration is indeed promoting democracy (mob rule by a proletariat) here and abroad. In the Middle East, when you give terrorists the power to elect their own government, it turns out they elect terrorists. Who would have guessed?
American tax dollars were used to ignite the Muslim uprising across the Middle East, then topple numerous Middle Eastern governments, resulting in a totally destabilized region which in the end, is using U.S. funds, technologies and arms to attack American soldiers and Embassies across the region.
It’s hard to imagine a worse Foreign Policy than that, but it does get worse.
Bill Clinton sold nuclear technology to China during the 90s. China and Russia shared that technology with North Korea and now Iran. While the Obama Administration claims that Iran is still a few years from having long range nuclear weapons, the truth is that they most likely have it today, purchased from Russia, China and North Korea.
Iran is again threatening to destroy Israel and the U.S. President is too busy fund raising to meet with Netanyahu, leaving Israel in a position of having to defend itself unilaterally.
Benghazi might be the tipping point, as more and more information drips out into public view. Americans died needlessly, brutally, on Obama’s watch. And the Administration is only worried about who to blame in order to protect Obama.
The Obama Administration is still searching for who to blame, with Obama and Biden acting like they never heard of Benghazibefore, Hillary Clinton trying to take one for the team, then blaming Intel for getting it all wrong, denying that they reduced security at the embassies only to later claim that they did have requests for more security.
In the end, it appears that they all knew there was a significant increasing threat and simply refused to answer calls for better protection only days before the attacks. Despite their efforts to blame their failures upon an obscure youtube film, it is Obama and Clinton who are responsible for the numerous attacks on U.S. Embassies.
Many 2008 Obama supporters are jumping ship and switching to Romney in 2012. Others are panicked and threatening to assassinate Mitt Romney if Obama loses his re-election bid. Both make Obama’s chances of re-election look dismal and that makes Obama very desperate.
Some are floating theories that Obama might open up strikes on Libya or Syria, just to change the headlines.
But if Romney uses all of these facts to tear Obama’s Foreign Policy apart in the last debate, he can knock Obama out of the race and well he should.
Our soldiers don’t take an oath to any politician. They take an oath to the U.S. Constitution and the American people, to protect and defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic. They don’t risk life and limb for wealth redistribution or some Marxist utopian global vision.
They risk life and limb for freedom and liberty. Americans bow to nobody!
Romney must remind the American people of this next Monday night and he must hold Obama accountable for the many disasters he has created. If he does, that will bring about the end of the worst administration in U.S. history.
If he doesn’t, God help America!”
Note: The following articles and/or blog posts relate to and/or further support the above article and/or blog post-You Decide:
“The CIA is indicating that they told Washington the Benghazi attack was militant in nature, rather than spontaneous, within 24 hours of its occurrence.
According to a report released today, the “CIA station chief in Libya” alerted Washington that the attack was not in response to a video.
However, media outlets are doing their best to leave Obama a little wiggle room by claiming “it is unclear who, if anyone, saw the cable outside the CIA at that point.” In other words, the station manager sent the alert, but there’s no hard evidence anyone saw the alert in Washington.
Quick question: What does it say about the culture within the Obama administration if, in fact, they ignored or didn’t even look at the CIA alert?
The CIA station chief did his job and compiled a report within 24 hours based on eye-witness interviews. This is going make it much, much harder for the mainstream media to blame the intelligence community for Benghazi.
More On Benghazi!-Posted on Western Journalism-By JIM EMERSON-On October 20, 2012:
“The murder of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans was part of a larger strategy to drive all western influence out of Libya. An earlier attack on an International Red Cross facility and an RPG attack on the British Ambassador’s vehicle drove the British out of Benghazi. Feeling emboldened, the extremists felt that they could force the Americans to leave. Earlier, probing attacks yielded little results; but the lack of a response from the Americans sent a clear message: the United States or the Libyan government would not respond to future attacks.
Retired Colonel David Hunt properly laid the blame of the death of 4 Americans at Benghazi on Secretary Hillary Clinton and her State Department. He pointed out that it was Hillary Clinton who prohibited the posting of Marines at any diplomatic posts in Libya. The only security allowed were local, contracted security guards who weren’t allowed to have loaded weapons. It made sense that they would run when the consulate was under attack; they couldn’t fight back. This tragedy is what happens when your policy is based on political correctness.
The most incompetent security official of all time, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Charlene Lamb, believed that the consulate had the right amount of security prior to the attack. She actively opposed any requests for additional security measures despite previous attacks on diplomatic posts. Col. Hunt compared the mission to a cardboard box, and the people within the compound didn’t have a chance; since the guards weren’t allowed to carry bullets, the facility was an easy target. Seems like Ms. Lamb’s expertise makes her less qualified than a junior mall cop. Americans died because she wanted to be politically correct by maintaining a low profile in Libya.
They knew it was happening:
Testifying before Congress Ms. Lamb said the State Department was aware of the September 11 attack while it was in progress via instant audio and video feeds being provided in real time from communications equipment on the compound in Benghazi. The feed was also provided to operations centers in the Pentagon, Key Military units, Intelligence Agencies, FBI, State Department, and the White House. For six hours, the Administration heard and saw the events as they were happening and did nothing. That is called failure of leadership; Mr. Obama is too busy appearing on the David Letterman and Jon Stewart shows trying to hide his own incompetence.
If it wasn’t for Col. Hunt, this little detail of the Benghazi murders would have never been reported.”
It’s Not Complicated!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On October 19, 2012:
by OPOVV, ©2012, Presidential Candidate
Is this what our granddaughters will be forced to wear?
(Oct. 19, 2012) — I was watching one of the mundane television “news” shows, and this person said she was “for” Obama, and that got me to thinking that she wasn’t “for anything,“ but, rather, “against everything.”
For instance, we all know that this Obama character has never been vetted as to his legal qualifications to hold the office of president. Everybody knows except Obots, who find it expressly difficult to decipher fake and fraudulent Birth Certificates, and when cornered, answer that, actually, both Birth Certificates were and are legal and the insurmountable evidence to the contrary doesn’t fit into their way of thinking. Don’t bother us with facts, they say, and then retort with the “racist” epitaph, as if calling someone a name can erase the truth.
Another Truth is that our economy is alive and healthy, or would be if Obama and the Fed would leave their nefarious mitts off of it. The so-called “stimulus” money borrowed from China doesn’t make any sense, especially since China can’t take care of their children who suffer from horrible clefts and have to rely on American doctors to rectify the situation. Something, indeed, is rotten in Denmark.
And rotten is precisely the word. Why, there’s an election in the Netherlands and all the candidates are Muslim, a fate that we can look forward to. Your granddaughters will all be wearing burqas. Sharia will be the law of the land and our Constitution a fading memory, as will be Christmas and Easter.
I am not responsible for the failure of illegal immigrants to become legal immigrants. It’s not my problem, nor is it yours. And we’re not responsible for the neglect of illegal immigrant parents as to their children becoming legal citizens. So, bottom line? When I say ALL illegal immigrants must be deported, that includes the children of the irresponsible parents. Such a shame and too bad, but the word “illegal” has only one meaning. You can reform all you want, but you can’t reform breaking the law.
The Federal Reserve Bank is a con. It’s a privately-owned business that’s out to steal as much from you as they can get away with, and they’re getting away with the kitchen sink by passing today’s debt onto the unborn citizens of our country. The Fed is a shell game and the National Debt is nothing more than fancy bookkeeping, otherwise known far and wide as the “National Fleece.” Our so-called money is nothing but a promissory note that is backed by NOTHING. All of the wealth of America is backed by an empty promise. Abolish the Fed and we take control of our own money; the sooner, the better. While we’re at it, I’d tell China and the UN to take a hike.
Think about it: do you want control of America or are we to give it away to the 535 crooks in Congress who represent themselves, first, and you and I are at the bottom of their list?
And now, to end on a positive note, buy guns and plenty of ammo because it’s better to go down fighting than to be led to slaughter as a lamb, I’d say. What, you think our enemy is just sitting around playing Parcheesi? I wouldn’t count on it.
Coming Down to the Wire!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On October 19, 2012:
by Gunnery Sergeant John McClain, USMC, Retired, ©2012, blogging at Gulf1
(Oct. 19, 2012) — We’ve now had three debates, two by the presidential contenders, and one by the vice presidential contenders, and we should have a fairly good understanding of where each is coming from, and how each considers handling the issues at hand before us.
Most of those touting these elections are making their talking points on the issues immediately at hand, and while they are of extreme importance, it is no less important to take note of how they came to be problems, issues needing resolution, and whether they became problems because of past political action, wrongly taken, or if they are natural to progression in a culture.
We have the most massive “debtor society” ever to exist in history, and we have it solely because the original form of our Nation, our principles and precepts provided for unprecedented growth, productivity, and innovation, moving our Nation forward at a pace no other Nation in history has ever experienced. At the same time, we have lived in much the same way as previous generations, as if all of this growth has come without any commensurate growth in responsibility.
Our growth has brought two diametrically competing ideologies into direct confrontation, the idea of self-government and sovereign citizenship, and the idea of socialism, and society superseding rights and liberties of the individual. The personalities and circumstances provide they must play out the confrontation in this election, as there is no room left for both; they exist in conflict with each other.
The founded Nation depends on individual initiative, personal responsibility; assumption by the citizen of the Sovereign Duties which must be fulfilled in every State or Nation if it is not to fall. The limits placed on the federal government keeping local issues entirely in the hands of The States, and The People, respectively, and not subject national debate.
We have the remnants of the “founded Nation” and the substantial portion of our population, which remains in the same or similar circumstances as in the past. The citizens making up this portion remain of the established mindset.
On the other side are those who stand on the notion our establishment was less than perfect, and progressive ideas must be used to modify and alter our Nation to provide the egalitarian opportunity we see as rightfully that of all citizens. There can be no doubt our beginning was less than perfect, yet there should be equally no doubt, the necessary alterations were limited and precise, issues of equal application of the law, and consequences of failure to do so.
We know there had to have been active progress from the initial establishment to eliminate inequity, and from this, “progressivism” had its rightful place. At the same time, we know that most of the principles and precepts we established upon, were time tested, true, and absolutely necessary for egalitarian life. That our Western, Judeo-Christian culture is based on a “natural order” foundation arrived at by the Greeks, where logic and reason found principles, and these social principles are in the main, exactly the same as those found through religious doctrine derived from Judeo-Christian precept, means we have the best set of tools possible to establish a truly egalitarian society.
Progressive change to bring principle to bear equally, and provide an equal opportunity for all has continued from the start, and while one can always find inequality on outcome, it must be realized at some point, we have made equal opportunity as close as is humanly possible, and at such a point, we must stop, because man is not constantly changing, but is relatively stable, and can be seen as such by our history.
This Nation has the opportunity to “get it right” as no other ever has before, because we have a greater access to the full knowledge of the history of the world, more than at any time in the past; all the failures, and causes, and we also have great cause to stop our current attitude towards change, looking at the world before us, and knowing at the very least, some of what we are confronted with is in direct result of bad planning, poor decisions in the past, and the utter failure to adhere to our principles.
Our world is at a crisis point, one with a common source, an utter failure of principle allowing the whole world’s economy be operated on a “relative base” with no attempt to established any fixed value for the exchange of commodities. This idea is based on the fact that by logic, it will work as well as any, if every participant is absolutely honest and no participant seeks advantage.
That world does not exist, and our current stance, teetering on the edge serves as proof beyond all doubt, and some Nation is going to choose to take the conservative position, and re-establish on a firm foundation. The Nation whose people choose this first, will be the first benefactors of security in economics, and will lead while economies are in flux. We will determine the cost of our fecklessness by how responsibly we act, and how much vigor we put in setting our affairs in order. We can lead, or as ‘chief debtor’, we can be driven. We have to choose if we would lead.”
Note: The following recent videos and articles and/or blog posts relate to this extremely disturbing issue-You Decide:
Video: Obama: If Four Americans Get Killed, It’s Not “Optimal”!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On October 20, 2012:
Video: Mother Of “VILE RAT” Killed In Benghazi Attack Speaks Out About Obama & The US State Dept!-Posted on YouTube-By MOXNEWSd0tC0M-On October 10, 2012:
Video: Mother Blames White House Leaks For SEAL Son’s Death!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On October 9, 2012:
Video: He Said Allahu Akbar-The Attack On Fort Hood!-Posted on YouTube.com-By FortHoodHeroes-On October 17, 2012:
DICK MORRIS PREDICTS OBAMA-IRAN ‘OCTOBER SURPRISE’: ‘I think they feel that Romney would assist Israel in attacking them’!-Posted on WND.com-On October 20, 2012:
Obama’s Media Allies Struggle To Conceal Red Mentor!-Posted on Western Journalism-By CLIFF KINCAID-On October 20, 2012:
‘CENSORSHIP HAS REACHED SMALL TOWN AMERICA’: ‘Dreams from My Real Father’ proves hot to handle for tiny Midwest city!-Posted on WND.com-By DREW ZAHN-On October 19, 2012:
Video: Obama Must Be Removed From Office!-Posted on Western Journalism-By GABOR ZOLNA-On October 20, 2012:
Code Pink: “We Support the Murder of American Troops.” Michelle Obama “Keep up the Good Work”!-Posted on Soda Head- By safari-On April 5, 2012:
Treason in America: Move Over ‘Hanoi Jane’ – Meet ‘Baghdad Barbara,’ ‘Weasel Waxman,’ and ‘Jihad Jodie’-Posted on Big Peace-By Lt. Col. Robert “Buzz” Patterson-On October 15, 2010:
Video: Former US Navy SEAL Ben Smith addresses the crowd about the threats we face!-Posted on YouTube.com-By MajorDaveNC-On September 23, 2012:
Note: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that reveal: 1) the live presentation by Joel Gilbert, his DVD Film titled "Dreams From My Real Father," along with the newly released film titled "The Unvetted”; 2) the Islamic infiltration inside our government armed with our secrets, to include the President's secret link to Hamas; 3) the Islamic infiltration inside our military; 4) the Communist infiltration inside our government, to Include President Obama's secret link to Communists; 5) the George Soros connection, to include the shared agendas of George Soros and the President; and 6) the disastrous results of these infiltrations, links and connections-You Decide:
The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 1):
The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 2):
The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 3):
The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 4):
Note: My following blog posts relate to this disturbing & time sensitive issue-You Decide:
Arming Our Enemies!
Red Flags All Around–But the Media Won’t Tell!
Dishonest Media Avoids Truth about Obama Through Diversions!
Just Happened!
An Open Letter To Communist Valerie Jarrett!
“Innocence” Film a Premeditated Provocation for Islamic Terror?
The Film ‘Innocence of Muslims’ — Made By Terrorists?
2000 Dead Soldiers and Obama Can Still Do No Wrong!
Treason in America: Move Over ‘Hanoi Jane’!
My Opinion of How and Who Controls the People! (Part 1)
Still Don’t Know Who to Vote For? Then Read This!
Note: The following videos seem extremely appropriate today:
A Republic, If You Can Keep It!
Breaking Point: 25 Minutes That Will Change America:
We The People:
I Stand For America!
Madison Rising - The Star Spangled Banner!
Hank Williams Jr New Song Dedicated to Obama: "Takin' Back the Country"!
The Fightin Side of Me!
Freedom Isn’t Free:
Declaration to Restore the Republic!
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser. Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.
“Food For Thought”
God Bless the U.S.A.!
Semper Fi!