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Inspired by a tweet i read from conservative spokes person Crystal White ( @gopblackchick ).
The first time I read a female friend's Face book status,  " Hands off my V-word ", I winced like I was in pain.
Truthfully it's very painful to see just how graphic political discourse has become. Liberals, this time Code Pink,  spared no expense at departing from traditional values at warp speed.
Their idea of enlightened discourse is what you see in the above picture: creative representations of specific female anatomy they solicited to be sent to the Republican National Convention in Tampa.
Pro-life support is thus mutilated into politicizing women's private anatomy instead of protecting Americans unable to defend themselves ( the unborn ).
I give the Left credit on this spin job. Nothing clouds the issue and gets today's liberalized ladies fast and furious like the thought of "defiling" the organ seen as  the Great Equalizer to Male Power, by hated pro-lifers!!!
Civil rights begins in the womb. The possessors of the same are on American soil in most cases and just as they can't arbitrarily shoot grandma because of Alzheimer's, the same should apply to babies.
The issue is unborn Americans- not unseen anatomy,
We're concerned with upgrading people's values- not the V-Word!
Election 2012 isn't below women's waistlines and nobody but liberals ever said it was!
HOODCONSERVATIVE, MY ONLINE NEWSPAPER Traditional Values From The 'Wrong" Side of Town! 
#CAPBLACKTHEHOODCONSERVATIVE, MY BLOG  Defiant Defenses of Traditional Values Amid Black America's Cultural Implosion! 


" Be your OWN Superhero!"
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A generation ago the Black civil rights lobby stood solidly beside the state of Israel. Liberals; moderates and conservatives were united in unequivocal support.

They saw supporting Israel as part of their vision for a better America.
Somewhere down the line the fabled Black/Jewish alliance become the Black/Jewish abyss! While genuine Black anti-semitism is the culprit for much of this, socialism plays a major part too.
Czarist Russia and the Soviet Union which followed have their anti-Semitic software. Like the Borg Collective of the new Star trek TV series they absorbed popular liberation fronts overseas and our domestic  civil rights movement.
One lasting effect f this absorption was reloading Black folks impression of Jews as just another group of White people- not in a integration sense, but as perpetrators of segregation upon other people of the color: the Palestinians.
The old PLO was once a client of the old Soviet Union, like so many liberation fronts of so many people of color, 
Socialism's atheist; expansionist agenda cannot be served by strong Black/Jewish brotherhood in America. Such a moral alliance had scriptural and strategic consequences which prove impenetrable.
But, after respected Black mainstream institutions like the church ( of all faiths; especially Muslims under Farrakhan ); civil rights organizations; historically Black colleges and universities ( HBCUs ) and public figures began singing a disguised socialist song; the impenetrable alliance began cracking.  
Today these cracks have allowed a Black president to be elected favoring Israel's enemies even at the risk of American national security. Another bitter irony is how his election was also achieved by a Black/Jewish alliance that delivered invaluable votes and donations.
Their reward is spiraling Black unemployment and Jewish fear as he distanced himself from Israel, 
The peril of seeing Israel as a Jim Crow state and American Jews as latter day White Citizens Councils is too vulgar to type. I do so only to illustrate the socialist spin afflicting too many in Black America.
In a region with strong men competing to outdo Hitler if given the opportunity, many American Blacks fail to see their clear duty: to lobby Obama to end appeasing thugs and stand solidly beside Israel.
Until American Blacks trumpet supporting Israel once more as a central chord of our civil rights chorus  cries for justice and being a majority Judeo-Christian community ring hollow.
"Israel must live! "
It goes side-by-side with, " We Shall Overcome! "  
HOODCONSERVATIVE, MY ONLINE NEWSPAPER Traditional Values From The 'Wrong" Side of Town! 
#CAPBLACKTHEHOODCONSERVATIVE, MY BLOG  Defiant Defenses of Traditional Values Amid Black America's Cultural Implosion! 


" Be your OWN Superhero!"
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Rage Against the Media


Pelosi, Reid, Obama and other “progressives” called the Tea Party “teabaggers”, “racists”, “astroturf”, “Nazis” ” and “extremists”. The Department of Homeland Security described the Tea Party as “right-wing extremists” and ”insurgents”, saying “Right-wing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize veterans in order to boost their violent capacities.”

How long before members of Tea Parties are called “killers”?

Hasn’t that already happened? It was more than heavily inferred by the “progressive” Party Pravda after a nut job working solo shot “Gabby” Giffords.

How long before expressing dissent leads directly to arrest and torture?

Bill Ayers’ Weather Underground Central Committee meant to cause the collapse of the United States government. Ayers and his group would deal with resistant Americans by “establishing re-education centers in the south-west”. Those who refused to convert to Communism would be “eliminated”. As in: concentration camps would be used to kill 25 million Americans.

Consider this from Yahoo News, USA Today and ABC News:

“Congress could be least productive since 1947”

The story attacks the Republican House for a lack of legislative success.  This is typical of “progressives” who never miss an opportunity to parrot messages dictated by the George Soros funded Media Matters via Valerie Jarrett and the White House.

It might be statistically true that “Congress is on pace to make history with the least productive legislative year in the post-World War II era,” but to insinuate this is the fault of the House Republican majority is fiction.

The U.S. Senate, under the failed “leadership” of “progressive” Harry Reid, has refused to allow a majority of House passed bills to even come to a vote in the U.S. Senate.

The reason so many believe the House is to blame for this are the lies spread by “progressive” shills like Yahoo News, USA Today, ABC News and their ilk.

Should the 112th Congress come to be “defined by partisan divisions and legislative failures”, the blame will rest squarely on Reid and his “progressive” co-conspirator in the Oval Office.  The “progressive” Senate majority has not even passed a budget in over three years.  They even voted down the one from the White House 97-0.  This is a clear dereliction of duty.

Thanks to the utter failure of their “progressive” policies, the only card left for them to play is vintage Saul Alinsky, blaming the right for problems caused by the left.  This has been the M O of “progressives” since they seized control of the Democratic Party.

The most egregious of lies propagated by the institutionalized “progressive” left is the one spoken by Nancy Pelosi during the TARP debate.  On September 28, 2008 Pelosi laid the blame for the economic collapse entirely on George W. Bush and failed Republican policies.  Sound familiar?  Obama’s using it against Romney daily.

The 2008 financial collapse was a direct result of failed “progressive” social engineering in the U.S. housing market.  For decades the U.S. has had nothing remotely resembling a free market in residential real estate.  Instead, “progressive” big government created monstrosities Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac controlled over half of all U.S. mortgages.  For twenty years, Conservatives warned about the systemic risk Fannie and Freddie posed to the financial system but they were constantly thwarted by the left.  To this very day, the institutionalized “progressive” left denies the essential part Fannie and Freddie played in creating the housing bubble and causing the financial crisis.

Whether in the area of journalism or politics, once the facts are in members of the institutionalized “progressive” left prove themselves to be nothing more than bold faced, willfully deceitful psychopaths unfit to serve the public.

Be it Fast and Furious, the Benghazi terrorists, fudging the poll numbers or lying about the rate of inflation and unemployment, the so-called mainstream media is lying through its teeth to protect Obama and help his re-election.  Enough!  It is time to rage against the media!

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Don't get lost in the details of events spiraling out of control around the world and here in the USA. Step back and observe from the perspective of an outsider watching the events unfold as a multi-colored tapestry where the picture is not clear until you can see the complete work, "the Big Picture".

Maybe this will help serve to connect the pieces......

Obama's home church for 20 years lead by Jeremiah Wright gave Minister Louis Farrakhan their man of the year award for 2007. In part the award was for his work in Libya helping to establish the world MATHABA organization.


The talk of race riots if Obama loses is part of a plan---"we see things from afar, know that they will soon come within our own borders......The United States of America is moving closer and closer to great civil strife, unrest and bloodshed...." Minister Louis Farrakhan the leader of the Nation of Islam is an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in the USA see the attached article "Is America Headed for Civil War?". If you want to here all about it listen to this speech he delivered at Madison Square Garden. Listen close and you might be able to identify the man who does the introduction....Who himself is famous for saying "God Bless America, no, no, no, God Damn America."



Now that you can identify the links between them consider other links and associations that are calling for the destruction of America as we know it.

Occupy Wallstreet fighting Obama's battle against the 1% or maybe 20% of America that provides 80% of the jobs and income for those who work for a living.

Flash mobs -- when a group of people appear in one location unexpectedly and usually put on some sort of rehearsed performance -- have practically become a staple of YouTube in recent years unfortunatly they have taken a violent turn. what's next.

A small group of radicals are instigating more and more violent action by groups who follow the crowd. With a little facial recognition software the same people can be seen again and again. Who are those people and where do they get their training?


Look at what is happening in your area and know that it is happening all around the country.

These actions have taken down countries in the Middle East and are rearranging the geopolitical map of the world.

The United States of America is in the middle of a war we must TAKE ACTION!

The conflagration of events and the outcome of the ensuing conflict is in the Hand of God.

Do your part and pray that He will find enough of His people remaining within the country to save us from ourselves.

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As a "populist conservative" according to a political quiz, I'm leery of even the semblance of denying people their voting rights.

I want every American, from patriot to traitor to have full and unrestricted ballot access! In this way our system triumphs as free people with wildly divergent views exercise equal access to the same franchise.
I want those who believe in America to have their heartfelt belief validated. I also want America doubters and haters shamed by an admittedly imperfect system that nonetheless negates the need for coups and revolts they fervently fantasize about.
That said, I've watched the gory Voter ID debate from the sidelines- albeit leaning to the right in its rhetorical gusts. My mother lived through literacy tests which she aced so thoroughly even Jim Crow officials ( Democrats by the way ) waved her through.     
My grand parents grew up not being able to vote ( in the Democratic Jim Crow South ) until later in life.
While I'm not entombed in the past it helps inform current and future trends Practices not unlike those of certain infamous regimes were once common place on our shores.
America, my beloved, precious America was once a place where showing ID all the time was unheard of. Historically liberty lovers fought photo identification as a totalitarian measure.
Even mention of national ID cards reboots this software in the national consciousness.
Americans, unless you were Black; some other minority or a poor White, rarely had to prove who they were to authorities.
"Show me your papers" was what fictional Gestapo or KGB officers said on TV and in the movies.  Americans would laugh or, more seriously, thank God they lived someplace where such intrusion wasn't the norm.
But my beloved, precious America isn't so innocent anymore. Infiltration from without and cultural rot from within have produced endless series of photo ID justifications.
If you ask me if I agree with this new reality I'd have to say, " No. " 
If you ask me again as a patriot will I comply with today's identification mania to preserve the integrity of the ballot; public safety and homeland security my answer becomes " Yes " faster than questioners can ask!
As an adult who was born free, unlike immediate family, my duty is to assist my Republic as a citizen of the present, doing my part to master today's challenges.
Today's challenges include confirming identity for a host of reasons. Where racism or narrow partisanship can be proven in state policy, it must be exposed and punished.
In the absence of either, my duty to my beloved, precious America is to support whatever will keep her ballot valid; her streets safe and her commonwealth unharmed by foreign aggression.
"ID me baby!" 
I, like every other good American, have nothing to hide. 
But I dearly miss the freedom of unencumbered mobility we once enjoyed.
(504) 214-3082
HOODCONSERVATIVE, MY ONLINE NEWSPAPER Traditional Values From The 'Wrong" Side of Town! 
#CAPBLACKTHEHOODCONSERVATIVE, MY BLOG  Defiant Defenses of Traditional Values Amid Black America's Cultural Implosion! 


" Be your OWN Superhero!"
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Take a long hard look at the Obama Care organizational structure!

If you think for one minute this election is not important, the most important election in US history, you are sadly mistaken-dangerously mistaken. What makes this worse, it’s an Orwellian technical nightmare!

A "technical" nightmare? Yes! An Information Technology (IT) nightmare!


Take a very close and long look at this Obama Care structure

As an IT consultant to small and medium businesses, having implemented a great number of IT business solutions for an array of infrastructures. I have a personal glimpse into the IT nightmare ObamaCare will become. The single largest risk factor being one’s individual rights from government or I should say the loss of those rights.

Loss of Independence

Just like in IT when a business application is being implemented say for the finance department of a company, not everyone performs business processes in a similar manner and IT systems tend to force users into a limited number of options. Software systems treat most processes monolithically no matter the different needs usually handled outside the system. Unlike in business where the development team can make modules for specific needs this is NOT the case for health care when dealing with 300 million plus individuals and a limited government budget already exposed by the raiding of Medicare.

Basically the module will not be created - you will just be denied! This is what doctors will face and you will cope with. Not every patient can be addressed and the inevitable boilerplate template the government will need to create will disenfranchise both patient and doctor.

In order to manage healthcare in IT to this large of a volume of "individuals" - boilerplates are unavoidable, cost cutting is reality and outsourcing of IT infrastructure to established organizations (IRS, Visa, Keizer, etc.) is a nightmare reality. These organizations have extensive IT infrastructures in place but they are nowhere near a position to assume such a task. Percentages of people falling thru the cracks will be massive and unstoppable.  Death panels (similar to IT virus vaults) are inevitable.


Loss of R&D

Let’s say at 75 years of age you get a new strain of cancer, one in which our current system can study but will it be studied in the ObamaCare system or will they just considered you a virus to be "deleted"? You have to assume the worse based on governments record of “providing” anything. Perhaps you get an ailment unseen in medicine, like in the 80's with AIDS, the infrastructure is no longer in place for rapid R&D response nor is the budget available to ramp up for it. That budget is redirected toward massive costly IT infrastructure for client and medical record management. This isn't a simple Facebook user interface which can handle a billion users, Facebook isn't managing large extensive medical records or extensive patient visit databases.

Loss of Income

ObamaCare is an absolute compliance nightmare! The IRS admits ObamaCare’s small business tax credits will not work.

From a story by Ryan Ellis of Americans for Tax Reform the Heartlander digital magazine:

One aspect of President Obama’s health care law touted by its supporters is the inclusion of a small business health care tax credit. But recent testimony by a leading bureaucrat at the Internal Revenue Service shows this aspect of Obama’s law, like so many others, is destined to fail.

Small business employers have no incentive to participate in the tax credit plan. In order to comply, a small business owner has to file Form 8941 with the IRS. This 20-line form requires employers to report the number of employees they have, the average amount they are paying them, the total amount spent in premiums on them, and the average premiums for small-group coverage in their area. And that’s just if you have a simple situation.

So now add to the nightmare the IT financial system required presents. Who will handle that, the IRS? Take the time to see their failure rate. They allowed our own Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner to avoid paying taxes!

From my professional opinion I am here to tell you it is far worse than this! See, there is this IT nightmare I am highlighting which coincides with this IRS nightmare and it is one they just admitted in the Ryan Ellis story. The IRS has admitted they cannot handle their current single aspect system now. What they inadvertently admitted is they do not have an IT infrastructure which could manage the current tax code let alone an additional 1/7th of an entire economy!

Managed in what IT system? I challenge anyone to show me any IT infrastructure that can manage a system as complex as health care, the taxes involved, the fees, the prescriptions and on the scale of 300 + million users! Facebook has more than 1 billion users. What it does manage is a simple list of functions (user accounts, images, friends list, video links and basic textual posting). This is in comparison simple data not a whole history of medical visits, surgeries, medications, extremely large x-ray scan images and you can finish your list. But here is the caveat; Facebook is managed by hundreds of thousands of servers across multiple continents which brings us to the final and most important point.

Loss of Privacy!

Do you want your most personal data spread out across the globe on servers - and here is the key - THE GOVERNMENT HAS ACCESS TO IT!

Forget about the inevitable security breaches that WILL happen by 3rd parties. God forbid its China or Russia which hacks this system. What about the free access our government will have of our medical record. Your son or daughter wants to run for president; his/her medical records are now front and center! Want to buy an old fashioned apple pie? NOPE! You swipe your ATM card, the merchant tells you it was denied, you get angry and explain you have money on the card at which point the person says; but it wasn't your bank that denied you, it was the federal government health care system! You have gained too much weight and you are restricted to a digitally enforced diet!

Your whole personal worth is at stake when you want a chocolate chip cookie because all your records are accessed and assessed by some faceless nameless bureaucrats who will decide your fate! Not your doctor or yourself. A BUREAUCRAT!

Now think about that and let it sink in!
Then vote to repeal Obama and his unconstitutional bill!

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4063605399?profile=originalWith the continuing furor erupting concerning the highly partisan nature displayed by Candy Crowley during the second presidential debate, the real question has evaded the American voter.  Who is truly responsible for acts of journalistic misconduct and what should be done when a debate moderator decides to go rogue, as Crowley did in favoring Obama?


The Commission on Presidential Debates is the organization which sponsors the presidential and vice presidential debates and it claims that these debates will be conducted in “a professional and nonpartisan manner.”  What happens when the journalist moderator interjects herself into the debate, in order to blunt a candidate’s momentum, as Crowley did to republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney?


Presidential Debate Commission Rules:

(c) With respect to all questions...

(iv) The moderator will not ask follow-up questions or comment on either the questions asked by the audience or the answers of the candidates during the debate or otherwise intervene in the debate except to acknowledge the questioners from the audience or enforce the time limits,

Crowley deliberately and intentionally broke the agreed upon rules, and decided as Obama has decided during the course of his administration, that rules don’t apply and the ends justify the means.

So, what recourse do the American people have when a journalist is selected who openly ignores the rules in conducting the debate and in comments leading up to the debate?  What happens when the journalist moderator interjects herself into the debate, in order to blunt a candidate’s momentum, as Crowley did to republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney?


The easy answer is to say; simply that Republicans and GOP candidates who are the favorite targets of biased coverage in the mainstream media should just grit their teeth and bare it.  But that is not what the American public needs to see or should have to endure.  If a presidential debate commission purports to field “unbiased reporters” who are going to be fair and balanced moderators, then failing to do so should result in a penalty, and or permanent suspension of the reporter and their affiliated network from future participation in debates.


According to the national Verified Voting Foundation, in 2012 there are approximately 180,802,372 registered voters in America.  Voters are entitled to see a debate that is free from a moderator who appears to purposely steer a debate, to benefit the incumbent president Obama. Crowley’s behavior becomes even more suspect when one considers that Obama was increasingly losing ground to the republican challenger Mitt Romney.

Did CNN senior political reporter Candace Crowley conduct herself in a professional and nonpartisan manner?  Examine her earlier statement, when she announced that she would evade and ignore the professional rules of journalistic conduct, and inject herself into the presidential debate if and when she saw fit. So one has to question, who judges the moderators when moderators declare that they are above the rules as Crowley did?


It’s possible that the American people can supply the answer. ( Read More )

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 When in doubt, tax it out!  
Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle wants to fine lawful gun owners a nickel per bullet and a whopping $25 a gun sold in her city.
Please note I write " fine " and " lawful gun owners " since this tax wouldn't stop chocolate Klansmen there since the black market is where they get their weaponry and ammunition.
They don't do showing IDs and ATF database checks because they are criminals and need untraceable tools of the trade. 
It may make straw buyers dig deeper on behalf of thugs they purchase for but at day's end won't reduce the murder rate.
Since government over reach is Chicago's order of the day why not impose a local " public safety tax " on felons with violence and drug convictions?
In a city like Chicago that could be the stimulus package they're seeking as millions roll in.
Making purchases more expensive for lawful gun owners isn't going to make Chicago safer. Until brothers freedom march out of the chocolate Klansmen mindset the murder rate spirals.  
Making peace with America within themselves means more peaceful inner city streets. It's up to the individual- not distant institutions!
But I do understand the desperation fueling this proposal.
(504) 214-3082
HOODCONSERVATIVE, MY ONLINE NEWSPAPER Traditional Values From The 'Wrong" Side of Town! 
#CAPBLACKTHEHOODCONSERVATIVE, MY BLOG  Defiant Defenses of Traditional Values Amid Black America's Cultural Implosion! 
" Be your OWN Superhero!"
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Obama - The Manchurian Candidate

After watching and wondering how Obama keeps getting by with blatant unconstitutional tactics, seeing most of the Democrats’ inability to go off-script and simply answer questions rationally, observing a subtle mind-influencing methodology used by Obama in the debates, and taking in what has just happened in Libya, I had my teenagers watch “The Manchurian Candidate” starring Denzel Washington, Meryl Streep, and Liev Shreiber. They watched wide-eyed as they saw played out before them what I believe is happening in some form in the U.S. right now –- mind-control has been a long-researched military project. Denzel Washington stated it clearly toward the end of the movie, “We have a ‘sleeper terrorist’ in the White House.” If you have not seen this movie, do so.

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76% of households have Computers, and yet Rachael Maddow of MSNBC is stating that there is voter suppression in Florida due to the length of the ballots being used. Although there are no hanging chads (you color in the Yes/No dots like on a SAT test), the ballots have been designed so that referendums are printed out in full (after all, just a synopsis wouldn't be full disclosure), yet MSNBC says there are TOO MANY WORDS on these documents and they will confuse the voting public. Evidently MSNBC believes that the Florida general public is either too lazy to download the ballots beforehand to review and mark up before their trip to the polls, or they cannot read 2500 words and comprehend them.

I only bring this us as my father, a rabid Democrat and MSNBC viewer, in a recent phone call,l told me about the horrible length of the Florida Ballots while I had already downloaded a copy and researched those referendums which were printed out in full. My response to him was "yes, two pages front and back" but if you can't read that you obviously didn't pass the fifth grade and immediately went to research what piece of MSNBC garbage has spread this rumor....the 6pm to 10 pm 'news' on MSNBC.

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Be Encouraged!


Howdy all!  You know, there is no better job in the world than being a grandparent.  You get to watch your kids in action applying all the lessons you taught them as children, on their own.  You get to play like a little kid with no regret or embarrassment.  You get to hand off the dirty diaper with a hearty laugh.  But best of all, you get to see what you have been missing from when you were a young parent yourself; like a 19 month old cherub running around the house with a glow-in-the-dark Halloween bucket on her head.

Hmmm, nice.  Ok, back to the ….

Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things he does for me. ~ Psalm 103:2

I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education. This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power. ~ Thomas Jefferson, letter to William Charles Jarvis, 1820

I am always amazed when I find a new quote from a founder that I hadn’t previously heard.  This one from Jefferson for example should be directions given to every politician, elected or appointed.  In fact, it could be an affidavit they all must sign before swearing to the oath.  Imagine the progressives and RINO’s trying to live by this.  If the people do not understand their role as the owners of our nation, then the politicians must teach them how to own the nation, instead of taking it and lording over their constituents.  Some in government want this; they really do.  But something keeps getting in the way.  I wonder if the rookie government reps are taken into some room and brainwashed or something.  In reality, I don’t expect this would or could ever happen.  So many, with the best of intentions get caught up in the rush for the next election, even if it is 4 years away.

So, how can this Jefferson Affidavit be implemented?  “We the People”, that’s how.  We have to take the government back.  It isn’t a revolution to take control of our nation.  It is revolution when the federally elected employees try to keep it from us.  Neither the Congress nor the President can set aside the Constitution.  Only the citizens of the United States can do that.  No single politician can stay as long as they want.  Only the people can install the politicians, and the people can remove them.

In 18 days, we have the opportunity, and the responsibility to decide who we keep, and who we send home.  Our responsibility is to ourselves.  When it’s time to vote, we must vote.  Until then we must inform our friends and neighbors to register for voting.  We can stump for our favorite candidate, but getting the people to vote is a crucial necessity to maintaining that safe depository. 

So, get out the vote on Nov 6.  And get out your neighbors to register.

This land is your land, this land is my land!


Take care, God bless and especially at this time in history,


Tom Kiley

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Look at the Arab countries...would YOU want to live there if you had a choice? Not if you had at least one brain cell.
All of them vote against our interests in the UN(UN=Unecessaryand Needless) and "WE" keep giving them billions of taxpayer money(and they won't even pretend to protect our people in embassys or Christians)..They look at the
successful Western Countries and now even the Eastern countries like China(a real dragon when it comes to stealing from the West and manipulating their currency so they can sell cheaper) and see...SUCESS! while Islamic
"leaders" keep their people in the dust of poverty and blame US for their plight...their mindset is....OBamalike!
blame someone else for failed ideologies, take from those who earn to give to those who don't, and demand to be treated as a God when it is obvious they come from the opposite direction as much evidenced by their brutallity toward innocent men, women and children....I believe they know they are wrong(keeping it simple for folks like me)
which makes them hate us even more because they know we know...who did you say was on first Abbott?
PS The Coburn Waste Book was just the 2012 one, he's been publishing one a year for several Congress spending our money like it was cotton candy started looong ago!

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FYI, if you care!

If you want to defend Freedom and Liberty in The United States of America you must be willing and prepared to sacrifice. This is the point where many start to question their commitment to our constitution. Sacrifice, true sacrifice, isn't something a great many people are willing to do. Freedom and Liberty are precious to the American Patriot. Much of my ancestry is Native American and I can promise you, my Freedom is as important to me as the blood that flows in my veins. There is no sacrifice so great I would not make it to protect my right to live as God intended me to.

The founding fathers of this great nation risked their wealth, their sacred Honor and their very lives to live as free men. I will do no less and I am willing to do much more for the same reason. I believe that the greatest threat to our Freedom at present is the President of the United States, Barak Obama, as well as his administration and those he has appointed or hired either directly or indirectly. Obama, as well as these people, must be purged from our government if Freedom is to have any future in America or the world. It makes no difference who wins the 2012 election this must come to pass if the America that offered Freedom to the world is to live on.

Electing Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will go a long way to preserving our Freedom and Constitution but it will only be a beginning. Each and every individual placed by Barak Obama or any of those working for him must be identified and removed from their positions. Every piece of legislation passed in the term of Obama and the 111th and 112th congress must be questioned and most of it nullified. That leaves the worst outcome, the re-election of the greatest threat of Freedom, Barak Obama. Should this happen, something which is apparently impossible at this time, the people will have to demand congress impeach him immediately on grounds of which there are many to avoid law abiding Americans having to revolt against an illegal government.

At this time it is obvious that Obama will not win this election. This makes a win by him a much greater problem for the fact that it could only happen using fraud and dishonesty. Such an event would almost certainly invite a conflict not seen in America since the civil war. Many threaten riots if Obama looses, these are the people willing to cheat or even cause physical harm to get their way. They are the very reason we must have so many prisons and as much the enemy as Obama and his following. If Barak Obama or the Democrat party retain power in the United States the United Nations will try to take over our country and we will be faced with a war on our own soil defending Freedom and our God given rights.

The way I have always been taught, as well as the way I will act is: if you see foreign uniforms on your property your country has been invaded and you must use all force necessary to expel them IT IS YOUR DUTY TO YOUR COUNTRY. If individuals, acting outside the provisions of our Constitution, try to cause you any harm whatsoever you have the legal right and moral duty to resist. If it happens to your neighbor you have the same responsibility. This is sacrifice and what it means to be a patriotic American.

HONOR, DUTY, LOYALTY, MORALITY all American values.

Art Phillips (Elevengun)

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" Affirmative activism " is what I do. Where liberal peers are against racism; against police brutality; against income inequality and against a host of other things I offer uplifting alternatives .

i also oppose racism; police brutality and crony capitalism but my list of what I'm "far exceeds what I'm against.
Briefly, I'm for: God; America; the flag; the Constitution; traditional values; Pro-life; patriotism; cop/community unity; Black political freedom ( voting more than Democrat ); the 2nd Amendment; mutual aid to the needy; personal responsibility; school choice with a real community voice sharing governance; marriage as being between a man and woman with faith communities free to sanctify whom they choose; adoption; last but not least, Israel; you get the idea.
There are so many wonderful things to be "for' in this country. This doesn't mean turning a blind eye to injustice but we shouldn't deny good either.
Affirmative activism demands upgrading beyond the old protest model. Being " professionally angry ' like some of Black America's 1960s retreads leaves you a pariah when it's time to coalition build and make changes.     
I strive to give myself and by extension others more to say, "Yes! " to- literally and figuratively. 
Applied to my work with urban males this means more individuals saying " Yes! " to personal responsibility and patriotism means fewer saying ' No! ' to obeying the law and community standards.
Brothers, make peace with America and let's wage moral war against what's wrong with America!
My hand is outstretched and waiting. :)    
(504) 214-3082
HOODCONSERVATIVE, MY ONLINE NEWSPAPER Traditional Values From The 'Wrong" Side of Town! 
#CAPBLACKTHEHOODCONSERVATIVE, MY BLOG  Defiant Defenses of Traditional Values Amid Black America's Cultural Implosion! 


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Dear Fellow Patriots:

What follows is a letter that I forwarded to Florida U.S. Congressman Allen West today regarding my numerous requests for the conduct of a full-scale investigation by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on March 1, 2012 and July 17, 2012, by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, along with requesting that our foreign aid dollars that are currently going to other countries and/or continents be halted until an investigation is conducted by members of Congress to determine if the disturbing and/or damaging information revealed in “The Wayne Madsen Report” is in fact true.

Please note that I have included excerpts from the letter that I sent to our NM U.S. Congressman Martin Heinrich earlier today.

Letter to Congressman West:

October 18, 2012

The Honorable Allen West

U.S. House of Representatives

1708 Longworth HOB

Washington, DC 20515

Phone: 202-225-3026

Fax: 202-225-8398

Dear Congressman West:

I am writing to you again for the purpose of sharing the following excerpts from a letter that I forwarded to our NM U.S. Congressman Martin Heinrich earlier today:

Excerpts From Congressman Heinrich’s Letter:

“…On October 5, 2012, I wrote my twelfth letter to you respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on March 1, 2012 and July 17, 2012, by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, along with requesting that our foreign aid dollars that are currently going to other countries and/or continents be halted until an investigation is conducted by members of Congress to determine if the disturbing and/or damaging information revealed in “The Wayne Madsen Report” that I shared with you is in fact true.

For your information and again much to my dismay, to date I have not received a response from your office, but be that as it may, what follows are extremely disturbing revelations that I believe further support said requests:

On September 26, 2012, an article and/or blog post titled “Why Did Obama Support The Arab Spring?” revealed that in President Obama’s second book, “The Audacity of Hope,” he wrote that he would “stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction,” along with other extremely disturbing and/or damaging information. What follows is said article and/or blog post in its entirety:


In Obama’s second book, “The Audacity of Hope,” he wrote that he would “stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” What does that mean for the U.S. at this time?

(Sep. 26, 2012) — In June 2009, Obama had given a significant speech from Cairo, Egypt to the world’s Muslims entitled “A New Beginning.”  Obama had predicted at the beginning of his 2008 campaign that after his inauguration, “the Muslim world will look at the U.S. differently.”

In his book The Audacity of Hope, Obama made the statement that ““I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”

In February 2011, Obama pressured then-Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to resign amid the “Arab Spring” protests which allegedly called for “democracy.”  Obama then supported the Libyan rebels in overthrowing Libyan dictator Muommar Gaddafi without consulting Congress.  Gaddafi had called Obama “a friend” and “my son“  and was murdered by the rebels.

Obama mentioned his “Muslim faith” during the 2008 campaign to a reporter but insists that he is a Christian. His former pastor of 20 years has said that Obama was “steeped in Islam” when arriving at the Trinity United Church of Christ in the 1990s.  Obama claims that Muslims “have suffered the most from “extremism.”  Obama said he “has known Islam on three continents” and refers to the Muslim holy book as “the Holy Koran.”

On September 11, 2012, the U.S. embassy in Benghazi, Libya was attacked in what Libyan officials described aspremeditated, contrary to the statements initially made by U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Obama himself, all of whom had claimed that a homemade video depicting Islam in a negative light was the catalyst.  U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, two contract workers and a second diplomat were murdered, and the body of the ambassador was dragged through the streets in the aftermath of his murder and possible torture.  Libyan officials stated that they warned the U.S. three days prior to the attacks, but Stevens and the others were left unprotected.

The White House later sent mixed messages about the cause of the attacks, and the day after the murders were made public, Obama returned to campaigning, saying that it had been “a tough day.”

Unrest and instability have continued in Libya since the Americans were killed.

One year ago, Rep. Michele Bachmann had stated that Obama’s approach to the Middle East had damaged the U.S. by portraying it as weak.  Former presidential candidate John McCain had supported the Arab Spring uprisings, calling them “inspiring” and predicting that they would lead to “freedom and democracy.”  But what  kind of “change” has the Arab Spring brought about in the Middle East?  Who was behind it?

Ties have been illustrated between the Obama regime and The Muslim Brotherhood, and this past July, “an international plot” to overthrow Arab states with Western ties by Islamist organizations” was reported by a top security official in Dubai.  A written plan described as a “roadmap” to conquering Western civilizations was found in Switzerland in 2001 and attributed to The Muslim Brotherhood.  A documentary by Glenn Beck claims that the U.S. government is withholding the information from the American people.

Obama has met with members of The Muslim Brotherhood at the White House, and Muslims hold high-level positions within the Department of Homeland Security.  Some termed such employees “plants.”  It has been reported that the Brotherhood’sgoal is to form a “global Islamic state.”

With the election of Muslim Brotherhood member Mohammed Morsi to the Egyptian presidency in June of this year, mainstream media are acknowledging that the Egyptian government is now “run by the Muslim Brotherhood.”  Morsi praisedObama’s embracing of the “Arab Spring” movement as “quick and decisive.”

Islamists have threatened the Coptic Christian community, which numbers 10,000,000 in Egypt, over allegations that a member of the sect had participated in making the video which the Obama regime said was responsible for recent Middle Eastern violence.

The Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan is threatening King Abdullah to either meet their demands to change the form of government or “face Arab Spring street pressure for his abdication.”

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had urged the Egyptian Army, which had been loyal to former President Hosni Mubarak, to cede authority to Morsi after the election, which the Army had been reticent to do.  Morsi now holds full executive power.  His government was slow to condemn violent attacks on the U.S. embassies in Cairo and Benghazi, Libya.  At the United Nations General Assembly meeting on Tuesday, Morsi indicated that the video initially blamed for the September 11, 2012 attacks on the embassies was an example of free speech which required “responsibility, especially when it comes with serious implications for international peace and stability.”

The United States gives Egypt $2 billion every year in aid.

Obama insisted that the embassy attacks stemmed from an anti-Islamic video on Tuesday at the United Nations said that “the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”  Obama spent at least four years in Indonesia as a child, although it has been reported by at least once source that he actually spent much longer in the “most populous Muslim country,” arriving there at the age two.

Obama straddled the fence by denouncing the anti-Islamic video but claiming to champion free speech when he stated that attempts to limit it become “a tool to silence critics and oppress minorities.”  However, Obama’s supporters have attempted since the 2008 campaign to do just that:  ridicule, marginalize, disable, and “isolate” the “enemy” using Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals.   Obama’s “Sovereign Citizen” campaign has also targeted anyone questioning his background or “birth certificate,” which has been declared a forgery by a law enforcement investigation.

In an interview on CBS’ “60 Minutes,” Obama said that the “one organizing principle” in regard to the Middle East uprisings was “Islam.”

On September 22, an interview between Egyptian President Muhammed Morsi and The New York Times was published in which Morsi affirmed that he was “brought up” with The Muslim Brotherhood, which has declared itself an enemy of the United States. During the interview, Morsi said that Egypt would not be “dictated” to by “U.S. rules” and was critical of the United States’ approach to “backing dictators” in the Middle East prior to his election.

Morsi was the first democratically-elected Egyptian leader in the history of the nation.  Since taking office, numerous reports of lynchings and other violence against Christians in Egypt have become public in mainstream publications.  Morsi told The New York Times that “the United States needed to fundamentally change its approach to the Arab world, showing greater respect for its values and helping build a Palestinian state, if it hoped to overcome decades of pent-up anger.”

Obama had promised to “fundamentally change the United States of America” just days before he was declared the winner of the 2008 presidential election.

After Morsi’s interview with The New York Times, it was reported that Obama canceled a scheduled meeting with Morsi, allegedly to protect himself from political fallout six weeks before the U.S. presidential election, although the the Times articlestated that a “request” from Morsi to meet with Obama had been quietly “dropped.”

The Muslim Brotherhood has been said to have influenced the U.S. by “insidious Islamist influence inside the Obama administration” which poses a threat to our national security.  Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy maintains that the Muslim Brotherhood advocates the imposition of Sharia Law throughout the Middle East.  An Obama-appointed U.S. Attorney, William C. Killian, was the keynote speaker last month at the opening of a new Islamic Center in Chattanooga, TN.

It has been reported that Sharia Law and the U.S. Constitution are incompatible, and Killian has prosecuted those attempting to defend the Constitution, holding them up as examples to others to refrain from “taking the law into their own hands.”

Upheaval is still occurring in Syria, where today two explosions have killed four security guards close to the army headquarters and as many as 30,000 people have lost their lives due to the violence.

U.S. embassies throughout the Middle East and India have been burned and desecrated since the September 11 attacks.  A former Muslim has spoken out and claimed that “We will take the advantage of American kindness, gullibility and compassion.  When time comes, we will stab them in the back.”

Obama has sent mixed messages to Israel in regard to Iran.  He has said that the U.S. “has Israel’s back“and that the U.S. will not assist Israel if it should strike Iran’s nuclear capabilities to protect itself. Obama refused to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu while Netanyahu is visiting the U.S. to attend the U.N. meeting.

In his “60 Minutes” interview, Obama termed Israel’s concern about Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon “noise” and said that he and Netanyahu speak “all the time.”

Iran has said that it could strike Israel if it discovers that Israel has planned an attack. Iranian President and dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke at the United Nations in New York on Wednesday, accusing the U.S. of “bullying.”  The U.S. delegation did not attend Ahmadinejad’s speech, claiming that it included “repulsive slurs against Israel.”

Will World War III begin with Obama in charge?”


On September 23, 2012, an article and/or blog post revealed that in late March 2008, on a local New York City show called “Inside City Hall,” the venerable African-American entrepreneur and politico, Percy Sutton, told host Dominic Carter how he was asked to help smooth Barack Obama’s admission into Harvard Law School 20 years earlier by his friend Dr. Khalid al-Mansour who was the principal adviser to Saudi prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, one of the world’s richest men.  When it surfaced in late August 2008, the Obama camp and its allies in the media, particularly Politico and Media Matters, shifted into overdrive to kill the story through a series of denials, lies and slanders about Sutton’s mental health and they succeeded. What follows is said article and/or blog post: 

SAUDI BILLIONAIRE DID HELP OBAMA INTO HARVARD: ‘Exclusive: Jack Cashill shares shocking secret president tried to keep under wraps’!-Posted on JACK CASHILL-On September 23, 2012:

On October 9, 2012, it was revealed that President Obama has been wearing a ring since before his wedding to Michelle that may prove that he is in fact a Muslim because the inscription on the ring reads “There Is No God But Allah.” What follows is an article and a video that provides you with more detailed information regarding this extremely disturbing revelation:

OBAMA’S RING: ‘THERE IS NO GOD BUT ALLAH’: ‘He’s worn it on his wedding-ring finger since before he met Michelle!’-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On October 9, 2012:

Video: Jerome Corsi Interviewed Over Obama’s Muslim Ring!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On October 11, 2012:

On October 17, 2012, it was revealed that we have been secretly outsourcing the arming of our enemies in Africa and the Middle East to Saudi Arabia and Qatar and that these same weapons may have been used to kill our Libyan Ambassador and three other Americans.

My following recent blog post contains all the details regarding these and other extremely disturbing issues, which I believe further support my numerous requests:

Arming Our Enemies!

Accordingly, I again am hereby not only respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on March 1, 2012 and July 17, 2012, by Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, but that our foreign aid dollars going to other countries and/or continents be halted until an investigation is conducted to determine if the disturbing and/or damaging information revealed in “The Wayne Madsen Report” that I previously shared with you is true. I graciously ask this of you and other members of Congress for the sake of the preservation of our United States of America that I love and for which so many brave and courageous Americans have and continue to make the ultimate sacrifice for.

For your information, I have also forwarded the same information to our other NM U.S. Representatives….”

End of Excerpts.

I again would like to mention that I am taking the liberty of sharing the above information with you strictly for informational purposes because I believe that we have something in common, which is that we both served our Country/Republic honorably and truly love it and what it stands for, as do so many other Americans that have not only served, but have made the ultimate sacrifice for it. 

Please feel free to contact me at my email or mailing address should you have any questions regarding what I now believe to be an extremely disturbing and time sensitive matter.

Thank you again for your continued honorable and unselfish service to our country and rest assured that I will be praying that you retain your set in Congress to continue the fight of taking back our country from those that are hell-bent on destroying it.

God Bless You and God Bless America!


Jake L. Martinez


Response Received From Congressman West Regarding My Email Above:

Congressman Allen West responding to your message

Thursday, October 18, 2012 4:37 PM

From:  "Congressman Allen West" <>

To:  Jake Martinez

Thank you for contacting our Congressional Office. I appreciate hearing from you and having the benefits of your views.

As you may be aware, each day my Congressional Offices receive hundreds of emails from all over the United States. If you received this email, it is because your address indicates that you are not a constituent who resides in our Congressional District in Florida.

As I hope you understand, I have a responsibility each day to respond to the hundreds of letters, emails, and telephone calls our Congressional Offices receive from the constituents who I have the honor to represent. I would suggest that you send a copy of your email to your own Member of Congress. If you are unaware of whom that individual is please see the following website:

I hope you will take a moment to review my website, my Facebook,, and to keep informed on the many issues I am involved with in the United States House of Representatives.

While you are visiting my website, I would ask that you please sign-up for my weekly e-mail updates, which discuss what I am doing on Capitol Hill and in the State of Florida.

I greatly appreciate the time and thought that went into your correspondence to me. Again, thank you for contacting me, and please be sure to send your thoughts to your own Member of the United States House of Representatives.

Very Respectfully,

Allen B. West”

4063359777?profile=originalNoteMy following recent blog posts relate to this disturbing & time sensitive issue-You Decide:


Arming Our Enemies!


Still Don’t Know Who to Vote For? Then Read This!


Red Flags All Around–But the Media Won’t Tell!


Dishonest Media Avoids Truth about Obama Through Diversions!


Was Obama rattled by developing donor scandal story?


Just Happened!


An Open Letter To Communist Valerie Jarrett!


“Innocence” Film a Premeditated Provocation for Islamic Terror?


The Film ‘Innocence of Muslims’ — Made By Terrorists?


2000 Dead Soldiers and Obama Can Still Do No Wrong!



4063359777?profile=originalNote: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that reveal: 1) the live presentation by Joel Gilbert, his DVD Film titled "Dreams From My Real Father," along with the newly released film titled "The Unvetted”; 2) the Islamic infiltration inside our government armed with our secrets, to include the President's secret link to Hamas; 3) the Islamic infiltration inside our military; 4) the Communist infiltration inside our government, to Include President Obama's secret link to Communists; 5) the George Soros connection, to include the shared agendas of George Soros and the President; and 6) the disastrous results of these infiltrations, links and connections-You Decide: 


The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 1): 

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 2):

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 3):…

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 4):

4063359777?profile=originalContinue Reading My Following Blog Posts That Relate To This Disturbing & Time Sensitive Issue:


Communists and Muslims: The Hidden Hand of the KGB!


White Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Weather Underground, Barack Obama, and the Fundamental Transformation of the United States!


Did Saudis Buy Obama 2008 Election?


Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!




Is President Obama in on the Uprising in Egypt?


Is Israel the next Arab Facebook Campaign?


The President Must Stop Voting “Present” on Iran!


Is President Obama inciting riots across the US and abroad?


The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!


Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!


Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!’t-tr...


Where Is America Today?


The Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!


Is History Repeating Itself?

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following videos seem extremely appropriate today:


A Republic, If You Can Keep It!


Breaking Point: 25 Minutes That Will Change America:


We The People:


I Stand For America!


Madison Rising - The Star Spangled Banner!


Hank Williams Jr New Song Dedicated to Obama: "Takin' Back the Country"!


The Fightin Side of Me!


Freedom Isn’t Free:


Declaration to Restore the Republic!

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”


God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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