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Obama is a Fiction

4063510573?profile=originalYesterday, on GBTV, we were treated to the proof that America's president, the most powerful man in the world, is a living lie. Beck lets Obama's own words prove it. The facts do not back what he says—ever.

What makes America great, I heard Obama say on Beck's show, is America's Declaration of Independence. Beck didn't tell us about Obama's selection for the Supreme Court, Justice Elana Kagan.  I heard Kagan tell the Senate at her hearing that the Declaration would play no part in her decisions.  Both Democrats and Republicans approved of Kagan.  Obama doesn’t represent America. Is America's government not a fiction?

Sheriff Joe is being sued by the United States for discriminatory and otherwise unconstitutional law enforcement. The question: who is guilty of unconstitutional law enforcement?  The American people are on Sheriff Joe's side. What is Congress going to do about America's Department of Justice? Congress has yet to act. It is all talk and no action

In 1975, this non-conformist took the United States to court over my income tax. I claimed it unconstitutional in the way it was being implemented.  Did you know that you have the constitutional right to be heard in a meaningful way in a meaningful place if you have a personal stake in the outcome?  I hear that the IRS is allowing illegal Mexicans, who are paying income tax, to deduct dependents living in Mexico.  The President and Congress approve of this. And why?  Because you don’t call their hands.  This tax expenditure costs legal taxpayers billions of dollars, not to mention all the other giveaways these illegal Mexicans get.  Is this now revealed income tax give-away of the American people’s rights not one more nail in America's coffin?  Is this not an outright fraud to buy votes at America’s expense?

Speaking of the Obama fiction, did you know that Francis Bellamy, a Baptist minister associated with libertarian theology, a member of the Christian Socialist movement, wrote the original Pledge of Allegiance in 1859? President Obama is associated with liberation theology, a twin of libertarian theology.  These twin theologies, which do not trust in God,  but rather man as maker and keeper of the law, date back to evangelists and missionaries from the earliest colonial days in Latin America—churchmen who questioned the Catholic Church’s treatment of the poor—socialists!  Socialist Obama, of liberation theology, as a gesture of good will to the poor, has decreed that Catholic run institutions will give free contraceptives under the name of women’s rights. Isn’t that nice of him?  Next it will be free haircuts.

By the way, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has ruled that God cannot be included in the Pledge. It’s unconstitutional.  Hello! The ruling was overturned by the Supreme Court on procedural grounds.  It has yet to be ruled whether the Pledge can state God or not.  And why? Because you didn’t know what’s going on behind your back.  Your freedom is not automatic.   

You have the right to due process of law, which is nothing more than common sense, a gift of your Creator.  Martin Luther King demanded and got due process of law for America’s former slaves.  Don’t forget that the Supreme Court held that a person’s skin color determined whether a human being be treated like an animal or a human, because, from America’s beginning,  the American people allowed it.  

What makes the American people any better than the German people, who allowed Hitler to exterminate Jews like insects?  What makes America’s judges any better than other tyrants.  They assume rights they never had. Our memories are short.

The creator of me and Jesus blessed me with reason and logic.  Same as Jesus, I called authority’s hand.  Authority hung itself with its own rope. Jesus may have died for our sins, but I stand before you as the Gospel truth of who Jesus was and what he represented.  And believe it or not, acting on my faith in God, I did not even realize it until years after the fact.  We dream on when action is essential.

Fact is stranger than fiction.  Without even knowing Jesus, his will was with me when accepted the Constitution—as written—as my Constitution—and acted on my belief that I have God-given rights.

Jesus said that they come from here and they come from there (with their lies), but “behold the kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:21).  

After you have read my commons sense book, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012, which will be available this June, you will have the choice of accepting the real Jesus, or the Jesus Obama accepts—and practices—the “collective salvation” Jesus.  After you read my book, you will know what Jesus meant when he said, “in earth as it is in heaven…But seek ye first the kingdom of God” (Matthew 6:33).

After I took my stand against the establishment,  after my life had deteriorated to about as bad as it can get, I can only speak for myself, but when I discovered my Constitution, and my God-given rights—and acted—when things should have gone wrong, things went right. And now, in the twilight of life, my life is as good as it gets.  Why would it not be the same for you?

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You are trained to think of currency as "MONEY"  but is it?  "NO" it is a substitute for money....

You are trained to believe that your taxes go to pay for the operations of government [wrong again]

So what is my point if you believe this stuff?

YOU ARE IGNORANT and need to study the facts and then you might support ending the FED as Ron Paul suggests ! 


Watch Arron Russo' movie !

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The ONLY issue that should be on every voters mind today focusing on November 2012 is the financial situation Here in the United States and around the world !  ALL OTHER ISSUES are minor.  If the Federal Reserve continues to follow the Keynesian model and and continues in the same direction we will have a currency that hyper-inflates into worthless paper and the adverse   economic events after such an event will last for over a lifetime .

This is why I am adamant about RON PAUL !

All the side issue will be MOOT if our economic system fails











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I would like to address the very basic foundation of civilization. Women. Do you think this is strange? Let us consider, and go back five hundred years. The new world was discovered, first here were the Spanish, then the French, and then the Dutch, and last on the scene were the English.

Why were the English so wildly successful? Because they brought their own women. The Spanish, the French, the Dutch came to rape the land of its riches and return home, but unable to resist the temtation of the local women, and considering them no more than animals, treating them with no respect, took up with them and turned them into whores and littered the countryside with bastards, and thus entrenched this idea into local cultures.

I ask you, who is going to fight and die for whores and bastards? Who is going to stand and build on them? While the English brought their own women, their wives, their daughters, the ones they loved, treasured, respected. Women who would give them futures, women worth building for, worth protecting, worth dying for. Women who grew into families, farms, companies, dynasties, and by 1776, country.

Yes, that’s right, when one speaks of love of country, when one is willing to die for country, what the hell do you think he’s talking about? His women! His mother, his wive, his daughters. This is what motivates a man. Ever notice the nose art of WWII combat planes, the vast majority were depictions of women. Why? Because that is what they were fighting for. Look at South and Central America, they are stagnate, why? Because of the legacy of bastards left behind by the Spanish, the French and the Dutch.

You focus in on any dynasty down there, and it is rooted in family, but there are few of them. Now look at the United States and Canada, it was built for and on the love and respect of the treasured woman. It used to be entrenched in the culture, the idea of the Lady, and the Gentleman who loved her, this common among the poor and rich alike, causing an upward trend in the culture as a whole.


If you doubt me, take a look at the world, take a look at history. The Greeks, the Romans, loved and adored their woman, the English, on who’s soil the sun never set, at one time, developed it into the idea of the Lady and the Gentleman who loved her, and was this not embraced by all the classes, did not every woman aspire to be a Lady, and every man a gentleman.

Look at the fall of these empires, they crumbled right along with the families as the attitude towards the woman changed. Look at Africa, they have never done a damn thing, and they consider their women slaves and cows. Look at the Arabs, who we fight today, they do not even allow flowers in the field, they cover them up, and hid them away, and they are barbaric people, a culture of death.

So think hard, and consider what I say before you dismiss it as old fashion thinking, for wasn’t it old fashion thinking that gave us the Greeks, the Romans, the Great British Empire? In the forties, we had to fight the evils of Germany, where Hitler viewed the woman as a source to build an army, go and read the ‘Rise and Fall of the Third Reich’, as see if what I say is not true. Look at Japan before and during the war, need I go on?

I hear you cry out for freedom, liberty, justice, but why is it you want these things, so you can go on treating women like candy, to be eaten and consumed, and discarded when they grow old like expired milk, littering the countryside with bastards, creating girls with no morels so you have a new crop of candies to be consumed and discarded. I promise you, the men who died to give you these things, freedom, liberty and justice did so for their women, so they could love them and adore them and grow them into families, farms, companies, dynasties, country. Do you think you can secure freedom, liberty and justice when your motives are to rape, molest and destroy? There are three things that motivate a man, food, sleep and sex, and sex is the greatest of the three. Woman. Think about it.


So if you are concerned with the New World Order, the loss of democracy, the poisoning of our water supply, the abuse of monopolies, then I say to you, go home to your wives first. Give them the love and respect they deserve. If your wife is estranged, go and find her, tell her you are sorry for being a fool, and take her back in, care for her, provide for her and respect her for the gift that she is. Love your children, teach them, take the time to tell them the stories, Chicken Little, The Emperors New Clothes, The Tar Baby, Cinderella, Rumpelstilzchen, The three Little pigs, Little Red Riding Hood, ‘you don’t dress your pretty little girl up in a nice red cape and hood and send her out among wolves, they are going to eat her!’ No wait! Maybe you are the wolves?

Wake up! If you have littered the country side with bastards, go, gather them up, tell them you were a fool, bring them home, love them, teach them, tell them the stories, and if you do not know the stories, than learn them, maybe you might do some growing. Do not use the updated politically correct versions, go back to the original stories, the ones with the bite, the ones that taught life’s lessons.

Let me ask you, do you have a home? Or a house? If you are in a fox hole, and a woman is next to you, who are you fighting for? If you are working in a factory, and a woman is working next to you, for whom do you work? If you are a leader, with a fine suit in a tall building, and a woman is next to you, leading, for whom are you leading? If the women are going to fight for us, build for us and lead us, why not stay at the house and watch the TV and drink beer? Look around, just what is it you see? You can cry out for freedom, liberty and justice, but you will never secure it, if you are not motivated to get off your ass and act!!!

Food, Sleep and Sex, a good women will motivate you to do, whatever it is that needs to be done, for a cherished woman is worth dying for. Let us not forget, that is the price.


I can hear you now!!! Belly aching over it is her own damn fault. She is the one who wanted a job, a career, who wanted to be more. Yes, I can hear you. Well I hate to be the one to break it to you, but it is your fault. You failed to celebrate her, instead you went on and on about how important you were. How you had to go to work everyday, how you had to bring home the bacon, how she would be nothing if it was not for the man. Yes, I can hear you.

Let me ask you again, do you have a home, or a house? Who is rearing your children? You? Your woman? Or the schools, the day cares, the after school programs, the gangs, the government? Think about it. Who is going to care for you in your old age? The children reared by the schools, the daycares, the after school programs, the gangs, the government? Or the children reared by your wives, who love you? Answer me, I implore you. Tell me, I want to know.

Who are these kids going to love? Remember, there are three motivators, Food, Sleep and Sex. Who are the children going to love? The ones that fed them, that provided their shelter, which taught them about life, right or wrong.

If you give up your wives, if you do not recognize how important she is to the culture, as a woman, as a mother, as the temper of community, if you do not celebrate their importance, and love them, provide for them, protect them, then you also give up your children, and they are the future.

You threw out these old fashion ideas, and here, now is the future you reaped. Look at it. Seems to be the same one you are bitching about. The same one that seems to be bound to enslave you, to destroy you, to bring you to your knees.

If you think these kids do not resent being reared by the schools, the day cares, the gangs, the government, then why is the future what it is? Yes, they resent it, look around, and Wake up! It is indeed the man’s own fault. I implore you, think about it!


You know, when I was a kid, I would come home from school and my mother would have a piece of fruit or a candy bar waiting for me, sometime during the day my bed got made, she would ask me how school was. If I was overly cheerful, or melancholic, she would ask me why.

This was the rule throughout the neighborhood, mothers were at home. So there was very little I could do that my mother didn’t know about. I fell out of a tree once, some 12 feet, landed on my back, knocked the wind out of me, and I was having trouble catching my breath. One of the neighbor mothers saw it, did she panic, call 911, no. She grabbed me up by my arm, dragged me home, and knocked on our door. She told mother what happen, mother grabbed me up, had a good look at me and said he’s alright Smitty, want a cup of coffee?

That was that. I learned, just because you fall out of a tree, it is not the end of the world, if you are not hurt, then get over it. My brother and I were out once goofing off, and I broke my arm, did we panic, call 911? No. We went home, dad looked at it, said, ‘Yep, it’s broke’, and took me over to see Doctor Parker, he fixed it, right there in his office. Told dad how and when to take the cast off, told Dad not to bring him back unless something is wrong with him. Neither time did mom nor dad get upset, its just life. I learned that day, even if you do get hurt, it’s not the end of the world.

At no time did I feel unloved. Dinner was always on the table when dad got home from work, and we sat down together as a family, and we had dinner conversation. Many things were discussed over dinner, when dinner was over, dad instructed us to thank mother for dinner. When it was time for bed, mother always tucked us in, and helped us to say a pray to thank God for the day, regardless of how it went, and then she would tell us a story. At the time, I just thought it was a story, but today I find I apply those stories on regular bases.


When I asked my father a question, he would ask me 10. It used to frustrate the hell out of me, but looking back on it I realize, he was teaching me to think. My mother would tell me, do what your teachers say, don’t give them any trouble, or you will have trouble double when you get home. But… When they start jumping off the cliff, you come home.

I would asked about something, and I would say, well Joe says this, and Randy says that, and mother would ask, what do you say? What do you think? Don’t let Randy and Joe do your thinking, consider what they say, but do your own thinking.

Dad taught me how to fish, how to hunt and handle a gun in a safe manner, he would say, don’t ever point a gun at anyone unless you intend to kill them, because if you point a gun at them, they are going to kill you. You don’t point a gun at someone and pull the trigger to kill, you do so to stay alive! He taught me how to dress game, from the hoof to the dinner table, how to grow a garden, how to take care of myself, when nobody else would.

He taught me how to be a team member, how to do my job to the best of my ability, so even if the team lost, it was not my fault. He taught me to be a gracious winner, as well as a gracious loser. He taught me to treat every girl as a lady, as you would treat your own mother, for she is the mother of tomorrow, and being a mother is the most important of all jobs, for in the hands of mothers is where the future lies, it is why he went to work every day. At the time I did not understand of what he spoke, but now I do, the children are the future, and they are who rears them. So again I say, you fear one world government, well go home and tell your wives you love them and rear your children.

So do you doubt me? Who is feeding your children, KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Alfie’s Fish and Chips, Who? Who is making their beds? Who is helping them with their home work? Who is teaching them about love and sex? Who? I want to know? Who is teaching them about life? Who? Well, I can tell you, if it is not their Mothers, then money is feeding them, if it is not their Mothers, then they are sleeping in unmade dirty beds, if Mother is not helping with their homework, then how do you know what they are learning?

If their Mothers and Fathers are not teaching them about love and sex, than who? The Government, that’s who, and they are leaving out the part about love and teaching them to masturbate, passing out condoms and telling them to go for it, and if you accidentally make a baby, that’s okay too, we will just suck it right out of the girl, and everything will be alright.

And you wonder why the world is what it is. The world is what you made it. You reap what you sow, take a look at your crop. You wonder why children have no sense of style, why the tattoos, the piercings, the crazy hair, the lack of manners, common curtsies, concern for others? Wonder why they are resentful, filled with hate? Are you wondering why? Again, tell me who reared them? You wonder why they love money? Who fed them, really? Was it money, or mother’s hand. Tell me, I want to know!

You know there is a big health care grab going on in the US right now, know what that’s about? I do. And it is not going to turn out very well. If you were smart, you would buy stock in funeral homes and cemeteries, because they are fixing to use health care to bury the hippies, who sowed this crop. People, the chickens have come home to roost.


So, to put it buntly, if you want to fix Global Warming, Clean up the water, solve energy problems, clean up the oil spills, bring government back into line, restore the Constitution, improve the schools...ect..ect...ect..... Then we must quit killing our babies before they are born, and put our women back on a pedetal and celebrate them for the gift they are. ©


George Henry Nichols



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Who do they think they are kidding, congress has been ripping off seniors for over 60 years. So I e-pmailed the RNC the following.

I have observed firts hand, the senior citizens of the U S getting ripped off for over 30 years. They are getting ripped off by having their trust fund confiscated in various ways and repolaced with promissory notes issued by the treasury department and by having to return some of their benifits by having those benifits subject to income tax. The current income threshold triggering the taxation of SS bemifits is $20,000 single and $32,000 married for married and has never been adjusted by the cost of living adjustment available to several types of income.

I have worked as an income tax proffessional for close to 50 years and am disgusted with this back door procedure to steal from the SS trust fund.

This past income tax season, I conducted a study on what effect this tax has had on my clientele, I have performed this study using simple arithetic, no mathematical gimmickry or complex formulas.  After completing the clients tax return for 2011, I simply removed the taxable SS from the gross income and recalculated the tax.  This study covered a gross income range of $20,000-$85,000 (no super rich people here) and the results were amazingly revealing and shocking.  The reduction in the tax liability for the year ranged from $115 to $10,800.  The shocking part of this study revealed that when the decrease in tax liability was compared to the tax liability including SS taxable inmcome represented 45%-52% of that tax laibility

Our income tax system uses a progressive tax rate application as well as COLA application ie: the tax rate increases as taxable income increases and COLA is applied to various portions of the tax code.  Not so in the taxation of SS benifits.To apply the progressive tax theory and COLA adjustments to people with higher incomes and not the senior taxpayer is a form politically selected discrimination.  Hence the income threshold for this taxation should be raised to $200,000  but I have yet to find a member of congress with guts enough to initiate legiuslation to that effect.

Any loss of revenue to the treasury should be made up by improving the management of the trust fund by removing political crony's, relatives, etc and let the true management proffessionals run the show.

The future of the trust fund can also be greatly enhanced by removing the earnings cap of $110,800 on the SS payroll tax.  I am 83 years old and am still working and contributing to the program through payroll tax being witheld from my earnings every pay day from the time 65 years ago when I began working for wages. Another indication of selected class discrimination by government by allowing those fat cats earning an exemption for SS payroll tax when the earnings cap is reached.

Other ways to further the future of the SS mprogram can be as follows.

Tax all types of bonus's, perks, and other methods of remuneraqtion as self employment tax imposed on working induviduals operating their own business; at the normal rate of 6.2%

Require all federal employees to pay the 6.,2% payroll tax by having it witheld from their pay (another form of selective political discrimination) , the goverment employers share could be excluded from this tax.

Make all types of self employed income, such as royalties, certain types of capital gains, venture capital income, etc subject to the self employment SS tax.

Require the trust fund to retain 10 years of payable benifits in interest bearing cash accounts and allowing aonly those funds in excess of those future benifits to be used for the purchase of bonds or promissary notes of any kind


We need a congress with GUTS to display, in a practical way, a national appreciation for the effort that senior citizens have rendered in contributing to the growth and propserity of this greates nation on earth.


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4063469150?profile=originalMy title today is today’s issue.  Personally, Mr. Obama, you can’t build a human without knowing God. And knowing God, you don’t have same sex marriages. You know that. For political reasons, you’ve just said that you don’t know God.

Our Creator gave us reason and logic. Mr. Obama, you cannot possibly win.  The “Higher Law,” the background of America’s Constitution, is the law. My Constitution (the original Constitution) supports self-government. The makers and keepers of the law don’t agree that we should adhere to my Constitution.  They don’t agree that I can, under the Constitution, have a personal stake in the outcome in the laws they pass.  They maintain that the “good of all,” as they see it, determines the law.  As they see it, my sweat is not a god-given right.  Their manmade entitlements, socialistic,  supersede my alleged God-given rights.  Mr. Obama, you can’t make a silk purse out of a sows ear.  You should know that.

Jesus was unorthodox, a man of peace in a hostile, oppressive world, a world that lived by the sword.  He said, “Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick, and it giveth light” (Matthew 5:15). Speaking of the “Higher Law,” Jesus said, “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets. I am come not to destroy, but to fulfil” (Matthew 5:17)  Jesus said, “Rejoice and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you (Matthew 5:12).  

To the makers and keepers of the law in America, property is only the means to their end, their end, socialism.  You can’t be socialistic and for the “Higher Law” at the same time.  Jesus said, “No man can serve two masters” (Matthew 6:24).  Mr. Obama, you are going to lose. 

What are we talking about?  Everything but the truth.  Our memories are short.  Jesus said, “Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam of thine own eye and then shall thy see clearly to cast the mote out of thy brother’s eye (Matthew 7:5). Said Jesus, “Ask and it shall be given you” (Matthew 7:7).  Said Jesus, “whatsoever ye would that men should do to you do ye even so to them: for this is the law” (Matthew7:12).

Boundaries remain the principal issue that brings about war.  Israel is again being attacked. “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” (Genesis 2:7) The soul is defined as “the immaterial essence, animating principle, or actuating cause of a human life (Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary). The soul is that part of man that is without boundary, “a distinct entity separate from the body” (Webster’s College Dictionary).  Why are we thinking something else? None of the preceding thoughts are my thinking.  It is the thinking of credible authorities.

We are moving toward a boundless world, under socialism, or an individually controlled world?  Under the “Higher Law,” a self-governed world, Mr. Obama, astrology informs us that we are at the end the Age of Pisces.  The Pisces characteristic is said to be uncertain and weak willed lots of times; and also easily influenced. It falls for external factors, which explains the current situation.  The symbol of Pisces is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions.

Astrology further informs us, Mr. Obama, that we are entering the Age of Aquarius.  I’m a child of the new age.  We read in astrology books that Aquarius rising, my birth sign, says I would be independent and stubborn in my beliefs; that I would detest hypocrites, and be my brother’s keeper type—be spiritual.  The symbol for Aquarius is the water-bearer.  Mr. Obama, you best join me.

Little wonder that our world is in conflict.  Pisces, represented by the Muslim Brotherhood, is in its death throes. The Obamas, throughout the ages, have sought control.  Their successes have always been short-lived, their failures horrific.  Do you really believe the Muslim Brotherhood is not a threat?  Here we sit with the Sword of Damocles hanging over us.

My mother was Jewish, my father Christian. Mine is a story of a of a non-Christian’s rebirth.  I’m anti-religious. Something for all religions to consider: God loves us all—Muslims, Christians, and Jews. Read the Gospels for yourselves and think about who you are.

The story of my life—that is, my second life—began in 1975, with studying my Constitution, and acting on my rights under it. In 2012, miraculously, all of my dreams have come true. In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012 will be available at Amazon this June. Learn the power potential that lies within you. We are now at the threshold of a new age, one of love and peace. It is written in the stars.  

As a being of Power, Intelligence and Love, and the lord of his own thoughts, man holds the key to every situation, and contains within himself that transforming and regenerative agency by which may make himself what he wills. James Allen, As A Man Thinketh


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Every day I take a look at the stock markets and they seem to be unreal in their ability to hold up under extreme pressure that should send them tumbling .

Well they have help in a big way !

The plunge protection team is hard at work using FED money to hold the markets up .

? THE Plunge protection team aka the Presidents working group !

Puling the wool over your eyes !  just like the inflation numbers and unemployment stats !


You will thank me next year

Buy Silver

You will thank me even more soon

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Why does government have any say in this subject.


Because of socialism and social engineering !  [Tax codes and civil laws ] Authoritarian government !

Marriage was an institution of "THE CHURCH" not the State ! until Income tax codes gave rewards and punishments according to your marital status, then the state licensed your marriage , and because they see you as state property they insist on a health certificate [ no VD allowed in their herd] 

Are you angry yet?  YOU SHOULD BE!

Get the Dammed Government out of our personal and financial lives NOW.

FREEDOM is not free ...

The tree of freedom at times requires the blood of tyrants and patriots to water it.

Gay marriage is a slap in the face  to GOD !




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Of what am I referring to?   YOUR ECONOMIC FUTURE !  This is to the clueless and semi-clueless.

The French just elected a "Marxist" Socialist who believes the Keynesian economic theories, so France is going to expand their currency supply by several 100 % even IF the European banking community apposes it and wants austerity budgeting, the same is true of Grease !  

Germany is becoming rather unhappy being the economic engine that is pulling all of Europe while the other nations spend more than they create economically !

The French want to end the US DOLLAR AS RESERVE CURRENCY, and if they succeed in doing this your standard of living will have to drop by 40% in the first year, but don't worry your Congressman and Senator will maintain their standard of living regardless of this fact, and the President will still go on vacation to places you only dream about!

So what is my point!

WE ARE PAST THE POINT OF NO RETURN IN THIS ECONOMIC CYCLE and you will see your standard of living go down by 40% within 24 months!

So what do I suggest you do right now ?

Buy Gold and silver bullion today while the markets are down! 

Remember that hyper-inflation will positively affect them while the paper currency burns

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(sorry - there is no link for this)

This is not about health care; it is about seizing power and limiting rights.


Well, I have done it! I have read the entire text of proposed House Bill 3200: The Affordable Health Care Choices Act of 2009. I studied it with particular emphasis from my area of expertise, constitutional law. I was frankly concerned that parts of the proposed law that were being discussed might be unconstitutional. What I found was far worse than what I had heard or expected.


To begin with, much of what has been said about the law and its implications is in fact true, despite what the Democrats and the media are saying. The law does provide for rationing of health care, particularly where senior citizens and other classes of citizens are involved, free health care for illegal immigrants, free abortion services, and probably forced participation in abortions by members of the medical profession.


The Bill will also eventually force private insurance companies out of business and put everyone into a government run system. All decisions about personal health care will ultimately be made by federal bureaucrats and most of them will not be health care professionals. Hospital admissions, payments to physicians, and allocations of necessary medical devices will be strictly controlled.


However, as scary as all of that it, it just scratches the surface. In fact, I have concluded that this legislation really has no intention of providing affordable health care choices. Instead it is a convenient cover for the most massive transfer of power to the Executive Branch of government that has ever occurred, or even been contemplated. If this law or a similar one is adopted, major portions of the Constitution of the United States will effectively have been destroyed.


The first thing to go will be the masterfully crafted balance of power between the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of the U.S. Government. The Congress will be transferring to the Obama Administration authority in a number of different areas over the lives of the American people and the businesses they own. The irony is that the Congress doesn’t have any authority to legislate in most of those areas to begin with. I defy anyone to read the text of the U.S. Constitution and find any authority granted to the members of Congress to regulate health care.


This legislation also provides for access by the appointees of the Obama administration of all of your personal healthcare information, your personal financial information, and the information of your employer, physician, and hospital. All of this is a direct violation of the specific provisions of the 4th Amendment to the Constitution protecting against unreasonable searches and seizures. You can also forget about the right to privacy. That will have been legislated into oblivion regardless of what the 3rd and 4th Amendments may provide.


If you decide not to have healthcare insurance or if you have private insurance that is not deemed “acceptable” to the “Health Choices Administrator” appointed by Obama there will be a tax imposed on you. It is called a “tax” instead of a fine because of the intent to avoid application of the due process clause of the 5th Amendment. However, that doesn’t work because since there is nothing in the law that allows you to contest or appeal the imposition of the tax, it is definitely depriving someone of property without the “due process of law.


So, there are three of those pesky amendments that the far left hate so much out the original ten in the Bill of Rights that are effectively nullified by this law. It doesn’t stop there though. The 9th Amendment that provides: “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people;” The 10th Amendment states: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are preserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” Under the provisions of this piece of Congressional handiwork neither the people nor the states are going to have any rights or powers at all in many areas that once were theirs to control.


I could write many more pages about this legislation, but I think you get the idea. This is not about health care; it is about seizing power and limiting rights. Article 6 of the Constitution requires the members of both houses of Congress to “be bound by oath or affirmation” to support the Constitution. If I was a member of Congress I would not be able to vote for this legislation or anything like it without feeling I was violating that sacred oath or affirmation. If I voted for it anyway I would hope the American people would hold me accountable.


For those who might doubt the nature of this threat I suggest they consult the source.

Here is a link to the Constitution:

 And another to the Bill of Rights: hibits/charters/bill_of_ri ghts_transcript.html


(I went there and both these government links no longer exist – wonder why?... because of this last statement) 

There you can see exactly what we are about to have taken from us.

Michael Connelly Retired attorney, Constitutional Law Instructor Carrollton , Texas


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Be Encouraged! 5/10/12

Howdy all!  Hey, did you hear?  POTUS has changed his mind.  He now approves of gay marriage.  And did you hear?  Russian President Putin, a very macho kind of guy, told Obama by phone even that he's postponing their much-anticipated meeting and will not be attending the G-8 summit at Camp David.  I wonder if there’s a correlation?  I can just hear the conversation now: “Meesterrr Ppprrrezidend, I heer yoo haf desited dat zeh mattaje of tooo man or too woman izz, er, OK.  Vell, eet just so happanz dat I am  soddy to say I must be at Russia for noo cabinet for noo ppprrrezidend, dat iss mee!  Zo, I vill not go to the davit camp for meeting.  So, soddy.  Pleeez, gif yoor vif a hug, and tell de othas goot luck.”

Any hoo,

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. ~ Romans 8:28

In a general sense, all contributions imposed by the government upon individuals for the service of the state, are called taxes, by whatever name they may be known, whether by the name of tribute, tythe, tallage, impost, duty, gabel, custom, subsidy, aid, supply, excise, or other name. ~ Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution, 1833

Hmm, Mr. Story would have loved to sit in for the Obamacare arguments at the Supreme Court.  He understands that money extracted by the government from the people is a tax, no matter what you call it, even a fine or fee.  Maybe the Solicitor General should read some on the founders for his own guidance. 

This just shows how single-minded our federally elected employees really are and I mean all of them, not just the donkeys.  SG couldn’t even tell the difference between a fee and a tax, when discussing the fine levied against people who don’t get health insurance under the Obamacare mandate.  And POTUS.  ‘He’ has decided that ‘his’ opinion is that gay marriage is ok.  Even though ‘his’ opinion shouldn’t mean that every American believes the same way, ‘his’ opinion instead tells the world that ‘We’ all agree.  How disgusting.  Not the fact that some people want to livestyle of their choice, but giving the impression to the world that we all approve of that lifestyle is disgusting, and feel my right to choose has been taken from me.  I don’t approve of that lifestyle; my choice.  Do I know people who would choose that lifestyle, yes.  Do I think any better or worse because of their choice?  Absolutely not.  But I will not accept anyone speaking for me to anyone, let alone the entire world, about this, or any other issue; unless I give them my opinion and they speak it as I’ve told them.  I would expect that we all feel the same way; that those who represent us speak our words; not speak their words and expect US to agree with them!  We hired them to be our voices in government.  They did not hire us as their constituents.  (I sure ain’t getting paid by them.)

So, what to do?  Well, we do know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love Him and are called to his purpose for them.  It says so right there in Romans 8:28.  We all have a purpose in our lives.  Certainly we are to live the best lives we can, to help our children grow and succeed, and to love help each other as He would have us do.  Does this apply to the tea party, the 9/12 movement, the effort to restore the constitution and our economy?  YOOOO BETCHA!!

This great land is still the city on the hill.  It still shines brightly for all to see.  It is our responsibility to keep it shining for our children, their children and their grandchildren’s grandchildren and so on.  If I may so bold as to interpret, God expects us to keep the city shining brightly.  He is guiding us right now; as I type, as you read, and as you share your efforts with others.  He is helping us to work together in unison with other groups.  We are not all collaborating for sure.  But the efforts of all the tea party and 9/12 groups are focused together in parallel with the same goals.  This is how we have been called to his purpose.  As Glenn Beck said at the Lincoln Memorial, this is our stick to lead.  This is our burden to carry.  It is our purpose.  I believe this with all my heart.  I recognized it the moment Beck mentioned it. This daily (mostly) shtuff I do is my stick, my purpose.  Sure, I make dinner and take out the trash on Tuesdays, but this is my stick.  What is your stick?  See how it fits with the sticks of others?  They do fit well together you know.  Like a puzzle.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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The Human Story

4063509230?profile=originalLittle by little, from the Stone Age humanity has progressed. An interesting thing about it is the comparison between the Holy Catholic Empire of Western Europe, the people impoverished by religious oppression, while China a thousand years ago was enjoying free enterprise and prosperity.  History keeps repeating itself.

After the yoke of oppression is lifted and the individual freed to do his thing, the result is prosperity, followed my moral relaxation—but not for long.  Wolves in sheep’s clothing take control.  It is soon back to oppression. Glenn Beck says it is hard to imagine what is taking place.  If he were to read the Gospels with my understanding of what Jesus taught,  he would know that what is taking place is exactly what Jesus said would take place.

In China, we see free enterprise making a comeback, in the Mid-East religious oppression, in the West political oppression. It is a never-ending cycle holding back human destiny.  Toward the end of the old Testament, the prophet Habakkuk, “O Lord, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear! even cry out unto thee of violence, and thou wilt not save!”  

Jesus called it the kingdom of God in us—individually.  My life story proves it. From a failed life, I took the leap and flew with eagles.  I was on my own.  When, according to my teaching, things should have gone wrong, things went right.  When you think about it, people in high places, believing they are there for a divine purpose, believe their answers are the right answers.  They miss the point that each of us is created with reason and logic.  By using my reason and logic, I discovered who I really was and what I was about. Authority’s objective, to rob us of our individual energy and add it to their own, I overcame the wolves in sheep’s clothing and their self-serving rationalizations.  All of my dreams came true.

The way wolves in sheep’s clothing get control is to create an evil straw man—Jews, the rich, Satin, or whatever.  The response is a following of people who don’t feel the kingdom of God in themselves.  They think in external terms. It just so happens that wolves in sheep’s clothing  get a following  that fits the Piscean personality, which you can read about in astrology books.  You can also read in Astrology books about the Aquarian personality—people with a lot of personal energy. Same as Jesus, they warn us about hypocrites. Same as Jesus, they think in terms of being our brother’s keeper.  The symbol for Pisces is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions, duck soup for wolves in sheep’s clothing. The symbol for Aquarius is the water-bearer.   Beck doesn’t get it because he does not  get the connection between his savior and astrology.  We are leaving the Age of Pisces. Pisces is in its death throes.

I was born Aquarius rising. I’ve become what astrology books predict I’d become, keeping in mind that it was my second choice. My first choice was to take the path of least resistance.  I ended on a dead end street.

I’ve written a book that details it all, including what the cutting edge of science offers. I venture to say that less than one percent of the American people know or understand what the cutting edge of science has revealed.  Beck never mentions it. 

It can only be guessed what the American people will do in the coming six months.  What they do is crucial to humanity’s future. We are now at the threshold of a quantum leap forward.  Today’s election results tell us the Tea Party is still there, but a long way to go in six months.  Obama’s got a billion dollars to spend defeating us.   

We Americans have been looking to wolves in sheep’s clothing for answers. My book, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012 is coming out in June.  Read about the miracles that have occurred in my life.  You may change your opinion about who you really are.  If you do, Obama could have a trillion dollars to spend and lose.  When you finish reading my book, you might be encouraged to believe you have the kingdom of God in you.  


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The account of the trial can be read at:


See these videos [Parts 1-3] of the public hearing of April 10, 2012 before Deputy Director and Administrative Law Judge, Jeff S. Masin:

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4063509125?profile=originalA big well dressed black guy attended the Dallas, TX tea party rally with his white buddy. Both men missed my singing performance on stage minutes earlier. I asked the black gentleman who had an impressive physique how often he worked out. He replied, “Everyday.” His white buddy said with a chuckle,“He thinks the Tea Party is racist.”

I went into explaining to the black man that these people could not care less about Obama's skin-color. They, along with me, disapprove of what Obama is doing – his policies. I gave a brief laundry list of things Obama is doing which go against what I believe to be right as an American and a Christian. The black gentleman silently listened. I gave him my business card and encouraged him to visit my website.

But folks, I must be honest. I felt annoyed. This black man came to the rally with his white friend. They were surrounded by people waving American flags, laughing, smiling and cheering in response to various inspiring statements from the speaker on stage, Mr. Rafael Cruz whose son Ted Cruz is running for U.S. Senate. The senior Mr Cruz legally immigrated to America in his youth. He spoke of all the wonderful freedom, liberty and opportunity he found in America. There was not the slightest hint of hate in the air; only a cool refreshing breeze of love in the air for America, the greatest land of opportunity on the planet.

I thought, what gives this black guy the right to stand in the midst of this crowd of patriots and call them racists? Why was the burden on us to convince a black racist, this was not a racist gathering? Granted, he and I were the only blacks in attendance at the rally. But again, why was that the fault of the Tea Party? I wanted to say, “Dude, can't you see you'rethe one being racist?”

Despite feeling annoyed, I nurtured the black man. I explained that I subscribe to a higher standard which would never allow me to support a candidate solely because we shared the same skin color. I asked, “Don't you see how wrong that would be?” He did not respond, but simply looked at me as if I were insane. It was as if I was speaking a foreign language he did not understand or offering an incomprehensible bizarre concept.

I continued observing the rally from inside the Tea Party Express tour bus which was parked behind the stage serving as a backdrop. And there he was, the muscular tall well dressed black man who stood out in the white and Hispanic crowd. He stayed until the end – our grand finale military tribute.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman –

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What’s up with Facebook?

Because of my conservative views, some liberal must have complained, and for several months I have tried to sign in to my  Facebook account and this is the message I get. “Suspicious activity has been detected on your Facebook account and it has been temporarily suspended as a security precaution. It is likely that your account was compromised as a result of entering your password on a website designed to look like Facebook. This type of attack is known as phishing” I have changed my password several times, contacted Facebook, but they still don’t allow me to sign in. Since I’ve forgot my secret word, Facebook keeps on giving me impossible tasks to identify, such animations on some of my friend’s pages. Is Facebook a liberal organization?


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