Alert! Immigration agents are hampered by restrictions from the Obama administration. |
Recent reports that illegal immigration from Mexico has slowed have led some open-border advocates to say that the immigration crisis is over and now we should proceed with a "comprehensive immigration reform" amnesty. However, immigration enforcement officers are dubious and think that the Obama administration is cooking the books to defuse immigration as a political issue. The HALT Act by House Judiciary Chair, Lamar Smith (R-TX), would assert the authority of Congress over immigration policy. HR 2497 would temporarily prevent the Obama Administration from waiving the inadmissibility of illegal aliens and from cancelling their removal orders or adjusting their status. Ask the House to pass this enforcement measure. Please google CAPS, (California for Population Stabilization), an excellent organizations dealing wirh ALL issues on Illegal "immigration with FREE Faxes. My link shows my zipcode & I can't delete it? |
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To my fellow Americans and good people of Arizona who have fought many many times over water rights for many years, there is no use in dealing with a muslim ruled government!, but there is a solution that will work, and will work in any other state where the people will work together, this action will take about a week to launch into full swing with seven dedicated key people, first activate your National Guard state wide and secure all borders of the state, next call all sheriff departments state wide into action unify them with all city police departments state wide and with the National Guard that they all work together, deputize all natural born citizens state wide, declare a no fly zone with shoot to kill order within 50 miles of construction site, take the state inmates and rebuild your water supplies, deal with the regime as they deal!
God Bless Arizona some of the finest people I have ever met!
and God Bless The America that I have know en and lived in for 50 years!
Hello, members of the Tea Party. I made a new blog with some of my ideas on what steps could be taken to bring America back on its feet, end its decline and dramatically improve its foreign image. Please comment and like the posts if you agree. I'll be updating and adding new posts everyday. worldofpolitics
New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez, who is sometimes mentioned as a possible vice presidential pick, is critical of Mitt Romney's stance on immigration.
Martinez's criticism of Romney's call for self-deportation is mentioned in a Newsweek article that was posted online yesterday.
"Self-deport? What the heck does that mean?" Martinez is quoted as saying. "I have no doubt Hispanics have been alienated during this campaign. But now there's an opportunity for Gov. Romney to have a sincere conversation about what we can do and why."
Romney has advocated that illegal immigrants in the USA should "self-deport" and leave the country voluntarily. He has often described a situation in which illegal immigrants would apply for legal status and wait their turn to come back legally.
Romney's plan on immigration includes a tamper-proof employment verification system. He is opposed to "magnets," such as driver's licenses and in-state tuition benefits for illegal immigrants.
Former Florida governor Jeb Bush, who has endorsed Romney, has been vocal about the GOP's need to moderate its tone and work to improve its standing with Hispanics. The election of Martinez, Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio in 2010 -- all Republicans -- was viewed as a plus for the GOP in their efforts to make inroads with Hispanics.
We finally have some tough policies on Illegal trespassing and this Gov. Martinez, Sen. Rubio, Jeb Bush, and others are going soft. Contact their offices and let them know you disagree. I had phoned both Sen. Rubio & Gov. Martinez.
Gov. Susana Martinez (505) 476-2200
Sen. Marco Rubio (202) 224-3041
Is there any way to get this to STOP before November ??? He is bullying everyone who stands in his way !!!
OBAMA THREATENS THE SUPREME President Barack Obama has again threatened the Supreme Court over ObamaCare - this time indicating that if the Court does not rule his way, he will take his revenge on senior citizens by destroying Medicare. |
Oboma's addition to the white house chronicles of previous presidents by claiming his furtherances that he is continuing their accomplishments is contrary to his own record of accomplishments.
He claims that he is a champion of Social Security and the elderly. Lets look at Oboma's accomplishments in Social Security'
1 For the first 2 years of his administration the COLA adjustments on SS benifits was waived while his crony appointments and favoured politicians recieved their COLA adjustments, The first president to do so since COLA adjustments were instituted.
2 Oboma refused to address the financial straits the the SS trust fund was experiencing and very effectivly used moneys from the trust fund to fund his pet spending projects.
This while a potential solution would be to simply remove the earning cap for the SS payroll tax which would have meant that his campaign contributers would have to be subjected to the SS payroll tax beyond that which they have been accustomed to.
3 Hi threat to suspend the payment of SS benifits if his political opponents continued to oppose his spending spree.
4 The continuing backdoor recovery of SS benifits paid to retirees through the continued taxation of low and middle class income citizens by way of taxing the SS bemifits paid to retirees
5 Oboma care which increasses the cost of medicare that is withheld from SS benifits while doing every thing he could to protect the pay of his crony appointments to SS administration personel.
It seems to me that he has been dedicated to increase the political rip off's of seniors which has been a favorite issue of so many politicians. Of course he will blame everyone else for initiating some of the political rip offs as justification for him to add some more. I don't believe that FDR envisioned these practices when he creasted the Social Security system.
A Tea Party member has withdrawn his membership. “You folks can’t stay on the subject or even follow our own mission statement,” says he. From where I sit, it is hard to imagine what is taking place in the world, but perhaps I can help.
“On” Earth, Jews believe in their Promised Land. Ever since the Israelites took Canaan, Jews have been in a battle for their Promised Land. Over and over, they have been the losers. Holy war, jihad, is alive and well. It began with Islam’s prophet, Mohammad—“on” Earth. According to Muslims, no man can know God. This fits in well with socialism—for the good of all. Ninety-eight percent of France’s Muslim population voted for a communist president. In Islam, and communism, the individual has zero rights. Since no man can know God, and we will be collectively saved, sorry guys, the handwriting is on the wall. Your rights are a thing of the past.
Ah, but the Jew Jesus said, “in earth as it is in heaven.” Jesus maintained that God is in the individual. Jesus said, “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal.” After the dust settles “on” earth, we head into an age of brotherhood, a spiritual Promised Land.
We got Jesus’ idea from the Old Testament’s Book of Genesis, Chapter 2, in summary of Chapter 1, the creation—described in verse 7, as follows: “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground,” “on” Earth, right? The Lord God went on to say that he breathed into man’s nostrils the breath of life, “and man became a living soul.” God said, “I am that I am,” and I am a living soul, right? The Jews never got the message. Habakkuk, “O Lord, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear!” (Habakkuk 1:2). Little wonder. And look where they are today.
In Luke 17:21, Jesus told his following, “behold,” the kingdom of God is in you.” We learn that this was not a healthy thing to say. God’s kingdom lived in authority’s notion of creation. The Jews believed their authorities, who Jesus called wolves in sheep’s clothing. “On” Earth it is the law of the jungle—don’t do as I do, do as I say.
If we are living souls, here on earth for a time, then Jesus was correct. And the same applies today.
Technology has brought our world a long way materially from Jesus’ day, but mentally we remain the same, and capable of killing all life on the planet. Holy war is purely animal drive—wholly without the reason and logic with which we humans were created.
The prophet Mohammad is having it his mindless way, to the point of annihilation, it seems. Sadly, the Jews are having it their way, too. But life goes on. Mohammad can’t change the universe. I go into great detail of another way in my book In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012. It will be out in June.
Howdy all! I spent the past evening reminiscing with my wife. Today we are celebrating our 26th anniversary, and we were reminding each other how lucky we have been over these years. Lucky that the shotgun was out of shells; lucky that the knife was too dull; lucky that the GFCI worked; lucky that all those pills were just placebos; lucky that the car ran out of gas first. Golly, we were sure lucky over these past 26 years. I love you very much Terri. And to celebrate, we will get some fast food and take a drive to the Columbia River. I know a bluff that overlooks the deep area by the gorge in The Dalles, Oregon. This should be fun, right?
Any hoo,..
As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend. ~ Proverbs 27:17
Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with government of himself. Can he, then, be trusted with the government of others? Or have we found angels in the forms of kings to govern him? Let history answer this question." --Thomas Jefferson, First Inaugural Address, 1801
This guy Jefferson was a real cool dude. In his first inaugural address, he boldly requests Americans to criticize himself. He doesn’t stand there and be magnanimous, demanding everything up to and including homage to the great and powerful Wizard of US. No, instead he offers the opportunity and responsibility to all citizens to judge his performance. He recognizes that he has been given great and humbling responsibilities, and is strong enough to accept his role as servant of the nation; strong enough to not only accept criticism, but virtually demand it as well. Of course he has many friends in his world that will be more than ready to criticize him, and did. He didn’t shrug it off; instead he accepted and incorporated what was needed. He must have known, as written in Psalms, that friends can sharpen friends. Overall, Jefferson was ready to lead our country, and let history tell whether the self-rule concept would work. I for one am certain that it did work. We are still a self-rule republic. Yes we have issues; yes there are crises, yes there are crimes and misdemeanors being committed and left unchallenged (with the exception of our challenges). And history will tell how successful we are. But is that enough? Do we talk the talk, and wait for the historians to tell the story of our success? Or do we get more involved? Another thing I did yesterday was apply as a candidate for PCO in my precinct. Through these past couple of years I have been talking the talk. Now I want to walk the walk. It’s not a grandiose position, but there is the chance to shape and mold the local party to what it needs to be; and unfortunately it’s not there right now. There are no angels to govern us. God has given us free will to cherish the gifts He has given us. But it is our responsibility to maintain them. So it is my turn, even in this little way. Now, just imagine how much change we could affect, if we all said “it’s my turn, even in this little way.” If you have the opportunity to be a PCO, do so. Walk the walk. It’s time.
Take care, God bless,
Tom Kiley
“ Why The Belief That 'Anyone But Obama' Is Wrong “ Replace all Democrats and RINO’s Republicans to make sure that this Unconstitutional Bill is repealed, and pass this video on. Your and your family’s life depends on it.
I woke up this morning with the word “euphemistic” on my mind. I was familiar with the word but didn’t know its meaning: substituting a mild indirect expression for a thought that could appear offensive. Very interesting, an indication that it was not my thought, but someone else putting the word in my mind. Ever since I studied the Constitution, in 1975, and felt that voices of the past were speaking to me, I’ve felt this to be the case. But why the word euphemistic?
I’d been dreaming of riding in William Bennett’s car with two other men. Bennett was the former Secretary of Education. I’d heard a news story of the deplorable education in the United States, the most costly and one of the worst systems in the world. We were heading for Bennett’s ranch where we planned to work on a solution for America’s educational system.
At the ranch, I was watching the ranch foreman handling a stubborn horse. Later that horse walked up to me. I reached out to pet its nose. Its nose batted my hand away. I get the meaning of my dream to be about the teacher’s union, and educators speaking euphemistically on the subject. It is a waste of time! Sweet talk is not the answer. Actually, it is beating a dead horse to try to make sense to the teacher’s union. The answer: do away with the totally self-serving teacher’s union, as well as the Department of Education. Let schools be locally run.
My county commissioner put me on a citizen’s committee to study airport noise. I called an F.A.A. official a bald-faced liar at a meeting. I refused to apologize. It was a proven fact. My county commissioner removed me. We have the habit in America of minimizing problems with sweet talk. Straight talk: America’s government is a lawless renegade, a traitor to American values, but we Americans would rather bury our heads in the sand and hope for the best.
Speaking of voices from the past, in Astrologer’s Handbook I find a perfect description of the American people under Pisces: “Pisces is a sensitive sign and those born under it are extremely responsive to the thoughts and feelings of others. They unconsciously absorb the ideas and mental outlook of those around them. They desperately want to do the right thing, but as a rule they do not have strong willpower. Therefore, they are easily influenced by external factors.” Jesus said to Peter, before the cock crows, you will deny me three times. That’s Pisces. Jesus told it like it is—and why not? Jesus spoke of wolves in sheep’s clothing. Pisceans can’t make up their minds. The symbol for Pisces is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions.
We are leaving the Age of Pisces, entering the Age of Aquarius. The key words for Aquarius: humanitarianism, independence, originality. “Individuals born under the sign of brotherhood and fraternity have as their symbol the water-bearer, who spills out to mankind the life-force and spiritual energy…. There is no affectation or snobbery in the Aquarius personality but a dislike of spurious imitation and hypocrisy in any form. Aquarians operate as equals among equals. However, they are not dependent on their environments for their security, because they derive this from being in the company of others…. Because Aquarius is an intellectual air sign, those born under it relate to others on a mental level.”
The weak willed remain euphemistic, but alas, voices of the past continue speaking to me. Jesus said, “in earth as it is in heaven….But seek ye first the kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33)…. Neither shall they say, Lo here! or lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:21)…. And he said unto the disciples, ‘The days will come, when ye shall desire to see one of the days of the Son of man, and ye shall not see it” (Luke 17:22). When the disciples asked where to look, Jesus answered: “Wheresoever the body is, thither will the eagles be gathered together.”
Jesus said that you will not see the brotherhood of man when the age arrives. Freedom loving people everywhere are at the edge of a cliff. You can either fly with eagles or fall into the abyss of little faith in self. Guided by voices from the past, I’ve written my story of flying with eagles. The kingdom of God is in you. Time that you know your strength. My story is not for Christians; it is for everyone. As eagles, let us gather together. In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012 will be available this June from Amazon.
Did you know that America was born under the sign of Aquarius? In Astrologer’s Handbook, under Aquarius: “Individuals born under the sign of brotherhood and fraternity have as their symbol the water-bearer, who spills out to mankind the life force and spiritual energy.” Note that it is the individual, not the group or the nation that is blessed. The individual goes with the Declaration of Independence and the U. S. Constitution.
There is nothing in America’s law that supports “the good of all,” or Marxism. Obama and company embrace the Muslim Brotherhood. Better to be friends than enemies, I agree, but for a totally different reason. There is no Christian, Jewish, or Muslim god. Socialism, sick control, is at the bottom of it. Jesus was not religious. His god was everyone’s God.
I was born Aquarius rising. In The Rising Sign, under Aquarius: “When this sign is on the Ascendant, the individual has a unique approach to life that makes him somehow ‘different’ from other people. He may be a most unique personality, or be so far ahead of his time that he is accused of being eccentric.” The law is not meant to treat all people alike. “For the good of all” is far the good of central control. I’m for the individual, in word and deed.
The rising sign differs from the sun sign. We grow into the rising sign. I reached Aquarian maturity when my business enterprise failed and at the same time my wife divorced me. The Rising Sign, under Aquarius: “He can brand himself a maverick or an oddball. He screams to the world, ‘Don’t fence me in.’”
I blamed government for everything. The only way I could get at SOBs was through the IRS. I let it be known to America’s tobacco chewing attorney general, strictly from the sticks Saxbe, that I was going to take the IRS to court on constitutional grounds. Saxbe spit tobacco juice at my idea and sent my letter to the IRS. The bumbling IRS then made a “mistake” and overtaxed me. Not too smart. But that’s imbecilic government for you. Government is mindless. You ought to know that. Government does not know you from an insect. Says the EPA, the United States does things the way the Romans did. Yes indeed! Why do you sit abound crying? I don’t have hive mentality. I don’t allow that. The IRS ended hanging itself with its own rope. The IRS got this nobody’s boot in its rear. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. Keep that in mind.
Who do they think they are? I’d like to bring to mind the opening words of the U.S. Constitution: “We the People of the United States, on Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
Also, America’s leaders gave the American people something quite unique, a document of individual rights known as the Bill of Rights, the means of preventing misconstructions or abuse of the government’s powers. The Bill of Rights was further declaration, and restrictive clauses that America’s leaders added to give the American people confidence in government.
The overwhelming majority of Americans have little or no confidence in their government. But we are dumbed down. Today’s American government does not care a whit whether or not we are confident in what they do. The elected figure they have us where they want us.
The Fifth Amendment (in the Bill or Rights) includes these words: “nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; that is, being heard in a meaningful way in a meaningful place. Your makers and keepers of the law conveniently did away with this clause. I know this from personal experience. The courts all rule that the case of confiscatory taxation was heard long ago and there is no reason for it to be heard again, as a matter of policy—policy—not the ordained and established Constitution—their unconstitutional policy “in light of today’s needs” (their needs). I’m here to tell you I didn’t let the frauds get away with their unconstitutional acts.
It took my case to the press. An investigation was made. The IRS admitted that it had been mistaken for eleven years. My case was before the U. S. Tax Court, three U.S. District Courts, the U. S. Court of Appeals, and the U.S. Supreme Court, all of whom let the IRS mistake stand. This tells you that if you don’t demand and act, soon enough your champions of freedom and democracy you elect to high office will leave you with zero rights.
Has a single one of the people you elect to high office said he or she wants you to have the right to be heard on your taxes in a meaningful way in a meaningful place? No, not one them. Before you vote for any of them, would it not be wise to make everyone of those you elect sign a pledge that he or she will see to it that you, as a taxpayer, will be heard before the IRS acts to take your property? It could be the difference of being taxed out of existence. They will do it if you let them.
I stood up for my rights. I had a bigger than life calling. I’m living a charmed life. I’ve written a book of memoirs I’ve named In Earth as It Is in Heaven2012. It will be out this June. My hand wrote the book, but it was not my mind; it was of the law of all times, the God of all times, and the cutting edge of science speaking to you.
UN DAILY NEWS from the
14 May, 2012 =========================================================================
A group of United Nations independent experts today called on the European Union (EU) to take the lead in promoting the adoption of a global financial transaction tax that would offset the costs of the current economic crisis and protect basic human rights.
“Where the world financial crisis has brought about the loss of millions of jobs, socialized private debt burdens and now risks causing significant human rights regressions through wide-ranging austerity packages, a financial transaction tax (FTT) is a pragmatic tool for providing the means for governments to protect and fulfil the human rights of their people,” said the Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, Magdalena Sepúlveda.
According to a news release from the UN office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights (OHCHR), estimates suggest that at its lowest rate the FTT would yield about $48 billion across the Group of Twenty major economies, with higher rates offering up to $250 billion per year to offset the costs of the enduring economic, financial, fuel, climate and food crises.
The call from UN experts comes a day ahead of the Group of Eight Summit of industrialized countries, which will take place in Camp David in the United States.
“EU countries must take bold leadership now to pave the way towards what should eventually be a global FTT,” the UN experts urged, welcoming recent EU proposals to implement the financial transaction tax across the Eurozone.
Countries such as the Republic of Korea have implemented similar taxes in non-discriminatory ways to raise resources to achieve the right to development. The FTT, experts argue, would also help stabilize financial markets by discouraging speculation, and therefore mitigate the type of volatility which led to the 2008 financial and food crises.
“Food prices have twice spiked dangerously over the past five years, and could easily do so again,” stressed the Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Olivier De Schutter. “The FTT will likely reduce hot capital flows that fuel speculation, drive price instability and wreak havoc on the right to food worldwide.”
“A global FTT is not a silver bullet, but it would help relieve sovereign debt load stemming from the financial crisis, shift the burden from ordinary citizens to the private sector which caused the crisis, and significantly enlarge government fiscal space for spending on desperately needed economic and social rights programmes.” said the Special Rapporteur on foreign debt and human rights, Cephas Lumina.
The FTT would provide governments with an opportunity to act on their commitments to sustainable development and to take a step to advance development and include marginalized populations, said the Special Rapporteur on human rights and international solidarity, Virginia Dandan.
“When the financial sector fails to pay its share, the rest of society must pick up the bill,” Ms. Sepúlveda emphasized. “It is high-time that governments re-examine the basic redistributive role of taxation to ensure that wealthier individuals and the financial sector contribute their fair share of the tax burden.”
What about "Dear Leader"? Think he isnt for this?
Remember when Joe Biden wanted the same thing?
“For years, American manufacturers have faced one of the highest tax rates in the world. We want to reduce that by over 20%. We want to drop the rate, particularly, for high-tech manufacturers like you, Mr. President, even further than the 20%.
“We want to create a global minimum tax, because American taxpayers shouldn’t be providing a larger subsidy for investing abroad than investing at home."