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The high crime of treason?

Here They Come...this will make your day!

Kareem Shora Arif Alikhan


Well, boys and girls, today the fox is guarding the hen house.


The wolves will be herding the sheep!


Obama appointed two devout Muslims to homeland security posts. Obama and Janet Napolitano appointed Arif Alikhan, a devout Muslim, as Assistant Secretary for Policy Development. DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano swore-in Kareem Shora, a devout Muslim, who was born in Damascus, Syria, as ADC National Executive Director as a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC). NOTE:


Has anyone ever heard a new government official being identified as a 'devout Catholic," a "devout Jew" or a "devout Protestant"...? Just wondering.


Devout Muslims being appointed to critical Homeland Security positions?Doesn't this make you feel safer already?? That should make our home land much safer, huh!?


Wasn't it "devout Muslim men" who flew planes into U.S. buildings 10 years ago? Wasn't it a "devout Muslim man" who killed 13 at Fort Hood ? Please forward this important information to any who care about the future of our Country.

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Stop all Lame duck voteing on UN Treatys. Obamas going to give the USA to the UN unless we stop it. Just look at the votes comeing up L.O.S.T  This vote is coming up in  june and is being headed by a Republcan . Freedom of the sea treaty  were we give the UN 50% of all profit on oil,natural gas drilling from the shores of the USA to 200 miles out,carbon control. Just look at your light bill .Obamas shipping coal to other countrys while trying to banded it here as we speak coal is being exported to south america, china and India . There is no way around useing coal for developing countrys. We are being bought and sold and it are country not Washingtons.

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does the truth hurt ---or , Cant U Stand the truth ---mister ---  sometimes ,, hollywood ,, gets it rite
cid:B8E64CA17D71467DA730C5A1600613B6@VistaPC   Like most folks in this country,   I had a job.  I cid:724E2B601ABB4FAF919D1F0A1FC49235@VistaPCworked, they paid me. cid:1C26C254EB014FD6A64E043540C4242C@VistaPC I paid
my taxes & the government distributed my taxes cid:24891EE14C0C4A61A13C5688991C9EE9@VistaPC as it saw cid:690CBEB60279442D891D2E68DC0FD5CE@VistaPCfit.
In order to get that paycheck, in my case, I was required to
pass a random urine cid:6F54E8522CD6442989CFD10A9BCAA48F@VistaPCtest (with which I had no problem). cid:F1D4A555FD7A4B86A66237E60F762411@VistaPC
What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people
who don't have to pass a urine test. So, here is my question: Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check because I had to pass one to earn it for them?
Please understand, I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet.
I did, on the other hand, have a problem with helping someone sitting on their BUTT---doing drugs cid:63BC86B90E474EE3872E8ECF62D7A5E3@VistaPCwhile I worked.
Can you imagine how much money
cid:5D63325939544F20919CD2DFEBDC729E@VistaPCeach state would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check? I guess we could call the program "URINE OR YOU'RE OUT"!
Something has to change in this country - AND SOON!
P. S. Just a thought, all politicians
cid:C112F0D7B7714707A93D642018DD26BA@VistaPCshould have to pass
a urine test too!  We won't need a stool sample because we know they're all full of shit.
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← Paging Adam Edelen, Paging Adam EdelenWalking in Space →Jimmy Higdon’s Sharia Law Bill
Posted on March 8, 2012, 9:18 pm by Bob
Kentucky Republican State Senator Jimmy Higdon was credited earlier in the session with being part of the bipartisan support for the expanded gaming amendment to try to save what is left of the horse industry.

For one brief, shining moment….

And then this:

Senate Bill 158 introduced by Sen. Jimmy Higdon, R-Lebanon, would require the government to exempt people from laws that contradict their religious beliefs unless there is an overriding reason why those laws should be enforced. We have seen no language that explains who gets to determine what an “overriding reason” means, and who gets to make the determination when it should be allowed or disallowed. This constitutional amendment would seriously attack the current constitutional separation of religion and the state, and would allow anyone.
We can’t understand how the separation of the state and religion can be argued by Senator Higdon to have failed us over the last two centuries. Why would anyone want to make the Commonwealth a Theocracy?
Kentucky courts would have to let people opt out of obeying some laws that run counter to their religious beliefs if a constitutional amendment that passed a Senate committee Wednesday becomes law.
Once you allow one religious body to be exempt from the laws of the state, then you allow all religions, and quasi-religions, and weird fringe groups who call themselves religions to also be exempt from State Laws. Sharia law has been cited to justify physical violence against authors, wives, daughters etc. The law requires women to wear veils and robes, be totally subject to her husband, and condones the killing of women by their family if they have sexual relations outside of marriage. (Author’s note: There are many pretty women in Lebanon, Kentucky and we can’t understand why Sen. Higdon would want to hide their faces behind veils.)
The Family Foundation of Kentucky and the Catholic Conference of Kentucky supports the proposed constitutional amendment.

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Be Encouraged! 5/8/12

Howdy all!  Well, Monday was a typical Monday.  Got up, went to work, and got the folks some donuts to start the week off good.  Then the boss comes in and says it would be good for me to go meet the management team; in Sweden.  Does anyone have any salve for my jaw?

How do you say any hoo in Swedish,..

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good!  His faithful love endures forever.  ~ Psalm 106:1

Government, in my humble opinion, should be formed to secure and to enlarge the exercise of the natural rights of its members; and every government, which has not this in view, as its principal object, is not a government of the legitimate kind. ~ James Wilson, Lectures on Law, 1791

I added this link provided to me by my friend and fellow patriot Martha.  You should watch it.  It’s amazing to see that America is truly starting to awaken to the lies, the deception and the collaboration against conservatives.  Heck, even Newsweek has an article coming soon about the deception of the DOJ and how they treat high financial white collar crime.  Newsweek?  After Holder?  Cool!

Now to see the Catholic Church tell the parishioners to fight back with the vote encourages me to no end.  Economy, freedom, marriage, it’s almost like a tea party meeting.  But it’s not.  In fact, I don’t believe the Catholic Church is trying to align with the tea party at all.  No, I see them doing exactly what all religions should do; tell their flock of the dangers they face, and urge them to do what they can to stop it.  What a great message.  If I see similar messages from other religions I would love to share them with you also.

Bottom line, we are all in this together.  It’s time we start acting on parallel planes.  We do not have to join together to act in similar fashion.  But we must act.  The Lord is good, and His faithful love endures forever.  So you can count on Him being there for you always.  And as Mr. Wilson said, governments should be formed to secure and enlarge the exercise of the natural rights of its members.  Not doing so means the government is not legitimate.  Note it says enlarging the exercise of the natural rights of its members, not of the rights or privileges given by the government.  Our government is not enlarging our natural rights or our abilities to exercise our natural rights.  Instead, they enact every possible rule or regulation in an attempt to prevent us from succeeding.  So we must act.  Might I suggest we first look to our brother and sister groups in the tea party and 9/12 project sites to see what they are doing successfully.  And listen to the message from the pulpit. 

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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“An Open Letter To The Republican Party Establishment”

“An Open Letter To The Republican Party Establishment”
This blog article is specifically addressed to the Republican Party elites who run that particular political party. It is my hope though that not only will the Republican Party elites who have the greatest influence in party politics among true American conservatives read it, it is also my earnest desire and hope that all others who also identify themselves as “Republicans”, will as well read this article and all take heed and warning as well as incorporate the suggestions given at the end of the article as to what will hopefully bring restoration to our now lost, but certainly restorable nation.
America has fallen flat on her face. It only takes a person with one eye opened to recognize this fact but as we look at the base reason for failure, we need to look at core. Looking at the responsibility of the Republican Party, like all political party's based on “man's ideas it comes to end of entire failed political party's policies as all that rely heavily upon man and money eventually do; in this they blame someone else rather than look with introspect at how they themselves brought upon a nation horrible things and how the blaming political party contributed to the entire mess that was created in the first place. To take blame and responsibility for failed policy requires virtues of honesty, integrity and a willingness to admit failure and through hard work and sacrifice re-gain the trust of the people for that failure. For many of the Republican Party elites I am addressing the bulk of this “open letter” I am not expecting you to “get” these virtues I just layed-out but if you want to serve our nation properly, I highly suggest a “leadership 101 course” so I need to share the needs that to be addressed with you. I do not see and or haven't heard any of those good leadership qualities mentioned earlier coming from any of the Republican Party Presidential nominee's since Ronald Reagan. I am fully aware that Ronald Reagan was far from perfect but at least he admitted when he was wrong, apologized when needed to, and quite frankly on the most part, put the American people first before partisan politics and Republican Party ideologies. In fact, Ronald Reagan was well known for “sticking to his guns” and having the “grapes” to say no to Tip O’Neil(Democratic Speaker of the House at the time) as well as to some Republican leadership but he also was brave enough to primarily put the safety and best welfare of the American people first before politics. You cannot find such leadership from the Republican Party establishment these days.
There is a major problem with many of today's Republican Party elected officials. Because of the Republican Party establishment's pressure upon these elected officials to be “inclusive”(meaning a more moderate, that is; acceptance of homosexuality abortion, etc)many Republicans end up being voted out for being “wishy-washy” on their voting record and unlike that of Ronald Reagan's message to America. These days, as the Democratic Party increasingly moves “left of center” and more towards Communism, the Republican Party elites have also increasingly been moving to the left on social issues as well.
What were the core values of Republican Party 20 years ago has now been removed to make room for a newer attitude of compromising with the devil and in being more “inclusive”of evil. Thanks to the liberal Republican leadership of House member and Speaker of the House John Boehener, the Republican Party has and continues to have leadership that is either willfully ignorant of what the Republican Party members want or it is just simple matter of “old fashioned” conceit and arrogance that keeps the Republican Party electorate from being energized and enthused about Congress as a whole. After all, It was the “Tea Party” in 2008 that helped Republicans gain Congressional seats, not the Republican Establishment that gave the victory.
In 2012 the Tea Party is difficult to find this election year. Most of today's Congress are not conservative-Tea Party members and looking at the statistics on the approval rating of the US Congress, we can see it;s results; As of January 2012, Ninety-one percent of conservative Republicans disapproved of congress and also, an overall record low of a 10% approval rating for all of Congress has recently been published. Obviously, the Democratic Party does not take all the blame as the Republican Party elites would like us all to believe. President Obama and his Democratic Party have made a bloody mess of our nation but many of the elected Republican Party Congress members sure have helped along the way in the destruction of our nation as well.
The Republican Party has a major problem with core values. This “problem” is bleeding over into our nation's Presidential race in 2012. What should be a very easy win for a true Republican Party nominee in 2012, has become a very real possibility of a loss for the White House for Republicans this coming November. Your choosing and backing of Mitt Romney who is well known for holding to very liberal views and socialist policies is a very real, and wrong choice for America. Now, as also similarly with Senator McCain in 2008, the Republican elitists thought it best to pour their money and support behind liberal Republican McCain that turned out to be a disaster. The rest is history as they say but history may very well repeat itself once again this coming election day unless those Republican Establishment elitists wake up and rid themselves of their arrogant liberal thinking.
 With Governor Romney now the “presumptive Republican Presidential nominee”, one can easily predict another loss for the Republican Party. I mentioned earlier about Romney's liberal views and I can tell you that Romney's liberal policies in the past are only the tip of his problem regarding getting people to vote for him. I can tell you; Democrat, Independent or Republican; no one likes a flip flop. No one likes a “etch-a-sketch” politician. Americans have been lied to by many politicians over the years, especially under the Obama administration, but there are few Republican Party supporters that actually believe for one minute that despite what the Republican Party establishment and Romney himself claims, Romney is in no sense of the word “a Conservative” nor holds to our American Founding Father's beliefs for our nation. Romney never had a history anywhere close to having held Conservative values. At best, Romney is lying to the electorate about being “pro-life, ridding the Obama-care”, “believing in and fighting for traditional marriage” and so on. Just like Obama with his lies, that makes Romney just as dangerous in people's eyes as well as and more importantly as in the the eye's of God of the Bible.
Speaking of “God of the Bible”, The most dangerous reason for the Republican Establishment's to drop their choice of Mitt Romney as their nominee is because of his religion. All Bible believing Christians know that the Mormon/LDS religion is a cult. Just like Jehovah Witness, Hinduism, Islam, Secular Humanism; Mormonism/LDS, other religion  are also religious cults. Knowing this, why would the Republican Party elitists choose a man from a cult to lead our nation that was founded solely on Biblical Christianity? Do those who “own and operate” the Republican Party do not know, or no longer are aware, or even care that there are severe consequences against nations/peoples that leave and forsake the Biblical God ? Are the Republican elitists so arrogant to believe that Mitt Romney's religious jesus and Romney himself beliefs that they are “brothers? to Lucifer(Satan) does not offend the Biblical Jesus ? Should this and many other Mormon/LDS cultic beliefs not also cause great concern and alarm for those in the Republican Party Establishment ?
If it does not concern them, I must ask then if they have also sold their souls to a foreign god or even to the devil himself. There is no, let me repeat myself so that I am very clear; there is no, not one true Biblical Christian in America that will vote for Romney this coming election day in November. There can be all the promises, of a “conservative” Vice President running mate with Romney, or any other begging going on to vote for Romney but bottom line is once again; no true Bible believing Christian can justify a vote for Romney nor for Obama. We will be looking for, or starting our own third-party and nominate our own candidate for President of The United States if there is no other choice. I have written about all this and Romney before in November, 2011. That article about Romney and his Mormonism is my second most ever read article for a reason. Indeed, Republican Party establishment members should pay attention.
The Republican Party establishment if it wants a victory in November must find a way to make what is wrong into what is right before the Biblical God, that's the Bottom line here. Even if Romney wins in November, there are the consequences against our nation mentioned earlier, therefore Romney must be removed as the Republican Party nominee. Now this is a big warning and quite a serious one at that, so I pray that everyone who needs to read this article finds a way to read it and heeds it's warnings; This nation will indeed be under harsher judgment from God if Romney is elected.
Many in the USA were not aware that Obama was a Muslim so God gave us room for not being aware of Obama's lies about his religious beliefs but with Romney, there is no excuse. We as a people will indeed be judged, Republican establishment included. I most highly recommend that we all return to Biblical and Godly values which includes avoiding and distancing ourselves from religious leaders the Christian Bible clearly describes as “wolves.” Those kind are also currently endorsing Romney and liking themselves to cult members as “brothers and sister in christ.” Very dangerous stuff to align yourself with people and things the Bible clearly describes in the Bible as “evil.”
Also, among many other evil matters that those who identify themselves as Republicans is; they need to stop aligning themselves with destroying families for profit. Former Georgia State Senator Nancy Schaefer who was a Republican, exposed our government; that is Social Services, CPS, Family Courts, Lawyers, cops, psychologists, domestic violence workers steal children and destroy families for cash. The Republican Party elites removed their endorsement for Nancy after they warned her to stop exposing evil in our government. Republican elected officials remain today very aware of this evil and illegal activity but willfully allow and participate in it. A Warning to all elected officials; Senator Schaefer's murder will not be forgotten.
Republicans who look the other way and or give money to illegal aliens like Filipina Migration Marriage Scammers are in big trouble. Elected Republicans need start arresting corrupt judges, lawyers, cops, politicians, teachers, CPS/domestic violence workers and Filipina Migration Marriage Scammers who break laws; now I'm speaking to Democrats and Republicans alike. Stop making excuses for yourselves and these law breakers I previously mentioned. Separate yourself from evil and wake up. Repent and change course before you bring total destruction upon us all, yourselves and your children included. Say no to cult-RINO's and Yes to the way of the Biblical Jesus and the many of what was already given to us by our US Founding Fathers.
Pastor Paul Waldmiller~Black Robe Regiment Pastor

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Jesus v. Oppression

4063508286?profile=originalHollande is France’s new President. He is a socialist with the familiar idea of stimulus to help the poor. Sarkozi’s austerity program lost.   

Germany went bankrupt trying to pay off World War I’s debt. Socialist Hitler won the election with the plan of making Germany great again. Under Hitler, Germany built the autobahn, hundreds of magnificent structures, and built a war machine that conquered Western Europe in short order—all on borrowed money.  So much for austerity.  Bankers love to finance wars.

In Matthew 6, Jesus said, “in earth as it is in heaven,” meaning the physical properties of the universe, the quantitative.  Then Jesus said, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33),” the qualitative part of the universe.  The qualitative part, said Jesus, is in you (Luke 17:21). The qualitative, the consciousness of the universe, is boundless. Qualitatively, we are like drops in an ocean—collectively, one and the same, but physically, with choice.

We were created with reason and logic, and unique in this respect. Reason and logic is fundamental to man’s law.

Your reason and logic depends on your individual circumstances.  Jesus taught us to do unto others as we would have others do unto us.  Man’s law has it that we must do unto others before they do unto us.  Consequently, under man’s law, Israel will fire the shot that starts World War III.   It seems to say that we should not be given choice. In the interest of keeping the peace, Israel should give their nation back to  Palestine. The collective will of the majority should decide.   In Jesus’ case, it meant crucifixion. 

But what have I done that I should beg God to forgive?  In my Christian teaching, I learned that if I even thought about sex I was a sinner. It is natural that I would think about sex. If I didn’t feel that Jesus was my savior and redeemer, I would not be saved?   What about all of those people who don’t feel that Jesus is their savior and redeemer?  I’ve yet to see a religion that goes on the idea of doing to others as you would have others do unto you.  To the contrary, power decides whose god is the real god.

My authority, being the “Higher Law” or God’s law, I challenged the IRS in court.  The IRS is considered right unless challenged in court.  The IRS was wrong. I didn’t have a choice. After eleven years of battling the IRS in court, to no avail, I went public. In The Palm Beach Post, the IRS admitted that over the eleven year period I fought them in court the IRS made numerous mistakes.  If I’d made the same mistakes, I’d have been guilty of obstruction of justice.  But in authority’s notion—and the courts—anything that supports authority is good.  I don’t have an inalienable right to exist on the fruits of my own labor in the United States, according to the courts. But the government entitled have a right to my sweat. America’s authorities decide our morals and judge other nations’ morals. In Germany’s courts, Jews were found to be without the right to live. Say judges, whatever is today’s needs.  So much for man’s law. Due to today’s needs the United States is heading for bankruptcy.

We will do what Germany did--put a socialist in control of America and go to war on borrowed money. That will take care of the problem for a time.  

In World War II, I was a combat rifleman in Germany.  Germany was flat on the ground.  Hitler, the man who was going to save the world, put a bullet through his head.

We must stop this madness. America’s authorities have junked my Constitution.  I’ve written a book coming out soon. Read In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012.  You will read what my Constitution can do for you. You have a right to your efforts. They are robbers and murderers. They are liars and frauds. "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country."


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Governor Beshear

If anyone is available tomorrow afternoon.

On Monday, May 7 in Frankfort, the Beshear administration is holding a public meeting about the future of ObamaCare in Kentucky. If you can make it at 1pm on Monday to 200 Mero Street (Transportation Cabinet Building Auditorium C105), please come. in Frankfort

Kentucky has already budgeted more money for implementing ObamaCare than any other state but New York. Governor Beshear has been working behind the scenes to set up an ObamaCare health insurance exchange in Kentucky while most people are distracted by the U.S. Supreme Court decision on the ObamaCare mandate.

If he is not reversed quickly, Beshear will be able to run ObamaCare in Kentucky even if the federal law is overturned by the Supreme Court.

The Beshear Administration tried to keep this meeting quiet; please let people know and make it out if you c

This message was sent by eric wilson ( from Kentucky We Surround Them & 9/12 Project.
To learn more about eric wilson, visit his/her member profile

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Be Encouraged! 5/7/12

Howdy all!  So I guess I have found evidence for Juan Williams’ claim that all tea partiers are racists.  If you missed it, he was on Hannity with Michelle Malkin and claimed that tea partiers were racists but could not show evidence when asked by Malkin.  But Sunday came and proof was made available that must be shared.  I, my wife, and our best friend are all racists.  We were all out having a sandwich dinner sitting by the Columbia River in Richland WA.  Suddenly a trailer detached from a pickup truck right behind us.  We saw the trailer spin, screech, hit the back of the pickup before coming to a stop with its hitch tongue pointing upward (load shifted to the rear).  The other vehicles did the safe thing and continued to pass.  But no, we RACISTS had to go and see if we could help.  And darned if it wasn’t an African-American and a Hispanic woman coming out of the truck!  To make things worse, they had no idea how to get the trailer hooked back up with the load shifted.  Sure, we should have been like the other good citizens and continued on the road.  But nooooo!  We just HAD to stop.  After all we are racists, right?  HATEMONGERS!!  We even had the gall to ask what we can do!  I mean, they could have done well on their own.  Well, we stuck are noses and shoulders into it, right alongside of this man and woman.  I didn’t even think to ask him if he had a jack in his truck before I so smugly retrieved mine and tried to jack the trailer so we could hitch it back up.  He didn’t have one, but I should have asked.  I EVEN CALLED HIM SIR!  The nerve!!  To make things even worse, I didn’t say a single derogatory or prejudice thing to him.  I didn’t even ask if he had a hoodie.  So, you see, I am a racist.  I stopped and helped, but I am a racist; because I am a tea partying kind of guy.  Might as well lock me up right now.  Someone get Juan Williams on the phone and tell him to come over right away.  Fortunately there are a number of citizens of far better character than this trio of which I speak.  Unfortunately, at least for Mr. Williams, they are also tea partiers.  God bless us all.

This is the day the Lord has made.  We will rejoice and be glad in it. ~ Psalm 118:24

Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. ~ James 1:2-3

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Obama Ashamed of America

Obama asked Americans to restore a national value system that honors responsibility and accountability.

Let’s make Obama put his money where his mouth is! 4063508092?profile=original

Obama is the leader – he must show Americans that he is responsible and accountable for all of his actions – so far he has received an “ F ” in accountability and responsibility



Ground Airforce 1 (only to be used in case of National emergency) We’re broke Obama must use his own money for 2012 campaign – not taxpayer’s money.    


Obama brags about billion dollar war chest - let him start acting responsibly and with accountability.

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I want the Patriot Act repealed.

On May 1st & May 2nd,2012,President Obama issued two more additional[unconstitutional and illegal]Executive Orders! The first E.O. issued on May 1st 2012, makes the USA subject to "International regulations". as opposed to looking to and following our 'Constitution'. Also, with this new E.O., the United States FDA will now be bypassed by International committee's
_ thus, replacing the U.S. FDA with a international group which will be chosen. In essence, Pres. Obama is quickly eliminating US Sovereignty and selling out the USA to the 'International community'.

The second E.O. that has been issued in these two consecutive days, was signed by Pres. Obama on May 2,2012. This E.O instructs, that the USA, will bow to International Regulations, instead of the U.S.CONSTITUTION, and Businessweek Mag reports, "Obama's order provides a framework to organize scatted efforts to promote international regulatory cooperation, the chamber's top global regulatory official, was quoted today!

"Today's executive order marks a paradigm shift for U.S. Regulators, by directing them to take the international implications, of their work into account in a consistent and comprehensive way." Sean Heather,V.P. of the Chambers Center for Global Regulatory Cooperation, said in an e-mailed statement "This also brings the USA closer to becoming a "North American Union" and _ also _ eliminating Its Sovereignty_ in total! It appears that if something is not done quickly by Congress, to stop and repeal the Patriot Act, that we are at an alarming juncture! Is everybody, but those who want to take over, asleep at the wheel?
Rev. Jerry L. Robertson

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Obama's Martial Law Authority

Fox News, March 19, 2012: Obama raises eyebrows with his executive order revising authority to nationalize resources for defense. The Homeland Security Secretary, with her Muslim Brotherhood advisors, now has the authority to issue guidance to other department heads. The authority is needed for the nation’s defense in case of terrorist attacks, which are quite likely, thanks to the porous border Homeland Security has allowed.

Couple this dubious Obama authority with the odds strongly in favor of Israel attacking Iran in 2012.  We are quite sure that at least one enemy weapon of mass destruction is now in the United States. We know that the enemy is working with Mexican and South American drug cartels that have pipelines to all parts of the United States.  A terrorist attack of great magnitude would be the reason to call martial law.  Don’t count on an election in 2012. Count on Obama taking full control.

Obama has proven that he is an enemy of American values. He is a proven Marxist, a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood.  Why has Obama not been arrested for treason?

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I received this from a fellow tea partier, and could not believe my eyes.  We have sunken to possibly the lowest point in our history (surely the lowest in my lifetime) of Washington corruption - and now murder.  We need to be vocal!  We need to rise up and spread this information to everyone we know!  We are living in a country that is under attack from within, and our only chance of surviving this is to get him out of OUR WHITE HOUSE and restore order and peace to this country.  I am sickened.  The military may need to get involved, in my opinion.


It was suspicious as h*ll that when Andrew Breitbart suddenly fell to the ground dead in the dark morning hours of March 1, 2012, within seconds each and every single news service was screaming that his death was from "natural causes".  The man's body was still warm, he hadn't even been delivered to the coroner's office yet - how could the media be so positive as to what killed him?  Their reaction is even more suspicious given the stark contrast to how they'd just treated another famous person's sudden death barely two weeks earlier - i.e., Whitney Houston.  Though the entire world knew this woman to be a drug addict who clearly had to have died of an overdose, the media flatly refused to state any opinion on cause of her death.  Instead, like mindless robots, each and every one of them droned "We will not know what killed her until after an autopsy is performed".  Compare this to how the same media instantly screamed that Breitbart died of 'natural causes'.  Come on, if they waited for the report on Whitney, why didn't they wait for the one on Andrew?  If they couldn't be sure about a gaunt, glassy-eyed drug addict, why were they so sure about a totally healthy man?  And so fast?  Yeah, color me suspicious.


And now, folks, the suspicion has gotten only worse.  The man who confirmed the media's suspicious (and hasty) claims that Andrew Breitbart died of natural causes (i.e., a heart attack) has suddenly himself dropped dead.  Los Angeles County coroner's official, Michael Cormier has just died of suspected arsenic poisoning - a suspicion confirmed by Lt. Alan Hamilton of the Los Angeles Police Department.


There is a second reason why I am deeply suspicious of Breitbart's tragic and unexpected death.  To begin with, the entire world knows that he was the loudest and the most effective critic of President Barack Hussein Obama.  It was Andrew who exploded the Pigford scandal on the world; it was Andrew who exposed Obama's connection with the vile, corrupt ACORN group; it was Andrew who was the first major news source to holler about the bloody horror of the Gun Running scandal in which Obama's corrupt Attorney General Eric Holder had murdered an American border agent (and countless hundreds, if not thousands, of innocent Mexicans) by putting guns into the hands of Mexican drug cartels.  Yes, Andrew was a distinct threat to Obama - especially given that the President is now almost assured of losing his re-election because of those very sickening scandals which Andrew screamed about.  Without question, the President (and definitely his wife) would have wanted Breitbart out of the way - in any way possible; ergo, my suspicions about Andrew's 'natural death' were enormous.  But those fears only grew worse when, within days of Andrew's death, I stumbled upon a seemingly innocuous announcement on another blog site. 


The owner of that site, Leo Donofrio, is (or was) a second thorn in the side of the President - and a sharp one.  Donofrio is a brilliant lawyer whose site "Natural Born Citizen" had uncovered a shocking scandal about the President - legal proof that Obama was not eligible to run for President.  In superb and easily understood legal language, Donofrio proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Obama's birth violated a Supreme Court statute (Minor v. Happersett, 1874) wherein the Court ruled unanimously that only those American citizens born of parents who both were American citizens themselves at the time of their child's birth could be eligible for the Oval Office.  Since Obama's father had never been an American citizen in his life (the father had been born in and was a citizen of Kenya), Obama himself was therefore ineligible to be President.  As if that wasn't bad enough, Donofrio had also uncovered a further horrible scandal - shortly before Obama's election as President in 2008, the hugely powerful legal website,, had erased ALL mention of Minor v. Happersett from its website.  As a result, the single most powerful legal website in America, one which even lawyers consulted for proof of their claims, had just caused to vanish the Supreme Court case that proved Obama was ineligible.  This erasure of legal documents continued for nearly two years before Donofrio uncovered it - at which point, Justia freaked and tried to restore the stolen documents to its site in sweaty secrecy.  Unfortunately for them, Donofrio shattered that secrecy by screaming about it from his website.  But - suddenly - those screams stopped.


Barely 2 weeks after Andrew fell dead to the sidewalk outside his home, Donofrio shocked the web world by shutting down his site.  Leo's official explanation rings hollow in my mind:  "After long consideration and discussion with my family, I am saying goodbye to this blog and the law. I am retiring my law license and will be concentrating on making films, and writing music."  Folks, in my mind, this means only one thing - Leo was terrified he would be killed just as it is now suspected Andrew was.  In short, the opponents of Obama are afraid, they are very afraid.


And now the fear only deepens.  If Breitbart did not die of 'natural causes', only one person could have proven that - his coroner.  Only his coroner could have gotten hold of the lab reports, plus his own examination, that would have proven beyond a doubt that Andrew was actually murdered, his death covered up to look a heart attack.  Yes, Breitbart's coroner could have been a third and even more terrible thorn in the President's side.  But now - like Andrew and Leo - that 'thorn' has abruptly left the scene.  Breitbart's coroner has just turned up dead. 


I am suspicious.  And I am angry.  And - what makes my anger worse - I'm also afraid.

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To see just where Tea Party Patriots stand in their support of all the Original Republican candidates, this would be interesting.  They are listed in alphabetical order.

1. Michele Bachmann

2. Herman Cain

3. Newt Gingrich

4. Jon Huntsman

5. Ron Paul

6. Tim Pawlenty

7.Rick Perry,  (entered late)

8. Mitt Romney

9. Rick Santorum

    (Please, just your list, 1-2-3-4, & nothing else.)

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Don't Feed the Animals

4063507724?profile=originalTo say the least, the American people are neither as individually or socially secure as when socialist Obama took office. Is it Bush’s fault? Is it a Republican fault? Is it a fault of the greedy rich? No, it is an external fault, an on the surface fault, the blind leading the blind.  It is a for-the-good-of-all fault, a collective fault, a hive mentality fault.  The very idea that we, the American people, can’t control our spending is a dead give-away that we are addicted to living beyond our means.

We read, “Weaker-than-expected US jobs growth hit financial markets and cast a shadow over President Barack Obama’s plans for a formal launch of his re-election campaign this weekend.”

The idea that we can be government entitled, with a fundamental right to be our brother’s keeper by law leaves us zoo animals. We are voting for zoo keepers.  Our keepers put up signs saying don’t feed the animals and then feed us.  Jesus called them hypocrites.

The stars say that I came to earth equipped to see the future, and here as a messenger. The responsibility falls on me to inform you that your creator equipped you with the reason and logic to cope on your own; that is, most of you. For the few that can’t, we humans can take care of you. We don’t need zoo keepers.

How do we go back to the principles that made America great?  I have yet to hear. Forget looking to your elected representatives. They are the problem.  It is left up to me to inform you. I looked within for the answer. Low and behold, it worked.  “Neither shall they say; Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:12). So quit looking here and there for the answer.

America’s zoo keepers have not yet passed a law that forbids you from claiming that you have the constitutional right to be your own keeper.  No, they depend on making “mistakes” that keep your in line with their thinking.  With their double standard, they wear you down.

I’m here to tell you that they did not wear me down.  When the music stopped eleven years after their game began, they were left standing.  Unfortunately, I was the only one that gained.  And gained I did. Life doesn’t get any better than mine.

Don’t expect your keepers to adhere to the rules they impose on you.  You can read all about it in my book, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012. When you are done, you will have been exposed to the Higher Law.  You will have answers you may never have thought before. We are all God’s children. God loves us all equally.  He does not want us kept in a zoo.

Rest assured that your representative will discover the answers for correcting the problems we face the moment you discover the truth about who you really are and your purpose in life.

We are entering a new age.  The answer for getting spending under control is simple as falling off a log.  Phase out government entitlements the same way they were phased in.  This puts the taxpayers back in control.  After all, without taxpayers, the powers that be could not be our keepers. The multitudinous problems they have created would vanish like mist in the morning sun.

Without our zoo keepers, we will mentally catch up with modern technology. Poverty, deprivation, and war will be a thing of the past.  I’m living proof of the good life that lies ahead.  My vision of our future: The people are destined to be self-governed.  Welcome the Age of Aquarius.  

I believe in our savior and redeemer, who ended his Sermon on the Mount with: “Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is you reward in heaven…”  Please allow me to explain what Jesus meant.  In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus said, “in earth as it is in heaven,” and followed this with, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God.”  Let us turn again to the Gospel of St. Luke, to 17:21, “the kingdom of God is within you.”  It’s like a hand in a glove. “Let us make man in our image” (Genesis 1:26).                        


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