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Be Encouraged 4/17/12

Howdy all!  First day on the new job.  And I like it very much!  And I have to get a passport.  Seems that there is sometimes a need to travel to meet up with other maintenance managers to discuss best practices, policies, successes and failures.  And some of the places thrown around at orientation were (and I don't know if I will truly get to go but,.) Sweden, India, and for some reason Scranton Pennsylvania.  Scranton would be nice.  I heard they speak like people on the east coast.

Any hoo,..

Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow me." ~ Matthew 16:24

Let's roll. ~ Todd Beamer, His last words heard on United Flight 93, Sept 11, 2001

I don't know about you, but just reading those two words from Mr Beamer brings back a lump in my throat and the pride to my chest.  The guts, and resolve they all had on that flight will be remembered forever.  When I read the verse from Matthew, I could think of no other famous quote from a founder to match. 

How many of us would have rolled like Todd and his flight mates?  They had to know their lives would be over one way or another, and decided to go anyway in the hopes of saving their lives and countless lives on the ground, as well as fight back in a war that only they knew was being waged.  Obviously, He was there that day, on that plane, in that group ready to save the flight.  Those passengers turned from the selfish fear of not wanting to get hurt.  They knew the cross they bore was as heavy as anything they ever carried.  And they rolled. 

We are asked today and every day to roll.  Our nation is under attack from the very people who manage it. They are not leaders, they are managers.  We must take our nation back from those managers who want to manage us into oblivion, then run with the remainder, to set up a nation of their choosing.  Not if I have anything to do with it.  And not if you have anything to do with it either.  But we need help.  We need family, friends, neighbors to have anything to do with it as well.  The word needs to get out.  The socialist media won't do it.  The web sites we read are not read by those ostriches we all know and love in our families and neighborhoods.  So, try this; send any blog you write to a local paper editorial page, and see if it gets published.  Keep sending.  Send to papers across town, across state, across the country.  See if any of them would print it.  And when they do, blast it over the internet.  So the world will know that a paper printed a conservative letter.  Are you a Todd Beamer?

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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4063494041?profile=originalAs a black conservative Tea Party patriot, I have been struggling with what I should do, if anything, in response to the rash of incidents of racial violence resulting from the Martin/Zimmerman case. Folks, a great evil is running the show in our country right now.

Prolific race-hustler Al Sharpton is heralded as a hero. Attorney General Eric Holder ignores the New Black Panther “dead or alive” bounty on George Zimmerman. Three major TV networks are caught manipulating facts of the Martin/Zimmerman case to fuel racial hatred and anger. Minister Farrakhan tweeted referring to the Martin/Zimmerman case, “Where there is no justice, there will be no peace. Soon and very soon, the law of retaliation may very well be applied.”

Even a nut case white supremacist group have thrown their hat, or skinned heads, into the ring, threatening violence.

Rather than showing pictures of 6'3” seventeen-year-old Trayvon Martin, nearly every TV news broadcast features pictures of Trayvon as an adorable little boy in his little league football uniform. This is done by design to further the media's storyline: innocent-little-black-boy-murdered-by-evil-racist-white-man. Zimmerman is not white. He is Hispanic. To further the mainstream media storyline, the New York Times has deemed Zimmerman, a “white” Hispanic.

I do not know what transpired between George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin. I do know that the Race Industry has gone to extraordinary, dishonest lengths to promote its innocent-little-black-boy-murdered-by-evil-racist-white-man storyline.

Even president Obama despicably and masterfully fueled the flames of racial hatred by saying, “If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon”. As a seasoned professional politician, president Obama surely knew his comment would up the ante of black rage.

So yes, as Christian and as patriot, I wondered, what should I do to help calm the storm of Martin/Zimmerman related racial violence? Should I rally black conservatives to denounce the violence and call for unity at a press conference? No, the liberal biased mainstream media would not cover such a press conference. Non-victim-minded blacks do not fit the media-desired image of America. Blacks who love their country without resentment toward fellow Americans who are white are as repulsive to the mainstream media as showing Dracula the cross.

Well, what about a racial peace rally – blacks and whites standing together, singing songs and talking about unity. No, Obama's SEIU thugs and/or the New Black Panthers could exploit the event by showing up to assault patriots.

Remember Kenneth Gladney, the black conservative who was beaten and sent to the emergency room by SEIU thugs at a town hall meeting during the health care debates? Many believe Gladney's beating was in response to Obama White House's clarion call to “push back twice as hard” and get in the faces of those opposing Obamacare.

The mainstream media will never tell the truth about black-on-white crime. When reporting incidents of black-on-white violence, the media walks a tightrope, bending over backwards to avoid mentioning race. And yet I heard a report on the radio in which the reporter, without hesitation, up front and in your face said five “black” men were shot by a “white” male in a white pickup truck. This type of story fits the racist image that the media desires to portray of white America. According to the media, blacks are ALWAYS the victims and never the aggressors.

So how do we right-thinking, decent Americans counter all the racial hate, evil and violence, fueled by media and the Obama administration, that's contaminating our great country?

Mary is away, up north visiting family. Thus, I found myself in the grocery store checkout line with my shopping cart one-third full. An elderly white gentleman in line behind me had two items. “Excuse me sir – you can go in front of me.” He gleefully replied, “Thank you very much.” After the cashier had bagged his items and given the elderly white gentleman his change, he thanked me again.

I thought, that's it! For now, until God leads me otherwise, I can simply continue doing what I, along with millions of my fellow Americans, do every day: seize every opportunity to spread racial harmony and kindness. I know that sounds corny, but I know it is the right thing to do.

Despite what the Race Industry would have you believe, a majority of Americans are not at each other throats, divided along racial lines. However, this is unquestionably the agenda of the Race Industry. Incidents of race related violence are on the rise since the Martin/Zimmerman incident.

Most Americans are over “the race thing.” Americans live, work and play together just fine. Interracial marriage is far from being the big deal it was in the past. Unfortunately, it is the mission of the mainstream media, the Obama administration and race profiteers to keep the Race Industry alive and profitable. These people (race instigators and exploiters) are evil.

Therefore, it is up to us – proud responsible Americans – to continue sowing seeds of racial harmony, brotherhood and peace.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman –

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Obama plans to use this Buffet Rule to push his political agenda - he knew it would not pass and that is why he waited to do it now before the elections while the Republicans hold the majority in Congress instead of while the Democrats held the majority in Congress.  Check out this letter that I received from his camp today...  It is all a set up to say: is this what we want in November?  A guy who supports his rich buddies and his own interests or the middle class?  They will fall for it too.  Just wait for the media backlash!!

Joan --

I love the Buffett Rule for the same reason Mitt Romney opposes it.

It levels the playing field in America by closing tax loopholes and ensuring that millionaires aren't paying a tax rate that's lower than what many middle-class families are paying.

And it's going to be one of the issues that will define this election.

We've got a new interactive tool that shows how Mitt Romney and some other millionaires play by their own set of rules -- the same rules they're trying to make sure you and I don't ever get to change.

Compare your tax rate to Mitt Romney's -- and see how the Buffett R...

I can't think of a better way to illustrate the choice this country is facing in November. This is the way it breaks down:

The Buffett Rule closes loopholes and asks millionaires to pay at least as much as middle-class families, so that we can share the burden of reducing our deficit and investing in programs important to a strong middle class, like education, innovation and infrastructure.

Romney not only opposes the Buffett Rule, but he wants to make things even more unfair. He will explode the deficit by giving more tax breaks to the wealthy -- and place the burden of paying for them on the backs of the middle class and seniors.

This November, it's one or the other. We either stick with a President who fights for the middle class, or we choose a candidate who fights to protect an unfair status quo that benefits him at the expense of our economy and the middle class. You'll be hearing a lot about the Buffett Rule in the coming days. But remember this: It's not about class warfare, and it's certainly not about some arcane policy disagreement. It's about common-sense fairness.

If you're still curious about what the Buffett Rule would actually do, take a look around the new website now:



Stephanie Cutter
Deputy Campaign Manager
Obama for America

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Did you really think your vote would count?

I wanted to ask each American should your vote count in an election? If you think it should maybe it is time to wonder why has King O gone to the trouble of successfully making sure that a company from Spain   Scytl  is the one used to count the votes. If you would like to see a small amount of history on this company check out the amazing disappearing votes story on this link:


If it concerns you that several key elections are now in the hands of   SCYTL  & that their record of failure, with no paper trail is not being questioned or that no one in Washington is questioning why King O lobbied so hard to make sure this company was put in charge of our elections, then do what I did,






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I came across this article about a company called    Scytl    which are from Spain. Guess what King Obama set it up so these folks count our American votes, & even more interesting, no paper trail, no pesky records!


if you read the above article after checking the link you will begin to understand that the election is a sham. No wonder they appear unworried in the Obama kool-aid world of hate for our great nation of laws & freedom, they already put the fix in.


I called & sent an email to my Washington elected asking why a nonAmerican company would be put in charge of our most important election, funny how not one response come back from anyone.


Would the teaparty nation consider this as an open invite to ask some questions? As always our media will not. What about it fellow Americans would you like to think your voice & peaceful actions, & vote still matter or are we to far down the rabbit hole to never return?


I will never give up on my beloved America & have posted & sent this to everyone, what will you do?

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4063279151?profile=originalMy question is a matter of life and death for all of us. I have a court record that proves, beyond  question, that the system of justice in the United States is corrupt; that proves, beyond question, that the IRS perjured itself in court and obstructed justice; that America's elected representatives lied; that the Attorney General lied; that the press lied.  I took my evidence to The Palm Beach Post.  It was enough for this newspaper to investigate and print a front page story.  The above named admitted they were “mistaken.”  They did not admit that they lied and obstructed justice. By being “mistaken” we, the people, give our authorities a pass.  The U. S. Tax Court, three U.S. District Courts, the U.S. Court of Appeals, and the Supreme Court heard the case. They all looked the other way. It is all revealed in great detail in the book I’ve written, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012.

We have a double standard of justice in America. We don’t give Zimmerman a pass for mistakenly killing Martin. We may not even give him a fair trial. Why didn’t the police arrest Zimmerman? Why did the state prosecutor not allow a grand jury to hear the charges against Zimmerman?  What was Martin doing in a gated community? What did Zimmerman do to cause Martin to break his nose? Why are the nation’s notorious white and Jew haters not arrested for offering a bounty on Zimmerman’s life?  Why is Attorney General Holder making an independent investigation?  Why did the press deliberately distort the facts to make Zimmerman look like a white racist?  This is a case of Nazi justice.  

We try not to think about it.  We trust that good will win in the end.  That’s the way Germany’s Jews took it when Hitler’s Brown Shirts, the equivalent of America’s New Black Panthers—America’s  white and Jew haters—started persecuting them.  The same as in Germany, the American people are allowing a tiny segment of the population, aided and abetted by the President of the United States, to turn us all into slaves.  

Hitler was a human being with a narcissistic personality disorder, a condition in which people have an inflated sense of self-importance and an extreme preoccupation with themselves.  I was in Germany when I was nineteen, there to save the world from Hitler’s tyranny.  At age eighty-six, I see a repeat of history.  


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 'Entitlement'  my ass, I paid cash for my Old Age Security!!!! Just because they borrowed the  money, doesn't make my benefits some kind of  charity or handout !! Gold plated MP pensions and Civil Service Government  benefits,  aka free healthcare, outrageous retirement  packages, 67 paid holidays, 20 weeks paid  vacation, unlimited paid sick days, now that's  welfare, and they have the nerve to call me a 'greedy senior' and my  retirement, an 'entitlement' !!!!!!.....scroll  down................

 What  the HELL's wrong with us???

 Someone please tell  me what the HELL's wrong with all the people  that run this country!!!!!!

We're "broke"  & can't help our own Seniors, Veterans,  Orphans, Homeless  etc.,???????????
but spent 1.2 billions of dollars for G-20 events
In the  last months we have provided aid to Haiti ,  Chile , and Turkey . And now Khanistan ,  Pakistan ......home of bin Laden.   Literally, BILLIONS of DOLLARS!!!

Our  retired seniors living on a 'fixed income'  receive no aid nor do they get any breaks while  our government and religious organizations pour  Hundreds of Billions of $$$$$$'s and Tons of  Food to Foreign  Countries!

They  call Old Age Security and Healthcare an  entitlement even though most of us have been  paying for it all our working lives and now when  it's time for us to collect, the government is  running out of money. Why did the government  borrow from it in the first  place?
We have  hundreds of adoptable children who are shoved  aside to make room for the adoption of foreign  orphans.

CANADA:  a country where we have homeless without  shelter,  children going to bed hungry,  elderly going without 'needed' meds, lack of housing and clean water on Reserves, and mentally  ill without treatment -etc, etc.

They  have a 'Benefit'  for the people of Haiti  ships and planes lining up with food, water,  tents, clothes, bedding, doctors, and medical  supplies.

Imagine if  the *GOVERNMENT* gave 'US' the same support they  give to other countries.

Sad  isn't it?

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Be Encouraged 4/16/12

Howdy all.  Can't wait till the work day starts.  The end of the work day will be here as well, but the beginning is what I've been waiting for.  The anticipation has been increasing, but that will soon wane.  The only question left now is; what do I bring for lunch? 

Any hoo,..

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good!  His faithful love endures forever. ~ Psalm 106:1

Republics are created by the virtue, public spirit, and intelligence of the citizens.  They fall, when the wise are banished from the public councils, because they dare to be honest, and the profligate are rewarded, because they flatter the people in order to betray them. ~ Joseph Story

Yes, I start today.  Ought to be fun!  I've given my thanks and will continue to give Him thanks for getting me through this period.  So there is life out there, and jobs too.  I found one, so there has to be more.  Which makes me wonder more and more each day; why does the media and the political 'experts' claim the crisis is getting better but not fast enough?  Simple, that's what they want you to believe.  Don't get me wrong.  It is not easy.  But there is a reason for the crisis.  Propaganda.  There are thousands of jobs out there waiting to someone to fill them.  But, because the media and the political dorks have made the situation appear as close to devastation as they could, the people looking are getting discouraged.  Worse, the companies with the jobs seem to be hoarding them, looking for the absolutely perfect person that will do better than anyone else on the planet.  Of course, they want the best for their company, don't get me wrong.  But when a kid out of school can't even get a job pushing shopping carts because his resume is not as good as someone else?  What??  Look around.  How many recent high school graduates are still at home playing video games and borrowing the car every day so they can go to their friends house to play more videos?  Ask them why.  And you may get sick from the answer. 

These bright and energetic kids have become like zombies.  They have learned from (and I mean this sincerely) the public school system that it's ok to not do as well as the others.  You know the story.  Don't keep score in little league.  Winning isn't important.  You'll still get a trophy and ice cream anyway.  Now look at those kids.  They think it's ok not to have a job.  We will get food from someone anyway.  They've been taught that instead of daring to be an entrepreneur, stay with your parents and enjoy the day! 

Doesn't this sound disgusting?  Well it's happening, right down the block from you.  I kept at my job search and finally succeeded.  Others are giving up.  Some never try to start.  What to do?  we need to teach them reality.  We need to teach these people perseverance.  We need to instill an air of public spirit, and encourage them to use the intelligence God gave them.  Because without these kids, the profligate will be 'rewarded' and those who wish to end our republic will flatter them continuously, until they are ready to betray them.  

It is up to us.  There is no one else to do it.  Sounds as if I am on my high horse?  Well my favorite mare is over 16 hands tall, which means I look down on monster trucks when in saddle.  So maybe I am.  And maybe you should be too. 

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Mandate vs. Non-Mandate

You do not hear a report on the Republican Presidential Election today that does not include the words "presumptive nominee, Mitt Romney".  We will get into some details there as a sidebar, but mainly, this will discuss the messages of the remaining campaigns.  Make no mistake, you will NOT hear this side on the Mainstream Media... yet!

We have three men left in the campaign.  Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, and Ron Paul are still running.  Mitt lead a state, Newt was speaker of the House of Representatives, and Congressman Ron Paul leads the relovetion "movement".  To take the easy one first, there is not so much as a piece of legistation that Ron Paul can put his name on in 20 years.  He has been ineffectual as a congressman, and little more can be expected from a Paul Administration, should he be elected.  That is before we we consider Paul's ostrich foreign policy platform.  So we are down to two serious contenders.  

Romney has money, AND connections in the media.  While he has maintained an arms length from Bain Capital, he still has his "wealth" managed there.  Bain is a treasure trove of issues to fire up Americans with, and Romney was its leader.  But here is the big thing; Bain owns Clear Channel Radio, which syndicates Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, and others.  The conservative base is influenced by those hosts!  You can hear the urge to speak positively of Newt as they avoid it like the plague.  BUT, Mitt only owns the conservative media!

Owning something is not as important as what you do with that something.  Romney goes from place to place, reading his teleprompter, and taking few questions.  He claims to be pro life, now. He loves Cars, and Lakes, and is (this election cycle) a proponent of the 2nd Amendment.  Romney's main strategy has been turn out  suppression.  Can you point to an issue that Romney championed in the last four years?

There is one!  Most can't really say he was a champion, but Obama referred to him, in 2009,  time and time again as THE republican that supported RobamneyCare.  Mitt never denied it!  Still today, he can not deny it!  Which brings up the mandate.  What kind of mandate will Romney have if elected?  When he champions an issue, how strong will he be?  

Moreover, Newt Gingrich is driving for a Mandate.  The whitehouse has started two efforts to combat Newt.  Their energy response to $2.50 Gas is falling flat.  Their "War On Women", a direct response to the First Amendment Religious Freedom Newt has been touting, is flailing.  Newt called them out on it when George Stephanopolus initiated it.  Primarily, Newt has stuck to the precepts of building a mandate, to the point of publishing it at  

Mitt has been trippped up over the Religious Freedom issue in interviews on Fox.  Mitt's campaign has signalled an etch-a-sketch strategy once he is rid of these pesky idealists.  Romney's issue free candidacy will give up the "not a dimes worth of difference" argument that killed our base in 2008.  Mitt will not have a mandate, and will be hamstrung in special interest fights, if elected!

The next President will face forces that have been digging in over the last four years.  How much is changed directly relates to how well we recover, from the Fannie/Freddie debacle, as well as National Security and General American Health.  Newt has had to answer the question "When are you getting out?" ad nauseum.  Mitt will have to answer "So why are you running?" to the same extent from the liberal media.  Mitt WILL gaffe!  Romney will face the refrain, "you ran against a mandate, and won!"  The liberal media has spent their ammo on Newt.  Newt's mandate will stand after the election.

Newt said, "Money spent without purpose, in a campaign without an argument, is waste of Money!"  Newt has the arguments, and he is the master of them.  Speaker Gingrich is running to give YOU a choice! To preserve America, and to win the presidency, we must support Newt Gingrich for the GOP nomination, and for the Office of the President of these United States of America!

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     It is written that Sun-Tzu once said, “Warfare is a great matter to a nation; it is the ground of death and of life it is the way of survival and destruction, and must be examined.”  Coming after the celebration of the High Holy Days of Spring–Passover and Resurrection, a private examination of liberal public warfare in America seems an essential matter, especially in the District of Columbia.  Why the Nation’s Capital?  Well, two names illuminated the pathways of survival and destruction in the Metro Voting Scene prior to the High Holy Days–Council Member and Mayor for Life Marion “Dmitri Shepilov” Barry and Attorney General Eric “I’ll Be Back Faster than You Can Say Furious”  Holder.  In the life and death battle of maintaining the most oppressive and poverty resistant tactics in Urban Polity, Barry represents the survivor and Holder the destroyer.  Each is vital to the installation of public policies and laws that defile the political liberties of Constitutional governance in lieu of those that solidify the Utopian financial security of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Economic Bill of Rights.  These are men esteemed by their peers for their judicial and political sophistry.  In variant circles, they are lauded for their past accomplishments.  They are different men sharing the same political ideology.  They are men of the “Democrat Civil Rights Generation”  [1966 - 2008].  Each found a home for their radical beliefs within President Andrew Jackson’s Party.  Each believes that their racial justice and racial politics will reward “the least, the last and the lost” while incriminating those that, by acts of conscience or acts of their descendants, have oppressed such a great multitude.  One operates at the federal level.  The other at the state level.  Yet, their paths mysteriously crossed at the corner of Racism and Voter Fraud in the Nation’s Capitol on Primary Election Day 2012.


The Great DC Voter Fraud Caper


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And Then There were two!

By now you have heard...  Rick Santorum has dropped out of the race!  He ran a good race.  His daughter, Bella is sick, and in the hospital.  I am sure you will join with me to pray for Bella and the whole Santorum Family.  These have got to be tough times.

In the end, Rick's depth was unable to sustain him.  Santorum was a TV commentator before he threw his hat into the ring.  He was on from time to time, but really was not a regular on any show.  Having lost in Pennsylvania by 18 points, his impending loss there in two weeks would have destroyed any chance at getting better exposure.

Now it is just Newt and Mitt.  Newt has drawn the fire of the White House for $2.50 Gas, and Religious Freedom!  Mitt drew his first comments today, for running a negative campaign!  Do you know what Mitt's platform is?  Can you name a key issue Mitt has championed?

I can.  Mitt Romney advocated for RobamneyCare in 2009.  He was on several interviews touting his mandate.  Mitt was chipping away at the resolve and resistance to the government forcing citizens into commerce (  The conclusion that Romney would have cost the Republican Party their unanimous opposition, had he had a vote, is not beyond the pale.

Is that the kind of man that will ferret out the various tendrils of ObamaCare?  Without a detailed plan of action from day one, can we trust Mitt to stand up to the monstrosity our government has become?  Does anyone seriously think Mitt will be able to call out Obama on the lies and confusion we all know is coming?

Newt, on the other hand will turn our country back into the tradewinds.  Speaker Gingrich has shown the ability to pull details out the air that correllate with the public record, at the drop of a hat.  You know you want to see that!

But beyond the theatrics, Speaker Gingrich knows the government, and their games.  He knows the lay of the legislative land.  What's more, Newt will work with both sides, as he did with Clinton in passing entitlement reform!  The media won't tout that.  It will be just as it was with Reagan.  We will see our commander-in-chief bypassing the media often!

As President, Newt will actually propose a budget that will get a yes vote in congress!  He will institutionalize savings with the Chilean Plan, rather than leaving it to the general budget!  The Speaker will revamp the Fed.  And Newt will put the courts in their proper place with constitutional procedures and historical (and legal) precedents!  You can learn more at

Newt is going to Tampa.  He has the depth of business to get there - as a candidate.  But wait, the state of Texas has issued a debate challenge to all of the candidates, and Texas could matter.  Articles are appearing claiming the Republicans have a problem motivating their base!  They are right!  Romney is driving them away!  With the bulk of "Not Romney" voters now hammering, the game has changed!

Unless you want a Massachusetts Moderate, and a repeat of 2008, Newt needs your help now.  Go to to get involved!  Do it for Virginia. Do it for America.  Do it for yourself.

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A Word to the Wise II

4063230130?profile=originalFrom the blogs here on Tea Party, we can know something is not right. President Obama informed the American people that Obamacare would not add one dime of debt. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi announced that we should read the bill.  We have read it and find that it will add to the debt a mind-numbing $17 trillion. 

  Harry picks his nose, while the Republicans beat the drums for change.  Government entitlement is something the American people apparently feel they can’t live without, including the right to health care—not anymore than they can live without God. The poles say that, overall, Obama is more to be trusted than Romney. Obama is on God’s side.  Recall the Christian Crusades and the Holy Catholic Empire. Now it is Islam’s turn to take back what was theirs.  

I’m a messenger, born with reason and logic, something rare in America.  I was born in America to be an American.  I don’t know where these people I’m living with came from. It must have been La La Land.  I don’t need government entitlements or this God, or Obama, or Romney.  But, when you live in Rome you do as the Romans do.

It is not generally known, but, economically, China has passed America. The statistics prove it. The American people let this happen. Their entitlements were that important.  If you take everything into consideration, America’s authorities are cooking the books, deceiving the American people of the perils we face.  Put yourself in their place. Wouldn’t you, given the fact that the majority lives strictly by emotion?  The representatives of the American people are doing what we indicate we want them to do, not what they ought to do.  We want to live in La La Land.

Getting the budget in balance means significantly cutting government entitlements. There is no other way.  President Obama and the democratically controlled Senate are not about to cut entitlements. They want to tax the rich more.  Although the American people don’t like the debt and the sorry state of the economy, they are not willing to significantly cut entitlements.  Some other way must be found to get the budget in balance—without one thought of how.  The expedient way is to tax the rich more, who happen to be the job creators.  The rich are already taxed too much.   No way, say the Republicans. 

America is in a Mexican standoff.  Without China’s financial help, America would be forced to take default.  In short order, entitlements would end, and government dependents on the street, starving.  America’s authorities are forced to take orders from China. That’s the last thing they want us to know.  They wool us by complaining that China is deliberately manipulating  money when it is simply a matter of our being the borrower and complying with China’s rules.  

The two parties realize they need each other. We are China’s best customer.  It was expedience that got us where we are. It is expedience that will solve the problem.  We, the American people, take the hit. It’s a lesson in self-government. 

Because of the American people’s demands of cradle to grave security, and blessed with democratically elected representatives, the dollar has failed as the world’s reserve currency.  Lack of personal responsibility has had this consequence. The world’s authorities hold the trump cards and they are demanding a change.  The dollar is to be replaced. No question about it. It is estimated that the dollar’s worth will drop to twenty cents, which means that entitlements will drop 80 percent without our politicians doing a thing.   Can’t you just see Obama admitting this truth, now that his reelection is in question?  No, the charismatic  Obama will try his best to lead the American people down a garden path. He’s a pro at it. My friends, it really doesn’t matter who wins. The handwriting is on the wall.  Obama is doing exactly what any president would be forced to do.

Obama is working with China. The two are in the process of letting the dollar gradually diminish in value to its real value, while China’s dollar goes up in value, while China buys gold like crazy. Inflation in America is the cure for our problem—that is, your dollar buys less and the nation’s debt is paid off in cheap dollars.  Inflation is China’s current problem. China raises the interest rate. Their inflation is cured.  Their dollar is strengthened, and backed with gold, and maybe the answer for replacing  our dollar with China’s dollar as the world’s reserve currency. At any rate, it is a win-win deal for America’s and China’s authorities and a loser for the American people.  But you are not supposed to know that the authorities are looking out for their interests, not your interests. And who is to blame for that?  They have given you what you wanted. Now it is payoff time.    

As always, politicians play the blame game.  But when the music stops, guess who will be left standing?   It’s the Higher Law, the law with which humans were blessed.  While America is left standing at the switch, China will roll on down the road.  China is communist run, but has embraced free enterprise while America embraces communism. 

China’s labor costs are a fraction of America’s labor costs. It’s a natural for free enterprise and the law of supply and demand.  Oh, the deplorable working conditions in China! The Chinese are too grateful for their blessing to begin to express it.  China is united. Thanks to big labor in America, we are divided.  China has six times as many laborers—that is six Americas united in a common cause. America cannot compete.  American labor is whistling Dixie.  

China’s education is number one, America’s fourteenth in the world, and by far the most costly. Organized labor does not fire incompetent teachers. They are to humanitarian to do that. It would be a terrible blow to the teacher to be fired. Organized labor tries to make them better teachers. Everyone is equal and deserves equal pay--if you belong to the club; that is, their communist led club.  It is a very big if.  Charter schools, for less cost, produce better students.  Communism is putting state operated schools out of business.   Look at China.

There is work for all in China. Why entitlements?  China is the world’s number one automobile producer. The local demand is so great in China that not one automobile is being exported. The Chinese deserve to own a car at a fraction of the cost of American build cars, say China’s leaders. They are right. As productivity increases in China, big labor in America is putting America out the auto producing business, leaving America a South American banana republic.

China’s oil companies have surpassed America’s.  China has surplus cash to buy oil and companies producing oil, and companies refining oil.  America is deeply in debt and the environment is of more concern in America than production—two negatives working together to bring America down.  “Don’t blame it on me,” says Obama.  He doesn’t take any responsibility. Yet he goes to China bowing and scraping for a handout.  We are such caring people that China will soon be in control of the world’s oil, and dictating, in effect, what we can and cannot do in America—giving American authority a taste of  its own medicine.

China’s technology has surpassed American technology. In America, big labor is in bed with government. Government is in bed with Wall Street.  As a consequence, America has said to China, go after us, and anyone else who wants to.  Go ahead and blast us out of the tub. We are sitting ducks. 

Reason and logic has no place in American law. Obama doesn’t care what the Supreme Court says about Obama care. He has given the IRS a trillion dollars in his Obamacare to force his will on the American people, and he is going full steam ahead with his plan. The cat is already out of the bag. It doesn’t matter what the Supreme Court rules.  We Americans live by emotion, taking our place in history as another nation of losers. 

Speaking of God, recall the Christian Crusades and the Holy Catholic Empire in Europe. Now is it Islam’s turn.  God favors holy war over peaceful co-existence? Give me a break!  It all fits a mold, a mold made here on earth. Whatever, we humans were created with reason and logic—and with emotions. The law is based on reason and logic, emotion, animal.  We Americans do not make that distinction, not individually, not socially. The law in America is based on emotion. The very idea of questioning authority is a turnoff.  We refuse to think about it.  We know there would be an unhappy consequence.  Like animals, we mindlessly jump through authority’s hoops and pray to God.  God helps those who help themselves.  My friends, you lose. God didn’t create you to jump through hoops.  

America’s Constitution was written with the idea that the law is king. Fine!  Who administers the law? In the Constitution, great pains were made to protect life, liberty, and property, to divide power. But those who labored so hard to protect the individual’s rights distinguished skin color. Whites had God-given rights; black people had zero rights.  White males had the power and they used it to control those who did not have power.  You can’t blame people of color and women for wanting power.

The name of the game is expedience—placing the cart before the horse.  Bottom line: the law of the jungle prevails. We form herds and battle for control—and a united China wins.   How stupid can we be?

Don’t get me wrong. We Americans are good people. We want to see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil, be team players.   Quite simply, we were created to be more than animal.  Those using reason and logic are conveniently kept out of sight, out of mind in America.  I’m one who flew over the cuckoo’s nest. My dreams have come true. I’ve written a book on the subject, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012.  As crap hits the fan in America, my book hits the market.


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Be Encouraged 4/15/12

Howdy all!  Tea party rally day!  Took the 17 year old son of our friend, and my lovely wife.  She has a way with words that I could never approach.  And when she met some of the folks there in Richland WA, including our local fave Clint Didier, she got validated.  In other words, her voice which is much more, .. to the point than mine so to speak, has now been given the green light.  I guess she will be running for office soon.  Maybe you will see me soon in a runoff against Todd Palin for first dude!

Any hoo,.. (yes dear I won't be long!)

Be on guard.  Stand firm in the faith.  Be courageous.  Be Strong. ~ 1 Corinthians 16:13

There is not a single instance in history in which civil liberty was lost, and religious liberty preserved entire.  If therefore we yield up our temporal property, we at the same time deliver the conscience into bondage. ~ John Witherspoon, The Dominion of Providence over the Passions of Men. 1776

How many liberties have been assaulted over the past few years, or few decades for that matter?  Even the word freedom has been assaulted.  Conservatives want freedom from tyranny, while liberals want freedom to smoke pot.  We want to maintain our right of free speech to hold our federally elected employees accountable.  The progressive liberal OWS people want to maintain the freedom of speech so they can elaborate on their words by defecating in public on a police car or a flag.  And now freedom of religion, which by the way is written in front of freedom of speech in the first amendment, is under assault, by mandating the availability of contraception and abortion products be made by even those organizations which hold that in violation of their faith.  Witherspoon's quote is from 1776.  This is 2012, 236 years later.  I ask you what has changed since he first spoke of the loss of liberties.  We have been losing liberties for a while.  Now the effort to remove liberties has moved into high gear.  Religion is in the sites even now.  Look at what is going on between the Catholic church and our federally elected employees!!  OUR EMPLOYEES!!  It is time to take up the direction found in 1 Corinthians.  Be on Guard. Stand FIRM in the faith, whichever faith you follow.  Be courageous.  And be strong.  It will not be easy.  You will be harassed for your position.  Example WA state government has been lame and useless in finding a way to get a balanced budget.  Mostly because the majority party (the ones who have an ass for a logo) like what they see in DC, so they mimic the fed govt.  Well, enough democrats jumped the aisle and the WA state government has actually voted for a republican backed, balanced budget!  The down side, the democrats who were brave enough to do the right thing have been harassed by thugs and union dorks from SEIU because they did the right thing. 

We all need to get involved, at what ever level we can.  We must get our family, friends and neighbors to see the light.  Or at least get them to understand what the dark will look like if they stay 'neutral'. 

This is not so much for us as it is for the 17 year olds of this country.  They must be shown what the future holds.  Maybe they will stop playing video games and go out and get a job.  (And don't tell me there aren't any.  After my last six months I am absolutely positive there is a job for everyone out there right this very second!)  So, Be courageous, be strong, and STAND FIRM!  And tell those young whipper-snappers to get off their donkeys and get a job!  Best way to teach them about our capitalist republic.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Eagle On Tombstone


Please check out photos on right side of page.

This one may give you goose bumps, it did me... - beautiful.

This photo was taken at the National Cemetery in Minneapolis, MN, on a June morning - as it appeared in the Minneapolis Star/Tribune. Talk about a picture being worth a thousand words! It says everything.  This could become an official Memorial Day, 4th of July and/or Veterans Day remembrance photo ...
“our symbol Standing Guard”

Picture of the Year - "Standing Guard"

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Don't Vote....


The Majority of Christians did not vote in the last election and we’ve had the devil to pay since. Are we going to let him back in again in November?

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