From the blogs here on Tea Party, we can know something is not right. President Obama informed the American people that Obamacare would not add one dime of debt. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi announced that we should read the bill. We have read it and find that it will add to the debt a mind-numbing $17 trillion.
Harry picks his nose, while the Republicans beat the drums for change. Government entitlement is something the American people apparently feel they can’t live without, including the right to health care—not anymore than they can live without God. The poles say that, overall, Obama is more to be trusted than Romney. Obama is on God’s side. Recall the Christian Crusades and the Holy Catholic Empire. Now it is Islam’s turn to take back what was theirs.
I’m a messenger, born with reason and logic, something rare in America. I was born in America to be an American. I don’t know where these people I’m living with came from. It must have been La La Land. I don’t need government entitlements or this God, or Obama, or Romney. But, when you live in Rome you do as the Romans do.
It is not generally known, but, economically, China has passed America. The statistics prove it. The American people let this happen. Their entitlements were that important. If you take everything into consideration, America’s authorities are cooking the books, deceiving the American people of the perils we face. Put yourself in their place. Wouldn’t you, given the fact that the majority lives strictly by emotion? The representatives of the American people are doing what we indicate we want them to do, not what they ought to do. We want to live in La La Land.
Getting the budget in balance means significantly cutting government entitlements. There is no other way. President Obama and the democratically controlled Senate are not about to cut entitlements. They want to tax the rich more. Although the American people don’t like the debt and the sorry state of the economy, they are not willing to significantly cut entitlements. Some other way must be found to get the budget in balance—without one thought of how. The expedient way is to tax the rich more, who happen to be the job creators. The rich are already taxed too much. No way, say the Republicans.
America is in a Mexican standoff. Without China’s financial help, America would be forced to take default. In short order, entitlements would end, and government dependents on the street, starving. America’s authorities are forced to take orders from China. That’s the last thing they want us to know. They wool us by complaining that China is deliberately manipulating money when it is simply a matter of our being the borrower and complying with China’s rules.
The two parties realize they need each other. We are China’s best customer. It was expedience that got us where we are. It is expedience that will solve the problem. We, the American people, take the hit. It’s a lesson in self-government.
Because of the American people’s demands of cradle to grave security, and blessed with democratically elected representatives, the dollar has failed as the world’s reserve currency. Lack of personal responsibility has had this consequence. The world’s authorities hold the trump cards and they are demanding a change. The dollar is to be replaced. No question about it. It is estimated that the dollar’s worth will drop to twenty cents, which means that entitlements will drop 80 percent without our politicians doing a thing. Can’t you just see Obama admitting this truth, now that his reelection is in question? No, the charismatic Obama will try his best to lead the American people down a garden path. He’s a pro at it. My friends, it really doesn’t matter who wins. The handwriting is on the wall. Obama is doing exactly what any president would be forced to do.
Obama is working with China. The two are in the process of letting the dollar gradually diminish in value to its real value, while China’s dollar goes up in value, while China buys gold like crazy. Inflation in America is the cure for our problem—that is, your dollar buys less and the nation’s debt is paid off in cheap dollars. Inflation is China’s current problem. China raises the interest rate. Their inflation is cured. Their dollar is strengthened, and backed with gold, and maybe the answer for replacing our dollar with China’s dollar as the world’s reserve currency. At any rate, it is a win-win deal for America’s and China’s authorities and a loser for the American people. But you are not supposed to know that the authorities are looking out for their interests, not your interests. And who is to blame for that? They have given you what you wanted. Now it is payoff time.
As always, politicians play the blame game. But when the music stops, guess who will be left standing? It’s the Higher Law, the law with which humans were blessed. While America is left standing at the switch, China will roll on down the road. China is communist run, but has embraced free enterprise while America embraces communism.
China’s labor costs are a fraction of America’s labor costs. It’s a natural for free enterprise and the law of supply and demand. Oh, the deplorable working conditions in China! The Chinese are too grateful for their blessing to begin to express it. China is united. Thanks to big labor in America, we are divided. China has six times as many laborers—that is six Americas united in a common cause. America cannot compete. American labor is whistling Dixie.
China’s education is number one, America’s fourteenth in the world, and by far the most costly. Organized labor does not fire incompetent teachers. They are to humanitarian to do that. It would be a terrible blow to the teacher to be fired. Organized labor tries to make them better teachers. Everyone is equal and deserves equal pay--if you belong to the club; that is, their communist led club. It is a very big if. Charter schools, for less cost, produce better students. Communism is putting state operated schools out of business. Look at China.
There is work for all in China. Why entitlements? China is the world’s number one automobile producer. The local demand is so great in China that not one automobile is being exported. The Chinese deserve to own a car at a fraction of the cost of American build cars, say China’s leaders. They are right. As productivity increases in China, big labor in America is putting America out the auto producing business, leaving America a South American banana republic.
China’s oil companies have surpassed America’s. China has surplus cash to buy oil and companies producing oil, and companies refining oil. America is deeply in debt and the environment is of more concern in America than production—two negatives working together to bring America down. “Don’t blame it on me,” says Obama. He doesn’t take any responsibility. Yet he goes to China bowing and scraping for a handout. We are such caring people that China will soon be in control of the world’s oil, and dictating, in effect, what we can and cannot do in America—giving American authority a taste of its own medicine.
China’s technology has surpassed American technology. In America, big labor is in bed with government. Government is in bed with Wall Street. As a consequence, America has said to China, go after us, and anyone else who wants to. Go ahead and blast us out of the tub. We are sitting ducks.
Reason and logic has no place in American law. Obama doesn’t care what the Supreme Court says about Obama care. He has given the IRS a trillion dollars in his Obamacare to force his will on the American people, and he is going full steam ahead with his plan. The cat is already out of the bag. It doesn’t matter what the Supreme Court rules. We Americans live by emotion, taking our place in history as another nation of losers.
Speaking of God, recall the Christian Crusades and the Holy Catholic Empire in Europe. Now is it Islam’s turn. God favors holy war over peaceful co-existence? Give me a break! It all fits a mold, a mold made here on earth. Whatever, we humans were created with reason and logic—and with emotions. The law is based on reason and logic, emotion, animal. We Americans do not make that distinction, not individually, not socially. The law in America is based on emotion. The very idea of questioning authority is a turnoff. We refuse to think about it. We know there would be an unhappy consequence. Like animals, we mindlessly jump through authority’s hoops and pray to God. God helps those who help themselves. My friends, you lose. God didn’t create you to jump through hoops.
America’s Constitution was written with the idea that the law is king. Fine! Who administers the law? In the Constitution, great pains were made to protect life, liberty, and property, to divide power. But those who labored so hard to protect the individual’s rights distinguished skin color. Whites had God-given rights; black people had zero rights. White males had the power and they used it to control those who did not have power. You can’t blame people of color and women for wanting power.
The name of the game is expedience—placing the cart before the horse. Bottom line: the law of the jungle prevails. We form herds and battle for control—and a united China wins. How stupid can we be?
Don’t get me wrong. We Americans are good people. We want to see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil, be team players. Quite simply, we were created to be more than animal. Those using reason and logic are conveniently kept out of sight, out of mind in America. I’m one who flew over the cuckoo’s nest. My dreams have come true. I’ve written a book on the subject, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012. As crap hits the fan in America, my book hits the market.