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I am on a list to receive this crap, because I want to see what they are telling their constituents.  The one thing they are really good at is spreading propaganda.  So learn their messaging and inform OUR PEOPLE of what they will be saying.  Romney has never said that he is going to cut Medicare, and the millionaires and billionaires are paying the lion share of the taxes as it is.  He has no plan to fix our economy so all he can do is attack our candidate.  Please spread the word so we can have the upper hand this time!  Their message is this: The more Americans learn about Mitt Romney, the less they like him, and the less they trust him.  I find that to be completely the opposite.  Let's fight their negative ad with negative press about their boy Obama!  Here is the letter...


Dear Joan,

By now you've probably seen the news: The amazing -- and amazingly negative -- Republican race for president is all but over. Mitt Romney is almost certainly our opponent in this election.

That means America will have a very clear choice come November.

The President believes that this is a make-or-break moment for the middle class, and that without a strong and thriving middle class, we'll never have the growth we need.

That's why he's fighting for an economy rooted in our fundamental values -- one in which Americans can not only find work, but where folks who work hard can get ahead, responsibility is rewarded, and everyone, from Main Street to Wall Street, plays by the same rules.

He's fighting for an economy that's built to last, with a genuine and sustained commitment to education and training, advanced manufacturing, and homegrown, American energy.

He's fighting for a country in which every child has a chance, and every American, after a lifetime of work, can count on retiring with dignity and security.

And he's fighting to ensure that the responsibility for delivering on that future is broadly shared, which means ending the budget-busting tax cuts for the wealthy that add to our deficits and crowd out the very investments we need to grow.

Mitt Romney has a different, and frighteningly familiar, view.

He thinks you grow our economy from the top down.

He'd take us back to an economy based on outsourcing, risky financial schemes, and massive tax cuts for the wealthy. He'd return to the policy of allowing Wall Street, Big Oil, and other special interests to write their own rules.

But that's not all. Below are five other things that should give Americans pause.

Forward this email -- and if you're ready for this fight, become the newest member of the Truth Team today and help get the facts out from now till Election Day.

1. Romney's positions are the most radically anti-women of any candidate in a generation: He supports banning all abortions, backed a so-called "personhood" amendment that could make certain forms of birth control illegal, and says he would "get rid of" federal funding for Planned Parenthood that provides preventive services like cancer screenings for millions of women.

2. Romney would repeal Obamacare. Insurance companies would once again be allowed to run up premiums, unjustifiably deny coverage for pre-existing conditions, drop patients when they get sick, discriminate against women by charging them more for coverage than men, and spend more of your premium dollars on CEO profits and bonuses instead of your actual health care.

3. Romney is a risk when it comes to foreign policy and national security. On many of these questions, he has shifted his position for political reasons, even within the same campaign. His only clear commitment is to endless wars: He has no plan to end the war in Afghanistan and would leave our troops there indefinitely. He called the President's decision to bring our troops home from Iraq by last Christmas "tragic."

4. Despite the lessons of recent history, Romney would double down on the disastrous tax policies that handed windfalls to the wealthy, but stacked the deck against the middle class. Under Romney, millionaires and billionaires would get a $250,000 tax cut, while families with kids making less than $40,000 a year would, on average, actually see their taxes go up. To the surprise of no one, Romney also opposes the Buffett Rule. He would allow millionaires to continue to take advantage of loopholes and special deals that often allow them to pay a lower tax rate than the middle class. And he supports tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas.

5. Romney would end Medicare as we know it -- replacing it with a voucher scheme that would drive profits for insurance companies by forcing seniors to purchase private insurance, paying whatever costs a voucher wouldn't cover out of their own limited budgets.

Romney and his special-interest allies are going to spend the next seven months trying to deny, downplay, or hide these facts from voters. It's on us to speak the truth.

So print these out, post them on your fridge, and share them on Facebook. Send this list around to friends who are on the fence.

When and if your mother-in-law, or cousin, or best friend claims that Romney is "moderate," you need to know what to say.

You are the President's voice out there, and I can't stress enough how you will be the difference between voters hearing our message or not. The more Americans learn about Mitt Romney, the less they like him, and the less they trust him.

Sign up to join the Truth Team today -- help get the facts out every day, keep the other side honest, and make sure people know the truth about Mitt Romney's and the President's records:

If people know the truth about Mitt Romney and President Obama, who they are, and their very different plans for this country, there's no way we can lose this thing.

This race is on.

Let's go,


Jim Messina
Campaign Manager
Obama for America

P.S. -- We put together a video highlighting some of Romney's severely conservative positions -- which we all need to remember as we head into the general election. Take a look, and make sure your friends see it too.

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It is more and more obvious that we have allowed the attitude of , “let
George do it” develop into our everyday answer, or solution to respond to all demands of commitment or time restraints for our individual participation to
any phase of business, government, and even ministry. For many years I thought the condition was common only among our fellow church membership.

Of course, it is prevalent across all levels of society and economic station. It seems
that nobody wants to be found responsible nor do most want to be delegated to
accept a role as being responsible for others, or even to accept responsibility for
our own actions.

And yes, I'm amazed that most of our citizens in this nation, (the United States) are
not even aware that we, (We the People) are presently under judgment for the “'Sins' of our Nation”. And what does that mean to all of us in America? It simply
means that GOD, has issued a call of repentance for the righteous and the unrighteous, the godly and the ungodly alike. If the righteous had been the lights that they were called to be, the nation would never have fallen, as 'It did'!

The same applies, whether it is Israel or America. Very few of our citizens are even
aware that on April 30, 1789 that General George Washington was inaugurated as
the very first President of these United States of America. This did not occur in our
present nations capital, Washington, D.C. In fact, at that time, Washington D. C. had not been, yet built! Our nations capital, was New York City in 1789.

It will be 213 years, this April 30th, and America, which had declared it's independence in 1776, had finally managed to set things in order under the Constitution which had taken several years to accomplish. And America, as we know it_ with a president, a Senate, and a House of Representatives finally came into existence in 1789. More specifically, it came into existence on April 30, 1789, the day when, for the first time, all these were in place_ America's first day as a fully constituted nation. That was the day that the nation's government was completed as set forth in the Constitution, the very day that America's first president was inaugurated.

On that morning of the day April 30, 1789 our illustrious President was to be invested with his office, there had been a proclamation sent forth, calling for the bells to ring at nine o'clock, when the people may go up to the house of God in a
solemn manner to commit this new government, with its important train of consequences, to the holy protection and blessing of the Most High GOD.

An early hour is prudently fixed for this peculiar act of devotion and is designed
for prayer ! They gathered at Federal Hall, that morning outside in front, and there George Washington took the Oath as the First President of the United States of America with the streets and rooftops overflowing with people. Washington places his hand on the Bible and swears the oath. The crowd breaks out in cheers, the cannons begin booming, and bells rang out across the city. Then he withdraws
into Federal Hall where he delivers the first presidential address before Congress.
After that, he leads the nations first government on foot in a procession to the little
stone sanctuary to commit the nation's future in prayer to GOD.

Yes, that church is St. Pauls Chapel. It stands now much as it did on April 30, 1789, when America's first government entered through its doors. It was here that
the nation's first president, Senate, and House of Representatives bowed together
in prayer to consecrate the new nation's future into the hands of GOD. This is the
place where the new nation was committed to the ALMIGHTY GOD; this is America's ground of consecration.

“The nation's ground of consecration will become the ground of its judgment.” And
it truly is that. As all need to be aware, that St. Paul's Chapel is the only structure
at the designated 'Ground Zero', that remains, all surrounding structures were
destroyed when the towers were brought down on 9/11! The adjacent property is St. Paul's Chapel, and their adjoining property was sold for the towers to be constructed.

Here we are almost 213 years later, April 30, 1789 rapidly approaching. And
we have suffered the calamities of 9/11; and then, seven years later in September 2008 we have experienced the stock market crash. How much more judgment do we have to experience, to decide to repent, asking GOD for mercy upon us, for turning away from GOD, and praying according to 2 Chronicles 7:14. With our hope that GOD will accept our pleas and restore our nation.

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Dear Fellow Patriots:

What follows is a follow-up letter that I forwarded to our NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall today respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made by Sheriff Arapio’s legal investigative team on March 1, 2012, which I am taking the liberty of sharing with you for informational purposes.

Please note that included in my recent letter is information and sources regarding the following extremely important revelation that transpired since my other two requests to him of March 7, 2012 and April 4, 2012, which I believe further supports my request:

On or about April 7, 2012, it was revealed that while the American media provides cover for the Constitutionally ineligible Barack Hussein Obama, Vladimir Putin and the nation of Russia are reaping a treasure trove of defense secrets and missile technology by threatening to reveal the true history of the Manchurian Candidate.

Letter To NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall:

April 11, 2012

The Honorable Tom Udall

United States Senate

110 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510-3101

Dear Senator Udall:

On March 7, 2012 and April 4, 2012, I wrote to you and respectfully requested that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on or about March 1, 2012, by Sheriff Arapio’s legal investigative team, known as the Cold Case Posse, which are supported by a preponderance of undisputable/credible evidence, to include sworn statements from witnesses around the world indicating an INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACY TO DECEIVE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, along with an abundance of additional questions that have been raised regarding President Obama’s eligibility to be our President and Commander-In-Chief of our armed forces. 

For your information, to date I have not received a response from you regarding my requests.

Senator Udall when I was commissioned in the Marine Corps I was required to take the following oath:

“I, (state your name), having been appointed a (rank) in the United States (branch of service), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the office upon which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

This oath specifically states that the Constitution will be supported and defended against all enemies and it acknowledges that the enemy may be found on foreign soil or in one’s own backyard.

As you know, any commissioned officer and/or public servant who takes this oath and then conspires or is a party to an act or actions that seeks to undermine by purpose of evasion, the spirit and intent of the Constitution of the United States would fit the definition of a traitor.

What concerns and/or pains me immensely is that, although our own elected representatives constantly remind us that they support those troops that continue to give their all, to include their lives, to uphold and defend our Constitution, they stood by while Lt Col Terry Lakin was stripped of his honor and had everything taken from him, to include his freedom, for abiding by his oath as a military officer by having the fortitude to question President Obama’s eligibility to hold the office of President and Commander-In-Chief, as have many other Americans.

Many Americans have also respectfully asked their representatives to look into his eligibility status even prior to this election and/or shortly thereafter, as I did when I initially wrote to you, on or about March 23, 2009, without receiving a response.

What follows is my letter that I wrote to you on that date, which I am taking the liberty of sharing with you for effect:

“Dear Honorable Tom Udall:

As a retired Marine Corps Officer (Mustang), I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your hard work and selfless dedication to our country, as evidenced by your many years of untiring work for our NM Veterans’ benefits, both as our former US Congressman and now as our US Senator.

I realize that I may be taking a big risk by sharing a copy of my attached letter with you, but, after years of working with you indirectly through your Santa Fe office staff, while employed as the Santa Fe Veterans’ Service Officer, where I was honored to have the opportunity of assisting those Veterans and/or their families that resided in the Santa Fe and Rio Arriba Counties, I believe that you are someone I can trust with this information, which has been receiving more and more attention by the American public and is literally keeping me up at night.

I gracefully ask for and would greatly appreciate your feedback on this issue.

Since I am not an attorney, I just want to make sure that I took the appropriate action of sending a letter to Mr. Jeffrey Taylor, US Attorney for the District of Columbia, asking for his assistance on this issue, knowing that I may not even get a response from him, but I felt a dire need to stand up for and defend our nation’s Constitution, which I, like many other Americans around the country, believe is under attack by this administration, although I am a registered democrat so, after some prayers and intense research, I took the leap.

Note: As a military Veteran, I’ve always prided myself as being intelligent, extremely level headed and normally don’t listen to conspiracies, but my gut tells me that something smells here and I hope and pray that you can take some time out of your busy schedule to review and comment on this issue. A copy of my resume is attached to my letter for your review.

Looking forward to hearing from you concerning this, what I believe to be, urgent and time sensitive issue.

Bottom Line: I truly hope and pray that my and other American’s concerns are unfounded, but, if they are not: “God Bless Our USA.”

Have a great day and keep up the great work and selfless dedication to our NM Veterans and our great country.


Jake L. Martinez


Att: Letter to Mr. Jeffrey Taylor, US Attorney for the District of Columbia”

For your information, I have since written to you approximately five times regarding this extremely disturbing and time sensitive issue.

On or about April 7, 2012, it was revealed that while the American media provides cover for the Constitutionally ineligible Barack Hussein Obama, Vladimir Putin and the nation of Russia are reaping a treasure trove of defense secrets and missile technology by threatening to reveal the true history of the Manchurian Candidate.

Obama has spent millions to prevent his personal story from being revealed to the American public. Records have been destroyed, information has been hidden, false claims have been advanced, potential whistle-blowers have been threatened and official documents have been forged. Enabled by a complicit media and the craven cowardice of political opponents, the most egregious felonies in the nation’s history have served to make the American people easy prey for the schemes of a dedicated Communist and committed enemy of our Constitutional Republic.

And those schemes have included the betrayal both of the United States and her allies.

  • In 2009 Obama scrapped the long awaited missile defense system for Poland and the Czech Republic because Russia objected.
  • He has refused to keep secret the technical data on the U.S Standard Missile-3, as called for in the 2012 defense authorization bill.
  • Obama will not pledge to keep American missile technology from China, North Korea and Iran, as it would  “…interfere with [his] constitutional authority to conduct foreign affairs…”
  • Obama will provide Russia information on every Trident missile supplied to Great Britain as part of an arms control deal signed with Russian President Medvedev.
  • Leaked cables show that the US will now provide Russia with ALL serial numbers of Trident missiles transferred to Britain.
  • Obama proposes the United States CUT its nuclear arsenal by 80%, yet demands no reciprocity on the part of Russia or any of America’s enemies.
  • Joe Miller, 2010 US Senate candidate from Alaska, reports that, under the guise of drawing a boundary, 7 Alaska-area islands and oil rich sea beds containing perhaps billions of barrels were given to Russia in an unannounced, secret deal by Obama’s State Department.

Under Obama’s programs, by 2016, defense will account for 20% of the national budget, yet bear over HALF of the deficit-reduction cuts.

In mid-March, Obama declared he would “…provide the Russians with detailed technical information about the anti- missile systems he plans to base in Eastern Europe…”

And Congressman Darrell Issa said that “the American people should be very afraid,” continuing with “I judge that in fact he is going to sell out our national defense after the election.”

On March 26th, Obama’s conversation with outgoing Russian President Dmitry Medvedev was accidentally picked up on an open microphone.  “This is my last election…After my election I have more flexibility,” Obama told Medvedev, who said he would relay that message to the new Russian “president” Vladimir Putin. “On all of these issues, but particularly missile defense this, this can be solved but it’s important for him (Putin) to give me space.”

Why would an American President need to secretly petition a notorious KGB thug for “space?” Because Vladimir Putin is aware of Obama’s criminal abuses of the United States and the American people.  He has Obama by the throat, possessing information which can put the Manchurian Candidate in prison for a lifetime. And he is using that information to literally blackmail the American president into betraying the U.S. and her allies around the world.

And though Barack Obama has certainly needed no persuasion to betray the American people and inflict massive damage on the United States since his election, that treachery is now proceeding according to a schedule and terms dictated by Putin, making the guilt of the American President even more obvious and his chances for re-election more tenuous. Thus, the plea for space.

How much MORE damage could the treasonous Barack Obama cause with another 4 years in power? And who might blackmail him next?”


For your information, and probably, much to your dismay, I will not be silent while I witness our Constitution being shredded before my eyes by what appears to be treason, while our local and national elected officials sit on the sidelines and allow it to happen.  It is quite evident to me, as it is to many others, that the cloak of darkness that has kept this travesty from the American people is rapidly coming unraveled as evidenced by the number of people that are currently coming forward to expose those individuals that took part in what I consider to be the greatest fraud perpetrated in American history.

Accordingly, I again am respectfully requesting that a full-scale investigation be conducted by both houses of Congress into the allegations made, on or about March 1, 2012, by Sheriff Arapio’s legal investigative team, known as the Cold Case Posse, which are supported by a preponderance of undisputable/credible evidence, to include sworn statements from witnesses around the world indicating an INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACY TO DECEIVE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, along with an abundance of additional questions that have been raised regarding President Obama’s eligibility to be our President and Commander-In-Chief of our armed forces.

For your information, I have also forwarded this same information and request to our other NM elected U.S. Representatives.

Please feel free to contact me at my email or home address should you have any questions regarding my request.

I look forward to hearing from you regarding this alarming and time sensitive matter.

Thank you again for all you continue to do for our Veterans, our state and our country.

God Bless You and God Bless America.


Jake L. Martinez


Automatic Electronic Response Received From Senator Udall’s Office Regarding My Email Above:

Thank you for your message!

I look forward to reviewing your comments and questions.

Before you leave, I hope you'll explore my website. On this page, you can learn more about the work that I've been doing on important issues and legislation as your U.S. Senator.”

Note: Americans are waking up!

Thanks again to WND, Sheriff Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse for their unwavering commitment and fortitude to continue the fight.

Americans across the country are starting to wake up to the fact that President Obama is constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of President, as substantiated by his newly released long-form Certificate of Live Birth, which shows that his father was in fact born in Kenya in 1936. At the time, Kenya was a British colony. Therefore Obama Senior was a British subject by birth (due to the fact that he was born within British-controlled territory). When President Obama was born in 1961, he acquired British nationality by descent, because his father was a British subject by birth. When Kenya gained its independence from Great Britain in 1963, President Obama became a citizen of the newly-formed nation.


Additionally, Several new organizations, to include active websites, were established to educate and mobilize the American public on the significance of “natural born Citizen” and the 2012 Election, along with an initiative to assist ordinary registered voting citizens wishing to challenge President Obama’s constitutional eligibility and name placement on their state’s 2012 primary presidential ballot. The team that established and maintains this website is currently compiling election laws from all 50 states and in the near future will be providing forms, along with sample letters that registered voters can use to file a complaint. Also included is pertinent information regarding those lawsuits and/or complaints that have been filed by state, to include my own.


Word of Caution:  Although its great that many Americans are now beginning to wake up and are actively taking some action to have President Obama taken off the 2012 Presidential Election Ballots we need to keep in mind that those individuals with unlimited sources and/or resources, to include the deep pockets of anti-American George Soros, our own local and national elected officials and others, with the help of the MSM, who have spent years planning and successively perpetrating what I now believe could be the greatest fraud in American history are not going to go down without a fight and thus, as a result, I also believe that now more than ever we need to stick together as Americans (it's no longer Democrat or Republican) at this crucial time when our country and/or Republic needs us more than ever to see this thru. A Republic for which so many Americans have and continue to give their all to uphold and defend.

So the question isAre you going to be part of the problem by continuing to keep your head in the sand hoping this issue goes away by itself or are you going to be part of the solution by stepping up to the plate and doing what ever it takes to uphold and defend our Republic before its too late?-You Decide.

Continue Reading:’s-‘fantasy-foreign-policy’/

“Food For Thought”

God Bless WND, Sheriff Arpaio & His Cold Case Posse-God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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I read with baited breath; "Anthony G. Martin - North St. Paul News"  article that was posted somewhere on this site by Anthony J Thannisch.    I hesitantly (hopefully) question his source for this statement;

"Second, sources state that the Roberts court has quietly accepted information concerning discrepancies in Obama's history that raise serious questions about his eligibility for the office of President. The charge goes far beyond the birth certificate issue. This information involves possible fraudulent use of a Social Security number in Connecticut, while Obama was a high school student in Hawaii. .."    


I hope and pray it is true but Justice Clanence Thomas is on record as saying the Supreme's are avoiding the issue.    I've spoken with Attorney Orly Tiatz a week ago since Sheriff Joe Arpaio has gone public with his Cold Case Possee and has valuable expert evidence that she could use next MONDAY.  According to her, Sheriff Arpaio is just trying to sell books and has refused to appear as her witness so I have been trying to put pressure on Sheriff Joe Arpaio out here where I live to appear April 16th (next Monday) in a Circuit Court in Mississippi and be a witness for Orly Tiatz in a lawsuit she is involved in concerning Obama eligibility.  (She's filed a dozen or so eligibility lawsuits for different people and all Judges to date have thrown them out for one reason or another).  If it is denied or thrown out, she can appeal to the Supreme Court from there.  Hoping to get Arpaio's evidence recorded in a court of Law!

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Obama's Hopeless Message


Obama is desperate, angry and fighting for another four years in office – because the job he was hired to do by the puppeteers hasn’t been completed.  Obama is manipulating and preying on women, African Americans, Hispanics and our youth.

Hope was chucked out the door the minute after he was inaugurated, for his mission was all about change.  He confiscated 787 billion dollars from taxpayers for his “redistribution” agenda.  The poor became poorer – women, youth and African Americans have taken the biggest hit. 

Poverty and unemployment among women at an all-time high, unemployment in the African American Community shot up to 16.7% - youth unemployment is the highest in 60 years.  Not a pretty sight, so why is Obama lying to these Americans – why is he treating them like sheep? 

Until this group of people realizes there is a “message behind the message” they will remain at the mercy of this dictator.  It’s really quite evident what Obama is doing at this time, he’s actually herding the sheep again the same as he did in 2008 due to their dependency on the Government.   His attack against women, African Americans, Hispanics and youth was all pre-planned and pre-programmed in 2009 and disguised as “hope and change. “

Obama did several things starting in 2009 that would create more dependency on him and his Administration giving him time and power to achieve the “New World Order” he keeps talking about…

First, it’s important to realize the only value that he sees in our youth, African Americans, Hispanics and women is merely ownership – he wants to own and control their every move.

He must render them totally helpless in order to gain total control over their lives.  He will hand out just enough money for them to survive – in other words he wants them dependent on a hand out, never a hand up. 

Second, his first three years was used to weaken our Nation’s foundation.  He took total control of the business segment via EPA and Obamacare and actually prevented job growth.  Businesses are in a robotic state unable to function independently from the long arms of our Government; they fear higher taxes, more debt and more regulations.

Third, it was never Obama’s intention to actually balance our budget, stimulate job growth, reduce our National Deficit, smaller Government or transparency – he promised all of this in 2008 to buy votes and win the Presidency. 

There is only one message behind the political garbage Obama is using in his campaign speeches and that is to destroy our Nation, weaken our Military, reduce our nuclear strength, increase our dependency on big Government, China and other Countries and render us helpless.

To women, African Americans, Hispanics and our youth – look around, you’re not better off than you were in 2009 and if you don’t start fighting for yourselves, your children and generations to come you’ll be reduced to a bunch of sheep wondering around aimlessly. 

To those who’ve sat generation after generation with your hand out demanding that hard working Americans take care of you – here’s a wake-up call.  We’re broke – there’s no more money in our bank.  In three years you’ve grown poorer because it costs more to buy your beer, chips, food and gas.  Four more years with Obama and you’ll literally be on the streets begging for crumbs.  So it’s your call – either get off your fannies and fight for your Country or suffer the consequences. 

May God Bless America

As Always,

Little Tboca

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Equal Opportunity and Capitalism

I received a couple of email notices today that tell me something big is about to happen, and as it happens, the time I’ve been thinking it would happen.  Michael G. Booth Sr. commented on my blog post "The Full Truth and Nothing but the Truth" on Tea Party Command Center‏. “In reply to john smithson. Amen Brother. I believe the very same thing and very soon now so will the entire world. The King of Kings and LORD of Lords is coming with power and great glory and this generation now living WILL SEE IT!! Woe to those who don't believe.” 

A groundswell is building that is going to sweep the world.

From “Obama is a FRAUD, a LIAR and a SOCIALIST PIG in pinstripe. We’re about to PROVE IT once and for all, taking our message far and wide. But we need your help.” Amen brother!  

My friends, the Tea Party doesn’t not know the half of it. My help is coming in a book I’ve written, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012. My publisher says it will be available this June.  

We are called upon to make the choice between capitalism and socialism. You will read in my book my choice and the outcome.

When it is difficult or impossible for equal opportunity to work, government interference is required. But there is a great difference in equal opportunity and capitalism and equal distribution and socialism.  Socialism is opposed to Higher Law—the law of all times.  Socialism makes the statement that the group with the most power determines the law.  Under socialism, government makes might right; or you might say the law of the jungle (where America’s fraud president is coming from); or you might say Higher Law from the “King of Kings and LORD of Lords” is going to win the battle.”   You best believe it. You will be left at the switch if you don’t.

All of my dreams came true. I’m a messenger of glad tidings.


America’s greatest enemy at the moment, imposter Obama, he is campaigning furiously to divide America, his only hope of being reelected; he has nothing positive to offer, the Tea Party’s task is to bring the American people together under the Higher Law, that which my book attempts to do. I’m a voice of experience.  I beat Uncle Sam at his own game. The IRS hung itself with its own rope. 

In The Rising Sign, under “Aquarius Rising,” Jeanne Avery, describing me: “The person with Aquarius on the rise can be very avant-garde. He is a forerunner in setting style, discovering new methods, and showing the rest of humanity the way. He may be especially enlightened, metaphysical, scientific, and inventive. He can be a rolling stone, gathering no moss. He is a chance-taker. He is willing to let go of the trunk of the tree to walk out on the edge of a limb. He knows where the fruit grows and where the spotlight can hit. He is not one to hide his light under a bushel” (Matthew 4:15).   I’m thirty-seven years ahead of this moment in history.

 Astrologer Jeanne Avery is a transactional analysis professional, who lectures, teaches, and conducts workshops here and abroad for astrologers, psychologists, and non-professional groups.  Avery points out that the planet Uranus, my ruling planet, is on the ascendant of the chart of the United States, which means that our America was born under the sign of Aquarius.  In Astrologer’s Handbook, under “Aquarius,” we read: “Individuals born under the sign of brotherhood and fraternity have as their symbol the water-bearer, who spills out to mankind the life-force and spiritual energy. Since the planet Uranus rules Aquarius, friendship and companionship are extremely important to Aquarians…there is no affectation or snobbery in the Aquarian personality but a dislike of spurious imitation and hypocrisy in any form.”  That sounds like Jesus. 

The first day of my new life was spent in Miami, Florida, where I began from scratch to build a miraculous life.

Thirty-seven years ago I studied my Constitution and received a bigger than life calling.  I was determined to make a case for the inalienable rights my Constitution gave me.  My enemy was the IRS, whose lawyer was the Attorney General of the United States.  I’m not a lawyer, and a good thing. No lawyer would have done what I did. I took my issue to the U. S. Supreme Court. It gave me a record that I took to the press.  The powers that be bowed their heads in shame.  They cannot stand the light of day.  And to think, I did not know that my Lord and savior was with me from the beginning. In the story of my life, you will discover the prophecy is soon to become our reality. You are going to read a tale you have never before heard about the potential power that lies within you.  I’m here before my time. Read about my life and message. Spread the word.  Hasten the time when we cross the threshold to humanity’s next step in awareness.   


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America's Fairness Doctrine

4063467886?profile=originalYou would not go to the city dump to look for something you could use. The majority of the American people look to government for survival answers—not national survival, but personal survival.  The answers they receive suck up the individual’s energy and redistribute it with the idea of fairness in mind—with the idea that it is not fair for some to live like kings and the working stiff to live a pauper’s life.  This very idea beaten into our brains is the sole reason the rich are getting richer and the poor poorer.  

Both conservative and liberal politicians are quick to admit that the income tax is unfair.  In their effort to make it more fair, they constantly make it more complex, the equivalence of picking through the city dump for a broken contraption that might be fixed to work.  Amerca’s junk pickers give us miserable failures at a very high cost. Nothing new is being offered by either political party. Time is running out.

On the O’Reilly show this evening, a democratic strategist said that O’Reilly and Romney earn about the same about of money, but O’Reilly pays double the tax Romney pays, the reason being that Romney’s income is capital gain.  That isn’t fair.  Romney should pay the same tax as O’Reilly, said the strategist.  I started thinking about that idea and came up with the following thoughts.

Romney was fortunate. There was no lead pipe cinch that he would profit from his private enterprise. Romney could have lost his fortune.  Many extremely smart business people who invest their hard earned money in a private enterprise lose their capital investment.  They have the class warfare advocates against them. Too bad, says income tax law.  Inflation causes a capital gain when no gain was made. None of this is fair, but you don’t hear politicians bringing this to our attention.  All you hear from the city dump pickers is how greedy and self-serving the rich are.

Apple is the most profitable company in America.  People eagerly spend their money on the things Apple produces. Is that not fair?  City dump advocates want equal distribution of wealth. There went Apple.

How about replacing income tax with a tax on spending—eliminate capital gains tax? Oh no, cry city dump advocates, that would be unfair to the poor.  The American people must have been behind the door when the brains were passed out.  A word to the wise: If I were you, I wouldn’t count on the replacement of Obama being a cure for what ails the American people.  Romney is an entrepreneur. If the man wants a blue suit, turn on the blue lights.

I cut from the herd, went on my own, looked within for my answers.  Mysteriously, when everything I had done went wrong, everything  I did went right.  How could that be? According to city dump advocates, everything should have gone wrong.  When you are in Rome, you do as the Romans do. I beat them at their own game. I’m just a “Ping Pong Papa from Pitchfork Prairie, but you oughtta see me do my stuff.”  I’ve written a book that tells you what happened after I went on my own.  In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012: an explanation for the underlying mechanism of creation will be available, says my publisher, by this June.

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April 15, 2012 TAX DAY TEA PARTY Watkins Glen NY! This is a formal invite to any and all on this list to attend this event. 

Tax Day Tea Party Rally

Hosted by “We the People”
Sunday, April 15, 2012
2:00pm – 5:00 pm

The Watkins Glen Community Center Clute Memorial Park - On Boat Launch Road just off of Rte 414, Watkins Glen, NY 14891

Bill NoJay
Peter Haidt

Beth Powers & The Liberty Bus
Amy Kremer – The TeaParty Express
Yvonne Donnelly – National 9-12 Project
Sheryl Thomas – TeamWatch NY

*Carl Paladino – 2010 NY gubernatorial candidate

NY State Senate Candidates – George Maragos, Wendy Long and Bob Turner

Space is available for vendors, campaigning candidates, and patriot groups
Cost is $50.00 per Vendor table – Space is limited, contact us soon!


RSVP to Sandy King at or Pat Galvin at

or go to MEETUP:



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The Makeup of the Universe

4063470074?profile=originalFrom the ancient sages of India to the cutting edge of science, the space-time consortium begins with an indivisible particle modern science calls the Higgs boson.  The ancient gave the beginning the number 1, the male principle seeking to find its identity, followed by the number 2, the female principle seeking to find a mate. Basic to all is the doubling process, a harmonious process which we find in music.  Middle C on the keyboard has double the vibrations of the C below.

Einstein proved, with numbers, that everything reduces to vibrations.  By adding zero, the nine numbers become infinite, but remain basic, 10 reducing to 1. The number 123, or 1+2+3=6. Add 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 and you get 36, or 3+6=9. Add 9 and you get 45, or 4+5=9—1 the beginning—9, the end.  Logically 1, the pioneer seeking an identity, 2, the pairing, 3, diversity, 4, stability, 5, freedom, 6, personal responsibility, 7, seeking answers, 8, personal power, 9, selflessness, this is what the ancients reasoned.  Pythagoras, a Greek astrologer, said to be the father of mathematics, reasoned that figures represent the aspects of matter, numbers the characteristics of humans.

By placing the events of my life in the numbered order of ancient ideas, as best I could in the sequentially numbered cycles of development, I came up with a logical process in my growth—from seeking an identity to selflessness. We begin life with no identity and work toward selflessness and compassion.  I’ve written a book, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2024. My publisher says it will be available no later than this June.

I have gone into great detail of how it all came together for me.  Assuming it is the same for all people, you don’t vote for politicians that conjure up a desirable end and force all the pieces to fit, but who should we vote for?  I’ve not seen a politicians that doesn’t do exactly that.  They scheme how force the pieces to fit so they receive and we pay.  It is time we realize that little by little the individual’s freedom is being whittled away.

To a large extent, government now controls America’s economy.  Why are we borrowing money from China?  We worried that when China took control of Hong Kong their free economy prosperity would wither away. Instead, the takeover encouraged free enterprise on mainland China.  China’s economy has been growing at triple the rate of the U. S. economy.  The U. S. economy is moving backward toward the old world our pioneers left.  Why? Because free enterprise encourages individual initiative, to do the best one can for himself? 

Does a whale think about the amount of life it consumes to exist? Nature is not equally distributive and we are not made to live hive lives. Group rights give no thought to the lives consumed for the group’s benefit.  For the benefit of snail darters, a three inch fish, the environmentalists, wiped out human efforts in the Imperial Valley, causing our food prices to soar.  For the sake of environmentalists and their efforts to stop drilling for oil in America, the price of gasoline is soaring.  For the sake of environmentalists, our Mexican and Canadian borders are open.   

America is divided between group rights and individual rights.   The individual is self-serving, but knows that cooperation with other individuals serves everyone. Not so with group rights. Groups are controlled by the powers that be. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.   

We are largely emotional. Group rights rely on emotions.  Why, ask the powers that be, should some live like kings and others in squalor?  It doesn’t make sense until one uses his or her gift of logic.  Until the American people realize that we are the victims of the equivalence of mass energy, stripped of our personal energy, unfortunately, we are in for a very hard time.  

Congress, without reading or discussing Obamacare, voted for it—2,700 pages.  Obama promised transparency if he was elected.  Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, told the nation to read it (and weep).  Speaking of Obamacare Pelosi and the House Democrats voted for, “the democratically elected majority,” said Obama, he cannot image the Supreme Court declaring Obamacare unconstitutional, in spite of the fact that he and “the democratically elected” rammed it down our throats.   

We learn now that Obama is quietly giving the IRS a billion dollars to enforce Obama care, even though the Supreme Court could well vote it unconstitutional.  Obama promises to considerably raise taxes on the business community (the rich).  His rating at the poles is growing.  The government plan is obviously to wreck what is left of the private economy in favor of socialism.  Socialism, by the way, is what radical Islam wants.  It is what labor union bosses want, in short what the world’s control freaks want.  It’s what the American people voted for.  They prefer to live in a hothouse environment, government pulling levers and twisting valves.

The present scenario is history repeating itself. In the year 1000, “Had a traveler from Western Europe been able to visit Kaifeng, capital of Song China in the eleventh century, he would have been amazed by what he saw. In place of a rural world of illiterate barons and peasants with which he was familiar (ruled by the literate Holy Catholic Empire), he would have found an open city of broad streets, wide canals, and many trees, crowded with a shifting population of merchants, voyagers, government officials, and workers. Stalls overflowing with merchandise lined its avenues. Markets opened at dawn and closed after midnight. Vendors, hawking everything from toys and sweetmeat, to horoscopes and hot water, vied for shoppers’ attention, while signboards advertised all sorts of goods and services. Even professionals marketed their skills vigorously: ‘Rapid Recovery Assured,’ promised one sign outside a doctor’s office.”  Time-Life’s Light in the East.

The American people are voting, under a different name, for the equivalence of the Holy Catholic Empire. In my life story, you will find that that the individual is capable of becoming the equivalence of mass energy.  It happens by the above mentioned numbers, one after another—no skipping.  With the IRS, at Congress’ direction, lawlessly confiscating my property, I was out-of-sight, out-of-mind. I looked within for my answers.  When everything should have gone wrong, everything started going right, by the numbers. It was not the luck of the draw. We have no idea of the power that lies within us. Uncle Sam hung himself with his own rope.  Uncle Sam is full of crap. Read all about it in my book—and act.





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Be Encouraged 4/10/12

Howdy all!  Have you all paid your tribute to the American Citizens club?  Annual fund drive ends this week!  Some folks around the country are celebrating this weekend.  Remember, as long as Obamacare is the law, the IRS will have plenty of personnel to make your day a special one!  (Do they make happy face emoticons with vomit pouring out?)

Any hoo,..

My heart is confident in you, O God; my heart is confident.  No wonder I can sing your praises! ~ Psalm 57:7

It is a singular advantage of taxes on articles of consumption that they contain in their own nature a security against excess.  They prescribe their own limit, which cannot be exceeded without demanding the end purposed - that is, an extension of the revenue. ~ Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 21

It's interesting what Hamilton says here.  The advantage of taxing goods is that it will limit the excessive consumption of those goods.  And as a by product, it will also increase tax revenues for the government.  And I guess this philosophy, if you will, stood on good ground for a long time.  Governments at all levels used taxes to gain revenue and limit overly excessive use of goods such as gasoline.  Not a totally bad idea for sure.  But now, that whole concept is being perverted.  Increase the taxes on goods for the revenue, but also there is the expectation of continued excessive use of those goods.  And, when there is a need to increase the availability of goods based on supply and demand, the government will not support the increased production.  It would rather instead get the goods elsewhere.  This forces the price of the goods themselves to 'necessarily skyrocket' as one famed economist once said.  And then add on the tax, and you have the makings of a good revolt on your hands.  Sound familiar?  Yooooo betcha! 

So, what to do?  Well, do what we have done for the past few years.  Go to rallies, bring your signs and garbage bags.  Sing patriotic songs, scream at the government with words of good taste and biting truth.  We own this country, and have vested the powers of government to congress and the president.  Funny they think it's the other way around.  But, I don't recall there were tea party members in the original constitutional congress along with Franklin, Madison, Washington or Jefferson.  Hmm, too bad they don't teach that stuff in school anymore.  No, I guess these great founders and all the rest had some guidance of their own to help them formulate the greatest government structure this earth has ever seen.  They had confidence in Him that they would get it right, despite the disagreement and even ridicule they experienced. I and a great many of you obviously have confidence in Him that our federally elected employees will finally see the light and follow the laws passed down to us all by their predecessors, AND also follow the instructions given them by their employers, who would be none other than We The People.  I am confident this will happen.  I know it will.  How do I know?  It's simple; it has to.  There is no other option.  So I am confident it will happen.  No wonder I can feel so at ease through all this craziness.  See you this weekend at the tea party rallies!

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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   U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder insists voter fraud is not a major problem in the United States.  He also insists that even IF it were a problem, voter IDs would not and could not curb voter fraud.  Holder knows from personal experience voter fraud is a fact of life in New York City where he grew up, yet now categorically denies voter fraud exists to any serious degree in the United States.  ACORN, to name just one organization, has been the subject of constant voter fraud cases since Bill Clinton signed the Motor Voter Act in 1993.

   Sometimes lies can come back upon the liar in stunning fashion.  In a shocking new video, James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas demonstrates to the middle-aged Black Attorney General of the United States, Eric Holder and to all of us,  just why he and we should be concerned about lack of voter ID laws – when a  young White man walks into Holder’s voting precinct and shows the world that anyone can obtain Eric Holder’s ballot without any identification at all.

   The first video-link above shows a young Caucasian man entering a Washington, DC polling place at 3401 Nebraska Avenue, NW, on primary day, April 3, 2012 in Washington, D.C. giving Holder’s name and address and promptly receiving Holder’s ballot to vote.  He was also told that even if his signature didn’t match it was “no problem.”  Ah, America, land of opportunity for voter fraud.”


Ya'all live long, strong and ornery,


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“It is time for the sworn protectors of Liberty, the County Sheriffs, to walk tall and defend their citizens from all enemies of our Constitution and our Bill of Rights.”

”We do have some sheriffs with the courage to tell the federal government to stay out of their counties and not enter unless they clear with the sheriff first. The sheriff is not a part of the federal judicial system. He holds executive powers.”


By Pat Shannan

Sheriff Jeff Christopher of Sussex County, Delaware, when he was elected to the office in 2010, thought he was handpicked by the people to represent them as the highest-ranking law officer in the county. Instead, he has found himself in the middle of a fight for the future of American law enforcement as a result of a nationwide effort to abolish the sheriff’s office altogether.

It is one more example of federal and state governments ignoring the will of the people as well state laws. In the case of Delaware, the state’s own constitution stipulates that the office of the sheriff is a constitutionally created position just like the secretary of state and the attorney general. Delaware’s Constitution states: “The sheriffs shall be conservators of the peace within the counties . . . in which they reside.”

This time it is Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, son of Vice President Joe Biden, sending out mandates to commissioners informing them that their sheriffs no longer have arrest powers. In an opinion released Feb. 24, State Solicitor L.W. Lewis said that neither the state nor the common law grants arrest powers to the county sheriffs.

It would appear that Lewis is a little confused. The office of sheriff was created more than a century before the official founding of the United States. Delaware’s first sheriff took office in 1669.


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