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How do we stop the three—Islam, China, and Russia—from dividing up the free world and fighting among themselves who will be the ultimate winner? The choice is enslavement or personal liberty.
The Holy Bible gives us a god made in our image, knowing only good—no question about it! The serpent said to the woman, “Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat from every tree in the garden.” God did, indeed, forbid Adam and Eve from eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The Bible gives us Moses, the Ten Commandments, and the Promised Land. The walls of Jericho came tumbling down. It gave us the Holy Catholic Empire and the Christian Crusades, to take back what was their land. Islam took the land back. Once again came the Promised Land smack dab in the middle of Islam’s land. No way, Jose! What kind of thinking is this? The holy war goes on. Good is evil and evil is good.
The Bible gives us Job, who showed us his faith in God. In denial of Satin, Job gave up his land, his family, his health, and what did he have left? I have no idea. What is wrong with us? Toward the end of the Old Testament, the prophet Habakkuk cried out, “O Lord, how long shall I cry! even cry out unto thee of violence, and thou wilt not save!
The Bible says we have immortal souls. Imagine what intelligent beings from elsewhere in the universe would think about the above scenario. You know that they would think of us like we think of baboons. How do we know that we are going to be born on planet Earth. I must be one of those from elsewhere. I don’t think like a baboon.
We now know that there are countless planets in the universe capable of producing intelligent life. Life from elsewhere is surely here. There have been millions of UFO sightings. Unbelievably, there is yet not any hard evidence, because government is doing everything it can to see that none ever surfaces. Rumors are on the rise, but we are still under the control of baboons.
The very fact that more evidence keeps appearing that extraterrestrial entities are here, and in greater and greater numbers, is evidence that they are not cooperating with said baboons. Government wants us to believe more intelligent life does not exist. Said baboons don’t want to give up control.
If they wanted to take control, these extraterrestrial beings could surely do it. What chance would military baboons have with their sticks. To tease them, a flight of UFOs hovered over Washington. The military sent up jets to confront them. They suddenly disappeared. As soon as the jets left, they reappeared. What a joke! The evidence says they have been here since ancient times. Obviously, they are here as observers. They would know that our baboon government is heading us for annihilation. I believe they would not want that to happen. It would be logical, and the evidence tells us this, that these beings from elsewhere could be concerned about atomic weapons, and other weapons of mass destruction in the hands of baboons.
Our world is advancing technologically by leaps and bounds. The mere fact of extraterrestrials being here tells us they are technologically advanced, and that our current experience is something they have experienced in the past, when they were baboons. They are here. That tells you they didn’t annihilate themselves, and that they don’t want us to annihilate ourselves.
Modern science has discovered that basic to all things in the universe is information, and that information is part of us. We interact with matter. Our awareness is expanding exponentially. We are coming up to speed.
First of all, I give extraterrestrials credit for being more intelligent than anyone on earth. Having said this, I turn to the New Testament, to the Gospel According to St. Matthew. Keeping Habakkuk’s lament in mind, right off I read that three wise men, actually Persian astrologers, followed the Star of Bethlehem to the birthplace of the Christ child, and that King Herod tried to remove this threat to his power, but that Jesus’s parents escaped with the baby Jesus to Egypt.
After Jesus showed himself, and his purpose to empower the individual, the powers that be crucified him, and so they have remained with their lies.
It so happens that some 2,000 years later I found myself at a jumping off place, and nothing to do but jump into the unknown. I was on my own, well almost. I had studied my Constitution and believed in my God-given rights. No one else I knew believed in my rights. Everyone I knew thought I’d flipped. My wife thought I should go to a psychiatrist. We do not think the way I thought. We don’t question authority. I understand now how Jesus felt when he said to Peter, “before the cock crows, you will deny me thrice.”
Goodness, gracious, who is this guy, I hear you saying. Well, I didn’t get crucified, but would they ever like to get their hands on me. They can’t because they know that I’d make fools of them. They’ve already had that experience. I’m here to tell my story—how to personally empower yourself.
I’m not a Christian. Jesus wasn’t a Christian. He wasn’t even a good Jew. Like me, Jesus was anti-religious. Like me, Jesus called the authorities hypocrites and wolves in sheep’s clothing.
The 2,000 years that have past puts us entering the Age of Aquarius, and leaving the 2,000 years of external authority, weak wills, and don’t know whether you are afoot or horseback. It places us entering a time of stubborn wills, against hypocrisy of any kind, and being our brother’s keeper.
In defiance of the hypocrites in control, said Jesus, “Ask and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall find.” Jesus said, “Therefore whosoever hear these sayings on mine, and doeth them, I will liken him to a wise man, which built his house upon a rock.” All of this is in Matthew, and much, much more.
The key to success is in doing what your intuition says is best for you. Of course that’s not what you have been taught, but it is what empowers you, what makes you a selfish pig, you are told. Jesus said doeth what you believe is best for you, because “first comes the kingdom of God.”
But, say I, don’t get caught in the self-fulfilling prophecy trap, the Piscean personality disorder, a false idea of the situation, a delusion that will make you think you are right and prove it by making your failure a fact. You have to get past the ego—trying to fool people into believing something other than what you are—and end being the fool.
Internally, you are the very opposite of what external authority wants you to be, and forces on you by law. Example: Romney’s wife has never worked a day in her life. She doesn’t know what it takes to make the wheels turn. Oh yes, they know how hard stay at home moms work. But they are limited sluts, selling themselves for a handout, implies Bill Mahr. The New Black Panthers have the answer. Kill white babies. The authorities want women to work the same as men. It’s communism—collective salvation—making the imbecilic baboon, such as Bill Mahr, all-important, with utterly no regard for others. He and the President are buddies. You can beat those animals. You were created with reason and logic.
Jesus was sent to prepare us for what was to come. I saw through the charade a long time ago, but I didn’t know Jesus was guiding me.
I was not conscious that Jesus was my guide until I decided to write my memoirs. After ten years of reconstructing my life, I finally came to the realization that Jesus is my savior and redeemer. In my book In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012, I reveal in great detail how all of my dreams have come true, without the help of any external authority. Even if you are an atheist, the same can happen to you—if you will quit listening to the authorities and think for yourself.