We the People need to start our campaigning now to stop the destruction of our beautiful country and restore honor to the offices of the USA. . .If you love GOD, say so, and defend his words. . .Make your own bumper stickers and share them with everyone. . .Call your local Congressman today and give them a ear full!!!!. . .Join a Tea Party group and voice your opinion; we listen. . .Donate each month until Voting Day!!!! If you are a Democrat. . .change you affiliation and send them a message!!! America needs you to Stand Up and Speak Out!!!! Biggest Election for your Freedom is Coming in 2012!!!! Pick the next President based on Morals, Values and Experience!!! The Do-Nothing but Spend Democrats are wasting OUR money like its water. . . We need to vote these Spenders out and reduce the size of the government asap!!!! If you care as I do. . .please share these comments!!!!
All Posts (27801)
I petitioned the White House to address job losses, underemployment and the trade deficit by creating a more even playing field between domestic and international producers of goods and services. For this petition to be searchable on the White House web site, 150 people must sign it. If you agree with the concept, please click on the link below and forward this e-mail to as many people as you can.
I realize that as a Tea Party member, we are opposed to the Obama administration and are therefore not supportive of the We the People initiative. Indeed, many of the petitions on the website run counter to our goals. However, I believe our voices should also be heard, even if in a liberal oriented forum. I will also note that one sensible petition already has over 25,000 signatures (for the reinstatement of Glass Steigel). Therefore, please use the White House site to express support for changes that we feel will help our country. Thanks, Tim
By John W. Lillpop
Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden were greeted with a lusty chorus of boos when their names were announced as Grand Marshals of the NASCAR season finale on Sunday. (See Reference 1).
Liberals will no doubt scream “Racism” in denouncing the rude greeting; however, the robust fan reaction was really about three years of failed governance at the hands of Barack Obama.
Michelle Obama was merely a symbol of the national anger and frustration with her husband and the following:
Marxist policies designed to transform America into a fascist nanny- state run by leftist elitists;
Anti-business policies and rhetoric which discourage the creation of jobs by private enterprise, and which perpetuate economic recession rather than growth;
Repeated denigration of the American people by the President when meeting with foreign leaders;
Policies which promote class warfare so as to divide Americans for political advantage;
Refusal to enforce immigration laws and aggressive legal action against sovereign states that choose to protect their citizens from illegal invasions by foreigners;
Commission and cover-up of deadly serious scandals such as Fast and Furious and the reckless, irresponsible and perhaps criminal mismanagement of taxpayer funds as in the Solyndra issue;
Foreign policy initiatives and rhetoric which signal to the world that America is no longer interested in being Number 1; and
Promotion of the notion that American Exceptionalism is a myth from the past, and implementation of policies that will lead to the decline and fall of the greatest nation on earth.
NASCAR fans were NOT booing Michelle because of her skin color or any other personal attribute of the FLOTUS; rather they were voicing their intense displeasure with the failed presidency of Barack Hussein Obama!
Obama was at the G-20 summit in France last week. (G-20-Group of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, from 20 major economies.) He didn't talk about the Greece/Euro situation. Basically Greece borrowed Euros to finance Greeks retiring with benefits and pensions...at age 50. If Greece defaulted it could lead to an European depression. (In a global market we would go down too.) By borrowing more they are able to pay back only delays the inevitable. Sound familiar?
Obama used the the G-20 "stage" to play to us, taking only 4 questions, all from American reporters. He said, “My hope is that the folks back home, including those in the United States Senate and House of Representatives, think twice before they vote no again on a proposal that economists say would actually make a dent in unemployment” A Dent? Read on and you'll see why he didn't take any questions from foreign reporters.
First the members implemented the "Canada Action Plan for Jobs Growth", co-sponsored by India. It is "a wide range blueprint for building foundation of renewed world wide growth". Wow! As leaders of the free world, weren't we suppose to do that?
Second, To add insult to injury, they selected Mark Carney as the Chairman of the Swiss "Financial Stability Board". His actions as the Bank of Canada's governor are said to account for Canada having
avoided the worst of the recent global financial crisis. The Canadian economy outperformed those of its G7, (The top 7 nations of the G-20.), peers during the crisis, and Canada was the first G7 nation to have both its GDP and employment recover to pre-crisis levels. Canada has recovered that means our unemployment should be at 7.8 or lower. Blaming Bush just isn't working anymore.
Before he left Pinocchio said, "We can't wait for Congress to do its job,” he said. “The middle-class families who’ve been struggling for years are tired of waiting. So where Congress won’t act, I will." BO thinks he's king and is forgetting the Constitution....again! Maybe he learned something at the G-20.
I love this: The House of Representatives passed a bi-partisan resolution Nov.1 reaffirming “In God We Trust” as the official motto of the United States. The 396-9 vote came at the request of Rep. Randy Forbes (R-VA) , "Obama’s refusal to correct remarks he made that misstated the motto as “E pluribus unum” instead of “In God We Trust.”
"I trust God, but God wants to see us help ourselves and put people back to work." BO-11/03/11(What an ass!)
Thank you for being CarolynsVoice, because I don't have one.
Join us Monday evening @ 9 pm EST, when we'll have as our guest conservative columnist, pundit and author Burt Prelutsky. If that's not enough for ya, here's the promo I sent out elsewhere as well;
Especially during the Obama administration Mathews has exhibited a particularly rabid bias against the Republicans and all that associate themselves with the Conservative viewpoint. I have noticed of late that Mathews seems to finally be more amenable to acknowledging the fact that Obama has failed in his efforts to improve the lot of the US population. Its not an overt change, but he does seem to be somewhat less of a blind adherent to the Obama vision. If so. there may be some hope that more of the population will fall away from the "Pied Piper" of the Democrat party that seems bent on leading us all over the cliff into oblivion.
Ron Paul has always been a peculiar political creature. He is like a two-headed dragon with one side sporting the features of a constitutional purist, and social conservative. The other side is the face of a leftist, embracing the leftist foreign policy of appeasement, and the devil-may-care attitude of many important social issues such as the legalization of pot, and the "War on Drugs." But a two-headed anything is also two-faced and it is dangerous to trust a two-faced political creature of any party.
Ron claims to be a Republican but his approaches are more Libertarian. He rides on the coattails of the GOP because he otherwise would never have even a ghost of a chance of winning the presidential nomination. There is what I call a "ornery cabal" of disgruntled activists who adore Ron Paul, and who through no measure of reasoning, will closely scrutinize their two-headed dragon. Their strategy is instead to pick apart every little imperfection they see in every other conservative candidate from Herman to Mitt to Michelle. They challenge the good conservatives now in Congress who are up against a bulwark of decades-old big government policies and practices that cannot be hammered away overnight. And yet they cite Constitutional precepts when their goals are not met within a few months after an election. They think that in 2011 we can govern like it was 1787.
This ornery cabal would not be a problem if they were not so dangerous. The danger lies in their knee-jerk tendency to run Independent candidates against any Republican who does not live up to their expectations of Constitutional purity and the superhuman ability to remake a dysfunctional Congress into a well-oiled machine working within an ideally balanced triumvirate government, overnight. Despite the fact that it will take a majority of conservatives in both houses of congress, and a strong conservative president many months, if not years, to redirect the course of America's economy, national defense, and social issues, some Ron Paul supporters rail against the very steps that are being taken by our majority in one house of the congress, which is but one branch of three, as if the current Republicans in government we the scourge of the planet. Their vitriol is so unreasonable that they will embrace Independents who are much more liberal and big-government oriented than the Republicans with whom they are so dissatisfied.
Now to the question of Ron Paul's Antisemitism: He has been accused by at least two iconic Jewish Conservatives of cold indifference for the well-being and fate of Israel, if not outright contempt for the Jewish people. In one of the following video clips David Horowitz describes Israel as "a tiny Democracy surrounded by Islamic dictatorships in the Middle East." He asks Ron Paul rhetorically, "isn't that in itself worth defending?" Yet Ron Paul adheres stubbornly to his isolationist policies. Policies which, by the way, are disastrous not just for Israel, but for all of our foreign allies and, ultimately, for the security of the United States.
David Horowitz: Ron Paul's Antisemitism
Ben Stein on Ron Paul's Antisemitism
Ron Paul supporters, I ask but two thing of you. First, examine your adored leader with the same eye of scrutiny with which you study every other GOP candidate. Second, remember that if Ron Paul runs a third party campaign it will guarantee another 4 years of Barak Obama, Obamacare, overstretched and undefined military actions, social decline, economic catastrophe, and the death knell to our precious Constitution. If you run Ron Paul you will get exactly the opposite of what you think he stands for.
Monday, December 1, 1986
Taxpayer wages 11-year feud with IRS
By Joe Brogan, Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
Joseph W. Smith Jr. is convinced he’ll never have any peace as long as he’s a taxpayer and the Internal Revenue Service exists.
He’s driven by an 11-year feud with the IRS over what turned out to be erroneous assessments on his 1973 and 1974 federal income tax returns. The problems started in 1975 when his return was audited.
The IRS twice collected the money, twice returned it with interest after Smith filed suit, and then again tried to collect the money this month—despite a federal court order that said Smith didn’t owe the IRS anything.
Holger Euringer, IRS public relations officer in Jacksonville, said last week that the agency had been wrong all along and that Smith soon would receive a letter of apology from the IRS district director.
“We did make numerous mistakes in the collection procedures,” Euringer said. “We’re very sorry and we apologize. We did not intend in any way to harass or intimidate him, but I can see why he might have that impression.”
The 61-year-old Smith said his long ordeal has made him bitter.
“I don’t believe it was unintentional,” he said. “If ever there has been a case of deprivation of rights, a violation of the due process clause, this is true in my case. The federal government is a lawless renegade.”
Smith, who operates a videotaping business from his home at 2009 S. Olive Ave., has asked for court orders since 1975 against what he termed, “an out-and-out government fraud.”
While generating a snowstorm of legal documents, the outspoken Texas native has battled one of the government’s most powerful agencies largely without help from attorneys.
Court documents, IRS letters and Smith’s files tell a chilling story of IRS bumbling that began in 1975 when the agency disagreed with Smith on how much he owed on 1973 and 1974 taxes.
After the audit, the IRS said Smith owed $1,468 in back taxes in addition to what he had paid. Smith disagreed, so the IRS took out the money he was owed in rebates as a result of business losses in other years.
Smith filed suit, but the government kept the money until just before his 1978 hearing in U.S. Tax Court, when IRS officials admitted the assessment was inaccurate, according to court records.
The IRS said the error was caused by confusion over what Smith and his ex-wife individually owed in 1974, the year they were divorced. The court ruled that he owed only $640 for 1974, and the rest of the assessment was refunded to him. The court also said Smith had been overcharged $300 in 1973, and ordered a refund.
During the three years it took to get his suit settled, Smith said the IRS held $5,000 it owed him because of business-related operating loss rebates. He said the IRS first applied part of that money to the erroneous assessment. He said he later was paid the full amount of the rebates.
Euringer said the IRS is not allowed to withhold refunds pending the outcome of court cases unless the total amount is applied to taxes owed.“If what he’s saying is correct, we were wrong,” he said.
Then in 1980, the IRS took a second look at Smith’s 1973 and 1974 tax returns and said he owed $2,556 plus interest. The IRS took that money out of proceeds from the sale of a condominium in Portland, Ore.
Smith said he told the IRS about the previous tax court decision and said he didn’t owe the money. The IRS stuck by its decision, and he filed a refund claim for the $2,556, which he said the IRS failed to answer.
Euringer, however, said the IRS rejected the claim, which allowed Smith to take the matter to court.
In 1983, Smith filed suit in U. S. District Court in West Palm Beach to get the money back.
But before the case could go to trial, according to documents from the tax division of the U.S. Justice Department, the division declared the $2,556 assessment a wrongful levy.
Kayla Lettow, a tax auditor with the examination section of the agency’s Problems Resolution Office, said last week that the assessment was dropped because Oregon IRS revenue officer W. J. Manderfeld incorrectly analyzed Smith’s tax liability.
So on Nov. 28, 1984, Smith signed an agreement with Justice in which he dropped the suit in exchange for a refund of the $2,556, plus $1,675 in interest.
Smith said he waited for months, however, and no check came. So he reopened his suit. On March 11, 1985, U.S. District Court Judge James C. Paine ordered the IRS to pay up in 30 days.
Smith received a check for $4,231 on April 12, 1985, five months after the deal was made and just one day before the government would have been in contempt of Paine’s order.
After that, he said, he put the matter out of his mind and figured the final chapter had been written.
But on Oct. 23, 1986, he said, an IRS revenue agent came to his door demanding that he pay $3,130 in assessments, interest and penalties owed on his 1974 taxes. He said the agent told him the IRS mistakenly had refunded the money.
“I couldn’t believe it,” Smith said. “I told her I didn’t owe it and that I had a court order to prove it. She said she didn’t know anything about that but I should give her a check, and now. I told her to tell the IRS to try to get the money and slammed the door in her face. The agent turned on her heel and muttered that would no problem of the IRS.”
Action wasn’t long in coming. On Nov. 5, the IRS issued a notice to Barnett Bank of Palm Beach saying it wanted the $960 in Smith’s bank account because he owed $96l.70 on his 1974 return.
Euringer said the Nov. 5 bank account levy was a mistake.
Nixon Was A Fascist
I owned and operated a successful lumber business. Nixon put in place price controls that favored America’s largest lumber producers and penalized independents—my suppliers. He put hundreds of independent lumber mills out of business. Stagflation, government’s means of taxing us through inflation, put me out of business.
My wife divorced me and legally grabbed all of our property, leaving me with nothing. The IRS cooperated with her to illegally tax me. A conspiracy left me struggling to exist. I was locked out for non-payment of rent. I was called an illegal tax protester.
Webster’s College Dictionary under anarchy: theory that regards the absence of all direct or coercive government as a political ideal and that proposes the cooperative and voluntary association of individuals and groups as the principal mode of organized society.
Anymore than it is freedom to enslave people because their skin is black, anymore than it is freedom to burn witches at the stake is it freedom to occupy Wall Street, is it freedom to call for killing officers of the law, is it freedom to preach the overthrow of America and call it freedom of religion. Is a Latino woman a better judge than a white male? Should a woman who played a large role in writing Obamacare sit in judgment of whether it is constitutional or not? Somebody has the meaning of anarchy in reverse.
Should America’s workers pay for the retirement of the past generation’s workers? Congress borrows the money workers pay for retirement to pay Tom, Dick, and Harry, borrows the money to pay for wars, and borrows the money to pay the interest on the astronomical debt Congress has created.
I paid much more for my retirement than my father paid for his retirement. You pay much more for my retirement than I paid. Social Security is a pyramid game. Congress is spending Social Security money on other than Social Security. Congress gives you IOUs for your retirement. Social Security is a Ponzi scheme.
Government, in order to protect the government entitled, is spending America into bankruptcy. Government proves every day that it cannot manage our lives as well as we, individually, can manage our lives. Why retire at all? Why not work toward work we enjoy. Why not take leisure time to do the things we want to do. At any rate, we have the right to save for our retirement. We are not constitutionally bound to pay for other people’s retirement. Retirement age is constitutionally an individual choice. Social Security is Marxist theory. It is class warfare.
It is welfare state for corporations to big to fail. It is fascism. America’s government is everything Nazi government was.
If the American people were not taxed out of half or more of what we earn, we could do things that make sense. The Democrats are holding the American people’s feet to the fire. If we don’t agree to raise taxes on the “rich,” they are not going to cooperate at all in solving runaway spending. They are going to let the nation go bankrupt and blame it on the Republicans.
Under America’s law, If you want to be a fool it is your choice. It is not your choice to make others pay for your foolishness. “The moment property is not as sacred and the laws of God, anarchy and tyranny commence.” The vote does not determine who shall have what. Redistribution if the nation’s wealth is unconstitutional. America’s government has proven beyond doubt that it is not fit to govern. The American people have the constitutional authority to throw this government out. It is either that or face bankruptcy and no freedom at all.
Ask yourself what you will do when the regime declares Martial Law and unleashes Americorps on the citizens. Surely you have asked yourself where Americorps is and what they are doing, right? After all they received $6 billion just over a year ago, - and Thug in Chief did declare during the campaign he wanted a civil force as well equipped and trained as our military. Hitler had his street thugs and "Hitler Jugend", and now we have OWS and Americorps. Please connect the dots as history always repeats itself.
“It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” -Sam Adams
Great Youtube by Larry Elder,
A fool appears to always be right until they are questioned. There is definite contrary opinions by historians and when bias is clearly used objectivity is lost. This is why Larry Elder raises the question regarding journalism. Journalist are suppose to have code of ethics similar to doctors however, Chris Mathews personal agenda has clearly eroded his professional ethics. The following is the NY Times article cited
IN his inaugural address, President John F. Kennedy expressed in two eloquent sentences, often invoked by Barack Obama, a policy that turned out to be one of his presidency’s — indeed one of the cold war’s — most consequential: “Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.” Arthur Schlesinger Jr., Kennedy’s special assistant, called those sentences “the distinctive note” of the inaugural.
They have also been a distinctive note in Senator Obama’s campaign, and were made even more prominent last week when President Bush, in a speech to Israel’s Parliament, disparaged a willingness to negotiate with America’s adversaries as appeasement. Senator Obama defended his position by again enlisting Kennedy’s legacy: “If George Bush and John McCain have a problem with direct diplomacy led by the president of the United States, then they can explain why they have a problem with John F. Kennedy, because that’s what he did with Khrushchev.”
But Kennedy’s one presidential meeting with Nikita Khrushchev, the Soviet premier, suggests that there are legitimate reasons to fear negotiating with one’s adversaries. Although Kennedy was keenly aware of some of the risks of such meetings — his Harvard thesis was titled “Appeasement at Munich” — he embarked on a summit meeting with Khrushchev in Vienna in June 1961, a move that would be recorded as one of the more self-destructive American actions of the cold war, and one that contributed to the most dangerous crisis of the nuclear age.
Senior American statesmen like George Kennan advised Kennedy not to rush into a high-level meeting, arguing that Khrushchev had engaged in anti-American propaganda and that the issues at hand could as well be addressed by lower-level diplomats. Kennedy’s own secretary of state, Dean Rusk, had argued much the same in a Foreign Affairs article the previous year: “Is it wise to gamble so heavily? Are not these two men who should be kept apart until others have found a sure meeting ground of accommodation between them?”
But Kennedy went ahead, and for two days he was pummeled by the Soviet leader. Despite his eloquence, Kennedy was no match as a sparring partner, and offered only token resistance as Khrushchev lectured him on the hypocrisy of American foreign policy, cautioned America against supporting “old, moribund, reactionary regimes” and asserted that the United States, which had valiantly risen against the British, now stood “against other peoples following its suit.” Khrushchev used the opportunity of a face-to-face meeting to warn Kennedy that his country could not be intimidated and that it was “very unwise” for the United States to surround the Soviet Union with military bases.
Kennedy’s aides convinced the press at the time that behind closed doors the president was performing well, but American diplomats in attendance, including the ambassador to the Soviet Union, later said they were shocked that Kennedy had taken so much abuse. Paul Nitze, the assistant secretary of defense, said the meeting was “just a disaster.” Khrushchev’s aide, after the first day, said the American president seemed “very inexperienced, even immature.” Khrushchev agreed, noting that the youthful Kennedy was “too intelligent and too weak.” The Soviet leader left Vienna elated — and with a very low opinion of the leader of the free world.
Kennedy’s assessment of his own performance was no less severe. Only a few minutes after parting with Khrushchev, Kennedy, a World War II veteran, told James Reston of The New York Times that the summit meeting had been the “roughest thing in my life.” Kennedy went on: “He just beat the hell out of me. I’ve got a terrible problem if he thinks I’m inexperienced and have no guts. Until we remove those ideas we won’t get anywhere with him.”
A little more than two months later, Khrushchev gave the go-ahead to begin erecting what would become the Berlin Wall. Kennedy had resigned himself to it, telling his aides in private that “a wall is a hell of a lot better than a war.” The following spring, Khrushchev made plans to “throw a hedgehog at Uncle Sam’s pants”: nuclear missiles in Cuba. And while there were many factors that led to the missile crisis, it is no exaggeration to say that the impression Khrushchev formed at Vienna — of Kennedy as ineffective — was among them.
If Barack Obama wants to follow in Kennedy’s footsteps, he should heed the lesson that Kennedy learned in his first year in office: sometimes there is good reason to fear to negotiate.
Progressives who worship at the altar of diversity were thrilled when Barack Obama rejected the notion of using background, experience, education, intelligence, and competence as measuring sticks for filling key posts in his administration.
Indeed, Obama brought change on a grand scale by using race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability status, and ‘capacity for compassion’ as criteria for deciding whom to nominate for his cabinet, to serve on the Supreme Court, and for other important government functions.
The Obama Diversity Initiative removed a great deal of the subjectivity from the selection process and, when combined with appropriate quotas, seemed sure to make life in America more fair.
More fair, that is, for those who were viewed as ‘underrepresented’ in the Marxist formulation of quotas.
The president’s administration, we were told, would look like America!
All of which sounds grand, but which ultimately fell tragically short of reality.
Under the Obama diversity scam, America has been saddled with the likes of Janet Napolitano, Eric Holder, Ken Salazar, Hillary Clinton, Lisa Jackson, Kathleen Sebelius, Hilda Solis, Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor, and Ron Kirk, each and every one of whom is actively contributing to the decline and fall of our once-great nation.
Timothy Geithner would be included were it not for his lily-white skin and blue eyes. Even so, the man is a dismal incompetent and should be sent packing immediately.
And let us not forget the name of Dr. Steven Chu, alleged Secretary of Energy, when citing the dangers of using affirmative action quotas for recruiting purposes.
Indeed, in testimony before Congress on November 17 concerning the Solyndra scandal, Dr. Chu made brutally clear the full extent to which affirmative action and the obsession with diversity have failed America.
Chu demonstrated an amazing lack of knowledge about communications within his own department, claiming to be unaware of red flags and warnings about the prudence of granting the Solyndra loan.
The Secretary also denied that politics played any role in his final decision to approve the loan; the fact that President Obama was chopping at the bit to fly out to Fremont, California to herald the great success of Solyndra for the evening news headlines was NOT a factor in funding the loan, said he.
Most distressing, Secretary Chu was tragically cavalier in his attitude: He saw no need to apologize to the American taxpayers for the loss of $540 million dollars, and he offered none.
Like most progressives, Secretary Chu has very little regard or respect for taxpayers and their money, and chafes at the notion that he, an intellectual elitist, should be held accountable for his management of our money.
When it comes to insensitive and incompetent bureaucrats like Steven Chu, America needs to clean house and retool.
God willing, we the people will do just that come November, 2012.
I remember that Soros was declared a criminal in France and in one SE Asian country, can't remember if it was Cambodia or Laos. He is prohibited entry in these countries because of his destructive efforts to devestate those countries both financially, civilly and politically. He almost brought the British pound down in one of his massive trading schemes to short that currency.
To that end, the article link I am posting below should me a MUST READ for everyone on this site and it should go viral and be sent to both Darrell Issa and all the investigative members on the House investigative committee. They Will and Must pay attention if enough of us contact his and other committee members' through emails and calls.
Until we cut off the ability of Soros, through his secret hedge fund, to manipulate the markets, pay off corrupted elected officials, and the media itself, nothing we do to tinker with the tax code or puny budget "fixes." will delay the destruction of this country. I truly believe we only have several months, at the MOST, to get cracking and get this committee and our elected officials to call for action. Please read the article below to see why all the things we are concentrating on now are nothing but diversions unless we cut off these globalists' ability to control the financials of the market worldwide and bring down our free market to enrich the corrupt of the world and enslave the working men and women of this once great country. Not one word of exaggeration here.
Read and TAKE ACTION! --- http://weroinnm.wordpress.com/2011/01/27/is-it-important-to-understand-the-marxist-assault-on-the-foundations-of-our-system/
Hello Tea Party Patriots...
Here is my story. When Heard President Obama state that we were no longer a Judeo Christian Nation...I woke up.
1. I did my homework through Wallbuilders and The American Heritage Series. Then I completed two online courses through halearn.com/Heritage Academy/American Constitution and Government Part I and Part II.
2. I put my papers into a book and was able to get it published through Authorhouse.com. Dr. W. Cleon Skousen published The Five Thousand Year Leap: A Miracle That Changed The World. His book is easy to read and brought the confusion of politics into clear focusw. Dr Skousen said many times that the Founder's success formula would solve nearly every problem we have in America today. Really? Can any knowledge be more helpful to the rising generation of Leaders in America? The purpose of my book, The Writings of an American Mother in 2010: Principles of the Founding Fathers and Current Issues...planting the seeds of Leadership is to encourage people to review our past, our history as a country, the 28 Principles of our Founding Fathers and how they relate to current issues...then develop your own viewpoint through critical thinking and doing your own homework...becoming an Active American Citizen!
3. I sent a hardcover copy of my book to 40 high profile people.
4. I created a web page for my book, www.maryaeli com , which offers a view of the book or you can go to amazon.com or barnesandnoble.com
5. A Youtube Video was created for my book as part of a 200,000 email campaign. You can view the video at YouTube/Writings of an American Mother in 2010.
Would love feedback!
What follows is a video that reveals that there is a wave of repression currently taking place in Cuba – but you wouldn’t know about it from the lack of media coverage. Why is the press at home and abroad ignoring blatant human rights violations? Why has the Obama Administration consistently coddled dictators like Castro? And, what should our elected leaders be saying about Cuba and these human rights abuses?
Video: The Unwritten Story: How the Media and the Obama Administration Overlook Cuba's Wave of Repression!-Posted on The Heritage Foundation-On November 2011:
Note: The following articles and/or blog posts relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
I. Red Army: Obama the Tip of a Radical Network We Must Defeat to Save America!-Posted on Human Events-ByAaron Klein and Brenda Elliott-On October 28, 2011:
II. The Audacity of Socialism!-Special Report posted on Investors.com:
Note: My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:
Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP)!
Communism in Hawaii and the Obama Connection!
What we haven’t been told about the President’s background!
Is President Obama inciting riots across the US?
The Midterm Elections and the Communist Manifesto!
Progressives and Communists Are Out of the Closet Together!
Who is sponsoring the NAACP’s ‘One Nation Working Together’ rally?
Who owns our supposedly fair and balanced airwaves and news outlets?
Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial. Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.
“Food For Thought”
God Bless the U.S.A.!
Semper Fi!
Election 2012 Is The Choice of Government or Individual Solutions
Five in numerology “is freedom, change and adventure. Curiosity and constant activity produce a resourceful, adaptable and versatile entity always ready to take a chance.” 5 means I am born to be free of manmade controls.
I’m Aquarius Rising. In the Rising Sign, under Aquarian Rising, “He is a chance taker. He is willing to let go of the trunk of the tree to walk out on the edge of a limb. He knows where the fruit grows and where the spotlight can hit. He is not one to hide his light under a bushel”—but on a candlestick and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven (Mt.5:15, 16), speaking of “Higher Law”
But let us speak of man’s law. We are born to be free. Now under numerology’s 5, having reached the midpoint in our progressing lives, Karen and I, free to do our thing, away from the humdrum of city life, away from the pressures of a job, free to enjoy nature, we’ve accomplished wonders in our mental and physical health—on your money.
Karen and I retired with little saved, sold out, bought an RV and hit the road. A couple can live full time in an RV on Social Security. We paid for our travels with part time jobs. For 50 hours a month maintenance work in an RV park we spent the whole summer in Colorado’s mountains.
Instead of government mandates, being forced to comply with norms set by society, life could be far better. The money government spends to take care of our needs is not. Government is borrowing trillions of dollars to keep the system alive.
By absence of the present coercive laws, but rather cooperative and voluntary association of individuals and groups as a principal mode of organized society, the true nature of human beings would come out. But this idea is defined in Webster’s College Dictionary as anarchy.
Why should present American workers pay for the past generation’s workers? Congress borrows the money workers pay for retirement to pay Tom, Dick, and Harry, borrows the money to pay for wars, and borrows the money to pay the interest on the astronomical debt Congress has created. You pay more for my retirement than I paid. Social Security is a pyramid game. It is also a Ponzi scheme. Government is spending Social Security money on other than Social Security. Congress gives you IOUs for your retirement. It’s the greatest fraud of all times. Why do you put up with it?
Government is proving daily that it can’t manage our lives as well as we, individually, can manage them. Retirement age should be our decision. Why retire at all? Why not work toward work we enjoy? Why not take leisure time to enjoy the things we like doing? If we were not being taxed out of half of what we earn we could do this.
Karen and I are living proof that life can be much better than your government caretakers give you. All government entitlements should be phased out before it is too late.
Congress has caused the American people to become addicted. But we elect these people. America’s elected representatives are out of control. America is going bankrupt. Germany went bankrupt. Hitler was the answer.
We’d been living in our RV nine years. Our traveling days were over. Karen wanted to be closer to her family. She located an RV and manufactured home park in the tall timber near Mt. Hood, Oregon. We parked on a beautiful wooded site. I planned to add a deck with a roof, but Karen said, “Joe, I hate to think about living in this RV the rest of my life.” My response: “Well, quit thinking about it.”
We sold our home in 1999. Thanks to those great humanitarians in Washington, D.C. scheming how to put people in homes they couldn’t afford, the prices on homes had doubled. We couldn’t afford a home.
A week after Karen’s remark, I received notice in the mail from the Veteran’s Administration that I was going to receive disability pay. I’m a World War II veteran. When I left the service, my ears were ringing. A doctor told me it was due to the noise in combat. He said my hearing would gradually deteriorate. My hearing loss prohibited me from getting a job. I was unemployable. At the very moment that Karen made her statement, my application was before the Veteran’s Administration.
New Year’s Day 2008 was sunny. I took a walk in the park and saw a vacant site where a manufactured home had been, one of the better sites in the park. On January 2, I asked about it. The site was available. On January 2 we bought a new manufactured home. It had the large kitchen Karen wanted. It had the jet tub I wanted. We moved into our dream home in the tall timber on March 15, 2008.
In numerology, “9 is selflessness and compassion. It desires to apply its energy to universal service. This is the artist, the thinker who has developed skills through the preceding cycles and is now ready to share his or her knowledge with the rest of the world.”
As a Life Lesson Number, numerology gives me 7. “You are here to use and develop your mind. . .You should learn to spend time by yourself, in the woods or by the seashore, where you can get in touch with your inner self and your deepest thoughts because your destiny is to use your mind.”
America’s Great Depression came upon us when I was age eight. The family was America’s cornerstone but that gave way to government redistribution. America became dependent on government, causing great division. Thanks to Social Security, we are drowning is a sea of debt. But America’s politicians are not about to correct their wrong. Currently in an uncompromising mode, the President is hoping to be reelected on the idea of a do-nothing Congress.
Before New Deal Law, it only took one job to support a family. Divorce was rare. My mother was at home for me. We didn’t have the crime and drugs we now have. Schools were under local control. Education was better, and at a fraction of today’s cost, to name a few of the travesties New Deal Law has caused.
America is fast becoming a basket case. Allow those trespassers of your rights to have their way and you end with zero rights. Therefore, “Let us make man in our image” in Genesis 1:26—in God’s image—“in earth as it is in heaven,” in Matthew 6:10, our image universal consciousness. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God,” in Matthew 6:33, there is a distinction to be made. Earth and heaven are quantitative; the kingdom of God, universal consciousness, is qualitative.
“Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof,” in Matthew 6:34. In Astrologer’s Handbook, the morrow, the Age of Aquarius, “The sign of brotherhood and fraternity have as their symbol the water-bearer, who spills out to mankind the life-force and spiritual energy.” With regard to “Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof,” we are now in the Age of Pisces’ death throes.
“Pisces is a sensitive sign and those born under it are extremely sensitive to the thoughts and feelings of others.” –Astrologer’s Handbook. “They desperately want to do the right thing, but as a rule they do not have strong willpower. Therefore, they are easily influenced by external factors.”
“The symbol for Pisces is two attached fishes, one swimming upstream the other downstream, implying a drastic duality of emotion.” –Astrologer’s Handbook
It is interesting to note that Occupy Wall Street (OWS) is actively seeking recognition with a demand that America’s political system serve them. For two months they have been on the street, and not getting anywhere. Behind their demand is class warfare activists, the Obama Administration and associates.
All by myself, with the help of the U. S. Constitution, I forced the above mentioned control freaks to back off, which says the American people have their heads buried in the sand.
“I believe that a widespread understanding of the potent but usually unconscious archetypal dynamics that coincide with planetary cycles and alignments, both in individual lives and in the historical process, can play a crucial role in the positive unfolding of our collective future.” –Richard Tarnas in Cosmos and Psyche.
In my astrological reading by James Redfield, “The Vigo ego integration with the higher self, and the higher self perspective is going to be defined along the lines of the Virgo archetype, which is, of course, our need for organization: to be effective, to be conscientious about making things better.”
Thus our wake-up call, with regard to our collective future, in Jungian psychology, the part of the unconscious mind that is derived from ancestral memory and experience—and is common to all—Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. Jesus, in The Sermon on the Mount
Hi, everyone, this is Molly again. Not everyone will agree with me but out next president needs to be needs to support Israel!! If she or he doesn't support Israel than God's blessing on America will leave, I believe it already has with Obama as our president. We still need to pray for Obama though as he is our president.
Also, we need to wake up America! There are so many people who don't watch the news and don't even know the things that are going on in this world. I talked to people on a Christian website who support Obama and they didn't know how he has treated Israel. Thank goodness I had a couple people in the chat room to support me because they weren't going to believe me. Anyhow, that's what I needed to say. Let me know what you think even if you disagree with me. Bless you everyone!