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Tea Party Denounces Wall Street Protesters

Tea Party Denounces Wall Street Protesters
It appears to the Tea Party that a sinister agenda is afoot through the illegal actions of the OWS
(Bill Penny - Tea Party) - Who are those people converging on Wall Street? The ‘Occupy Wall Street’ (OWS) protesters mannerism and goals are far different than those of the Tea Party. The Tea Party believes in the rule of law, respect and honor of civil servants (police, fire, government officials) and the military. Those protesters are clearly willing to violate the rule of law, trying to create a sense of public unrest and thereby throwing a ‘monkey wrench’ into the stabilization of our economy.

Remember Andy Sterns comment? “We will use the power of persuasion or the persuasion of power.” It is clear these tactics are identical to values espoused by the Unions and Socialists.

The Union ‘Puppet-Masters’ are now stepping forward as a clear signal to expand hostile activities in major city centers, with the intended purpose to disrupt commerce. Soon to follow will be a coordinated effort to deploy flash mobs in a contrived crisis, thereby destroying the property and hopes of business owners. Because of the coming public disobedience inspired by the Union Socialist agenda, the Tea Party must identify these culprits and request our leaders not to cuddle the OWS radicals.

As a matter of fact, the Tea Party denounces those lame illegal OWS protesters and their dubious socialist underpinnings.

Over 2000 Tea Party events have been successfully accomplished and with no arrests, however, as of October 7th, 2011 the OWS has had over 700 arrests. Clearly the OWS is hostile, bought and paid for by cronyism, and diametrically opposite of Tea Party ideals.

Conveniently, Obama’s lackluster job killing bill is primed to be rammed down the throats of the American taxpayers. It is painfully obvious the OWS riots are contrived and a coordinated distraction to negate scrutiny of Obama’s job proposal. Because of the illegal actions of the OWS, the Obama Administration’s endorsement of their actions is sending a dangerous message to the world and the American people as well. Obama’s irresponsible message is echoing in the ears of insurrectionists! He and the OWS are saying: “The only way to change America is through violence and NOT the democratic process.”

Many in the Tea Party are speculating the OWS riots and the failed Obama legacy, is an attempt to shore up union (government) workers with billions of taxpayer dollars. It is ironic the current beneficiaries of the Stimulus Packages, and Obama’s lackluster job killing bill, are locking arms with the OWS anarchist/socialist protesters, including Trumpka, for the express purpose of projecting a false image of that portrays the rich as bad, evil and something no one wants to be.

In additional to that, the churning of the Socialist left raises an additional question of the waiver of immunity and State Sovereignty by the intervention of Federal financial mandates through the wrongful application of government assistance. It appears to the Tea Party that a more sinister agenda is afoot through the illegal actions of the OWS.

Is the secret agenda of Obama job’s bill an expansion of Civil Rights rather than creation of jobs for the millions of the unemployed? The ‘so called jobs proposal’ establishes a new protected class of Rights tantamount to the ‘inalienable rights of the unemployable’.

To add injury to insult, Hilda Solis (Department of Labor) and Janet Napolitano (Homeland Security) have both advocated policies which allow illegal aliens greater protection (rights) and possibly Amnesty. With such vagueness the ‘inalienable rights of the unemployable’ would be extended to illegal aliens, thus allowing this new class to sue States and employers. Clearly, Obama’s jobs killing bill will force employers to severely limit hiring anyone, because of the suspicion of fear of a Law Suit. Jobs cannot be created without a demand for products or services and the Tea Party knows this and is working on a solution to end cronyism, the debt and create jobs.

What are the core values of OWS? It appears the OWS extremist values are; profits are always bad, the Rich are always evil, and the poor huddling masses are always good and beautiful people for merely being poor and huddling masses! These core beliefs are foundational cornerstones of socialism, pure and simple.

The Tea Party is proud of its core values, core principles rooted in historical fact which has made America great:

1. Non-partisan

2. Constitutional (fiscally Conservative) Government

3. Free Enterprise

George Washington warned of the danger partisanship as the undoing of our nation. This is why Cronyism is not Capitalism. Cronyism is an attempt to usurp our representative government and undermines the principle of free enterprise/competition. The principle of a Constitutional (fiscally conservative) Government prevents tyranny by big government and limits its encroachment and the erosion of our freedoms guaranteed in the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights and our other great documents.

Lastly, the principle of Free Enterprise was laid by the pilgrims, the first settlers, who knew the notion of collectivism is a failed concept. William Bradford realizing the fallacy of socialism took action to develop an economy based on opportunity. This opportunity allowed America’s first settlers to realize new found freedoms of private property and ownership. The U.S. Constitution and the free enterprise based economy has been the driving force in American exceptionalism. Contrary to the radicals on Wall Street, the Tea Party continues to provide solutions, such as the True Tax, and other solutions that adhere to sound principles established by Our Founders with the intent and purpose to strengthen and restore America.

In Contrast, the radicals advocated principles are eerily similar to Karl Marx and the Socialist Party. Karl Marx, unlike America’s Founding Fathers, despised the concept of capitalism, private property, and hated the idea of a middle (business) class. The Radicals on Wall Street echo the same old story of Marx with a new vernacular. The proletariat, in their view, is now the working/middle class.

Remember, Marx wanted to eliminate the middle (business) class, thereby setting the stage for the outrageous claims of the OWS, as they bellow forth that no one is entitled to private property and therefore wealth must be seized and redistributed to the mindless masses, presuming to know better what the greater good is. The OWS demands an opportunity based economy be fundamentally transformed to become a State Controlled economy, therefore, the State dictates values, jobs, production and every aspect of the lives of the American people.

The OWS rioters say they hate crony capitalism, but ignore the fact their own funding is cronyism. The Tea Party is now bringing awareness to the OWS source of cronyism which lay in the heart of Washington, not Wall Street.

The values and agenda of OWS radicals are foreign to this nation. The implication of the OWS failed ideology of a Socialist agenda, if allowed to grow, will dismantle America and install ‘Rich-Hate’, the violation of the rule of law, immorality, and class warfare.

The OWS mentality should be rejected by every American Patriot.

OWS radicals may have changed their name, but their agenda remains the same - SOCIALISM.
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The debate continues to rage over this administration's targeted attack on Anwar al-Awlaki, the American-born individual who has been "the head of the spear" as far as terrorism goes, on the Internet and intimately involved for years in attempted attacks on Americans, such as the "Underwear Bomber", and many others.  He provided the final "religious counselling" for a number of the 9/11 attackers.   

We've been going around here, and just about everywhere else, about the legality of the operation that took him and his IT-guy to their well-deserved final resting place, courtesy of a United States Military drone.  

It would be an act of completely incomprehensible faith if I could give credit to this "administration" for a job well-done.  Nothing to date would signify that there is any reason whatsoever to believe that the "community organizer-in-Chief" has changed his ideological warfare against this nation that would serve to benefit us, other than the fact he was over-ruled by our Military, and the operation that took out this scum (Awlaki, not the CO-in-Chief) pre-dated his administration by a number of years.  That being said, the question remains:

Is it legal?

Is it Constitutional?

Are we to be labeled terrorists (WOOPS-ALREADY ARE!!!!) and need to be watching the skies as we sidle out the back door to the grill with a plate-full of uncooked pork and a cold beer?  The full spectrum of the debate has been airing out on Tea Party Radio lately, running the gamut of popular opinion.  I'd like to add this little tid-bit to the discussion, as it looks to continue to be a long one:

This week's PC oxymoron, "U.S. citizen enemy combatant," has driven heated debates on the topic. Specifically, many on the Left, as well as GOP presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX), have protested the U.S. drone strike death of Anwar al-Awlaki, the Yemeni-American cleric linked to several terrorist plots and attacks against the U.S. (Fort Hood, the Christmas Day underwear bomber, the Times Square car bombing), on the basis of his U.S. citizenship.

Al-Awlaki, along with his understudy -- another U.S. citizen, Samir Khan -- were both killed on the Saudi-Yemen border by drone missiles specifically targeting al-Awlaki. The controversy surrounding the attack centers on the idea that the U.S. owes its citizens -- wherever they happen to be -- the constitutional protections afforded to all U.S. citizens, to include rights of due process as well as the ability to have "a day in court." The problem, of course, is that such thinking is simply wrong.

For starters, American citizens have never been accorded such "rights" when they have taken up arms against their own country. The Supreme Court has reinforced this fact several times. Notably, in World War II it ruled that the U.S. citizenship of captured German spy/saboteurs was irrelevant when the citizen associates himself with the enemy power and operates as an enemy belligerent. In essence, the Court used a walks-like-a-duck-and-quacks-like-a-duck analysis to conclude that U.S. citizens who operate as enemy combatants in wartime are, in fact, enemy combatants, and that the classification preempts any citizenship status.

More recently, the Court in Hamdi v. Rumsfeld (2004) added support to this conclusion, stating, "A citizen, no less than an alien, can be part of or supporting forces hostile to the United States or coalition partners and engaged in an armed conflict against the United States." In other words, independent of any "rights" Al-Awlaki and Khan may have claimed as U.S. citizens, when each joined a belligerent foreign military force -- al-Qa'ida -- and entered the battlefield as an enemy combatant against the U.S., they gave the U.S. the "right" to shoot back. And we did. End of (al-Awlaki's) story.

I tend to agree completely.  This falls under the "natural rights" category, the right to defend oneself against any enemy, foreign or domestic.  This does NOT abrogate the Rule of Law, but merely EXERCISES IT.  The biggest problem we face now, is that we are confronted with an ideology and ideological misfits that will use the very existence of the Rule of Law against US as they pervert the very system of Laws we use to defend ourselves.  

I bought 300 more rounds of ammo today.

God Bless America, and God Bless You!!




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What’s wrong with this picture?

-Posted on The Blaze-By Christopher Santarelli-On August 8, 2011:

In the first trading day following S&P’s announcement that the U.S. government credit rating would go from Triple-A down to AA+, U.S. stocks have sharply declined and investors are scrambling to rid themselves of risky assets. With Wall Street in disarray, one investor is smiling after having walked away from the crisis possibly 10 billion dollars richer. ETF Daily News reports that the investor bet on the downgrade, and is now heavily benefiting from it:

“Someone dropped a bomb on the bond market Thursday – a $1 billion Armageddon trade betting the United States will lose its AAA credit rating. In one moment, an invisible trader placed a single trade that moved the most liquid debt market in the world. The massive trade wasn’t placed in bonds themselves; it was placed in the futures market. The trade was for block trades of 5,370 10-year Treasury futures executed at 124-03 and 3,100 Treasury bond futures executed at 125-01.”

Jack Barnes of Money Morning suggests hedge fund manager John Paulson, Bill Gross’s PIMCO, or U.S. and Chinese central banks could be the betters, as they are some of only a few shops or central banks that could even take on such a level of market risk. Barnes notes that Paulson made about $6 billion on a similar trade not too long ago when he bet against subprime mortgages, the investments that helped bring down Lehman Brothers in 2008.

That seems plausible. But there is one more possibility. At least one outlet is suggesting that liberal financier and billionaire investor George Soros could be the one. Daily Mail reports:

“There are mounting rumours that investor George Soros, 80, famously known as ‘the man who broke the Bank of England’, could be involved.

He made more than $1billion on currency speculation when the British pound left the Exchange Rate Mechanism on Black Wednesday in 1992.

The latest bet was made on July 21 on trades of 5,370 ten-year Treasury futures and 3,100 Treasury bond futures, reported ETF Daily News.

Now the investor’s gamble seems to have paid off after Standard and Poor’s issued a credit rating downgrade from AAA to AA+ last Friday.

Whoever it is stands to earn a 1,000 per cent return on their money, with the expectation that interest rates will be going up after the downgrade.”

The deal was made around the same time Soros dissolved the non-family aspect of his hedge fund, returning money to outside investors while freeing his fund from adhering to SEC reporting mandates. Barnes asserted in July that whoever made the deal must have been a major proprietary trader who had an ear to someone first aware of when a debt-cieling deal was made between major leaders in Washington. Kenneth Schortgen connects the dots to Soros’s possible involvement:

“While the identity of the ‘mystery investor’ remains unknown, many indicators do point to George Soros as the principal benefactor.  First, Soros has been tied to the Obama administration since the 2008 elections.  In February of this year in fact, a Soros investment fund profited well on President Obama’s new green energy policies. Secondly, right about the exact same time as the $1 Billion bet took place on the US credit rating downgrade, Soros made public the move to divest his management fund of outside investors, and quietly go private.  This move allows him to make trades and investments without being required to notify the SEC under the new Dodd-Frank act passed in Congress last year.

Of course, this mystery bet could have been made by any Hedge Fund that followed Soro’s course of action, and went private on their own.  However, very few people have the inside contacts with the Treasury Department and Obama administration that Soros does, and the historical evidence does point strongly to this bet being one that he has done in the past.”

In 1992 Soros nearly destroyed the British Pound, and made a profit of $1 Billion, by betting against the currency and borrowing sterling heavily, converting that into a mixture of Deutschmarks and French francs. On “Black Wednesday,” Soros’s bet paid off, and he has since been called the man “who broke the Bank of England.” Many see “eerie similarities” between the breaking of the Bank of England, and the investor who made big when betting on the first S & P downgrade to U.S. credit in the agency’s history.

Time will tell if the mystery investor, and his or her high-level Washington insider, will be revealed.”


Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

I. Agents of George Soros Sabotaging the U.S. Economy!

What’s wrong with this picture?

Posted on USA Survival News-By Cliff Kincaid-On August 25, 2010:

In shocking news, the New York Times cites figures that investors withdrew $33.12 billion from domestic stock market mutual funds in the first seven months of this year when billions of dollars should have been expected to be flowing in.

The New York Times blames this unusual development on “economic uncertainty.” One explanation is that the financial reform bill pushed by President Obama and passed by Congressional liberals was a complete fraud. The bill failed to protect invested capital, did nothing to stop the devaluation of our homes, anddidn’t reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government sponsored mortgage entities involved in the financial crisis.

As we have consistently reported, the basic problem is that the regulations that protected investors and their capital were removed, beginning in 2007 under the George W. Bush Administration, and have not been restored.

Zubi Diamond, author of Wizards of Wall Street, has released a new YouTube video highlighting what needs to be done and how the nation got into this predicament. He has focused attention on the notorious hedge fund short sellers who brought on the 2008 economic and financial crisis that paved the way for Barack Obama’s election as president.

These short sellers, such as George Soros, made billions of dollars betting on the collapse of the subprime mortgage industry as ordinary Americans lost their savings.

“They subverted our capitalist system economy in order to achieve a regime change in America. They looted the country and visited financial violence on the American people. American families bear the brunt of the destruction of capitalism and the installation of socialism in their country with job losses, home foreclosures, and retirement portfolio wipe-outs,” Diamond charges. 

The major media, he said, have concealed the truth about what has happened from the American people.

He explained, “Most Americans cannot even imagine the fact that this calamitous crisis was deliberately engineered by enemies and traitors within our borders.”

Diamond urged the media to start educating the public about what is happening: “Most people do not know how capitalism works, in terms of the safeguard regulations which protected our capitalist economy. Once you unhinge and unscrew the nuts and bolts, and tear down the underpinnings and remove the safeguard regulations, you have succeeded in dismantling capitalism and killing the economic engine of growth. They are killing the goose that lays the golden egg.”

In response to the Times article about investors fleeing the market, Diamond said, “Who wouldn’t flee the market when you are being robbed every day by the hedge fund short sellers? They are targeting and preying on the small investors. The reality is beginning to sink in as more people and more people realize that the economy is in terrible shape, and it is not going to recover.”

A recovery is possible, Diamond said. But the Congress and the President have to restore the regulationsthat “protect the invested capital that is needed to create jobs, and to protect the value of our homes and assets. You must restrict short sale transactions, end mark to market accounting completely, restore the old circuit breakers, and restore the old uptick rule to their original condition without any modification.”
His recommendations include:

  • Reinstate the uptick rule.
  • Remove mark-to-market accounting and replace it with historic cost accounting.
  • Dismantle and discontinue trading on all the short Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), also called leveraged inverse ETFs.
  • Reinstate the circuit breakers and the trading curb to kick in whenever the Dow Jones drops 150 points.
  • Regulate the hedge funds just like mutual funds and pension funds are regulated.

A powerful film, Stock Shock: The Short Selling of the American Dream, analyzes this phenomenon as it relates to the rise and fall of Sirius XM radio stock. The film asserts that the removal of the uptick rule in 2007 by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) led to the rise of short selling and stock market manipulation.

Diamond explained how the looting and destruction of the economy have occurred. “To short sell a stock is to sell a stock you do not own. Such a transaction should be governed by a regulation, designed to protect the owners of the stock, their assets and invested capital. That regulation which governed short sale transactions is called the uptick rule or short sale restriction rule.”

He added, “The Managed Funds Association (MFA), the association of hedge fund short sellers, successfully lobbied regulators and policy makers to remove that short sale restriction requirement, meaning they now have the government’s approval to sell what they do not own unrestricted, when they know very well that selling what they do not own is stealing. The only difference is that they are stealing with the approval of the government.”

“Our stock market is a broken market,” Diamond added. “There is no investor confidence because the invested capital is not protected. There is no uptick rule, no circuit breakers and no trading curb. There are no legal protections for the capital. There is no capitalism.”

The stock market, he said, has become “a money manufacturing factory. The commodities being processed are the small investors, retirement portfolios, and mutual fund investors.” 

As a result, the small investors are experiencing diminishing returns and losing their appetite for risk.

The Times should explain to its readers the real reason why investors are fleeing the stock market, he said.

“Our publicly traded companies can now be held hostage by the hedge fund short sellers as they continue preying on investors,” he said. “They can evaporate any of the publicly traded companies in short order. They demonstrated that capability in the flash crash’ of May 6, 2010, when they drove down the stock price of Accenture (ticker symbol CAN) from $44 per share to one cent per share in a 15-minute time period.”

The SEC is supposed to be an independent regulatory body to protect the integrity of the market but it is under the control of the Managed Funds Association. “They have rigged and primed the market for manipulation,” Diamond said.

In the past, ordinary Americans could analyze the market and individuals companies and invest accordingly. Today, the situation is different. 

”Without the short sale restriction regulation, the fundamental attributes of the companies are rendered useless,” he said. “The effective use of technical analysis has been nullified. When it does seem to work, it can be used by the hedge fund short sellers to manipulate the market as they set traps for investors at each fulcrum, resistance or support levels.”

He explained, “You have a market that is very difficult to trade or invest in. This is a market that can do anything, reverse, go up or down, or reverse again with increased volatility as the manipulators are on a search mission, preying on small investors, searching for investment capital to steal.”

Diamond compared the stock market to a Las Vegas casino, where the house always wins. The MFA is the house in today’s market. “They own the stock market and the stock market police - the SEC. Everything is stacked against the small investors. They operate with impunity.”

Diamond said the hedge fund short sellers use various techniques to accomplish their insidious goals. These include “dark pools,” in which their transactions are concealed from the public; flash orders; front running; insider trading; and collusion. 

He explained, “They raid companies at will, shorting stocks fearlessly without an uptick, colluding to determine the direction of the market. They trade fearlessly without risk, and they transferred all the fear, and risk of investment losses and capital losses to the small investors, regular investors, retirement portfolios and mutual fund 

As if the situation wasn’t bad enough, the so-called financial reform bill which Diamond warned against but passed the Congress exempts the SEC from the Freedom of Information Act.

“The documents that I was available to see to help me write the book Wizards of Wall Street will no longer be made available to the public or journalists. The SEC will now only will release documents to the Congress and the courts. The MFA made sure that its lap dogs at the SEC are shielded from scrutiny and criticism as they cooperate with the agents of George Soros in destroying America and capitalism.”


II. Soros Loses Bid to Overturn 2002 Insider Trading Conviction By European Court of Human Rights!

Smoking Gun or Not?

Posted on October 7, 2011:

George Soros, the billionaire financier and liberal activist, was dealt a legal blow this week when the European Court of Human Rights refused to overturn his nine-year-old criminal conviction for insider trading.

A French court convicted Soros in 2002 for insider trading in the late 1980s, but the Hungary-born investor appealed, arguing that the French law on insider trading at the time was too ambiguous to find him guilty.

But the European court ruled Thursday in a 4-3 decision that the French rules were clear enough to convict him.

Soros’s lawyer, Ron Soffer, told the Wall Street Journal that his client would appeal the decision.

“There are some serious questions that still need to be answered,” Soffer told the newspaper.

The conviction is based on a 1988 investment Soros made in French bank Societe Generale. A French court found that Soros sold his shares for $2.9 million in profits after receiving insider knowledge about a plan hatched by a group of wealthy French businessman known as the “golden granddads” to force a takeover of the bank.

The takeover failed but resulted in a higher share price for Societe Generale. French prosecutors launched an investigation in 1990 that ultimately led to Soros’s conviction 12 years later and a $2.9 million fine that was reduced on appeal.

Soros’s legal team has argued that even France’s former market regulator found the country’s insider trading laws too vague.

But on Thursday, the European court said in a statement that while the French law wasn’t precise, Soros was a sophisticated investor and “could not have been unaware that his decision to invest in shares in [Societe Generale] entailed the risk that he might be committing the offense of insider trading,” the Wall Street Journal reported.

Soros’s last chance to clear his name rests on an appeal to the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights.”


III. Meet the Obama link to Wall Street terror: ‘Radical's plan involves strategy to collapse stock market!’-Posted on Aaron Klein-On October 6, 2011:

IV. Soros fingerprints all over protests here, too: ‘Sordid ties of architect who specializes in crisis’!-Posted on Aaron Klein-On September 8, 2011:

V. Europe Stunned After Being Told “Obama Is Not In Charge”!-Posted by EU Times-On September 18, 2011:

VI. Why Did The Fed Use American Taxpayers Money To Bail Out Eurozone?-Posted on InvestmentWatch-On September 15, 2011:

VII. Video: Trader on the BBC says Eurozone Market will crash!-Posted on nsotd4 on Sep 26, 2011:

VIII. Is The Marxist Plan Obama’s Allies Put In Play Succeeding?-Posted on Declaration Alliance-By Alan Keyes-On June 2, 2011:

IX. Hedge Funds Spark World Revolution: Goal is the “United Socialist States of Europe!”-Posted on America’s Survival, Inc.-By Cliff Kincaid-On May 10, 2010:

X. Video: Stock market shenanigans, Greece and President Obama-Posted on Bill O’Reilly-On May 8, 2010:

XI. George Soros Handicapping American Energy-Posted on American Thinker-By Ed Lasky-On March 02, 2011:

XII. An Examination Of Some Of Soros’ Socioeconomic Philosophies!-Posted on The Blaze-By Becket Adams-On October 6, 2011:

XIII. Dictatorship transformation almost complete!-Posted on The Roth Show-On May 26, 2011:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Who or What Was Behind the Financial Crisis?’s-behind-the-financial-crisis/

Who or what caused the economic crisis that propelled President Obama into office?

ACORN-The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)-Automaker Labor Unions!

Manipulation Behind Market Plunge!

The Wall Street Bailout Bill Threatens Our Bottom Line!

Is George Soros deliberately handicapping American energy?

Is President Obama inciting riots across the US?

Powerful men who meet secretly to pkan on how to run our country!

New World Order By Executive Order!

Is the Fed’s concept of buying $600 billion of Treasuries just a smokescreen?’s-concept-of-buying-600-billion-of-treasuries-just-a-smokescreen/

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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Smoking Gun?

Posted on Bob Unruh-On October 7, 2011:

One member of Congress has started using the word “accessory” in talking about members of the Obama administration who had their fingers on the pulse of the Operation Gunrunner Fast and Furious stunt under which the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives ordered gun dealers to sell weapons to unqualified buyers, who then dumped them into the Mexican drug cartel civil war.

And that may include Attorney General Eric Holder.

After all, despite his sworn assurance to Congress in a May appearance on the Hill that it was only within the “last few weeks” that he even heard of the project, a stack of memos reveals that if he paid attention to his office work, he knew about the situation a year earlier.

And now a video has been uncovered showing that a full two years earlier, one of Holder’s associates is on camera talking about the project and what the department was doing to intercept weapons trafficking along the Mexican border through Fast and Furious.

Could Holder possibly have not been listening to what his own aide was explaining to the American public?

Here’s the clip:

In May 2011, Holder told Congress, “I’m not sure of the exact date, but I probably heard about Fast and Furious for the first time over the last few weeks.”

But on the video, dated March 24, 2009, some 26 months earlier, David Ogden, deputy attorney general, was talking about Barack Obama’s orders to “fight” the Mexican drug cartels, using “Project Gunrunner.”

“Attorney General Holder and I are taking several new and aggressive steps as part of the administration’s comprehensive plan. Those steps include the following: DOJ’s Drug Enforcement Administration, which already has the largest U.S. drug enforcement presence in Mexico with 11 offices in that country, is placing 16 new DEA positions in southwest border field positions.., uh, field operations, specifically to target Mexican trafficking and associated violence,” he said.

“The DEA is also deploying four new mobile enforcement teams to specifically target Mexican methamphetamine trafficking both along the border and in U.S. cities impacted by the cartels,” he continued.

“DOJ’s bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is increasing its efforts by adding 37 new employees and three new offices, using $10 million in Recovery Act funds and redeploying 100 personnel to the southwest border in the next 45 days to fortify its Project Gunrunner, which is aimed at disrupting arms trafficking between the United States and Mexico,” he said.

The question remains then, whether Holder was completely ignorant of programs that already were operating and with which his aide was fully familiar.

That’s part and parcel of what members of Congress now are demanding to know, with calls for a special investigator or prosecutor and a level of outrage that suggests nothing is going to “calm down,” as Acting ATF Director B. Todd Jones suggested for now.

In fact, Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona’s First Congressional District says there’s no two ways about it: “We’re talking about consequences of criminal activity, where we actually allowed guns to walk into the hands of criminals, where our livelihoods are at risk. When you facilitate that and a murder or a felony occurs, you’re called an accessory. That means that there’s criminal activity.”

It was Rep. Darrell Issa who earlier, in the congressional hearing exchange with Holder, stated bluntly, “There are dead Americans as a result of this failed and reckless program. So I would say this hasn’t gotten enough attention, has it Mr. Attorney General?”

The outrage was over the death of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, killed in an attack near the border with Mexico at a site where some of the guns that were allowed by the federal government to be taken to the Mexican drug cartel civil war were found.

In an interview with WND/Radio America, Gosar said Holder and the Obama administration need to be “fully compliant” with congressional subpoenas and produce the information to determine “who authorized this.”

He said Americans have become “collateral damage” for the program of the Obama administration.

“We have no idea where these guns are going to show up,” he said. “They show up at crime scenes.”

Also today, it was revealed that Holder got at least five weekly memos a year ago about the Fast and Furious that he claimed to have been informed about only this year.

The memos were released by Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., who have been investigating the alleged criminal behavior.

“With the fairly detailed information that the attorney general read, it seems the logical question for the attorney general after reading in the memo would be ‘why haven’t we stopped them?’” said Grassley in a statement from his office.

Issa suggested that Holder failed to provide “an honest account” of what has happened.

Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, is asking Obama to tell the DOJ to appoint a special counsel to get to the bottom of the problem.

The memos, redacted significantly, still reveal notes to Holder from Michael F. Walther through July and into August in 2010 where he talks about “Fast and Furious”: “This investigation, initiated in September 2009 in conjunction with the Drug Enforcement Administration, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and the Phoenix police department, involves a Phoenix-based firearms trafficking ring headed by Manueal Celis-Acosta. Celis-Acosta and straw purchasers are responsible for the purchase of 1,500 firearms that were then supplied to Mexican drug trafficking cartels. They also have direct ties to the Sinaloa cartel which is suspected of providing $1 million for the purchase of firearms in the greater Phoenix area.”

Similar memos to Holder are dated July 12, July 19, July 26 and other dates.

Insiders already have estimated that hundreds of deaths might be attributable to the guns that the U.S. government let “walk” into the Mexican drug war.

Smith’s demand for a special counsel suggested further misbehavior on the part of Holder.

He told Obama, “Allegations that senior Justice Department officials may have intentionally misled members of Congress are extremely troubling and must be addressed by an independent and objective special counsel. I urge you to appoint a special counsel who will investigate these allegations as soon as possible.”

Pinal County, Ariz., Sheriff Paul Babeu recently told reporters he figures there were more than 300 casualties from Operation Fast and Furious, and he thinks charges are appropriate against officials who bear some responsibility.

The officials, he says, would include President Obama’s buddy, Holder.

Babeu released a video in which he says that with 300 casualties and more than 2,000 weapons on the loose, the operation must have been authorized from officials above the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

Sheriff’s spokesman Elias Johnson says the number 300 looks high, but its based on evidence.

“Those figures are directly from not only the Department of Justice but from various federal agencies such as the ATF, folks that have been involved directly with crime scenes,” Johnson said.

“Those were crime scenes where the serial numbers on the weapons match back to the numbers that were tracked by ATF. You can trace that ballistic back to the weapon that it was fired from,” Johnson said.

Johnson said that the deeper the investigation goes, “you find out that this involved members of our government that went well beyond the ATF.”

“Given the type of operation that was going on, this is not something that the ATF under good conscience could authorize on their own,” his said. “This had to have gone up to Eric Holder.”

Johnson said he and his colleaugues believe Holder was aware, “based on people we’ve talked to within the ATF that have been whistleblowers and acknowledged that this was totally wrong.”

“Not only was it reckless but dangerous—the proof in the crime scenes where we’ve found these weapons at,” he said.

The biggest example, he pointed out, was the murder of Terry with one of the weapons released in the operation.”


Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

I. Holder 'Stonewalling' on Fast and Furious Probe Making Situation Worse, Grassley Says!

Posted on Martin Gould and Ashley Martella-On October 6, 2011:

The more Attorney General Eric Holder stonewalls investigators looking into the Fast and Furious gunrunning scandal, the worse it will get for him, top Republican Sen. Charles Grassley warned in an exclusive Newmax.TV interview.

“I always tell every agency… that I have been investigating, the longer you stonewall, when the truth comes out, the more egg you are going to have on your face,” the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee said.

Grassley accused Holder of refusing to turn over documents that would show how much he knew about the project that allowed hundreds of assault weapons to fall into the hands of Mexican drug cartel leaders. He again urged him to cooperate fully.

“If he’s got any questions about what he meant to say or not say, cooperate with our investigation, give us all the documents that we ask for and let those documents speak for themselves,” Grassley said.

The Iowa senator was speaking as the whole Fast and Furious row threatened to blow up in Holder’s face, potentially becoming a major election issue next year for President Barack Obama, who gave his unequivocal backing to his attorney general minutes before the interview.

Under Fast and Furious, at least 1,400 assault weapons were allowed to cross the border into Mexico in the hope that they could be traced and would lead agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) to the cartel bosses.

But most of the weapons soon disappeared and they have been linked to dozens of crimes south of the border, including the February murder of U.S. immigration officer Jaime Zapata who was working from the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City.

Some of the guns were also used in this country. Two were involved in the December murder of border agent Brian Terry in Arizona; 40 were found in a stash in El Paso, Texas in January; and now Republicans say at least 11 crimes have been committed on U.S. soil with Fast and Furious weapons.

Holder claimed in evidence to the House Judiciary Committee in May that he had only learned of the project “a few weeks ago.” But newly released emails show that Michael Walther, the director of the National Drug Intelligence Center told him about it in at least five weekly memos, starting on July 5 last year.

Already the scandal has cost the jobs of several ATF officers, including acting head Kenneth Melson, who was reassigned in August.

Grassley said he personally handed letters to Holder in January asking for details of the scheme and expected full cooperation. But when he did not receive it he was forced to turn to California Rep. Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Oversight Committee.

“I thought I would get full cooperation and I could take care of it myself, but when I got stonewalled, I went to Rep. Issa and said, ‘Could you help us?’

“He started digging into it and, boy, has he been a big help. He has subpoena power because he is in the majority in the House of Representatives and what I couldn’t get, he subpoenaed and has helped the process along.

“But we have not still had the full cooperation of the Justice Department.”

Grassley was diplomatic when it came to suggestions that Obama should appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Holder’s role in the scheme. He said he is not calling for such a move at this time, while also saying that if the president wanted to live up to his campaign promise of increased government transparency he would appoint one and that he would not discourage others such as Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee from making such a call.

“I am not sure at this point that I would ask for one but I am surely not going to discourage Chairman Smith for asking for one,” he said. “But I want to make it very clear, special prosecutor or not, I’m going to continue my investigation.”

Other GOP members have gone even further than Smith with both Rep. Blake Farenthold of Texas and Rep. Raul Labrador of Idaho calling on Holder to resign now.

“A lot of people tell you that there are a lot of reasons why Holder ought to be fired other than just Fast and Furious, but right now I’m going to limit my comments to having more certainty of personal involvement,” said Grassley. “The more we investigate the more we know that he knew about it or at least should have known about it.

“But I am after who OK’d this and then I would say, if it’s Eric Holder, then he ought to resign. But I am not going to say that Eric Holder ought to resign until I know who the person was that approved this.”

Grassley also said one of the main objectives of his investigation was to make sure a “stupid” project like Fast and Furious is never authorized again.”


II. CBS Reporter: More Revelations to Come on Holder!-Posted on Newsmax Wires-October 6, 2011:

III. CBS Reporter: White House Official ‘Screamed’ & ‘Cussed’ At Me For Coverage Of ‘Fast And Furious’!-Posted on The Blaze-By Jonathon M. Seidl-On October 4, 2011:

IV. White House Clarifies That Obama Disclosed Knowing About Operation Fast and Furious on CNN Espanol in March!-Posted on Fred Lucas-On October 5, 2011:

V. Does Fast and Furious Put Impeachment on The Table?-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Ben Shapiro (Archive)-On September 28, 2011:

VI. Video: Eric Holder Commits Perjury By Lying to Darrell Issa!-Posted on TheZenoEffect-On Jul 10, 2011:

VII. Video: Obama Orders Launched Fast and Furious In 2009!-Posted on MidNightRider2001-On July 8, 2011:

VIII. Video: Justice Dept Continues Stonewalling Investigation of Project Gunrunner!-Posted on oversightandreform on May 5, 2011:

IX. Video: The UN Considers Gun Regulation Treaty!-Posted on October 2, 2011:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Did ATF provide weapons to Mexican drug cartels that were subsequently used to kill one of our own?

What is the true intent of the UN Small Arms Treaty?

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


Read more…

4063390752?profile=originalIt was the 80s at WJZ-TV an ABC affiliate television station in Baltimore, MD. I was a rare black graphic designer in the art dept. Oprah Winfrey was the co-host of the station's local morning talk show, “People Are Talking”.


“People Are Talking” associate producer Debbie DiMaio sent her “reel” to Chicago in response to a job opening. The folks in Chicago, saw Oprah on Debbie's reel, liked her and the rest is television history.


Little did I know my co-worker would eventually “Oprah-rize” America; making everything about feelings and self-esteem. Please do not get me wrong. I am not saying Oprah is solely responsible for feminizing our culture and banning score keeping at school sporting events for fear of injuring the losing team's self-esteem. Unquestionably, Oprah is a superstar on the liberal Socialist/Progressive team committed to furthering their “brain dead” all-about-feelings agenda.


My brother has been coaching little league football for over 25 years. He has noticed a disturbing shift in the attitudes of more and more kids. They think they are entitled; demanding maximum rewards for minimal effort.


Contributing greatly to America's new “gimme” mindset is President Obama, preaching his gospel of “spreading the wealth around”, confirming blacks victims of racial inequality, promoting entitlements and demonizing achievers.


And when did a belief and faith in God become a bad thing in America? God is so banned from the public square, any politician boldly proclaiming their faith is branded a religious zealot nut case by the liberal media. Meanwhile, the liberal media considers anything less than a celebration of sodomy to be ignorant and worthy of attack for bigotry. I preface my comment by saying I have homosexual family and friends whom I love dearly. But, I will not be bullied into proclaiming their behavior normal.


Founding father, John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people”. And yet, the left seeks to ban all references to God from government.


Surfing the channels, I stumbled across a TV program titled, “Hip Hop's Most Shocking Moments”. It was unfortunate witnessing so many youths influenced by a culture which celebrates ignorance, crudeness and guys employing a duck waddling walk to keep their pants which are already below their butts from falling all the way down. The liberal media celebrates this behavior as authentic “blackness”. Conservative educated English speaking blacks are trashed for trying-to-act-white.


The liberal media and the left also appear to hate any suggestion of standards, character and honor. In their perverted thinking, unless you can walk-the-walk of Jesus Christ, you have no right to demand a standard of behavior from anyone. Thus, any Conservative Republican misstep is heralded by the left as punishment for daring to raise a standard in the first place.


Democrat sins are celebrated as resume enhancements; portraying them as flawed and “real” like the rest of us.


Brother and sister patriots, I believe it is crucial that we make an immediate u-turn from the direction our country is going; get back to standing up for standards, character and honor.


When selecting our presidential candidate, I believe the “C” word, (character) means everything! Presidents have an abundance of advisors and fact finders to educate/brief them on any issue. Only a president of character with faith in a power greater than him/herself will make decisions based on what is best for the American people rather than what is going to win the most votes. While this is not a formal endorsement, I believe Herman Cain is a man of character worthy of occupying the Oval Office.


Bottom line, we tea party patriots MUST take our country back; back from politicians who demonize achievers; back from politicians who promote entitlement to enslave as many voters to government as possible; back from bottom feeding parasites seeking freebies from Obama's stash; back from those who hate moral standards of any kind; back from those who hate our military; back from those who seek to divide us along racial lines for political gain; back from those who celebrate and sympathize with the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11.


And most of all, back from Obama who upon entering the White House toured the world apologizing for America's greatness and has vowed to “fundamentally transform” her. You sir, are unworthy of our extraordinary legacy. And with God's help, we will take our country back from YOU come November 2012.


Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.

Please help me spread my message by joining my
Liberty Network.

Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the
American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin








Read more…

What follows are articles and/or blog posts and videos that reveal just a few of the numerous examples of how this President and his administration lied to the American public about who and/or what caused the financial economic crisis that propelled the President into office and how they continue to reward those same agencies/organizations and/or individuals that caused the crisis with American taxpayer’s money-You Decide:

The Nature and the Origin of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis!

Posted by San José State University Department of Economics–By Thayer Watkins, 

There has been a long term American policy of promoting home ownership. This entailed making the financing of home purchases as easy as possible. Various financial institutions were set up over time to make the securing of a mortgage quick and convenient. There once were Savings and Loan Associations that were savings institutions which could only invest in home mortgages. Fannie Mae (the Federal Nation Mortgage Association FNMA) was set up in 1938 to provide a secondary market for home mortgages. This meant that if a bank granted a mortgage to someone and later the bank needed funds the bank could readily sell the mortgage to Fannie Mae. However, in order for lending institutions to have access to the secondary mortgage market of Fannie Mae they had to abide by Fannie Mae’s rules.

In the past Fannie Mae prohibited the lenders it was dealing with to engage in the practice of red liningRed Liningmeant that a bank would refuse to finance a home purchase in neighborhoods it consider high risk even if the prospective borrowers were themselves good credit risks. In part, this was because the bank did not want, in the event of default and foreclosure, to become the owner of property in a risky neighborhood. The deeper roots of the problem go back to the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977.

In the 1990’s under the administration of Franklin Raines, a Clinton Administration appointee, Fannie Mae began to demand that the lending institutions that it dealt with prove that they were not redlining. This meant that the lending institutions would have to fulfill a quota of minority mortgage lending. This in turn meant that the lending agencies would have to lower their standards in terms of such things as down payments and the required incomes. These subprime borrowers would be charged a higher interest rate. Having put the lending agencies into the position of granting subprime mortgages Fannie Mae then had to accept lower standards in the mortgages it purchased. That set the ball rolling. If a bank granted a mortgage to a borrower that was not likely to successfully pay off the mortgage then all the bank had to do was to sell such mortgages to Fannie Mae. The banks typically earned a loan origination fee when the mortgage was granted. The lending agencies could then make substantial profits dealing in subprime mortgages.

Because Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac made a market for subprime mortgages the lenders did not have to worry about of the soundness of the mortgage contract they wrote. Thus the lenders could write the mortgages as adjustable interest rate mortgages knowing full well that an upturn in the interest rates could easily throw the borrower into insolvency. For example, when the interest rate is 6 percent the mortgage payment for a 30-year $200,000 mortgage is $1199 per month. If the interest rate goes up to 7 percent the mortgage payment would increase by $131 per month, an 11 percent increase. For many of the subprime borrowers living on the edge of insolvency this would be enough to push them over the edge. The guilt for the subprime mortgage financial crisis lies both with the lenders who knowingly put borrowers into booby trapped mortgages and the management of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for making a market for such booby trapped mortgages thus giving the lenders the incentive for writing them.

The subprime borrowers were charged a higher interest rate to compensate for the higher risks. Obviously the borrower that could not qualify for the mortgage at the lower rate was going to be more of a risk at the higher rate. It seems that everyone but the dimwits running Fannie Mae (into the ground) understood intuitively that a poor risk for a mortgage cannot be made a better risk by charging a higher interest rate. Here are some illustrations of the point.

The graph below shows the relationship between expected rate of return and risk, called the market line, that separates the good investments from the bad investments. The dot shows a subprime mortgage.


The dot being below the market line indicates that it given its risk and return it is not a good investment. No rational investor would invest in it. The next graph shows the attempt to make it a good investment by increasing the interest rate; i.e., to move the dot from point 0 to point 1. But the increase in the interest rate increases the risk of default, so the movement is from point 0 to point 2. Given the increase risk the dot is even farther below the market line and is an even worse investment than at point 0.


There is the experience of the junk bond market that collapsed once investors realized that the higher rate of interest on the junk bonds was not sufficient to compensate for their higher risk.

The presumption was that although there would be a higher default rate at the higher interest rates there would be some lenders large enough to pool these mortgages and even with their higher default rates make a higher rate of return. This was the logic behind junk bonds market created by Michael Milken at Drexel Burnham Lambert. In the case of the junk bonds the higher interest rates were not enough higher to compensate for their higher risk and the junk bond market collapsed. A similar sort of thing occurred with the subprime mortgages. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac pooled the subprime mortgages and then created securities which were sold around the world. When the subprime borrowers defaulted on their mortgage payments that led to the real estate market being flooded with houses for sale. The subsequent decline in housing prices then led even prime borrowers to walk away from mortgages where the mortgage debt exceeded the market value of the property. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were inundated by default claims from the mortgage default insurance they had provided. When Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were declared bankrupt by their managers there was an instantaneous loss in value for not only the subprime mortgages but also the prime mortgages. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had provided default insurance on approximately one half of all American home mortgages. Thus the bankruptcy of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac could have led to the bankruptcy of any major holder of mortgages or securities based upon mortgages.

In 1968 Fannie Mae was turned into a private company in large part because Congress wanted to separate Fannie Mae from its own budget accounting. Fannie Mae up until that time had had a virtual monopoly in the secondary mortgage market. Having privatized Fannie Mae it was appropriate for the Federal Government to create competition in the secondary mortgage market. It did this in 1970 when it created the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC). Since the FNMA had the euphonic nickname of Fannie Mae the FHLMC was given the catchy but illogical name of Freddie Mac. Freddie Mac was intended for expanding the secondary mortgage market.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac both not only purchased mortgages they also provided payment insurance, for a fee, for other mortgages. They also created pools of mortgages and issued securities based upon the revenue received. This procedure was called securitization and the securities created were called collateralized debt obligations, CDO’s. Such securities allowed investors to invest in the mortgage market by diversifying the risk. If such investors purchased a single mortgage there would have been too much risk concentrated in that single mortgage but if they, in effect, purchase one percent of a hundred such mortgage their risk would be diversified.

Not only did Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and other institutions create diversification through securitization but they created securities that partitioned the risk. One security would have first claim to the mortgage payments, another second claim; i.e., that security would receive payments only after the first claim security’s obligations had been met. And so on down the line. The security last in line was the most risky and came to be known as toxic waste. Thus this partitioned securitization created some securities that were riskier than the original mortgages. It was difficult to ascertain what values the various securities should have.

The market could be relied upon to eventually establish appropriate values. But in the short run the market would punish buyers who paid too much for a security by imposing losses that would take those buyers out of the market. However if buyers erroneously believe that even in the short run the market prices are appropriate values then process of finding appropriate prices for the securities is delayed.

In the case of the graduated risk, mortgage-backed securities the market worked perversely in the short run. The prices established for those securities made it seem that a profit could be made by buying mortgages and using them to create mortgaged-backed securities. Thus a demand was created for mortgages, even subprime mortgages. Not only did it seem that a profit could be made in securitization of even subprime mortgages, profits were being made. Securitizers like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were being drawn into the process from the apparent profitability of the process, thus justifying their creation of a market for subprime mortgages. It was as though the U.S. Treasury started buying pyrite (fool’s gold) as well as real gold. The fact that the Treasury was buying pyrite resulted in private companies also buying pyrite and thus the price of pyrite would increase. The Treasury then seeing the value of its stocks of pyrite increasing would then believe that the original decision to buy pyrite was justified and thus buy more.

In the case of the subprime borrowers they were charged higher interest rates and were required to pay for default insurance. This higher burden increased the risk of default. The subprime mortgages became bad investments and no amount of securitization would alter this aspect. But the process of producing graduated risk securities backed by the subprime mortgages disguised the fact that they were bad investments. The perceived status of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as quasi-governmental institutions enabled them to sell their toxic product world-wide.

Although some people erroneous attribute the financial crisis to this mortgage default insurance and/or to securitization, these practices are perfectly legitimate and appropriate for financial markets. The problem arose because Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac were the key institutions in providing mortgage default insurance and in buying subprime mortgages. There were abuses of the derivative instruments that should have been punished by the market but were not because the perpetrators were ultimately bailed out.

The primary abuse was that banks bought credit default swaps (CDS) from parties who could not possibly make good on their agreements. The banks wanted such insurance to remove the risk associated with the mortgages and mortgage-backed securities which they had purchased. Removing the risk allowed the banks to invest more deeply in such securities. The sellers of such insurance did so because they received a premium now for a future obligation. It was rational although fraudulent for those sellers of CDS’s to do so even though they could not make good on the future obligations. It was up to the banks to ascertain whether they were transferring the default risk to another party or simply changing their default risk into counter-party risk. If the CDS’s had been legally insurance then the state and federal insurance regulators would have had a say in their regulation, but the CDS contracts were written in such a way that they did not technically qualify as an insurance contract. The CDS contracts might also have come under the regulation of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) of the Federal Government, but there was an act of Congress passed and signed into law in the year 2000 by William Clinton which specifically excluded CDS’s from regulation by the CFTC.

It was in the late 1990’s, as shown below, under the urging of the Clinton Administration that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac began to operate as social welfare agencies instead of financial institutions. The insurance premiums on subprime mortgages were too low for the risks involved. No rational buyer would have purchased those subprime mortgages except at a drastic discount; Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac did purchase them. No amount of securitization could alleviate the fact that the subprime mortgages were not good investments. The practice of securitization and the credibility of Fanny Mae allowed the bad investments of the U.S. subprime mortgages to be spread throughout the world.

There was also a flawed view of the nature of risk in the mortgage market involved in the crisis. Securitization was based upon the notion that the risks of default for the different mortgages were independent. When housing prices fall there are some borrowers who find the market value of their property is less than the amount of debt outstanding and they decide to walk away from their debt obligations. No amount of diversification will reduce this risk. The default, foreclosure and resale of the properties then feed back into the mortgage market further increasing the risk. SeeMarket Risk for more on this topic.

An article by Steven A. Holmes from the September 30, 1999 edition of the New York Times describes how the process began that culminated in the financial crisis of September 2008. The article reveals how much wishful thinking there was on the part of government officials that financial institutions could be run like social welfare agencies and how they were forewarned of their folly yet they went ahead and did it.

Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending:

“In a move that could help increase home ownership rates among minorities and low-income consumers, the Fannie Mae Corporation is easing the credit requirements on loans that it will purchase from banks and other lenders.

The action, which will begin as a pilot program involving 24 banks in 15 markets—including the New York metropolitan region—will encourage those banks to extend home mortgages to individuals whose credit is generally not good enough to qualify for conventional loans. Fannie Mae officials say they hope to make it a nationwide program by next spring.

Fannie Mae, the nation’s biggest underwriter of home mortgages, has been under increasing pressure from the Clinton Administration to expand mortgage loans among low and moderate income people and felt pressure from stock holders to maintain its phenomenal growth in profits.

In addition, banks, thrift institutions and mortgage companies have been pressing Fannie Mae to help them make more loans to so-called subprime borrowers. These borrowers whose incomes, credit ratings and savings are not good enough to qualify for conventional loans, can only get loans from finance companies that charge much higher interest rates—anywhere from three to four percentage points higher than conventional loans.”

The September 1999 New York Times article continues:

“Fannie Mae has expanded home ownership for millions of families in the 1990’s by reducing down payment requirements,” said Franklin D. Raines, Fannie Mae’s chairman and chief executive officer. “Yet there remain too many borrowers whose credit is just a notch below what our underwriting has required who have been relegated to paying significantly higher mortgage rates in the so-called subprime market.”

That is the end of the quotation in the article of Franklin Raines comments. Steven Holmes’ article continues:

“Demographic information on these borrowers is sketchy. But at least one study indicates that 18 percent of the loans in the subprime market went to black borrowers, compared to 5 per cent of loans in the conventional loan market.

In moving, even tentatively, into this new area of lending, Fannie Mae is taking on significantly more risk, which may not pose any difficulties during flush economic times. But the government-subsidized corporation may run into trouble in an economic downturn, prompting a government rescue similar to that of the savings and loan industry in the 1980’s.”

The Savings and Loan Associations were part of what was known as the thrift industry, which included credit unions as well as savings and loan associations. The New York Times article makes reference to the collapse of the thrift industry in the 1980’s.

“From the perspective of many people, including me, this is another thrift industry growing up around us,” said Peter Wallison a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. “If they fail, the government will have to step up and bail them out the way it stepped up and bailed out the thrift industry.”

The article then goes on to give some of the details of mortgage industry’s operation.

“Under Fannie Mae’s pilot program, consumers who qualify can secure a mortgage with an interest rate one percentage point above that of a conventional, 30-year fixed rate mortgage of less than $240,000 -- a rate that currently averages about 7.76 per cent. If the borrower makes his or her monthly payments on time for two years, the one percentage point premium is dropped.

Fannie Mae, the nation’s biggest underwriter of home mortgages, does not lend money directly to consumers. Instead, it purchases loans that banks make on what is called the secondary market. By expanding the type of loans that it will buy, Fannie Mae is hoping to spur banks to make more loans to people with less-than-stellar credit ratings.

Fannie Mae officials stress that the new mortgages will be extended to all potential borrowers who can qualify for a mortgage. But they add that the move is intended in part to increase the number of minority and low income home owners who tend to have worse credit ratings than non-Hispanic whites.”

The 1999 article goes on to give some of the statistics of the performance of Fannie Mae program to extend mortgage lending to minorities.

“Home ownership has, in fact, exploded among minorities during the economic boom of the 1990’s. The number of mortgages extended to Hispanic applicants jumped by 87.2 per cent from 1993 to 1998, according to Harvard University’s Joint Center for Housing Studies. During that same period the number of African Americans who got mortgages to buy a home increased by 71.9 per cent and the number of Asian Americans by 46.3 per cent.

In contrast, the number of non-Hispanic whites who received loans for homes increased by 31.2 per cent.

Despite these gains, home ownership rates for minorities continue to lag behind non-Hispanic whites, in part because blacks and Hispanics in particular tend to have on average worse credit ratings.

In July, the Department of Housing and Urban Development proposed that by the year 2001, 50 percent of Fannie Mae’s and Freddie Mac’s portfolio be made up of loans to low and moderate-income borrowers. Last year, 44 percent of the loans Fannie Mae purchased were from these groups.

The change in policy also comes at the same time that HUD is investigating allegations of racial discrimination in the automated underwriting systems used by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to determine the credit-worthiness of credit applicants.”

The Accounting Scandal at Fannie Mae:

In May of 2006 the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) issued the report on its three year investigation of the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae). The acting director of OFHEO, James B. Lockhart, said:

“Our examination found an environment where the ends justified the means. Senior management manipulated accounting, reaped maximum, undeserved bonuses, and prevented the rest of the world from knowing.”

The reported charged that the reported earnings from 1998 to mid-2004 were bogus values generated by erroneous accounting practices. These fraudulent earnings then were used to justify enormous bonuses for the senior management. The extent of the fraudulent accounting profits was a mind-boggling $11 billion. The sizes of the undeserved bonuses were not just millions of dollars, or even tens of millions of dollars. Instead they were hundreds of millions of dollars.

The report said:

“The conduct of Mr. Raines, CFO Timothy Howard and other members of the inner circle of senior executives at Fannie Mae was inconsistent with the values of responsibility, accountability, and integrity. […] Those individuals engaged in improper earnings management in order to generate unjustified levels of compensation for themselves and other executives.”

The manipulations not only involved raising the level of reported earnings but also reducing the variability of earnings to give the impression to the public that Fannie Mae’s business operations were less risky than they actually were.

As a result of the findings Fannie Mae was fined $400 million. The major portion of this fine, $350 million, was levied by the Security and Exchange Commission to compensate the people who bought stock in Fannie Mae on the basis of these false accounts.

Fannie Mae was enjoined to limit its holdings and insurance of mortgages at $727 billion and meanwhile correct its accounting procedures and risk management practices. The chief executive of Fannie Mae, Franklin Raines, and its chief financial officer, J. Timothy Howard, were allowed to resign from the organization. The report suggested that Fannie Mae consider retroactively firing Raines and Howard. This would deny them retirement benefits.

Freddie Mac had undergone a similar probe concerning improper accounting procedures before the investigation of Fannie Mae.

After about ten years of the operation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac under social objectives, including making top management rich, rather than financial probity the enormous institutions were nearing collapse in 2007. Below are shown the financial statistics for both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.


These were the statistics for 2007. The statistics for 2008 are not yet available, but the financial conditions obviously worsened.


The subprime mortgage crisis had its origin in the program the directors of Fannie Mae initiated in the late 1990’s to pursue social welfare goals rather than maintain financial viability. Lenders were strongly encouraged to reduce the requirements for mortgage below what had been found to be the minimum adequate levels. Having pushed the lenders into the subprime mortgage market Fannie Mae made the financially infeasible feasible by being willing to buy such subprime mortgage and to grant default insurance on such mortgages. When Fannie Mae effectively went bankrupt the lenders who had written such subprime mortgages found that there was no longer a market for them and thus they were stuck with them. Also those lenders who had obtained default insurance now find that insurance is useless if Fannie Mae cannot pay off on the defaulted mortgages. The lenders should have been aware that there is a risk with any insurance company that it might not be willing and able to pay off on claims. The supposed guarantee of Fannie Mae obligations by the Federal Government removed any concern of businesses with the risk of counter-party default. It is unwise to encourage such behavior.

On May 6, 2009 the Center for Public Integrity published a study entitled Who’s Behind the Financial Meltdown. The six member team of journalists preparing the study surveyed government data on millions of subprime mortgages issued between 2005 and 2007. Some of their major findings were:

  • Nine of the top 10 lenders were based in California, including all of the top five: Countrywide Financial Corp., Ameriquest Mortgage Co., New Century Financial Corp., First Franklin Corp., and Long Beach Mortgage Co.
  • Altogether 56 percent of the $1.38 trillion of subprime mortgages in the study period were written by California firms.
  • Some lenders allowed borrowers to state their incomes without providing documentation.

There are plenty of parties to blame for the subprime mortgage crisis, but a large share of that blame rests with Franklin Raines, Timothy Howard and the other members of the inner circle of Fannie Mae. The lenders would not have written the flawed mortgages with their bobby-trapped conditions if they could not have counted on selling them to Fannie Mae or getting default insurance from such sources. And finally scuttling Fannie Mae in September of 2008 before it was technically bankrupt produced a shocked surprise for the stock market that produced the panic selling and the collapse of stock prices.”


Fannie, ACORN, Obama, and the Financial Crisis!-Posted on National Review Online- By Stanley Kurtz-On June 17, 2011:

Fannie, Freddie, Ginnie and Their Pimps!-Posted on American Thinker-By Jack Curtis-On April 9, 2011:

Bosses at bailed-out Fannie, Freddie were paid millions-Posted on The York Times-By GRETCHEN MORGENSON-On April 1, 2011:

The True Story of the Financial Crisis!-Posted on The American Spectator-By Peter J. Wallison-May 2011 issue:

Was the Economic Crisis Manufactured?-Posted on American Thinker-By Nancy Morgan-On March 5, 2011:

How banks were bullied into making bad loans: ‘'Community activists' used pressure tactics to secure high-risk mortgages!’-Posted on April 5, 2009:

Planting Seeds of Disaster: ‘ACORN, Barack Obama, and the Democratic party!’-Posted on National Review Online-On October 7, 2008:

Video: ACORN caused mortgage crisis and bailout!-Posted On September 29, 2008:

Note:  These articles and/or blog posts and videos reveal that former President Bush and Senator McCain attempted to rein in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, along with Barney Frank’s conflict of interest in this matter-You Decide:

Bush Proposed Fannie Mae / Freddie Mac Supervision In 2003!-Posted on Bucks Rights-On September 16, 2008:

McCain’s attempt to fix Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac in 2005!-Posted on Hot Air-On September 17, 2008:

Media Mum on Barney Frank’s Fannie Mae Love Connection: ‘Democratic House Financial Services Committee Chair promoted GSEs while former ‘spouse’ was Fannie Mae executive!’-Posted on Business & Media Institute-By Jeff Poor-On September 24, 2008:

Lawmaker Accused of Fannie Mae Conflict of Interest!-Posted on Bill Sammon-On October 3, 2008:,2933,432501,00.html

Video: O ‘Reilly – Barney Frank Had Affair with Fannie Mae Exec!-Posted on Live Leak-On October 7, 2008:

Do Facts Matter?-Posted on Real Clear Politics-By Thomas Sowell-On October 4, 2008:

Note:  My following articles and/or blog posts reveal that this President, his administration and minions, some who may very well be the same ones that had a hand in causing the financial economic crisis that propelled this President into office, as documented above, now seem to have a hand in the “Day of Rage”, which we are currently witnessing on Wall Street and other financial institutions around the country, as a means of getting him re-elected.

This administration continues to have us believe that it was the Bush Administration that created our financial economic crisis, but was it or was it "banking terrorist" tactics that were applied by ACORN’s members who were trained by our President to use Alinky’s Rules to bully banks into making bad loans using the tools provided them under the federal Community Reinvestment Act of 1977, which likely contributed to the "mortgage meltdown" that ultimately triggered the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression and ultimately propelled him into office-You Decide:

Obama Praises Wall Street Protesters, Calls TEA Party Extreme!-Posted Before It’s News-On October 6, 2011:

Top New York Lawmakers Get Chilling “Time To Kill The Wealthy” Email Screeds!-Posted on The New York Daily News-By CELESTE KATZ-On October 6, 2011:

Meet the Obama link to Wall Street terror: ‘Radical's plan involves strategy to collapse stock market!’-Posted on Aaron Klein-On October 6, 2011:

Melee Breaks Out Between Wall Street Protestors And NYPD!-Posted on The  Blaze-By Becket Adams-On October 6, 2011: 

Van Jones on America's Uprising: It's Going to Be an Epic Battle!-Posted on Truthout-By Adele M. Stan and Don Hazen, AlterNet | News Analysis-On October 5, 2011:

Herman Cain Slams Wall Street Protestors: ‘If You Don’t Have A Job & You’re Not Rich, Blame Yourself!’-Posted on The Blaze-By Billy Hallowell-On October 5, 2011:’t-have-a-job-you’re-not-rich-blame-yourself/?t-have-a-job-you?re-not-rich-blame-yourself/

Protesters invade NYC Financial District: ‘Demonstrators invoke Mideast rallies, call for end to corporate greed favoring rich!’-Posted on staff and news service reports-Updated on September 19, 2011:

Radical Rage: Marxist Mob Plans to Occupy Wall Street!-Posted on FrontPageMagazine-By Matthew Vadum-On September 16, 2011:

“Day of Rage” Obama re-election team in disguise?-Posted on Canada Free Press-By Judi McLeod-On September 16, 2011:

Union violence of little interest to media!-Posted on American Thinker-By K.E. Campbell-On September 9, 2011:

Obama Mum on Details From Secret AFL-CIO Meeting!-Posted on The Daily Caller-By Matthew Boyle, The Daily Caller-On August 3, 2011:

Soros fingerprints all over protests here, too: ‘Sordid ties of architect who specializes in crisis’!-Posted on Aaron Klein-On September 8, 2011:

Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

I. The Next Solyndra?-Posted on National Review Online-By Andrew Stiles-On October 3, 2011:

II. Top Obama Fundraiser Ok’ed Solyndra Loan!-Posted on Dick Morris-On October 2, 2011:

III. Obama Commerce pick awarded $1.37 billion in ‘stimulus funds’ for another risky solar plant!-Posted on Aaron Klein-On September 26, 2011:

IV. All the President’s High-Paid ‘Engagers’!-Posted on National Review Online-By Michelle Malkin-On July 6, 2011:

V. Radical Obama Pal, Who Was Awarded $457,000 in Taxpayer Funds & Has Visited White House, Is Being Investigated For Ties to Terrorism!-Posted on The Gateway Pundit-By Jim Hoft-On June 15, 2011:

VI. Panel: Green jobs company endorsed by Obama and Biden squandered $535 million in stimulus money-Posted on The Daily Caller-By John Rossomando, The Daily Caller-On February 22, 2011:

VII. Shoring Up Chicago’s Community Bank-Posted on The American Spectator-By The Prowler-On May 17, 2010:

VIII. Islamists on Welfare: Paid to Plot the West’s Demise: ‘Their parasitical behavior obliges governments, through taxpayers, to subsidize their adopted country’s own destruction.’-Posted on Pajamas Media-By Kathy Shaidle-On April 4, 2011:

IX. Muslims & Others Exempt from Health Care Mandate-Posted on Sharon Hughes-On April 6, 2010:

X. Barack Obama: Losing $84 billion big success-Posted on The Washington Times-On March 31, 2011:

XI. ‘Green Energy’ Helps Bring GE Taxes to Zero-Posted on Big Government-By Dan Freeman-On March 26, 2011:

XII. $5B Hollywood Handout Bankrupting Obamacare-Posted on Chris Gonsalves-On March 24, 2011:

XIII. The Impact of Obamacare: Small Businesses Threatened-Posted on The Heritage Foundation-By Bethany Murphy-On March 22, 2011:

XIV. High Energy Prices Are Obama’s ‘Explicit Policy Goal,’ Inhofe Says-Posted on Neefus-On March 10, 2011:

XV. Cleaning Fannie’s and Freddie’s Stables-Posted on The New American-By JOHN F. MCMANUS-On March 9, 2011:

XVI. U.S. To Give Arab-Based Renewable Energy Agency $5 Mil-Posted on Judicial Watch-On March 7, 2011:

XVII. Number of healthcare reform law waivers climbs above 1,000-Posted on The Hill-By Jason Millman-On March 6, 2011:

XVIII. Greenspan Says Government ‘Activism’ Hampering U.S. Recovery-Posted on Bloomberg-By Scott Lanman-On March 3, 2011:

XIX. George Soros Handicapping American Energy-Posted on American Thinker-By Ed Lasky-On March 2, 2011:

XX. Obama’s Economic Advisers: International Socialists, Union Thugs, NBC Execs, Soros Scholars, Subprime Lenders, Amnesty Shills, and Campaign Cronies-Posted on Floyd Reports-By Ben Johnson-On Posted on February 24, 2011:’s-economic-advisers-international-socialists-union-thugs-nbc-execs-soros-scholars-subprime-lenders-amnesty-shills-and-campaign-cronies/?utm_source=Floyd+Reports&utm_campaign=bf42301582-FR_02_24_20112_24_2011&utm_medium=email

XXI. The special interest driving federal spending? Big Labor-Posted on The Washington Examiner-By Examiner Editorial-On February 13, 2011:

XXII. U.S. Footing $100M Bill for U.N. Security Upgrade-Posted on George Russell-On February 9, 2011:

XXIII. IRS Gives $33 Mil In Bogus Electric Car Credits-Posted on Judicial Watch-On February 4, 2011:

XXIV. A Black Farmer Blows the Whistle on the Black Farmer Settlement-Posted on Big Government-By Jimmy Dismuke-On December 6, 2010:

XXV. Union Drops Health Coverage for Workers’ Children-Posted on The Wall Street Journal-By Yuliya Chernova-On November 20, 2010:

XXVI. Behind Closed Doors, Unions Win, You Lose-Posted On The Heritage Foundation-On January 14, 2010:

XXVII. Congressman: Obama buying votes in Kenya: “Pumping $23 million into measure advancing abortion, Islamic law”-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On July 22, 2010:

XXVIII. Obama Administration pushing Sharia Law in Kenya-Posted on July 12, 2010:

XXVIX. Why is US funding Sen’s troops?-Posted on Guam PDN-By A. GAFFAR PEANG-METH-On July 21, 2010:

XXX. Obama Thanks His Friends: Government Spending and Union Support-Posted on American Institute for Economic Research-By RICHARD M. EBELING –On June 8, 2009:

XXXI. Obama Stimulus Package Really Socialism?-Posted on Glenn Beck-On February 5, 2009:,2933,483345,00.html

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Who or what caused the economic crisis that propelled President Obama into office?

ACORN-The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)-Automaker Labor Unions!

The Wall Street Bailout Bill Threatens Our Bottom Line!

Is President Obama inciting riots across the US?

Supreme Court to Strike Down Obamacare!

Behind Closed Doors, Unions Win, You Lose!

Is George Soros deliberately handicapping American energy?

Obama using millions of US taxpayer dollars to buy votes in Kenya!

What do Obama, Tim Geithner, The Ford Foundation, Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac, China and Muslims have in common?

Progressives and Communists Are Out of the Closet Together!

What we haven’t been told about the President’s background!’t-been-told-about-the-president’s-background/

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


Read more…


Republicans Seek Another Huge Shellacking
(For Obama’s Nonsensical “Jobs” Bill)
In the Democrat-Controlled Senate
                Has the world turned upside down? You be the judge. 
Item #1: As promised the House Republicans are taking pieces of the Obama American Jobs Act bill they believe in and designing their own bill with the best parts of Obama’s bill IN and the destructive parts of Obama’s bill for the economy LEFT OUT.
Item: #2: The last time (before his Jobs Bill was proposed in September that instead of merely haranguing Congress and the nation without substance) President Barack Obama actually put something in writing for the Congress to examine was in February this year. That “something” was a bogus budget drawn up to oppose the real and thoughtful pro-active budget from House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin). Ryan’s plan , the “Roadmap for America’s Future” was the first effort made in our history to deal not only with deficits and hyper-spending but also with the nation’s $116 TRillion UNfunded liabilities (Social Security, Medicare and the federal side of Medicaid) crisis. After submitting his own atrocious budget, Obama called for an immediate vote . . . His Senate Majority Leader, Democrat Harry Reid warned that would be a bad idea and put off that vote until the President clamored “Now!” three months later. Reid would have preferred not to vote but had to. The result was a 0-97 defeat in the Democrat-controlled Senate . . . perhaps the worst rebuff from Congress that any president has ever received . . . a historical drubbing of monumental proportions.
Item #3: Now Obama’s at it again with his so-called American Jobs Act which is really just a huge pretense at cutting spending which actually raises taxes on middle-class Americans dramatically.    Sounds like just the thing for the Democratically-controlled Senate to vote on, right? Not so quick! 
Item #4: Majority leader Harry Reid knowing that any tax increases during the current economic malaise will not be popular with voters, especially all those independent voters that Obama and all members of Congress (House and Senate) will need on their side come the 2012 elections. Reid has tried to tell the President again NOT to plow ahead. Obama today says “Go!” however and now Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has called for a vote in the Senate. Reid is, of course, still opposed and today Reid blocked the procedural vote from further consideration. We believe that Republican Mc Connell will continue to call for the vote.
Item#5: Even IF Mc Connell had his way today, the procedural vote required to get Obama’s bill voted on appears 100% likely to be blocked by the Democrats with the prospect that somehow, some way IF the matter ever did come up for a vote on its merits, this bill too would face an ignominious defeat. 
Item #6: To avoid that likely debacle, Reid and the Dems will block the matter from further consideration they would vote as a unit on the procedural matter against the president’s Jobs Bill while the Republicans are voting as a bloc FOR Obama’s bill to be voted on. That’s how bad the president’s bill is . . . about 85% of Democrats don’t like it at all and almost no Democrat, even those who do like it, wants to vote for higher taxes now. 
Item #7: The Democrats, we’re told from polls, are deeply split over the president’s jobs bill. The latest attempt to find consensus among the Dems is to make two major changes to the president’s bill A) instead of raising taxes on households earning $200,000 or more beginning in 2013, the Senate Dems are talking about a 5% surcharge on millionaires and up beginning three months from now in January, 2012. Harry Reid surprisingly did NOT downplay the split among his Dems in the Senate describing it this way for the press, “If some of our members wanted permission to go to the bathroom, there’s a good chance that many others would shout ‘NO!’”
            Again that’s how bad the president’s bill is . . . about 85% of Democrats don’t like it at all and almost no Democrat, even those who do like it, wants to vote for higher taxes now. The Republicans hate the bill and want to show it up with something akin to the 0-97 shellacking that the Senate gave Obama’s ridiculous budget when they finally voted on that bill itself in May of this year three full months after it was submitted by the President. This is the leader of the Free World our campaigner-in-chief who has NOT the slightest clue about how to govern. 
How does one govern? By getting the most you can with what you’ve got. Instead of ramming Obamacare through in a hateful manner, imagine if you will that despite controlling the House and Senate in 2009 when he came into office that: President Obama had called on the Republicans to help craft a healthcare bill with his Congressional majorities . . . . Not only would there have been no need for the unconstitutional procedural tricks that Nancy Pelosi pulled on the nation (“We’ll have to pass it so you can see what’s in it.”) or the lie personally signed by Obama for Bart Stupak saying NO abortions would be funded by Obamacare (incredibly, the first three official Obamacare procedures done were abortions). The result would not have been an acrimonious battle for 15 months and would not have been the 2,700-page monstrosity that’s likely to be ruled unconstitutional and which is already bankrupting the nation just in its earliest stages of implementation. 
The result probably would have been a 425-10 vote in the House and a 98-2 vote in the senate for a smart 100-page bill that would have actually worked (malpractice tort reform; insurance across state lines; taking care of fraud in Medicare and streamlining Medicaid) to get more people healthcare and to cut overall healthcare costs. That’s what governing is all about . . . getting a near-unanimous consensus and real results that help with almost zero-downside. President Obama is not capable of such a feat, alas. Two vital questions must be answered in 2012:
A.     Are you better off than you were four years ago?
B.     Are you better off than you were $4+ TRillion ago?
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,

Read more…

These recent articles and/or blog posts and videos reveal just a few of the numerous examples of how this President and his administration very predictably exercise a straightforward Alinsky Rules governing style MO, which is to aggressively attack anyone who crosses them and it doesn't seem to matter if the attacks accomplish much because the main purpose of their attacks is to basically send a message to others in the same manner as street mobs, third world strong men and Chicago mob/politicians do-You Decide:

I. CBS Reporter: White House Official ‘Screamed’ & ‘Cussed’ At Me For Coverage Of ‘Fast And Furious’!

What’s wrong with this picture?

Posted on The Blaze-By Jonathon M. Seidl-On October 4, 2011:

“CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson has been doggedly covering the ATF and DOJ scandal surrounding the gunwalking “Fast and Furious” case. And now she’s coming out with some juicy details about her attempts to get information from the DOJ and the White House regarding the case.

On Laura Ingraham’s radio show Tuesday, Attkisson said she was “screamed” and “cussed” at by the White House while trying to get information last Friday, and that a DOJ spokesperson “yelled” at her while she was trying to get clarification on the case. And she named names.

Ingraham: So they were literally screaming at you?

Attkisson: Yes. Well the DOJ woman was just yelling at me. The guy from the White House on Friday night literally screamed at me and cussed at me.

Ingraham: Who was the person? Who was the person at Justice screaming?

Attkisson: Eric Schultz Oh, the person screaming was [DOJ spokeswoman] Tracy Schmaler, she was yelling not screaming. And the person who screamed at me was Eric Schultz at the White House.

Why such the reaction from the spokespeople?

“They will tell you that I’m the only reporter–as they told me–that is not reasonable,” she told Ingraham. “They say the Washington Post is reasonable, the LA Times is reasonable, the New York Times is reasonable, I’m the only one who thinks this is a story, and they think I’m unfair and biased by pursuing it.”

You can listen to her tell the story below (the revelation initially comes at the beginning and then picks up again at the 6:00 mark):

This all comes House RepublicanS are calling for a special investigation of Attorney General Eric Holder over his handling of the scandal and after it was revealed this week that Holder was sent briefings on the program as early as June 2010. That contradicts his statement under oath in May 2011 that he first heard about the operation “over the last few weeks.” Holder’s camp has tried to explain the contradiction by saying he was referring to the details of the case and not the case itself.

Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) addressed the issue on Fox today and said he personally handed a letter to Holder on the issue in January of this year, which would also seem to contradict Holder’s defense:


(H/T: JammieWearingFool)”


II. ESPN Pulled Hank Williams Jr. Classic Football Intro Song For Comparing Obama to Hitler!-Posted on Christian Science Monitor-By Associated Press-On October 4, 2011:

III. Senators see GAO budget cuts as payback: ‘Watchdog office was ‘singled out’!’-Posted on The Washington Times-By Stephen Dinan, The Washington Times-On October 2, 2011:

IV. S&P Under Investigation for ‘Delphinus’ Credit Rating!-Posted on Chicago Agent Magazine-On September 28, 2011:

V. Video: DOJ and SEC Investigating S&P After Downgrading U.S.’s Credit Rating?-Posted on Aug 18, 2011:

VI. S&P replaces president with Citibank exec after U.S. downgrade!-Posted on Reuters-By Abhishek Takle in BANGALORE and Wayne Cole and Mark Bendeich in SYDNEY-On August 23, 2011:

VII. Is Fed Raid on Gibson Guitar Company Enforcing Policy . . . or a Push to Target 'Made in the USA'?-Posted on Fox News-By John Roberts-On September 7, 2011:

VIII. White House Won’t Say If Obama Wants ATF Director to Resign!-Posted on Fred Lucas-On June 27, 2011:

IX. Acting ATF Director to Resign Over Gun-Buying Sting!-Posted on Martin Gould-On June 20, 2011:

X. Napolitano Scolds Reporter for Airing Complaints of Dead Border Agent's Family-Posted on December 23, 2010:

XI. Chronicle responds after Obama Administration punishes reporter for using multimedia, then claims they didn't!-Posted on Phil Bronstein (EmailTwitter)-On April 28, 2011:

XII. Obama to reporter: 'Let me finish my answers' next time!-Posted on USA Today-By David Jackson, USA TODAY-On April 19, 2011:

XIII. Christopher Coates, Former Voting Chief for DOJ’s Civil Rights Division, Prevented From Testifying and Subsequently Transferred!-Posted on Jim Kouri, Law Enforcement Examiner-On September 24, 2010:

XIV. Koch Industries Lawyer to White House: How Did You Get Our Tax Information?-Posted on The Weekly Standard-By JOHN MCCORMACK-On September 20, 2010:

XV. Nelson’s Investment in Berkshire Hathaway-Posted on The New York Times-By ERIC LICHTBLAU-On April 27, 2010:

Note: The following articles and/or blog posts reveal just a few of the numerous examples of how this president, his administration, with the help of the Main Stream Media, have taken their MO to new levels by attacking the rich and private businesses, as opposed to their political enemies-You Decide:

I. Obama Proudly Declares Class War: ‘But the rich are already getting soaked!’

Posted on National Review Online-By DEROY MURDOCK-On October 3, 2011:

“It’s official: America is at class war, and Pres. Barack Obama proudly leads the charge against this country’s wealthy.

“If asking a millionaire to pay the same tax rate as a plumber makes me a class warrior — a warrior for the working class — I will accept that,” Obama shouted Tuesday at Denver’s Abraham Lincoln High School. “I will wear that charge as a badge of honor.”

“Middle-class families shouldn’t pay higher tax rates than millionaires and billionaires,” Obama said. “A teacher or a nurse or a construction worker making $50,000 a year shouldn’t pay higher tax rates than somebody making $50 million.”

These may be the harshest such comments that Obama has made, but they certainly are not the first.

  • “The debt ceiling should not be something that is used as a gun against the heads of the American people to extract tax breaks for corporate-jet owners,” Obama said on July 6.
  • “We can’t just tell the wealthiest among us, ‘You don’t have to do a thing. You just sit there and relax, and everybody else, we’re gonna solve this [deficit] problem,’” Obama remarked on April 14.
  • Most revealingly, Obama confessed on April 28, 2010: “I do think at a certain point, you’ve made enough money.”

Obama’s assault on the affluent rests upon a sky-high stack of lies. Obama is too well-staffed and too well-informed not to know otherwise. So, maddeningly, he straight-out lies to the American people.

For days before Obama opened his mouth in Denver, multiple news accounts and opinion pieces annihilated thecasus belli of his War on the Wealthy. Nonetheless, Obama keeps spouting falsehoods, perhaps hoping that his smooth voice will hypnotize Americans into believing his words.

“Fact check: The wealthy already pay more taxes,” read the headline above a September 20 Associated Press dispatch. “President Obama says he wants to make sure millionaires are taxed at higher rates than their secretaries,” Stephen Ohlemacher wrote. “The data say they already are.”

Nationwide, Ohlemacher and others dismantled Obama’s soak-the-rich thesis. The rich are soaked today!

In 2008, its latest data indicate, the Internal Revenue Service harvested $1.0315 trillion in income tax — of which the bottom 50 percent of earners collectively paid just $27.9 billion. The top 1 percent paid $392.15 billion; the top 5 percent paid $605.7 billion; and the top 10 percent paid $721.4 billion. Thus, the top 1 percent of taxpayers furnished14 times the income taxes that the bottom 50 percent supplied.

In 2009, the IRS reports, those who earned between $20,000 and $30,000 paid an average of 2.5 percent of adjusted gross income in federal income taxes. Those who earned between $50,000 and $60,000 paid 6.3 percent; between $100,000 and $125,000, 9.9 percent; between $200,000 and $300,000, 17.5 percent. Those who made at least $1 million saw income taxes devour 24.4 percent of AGI.


Income, schmincome, leftists chirp. What about the payroll taxes that lower-income Americans pay? Counting other taxes still shows that higher earners pay more — Obama’s dark fantasies notwithstanding.

The Tax Policy Center — a joint venture of two liberal bastions, the Urban Institute and the Brookings Institution — reported on August 24 that Americans who earn between $20,000 and $30,000 will pay an average of 5.7 percent of their 2011 earnings in federal income, payroll, corporate, and death taxes. Those clearing between $40,000 and $50,000 will pay 12.5 percent, while those from $50,000 to $75,000 will average 15 percent. For earners of $1 million or more, those federal taxes will extract 29.1 percent.


Dry? Yes. But these figures demonstrate that Americans who earn more money pay more federal tax. Those who earn less pay less. If Obama finds this unfair, he should define fairness.

True, the IRS notes, 1,470 households earned at least $1 million but paid no federal income tax in 2009. Still, this is just 0.62 percent of the 236,883 returns that millionaires filed. This reinforces the bipartisan idea of closing loopholes and lowering tax rates — but not Obama’s crusade against “millionaires and billionaires” and his American Jobs Act’s tax hikes on people earning as little as $200,000.

All of this has started to irritate even some of Obama’s supporters.

“With my investments and board seats and companies that I own, I am at a leadership position in concerns that employ more than 200,000 people,” Ted Leonsis, owner of the Washington Wizards basketball team, wrote on September 25. “We do our best to be good corporate citizens. I know in the companies that I own personally, or am the largest shareholder, we support more than 500 charities.”

“I voted for our President,” continued Leonsis, who also owns the Washington Capitals hockey team. “I have maxed out on personal donations to his re-election campaign. I forgot his campaign wants to raise $1 billion. THAT is a lot of money–money–money–money! Money still talks. It blows my mind when I am asked for money as a donation at the same time I am getting blasted as being a bad guy!”

“Someone needs to talk our President down off of this rhetoric about good vs. evil; about two classes and math,” Leonsis concluded. “Many of us want to be a part of the solution. We aren’t the problem.”

When Obama accepted the 2008 Democratic nomination in Denver, he espoused national unity. The U.S.A. would “come together as one American family,” he declared. If Barack Obama secured the presidency, he suggested, the nearby Continental Divide would become this republic’s only rift.

How disappointing that the eloquent man who millions hoped would heal this land now actively pits Americans against each other — not by race or creed, but by income. As London’s arson-scorched victims of mob rule learned last August, there is nothing cute about class war.”

  • New York commentator Deroy Murdock is a nationally syndicated columnist with the Scripps Howard News Service and a media fellow with the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace at Stanford University. Manhattan financier Brett A. Shisler contributed to this piece.


II. BET Founder Rips Obama For 'Attacking Success!'-Posted on Fox Nation-By Jake Sherman, Politico-On October 2, 2011:

III. Christie labels Obama a ‘bystander in the Oval Office’ dividing the country to ‘achieve re-election’!-Posted on The Daily Caller-By Nicholas Ballasy-On September 28, 2011:‘bystander-in-the-oval-office’-dividing-the-country-to-‘achieve-re-election’/

Note:  My following articles and/or blog posts reveal that this President, his administration and minions, some who may very well be the same ones that had a hand in causing the financial economic crisis that propelled this President into office, as documented above, now seem to have a hand in the “Day of Rage”, which we are currently witnessing on Wall Street and other financial institutions around the country, as a means of getting him re-elected.

This administration continues to have us believe that it was the Bush Administration that created our financial economic crisis, but was it or was it "banking terrorist" tactics that were applied by ACORN’s members who were trained by our President to use Alinky’s Rules to bully banks into making bad loans using the tools provided them under the federal Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), which likely contributed to the "mortgage meltdown" that ultimately triggered the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression and ultimately propelled him into office-You Decide:

Obama Praises Wall Street Protesters, Calls TEA Party Extreme!-Posted Before It’s News-On October 6, 2011:

Top New York Lawmakers Get Chilling “Time To Kill The Wealthy” Email Screeds!-Posted on The New York Daily News-By CELESTE KATZ-On October 6, 2011:

Melee Breaks Out Between Wall Street Protestors And NYPD!-Posted on The  Blaze-By Becket Adams-On October 6, 2011: 

Van Jones on America's Uprising: It's Going to Be an Epic Battle!-Posted on Truthout-By Adele M. Stan and Don Hazen, AlterNet | News Analysis-On October 5, 2011:

Herman Cain Slams Wall Street Protestors: ‘If You Don’t Have A Job & You’re Not Rich, Blame Yourself!’-Posted on The Blaze-By Billy Hallowell-On October 5, 2011:’t-have-a-job-you’re-not-rich-blame-yourself/?t-have-a-job-you?re-not-rich-blame-yourself/

Protesters invade NYC Financial District: ‘Demonstrators invoke Mideast rallies, call for end to corporate greed favoring rich!’-Posted on staff and news service reports-Updated on September 19, 2011:

Radical Rage: Marxist Mob Plans to Occupy Wall Street!-Posted on FrontPageMagazine-By Matthew Vadum-On September 16, 2011:

“Day of Rage” Obama re-election team in disguise?-Posted on Canada Free Press-By Judi McLeod-On September 16, 2011:

Union violence of little interest to media!-Posted on American Thinker-By K.E. Campbell-On September 9, 2011:

Obama Mum on Details From Secret AFL-CIO Meeting!-Posted on The Daily Caller-By Matthew Boyle, The Daily Caller-On August 3, 2011:

Soros fingerprints all over protests here, too: ‘Sordid ties of architect who specializes in crisis’!-Posted on Aaron Klein-On September 8, 2011:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Do Alinsky’s Rules Define This Administration’s Governing Style?’s-rules-define-this-administration’s-governing-style-2/

What is the cost of crossing the President?

Is President Obama inciting riots across the US?

Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!

Did ATF provide weapons to Mexican drug cartels that were subsequently used to kill one of our own?

What Happened to Free Speech?

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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Friends, Recently our group has been attacked by the leftist media when pictures of Obama with a Hitler mustache or as a witch doctor has been portrayed as racist, but when radical leftists painted Bush as a Fascist or as being unintelligent, it is prasied. it shows the blatant hypocrisy that exists in the media today. Look at the recent "protests" on Wall St., when hundreds of radicals, wannabe revolutionaires, wannabe Hippies, & others, caused a massive disruption over the Brooklyn Bridge, the liberal media covered it as being "democracy in action", but when our people ulitize our right to dissent, we`re labelled a "mob".Of course, Hollywood aere the biggest hypocrites & phonies. They shun anyone who thinks differently than they do, yet they continue to lament over what Sen. J.R. McCarthy allgedly did to the careers of the fathers & grandfathers.People need to wake up & smell the hypocrisy.
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What’s wrong with this picture?

Posted on Big Journalism-By Liberty Chick-On October 3, 2011:

When news broke of alleged voter intimidation involving the New Black Panthers Party in the 2008 election, Media Matters for America (MMfA) launched a relentless push back against the charges, resulting in almost 8,000 MMfA site specific Google hits in which MMfA attacked virtually anyone who attempted to report on the controversy, while elevating any reporting that minimized it, or the Department of Justice’s decision to drop the case.

Meanwhile, a former MMfA Director of External Affairs, Xochitl Hinojosa, who had actually joined the Department of Justice in July of 2009 as a Public Affairs Specialist, took an active role in pushing back against the story from witin DOJ.

Apparently, the Justice Department is going by George Orwell’s famous Animal Farm ending:

“All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.” “We can only take action where we have legal authority,” wrote DOJ spokeswoman Xochitl Hinojosa in a December 2010 e-mail to The Washington Times Water Cooler. She continues: “As stated in the website below, we are statutorily authorized to initiate suits under Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Equal Educational Opportunities Act of 1974, and under Title III of the American with Disabilities Act.

It’s not unusual for D.C. professionals to move in and out of government positions. Yet given MMfA’s acute focus on the Panthers/DOJ story, Hinojosa’s involvement with and ties to MMfA invite speculation as to what extent MMfA and DOJ might have cooperated in pushing back against a potentially explosive story for the Obama administration.

Indeed, today, MMfA is already attacking J. Christian Adams and his forthcoming book on Obama’s beleaguered Department of Justice, which has shown itself, in the Panthers case and in others, as one of the most politicized DOJ’s in modern history. (For more on new evidence linking Obama directly to the New Black Panthers, see this exclusive at Big Government today: Shock Photos: Candidate Obama Appeared And Marched With New Black Panther Party in 2007.)

Hinojosa has at times been quoted by Media Matters on a variety of stories that pertain to the DOJ.  Yet the organization does not mention that she used to work for it, nor is that information available on MMfA’s current website. This 2009 cached snapshot of the Media Matters website confirms her tenure there:


Hinojosa is also the daughter of Gilberto Hinojosa, a former Cameron County, Texas judge and current Cameron County Democratic chairman.  Aside from her time with Media Matters as Director of External Affairs, where her position oversaw outreach to Capitol Hill and to advocacy groups, Hinojosa also worked on Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, as well as the Texas gubernatorial campaign of Democrat Chris Bell.  She also worked for Texas Democratic state senator Kirk Watson.

As for MMfA, few can deny that Media Matters is a collaborative clearinghouse of information to most of the left-wing media.  The coordination of “research” and talking points provided by the organization on the one hand, and left-wing commentary on the other, is deliberate and orchestrated.

We’ve seen it on numerous occasions, such as the SEIU vs. Kenneth Gladney story, or MSNBC’S Martin Bashir’sinterview of Andrew Breitbart, or the multitude of stories that deliberately exclude the redemptive statement from Shirley Sherrod that Breitbart included in his 1400-word post.

There wouldn’t be so much wrong with that collaboration if MMfA’s “research” weren’t so deliberately deceptive.

The Panthers scandal began when explosive video surfaced from the 2008 elections of several members of the organization, including then-National Field Director King Samir Shabaz, stationed outside a polling place in Philadelphia with nightsticks.  That was followed by even more disturbing video of the Houston New Black Panther Party protesting with machine guns, as well as King Samir Shabaz calling for the “killing of crackers and their babies.”  The controversy prompted public outrage and demands for the DOJ to investigate what clearly appeared to be voter intimidation.

At the time, Media Matters ran numerous pieces on the scandal – not denouncing the threats of violence, but rather attacking those exposing the threats and criticizing the DOJ for not investigating them.  In fact, even as emails obtained through Freedom of Information Act requests revealed major contradictions with the sworn testimony of high ranking officials inside the DoJ, Media Matters continued to run interference, putting out distraction after distraction. Any mention of the Panthers even today prompts a barrage of disruptive pieces from MMfA aimed at the messenger and not at the criminal past of some of the individuals involved.

Meanwhile, there seems never to have been any acknowledgment by MMfA that the spokesperson sent to defend the actions of the DOJ and its ultimate decision not to pursue the Panthers case was once employed by Media Matters itself. That certainly raises questions about whether the Obama administration and its tax-exempt thought police have colluded directly in suppressing the truth about the New Black Panther Party.”


Note: The following articles and/or blog posts relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Liberal Media Gives Black Racism From The WH A Pass!-Posted on Patriot Action Network-By Lloyd Marcus-On March 3, 2011:

MSM More Concerned with Perry’s Relationship with Rock than Obama’s Racially-Charged Past!-Posted on Big Journalism-By John Nolte-On October 3, 2011:

Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and videos reveal some extremely disturbing information relating to the New Black Panthers that George Soros’s Media Matters, along with Obama’s DOJ and his minions don’t want Americans to know and are actively scrambling to scrub this information from the internet-You Decide:

Who Is the New Black Panther Party? What Media Matters and the Obama DOJ Don’t Want You to Know!

Posted on Big Journalism-By Lee Stranahan-On October 3, 2011:

“Today, Media Matters for America has taken it upon itself to ask the question: “Who Is J. Christian Adams?” .

They say:

New Black Panthers Party fabulist J. Christian Adams is a long-time right-wing activist who began working for the U.S. Department of Justice during its notorious era of politicized hiring and now blogs for the right-wing media site Pajamas Media, often issuing false attacks on the Obama DOJ for its supposed politicization and “racial agenda.” His forthcoming book, Injustice: Exposing The Racial Agenda Of The Obama Justice Department, promises to cover similar territory.

In its attacks on Adams, Media Matters has even stooped to posting his home address and alleging that he is a Republican donor–without mentioning that he has also contributed to Democrats.

Media Matters also tries to dismiss Andrew Breitbart’s report this morning that Barack Obama spoke and marched with the New Black Panther Party while he was campaigning for president. They note that “several thousand people ‘appeared and marched’ with the New Black Panthers that day”–a point that Breitbart’s post itself made clear.

What Media Matters doesn’t want to tell you is what Adams’s book reveals: that the New Black Panthers were there to support Obama, and said so earlier that day while Obama listened and smiled; that the Panthers shadowed him, left the march with him, and raised black power salutes over his head; and that Shabazz claimed he spoke with Obama.

If there was a 4th of July event and the Ku Klux Klan were given a speaker’s slot, would any GOP candidate be stupid enough to speak there? Why, then, is it acceptable to Media Matters for Obama and other Democrats to have spoken and marched with the Panthers?

Media Matters refers to the ‘fable’ of the New Black Panther Party, but they don’t tell their readers anything at all about the New Black Panthers. In fact, they don’t seem to be critical of the New Black Panther Party in any way.

So, who is the New Black Panther Party?

I’ll do a short summary with a lot of video because, frankly, a tiny bit of research quickly brings up how awful this group is.

Let’s start with a video of Geraldo Rivera taking on New Black Panther Party leader Malik Zulu Shabazz over his statement after 9/11 that “Brother” Osama bin Laden deserved “respect” and applause:

That’s the reality of the New Black Panther Party. The fact that MMfA chooses to shield their readers from it in order to attack J. Christian Adams–who opposes this group–is repulsive. Apparently, attacking a conservative trumps telling the truth about a racist, homophonic, antisemitic hate group.

Here are some more facts about the New Black Panther Party.

The New Black Panther Party Uses the Name “New Black Panther Party” Without the Consent of the Original Black Panther Party

The original Black Panthers have strongly disassociated themselves from the “new” version.

In an article called “There Is No New Black Panther Party: An Open Letter From the Dr. Huey P. Newton Foundation” it says “the people in the New Black Panthers were never members of the Black Panther Party and have no legitimate claim on the Party’s name.” The article also states that the New Black Panther Party “serves to incite hatred rather than resolve it” (my emphasis).

The Dr. Huey P. Newton Foundation goes on to ask questions that Media Matters fails to ask:

The question the Foundation raises, then, is who are these people laying claim to the Party’s history and name? Are they reactionary provocateurs, who would instigate activities counterproductive to the people’s interests, causing mayhem and death? Are they entertainers, who would posture themselves before the media, and, according to numerous sources, with empty guns, to spin gold for themselves? Are they, given the history of their late-leader Khalid Muhammad, a group of anti-Semites like the very Ku Klux Klan they allegedly oppose? What is their agenda?

The New Black Panther Party Gained Initial Fame After Khalid Muhammad Became President, Subsequent to Being Forced Out of the Nation of Islam for Outrageous Racist and Antisemitic Speech

Wikipedia’s entry (reliable, in this case) on Khalid Muhammad describes him as

an African American activist who came to prominence as the National Assistant to Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam (NOI). After a 1993 speech at Kean College Khalid was condemned and removed from his position in the Nation of Islam by Louis Farrakhan. He was also censured by the United States House of Representatives.

After being removed from the Nation of Islam, he served as the National Chairman of the New Black Panther Partyuntil his death in 2001. His views were considered controversial among most Americans, but his angry condemnations of white power gained him the support of many black youth.

As reported on

Khalid Abdul Muhammad in a speech to students at Kean College in Union, New Jersey in November of 1993 called Jews, “hook-nosed, bagel-eatin’, lox-eatin’ impostors.” He attacked Catholics: “The old no-good Pope . . . somebody need to raise that dress up and see what’s really under there.” He attacked gays: “God does not name holy books after homosexuals.” And even other blacks, including Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates: “Who let this Negro out of the gate?”

Here’s part of that speech on video:

As Head of The New Black Panther Party, Khalid Muhammad Advocated Killing White People, Including Babies, ‘Cripples’ And ‘Faggots’ to Wildly Applauding Audience

Muhammad suggested giving white people an ultimatum to leave South Africa by sundown or…

We kill the women. We kill the babies, we kill the blind. We kill the cripples. We kill them all. We kill the faggot. We kill the lesbian… When you get through killing them all, go to the goddamn graveyard and dig up the grave and kill them a-goddamn-gain because they didn’t die hard enough.

After Muhammad’s death, Malik Zulu Shabazz became President of the New Black Panther Party, and continued Muhammad’s racist, sexist, homophobic, and antisemitic extremism.

King Samir Shabazz, the New Black Panther Party Member Who Stood Outside Polling Place, Called For “Killing Crackers”

King Samir Shabazz is a minister in the New Black Panther Party, and he really hates white people.

“You want freedom? You gonna have to kill some crackers! You gonna have to kill some of their babies!”

If you watched the Geraldo video at top, you’ll see that Malik Zulu Shabazz has learned to play the game of,  ”If I say that something doesn’t really represent the views of the organization, I’ll sound rational and the press will leave me alone.”

However, an examination of the organization’s history reveals that King Samir is actually completely in line with the line of rhetoric originating from Khalid Muhammad.

That’s the truth about the New Black Panther Party, and the reason to be concerned that the Obama administration shut down a Department of Justice investigation into its efforts at voter intimidation.

You’ll never learn that from Media Matters for America. Ever wonder why not?”


Note: What follows are just a few of the numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos relating to the deplorable and/or disturbing DOJ’s New Black Panther scandal-You Decide:

Former Justice Department Lawyer Accuses Holder of Dropping New Black Panther Case for Racial Reasons!-Posted on June 30, 2010:

Video: The nice young man Eric Holder let off the hook!-Posted on ED MORRISSEY-On July 6, 2010:

Breaking: A Third Former DOJ Official Steps Forward to Support J. Christian Adams (Updated)-Posted on Pajamas Media-On July 6, 2010:

New Black Panther Party President Admits to Philadelphia Voter Intimidation; Holder’s Justice Department Still Silent!-Posted on Big Government-By Larry O’Connor-On July 9, 2010:

More evidence of Justice racism!-Posted on Brian Fitzpatrick-On July 17, 2010:

DOJ’s Internal Watchdog Announces Investigation Into Civil Rights Enforcement!-Posted on Levine-On September 13, 2010:

Proof: New Records Show DOJ Lied About New Black Panther Dismissal-Posted on Pajamas Media-By J. Christian Adams-On September 20, 2010:

Judicial Watch Sues DOJ for Documents Detailing White House Involvement in Black Panther Case Dismissal!-Posted on Judicial Watch-On September 22, 2010:

New Proof of Perjury, Obstruction in Black Panther Case?-Posted on Floyd Reports-By Ben Johnson-On September 23, 2010:

Explosive Testimony Against “Travesty of Justice” Department-Posted on Floyd Reports-By Ben Johnson-On September 24, 2010:

Black Panther Investigation Broadens, Could Ensnare Obama-Posted on Floyd Reports-By Ben Johnson-On October 12, 2010:

Washington Post Confirms Politics Comes Before Justice at Obama DOJ-Posted on The Heritage Foundation-On October 25, 2010:

No Whites Need Apply-Posted on The National Center for Public Policy Research-On October 26, 2010:

Top DOJ Official Describes Recent Controversy As “He Said, She Said,” Insists Actions Speak Louder Than Words!-Posted on Mike Levine-On October 27, 2010:

Democrat Prevents Vote on Black Panther Case Until After Midterms; Damning Report Leaked-Posted on Floyd Reports-By Ben Johnson-On October 29, 2010:

Explosive New Justice Department Black Panther Emails-Posted on Right Side News-On November 13, 2010:

The Ulsterman Report: Obama Justice Department Rocked by Investigation Findings-Posted on News Flavor-ByUlsterman-On November 24, 2010:

Pigford and New Black Panthers: Friends at DOJ-Posted on Big Government-By J. Christian Adams-On December 2, 2010:

‘Civil Rights’ Gone Wild: ‘To the Civil Rights Division, pilgrimages and stiletto heels matter more than actual violations of the Civil Rights Act.’-Posted on National Review Online-By HANS A. VON SPAKOVSKY-On January 3, 2011:

Holder Should 'Stop Hurting the Administration or Leave,' Issa Says-Posted on Nick Ballasy-On January 3, 2011:

Will Holder Break Silence Over Black Panther Voter Intimidation Case?-Posted on PJTV-On January 7, 2011:

The Investigations Begin: Holder on the Hot Seat in Black Panther Case-Posted on Floyd Reports-By Ben Johnson-On January 7, 2011:

Editorial: Witching hour for Black Panthers ‘Justice continues to block disclosure into department activities’-Posted on The Washington Times-On January 27, 2011:

New Black Panther Report Confirms: Politics Over Law at Obama Justice Department-Posted on The Heritage Foundation-On January 28, 2011:

Why the Black Panther Case Matters-Posted on The American Spectator-By Quin Hillyer-On February 3, 2011:

Obama Stonewalls; More Proof of Unequal Justice for Conservatives-Posted on Floyd Reports-By Ben Johnson-On February 10, 2011:

DOJ Ethics Office: No Evidence That Politics, Race Influenced New Black Panther Party Case-Posted on TPMMuckraker-By Ryan J. Reilly-On March 29, 2011:

Now Congress Steps to the Plate in the New Black Panther Scandal: ‘It’s time for the DOJ to cough up information to the House Judiciary Committee and to Congressman Frank Wolf.’-Posted on Pajamas Media-ByJ. Christian Adams-On March 30, 2011:

Note: What follows are just a few of the numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that reveal some deplorable and/or disturbing actions by members and/or supporters of the New Black Panthers-You Decide:

Same Schtick, Different Day!-Posted on Conservative Blog-By David W. Almasi-On November 3, 2010:

Video: Black Panther Harasses Voter — At Same Polling Place!-Posted on November 3, 2010:

Black Americans Alive Today Are the Real Holocaust Victims & True Jews: ‘New Black Panthers Anti Semitic Attack & Tea Threats of Armed Men With Serious Consequences-Posted on The Blaze-By Naked Emperor News-On April 24, 2011:

Video: Black Panther Tells Kids, “We Need to Take the Fight to the Enemy”-Posted on April 26, 2011:

Video: America Will Be Drowned In Blood: New Black Panthers Leader, Farrakhan, Nation Of Islam & Cynthia McKinney Call Libya A Race War!-Posted on The Blaze-By Naked Emperor News-On July 8, 2011:

Video: America Is Racist & Hostile: Desperate New Black Panther Leader Goes Off On Russia Today!-Posted on The Blaze-By Naked Emperor News-On July 4, 2011:

Shock Videos: New Black Panther Party Member Teaches ‘Black Survival’ Tactics With Guns And Machetes..To Kids!-Posted on The Blaze-By Madeleine Morgenstern-On September 1, 2011:

Black Panther Supporter Warns Conservative Student: ‘I Could ‘Exercise’ My 2nd Amendment Right On You!-Posted on The Blaze-By Jonathon M. Seidl-On September 26, 2011:

Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and videos reveal some extremely disturbing information regarding then Senator Obama’s ties to the New Black Panthers-You Decide:

Candidate Obama Appeared And Marched With New Black Panther Party in 2007!

Posted on Big Government-By Andrew Breitbart-On October 3, 2011:

“New photographs obtained exclusively by reveal that Barack Obama appeared and marched with members of the New Black Panther Party as he campaigned for president in Selma, Alabama in March 2007.

The photographs, captured from a Flickr photo-sharing account before it was scrubbed, are the latest evidence of the mainstream media’s failure to examine Obama’s extremist ties and radical roots.

In addition, the new images raise questions about the possible motives of the Obama administration in its infamous decision to drop the prosecution of the Panthers for voter intimidation.

The images, presented below, also renew doubts about the transparency of the White House’s guest logs–in particular, whether Panther National Chief Malik Zulu Shabazz is the same “Malik Shabazz” listed among the Obama administration’s early visitors.

Tomorrow, J. Christian Adams, the Department of Justice whistleblower in the New Black Panther Party case, will release his new book, Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department (Regnery).

The book exposes Obama administration corruption far beyond the Panther dismissal, and reveals how the institutional Left has turned the power of the DOJ into an ideological weapon.

Adams’s book also describes, in detail, the Selma march at which then-Senator Obama was joined by a group of Panthers who had come to support his candidacy.

Among those appearing with Obama was Shabazz, the Panther leader who was one of the defendants in the voter intimidation case that Attorney General Eric Holder dismissed. Also present was the Panthers’ “Minister of War,” Najee Muhammed, who had called for murdering Dekalb County, Georgia, police officers with AK-47’s and then mocking their widows in this video (7:20 – 8:29).

Injustice includes a disturbing photo of Shabazz and the Panthers marching behind Obama with raised fists in the “Black Power” salute.

There are even more photographs.

I have learned that Regnery initially received approval from a person who took pictures of the events in Selma to publish these additional photographs in Injustice.

After the photographer wrote Regnery reversing his permission to include the photographs in Injustice, the images were removed from the photographer’s Flickr account.  Yet we were able to capture them before they disappeared.

The photographs show Obama sharing the same podium at the event with the Panthers.

In the first image, Shabazz stands at the podium, surrounded by uniformed Panthers, including Muhammed. In the second photograph, Obama commands the same podium.

Here are the images:


The First Amendment allows photographs of such enormous public importance to see the light of day. Cases, including one involving skimpy photographs of Miss Puerto Rico, have established that fair use and the First Amendment allow publication of these photos.

It is true that then-Senator Hillary Clinton and Al Sharpton were also in Selma at the same event. But the Panthers explicitly came to Selma to support Obama, as Adams details in Injustice.

They spoke with Obama at the podium shown above, and departed together with Obama for the main march itself, as shown by this grainer image captured from YouTube:


Obama seems not to be reviled by the Panthers in any of the video or photographs. And Obama’s own campaign website would post an endorsement by the New Black Panther Party in March 2008.  As Adams writes in Injustice:

Somehow, the fact that the future President of the United States shared a podium with leaders of the New Black Panthers, marched with them, and received a public, formal greeting from their party has vanished from the history of Obama’s campaign. Apart from [Juan] Williams’ single dispatch, no other media outlets ever reported it.

After NPR initially reported that the Panthers were present at the event with Obama, subsequent reports from Selma omitted any mention of the hate group appearing with the future President.

Had any of Obama’s opponents appeared at an event with the KKK or Aryan Nation, The New York Times would have had to double its ink buy.

Obama’s appearance does much more than expose mainstream media hypocrisy. It also exposes an association between a vile racist organization and a future President of the United States. Only the degree of association is subject to debate.

And only a few voices outside the mainstream media have continued to press the Obama administration about its past and present ties to fringe groups.

I have been calling for the White House to disclose which Malik Shabazz visited the private White House residence on July 25, 2009, two months after the DOJ voter intimidation case was dismissed.  So far, the White House has refused to do so, leaving open the question of which “Malik Shabazz” appears in visitor logs released to the public.

To reiterate: nobody, including Adams, is suggesting that Obama is a secret member of the New Black Panther Party. At a minimum, however, the events in Selma expose the media double standard that has buried this story until this week.

The mainstream media should ask Obama a few questions before they rush to his defense:

What did he and Malik Zulu Shabazz say when they conversed that day–something that Shabazz has said happened?

Did the Obama campaign play any role in having the Panthers travel to support his presidential ambitions?

Who posted the Panthers’ endorsement on the Obama campaign’s website, and at whose instructions?

Who–finally–was the Malik Shabazz who visited the White House residence on July 25, 2009?”


Obama marched with New Black Panthers: ‘Appeared with notorious racist group while campaigning in Selma, Alabama!’-Posted on Aaron Klein-On October 3, 2011:

Video: Breitbart Report On Obama Marching With Black Panthers Shows Hypocrisy of MSM & President!-Posted on BreitbartTv-On October 3, 2011:

Obama Website Promotes New Panther Party!-Posted on

Which Malik Shabazz Visited White House in July 2009, Mr. President?-Posted on Big Government-By Andrew Breitbart-On September 29, 2011:

A Different Malik Shabazz and Jeremiah Wright? What Are the Odds?-Posted on Big Government-By Larry O'Connor-On January 6, 2010:

Note:  The following articles and/or blog posts revealed a ‘secret’ meeting between Ahmadinejad, the New Black Panthers and Farrakhan, on or about September 2010:

I. Ahmadinejad, Black Panthers & Farrakhan Hold ‘Secret’ NY Rendezvous!-Posted on The Blaze-ByMeredith Jessup-On September 26, 2011:

II. A'jad monster's ball: ‘Wacky week in NY for wolf in cheap clothing’!-Posted on The New York Post-By BRAD HAMILTON-On September 26, 2010:

Note: What follows are just a few of the numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that reveal President Obama’s and his minions disgusting and/or disturbing actions that are further splitting our country along race, class and political lines-You Decide:

The Post-Racial Echo Chamber of Ignorance!-Posted on BlackSphere-By Kevin Jackson-On September 1, 2011:

‘This Is War’—Congressional Black Cauccus Travels US Cities Using Violent Rhetoric: Declares ‘War’ on Racist Tea Party, Says Tea Party Wants To Lynch Blacks, Calls For Bank Runs, Civil Unrest In Their Neighborhoods And Homes!-Posted on The Blaze-By Naked Emperor News-On August 30, 2011:

Race, Republicans and the Presidential Election-Posted on The Patriot Update-On May 17, 2011:

Obama’s black nationalism: ‘President’s Easter was worship of resentment, not resurrection’-Posted on The Washington Times-By Jeffrey T. Kuhner, The Washington Times-On April 26, 2011:

Sharpton’s Nan Race Rants: ‘Shut Down Construction Sites With No Blacks; Only Blacks Should Educate Blacks, Other Classes Teach Hate; Media Conspiracy Causing Obama’s Polls To Drop With Blacks & Al Beat Back Beck & Racist Tea Party-Posted on The Blaze-By Naked Emperor News-On April 18, 2011:

Obama’s Race War Against Police and Firemen-Posted on Floyd Reports-By Ben Johnson-On March 14, 2011:

Eric Holder Forces Dayton Police Department to Lower Their Standards to Hire More of "His People"-Posted on UrbanGrounds-By Robbie Cooper-On March 13, 2011:

Black Republicans Demand Obama ‘Bus’ Apology-Posted on David A. Patten-On October 27, 2010:

White House Meeting for Black Journalists Doesn’t Stay Off-The-Record for Long!-Posted on The New York Times-By JEREMY W. PETERS-On October 13, 2010:

Obama’s Racial Crisis: ‘Our post-racial president has set race relations back decades’!-Posted on National Review Online-By VICTOR DAVIS HANSON-On September 28, 2011:

Back Against the Wall, President Plays Race Card; Returns to Black America for Support-President "Has a Lot of Nerve," Says Project 21's Kevin Martin-Posted on The National Center for Public Policy Research-On September 20, 2010:

Obama urges blacks to vote and “guard the change”!-Posted on Yahoo News-By Alister Bull, Reuters-On September 19, 2010:

Our Divisive President: “Barack Obama promised a new era of post-partisanship. In office, he’s played racial politics and further split the country along class and party lines”-Posted on The Wall Street Journal-On July 28, 2010:

The New Racial Mess-Posted on Human Events-By VICTOR DAVIS HANSON-On July 22, 2010:

It’s Wrong to Call Obama a Post-racial President-Posted on David Limbaugh-On July 16, 2010:

Is Obama fomenting a race war? “Fanning the flames of racial tension in Arizona is deliberate”!-Posted on The Washington Times-By Jeffrey T. Kuhner-On April 30, 2010:

How’s That Post-Racial America Working Out for You?-Posted The National Leadership of Conservative African-Americans-By Kevin Martin (bio)-On November 2010:

Video: Jesse Lee Peterson-Obama Hates the White Man and he is a dangerous man!-Posted on psam4711-On June 25, 2009:

Note: The following articles and/or blog posts reveal that a Black Pastor has recently sued President Obama and the Democratic Party for racism and Blacks filed a Class Action Racial Discrimination Suit against President Obama and Democrats, along with a video that reveals Rev. Perryman saying enough to the Tea Party racism attacks by the President and his minions-You Decide:

Black Pastor Sues Obama & Democratic Party for Racism!-Posted on The Patriot Update-By Ann-Marie Murrell-On September 25, 2011:

Blacks File Class Action Racial Discrimination Suit Against Obama & Democrats!-Posted on The Frederick Douglas Foundation-On September 12, 2011:

Tea Party Racism: Rev. Perryman Says Enough!-Posted on RevWaynePerryman-On September 18, 2009:

Note: The following website and article and/or blog post reveals that George Soros funds Leftist foundations, litigators and organizations that dominate Election Laws and crusaders that enable massive voter fraud while the DOJ turns a blind eye-You Decide:

George Soros Funds Leftist Foundations, Litigators and Organizations That Dominate Field of Election Laws!-Posted on

The Left Owns the Election Law Industry!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By J. Christian Adams-On August 12, 2011:

Note The following web sites and article and/or blog reveal George Soros’s Secretary State Project (SOSP) and an education fund run by progressive labor leaders tasked with naturalizing new citizens and register new voters by using the 2010 Census as a redistributive mechanism, along with how he is using his money to help tip the elections to Democrats (Progressives) in all 50 states-You Decide:

George Soros’s Secretary Of State Project (SOSP)!-Posted on

Mi Familia Vota Education Fund (MFVEF)!-Posted on

George Soros’ Money Could Tip Elections in All 50 States!-Posted on Floyd Reports-By Michael Oberndorf-OnJuly 1, 2011:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Who owns our supposedly fair and balanced airwaves and news outlets?

Liberal web site publishing harsh racial rhetoric!

President and DOJ have contributed to the racial mess in our country!

The Racial Mess!

Obama is fomenting a race war?

Obama the Polarizer!

Massive Voter Fraud-Again!

The President Must Stop Voting "Present" on Iran!“present”-on-iran/

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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Presidential Campaign

If anyone would like to contribute to my campaign so I can get on the primary ballots, my address is: Christopher Canaski for President P.O. Box 64 Robert, LA 70455.

Your consideration is greatly appreciated.



Christopher C. Canaski

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