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The U.S. Role in a New Global Order!

Question:  What's wrong with this picture?

Posted on The Brookings Institution-By Bruce Jones, Director, Managing Global Order, The Brookings Institution-On May 27, 2011:

“This has been a week of big speeches. President Obama used his Middle East speech to paint a picture of the new realities in that region, and to forestall the Palestinian drive for statehood at the U.N. He partially succeeded on the first, and largely failed on the second. 

His blunt language about the symbolic emptiness of the Palestinian’s drive for statehood misread the mood in the Arab world and beyond.

Then the second big speech of the week undercut his strategy.

Israeli President Netanyahu scored rhetorical and political points with his energetic speech in Congress, after the Fatah/Hamas reconciliation gave him an opening.

On derailing the Palestinian Authority’s drive to the U.N., he blew it. His proposal to the Palestinians – effectively, abandon your red lines, accept all of ours, and then we’ll think about negotiating a compromise – was so flagrantly unrealistic that it rapidly recharged the Palestinians and drove much of Europe, hesitant after the Hamas reconciliation, back to the Palestinian camp.

As things stand, the United States and Israel are facing a diplomatic blowout at the General Assembly in September and the prospect of vetoing a Security Council resolution on statehood that will have overwhelming international support.

Against the backdrop of Middle East maneuvers (and Midwest tragedies), much less notice will be paid to the third speech, President Obama’s to the U.K. Parliament.

That’s a shame, because he was in fine form. This was a speech in the tradition of his Prague speech on nuclear disarmamenthis Cairo speech on engagement with the Arab world, and his Nobel speech on the moral case for war: finely wrought, compelling arguments from a thoughtful president with an instinctive understanding of the changing world.

His topic was international order – an order, he acknowledged that “has already been reshaped for a new century” by dramatic economic growth in countries like China, India and Brazil.

This was no apologia for western decline. Rather, the president emphatically rejected the notion that the “rise of the rest” undercuts western influence.

He acknowledged that cooperation and global responsibility from the new powers will be essential to managing the economic and security threats in front of us. He made a better case here than he has before about why we should welcome, not fear, the rising economies – because “the prosperity of all nations is inextricably linked” and therefore “a new era of cooperation is required to ensure the growth and stability of the global economy.”

Against a stale argument about whether the United States is now “leading from behind,” he acknowledged that U.S. leadership will have to change – to focus on building partnerships and adapting to the new realities of the time.

The president left no doubt, though, that the United States and the West remain central to managing the new global order.

He was at his most compelling in arguing that “when threats and challenges require nations to work in concert with one another, we remain the greatest catalyst for global action.” Conceptually, that’s exactly right.

There are more players on the global stage now, and U.S. relative power is not what it once was.

The United States alone, however, retains the diplomatic reach to forge the alliances and catalyze the collective action necessary to navigate today’s globalized world.

Brazil and India can drive initiatives in niche roles, but have only regional, not truly global clout. China has global economic reach, but its diplomatic strategy teeters between defensive and alienating, and nobody’s looking to China to take the lead on solving global problems.

Other actors have important roles to play, he stressed, but only the democratic West can drive us to a new order that is “more peaceful, more prosperous, and more just.”

(I’d tried my hand earlier at a tagline for strategy for the new international order, and came up with ‘forging cooperation, regulating competition, and managing conflict.’ No wonder I’m not a presidential speechwriter.) 

His argument is about to be put to a tough test.

President Obama used the rest of his speech to re-re-cast developments in the Middle East in terms of their relationship to universal values, forged in Westminster and adopted in America’s own revolution.

He did a better job in London than he had in Washington of acknowledging that the West bears its share of responsibility for the Middle East’s current ills through its long-time backing for dictators, and was more frank about America’s ongoing interests. Both elements will help reposition America to what he acknowledged is a skeptical Middle East. (A question for the White House communications team: why are the president’s overseas and UN speeches always so much better than his domestic ones?)

Can his Middle East strategy live up to the rhetoric of the London speech?

Right now we’re watching two new orders being born: one global, one in the region. I’ve long argued that a critical test for the new global order is whether it can “manage” a turbulent challenge to regional order in the Middle East. Perhaps that was backwards. Better, rather, to ask whether the United States can forge the partnerships, build the alliances, and catalyze global action in the Middle East in a way that shapes the emerging order.

In Libya, the United States did this very well in the first phase, marrying western military power to regional legitimacy and U.N. legal authority. Things look a little more dicey now, with NATO struggling to dominate one of the Arab world’s weakest armies, and tentative support from the emerging powers now abandoned. 

America’s dominant role in the Middle East is challenged, but no new actor can hope to displace it. If the challenge is to help consolidate emerging democracies and kick-start stagnant economies, can the United States build the partnerships and alliances necessary to that challenge?

The president was least convincing when he hinged the West’s continuing influence on its economic leadership – Asia’s money managers have a pretty strong rebuttal to that argument. His point was not cash, though; it was the model of free economics underpinning free politics and vice versa. Fair enough, but cash matters too – and Asia has lots of it, the West rather less. At international gatherings last week in Cairo and the Gulf, I heard the word “China” a lot more than the words “the West.”

President Obama travels from London to the G8. Watch for the G8 to come up with a big number in pledges for the new Middle East; and then watch for next year’s G8 accountability report to try to mask the fact that most of that money hasn’t appeared.

More compelling would be precisely the kind “global catalyst” role the president’s speech called for.

My colleague Salman Shaikh has noted that the United States lags in drawing in the diplomatic energies of the constructive middle powers in the region.

Europe can create a pathway to free trade with the EU market that could do for the democratic process in the Middle East what the carrot of EU membership did for Eastern Europe after the fall of the Soviet Union.

The Gulf has cash to spare; America’s pledge of $2 billion for Egypt in debt relief and investment guarantees has already been dwarfed by Qatar’s pledge of $10 billion.

Brazil has grappled better than most with the kind of food price inflation and youth unemployment that are strangling North Africa’s economies, and could offer valuable advice. India and Indonesia and Turkey have roles to play in sharing the lessons from their own (still young) democratic transitions.

Only the United States can pull this into a collective effort, undergirding a fragile transition. By doing so, it can demonstrate what we have to gain from a changed international order. That’s what leadership will look like in the Middle East. The president’s London speech is as good a starting point as we’re likely to find. Now, his strategists should read it.”


Note:  The following articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Amid the Arab Spring, Obama's Dilemma Over Saudi Arabia!-Posted on The Brookings Institution-By Martin S. Indyk, Vice President and Director, Foreign Policy, The Washington Post-On April 7, 2011:

The Rise of the Islamists-Posted on Foreign Affairs-By Shadi Hamid-May/June 2011:

Terrorism After the Revolutions-Posted on Foreign Affairs-By Daniel Byman-May/June 2011:

Managing a Changing World-Posted on The Brookings Institution-By Bruce Jones, Director, Managing Global Order-On March 15, 2011:

Video: Dying America is a Tremendous Opportunity For U.S. Revolution!-Posted on NakedEmperorNews1-On May 29, 2011:

Video: Socialists Explain How They Worked With Muslim Brotherhood In Revolutions!-Posted on NakedEmperorNews1-On May 31, 2011:

Video: Obama Seeks Affirmation from Our Enemies!-Posted on

Podesta: Obama Can Use ‘Armed Forces’ To Push Progressive Agenda-Posted on The Blaze-By Jonathon M. Seidl-On November 18, 2010:

The Judas Media-Posted on Floyd Reports-Guest Writer-On April 27, 2011:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!

Is Israel the next Arab Facebook Campaign?

New World Order By Executive Order!

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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Netanyahu letter to Obama

Dear President Obama,
I am writing today with a somewhat unusual request.
First and foremost, I will be asking that you return America to its August 20th, 1959 borders so that Hawaii is no longer a state and you are no longer a citizen.
Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister of Israel
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First of all, think on this: There is no such thing as objective reality.   If the American people don’t get the whole truth of what is taking place this election season, life as we know it will be gone for good.


In all life, life is a struggle, and then came human keepers of life, better known as environmentalists.  What could be more noble than saving the planet?  Greedy capitalists are polluting, using up natural resources, utterly disregarding other life.   


Environmentalists are feeling people who know better than average folks how to save the planet. Their end justifies the means. Children know better than adults what is good for all. Capitalism is bad. Environmentalists  capitalize on reeducating America’s children.  Capitalists  drain natural resources; encourages greed; take from the poor.  Collectively,  we can beat greedy capitalists polluting  the environment.  Radical Islam, collectively  on the same wave length, they took down the World Trade Center “with their bare hands.”


There is something missing in how we’re being educated to save the planet. There is always  those who want to radically change the world.   The missing element is the intent of human life.  Humans were not meant to be trained to jump through the hoops of those with a calling to save the planet from disaster. We were not created with hive mentality.  We were created with reason and logic.


You are reading the thoughts of an individual who cut from the herd. I went on my own.  According to those educating us on how to save the planet—always that we must radically change to the way they have it—on  my own, when life could have easily gone wrong for me, everything went right.  Environmentalists are dead wrong. Come to think of it, my way is the way it was with America’s pioneers.  On their own, they built the greatest, most generous nation ever in the history of the world.  Being on our own does not necessarily spell greed, not anymore than being on the taxpayer’s back spells generosity.  Whose cause is greater, mine, or the environmentalists?  Environmentalists have a bigger than life calling.  I studied the U. S. Constitution and felt that voices of the past were speaking to me. I had a bigger than life calling.


I was created with reason and logic.  What makes my logic inferior to the environmentalists?  They have not proven their case.  They are going to the young and inexperienced,  to the ignorant and irresponsible with their pleas.  Does the majority vote make right; I, by myself, make wrong?  It is me or the environmentalists.


America began with pioneers who took personal responsibility.  They built a prosperous economy, made life relatively easy for the American people.  Wolves in sheep’s clothing move in when life is easy, when people begin to want cradle to grave security.  America turned from a nation of rugged individuals  into a hothouse environment, government twisting valves and pulling levers. Do I not know what is better for me than the majority vote?  If it is the majority vote, then why would I take personal responsibility for my life? 


“The very purpose of the Bill of Rights was to withdraw certain subjects from the vicissitudes of political controversy, to place them beyond the reach of the majorities and officials and establish them as legal principles to be applied by the courts.” West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette.  


It is always some noble cause. After Germany self-destructed, when the German people were desperate for answers, along came Hitler with promises of making things right and blaming Germany’s Jews for everything that went wrong.  The pattern is unmistakable. Those who vote for the environmentalists, without taking into consideration that they are voting for giving up control of their lives, are asking for slavery.


We can be cognizant of the environment and not be taken in by self-serving frauds spreading  half truths that aid no one but themselves.   A vote for any mainstream Republican or any Democrat is a vote for government control over your life.


I looked within for my answers and discovered the power that lies in me.  My life is good.  Are you not blessed with reason and logic?  Before you cast your vote, I recommend that you study the U.S. Constitution.  It was written with you in the driver’s seat and your best interests in mind.




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Posted on America’s Survival-By Cliff Kincaid-On May 30, 2011:

“Adam Kokesh, an American who stars on KGB-TV, otherwise known as RT or Russia Today television, staged a publicity stunt at the Jefferson Memorial on May 28 and is now complaining about his arrest for “dancing.” His video is getting attention from the media, while his followers are insisting that he was the victim of harsh police tactics. But an examination of the video of his arrest shows that the event was a planned provocation by professional agitators arranged in coordination with Medea Benjamin of Code Pink, who was also arrested.

Kokesh anchors the “Adam Vs. The Man” TV show on Russia Today, an English-language channel provided in the U.S. and other Western countries which is funded by the Moscow regime of Vladimir Putin, a former KGB officer. The channel is considered a propaganda outlet for Russian intelligence services and hired an alleged Russian spy who is in the process of being deported from Britain.

One of the regular stars of the Kokesh show is Luke Rudkowski, the founder of We Are Change and advocate of the theory that the 9/11 terrorist attacks were staged by the U.S. Government and blamed on Muslims.

The Kokesh stunt, which included advance notice to the press and demonstrators armed with cameras to record the inevitable confrontation, appears to have been designed to generate interest in Kokesh’s show on the Russian government-funded propaganda channel and to depict the U.S. as a police state.

An “anti-war” veteran, former Republican candidate for Congress, and Ron Paul supporter who called for the impeachment of President Bush, Kokesh wants the public to believe that he was arrested for “dancing” at the site when the video actually shows that he and his associates were engaged in disorderly conduct. Their activities succeeded in closing down access to the memorial while the arrests were in progress.

A local report on the Fox TV affiliate in Washington by reporter Roz Plater treated the protesters at the Jefferson Memorial as innocent victims of the police and even showed Benjamin inviting more demonstrators to the memorial for another protest.

What the reporter failed to point out is that Code Pink is a pro-Marxist organization that disrupted several appearances by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Washington and staged a demonstration calling for an end to military aid to Israel. Benjamin has met with leaders of the terrorist group Hamas but claims she doesn’t support terrorist organizations.

A U.S. District Court has ruled that the Park Service has a substantial interest in promoting a “tranquil environment” at national memorials and can forbid activities that interfere with that atmosphere. The law is not intended to interfere with free speech and but to protect the rights of families to appreciate the solemn nature of the memorials.

The video clearly shows a police officer warning the “dancers” that demonstrations, including dancing, would get them arrested.

A series of email exchanges on the controversy at the Jefferson Memorial produced this response from an attorney about the way Kokesh was handled: “He was not arrested for dancing. He was engaged in an act of disorderly conduct. He was requested to cease and desist several times and did not. He intentionally provoked the Park Police to where he gave them no option but to restrain him. He resisted and got exactly what he was attempting to make happen. Where are your concerns for the innocent people attending with their families? How about their rights to attend and not have their rights infringed upon by this intentional act of disturbing the peace of another. I am afraid that I might have been a little more physical than the Park Police with this jerk.”

As Medea Benjamin and an associate were arrested, Kokesh is visible in the background, wearing sunglasses and a “Disobey” T-shirt, dancing around and trying to draw attention to himself. The police react by taking him to the ground, after several unheeded warnings of “get to your knees,” and arresting him.

“I’ve got a bad shoulder,” one of the protesters whines, as he is handcuffed. Another was yelling, “This is a police state.”

The demonstration fits right into the anti-American propaganda line of Russia Today, which has been described by Konstantin Preobrazhensky, a former Soviet KGB officer who defected to the West, as “a part of the Russian industry of misinformation and manipulation” of foreign audiences. The obvious purpose in this case is to suggest that the U.S. is an oppressive state with no right to criticize the Kremlin’s increasingly authoritarian nature.

Another example of such fare is the RT story, “FBI targeting political activists as terrorists,” which faults the FBI for investigating far-left groups for having international Marxist connections or links to violence. “The FBI and other government agencies are cracking down on those who are not willing to say in line with the status quo,” the propaganda piece claims. In this case, the FBI reportedly raided the home of an activist with alleged links to a Marxist-Leninist group, the Freedom Road Socialist Organization. Other members of this group were raided by the FBI last September, on suspicions of providing support to foreign terrorist organizations.

RT regularly features Marxist and radical commentators in the U.S. such as Noam Chomsky, Gloria La Riva of the Party for Socialism and Liberation, Carl Dix of the Revolutionary Communist Party, and 9/11 “inside job” advocate and radio host Alex Jones.

Jones, who describes himself as “a loyal American who loves my country,” has appeared regularly on RT to denounce U.S. foreign policy and even to defend Russia’s invasion of Georgia.

While he offers up a lot of anti-government views, which strike a chord with some libertarians, Kokesh is also at the service of the liberal-left, interviewing figures such as Medea Benjamin and “social justice” advocate Jim Wallis of Sojouners. Interestingly, his followers have suggested such figures as Ron Paul, Alex Jones, Andrew Napolitano, and Noam Chomsky as guests on his show.

Kokesh represents an anti-American mix of commentators from across the political spectrum, all designed to make America look like a bad place to live.

Not surprisingly, Russia Today interviewed Kokesh on the air about the “dancing” controversy, giving him yet another platform to spout his nonsense about “the brutal nature of the police force.” RT was obviously pleased with the effort by their American employee to disrupt U.S. Memorial Day activities.

However, on the Free Republic website, one person noted: “These people knew the rules when they went there. They went there to start trouble at a place where thousands of real Americans go to learn about history and honor our founding fathers. They asked stupid questions of the Park police when they already knew what the result would be. They got what they wanted, they got arrested. I thought the police were exceptionally restrained. Park Police are probably the most professional of all of the police departments in DC.”


Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

The Midterm Elections and the Communist Manifesto!

Progressives and Communists Are Out of the Closet Together!

Who is sponsoring the NAACP’s ‘One Nation Working Together’ rally?’s-‘one-nation-working-together’-rally/

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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Posted on Israel National News-By Elad Benari-On May 30, 2011:

Israeli lawyers and international law experts have contacted UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, demanding that he prevent the Palestinian Authority’s resolution asking for recognition of a Palestinian state within the 1949 armistice lines from being raised at the UN General Assembly in September.

The lawyers say that UN recognition of such a state would be “in contrary to international law, UN resolutions and existing agreements.”

The signatories on the letter include Dr. Alan Baker, former legal adviser for the Foreign Ministry and Israeli Ambassador to Canada, as well as Dr. Meir Rosenne, former legal adviser for the Foreign Ministry, Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. and one of the authors of the peace agreement with Egypt. Also signed are law Professors Talia Einhorn and Eliav Shochetman, as well as dozens of other experts in international law and lawyers.

In the letter, the lawyers ask Secretary-General Ban to appeal to the General Assembly members to prevent the adoption of the Palestinian state resolution, since such a decision would stand in outright opposition to any agreements, which were signed between Israel and the Palestinian Authority as well as to Security Council resolutions 242 (1967) and 338 (1973).

The lawyers bring up the decision of The Council of the League of Nations dated July 24, 1922. The decision, which was adopted unanimously, calls for the establishment of a Jewish national home, including the right to increase Jewish settlement in all the historical territory of Israel, including Judea, Samaria and east Jerusalem. This decision was approved by both houses of the U.S. Congress on June 30, 1922.

Furthermore, state the lawyers, Article 80 of the UN Charter stipulates that the UN recognizes all decisions made by The Council of the League of Nations, which preceded it and therefore, the 650,000 Jews currently living in Judea, Samaria and east Jerusalem are living there legally.

The lawyers further argue that the commonly used term ‘1967 borders’ is invalid since it refers to the 1949 armistice lines and it was expressly stated in those agreements that the armistice lines would not be interpreted in any way as an international border. They note that according to Security Council resolutions 242 and 338, the parties are committed to conduct negotiations to bring about peace in the Middle East, within secure and recognized borders and with a just solution for all refugees, Jews and Arabs alike.

They determine that a proposal by the PA for a unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state will be a fundamental breach of Article 31 of the Oslo Accords which were signed between Israel and the Palestinian Authority in 1995, and in which it was determined that the PA would not initiate or take any steps that will change the status of Judea and Samaria until the end of negotiations, and that the issue of the borders will be determined only through negotiations. When the Palestinian Authority signed on these commitments, hundreds of thousands of Jews had already lived in Judea, Samaria and east Jerusalem and the PA recognized that the status of these areas will not change until the negotiations end.

“Although the Interim Agreement was signed between Israel and the Palestinian Authority,” write the lawyers, “the U.S., EU, Russia, Norway, Jordan, Egypt and the United Nations signed it as witnesses and will not be able to take part in the violation of the agreement by the Palestinians.”

The lawyers therefore end the letter by calling on Ban Ki-moon to stop the PA attempt to circumvent the negotiation process that was decided upon by the UN Security Council and the agreements signed between the parties.

Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has constantly reiterated he would seek the unilateral declaration of a PA state by the United Nations if a peace deal is not reached with Israel come September.

At the same time, he has flatly refused to come to the negotiating table and has manufactured preconditions when pressure has been brought to bear on the PA by the Quartet, especially the United States, for the PA to restart peace talks with Israel.

Meanwhile, it was reported on Sunday that the IDF is purchasing non-lethal riot control gear to deal with large-scale Palestinian Authority violence expected in September, when PA Arabs are expected to attempt various violent provocations after the discussion in the United Nations.”


NoteThe following articles and/or blog posts and video relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Netanyahu: Israel cannot prevent UN recognition of Palestinian state-Posted on Israel News-By Jonathan Lis-On May 30, 2011:

Free Gaza Movement Response to UN: Flotilla On As Planned-Posted on Israel National News-By Elad Benari-On May 30, 2011:

Hamas Moving HQ from Syria to Egypt, Warns Netanyahu-Posted on Israel National News-By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu-On May 30, 2011:

Turkey Mediates Fatah-Hamas Unity-Posted on Israel National News-By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu-On May 30, 2011:

Obama’s Middle East Connections!-Posted on wmjsarah-On May 29, 2011:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Is Israel the next Arab Facebook Campaign?

Godfather of The Islamic Revolution!

Is President Obama in on the Uprising in Egypt?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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Happy Memorial Day/ Tea Are The World

4063314712?profile=originalA few Memorial Days ago, I was sitting comfortably on my sofa, enjoying salty snacks and a refreshing sweet tea while watching a program honoring our military on TV. Mary would inform me when the charcoals were ready to throw on the steaks. Life was good.


Featured in the TV program was Veteran actor, Charles Durning who was a U.S. Army Ranger during WWII. Durning won the Silver Star for gallantry and was awarded three Purple Hearts for bravery at Normandy.


Despite his remarkable achievements and sacrifices for freedom, still moved after all these years, Durning humbly stood at the podium and wept for his fallen brothers. Wow, do they make real men like Durning anymore?


After the TV program honoring Durning and other American heroes, the following program honored great American conscientious objectors.


Folks, it was quite annoying watching these guys, conscientious objectors, being portrayed as superior human beings while pontificating about the evils of war and why they chose not to participate. I thought, “You guys are free to enjoy success, freedom and spout your crap “in English” because brave men like Charles Durning fought on your behalf. How dare you!”


4063314721?profile=originalDebbie Lee is the mom of Marc Alan Lee, the first Navy SEAL killed in Iraq. On numerous occasions, Marc stepped up putting himself at risk to defend his fellow soldiers. In response to the death of her decorated son and experiencing first hand the challenges facing the families of fallen soldiers, Debbie Lee founded


Almost a year ago, musicians, singers and bands across America responded to my call to come together to record a song titled, Taking Back America and donate their recorded songs for an album to celebrate America, honor our military and benefit the families of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice,


The response was overwhelming. From Country music to rap by a black conservative and every genre in between, we selected the best 44 songs from hundreds of submissions. Jo Piazza at FoxNews titled the project, Tea Are The World.


Now, here is the truly heartwarming divine providence aspect of the project. We had no money for recording, manufacturing, distribution or marketing. When asked about such details, my response was, “I don't know?” I felt God only instructed me to put out the call to musicians. He did not fill me in on how it would all come together.


Remember the old Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland movies? In the films a character would say, “Let's put on our own show!” Another character would say, “That's a great idea! My uncle has 500 chairs stored in his garage.” They would rally together and put on an amazing production.


Tea Are The World pretty much came together the same way. Get this folks, around 100 musicians across America flew or drove, on their own dime, to Deltona Records in Florida to record, Taking Back America.


Emmy winning TV producer Norvell Rose informed me that he and his son, Conner, would be coming down from Virginia to attend the recording session to produce a music video and “Making of Tea Are The World” documentary; all for FREE. Both are included on DVD in the Tea Are The World package.


Deltona Records owner, music producer and engineer Frank Starchak is famed for recording Tupac Shakur and numerous other celebrities. Starchak recorded and produced the 100 musicians singing, Taking Back America. Starchak also mastered the 44 song double CD set included in the Tea Are The World package; completely FREE of charge.


Professional distributor, Tom Horn, offered to distribute Tea Are The World FREE of charge.


Singer, Lisa Scott Kelly and Debbie Lee, founder of, shook the trees and found funds for manufacturing; which was our only expense. Everything has been donated.


Rev. Minion told me how his wife Danielle, a professional graphic designer, got involved. Upon hearing about Tea Are The World on the news, Danielle said, “Honey, I feel I am suppose to help these people”.


Danielle Minion designed the Tea Are The World package and promotional materials. She did all of the production artwork work needed to prepare the package for manufacturing. Danielle donated her services FREE of charge.


Now here is the kicker, after Danielle committed to our project, she became pregnant. Of her three pregnancies, this one has been the worst; sick almost very day. Then, Danielle's files of the project became corrupted. Rev. Minion said in Danielle's years in the business, never have so many things interrupted her completing a project.


Folks, I am pleased and grateful to announce that Tea Are The World is completed, beautifully packaged and available for purchase. Praise God.


4063314534?profile=originalPlease do not think I am dissing other fund raisers. I am simply stating a fact. With some, when the dust clears, as little as 10% goes to the charity. 100% of the proceeds from the sale of Tea Are The World go to which benefits the families of our fallen soldiers.


Because of the sacrifices of our military which include brave women and men like Charles Durning and Marc Alan Lee, we are blessed to enjoy Memorial Day cookouts with our families. Please remember the families of our fallen soldiers;


Happy Memorial Day!


Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American


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The current clowns that are running in the R primary have no chance of beating Oblahblah.  


There was only one person that actually  fired up conservatives and that was Donald Trump.  However, he jumped ship after he realized ABC,NBC,CBS,CNN,MSNBC, and CNBC were going to attack him and his family for the next 18 months.  Not only that the Rep elite ( Karl Rover) (Rush Pinball) did not want an outsider come in and disrupt their heritage foundation party train.


Finally, if I hear Sean Hannity and Fox campaigning for Bachman one more time and stating she represents me and the tea party I will puke.  

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Posted on The Daily Caller-By Alexis Levinson-On May 30, 2011:

Approval for Barack Obama’s job performance as president is lower among veterans and active US military than it is among non-military, according to a poll released Monday by Gallup.

The results, which came from data from Gallup’s daily tracking poll of Obama’s job approval, are based on interviews with over 238,000 respondents between January 2010 and April 2011.

On average, 48 percent of non-military personnel surveyed over that time period approved of the job Obama was doing, while just 37 percent of active military or veterans approved.

That trend persists among all age groups, the analysis found. The spread is most pronounced among 18 to 29 year olds, a group that tends to have a highly favorable view of this president’s performance. 58 percent of non-military in that age group approves of the job Obama is doing, but just 44 percent of veterans or active military felt that way.

The lowest spread is among those aged 80 to 99, where 43 percent of the general public approves of the job Obama is doing, compared to 37 percent of veterans or active military personnel – presumably mostly veterans in that age group.

Gallup notes that those currently serving active duty in the military have a noticeably higher likelihood of declining to state an opinion on Obama’s job performance. For instance, 21 percent of active duty military aged 18 to 29 did not express an opinion, compared to just 10 percent of non-military. A possible factor in this, Gallup Editor in Chief Frank Newport writes, is the military culture of nonpartisanship, especially when dealing with the Commander in Chief. Alternatively, “[t]hose on active duty may in general be less involved in current affairs and thus less likely to hold an opinion on Obama.”

Women are more likely to approve of Obama’s performance. However, in any given age group surveyed by Gallup, no more than 3 percent of military personnel or veterans were women. Older age groups are more likely to be active or former military – a fact that seems likely due to the existence of the draft before 1973.

Current or former members of the military are more likely to be Republicans, the poll notes.

The results come from analysis of polls conducted before President Obama ordered the successful killing of Osama Bin Laden. The president received a bump in his approval ratings from the general public after that, and it seems likely that the same would be true – potentially more so – among veterans or active military.”


Note: What follows are just a few of the numerous videos that reveal a Freedom Rally that was held in September of 2010 by families of some soldiers and Marines that have been convicted of crimes that they allegedly committed while attempting to survive in a combat zone and are currently incarcerated in Leavenworth, KS-You Decide:

Rally Supports 'Leavenworth 10'-Posted on kmbctv-On Sep 4, 2010:

Leavenworth 10 Freedom Ride-Posted on KansasWatchdogTV-On Sep 4, 2010:

Leavenworth 10: Intro remarks by Joyce Kaufman & Larry Mendte-Posted on KansasWatchdogTV-On Sep 4, 2010:

Leavenworth 10: Wife of Evan Vela reads letter-Posted on KansasWatchdogTV-On Sep 5, 2010:

Leavenworth 10: Behenna Family tells Michael's story-Posted on KansasWatchdogTV-On Sep 5, 2010:

Leavenworth 10: Attorney for Corey Clagett tells story-Posted on KansasWatchdogTV-On Sep 5, 2010:

Leavenworth 10: Johnny Horne tells his story-Posted on KansasWatchdogTV-On Sep 6, 2010:

Leavenworth 10: Combat medic Michael Leahy looking for justice-Posted on KansasWatchdogTV-On Sep 5, 2010:

Leavenworth 10: Beverly Perlson, on KansasWatchdogTV-On Sep 5, 2010:

Lt. Colonel Allen West Talks About The Leavenworth 10-Posted on Mendte-On Sep 4, 2010:

Leavenworth 10: (1/2) Allen West speaks out for L10 soldiers-Posted on KansasWatchdogTV-On Sep 6, 2010:

Leavenworth 10: (2/2) Allen West speaks out for L10 soldiers-Posted on KansasWatchdogTV-On Sep 6, 2010:

Leavenworth 10: (1/2) Elizabeth Kilbride wants military legal system investigated-Posted on KansasWatchdogTV-On Sep 6, 2010:

Leavenworth 10: (2/2) Elizabeth Kilbride wants military legal system investigated-Posted on KansasWatchdogTV-On Sep 6, 2010:

Note:  The following articles and/or blog posts relate to this issue-You Decide:

Obama Administration Wants To Cut Troop Pay!-Posted on Canada Free Press-By Move America Forward-On May 27, 2011:

Gates Targets Retirement, Health Care!-Posted on May 27, 2011:

Push for Pentagon cuts tops Panetta’s agenda-Posted on Idaho Stateswman-By DONNA CASSATA - Associated Press-On April 27, 2011:

Wife of White House mouthpiece behind Petraeus attack!-Posted on Aaron Klein-On May 25, 2011: Ad Takes Aim at Petraeus!-Posted on JAKE TAPPER-On September 10, 2007:

Update: Obama Overridden By Military And Intel Officials In Takeout Of OBL?-Posted on Atlas Shrugs-On May 3, 2011:

Outrageous: The Barack Obama SEAL Team Six Action Figure-Posted on The Blaze-By Jonathon M. Seidl-On May 12, 2011:

The Plot to Destroy the US Military-Posted on Canada Free Press-By Daniel Greenfield-On March 21, 2011:

Obama’s War Against the U.S. Military-Posted on Human Events-By Buzz Patterson-On September 10, 2010:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this issue-You Decide:

The Military Pays the Price for Obama’s Agenda!

Veterans and members of our Armed Forces under attack!

Rules of Engagement Killing Marines and U.S. Soldiers!

Treason in America: Move Over ‘Hanoi Jane’!

Is Pelosi Wrong On Defense Spending?

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our Troops & Their Families Safe”

Semper Fi!


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Happy Memorial Day!

Outside Independence Hall when the Constitutional Convention of 1787 ended,  Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, "Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?"

With no hesitation whatsoever,  Franklin responded, "A republic, if you can keep it."

Our troops have and are doing their share!  What are we doing??


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Fraud, Waste and Abuse in the Federal Government has been going on for many years and that is part of the reason that the United States is going broke.  Instead of having the federal civil service do the job they were hired for, the Federal Government has been contracting out those jobs at a cost of three (3) times, (Yes read that correctly ... three (3) times) the normal cost it would have cost the taxpayers if the civil service were allowed to do the work.  Why would they contract out the work that can be easily done internally by the civil servants.  One of the reasons is to benefit their friends and supporters.  Another is that civil service management is too lazy to roll up their sleeves to manage government employees properly and firmly.  Another is contractors are putting enormous pressure on the Federal Government to generate contracts for which there is little or no need.  I am sure that there are other reasons.  Some contracts are legitimate in that the civil service does not have the extraordinary skills to do the job.  Even some of those jobs can be learned over a period of years by civil servants which ultimately will result in a terrific savings to the taxpayers.  The sad part of this fraud, waste and abuse of the taxpayers money is that both parties are guilty of this contracting/economic nightmare.  Of course, the Contractors have to spread propaganda that the federal civil service is too mentally challenged to perform these contractual jobs.  More lies and BS from those who would benefit monetarily from the contracting policies of the United State Government.


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My book has been published 11-30-10 and you can purchase it online just check for the listing for my book for searching. $10.77  A lot of the things we are going threw are in my book.  The health insurance repeal has not happen yet.  The budget crisis has not been fixed.  Will we have to have something like a Kaddidlehopper Bill to get the country's fiscal house in order?

William Quayle

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Shelli's bio

BIO for Dr Shelli Jones Manuel

"Dr. Shelli Jones Manuel is the founder of Harvest Projects International Inc. and the Ground Zero Prayer Shield which are based in Tulsa, OK.  She has earned her PhD in Christian Education and is an accomplished artist who has exhibited at the Pentagon, Senate Rotunda, Lincoln Memorial and various State Houses. She is also a recording artist in vocals and harp and a composer/psalmist. These giftings of God have taken her to the stages of Branson Missouri’s theater, Martha Vineyard’s Tabernacle, Tulsa’s Maybee Center and Israel’s Kensett.  She has also appeared on various TV shows on Daystar, TBN, TCT, LESA and various radio programs. Shelli is also an author of books on revival such as The Travail of the Flag and Oceans of Glory.

•    BFA: Rhode Island School of Design with Music  from Brown University 1979
•    MA: Shalom Bible College and Theological Seminary 1998
•    PhD: Shalom Bible College and Theological Seminary    2000
•    Master Artist at Large: Oral Roberts University 1993
•    Diploma in Music: Rhema Bible Training Center 1981
•    Diploma in Teaching: Rhema Bible Training Center 1993
•    Diploma in Short Term Studies at Oxford 2006
•    Diplomas from Short Term Studies at Ulpan Akiva from 1988-1993

She is best known as a Bible teacher and revivalist. Her prophetic mural paintings of visions and biblical themes often illustrate her sermons on one resounding theme; PRAYER, REVIVAL, & HEALING. Dr. Shelli is also ordained and has co- pastured 3 congregations in America and spent one year in Guatemala, with many humanitarian missions to other nations.

Dr. Manuel also has a diploma from the “Train the Trainer” course in August of 2010, taught by a staff of former, and current FBI, CIA, DOD intelligence officers in domestic and foreign affairs as pertaining to thwarting the threat of terrorism. She is an expert on the subject of the Muslim Brotherhood and Shariah Law. Her power point presentations are given to elected officials, law enforcement, intelligence officers, pastors, rabbis and leaders of various sectors of society. She is also a graduate of many short term study courses form the Ulpan Akiva in foreign diplomacy, archeology, anthropology and political science, which spanned a decade and a half of study in Israel with her mentor: Shulamith Katznelson, (who was a runner up to the Nobel Peace Prize).

Shelli is also a historian on American History and has released two book with co authors; Peter Marshall and David Manuel, who are well known for their best seller, The Light & the Glory. Shelli currently resides in Tulsa, OK with her husband Sir David Manuel.  Shelli and David host a weekly radio show Resurrect America which is streamed on their website:

In April 2004 Shelli had a vision and calling from God to help erect or strengthen a prayer shield over this nation.  This is the current focus of her ministry.  Shelli and David believe that the Prayer Shield, the radio show and their various books will bring the great revivals this nation so desperately needs."
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One on One


The Tea Party, a political cause for conservatives, is great.  As a World War II veteran who saw combat in Germany, who saw with my own eyes the victims of the Holocaust, he who protects Ameica, who protects him?  Are we going to endure yet another Holocaust?  For what purpose was my sacrifice?

My conservative philosophy fits the Tea Party. I’m neither for the Republican mainstream nor for Democrats.  But this says little about my philosophy.  I assume that most conservatives are religious. Democrats call it the “religious right.”  I’m not religious.  I assume most conservatives are conformist. I’m not.  It is going to take more than religion and conformists—political conservatives—to turn the ship of state around. We are heading for the rocks. It is going to take true liberals, the kind who gave us our America, the pioneers who faced an unknown future with optimism, energy, and the belief in self, the kind of American today’s liberals don’t know, and as well many conservatives. We don't know what my generation knows.


It is going to take a new approach to life, the approach the American pioneer had. That is where I excel. I’ve been through the school of hard knocks.  I have lots of experience.  I’ve learned my lessons well. If life could be any better, I don’t know how. Now in the twilight of life, this is my time to be of universal service.


Shall we say, my born again life began on Good Friday, 1975, the day we commemorate as the day Christ was hung from the cross. I arrived in Miami, Florida on Easter Sunday for the first day of a new life.  Although I didn’t think about it at the time, it was an omen of things to come for me, something to look back on with awe.


There was also this about my departure.  By chance, I’d met an astrologer and had him create my astrological chart.   It didn’t fit. I didn’t think much of it.  I grew into my chart. Now it fits like a hand in a glove.  A study of astrology tells me at the time of my departure, Uranus, my ruling planet, had transited to a position opposing itself when I was born, when I was in my forties. I departed when I was 49, when the opposition of Uranus to itself said I’d be under pressure to change my life.  There is also this about my departure.  I was born with Aquarius on the rise. This means that as I aged I’d become more Aquarian in nature.  The symbol of Aquarius is the water-bearer.  There are a lot of coincidences about my departure, too many as far as I’m concerned, to be coincidence.


Although I was not aware at the time of my departure, there had to be a purpose.  Prior to my departure, I had read the Constitution and studied the procedure for challenging my income tax.  When I read the Constitution, I felt that voices of the past were speaking to me.  I had a bigger than life calling. This figures in with the time of my departure.   


My astrological chart gives me this so-called trine, an angular alignment between Saturn, the learning planet with Pluto, the generational planet  that says in Astrologer’s Handbook I would have the ability to understand the laws by which subtle forces are organized.  And just by coincidence, in November, 2008, the month and year Obama was elected President, Saturn went into angular opposition with Pluto. Astrologer’s Handbook says this means serious karmic problems—victims of oppression, cruelty, and other harsh treatment, usually because of personal connection with adverse conditions of mass destiny. Ah yes, we’ve got that big time. Too bad about Israel.


On the other hand, with Saturn trine Pluto, says Astrologer’s Handbook, I would make fundamental changes in my life and others lives. “Often there is a sense of destiny or a peculiar karmic mission which they must fulfill.”


Over the past ten years, I’ve written hundreds of blogs on the meaning of my life experience, and many on this Tea Party blog.  It isn’t something others know or think about, but, strangely, it fits. The same as I,  America faces an unknown future.  Does my personal experience mean anything?  If life could be any better for me, I don’t know how.


Something else I’ve learned in the past 10 years, my Christian teaching misinterpreted Christ’s teachings.  The God my Christian teaching gave me did zero for me.  In fact, it was a hindrance.  After I’d successfully made a life of my own, with no one’s help, I started reading the Bible, and wondered how people could be so misled.  For instance, in the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus said in earth as it is in heaven, followed by you can’t serve two masters, followed by “seek ye first the kingdom of God.”  Christians believe in pie in the sky, and you’ve got to tithe to get there.  Isn’t that what got Jesus crucified?  He turned over the moneychangers tables.  People were exchanging their gold and silver coins for worthless priest coinage for the purpose of getting pie in the sky.  As always, it is setting up a fraudulent system to rob the individual of his power, to enhance the power of control freaks.  From this we get war.  Does God favor the victor of war?  I think of God as the creator of life, life that knows reason and logic, something religion does not know.  Religion knows doctrines and dogmas that include a supernatural God; that is, anything man wants to make God.


I had tried so hard to do the right thing. Nobody knew how hard I tried.  I had been a good citizen, generously given of myself.  Nobody appreciated all that I had done.  The world is so cruel.  I was angry at my government.  I lashed out at the IRS.  Everyone knows that the IRS is no one to mess with.  I didn’t know that.  I beat the IRS.  But more than that, I had a calling to be more than a poor me the world kicked in the butt.  I discovered the real me. After that, when everything should have gone wrong, everything went right.  


From whence did I come?  I believe the kingdom of God is in me, that I’m a God-self.  Why do I need to live in guilt, or to pay to get to a non-existent place, as though an almighty Wizard in Heaven knows infinitely more than any man.  Why of course, the divine put that idea in us?  What could be more demeaning?  No, it is not the Muslim Brotherhood, or the divine in Washington, D.C., according to my Constitution.  I’ve good news. I’m here for a worthy purpose in my own right. When I die, my God-self returns without the help of a manmade almighty Wizard, to a fictious place called Heaven.   


Why is the Middle East going up in flames? Why is the world now tottering on the edge of a financial precipice? Jesus said to the religious of all faiths in Mt. 7:5: “First cast out the beam out of thine own eye, and see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.” Then when you pray, said Jesus, “ask and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find” (Mt. 7:7).


We are at the dawning of the Age of Aquarius and the God of our future. As in any birth, there is pain. The road to a world living in peace and prosperity stretches before us to a new horizon.  In Astrologer’s Handbook, under Aquarius, we read, “Individuals born under the sign of brotherhood and fraternity have as their symbol the water-bearer who spills out to mankind the life-force and spiritual energy. Since the planet Uranus rules Aquarius, friendship and companionship are extremely important to Aquarians. Those who Aquarians befriend have their unswerving loyalty.”  The Age of Aquarius is the equivalent of the second coming of Christ.


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America turning it's back on the Jews!

I am a practicing Catholic and have traveled to Israel it's breaks my heart to see what this president did this past week to my brothers and Jesus's brothers in that ancient land. I am not a conspiracy person at all but I have never questioned the judgment of our president like I am with Obama. Failed economic policy, failed foriegn policy, failed energy policy, failed healthcare policy, failure to get the Olympics policy, failure of hope and change, failure to get a British toast right policy, failure to close Guantonimo policy. Failure to bring unemployment down policy.It sickens me that more and more people don't overwhelmingly see this. But then again I live in California. I'll bet 2012 will be a very close election.The Jews! We need to support them with all our might! They have done nothing wrong and have been for peace. Ever since the world unanamously gave them Israel after WWII a plot to detroy them has haunted them. They have faught wars defending themselves, been the victims of terror and are living in fear of genoicide from the radical sectors of their neighbors. Somebody please step up and get pissed off and lead our great nation.
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A Tribute To Our Veterans

A Tribute to Our Veterans, all!

Where ever the seeds of democracy take root, they are always watered with the blood of American hero's! Those hero's who gave their life, limbs, and time to uphold the Constitution, to remove tyranny, and to retard communism. They laid their lives down on the alter of freedom, for us, and others to enjoy life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Our founders wrote the Constitution ...:In order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." Our hero's enshrined those words on our hearts and minds, written by the finger of God dipped in their blood. God Bless America! Thank you veterans, all!

May we all remember freedom isn't free! And, we all owe it to those that perished on the alter of freedom to remove domestic tyranny whenever and where ever it rears its ugly head. Allowing one instance of any form of tyranny to remain in the United States is an insult, a disgrace, and a slap in the face to all those that paid to remove it.

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Here's An Open Invitation

Alright folks---here we have it.  An Open Invitation to Angelo Mule' and Alex Abrams to come on Tea Party Radio Monday night @ 9 p.m. EST.

Angelo is a frequent poster here on Tea  Alex has also made his presence known.  Personally, I have never been shy either.  As I will be hosting Tea Party Radio Monday night, and there appears to be a small confict of opinion and/or ideals between these gentlemen, let's just get this in the open.  This ties in with what we are all concerned with in this movement, and all others across this country.  It's one thing to sit down at an impersonal keyboard, and quite another to open yourself up to the realm of open opinion and discussion, LIVE, with thousands of people listening, and clattering away in the chat-room, and project and maintain your ideals and beliefs, and defend them.

Angelo had just posted me that I should ask Alex on.  Alright.  Alex--COME ON IN.  Call-in # is 646-200-4032.

Angelo, I'm going to ask that you meet the challenge you issued to Alex---YOU KNOW THE NUMBER.

Leah Lax will be there along with our perennial host/co-host David Toy.  Dale---wish you were here, and God Bless you and all our Vets on this Memorial Day.

Let's make them all proud, get vocal and get loud!!!!

God Bless you all and God Bless the United States of America!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Read this article regarding the jihad in Christian Ethiopia.  You would never get a chance to read it in any of our beloved newspapers.  God bless the Internet, the last bastion of truely balanced reporting.  Is there a double standard in reporting and in the way Muslims interact in the world?   Let the facts speak for themselves!  You be the judge!

May 22, 2011
Muslim Jihad in Christian Ethiopia Lessons for the West


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