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Posted on Floyd Reports-By Michael Oberndorf-On May 11, 2011:

The current occupant of the White House and his unindicted co-conspirators can’t seem to get their lies straight. Their versions of the alleged killing of Osama bin Laden are conflicting, contradictory, and constantly changing. And the biggest lie of all is that Obama-Soetoro had jack to do with the operation. In one of the most disgusting displays of narcissistic braggadocio I have ever had the bad fortune to witness, the Prevaricator-in-Chief gave one of his most egregious I-Me-I-Me harangues, claiming total credit for the obvious hard, patriotic work of many of his betters, including the hated George W. Bush.

Then, he claims he doesn’t want to offend the sensibilities of Muslims by releasing pictures of the dead murderer of 3,000 Americans. This from a provocateur who, in 2009 had to be begged to reverse his decision to release 2,000 pictures of detainee abuse (incidents which had already been punished). These pictures were guaranteed to get the Islamists rioting in the streets again, far more that pictures of a dead, symbolic has-been.

This killing succeeded in distracting Americans concerned about the Usurper’s destruction of America – the tail wagging the dog – at a time when the Head Fool’s popularity was in the tank. The Clown-in-Chief, it has been reported, has known since last August that bin Laden was in Abbottabad, but chose to wait until now to do anything. He thinks he can amateurishly create diversions that will make people think he’s a macho patriot, instead of the anti-American buffoon that he has shown himself to be.

With the economy on the brink of the second dip of a double dip recession, brought on by the looting of the Treasury and wild, uncontrolled borrowing and spending by the government, the Oh-So-Clever-One thinks he can distract the public into not noticing our imminent demise as an economically viable nation. This winner of the Nobel Peace Prize — who has a war going in Iraq, a war going in Afghanistan, an undeclared war in Libya, who tried to murder a foreign head of state there but only succeeded in murdering Qaddafi’s son and grandchildren, and has just unilaterally invaded a sovereign nation, and by his administration’s account, did so without its consent or knowledge (although this smells like more big lies) to murder a foreign national — wants us to believe he’s an honorable hero acting in the best interests of the American people? Why, then, when the military decided the time was ripe to take bin Laden out, did it take Mr. Brilliant 16 hours to decide to act?

Only the “mainstream” media have less credibility than Pinocchio on the Potomac.

One of the issues Obama-Soetoro and his Marxist lackeys fear most is that people will realize that the high gas and oil prices that are driving inflation are the direct result of Democrat policies. A tip off might be the Energy Secretary publicly stating that he really, really, wants to see gas prices at least at $8.00 a gallon. Another might be a long proclamation commemorating “Earth Day,” a Democrat religious holy day, but not a peep to American Christians on Easter. Environmentalists and Marxists (sorry, I repeat myself) have nearly ruined the country. Obama-Soetoro wants to distract us from the fact that, based on some estimates, the U.S. has more oil reserves than the rest of the world combined. We have enough untapped oil resources to supply our energy needs for the next 2,000 years, and then some.

Unfortunately, through the hard work and persistence of radical environmentalists and their Democrat fellow-travelers, exploiting these sources has been put, statutorily, off limits. We could be totally energy self-sufficient, but we have been conned into passing laws that have allowed activist left-wing judges and environmentalist Democrats to make this illegal.

Instead, the sleight of hand liars in the White House and the appallingly corrupt Eric Holder and his “Justice” Department are trying to attack the oil companies. The American people are to blame, by driving pickup trucks and SUVs, using incandescent light bulbs, and not keeping the air pressure in our tires at the precisely correct level.

I am sick and tired of being constantly and blatantly lied to by my government. I am sick and tired of being marginalized, insulted, and ignored by the radical Marxists and neo-fascists who have taken over my government – e.g., amnesty is back; we are in a new, undeclared war that is not our interests; they are about to raise the debt ceiling, even though it will likely bring down the entire economy; they are pandering to the gay lobby, Big Unions, and the UN; the “Justice” Department is going after the people who made Obama-Soetoro’s only positive accomplishment – finding bin Laden – possible; and there is constant, unconstitutional meddling in the affairs of the sovereign states.

My government is no longer mine, nor is it my friend…”


Note:  We, as God, family and country loving Americans, must remain vigilant and keep our eyes on the ball and not be distracted by the relentless propaganda being fed to us on a daily basis as part of this President and his minion’s transformation strategy.

My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Has President Obama Gone Off The Deep End?

The Military Pays the Price for Obama’s Agenda!’s-agenda/

Is George Soros deliberately handicapping American energy?

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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SB 1070 Illegal Immigration Bill/law

They quash the English Only bill by the say so of a Half Breed Chicano, only because she was looking so good in what she was wearing.

They violate states rights of Sovreignty of self support, posterity, and good will by allowing another Female, this time a 9th district court judge, to put the shut down on our basic rights as a sovreign state and our livelihood and allow illegals to sustain their rights to usurp ours.

REASONABLE SUSPICION: You don't speak even legitamate English to pass a Tail Light out, that's suspicious.

They allow some (should otherwise be a female) joker attorney to open his mouth to speak such selfish things against our own nation and states that if other states would pass similar laws is creating Chaos.

FAILURE TO CARRY ALIEN REGISTRATION PAPERS: You ain't gottem, you just ain't gottem.

PROBABLE CAUSE: If they create or cause to create a crime against anyone in this country (as if its legal where they come from, DUH!) That is grounds for deportment.


How many Americans do we have in this country who've had their Identification stolen (no matter the means) are out of work, luck, ID, etc. and homeless to boot?

How many Illegals have homes, jobs, medical benefits through our welfare system, vehicles to drive (usually without insurance), even a pair of boots to wear?

The law was passed back in 2007 declaring any and all employers hiring or even transporting Illegal Undocumented immigrants as a Felony carrying a $2500.00 fine - first offense.

Who ever asked the guy, gal, or family living on the street if they cared to know what the Law Professor at ASU what he thought or interpreted the law to be?

I've worked personally with the homeless for the last 4 years, feeding, clothing, and summer sheltering them, and hearing their stories, seeing their broken lives, living from one day to the next, no support, no income, no family even caring enough to come looking for them.

They're all scared, shaken to the core, completely uncertain of the rest of just that interpersonal day they live in that they'll not be deceased in the night to come from a litany of circumstances and other persons of known whom may seek their harm, and that over the mere price of a piece of bubble gum, which is now at the price of 25 cents. The leftovers of a bottle of water, a blanket, shirt, let alone drugs, rape, or theft.

People WITH, don't really realize just how close they are to filling these unfortunate mass' Shoes.

Seriously, it only takes just that one moment in time to change your life into one of these predicaments.

Make one person just the slightest unsettled about anything and WHAM! You're there.

Think not?

I am still just that kind of person, still attempting to recover from the last 8 years of homelessness. Sure, I have a job now, a bank acct, and a home to live in with others. But, all it would take is these other individuals to have a bad hair moment and I'm back out on the streets, and believe me, In Arizona, 117-122 degrees, brother and sister you would not like it, let alone survive the heat for more than a week, if you made it that long.

I know of one who'd been homeless for 4 years, a seasoned veteran of the streets, died at 5 PM alongside a major street in midtown. Was not discovered till 5 PM the next day. And on the 30th day in the County Morgue, Identified by his mother and shortly cremated within 30 minutes afterward.

A true story. Horridly horrible, but true.

So, you tell me, SB 1070 to protect our own?

Or, sam'ol' sam'ol' and see you as the next statistic?

Think I'm joking?

Try it. Just Try it.

What? Chicken?



Max Simon Uhrig

San Tan Valley, AZ

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       "If you tell a lie that's big enough, and you tell it often enough, people will believe you are telling the truth, even when what you are saying is total crap.”

Richard Belzer


       “Ho, ho here’s the free market in trouble again and here we in Congress are going to have to bail them out of trouble  . . .  again.”

A comment from (Massachusetts) Representative Barney “The Big Liar” Frank who a) in 2003 and again in 2004, 2005 and 2006 before the financial meltdown affirmed the soundness of  federal government-sponsored mortgage enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac; b) several times denied that progressive politicians like him were undermining the free market mortgage system; and who now is calling for the end of both Fannie and Freddie . . . and then “starting over from scratch” with whole new government mortgage entities controlling the free markets.


Real Capitalism

       (Today’s introductory blog is the first in a series aiming to put the record straight and pinpoint progressives’ lies and other tactics and strategies that have betrayed our country, its economy and our freedom.)



“What, You Don’t Remember Our Lies?

Good, we’ll just recycle them!”


       Before we get to capitalism and the lies told about it by progressives – we’ll use this introduction to start out discussing progressives and something called “The Big Lie.” Political adherents of progressivism (a notion that “we must ‘progress’ beyond the ill-conceived and outdated U.S. Constitution so we may make progress toward earthly Utopia”) who have controlled congress for roughly 95 of the last 110 years in this country (since Teddy Roosevelt succeeded assassinated William McKinley), base their attacks on the United States and its patriotic citizens primarily by using a whole series of what propagandists call “big lies” and upon the constant and consistent inattention of a large part of the voting and non-voting public. Where did the idea of “The Big Lie” come from?

       Adolf Hitler and his chancellor and propaganda minister Josef Goebbels credited their superior and effective use of propaganda from some studying of the British in World War I, but mostly (according to Goebbels’ diaries) from the powerful techniques they gleaned from the administration of progressive American President Woodrow Wilson and his chief Public Information facilitator, Edward Bernays (called by Time magazine one of the Top-100 Influential Americans of the 20th Century).  Hitler was the first to coin the term “The Big Lie” while in Landsberg am Lech prison in 1924 as he dictated Mein Kampf

       Hitler devoted two chapters in Mein Kampf to discussing propaganda. Within those two chapters, “The Big Lie” got most of Der Fuehrer’s attention. The Big Lie according to Hitler was a lie so "colossal" that no one would believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.” 

       Herr Schicklgruber** of the Charlie Chaplin moustache then gave an excellent example of the big lie by first stating the technique was used by Jews to unfairly blame Germany's loss in World War I on German Army officer Erich Ludendorff.   Of course, it was that sweetheart Hitler and his Nazis who created the highly effective Big Lie that the Army had been near victorious in the field in late 1918 and just on the verge of achieving victory when suddenly out of nowhere they had been stabbed in the back by the “November Criminals” (Berlin politicians and civilians back home including Marxists, and especially the Republicans who he said signed the infamous Treaty of Versailles, kicked the monarchy out, and set up the Weimar Republic;  and, of course among the November Criminals, were his favorite scapegoats: the Jews.  That “Stabbed in the Back by the November Criminals” Big Lie was part of at least 1,800 of his speeches over the first decade and a half of the Nazi rise to power (late 1919 to early 1934). Here is Hitler using the Big Lie to accuse others (the Jews) of using a Big Lie . . . .

                                       “. . . it remained for the Jews, with their unqualified capacity for falsehood, and their fighting comrades, the Marxists, to impute responsibility for the downfall precisely to the man who alone had shown a superhuman will and energy in his effort to prevent the catastrophe which he had foreseen and to save the nation from that hour of complete overthrow and shame. By placing responsibility for the loss of the world war on the shoulders of Ludendorff they took away the weapon of moral right from the only adversary dangerous enough to be likely to succeed in bringing the betrayers of the Fatherland to Justice.

                                      “All this was inspired by the principle--which is quite true within itself--that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.

—Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf


       Goebbels expanded upon Hitler’s definition some seventeen years later in a magazine article “Churchill’s Lie Factory” again using the Big Lie to accuse others of using the Big Lie. 


                                                         “The essential English leadership secret does not depend on particular intelligence. Rather, it depends on a remarkably stupid thick-headedness. The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous.”


       Certainly the Big Lie in conjunction with name-calling is the prime progressive tactic used so overtly and commonly against conservatives as to rank almost as a strategic end. Can’t win an argument, no problem that a bit of name-calling and or ridicule can’t solve.   “What? You don’t agree with us, you are a RACIST!” “Don’t buy our philosophy? You must be really stupid!”   It all begins with changing history by asserting some BIG LIE as truth. Among the progressive-left’s favorite big lie is to attribute Nazism and Fascism to conservatives. Associated with this big lie is the labeling of conservatives as “the Right,” that is with those traditionally aligned with monarchies. The “Right” is also then expanded to include Nazis and Fascists and then they kick the monarchists out so only conservatives, Nazis and Fascists constitute the so-called “Right.” This particular Big Lie Complex has proven so successful that 90% of people now unquestioningly buy some of it or the entire intertwined lie . . . that is, even a majority of conservatives believe they constitute “the Right.” Check out your truth vs. B.S. detector by labeling the following twelve statements


TRUE or False. Correct answers follow. What’s the truth?

1.       The first of those right-wing monsters called “Rednecks” were gun-toting mine-workers’ union members attacking mines that had shutdown in defiance of the unions. They wore red-bandanas to avoid shooting each other accidentally.

2.     What we call Fascism began in Italy. The labor unions became so pervasive and strong that pretty soon, they had kicked the business owners out, taken over the companies, and created their own government.

3.     The word “Nazi” is a German acronym that means “National Socialist German Workers’ Party.”

4.     When Communism was banned in Germany the membership in the Nazi Party almost doubled with perhaps 2/3 of the new recruits coming from among the ex-communists.

5.     The bankruptcy of New York City and near bankruptcy of New York State (NYC was bailed out by the federal government in 1975) was part of a strategy plotted by progressive Neo-Marxists Richard Cloward, Frances Fox Piven and George Wiley that doubled (by adding eight million new recipients) the welfare rolls.

6.     Something called C-P Strategy was used by ACORN’s creator Wade Rathke in Arkansas in 1978 to help make Bill Clinton state governor at age 32 and president at age 46.

7.     The financial meltdown of 2007-2008 had its roots in a 1966 magazine article written by the creators of “C-P Strategy;” in a 1977 law (CRA ’77) forcing mortgage companies to knowingly make bad loans to unqualified recipients; and in Rathke’s 1977 creation of ACORN.

8.    The percentage of suspect home loans (granted at 3% down payment or less) in 1975 was 0.24% but thanks to CRA ’77 and five expansions to CRA ’77, it had risen to 34.1% by 2005.

9.     Bill Clinton was the first ACORN president and he paid ACORN back by expanding CRA ’77 four times during his presidency and by passing the Motor Voter Act.

10.Barack Obama was an ACORN lawyer in Chicago shaking down banks and other mortgage lenders to force them to comply with CRA ’77 and make terribly unwise loans.

11.   Bill Clinton’s steroid-version expansion of CRA law in 1998 made it easier to use CRA ’77 laws to get into a $400,000 home in 1999 than it had been to put a more qualified buyer into a $100,000 home a decade earlier.

12.  ACORN in the early 21st Century was able to routinely get home loans for buyers without jobs; without decent credit ratings; without even rental histories; with only food stamps to show as “income”; and even for illegal aliens . . . courtesy of CRA ’77.


As you’ve probably figured out, all twelve statements are TRUE. Here’s some useful explication: 


1.       “The Battle of Blair’s Mountain” in 1921 when the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) union sought to expand their hold on West Virginia Mines was the largest armed insurrection in the nation since the Civil War. Over one million rounds were fired and it required U.S. Army intervention to stop it.  Union workers . . . that’s progressive action by the rednecks, no conservativism involved.

2.       The syndicalist/union movement in Italy began in 1907 as a socialist/Marxist philosophy seeking to help the laborer. It was a splintered socialist movement until 1914 brought World War I. One group was anti-Marxist; the other was very nationalistic and even imperialistic. The groups merged in agreement against Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1914. After the war the old differences emerged until Benito Mussolini recombined the labor emphasis in 1919 and imposed a state-sponsored socialism upon the nation. Listen to his words as he provides his own interpretation:


                                                            "The official Italian Socialist Party has been reactionary and absolutely conservative. If its views had prevailed, our survival in the world of today would be impossible."


       Yep, you’re right Mussolini is claiming Socialism is conservative and even reactionary. Similarly, Hitler and the Nazis would proclaim they offered a “third path” saying, “We’re not communists and not capitalists, we offer a better (third) way.” In practice their words mean nothing, deeds mean everything. Controlled economies by the Nazis and the Italian Fascists definitely bear NO resemblance to capitalism or to free-markets anywhere.

3.     Since “National Socialist German Workers’ Party” is explicitly socialistic and for workers and those words clue us to socialism and unions rather than to individualism and capitalism, only a monstrous lie by the progressives repeated a million times a year would confuse people the way they are now.

4.     According to William Sheridan Allen’s masterpiece The Nazi Seizure of Power (1965), when Communist Party (KPD) scandals  (and several abortive and unsuccessful “uprisings”) were exploited in Germany by political opponents (including the Social Democrats, the more popular branch of Marxism in Germany at the time) the membership in the Nazi Party rose dramatically. Later Hitler would ban the KPD and the Social Democrats. Leaders of the SD and all members of the KPD were subject to arrest and being sent to concentration camps from then on.

5.     In 1966 Cloward and Piven Strategy (C-P Strategy) was created when the two Columbia University Marxists wrote an article in The Nation magazine entitled The Weight of the Poor: a Strategy to End Poverty which advocated exploitation of social-welfare laws to create chaos and push a radical leftist agenda (in this case, Cloward and Piven wanted a GNI (guaranteed national income). After creating the NWRO in 1967 they doubled the welfare rolls.

6.     Cloward, Piven and Wiley never did get their GNI but they bragged about their “success” publicly and also in print. The progressives now had an “overload strategy” to exploit the ever-expanding government that Democratic congresses were giving them. When they shifted to voter registration and housing the whole nation was endangered while Bill Clinton was empowered.

7.     Rathke was a lieutenant of George Wiley (Wiley along with Piven and Cloward created the National Welfare Rights Organization) who had been sent to Arkansas in 1970. After boasting of their success following the ’75 bankruptcy of NYC, the threesome told their advocates to move onto voter registration and public housing. When Jimmy Carter passed the Community Reinvestment Act in 1977, Rathke created the “Arkansas” Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) which expanded to the whole country within a decade and became the “Associations of” Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). 

8.    Just by working in Arkansas, Rathke doubled the nation’s suspect loan rate from 0.24% to 0.51%. He and ACORN also pulled a bunch of shenanigans to get Bill Clinton elected Arkansas governor. Cloward and Piven regarded Rathke’s work as so successful they expanded ACORN to the entire nation.

9.     Although he lost two years later in 1980 during the first Ronald Reagan wave, Bill Clinton was elected to the governor’s mansion every year from 1982 to 1990 and served till 1992. He paid ACORN back by expanding CRA ’77 four times (once by regulatory edict/thrice by legislation) during his presidency and by passing the Motor Voter Act with Cloward and Piven (husband and wife) standing directly behind him during the signing ceremony.

10.Obama was so effective for ACORN that not only did he get individual loans; but he also got promises of future loan quotas; and even got ACORN donations from the banks.

11.   The Republicans canNOT plead “not guilty” in all this. In 1992, George Bush, Sr., who successfully vetoed 45 of 46 bills he opposed, failed to veto a law with one section of it that expanded CRA ’77 to government mortgage companies Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. They also controlled the house and senate in 1995 and still allowed other compromise bills that expanded CRA ’77 twice that year. Progressive Republicans and other Republicans not paying attention helped the more numerous progressive Democrats to do us in. However, Clinton saw the suspect loan totals go from half a percent in 1985 to 14% in 1995 and was still pushing for laws that put the suspect home loan ratio above 34% with many of the loans after 1998 at 0% down payment.

12.  Thanks to ACORN’s street action a la Saul Alinsky (author or Reveille for Radicals (1946) and Rules^^ for Radicals (1971), welfare recipients and illegal aliens got into lots of huge mortgage loans they had no chance of ever paying off. A housing boom ensued, a boom built on blue sky and doomed to fail##.


       These are some of the most obvious of the Big Lies progressives use to confuse the issues and to so severely betray the Constitution and America’s citizens today. Dodging issues by using ad hominem attacks; and by impugning racism, stupidity and callous unconcern against all who want to limit government’s size, power and spending is their illogical but popularly constant refrain.  In their illogical arguments for and against specific legislation they resort to Keynesian economic models that never have worked but which are always referred to as Gospel among those desiring centralized control of every facet of existence. They would have all of us regard the word “conservative” as a curse word. Is that so bad?   Remember this, our Founding Fathers were not “conservatives,” but rather very radical proponents of individual liberty, property rights, economic freedom and limited government . . . Libertarians akin to today’s TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Party. Only one system fulfilled their desiderata: the laissez-faire capitalism that had naturally evolved within the thirteen colonies . . . a brand of capitalism which Ayn Rand has called “The Unknown Ideal.” 


NEXT TIME: “The Morality of Capitalism”




Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,



** About ten years before Adolf’s birth his father changed his name from Schicklgruber to Hitler. “Heil Schicklgruber!” has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?

^^ One of Alinsky’s favorite protégés was Hillary Clinton; Barack Obama taught “Rules for Radicals” while simultaneously teaching a Constitutional Law class in Chicago. “Street Theater” as taught by Alinsky was all about in-your-face-confrontation primarily to get newspaper coverage and gain public support.

##For those of you who truly like to understand rather than merely memorize . . . .

       Mr. Obama has at least a hundred times referred in his speeches to conservatives or free markets or George W. Bush “driving the economy into a ditch.” In truth Bush spoke over 30 times publicly and 18 times to Congress seeking to repeal CRA legislation, beginning in January, 2005. Not until 30 months later in July, 2007, was a very weakened version of Bush’s bill passed. Predictably, while it helped a lot, when it came to dodging the financial meltdown, the bi-partisan 2007 law proved way too little, way too late. So the truth is that:


       George W. Bush saw the progressives and Democrats deliberately pushing the car (the economy) toward a 500-foot cliff; jumped in; grabbed the wheel; and slammed on the brakes to gently guide it into the nearest friendly-looking ditch.

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You know, its funny how God works sometimes, at least to a cave man like me.  Yesterday, while I was out with my wife and my three girls swimming at the lake, I had to jump in the water and rescue a guy who had dove in and then swallowed a bunch of water and was drowning right in front of his girl friend's terror stricken face.  No one else moved toward the water, so I ran down and went after him.

After wrestling him to shore, I was exhausted.  I’m 46, descent shape,(still play paintball!) but honestly, I had had a couple of beers and a cigar - I wasn’t really prepped for what I had to do to contain a young, healthy man in his early twenties who was panicky as hell and trying to climb up my arm to safety.  I had to go under several times just to get him lose and get a hold of him.  Pretty rough sixty seconds, or so.

When we got to shore, I then noticed he was of Arab descent.  Maybe Jordanian, Syrian or Egyptian, but definitely an Arab.  His girl friend was Caucasian, but (I think) had an accent as well.  With tears in their eyes they thanked me.  I went and got the guy a beer - he looked like he needed it!  He thanked me for the beer, sat down and drank it and then him and his girlfriend left, their picnic spoiled by this near death experience.  As he walked by, he shook my hand and said thank you again.  I didn’t even get his name, nor did I give him mine.  I think I didn’t speak to him long simply because of how truly embarrassed he seemed. 

Needless to say, my three daughters were suitably impressed and I heard later that they all went to school the next day and shared the story with their friends, beaming with pride in the father, who they sometimes refer to as "Batman".  (I confess I am proud when they are ever proud of me!)

But the real lesson for them came after I had pulled the young man from the water, after he had walked away.  It was subtle, but I think all three of them got it within seconds.

My oldest said to me, "Daddy, was he from the middle east?"  I replied, "Yep, but I didn’t notice that when I jumped in, he was just a guy about to drown - and that wouldn’t have mattered, would it?"

My daughter said "no" immediately.  We talked about what it means to live your life according to Christ, and being willing to help your fellow man - no matter what he or she looks like. THAT is Christian love. 

I told my girls that THAT is the reason that people from where this young man had come from could never win in Jihad; they thrive on hatred and violence.  They wish to destroy others for differences that they feel they simply cannot abide.

America isn’t that.  America welcomes all, just as the Lord did.  America has rescued people all over the world, from floods and hurricanes and dictators.  In Egypt, they were killing Christians on Sunday while I was pulling this man to safety.

Love will prevail over hate.  That is why the Terrorist may kill some of us, but cannot prevail over us - and that is why we may suffer for what we hold dear, but cannot be defeated.  Pay love forward with no thought of a return and you will be blessed beyond all measure.

The most memorable Mother's day - Ever.

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“Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.”

Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of The United States (1858 - 1919)

For anyone reading these words, it is vitally important that you come to the realization of this most crucial fact of your life…A once great empire is about to fall, and its citizens have only themselves to blame!

Where America now stands she has stood many times before where the forces pitting its citizens against its moneyed elite have clashed in titanic battles that defined what that country was all about; either a Plutocracy giving all political control of the state over to an oligarchy of the wealthy, or a Republic giving supreme control over the government to its citizens.

The boundaries of this historic conflict to determine the future of the United States were defined by the Great American Revolutionary War hero and Third President, Thomas Jefferson, when he warned his fellow citizens:

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the iss...

The Seventh President of the United States, Andrew Jackson, took up Jefferson’s fight and further warned his citizens:

“I am one of those who do not believe that a national debt is a nat...

And to the moneyed elite Plutocracy of his time Jackson further said:

“Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time and I am co...

Theodore Roosevelt as the 26th President of the United States warned his citizens of the power of the Plutocracy they were dealing with by stating:

“Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible gover...

Roosevelt’s warning was echoed by the 28th President of the United States, Woodrow Wilson, who told his citizens:

“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided ...

Today these warnings go unheeded, with but a few even remembering them, so the American people of today are, indeed, “waking up homeless on the continent their father’s conquered” as Jefferson had told them would happen.

Equally, the American people of today have failed to heed the warnings of whom their nation is truly battling against preferring, instead, to remain completely unaware of the “invisible government” Roosevelt warned them about and that Wilson had stated was so “organized, interlocked, subtle, watchful, complete and pervasive” that no one even dares “speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” 

Because the American people have so utterly failed to protect their own nation they now find themselves ruled by a Plutocracy so pervasive that the President who rules over them serves only the “invisible government”.

The angry citizen movement opposed to his rule, called the Tea Party, is, also, ruled by this “invisible government” having been bought and paid for by some of the wealthiest elites among them.

This Plutocracy controls virtually all of news the American people are allowed to hear; a nation’s citizenry mind you that is held in so much contempt for wanting to be free that one of the Untied States major television network news anchors, named Katie Couric, openly calls them “this great unwashed middle of the country”, and has created the insanity of the most influential American news person being a comedian named John Stewart.

So thoroughly corrupt has this Plutocracy become that no less a figure than Nobel Prize winning American economist Joseph Stieglitz has called for the wholesale jailing of them all because of the wholesale destruction they have reaped upon United States and World’s economy, and that they show no signs of stopping until everyone is enslaved and indebted to them.

The American Plutocracy, however, protects its own as evidenced by too many examples to cite in one writing, but includes Angelo Mozilo, the former head of the US mortgage giant Countrywide who after his wholesale defrauding of the government of billions of dollars was allowed to pay a paltry $73 million fine and the pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline who just today was allowed to pay a $750 million fine for selling tens of millions of Americans tainted drugs that to date has killed an estimated 15,000 of them. 

The American people of today have forgotten that barely two decades ago, in the 1980’s, that this Plutocracy robbed them of hundreds of billions in what is referred to as the Savings and Loan Crisis, but, which unlike today, saw over 1,000 members of America’s elite class being put behind the bars of the prison cells they so rightly deserved for such an outright theft of the American peoples hard earned savings.

With the Plutocracy now in total control, what happened to them after the Savings and Loan Crisis has been turned on its head as America’s elite bankers are set to receive record bonuses for 2010 topping the previous records they set in 2008 and 2009, all with the approval of the US government and to be paid for by the American taxpayer in what can only be likened to this elite class“flipping the bird” at their own citizens and, basically, telling them to go away.

All of the facts cited in this report are, of course, not being told to the American people whose so called liberal media continues tostamp out all expressions of freedom from reaching them, but are, in fact, known the rest of the world over…including in Europe where a literal “lynch mob” is warned is about to descend upon the United States largest bank for defrauding them of billions of dollars; in China where the communists, of all people, are warning that the United States printing of Dollars will destroy everything; in Germany where that government is accusing the US of Dollar manipulation; and most importantly with Transparency International who ranked the United States as one of them most corrupt regimes in the...

Now there comes a time in any report written on the subject of America’s pending collapse where the writer has to stop and think about just how much a mind can take when confronted with such a blatant and audacious plan to destroy a free people as the United States Plutocracy has in store for their citizens.…in this case that time is now.

By your reading this it shows, beyond all else, that you are one of the few who are looking for answers to what is truly happening and are searching for ways on how you can protect yourself and your family from the worst horrors to come…and you know they’re coming, don’t you?

The answer to how you can protect yourself and your family is simple…Information and Education…there are no two greater allies than these in times of troubles and that is why both of them are being destroyed on a daily basis right before your eyes.

Do you really believe that the German people of the early 1930’s wanted a Nazi regime ruled by Adolph Hitler to lead their nation into utter ruin? 

Do you really believe that the Russian people of the early 1920’s wanted to be ruled by the murderous Communists for nearly 80 years?

Do you really believe that the Chinese people of the late 1940’s wanted to ruled by a communist dictatorship responsible for killing nearly 100 million of them during its nearly half-century rule?

Do you really believe that the North Korean people of today want to be ruled by a maniac who cares nothing for them?

If you are an American and you believe any of these things you couldn’t be more wrong!  The bitter truth behind just these few examples of Plutocracies I’ve given are of regimes that gained power by the simple device of silencing all opposing views and destroying their nations past so that their citizens didn’t know any better than to accept their new masters who promised them safety and security.

Let me tell with you 100% historical certainty….put a country at war against an enemy of perceived great threat, throw millions of people out of their homes, throw millions of more out of their jobs, put the prices for the even the most basic of human needs out of reach for everyone, silence anyone trying to tell the truth about what is really happening…do all of this and I’ll show you a country more than ready to accept any tyrant available to rule over them as long as they “promise” the misery will end.

And where Hitler’s Germany, Mao’s China and Stalin’s Russia once were, American stands today…in the balance scales of history ready to collapse unless its citizens (That’s YOU) awaken and move to protect the most precious gift they were given by the blood and sacrifice of their forefathers…Their Own Freedom.

A man named Thomas Paine has been credited with being The Father of The American Revolution for his publishing of a pamphlet called Common Sense in 1776 that sold over 100,000 copies and ignited a “fire of freedom” in his countryman that couldn’t be extinguished against the Plutocracy of the British Empire. 

From that beginning the United States was born and arose over the next two centuries to become the Greatest Nation this World has ever known.

But, none of this would ever have happened if 100,000 American’s living under the yoke of tyrannical British rule had not bought Paine’s Common Sense pamphlet and said to him instead…

“You should give it to us free like the King does with his proclamations telling us what to do and what to believe.”    

They weren’t that stupid and realized that they ALL were in a war to the death against a vicious foe who sought to keep them enslaved and ignorant of the truths being told by others.

Today, whether you like it or not, you are in the exact same circumstance that your forefathers were…you will either support and fight for your freedom, or you will become a slave to cruel masters who will continue to enrich their own lives at the expense of your and your families.

Though the American Presidents Roosevelt and Wilson spoke with fear about the “invisible government” controlling your fate,WE MOST CERTAINLY DO NOT!


With each passing year your ability to know the truth about what is really happening is being insidiously taken from you.

To see this for yourself just go to our Main Page and read the headlines from nearly every country around the world, then look at your own media and ask yourself….Why Aren’t They Telling Me This?

We do tell you, and have for years with hundreds of reports designed to keep you informed…and if informed you are educated…and if educated you are unable to be lied to!”


Note: What follows is an article and/or blog post that states that the above website ( is a foolhardy website that has been publishing outlandish news reports under the authorship of Sorcha Faal, who allegedly perpetuates doom-and-gloom disinformation and a cultish deception that is downright sadistic.

The reason this article and/or blog post caught my eye is that it also revealed that the US Department of Homeland Security has openly acknowledged that it has used Sorcha Faal articles – ten of them in fact, more than any other real news outlet – in crafting the infamous report, Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling....  What’s wrong with this picture and who are we to believe?-You Decide:

‘Sorcha Faal’ disinformation on net neutrality: what does it mean, really?-Posted on Examiner-By Timothy Barello, Manhattan Headlines Examiner-On October 24, 2009:

Note: As a military Veteran, I’ve always prided myself as being intelligent, level headed and normally don’t listen to conspiracies, but after reading and digesting the information contained in the above articles and/or blog posts, along with conducting some of my own research as a means of educating myself on this disturbing issue, my gut tells me that something reeks. What are we to believe when our own supposedly fair and balanced Main Stream Media continues to deliberately and blatantly lie to us?-You Decide.

Disclaimer: Although I share numerous resources with you, as a means of supporting my concerns, it does not necessarily mean that I support and/or agree with the contents of all of them, word-by-word, but find them thought provoking because, they provide me with other views, which may be different from mine, on these and other issues and, thereby, help me make my case.

Note:  We, as God, family and country loving Americans, must remain vigilant and keep our eyes on the ball by continually educating ourselves on those issues that affect our freedoms and not be distracted by the relentless propaganda being fed to us on a daily basis as part of this President and his minion’s transformation strategy.

My following blog post contains numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy web site and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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Connecting the Dots

"Raising the debt limit is like giving more crack to a junkie and calling it a recovery" Steve Eichler J.D.


I’d like to take a “crack” at Eichler’s comment. In the year 1000 A.D., with Western Europe under the oppressive Holy Roman Catholic Empire, the population suffering poverty, ignorance, and disease, China enjoyed the prosperity that comes from free enterprise.


Western Europeans, simply for the opportunity to be freed from Western Europe’s orthodoxy,  came to America with nothing and built the greatest nation of all times. But along with prosperity comes the easy life.  Europe’s orthodoxy got a foothold in America during America’s Great Depression, namely in Roosevelt’s New Deal Law, actually Fabian Socialism. Like a drug addiction, it has grown until most Americans depend in one way or another on big government.  While America sinks to another Sodom and Gomorrah,  China has emerged from oppression and poverty  to a fast growing capitalist economy. What comes around goes around.


There is a bigger picture the ancient  sages of India knew.  Said they, so is the microcosm, so is the macrocosm.  But more recently dumbed-down  quantum physicist Richard Feynman said, “I think I can safely say that no one understands quantum mechanics. Do not keep asking yourself, if you can possibly avoid it, ‘but how can it be like that?’ Nobody knows how it can be like that.”


 On April 30th I posted on  “The Truth of the Matter.”


“From the thousands of comments (on my blogs), it is good to know that we were created with reason and logic. But suffice it to say, it appears that technological progress has exceeded our ability to know what we are all about.”

“The Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Switzerland, besides possibly giving science answers on the creation of the universe, makes it possible to create a bomb powerful enough to cremate half of the world’s population. There are actually people who would say that’s a good thing. There are too many people for the available resources. The President of the United States and his radical leftist team could be in cahoots with radical Islam. Both are against individual rights to life, liberty, and property. Well, so be it. What can we do? Might as well be happy.”

I hereby dedicate Up the Lazy River you.

Up the lazy river by the old mill run,
The lazy, lazy river in the noonday sun,
Linger in the shade of a kind old tree,
Throw away your trouble, dream a dream with me.

Up the lazy river where the robin’s song,
Awaits a brand new mornin’ as we just roll along.
Blue skies up above, everyone’s in love,
Up the lazy river, how happy we would be,

Up the lazy river with me.



Covers says:


It’s all true, most of people living in western civilization don’t really know about that. The problem of most of us is a problem of lifestyle, and with discipline.

Hyperhidrosis Treatment says:

Thanks for that awesome posting. It saved MUCH time.

My Comment:

  1. Some interesting facts about prior postings:

Feb 3 “On Earth as it is in Heaven” 10 comments
Mar 10 “The Anatomy of a Human” 0 comments
Mar 14 “Conscious Awareness” 2 comments
Mar 23 “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing” 2 comments
Mar 27 “Darkest Before the Dawn” 8 comments
Apr 7 “Is God Dead” 0 comments

Feb 6 “The Truth About the Middle-East” 95 comments
Feb 9 “My Miracle Message” 200 comments
Feb 11 “The Revolution” 91 comments
Feb 14 “The Meaning of the Protest” 87 comments
Mar 4 “The Meaning of the 9-11 Event” 99 comments
Mar 29 “About America’s Lost Soul” 92 comments
Mar 31 “The Promised Land” 84 comments

Clearly, people are more concerned about the here and now than the background. Obama’s approval has soared since Osama’s death, regardless of the fact that America is going bankrupt morally, spiritually, and fiscally.

Since “nobody knows how it can be like that,” the orthodoxy remains with its supernatural theology, the law with its legal fiefdom, and science with its meathead philosophy; the mind is in the brain.

What we can’t see we use numbers to make determinations. If this is so, that is so, said mathematician Pythagoras.  He used numbers to not only to determine the aspects of matter but also the characteristics of humans.  He learned all of this from Egyptian priests and they learned from Persian “wise men.”  We read in the Bible that it was Persian wise men who followed the Star of Bethlehem to the birthplace of Christ.

But still, we prefer to leave well enough alone. The stained glass windows, the organ music, the chants, the incense, such rituals give us a feeling of wellbeing.  We leave it in God’s hands to make things right.

Close to the end of the Old Testament Habakkuk: “Oh Lord, how long shall I cry, and thy wilt not hear! even cry out to the thee in violence, and thou will not save! The Old Testament ends with this from Malachi: “And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.”  And so it is today in Palestine. God has yet to make it right.

Jesus was born at the beginning of the Age of Pisces, whose symbol is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions.  The Age of Pisces is ending, it appears, with the Battle of Armageddon. Amen!  The Age of Aquarius, whose symbol is the water-bearer is beginning.  But, said the Mayan calendar, something much bigger is about to happen—the end of endings, the beginning of beginnings.  

Could it be that human life is about to end, like dinosaurs?  I don’t know of any other life form that could take our place.  Could it be that life from another planet is going to take our place? By connecting all the dots, the answer comes to me that the Age of Aquarius is a time of evolvement into a higher self.  


Read more…

Khalid Sheik Mohammed who planned 9/11 is an American who attended college at North Carolina A&T. He was Radicalized while in college at North Carolina A&T. Prior to that he would have been considered "moderate". Khalid Sheik Mohammed ..... aka KSM is "NOT" an Arab. He is an African American. It appears many of the so called Muslums in USA are African American.
, So we have home grown American Muslums, who for the most part are African Americans.
Now we have an African American President who is African American who radicalized with hate for his country.
Obama could be a Serial Killer and the African Americans would vote for him just because he is 1/2 black. This is really pathetic on the part of American African Americans. They see no shame is their 95% suport of Obama.
They will never gain respect nor self respect till they wake up and denounce Obama for the Radical that he is.
I would support any African American who is President as long as he is a principled and devout American.

This is an American tragedy.
I balme it soley on the Democrats who have held the African Americans down and kept them in Gheto for all the years with no hope. Only to bring them out and offer them a beer on election day so they would come out and vote Democratic and then put them back into the ghettos. The really sad thing is this is true.
The Blacks have alway sbeen where the Democrats could "control them". a) either is gehttos or b) now in government jobs. Both let Dems control their lives.
African Americans deserve more than this. They deserve the opportunity that everyone has.

Read more…

Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On May 3, 2011:

“(May 3, 2011) — A report which is quickly gaining traction on the web suggests that Obama did not want to take out Osama bin Laden but was overridden by senior military commanders who ordered Navy Seals to carry out the successful operation.

Several reports lead back to Ulsterman, a writer claiming to have direct contact with a White House insider who has been revealing the machinations of the Obama regime and discord among senior executive branch officials.  Ulsterman’s report of May 2, 2011 indicated that Obama and his adviser, Valerie Jarrett, did not want the military to kill Osama bin Laden and that Obama did not issue the order to do so.

Before Obama revealed an image purported to be a certified copy of his original birth certificate from Hawaii on April 27, Ulsterman had covered the eligibility question and other issues such as Obama’s Marxist background.  Media sourcesconcede that those who doubted Obama’s eligibility might still not be convinced because of questions surrounding his possible Indonesian citizenship and the need for authentication of the image released last Wednesday.

Mainstream editorials masquerading as news reports say that Obama “had ordered a successful mission to kill Osama bin Laden” that “was a political coup that will yield him benefits for months, perhaps years, to come.”  They state that Obama gave the order which resulted in bin Laden’s death.  A third report stated that “According to administration officials, the president took an increasingly hands-on role during the past two months – chairing nearly a half dozen national security meetings – as U.S. forces inched closer to launching the mission. Obama said that he authorized the operation last week, and gave the final orders Sunday.”

One report states that Obama was golfing but cut short his usual 18-hole session to return to the White House for a final meeting.  Was he summoned by senior military members, or did he head the meeting?  Why did he walk into the Oval Office in golf shoes?

The military members who killed bin Laden are reportedly “an elite special forces group unofficially called Seal Team 6.”

Blogger Nobarack has published a long-form birth certificate from Hawaii which contains a section at the bottom not found in Obama’s release.

The official statement issued by the White House said that “in the earliest days of the administration, the President formally instructed the intelligence community and his counterterrorism advisors to make the pursuit of Osama bin Laden, as the leader of al Qaeda, as a top priority.”

The leader of Hamas condemned bin Laden’s assassination, labeling bin Laden “a Holy Warrior.”

If the military acted on its own, without an order from Obama, what, if anything, does that mean in regard to Obama’s continued presence in the White House?

Does the military regard Obama as legitimate?  Obama refused to answer Lt. Col. Terry Lakin’s questions and military officers sent Lakin to Ft. Leavenworth rather than allow him discovery.  Last week, Obama released an image of an alleged birth certificate, the authenticity of which was questioned immediately.

The Post & Email contacted LCDR Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III regarding the recent Ulsterman story.

LCDR FITZPATRICK: I read the report, and it is completely consistent with what I would expect to have happen.


LCDR FITZPATRICK: Yes, and the significance of this is enormous.  You might not remember this, but I do, about the Somali pirates that took the Maersk Alabama.  They boarded the ship and took hostages, and they got into the lifeboat.  Then the U.S.S. Bainbridge came onto the scene, a U.S. Navy ship, and eventually a couple of Navy Seals picked these clowns off in the lifeboat.  The Somali pirates were shot dead after having kidnapped the captain of the ship.

The pirates reported themselves as being from Somalia, and they went out and captured the merchantman named Maersk Alabama.  It ended up that they were in the lifeboat.  The crew of the Alabama fought back, and these guys got away with the captain of the ship.  The Navy came onto the scene, and the ship had Navy Seals on board.  There were Navy Seals who took the shots and killed the men in the lifeboat who had held the captain captive.

Obama hadn’t wanted those guys shot; he didn’t want the Seals to take the shot.  But they did, and Obama was furious.

Then soon after that, there were three Navy Seals who were brought up on charges from a separate incident.  They were going to court-martial these guys.  I had it all over The Jaghunter that they were going to court-martial them.  They backed away from it, but Obama had the Seals and himself at cross-purposes, and they have been for a long time.

Then you get this information last night, and it’s consistent.  If the Seals had an opportunity to go after bin Laden and they were told not to from the White House, and they said, “No, we’re going in anyway,” that’s a very big deal.  I do not believe that the Seals would have their name tied to this unless they were really the unit that took out Osama bin Laden.  You don’t just cavalierly assign or name the Seals in an operation like that.  I believe they were involved, and the person whose name I gave you is directly tied into this warfare community in a way that I’m not and would be able to tell you more about what he is hearing.  But it came in last night; I’m looking at it…I’ve told you before that there are people in the military and there are people in every other federal organization that we’ve talked about who know that Mr. Obama is an outlaw.  There are people in the military who are really ticked-off about that, and this is completely in keeping with the kind of attitude that is invested in military men and women who believe that Obama is an unconstitutional commander-in-chief and, at the same time, have had enough of this political game.  They had a chance to take out Osama bin Laden, and they’re not going to take any nonsense from the White House; they’re just going to go in and do it.

Now as this story unfolds, and it will, that notion is going to build and build and build.  It will be interesting to see who the personalities are who are involved in this.

I believe that Mr. Obama is in descent.  I believe that he is on his way out the door.  Another aspect to this which is consistent with what I think is going on is that I believe that people in the military know that he’s not going to last very much longer and that he’s not the commander-in-chief.  He’s a fake.  If they had a shot to take Osama bin Laden and they went to the White House to get permission to do that and the answer came back, “No,” then it was “Excuse me, but you aren’t the head of the ship anymore.”

I put it up at The Jaghunter, and I haven’t had this kind of traffic for a long, long time.  It’s going viral.  The story has been picked up by a lot of people.  It’s making the rounds.

Mr. Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya.  He’s not lawfully holding office in the White House, and there are military people who know that and they do not recognize his authority.  They also recognize that Mr. Obama is committing acts of treason against this country, and what you saw within the last week was, “We’ve had enough of you and your decisions and the people who are in the White House.”  In other words, the military knows enough, and the Seals community would be just that group of people.  They don’t take prisoners; these guys mean what they say and say what they mean.  From what I understand, there was increased intelligence coming out of interrogations at Guantanamo Bay; that’s run by the Navy.  And you know there are Seals down at Gitmo.

So this makes complete sense to me.  This is the United States Armed Forces standing up to Mr. Obama and saying to him, “You’re not my commander-in-chief.”

MRS. RONDEAU: I had to read your story twice.  After the second time, I realized there was a larger ramification if the military acted on its own to take out bin Laden.

LCDR FITZPATRICK: These are people in the military who are standing up and saying, “You’re not my commander-in-chief.”  They’re ticked off about Terry Lakin being locked up; they’re ticked off about how our government has been running; they’re ticked off about all of the things that you and I are ticked off about.  And this is one segment of the military that doesn’t take nonsense from anyone.  If I felt bad about anything that was in the narrative, I wouldn’t have published it, but I read it and had it up instantly.  It laid it all out, and this is the way that the military works.

MRS. RONDEAU: Would you say that you have expected this as things have been building up?

LCDR FITZPATRICK: I expected something as a flashback.  I expected that at some point, somewhere, someone in the military was going to stand up and say, “Mr. Obama, you can go to Hades.  We’ve had enough.”  And this opportunity was just too big a deal to follow his orders.  Because they went to the White House to get permission and didn’t receive it – it wasn’t that they expected to receive it; they knew what the answer was going to be, and they were going to act on what they knew – going after OBL was a really big deal.  He really was a threat to the national security, and there are military people who recognize that and were willing to risk their careers to take out Osama bin Laden because they realize that that is more important than their careers, and they probably realize also that if Obama tried to take them out at this point, that it would just accelerate his decline.

I’ll tell you something else:  I think it’s being leaked because people in the military want Obama gone.  This iscompletely in keeping with everything that you would expect to have happen.  It makes sense to me.  This was just one order that they could not accept.  They knew they had the guy; they had the intel; they acted on it; they said, “We don’t care what Obama says; we’re going to take this guy out.”  And then they did, and they don’t care what happens to them now.  And I don’t think anything is going to happen.  By the time I got this, Obama has already taken credit for this.  “Oh, yeah, we meant to do this all the time.”  So Obama is not going to go after any military commander, and then the information was leaked.  So they know they have Obama cross-wired.  Obama is stuck right now and the military knows that.  It’s been leaked out.  These are the kinds of conversations that would go on in the environment we have today.

MRS. RONDEAU: What do you think will happen from here?

LCDR FITZPATRICK: I think it will build from here.  I think that the information has been leaked so that it will build from here.  I think that there are military men and women who are really ticked off about Obama having gone into Libya.

MRS. RONDEAU: Does that mean that some of them still read or understand the U.S. Constitution?

LCDR FITZPATRICK: Yes, there are military commanders whom I know, and this was an opportunity for them to step in and say, “We’re going to take the shot.”  This is something that Obama can’t stop.  And this is a message for Mr. Obama, which is that he’s not in control of his armed forces anymore, and that is a very, very, very significant detail. That’s huge.  If they don’t recognize Mr. Obama as the commander-in-chief, then all that can happen for Mr. Obama is bad.  There are going to have to be other military people to make the same observation,and they’re going to have to make this publicly.

It is also consistent with what you’ve been writing and what I’ve been picking up on.  Mr. Obama is found out.  The military knows that Mr. Obama is an outlaw.  They know that he is not commander-in-chief.  That document that he put out on the internet the other day is a fake.  Now imagine that you’re in the United States Armed Forces today, and you see this, and you’re a military commander, a senior officer, and you know what’s been going out there and what’s been said about this, and you know that it’s been an issue building and building and building…See, Mr. Obama cannot get away from the fact that he has now tried to pull the wool over our eyes again.

The military has been challenged, as you know, with Operation American Freedom.  Every single military man and woman, whatever their rank, if they took the oath to the Constitution of the United States, they have an obligation to do something about finding out whether Mr. Obama is legit.  That was written two years ago.  Now, don’t you think that their obligation is multiplied by a very large number?

You have people in the military who are intelligence experts who are going to their boss and saying, “Excuse me, but that ‘document’ that was put out on the internet is a fraud.”  The military commanders are now forced into a situation where they either have to act as they have acted or risk going along with this Mr. Obama for a while longer.  I don’t think anybody in the military who’s in a position to know better is going to go along with this man anymore.  He’s just crossed a line that he can’t back over.

Now, any military commander can stand up and say, “We know that he is a fake.”

Continue Reading:

Obama didn't kill Osama, Our brave SEALs did-Posted on Facebook:

Skulking Towards Bin Laden: Obama Overridden  By Military And Intel Officials In Takeout Of OBL?-Posted on Atlas Shrugs-On May 3, 2011:

Update: White House Insider: Obama Hesitated – Panetta Issued Order to Kill Osama Bin Laden-Posted on Ulsterman-On May 3, 2011:

Today’s Questions for the President-Posted on National Review Online-By Peter Kirsanow-On May 9, 2011:

Note:  We, as God, family and country loving Americans, must keep our eyes on the ball and not be distracted by the relentless propaganda being fed to us on a daily basis as part of this President and his minion’s transformation strategy.

My following blog post contains numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

The Military Pays the Price for Obama’s Agenda!’s-agenda/

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy the web site and paste on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


Read more…
            Those so-called "democracy-loving and freedom seeking" Egyptian revolutionaries who got all the press two months ago are now burning out Coptic Christians (10% of Egypt's population) and signing agreements with the terrorist group Hamas . . . suddenly the mainstream American media doesn't have time to cover them . . . nor to mention that the Muslim Brotherhood seeking the upper hand in Libya has already achieved the upper hand in Egypt.  Our old strongman ally in Egypt, Mr. Mubarak will prove to be a saint by comparison to the radical elements that Obama is supporting everywhere.
           The "Gaza Freedom Flotilla" (which attempted to run an Israeli naval blockade a year ago) funded by a  radical feminist-Marxist organization Code Pink; and planned by Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadette Dorn (you remember them, the bomb makers) celebrates its first anniversary this May 15, 2011 and is planning to re-create that event in SPADES.  What else is so special about this date?
Radical Left Joins with Radical Islam
to Initiate “THE Revolution” 
            As reported right here in Rajjpuut’s Folly several times already in the past year . . . “THE Revolution” is underway. “THE Revolution,” you say, “Hold it, hold it, when did this start? Why wasn’t I informed? . . . er’ what revolution?” Note to self:  ignorance is not bliss. Long-form headline:   The Radical Left has Now Joined with Radical Islam to Initiate “THE Revolution” NOT Only Here in the United States, but Around the World . . . these moves are a culmination of several trends long in evidence . . . details to follow, and for those interested in marking your calendar: May 15, 2011 is the key date . . . .
ITEM: If you’ve been plotting something for at least 65 years and been piling up successes furtively under the cover of dark, you must become pretty emboldened to finally come out into the open in the bright light of day . . . that’s the story for socialist and communist Americans and the union LEADERS who are right now openly calling for and planning open revolt.

ITEM:  Those so-called "democracy-loving and freedom seeking" Egyptian revolutionaries who got all the press two months ago are now burning out Coptic Christians (10% of Egypt's population) and signing agreements with the terrorist group Hamas . . . suddenly the mainstream American media doesn't have time to cover them . . . nor to mention that the Muslim Brotherhood seeking the upper hand in Libya has already achieved the upper hand in Egypt.  Our old strongman ally in Egypt, Mr. Mubarak will prove to be a saint by comparison to the radical elements that Obama is supporting everywhere across the Middle East.
ITEM: if you’ve got a grievance 63 years in the boiling (since the creation of Israel, the Jewish State) and been pretty damn violent about it the whole time without success, you’ll welcome anyone who promises to join with you in common cause . . . that’s the story for the Islamic Jihadists who since Sayyid Qutb first came to Greeley, Colorado (see: The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11) to attend the University of Northern Colorado (then called “Colorado State College of Education”) shortly after publishing his first book Social Justice in Islam have been looking for a chance to martyr themselves to bring about an Islamic Caliphate and Mohammed’s Paradise on Earth. Qutb succeeded in 1966 and before his hanging remarked, “Thank God!   I performed Jihad for fifteen years to earn this martyrdom.”
ITEM: Osama Bin Laden, founded Al Qaeda in August, 1988, (even before the defeat of the Soviet Union in Afghanistan less than a year later; largely accomplished thanks to huge cash and weapons influxes and military training from the United States) but the organization was kept a secret. That date is important because already at that date Bin Laden had his eye on western targets even while the war with the Soviets was still raging. Even at that date the ultimate goal was world conquest for Islam. That goal has NOT changed. 
            A believer whenever possible in pure Muslim activism, Bin Laden (a Saudi) went to King Fahd of Saudi Arabia in late 1990 asking to be allowed to free Kuwait from the conquest of Saddam Hussein with a purely Islamic military from many Arabian nations. He was sent away. 
When Bush #1 sent in the coalition forces to neutralize and defeat Saddam Hussein’s forces, Bin Laden was aghast that “infidels” could be invited onto sacred Islamic territory to defeat Muslims. He publicly denounced Saudi Arabia's dependence on the U.S. military, saying that the presence of foreign troops in the "land of the two mosques" (the Holy Cities of Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia) profaned sacred soil.  Not liking to have their monarch criticized publicly, the Saudis tried to catch and silence Bin Laden. Soon after U.S. troops were allowed on Saudi soil, Bin Laden’s organization in Saudi Arabia was raided by Saudi secret police and information released to the American FBI which on November 8, 1990 led to a raid on the New Jersey home of El Sayyid Nosair, a man with numerous Al Qaeda ties, which uncovered a great deal of evidence of terrorist plots against America including plans to blow up New York City (NYC) skyscrapers.  Just a few months later, in 1991 Osama publicly declared unilateral war against the United States.   The Arab world knew about this. The CIA and top level politicians knew about this; you were never told. 
            Despite Bin Laden’s declaration of war and the information discovered from the Nosair raid, the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993 was a partial success for Al Qaeda. The CIA and top level politicians, of course, knew all about all of this; again you were never told. During the next decade Osama and his buddies were responsible for attacks all around the world; most notably for several dozen terrorist attacks in the Middle East, Africa and Asia; and for blowing a hole in the side of the American destroyer USS Cole at port in Yemen in 1998; he and Ayman al-Zawahir co-signed a fatwa that same year declaring the killing of North Americans and their allies “an individual duty for every Muslim”; and most infamously for the September 11, 2001 attacks on the twin towers of the World Trade Center and on the Pentagon in Washington. D.C. Note to self: it does not take two to make a war . . . .
ITEM: “THE Revolution,” (like the attacks from Al Qaeda) constitutes a war whether you like it or not or whether or not you’re even aware of it. You now -- in this blog -- have been given information that the main launch point for highly visible and irrefutable assaults upon you, our Constitution and the American way of life is May 15, 2011. Up to now “THE Revolution” has been going on all around you for forty-four years. 
The ground for the battlefield was originally scouted and prepared by self-proclaimed “neo-Marxist” Saul Alinsky of Chicago with his two books Reveille for Radicals (1946); and Rules for Radicals (1971). The two were how-to primers on radical activism aimed at community organizers in big cities. Alinsky dedicated Rules for Radicals to Lucifer (a.k.a. “Satan”) . . . that dedication has been removed in modern editions but there are still plenty of the old books around and Rajjpuut checked one out of the library less than six years ago, yep “Satan with a starting capital of just one snake” who “won his own kingdom” was lauded as “the first radical.”  Alinsky “tactics” (sometimes called “street theater”) were seen all over the New Left movement of the late 60’s and early 70’s. Some thought they were too “tame.” 
Most notable among these were terrorist Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadette Dorn/Dohrn (both spellings are very common and she’s also given her first name often as ‘Bernadine’) who once they left the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS -- because they were “too busy examining each other’s navels”) joined the Weather Underground sometimes called the Weathermen for whom they made and planted bombs during that era killing and maiming some police and others and losing more than a few Weathermen to incompetence.  Both Ayers and Dorn are still alive; both are close friends of the President of the United States; more on those two later.
ITEM: “Tactics” is how you wage war on a day-by-day basis. “Strategy” is what the long-range goals of the daily tactics aim to accomplish. With Alinsky’s ugly tactics now well-polished, what the progressive- (we must ‘progress’ beyond the ‘outdated and ill-conceived Constitution’ if we are ever to make ‘progress’ toward Utopia on earth) leftists needed now was a grand strategy defining how to make the goal (takeover of the United States and destruction of Capitalism) over time become a reality. Two Columbia University (NYC) Marxist professors Richard Andrew Cloward and his wife Frances Fox Piven provided that strategy with their May 2, 1966 article in The Nation magazine The Weight of the Poor: a Strategy to End Poverty. Suddenly everything fell into place.   Almost immediately the ideas they espoused became known as “Cloward-Piven Strategy” and C-P Strategy has remained the radical left’s most powerful, albeit slow, strategic idea ever since.
ITEM: The theme of the article was that the poor should be used as shock-troopers and only by making the rest of the nation fear them could the poor gain their rightful economic equality. The intermediate goal should be according to Cloward and Piven GNI (a guaranteed national income).   The basis for their strategy was that Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson had the previous year not only got us into war in Southeast Asia; created the two government spending boondoggles Medicare; and Medicaid (with a state side as well as a federal one which now constitute UNfunded liabilities of $75 TRillion); but also launched a “War on Poverty” dramatically expanding old and adding new welfare programs. Cloward and Piven decided that with Alinsky street tactics they could dramatically increase the number of welfare recipients, virtually bankrupt the nation and then get the Democratic Party (where they owned the most influence) to pass a GNI law  . . . POOF! SNAP! Abracadabra! ending poverty and advancing the revolution, they thought, dramatically virtually overnight.
ITEM: It took them part of eight years to know semi-success. The full story is found here in a recent Rajjpuut’s Folly in its painfully-detailed entirety:
The short version is: After creating something called the NWRO in 1967 with Black militant George Wiley, Cloward and Piven crapped in their own nest by bankrupting NYC which was bailed out by the federal government in 1975; and almost bankrupted the State of New York and many other states and big cities by doubling welfare rolls by 1970 from eight to sixteen million recipients. 
C&P and Wiley declared victory even though GNI was never seriously discussed in Congress. They publicly bragged about the great thing they’d done. They told their followers to now concentrate their attention on voter registration and federal housing. In 1977, one of the first things the new progressive president, Jimmy Carter, did was pass a bill called CRA ’77 (the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977) forcing lenders to knowingly make bad loans to unqualified would-be home owners. Wade Rathke, a Wiley Lieutenant sent to Arkansas in 1970 was in 1977 assigned to be the lead in creating a model organization in Arkansas to follow-up 0n the new C&P marching orders while taking advantage of CRA ’77 with C-P Strategies just as they had originally done with the welfare laws. Again the full version of events is found here:
ITEM: The nutshell version is that ACORN (Arkansas Community Organizations for Reform Now) was created in 1977. Using voter fraud** they elected an up and coming young Arkansas lieutenant governor to governor in 1978 and kept him in that post for 12 of the next 14 years until getting him elected president in 1972. Along the way they perfected their voter registration shenanigans and housing corruptions Alinsky-style so well that Rathke’s organization was expanded to every state and renamed (Associations of Community Organizations for Reform Now). They were so successful on the housing front that just by them operating in Arkansas they began to change the face of federal housing very quickly. In 1975 only one in every 404 home loans in the country was considered “suspect.” Typically, this suspect loan was made at 3% down payment to someone considered a very good risk such as an ex-military officer going to college on the GI Bill. After ACORN got involved (just in Arkansas, remember) by 1985 one in every 196 home loans was “suspect” and over half of those suspect loans were CRA ’77 loans in Arkansas and in other states that ACORN had recently spread to. These Arkansas loans were made to absolutely unqualified buyers.
ITEM: after five expansions of CRA ’77 (four expansions by ACORN president Bill Clinton alone) the financial meltdown of 2007 would hit the country like a kidney kick from a mule. As for Barack Obama, he was not only a community organizer in Chicago . . . he was also:
A.     An ACORN attorney in 1994, '95 and '96 shaking down home mortgage companies not only for bad loans now; but for long-range promises of bad loan quotas for the future and even donations to ACORN itself.
B.    An attorney-professor teaching both Constitutional Law and Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals in Chicago.
ITEM: After two legislative expansions of CRA ’77 in 1995 Bill Clinton (he also made a huge regulatory expansion of CRA ‘77 in 1993; and passed the Motor-Voter Act^^ in 1993 with Cloward and Piven standing behind him in the official photo) paid off his ACORN allies handsomely with a steroid-version legislative expansion of CRA ’77 in 1998. By 2005 more than one in three home loans was now suspect (34%) many of them made at 0.0% down payment for homes costing over $300,000 made to virtually homeless## clients.   The full details again should be known by every voting American:
That brings us almost up to date: So what exactly do we mean by “THE Revolution” and why do we say May 15, 2011 is so important? The answer to that question goes back roughly a year ago. About that time, the “near-ground-zero mosque was floated as a trial balloon to see if the American Mainstream media would back it and they did. Shariah Law in America as a viable option has been pressed by the extreme left and Eric Holder’s INJustice Department since that time. On the other end in early spring, 2010, several powerful American Union personalities and other prominent American leftists visited a few European capitals and roughly 17-18 Middle Eastern predominantly Muslim countries. They arranged discussions about forming a coalition to destroy what they hate most -- American Capitalism. Out of that discussion came the wave of so-called Democratic revolts across the Middle East; the so-called “Gaza Freedom Flotilla” blockade run; Shariah$$ Law- acceptability being promoted (it’s actually already part of law in some places in Europe); and plans to unite because “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” 
What we mean by “THE Revolution" is exactly the same thing the left has meant by “THE Revolution" since before Alinsky, Ayers, Cloward, Piven, Wiley and others could talk. It means the downfall of the United States of America; the expansion of leftist efforts in many countries and introduction of a global government believing as they, the leftists do. By the way, the Jihadist will be fine with just the downfall of the United States but they want an Islamic Caliphate and to behead all who fail to capitulate to Islam on some glorious day in the future. But you knew all that . . . here’s what you didn’t know:
Item: The so-called Gaza Freedom Flotilla funded by a feminine Marxist organization called Code Pink; and planned by Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadette Dorn (you remember them, the bomb makers) celebrates its first anniversary this May 15, 2011. 
This was the first known incidence of leftists in America and radical Jihadist Muslims joining forces. They (a group of Jihadist members of the Muslim Brotherhood (an organization that first became serious in Egypt under Sayyid Qutb) attempted to run the Israeli naval blockade (aimed at preventing arms and other military supplies getting to Gaza and to Jihadists elsewhere) and although the violence that naturally followed was at each step of the way begun and escalated by the Jihadists (each of whom had made video wills for their relatives before sailing that were captured by Israeli agents) the mainstream-lamestream media in America covered the whole affair as if it was an Israeli-provoked atrocity. Naturally the Arab press went hog-wild with the story . . . oh, sorry; Muslims don’t go hog-wild, so uh, camel-wild . . . 
Among other results of this evil-vile collaboration:  Mubarak is out and the “Democracy” that follows looks to be a Jihadocracy for Egypt similar to what rules now in Iran with no more enforcement of the (neutral toward) Israel peace agreement or the Trade (with Israel) agreements that Mubarak had long upheld despite their unpopularity among his people; there are now serious uprisings in almost all the Muslim Middle East; and the old version of Moammar Gadhafi is now looking pretty good as America seriously contemplates funding the Jihadist rebels out to oust his despotic butt. Anyway the first anniversary of that blockade-run attempt (May 15, 2011) will see a confluence of openly atrocious events in the Middle East and in America. Four in particular need to be exposed right now: 
            #1 Code Pink, Ayers and Dorn again are uniting once again for a repeat of the blockade-running event on May 15, 2011.
            #2 As SEIU Union bigwig Stephen Lerner promised (it’s all on videotape at my Rajjpuut’s Folly blog site in a different blog): 
the assault on the American banking system he’s planned . . . and designed to deal the ultimate crippling blow to capitalism is scheduled for May 15, 2011.
            #3 A whole range of nasty union demonstrations are scheduled to coincide with . . . wait for it . . . May 15, 2011.   The Union movement has now gone global (Workers of the world unite!) and far more Marxist. Go to the websites of the AFL-CIO or SEIU and see all their propaganda about all the countries “standing with Wisconsin.” They believe that Capitalism is on the ropes and all they have to do now is keep attacking the free market system until they can land a haymaker . . . and move their twisted statist philosophies into the forefront.
            #4 A restoration of lost land in which Muslim Arabs on all sides of Israel are supposed to simply walk into the country and “reclaim their acreage” is also scheduled for, yep, you guessed it . . . May 15, 2011. Beware the Ides of May.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
** ACORN ran a very successful voter registration drive across Arkansas; unfortunately, those who signed up as Republicans never had their paperwork delivered to the voting authorities and that’s how young William Jefferson Clinton won the state governorship in 1978. He lost the post in 1980 during the Reagan landslide, but got elected the next twelve years before becoming our first ACORN president.
^^ Motor-Voter was called “a twelve-lane highway to voter fraud” by those who understood it.
## After Clinton’s Steroid-expansion of CRA ‘77 legislatively in 1998, ACORN found it much easier to put unqualified home loan recipients into $440,000 homes in 1999 than they could into $110,000 homes five or six years earlier. These folks were typically:
A.      Without jobs
B.     Lacking decent credit ratings
C.      Often without even a rental history
D.     Welfare recipients, and especially . . . .
E.      People whose only “income” was food stamps
F.      Even illegal aliens
Even though this blog involves a lot of reading, every educated American voter should know the full details here: 
$$ That means things like total control and oppression of women and the burkha requirement; and solely “mosque activities” of Shariah law be allowed and left alone as long as only Muslims are involved. In other words the U.S. Constitution would NOT apply to Muslims in the country.
Read more…


Greenspan, Bernanke
Meltdown Problems
The leaders of the United States Federal Reserve banking system have trotted out the enormous chutzpah required to actually sue the leading German bank for doing a tiny part of what our Federal Reserve allowed and even encouraged here in this country. Putting the matter into the simplest terms, the Fed would like Deutsche Bank to repay a few Billion dollars because they claim that the FED lost money when DB didn’t pay enough attention to whether people receiving home loans in Germany actually had jobs or not.
 We say “chutzpah” (what the British call “cheek”) in describing our Fed Banking because meanwhile, here in the United States the Fed completely ignored for over thirty years far worse banking practices which nearly brought about the complete collapse of the American financial system and that today threatens to give the country stagflation and eventually run-away inflation.  Fed Chief Alan “Don’t-you-dare-tie-me-to-the-meltdown” Greenspan even went so far as to lead the cheerleading for the tricky straw that broke the camel’s back: unregulated derivative investment. To be specific, the Federal Reserve under Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke has for years given a wink and a nod to and ignored the impact of . . . .
A)   The Jimmy Carter 1977 Community Reinvestment Act (CRA ’77) and five expansions of it (four by Clinton; one by Bush, Sr.) between 1992 and 1998 that created the sub-prime lending crisis by forcing banks and mortgage companies to knowingly make very ill-advised home loans.
B)   The activities of ACORN in browbeating and shaking down mortgage lenders and banks to accelerate the evils of CRA ’77 and the sub-prime lending crisis.
C)   The shift in mortgage banking from 1975 when one in every four hundred-four loans was “suspect” (administered at 3% down payment or less); to 1985 when one in every one hundred-ninety-six such loans was suspect; to 1995 when one in just seven loans was suspect; to 2005 when worse than one in three such loans (34%) was highly suspect, granted often without any down payment at all.
D) The final Clinton steroid version expansion of CRA legislation in 1998 which made it easier for ACORN to get unqualified loan-seekers into $450,000 homes in 1999 than it had been to get such people into $110,000 to $120,000 homes a decade earlier.
E)   The final ACORN assault on the nation’s home mortgage industry by abusing the CRA laws to get houses for people . . . .
1)     Without jobs
2)    Without good credit ratings
3)    Without rental histories
4)    With only food stamps to list as “income”
5)    Enrolled in other welfare programs
       6)    and even for Illegal aliens 
F. Fed Chief Alan Greenspan heartily approved the onslaught of derivative investments saying they “held the key to eliminating financial downturns in the future.” Of course, it was derivatives of lumped-together junk mortgages that proved to be the final nail in the financial melt-down coffin which collapsed so many large financial institutes . . . you’re a great man, Alan, a truly great man.
G.    Once retired from his post as Fed Chief, Greenspan worked as a special consultant to . . . wait for it . . . Deutsche Bank . . . that’s right . . . .
H.     In a speech in February, 2004, Greenspan suggested that more home-seekers should take out ARMs (Adjustable Rate Mortgages) after he’d deliberately held the nation’s interest rates artificially low for a decade . . . in effect, sabotaging the individual lenders almost as much as the CRA laws were sabotaging the nation
I.           According to Wikipedia,  in referring to the part Greenspan played in allowing the financial-meltdown, Matt Taibbi called Greenspan a vain "classic con man" and a undistinguished economist who, through political savvy, "flattered and bullshitted his way up the Matterhorn of American power and then, once he got to the top, feverishly jacked himself off to the attention of Wall Street for 20 consecutive years." Taibbi said Greenspan had "established himself as an infallible oracle, and a lot of it had to do with his ability to seduce key media figures, sometimes literally." Taibbi reported a Wall Street term called the "Greenspan put" which "meant that every time the banks blew up a speculative bubble, they could go back to the Fed and borrow money at zero or one or two percent, and then start the game all over", thereby making it "almost impossible" for the banks to lose money. The chapter Taibbi dedicated to Greenspan in his book Griftopia bore the title The Biggest A__hole in the Universe.
J.  Even now as the nation seeks to fight its way back to prosperity, present Fed Chief Ben Bernanke is inflating the currency and denying at every juncture that he’s doing so. The rising price of gas and food is 95% Bumbling Ben’s fault and only 5% due to other extraneous factors.
In fairness to Greenspan it must be said that for the first ten years of CRA ’77 legislation he was not the Fed Chief, Paul Volcker was. In fairness to Volcker, none-zero-nada-zip-not one of the five CRA ’77 expansions to come was law when Volcker was in office . . . and ACORN in those days was largely confined to Clinton’s Arkansas (It began life in 1977, as the “Arkansas Community Organizations for Reform Now”) so the percent of suspect loans in the entire country only doubled in the first decade vs. multiplying by 28-fold under Greenspan. Greenspan never once notified the nation of the immense danger from this cancerous assault upon the nation’s mortgage system or reminded progressive lawmakers of the harm they were doing. Ronald Reagan deserves huge censure for putting a man of such monumental incompetence into such a power seat.
Credit Default Swaps and other derivatives were praised on several occasions by Greenspan as valuable instruments that would make severe financial downturns impossible. In March, 1999, he said, “ . . . I am quite confident that market participants will continue to increase their reliance on derivatives to unbundle risks and thereby enhance the process of wealth creation.” In another speech he opined that “derivatives have increased the standard of living globally.” How could such an idiot get any job in the financial industry? Just about any asinine investment works in a wide-open bull market; the key to understanding dangers is to see what happens in a severe downturn when everybody wants to sell and get out all at once.
The ultimate Greenspan lunacy was uttered in 2004 when he summed up the value of derivatives for protecting the financial markets: “Not only have individual financial institutions become less vulnerable to shocks from underlying risk factors, but also the financial system as a whole has become more resilient.”
So now our FED has the ironic gall to criticize and bring suit against a German bank for a sin perhaps 1/10,000 the size of our own failings which brought the entire world to the brink of financial cataclysm. Good job, Bernanke, good job.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
Read more…


“It really can’t be called ‘Islamophobia’ -- the terrorists really do want to kill us all.”                                     
"I would have preferred a lot less discussion out of the White House,”
             Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
“The Man Who Killed Usama Bin Laden”
Giving Away the Entire INTEL Farm?
Rajjpuut has been saying this for eight days now, former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld started saying it Sunday. It’s not a popular thought, but since it’s true it ought to be heard loud and clear . . . Barack Obama has adopted a very unprofessional, nay a very amateurish position with regard to the “treasure trove of intelligence” gathered from the Navy SEAL raid that killed Usama Bin Laden. Supposedly, this is the largest gathering of information ever made available to the U.S. intelligence community according to our loud-mouth National Security advisors . . . but even Senator John Kerry has said, "We need to shut up . . . “ in a statement while on the Face the Nation television program.
 IF Obama’s predecessor George W. Bush had sent in the SEALs on this successful raid, it’s highly likely that Bush would have acted far more discreet and professionally with the information. Mr. Obama does not believe we’re in a “War on Terror” and the simplest and wisest paths are therefore, seemingly beyond his ken, for example, the World War II dictum that “Loose lips sink ships.” Why was Barack Obama in such an all-fired hurry? Two reasons jump out at any intelligent observer: A) immediate political gain and B) a silly outreach to Muslims by showing them that Obama had been killed and now Obama would be buried in some semblance of Islamic respect. (Didn’t Mr. Obama once tell us that “terrorists are not Muslims” . . . if that’s true, why the rush to show that we’ll honor Bin Laden’s body like that of a practicing good Muslim?). Like Obama’s commandment to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), that one of his primary goals now was to reach out to the Islamic world** . . . Mr. Obama has certainly got his priorities on backwards again.
Mr. Poker-Face Barack is seemingly turning his cards up for all the world including our most deadly enemies to see and is abandoning even the most obvious sound advice from childhoold:  “That’s for me to know and you to find out . . .” Mr. Obama doesn’t seem to understand that great INTEL in the War on Terror (or should we call it “the War on man-caused disasters?”) is like being dealt two aces in Hold-em poker . . . something you don’t want your opponents to find out about or even suspect until it’s far too late.   And, by the way, Mr. Obama, the war is still going on and two aces don’t always win, and far too often lose . . . all in all for parts of nine days now we’ve seen the actions of a very naïve “leader” . . . and a very weird sort of Muslim^^ outreach.
ITEM: Under George W. Bush, we the American citizens probably still would not have found out that Usama Bin Laden was dead, and only about now, rumors would have started appearing on terrorist websites. The crucial eight or nine days of “surprise” might well have seen us successful capture and or kill several more terrorists in Bin Laden’s Al Qaeda network and even capture one or more other “treasure troves” of actionable information and other key INTEL.
ITEM:   In sick contrast, about as soon as President Obama knew for sure that Bin Laden was dead, he was already writing speeches and planning to reveal the facts to America. Aiming, it seems for short-term political gain at the cost of long-term advantage in the War on Terror.
ITEM: We’ve had more information released about this raid then about all the thousands of successful CIA activities since 9/11 put together. Our methods and our threat to the Al Qaeda network have been greatly compromised.
ITEM: Some in the Democratic Party and the liberal-leaning lamesteam-mainstream media have suggested that this success has made Barack Obama invincible in the 2012 re-election campaign by taking away his opponents’ claim that he’s soft-on-terrorism. Rajjpuut would remind you that one success does not win a war (a War on Terrorism; nor an election campaign) and that when looked at intelligently, all of this well-publicized bravado has done little but to give aid and comfort to our enemies. 
ITEM: One liberal pundit, Susan Estrich, said, “. . . the one thing that conservatives cannot rant and rave about is what has been their most predictable refrain since the Cold War: national security. Of all the things President Obama has done to conservatives in America, this may be the cruelest. He has taken away their national security argument.”
She continued, “Democrats are supposed to be ‘weak’ on foreign policy, the kind of people who love to talk about the UN instead of unilateral action; of diplomacy, not airpower; of bringing the troops home, not sending more to serve abroad. It is because Democrats are supposed to be (and, some would say, often are) so many of those things that they end up wandering around tank factories wearing silly hats. It is because they don't want to be called any of those things that the party would jump to nominate a candidate with military experience, even if he had more experience opposing military positions than serving in them.
Rajjpuut couldn’t disagree more . . . everything Obama has done, other than ordering the raid itself (which was highly commendable), has marked him as an abject amateur. He obviously doesn’t understand that intelligence is far stronger when your enemies have no idea what you know rather than when you’re boasting about it day after day. He’s been given the strongest hand ever offered to an American President against terrorism and it’s fair to say he’s busily p_ssing it away. Bill Clinton and  George Bush would never have fallen into this stupid behavior.
ITEM: Since Mr. Obama’s Justice Department under Eric Holder is now investigating CIA members (for torture) and since it has banned water-boarding and other enhanced interrogation techniques (tying the CIA’s hands) the United States faces the War on Terror (which will surely not end with Usama Bin Laden’s death) greatly disarmed.
ITEM: Even about now, after the Al Qaeda network was beginning to broadcast rumors or even the fact that a raid upon Pakistan had allowed America to kill the “great Usama,” no one would yet, or ever, be told that we’d capture large numbers of cell phone #s; laptops; and an “intelligence trove equal to a small college library.” People captured in further raids brought about with INTEL from the Usama prime raid would have already allowed a deeper spreading of chaos into the Al Qaeda network.
ITEM: Usama and his wives would have been transported to a safe-house and debriefing would have begun immediately. Osama Bin Laden would be alive in our custody and under waterboarding and other enhanced intelligence techniques and he would be adding to the treasure trove of intel.
ITEM: Mr. Obama, it’s really NOT ‘Islamophobia’ when the terrorists really do want to kill us all. Rajjpuut would have preferred not to have known that Bin Laden was dead and that we killed him until it was no longer beneficial to our troops and our CIA to hide that fact.  After, say, seven or eight more high level Al Qaeda operatives were captured or killed seems at a minimum a nice duration for “secret-keeping” before showing the picture of the dead Bin Laden and revealing that a raid took place and he was killed . . . but you, Mr. Obama, kept the secret for the half an hour necessary to get a speech written when you got to use the word “I” twenty-four separate times. There is no “I” in common sense, Sir.
ITEM: Since last week, administration officials have held a series of briefings to go over virtually all the details of the raid, review the decade-long investigation that led to it and to disclose some information about the evidence seized from the compound. The White House last week indicated it would stop providing details about the raid itself -- officials have since kept their comments mostly to the subject of the evidence being analyzed by the CIA.  How much of this should be given freely to Al Qaeda? ZERO-ZILCH-NADA . . . Rumsfeld said,   "The more information that goes out about intelligence, the greater the risks to our people and the less likelihood we're going to be able to capture and/or kill some of the people who would result from the intelligence take here," Rumsfeld told Face the Nation,  "I would have preferred a lot less discussion out of the White House,” Rumsfeld emphasized. AMEN. 
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
**Obama made it clear to the nation and it was further revealed when NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said in an interview with Al Jazeera, the Muslim newspaper, that his “foremost” mission as director of the space agency is to improve relations with the Muslim world. “(President Obama) wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science … and math and engineering,” This while cancelling several space missions and the successful shuttle program . . . great priorities, Mr. President!
^^ While ignoring to mention the Egyptian uprisings (during the last three weeks) aimed against that nation’s 10% Coptic Christian population, Mr. Obama let it be known that the “Holy Quran” had been consulted as far as the treatment of the terrorist’s body as a whole aircraft carrier’s crew stood in dress uniform at attention during a ceremony for Usama Bin Laden conducted in English and Arabian before his body was allowed to slip into the ocean. Mr. Obama, your sensibilities to Islam are very insensitive to me.
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America in Transition

MSN) – “Osama bin Laden warned in the final tape he recorded before being killed by American commandos there will be no US security without Palestine security.” By all means, let us give Palestine security.  Sorry Israel, we have to look out for ourselves.


The blogs here say Obama is un-American.  Unfortunately, if the election were held today there is not a Republican who could beat Obama.  Republicans are as guilty as Democrats for a spineless America.  America’s future hangs by a thread and no leader has an answer of how, or even if we will ever return to constitutional government.  Don’t be fooled by what you read. It can happen; it is going to happen. For a undeniable fact, America is heading full steam for moral, spiritual, and fiscal bankruptcy, and finally third world status.


Barack Obama ran for President with the promise to transform America. His plan now reveals itself to be a socialist  America, himself the dictator of another banana republic. 


My thoughts at tell the story of a different outcome at the next election, a story you don’t hear.  Both Obama’s and my story are personal, and with far-reaching implications.  Obama’s story is well known; mine is not.  Mine is all-American; Obama’s is not. 


Not a single soul in Congress is calling Obama’s hand.  Remember Obama’s contender, a Republican, at the last election called Obama a nice man—could not find a bad thing to say about the lying fraud.  And the Republican Speaker of the House is there because the Tea Party put him there.  He’s also a traitor to our cause.  So don’t go on the results of the mid-term election. The Republicans threw the last presidential election and they will do the same again. The fate of the nation is in our hands.  We’ve got to pick the right man. Be prepared for hard times and the faith that you can overcome.


My story began in Flower Mound, Texas in 1975, on Good Friday, the day Christ was hung from a cross. My business enterprise was on the rocks and my wife was divorcing me.  At age 49, my life was over.  I blamed Uncle Sam. I was one angry dude.  


In 1973, I happened upon Edward S. Corwin’s essay The “Higher Law” Background of American Constitutional Law. Corwin was a law professor. He published his essay in 1925, the year of my birth. After reading said essay, I went to the country law library to study constitutional law and the legal procedure for taking the IRS to court, where I would be one on one. I thought wrongly.  When I studied the Constitution, I felt that voices from the past were speaking to me.  My anger was sublimated by a bigger than life calling. I was in control; the IRS went crazy; I went public.  The IRS ate crow on the front page.  Uncle Sam is still robbing the American people. Where would the self-serving swindlers in Washington be if it were not for federal income tax.  I proved that federal income tax is the biggest fraud of all times.  Osama bin Laden hated America because federal income tax turned America into a beast. Thousands of Americans lost their lives, and what does Obama do? He turned his back on us at ground zero the other day.  Our lives are worth nothing to this man.


I cut from the herd on Good Friday 1975, arriving in Miami, Florida on Easter Sunday for the first day of my new life, but unconscious of the meaning.  I was born again, not from a Christian’s point of view, but in a universal point of view.


Twenty-five years later, I decided to write my memoirs. One morning, first thing, I penned my thoughts on a yellow pad, the same as now.  It became a daily undertaking.  Eleven years of mind search has put me in touch with the self I knew not. 


Why I was reborn and others are not is the question.  The answer is lack of action.  We know the problem but we don’t act.  We are taught to go with the flow and don’t make waves.  We’ve changed to become herds grazing in green pastures, while wolves are preparing to devour us.


Shortly after my departure, by chance, I met an astrologer and asked him to make my astrological chart. His description of my positive side did not fit, naturally, because I’d not lived the life I was meant to live.  I’d lived according to my oppositions. 


Uranus is my ruling planet. When I was in my forties, Uranus had transited to a position opposing itself when I was born.  This indicated a change in my life.  When I was forty-nine, I departed my old life and never looked back.   I became an individual in my own right.  I left my mark.


Call it capitalist—reliance on self. Don’t be confused by what you read.  In and of itself, capitalism is not in any way connected with greed, not anymore than socialism is connected with generosity. Obama’s social director told young students that her favorite leader was Mao.  Mao murdered millions.  Mao’s response: “We can afford it.” Obama is engaged in class warfare. With Obama in control, your life is worth zero.  The good of all is all that counts; that is, in Obama’s notion of what is good.  Let me tell you that Obama’s idea is not the way it works. We live in a do-it-yourself world, the one and only way it works.


I went to sea, and of all places in the Bermuda Triangle where hundreds of ships and aircraft have disappeared without a trace.  When you are on a small boat on the vast ocean, which in minutes can become life threatening, and there is no one but you, who do you turn to for help?  I looked within for help. God’s hand was on my wheel.  In a storm at sea, with God’s help, I sailed my sloop Bold Venture through the tempest to safety.  The three friends with me called it a miracle. 


For someone who cut from the herd, in all saving seven lives, including my own, from a watery grave, indeed, it was miraculous, my time at sea.  I returned to conventional life the person I was meant to be. The miracles continued. For one, I found the right mate to spend the rest of my life with.  All I can say is that from a failed life, now my life could not be any better. Was it the luck of the draw?  The choice is yours, man’s answers or God’s answers, Obama’s socialism or the Constitution.

My 57 blogs at, my latest early morning thoughts, tell the story of how this loser turned his life around.  The thousands of favorable comments to my blogs here tell you that energy is building for a change that neither the Republicans, Obama, the Tea Party, or anyone else with a voice envisions.  

You don’t have to join to comment on my blogs. Very few comments have come on my latest blogs.  Apparently, most are coming from people who have been referred to my blogs, perhaps by Twitter or the like.  There are far too many comments to read. Also, I’m receiving thousands of emails that go to junk mail.

On my blog, “About America’s Lost Soul,” today  says: “Nice post. Thank you.”

Levi Dittrich  today, on “America’s Dysfunctional Government,”  says: “Ran across your website when I was looking for knowledge for our site. Obviously, this may not be at all relative, nonetheless, it’s amusing how one can reach a website accidentally and discover one’s self looking through something totally different but just as valuable. I tend to get distracted a too often because of this.”

What this says is that actually what is out of control is control. One on one communication is having an impact on our thinking.  When the potential reaches a certain point, you know what happens. Lightning strikes.

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Obama’s Attack on Private Industry!

Posted on The Heritage Foundation-On May 9, 2011:

You might think that a U.S. company’s decision to expand its manufacturing facilities and create 1,000 new jobs here at home — rather than overseas — would be hailed by the Obama Administration as a step in the right direction, especially with nine percent unemployment. You’d be wrong. Instead, President Barack Obama’s National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is doing all it can to throw a wrench in the machinery of private industry.

The story begins with Boeing Corporation’s decision to build a new assembly plant in Charleston, South Carolina, in order to produce the 787 Dreamliner, the company’s fastest selling airliner. (To date, Boeing has 800 planes on order.) The NLRB, which is charged with remedying unfair labor practices, got wind of the decision and last month filed a complaint against Boeing, alleging that the company decided to build the plant in South Carolina out of retaliation for union strikes at its Washington state facilities.

Those locations have caused difficulties for Boeing. The International Association of Machinists (IAM) regularly goes on strike during contract negotiations, causing Boeing to miss orders and costing it billions in lost business. Boeing considered building its new plant in Washington, but the IAM refused to sign a long-term no-strike agreement. That played a role in Boeing’s decision to expand into South Carolina, a right-to-work state with a good business and tax climate, as Heritage’s Rea Hederman, Jr., and James Sherk explain.

The NLRB’s actions are drawing strong criticism from Republicans in the U.S Senate. ”It’s clearly outside of the authority of this federal government to be threatening and bullying and trying to intimidate companies like Boeing who should have the freedom to locate their plants anywhere they want. It’s intimidation,” Senator Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) said Wednesday. DeMint joined with 18 senators in writing a letter to the president last week condemning the NLRB’s complaint:

“We consider this an attack on millions of workers in 22 right-to-work states, as well as a government-led act of intimidation against American companies that should have the freedom to choose to build plants in right-to-work states.

If the NLRB prevails, it will only encourage companies to make their investments in foreign nations, moving jobs and economic growth overseas. America will not win the future if Washington penalizes workers in states that have discovered winning economic strategies.”

But in a White House where the cozy relationship between big labor and big government couldn’t be any closer, the NLRB’s moves are just the Obama administration’s latest effort to come to the defense of the union machine. And it’s also a direct shot at private industry’s freedom to make fundamental business decisions, which has serious consequences for the U.S. economy. Hederman and Sherk write:

“If the Obama Administration succeeds, it will chill business investment. Unions raise business costs and discourage employers from investing and expanding. Studies consistently show that unionized employers create fewer jobs than non-union employers. Forcing businesses to invest in states with bad business climates will cause them to scale back their investments. It might create a few more jobs for union members, but will mean fewer jobs and higher unemployment in the economy overall.”

President Obama has remained silent on the issue, with a White House official maintaining that the NLRB’s complaint is an “independent agency’s enforcement action.” Governor Nikki Haley (R-S.C.) isn’t satisfied and has a pointed question for the president, as National Review Online reports.

“I want to ask him why he is allowing unelected bureaucrats to come in and do the unions’ dirty work on the backs of our businesses . . . It’s hurting the jobs in South Carolina and every other right-to-work state. He owes us an answer.”

The answer to Haley’s question can be found in the Obama-big labor alliance. If the Obama NLRB prevails, it will have struck a significant blow against right-to-work states by significantly expanding labor’s ability to dictate where companies do business, all while solidifying their base of political power. The losers, unfortunately, will be private industry, job seekers and the U.S. economy.”


Note:  We, as God, family and country loving Americans, must keep our eyes on the ball and not be distracted by the relentless propaganda being fed to us on a daily basis as part of this President and his minion’s transformation strategy.

My following blog post contains numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy the web site and paste on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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A member stated on another blog on this site their concern about how our children are being educated to be immoral and anti-American. Their question was soo good I decided to make it a blog topic.


My response: I think what you are saying is the parents have lost control over the education of their children. As a result non-American values have seeped in. 

Let’s look at it this way. In 1970 there were 125,000 school districts, now there are less than 25,000 school district with an expanding population since 1970, therefore, our school districts have been 'Super-Sized" 'i.e. bigger is better!? 

However, what this 'big' approach does is exclude parent input in the education of their children and children in their area.  A person must be a millionaire to run for a School District seat . 

Not only that, but, are the children in downtown Detroit the same as in rural Virginia?  NO, therefore, the parents should assist in the creation of the 'type' of education their children should receive 'as per' their local upbringing.

The Gov't believes all children everywhere must be treated the same and the Gov't knows best how to do that, therefore, parents should keep out of the way.

All I can say is: If bigger is best, Miss America would be 900 pounds! lol

Parents MUST downsize school districts, take control of their children’s education and fire the gov't. Then and only then can Citizens control the school districts, thereby controlling what is being taught.

Want pray in schools? Vote on it. What to teach gun safety? Vote on it. Want to teach farming or social skills? Vote on it.

Or is this too much power for the sheep to brandish?  

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Did you catch this terrific article under the video entitled "Social Justice in Schools...........".  If you did not it is repeated here for your perusal!  One of the ladies in one of the other videos asked a very important question: she asked if we were becoming a nation of sheep?  My question is are we on our way to being sheered?  They certainly sheered us financially in the past several years!  What other sheering do they have in mind?



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The U.S. was a Republic with a limited government, but for the past 60 years we have been moving leftward across the spectrum towards total government with each new piece of socialist legislation.  What was considered conservative 60 years ago is now considered far right crazy radical.  The public has been brainwashed thoroughly by the media and the socialists and the big money boys who are behind the socialist movement.  You would think they would be against the socialist movement but not so.  The socialist movement provides them an opportunity to ultimately grab control of the government and to implement their one world government wherein they are sitting in the cat bird seat dictating to the population who at that point in time have become no better than slaves.  The bottom line is that both the democrats and the republicans are pushing the socialist agenda on purpose or unknowingly.  The politicans know what is going on and as FDR once said "In politics, nothing happens by accident.  If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."  Why did they push our factories out of the country?  They want us to think that it was a coincident and that no one really understood the terrible unemployment ramifications.  If anyone believes that I have a bridge for sale for a bargain basement price.   Why did they establish the Federal Reserve?  So we can pay interest on the money and run up the debt?  Who gets this interest money that we pay on the debt?  Why are we continually pushed into more and more debt?  Who benefits from this increasing debt?  We need to seriously think about these things and to discuss them with our associates. 

When someone like Sarah Palin stands up for God, Pro Life and Country it blows them away.  They can't handle it.  But the reverse was true 60 years ago.  If you were anti-God or anti-baby you were considered a screwball and would be shunned.  The socialists are winning!  They are achieving one victory after another!  The end result will be tragedy for allHistorically, socialism leads to tragedy, death and destruction.  Remember WWII!  We all need to wake up and make each other aware that we are all being cooked slowly in the socialist crock pot even though it is warm and comfy in there for the time being.  But eventually we will be thoroughly cooked and served up to the One Worlders to be devoured and enslaved.

WAKE UP AMERICA BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!  Wake up and pray with all your might to the Lord God to save us from these misguided socialists.  God can do anything!  He can stop them in their tracks and even reverse their thinking and ideas but the price to be paid is our intense and never ending adoration, praise and worship of our beloved and merciful Creator.  Eventually He will hear our prays and pleas and he will deliver but not until we humble ourselves and become obedient to His Commandments.  These revolutionaries have the money but God is more powerful than any amount of money they can bring to bear in their socialistic efforts.  They have brainwashed two generations of college graduates who are now confused.  It takes years to unravel the socialist propaganda that was fed to them piecemeal over the past 60 years.  It is hard for them to think for themselves and to reject the wonderful opportunities that are presented to them by those who have the money.  No revolution was ever successful without a huge amount of financing from those who want to achieve control.  But no amount of money can defeat God the Almighty and All Powerful.  His love and support are free.  His mercy and assistance know no end.  We need to wake up and turn our lives over to Him in order to save ourselves and our loved one from future destruction that is closing in on us daily.  Why are the socialist against the Churches?  They know that they cannot ultimately control those who have a deep and abiding faith in the Almighty.  That is why historically in their past revolutions they have destroyed Churches, killed Priests, Ministers and Rabbis without hesitation.  That is why they are always on the outlook for any little mistake that the Churches may make and they are not adverse to making up charges or expanding and blowing up existing human errors made by Church going folks.  Pray...Pray...Pray...


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Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On May 8, 2011:

HONOLULU, Hawaii – A private investigator claims employees of the state Department of Health forged three Hawaiian birth certificates for Barack Obama to “screw with birthers.”

Takeyuki Irei told WND one document placed the birth at Kapiolani hospital, another at Queens Medical Center and a third in Kenya.

The 57-year-old detective, who has been a P.I. since the 1980s, said he was stunned when he discovered that the purported copy of Obama’s original birth certificate released by the White House was more or less an exact image of one of the forgeries.

Jerome Corsi’s new book, “Where’s the Birth Certificate?,” is now available for immediate shipping, autographed by the author, only from the WND Superstore.

Irei said he was provided a copy of the document indicating a Queens birthplace but ascribed no importance to it. He explained that he was focused on finding evidence that Obama was born in Kenya, which he thought would provide a financial windfall.

He also said a likeness of the certificate indicating a Kenyan birthplace was published more than a year ago by a website that presented itself as a Hawaiian news organization. Later, it spread virally even though it was rejected as fraudulent by investigators, because the purported signature of Obama’s maternal grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, was misspelled.

He also said a likeness of the certificate indicating a Kenyan birthplace was published more than a year ago by a website that presented itself as a Hawaiian news organization. Later, it spread virally even though it was rejected as fraudulent by investigators, because the purported signature of Obama’s maternal grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, was misspelled.

The image released by the White House was trumpeted as “proof positive” Obama was born in Hawaii in an announcement accompanied by a rare presidential statement on the issue.

However, few other officials were talking. Hawaii authorities ordered WND not to contact the state employee identified as the source of the phony certificates. Also, WND learned the state’s employees had been ordered not to respond to WND questions.

Officials at Kapiolani also refused WND permission to ask questions of anyone at the hospital. Spokesman Shawn Nakamoto told WND the hospital would not respond to anyone at “your organization.”

Likewise, officials at Punahou High School, where Obama graduated, also refused WND access to information that often is available, such as copies of student newspapers.

Irei explained the state employee told him the fake records were kept in a vault in Room 303 of the Hawaii Department of Health. The room, next to the director’s office, is well known and holds files such as the records of residents of the Kalaupapa leper colony on the island of Molokai.

But Irei pointed out that the obviously fraudulent Kenya-birth document published by the Aloha Reporter website contains markings that appear to coincide with markings found on the document recently released by the White House.

Among other things, the “Certificate of Live Birth” on the Reporter page says the birthplace was “Kenya; Registered Honolulu HRS 338-17-8 per Grandmother.”

The document lists the race for the father, “Barack Hussein Obama Sr.,” as “Negro-African.”

But it was the document released by the White House April 27 that stunned Irei.

He said the document indicating Obama’s birth as Kapiolani looks just like the Queens Medical Center document he had previously possessed, except the hospital name and the doctor’s name were different.

“When I saw the birth certificate the White House released, I realized the story had changed from Obama being born at Queens, to him being born at Kapiolani,” the detective told WND. “In 2008, when I first got the birth certificate, all the news reports [were] that Obama had been born at Queens.”

As WND reported, United Press International and Snopes stated at one time that Obama had been born in Queens Medical Center.

But after a WND story on the topic was published, both sites suddenly changed the birth hospital to Honolulu’sKapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children.

At the time, Snopes sent WND a statement reading, “A number of readers have written to us to point out that Wikipedia previously updated their Obama-related entries to resolve the same discrepancy, so we included a similar clarification in our latest round of updates.”

WND requested confirmation from the state Department of Health that the image released by the White House is an accurate representation of the original Hawaii records. Spokeswoman Janice Okubo referred the question to Donalyn DelaCruz in the office of Gov. Neil Abercrombie. DelaCruz did not respond to a WND request.

WND also requested comment from the White House but did not receive a response.

Two retired police officers in Honolulu, who asked not to be identified for security reasons, also told WND they believe the White House document is a forgery, and they are trying to identify who created it.

Irei said he discounted the worth of the copy of the Queens document he obtained, as he thought the “money” would be in documenting a Kenyan birth.

He said he became convinced that Obama was not born in Hawaii because he believed the online “Certification of Live Birth” posted by the Obama campaign was faked, and he could not understand Obama’s vehement refusal to allow his records to be released.

If there was documentation of a Hawaii birth, he reasoned, Obama would have no reason to conceal information and would have authorized the release of his records.

He said he and a partner began searching for evidence that Obama might have been born in Kenya. They approached the state employees, asking for help.

Irei said the initial documentation he obtained from the Department of Health employee was the birth certificate indicating Obama was born at Queens. The doctor was listed as John Ohtani, whom Irei remembered as the doctor who also had delivered his own son, Chad, in 1980.

WND confirmed that Ohtani practiced at Queens during the years in questions. He has since died.

Irei said he kept the copy of the Queens document on file until about two months ago when his office was being repainted. The folder holding the birth certificate was among some 20 boxes of old records that were destroyed in the cleanup.

“I thought the money would be in proving Obama was born in Kenya,” he said.

“I wish I knew what I had, and I wish I kept it. We thought because the birth certificate we had was fake, it wasn’t worth any money. I wish we knew what we had,” he said.

“Whoever forged these birth certificates wanted to cover all angles,” he said. “Even making a birth certificate that showed Obama was born in Kenya that was an obvious forgery. The grandmother’s name was forged.”

Irei said the question still remains, “Where was Obama born and who has his real birth certificate?”

The authenticity of the image released by the White House has also been challenged by numerous document specialists.

Moreover, there remains a long list of other unanswered questions. Former Health Department chief Chiyome Fukino, according to NBC News reporter Michael Isikoff, said she had seen the original birth certificate prior to Obama’s public document release and that it was “half typed and half handwritten,” a statement that clearly conflicts with what the president actually released, which was typewritten.

Nevertheless, the White House has expressed confidence the document it released would answer all of the questions about Obama’s presidential eligibility. But those who contend the country’s founders meant to exclude dual citizens from the presidency say the document actually proves Obama’s ineligibility, since it lists Barack Obama Sr. as the father, but he never was a U.S. citizen.

The president himself even affirmed parental citizenship was a constitutional issue when he co-sponsored a resolution to address Sen. John McCain’s presidential eligibility that implied a “natural born Citizen” must be born of “American citizen” parents.

Hawaii says it has Obama’s original long-form birth certificate in a bound volume in a secure vault. Department of Health spokeswoman Okubo explained to WND that the original was copied onto “safety paper,” and copies were sent to the president.

The White House then posted at image of the copy on this website and made copies to hand out to the press corps.

The document was analyzed by Ivan Zatkovich of Tampa-based eComp Consultants, which consults on intellectual property for telecommunications, web publishing and ecommerce and has provided services for corporations such as McGraw-Hill, Houghton-Mifflin, Citicorp and Zatkovich has 28 years experience in computer science and document management. For more than 10 years he has been an expert witness in federal court in both criminal and civil litigation.

He contended that the multiple layers of the PDF document are anomalous.

“When a paper document is scanned on a scanner and saved as a PDF file it normally contains only a single layer of graphical information. The PDF that appears on the White House website however, contains multiple layers of graphic information. Multiple layers usually appear in a document like this when it is being edited or modified in some fashion,” his report said.

“It is possible to take a single layer PDF and inadvertently create multiple layers, without changing the image in any fashion. But that does not appear to be the case here. The multiple layers in the PDF document are a result of changes made to the image.”

Zatkovich told WND that the White House image “has specific content extracted from that base layer and enhanced.”

He said, “This was done through an explicit operation to edit and/or enhance the printing in the document. There is no ambiguity here. There was an explicit action by a person to modify the document. … Mostly like to enhance the legibility, but still an explicit action none the less.”

He explained the analysis he did was similar to the analysis that routinely is done on evidentiary documents for cell phones and computers in cases involving child porn, fraud and murder cases.

“The content clearly indicates that the document was knowingly and explicitly edited and modified before it was placed on the web,” he said.

Note: Media interested in interviewing Jerome Corsi beginning next Tuesday when his book is officially released shouldemail

WND Editor Joseph Farah is available to discuss today’s breaking stories on eligibility. Contact”


Note:  My following blog post contains numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Could the President’s newly released COLB be a forgery?’s-newly-released-colb-be-a-forgery/

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy the web site and paste on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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Posted on Saving Our Parish-By Thomas G. Kane: 

You know the destruction of Christian churches is becoming common practice in today’s world.  It is just as disturbing and sad as ever, but we have become desensitized to it.  If you check the news of the last couple weeks you will read of Christian churches destroyed in Egypt, Iraq, Kosovo (28 in three days and 75 in a year), Nigeria, Turkey,  Ukraine, Indonesia (1,700 in the last 15 years) Burma, India and even  France and Greece. 

Twenty percent of the Catholic Churches on the Gulf Coast were destroyed by Hurricane Katrina.   We have heard of the destruction of churches during the various wars and incidents of  armed conflict and some countries have suffered greatly in their developing histories as the result of religious persecution. 

The Irish most notably had almost all of their churches brought to ruin by the English during their various invasions and persecutions.  The English even went so far as to outlaw the Catholic Faith and subject religious members and the faithful to death.   The Irish, as did other persecuted people, cherished the ruins of their churches and rebuilt them or rebuilt beside them, but always holding the ground and remains of those destroyed churches as hallowed, protected and things to be preserved.

I guess we did the same with that little church called the Alamo in San Antonio.  Today’s violence is primarily non-Christian faiths versus Christian faiths and people, but the past also dealt with Christian nation versus Christian nation, with often the same savageness and disastrous impact. 

During my military career I was lucky enough to be assigned briefly to a very devout country which cherished its Catholic faith and churches--Lithuania. The Lithuanian people are over 90 percent Roman Catholic.  They have been in the footpath of conquest. The French, the Germans and most recently the Soviet Union, who along with the Nazis, tried to erase this Catholic culture, but all failed.  Their faith meant more to them than anything.  

The Soviets did not provide any funding or support to the Lithuanian people in their preservation of their churches, but these people, the poorest of the, poor saved and preserved their churches.  They were and are things of beauty.  Napoleon during his conquest was so in awe of St. Anne’s Church in Vilnius that had he succeeded in his attack of Russia, he planned to bring it brick by brick back to France.

The Lithuanian people initially are a bit reserved.  When the “wall” fell in Berlin and US aid and troops under the Partnership for Peace spread into the Baltic and former Soviet Countries, they were distrustful of us as well.  We were in uniforms, as had been the Germans and Russians.  It was not until they witnessed our acts of kindness and upon entering their church, saw me genuflect and make the sign of the cross, that they welcomed me into the international Body of  the Church that has no borders. I was hugged and kissed and treated like a hero all for entering a church and recognizing what that church meant to them and to me. These people kept their faith and the symbols of their faith alive against overwhelming odds and difficulties. 

We have grown to accept a world of intolerance that places us against one another and leads us to question our Christian ideals and the possibility of men of different religions and political philosophies living together in peace, but we always knew that this would be a difficult thing.  We pray for peace and have faith that such may be possible through the example of Christ.  

What is always the most difficult thing to accept are the attacks from within; the true danger and threat to our Christian faith.  Heresy, Division, hypocrisy,violations of the tenants of our faith and abuses by those empowered to lead us in our faith.  These are not new things and the Church has battled these evils for centuries, convening councils and synods to address issues that split the faith.  We had basic principles and practices which we lived by and a code of canon law. 

God has often sent special people to lead us through these tough times and challenges to our faith--Francis of Assisi, Theresa of Avila, Thomas Aquinas, Augustine, Bonaventure and several others.  More recent examples would be Kateri Tekakwitha, Mother Theresa, John Paul II and now Pope Benedict XVI.  They provided symbols and examples of our faith which gave us something to cling to and face the challenges that would come.

Who would have thought that we would be battling to save our church in the United States of  America and in the little town of Corning, New York?  The threat here is just as real as the threat faced by the Lithuanian and Irish people and those who have seen their churches destroyed by forces from the outside.   Our faith must remain strong against all threats both external and internal and we must stand for what we know is right, the faith given to us by our fathers and Christ Himself as displayed through his Church.

We cannot afford to lose any more symbols or examples of our faith in a world that would destroy our faith and our God if given the chance. We truly are battling the forces of evil. We must make our leaders aware of our opinions, our faith in them and that we have been taught to know the value of our church and faith, and trust that they will not abandon us when we ask for their aid and support.

As a soldier I was always trained to trust in my leadership and I guess I am doing that once again. When you see something wrong, you just have a duty to speak out and hope you will be heard, but in the end follow the orders of your superiors unless it is unlawful or immoral.  Thomas G. Kane”


NoteMy following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Faith of Our Forefathers!

Have the “power elite” and pseudo-experts covertly sold us corruption disguised as freedom?“power-elite”-and-pseudo-experts-covertly-sold-us-corruption-disguised-as-freedom/

Restoring Honor In America!

Does Europe have a future?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy the web site and paste on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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Posted on Israel National News-By Chana Ya'ar-On May 8, 2011:

Fear of Islam by at least some Americans was obvious Friday on a flight between two states in the southeastern United States.

Two Muslim clerics were pulled off a plane flying from Tennessee to North Carolina. The imams, who were on their way to a conference on Islamaphobia sponsored by the North American Imams Federation, were both wearing traditional attire.

Both are religious leaders in Memphis Muslim communities. Masudur Rahman is also a professor at the University of Memphis. He and Mohamed Zaghloul contacted the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) after they were asked to leave by Transportation Security Authority (TSA) personnel because passengers were “uncomfortable.”

CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper told CNN, “They went through security, even went through secondary security, got on the plane and were taxiing out.”  But the plane never made it into the air, he said, because the pilot said passengers didn’t want to fly with the two Muslim clerics in the plane. 

“TSA came on and pulled them off and said the pilot was refusing to fly with them because passengers were uncomfortable with them.” Delta, which owns Atlantic Southeast Airlines, sent officials to re-screen the two clerics, and found them to be no threat. 

The Delta officials tried to return the two men to the plane and even interviewed passengers on the flight to try and see what the problem was. They even offered to place uncomfortable passengers on an alternative flight if they wished, but no one wanted to leave, Hooper said.

However, “the pilot absolutely refused, and ultimately took off,” without the two clerics, Hooper reported.

The airline refused to say why the two men were pulled off the flight, but said they were offered the opportunity to board another flight. A terse statement from the airline said, “Atlantic Southeast Airlines flight 5452 from Memphis to Charlotte returned to the gate to allow for additional screening of a passenger and the passenger’s companion. 

“We take security and safety very seriously. The event is currently under investigation, and we apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused.”


Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

Should Americans Fear Islam?

What are CAIRs obstructionist goals?

Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy the web site and paste on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial is being censored-what happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!


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Has anyone wondered what was before the Big Bang?  From nothing you get nothing.  Here’s a fit that you don’t hear.  You be the judge. The time-space universe is events and the time it takes to get from one event to another.  The Big Bang commenced with time in a millionth of a second and millions of events in the space the size of a pinhead. 


If you want to know about something you examine the parts. That’s what quantum physicists do.  What they determine is the beginning of our reality, a dimension of infinite possibility and an observer.  Our minds interact with matter to form our reality.  An idea, having no form by itself, but giving figure and form to shapeless matter, becomes the manifestation. Plutarch (40-120 A.D.)  “And God said (Gen 1:26), Let us make man in our image.”  Our image?


Who or what was the original observer?  Some say there are parallel universes.  Where is your consciousness? It is in a state, without boundary. You set the boundary.   If you were a passenger on a plane that went down, let us say in northern Canada, and it was a hundred miles to the nearest town, I dare say your conscious awareness would immediately expand.  


When I was 49, I made a clean break with my past life.  When I departed, everyone I knew thought I’d lost my mind. Numerology tells us the number 1 represents the pioneer striking out alone seeking the experience that will establish its distinct identity.  In Numerology and The Divine Triangle, the number 7 being my “Path of Destiny” number, “You psychically separate the true from the false and can discover and reveal some of the mysteries of life to a waiting world.”  Also, the number 9, the highest number, represents selflessness, a love for all.  “It desires to apply its energy to universal service. It bestows an impersonal but just view of life. This is the artist and thinker who has developed skills through the preceding cycles and is now ready to share his or her knowledge to the rest of the world.”  I’m in my twilight of life. My aim is to share what I’ve learned.


I’m Virgo with Aquarius rising. Astrologer Jeanne Avery: “He is a forerunner in setting style, discovering new methods, and showing the rest of humanity the way.”


On the day of departure from my old life in Texas, Good Friday 1975, the day Christians commemorate as the day Christ was crucified, found me arriving in Miami, Florida on Easter Sunday, the day Christ rose from the dead. Quite an event when you think about it, the first day of my new life.  I went to sea. During my two years at sea, I saved seven lives from a watery grave, one being my own. Saving lives is what Jesus did during his time on earth. 


I wasn’t a Christian. Strange that I would find Jesus involved in my life.  But I had studied the U. S. Constitution before my departure, during which time I felt that voices from the past were speaking to me.  I felt a bigger than life calling.   Coincidentally, on July 4, 1776, America’s Independence Day,  America was born under the sign of Aquarius.   Astrologer Jeanne Avery speaking of Aquarius, “He can brand himself a maverick or an oddball. He screams the world, ‘Don’t fence me in.’ The universe is his playground.”   Whatever, upon my departure from my old life, I was reborn.  Jefferson, who authored the Declaration of Independence, wasn’t a Christian. He believed in nature’s God and natural law, one nation under God.


Curious of what Jesus said, I turned to The Gospel According to St. Matthew.  In Chapter Two, I learned that the three wise men followed the Star of Bethlehem to the place of Christ’s birth and worshipped him.  The three wise men were Persian astrologers.  In the beginning of civilization, Persian wise men drew a circle and divided it into twelve equal pie shaped parts, giving each part a sign, one being Aquarius.  They called it the zodiac. 


Kings were advised by wise men.  King Herod called upon the Persian wise men to tell him where Jesus was so he could worship the new king of Jews.  Joseph and Mary escaped to Egypt with Jesus, we read. King Herod killed all the babies in Bethlehem two years and younger. 


In Chapter 6, we read that Jesus, in his Sermon on the Mount, said “in earth as it is in heaven,” followed by, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God.”  Earth and heaven are places. Where is the kingdom of God?  Is God way out there somewhere in the vastness of a place called Heaven?  If so, how could we know God and his plan for us?  By reading what Jesus said, instead of listening  to someone tell me what he said, I question the idea that only a privileged few know God’s plan for us.  Religious authorities tell us we are sinners. We must beg forgiveness in order to get to Heaven, and leave a donation before we leave our place of worship. Sounds pretty commercial to me.


The Bible tells us that Jesus turned over the money changers’ tables in the temple.  The money changers were exchanging silver and gold coins for worthless temple money so the faithful could purchase a priest blessed animal to be sacrificed, thereby giving the donor a heavenly address when he died.  What’s the difference in any faith based idea with nothing substantive to back it? It is OK if you call it a religion.  Any other remedy with nothing to back it is against the law.


The benefactors of buying your way to Heaven took Jesus to the Roman governor, who washed his hands and let the priests have their choice, Jesus or a convicted murderer of who to be crucified.  The priests shouted “Jesus” and the crowd yelled the same.    So why am I a sinner?  Why should the authorities speak for me?  Christianity is not a good fit for me. But you go ahead and believe I’m a sinner.  It doesn’t bother me.  I know I’m not.


Jesus was born at the beginning of the Age of Pisces.  In Astrologer’s Handbook, we read that Pisces is a sensitive sign and those born under it unconsciously absorb the thoughts of others. I would add the orthodoxy’s ideas. As a rule, we read, they don’t have strong willpower.  I recall that Jesus told his disciples that before the rooster crowed, they would deny him three times. Yep, they were Pisceans.


Astrologers tell us that the Age of Pisces is now ending and being replaced by the age of Aquarius.  We read in Astrologer’s Handbook  that individuals born under this sign of brotherhood and fraternity have for their symbol the water-bearer.  The sign of Pisces has for its symbol two attached fish swimming in opposite directions.  Jesus said we are our brother’s keeper.  What that means is a matter of opinion, which I don’t share unless you are speaking in spiritual terms. Christian Obama and his  government dependent following calls it collective salvation—or after me you come first. The courts refer to it as “preferred freedoms.”  We have treated our brothers very badly.  To be fair, we must now redistribute.  How generous Obama and his brethren are with other people’s money.  It is almost too much to bear. Who need enemies when we have Christians like these. Arizona is asking how we exist on what  good Christian Obama leaves us.


In The Physics of Consciousness, quantum physicist and brain doctor Evan Harris Walker said, “the structure of the universe finally comes around to the same result (the result I see, too).  Whether to understand the interconnections of will, to understand the most basic facts in quantum theory, or to discover the beginnings of the Big Bang universe, each path leads to the fact that there must exist a supreme Consciousness out of which everything else springs. . . “Faith was never meant to be blind faith.” In truth, we are learning at last “wonders hidden in what you already knew.”


On the back cover of Cosmos and Psyche, “distinguished philosopher and cultural historian Richard Tarnas demonstrates the existence of an astonishingly consistent correspondence between planetary alignments and archetypal patterns of human history and biography.”  In the book, we read, under  World Wars, Cold War, and September 11, and therein under the The Saturn-Pluto Cycle, that in November 2008 to December 2011 that the alignments of those planets are square.   When square, it means widespread indulgence, decadence, naiveté, denial, and inflation.  Obama was elected in November 2008.


I was born with Saturn trine Pluto.  That is the very best of alignments. Astrologer’s Handbook: “This trine gives the natives the ability to understand the laws by which subtle forces are organized, enabling them to use these laws consciously or unconsciously.”


Last February, I decided to start my own Web site. I’ve since entered 57 blogs and received over 4,000 comments, most decidedly favorable.  You wouldn’t think that, not with my far-out philosophy.  A  new energy is building.  You know what happens when the potential reaches a certain point.  Lightning strikes.  Be prepared.  Your world is going to change so much that you would think you are on another planet.









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