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As Speaker Nancy Pelosi lectured to her flock of minions, "We have to pass the bill, so that you can find out what is in it", truer words were never spoken. It is well known that this bill was not read by the majority of congress; members of congress had to be bribed [with our tax dollars] in order to vote for the bill; there were backroom deals we will never hear about [unless a "Deap Throat" eventually comes forward]; the public, at a joint session of congress, were, in fact, lied to by a president of the United States.


Obama pledged to "bend the cost curve" on health insurance. But he's bending the truth instead

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To whom it may concern

I would like to know if the Tea Party knows why Politicians and Government employees get huge pentions and medical benefits when they retire and most of the average working class don't. They are getting all of this with our money. How outrageous ! This is one of the most unfair practices going on in this country today. I have to pay for their benefits with my hard earned money and I don't get any where close to what they are getting. Most average American workers that retire without being in a Union, Government employee or a Politician get next to nothing. This number is in the millions. Hello, how about me too !
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Lanet Girsin Size teaparty


MitolocyA And By Ege


ABD Halk Yoldan Saptıkça Dünyaya Zararvermektedir Kendi Sapmış Dinleriyle İnsanlığa Hakaretler Yağdırmaktadır. İslamiyet Tüm Dinlere Irklara Hoşgörü Demektir Sİz Hiç İncil Yakan Müslüman Gördünüzmü? Osmanlı Adaleti Bunun En Açık Göstermiştir.

Siz Kana Susamış Köpeklere Bir İslam Tokatıda Bizden Gelsin ve Allahın Laneti Üzerinizde olsun Daha Çok Tayfunlar Kasırgalar Göresiniz




U.S. Public Roads as Deviation from the religious world has to handle yourself with Zararvermektedir insult to humanity is the rain. Race for all to Islam Religious Tolerance Means No Bible burning Muslim Gördünüzmü you? It was the Justice of the Ottomans Outdoor Show.

Kana you thirsty dogs are coming to us and below are a Muslim God Curse Tokat you get over by more typhoons are hurricanes

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“. . . two things work in O’Donnell’s favor: 1) Sarah Palin is backing her and 2) Sarah Palin is backing her because the Republican Senator Mike Castle is one of the most liberal Republicans in the nation. Castle actually supported Cap and Trade. The biggest thing against O’Donnell among practical considerations? Money, support and expertise are lacking, not to mention integrity.” Rajjpuut

Delaware Suggests TEA Party Express

is Harry Reid’s Creation

Loyal readers know that Rajjpuut is a Libertarian and has advised often and mightily against the TEA Party running their own candidates unless absolutely necessary. (As it was in upper state New York when the Republican Party last November gave a $1 Million campaign war chest to a woman running for the G.O.P. who was well to the left of the left-leaning Democratic candidate in a very conservative district. The TEA Party backed Conservative Party candidate chased her out of the race with only 5% support in the polls and came within an eyelash of victory.) If it’s necessary to run a TEA Party candidate, run an out and out third-party Conservative candidate of the highest level of integrity.

Several times now, the TEA Party Express has been behind very poor candidates and helped propel them to primary wins and Republican nominations. In effect these TEA Party Express candidates are giving aid and comfort to the progressive-Democrats on the ballot by creating an easily knocked off “straw-man” to campaign against. Such a candidate is Ken Buck in Rajjpuut’s Colorado. It is Rajjpuut’s firm conviction that the TEA Party Express is NOT a real TEA Party group it is a Harry Reid creation designed to get the poorest candidate to run against him in Nevada so Harry, the most hated man in America besides Barack Obama, would have an easy victory.

It’s happening again in Delaware in the fight for Joe Biden’s old senate seat. The TEA Party Express has supported the candidacy of one Christine O’Donnell. Like all TEA Party Express “candidates” she is virtually unelectable. Ms. O’Donnell has reportedly lied for 21 years about having a college degree which she was only just awarded this year. Ms. O’Donnell has a questionable tax and earnings situation. Ms. O’Donnell lied and said she took two of Delaware’s three counties in the most recent race against Biden . . . she actually won zero. Ms. O’Donnell has been violating campaign finance laws over the last six months.

The situation is not cut and dried, however; two things work in O’Donnell’s favor: 1) Sarah Palin is backing her and 2) Sarah Palin is backing her because the Republican Senator Mike Castle is one of the most liberal Republicans in the nation. Castle actually supports Cap and Trade. The biggest thing against O’Donnell among practical considerations? Money, support and expertise are lacking. Just as Sharon Angle (who was nominated by the TEA Party Express over two far better conservative candidates to unseat Harry Reid; then was left high and dry by the TEA Party Express once she’d won and only saved by’s incredible work in her behalf nationally) found out, the question is obvious, if an outside party wins a Republican primary and the Republican nomination, why in hell should the Republican Party support her financially? Indeed, since she’s such a poor candidate should anyone in their right mind support her?

Let’s look the situation over logically: it looks like a three-way LOSE-LOSE-LOSE situation for Conservatives in Delaware and around the country unless things change dramatically (more on that later). A) the Democrat’s candidate benefits by running against a presumably unelectable O’Donnell and wins B) O’Donnell somehow gets elected but because she has no apparent integrity or ability to practically manage her own life, the state gets a loser for a senator C1) Castle wins the primary against O’Donnell but his war chest is depleted and the in-fighting weakens him as a candidate and helps the Democrat win or C2) Castle wins and wins again and Delaware gets a fiscal RINO** and a Constitutional RINO again in the senate.

How much better for all involved if a real TEA Party candidate and an electable one was running, no? Only one thing can save the situation for Castle and presumably Delaware. He needs to sign the TEA Party Contract from America. He needs to admit his past stupidity. He needs to understand with all his soul . . . . and and

And pledge to the people of Delaware and to the Republican Party that he will embody the spirit of these three websites and of the Contract from America. Short of this rebirth, nothing good is liable to come out of Delaware

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** Unfortunately, the concept of RINO (Republican in name only) has deeply hurt the G.O.P. coming and going. On the one hand you have people like the two Maine senators or Mr. Castle in Delaware or the upstate New Yorker mentioned earlier who just use Republican money to get elected and then prove themselves absolutely progressive/liberal on taxes, spending and the Constitution. On the other hand and even more dangerous, too many undesirable candidates like Ken Buck and Sharon Angle survive the primary process because of their “fidelity” to the old litmus tests and then prove UNelectable and cede the field to the progressives directly. One great thing, however, virtually any candidate who keeps his/her big trap shut and only opens it to speak about the Contract from America should prevail, even perhaps Ken Buck, Sharon Angle, and Christine O’Donnell. The trouble is this kind of “non-RINO” tends to give Conservatives a bad name because they’re stupid enough to be against (just to name one thing) abortion even in case of incest or rape or if the mother’s life is in danger. American women won’t stand for this kind of authoritarian stand on what they can do and endure with their own bodies. That Republican stance makes abortion on demand all but inevitable.

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“The progressive/Marxist big government mindset is that life is a zero-sum game, so they can’t really understand the creative-cooperative nature of capitalism even if they themselves are involved in some creative-cooperative activity. They treat the world as if everybody’s playing checkers** . . . if somebody wins, somebody else must lose and therefore the best result in their view is a draw; and they will always seek to drag the “wealthy” down to the level of the poor with wealth-redistribution schemes that just impoverish everyone. In America, thanks in part to largely unfettered capitalism, the rising tide of general prosperity has lifted all boats for over two hundred years and continues to lift all boats so that the typical American living under the “poverty line” in 2004 was better off than 88% of the world’s population.” Rajjpuut

Crocodile Tears of the Left

Flood America with Corruption

as the “BIG LIE” Dominates

Part IV: Victim #4, The Rich and the Poor

Loyal readers are advised to skip ahead as we give a brief review. In this blog series, we’ve been exposing the self-described “victimhood” of progressives at the hands of their evil, racist, etc. conservative oppressors and showing you where the real victimhood is:,_then_dismemberment_part_i.thtml

In part I of the series (the link immediately above) the victim was “TRUTH” and among six key areas we hit Rajjpuut documented and exposed this truth:

Using the same Cloward-Piven** strategy that DELIBERATELY created the bankruptcy of New York City earlier between 1967 and 1975 by deliberately overloading the welfare rolls . . . beginning especially after 1992, ACORN, OBAMA, First ACORN PRESIDENT Bill Clinton, and oodles of progressives (98% of them Democrats) DELIBERATELY were pushing the car toward a 500-foot cliff. George W. Bush jumped in and grabbed the steering wheel and hit the brakes. Bush was able to create a controlled-skid and guide the car to rest in a friendly-looking ditch!

The chain of evidence producing that statement is something that every American ought to be aware of, just as every American ought to be aware of the identities of Saul Alinsky, Richard Cloward and Frances Piven and be able to articulate what Cloward-Piven strategy is . . . the fact that most Americans are totally ignorant of these things means someone hasn’t been doing their job.,_then_dismemberment___part_ii.thtml

In Part II of the series we examines the “Fourth Estate” and how their willful actions and inactions and choreographed responses (the scandal known as the “JournOList” which many Americans have not heard of because it’s too embarrassing for the liberal media to reveal that over 400 of its people have been colluding on how stories ought to be presented – to the benefit of the progressive political movement in this country) have sabotaged the nation and freedom and the Constitution. In Rajjpuut’s J-school classes reporting was all about revealing TRUTH in an ‘inverted-pyramid’ of Who? What? Where? Why? and How? That immediately put the most important facts at the top of the story and gradually petered out as less important details were shown. Today the inverted-pyramid has disappeared and unsupported opinion has replaced TRUTH in much of what passes for “NEWS.” Then we looked at how the false victimhood of the progressives (we must “progress” beyond the outdated and flawed U.S. Constitution) has created another real victim: “Responsibility” in the guise of the rising numbers of single-mother-families (a problem obviously created by everybody else’s sexism, according to feminists). As the irresponsible notion of deliberately choosing a single-parent family drags down all of society (see this link).,_then_dismemberment___part_iii.thtml

Victim #4: The Rich and the Poor

This will be the shortest blog in our ten-part blog-series because despite all the lies progressives might tell you, economics is a very simple area. It’s only when you tell gross lies about economics aimed at furthering the likelihood of socialism or totalitarianism or both that economics gets difficult. If your “economic world system” is a lie (the “school” of Keynesian economics) then you must forever be adding sub-schools that purport to justify and “solve” the big lie in the system. Today there are at least a hundred sub-schools of John Maynard Keynes (all of them telling lies in favor of big government at every turn). In the “Wealth of Nations” Adam Smith revealed the marvelous truth we today call “Classical Economics” that “individual men through creativity, through industry, through communications can create and magnify wealth cooperatively.”

Here is the point where the fearful progressive departs from common sense. In his world there is always an oppressor (the conservative-captitalist) and always a victim (the whole world of progressives themselves) being exploited by the oppressor. Life, in short, is a zero sum game between two people. If the capitalist wins, the laborer must lose. If the capitalist wins the consumer must lose. If the capitalist wins society as a whole must lose. How does the capitalist win? By creating “PROFIT.” Profit is the ultimate “dirty word” to progressives which means they who claim to follow a historically necessary path based upon the lessons of history, don’t understand the simplest lessons of human history because . . . (drum roll, maestro) profit is good, indeed profit is the ultimate good that makes civilization, some degree of comfort, and large amounts of free will possible to mankind.

Another word for profit is “SURPLUS.” When people live hand to mouth existences . . . in that cold gray world . . . there is indeed a greater likelihood of exploitation, exploitation of the criminal over the victim. I barely have enough and you barely have enough, if I hurt you and steal what you’ve got then I have twice as much and you have nothing. However, when we both have a little profit, a bit of surplus, instead of a win-lose proposition, life becomes win-win. I’m a farmer and I trade a little bit of my extra corn (beyond what I need to survive and to feed my animals) to you in exchange for the chair you made, your profit; to your neighbor the smith for the hoe and shovel he made, his surplus or profit beyond survival needs; and to your other neighbor for the wool he’s got, his family’s profit. I have so much corn that I’d almost give it away for the chair, the garden tools and the wool.

Each of the others I trade with feels the same about the furniture, tools, and wool they produce. Each of us feels like we’ve gained by the trades we made and lost virtually nothing. This is the essence of win-win interaction, the essence of capitalism. When money is created, capitalism often becomes broadly expansive, the resulting interactions become sort of complicated, but the essence is the same, men willingly give of their labor and their surplus to interact with other men in cooperative win-win trade. There is no oppressor and no victim. The simplest and best example of unfettered capitalism is found in this brief essay:

But there often is an oppressor after all; the heavy hand of government is played when power enters the marketplace by force. Whether for taxation or other confiscation, it is government which befuddles the simple win-win formula, simply stated the one lesson for understanding economics is:

But when government enters the marketplace, with taxes, subsidies, willful destruction, payment for zero production or lessened production, etc., etc., ad nauseum they have to justify the “displacement” of normal market forces and normal free-market good this way:

Here’s the total picture free online, Rajjpuut recommends you make this website a “favorite”:

So what’s really going on when government enters the picture? In a word “theft,” stealing by the powerful (the government) of what the productive have earned. Sometimes it is literally out-and-out direct theft for and by those in power. More commonly at other times they steal from some, pay take “their cut” as well and redistribute the wealth to others so as to win the favor of those others receiving benefits and “earn” their votes and support. Today in America 47% pay no taxes but are rather in complete or partial measure supported by those who do produce and do pay the taxes . . . this is what government has done to us.

The progressive/Marxist big government mindset is that life is a zero-sum game, so they can’t really understand the creative-cooperative nature of capitalism even if they themselves are involved in some creative-cooperative activity. They treat the world as if everybody’s playing checkers . . . if somebody wins, somebody else must lose and therefore the best result in their view is a draw; and they will always seek to drag the “wealthy” down to the level of the poor with wealth-redistribution schemes that just impoverish everyone. In America, thanks in part to largely unfettered capitalism, the rising tide of general prosperity has lifted all boats for over two hundred years and continues to lift all boats so that the typical American living under the “poverty line” in 2004 was better off than 88% of the world’s population. A rising tide of prosperity is the hallmark of capitalism; stagnation and lack of economic growth is the hallmark of government interference.

While government does play a legitimate and necessary role in defending the people and their borders and maintaining order and protecting their god-given liberties . . . government run amuck under progressivism fulfills a totally corrupted role: screwing the rich, screwing the poor and making itself ever bigger, every day . . . .

Next Time: First Crocodile Tears, then Dismemberment Part V

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,

** The truth is, it is ONLY when progressivism moves in to create Big Government, GIBs (government interference boondoggles) and GSB (government spending boondoggles) that surpluses disappear and profit becomes an ugly world and then life gets beastly and miserable and very close to zero-sum.
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Tea Party Candidates

We become aware of "Tea Party Candidates" here and there. I think that the credibility of the movement will be served a great deal if we had "Tea Party voting recommendations" in every local, not only for candidates but also for ballot measures etc. Any support for this idea??
Tea Party Guardian Sjirk Zijlstra,
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Cause and Effect

For his cause, President Obama has “collective salvation,” a far cry from conventional American ideas on salvation, a far cry from the salvation Jesus talked. What do you expect from a man who attended Reverend Wright’s “Christian” church for 20 years. Rev. Wright “God damned” America.

Obama has stated that the U. S. Constitution is flawed and that American liberties are negative. What else but Marxism? Give Obama credit for doing as he promised, transforming America. His advisors are mostly hippie revolutionaries of the 60s and 70s. They hate American values. If they have their way, freedom of the press is not long for this world. They will dictate the news. Their model is Hugo Chevaz, communist dictator of Venezuela. This isn’t me talking. This is their talk. I’ve been listening to them talk on Glenn Beck’s Fox News show.

Obama is a deliberate divider. Of course he would want a mosque near ground zero. Obama and his ilk are for anything that can be done to intimidate and anger the American people. They want their opposition brought down to their knees, or angrily lashing out, in which case they can brutally wheel and deal with them. This is tantamount to their cause, which is to transform America, first by moral, spiritual, and fiscal bankruptcy, then into a banana republic. The bottom line is control.

Actually, capitalism has control for its bottom line, only under capitalism the control is spread out and the law conforms to the Constitution’s original intent. There’s a great difference. Hitler was legal. Anything can be considered legal. But never mind that, under hippie law, the end justifies the means—murder, bomb throwing, whatever it takes. Obama is here to save us from our rotten, greedy, imperialistic selves, we who have caused all the wrongs in the world. Why don’t we know that we don’t deserve inalienable rights? We are so far away from the truth there is no way to convince us other than to take us down. Obama is here for the good of all. We’re to be collectively saved by the intelligence people, hippies, revolutionaries, and such. Glory! Hallelujah! Again, this is not me talking. This is Obama’s own talk. He got his noble ideas in his early dysfunctional life, his education in Harvard by Marxist teachers, and later from his hate mongering preacher, Rev. Wright.

This is not to say that there is not greed under capitalism. The control is spread out. That’s a great difference the U. S. Supreme Court has ignored. The all white Taney Court, from its study of the Constitution, found that a black person had no more rights than a mule or a cow, or any other beast of burden. How could any human be more hateful? How could any intelligent human come to the Taney Court’s conclusion from studying the U. S. Constitution? None of this I mention is intelligence. It is lower animal power—might makes right, the law of the jungle. It’s the form of law being practiced in America, legal but lawless.

To be lawful the government must conform to ethical and moral principles that date back to antiquity. Obama’s pick, Judge Sotomayor, believes a Latino woman makes a better judge than a white male. Her opinion comes from the seat of her pants. Obama’s pick, Elena Kagan, when under questioning in the Senate, while admitting there are other long standing human values and principles, she was not obliged, in her misguided opinion, to consider them. She was only obliged, according to Kagan, to study what the U.S. Constitution says; that is, as interpreted by the Supreme Court. In other words, the law is what Kagan and Sotomayor say it is. Judges like Sotomayor and Kagan, not knowing the law, leave America a self-fulfilling prophecy. One never knows when and where the fickle finger of fate will fall. Why would anyone want to invest in America’s future? Hey sport fans, under Obama’s “collective salvation” agenda, government has a duty to the individual. That reads out to be control of the individual. It excludes individual needs. Most of today’s problems in America arise from FDR’s “New Deal” law, his idea of redistributive justice, and now Obama, the Roosevelt democrat is bankrupting America morally, spiritually, and fiscally. Shades of the past, America’s economy has had it.

I speak from personal experience. In 1973, I wrote the chief law enforcement officer of the United States, at the time Attorney General William B. Saxbe, a letter letting him know that I’d see him in court. Do you find that to be exceptional egotism? My ex-wife wanted me to see a psychiatrist. Saxbe was Nixon’s attorney general. Nixon put me out of business and then attempted to rob me of my property.

In case you didn’t know it, let me advise you that you are allowed to take your government to court if you have a personal stake in the outcome. You don’t need a lawyer. You can go to the county law library and read the procedure. Why don’t you? Let me warn you that you will be called all manner of names if you do decide to take matters in your own hands. The IRS called me a “Fifth Amendment Freak.” It didn’t do them any good. In the end the IRS ate crow. So, who’s nuts?

I made good my promise. I took the Commissioner of Internal Revenue to the Supreme Court. That must have been a shock to the all-powerful, law breaking IRS. The IRS is above the law, for the good of all, you know. The Supreme Court doesn’t listen to taxpayers. Like the high priests in the temple in Jerusalem defrauding the poor of their good money to be priest blessed, they look out for their own. Like the high priests in Rome selling indulgences, they look out for their own. The law is what the high priests on the U. S. Supreme Court say it is, not what the law clearly states, not what the Higher Law says, the law Jesus taught, but “for the good of all” might makes right. Hitler was legal. As mentioned earlier, neither Kagan nor her colleagues know that there are certain precepts of law that never change. Kagan was a law clerk in the Supreme Court. Naturally, she knew that none of those priests on the bench pay any attention to the long-standing principles of law, ethics, or morals. The Supreme Court is nothing more than a super-legislature run by life-appointed egomaniacs, doing their part in bringing America down.

With the above thought in mind, I took my Supreme Court case to The Palm Beach Post and proved that I’m right. Our American Supreme Court is a fraud. The Post printed my tax case in detail on the front page of the local section. Sotomayor and Kagan are both idiots. The Post story pointed out several instances of the IRS violating the IRS code, and ignoring lower court orders. On all of this, the Supreme Court looked the other way. They ignored the facts I gave them. The government admitted to the Supreme Court in its brief that it made mistakes, but that they had been corrected. Our Attorney General forgot mention that the IRS made the same mistakes over and over. Do you want these kinds of folks in control of your life? Our keepers of the law are as trustworthy as rattlesnakes.

The Post, from the court record I left with them, forced the IRS to admit to the world that it had lawlessly, on several occasions, confiscated my property and never corrected their “mistakes.” The IRS is a criminal organization. Same as the Nazi Gestapo, this government has given the IRS legal status.

There was no public reaction at all on the front page story the Post printed. I got my property back with interest. The IRS criminals the Supreme Court protects continued sending me warning letters and went on the attack again, this time against my wife. They threatened to take our home in payment of taxes they claimed my wife owed, which mistake could have been easily discovered. These are the folks who want to redistribute the wealth. We are powerless to stop them. I went to my Congressman. He moved the case to a different office. In short order, the mistake was corrected. But the question remains, what makes the present Supreme Court any less corrupt than the Supreme Court that read in the Constitution that black people, because of the color of their skin, could be owned by white people? The American people allow the criminal IRS to confiscate their property. They allowed slavery. I have legitimate questions no one in government has answered. It is time that we wise up. America is up for grabs.

If asked, what would Sotomayor and Kagan say? They don’t have to say anything. Why? They should be forced to answer this fundamental question of law or be removed from the bench. None of the hard questions we ask those in control of our lives are being answered. Obama speaks in riddles and platitudes.

The American people have been subjected to the greatest fraud of all times. Let the police make the slightest mistake, egged on by those hard working hippies of the 60s and 70s, those bomb throwing freaks bent on taking control of America, they are now behind the rioting by America’s lowlife, those gangs of cut-throats, many from south of the border, who exist by intimidation and brutality, the kind we “racially profile.” Isn’t that nice of Obama to protect them by the filing of a lawsuit to prevent Arizona from dealing with the problem? Anything to help bring America down.

You bet, Obama has pals. I’ve heard him say, with great emotion, that he has worked with people who hate America all his life. With friends like these, who needs enemies? These folks, today’s civil righters, a far, far cry from Martin Luther King’s, claim that Beck and Alveta King, Dr. King’s niece, are hijacking the civil rights movement.

While America slept, America’s hippies, now calling themselves civil righters, including President Obama, have left the American people with a hard row to hoe. I congratulate them for the spellbinders they are. Yes, they have every reason to be proud of their accomplishments. They have managed put themselves in positions of power. They apologize for America, wreck the economy, fail to enforce our border laws, support a Muslim cleric who is financed by the same money that finances Hamas. Obama surrounds himself with hate mongers. If Obama has his way, America will go down the tube. What a wonderful goal! America gone, her wealth scattered to the four winds, and in her place a banana republic.

Hello Tea Party and goodbye Obama. Enjoy your permanent vacation. It has been nice to know you.

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Where do you stand?

TO TEA PARTY MEMBERS: SOUND THE ALARM!!!I am part of the shattered American Dream.Due to forces barely within and outside of my control, I am divorced, homeless, jobless, car less, in mass debt, owe back taxes…with the meter still running, and unable to get back to an even working living due to a mental handicap.Have I given up on my piece of the American dream? Some days. I spend most of my time in front of this monitor and keyboard with no positive hope for the future. Does this sound like the anti-Tea Bagger, maybe….but…if your not careful….it could be you, my friend.Could I be one of those cowards who calls to arms and then randomly shoots up a business, school, church, community center, shopping mall, or some other public area or event to show my disgust with not only myself but my situation….I could be….but no, never, not me. Why take out my frustrations on citizens who might be next to me on the street someday…Joe Six Pack didn‘t have cause and effect on me….but some people out there might understand how things could come to that conclusion. Besides, this would make me more of a “problem”; not a solution.And a solution is what I want to be. So, how does Obama and the Gang help me? Think about it.So, I start with this computer, monitor, and keyboard. Is it the end all solution. Nope, not by a long shot. But, it can be a beginning. I feel that part of my solution is to let people know how not to get here…in my shoes. One of the ways to get here is by keeping your mouth shut. Literally. You have to speak, reach, type, write, however you can convey a message, go for it. I sat on my hands and “can” for too long to be effective now. I can’t strike back with my wallet any longer. My voice is weak due to inability to support myself, let alone a cause.All I can do is tell my story. And it doesn’t need the gory details. I can make excuses and tell you how I fluttered away over almost 2 million dollars, but it won’t mean a thing if you don’t understand the end result. And, the end result is…..I am part of the shattered American Dream.I can’t pay for the bandage to go on an American soldier’s wound. I can’t pay to keep our borders safe. I can’t pay the salary of a fire fighter, policeman or woman, or any other public service American right now.All I can do is type. And tell you to fight. Fight for what you have, fight for what you want, and fight for the future of others to be able to stand with you when the time comes. These fights, should never be allowed to be taken away from us.But, each time WE “bail” someone, some country, some business, some bank, we lose a bit of our voice to that fight. Voting and protesting peacefully gets some of that voice back. It is part of the solution, and it is something I want to be a part of.I am part of the shattered American Dream. But, will you still stand with me and be part of my voice? A voice that wants the true meaning of the American Dream back.Where do you stand?
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Obama Seeks Texas Scapegoat

for Hurricanes Igor,Julia and Karl

A very strange thing happened to Payne Hertz, the 96-year-old who sometimes substitutes for Ol’ Rajjpuut on those ultra-rare occasions when Rajjpuut has a chance “to get lucky,” ‘er, finds himself with a schedule conflict. You might recall the fine interview that Hertz did with the polar bear** hunter Al Gore . . . .

naturally, we’ll let the elderly gent speak for himself . . . .

It happened this way, I had just left one of my gal’ friends’ apartment about 4:00 in the morning when a couple of juvenile d’s accosted me next to my Pierce-Arrow automobile. They wanted to shake me down, but I was in too good a mood all full of p’ ‘n vinegar to surrender my dignity right then. Of course I immediately pulled out my trusty pack of cards and, using the ancient Monte Carlo martial art form of Stri-chi-baccarat (self-defense with ordinary playing cards), disabled the taller of the two with a quick Jack of Diamonds to the right temple and a trey of Spades to his right knee which dropped him like yesterday’s bowel movement and was firing the niner of hearts full speed at his friend's lower midsection (technically in Stri-chi it’s called a "collateral damage appendectomy") when the tire iron he’d swung connected a glancing blow with my balding pate . . . as I fell, I could see through fuzzy vision he was worse off than me, but than I lost consciousness . . .

Suddenly it was bright daylight, I found myself occupying the body of a much younger, fatter, and far stupider man. I was on a golf course, that much was obvious. And then I saw that my golfing pard with his putter in his hand was none other than the president of the United States Barack Obama. Talk about a shocker! I could see the hammer and sickle stitched into his club covers and the tattoo of Karl Marx peeked through his white golf shirt. Yep, it was Obama all right!

I looked into the mirror of the cart and another surprise, the man that looked back at me was Chris Mathews, the cub reporter who is currently hosting a program called Softballs for Liberals on MSNBC . . . an incredible revulsion grabbed me and I found my new body projectile-vomiting . . . luckily a couple of secret service guards stepped between me and the president and protected him from my disgust. I dropped back weakly into my seat.

They paused the game for about three minutes while I swigged down some bottled water after rinsing my mouth and felt better. We had only three holes to play and let me tell you that being in the body of a younger man, even that out of shape stupid younger man, was great . . . I outdrove Obama on all three holes and outplayed him (what a frigging duffer!) badly and then discovered apparently we’d had a hundred dollar bet. Apparently we’d played several times before and he thought he owned me I guess, because he called my a “racist basta-d”, then smiled like it was a joke as he handed me ol’ Ben Franklin, but I could see he was plenty sore.

Anyhow, the real surprise was passing a newspaper vending machine about ten yards before the clubhouse. The headline was about something called the Hindenburg Omen which didn’t sound good. I could see the date was October 3rd, somehow I’d leaped exactly three weeks into the future besides being in the body of a liberal-slanting cub reporter. Anyway, we retired to the 19th hole and despite the secret service men reminding him that Muslims don’t drink and that he had four state functions scheduled for the rest of the day, he downed about five Miss Piggy Cocktails (I thought Muslims didn’t do pork either?) before he’d even deign to talk to me. No matter, I was preoccupied and too busy for him anyway. Was wondering about how to arrange getting to use my new body with the cocktail waitress I was flirting up . . . nobody was around, just the seven of us, the four secret service agents saw to that . . . just me and Ol’ Poor Sport was allowed in there with this gorgeous auburn-haired . . . .

Suddenly, he sneered, “Your chance to make me look good, Chris-boy!” Which apparently meant he’d allow me to ask him a few questions. I thought I’d kill two birds with one stone, get myself oriented to the happenings of the last twenty-one days and get him in the mood with some easy ones first . . . .

Q: “Mr. President, how would you describe your administration’s accomplishments for the past three weeks? And how do you feel about them?

He glared at me, for a couple seconds.

A: “I’ve told everybody and you should know better, Chris, I’m not answering questions about the problems we’ve had with disaster relief and I’m not answering questions about that Hindenburg stockmarket crap either . . . . Perhaps you might ask me a question about what it’s like travelling in Air Force One?”

Suddenly, the newspaper headlines I’d seen made sense. Apparently the names Igor, Julia and Karl were the names of three tropical storms, maybe even hurricanes . . . and there’d apparently been something real wrong happening on Wall Street. Now I really did want to get on his good side for at least a couple of questions . . . besides with a little luck I could make a killing in the stock market when I got back to my own time . . . IF I ever got back to my own time . . . .

Q: “You know me, Mr. President, I need to get the true picture . . . so that when I slant the story in your behalf, it’s ah . . . it’s got the necessary congruency . . .”

A: Sorry, Chris, must be the drinks, for a moment there I thought I was with Bill O’reilly or Glenn Beck, of course I know you’re in my camp . . . OK . . . OK . . . well, as you know our administration line is that we’re very disappointed in this Hindenburg scandal thing and of course the slow responses on all three hurricanes.”

Q: “Hindenburg scandal . . . thing?”

A: “Yes, yes, we didn’t think that the Business and Financial papers would make such a big deal about a little change like Robby Gibbs was using in his press conferences . . .”

Q: “Little change, Mr. President”

A: “You know calling the 2200 point drop on Wall Street last week ‘the G. W. Bush Crash,’ that’s really not all that much of a thing to overlook in the papers, you’d think . . . And just cause we haven’t helped anybody yet from those three storms . . . .”

Q: “Wow! I mean I can see how that would upset you, Mr. President . . .”

A: “I mean the whole country seemed very understanding -- even though our response was a lot slower than it was for Katrina and Rita -- when I explained that if George W. Bush hadn’t delayed all the vital global warming counter-activity so terribly long we’d have a cooler globe and everyone of the hurricanes wouldn’t be so violent, I mean category-4 twice and then a -three, that’s pretty rough.”

Q: “You blamed George W. Bush for slow response on all three hurricanes and a faltering stock market! ‘er, I mean to say, Mr. President. When you blamed him didn’t your media support stick with you as you expected?”

A: Well, of course, all us neo-marxists understand each oth^^ . . . .

Then, as suddenly as I’d been wisked into Chris Mathews’ fat body I found myself lying on the concrete back in New York twenty-one days earlier with a doozy of a headache and the still bodies of two bloody juvenile delinquents near me . . . . I know it sounds like I’m stretching the truth, but I’ll swear to it. I only regret that I never got to know that little waitress better . . . .

Well, thank you PH, good job under unusual circumstances . . . now do you readers understand why Rajjpuut never takes a vacation?

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** recently the younger Alaskan Al Gore that Hertz interviewed in the earlier blog had some bad news for his cousin the older and uglier and fatter Al Gore from Tennessee we all know and love. 1) It seems that some naturalists recently revealed that the infamous “Inconvenient Truth” scene of a polar bear floating on an ice floe was not the picture of a polar bear in distress, but to the contrary -- pretty standard operating procedure for polar bears who regularly float out 10-12 miles from shore to find the best hunting grounds for seals and 2) Alaska and Canada are both now lifting their embargoes on hunting polar bears because of the large numbers of the beasts now found all up and down the Artic Circle. The Alaskan said, “Sadly, that may turn out to be a couple of inconvenient truths for my cuz” he grunted, “ Of course, now that the hunting ban is lifted, I can operate legally piling up those bountied bear feet for my Tennessee cuz.”

^^ By the way, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) now says that their latest forecasts of government deficits and national debt says that by 2020 half of your taxes will go for interest on the national debt and that the national debt the American public will face by 2020 will amount to more than 100% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The CBO says that national debt per household will rise to $150,000. Damn, that G.W. Bush anyway.

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“There is wash water. There are babies. And throwing babies out with the wash water is always a very bad idea . . .” Rajjpuut

Destroying America,

His Most Important Inside-Job

“O’ ye of little faith . . .” is a common quote criticizing those who supposedly won’t get with the program, whatever the program might be. However, that all too infamous “NO-man,” Rajjpuut, has found in his life that for every time a supposedly well meant, “Yes, that sounds like a good idea” works out well, there’s about twenty times when a soundly conceived “Hell, No!” will work out best for all considered. 94% of inventions don't make it and only lose a lot of money for their inventors, truly good change is very hard to find and needs to be well-thought out and implemented wisely. Searching for a country of “Yes-voters,” Barack Obama is touring the country calling for unity, calling for tolerance, (while himself falsely calling Conservative patriots “racists”), calling the Republican minorities in the House and Senate “the Party of No,” and saying House Minority Leader John Boehner “hasn’t come up with one new idea.” To which, Rajjpuut says, AMEN and HURRAH! Thank God for the “Party of ‘NO! and not only that, old ideas like Warren G. Harding changing Woodrow Wilson's Depression into the "Invisible Depression" by cutting taxes 47%, government spending 49% and reducing the National Debt 30% is indeed an old idea, but it works!

As Barack Obama continues to defecate upon the Constitution, Rajjpuut says, “There is wash water. There are babies. And throwing babies out with wash water is always a bad idea . . . so much for “hope and change and ‘fundamental transformation’ of a land that only needs to restore and rededicate itself.”

Like Barack Obama, way too many people talk a “great game” without knowing what they’re talking about, Barack Obama is a case in point when it comes to knowledge of the United States** Constitution; when it comes to economics; when it comes to jobs and business; when it comes to foreign relations; when it comes to the oath of office he swore on Inauguration Day, 2009. Unfortunately, on election day, 2008, for every Rajjpuut who already recognized Barack Obama for the grave danger that he represented, about sixteen other voters, even those who voted against Obama, thought the man with the audacity of hype just wanted the best for America.

Like King Priam in the Odyssey as he stood before the Trojan Horse on the sandy beach west of Troy, America had a decision to make. Like Priam we have brought the Trojan Horse into our midst; and like Priam we are paying mightily for it. More Americans have begun hearing sounds from within the lethal horse, sounds that resemble, not spoken Greek, but silent and poisonous Marxism.

According to best-selling author David Limbaugh, talking about his latest book, Crimes Against Liberty: An Indictment Against Barack Obama, “President Barack Obama’s leftist ideology” has made him “the most destructive president of all time.” Rajjpuut can only criticize that comment with faint praise, “David, you ain’t seen nothing yet . . . .”

Limbaugh says the president has disdain for America’s superpower status and wants to undermine the country. Tracing Obama’s personal history, Limbaugh adds, “He thinks that we’re too big for our britches, that we have consumed too much of the world’s resources, that we’re unnecessarily provocative, and that we even contributed to bringing on 9/11,” says Limbaugh, the younger brother of Talk Radio host Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh contends the president has been raised to hate America by a communist mother and grandfather; and by his mentor, the poet and card-carrying communist Frank Marshall Davis, to distrust Whites and to love Marxism.

He attended school for part of five years in a Muslim school. Then “he attended church for twenty years with Reverend Jeremiah Wright saying things like ‘God damn America!’ and constantly preaching about White oppression against Blacks and saying “America’s chickens have come home to roost’ and ‘we brought 9/11 upon ourselves’ . . . and Omaba overuses the obvious Marxist euphemism “fundamentally change America” to describe making America a Marxist nation. Limbaugh’s new book outlines in some detail the way Obama’s agenda is destroying our country.

Rajjpuut would say, Limbaugh’s book does NOT go far enough especially in not only describing Obama’s shackling of the free market and statist takeovers of business . . . but also needs to reveal more about Obama’s out and out betrayal. Just yesterday, Rajjpuut uncovered documentation showing that far from getting involved with ACORN sometime between 1993 and early 1995, Barack Obama was already working as an outreach community organizer for ACORN in 1989 at the Developing Communities project in Chicago and then joined ACORN’s Project Vote by 1992 before later using his law degree for them as he brow-beat and shook down mortgage lenders to make bad loans to poor clients with no hope short of winning the lottery of ever repaying their mortgages. In other words, Obama played a key role in bankrupting our country via the subprime lending disaster -- not nearly the important role played by President Bill Clinton who passed three expansions to mortgage-guarantee legislation during his eight years in office – but a key role nevertheless. Read Limbaugh’s book; know our Trojan Horse president.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** Obama actually taught a Constitutional Law class in Chicago and several semesters on Saul Alinsky’s book “Rules for Radicals.” He has ZERO feel for what it means to be an American and what the Constitution is all about just as he would find the following econmics truths incomprehensible:

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“If all you have is a hammer, the whole world starts to look like a nail. If all you have is ‘race-card guilt' from the era of slavery in the south, you spend an awful lot of time making senseless and false accusations of racism.” Rajjpuut

Pelosi’s “Swamp-Draining”

Has Racist Motives According to CBC

As Congress returns from break, in a refreshing change of pace America has learned that Black claims of racism can be aimed at liberal-Democrats too. Nevertheless, many Democrats are still blaming their present intramural infighting on GASP! the evil TEA Party and Republicans and other Conservatives, go figure . . . Anyway, accordingly the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), which has been condemning the enforcement of ethics rules as racist since Charlie Rangel was caught with all thirteen hands in thirteen different cookie jars, is now painting the Democratic Party which controls the ethics committee and all of the committees in both the House and Senate as unfriendly folks with a rope and, say, is that a burning cross in the background? Since the Democrats run the House, Black voters who hear the word “lynching” presumably have figured out that the lynchers in this instance are Democrats and the lynchees . . . well, hell, the lynchees are always Democrats.

As Maxine Waters, like Rangel squeals like an incensed pork-barreller and conflicter of interest, the CBC has stated that these trials “look like more than just coincidence”(implying that racism must be behind any and all investigation of any and all members of the Congressional Black Caucus) . . . interesting, no, Rajjpuut suggests that trials are not about appearances but rather about substance as Nancy Pelosi seeks to run the most ethical congress in history (Wake up, Nancy, you lost that battle about fifteen months ago!).

This is the first time in his personal history that Rajjpuut actually feels that Nancy Pelosi is on the right side of any issue. You see, Waters and Rangel both independently chose to “refer their cases” to the Ethics Committee. So had did this pretty little situation arise? The facts revealed so far suggest that both Waters and Rangel overstepped Congressional Ethics badly. Then rather than taking care of the issues in question directly and possibly receiving a meaningless Congressional “censure” both of them played the reverse racism card on Pelosi and are getting burned for it. They apparently took a chance that Pelosi would not risk the spectacle of the Democratic Party taking Black congressmen to trial. How’s that working out for you, Chuck? Maxie?

If all you have is a hammer, the whole world starts to look like a nail. If all you have is ‘race-card guilt' from the era of slavery in the south, you spend an awful lot of time making senseless and false accusations of racism. The embarrassment that the Congressional Black Caucus must be feeling now is palpable. Instead of a slap on the wrist, two of its most important members in their two most important states New York and California will now face a full and nationally-televised trial to rebut the charges against them. And, if found guilty as it appears they must be, loss of their seats is quite likely, possibly even imprisonment.

But, of course, some Dems are actually blaming the TEA Party for this bickering between Democrats. Jim Clyburn the House Whip and a Democratic Representative from South Carolina said that both Waters and Rangel have rights to a trial but said the real problem was not the ethics issues, but rather that TEA Party people “are making this a racial thing!” WOW! There has NOT been one peep out of anybody except Waters, Clyburn, Rangel and the CBC about race at all . . . oh, by the way, Clyburn is a Black and a member of the CBC, yet Clyburn insists that “Those TEA baggers never hesitate to racialize everything.” The TEA Party doesn’t control the House; Conservatives don’t control the House; Republicans + TEA Party members don’t control the house, the Democrats do.

Waters, facing only one conflict of interest charge but a very serious one, is just as adamant that the charges against her are racially-based. The Ethics Committee was compared to a “lynching,” not by the TEA Party but by the CBC, Rangel and Waters. Rangel in particular in this three-year long scandal surrounding him has continually blamed “anti-Black bias” and “anti-Black scrutiny” for his many troubles. Chaka Fattah, a Dem from Pennsylvania and member of the CBC called the investigations into Rangel and Waters “witch hunting” and said that “the Ethics Committee is going after us” presumably meaning attacking members of the CBC because those evil Ethics Committee Members are all racists and presumably closet TEA Partiers? It’s all so very confusing, you won’t be able to identify the racists without a scorecard. Rajjpuut believes somebody is getting hoisted with their own petard and goosed by their own gander . . . .

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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To Be An American

Dear Friend,

I've said this many times but this is more succinct, I thought you'd enjoy. It echoes my message. We will continue to remain strong, because without Americans the world would be in darkness. We have leaders worldwide that have taken an interest in our movement. Below is the message that I sent to one such leader:
"As I've stated before being an American is not a land that we call the United States. It is the idea that we are no longer ruled except by God. No nation, state nor form of government can take away our God given rights. Below is a Dentist from Australia that understands what being an American is all about. Each nation of the world is a our family. We ask they stand with us to Restore our World. We must stand against any form of tyranny were people stand together not to impose their will, but to grasp the concept that God is our deliverer."
Take Care,

Subject: An American:


Written by an Australian Dentist

To Kill an American
You probably missed this in the rush of news, but there was actually a report that someone in Pakistan had published in a newspaper, an offer of a reward to anyone who killed an American, any American.

So an Australian dentist wrote an editorial the following day to let everyone know what an American is . So they would know when they found one. (Good one, mate!!!!)

'An American is English, or French, or Italian, Irish, German, Spanish , Polish, Russian or Greek. An American may also be Canadian, Mexican, African, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Australian, Iranian, Asian, or Arab, or Pakistani or Afghan.

An American may also be a Comanche, Cherokee, Osage, Blackfoot, Navaho, Apache, Seminole or one of the many other tribes known as native Americans.

An American is Christian , or he could be Jewish, or Buddhist, or Muslim. In fact, there are more Muslims in America than in Afghanistan . The only difference is that in America they are free to worship as each of them chooses.

An American is also free to believe in no religion.. For that he will answer only to God, not to the government, or to armed thugs claiming to speak for the government and for God.

An American lives in the most prosperous land in the history of the world.

The root of that prosperity can be found in the Declaration of Independence , which recognizes the God given right of each person to the pursuit of happiness.

An American is generous.. Americans have helped out just about every other nation in the world in their time of need, never asking a thing in return.

When Afghanistan was over-run by the Soviet army 20 years ago, Americans came with arms and supplies to enable the people to win back their country!

As of the morning of September 11, Americans had given more than any other nation to the poor in Afghanistan .

The national symbol of America , The Statue of Liberty , welcomes your tired and your poor, the wretched refuse of your teeming shores, the homeless, tempest tossed. These in fact are the people who built America

Some of them were work ing in the Twin Towers the morning of September 11 , 2001 earning a better life for their families.. It's been told that the World Trade Center victims were from at least 30 different countries, cultures, and first languages, including those that aided and abetted the terrorists.

So you can try to kill an American if you must. Hitler did. So did General Tojo , and Stalin , and Mao Tse-Tung, and other blood-thirsty tyrants in the world.. But, in doing so you would just be killing yourself . Because Americans are not a particular people from a particular place. They are the embodiment of the human spirit of freedom. Everyone who holds to that spirit, everywhere, is an American.

Please keep this going!
Pass this around the World .
Then pass it around again. It says it all, for all of us.
Please do not just delete.
Pass it on first.

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Marxism in America

Five days before his inauguration, Barack Obama confidently said that in five days he was going to begin transforming America. He has lived up to his promise. A year-and-a-half into his presidency, the economy remains unrecovered, unemployment the highest since the Great Depression, and deficit spending out of control.

President Obama, a former community organizer in South Chicago, brought with him his entourage of birds of a feather SDSer advisors (hippie revolutionaries of the 60s and 70s). Obama’s closest advisors are admirers of Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela and Mao, the former dictator of China. Their current number one aim is to take away freedom of press. They have two bones of contention, Fox News and Rush Limbaugh. It is not fair, say Obama and his SDSers, that Fox News and Limbaugh be allowed to present only a negative view of Obama. Expect a lawsuit and Fox and Limbaugh fined out of existence.

Two-thirds of the nation is against the building of a mosque next door to the hole in the ground that was the World Trade Center. Obama gives the building of the mosque his blessings, refusing to comment on the wisdom of his decision. Obama refuses to adequately protect America’s southern border. The State of Arizona is forced to do Obama’s job in an effort to protect the citizens of Arizona. Obama filed a lawsuit and succeeded in blocking Arizona from protecting her citizens. Two-thirds of the nation is against Obama on this move. The Bush tax cuts expire at the end of the year. After stating that he was not going to raise taxes, Obama insists on doing away with the Bush tax cuts. Less than two months before the midterm elections and Obama shows a blatant disregard for the American people’s desires. What does he know that we don’t know?

Everyone agrees a Republican wave is building that is going to wipe out Democratic control of Congress. Obama, in his own words, pushing “collective salvation.” he claims the Constitution gives the American people “negative liberties,” he is going to rewrite the Constitution, has any president acted like Obama? There is no such thing as “collective salvation.” Is there any doubt that Obama has a Marxist agenda?

Astonishingly, Obama appears to have no doubt that with or without Congress he is going to pull off his transformation. First crack out of the box Obama forced down our throats a $780 billion stimulus package, already written by his SDS friends. It was rushed through without being read. Then came the trillion dollar Obamacare, followed by a 2,400 page gobbledygook financial bill that gives Obama complete control of every business in the United State. If he doesn’t see a business good for America, he had the right to shut it down. Cap and trade is still on Obama’s front burner. He admits it is going cost every American family a bundle. With the vast majority of the American people strongly opposed to Obama’s acts, he continues unabated. Obama and his Marxist pals plan to bankrupt America and start from scratch to build their utopian world. So far they’ve done an excellent job. What’s to stop them?

Even though his pole number is in the low 40s, a large number of Americans, after years of government coddling (strictly for the purpose of taking control of the individual) have the attitude that after me you come first. Many have a dog in the manger attitude. Even knowing the way to avoid bankruptcy is going to mean Social Security, Medicare, and other government entitlements are going to have to be phased out or drastically cut, those on the receiving end are not going to take kindly to it. It doesn’t take much imagination to know that a Republican Congress is not going to stop Obama. Unless the American people wake up to the fact that we are all going to have to face extreme hardships (I don’t see any sign of it) Obama is going to bankrupt America and make us slaves. It appears to me the odds are against us. What say you?

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A) Based upon a 1966 article by two neo-Marxist professors (Richard Cloward and Frances Piven of NYC’s Columbia University) advocating a (GNI) or guaranteed national income as the solution to poverty in America . . . Cloward, Piven and George Wiley created the (NWRO) National Welfare Rights Organization in 1967 to test out Cloward-Piven strategy. In two years they used browbeating and street tactics to add 6.5 million people onto the welfare rolls. By 1975 they’d added 8.2 million and bankrupted New York City and nearly bankrupted the whole state of New York. The trio did not get GNI, but bragged about their great achievement and Cloward and Piven told their followers to use their strategy to attack housing and voter registration.

B) Shortly after progressive Jimmy Carter’s democrats created the (CRA ’77) Community Reinvestment Act in 1977 to force mortgage companies to make bad home loans to clients who could not be reasonably expected to ever repay their loans, Wiley’s lieutenant Wade Rathke (later founder of the SEIU union whose present leader Andrew Stern has visited the White House more than any other individual) already working on NWRO in Arkansas for Wiley was told to create another community organization there.

C) Rathke created ACORN (initially the “A” in ACORN stood for “Arkansas” only later would it come to mean “Association) that same year. They (ACORN) were somewhat ineffective at first in the housing arena but they did help elect William Clinton to the governorship in 1978 and keep him their for 12 of the next 14 years. In the next 21 years CRA ’77 would be expanded four times (three times by Clinton) and benefit greatly from “mortgage-guarantee regulatory review” ordered by Clinton in 1993, his first year in office. That same year Clinton oversaw the passing of the Motor Voter Act which gave ACORN a twelve-lane highway to voter registration fraud. In the official MVA picture of the signing ceremony, Richard Cloward and Frances Piven stand almost directly behind Clinton as he wields his pen.D) Clinton oversees two CRA expansions in 1995 and the steroid-version expansion of mortgage-guarantee legislation in 1998. As a result: highly risky loans (those written with under 10% down payment) increased dramatically and utterly insane loans (with less than 3% down payment required shot through the roof. Here’s the timeline:

1966 Cloward-Piven strategy is published

1967 NWRO is created with Wiley at its head

1975 NYC goes bankrupt and is bailed out by the federal government. Cloward, Piven and Wiley brag about their great deed and C-P followers are advised that the next emphasis areas must be voter registration and housing

1975 less than 0.24% of all home loans @ less than 3% down 1/404

1977 Jimmy Carter is inaugurated. CRA ’77 is passed. Rathke creates ACORN in Arkansas.

1978-1992 ACORN supports Bill Clinton, keeps him in office for 12 of the next 14 years until he becomes the first ACORN president in 1992. Over the years ACORN voter drives “register” tens of thousands of voters in Arkansas, only trouble? They never deliver a single “preferred party-Republican” registration form to voting authorities.

1985 just above 0.50% of all home loans @ less than 3%

down 1/198

1992-1995 CRA ’77 is expanded three times by congress

1993 Bill Clinton’s regulatory review of CRA ’77 puts ACORN on overdrive now they’ve truly got the law and the president on their side

1994 ACORN lawyer Barack Obama begins work brow-beating and shaking down home lenders so they’ll grant stupid loans

1995 roughly 14% of all loans are ill-advised @ less than 3% down

1998 Clinton passes the steroid version of CRA ‘77

2002 ACORN perfects their ploys and discovers that for little more trouble than getting a $120,000 loan they can put a destitute person in a $400,000 home.

2003 Investment advisor James Stack of’s website starts running a chart on the “Housing Industry Bubble” in November, ’03 which he’ll continue running until about April 2008. Stack claims that not only are home prices in a bubble (risky high level) but the housing industry itself, construction and mortgages particularly have risen to 1400% of their 1996 values. On top of this, Stack pinpoints a coming “sub-prime lending crisis” based upon poor people who can’t afford their mortgages being put into very expensive homes.

2005 34% of all home loans are presumably bad business decisions @ less than 3% down; many of them 0% loans granted after ACORN shake-downs to clients without I.D.; without jobs; with horrific credit ratings; with only food stamps to list as "income"; without even a rental history; all sorts of welfare recipients; illegal aliens; and others who have no business with a mortgage loan.

2005 The Bush administration has seen enough, in January, 2005 they offer a bill to erradicate the sub-prime lending crisis and undo much of the CRA expansion, particularly with regard to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae and to Clinton’s ’98 steroid-version. The bill is soundly defeated.

2007 Finally, in July, 2007, enough conservative and moderate Democrats have understood the crisis and a watered down version of the original January, 2005 Bush initiative is passed . The bill proves to be far too little, far too late and the country falls into financial chaos . . . but the new law does enough that three weeks ago Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner praised Bush for saving the country from truly serious problems.

Today, when he and his administration and other progressives are not at work playing the “racism card,” Barack Obama delights in saying that Conservatives created the present mess and blaming everything that happened on the Bush administration that preceded him. The truth is sinister but must be acknowledged. The progressive-wing of the Democratic** Party has deliberately undermined the economy and Constitution of this country and must be made accountable. Who best to do the accounting and to banish the progressive-wing from their midst for eternity? The real Dems must do the deed.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


** A strong and honorable Democratic Party supporting the Constitution is needed.

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Faith in our Fathers

The NYC flap over a mosque near ground zero, which marks the death of 2,000 innocent men, women, and children Muslims killed upon orders from Allah, the issue is further complicated by the reactionary Reverend Terry Jones’ threat to burn the Quran. Thousands of Afghans staged a protest. We are due to see much more of this. Feisal Abul Rauf, who insists on building a headquarters for Islamic activities at ground zero, refuses to discuss his source of finances, and little wonder. His financier is known to be connected with Hamas, a Muslim terrorist organization. This is faith in our fathers at its worst. We’re being intimidated by living-in-the past Muslims bent on taking control of the world by the harshest of means. Rauf, by the way, is all for it. President Obama, who is supporting Rauf, who says he is transforming America, should be investigated. Rauf is being paid by American taxpayers to spread his rot in the Mid East, while Obama pushes “collective salvation.” Collective salvation is the radical leftist stand of Reverend Wright, Obama’s former pastor for 20 years. Rev. Wright “God damned” America. This Muslim move in the U.S., backed by Obama, is a deadly threat to American liberties.

My father told me I asked too many questions. He also pulled the Adam-disobeyed-God routine on me. My father put me on a guilt trip that took years to overcome. The point is that I did overcome, and my life turned better. I say that Obama should be investigated for treasonous activities.

Our ancient fathers wrote the Bible and the Quran. They gave us an Almighty in far-away Heaven, an Almighty we don’t question. This Almighty, we’re told in the Bible, forbid the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, from partaking of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. In this tree lived a serpent that tempted Eve, with the promise that if she ate the fruit she would know good and evil. The object lesson: Do not question authority. (Do not question Obama.) By eating the forbidden fruit and knowing good and evil, the punishment was being kicked out of the Almighty’s Garden, being forced to plow the earth for an existence. And not only that, everyone born after that would be born with Adam’s and Eve’s sin. This is written by men in authority. I question that it comes from God.

Salvation, we are informed, comes from confessing our sins and receiving the Almighty’s grace. Otherwise, we are condemned to eternal suffering. Nice work if you can get it. Our fathers have different opinions. Why should we have faith in our fathers? This perfectly good question is either ignored or sidestepped. Did God make a mistake when he created man or did man make a mistake when he created God? This was philosopher Nietzsche’s question, who gets credit for the “God is dead” idea. Let us discuss this idea of God being dead. Do we really need a God who orders Muslims to kill infidels? I want to question Rauf, who supports Sharif law, which goes for torture and murder. I don’t want a center for Sharif law next door to the place where Sharif law killed 2,000 Americans. What a victory that would be for terrorists.

Speaking for myself, when I concluded that faith in our fathers was not the way to go, but to go on Nietzsche’s idea that we are self-determining and responsible for our own well-being, my life turned better. Not only that, my faith that Jesus is my personal redeemer, apart from the artificial, apart from being told, became real. After I hit rock-bottom and went on my own, I had convincing personal experiences.

My faith is not in an external Almighty in a place called Heaven. That place was inaccessible. I had to take for granted that the Almighty knows best. We see now that that idea is deadly. Would man be ordered by God to horribly persecute and kill his own creation? It was misguided men who brought down the World Trade Center. It was Sharif law. It is misguided men bent on taking over the world, which happens to be with Obama’s support, who want to build a mosque near hallowed ground. This has nothing at all to do with freedom of religion. It’s asking for the death and destruction of America’s liberties. It is appalling how many Americans fall for this. It is horrifying to witness. We are in a war that could spell the end of America and freedom, and our President on the wrong side. So much for Obama, collective salvation, Muslim Sharif law—hello the kiss of death for the free world.

The cutting edge of science spends its time taking apart matter in order to know how it all comes together. It has been discovered that subatomic particles communicate, and once connected communicate even if separated and on opposite sides of the universe, and instantaneously, proving that beyond the space-time universe there is a not yet completed universe, a state of infinite possibility.

A thought doesn’t have figure and form. Thoughts originate in our minds. Our minds are in a state, not a place. Our minds, the same as our souls, Webster’s: our immaterial essence, our animating principal, or actuating cause of life. I asked a geneticist from whence the genetic code. His answer: “We don’t get into that.” There you have the answer: faith in our fathers has zero credibility. It’s hazardous to our continued existence.

Basic to human life is mind. We are made, according to the Bible, in the image of God—co-equals in the foundry of creation. Man’s increasing purpose over the ages has been through observing and questioning. Realize that the Almighty in Heaven is dead. It makes utterly no sense in today’s world. We are presently creating a new image of ourselves and God. Now at the threshold of a quantum leap forward, on earth as it is in heaven, welcome to the Age of Aquarius. Learn the wave of the future. I recommend reading The Physics of Consciousness: The Quantum Mind and the Meaning of Life by Evan Harris Walker.

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Has Fidel Thrown Open the Path

for Raul to Discard Communism,

Embark upon Economic Reforms?

Following the publishing of a recent Atlantic magazine article, Spanish-language blogsites went absolutely crazy today. Rajjpuut’s translation and interpretation of a couple of them follows:

Ex-Cuban president Fidel Castro stunned readers of American magazine Atlantic and the whole Hispanic world as well when he admitted in an interview (which he’d apparently plotted for all along), “The Cuban economic model no longer works and never did work.” Speculation on numerous Spanish-language blogsites zeroed in largely on just one probability . . . . that Fidel was leaving the road open for his replacement, his brother Raul, to embark upon economic reform of Cuba and lead it away from communism. Among the most interesting features of the interview was the description of an apparently resurrected Fidel putting his recent brush with death aside and showing a return to some of his past vigor.

Among those most shocked by recent events were exiled Cubans, particularly Cuban entrepreneurs in Miami, greater Florida or elsewhere across the United States. Reading about the Jeff Goldberg interview with Fidel in Havana excited Florida Cubans tremendously, “This is NOT a regrettable attack of senility, Fidel Castro is really calling his regime “un fracaso” (a failure) and . . . he seems to really be talking about deep changes . . . not just superficial ones . . .” said Miami University Communications professor F. Rafael Lima. But Cuban-Americans unlike most of us, while shocked have more understanding of the situation. Most of them have been hoping since 1997 that Raul Castro’s trip to China and his exposure to China’s nascent capitalism would bear some sort of fruit. Of course, state-sponsored capitalism in China is not necessarily a harbinger of capitalism or greater freedom in Cuba, but right about now, most changes, hell, any change is considered a good thing for Cuba and potentially for Cuban-Americans.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Author: Brian D. Hill

Updated: According to Mercurynews the pastor wants to continue to burn Qurans even though this may lead tothe end of the first amendment and may lead us into martial law.

Right now could the burn a Quran day be an set up event to anger other religions to attack the United States, or be used as a excuse for afalse flag terrorist attack, and then be used to instigate martial law?

Right now it seems as though it's a huge possibility especially after a internalFBI memo details that the US Government was prepared for violenceif the Burn a Quran day have went through as planned. This may mean thatthe US Government will be able to execute the executive ordersdetailing that martial law is to be instigated on all Americans, thuswould enact the suspension of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.

Executive Orders associated with FEMA that wouldsuspend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights
These Executive Orders have been on record for nearly 30 years andcould be enacted by the stroke of a Presidential pen:...

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10990 allows the government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways andseaports.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 allows the government to seize and control the communication media.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 allows the government to seize all means of transportation, including personal cars, trucks orvehicles of any kind and total control over all highways,seaports, and waterways.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10999 allows the government to take over all food resources and farms.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001 allows the government to take over all health, education and welfare functions.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002 designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with publicfunds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish newlocations for populations.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005 allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051 specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to putall Executive Orders into effect in times of increasedinternational tensions and economic or financial crisis.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11310 grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in ExecutiveOrders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicialand legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penaland correctional institutions, and to advise and assist thePresident.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11049 assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21operative Executive Orders issued over a fifteen year period.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921 allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control overthe mechanisms of production and distribution, of energysources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in institution in any undefined national emergency. Italso provides that when a state of emergency is declared by thePresident, Congress cannot review the action for six months. TheFederal Emergency Management Agency has broad powers in everyaspect of the nation. General Frank Salzedo, chief of FEMA'sCivil Security Division stated in a 1983 conference that he sawFEMA's role as a "new frontier in the protection of individualand governmental leaders from assassination, and of civil andmilitary installations from sabotage and/or attack, as well asprevention of dissident groups from gaining access to U.S.opinion, or a global audience in times of crisis." FEMA's powerswere consolidated by President Carter to incorporate the...

National Security Act of 1947 allows for thestrategic relocation of industries, services, government and otheressential economic activities, and to rationalize the requirementsfor manpower, resources and production facilities.

1950 Defense Production Act gives thePresident sweeping powers over all aspects of the economy.

Act of August 29, 1916 authorizes theSecretary of the Army, in time of war, to take possession of anytransportation system for transporting troops, material, or anyother purpose related to the emergency.

International Emergency Economic Powers Act enablesthe President to seize the property of a foreign country ornational. These powers were transferred to FEMA in a sweepingconsolidation in 1979.

Right now because of all of the anger and attacks against peaceful Muslims this will be used as an excuse for a violent backlash in theform of another terrorist attack. Also even a Top Clinton officialadmits that only a falseflag terrorist attack in the scale of 9/11 or a Oklahoma Citybombing would save Obama and help reenact the agenda of the worldselite.

So could this Quran burning be an attempt by dirty factions of the Government in order to jump-start a religious war against Christians andMuslims?

Well I have helped brought out along with Alex Jones that Machete is a plot to jump-start a plot for a race war to turn Mexicans againstother races of the earth to instigate violence in America, which willturn into the possibility of civil war and even martial law.

So now race war is not the only thing on the minds of the elite but also a religious war between Muslims, Christians, and Jews.

If the elite succeed with their plan to burn Qurans it will not only lead to violence but will also lead to martial law where people will beforcefully micro-chipped, vaccinated, then forced to wear metalbracelets plus weekly home invasion searches under the guise of stoppingterrorism created by the super-rich Bilderberg elite.

What started all of this was all over the Mosque being built on Ground Zero of 9/11. The people are not against the rights to build amosque but just to build it away from the site of the terrorist attackthe the US Government claims is started by radical Islams even thoughthe buildings were suppose to fall in order to push forth the PatriotAct which would strip away American rights. Right now there are protestsclaiming that they want a right to religion but they actually do havethe right to build a mosque but as long as they build away from the areaof 9/11 because it would hurt 9/11 victims and be a insult to all whoescaped the building collapse. The same junk went on to make it fair forillegal immigrants to cross the border claiming that going againstillegal immigration is a race issue thus starting the whole racial hateand conflict.

Sources include as followers:

Exclusive secret FBI memo: Government bracing for violence over burn Koran day

FEMA Concentration Camps: Locations and Martial Law 'Executive Orders'

Top Clinton Official: Only a Terror attack can save Obama

Confirmed: machete is a race war epic

U.S. Attacks Iran Via CIA-Funded Jundullah Terror Group

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