For his cause, President Obama has “collective salvation,” a far cry from conventional American ideas on salvation, a far cry from the salvation Jesus talked. What do you expect from a man who attended Reverend Wright’s “Christian” church for 20 years. Rev. Wright “God damned” America.
Obama has stated that the U. S. Constitution is flawed and that American liberties are negative. What else but Marxism? Give Obama credit for doing as he promised, transforming America. His advisors are mostly hippie revolutionaries of the 60s and 70s. They hate American values. If they have their way, freedom of the press is not long for this world. They will dictate the news. Their model is Hugo Chevaz, communist dictator of Venezuela. This isn’t me talking. This is their talk. I’ve been listening to them talk on Glenn Beck’s Fox News show.
Obama is a deliberate divider. Of course he would want a mosque near ground zero. Obama and his ilk are for anything that can be done to intimidate and anger the American people. They want their opposition brought down to their knees, or angrily lashing out, in which case they can brutally wheel and deal with them. This is tantamount to their cause, which is to transform America, first by moral, spiritual, and fiscal bankruptcy, then into a banana republic. The bottom line is control.
Actually, capitalism has control for its bottom line, only under capitalism the control is spread out and the law conforms to the Constitution’s original intent. There’s a great difference. Hitler was legal. Anything can be considered legal. But never mind that, under hippie law, the end justifies the means—murder, bomb throwing, whatever it takes. Obama is here to save us from our rotten, greedy, imperialistic selves, we who have caused all the wrongs in the world. Why don’t we know that we don’t deserve inalienable rights? We are so far away from the truth there is no way to convince us other than to take us down. Obama is here for the good of all. We’re to be collectively saved by the intelligence people, hippies, revolutionaries, and such. Glory! Hallelujah! Again, this is not me talking. This is Obama’s own talk. He got his noble ideas in his early dysfunctional life, his education in Harvard by Marxist teachers, and later from his hate mongering preacher, Rev. Wright.
This is not to say that there is not greed under capitalism. The control is spread out. That’s a great difference the U. S. Supreme Court has ignored. The all white Taney Court, from its study of the Constitution, found that a black person had no more rights than a mule or a cow, or any other beast of burden. How could any human be more hateful? How could any intelligent human come to the Taney Court’s conclusion from studying the U. S. Constitution? None of this I mention is intelligence. It is lower animal power—might makes right, the law of the jungle. It’s the form of law being practiced in America, legal but lawless.
To be lawful the government must conform to ethical and moral principles that date back to antiquity. Obama’s pick, Judge Sotomayor, believes a Latino woman makes a better judge than a white male. Her opinion comes from the seat of her pants. Obama’s pick, Elena Kagan, when under questioning in the Senate, while admitting there are other long standing human values and principles, she was not obliged, in her misguided opinion, to consider them. She was only obliged, according to Kagan, to study what the U.S. Constitution says; that is, as interpreted by the Supreme Court. In other words, the law is what Kagan and Sotomayor say it is. Judges like Sotomayor and Kagan, not knowing the law, leave America a self-fulfilling prophecy. One never knows when and where the fickle finger of fate will fall. Why would anyone want to invest in America’s future? Hey sport fans, under Obama’s “collective salvation” agenda, government has a duty to the individual. That reads out to be control of the individual. It excludes individual needs. Most of today’s problems in America arise from FDR’s “New Deal” law, his idea of redistributive justice, and now Obama, the Roosevelt democrat is bankrupting America morally, spiritually, and fiscally. Shades of the past, America’s economy has had it.
I speak from personal experience. In 1973, I wrote the chief law enforcement officer of the United States, at the time Attorney General William B. Saxbe, a letter letting him know that I’d see him in court. Do you find that to be exceptional egotism? My ex-wife wanted me to see a psychiatrist. Saxbe was Nixon’s attorney general. Nixon put me out of business and then attempted to rob me of my property.
In case you didn’t know it, let me advise you that you are allowed to take your government to court if you have a personal stake in the outcome. You don’t need a lawyer. You can go to the county law library and read the procedure. Why don’t you? Let me warn you that you will be called all manner of names if you do decide to take matters in your own hands. The IRS called me a “Fifth Amendment Freak.” It didn’t do them any good. In the end the IRS ate crow. So, who’s nuts?
I made good my promise. I took the Commissioner of Internal Revenue to the Supreme Court. That must have been a shock to the all-powerful, law breaking IRS. The IRS is above the law, for the good of all, you know. The Supreme Court doesn’t listen to taxpayers. Like the high priests in the temple in Jerusalem defrauding the poor of their good money to be priest blessed, they look out for their own. Like the high priests in Rome selling indulgences, they look out for their own. The law is what the high priests on the U. S. Supreme Court say it is, not what the law clearly states, not what the Higher Law says, the law Jesus taught, but “for the good of all” might makes right. Hitler was legal. As mentioned earlier, neither Kagan nor her colleagues know that there are certain precepts of law that never change. Kagan was a law clerk in the Supreme Court. Naturally, she knew that none of those priests on the bench pay any attention to the long-standing principles of law, ethics, or morals. The Supreme Court is nothing more than a super-legislature run by life-appointed egomaniacs, doing their part in bringing America down.
With the above thought in mind, I took my Supreme Court case to The Palm Beach Post and proved that I’m right. Our American Supreme Court is a fraud. The Post printed my tax case in detail on the front page of the local section. Sotomayor and Kagan are both idiots. The Post story pointed out several instances of the IRS violating the IRS code, and ignoring lower court orders. On all of this, the Supreme Court looked the other way. They ignored the facts I gave them. The government admitted to the Supreme Court in its brief that it made mistakes, but that they had been corrected. Our Attorney General forgot mention that the IRS made the same mistakes over and over. Do you want these kinds of folks in control of your life? Our keepers of the law are as trustworthy as rattlesnakes.
The Post, from the court record I left with them, forced the IRS to admit to the world that it had lawlessly, on several occasions, confiscated my property and never corrected their “mistakes.” The IRS is a criminal organization. Same as the Nazi Gestapo, this government has given the IRS legal status.
There was no public reaction at all on the front page story the Post printed. I got my property back with interest. The IRS criminals the Supreme Court protects continued sending me warning letters and went on the attack again, this time against my wife. They threatened to take our home in payment of taxes they claimed my wife owed, which mistake could have been easily discovered. These are the folks who want to redistribute the wealth. We are powerless to stop them. I went to my Congressman. He moved the case to a different office. In short order, the mistake was corrected. But the question remains, what makes the present Supreme Court any less corrupt than the Supreme Court that read in the Constitution that black people, because of the color of their skin, could be owned by white people? The American people allow the criminal IRS to confiscate their property. They allowed slavery. I have legitimate questions no one in government has answered. It is time that we wise up. America is up for grabs.
If asked, what would Sotomayor and Kagan say? They don’t have to say anything. Why? They should be forced to answer this fundamental question of law or be removed from the bench. None of the hard questions we ask those in control of our lives are being answered. Obama speaks in riddles and platitudes.
The American people have been subjected to the greatest fraud of all times. Let the police make the slightest mistake, egged on by those hard working hippies of the 60s and 70s, those bomb throwing freaks bent on taking control of America, they are now behind the rioting by America’s lowlife, those gangs of cut-throats, many from south of the border, who exist by intimidation and brutality, the kind we “racially profile.” Isn’t that nice of Obama to protect them by the filing of a lawsuit to prevent Arizona from dealing with the problem? Anything to help bring America down.
You bet, Obama has pals. I’ve heard him say, with great emotion, that he has worked with people who hate America all his life. With friends like these, who needs enemies? These folks, today’s civil righters, a far, far cry from Martin Luther King’s, claim that Beck and Alveta King, Dr. King’s niece, are hijacking the civil rights movement.
While America slept, America’s hippies, now calling themselves civil righters, including President Obama, have left the American people with a hard row to hoe. I congratulate them for the spellbinders they are. Yes, they have every reason to be proud of their accomplishments. They have managed put themselves in positions of power. They apologize for America, wreck the economy, fail to enforce our border laws, support a Muslim cleric who is financed by the same money that finances Hamas. Obama surrounds himself with hate mongers. If Obama has his way, America will go down the tube. What a wonderful goal! America gone, her wealth scattered to the four winds, and in her place a banana republic.
Hello Tea Party and goodbye Obama. Enjoy your permanent vacation. It has been nice to know you.