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Timing is everything. I say this being a reformed lib, raised in a family of thespians, studying "make believe" with the hopes of following in their footsteps, but eventually becoming a very young mother and raising a child in the 1960's, no less. Liberalism was doomed, as the last leftist I ever voted for was Jimmy Carter -- God help me! But, my upbringing did give me a certain perspective into the mind of far left radicals (which my parents were not), especially in the entertainment field.


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In light of the 16-month Barack Obama “American Apology Tour;” and his continuous slighting of America’s unique place on this planet; and his present efforts to eliminate internet blogger’s freedom of political speech, here’s a word spoken for the other side . . . . Self-appreciation and the ability to laugh at oneself are surely the two greatest survival- and success-secrets of life. Barack Obama does not appreciate this country even one-twentieth as much as any mildly sane man should. That doesn’t bode well for his success as our president . . . but the real kicker is that the man has absolutely no sense of humor about himself. He takes himself 300% seriously . . . in fact, on the subject of BHO, Obama is truly an absolute stuffed shirt.

That is his greatest of numerous egregious weakness and is proving to be his Achilles Heel. Americans can take an awful lot, but once they discover it, they will never trust a man as vainglorious as Barack Obama. And if one of the gifts mentioned above were to be ranked above the other . . . humor would be it . . . and Barack Obama cannot stomach being made a laughingstock.

America will probably survive the presidency of Barack Obama and one reason is that finally the man is being made fun of on late-night TV. While the two links below (and above) have nothing in common with Barack Obama and nothing to do with politics, Rajjpuut offers them to the reader . . . in hopes of making an “Obama-filled world” bearable. Without further ado a “movie” called “Bambi Meets Godzilla” and a comedy skit called “The Great Flydini” are linked for your enjoyment and ultimate sanity.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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The Fightin' Side Of Me

The Fightin' Side Of Me - a song by Merle Haggard... this would be a great song to play to rally the TeaParty troops.


I hear people talkin' bad,
About the way we have to live here in this country,
Harpin' on the wars we fight,
An' gripin' 'bout the way things oughta be.
An' I don't mind 'em switchin' sides,
An' standin' up for things they believe in.
When they're runnin' down my country, man,
They're walkin' on the fightin' side of me.
Yeah, walkin' on the fightin' side of me.
Runnin' down the way of life,
Our fightin' men have fought and died to keep.
If you don't love it, leave it:
Let this song I'm singin' be a warnin'.
If you're runnin' down my country, man,
You're walkin' on the fightin' side of me.

I read about some squirrely guy,
Who claims, he just don't believe in fightin'.
An' I wonder just how long,
The rest of us can count on bein' free.
They love our milk an' honey,
But they preach about some other way of livin'.
When they're runnin' down my country, hoss,
They're walkin' on the fightin' side of me.

Yeah, walkin' on the fightin' side of me.
Runnin' down the way of life,
Our fightin' men have fought and died to keep.
If you don't love it, leave it:
Let this song I'm singin' be a warnin'.
If you're runnin' down my country, man,
You're walkin' on the fightin' side of me.

Yeah, walkin' on the fightin' side of me.
Runnin' down the way of life,
Our fightin' men have fought and died to keep.
If you don't love it, leave it:
Let this song I'm singin' be a warnin'.
If you're runnin' down my country, man,
You're walkin' on the fightin' side of me.

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I had posted awhile back regarding healthcare reform. Someone had asked me to elaborate on my post(ition), but at the time time it was pretty much physicaly impossible to respond. Now I would like to elaborate on my views on how the future of healthcare is a whole new ballgame, but I can't find the related threads to do so...In other words, I don't know where to start...I also have to say that I am grateful to have the Tea Party Forum as a forum with whom to not only speak but to be heard, which is rather hard to find these days. I must point out that this (our Tea) Party also appears to have extremists within it...
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Primary Day, May 18th, was a good day for America. Citizens across the nation gave a loud and clear message that this is America, and we do not believe in government takeover. Call it whatever you want - socialism, communism, marxism, fascism - it reeks of total control, cradle to grave, nanny-state power over every aspect of our lives, and America wants none of it.


Also known as the party of adulthood. Join it.

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Patriotism: Our High-Demand Commitment

Part I: Goals

If you didn’t believe before that the mainstream media acts in lock-step with Obama and his leftists, all doubt can now be erased. Last week while administration spokesmen began en masse adopting the words “insurgent” and “insurgency” to describe the TEA Party phenomenon and its adherents . . . the mass media began routinely talking of “insurgent racists,” “radical insurgents,” etc. Coincidence? Of course, NOT. When an entity like the TEA Party with its calls for fiscal conservativism and Constitutional resurgence is made into "the enemy" then one must surely suspect the motives, values and character of the powers that be.

Something has “fundamentally gone wrong” in America. On the one hand, those who espouse true American values are now vilified constantly by both the mainstream media and by the feckless progressives now controlling our House, Senate and Oval office. On the other hand, TRUTH itself has become a villain (as well as our well-known American virtues) as the present administration takes us on a headlong rush toward the nearest cliff on the edge of totalitarianism. When you take on the patriot’s mantle, these are the facts of life . . . expect lots of 'sticks and stones' coming your way.

If the reader has not already done so or hasn’t done so recently, Rajjpuut recommends watching the movie “Gandhi” by Richard Attenborough. Gandhi's dynamic-duo of non-violence and patriotic confrontation such as he and Martin Luther King, Jr. infused into their movements is an unbeatable combination.

Remembering the mental preparation of those “non-violent” warriors and their commitment to do whatever’s necessary is essential and inspiring.

What is our goal, the goal of patriotic Americans? We wish to “take back America.” One hears that everywhere among TEA Partiers and other fiscal conservatives. What, precisely does that mean? That does NOT mean merely winning an election or two. Rajjpuut suggests that taking back America certainly does mean helping Americans to win more than just the elections in question though those are very important intermediate goals. Ultimate goals are . . .

1) Gradually help eliminating all traces of progressivism** (the leftists need to “progress” well beyond the Constitution toward a socialistic and semi-totalitarian state) and help install a continuing flow of actual statesmen and stateswomen as effective patriotic officials into our Congress and Oval Office. Repealing Obamacare and much of the progressive trash legislation of the past twenty-one years (since Reagan) certainly is vital.

2) Restoring the honored place of the Constitution in our every day lives and in the every day processes of government

3) Eliminating the trends that have brought our government to its present arrogant ineffectuality by simplifying and streamlining federal government so that only the 17 enumerated powers of government in the Constitution are its concerns

4) Via items 1-2-3 above and getting out of the way of our free markets we initiate a renaissance in our economy and begin to solve not only our present crisis ($13 TRillion national debt and 9.8% unemployment) but also to deal with the long-term problems created by progressivism (almost $109 TRillion in Unfunded obligations in Social Security, Medicare, and the federal side of Medicaid).

Rajjpuut suggests that these clear and brief “ends” should be adopted by the TEA Party and spoken about at every possible moment. But remember the ends must always jive with the means. Next time: “Walk the Walk.”

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** The nation has a deep need for sincere liberal voices reminding us that “resting on our laurels” is not always the best action. True liberal voices respecting the Constitution and America’s history and traditions and holding our feet to the fire on the potentials implicit in the Constitution are ultra-important . The best examples coming to Rajjpuut’s mind: Harry S. Truman, John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. Progressivism occurs when so-called progressive-liberals A. confuse “needs” with “rights” and claim all manner of supposed freedoms while taking no responsibility for consequences in the short and long term.

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America The Beautiful
Bad Bad America - Hated by the world
Down goes Haiti, and what great flag unfurls?
Can it be that same great Satan - With food and ships and planes?
Can it be the flag of freedom - Bringing medicine and grains?
...and where are the haters - With all their pomp and gore?
Where are all the pundits - Who say She'll be no more?
Where is the world - That says She's always wrong?
America the Beautiful - To Heaven She belongs
Come fly the flag of freedom! - Come sing us Liberty's song
America the Beautiful - So proud so brave so strong.

Lord knows She is surrounded - With troubles of her own
Lord knows this time she has to, - Face them all alone
But still she reaches out, - To save and give relief
America the Beautiful, - In mercy still believes.

The world will show it's darkness - And throw it's ugly stones
But Her blazing light of freedom – Will surely guide Her home.
Just one question I will leave, For long as man has eyes to see
Oh say does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free - and the home of the brave?
by Neil Brian Goldberg
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Going With the Flow

With my ideas, I was called a rock in the stream. Congratulations, Tea Party! Rand Paul, the Tea Party candidate, won by a landslide. His message to the Tea Party: “We’ve come to take the country back.” Senator Specter, Obama’s pick, lost. It sends the message that we, the people, have had with incumbents in both parties. I’m now going with the flow. Political party doesn’t count for as much as it once did. The Obama-Pelosi-Reed team are sitting at the switch while Tea Party roars down the track.

Obama could not wait to transform America to his ideas of what we should be. We’ve never seen such arrogance in a President. Rand Paul, more in tune with the nation’s current mood, speaks of transformation back to my Constitution. Looking up from the bottom, I detect a flow in the opposite direction from the surface flow. It is picking up speed and force.

The question: Are we, the people, capable of being self-governed, individually blessed, made in the image of God? The doctrines and dogmas I was taught say no. In order to receive God’s grace, I had to confess my sins. I never could believe I was born in sin. I’ve always been with a mind of my own, to some people’s thinking, the “anti-Christ.” You either believe or you are a threat to some people’s thinking. That kind of thinking resulted in the 9-11 event. We’ve got to be reeducated.

I believe that government is my servant. “We’ve come to take the country back.” In my estimation, that means we are individually capable of coping, and we natively want to give others a leg up; we don’t need redistributive justice to replace faith, hope, and charity. Social justice makes us weak and dependent on government.

The ancient priests of Egypt knew something they kept their secret. Mathematics played a major role. The ancients geometrized the universe. It has been determined by measurements of the Great Pyramid that Egyptian priests knew the circumference of Earth and the time it took Earth to circle the sun. Quantum physicists, by taking matter apart and examining it, are discovering what the ancients knew in 2500 B.C. , not directly, but mathematically indirect. Nature has her secrets. It’s called the “uncertainty principle.” But if 1 + 3 and 2 + 2 = 4, then 4 is the obvious answer.

Ever since the dawn of history, there have been secret orders, the elite hiding something from the public for the purpose of power and control. Government entitlements are the elitist way of telling we of less standing that we’re not capable of living our lives without paternalistic government’s help. The elitists, members of a secret order called Free Masons, the offspring of the Knights of the Templar, people giving themselves noble birth, the same who wrote my Constitution, who owned slaves, and as elitists always say, “do as I say, not as I do,” at least I give them credit for writing my Constitution. I was onto members of secret orders, onto America’s ruling class. I never gave them the right to control my life. Said I, on my own, long before the Tea Party: do as my Constitution says, or I take action to see that you do. At the time, the press was calling people like me crazies. Judges were calling people like me “spurious constitutional objectors.” Those judges threw my cause out, but the IRS ate crow on the front page. It is all recorded. Who is crazy? Governments come and go but the law remains.

We’re not generally aware that we are entering the Age of Aquarius; moving away from the Age of Pisces, whose symbol is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions. This symbol matches the current division in America. Coincidentally, Astrologer’s Handbook, in describing the Piscean nature, “Pisces is a sensitive sign and those born under it are extremely responsive to the thoughts and feeling of others. They unconsciously absorb the ideas and mental outlook of those around them. They desperately want to do the right thing, but as a rule they do not have strong willpower. Therefore, they are influenced by external factors.” Biologist Julian Huxley, in his essay, The Future of Man: “Man’s exploration and control of external nature has outdone his exploration and control of his own nature.”

The future of man, according to astrologer Jeanne Avery in The Rising Sign, under “Aquarius Rising,” the ruler of which is Uranus, “the person with Aquarius on the rise can be very avant-garde.” Coincidentally, I was born with the planet Uranus my ruler. The United States was born with Uranus its ruler. Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, whose symbol is the water-bearer, we are entering the Age of Aquarius, leaving the Age of Pisces. It is remarkable how the factors link.

Brain doctor and quantum physicist Evan Harris Walker, in The Physics of Consciousness, says the Pythagorean theorem in lab experiments is a graphical way of showing how photons behave, “how it is possible for nature to follow the laws of physics.” Pythagoras studied under Egyptian priests and took an oath of secrecy. Now quantum physics, by examining the world of the very small, is opening the door to long kept secrets. In his Chapter 18, “A God for Tomorrow,” Walker says: “Mankind has traveled a long way in the search to understand reality. . . Beginning with the myths and superstitions of antiquity, we have followed a path of discovery into the modern age of scientific understanding, and we have helped to open the door to new realms of science. . . We still hunger to find some god we can know.”

Social justice is external. For the good of all is individually demeaning. By looking externally, we never will find a god we can all know. We will always find division, for we are God-selves, each with a different purpose, each with his own path of destiny.

We sense that something big is about to happen, fearing the worst, fearing that our end may be near. When I thought I was at the end of the road, I found that I was at the beginning of the road to happiness and contentment. Astrologer’s Handbook, under “Aquarius:” “Individuals born under the sign of brotherhood and fraternity have as their symbol the water-bearer, who spills out to mankind the life-force and spiritual energy.”

In the month and year that Obama was elected, Saturn, the learning planet, went into its worst alignment with Pluto, the generational planet, and will remain in that unfavorable alignment during his whole term of office. Coincidentally, when I was born, Saturn was in its most favorable alignment with Pluto, called a trine. Astrologer’s Handbook, under “Saturn Trine Pluto:” “This trine gives the natives the ability to understand the law by which subtle forces are organized.”

Can all the coincidences I’ve mentioned be coincidence, or do they have meaning? When I was at my lowest point, an astrologer created my astrological chart. It didn’t fit. We have a choice. I chose to reinvent myself. Now my astrological chart fits.

We all know we are at a crucial point in history. A drastic change is about to happen. When I decided to change my life, at first I went through an extremely painful time. Expect much pain at first in the coming change. Those who endure the pain and push on, I can tell you from personal experience, will get their country back. America will once again be prosperous and a beacon of hope for the world.

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Our esteemed State Senate President, Therese Murray had a bright ideaabout a month ago. She thought it’d be a swell idea to get some localhospitals to kick in some money that could then go to businessesstruggling to keep up with the constantly expanding health careexpense. Let’s rephrase that: “Hi, you’re successful. Can I have abunch of your money to give to some other people? You won’t really getanything out of it but I’m gonna look like a hero when I give them yourmoney!”

More . . .
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Here is the story of two families: “Joe Legal” and “Jose Illegal”. Both families have two parents, two children, and live in California.

Joe Legal works in construction has a Social Security Number and makes $25.00 per hour with taxes deducted.... Keep Reading.....

Jose Illegal also works in construction, has NO Social Security Number, and gets paid $15.00 cash “under the table”.

Ready? Now pay attention....

Joe Legal: $25.00 per hour x 40 hours = $1000.00 per week, or $52,000.00 per year. Now take 30% away for state and federal tax; Joe Legal now has $31,231.00.

Jose Illegal: $15.00 per hour x 40 hours = $600.00 per week, or $31,200.00 per year. Jose Illegal pays no taxes. Jose Illegal now has $31,200.00.

Joe Legal pays medical and dental insurance with limited coverage for his family at $600.00 per month, or $7,200.00 per year. Joe Legal now Has $24,031.00.

Jose Illegal has full medical and dental coverage through the state and local clinics at a cost of $0.00 per year. Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00.

Joe Legal makes too much money and is not eligible for food stamps or Welfare. Joe Legal pays $500.00 per month for food, or $6,000.00 per Year. Joe Legal now has $18,031.00.

Jose Illegal has no documented income and is eligible for food stamps and welfare. Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00.

Joe Legal pays rent of $1,200.00 per month, or $14,400.00 per year. Joe Legal now has $9,631.00.

Jose Illegal receives a $500.00 per month federal rent subsidy. Jose Illegal pays out that $500.00 per month, or $6,000.00 per year. Jose Illegal still has $ 31,200.00.

Joe Legal pays $200.00 per month, or $2,400.00 for insurance. Joe Legal now has $7,231.00.

Jose Illegal says, “We don’t need no stinkin’ insurance!” and still has $31,200.00.

Joe Legal has to make his $7,231.00 stretch to pay utilities, gasoline, Etc.

Jose Illegal has to make his $31,200.00 stretch to pay utilities, gasoline, and what he sends back home, ‘out of the country’ every month.

Joe Legal now works overtime on Saturdays or gets a part time job after work.

Jose Illegal has nights and weekends off to enjoy with his family.

Joe Legal’s and Jose Illegal’s children both attend the same school.

Joe Legal pays for his children’s lunches while Jose Illegal’s children get a government sponsored lunch. Jose Illegal’s children have an after School ESL program. Joe Legal’s children go home.

Joe Legal and Jose Illegal both enjoy the same police and fire services, but Joe paid for them and Jose did not pay.

Jose with his free tax payer entitlements makes $65,000.00 a year by gaming the system! Do you get it, now?

If you vote for or endorse any politician that supports illegal aliens, then YOU are part of the problem!

It’s time to take a stand for America and Americans! What are you waiting for?

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Imagine this nightmare: you, is that you? Well a corpse resembling you is lying in a pool of its own blackened blood. Sixty-seven gaping wounds bear mute testimony to the evil that has just happened. Close friends fearing for their very lives have wisely stayed away, but acquaintances and the curious have come from all over to witness the undeniable evidence of a horror they can’t bring themselves to believe has just occurred and to satisfy themselves, “yes, yes, it’s true.”

A man speaks over the corpse telling the nation and the world that the deceased, like Julius Caesar, who met a similar fate on March 15th 2054 years ago, that the dearly departed was “ambitious” and to save the planet, had to die. It was a horrible thing to have to do, but it had to be done. It HAD to be done. He did it for them. Not only for them, but for every soul on EARTH! They have all been saved.

The words and the delivery are eloquent, soothing, HELPFUL. Soon the fear and anger that was in people’s faces disappear, they nod their heads in unison with his, he did it for us. He did it for us. We are saved. He did it for us.

That’s the plan. And it all makes perfect sense, of course.

Barack Obama, the orator over the murdered corpse, has put all his chips on the table. He is betting you and everyone else are way too stupid and too utterly unwilling to leave the comfort of your sit-com to even contemplate the truth that he’s got planned for all of us. Coming to a theater of the absurd near you, the end of the American way of life . . . the end of civilization as you know it. Tragically, it’s NOT a Hollywood production. “Mainstream Media Productions" under the benighted direction of our own congress and president are right now bringing that movie to life, your real life . . . you don’t want to learn about that now, do you? “It’s just too troubling, I don’t want to hear it,” you say, grabbing the remote and turning to “reality” TV and a bowl of potato chips to escape these words and Obama’s truth spoken over that now unloved bloody corpse . . . well, run away, run away.

It can not be said more earnestly or more accurately than this -- the U.S. Senate is now poised to plunge the dagger of environmental extremism into capitalism’s heart. And you are not alone . . . no one wants to hear it, Rajjpuut really doesn’t even want to say it. This is evil on a scale almost impossible to imagine and Americans including the progressive Democrats bewitched by the brew cooked up by Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Barack Obama are themselves refusing to actually understand what they are on the verge of doing. The nightmare is so gruesome and troubling they had to change its name from “Cap and Trade” to “America’s Power Act” to sell it to themselves. How can America be forced to stare into the beast’s soul so that they immediately shake themselves awake and end the nightmare? Barack Obama is betting it can’t be done . . . that you are unwilling to do it.

The script for our little horror movie was written by a man named Maurice Strong, a Canadian multimillionaire who’s spent much of his life wrapped up in environmental causes and working for the United Nations. He is the man who chaired the first “Real Earth Summit” and believes firmly in the lies he has been propagating for two dozen years. The script is brief, here in his own words:

“What if a small group of . . . world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? In order to save the planet, the group decides: ‘Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring this about?’”

Unspoken is the fact that the neighboring United States is the chief offender. His own Canada is no small offender either, but the United States is the #1 boogie man. The chief risk to the planet’s survival according to Maurice Strong, Al Gore, Barack Obama and their cronies is the United States of America as we know it followed by all the industrialized nations. Your dreams and ambitions are the problem and your civilization must be killed. You now know “What? and “Why?” and “Where?” the “Who?” is American Civilization and “When?” is during the upcoming senate voting on “America’s Power Act.” There’s only one question left, “How?”


At the risk of spoiling the “movie” for you let’s show a scene from near the ending, in the link above. The thirty-eight year old lie called “global warming” has been shown to be an absolute hoax. “Who says so?” The ultra-liberal London Times says so. They’re talking about the scandal that took place a stone’s throw from them at the East Anglia University “Climate Research Unit” where for over fifteen years facts have been deliberately fudged; science has been corrupted to produce a desired conclusion (the earth is warming dramatically); dissenting voices have been ridiculed and purged; the United Nations has been influenced; Al Gore has been made a hero; and you have been lied to. The London Times is so liberal that they had been running well in the vanguard for global warming for over a decade and a half. It took them twelve days after the story broke with the thousands of leaked e-mails for the London Times to research it and then eating crow to publish the story above and half a dozen other stories in a brief span. The Times was the last major European paper to publish the story. In the United States the story was broken about ten days before the London Times article above by

which is our well-known Time magazine’s online version. Good, good we’re on the ball . . . or are we?

The story immediately became the number one most popular story that Time ran that day and then became the top story on the internet after about fourteen hours. Rajjpuut, thinking there was, after all, hope for America "with this nonsense behind us" read the article carefully three times. And blogged and spread the word. It was an amazing time . . . .

And then a strange thing happened. Before its fifteenth hour online, Time’s top executives killed the story. They not only removed the story from their headline grouping . . . they made the story disappear altogether. It never happened. If interested people had not copied screen shots, even Time’s pulling of the story would NOT have been documented . . . like some unimaginable dream scenario from the book “1984” history was being changed, UNWRITTEN right before our eyes. In the five months since that removal of that headline story, not one major American mainstream media has run the story. Not ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, PBS, CNN or the big three’s cable news’ stations -- none of them have run the story. If you want to find information about the Climate-Gate global warming hoax, the story involved, you have to resort to the internet, European sources or Fox News. While Europe is dealing comfortably with the fact that global warming is a hoax, the United States has been deliberately left in the dark. That “chopping of scenes” and leaving them NOT on the cutting-room floor but immediately burning them up at 20,000 degrees by the mainstream media in America is a key part of the “How?” involved in Maurice Strong’s production. Unlike the London Times, the American media will not eat crow and run the truth about Climate-Gate. They will not even use the time necessary to investigate the story. They have jumped in bed with Barack Obama and Al Gore and refuse to run anything about them or their “causes” that will discredit them. Those fourteen first hour when Time online broke the story for Americans was an amazing time . . . for Rajjpuut it answered the question what happens if a tree falls in a forest, but no one is allowed to hear it, is there a sound made? But no roasting for the mainstream media, theirs is an easy lot. More important is the question, how did this sad state of affairs all come about?

Pre-production preparations have been going on for more than forty-three years. The chief plot motivator in Maurice’s eyes and in the minds of tens of thousands of like-minded environmental enthusiasts was the “FACT” that there were way too many people on earth taxing the planet’s resources mightily. This was a fact, NOT an opinion and anybody who differed was an idiot and deserving of scorn and ridicule. Anybody could see that and buy into it, right? That was the truth going around in the late 60’s when the counter-culture not only took anti-Viet Nam War ideas to heart but also environmentalism, even if they didn’t understand science and scientific methods very well.

The opening scene was publication of an innocent-looking little book several years earlier called “Silent Spring.” No actual science was done during the writing of the book by Ms. Carlson. Not one of the numerous hypotheses in the book stated as incontrovertible FACT . . . NOT ONE was anything close to true. Agains specious opinion was treated as FACT. There is not one documented human death from DDT; no evidence that birds’ eggshells actual DID or DO get thinner and more fragile; no evidence of harm to any life but that of the mosquito. No evidence of cancer or genetic mutation in mammals, reptiles, amphibians or fish. No problems at all, except for mosquitoes . . . or for those Africans and other tropical-dwellers who deliberately applied it directly to their own skins and to the inside and outsides of their homes: the lice and fleas that died as well as the mosquitoes.

No matter, the United Nations and the world bought the big lie hook, line and sinker. In a very brief time the strongest and least harmful pesticide the world has ever known, DDT, was banned. Since then roughly sixty million people have died unnecessarily because of malaria and other mosquito-borne diseases. Let's look at just one disease, malaria, where worldwide-deaths were cut to a bit more than 40,000 in 1970 . . . today almost two million die from malaria every year. Besides those deaths an estimated 25 million people suffer from the unending “third-day” sweats and agony associated with malaria. Of course, yellow fever and a host of other diseases each brings their own nightmares. Nevertheless, the radical green element and many just plain common folk never ever being made aware of those deaths or of the truth, were absolutely thrilled by DDT’s banning.

Once it was proved that great amounts of people would buy into pseudo-science and that even greater amounts of people just couldn’t be bothered the film preparations began in earnest. John Holdren (Obama’s “Science Czar”) and numerous like-minded folk, a few of them scientists, postulated a coming threat of massive proportions: an onrushing new ICE AGE brought about by man’s tinkering with the planet’s ecosystem. Time magazine actually ran the story on the front cover of its magazine. Ooops, about six years later we were informed, no-no, actually something else (greenhouse gasses) was the bigger problem and, indeed a huge, problem that would eventually sear the planet into lifelessness.

It was about this time that Maurice Strong and his multi-millions came on the scene as producer for the nightmare. He immediately could see that he needed a strong cameraman and charismatic director. Within a dozen years the latter, Al Gore, and within a half-dozen later the former, Barack Obama, came upon the scene to help him. Of course, the people at work on the production need to all be amply rewarded. To ensure that happening they created CCX, the Chicago Climate eXchange which has been in place for nine years now and which will only spring into action and become profitable when America’s Power Act becomes law. When that happens, within one year after the new law goes into effect all the people involved will become hundred-millionaires or billionaires but not from the grateful planet they’ve saved, but rather from their commissions (via something called CCX co-incidentally) on outright theft.

Richard Sandor, the cameraman, boldly stated on videotape that the climate-exchange business is worth $10 TRillion annually. Since the climate-exchange business is taking nothing (literally “blue sky”) and selling it as something . . . and the entire U.S. REAL ECONOMY produces about $15 TRillion annually in real goods and services we will have an economy of $25 TRillion overnight. How, you ask is that possible? Even discounting inflation, the price of everything in the economy will rise 67% (think of it his way, A. new economy = $25 TRillion. New economy is made up of $15 TRillion real economy and $10 TRillion bull sh_t economy. The BS economy can only come from price increases $10 TR/$15 TR = 67% . . . Barack Obama has said and been videotaped saying it, “implementing my policies necessitate that energy prices rise dramatically” that may be the one truth he’s spoken in the last three years). And you’ll remember, of course, that man-caused global warming is a lie, nothing but a lie, and has been a lie ever since it was first introduced. Yep, just like coughing when you smoked your first cigarette . . . your first impressions were correct: carbon dioxide isn’t that what the plants need, isn’t that how they produce oxygen? No, children, where’d you hear that nonsense, carbon dioxide is dangerous. And that’s how the American economy is destroyed how the enrichment of Obama, Gore, Marurice Strong and Richard Sandor is made into a horror movie of epic proportions.,__gore_and_cronies_might_make_trillions.thtml

So that’s the nightmare and you and our way of life are the star and the victim. Good luck with cap and trade, er’ “America’s Power Act.”

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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The Beast

Nancy Pelosi, queen of the carnival, Pelosi’sdefinition of entrepreneur: Quit your job, government will pay for your health care. I’m not laughing.

Aristotle said, “To invest the law then with authority is, it seems, to invest God and reason only; to invest a man (or Pelosi) is to introduce a beast, as desire is something bestial, and even the best of men in authority are liable to corrupted by passion.

The name Gargantua (and Pelosi), associated with an enormous gorilla, came from Garguntua and Pantagruel, a series of five novels written by Francois Rabelias in the 16th century. It’s the story of two giants, the father Gargantua, and his son, Pantagruel. It’s a satire, including much cruelty, vulgar insults, violence, and humor, with “a certain gaiety of mind pickled in the scorn of fortuitous things,” I’m informed. Sound familiar? “Put your prejudice aside,” says the author in his introduction. “All you’ll find is laughter. . .Seeing how sorrow eats you, defeats you, I’d rather write about laughing than crying. For laughter makes men human and courageous.” Right! Is it any wonder that Gargantua is the name given to an enormous beast?

Rabelias and Aristotle were prophets. Twenty-first century America, on the one hand, laughing—life is a carnival—on the other hand, crying—life is grotesque realism—the individual part of the socioeconomic and political organization crowd in vogue, it’s carnival time, folks, a mask on the face of grotesque reality.

There is nothing new about eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow you die, or laugh and the world laughs with you; cry and you cry alone. So what do we get? Gargantua. The time is approaching when the mask comes off.

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Auntie Em

This is what we need another Obama in this country illegally. Oh wait! Auntie is now granted asylum, but not for the insane! A U.S. immigration court has granted asylum to President Barack Obama's African aunt, allowing her to stay in the country and setting her on the road to citizenship after years of legal wrangling. They should of shipped her buns back 10 years ago. Living off the US taxpayers in government housing, again a fine example of a failed immigration policy. In Cleveland today, Wong, her attorney, says Onyango is ecstatic about the decision. A spokesman for the White House says the president had no involvement in the case at any point in the process. Not now, but, I'll bet the judge in this case will be up for the Supreme Court next time! So now she'll go from a American-African to a African-American sucking us taxspayers dry!
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Just unreal. No one to chose from.

I do not know what is worse in this article!

The fact that the Texas Governor is blowing through so much to rent a house. Not even building equity or trying to with tax dollars!

Or the statement by Bill White that he would be willing to pay himself tax payer dollars to live in his own house.

I have a novel idea why not use your salary to pay for a residence or a portion of it like any normal American does? I am sure everyone including the security detail can come to a reasonable compromise on a suitable location.

So that leaves us with nobody as of now to vote for.

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According to the Jerusalem Post website article linked above, Rahm Emanuel is eating crow for the Obama Administration. In the wake of Obama’s nomination of Elena Kagan (a Jew) to serve as a justice on the United States Supreme Court, Emanuel (also Jewish) attempted a song-and-dance for proponents of Israel including a group of Rabbis called together for a meeting at the White House. Obama, of course, did NOT attend the meeting but sent David Ross to allay the rabbi’s fears. Ross who is not religious (his mother was Jewish, father Catholic) showed more guts at the meeting in calling for Israel to abandon its nukes, if they actually have them as the U.S. is convinced) as part of a 'Nuke-free Middle East' than Obama did in feigning pressure on Iran’s nuclear development. The headline for the JP article read “Emanuel to rabbis: US 'screwed up' “ which told about 1/10 the story in Rajjpuut’s line of thinking.
This has been an important mainstream story for fourteen months now, nay, has been a mainstream story since at least the moment when Barack Obama won the Democratic nomination for president in 2008. Like the Climate-Gate Story; like the CCX-Scandal story and like Obama’s denial of a Muslim background (he was a “prize student” while attending Muslim school in Jakarta), information about Barack Obama or his policies that Barack Obama doesn’t wish to become matters of public debate are routinely sloughed-aside without further adieu by the mainstream Obama-worshipping media. Rajjpuut will digress briefly:
(The ultra-liberal London Times has run several stories exploring what all Europe already knows: “global-warming” is a hoax. Therefore any policies, especially economy-crippling, expensive policies like “cap and trade” (now they’re calling it “America’s Power Act”) which is now being debated in the U.S. Senate are hoaxes in themselves.,8599,1732518,00.html (The American magazine Time online ran a BS article here on Richard Sandor treating him as if he were the Mother Teresa of environmental-capitalism. The truth is, however, begun to be found here in the four expandable charts near the bottom (just click on the ¼ arrow to see all of them one at a time): the full truth is here:
and one last aim to get truth out in the case of Barack’s Muslim schooling, here’s the Muslim elementary school he attended for parts of three years 1969-71; he also attended other Muslim indoctrination earlier; Obama has said repeatedly he’s ALWAYS and only been a Christian and that he has NEVER practiced Islam or attended Muslim schooling): So Obamamessiah and his administration have told us lies and are seeking to rob the American people in a ploy that will destroy our economy by raising prices of all commodities in America 67% soon after Cap and Trade becomes law and yet the mainstream American media covers not 3%, not 2%, not even 1% of these issues . . . but 0%. Back to the Jerusalem Press story which is yet another that the mainstream media are also choosing every single day NOT to cover . . . .
The larger story, of course, is how Obama has mis-treated our allies while running around bowing and scraping and apologizing to America’s enemies. Emanuel tried to bridge the gap with worldwide proponents of Israel at the meeting, saying that Obama’s administration has “screwed up the messaging” about its support for Israel over the past 14 months, and it will take “more than one month to make up for 14 months. . .” Right, they didn't express themselves as carefully as they should have . . . No, Mr. Emanuel, No Mr. Obama . . . it's NOT your words, but your actions that are causing this situtation . . . .
After Obama disowned him, in the wake of his “God-damn, America!” comment, Wright stated in a June 10, 2009 interview that he had still voted for Obama for President, despite the raging controversy. He said,"them [sic] Jews" within the administration are keeping us form speaking to each other. Wright also according to Wikipedia suggested that Obama did not send a delegation to the Durban Review Conference in Geneva, because of Jewish pressure, saying: "[T]he Jewish vote, the A-I-P-A-C vote, that’s controlling him, that would not let him send representation to the Darfur Review Conference, that’s talking this craziness on this trip, cause they’re Zionists, they would not let him talk to someone who calls a spade what it is."
Under attack immediately from the Anti-Defamation League, Wright modified his statements the next day, saying that "I’m not talking about all Jews, all people of the Jewish faith, I’m talking about Zionists." Wright also took that opportunity and endorsed the anti-Zionist books “Judaism Does Not Equal Israel” and “The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine” and said, “ethnic cleansing the Zionist is considered a sin and a crime against humanity, and they don't want Barack talking like that"
The Jewish proclivity for voting liberal has got them into problems here. On the one hand, Barack Obama appears to be willfully erasing his Muslim background and many Muslims are anti-Israel. On the other Obama has denied hearing any Anti-Semitism from Wright, even though the hate-words seem to spring unbidden to the man’s lips repeatedly. On yet another hand, Obama willfully embarrassed the Israeli Prime Minister in Washington, D.C. and both his Vice-President and Secretary of State claimed offense at Israeli policies. On yet another hand, Obama’s seemingly deliberate shilly-shallying on Iran has accomplished nothing except allowing fourteen months to pass rapidly while Iran builds its A-bomb and practices hitting targets with its missiles. On the fifth hand, Ross is telling them at the meeting that Obama is against Israel having the bomb and will seek to eliminate that capability (more stridently than he‘s thus far opposed Iranian activity in the nuke field? hmmmm).
“During the elections there were doubts about President Obama’s support for Israel, and now they have resurfaced,” Emanuel said, “But concerning policy, we have done everything that we can that is in Israel’s security – and long-range interests. Watch what the administration does.” Rajjpuut demurs . . . what Obama’s already done says it all. He has deliberately embarrased and discomfited an ally and given them severe doubts about where his ultimate sympathies lie. But truly the issue goes deeper, it goes back to Obama’s lies about his Muslim background and it goes back to the Anti-American and Anti-semetic rhetoric of Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Obama’s pastor for twenty years and yet Obama says he never heard any Anti-American or Anti-Jewish attacks in the church ever. Amazing how Reverend Wright put on his worst behavior when the cameras were on him, but never before . . . .
These things happen when you get into bed with a progressive who wants to destroy the U.S. Constitution (to “progress well beyond" that f"lawed document”) which he vowed “to preserve, protect and defend.” The token Jewish presence belies the truth, Obama is Anti-Israel at his core. Just as he hides the truth by hiding from words of truth such as “Jihad” “Terrorism,” “Radical-Islam” and “Muslim-extremists” when dealing with “incidents” threatening or taking American lives, he is hiding the truth from Jews who desperately want to believe he’s a good man and on their sides. Hitler, to his credit at least, told the truth about his anti-semetic beliefs openly . . . .
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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How many members of the U.S. Congress are also members of the DSA?

How many of the DSA members sit on the Judiciary Committee?

How Many Members Of The U.S. Congress
Are Self-Declared Socialists?

Updated for the 111th Congress

The following FAQ will help clarify a few facts:

Q: What is the Socialist International?

A: It is the worldwide organization of socialist, social democratic and labor parties. It currently brings together 131 political parties and organizations from all continents. Its origins go back to the early international organizations of the labor movement of the last century.* It has existed in its present form since 1951, when it was re-established at the Frankfurt Congress. They are now headquartered in London, England.

* In 1864, representatives of English and French industrial workers founded the International Workingmen's Association in London. Karl Marx, who was living in London at the time, became the First International's dominant figure. Marx's doctrines were revived in the 20th century by Russian revolutionary Vladimir Ilich Lenin, who developed and applied them – and we all know that what was started as a labor movement ended up as the biggest totalitarian/communist state, i.e., the USSR.

Q: What is the Democratic Socialists of America [DSA]?

A: It is the largest socialist organization in the United States, and the principal U.S. affiliate of the Socialist International. Their website is

Q: What are seven principles behind what the DSA's calls it's "Progressive Challenge?"

Dignified Work
Environmental Justice
Economic Redistribution
Democratic Participation
Community Empowerment
Global Non-Violence
Social Justice.

Never mind their soothing-sounding leftist doublespeak like 'Environmental Justice' (whatever that is supposed to mean) or the soft & fuzzy 'Global Non-Violence' (a euphemism for unilateral disarmament) — the DSA's self-declared principle of 'Economic Redistribution' clearly shows where these folks are coming from and exactly where they plan to take America.

Q: How many members of the U.S. Congress are also members of the DSA?

A: Seventy!

Q: How many of the DSA members sit on the Judiciary Committee?

A: Eleven: John Conyers [Chairman of the Judiciary Committee], Tammy Baldwin, Jerrold Nadler, Luis Gutierrez, Melvin Watt, Maxine Waters, Hank Johnson, Steve Cohen, Barbara Lee, Robert Wexler, Linda Sanchez [there are 23 Democrats on the Judiciary Committee of which eleven, almost half, are now members of the DSA].

Q: Who are these members of Congress?

A: See the listing below

Hon. Raúl M. Grijalva (AZ-07)
Hon. Lynn Woolsey (CA-06)
Vice Chairs
Hon. Diane Watson (CA-33)
Hon. Sheila Jackson-Lee (TX-18)
Hon. Mazie Hirono (HI-02)
Hon. Dennis Kucinich (OH-10)
Senate Members
Hon. Bernie Sanders (VT)
House Members
Hon. Neil Abercrombie (HI-01)
Hon. Tammy Baldwin (WI-02)
Hon. Xavier Becerra (CA-31)
Hon. Madeleine Bordallo (GU-AL)
Hon. Robert Brady (PA-01)
Hon. Corrine Brown (FL-03)
Hon. Michael Capuano (MA-08)
Hon. André Carson (IN-07)
Hon. Donna Christensen (VI-AL)
Hon. Yvette Clarke (NY-11)
Hon. William “Lacy” Clay (MO-01)
Hon. Emanuel Cleaver (MO-05)
Hon. Steve Cohen (TN-09)
Hon. John Conyers (MI-14)
Hon. Elijah Cummings (MD-07)
Hon. Danny Davis (IL-07)
Hon. Peter DeFazio (OR-04)
Hon. Rosa DeLauro (CT-03)
Rep. Donna F. Edwards (MD-04)
Hon. Keith Ellison (MN-05)
Hon. Sam Farr (CA-17)
Hon. Chaka Fattah (PA-02)
Hon. Bob Filner (CA-51)
Hon. Barney Frank (MA-04)
Hon. Marcia L. Fudge (OH-11)
Hon. Alan Grayson (FL-08)
Hon. Luis Gutierrez (IL-04)
Hon. John Hall (NY-19)
Hon. Phil Hare (IL-17)
Hon. Maurice Hinchey (NY-22)
Hon. Michael Honda (CA-15)
Hon. Jesse Jackson, Jr. (IL-02)
Hon. Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX-30)
Hon. Hank Johnson (GA-04)
Hon. Marcy Kaptur (OH-09)
Hon. Carolyn Kilpatrick (MI-13)
Hon. Barbara Lee (CA-09)
Hon. John Lewis (GA-05)
Hon. David Loebsack (IA-02)
Hon. Ben R. Lujan (NM-3)
Hon. Carolyn Maloney (NY-14)
Hon. Ed Markey (MA-07)
Hon. Jim McDermott (WA-07)
Hon. James McGovern (MA-03)
Hon. George Miller (CA-07)
Hon. Gwen Moore (WI-04)
Hon. Jerrold Nadler (NY-08)
Hon. Eleanor Holmes-Norton (DC-AL)
Hon. John Olver (MA-01)
Hon. Ed Pastor (AZ-04)
Hon. Donald Payne (NJ-10)
Hon. Chellie Pingree (ME-01)
Hon. Charles Rangel (NY-15)
Hon. Laura Richardson (CA-37)
Hon. Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA-34)
Hon. Bobby Rush (IL-01)
Hon. Linda Sánchez (CA-47)
Hon. Jan Schakowsky (IL-09)
Hon. José Serrano (NY-16)
Hon. Louise Slaughter (NY-28)
Hon. Pete Stark (CA-13)
Hon. Bennie Thompson (MS-02)
Hon. John Tierney (MA-06)
Hon. Nydia Velazquez (NY-12)
Hon. Maxine Waters (CA-35)
Hon. Mel Watt (NC-12)
Hon. Henry Waxman (CA-30)
Hon. Peter Welch (VT-AL)
Hon. Robert Wexler (FL-19)

Source: Congressional Progressive Caucus

DSA Members of Congress:

What is the Democratic Socialists of America [DSA]?

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"Tea and
Coffee - Finding Common Ground on Changing the Political Culture"

The Conventional wisdom is that the Tea Party represents the far right and the
Coffee Party Movement the left. This makes it easy to categorize and pre-judge
their respective opinions, but this over-generalization is not accurate. Two of
us, from seemingly different sides of the track, sat down to discover that what
brings us together far exceeded what divides us: Dale Robertson, the Founder of
the Modern Day Tea Party. And Paul Silver, a member of the Coffee Party
Movement and other campaign reform groups. The core beliefs of the Tea Party
are Fiscal Responsibility, Limited Government, and Free Markets. The Coffee
Party wants to promote cooperation in government, recognizing that the federal
government is not the enemy of the people, but the expression of our collective
will. The principles are quite general.

We found each other when Dale was mentioned in an article on possible common ground with
Democrats We started talking after that and this piece represents our personal
conversation and doesn't necessarily represent our colleagues.

First, we agreed that the inflammatory conflicts between conservatives and liberals are
mostly a proxy war promoted by special interests (insurance companies, banks,
trial lawyers, unions, etc) aiming to manipulate public opinion and public
policy. A predatory special interest cannot admit that it wants to dilute air
and water regulations, so it backs a candidate willing to carry their cause
with the well-funded argument that over-regulation is hurting our national
competitiveness and ability to create jobs. Unions might make similar

After laying a foundation of common ground we found that we were not that far apart on most
other issues. To be sure, there were areas of disagreement, but we think there
are areas where reasonable people can disagree and the appropriate grist for a
representative government free of special interest manipulation can exist. As
our conversation meandered, we saw some level of consensus on many
things—nonpartisan redistricting, the need for comprehensive immigration
reform, sensible gun control laws, deficit reduction.

We agree that the solution is a new campaign system that helps to neutralize the financial influence
of predatory special interests--the Fair Elections Now Act. With Fair
Elections, public office is more accessible to citizens without wealth or
connections to it. We want to expand speech and replace a handful of bundlers
with thousands of small contributors. Fair Elections would allow members of
Congress to focus on the needs of their constituents, instead of worrying about
their next campaign check.

We share distress at the Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United v. FEC that threw out
decades of common sense restrictions on corporate and union electioneering.
Members of Congress already spend too much time raising campaign cash, giving
constituents and the policy-making process short shrift. Now with the added
fear of political reprisal from deep-pocketed special interests, the
fundraising pressure will only increase. Congress’ first response, the DISCLOSE
Act, doesn’t go nearly far enough to fix this broken system.

No doubt we will find more areas of agreement as we continue to talk.

Our country faces many challenges and there are differing views on they should be
confronted. We may come from different backgrounds, but we both agree that
members of Congress must start doing the work for which they were elected—to
represent us. That won’t happen as long as they have to spend so much of their
time dialing for dollars.

This is what two average citizens, looking from what at first seemed like different points
on the political spectrum, discovered about ourselves when we looked past first
impressions and simplistic media analyses. We were both relatively centrist
when we got into the meat of the issues - sometimes liberal sometimes
conservative. But certainly more aligned than the media would lead you to

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