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Mighty Dollar In Trouble

Mighty Dollar Madison NC Franchise closes due to continuing economic failure throughout America

Author: Brian D. Hill

Source: USWGO Alternative News

Note: This is a exclusive special report by USWGO

Cropped Picture of Mighty Dollar of Madison NC closed down forever

Many that thought dollar stores will actually do well in a depression style economic collapse is sadly mistaken. According to Brian D. Hillthat is not just a founder of USWGO but also a skilled photographer,and a reporter, he found out after wanting to take a trip to MightyDollar that's located in 706 Rockingham Square in Madison, NC 27025,is unfortunately shut down due to the increasing economic failures.

After seeing that it was closed the USWGO Founder decided to take pictures of the closed down store to show the world how bad Americaseconomy is getting. The official website of Mighty Dollar is at

USWGO hasn't yet contacted Mighty Dollar company for comment regarding the Madison NC franchise shutdown or found a reason why theshut down has occured but further investigation finds that it is theeconomy that gut Mighty Dollar from Madison NC.

In the parking lot at the shopping center where Mighty Dollar is located the pavement in the one area is degrading while not receivingany repair.


So while President Barack Obama says that he will not rest until he brings more jobs, which would restore the economy, the economy isslowly sliding from a Recession, to a Depression, and maybe to the endof the United States of America.

Also before the store had went out they used to sell everything as a dollar including First Aid ointment which would be mainly $2 to $3 inmany other places, then merchandise was not being stocked as well, tosome merchandise not being stocked anymore, and then well you know theyclosed down.

So why would dollar stores go out of businesses since they would sell more due to the fact that prices are going up everywhere? Becausethe price of raw material is being inflated due to the economic failureplus the Federal Reserves excessive printing of money thus causing adevaluation of the dollar next to it's competitors the Yuan, Yen, andEuro.

If raw materials go up then either prices must rise, packaging must be reduced, quality of the product must go down, or quantity of theproduct has to go down.

Already gas stations are reducing their bottled drink sizes from 24 fl oz to 20 fl oz while keeping their prices the same or little bithigher.

Even at Walmart it is now a memory that you can buy a good priced drink that would be 24 fl oz.

If raw materials keep going up in prices then the people may start rioting in the United States over their standards of living and/orquality of life slowly faltering into the dirt.

If seeing a Mighty Dollar being closed down including a Martinsville VA Restaurant hardly getting any customers isn't a sign that theeconomy is falling and that we are in a Depression then we don't knowwhat is.

In the news other countries have either riots or massive revolts over the massive inflation of prices on everything. The same thing ishappening to America so dollar stores all over America may bethreatened by the fact that raw materials can go up in price.

Here is another picture showing even closer how the great Madison NC Mighty Dollar isn't Mighty anymore.


once another great mighty mega store along with many carts for shoppers to use is now another closed down economic tragedy not tomention more jobs lost.

Does it just look like the economy keeps getting worse? Please add your input to the comments below.

Sources include:

Martinsville VA Economy falls: Rise in food stamps usage while Restaurants hardlyget any customers

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Image 2

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Food riots erupt in Mozambique

Riots, instability spread as food prices skyrocket -

The World's Growing Food-Price Crisis - TIME

FOREX-Dollar falls vs euro, higher-yielding currencies

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Is Barack Obama
a Marxist Ideologue?
Your laziness and your stupidity, it they indeed exist, are the #1 weapons in the arsenal of Barack Obama . . . so please, please don't sell yourself, our nation and your own industry and curiosity short . . . go the distance for America.
Actually that title (Is Barack Obama a Marxist Ideologue?) is rather inane, the truth is obvious. The short answer is “Definitely, YES!” as will be proved, in the following paragraphs. The real question for some might then become, will he harm our country? The short answer is “Definitely, YES! And not only that, his already-concluded betrayals since 1995 are worthy not only of impeachment but of a treason conviction and he’s deliberately betrayed us every day since he swore to ‘preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States’ by doing everything humanly possible to undermine this country!” as will soon be revealed beginning with the third paragraph below. And then, friends, it gets worse, so let's get to this nastiness . . . .
Probably the most troubling moment in the recent presidential debates, was when the moderator prefaced his question to Candidate Obama with “It’s been repeatedly shown that every time the tax rate on the highest earners is raised much above 28%, that a recession occurs, given that, will you insist upon raising those taxes as you’ve consistently said up to this point?” Our president did not blink an eye in saying, “Charlie (Rose), I just believe we need to be fair.”
That was telling, a dramatically telling exchange, to Ol’ Rajjpuut, . . . the president of the United States would rather we all suffer in economic misery just so he could punish those “evil richies,” than to do the best thing for the entire nation. In common jargon he prefers to cut off his nose to spite his face. That is, Barack Obama is content to be a one-term president in order to push his Marxist ideology (proved below) to the extreme of wrecking the greatest capitalist nation the world has ever known. Recently 55% of Americans have said in a liberal think-tank poll that “socialist” is the right adjective to describe Barack Obama . . . unfortunately, it’s taken three and a half years for them to discover this inaccuracy. Rajjpuut has read “Dreams from My Father” while most Americans have not. Rajjpuut has read the following essay by Barak (no ‘c’) Hussein Obama, Sr., the father of our president which discusses "100% taxes" while most Americans have not . . .
It’s amazing what the dreams of his father actually are . . . oh, but you haven’t bothered to research it and read it, have you? Rajjpuut has also done tons of research that led him to write this blog about a week ago:
which shows that Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. is not only a Marxist ideologue but that he has been involved in deliberately sabotaging the United States with Cloward-Piven tactics and strategy for at least fifteen years.
The provocative and frequently prescient Cook Political Report
recently described Cook’s surprise in hearing early last summer “from a Democratic congressional leadership staffer who had sat in on a number of closed-door meetings between President Obama and Democratic members of Congress" who told Charlie Cook something shocking,
‘I know this isn't true and sounds naïve, but listening to the president
in these meetings, you'd think he really doesn't care if he gets re-elected or not.’ . . .
Cook goes on, "Most recently, I thought of (those words) following the president's decision to weigh in on the proposal to build a Muslim mosque and cultural center in lower Manhattan, not far from Ground Zero . . . . If I were a Democratic candidate on the ballot this year, I suspect I would be livid. Predictably, conservatives and Republicans are having a field day with the issue. No doubt, if the shoe were on the other foot, Democrats would be making hay while Republicans would be seeking a place to hide . . . . At the risk of sounding like an unlicensed psychoanalyst, it seems that President Obama is so supremely self-confident, so self-assured of the righteousness of his positions, that perhaps he believes if he does what he thinks is best and lets the chips fall where they may, everything will eventually work out. And, if it doesn't, well, he'll still think he did the right thing anyway.”
Rajjpuut, believes that both Charlie Cook and the Democratic congressman who told that story to Charlie Cook, are unfortunately, giving Barack Obama too much credit for patriotism and statesmanship. That story alone would cement the “ideologue” label on BHO, but we’ve already seen that there’s more than enough of that glue going round . . . . The fact is that Barack Obama is sacrificing the United States for the greater good . . . the greater good according to the Marxist theory of dialectic materialism**. His every action since 1995 has aligned with exactly that philosophy. It ties together nicely as if with a bright red bow with a hammer and sickle, but you've got to be willing to actually learn and then think about what you learned, and Barack Obama is banking upon Americans being too stupid . . . . The BIG LIE of Barack Obama has been expressed in many forms akin to “Blame it on Bush,” but is most infamously revealed to us as the “car in the ditch” story that he has told fondly on at least thirty different occasions now. The metaphor sounds valid, to those who refuse to go beyond the surface:
A car (the economy) has been driven into the ditch (severe recession) by the Conservatives, the Republicans, Wall Street and whatever other greedy capitalists you wish to finger. Now as the brave work of Obama and his administration has almost got the car out of the ditch, (he says) there stand the Republicans asking for the keys to the car again. Obama says, defiantly, “No, you can’t have the keys back, you put it into the ditch and you don’t know how to drive.”
Only one problem, the fable is not only a lie, but a BIG LIE (a well-known and effective propaganda trick) and Mr. Obama is well aware that it’s a lie. The BIG TRUTH^^ is:
Barack Obama, ACORN, and a myriad of progressive politicians have been DELIBERATELY pushing the car toward a 500-foot cliff. George W. Bush hops in, grabs the steering wheel and slams on the brakes to create a controlled skid that lands the car in the nearest friendly-looking ditch.
Is that possible? Does it even make sense? Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner admitted as much two weeks ago when he said that George Bush’s actions (in 2007) prevented a much deeper recession and prevented a complete collapse of prices in the housing market. The full truth of the matter backing up the Big Truth story about Obama, ACORN and the Cliff can be found in item #7 at this link:
The BIGGER TRUTH, however, is that Americans are too willing to believe lies, because they’re too lazy to question popular-sounding notions from progressive (and other ) politicians as the rest of the blog linked immediately above proves. We got the recession we deserved, because it was deliberately created by the politicians we elected, politicians we deserved because we’re too lazy to deserve the country our founding fathers gave us.
All that being said, the real question is with defeat for his party looming presumably despite ballot box chicanery set in motion by ACORN long ago, what is Barack Obama, not willing to do to screw this country. Might he eventually institute martial law and attempt to rule the country as a dictator? “Definitely YES!**”
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
** Yes, this is what we're being sacrificed for. Some here would split hairs and say, "Not Marx, Hegel." Dialectical materialism is essentially characterized by the thesis that virtually all history is the product of class struggles and follows from a collision of cultures of haves and have-nots both inside and outside a given society. And, of course, the eventual collapse of capitalism is the long-awaited most-glorious-day when socialism takes over, to itself be replaced eventually by a most-perfect socialism (communism) as we all live together harmoniously in Utopia. Did you know that Communist regimes killed 120 million of their own people during the last 90 years? It's called democide, a word that had to be invented just for them.
^^ For the even bigger truth consider this, the UNfunded liabilities of the nation now stand near $115 TRillion. That means in the 75 years since Social Security was passed; and in the 45 years since Medicare and Medicaid were passed, the progressive elements of the congress (and usually even so-called moderates) have been deliberately breaking the law by refusing to fund these three entitlement programs. By the way, besides the federal side of Medicaid, new legislation will presumably bankrupt all of the states between 2018 and 2024 as they face a huge new state burden from Medicaid (as part of Obamacare). And . . . yes, there's always more . . . and the obligations for all the welfare programs in the future are not included in anything discussed so far.

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Joe Miller's Upset Win

Sources now say it’s the Republican establishment that is concerned about a grass-roots movement whose power has expanded so rapidly that it now threatens the party's political hegemony. That’s far from the little known whole truth of the matter.

I knew from what I know about Uranus, my ruling planet, after reading in Tesla, Man out of Time by Margaret Cheney, that Tesla’s hallucinations, like my hallucinations, meant he could be possibly under the influence of Uranus. Sometimes I awaken during the night shaking uncontrollably. Tesla put sponges under his bed because he felt the ground shaking. Due to my Saturn being trine Pluto, astrologers tell me I would understand the subtle workings of the universe.

Tesla and I are supersensitive to the subtle workings of the universe. I wrote in my Internet Google search engine “Tesla and Uranus.” Yes, my suspicion was correct. Tesla was under the influence of Uranus. Under “Tesla and Uranus,” I read on the Internet that Tesla considered his uncanny ability to solve physics problems sort of Divine intention. This brought to mind Fox News’ Glenn Beck’s much talked about Divine attention. Was it the Uranus influence? I wrote in my Google search engine “Glenn Beck and Uranus” and got nothing. I wrote in “Glenn Beck and Pisces” and got, under “Cosmic Life Coach Astrology Blog,” “Glenn Beck swallowed by liberal shark,” a take-off of Jonah and the whale. Beck swallowed by liberal shark planted a negative impression so typical for liberals. It always comes back to haunt them.

In the story of Jonah and the whale (Jonah 1:17 and Jonah 2:1,10) God decided that a whale would swallow Jonah. Jonah was in the belly of a whale three days, where he prayed to God to spare his life. God caused the whale to vomit Jonah out on dry land. Similar to the story of Jonah and the whale, Glenn tells us that he is a recovering alcoholic, that he hit rock bottom and then found God. Glenn is now a driven representative of future man. The liberal shark has not swallowed Beck, not by any stretch of the imagination.

After reading that Beck, under the Pisces interpretation, meant swallowed by a liberal shark, I wrote in the Google search, “Pisces.” At the “Pisces Official Website,” under “Personality Traits,” I read “The duality of the Pisces personality is best described as a constant ebb and flow, back and forth, straddling the physical, material world and the ethereal, divine realm where Pisces vivid imagination, powerful intuition and creative daydreaming feel like home.” Daydreaming liberals are not doing well. Beck’s recent “Restoring Honor” rally leaves liberals in a quandary. Copying Glenn Beck, I hear that labor unions and the NAACP are going to stage their separate takes at Washington’s mall on what direction America should move. It should be very interesting to compare what they have in store for America and what Glenn Beck told us at his gathering. I think the “cosmic life coach,” under the Piscean influence, misread the stars. Liberals—Pisceans—drifting on the tides, are in no way going to change the course of heaven and earth. Astrologers tell us we are leaving the Age of Pisces, entering the Age of Aquarius.

I wrote “Aquarius” in Google search. According to liberals; that is, Pisceans, as to their forecast that “Tea Party types” –racists, Nazis, and such—might look forward to being swallowed by liberal sharks—no way, I read under Aquarius that Aquarians are “humane, frank, serious minded, genial, refined, sometimes ethereal, and idealistic, though this last quality is tempered with a sensible practicality. They are quick, active and persevering without being self-assertive, and express themselves with reason. . . They are nearly always intelligent, concise, clear and logical. Many are strongly imaginative and psychically intuitive.” The Age of Aquarius, which is beginning now, I read, “is much anticipated by psychic circles as an age in which mankind will experience a great spiritual awakening.”

Liberal politicians mistakenly call us right wing extremists. Take notice Republican politicians, the Age of Aquarius sounds like conservative Glenn Beck talking about our future: faith, hope, and charity. It’s as simple as 1, 2, 3. If you want our vote, shape up. (1) No more welfare state remedies; (2) get spending under control; (3) live by the Constitution. That’s today’s mainstream thinking. Liberals are living in the Piscean past.

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Where I Stand

I printed out the core concepts of the Tea Party. They closely match the core planks of the Constitution Party platform. I suspect this may be coincidence rather than a case of anything sinister or dishonest. Like minds think similar thoughts and have similar values. I thought I might take each core concept and spew forth my two cents worth. As usual, I don’t expect, nor do I wish, blind agreement with what I have to say. Civil disagreement and discourse is the hallmark of a healthy society. Only lemmings have universal agreement and look at what it gets them … a suicidal dip in the ocean.


Well, yes. Federal law makes it a misdemeanor crime to enter the country without proper documentation and authority. Illegal aliens are criminals by definition. Remember, I previously stated that words have distinct meanings. The accepted definition of a criminal is one who commits a crime or has been convicted of committing a crime. The noun is unambiguous. If you commit a crime, you are a criminal and your act was illegal.

Excuses such as “we take jobs American won’t take” are just that, excuses. They do nothing to mitigate the crime. This is nothing more than an attempt to justify the illegal behavior. And the “reconquista” concept is also an illegal attempt to justify criminal acts. The fact that the southwest United States was acquisition by conquest is of no importance in the discussion of illegal immigration. How the land came into the possession of the United States has no bearing on the commission of a crime. The land was ceded to the US as a result of military action against the government of Mexico. Right or wrong, the land in question is internationally recognized as being part of the United States. To enter the area in question under the premise that it still belongs to Mexico is ludicrous … and still illegal.

The last time I checked, one who applies for citizenship must swear or affirm that they have no criminal history that would disqualify them for citizenship. Since we have ascertained that entering the country without proper documentation or permission is a criminal act, it would seem to me that illegal aliens have, by their own criminal act, removed any hope of becoming legal immigrants or citizens. Amnesty therefore is a moot point. One does not reward criminal behavior.

#2 Pro-Domestic Employment Is Indispensable

While this statement is undeniably true, how we deal with the problem is another can of worms. Most companies are now multinationals. They are going to move their manufacturing or service operations wherever it costs the least and maximizes profit. This is a fundamental concept of capitalism. The companies cannot be faulted for trying to keep their stockholders happy. One the other hand, this behavior can understandably be seen as unpatriotic by some. The only way I can see to attract new manufacturing jobs, or jobs of any type, is to improve the economic climate for companies. Since it is not beneficial to reduce wages and as a result the standard of living, we must look to other means for attracting business. This is generally done by reducing the tax burden on businesses such that they can afford to pay higher wages and still retain profitability. Taxing success is detrimental to economic health. Punishing companies for being profitable is counterproductive and kills the hopes of generating new jobs that pay a decent wage. Taxes of any stripe are the antithesis of a healthy economy. Returning the federal government to it’s constitutional sources of income would be a great start to economic recovery.

#3 Stronger Military Is Essential.

This is a subject that is dear to my heart. I may seem to be digressing from the core premise here, but I will do so in any event.

Yes, a strong, technologically superior military is vitally necessary to our survival as a nation. It is only by demonstrating that we have the power and will to protect ourselves that we provide for our way of life and that of our children. We must be ever vigilant and prepared to take forceful action against those who would cause us harm. Investment in the people and equipment is imperative to secure our peace.

Having said that, I would caution against the misuse of the military power we underwrite as citizens. The decades following World War II found the government to be abandoning the self defense aspect of a strong military and moving toward a “projection of political will” instead. Thus, in Korea, Viet Nam, and other theaters of conflict, we were frequently found to be wasting young American lives on the alter of political expediency or worse, some politicians ego. We now find ourselves in the role of policemen to the world. We perform “nation building” and ”export democracy”, all by way of military force. This is WRONG! When discussing the need for a standing army, the founders were concerned about the role the military would play. They envisioned it as the protector of the land and people of the new nation. While it was true that early on we projected military power abroad, it was done to protect American citizens and property against those who would attack us first. The Barbary Pirates were one example. The Navy and Marines were dispatched to deal with the problem and did so with efficiency and alacrity. Then they came back home. We have no business expending the lives of our military men and women to satiate the ego of our commander in chief, or to benefit the special interests that permeate the halls of government. The military should be for the defense of the nation … period. Unless there is a compelling national security interest, we should keep our noses out of other countries business. I adhere to the premise “friend to those who would be our friend, protector of our own.” Please understand, I AM NOT A PACIFIST! I do however believe with all my heart that the lives of our warriors are sacred and should be spent reluctantly and with solemn respect for their sacrifice, honor, and courage.

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During the current administration's reign, we have witnesses our constitution shredded bit by painful bit. By the grace of God, America is awakening and becoming more involved. The threat of losing our freedom has never been greater -- our freedoms, as meticulously laid out in the founding documents, written by Christians and founded on Judao-Christian principles.


The "Fundamental Four" talking points are listed

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Congressman: Is Kenyan Constitution Con a Criminal Offense?Posted on September 2, 2010 by Ben JohnsonThe Washington Times posted a hard-hitting expose last night by Rep Chris Smith, R-NJ, focusing on how Barack Obama helped enact Kenya’s new pro-abortion, pro-Sharia constitution. So did you; Obama lobbied for the new constitution with your money. Rep. Smith has noted this kind of advocacy is undoubtedly offensive and may be illegal. He writes that Obama, through the U.S. Agency for International Development:committed more than $23 million. The list includes eight grants totaling nearly $450,000 explicitly to obtain a total of more than 100,000 “yes” votes in the referendum…The USAID IG has not yet finished his investigation into these obvious violations of U.S. law. The report on these USAID-funded activities will be in addition to the report issued by the Department of State‘s inspector general tasked with investigating whether State Department employees participated in prohibited activities. Unfortunately, the State Department IG’s conclusion contradicted his own report indicating that U.S. officials urged Kenyans to vote in favor of the constitution…Even if U.S. money was not used to draft and advocate specifically for the abortion provisions – and it is quite possible that it was – advocacy for the constitution overall is a violation of this restriction.We can count on the Obama administration to produce an accurate report on this matter around the same time O.J. Simpson finds the real killer.The facts will be left for Congressional Republicans to investigate next year, if they succeed in retaking one or both houses. They have a large and growing number of targets to investigate, from using your money to support the Kenyan constitution, to offering a job to Joe Sestak, to using your money (notice a common thread) for government-funded propaganda.This kind of potentially illegal behavior on behalf of the culture of death demands a response.
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Words Have Meanings !

I received yet another e-mail challenging my position that the Constitution, and indeed all founding documents, are most emphatically not living documents that must change in accordance with the needs of the society they govern. The person, who shall go unnamed here, insisted that societies needs supersede the wishes and ideas of a “bunch of old men” from the distant past. This in spite of the fact that these old men were some of the most astute and able thinkers of any period of history. Collectively, they probably have never been bested for their raw intellect and wisdom.

The unnamed also insisted that words evolve to mean different things to different people. I took umbrage and pointed out that if that really were the case, we would probably degenerate into a mute society, as eventually, words would have no common meanings at all and each person would ascribe whatever meaning he or she desired. Of course, our neighbor, who has a different lexicon, would be unable to make heads or tails out of what we were saying. The modern day equivalent of the Tower of Babel.

Of course this won’t happen. We will continue to generally give words common meanings that we can then use or abuse to our detriment. BUT, having said that, I would make an exception as to the written word. Once a thought or idea is put to paper (or parchment, or stone, etc.) the words are forever locked into the meaning in common usage of the time, evolution of the vocabulary notwithstanding. An example is in order I think.

I am old enough to remember a classic musical of the 1960’s, “West Side Story”. The story line and such is not really important to my point. Suffice to say it is a story of star-crossed lovers. A “modern” Romeo and Juliet if you will. At one point in the musical, Maria, the female lead played by Natalie Wood, sings a spirited song called “I Feel Pretty”. The lyrics as written were:

“I feel pretty, oh so pretty.

Oh so pretty and witty and GAY!”

OK. HOLD ON! Maria … GAY? Is she singing about being of the non-hetero genre? No, of course not. At the time the musical was written, gay meant happy, spirited or joyous. It had absolutely nothing to do with her sexuality. So in the context of the musical, the word gay means something totally different than it does today. Should the writers and creators of the music let their efforts become the property of a group who has usurped the word gay? I say NO! The written word is forever associated with the meaning in use at the time. Period, end of lesson.

I agree wholeheartedly with Justice Antonin Scalia. The Constitution is NOT a living document. Rather, it is an ENDURING document. His words, not mine. Believe me I wish I had come up with the line.

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America's Fate

From the comment on my post on yesterday, I received an email from a Tea Party member a New Yorker, probably one of Sharpton’s supporters, informing me that Glenn Beck is a gas bag, thus prompting me to write today’s post. Beck’s evangelism attracted 500,000 ordinary, God-fearing, peace-loving Americans to the Lincoln Memorial, people who believe in God and country. When asked about this remarkable event, which he caused to happen, facing a camera, without batting an eye, the President said, “I didn’t watch the event. I’m not surprised.” We shouldn’t be surprised at this coming from Obama. Same as the Tea Party member who just had to let me know that Glenn Beck is a gas bag, the man in the Oval Office is whistling Dixie.

Years ago, I was invited to join a group experiment with twenty-three other people. We were each handed a paper to read that told of a problem we were to solve, as follows: Our plane crash lands in a remote forested region of northern Canada. The only place to land is on a small lake. The plane comes to rest a few feet from the shore. The temperature is just above freezing. None are injured. We wade ashore wet and cold.

The first thing to do is to build a fire. Luckily a passenger has a cigarette lighter. After getting dried out, a group of three is selected to find a way back to the nearest settlement, known to be around 25 miles to the south. The group returns with the report that the area is full of small lakes and streams. No telling how many miles we will have to walk.

Our group of twenty-four was divided into three, each of eight, to discuss how to solve the problem, take a vote and pick one member to join with the pick of the other two groups. These three were to discuss and vote on a plan.

After the plan was decided, a paper was read that was written from the advice of local hunters and trappers, which agreed with the plan adopted. The question: whether or not collective wisdom is better than the individual’s ideas.

Consider the following: Nicola Tesla, a man far ahead of his time, from an early age was extremely self-disciplined. Tesla had the uncanny talent for envisioning ways to construct a machine that would do what he wanted it to do. In his mind, he would work through the flaws and then build the machine without a blueprint. Tesla’s inventions, in many cases, were completely out of the realm of scientific theory.

Tesla changed the world with his inventions. This amazing man lived an obscure life and made few notes. Once he succeeded, something else exciting popped up to work on. No telling where we would be today if all of Tesla’s discoveries were known. Some called him mad. Tesla was one of a kind.

Where will the future of the world be with the death of free enterprise? America, along with the rest of the world, has been moving toward socialism. Today, one in six Americans exists on welfare. Many are uneducated Mexicans, here illegally. Think of how many people are incapable of coping on their own in today’s America. Alas, thousands of future welfare recipients are steaming across America’s southern border. The economy is suffering and the national debt is out of control. Still the push continues; that is, the lies, the frauds scheming, conniving politicians impose on the taxpayers for self-serving purposes.

The moment of truth is here. Is it to be self-discipline, self-reliance, and personal responsibility, or a big, all-powerful, corrupt government and zero personal rights? The decision will be made at the mid-term election, which is exactly two months from now.

Obama says history will prove him right. Where does history end? The first Americans came to a wilderness with the burning desire to be independent. All they asked for was the opportunity to build a life. They came from history: tyranny, hopeless poverty, zero opportunity. The American people, having listened to the spellbinders in Washington, D.C., had forgotten the power that lies within the individual. Is it to be socialist enslavement or the principles and values of the Founding Fathers? Like the morning sun burning off the mist, America is waking up to reality. The Obama Administration is not so powerful that it can change heaven and earth. Welcome to the Age of Aquarius.

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Who am I?

I am a 67 year old grump living in Royse City Texas. I have had the good fortune to have grown up during a time of war. World War II was concluding and patriotism was at a climax. We fought a major war and ACTAULLY FOUGHT TO WIN!

Then came Korea and Viet Nam and the concept of wars for bragging rights and Presidential legacy. My Father served in WWII, Korea and Viet Nam. Praise God he returned healthy and whole. My family was one of the lucky ones. I served in the United States Air Force.

Patriotism faded into history and it became fashionable to spit on our warriors and badmouth the country and it's policies. This was the birth of the "ME" generation. Selfish and arrogant the followers couldn't find enough bad to say about America.

I was a lifelong Republican as well as republican. That has changed. I am an ex-county coordinator for the Constitution Party of Texas. I have lapsed into inactivity there as it was discouraging trying to drum up interest in the Constitution and other founding documents. My attempts at organizing fell on deaf ears for the most part and I tired of the effort. I am one of those dinosaurs that believe the Constitution means the exact same today it did when signed and ratified. It is not a "living" document to be bastardized according to whim or popular opinion. I believe that the nation was founded on God's "natural laws" and if it is to survive, it must return to those precepts.

I still write articles on occassion, but even that has slowed markedly. I am of the opinion that most "Americans" could care less what happens to them. I sincerely hope I am wrong. Perhaps this November and the aftermath will reinvigorate my combativeness. For now, I am tired. I observe and sometimes comment. I no longer preach or teach (yes I actually lectured on the Constitution and such). My wife and I will not pass by a member of the Armed Forces without thanking them for their service. It's the least we can do.

Perhaps, someday in the future, I will be called on to give up my blood and my life for the country. I fervently hope I am not found to be lacking in will or character when that time comes.

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Bad press, including major mockery of the plan by comedianJon Stewart, led to President Obama abandoning his proposalto require veterans carry private health insurance to cover theestimated $540 million annual cost to the federal government oftreatment for injuries to military personnel received during theirtours on active duty. The President admitted that he was puzzledby the magnitude of the opposition to his proposal."Look, it's an all volunteer force," Obama complained. "Nobody madethese guys go to war. They had to have known and accepted the risks.Now they whine about bearing the costs of their choice? It doesn't compute..""I thought these were people who were proud to sacrifice for their country,"Obama continued "I wasn't asking for blood, just money. With the countryfacing the worst financial crisis in its history, I'd have thought that the patrioticthing to do would be to try to help reduce the nation's deficit.. I guess I underestimated the selfishness of some of my fellow Americans."Please pass this on to every one including every vet and their families whom you know. How in the world did a person with this mindset become our leader?REMEMBER THIS STATEMENT...."Nobody made these guys go to war. They had to have known and acceptedthe risks. Now they whine about bearing the costs of their choice?"If he thinks he will ever get another vote from an Active Duty, Reserve, National Guard servicemember or veteran of a military service he ought to think it over.. If you or a family member is or hasserved their country please pass this to them.Please pass this to everyone. I'm guessing that other than the 20-25 percent hardcore liberals in the USwill agree that this is just another example why this is the worst president in American history. Remindeveryone over and over how this man thinks, while he bows to the Saudi Arabian king.
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America v,s the country of mexico.....

Seems to me if ppl wanted to fix the problem over illegal imigration all thay have to do is make a stand and demand thire local goverment to file law suites against mexico for all the money they have spent on illegals in thire states, health care cost, cost of education, defaulted loans, feeding them, the list could go on forever, legal cost in our courts it gos on and on , this great nation was made up and still is yet today made of legal ppl of all color and creed, the door is open in the front not the back. this action would put a great ease on the nation as a whole would stop goverment from dipping into social security to feed and suport ppl that are not to be here in the first place, mexico needs to step up to the plate and suport its ppl, why didnt obama and hillary report mexico for human rights violation. seems to me that was the right thing to do. and as far as anchor babies go thire shouldnt be such a thing i mean my god the 14th amendment was writen for the free slaves so they could have freedoms mr obama needs to look at black history a little more and invite some of his liberal friends to study it with him...and impose a tax on immigrants in this country this covers thire cost and what happened to social services looking to see if these wemen applying for hand outs have the father in the home i say father because most dont marry they let the kid carry her last name so they can apply for goverment hand outs . come on unemployment all togather is at a record high we dont need visa workers here ither or temporay citizens american jobs for american citizens, and plz god do away with temporary work shops what do we have unemployment offices for use a tri state system ,and what happen to the welfare to work program seems like that was a great program..... lets get it right not wrong protect your religious morales,money,jobs,and your childrens future stop wasteful spending at a great starting place illegal imigration. sue mexico they can aford it just send us the wired money thire illegals and drug traffickers are makeing . come on ppl all mexico it doing is trying to take this country over a little at a time i know i hear mexicans say it all the time they laugh at us they make heros out of murders i know ive heard them say we are taking this country and useing our laws to do it thay laugh about the alimo, look into it they publish thire own news thats why we need english only and if your here the right way thire are programes to teach you.

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Tomorrow's God

The United States is refusing to do its job of protecting U.S. citizens from illegals crossing the southern border. The Department of State is taking Arizona’s new law, which allows Arizona to ask for identification if someone is stopped for other that suspicion of illegal entry. The feds ask for identification if and when they suspect illegal entry, but Arizona’s law could cause racial profiling. The feds are above that. So it is O.K. for them to ask for identification.

We, the people, are consciously aware of far more than our ancestors. In the month and year of my birth, September, 1925, Werner Heisenberg published the uncertainty principle, the forerunner of quantum mechanics, and quantum mechanics responsible for the atom bomb, the backward leaning dictatorships, including Obama’s, we are witness to with the atom bomb is a threat to all human life. Look out! This is a dangerous moment in time. It is incumbent on the people to know more.

In the introduction of my Scofield Reference Bible, Rev. C. I. Scofield writes, “The Dispensations are distinguished, exhibiting the majestic progressive order of the divine dealings of God with humanity, “the increasing purpose” which runs through and links together the ages, from the beginning of the life of man to the end in eternity.” BTW, the Scofield Reference Bible is the most widely read in the U. S. I suggest that you read the Scofield introduction and think long and hard on it.

Regarding “the increasing purpose,” in The Physics of Consciousness, under “A God for Tomorrow,” quantum physicist and M.D. Evan Harris Walker writes, “Every path we have taken to learn something of the structure of the universe finally comes around to the same result. Whether to understand the interconnections of will, to understand the most basic facts of quantum theory, or to discover the beginnings of the Big Bang universe, each path leads to the fact that there must exist a supreme Consciousness out of which everything else springs.”

Therefore, with regard to “the increasing purpose” (which runs through and links together the ages), in that we are moving from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius, what would be our increasing purpose?

We read in Astrologer’s Handbook that the Piscean personality is “extremely responsive to the thoughts and feelings of others,” and certainly to authorities, we can suppose, in that “they desperately want to do the right thing, but as a rule they do not have strong willpower.” We read that they are easily influenced by “external factors.” Redistribution of the wealth of America, Obama’s thing, is an external factor. The Piscean personality would be easily victimized by the carrot and stick approach, that which redistribution of wealth brings, the stick for taxpayers, the carrot for millions who are perfectly capable of taking care of their own needs, those who feel society owes them for the wrongs society has done. For these “disadvantaged” folks, many living better on the taxpayers backs than many taxpayers, Obama was elected. Obama was elected to transform America into something foreign to most Americans. We thought Bush was bad for America. We the people were blindsided.

Therefore, the increasing purpose, it seems, should be to operate as equals among equals, to be more determined, to be more independent, and to derive security from being in the company of others—and our brother’s keeper—precisely what Astrologer’s Handbook says is in the Aquarian’s nature.

Coincidentally, Astrologer’s Handbook, as to the changing ages, is in tune with Scofield’s thought on “increasing purpose.” Also, we note that Obama, bucking humankind’s increasing purpose, pushing hard to take us back to a time when ordinary mortals had zero rights, to a time when divine rulers passed out all rights, Obama has the ears and the hearts of those described in Astrologer’s Handbook as being Piscean in personality. Obama says he is a Christian. Yes, he is, most assuredly. He is a “liberation theology” advocate; that is, of the collective savior Jesus school of thought. Obama is a disciple of the world’s Marxist class warfare Lord.

I’m reminded that on August 28, 2010, Fox News’ Glenn Beck drew to the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., thanks to the Marxist class warfare Lord in Washington, a crowd of between 300,000 and 650,000 believers in God in the individual, who want to take the country back. When asked about it, Obama brushed this phenomenal event aside with, “It is no surprise to me.” What a laugh! Out of fear and trepidation, Piscean personalities, when it is they who are out of step, take the position that Beck and his following are out of mainstream thinking; that they are ridiculous racists. Obama’s following is whistling Dixie. They are just too funny in their remarks. Expect anything from them. Why have we not made the connection of the welfare state opposing our brother’s keeper—in God we trust opposing trust in man’s devises? The Lincoln Memorial throng were there to make the statement that progressives are bankrupting America, morally, spiritually, and fiscally.

Jesus came at the beginning of the Age of Pisces with an Aquarian message. The United States came to be born with an Aquarian message. Quantum physicist Walker, in The Physics of Consciousness, with an Aquarian message, points out that a “physical domain exist that is governed immutable laws”—physical laws. “But these laws leave open a range of happenings. . . Now we see that the independent existence of matter and the absoluteness of space were false dogma. But it has only been with the advent of quantum theory that we have discovered that we exist as more than pieces of matter. In the development of quantum theory, the observer emerges as a co-equal in the foundry of creation. . . The tests of Bell’s theorem have shown us that objective reality as it has been conceived is not the true fabric of reality.”

Objective reality, or Marxist reality, or collective reality, the end justifies the means—all one and the same—is rapidly being replaced in America by the observer, a dimension of infinite possibility, and the mind interacting with matter to produce reality. There is no such thing in nature as objective reality.

Therefore, pursuant to our increasing purpose in life, according to Walker, “We have found ways to take the measure of consciousness, to study its content with the functions of the brain (Walker was a brain doctor), and to discover how the mind, through the agency of the will, affects matter and transcends the limits of time and space.”

It is little wonder that the Roosevelt legacy is desperately trying to save its life. With Walker’s thoughts in mind, and given the true meaning of one of a kind Glenn Beck and the throng at the Lincoln Memorial, an icon for tomorrow’s God—on earth as it is in heaven—welcome to the Age of Aquarius and the second coming of Christ. We are entering a time of brotherhood

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That's What I'm Talkin About!

This is an email I just received; HOW TRUE!

View image001.jpg in slide show
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2010 1:37 AM
Subject: Fw: Australian Prime Minister does it again!!

>done it again..

> He sure isn't backing down on his hard line stance and onehas to
> appreciate his belief in the rights of hisnative countrymen.

>breath of fresh air to see someone lead.
> Iwish some leaders would step up in Canada & USA.

>Prime Minister does it again!!

> This man should be appointed King of theWorld. Truer words have never
> beenspoken.


>Ittook a lot of courage for this man to speak what he had tosay for the
>world to hear. The retribution could bephenomenal, but at least he
>was willing to take astand on his and Australia 's beliefs.

>world needs a leader like this!


>Minister Kevin Rudd - Australia

> Muslims who want to live under IslamicSharia law were told on
> Wednesday to get out ofAustralia, as the government targeted radicals in
> abid to head off potential terror attacks..
>Separately, Rudd angered some Australian Muslims onWednesday by
> saying he supported spy agenciesmonitoring the nation's mosques. Quote:

> I am tired of this nation worrying about whether weare offending some
> individual or their culture.Since the terrorist attacks on Bali , we
> haveexperienced a surge in patriotism by the majority ofAustralians. '
> 'This culture has beendeveloped over two centuries of struggles,
> trialsand victories by millions of men and women who have soughtfreedom'
> 'We speak mainly ENGLISH,not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese,
> Japanese,Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to
>become part of our society, learn the language!'
> 'Most Australians believe in God. This isnot some Christian, right
> wing, political push, buta fact, because Christian men and women, on
>Christian principles, founded this nation, and this isclearly documented.
>It is certainly appropriate todisplay it on the walls of our schools. If
>Godoffends you, then I suggest you consider another part of theworld as
>your new home, because God is part of ourculture.'
> 'We will accept your beliefs,and will not question why. All we
>ask is that youaccept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with
> us.'
> 'This is OUR COUNTRY, OURLAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will
> allow youevery opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done
> complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag,Our Pledge, Our Christian
>beliefs, or Our Way ofLife, I highly encourage you take advantage of one
>other great Australian freedom, 'THE RIGHT TOLEAVE'.'

>you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't forceyou to come here. You asked
>to be here. So acceptthe country YOU accepted.'
> Maybe if wecirculate this amongst ourselves in Canada & USA
>, WE will find the courage to start speaking andvoicing the same truths.
> If youagree please SEND THIS ON

> ON, to as many people as you know


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Colorado Gubenatorial Candidate Hickenlooper

Shows Poor Judgment in Indirectly

Funding Recreate ’68 and Colorado ACORN

Gubenatorial candidate and Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper’s 23- year association with the ultra-radical Chinook Fund has given ammunition to his Republican opponent Dan Maes as one questionable decision after another has been exposed. Hickenlooper was one of the founders of the Chinook Fund in 1987 and he’s given tens of thousands of dollars to the fund over the years. He refuses to say if he’s still connected with Chinook at present.

Chinook has donated more than $2 million in just the past 20 years to various Colorado non-profit agencies. Some of the recipients work with the homeless and mentally ill, others seem too radical to believe. For some examples . . . .

Colorado ACORN is part of the greater national organization that has undermined the nation’s financial stability by shaking down home lenders to force unwise loans to people lacking ID; lacking jobs; lacking income other than foodstamps; lacking reasonable credit ratings; lacking even rental history; welfare recipients; and other unworthy borrowers including illegal aliens. ACORN both in Colorado and across the nation has been infamous for massive involvement in voter fraud.

Transform Columbus Day Alliance a group supporting the Colorado American Indian Movement (AIM) is mired firmly in the past, seeking to “transform the ‘racist’ celebration” of the life of Christopher Columbus.

Somos America is a group mainly campaigning for the “rights” of illegal Hispanic immigrants in Colorado and has called upon Latinos and other Coloradoans to boycott Budweiser Beer because the brewery’s distributor Hensley Beverages Co. contributed to state lawmakers who voted for the Arizona Illegal Immigration Law.

HARM Reduction Action Center is a group which enables drug users in Denver rather than seeking to help them stay clean.

Recreate ‘68 is a very radical organization which besides war protests, harrassed, intimidated and annoyed Delegates to the 2008 Democratic National Convention held in Denver during August, 2008. Their name was taken from the massive and ugly student-led riots and police counter-actions in Chicago in 1968 both inside and especially outside the Democratic Conventions. Aligned with the Colorado ACLU, Recreate ‘68 spent most of its time complaining about the heavy Denver police presence which they said “deprived our protesters of their 1st Amendment rights to freedom of speech and freedom of expression.” Since Hickenlooper was ostensibly doing everything possible to ensure a smooth-running DNC in the city he serves as mayor, his charity’s long-standing association with radical groups such as those mentioned and especially with Recreate ’68 seems a product of questionable judgment at best. Hickenlooper refused to disavow Chinook, Recreate ’68 or any of the other groups that Chinook subsidizes.

The mayor has found himself dogged by many improprieties and annoying revelations of late . . . apparent preferential treatment his restaurant received in cases involving liquor violations and frequent hiring of illegal alien workers have not gone down well with the voters. But the two most high-profile situations are the loss of 31,000 jobs in Denver as Hickenlooper oversaw tax hikes and made Denver a “sanctuary city” bringing thousands of illegal aliens to town to exploit Denver city services. The Chinook, and particularly the Recreate ’68, donations raise deep questions of judment. How does a politician promise to execute a flawless national convention while donating money to people who’s stated interest is to disrupt and villify the convention and the conventioneers? But Hickenlooper’s connection to the utterly corrupt ACORN organization bent upon Cloward-Piven tactics and strategies to undermine the nation’s economy and advance marxist goals shows the man’s real character.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


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Well, that is if you subscribe tocolumnist DeWayne Wickham’s way of thinking; which is possible if yousquint your eyes and twist your mind.

Wickham’s latestmasterpiece appeared today in USA Today (Aug. 31, 2010, p. 11A) and was,naturally, titled, “Jackson, Sharpton Rallies Carry More Influence ThanBeck’s.”

Which is why, I suppose, the media has spent so muchtime attacking Beck’s rally.

Anyhoo, the gist of Wickham’s littleessay is that suddenly old players like Jackson and Sharpton have theability to “spur” the “core constituency” of the Democratic Party,blacks, to get up off the couch and stop watching SportCenter (to borrowa phrase from obama) and head to the polls in November to rescue theDemocratic Party.

I use the term ‘black’ due to a Radio One pollin October 2008 that found 42% of those polled prefer to be called‘black’ rather than African American (

I’mall for giving this ultra-minority a voice.

While Wickham saysthe Jackson/Sharpton rallies will create Hope and Change V2.0, hepredicts that the Tea Party “will be short-lived.”

Where wereJackson, Sharpton, and their “core constituents” a month after obama’selection when Democrats were losing two seats in black districts inLouisiana – including New Orleans? Wickham’s charges were missing inGeorgia during a December 2008 Senate run-off election which was run by aRepublican by 15%. Why were Jackson, Sharpton, and Wickham notspurring their “core” to vote in 2009 during governor’s races inVirginia and New Jersey where surveys were showing drops in black voterturnout upwards to 40% as compared with the general election in 2008? (

Wickhamis placing much faith in an unreliable voting block and two uninspiringmen with racial chips on their shoulders.

The Tea Party, Wickhamsays, is a “21st century incarnation of the anti-immigrationKnow-Nothing Movement of the 1850s.” Thus the crux of his death knell.

HereWickham, like so many, confuse the extreme nativist ideology of theKnow-Nothings with the reasonable, conservative anti-illegal immigrationbelief of the Tea Partiers.

The difference on this point is aswide as a Reagan victory over Jimmy Carter.

Due to the majoritytwo-party hold on our politics, and given the fact that members of bothmajor parties and states like Michigan are fighting to keep a formal TeaParty party off election ballots, we most likely will not be able tocompare electoral successes between the two movements.

TheKnow-Nothings, prior to imploding due to their extremism, did have someelectoral success.

Formally known as the American Party, theKnow-Nothings actually won 62 seats in the U.S. House of Representativesduring the 1854 midterm elections.

They made their way onto the1856 Presidential ballot with candidate Millard Fillmore, who receivednearly 1 million votes.

This, and more, from a party thatbasically morphed its way into being seen as a joke.

However, TeaParty support has led to more elective offices for their supportedcandidates than has the support of obama for his chosen candidates.

Wickhamwastes his time comparing a formal political party built on an extremeanti-immigration ideology with a group aligned to support candidatesthat support various conservative issues.

Wickham and Sharptonare filled with vigor when liberal groups march and coalesce for acandidate and a cause, but are threatened and become hypocritical whenconservatives choose a similar path to make their voices heard.

I’mjust surprised Wickham didn’t bring up Sarah Palin.

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