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Wednesday Aternoon - The Front Page Cover

 The Front Page Cover 
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Hilly is the only thing holding Democrats together, and Bushes always
break the Republican Party
Peggy Noonan
"Rise up together as one voice"
"Be careful where you stand"
 Battle Royale -   The alternative to a “Thelma and Louise” ending for nObama and dinky Reid is pretty interesting in its own right. If dinky Reid steps aside soon and leaves a vacuum, the fight between Schumer and other members of Team Hilly against liberals cranky about the direction of their party in the Clinton restoration would be quite telling about the depth of the divisions within the party.  -Fox News 

On the eve of Hilly Clinton’s anticipated bid for the White House, a new poll finds a double-digit drop in the number of Americans who view her favorably. CBS News: “[Clinton’s] favorable views are 12 points lower than they were in the fall of 2013, just months after leaving her position as secretary of state…When asked to evaluate Hilly Clinton on some key characteristics, the public gives Clinton her most negative marks on honesty. Fewer than half - 42 percent- say she is honest and trustworthy, while more - 47 percent – don’t think she is…. More than six in 10 Americans do not think it was appropriate for Hilly Clinton to use a personal email address and server for work-related matters as secretary of state…. Members of Clinton’s own party - 65 percent - say her motivations for using a private email were about convenience, but 62 percent of Republicans think Clinton was trying to keep information from becoming public.”   -Fox News 
Reuters: “The U.S. Senate voted unanimously on Thursday for a non-binding amendment to a budget bill intended to make it easier to reimpose sanctions if Iran violates a nuclear deal. The vote was 100-0 for the amendment, sponsored by Republican Senator Mark Kirk, which would establish a fund to cover the cost of imposing sanctions if Tehran violated terms of an interim nuclear agreement now in effect, or the final agreement negotiators hope to reach before July. The Senate spent Thursday voting on dozens of amendments to a budget resolution. The votes are non-binding because the legislation will not become law, but many senators introduce amendments to send political messages.”
Fox News: “The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee asked the nObama administration Thursday to turn over all reports and documents, including intelligence information, related to last year’s exchange of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl for five members of the Taliban.]  -Fox News 
 nObama opposes Pentagon hike without domestic spending bump  WashEx: “Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said Thursday that President nObama will oppose Republican budget plans to increase the Pentagon’s funding while maintaining steep cuts for other federal agencies. ‘The current proposal to shoehorn [the Defense Department’s] base budget into our contingency accounts would fail to solve the problem while also undermining basic principles of accountability and responsible long term planning,’ Carter said at a speech at the State Department.”  -Fox News 
 Senate approves budget, delays ‘doc fix’ -   Roll Call: “The Senate adopted the GOP’s budget blueprint on a 52-46 vote following an epic vote-a-rama that featured dozens of test votes on everything from carbon taxes to Social Security benefits for same-sex marriages. Two Republicans eyeing the White House voted no: Ted Cruz of Texas and Rand Paul of Kentucky, but otherwise the vote was party line… With the budget resolution passing well after 3 a.m., the senators put off working on the House-passed ‘doc fix’ bill. That sweeping Medicare measure will be considered after the two-week break, [Senate Majority Leader Mitch McCon-nell said, and he expects it to pass with the Senate with overwhelming support.”
          [While the Senate passed the Republican budget plan, the tricky part is in the House and Senate reconciling the two resolutions through some politically tricky items. WashEx
breaks it down.]  -Fox News 
Image: Supreme Court Rejects Obamacare 'Death Panel' Challenge
 Supreme Court Rejects nObamacare 'Death Panel' Challenge  
( - The Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear a new challenge to President Barack nObama's healthcare law that took aim at a bureaucratic board labeled by some as a "death panel" because it was designed to cut Medicare costs...The high court left intact a ruling by the San Francisco-based 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that threw out the lawsuit. The court's action in an unsigned order was a victory for nObama administration, which has faced a barrage of legal challenges to the 2010 Affordable Care Act, often called nObamacare. The court is currently weighing a separate case challenging health insurance subsidies that are key to nObamacare's implementation.
Hillary Rodham Clinton
 Journalist who Unveiled Hillary Spy Network  
(Robert Wilde) - In what Breitbart Executive Chairman, Stephen K. Bannon, referred to as a “stunning” and “breath-taking” course of events, Jeff Gerth of Propublica came on Breitbart News Sunday to discuss his recent article detailing how an ex-Hilly Clinton aide crafted a secret spying network in the lead up to the Benghazi terror attack...and corresponded with Clinton via her private email account. Longtime Clinton advisor Sidney Blumenthal’s hacked emails exposed the massive spy network, Breitbart News reported on Sunday. Bannon asked Gerth, “Have you ever in your investigations, and you’re stretch as a two time Pulitzer Prize winner investigative journalist for the paper of record in this country, have you ever seen anything in your professional career like this?” Gerth answered by reminding Bannon that he has been doing this for forty years and that there were two instances in which this reminds him.
 Assad: Americans Sugarcoating ISIS  
(DANIEL HALPER) - Bashar al-Assad told Charlie Rose that some Americans are sugarcoating ISIS. Moreover, the Syrian dictator claimed, ISIS has expanded since the beginning of the strikes."...Rose asked Assad, "How much of a benefit are you getting from American airstrikes in Syria reducing the power of ISIS?" "President Assad: Sometimes you could have local benefit but in general if you want to talk in terms of ISIS actually ISIS has expanded since the beginning of the strikes," answered Assad, in an interview that aired Sunday on 60 Minutes.
 Unholy Assault on the Hoosier State  
(Cliff Kincaid) - Although shocked at first by her blatant hostility toward Christian America, a little digging discovered that Swisher is a major player in the gay community and CNBC is a major outlet for homosexual propaganda...Swisher, who has interviewed President nObama and Hilly Clinton, had been a featured speaker at the “Lesbians Who Tech” summit, where she used the “F” word quite liberally and declared: “I’m often confrontational, so F— you.” The group “Lesbians Who Tech” describes itself as “a Community of Queer Women in or around tech.” The American people might be interested to know that the sponsors of the “Lesbians Who Tech” event included Google, ebay, Wells Fargo, Intel, Walmart, Target and Amazon, among other corporations.
 Leftist politicians and the media try to blacklist scientists  
(Jim Lakely and James M. Taylor) - Leftist politicians and the media try to blacklist scientists who are skeptical about Global Warming...If you thought science involves scientists challenging each other’s ideas and struggling to see who can best explain the facts, you were wrong—according to a cabal of left-wing activists, politicians, and their media friends. They have launched a crusade to intimidate scientists who dissent from conventional alarmism over Global Warming. Apparently, science should now focus on maintaining an orthodox set of beliefs dictated by the political class, and troubling facts like the failure of global temperatures to rise as predicted must be ignored.
 The Left’s Ted Cruz Freakout  
(Matthew Vadum) - Much of the political world went into full freakout mode yesterday as crusading conservative Ted Cruz became the first candidate from either of the major parties to formally announce he is running for president in 2016...The ritual denunciations of Cruz, the junior Republican senator representing Texas, from all across the fruited plain quickly piled up. Since he assumed office in January 2013, Cruz has come under intense fire from the Left and from a few corners in the GOP. Some of the criticism is well thought out but much of it doesn’t rise above the level of schoolyard taunts. Some consider it a negative that Cruz, like Barack nObama, began running for president soon after becoming a U.S. senator.
 Cover-ups work  
(Dr. Steven J. Allen) - William Safire, who once worked for Richard Nixon and became a New York Times columnist, observed that it’s not the crime that does you in; it’s the cover-up. But that’s not really true...The vast majority of the time, cover-ups work. That’s why politicians commit cover-ups. Hilly Clinton stole tens of thousands of e-mails during her time as secretary of state—diverting them to a server in her house—and destroyed the ones she didn’t want investigators to see. When investigators sought access to her server, to see if any trace might remain of the stolen-and-erased messages, she apparently had the server wiped clean. Gone are any e-mails that might have, say, explained why foreign power-brokers and governments, including major violators of human rights, funneled money to the Clinton machine. Gone are any e-mails that might have explained why and how Secretary Clinton and her cohorts framed a YouTube poster for the 9/11/12 attacks that, among other things, killed the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other brave Americans.
 Hilly Email Reflects Business Mixed On Multiple Devices  
( - Hilly Clinton said the construct of her secret communication network was specifically because she only wanted to carry one device – obviously she lied right out of the gate...The Associated Press has gained a total of FOUR emails from a FOIA request regarding correspondence between Hilly Clinton and her personal aide Huma Abedin search term “drone strikes”.
Hillary Rodham Clinton
 State Department found 4 emails about drones sent by Clinton  
(JACK GILLUM) - The State Department says it can find only four emails sent between former Secretary Hilly Rodham Clinton and her staff concerning drone strikes and certain U.S. surveillance programs, and those notes have little to do with either subject...She asks for a phone call in one, a phone number in another. She seeks advice on how best to condemn information leaks, and accidentally replies to one work email with questions apparently about decorations. The messages also reveal Clinton used an iPad to email while secretary of state in addition to her BlackBerry, despite her explanation she set up a private email account and homebrew server while she was the nation's top diplomat so that she could carry a single device.
 Iranian-backed Shiite militias still operating in Tikrit  
(Caleb Weiss) - Despite claims by the US government to the contrary, several Iranian-backed Shiite militias are still operating in Tikrit. The US has said that airstrikes in the central Iraqi city would only come if these militias withdrew from leading the battle... “Preconditions for us to provide support were that the Iraqi government had to be in charge of this operation. We had to know exactly who was on the ground,” General Lloyd Austin, the commander of US Central Command, told Congress on March 26, according to Military Times. Austin continued by saying, “The Shiite militias that were there have pulled back from that area.” Pentagon spokesman Colonel Steve Warren said the next day in a press conference that most of these militias left the fighting.  “These are primarily the Shia militia units that we had no interest in being on the battlefield in the first place,” Warren continued, “These are the Shia militia that are clearly linked or often infiltrated by Iran, so their departure from the battlefield is welcome.”
Hilly is the only thing holding Democrats together, and Bushes always
break the Republican Party
Peggy Noonan

     ( - The 2016 presidential campaign is here, pushed up prematurely by the Hilly Clinton email controversy. When a major candidate of a major party has major trouble, the election moves more sharply into focus.

Apart from Mrs. Clinton, small stories have begun to shoot up like flares.

     Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker shied away from the accomplished and interesting Liz Mair, who had agreed to be digital strategist in his social media operation. She had tweeted some indiscreet, funny and provocative things about Iowans—the word “morons” was involved—and is also moderate or liberal on various social issues. She was not signing on as a domestic or foreign-policy adviser, but even campaign staffers now, in political oppo culture, are the target of full Internet body frisks.

     There was something sad in the story. Now of all times you want to see candidates include a wide variety of voices, including irreverent and especially creative ones. A diverse party with everyone in on the fight, no loyalty oaths or litmus tests, is what is needed. But that kind of decision probably wouldn’t come from a candidate whose breakout plan begins with the word Iowa.

     Mike Huckabee has, amazingly, been revealed by the New York Times as hawking, for money, an unorthodox diabetes cure in an Internet infomercial. I watched it. He comes across as a smooth, friendly huckster or a teddy-bearish snake-oil salesman, which is not how a presidential candidate would normally want to look. Once a young journalist, looking at a photo of Paul Ryan in gym shorts and sleeveless T-shirt with his cap on backward and lifting barbells, said, musingly, “That’s a real congressman move.” Hawking magical elixirs is a real Arkansas governor move.

     The president has jumped into the strangeness fray by musing aloud that mandatory voting in the United States would be a good idea. “It would be transformative if everybody voted,” he told an audience in Cleveland. Yes, it would. It would mean a lot of people who aren’t interested in public policy and choose not to follow it would suddenly be deciding it.

     The way it is now, if you aren’t interested—and you have the right not to be interested—you don’t have to vote. If you are interested, you pay attention, develop political views, and vote. Making those who don’t care about voting vote will only dilute the votes of those who are serious and have done their democratic homework.

     Most of us are moved by the sight of citizens lined up at the polls on Election Day. We should urge everyone to care enough to stand in that line. But we should not harass or bother those who, with modesty and even generosity, say they are happy to leave the privilege of the ballot to those who are engaged. Mandatory voting is, so far, the worst and most mischievous political idea of the year, and deeply eccentric.

     I detect more than the usual amount of uncertainty and angst among the leadership of both parties this year, and it is due to doubts about their putative front-runners.

     Democratic establishment angst is composed of obvious and less obvious elements. Obvious: They worry Mrs. Clinton’s email-gate will linger, and they’re afraid of more scandals tumbling out of the Clinton Foundation closet. They fear the constant regurgitation of old scandals. They’re afraid they’ll have no sway when future embarrassments and controversies come. She’s Hilly, she does it her way, she keeps it close, it’s a tight circle.

Less obvious: She’s all they have.

     By that I don’t mean there is no one else who can run. It’s a shallow bench, but a bench. I mean that for all her flaws Hilly Clinton is the only major Democrat who can keep the Democratic Party together in this cycle.

     Without Hilly the party will probably lurch left. And if it lurches left it’ll probably lose the general election. Democrats will break up into left-progressives, way-left-progressives, populists of different stripe, older moderates and centrists. The left is no longer passionate about Mr. nObama because he is not left-wing enough. Hilly Clinton holds the party together with her Hillyness—her popularity with the base, her connection to the Clinton years, her sex. The idea of the first female president in a party increasingly preoccupied with identity and gender politics is a powerful ideological glue.

     Hilly, to the general public, comes across as centrist. In part this is because she is associated with her husband’s ultimate moderation, and in part because she has grown more moderate over the years, at least in the sense of playing ball with various entrenched powers. She is certainly hawkish. Her popularity and persona will keep her party seeming centrist, even if she inches to the left to appease sizable parts of the base, and to show her heart is still with them.

     But I think an untold story of 2016 is that the Democratic establishment is desperate when Mrs. Clinton is in trouble because without her they see a fracturing of their party.

     We focus on the GOP and its dramas with what is called the far right. We pay no heed to the Democrats and their dramas and challenges from what is never called their far left.

     There’s a balancing angst among many Republicans. It is connected to the fact that Jeb Bush is broadly considered a front-runner, if not the front-runner. And at the end of the day Bushes always break the party.

     George H.W. Bush didn’t mean to but he did, in 1990, when he gambled that the economy would rise and its rise would justify his rescinding of his no-new-taxes pledge. Instead he got a recession. Thus was born Pat Buchanan’s candidacy for the presidency and what in retrospect was the first iteration of the tea party. Mr. Bush lost the election.

     George W. Bush broke his party after his 2004 re-election, in part with his immigration proposals and the way he advanced them, with aides insulting his GOP opponents—“nativist,” they said—and, in the end, by two unwon wars. Add the crash and the presidency was closed to the Republicans for at least eight years. Mr. Bush gambled that the wars would be victorious, that the party that loved him would march to the banner of an immigrat

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Thursday Afternoon - The Front Page Cover

 The Front Page Cover 
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Hilly Seems Tired, Not Hungry
Peggy Noonan
"Know who you are standing with"
"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future"
Fox News: “President Barack nObama appealed directly to Iranian citizens in a message commemorating Nowruz, the Persian New Year. ‘Our negotiations have made progress, but gaps remain,’ nObama said Thursday in a video message posted online. ‘If Iran’s leaders can agree to a reasonable deal, it can lead to a better path — the path of greater opportunities for the Iranian people,’ he said.”
          Senate panel sets Iran deal vote date - U.S. Senators Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) and Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), the chairman and ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, [Thursday]
announced the committee will vote on the bipartisan Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 on April 14. The bill mandates that the president submit the text of any agreement to Congress and prohibits the administration from suspending congressional sanctions for 60 days.  -Fox News 
Politico: “The nObama administration is set to unveil the first major nationwide safety restrictions on fracking, touching off a fresh political confrontation between the president and his critics in Congress and the energy industry. The Interior Department’s rules — expected to be released as soon as Friday — are the federal government’s most comprehensive foray to date toward regulating the technology at the heart of the U.S. oil and gas boom, addressing worries such as potential dangers to drinking water. They will also offer oil and gas supporters new room to accuse President Barack nObama of seeking to throttle fossil-fuel production, despite his repeated boasts about the nation’s booming energy supplies.”   -Fox News 
 Iran Nuke Deal Harder and Harder for Josh Earnest to Justify  
Josh Earnest ran damage control after Iran Ayatollah Ali Khomeini responded to hecklers by saying, "Of course, death to America," during a public speech over the weekend. This prompted the Leftmedia to start asking hard questions about Barack nObama's nuclear deal with Iran. CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta asked nObama's spokesman, "Do those comments give this White House any pause about moving forward with a nuclear deal with that country?" Earnest replied, "Those kinds of comments only underscore why it is so critically important that the United States and the international community succeed in preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon." He continued, saying the only way to prevent an Iranian bomb is through negotiation. But Earnest fumbled when he said the Ayatollah's comment was only "intended for a domestic political audience." (What are some things nObama said only for the ears of people back home?) While the nObama administration flirts with a U.S. enemy, Israel's intelligence has been spying on the proceedings and leaking information to Congress. It's an act of self-preservation, which also gives to Congress information that nObama should have been providing all along. 
-The Patriot Post 
 nObama Still Thinks Yemen Strategy Is Sound  
Despite pulling the last U.S. Special Forces from the country, the nObama administration stands behind its comments touting its foreign policy strategy in Yemen. White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest defended his boss' strategy, even in the face of growing unrest and the potential growth of ISIL in the nation. "The case that we have made is that Yemen did serve as a sort of template for the kind of strategy that we would employ to mitigate the threat from extremists around the world," Earnest insisted. "In Yemen, the U.S. did on occasion take steps to remove some extremists from the battlefield. Those were steps that were carried out using U.S. capabilities, done in conjunction with the Yemeni central government and with national security forces inside that country. Ultimately our goal here is to build up the capacity of local countries so they can assume responsibility for their own security situation. That has the effect of stabilizing the country so extremists can't use it to plot against the West." Great idea on paper, but it hasn't worked out too well in application. Yet nObama is sticking with the same strategy. More...   -The Patriot Post 
 Iraqi Christians Suffer After nObama's Withdrawal  
CBS reported on the plight of Assyrian Christians during Sunday night's "60 Minutes." Correspondent Lara Logan interviewed Archbishop Bashar Warda, who said Christians in Iraq were safer under Saddam Hussein than they are under either the current Iraqi government or, obviously, the Islamic State. "I think American support was needed -- needed forcefully" to maintain stability, Warda said. "You cannot leave the country like this and tell them, 'Well, we've liberated you. We cannot do the job for you and we are walking away. This is your country, rule it.'" Furthermore, he added as if speaking directly to Americans, "This is not what you came for in 2003. The 4,000 sacrifices of the American soldiers was not meant to come to this day." No, indeed, we didn't spend enormous blood and treasure just for Barack nObama to throw up his hands and walk away to prove a political point. But that's exactly what he did, and more than just U.S. national security suffered -- real people with Christian roots that go back to the time of the apostles are threatened with extinction.   -The Patriot Post 
 Only nObama And “His” ICE Agents Can Deport “Immigrants”  
( - Luis Gutierrez, the Racist Latino activist disguised as an Illinois Congressman, spoke at a press conference held by the National Hispanic Construction Association (NHCA)...As a racial preference organization operating in the construction industry, it is the perfect venue for a Gutierrez appearance. On Tuesday Gutierrez addressed the group on the topic of illegal aliens, advocating on behalf of those who flagrantly break our nation’s immigration laws, both the illegal aliens themselves as well as their enablers within the government. Gutierrez said, “Our ‘immigrant community’ has to understand one thin
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Saturday Morning - The Front Page Cover

 The Front Page Cover 
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Compromise is Not an Option
Burt Prelutsky
"Rise up together as one voice"
"Be careful where you stand"
Gov. Scott Walker isn’t buying President nObama’s advice that the 2016 Republican presidential contender ‘bone up” on foreign policy rather than criticize his nuclear deal with Iran. Walker, who has declared he’d undo the administration’s agreement on day one of his presidency, blasted the president’s “failed leadership” and said nObama should spend more time working with governors and members of Congress rather than attacking them.” “Whether it is cutting a bad deal with Iran, calling ISIS the JV squad, or touting Yemen as a success story, Walker said in a statement, “nObama’s lack of leadership has hurt America’s safety and standing in the world.” In what has become a toe-to-toe exchange, nObama’s latest jab
delivered in an NPR interview and follows his lash out at Walker last month for signing Wisconsin’s right-to-work law. Asked why Walker seems to be getting under the president’s skin, the White House says there’s “nothing personal” going on, but acknowledges “significant policy differences between the two.” 
-Fox News  
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Thursday Afternoon - The Front Page Cover

 The Front Page Cover 
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Corruption and Fascism is the Order
of the day in the United States of America
Keith Davies 
"Rise up together as one voice"
"Be careful where you stand"
$16 Million Bill  
The Clintons have done quite well for themselves since January 2001, when they grabbed $190,000 worth of china, flatware, furniture and rugs on their way out the White House doors -- thank you very much. No, really, thank you, the American taxpayer. Multimillion-dollar book deals, lucrative speaking engagements and whatever it is they do at the Clinton Foundation account for the bulk of the Clintons' vast wealth. These, though, are not the only reasons that Bill and Hilly are so well off. Thanks to the Former Presidents Act, taxpayers will have given Bill a collective $16 million by Election Day next year for a variety of expenses about which, predictably, no one really knows too much. A recent analysis by Politico revealed that the former president has received more money through the Act than any other ex-president. The total accumulation of his pension through 2016 amounts to $3.1 million, including $218,000 this year and $221,000 allocated for next year.  -The Patriot Post 
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Down to "Bidness"

Down to “Bidness”


Having “begun a good work,” the TEA Party must not letup- for a single, tiny second! When I hear people in the bootlicking media, ragging on the TEA party, I’m not surprised. They are simply team players: for the other team! If the home team called up the upcoming opponent, and said, “Hey guys, do you suppose you could share your gameplan for us… with us?” The raucous laughter that would follow the loud click and dial tone, would be punctuated with plenty of: “What the heck are they smokin’?”

  The frustration with the whole rotten mess is, at times, crippling. New revelations- that simply confirm old revelations- that GOP leadership is selling out the party, AND, the country: with “trickeration” that Obama, Pelosi, and Reid: can only envy- just adds to the despair! In it’s apparent obsession with sweet ink from the Quisling press, (“See, see, we’re really nice people, and not ‘extremists!’”) the republican puppets willingly dance; the liberal puppetmasters laughingly pull the strings. Republicans are perfectly willing to sell out the country- now and forever- if the New York Times would just PLEASE, say something nice about them! We can only dream they had the guts to be: “mean!”

  The DC, ruling class establishment, hates the TEA party for essentially ONE reason. The TEA party is the true voice of the American people! Despite all the lies: misinformation, disinformation, and propaganda- the TEA party stands against the ruling class agenda! We MUST NOT STOP!

  When the TEA party came into being, we were filled with fresh-faced enthusiasm and a lot of energy. We had no idea what we were up against. The left is very good at the game and business of politics, because, it is the air they breathe. We were a bit naive, but “rearing to go!”

  There is something called the 80/20 rule. The %

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Who Do You Think You Are?

NewsMax - Texas Governor Rick Perry has accused President Barack Obama of "gambling with American lives" after a bullet believed to be from a gun battle in Mexico hit a building. "For the second time in two months, bullets from a gun battle in the escalating drug war in Juarez have struck a building in El Paso," Texas’ Governor Perry said. By comparison, the border issue is minor. There is a far greater issue on our minds now, due to Obama’s late stand that gambles all American lives.

A blogger on Blogit wrote: “Don't try to explain why you are here. If you do, you will be gone.” This blogger’s thought was brought to mind when I read on MSN news today, under “misidentification,” a fault of the keepers of the law. After a person identifies a criminal fro

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Crushing The Godly By: Stephen Eichler J.D. Forced Medical Insurance Will Violate The Faith Of Many. Believe me, the poison pill being issued by the Obama National Health-Care Scheme is a forced Governmental mandate on those who by their religious beliefs refuse to use modern medicine. To begin with, forcing a Government run National Health-Care plan upon certain sectors of religious communities is not only blasphemy to some, but is a death knoll to their faith. Millions of U.S. Citizens, exercising their religious rights, refuse to receive or participate in any form of medical treatment because their faith prohibits such practices. In essence, the demand of the Government that all Citizens will obey their edicts is sending shivers of concern throughout some faith communities. Elders, Priests, Clerics and Rabbis view such a Government directive as a definitive crushing of the Godly under the boot heel of Godless totalitarianism. Thus, the liberal autocratic machine is rolling over those they have loudly proclaimed as the ones: “which need our protection.” How easy it seems to the new governmental order to waive the flag of religious freedom for all in one hand while with the other hand it creates devastating laws, which disembowel the individual’s right to religion. They loudly bellow: “we will protect your religion with the full faith and credit of the Constitution” while actually they are destroying the very sacred fiber of our beloved nation. “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” John Quincy Adams Remember this; it was the yearning for religious freedom, which brought the first settlers here from Europe. Is Plymouth Rock to be quietly bulldozed into the sea? Shall the power of the State simply sweep aside the religious practices of millions of faithful U.S. Citizens in the name, not of GOD, but for the greater good for the greatest number? Paying for the forced government National Health-Care mandate will violate the very souls of those who trust the First Amendment right to freedom of religion and bear in their bosoms a special knowledge of the most high. “Is The State Greater That The Creator?” Minuteman Steve How convenient to say: “We are progressives! We believe in a living Constitution” while recklessly denying the very purpose of the Constitution and the true meaning of who we are as a people. The most powerful force in the world is not a weapon or a nation but a truth… that we are spiritual beings and that freedom is the soul’s right to breathe. George W Bush What about the Amish, Mennonites, Christian Science, many devout members of the 7th Day Adventists, certain groups in the Church of the Latter Day Saints and other religious organizations? What will they do as their rights are extinguished? How can Religious refugees, who have found sanctuary in America, both Orthodox and Neo-Scientists, come to grips with such an anti-God concept of intrusive secular mandated health-care? The Government will view the religious sector as obstacles to their National agenda of categorizing and numbering everyone including Brothers and Sisters in the faith. KEEP READING Who will be patient 666? Or is it Doctor 666? Will you wear your government medical I.D. bracelet, around your wrist or around your head with your medical chip dangling on your forehead? This is nothing new, this is the same mind-set, which forced the great immigration from across the world to our beloved America. The same stance of shoving aside religious beliefs by an out-of-control government creates a flash-point of ignition setting off another historical Reformation or religious revolt. Make no mistake, when given the choice between God or Country, God is still the winner! Ever wonder why Mr. Obama has insisted that America is no longer a Christian nation? Is it because by making a positive theological statement, he aligns himself with the religious communities and thereby the agenda of National Health-care would be stymied. To top it off, many orthodox zealots from all faiths possess a firm belief that any form of manmade medical practice is blasphemy
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