"Clueless" President Obama Throws Another Snow Job
at the American Taxpayer
Think of it as a government propaganda agency designed to convince a doubtful American public of the absolute validity of global warming "science." It's called the "Federal Climate Service" and it's just one more Barak Obama GSB (government spending boondoggle) coming your way courtesy of "the Chicago Savior's" progressive^^ upbringing, one more way to bankrupt America and drive socialism down our throats. Could this be the inane straw that breaks the taxpayers' backs? Here's how it works . . .
Unable to offend our sensibilities with a cataclysmically wasteful Obamacare takeover of the health care industry, the Obama administration is forming a new government agency dedicated to addressing the “impending doom of global warming.” According to U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke, the “Federal Climate Service” is being created because of “big demand from the American Public for relevant and timely information about 'global warming.'” Supposedly one big side benefit is the “creation of new jobs.” Despite costing the nation almost six million jobs overall, Mr. Obama has expanded government jobs by 14% already this year. The website going up today www.climate.gov highlights supposedly “short-term cooling on a warming planet” just in time for another 15" snow storm in D.C., one supposes . . . To Rajjpuut’s jaundiced eyes this sounds like something created by Obama's crackpot Science Czar John Holdren.
Holdren was notable in 1972 for trying to frighten the bewhilickers out of all of us about the “coming ice age” and then for becoming an advocate of Al Gore’s global warming scare in the early part of the last decade. Let’s put things into rational perspective here, shall we . . . .
When it comes to cold, cold snowy winters in the east, the past may outstrip the present. Valley Forge in 1776 was part of a Pennsylvania that reportedly saw over 200” of the white stuff (over 17 feet) fall – numbers more usually associated with freak 100-year winters in Buffalo, N.Y. In 1816 also known as “1800 and Froze to Death” or the “Year without a summer” farmers in New England put three different crops into the ground and all of it died from late frosts in a year when huge late May, June, July and August snow storms destroyed the agricultural industry. Surely 2010 will never come close to that kind of winter devastation. Nevertheless, the recent 32.4” snowfall hitting Washington, D.C. and tomorrow’s predicted 10-20 inch follow-up has the folks in the nation’s capital shaking their heads and people with flat roofs fearing the worst all up and down the Eastern Seaboard. It also has Barak Obama proposing creation of this “Federal Climate Service” supposedly aimed at studying global warming but clearly just a snow job aimed at propagandizing the politically correct "truth" about global warming.
Aside from the probability that Barak Obama is preparing an insanity defense for his coming impeachment, the out and out lie known as “global warming” suffered several serious attacks in 2009. The scandal known as “Climate Gate” revealed a deep and long-ongoing fraud by both the UN IPCC ( United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) and the formerly trusted CRU (Climate Research Unit) from East Anglia, England responsible together for the lion's share of our supposed data and climate projections. There were also reports of a policy of deliberate “cherry-picking” of thousands of Siberian temperatures to eliminate any truly cold ones, and most damning of all the release of information that the 2,500 year climate record being used was deliberately created without including the 450 year Medieval Warm Period data to make the past seem much cooler than it really was. Along those lines, perhaps we should think of of present year 2010 as “20 Ten(d) to doubt Global Warming.”
Right now in the U.S. Senate a “Cap and Trade” bill -- designed to reduce (or tax out of existence) the human carbon dioxide emissions supposedly causing suspected global warming – languishes in committee. In the best of all possible worlds the huge stacks of paper committed to this environmental bill which will cost the nation $220 billion in productivity every single year it’s in effect . . . perhaps that paper can heat a few chimneys or furnaces? We really do need Al Gore to straighten us out on this, don’t you think? Nevertheless, “Clueless Barak” has decided to waste more of our tax dollars by creating another bureaucratic entity, this Climate Service, to aid in cooking the books along acceptable and politically correct climate lines . . . makes you want to vomit don’t it?
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
^^Progressive sounds so much better than "Marxist," doesn't it?
Beginning with Woodrow Wilson, the Progressive movement has regarded the U.S. Constitution as an obstacle and used an evolutionary (unending assault by slight changes rather than all-out battle) approach to making the U.S. Constitution irrelevant (in England this approach is and was called "Fabian Socialism" after the great Roman general Fabius who defeated Hannibal and his Carthaginians and elephants by never actually confronting him in any big battles just letting incremental logistics and nature do most of the work).
Barak Obama, however, was definitely raised as a communist by Stanley Ann Dunham, his mother, and Stanley Armor Dunham, his grandfather. His father, Barak Hussein Obama, Sr., meanwhile lost his job in the Economic Development Agency of the fledgeling Kenyan Governmen for too loud, far too often and particularly in writing lobbying for a communist government in which "even 100% tax is not out of the question" and for advocating an "active program" to force financial equality between Kenya's Black, Asian and White populations published in the most prestigious magazine of its day, 1965, the East Africa Journal. Barak, Jr. coveniently left his father's Marxism out of the book, "Dreams from My Father" ghostwritten by Bill Ayers of bomb-planting fame.
Barak, Sr.'s 8-page article reflects the truth about his son's beliefs today, too. To hear him say, "I am NOT an ideologue, I am not," harkened back to Richard Nixon's equally false, "I'm not a crook." Here's a picture of Barak and his father (who the mainstream media would have you believe played absoutely no part in Barak, Jr.'s upbringing) together for a month in Hawaii according to "Dreams from My Father":
and here's the 1965 article by his father:
one quote about 100% tax is on page 31 ( page 8 of 10)