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National Health Care

IF Our Government wants to Guarrentee Basic Health care for those who can't get their own it can be done with out messing with the country's Health sys.1) open free basic care clinics in all major cities.The Buildings could be supplied by using the vacant buildings already owned by the IRS most are in the areas where the need is.2) supplies and utilities can be obtained from venders by giving them tax credits for their donations.3) staff,Doc's volenteer for tax cretit for their time,All medical students that got gov,paid education have to serve a 2 yr intern ship in return for their education.This could get all the basic health care they need without messing with the rest of the country.I know therr are more details to work out,But it is possable to due.The military is already doing it.Why not the rest of the country.
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Stop the whining!

Dear American Patriots,As I was listening to the shows on Veterans' Day talk radio, I couldn't help but want to shout out to everyone in the whole USA that we must dispense with the political correctness and people must get over their whining, complaining and condemnation we frequently hear from everyone who does not agree that, without the immense sacrifices paid by our veterans, their families and friends who support them, 25% of which are homeless in America, there would be NO USA! I am beginning to wonder if we are still living in America?
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The President elect cannot acknowledge these salient facts because HE is complicit, if not the main contributing factor due to his public policies relative to Islam, encouraging more of the same incidents to come because of his status and sympathy as an Islamist himself. These incidents, i.e. acts of terror, are NOT considered "extremism" when perpetrated by Muslims or Islamists. According to Muhammadan Islamist doctrine, as mandated by the Qur'an, this is NORMAL behavior for them, and a perfectly legitimate option for any Muslim. They are only perceived as extreme acts of violence to US only because WE embrace the 10 Commandments of God, and the “Golden Rule”, both of which are enshrined in our Constitution. Islamists do not acknowledge either of these concepts, but embrace and abide only the mandates of their constitution as defined in the Qur'an and Hadith. The Qur'an, Sira and Hadith, known as the Islamic trilogy of documents, is that which comprises ALL Muslim – Shari’ah law. This is NOT just about “religion” per se, but the ideology and ethos of Islam. For clarification, Allah does NOT equal God! Allah = Lucifer (Isaiah 14).Our ignorance and naivete relative to the ethos of Islam and Shari'ah puts us at a distinct disadvantage. Moderate Muslim is an oxymoronic term. There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim. Either you are a good (devout) Muslim, or you are an apostate. The former classified as Ummat al-Islam, and the latter is the category of “Ummat al-Kuffar”, the collection of unbelievers (infidels). The argument that most Muslims are peaceful is irrelevant. Even if the majority of Muslims are not terrorists, or do not support terror, they have shown neither the ability nor the desire to denounce the terrorist element. Because Islam is classified by ignorant people as just a religion, they cannot wrap their minds around the fact that Islam is also a movement that is political, ideological, and all-encompassing. Deception and lying are not only allowed under Muslim Shari'ah law, they are encouraged by Muhammadan doctrine for the advancement of Islam. These are the historically accurate, documented facts that we must face and deal with head on.Wake up America! The next attack could make 9/11 look like a very small man-made disaster compared to what might come our way if we continue to enable our President's ideological suicide pact with the American people.
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If we could get a group of approximately 50 people and divide the bill (approx. 40 pages each) we could make notes and most likely gain a better understanding than our 'elected officials' have. If you are interested, please let me know. Time is moving along and, as you know, the Pelosi-Obama group are in such a hurry they will do whatever they can to push this through NO MATTER WHAT THE COST!Lenore from Las Vegas.
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Radical Imam Praises Alleged Fort Hood Shooter, Urges Muslims to 'Follow in Footsteps' - InternationSource: www.foxnews.comRadical Imam Praises Alleged Fort Hood Shooter, Urges Muslims to 'Follow in Footsteps', The personal Web site for a radical American imam living in Yemen who had contact with two 9/11 hijackers is praising alleged Fort Hood shooter Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan as a hero.My ResponseThe danger and root cause for the Fort Hood attack is being Political Correct. I'm pragmatic and military personal are tired of the lies of Diversity. Our men and women do not need to be afraid the person in uniform is an Enemy in disguise.I understand the harassment that occurs, because I recieved it as a Christian while in service. The difference is our faith is self-correcting. We are stronger by the testing of our faith. We do not praise a Jim Jones or David Koresh for extreme ideologies. They are isolated and cutoff. We are the first to ostracise such conduct.Illegitimate groups are not self-correcting, whether in Politics or Religion.I have had many Muslim friends and believe it or not there is much similiarity with modern Christianity. I have other thoughts about religion and politics which I'll discuss later, but If Muslims do not correct these behaviors then they will forever be relagated as an illegimate religion that is unable to stand the test of criticism. Muslim's need to remove the shrouds of deciet that cause them to hate their fellow man. I should have no fear carrying a bible into and Islamic nation and there is no fear of Muslim carrying the Koran into the United States. If Shria Law is intolerant than it is illegitmate. There is no justification to cut off someone's head and for not defending the Constitution, unless your views cannot stand the test of criticism.
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We have to spread the word. There is no limit to the corruption of the Criminally Insane. We have to make our movement Tangible and it requires all of us to do it. Funding is needed to take Legal Action to Stop Congress. Follow this link "Donate Now" and let's quit playing the patriot game and actually put our money with our mouth is. There is over 10 million Tea Party Members and if just we put $100 into the kitty then we could not be stopped. I hate asking for money, but our Nation cannot wait for your warm feeling. We have to get off the couch and take action.I'm working right now with a number of organizations to restructure the Tea Party Movement to develop a unified voice. We will promulgate schedule events that everyone will have flexibility and unity. We have to Unite and quit trying to divide or reinvent the wheel. I believe the Tea Party Movement is an umbrella that has different arms (tactics - Patriots Groups, Religious Orgs, Non-Profits and Profit Groups) working together to Restore Our Nation. I well aware of all the Groups out there, since I have been there from the beginning and have seen all these groups attempt to reinvent the Wheel. I established the Non-Profit Corporation about the time Rick Santelli made his comments. I am the Tea Party founder and God is moving us as a nation to return to our roots. We need to bring our talents or concepts under one roof and exercise this as a battleplan. I have a mechanism to prioritize these activities and properly fund these structures, but we have to work together stop sub-dividing.We must work together and put aside the hatred. America is calling - will you be apart of the solution or the problem (divisive). I'm open to ideas and do not believe being exclusive. I believe we need current members of Congress and political groups (Republicans, Independents, Democrats(RID)), however these groups need to stop trying to control this movement (names temporarily omitted, because I hate division). If these political parties don't yield to us then I'm not afraid to name them and their connections to shadow organizations. The people in the street (attendees) are there for the same reasons I started this movement. I know how to include these groups, but the Tea Party Stage is not a campaign stump. Stop trying to use this movement to support you bid for office. I appauled anyone who is willing to be sifted to lead us politically. However, we require leaders that are honest and character can be verified. We have a mechanism to filter out the liars (open vetting). Individual we may have various platform preferences, but every RID groups needs to get out of our wallets. We are the embodiment of the Constitution. If the Constitution was intact we would not have responded. This document (Constitution) does not need to reinterpreted but needs to be followed, period. Spread the word through what ever forum you have. Follow this link "Donate Now".
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The Constitution Requires God

If we have no reverence to something higher than ourselves (God), then our nation is vulnerable to the whims of men. The founding Fathers were right to place power in the hands of the people. If our leaders lose site of God then they must answer to the people. Collectively we are the voice of God. Abraham Lincoln correctly stated, "You can Fool some of the People all the Time, You can fool all the People some of the Time, but you can't Fool all the People all the Time."We can no longer be fooled by failed ideologies that create failed policies. The adage, "Fool Me Once, shame on You; Fool Me Twice, shame on Me," rings true. We need to restore the Constitution which is One Nation Under God. Without a God, there is no other mechanism to maintain our Divine Rights.
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We can do something.

I am tired of hearing "It's the Goverment, we can't do anything. Did I miss something? I thought we were the Goverment.If we are unhappy with the current, or any, adminestration, we fire them by voting them out, by telling them what we want, and voting it in.We must get off our butts, and decide what we want, and then force the issue leagaly.Joe
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This Country of Ours: Freedom of Speech

One thing I can say that we do have for now is freedom of speech on the internet. But how long do will have freedom of speech at all? How long till that freedom is totally taken away in the middle of the night? We has a people need to voice ours speech. Some people will say, "well somethings shouldn't be said." Thats right. Somethings shouldn't be said but that is what makes this country great. It is because we can say almost anything we want. We have been limited with our freedom of speech for a long time. The FCC tells us what we can and can not say on TV or radio. The one thing we need to remember is that we also have the right to not pay attention to what is being said. We don't have to listen. I do pray that people will listen to this. We need to voice ourselves. I am calling for people to stand up and speak out. Please don't let our free speech taken away. We need to start organizing town hall meetings with our leaders and with our communities.Obama wants to transform this country. Well, he is. That is the bad thing. We need to go back to a simplier time. We need to go back to our Consititution. That is the only TRUE law of the land. Obama wants to make us a communist country, or some type like it. The only way to do that is to take out freedom of speech. If you truely believe in this then please repost and talk about this with family members, coworkers and any one that will listen. WE THE PEOPLE need to make a stand.
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This Country of Ours part III

I know that by now my blogs are starting to get some attention. I think that is a good thing. I know people need to know what I have to say. These years that we have ahead of us is going to get darker and darker. Last year, when Obama was elected, I said that we are going to have a dark 4 years ahead of us. I was right and wrong. It will be a dark four years; however, if the American people don't stand up and do something about it then we may not have an America to call home. You may be saying well that is stupid. We would have to be wiped off the map for that to happen. Let me be the first to tell you that there is more then one way to wipe anything off the map. One way is nuclar. That is a very possible thing that can happen but very unlikely. I thought that it was more likely to happen until recently. I believe that the openess of the One World Governement (OWG) will remap the world. This may sound like I am quoting it from the Bible. It is true that it is in there but if you are really looking at what is going on then you can see that it is a reality. The government will say that the only way to get out of depression is to become one with the world. It is a fact that we do need a new currency since our government has ruined the current currency.On another note, I do want to announce that I am changing my political party. I am no longer going to be a republican. I used to be a democrat also. But can anyone really tell the difference any more? I know that the only difference is the name. Other then that there is no difference. So, I am calling myself a Constitutionalist. A Constitutionalist is an individual that stands behind the Constitution and will stand of for WE THE PEOPLE. WE THE PEOPLE need to stand up and tell the governemt that they need to start listening to us.Also, one more thing, if we do need to change our governemt then we need to either recall all of our repersentives or if they don't leave quietly then we need to over throw our government. If we do this we will need allies. Maybe Canada or Mexico? Maybe even a country down in South America, or maybe even Israel? We as a nation need to think ahead and direct our country and not let our "leaders" direct it.
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This Country of Ours part II

I posted something a few weeks back calling for people to wake up and see where we are going. I mentioned how we are no longer a democracy and that we are now a socialist state. Our future is utter control by the government. They will tell us how to raise our kids. They will say who can be cured and who will remain sick to just die. They want to know where everyone is in the U.S. They (the government) think we are stupid. I don't know about you, but I do know that I am insulted by that comment. Are you stupid? I know I'm not. We need to quit thinking of democrats or republiucans. We need to see them both as equally controling parties. They are trying to turn us back into slavery. Not slavery based on color, sex, religion but slavery based on rich and poor, power and non-power, "smart" and "stupid". Well guess what people, we will prove that we are stupid if we don't stand up and do something.People, we need to do something. We need to stand up and recall everyone in office. We need to stand up and say "STOP!! THIS IS OUR COUNTRY. THE COUNTRY OF WE THE PEOPLE NOT WE THE ELITE!" If we don't stop it now then others like me will stand up and start a revolution. We will have Civil War II if this isn't stopped. We need people to be open about having enough. If you are willing, if you are tired of the control, if you are tired of being called stupid then please stand up and respond to this blog. Repost this blog. Email this to everyone on your address. I am calling for TRUE patriots to get involved.I am Micah Cook. I am a Patriot. I am tired. Who is with me?
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This Country of Ours

I would like to say that I do LOVE our country; however, this government has gotten out of control. It has been out of control for years but they are going too far and continue to push further. This "health care" issue will destroy the health care industry. This will be a huge advatage to those that are into population control. The government doesn't know best!! This government has offically turned us into a Socialist State. We are no longer a Democracy!! I repeat, WE ARE NO LONGER A DEMOCRACY!! We look like one but we are not one. A Socialist State is one step closer to being a Communist State. We as a people need to stand up and say NO!!, to our government. We need to let them know that we are not cattle. We will stand up for what is right, fair and JUST. If people do not stand up then you are just as guilty as anyone in the White House. I pray that We The People will stand up before it is too late. The White House is talking about making it illegal to not take a new vaccine that is coming out for this "swine flu". They are over playing this too much. The regular flu kills more people every year then the swine flu has come close to. In that case, doesn't it make you think that there is more than meets the eye with this? Why the push? They are about to release something dangerous as well. The govenment needs to back out of our lives. We should recall ALL of our elected officals and rebuild this country from scratch. I will be labeled a person of interest. I will be watched because of my views and because I wont stand down. People, please watch, listen, and learn. Don't be bullied by our goverment. They are suppose to be for us, not us for them. We are their boss'.Micah Cook
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TEA PARTY 2-0 Against Progressives

It is unprecedented in little over a year the Tea Party Movement has ousted enenmies to our Constitution. I stood alone questioning the method of selecting candidates, shocked at an imposter receiving the blessing of Liberal Media and George Soros. I question whether I could effect change being only one person. My friends were convenience of the impossibility of the effort of one person. I quickly pointed out that even though Christ was divine, he was only one person. I had a model to start a movement that many thought was fruitless. As time progressed, I knew many who were unsatisfied with the candidates and desired an alternative. It was clear that the conservative movement was rejected by the political parties; I was given a responsibility to act. I could no longer wait after the Bailout was signed into Law, whether anyone understood or could grasp this quest. The political parties had revealed their hand that was unConstitutional. I had sworn and Oath to Defend this flimsy piece of paper that echoed the voices of our Heroes and something Divine.It was clear the intellectual could not see the forest for the trees. I coined the Tea Party concept because it would link the very thing in jeopardy, our Constitution, with our heritage. Being a Nuclear Engineer and Political Science Major, I wanted to make sure that I wasn’t duplicating anything. It was clear that all the political parties where controlled by special interest. I wanted our movement not to be focused on Republican, Independent or Democrat (RID), but on the interest of the majority. Why not develop a party or movement that represented the best of the best and not the least of the least? Why can’t we work together as RID to oust the enenmies to our Constitution? Discovery is Expensive. We could not ever be successful if we excluded our brothers and sister because they have been confused by a party label. Either the RIDs are with us or against us. This Election is not endorsement of anyone party but of patriots who hold dear to our Constitution. Together we can perfect this Document, but it includes everyone of us including the RID groups.I encourage the political parties to decide whether they are with us or against us. Choose this day whom you serve the American People or other interests. It is clear that we stand together not as one but the voice of many. Do not be confused if you perceive us individually as gnats. We are a whirlwind and if you choose to continue to marginalize or hinder our movement the result will be very tangible. Again, TEA PARTY 2-0 against progressives. This is only the beginning. We are coming for you Washington. You better put in Term Limits immediately or expect to be tried for Treason.This election in New Jersey and Virginia is a clear signal to Washington and the World that Americans will no longer be ignored. We are not the scrooge of the earth, but a Beacon of Liberty. We cannot be silenced. We are tired of the Fat Cat politicians who think their personal or special interest out weighs the interest of the people. The Constitution dictates that our Government must Represent the People, not the other way Around. Do not be fooled this is not a referendum for the Republican Party or any RID organization, this election is referendum for the Tea Party Movement. Let Freedom Ring!!!
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Why I am a Member

“…….this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” Gettysburg, Pennsylvania November 19, 1863-Abraham Lincoln. “When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.” Thomas Jefferson “The greatness of America shines in the darkest time from the most unlikely candlesticks” Minuteman Steve - FaxDC
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Will the torment of a people who once proudly carried a flag of glory now wonder if their flag will be sold to the lowest bidder and their pledge turned into a sideshow of dead memories and worthless monuments of bygone days of grandeur?

We The People were born into greatness, because we were born into America, but will our children become those forlorn fools born into bureaucratic slavery?

However, all is not lost! We The People can reverse this horrible blight of National Socialism and save America.

We The People must not allow the Light of Liberty to be extinguished and the hope of freedom to grow dull. The Tea Party shall continue to hold high the torch of self-governance, we declare:

“The greatness of America shines in the darkest time from the most unlikely candlesticks” Steve Eichler

Many in the Tea Party have pledged their Life, Liberty and Sacred Honor to the true foundational beliefs infused into the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights and other great American documents. Many Heroes are standing tall on the truths of the Holy Bible and the writings of those who have gone before them.

I believe this, do you?
“…….this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” Gettysburg, Pennsylvania November 19, 1863-Abraham Lincoln.

I believe the Tea Party stands ready, knowing the future of our beloved nation rests squarely upon the shoulders of We The People.

It is the responsibility of all of 'We The People' to insure a continual new birth of freedom, to insure that all we hold dear shall not perish from the earth. Some may say the price of freedom is too costly. Some are willing to put up and shut up, are you one of those kind?

“When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.”
Thomas Jefferson

Choose today whom you will serve! "If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen." Samuel Adams

Are you willing to put up and shut up? Or, stand with us and say: Hell No! I want my Country back!

“The hour is dark for our Republic and the values we have held dear for over 233 years are fading. Now, more than ever, America needs heroes, men and woman of honor to take their stand for what is right. Are you one of those Citizens of honor?” Steve Eichler

As you read this, trillions of dollars are being primed to gush from our coffers. The Washington Fat Cats will spend like drunken sailors on a Friday night shore leave. Without rhyme or reason, a tsunami of taxpayer cash is already allocated for unrevealed repositories behind closed doors, readying themselves for the lining of secret pockets belonging to traitorous characters.

“As for me and my house, we shall stand for our American values, for what is right and wholesome.”
Dale Robertson – Founder and President of

This is why I am a member of the Tea Party, what is your reason?

Steve Eichler
a.k.a. - 'Minuteman Steve'

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Our RINO Texas Speaker of the House

I have been sending this e-mail around to the Tea Parties located in and around San Antonio. I really think we need to zero in on situations like this and do what we can to change the status quo. Strauss is a liberal repub that was put into the speakership by democrats with the complacency of the republicans"Joe Strauss- Texas Speaker of the House and RINO Tax raiserOur good little RINO tax raiser Joe Straus is now talking about indexing thegasoline taxes. What a deal- if they don't have to vote on raising taxes andtaxes increase the legislators can say; 'hey, I didn't vote for a tax increase,it's not my fault.' No matter that our economy is in the tank, the governmentwill have first call on the taxpayers money at the expense of food and otherpersonal luxuries!If you want to protest something, San Antonio, protest this liberal nonconservative Obamalite liberal. If you do, let me know and I'll be thereIs there a conservative running against this guy in the Republican primary? Ifthere is I'll support him or her. We need a NY 23 mentality here in Texas.Tom MorganKerrville Tea Party Patriot"
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I have been a member of The912Project since Beck established it and I attended the 912 Tea Party in DC and guess I never got around to establishing myself on the Tea Party link. I believe we can take back our country and stop this out of control spending by voting for persons who have the Tea Party principles.
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Public Relations

I attended the Fourth of July Tea Party gathering at Weatherford College in Weatherford, Texas. I was very impressed and excited to have the opportunity to be a part of such a group. We have to play the PR game; some BRIGHT bumper stickers, sign boards, etc must be used to get more of our message out. I know that takes money, but that should be a priority.Thank you, Jack DeShazo
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