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Why some want national health care

I am a 55 year old unemployed vet.I am currently going to school full time to get my A&P liciense.I worked for a family owned business for ten years only to have it close with no benifits.But I do not expect a hand out from any one especially the GOV.The purpose of this is,I have several men in my school that have children with ex wives that depend on walfare and medicade to take care of their responsability at the expense of the rest of our fellow americans.I for one gave 10 years of my life and my son is currently serving in the marines over seas for our national security.I have no problem paying my share of taxes for security both here and abroad BUT NOT to pay for others wives and kids.Our country has lost the desire to be self relient and responsable for its self. Our current President and his czars are leading the weak minded people of our country on a path of total disaster.I have talked to a young man with relitives in both greece and canada that have negitive experience with the national health care of those countries,We need to encourage those we know to investigate the truth of the falicies they are being lead to beleve before it is too late and our whole country suffers for it own ignorance.Just a thought.rws411.
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Tea Partiers Coming for the GOP… Dede Drops OUT!Written by admin Election News, TEA Party News Oct 31, 2009Hi Tea Partiers…It was just the other day when I heard Rush Limbaugh spouting off at the mouth about how the GOP was gonna destroy the democrats in the next elections. I thought to myself that he could be seriously mistaken.I have been telling people for months that the biggest surprise in the next elections will be the republicans being unseated by Tea Party candidates… and the first to fall is Republican Dierdre “Dede” Scozzafava.The race for the 23rd Congressional District in NY has been a hotbed of speculation as it is the first real test in the new era of American politics. So let the truth be told.Dede got whacked because she represents everything that is wrong with the Republican Party. She was a liberal in conservative clothes and she got what she deserved.More importantly and equally as shocking is how out of touch the Republican Party is to have actually run her as their candidate.On a laughable note… Newt Gingrich endorsed her!Lesson number 1: The Republicans are in every bit as much trouble with the Tea Parties as the Democrats are… even more because they should have known better.It comes down to this. If you are a Congressman or a Senator and you voted for the Patriot Act. Cap-n-Trade, Bail-Outs, or the Health Care Reform among the many unconstitutional acts coming out of Washington… WE ARE COMING FOR YOU!It is however, not too late to save yourself. You can join our movement … albeit at the back of the line because you’ll have much to prove. I suggest you get started."In God We Trust, because man alone, especially leftists, cannot be trusted." - BBC 2004 - JB"Such is the irresistible nature of truth that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." - Thomas Paine
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Republicans need to start standing up in the house and letting the house know what we are really saying. get Obama out and Polosie before the Country is desolved as we know it. Our children don't deserve what these people are putting upon them. Vote all of them out and start over. Oh by the way TAXES are high enough we need to make a stand on this POINT no more taxes.
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We need to get back to basics so I wrote a poem of how I felt;PROUD TO BE AN AMERICANI’m not a European I don’t want to be like themI’m proud to be American and be treated like I amRight now we have the freedoms that many can’t ignoreTo prove this watch how many cross our boarders to exploreWe have the rights and powers to change what we don’t likeYou can see it on some papers that our forefathers chose to writeThey did this after coming from a place they had no voiceAnd wrote down these amendments to offer us a choiceAnd now our politicians want to follow Europe’s leadBy voting on some bills which they have yet to readThey feel that we can learn from European waysOf governing their people where they take away their sayI grew up believing in our inalienable rightsOf choosing to work hard to get what’s in my sightsTo make decisions how I live and suffer for mistakesAnd relish in successes that only I have choose to makeBe cautious of the words they use to get you to agreeThat what they want to do is help for those in needWhat they really mean is that all should be the sameAnd say they’ll be the ones to take away our painsIf you choose to let them pay for all you need in lifeThere will come a time you’ll see when you will pay the priceThey will take away your right to arm and silence your free speechAnd after that your goals and dreams will soon be out of reachIf the men that wrote those papers more than 200 years agoCould see what they are currently trying to proposeThey’d be rolling in their graves with anger and disgustThat all that they have fought for was quickly turned to dustAnd if you think they know best our friends from overseasThen you should feel free to move there and you’ll seeJust leave my country how you found it free and without strifeAnd if you think we’ll let you change it you better think about that twice
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Movement must be Grassroots

To all,I thought you appreciate some of my thoughts on inquiries to me. Below is some of my thoughts.DaleDear Concern Citizen,I'm concerned whether any political party and especially the major political party can provide what you desire. It is my desire to change their perspective to provide honest leaders of character. I believe we serve a common purpose. The following is a plead to me. I did not include the name below because it was a husband and wife who are struggling with our nation in crisis and healtcare, also I wanted to keep them annonymous. They are at lost at what to do. While I know what to do, I will always be at a disadvantage largely do to the seats of power. Additionally, We made some upgrades to the site and it is worth your review. We will continue to improve because our nation survival is imperil. Please read and do as you will. If you believe what I started is right then support us financially.Your Friend,DaleDear Friend,The truth about all of this is partially revealed by Alex Jones', "The Fall of The Republic." I have been working on a book that actually goes into larger frame of reference than what Alex Jones addresses. However, I decided to put that on hold to launch this movement. Needless to say, this has been more difficult than I can imagine. I stood alone for many months and then political groups and profiteers jumped into this movement. I appreciate their efforts in spreading the news, however, this has had some negative consequences namely division. I think it is deliberate, because If I could just get a forum via media we could resolve this situation immediately. The profiteers are mimics and have shifted their message to what I originally laid out. The effects are still sinister. You will know them by their fruits.We are in the streets because they will not listen. They will not listen because they do not serve us, but themselves. I believe our leadership in the Tea Party has to based on a servants heart, not a usurpers. If your leadership is open to being vetted then they are there for the right reasons. If they pay homage to a political party then they are puppets. I'm willing to allow anyone who is more qualified to take the lead in this movement. It is when we have servant leaders that we have representative form of government.History has proven we can't become frustrated and give up on our nation. This disenfranchising will result in more liars leading. I say do not give up, but seek those that represent yourself. This has to be a grassroots movement. You have to tell you friends to gather with you as you own chapter. That is why I sent the signs out so you can change the name to describe your own Tea Party. I say attend the big events, but realize people are doing things for different motivations. I did this as a Patriot who swore and Oath to Defend this Nation.I served in the Marines and Navy, both enlisted and officer. This may not mean anything to politicians but it was 22 years of faithful service defending the Constitution. Question the organizations we follow. I say establish your own organization and align with those that stand with you. I pray your leadership will decide whom do they follow. Those in Chicago, New York or Washington or in my case Texas. If they align themselves with unvetted people who have sinister plans to prevent us from getting the message out, then we will fail as a nation. If you follow tyrants, you will never be satisfied and will always be wanting. That is how they destroy us. We become desperate and we lose site of truth as animals do, it is the fight or flight syndrome. I say rise above these natural responses. Assess the situation, we are at war abroad and at home.The enemy aboard is less cunning then the one at home. The enemy aboard is more easily identified, because they are not within or on our own soil. They may look different and speak a different language, the thing they have in common from the enemy within is their ideology. First they hate our nation. Tyranny in whatever form (Oligarchy, Marxism, Socialism, Communism, and Kings), hates freedom (Republic or Democracy). Second they cause division. They use this divisive tactics to gain control of our hearts and minds. Third they accumulate weath & power. They will not seek unity, but embrace division and a seat of power will materialized. Fourth Leaders will build or destroy. Understand this, history has proven time again, that Great Leaders are proceeded and followed by Usurpers. The Great Leaders will build and liberate their people to empower them. Usurpers will build and destroy their people to prevent thier access to power. We can not get caught up in the small things, otherwise we will not see the forest for the trees obstruct our sight. Our nation needs us to unite once more so we can hold tyranny a bay again.I encourage you to pass this on through mass mailings, because I must multiply myself through friends as yourself. I do write these things off the top of my head. There may be some disconnects in my writing, because I do not have a large staff to put out propaganda. I must put out truth in the hopes it lands in the hands of another patriot.Sincerely,Dale RobertsonTea Party Founder
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Have Had it with Washington

I am a retired Marine 21 years of service a vetran of Guld War 1 My Dad was a World War II & Korea War Marine . I dont know about the rest of this country but I and DAMN MAD at what is going on with the people in Washington Where is Ronald Ragen when you need Him And this Marine has had enough of that crap. They couldn;t find there ass with both hands.
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Saturday Noon ~ thefrontpagecover

~ Featuring ~
Real Collusion
xF6U7Hdynv1xqPcQI4yil-eeKVMrtTA-QfFQVlY1f48qDR8_LnkSnt_X3km5-xy5A7CDYv5GsXg-R1UktVs2cg2rDztfi2wSgmtavA23wE8_7T2q3T1EeRdihgQv8xwSFYEzRYB7Ddj9Kg4UnEmdSf7Vucl6NmA=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href= Cal Thomas
Top Ukrainian Official: Democrats Are 100% Lying
by Ryan Saavedra
{ } ~ Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko said on Thursday that the United States Ambassador Gordon Sondland did not link financial military assistance to a request for Ukraine to open up an investigation... into former vice president and current Democratic presidential candidate loose lips liar-Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden. “Ambassador Sondland did not tell us, and certainly did not tell me, about a connection between the assistance and the investigations,” Prystaiko said, according to Reuters. “You should ask him.” “I have never seen a direct relationship between investigations and security assistance,” Prystaiko continued. “Yes, the investigations were mentioned, you know, in the conversation of the presidents. But there was no clear connection between these events.”  Prystaiko’s comments came after House Democrats launched their public impeachment inquiry hearings on Wednesday on the House In
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Monday PM ~ thefrontpagecover

~ Featuring ~
'scumbag/liar-Schiff Show' Roundup: liar-Pelosi, scumbag/liar-Clinton, and Yovanovitch
Nate Jackson  
. .
scumbag/liar-Schiff Releases Tim Morrison Transcript, Destroys Testimony of Lt. Col.
Vindman; Considers Him Unreliable,
Questions His Judgement
by Elizabeth Vaughn
{ } ~ Leader of the farce scumbag/liar-Adam Schiff (D-CA) gave in to Republican pressure and released the transcript of Tim Morrison’s testimony on Saturday... Morrison is the outgoing National Security Council’s (NSC) Senior Director for European Affairs. scumbag/liar-Schiff’s star witness, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, reports to Morrison. They also released the transcript of Jennifer Williams’ testimony. She is Vice President Mike Pence’s special adviser on Europe and Russia. In a statement issued when these transcripts were released, the chairs of the House Intelligence, Oversight and Foreign Affairs committees wrote,  “The testimony released today shows that President Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Zelensky immediately set off alarm bells throughout the White House.” And if you happened to read the Huffington Post’s version of Morrison’s transcript, you would have heard that “the testimony appears to suggest that Trump used the full weight of his office to pressure Zelensky.” Both Morrison and Williams had listened in on the call and will be testifying publicly in the coming week. The House Intelligence Committee Republicans, however, saw Morrison’s testimony quite a bit differently and consider it to be favorable to the President, which may be the reason why scumbag/liar-Schiff was reluctant to release it. In summary, Morrison did not believe President Trump said anything improper on the July 25th call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. He also painted an unflattering picture of his subordinate, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, the director of European Affairs at the NSC...   
GOP senator: Republicans don't have 
votes to dismiss impeachment articles
{ } ~ Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), an adviser to Senate Republican leadership, says there are not enough votes in the Senate to immediately dismiss any articles of impeachment... passed by the House against President Trump. Republicans have discussed the possibility of quickly dismissing charges against Trump, which would just require 51 votes. But Cornyn said that would be a difficult hurdle for the GOP, which holds 53 seats in the Senate. “There’s some people talking about trying to stop the bill, dismiss charges basically as soon as they get over here. I think that’s not going to happen. That would require 51 votes,” Cornyn told reporters Wednesday.“I think it would be hard to find 51 votes to cut the case off before the evidence is presented,” he added. Cornyn also said it would be better to have a trial in the Senate if the House impeaches Trump. The veteran GOP senator said “the better course would be to let each side have their say and then have the Senate vote and see if they can meet the two-thirds threshold” to convict the president on impeachment articles. Convicting Trump would require 67 votes in the Senate or a two-thirds majority of those present, something that would require the votes of as many as 20 GOP senators. Cornyn said it’s very unlikely that enough Republicans will vote to remove Trump from office. But he said GOP colleagues will want the issue vetted on the Senate floor with a trial...   
Democrats are Serving 
Word Salad as their Main Course
By Ted Noel
{ } ~ Recently Bret Baier commented that some of loose lips liar-Joe Biden's answers at the last Democrat debate were "word salad." Sleepy loose lips liar-Joe's malapropisms have been well known for some time, and probably suggest on-going mental difficulty... None of us would readily suggest that his slips represent a more serious problem, such as schizophrenia, which is known for word salad.  But that brings to mind a key element of schizophrenia, and for that matter, many psychoses. We know someone is psychotic when they have a serious defect in reality testing. And while we do not expect careful scientific accuracy from politicians, who are, after all, non-player characters, their failure to demonstrate any connection between their verbal assaults and verifiable fact is telling. At the Democrat freak-out – oops, debate – we heard from lowlife-Kamala Harris that President Trump "committed crimes in plain sight." This recitation borrowed from scumbag/liar-Adam Full-of Schiff is telling. He kept that lie up as his talking point for two years, not even relinquishing it when the Mueller Report failed to identify a single crime. If there were actually crimes, why is no lefty politician listing them? Is this comment simply a sound bite echoing in a brain that is empty of original thoughts? Elizabeth dinky/liar-Warren declared that Robert Mueller found Donald Trump guilty of obstructing justice. Granted, this is the now discarded impeachment "foundation," but that has always been a verbalization without cognition. Mueller's report explicitly stated that they did not find the President had obstructed, and the Attorney General issued the final finding of "no crime." Julian Castro gladly charged the President with "caging kids." Of course, all he had were the photos of a program begun under President scumbag/liar-nObama. Since that was in his back yard, one might hope that he was aware of the facts, but apparently not. And Mayor Pete announced that Trump has made our soldiers "ashamed" by taking away their honor. While one spec-ops soldier has made a comment after the Syrian repositioning that might support that position, most have been profoundly in support of our President. What does this word salad add up to? The casual observer might suggest that this is politics as usual. Politicians make up whatever they want, throw it against the wall, and see if anything sticks. Then they pile on to declare that whatever their audience found satisfying is what they've believed all along. At worst, they have neither true beliefs nor reality testing abilities. They are mindless echo chambers spewing word salad in the hope that it will yield votes, and thereby power. The Democrats’ favorite word list includes “Nazi.” This epithet carries huge emotional baggage. After all, Adolf Hitler was the leader of the National Socialist Party in Germany. As he became a de facto dictator, he ordered the mass extermination of Jews, Gypsies, Poles, Russians, and others. His evil was only ended at the cost of many thousands of US military lives. But is Trump a new Hitler? The facts are the exact opposite. Every step of Trump’s tenure has led to reduction of central government power as all sorts of regulations are wiped away. Not one racial group has been lined up for extinction, Democrat protestations about “Muslim bans” to the contrary notwithstanding. And the Nazis were socialists, the favored ideology of the Democrat Party. Of course, that’s not the only similarity...  
scumbag/liar-Schiff Witness Sondland Is Believed 
To Have Let Russians Listen In on Trump 
Call by Ignoring His Training
By Josh Manning 
{ } ~ The establishment media’s ability to either ignore huge news or focus on the least important part of a huge story never ceases to amaze... On Thursday, reporting on a July 26 call placed from U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland to President Donald Trump, The Associated Press waited 13 paragraphs to drop the real bombshell portion of the story — that Sondland called Trump from a Ukraine cafe using an apparently unsecure cellphone. That doesn’t sound like much of a bombshell — at first. But both the AP and The Washington Post noted in their coverage that placing a sensitive call, in public, in Ukraine almost certainly set up the conversation to be monitored by the GRU and SVR — Russian military and civilian intelligence agencies. That would be the same GRU from whom 12 members were indicted  during former special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. And the same GRU that would jump at the chance to record damaging audio of a U.S. president and then leak it when the time is right. “The security ramifications are insane — using an open cellphone to communicate with the president of the United States… In a country that is so wired with Russian intelligence, you can almost take it to the bank that the Russians were listening in on the call,” Larry Pfeiffer, former chief of staff to the CIA director, told The Post. Pfeiffer wasn’t the only one to sound a warning. According to tweets from former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul, ambassadors don’t usually grab cellphones and call presidents, and they “never do so to discuss Ukraine policy.” “Doing so on a cellphone from Kyiv means the whole world was listening in,” he said. “Russia already has shown its ability to monitor U.S. diplomats’ calls in Kyiv,” The Post’s Ellen Nakashima wrote, “and the Kremlin has no hesitation in leaking them when it suits its interests.” So egregious was Sondland’s breach of protocol, that even CNN — remarkably — ran a story on it.“If true, the cell phone call between Ambassador Sondland and President Trump is an egregious violation of traditional counterintelligence practices that all national security officials — to include political appointee ambassadors such as Sondland — are repeatedly made aware of,” CNN reported, quoting Marc Polymeropoulos, a former CIA officer who oversaw operations in Europe and Russia before retiring this summer. “I cannot remember in my career any time where an ambassador in a high counterintelligence environment like Kyiv would have such an unsecure conversation with a sitting president. This just should not happen,” Polymeropoulos said...   
House Democrats move ahead with 
impeachment proceedings despite 
static poll numbers
by Kerry Picket
{ } ~ After the first two public impeachment hearings, House Democrats say they are at peace with poll numbers showing their efforts haven't won over large swaths over voters... “I think people would be very poorly served if they're counting on polls today," Virginia Democratic Rep. Bobby Scott told the Washington Examiner. "They'll change. You have to take a very deliberate approach. Do what you think is the right thing. And then whatever the polls say later on, they'll say, 'I don't think you can count on polls to be at all reliable.' More information is going to come out.” Since the House Democratic majority formalized impeachment proceedings, polls measuring the public’s support have shown a slight uptick in backing, but not significantly so. And a Nov. 8-9 Hill-HarrisX poll shows most Democrats believe that Trump will finish his term, ending Jan. 20, 2021. That marked a 7-point spike compared to the numbers of an identical poll in October. House Speaker liar-Nancy Pelosi, who initially did not support going down an impeachment investigation path, told reporters at her weekly press briefing Thursday that the impeachment of Trump by Democrats isn't a done deal. “We haven’t even made a decision to impeach," said the California lawmaker. "That’s what the inquiry is about. The committees will decide that. They will decide what the articles are.” Republicans are now targeting first-term House Democrats in swing districts who supported the impeachment investigation. “It will have a direct impact on 31 Democrats that won in Trump districts," North Carolina Republican Rep. Mark Meadows told the Washington Examiner. For example, four Republicans are running for the right to challenge first-term Michigan Democratic Rep. Elissa Slotkin in a Lansing-based district. GOP candidates have gone after Slotkin's support of the impeachment proceedings in a district that before her Slotkin's 2018 win had been held by Republicans for 18 years. And in Maine, Democratic Rep. Jared Golden, another freshman member, is facing attacks due to his support for impeachment from the anti-tax group Club for Growth.   
'scumbag/liar-Schiff Show' Roundup: liar-Pelosi, scumbag/liar-Clinton, and Yovanovitch
Nate Jackson:  Whenever Democrats lecture about defending the Constitution, you know they’re up to no good. The very basis of the Democrat Party is to violate the Constitution wherever possible — tax policy, income redistribution, taking over vast swaths of the economy, and the very impeachment charade House Speaker liar-Nancy Pelosi claims is to uphold their oaths.

liar-Pelosi has used the Constitution to explain impeachment before, but she added to it Thursday. “The devastating testimony [Wednesday] corroborated evidence of bribery uncovered in the inquiry,” liar-Pelosi insisted, adding that “the president abused his power and violated his oath by threatening to withhold military aid and a White House meeting in exchange for an investigation into his political rival — a clear attempt by the president to give himself an advantage in the 2020 election.” She later explained, “The bribe is to grant or withhold military assistance in return for a public statement of a fake investigation into the elections. That’s bribery.”

Two things. First, liar-Pelosi was referring to testimony Wednesday in the first public hearings to date. It was hardly “devastating.” Second, liar-Pelosi is solidifying the Democrats’ shift from screaming about a quid pro quo to claiming that President Donald Trump’s actions with Ukraine amount to “bribery.” That’s strategic, because that language is specific to Article II of the Constitution and it will, Dems and The New York Times hope, “resonate with the public.” It’s all about messaging and narrative.

Today features testimony from former Ukraine Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch. She was appointed to the position by Barack scumbag/liar-nObama (though she has served under previous Republican presidents), but Trump fired her in May — two months before the supposedly impeachable phone call with the Ukrainian president. The Washington Post laughably describes her as “one of the first victims of the politicization of the State Department under Trump.” Evidently, the partisans at the Post would like you to forget who ran the State Department for the previous eight years — that would be scumbag/liar-Hillary Clinton and hanoi-John Kerry, two of the most politicizing individuals in Washington.

Democrats aim to accomplish two things with Yovanovitch’s testimony: Show Republicans attacking a woman and prove that Trump’s removal of her was corrupt and

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Friday AM ~ TheFrontPageCover

The Front Page Cover
~ Featuring ~
 Ivy League Profs to Students: 'Think for Yourself'
by Thomas Gallatin
 The North Korean Conundrum 
by Lewis Morris:  Kim Jung Un continues to stir up trouble in Asia and danger for the entire world. The attention-starved North Korean dictator fired off another missile, sending this one over northern Japan and warning that it was a “meaningful prelude to containing Guam.”
          Japanese were startled by the launch and were sent running for cover by air raid sirens. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and President Donald Trump both condemned the action. U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley called upon the Security Council to take strong action. What that might look like is still unknown, though the UNSC did issue a condemnation of North Korea’s “outrageous” launch.
          The Security Council heaped sanctions on North Korea already for its missile launches earlier this month. Keeping China on board for tougher measures will be vital, as Kim’s fellow communists are pretty much the only friends he has — well, besides the Iranian mullahs.
          PJ Media’s Claudia Rosett recaps the history briefly: “North Korea launched a ballistic missile over Japan on Tuesday, an act that all by itself qualifies as a stunning provocation. This followed a bout of North Korean threats earlier this month to girdle Guam with missile strikes. Those threats followed North Korea’s successful tests last month of two intercontinental ballistic missiles. Those tests followed an 11-year span from 2006-2016 in which North Korea conducted five nuclear tests, prepared to conduct a sixth — which could come anytime now — and in 2010 unveiled a uranium-enrichment program to complement its production of plutonium for bomb fuel.”
          Some have speculated that Kim is trying to push the U.S. and its allies to sit down for negotiations, though he almost certainly won’t come to the table without first sufficiently demonstrating his capability of striking the U.S. mainland. It’s hard to see anything coming of negotiations, though — at least not anything better than has come out of a quarter century of such dialogue. Trump has vowed to keep North Korea from developing long-range nuclear capability. And Kim has sworn he won’t give up his nuclear program. Beyond that, what else is there left to discuss?
          We’ve been to this rodeo many times. The stakes are higher now, though, with North Korea’s growing nuclear capability. As The Wall Street Journal observes, “The intermediate-range missile test will further roil the politics of security in Northeast Asia and is another prod toward Japan acquiring its own nuclear deterrent.” Trump recognizes that, but what’s to be done about it?
          Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was short-sighted enough to say just days before this latest launch that we were actually making progress with North Korea. “I am pleased to see that the regime in Pyongyang has certainly demonstrated some level of restraint that we’ve not seen in the past,” he said last week. “We hope that this is the beginning of this signal that we’ve been looking for that they are ready to restrain their level of tensions, they’re ready to restrain their provocative acts, and that perhaps we are seeing our pathway to sometime in the near future having some dialogue.” His boss was little better. Trump declared last week that Kim was “starting to respect” the U.S.
          Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon went so far as to say there is no military solution to the problem in North Korea because of the inevitable damage to Seoul, South Korea, just 30 miles from the border. Bannon may be right that it’s at least a costly option, but it’s one of those things an administration shouldn’t say out loud.
          Trump has noted that “all options” remain on the table, and in order for that threat to deter Kim, he has to believe it. Force is the only language dictators understand. A display of power in Asia will let North Korea know that we will protect our allies. Trump standing side by side with South Korea and Japan will also demonstrate that we will protect our allies. After eight years of “leading from behind” and apologizing for American greatness, the international community needs to be reminded that we will not tolerate acts of aggression.  ~The Patriot Post

TRUMP Tells Missouri – If SENATOR
Doesn’t Support TAX CUTS, Vote Her OUT
{} ~ President Trump addressed the prospects of tax reform, what should be a no-brainer win for the American people and Congress were it not for the obstructionist bent of the anti-American Democrats... He was speaking in Missouri, and gave his comments a local flavor at the expense of their Democrat Senator. President Trump said, “We must, we have no choice. We must lower our taxes. And your Senator, Claire McCaskill, she must do this for you and if she doesn’t do it for you, you have to vote her out of office.” The crowd cheered, there probably weren’t a lot of Democrats or libtards in the room. As the applause dies down President Trump says, “She’s got to make that commitment, she’s got to make that commitment. If she doesn’t do it, we just can’t do this anymore with the obstruction and the obstructionists.”...
USS Kearsarge, USS Oak Hill Leave Thursday
for Hurricane Harvey Relief Operation
by Ben Werner
{} ~ Amphibious warships USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) and USS Oak Hill (LSD-51) are set to set sail on Thursday under orders Wednesday from Adm. Phil Davidson, commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command, to provide humanitarian aid in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey... Both ships are sailing from Virginia to the Texas and Louisiana gulf coast tomorrow. Marines from the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit will depart aboard Kearsarge when it sails from Naval Station Norfolk and Oak Hill is departing from Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story, according to a Navy statement. “State and local agencies are in the lead for this response effort. We recognize recovery from this catastrophic disaster will be a long-term effort,” the statement said. “We are leaning forward to fully support FEMA and Texas with DoD assistance as requested.”...
Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke resigns
{} ~ Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke resigned from his position on Thursday, local media reported. The County Clerk says he received a resignation letter at 3:16 p.m... In June Clarke announced that he had rescinded his acceptance of a Homeland Security post. That followed an initial acceptance of a job as assistant secretary in DHS’s Office of Public Engagement. Clarke was supposed to serve as a liaison between DHS and state and local law enforcement.  Clarke, a tough-on-crime conservative Democrat, had built a following among conservatives with his provocative social media presence and for his support of President Donald Trump during his 2016 campaign (he also spoke at the Republican National Convention last summer). But he was later accused of plagiarism in his master’s thesis at the Naval Postgraduate School...
Feds Quickly Release Trump Lawyer’s
by Ethan Barton
{} ~ A liberal news outlet waited just four months before a federal agency gave it more than 1,000 pages of a Republican’s emails, while conservative groups’ requests have been ignored for years... according to documents obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group. Records show the Federal Election Commission (FEC) reviewed more than 4,400 pages of emails related to a Freedom Information Act (FOIA) request filed by Andy Kroll, a reporter with the liberal news outlet Mother Jones. Kroll sought all emails Don McGahn sent between July 2008 through September 2013 while he was an FEC commissioner. The FEC received Kroll’s request Jan. 30, 2017, and released more than 1,000 pages of McGahn’s emails in June. McGahn became White House counsel 10 days before the request was received...
COMEY SHAM – Never Intended To Prosecute
liar-CLINTON – Decision Made Before 17 KEY Interviews
{} ~ If we Americans had an actual Department of Justice or an FBI that was impartial and prosecuted the big criminals who reside inside of our government... with the same zeal it does the lowly commoners, this revelation would result in some immediate action. As it is, with the DOJ still apparently in the hands of Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder and Hussein liar-nObama, with Jeff Sessions little more than a plantation worker dressed up in whiteface, nothing more than nods and affirmations of “see, I told you Comey was a dirty cop,” will be forthcoming. It turns out that former FBI director, James Comey had made his decision not to prosecute liar-Hillary Clinton long before she was “interviewed” on July 5th by the FBI and before that emergency grandkids and golf discussion was held between liar-Bill Clinton and AG Loretta Lynch on the Phoenix airport tarmac...
 Ivy League Profs to Students: 'Think for Yourself' 
by Thomas Gallatin:  Several Ivy League professors from the universities of Harvard, Princeton and Yale sent out a letter of advice to all incoming college students this week. Their message: “Think for yourself.” In the letter they challenge students to avoid “the vice of conformism” and to avoid the trap of “what John Stuart Mill called ‘the tyranny of public opinion.’”
          Over the years, the once-high ideal of America’s institutions of higher learning being bastions of tolerance for the expression of freedom in thought and speech has eroded into them being little more than “safe space” echo chambers of leftist ideology and propaganda. In the past couple of years in particular Americans have witnessed various university and college campuses produce some of the most intolerant policies, voices and behaviors. The list includes the banning of various religious and social groups based on their supposed “bigoted” (non-leftist) ideology, the dis-invitation of various conservative speakers and the creation of “safe spaces” designed to prohibit and limit the freedom of speech in public places on campus. And finally, the growth of leftist social justice warriors who have advocated and engaged in violence in places like UC Berkeley and Middlebury, and most recently the takeover of Evergreen State College by a mob of these leftist SJW students.
          The sad thing is that only 15 professors signed the letter. This letter should have garnered near universal support from Ivy League faculty. When concerns over offending another individual’s feelings prohibit someone, specifically one whose career is based on educating and challenging others to learn about and engage new ideas or concepts, from honestly expressing their knowledge and thoughtful opinions without fear of reprisal, we have a problem. The concept that equates unpopular speech to literal violence against individuals with opposing views is a fallacy that has unfortunately gone unchallenged by many on the Left.
          Leftists’ argument for engaging in physical violence against others (like “punching a Nazi”) because they find their views repugnant or bigoted is the antithesis of tolerance and objective reasoning. Just yesterday a visiting assistant professor at the University of Tampa was fired for tweeting that he believed residents of Texas suffering from Hurricane Harvey were getting what they deserved because they voted for Donald Trump. His tweet read, “I don’t believe in instant karma but this kinda feels like it for Texas. Hopefully this will help them realize the GOP doesn’t care about them.” It is this type
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since man discovered that a god did not determine his destiny, he then began to question all authority, and decided that he had the ability to choose by exercising free will, thus, he realized freedom depended on him and not given by others unless to yearn for enslavement.  He further discovered that man has universal, inalienable rights belonging to him unquestionably, just because he is charge of, and responsible only to himself.  he is independent! sovereign! laissez-faire!

Americans are a stubborn lot; we don't take kindly to coercion.  we will snap back against tyranny; bullies, and thugs here and around the world. the right to rebel is always secure and present.  never underestimate an American Patriot, IT IS FATAL TO DO SO!!!

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The face of government, and prospective candidates have changed to entertainment for the masses.  The most funny, the

most charismatic, the most tricks wins the day and votes.  Bring in the clown: the people are bored, needing to be pacified, need fragmented sound bites, need promises of treats, hopes and dreams. Is it not what happened as the Roman Empire was falling?: the Colosseum, the gladiators, the clowns, midgets, lions and elephants, the outright slaughter, mayhem and royalty bidding them on to treat the hungry mob; when it ceased to be a Republic. The 'dole' was the note of the day; same as food stamps and welfare today!

The face is a reflection of us.  th

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Tuesday Morning - The Front Page Cover

 The Front Page Cover 
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
The Green-Card Racket for Beltway Cronies
Michelle Malkin
"Know who you are standing with"
"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future"
NYT “[Senate Minority Leader dinky Harry Reid] called Mrs. Clinton, the secretary of state under Mr. nObama, the obvious favorite to win the presidency, for one overwhelming reason: ‘This is the time for a woman to run.’ ‘Women and some men, like me, if they are anything like me,’ he said, ‘they have come to the realization that women have qualities that we’ve been lacking in America for a long time, to be the leader of the country.’ ‘Women are much more patient,’ Mr. dinky Reid said. ‘They can be, if they are pushed the wrong way, combative, but they are not combative. A lot of we men are combative just by nature.’”
          [In the same interview, dinky Reid was asked about becoming a lobbyist in retirement from the Senate. “I’d rather go to Singapore and have them beat me with whips.”]  -Fox News 
Byron York
reports that the Clinton campaign has put long-shot Democratic presidential hopeful Martin O’Malley on notice: “Recently, a representative from the Hilly Clinton camp delivered a message to Martin O’Malley, the former Maryland governor preparing to challenge Clinton for the 2016 Democratic nomination. I have some good news and some bad news, the messenger said…The good news is we’re taking you seriously, the messenger answered. And the bad news is…we’re taking you seriously. The undertone of threat was unmistakable, but anyone who takes on Clintonworld has to expect that…‘They are the most petty, vengeful people out there,’ says one Democrat of the Clinton organization. ‘They hold a grudge for decades. I don't think he [O’Malley] expected them to welcome him with a fruit basket.’”  -Fox News 
 Partisan divide on email scandal -   Fox News polling maestra Dana Blanton writes: “Voters have mixed views over whether Clinton did something wrong by using a personal email account and server instead of the government’s email system. Nearly half think she broke the law (28 percent) or did something unethical (19 percent). The other half feel Clinton just used bad judgment (32 percent) or didn’t do anything wrong (19 percent). … Overall, only 11 percent of voters think Clinton should be the one to decide which emails should be turned over to the government. Most people say an independent mediator should decide (34 percent) or she should be required to turn over all the emails (51 percent).”
          Do they have servers? - Team Clinton is inching closer to launching an official campaign as staffers for the sanctioned super PAC, Ready for Hilly, are ready to move on to campaign positions and all remaining merchandise from the organization is being heavily discounted. -Fox News 
Team nObama’s excitement over a deal to make a deal on Iran’s nuclear program met copious response from allies and critics alike. As the president now embarks on a hard sell to lawmakers and anxious allies, members of his own party expressed wariness of a bargain the Washington Post says falls “Far Short” of nObama’s own goals. Guarded support came from key Senate Democrats like Minority Leader dinky Harry Reid and Maryland’s Ben Cardin, top Democrat on a Senate panel pushing for Congressional approval of an agreement on Iran nukes. Presumptive Democratic nominee Hilly Clinton wrapped her praise of the deal as “an important step” in a politically protective “devil is always in the details” blanket. Most Republicans weren’t as circumspect, blasting the framework agreement and renewing demands for Congress to have its say.  -Fox News 
“Iran is promised a total lifting of sanctions. That’s UN, EU, United States, everywhere…they get their economy back and that’s all they really wanted, but the second, the most astonishing thing is that in return they are not closing a single nuclear facility. Their entire nuclear infrastructure is intact.” —Charles Krauthammer on “Special Report with Bret Baier” Watch here -Fox News 
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Monday Morning - The Front Page Cover

 The Front Page Cover 
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Terrifying the Republican Establishment
Alan Caruba

"Rise up together as one voice"
"Be careful where you stand"
 Top DHS Official Accused of Immigration Favoritism  
On paper, the EB-5 immigration program sounds like a huge benefit for the nation's economy. The program fast-tracks green cards for foreign investors who put at least half a million dollars into a venture in the U.S. that will create jobs. But in practice, the program is riddled with corruption that favors businesses with ties to Democrat politicians -- all thanks to Deputy Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. This is the finding of a two-and-a-half year investigation by DHS's Inspector General. "The juxtaposition of Mr. Mayorkas' communication with external stakeholders on specific matters outside the normal procedures, coupled with favorable action that deviated from the regulatory scheme designed to ensure fairness and evenhandedness in adjudicating benefits, created an appearance of favoritism and special access," the report concludes. Mayorkas meddled in at least three cases. In one instance, he became personally involved when a Mexican investor wanted a green card to invest in a Las Vegas casino Sen. dinky Harry Reid had touted. And this is where the corruption starts to stink even further. Mayorkas was under this investigation, heading the EB-5 program, when Barack nObama nominated him for his present deputy spot. It was dinky Reid who rammed through Mayorkas' nomination using none other than the nuclear option. But they say you can trust Democrats. More...  -The Patriot Post 
 Global Warming Is Killing Everyone  
Climate change, formerly known as global warming, often takes center stage for Democrats. That's not true of the electorate, but Democrats are undeterred. What is astonishing is the degree to which Democrats will mislead their constituents to grab the reins of power in Washington, DC. Take newly elected Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA), who wooed voters by pledging to address man-made global warming with initiatives like cap and trade. On Feb. 4, Beyer wrote on his website, "In all, extreme weather events triggered over $110 billion in losses and almost 7,000 fatalities" in 2014. He reiterated that claim a month later in the Falls Church News-Press, in which he repeated, "More than 7,000 Americans lost their lives to climate change-fueled events last year." That's pretty startling. And egregiously wrong. After Beyer's assertion received backlash, spokesman Thomas Scanlon attempted to clear the air. "That number should be globally, not just in the United States," he told PolitiFact. "We made an error in editing this column." Even still, the claim is deceptive. The statistic (which was actually 7,700) was derived from Germany-based insurer Munich RE, which tallies "global natural loss event." According to researcher Peter Hoeppe, "We do not have the ability to identify the direct impact of global warming on fatalities caused by natural catastrophes, other than to say any fatality caused by the earthquake peril are not due to global warming."  -The Patriot Post 
 Leftmedia Dismiss nObama's Mentor  
In the seventh year of Barack nObama’s presidency, many questions still remain unanswered about his life before he entered the White House. Mysteries surround his associations with a number of people, including Frank Marshall Davis, the Communist writer and activist who was a mentor to a young nObama when he lived in Hawaii. But never fear; The Washington Post is on the case. Davis was one of many past nObama associates who was resolutely ignored by the Leftmedia in the run-up to the 2008 election -- and since then, too. While other presidential candidates, particularly Republicans, can always count on the unwavering scrutiny of the press, nObama remained free of such probing questions. In fact, the media circled the wagons to protect him from any information that might damage the glowing narrative of Hope 'n' Change™. Consequently, Davis went largely unmentioned. And questions about nObama’s early dalliances with communism went unanswered. This week, The Washington Post, one of the media gatekeepers of the nObama persona, gave the Davis story their fact-check "Pinocchio test.” After an article that documented barely half the story of Davis’s background and his associations with nObama, the Post decided any attempt to label Davis as nObama’s communist mentor was worth three Pinocchios out of four.  -The Patriot Post 
Investigators say a former Clinton appointee, now in a key post at the Department of Homeland Security, improperly intervened on cases that benefitted presumptive Democratic nominee Hilly Clinton’s brother, Tony Rodham, her former campaign chairman and other key Democratic donors. This is the second recent revelation of unseemly conduct inside Clinton’s universe. The other involves Rodham tapping the connections from his sister’s problematic family foundation to get in on a controversial gold mine in disaster-wracked Haiti. The nObama administration is sticking by embattled Homeland Security Deputy Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Even so, the report is sure to deepen questions about the contents of the tens of thousands of emails from her time as secretary of state that Clinton said she destroyed in the interest of protecting her privacy. 
 -Fox News 
 Hilly can blow off key issues in primary -   NYT: “The last time she ran for president, Hilly Rodham Clinton did not have to take a position on the Common Core, Race to the Top or teacher evaluations in tenure decisions. She won the endorsement of one of the nation’s largest teachers’ unions in 2007 after deploring the use of standardized tests and the underfunding of the No Child Left Behind law by President George W. Bush’s administration… Her allies believe that with no strong primary opponent to force her into the open, Mrs. Clinton has plenty of time to maneuver before taking sides. But advocates will be using what leverage they possess to draw her out sooner.”  -Fox News 
 Iran: The Only "Good Deal" - And How to Work for It  
(Malcolm Lowe) - Even if, as the US Administration ceaselessly assures us, Iran's drive to acquire nuclear weapons can be frustrated for a while, any relaxation of the current economic sanctions will be used to finance Iran's other drive: its quest for regional hegemony...To begin with, the P5+1 could adopt the very successful style of negotiation practiced by Palestinians as well as Iranians. This is to whittle away at the position of the other side by extracting one little concession after another, but then to delay the negotiations indefinitely when the deal seems to be imminent. The result is that when negotiations do resume, it is not from zero, but from an inferior initial position of the other side. Whenever a deal seems near, one of the P5+1 should come up with a further demand or demands. What they could do is adopt that role in succession, so that Iran is the party that needs to keep starting afresh from a worse position.
 nObama Admin Threatens U.S. Allies for Disagreeing with Iran Deal  
(Adam Kredo) - Efforts by the nObama administration to stem criticism of its diplomacy with Iran have included threats to nations involved in the talks, including U.S. allies, according to Western sources familiar with White House efforts to quell fears it will permit Iran to retain aspects of its nuclear weapons program...A series of conversations between top American and French officials, including between President nObama and French President Francois Hollande, have seen Americans engage in behavior described as bullying by sources who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon. The disagreement over France’s cautious position in regard to Iran threatens to erode U.S. relations with Paris, sources said. Is he going to threaten the P5+1 if they all disagree with him? What a jerk, you don't threaten your allies.
Red lines
 Hilly Clinton Defies Subpoena, ‘Wiped Her Server Clean’ 
(Joel Gehrke) - Former secretary of state Hilly Clinton failed to provide any new documents to the congressional panel investigating the Benghazi terrorist attacks, instead notifying the committee that she has “wiped her server clean,” the lead investigator announced... “After seeking and receiving a two week extension from the Committee, Secretary Clinton failed to provide a single new document to the subpoena issued by the Committee and refused to provide her private server to the Inspector General for the State Department or any other independent arbiter for analysis,” Representative Trey Gowdy (R., S.C.), the chairman of the select committee investigating the attacks, announced Friday evening. “We learned today, from her attorney, Secretary Clinton unilaterally decided to wipe her server clean and permanently delete all emails from her personal server,” he continued. 
You just knew she was going to do just that or she did it as fast as she could several weeks ago.
 Trey Gowdy just Prove that Hilly Clinton is a Criminal?  
(Onan Coca) - Congressman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) who is leading the investigation into the Benghazi fiasco confirmed to America today that Hilly Clinton is indeed a slimy and likely criminal malcontent...It seems that Mrs. Clinton no longer has any of the emails she sent or received during her time as Secretary of State, but don't worry, unlike the folks at the IRS her computer didn't crash...No, Hilly lost her emails the good ol' fashioned way. She DELETED them. ALL OF THEM. And she did this AFTER the State Department asked her to return all of her work documents, emails and other material. The lady is dirty.
(Timothy N. Baldwin, JD.) - Under the first argument, opponents of Article V attempt to scare patriots into believing that if we use Article V to limit the federal government’s power,we will get a worse constitution...They even argue that we would get an entirely different constitution (but do not explain how the states would ratify one.) They begin by incorrectly using the term “constitutional convention” or “Con Con” to describe Article V. This not accurate but is meant to lead people into fear. As constitutional scholars have rightly stated, “the term ‘constitutional convention’ is misleading; it would be more accurate…to call it an 'amendment-proposing convention.'' "In fact, one of the purposes of the Article V convention is precisely to avoid any need for a constitutional convention. Under the second argument, opponents of Article V point to other remedies they claim will “restore” the Constitution, such as nullification and the militia. However, no other remedy can change our federal jurisprudence and none will have nearly the same impact on restoring liberty as Article V.
 The Fifty Shades Of Barack nObama  
( - Andrew Klavan notes how the one-sided love-hate relationship the United States had with its pretend president has now evolved into one of enlightened mutual hate shared by most Americans...even those who originally had decided it was a good idea to entrust our future to an unknown communist of unverified origin. He explains his views in an entertaining “50 shades of nObama” manner, with nObama playing the part of himself, as the abusive, self-centered villain. It’s kind of like “Dreams From My Father” but with less of the biographical fiction.
  Retiring Sen dinky Harry Reid An Emasculating Disgrace  
( - Charles Krauthammer begins his comments regarding the retire
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Monday Morning - The Front Page Cover

 The Front Page Cover 
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Terrifying the Republican Establishment
Alan Caruba

"Rise up together as one voice"
"Be careful where you stand"
 Top DHS Official Accused of Immigration Favoritism  
On paper, the EB-5 immigration program sounds like a huge benefit for the nation's economy. The program fast-tracks green cards for foreign investors who put at least half a million dollars into a venture in the U.S. that will create jobs. But in practice, the program is riddled with corruption that favors businesses with ties to Democrat politicians -- all thanks to Deputy Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. This is the finding of a two-and-a-half year investigation by DHS's Inspector General. "The juxtaposition of Mr. Mayorkas' communication with external stakeholders on specific matters outside the normal procedures, coupled with favorable action that deviated from the regulatory scheme designed to ensure fairness and evenhandedness in adjudicating benefits, created an appearance of favoritism and special access," the report concludes. Mayorkas meddled in at least three cases. In one instance, he became personally involved when a Mexican investor wanted a green card to invest in a Las Vegas casino Sen. dinky Harry Reid had touted. And this is where the corruption starts to stink even further. Mayorkas was under this investigation, heading the EB-5 program, when Barack nObama nominated him for his present deputy spot. It was dinky Reid who rammed through Mayorkas' nomination using none other than the nuclear option. But they say you can trust Democrats. More...  -The Patriot Post 
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Monday Morning - The Front Page Cover

 The Front Page Cover 
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
No peace in our time
Charles Krauthammer
"Rise up together as one voice"
"Be careful where you stand"
American liberals, presumably including those at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., just
two days ago were fantasizing about a world that didn’t include Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister of Israel, or at least a Bibi in a substantially weakened fashion. The imaginings included Israel blessing a nuclear deal with Iran and the eventual establishment of a full Palestinian state. Netanyahu’s defeat was considered a done deal and counted as a double blessing because not only would his defeat put the liberal party in control in Israel, but also be an embarrassment for the Likud-loving Republicans at home who had just hosted the prime minister for a joint meeting of Congress. But today, a hard reality has fallen as Netanyahu not only won re-election, but did so handily. He faces a newly unified opposition and the rising clout of Arab groups, but Bibi is back and he’s been vindicated. And as they consider the comeback, American liberals would do well to consider the part President nObama played.
          While the question of
U.S. taxpayer funds going to defeat Netanyahu and Likud remains in question, it is no secret that nObama has disdain for Netanyahu and was working publicly to undermine his position ahead of the election. And it turned out to be very helpful… for Netanyahu. nObama is not popular in Israel and foreign interference in elections is even less popular. nObama’s overt and covert actions to damage Netanyahu and install the liberal party gave Netanyahu and his party the perfect opportunity to warn of foreign meddling and tell his base voters to rally in order to defy nObama. As polls showed Netanyahu trailing, he moved right and fired up his base by agreeing with more hawkish factions to drop the pursuit of a “two-state solution.” So for nObama’s effort to undercut Netanyahu, nObama got Netanyahu not only returned to power, but with a rightward shift.  -Fox News 
 Rubio ‘absolutely’ willing to undo Iran nuke deal -   AP: “Eying the Republican presidential nomination, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio said Tuesday he would ‘absolutely’ defy stalwart European allies if necessary to revoke any Iranian nuclear deal he might inherit from President Barack nObama. In an interview with The Associated Press, Rubio said the next U.S. president ‘should not be bound’ by a potential nObama administration agreement, even if European negotiating partners stand behind the deal. ‘The United States, although it's less than ideal, could unilaterally re-impose more crushing and additional sanctions,’ Rubio said. He said he would also ‘use the standing of the United States on the global stage to try to encourage other nations to do so.’…Rubio said the only possible deal he could accept is one that would fully disband Iran's enrichment capacity. The agreement taking shape would limit Iran's uranium enrichment and other nuclear activity for at least a decade, but slowly lift the restrictions over several years.”   -Fox News  
House Speaker backstabber John Boehner added his voice to a chorus of Republicans pressing Hilly Clinton to turn over her private email server to an independent arbiter, saying the “American people deserve the facts.” “That’s the fairest way to make sure that we have all the documents that belong to the public,” backstabber Boehner told reporters in his first public remarks since Clinton revealed that as secretary of state she kept her emails on a separate “home” server. backstabber Boehner declared that a review by a “neutral third party” is the only way to determine if congressional investigators probing the 2012 attack on a U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, have what they need. While the chairman of the Benghazi panel and other lawmakers have called for a third party investigation, Clinton has said the server “will remain private.”

          [The Kelly File - Former Assistant Attorney General Shannen Coffin explored potential evidence in the email scandal that would raise questions about whether Hilly Clinton committed a crime. Watch here.]  -Fox News  
 State Department: No record of Clinton signing ‘separation’ form  Fox News: “The State Department said Tuesday it has no record of Hilly Clinton signing a key form stating she turned over all official documents upon leaving the department, a form that was the subject of intense speculation since the issue could determine whether she broke the law….State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters they are ‘fairly certain she did not’ sign it. ‘We have reviewed Secretary
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Monday Morning - The Front Page Cover

 The Front Page Cover 
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
No peace in our time
Charles Krauthammer
"Rise up together as one voice"
"Be careful where you stand"
American liberals, presumably including those at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., just
two days ago were fantasizing about a world that didn’t include Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister of Israel, or at least a Bibi in a substantially weakened fashion. The imaginings included Israel blessing a nuclear deal with Iran and the eventual establishment of a full Palestinian state. Netanyahu’s defeat was considered a done deal and counted as a double blessing because not only would his defeat put the liberal party in control in Israel, but also be an embarrassment for the Likud-loving Republicans at home who had just hosted the prime minister for a joint meeting of Congress. But today, a hard reality has fallen as Netanyahu not only won re-election, but did so handily. He faces a newly unified opposition and the rising clout of Arab groups, but Bibi is back and he’s been vindicated. And as they consider the comeback, American liberals would do well to consider the part President nObama played.
          While the question of
U.S. taxpayer funds going to defeat Netanyahu and Likud remains in question, it is no secret that nObama has disdain for Netanyahu and was working publicly to undermine his position ahead of the election. And it turned out to be very helpful… for Netanyahu. nObama is not popular in Israel and foreign interference in elections is even less popular. nObama’s overt and covert actions to damage Netanyahu and install the liberal party gave Netanyahu and his party the perfect opportunity to warn of foreign meddling and tell his base voters to rally in order to defy nObama. As polls showed Netanyahu trailing, he moved right and fired up his base by agreeing with more hawkish factions to drop the pursuit of a “two-state solution.” So for nObama’s effort to undercut Netanyahu, nObama got Netanyahu not only returned to power, but with a rightward shift.  -Fox News 
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Monday Morning - The Front Page Cover

 The Front Page Cover 
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
No peace in our time
Charles Krauthammer
"Rise up together as one voice"
"Be careful where you stand"
American liberals, presumably including those at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., just
two days ago were fantasizing about a world that didn’t include Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister of Israel, or at least a Bibi in a substantially weakened fashion. The imaginings included Israel blessing a nuclear deal with Iran and the eventual establishment of a full Palestinian state. Netanyahu’s defeat was considered a done deal and counted as a double blessing because not only would his defeat put the liberal party in control in Israel, but also be an embarrassment for the Likud-loving Republicans at home who had just hosted the prime minister for a joint meeting of Congress. But today, a hard reality has fallen as Netanyahu not only won re-election, but did so handily. He faces a newly unified opposition and the rising clout of Arab groups, but Bibi is back and he’s been vindicated. And as they consider the comeback, American liberals would do well to consider the part President nObama played.
          While the question of
U.S. taxpayer funds going to defeat Netanyahu and Likud remains in question, it is no secret that nObama has disdain for Netanyahu and was working publicly to undermine his position ahead of the election. And it turned out to be very helpful… for Netanyahu. nObama is
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Wednesday Morning - The Front Page Cover

 The Front Page Cover 
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Is nObama Anti-Semitic?
Alan Caruba
"Know who you are standing with"
"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future"
 Two IL National Guardsmen Planned ISIL Attack in U.S.  
While Army National Guard Spc. Hasan Edmonds flew to Egypt to defect to ISIL, his cousin, Jonas Edmonds, who was also in the National Guard, was going to use his uniform and training to attack a U.S. military base in northern Illinois. That was the duo's plan at least, before the FBI arrested Hasan at Chicago Midway International Airport and Jonas at his home. In a statement, Assistant Attorney General for National Security John Carlin said, "According to the charges filed today, the defendants allegedly conspired to provide material support to ISIL and planned to travel overseas to support the terrorist organization. In addition, they plotted to attack members of our military within the United States. Disturbingly, one of the defendants currently wears the same uniform of those they allegedly planned to attack." While the two may have worn the same uniform that today's Patriots also wear, the two terrorists were part of the worldwide jihadi terror network. In the words of Mark Alexander, "These attacks and those to come were and will be directly tied to worldwide Jihad by way of the Qur'an, the foundational fabric linking all Islamist violence." More...  -The Patriot Post 
 Half of nObamaCare Users Owe the IRS  
Goodbye refund. Half of the Americans who received a subsidy for health insurance will never see their refund materialize, as they owe the government because it gave out too much in nObamaCare subsidies. In other words, Americans are paying for the government's mistake. "Nearly all families that received tax credits will either owe money or receive extra money because their tax filings had changed after they calculated their nObamaCare subsidies, according to a new report by the Kaiser Family Foundation," The Hill reports. "Only 4 percent of households received the correct subsidy, according to the report, which uses data from the national Survey of Income and Program Participation." While it's not a good way to manage personal finances, many Americans count on a sizable IRS refund to make big purchases like furniture or a new vehicle, or to pay down some debt. Instead, Americans who couldn't afford health insurance will be farther in a financial hole. More...  -The Patriot Post 
 Quietly, Defense Officials Oppose Transgendered Soldiers  
While Defense Secretary Ashton Carter wants to explore the idea of allowing transgendered people to openly serve in the U.S. military, Defense officials under him are not so sure. But the situation is so politically charged they asked that their names not be published along with their comments. "The officials spoke only on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly," the Associated Press reports. "Much of the opposition centers on questions of where transgender troops would be housed, what berthing they would have on ships, which bathrooms they would use and whether their presence would affect the ability of small units to work well together." Because the policies of the U.S. military can be changed depending on who is commander in chief, progressives can view it as a petri dish for their favorite social experiments. What Carter and Barack nObama seem to have forgotten is that the U.S. military was founded, like, to actually fight our enemies and defend our homeland. Instead, they've created a culture that quashes dissent and cares more about "diversity," "inclusion" and "tolerance" than winning wars. More...  -The Patriot Post 
dinky Harry Reid
and President nObama have had a difficult relationship at times and they have not always seen eye-to-eye, but nObama has had no better ally in Washington than dinky Reid. dinky Reid’s most notable act as majority leader was to torch the longstanding Senate rule requiring a 60-vote threshold for presidential nominations. And even in the minority, dinky Reid has dutifully protected the president from having to veto legislation by engaging in extraordinary measures. But most of all, dinky Reid has been on message for nObama. The most notable example was dinky Reid’s baseless claim that Mitt Romney paid no taxes. dinky Reid, who has made a career out of his rapport with the rich and powerful, has gleefully hammered at the same “millionaires and billionaires” that have been the economic boogeymen of the nObama era. But now the men have something else in common other than a Koch habit: They are both lame ducks.
          [dinky Reid’s announcement comes on the heels of an inspector general’s report that ripped a powerful Homeland Security official for helping powerful Democrats, including dinky Reid’s patrons.]  -Fox News 
 Freedom’s just another word… -   How long dinky Reid can hold power in the wake of his announced retirement is an open question. Does he even mean to stay on? Perhaps dinky Reid has cut a deal with his most likely successor, Hilly Clinton’s chief Senate ally Chuck Schumer of New York for an orderly transition at a later date. Whatever the case, it’s hard to imagine that dinky Reid would make this move at this moment with no plan in place. If dinky Reid is, like nObama, still in a position of authority but beyond the reach of voters, things could get interesting. Provided dinky Reid has the help of nObama and the support of those Senate Democrats who still stand stalwart for the president, the president and the Senate Democratic leader could be quite the lame duck duo.  -Fox News 
 The Gestapo is alive and well in nObama’s America  
(Wayne Allyn Root) - Hi. I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. Barack nObama is going rogue. By every metric, the nObama economy is melting down. We are seeing the beginning stages of another recession, at best, or a total economic meltdown, at worst...At the moment, there are no decent-paying jobs in America. nObama has opened the border and given amnesty to at least 5 million illegal aliens already in the country, thereby putting them in competition with working-class and middle-class Americans. Think I’m wrong? Did you know the government is giving businesses a $3,000 incentive to hire illegals over native-born Americans?
Pentagon Loses $500 Million in Yemen, Gets a $96 Billion Budget Increase
 Pentagon Loses $500 Million in Yemen, Gets a $96 Billion Budget  
(Jack Kenny) - For decades, conservative Republicans have been accusing their liberal counterparts of trying to cure social ills by “throwing money” at every problem...But Republicans have proven, time and again, that when it comes to throwing huge stacks of money, they hurl as recklessly as Democrats  —  especially when the problem they’re throwing money at is the Pentagon. Barely a week after learning that the military brass can’t account for some $500 million worth of weapons and equipment given to Yemen, Congress last week moved to compensate for the cuts in military spending required by the 2013 sequester law by approving a spending bill for $5.5 trillion over the next decade, including $96 billion in off-budget accounts for war-related funding.
 nObama Wants Us All To “Be More Like Ted Kennedy”  
( - Socialist Democrats only want to compromise as a last resort and it is only a temporary respite from their progressive march “forward,” as they like to describe it, a one-way journey towards totalitarianism under their rule...The battle lines are clearly drawn. The American people, or at least those who are somewhat awake to what is taking place, stand rooted in the U.S. Constitution. The socialist Democrats assume their position founded upon the Communist Manifesto. Our goals are different. The Constitutional Americans are in a defensive posture. We are not trying to alter our Republic; we are seeking to protect it. The Marxists are on offense, inflicting what they describe as “change” incrementally in an endless assault on our nation.
Erdogan UN
 Erdogan Makes A Move – Claims Turkey Aiding Al Nusra in Syria   ( - Al Nusra is a front for, and has openly aligned with, al-Qaeda in Syria – which is essentially ISIS...It is not a secret that Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan has tried to deliver the maximum benefit to ISIS (in Northern Syria) in direct opposition to the Kurds who are trying to formulate their own independent nation of Kurdistan. Erdogan views Kurdistan as a proxy for Irans’ growing sphere of influence. Erdogan opposes Iran for many ideological reasons, but arguably most of all because he sees Iran’s growing influence as a threat to his own political ambitions to lead a new Ottoman Empire.
 Trey Gowdy: Hilly Wiped Server Clean - On The Record  
( - Rep Trey Gowdy (R-SC), the chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, is asked when he first made an informal request for Hilly Clinton or the State Department for Hilly Clinton’s emails...He responds that it took place even before his committee was empanelled, to the House Oversight and Reform Committee under then-chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA).  There was also a letter sent by Rep Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) a few weeks after the Benghazi incident requesting all related documents. Chaffetz has since become the chairman of the House Oversight Committee. He notes that there has been a long ongoing effort to obtain records from the State Department, which collectively “either had amnesia or just chose not to tell us they didn’t have the records.”
 nObama Lied About Being The First Islamic President  
( - Maybe Secretary of State Hanoi John Kerry just thought he was being cute or witty, but given the track record of this administration, neither of those unlikely possibilities provides much comfort to the people of our nation...The third option, that he meant his comments literally, in exactly the manner in which they were delivered, is quite disturbing. Steve Malzberg cites a report by the online DC-based publication Al-Monitor that Secr
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