cloward-piven (29)

Rajjpuut's Folly: The Devils, You Say!

Three Leftist Books Every Informed

American Voter Should Read

Saul Alinsky: “Rules for Radicals”

Wade Rathke: “Citizen Wealth: Winning the Campaign to Save Working Families”


And the “last shall be first” it’s said, so we’ll begin by looking at Hillary Clinton’s Honor Thesis “There is Only the Fight . . .” An Analysis of the Alinsky Model. Not too much needs be said, the work speaks for itself. Alinsky is clearly a personal hero and Clinton fawns over him and his books “Reville for Radicals” and “Rules** for Radicals” like a blushing high school freshman. Both Alinsky and Hillary Rodham were native Chicagoans. Young Ms. Rodham interviewed Alinsky twice and was even offered a job by Alinsky but ultimately turned him down and went to law school instead. But her worship is, nevertheless TRUE LOVE, equating Alinsky in the summation with Martin Luther King, Jr. and Walt Whitman saying, “. . . each embraced that most radical of political faiths: Democracy.”

In this she appears willfuly ignorant that the country (which she said Alinsky was such a patriot of) is a Republic and that the methods Alinsky espouses are all “power plays” rather than having any basis in integrity or honor. Democracy to Alinsky means tyranny of the masses, or at least the tyranny of all those Alinsky can mass together for a demonstration. Alinsky calls himself a Marxist and, of course, Marxism seeks to replace the American Constitution more or less with “Das Kapital.” Rodham does mention numerous inconsistencies that she implied made her head swim (“After spending a year trying to make sense of his inconsistency, I need three years of legal rigor” she described her turning down Alinsky’s job offer and heading off instead to law school). But she clearly admires Alinsky’s practical power in making things happen for the poor and yet is taken aback by notions that the ends justify the means and other inconsistencies. So unlike the Marxist ideologue Barack Obama who was raised a Communist from birth, Hillary Clinton, nee Rodham shows she’s been exposed to a another ethical approach to government.

This is why Clinton is so dangerous. Unlike the true believer and foreign-developed Marxist Barack Obama (who must act in pre-catalogued ways in accord with Das Kapital), Clinton is an American-developed semi-Marxist who like her husband really has a feel for American institutions and traditions. Expect Hillary Clinton to run for president in 2012 or expect Bill Clinton to do a body transplant into her body and run again that way. In any case we haven’t heard all there is to say from the Clintons and that is one great reason that reading this thesis is highly recommended by Rajjpuut.


Wade Rathke: Citizen Wealth: Winning the Campaign to Save Working Families is a recent book written by the founder of ACORN and SEIU and a lieutenant of George Wiley (who along with Cloward and Piven bankrupt NYC between 1968 and 1975). His latest imperatives? A. Using the internet to accelerate the demise of capitalism. B. “The Maximum Eligible Participation Solution” which is nothing more than an updated but apparently not improved (Thank God!) version of Cloward-Piven Strategy relying upon the ultra-leftist politicians to create some stupid program which the ultra-radicals on the street can abuse to every thinking person’s lament.

Mostly the book is a hodge-podge of community-organizer war stories with a bit of his perspective of “the future of community-organization.” Interestingly, Rathke has thus far defied ACORN’s recent firing of him and still works with three of their affiliate organizations (the ACORN name has been changed on Rathke’s orders to COI for Community Organizations International). Rathke’s brother Dale was involved in nearly $1 million worth of embezzlement from ACORN over many years and it appears that Wade covered-up the scandal for at least eight years – ah me, trouble in Utopia.

Anyone who reads this book has super-fodder for contradicting doubters who refuse to believe in Cloward-Piven and their plots and even in the bankruptcy of NYC by Rathke’s mentor George Wiley.


Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” is a small book with a big wallop. Starting out with the book’s dedication (to the devil no less!) through its repeated emphasis that the end justifies the means . . . one gets the picture quickly here: these are nasty people. Remember Hillary Clinton read it and wrote her thesis on it; Barack Obama read it and later taught a class in Rules for Radicals as well as practicing its tenets as an ACORN lawyer shaking down mortgage companies; Richard Cloward and Frances Piven read it and created their infamous Cloward-Piven Strategy. A must read for anyone interested in preventing progressive takeover of the USA.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** This is NOT precisely true, Hillary's thesis was created in 1969 and Alinsky's Rules for Radicals was not published until 1971. The "second book" of Alinsky's was his "Training Manual" created some time after Reville for Radicals, and ever expanding. About 95% of the content of that TM went into his second book Rules for Radicals which showed his followers the evolution in his community organizing that took place over the next 25 years.

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A Mortal Wound for America and Americans?

The worst has happened . . . the 10th Amendment, the most important and unappreciated of our Bill of Rights, may have just been beheaded and America as we know it KILLED. Does Rajjpuut exaggerate? You be the judge . . . .

While Boobus Americanus could NOT be bothered to leave his sitcoms and reality shows and pay attention to the needs of America, the Obama to Pelosi to Reid dance with the devil just fired potentially the final shot of the WAR going on right in front of Boobus Americanus’s eyes and potentially won that war to institute a communist-like socialism upon America. Here’s what happened:

Patriotic and informed Americans thought we had at least a month to relax because the tax-and-spend-and-bend-and-urinate-on-the-Constitution-and American-tradition-parade was ended while congress went on summer vacation. But no, suddenly, Harry Reid found himself voluminously and astoundedly thanking the two Maine** Republicans Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins for betraying you, betraying the Constitution and our founding fathers and betraying America . . . for betraying America, perhaps to death . . . . it’s a short story but extremely ugly. Miraculously (ugh) a $26 Billion spending bill was passed in the Senate. If you ever thought that progressives (“we must progress beyond the outdated and imperfect U.S. Constitution”) were just “well-intentioned” blundering idiots who really did love America the Republic born in 1776, think again. This bill, sent back to the House (once Pelosi rallied the troops back from their vacations) for quick approval and back even more quickly to the Senate (officially, only the House can originate spending bills) before heading to Obama’s desk . . . does three despicable things:

1) It raises a minimum of $45 million dollars for unions to immediately bring to the rescue of Democrats running for office this November. Nifty how that works out, eh, your tax dollars and your DEBT are financing the election of Democrats who’ve spent the last nineteen months undermining everything patriotic Americans have believed in for the last 234 years . . . but that’s just the tip of the icing on the cake to mangle a few appropriate metaphors . . . .

2) It does potentially provide some money for a very few teachers etc. that would have lost their jobs in 47 states (IF state governments decided they’d rather fire essential workers than get rid of non-essential wasteful spending in their budgets). Mostly it’s a bailout for California, Michigan and New York so that their fiscal stupidity won’t be punished and the other 47 states will be punished instead. So it rewards three states that ran themselves into bankruptcy and penalizes 47 other states . . . but that’s not so bad . . . .

3) Most importantly, it does indeed potentially behead the 10th Amendment of the United States by FORCING all fifty states to act irresponsibly and against the best interests of themselves and their citizens for the next several years and instead willing bankrupt themselves, because . . . here’s the rub . . . states who take part of this new bailout money will be forbidden by the provisions of the $26 Billion bailout bill itself from reducing their state budgets in coming years . . . that is, they will be forbidden from saving themselves from bankruptcy by the sensible measure of reducing spending.

Now Boobus Americanus doesn’t get it, but you, the loyal Rajjpuut reader already smell a huge rat don’t you? Economies are saved from severe financial collapse in states and at the federal level when one of two things happens: the country goes to war^^ (WWII provided 16 million jobs effectively ending$$ the Great Depression); or somebody gets the great idea of simultaneously cutting spending and cutting taxes.

History has several good examples for us of what’s works and what fails miserably. The link at the top and bottom of this blog will give you the ugly details . . . in a nutshell@@, however: When government gets involved economic downturns, turn sharply downward and endure much longer. When government gets out of the way (taxes are cut, government spending is slashed or both) economic slumps disappear.

So this bill prevents states who receive this money from acting sensibly. Why in hell, would anyone pass such a law? It’s our old friend Cloward-Piven&& Strategy.

You remember C-P, the “we can fundamentally transform into socialism by creating crises to undermine the capitalist system” strategy . . . the strategy Cloward, Piven, and George Wiley bragged about using when a manufactured welfare crisis bankrupted New York City in 1975 (it took them eight years) and almost bankrupted the entire state of New York. You remember, the strategy that created ACORN and set them about using poorly thought out mortgage guarantee legislation to undermine the country by creating the sub-prime lending crisis (that took them thirty years) that almost bankrupted the nation, but did get their own ACORN lawyer and Saul Alinsky activist Barack Obama voted into the Oval Office). And, of course, loyal Rajjpuut readers know that when the NWRO bankruptcy of New York City worked, Cloward and Piven and Wiley called for moving into housing and voter registration.

What? You forgot about voter registration? In 2006, ACORN registered 1,800 new voters in Washington state. All but six of the names submitted were bogus. The secretary of state called it the "worst case of election fraud in our state's history."

According to Fox News, “ACORN workers told state investigators they went to the Seattle public library, sat at a table and filled out the voter registration forms. They made up names, addresses and Social Security numbers and in some cases plucked names from the phone book. One worker said it was a lot of hard work making up all those names and another said he would sit at home, smoke marijuana and fill out the forms.”

ACORN explained this was an "isolated" incident, yet similar stories have been reported in Missouri, Michigan, Ohio and Colorado — all swing states by the way. ACORN members have been prosecuted for voter fraud in a number of states.

But now the Obama Department of Justice (DOJ) dropped a clear voter intimidation suit against the black panthers and Obama appointee (Deputy Attorney General) Julie Fernandez has instructed a roomful of DOJ employees not to prosecute Black on White hate crimes or voter intimidation; and not to involve themselves at all with violations of the Motor Voter Act. Are we starting to get the picture here? Let’s wrap it up.

What’s going on? The most important and least understood and appreciated of the Bill of Rights amendments, the 10th Amendment has just had its legs cut out from under it. States who take the money are forbidden from exercising fiscal responsibility. Short of almost immediately tens of thousands of Boobus Americanuses and TEA Party folks demonstrating on their own State Capitol steps demanding that their own state legislators REFUSE their part of the $26 Billion . . . short of that and short of that strategy succeeding in about 37-38 states . . . the deepest and most lethal wound so far from the progressive dagger has just been inflicted.

In addition, the most crucial election in American History since the Civil War is coming in November and the DOJ has just told its employees to ignore enforcement of the ultra-weak (yep, that was Richard Cloward and Frances Piven standing right behind Bill Clinton in the 1993 picture when he signed the Motor Voter Act into law) Motor Voter Act that conservatives in ’93 called a “license to commit voter fraud.” So your vote in November is liable to be cancelled out and superseded by votes from the dead, duplicate voters, illegal felons, and other fraudulent voters . . . are we happy now?

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** It sounds “noble” doesn’t it? Saving the jobs of teachers, firefighters, etc. (and Obama’s successfully used that ploy upon taxpayers nine different times) . . . but the devil is, as always in the details. That $26 Billion will incidentally dramatically increase the war chests of the teachers’, firefighters’, etc.’s UNIONS and that money will immediately funnel to the Democrats that UNIONS support 100% and hit the air waves to save the real jobs, Obama-Pelosi-Reid plan to save . . . those of Democratic congressmen. OUCH!

Virtually all of the misery since Republican Scott Brown’s election to the Senate seat once owned by Ted Kennedy has come from the failure of three “Republicans” (Brown himself and the two Maine senators) to actually read and understand the proposals that Harry Reid was presenting in the Senate. Instead of standing strong with the Republican filibuster, one or two or all of this threesome joined Reid to pass some monstrous-sized evil bill forcing greater government and greater debt upon us. It started with Obamacare and continued to the new $26 Billion bailout.

In each case, since February, a big-government big-debt bill whose real purpose had nothing in common with the noble-sounding name of the bill was stymied by a Republican filibuster and America was far, far better off because of it . . . and then, oops, one or more of this triumvirate caved in and the country was stabbed in the chest.

^^Yes, yes we know . . . this is the “Broken Window Fallacy” hiding under the “Blessing of Destruction” disguise . . . .

And, yes, besides all the human misery WAR brings, there is a huge economic downside, even for the victors. But the fact, is that, before you get into all the 75-80 evils of war and the 20-21 economic evils of wars . . . it does tend to solve unemployment (regardless of the litany of other evils that ensue)! Rajjpuut is guessing, Mr. Obama won’t be using that ploy anytime soon, however.

$$ There was, indeed, a speculative bubble which burst nastily, but the real damage from the simple panic that hit Wall Street in October, 1929, was created by the reactions of the two progressives Herbert Hoover and Franklin Delano Roosevelt that turned a simple recession into a 12+ year Great Depression. Months earlier Hoover immediately upon taking office had proven himself the greatest “economic tinkerer” in American History when he abandoned the low tax, low spend policies of Harding and Coolidge (he assumed office upon Harding’s death) which ended the “Invisible Depression” of Wilson very quickly and set about with social re-engineering. The economy was definitely NOT broken when Hoover became president, but he proceeded to fix it . . . .

FDR’s campaign painted Hoover as a socialist for all his government interference and government spending and promised to return to the successful recipe of Harding-Coolidge and dramatically cut taxes and cut government spending. In any case the economy was rebounding in July 1933 before FDR’s own interference set things spinning badly the other way. Among other measures, FDR created 40 new government agencies (Obamacare, one law, created 390 new agencies just this year); and he confiscated all American gold; then a few months later the gold he’d confiscated at $20.76 an ounce was proclaimed worth $35.00 an ounce, effectively stealing 61% of the America’s private wealth and putting it into the government’s hands.

@@ Some of this is repetition, but here’s the history of the last 93 years of severe American recessions-Depressions . . .

A. Progresssive Woodrow Wilson’s “Invisible Depression” was handed off to Warren G. Harding but (despite Commerce Secretary Herbert Hoover’s insistence upon draconian interference measures) simply dried up and blew away when Harding did three things, he paid down the debt 33%; he cut taxes and cut government spending. Notably the cuts in taxes and spending were between 45-49%.

B. Coolidge continued Harding’s policies and boom times resulted

C. Coolidge chose “not to run” and Hoover was elected and immediately began fixing the economy with higher taxes, higher spending and the creation of a whole litany of new government agencies. The Wall Street bubble burst, a financial panic ensued and Hoover (despite the lies of progressive historians who say he did nothing and just fiddled while the economy “burned”) ran around like a chicken with his head cut off trying to intervene in any way possible to stop the bleeding (you have heard of the Hoover Dam, eh?

D. FDR after promising to follow the Harding-Coolidge model made Hoover look like a thumbsucker and nine more years of bad times ensued ended finally by WWII.

E. In more recent times, the stock market collapse of 1973-74 was actually proving rather benign because the whole country was consumed by Watergate and almost no government interference took place. Nixon resigned and Gerald Ford introduced Draconian measures which along with the inflationary policies of the Viet Nam era caused prices to rise across the board. Ford is given the boot (more for pardoning Nixon then anything economically) and inflation got worst under Jimmy Carter (who among other things gave us the Community Reinvestment Act, CRA ’77 which started us on the path to four more mortgage-guarantee expansions and our 2007 collapse) and then much worse and became “stagflation” a stagnant economy during an inflation. Reagan is elected.

F. Reagan with the Democratic congress cuts taxes like madmen. Eventually 20 million new jobs are created and inflation and stagnation are ended. Not a pure example because Reagan wanted his military buildup and the Dems wanted their social programs buildup so spending was high . . . but taxes were cut deeply and the economy boomed.


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osted by Rajjpuut's Folly on Sunday, August 01, 2010 11:46:56 PM

How Much Do You Agree with

the Man Speaking These Words . . . ?

“Theoretically, there is nothing that can stop the government from taxing 100% of income so long as the people get benefits from the government commensurate with their taxed income . . . I do not see why the government cannot tax those who have more and syphon some of those revenues . . .”

The author of those words is the subject of the book “Dreams from my Father,” Barak (no ‘c’) Hussein Obama, Sr., the Kenyan father of our American president. Some of Barak, Sr.’s dreams are revealed in this

essay from 1965 when his son was almost four years old. The essay, entitled “Problems Facing Our Socialism,” discusses “scientific socialism” – inter alia – communism; price controls on hotels; forced communal ownership of land; confiscation of private property; government ownership of businesses; wealth transfer from Asian and European Kenyan hands to Black Kenyans; confiscation of foreign businesses, land and property; 100% taxes upon income; and government planning to design the full “politico-socio-cultural context” desirable for Kenya.

Our liberal main stream media (MSM) never held our president’s feet to the fire as a candidate, they gave him a free pass and a get out of jail free card and they are doing the same thing now. Most Americans have heard nothing about the month-old “JournOList” scandal in which the e-mails of 400+ liberal journalists, academicians and media folk show that in one form or other they’ve been conspiring over an e-mail list server, some of them for over thirteen years to control the news in this country. The four biggest revelations thus far:

A. They felt betrayed by a non-JournOList reporter from ABC who broke the Reverend Jeremiah Wright “Not God bless America, God Damn America!” story. To protect Barack Obama they discussed ignoring the story, down-playing the story and their final solution: seeking out quotable sources to denounce key Republicans and conservatives as “racists” to deflect a lot of the story’s sting.

B. Their e-mails revealed they strongly preferred Candidate Obama to Hillary Clinton and overlooked stories of illegal bussing and other Obama shenanigans that allowed him to win 13 of the 14 caucus states and gain the nomination. They willfully ignored the Van Jones scandal and other Obama faux pas and considered all or virtually all conservatives as criminals, murderers, racists and stupid.

C. One woman told the boys at one point to buck it up; that she hadn’t felt any too good “as a woman and a feminist” standing idly by while Bill Clinton’s philandering with Monica, Jennifer, etc. was going on . . . the lads needed to bite the bullet for the team.

D. Another woman described in great detail her fond dream of Rush Limbaugh dying of a heart attack at her feet while she stands and cheers and does nothing to help . . . “his eyes bugging out, turning blue . . .” etc., etc.

The JournOList list server is now defunct but the JournOList story is virtually unknown because the MSM has done little to bring its long existence to the public’s attention. Even liberals not associated with JournOList seem to have accepted its existence with a “wink and a nod.” As soon as JournOList ceased to exist, some of the same 400+ created a new entity on the list server called CabalList and many of their first discussions considered how to keep their new conspiracy out of the public’s eye as well as a lot of bitc_ing and moaning about their private e-mails being exposed. With 400+ people on JournOList did they really have an expectation of privacy, hah?

Right now 55% of Americans have wised up somewhat and in a recent poll agree with the statement that “socialist” is the correct descriptor for Barack Obama. If the MSM had circulated his father’s essay linked at the top of this blog; if the MSM had vetted his first book “Dreams of My Father” surely the American people would NOT have chosen the worst of the three viable candidates, would they?

Would Barack Obama have been elected president IF his “socialism” were known? Would he have won the Democratic nomination if his socialism and/or his voter-fraud in the caucuses against Hillary Clinton had been known. What if the 100% truth about Barack Obama and his communism were known? How many Americans understand the radical and communist nature of not only the Obama czars but of virtually 100% of his administration and his associates? Democracy rides upon the backs of an aware citizenry. How much harm has the liberal MSM done to America?

Rajjpuut has known for roughly 25 months that Barack Obama is a communist, it was there all along easy to find. On Taxday of 2008 (4/15/2008), a fairly liberal blogsite broadcast two pieces of information over the internet . . . .

A) the link above with

B) an internal link to the Barak, Sr. essay linked at the top of this blog

As desperate a news hound as Rajjpuut is, it took over two months before he stumbled upon the politico links. By then he already knew that Barack’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, and his grandfather were both communists; had raised the child Barack, Jr. as a communist; and that Barak, Sr. and Ann had met in a Russian language class at the University of Hawaii and Barak, Sr. was a leftist. How many Americans would have supported Obama against Hillary or against Mc Cain if all that was public knowledge?

The MSM has betrayed us and, it’s NOT like they’ve admitted their problems and decided to live a clean life . . . they are still controlling what American sees and reads. How much does the average American voter know about these stories deliberately ignored by the MSM?

Just how interested do you think the mainstream media and the 400+ folks tied into JournOList would be in, and how much enthusiasm would they have for dealing with the following truth . . .

A. Informing the public about Cloward-Piven Strategy.

B. Informing the public about Saul Alinsky’s book “Rules for Radicals.”

C. About Barack Obama teaching a course on “Rules for Radicals” while simultaneously teaching “Constitutional Law.”

D. About Obama describing the Constitution as a “flawed document outlining ‘negative rights.’”

E. About George Wiley + Cloward +Piven and their bragging after their NWRO bankrupted New York City and just missed bankrupting New York state.

F. About Cloward and Piven advising their followers the next areas to hit (now that welfare crisis manipulation had worked so well for them) were “housing and voter registration.”

G. About Wiley’s creation of ACORN after the ’76 elections.

H. About Jimmy Carter and the left-most Democrats creating the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA ’77) in 1977 the first time that mortgage-guarantee forced lenders to knowingly make bad mortgage loans.

I. About Democratic majorities following their left-wing leaders in 1992 to expand CRA ’77 to include Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac and President George H.W. Bush not vetoing it.

J. About the Motor Voter ACT being created in 1993 and Cloward and Piven standing behind Clinton in the official “signing” picture. The MVA was called a “license for voter fraud”

K. About Clinton and progressive Democrats and progressive Republicans expanding CRA ’77 twice in 1995.

L. About lawyer Barack Obama working for ACORN from ’95-’97 shaking down lenders to force them to make atrociously bad housing loans

M. About Clinton, progressives from both sides of the aisle and virtually all the other Democrats passing another CRA ’77 expansion in 1998 that put the whole mortgage-guarantee process on steroids.

N. About ACORN having 32 convicted members involved in voter-registration fraud for 2008 amid thousands of unexamined charges against them.

O. About ACORN pushing ill-advised housing loans for 23 years now. About how armed with the poisonous expansion of CRA ’77 in 1998, ACORN forced lenders to make loans to 1) people without I.D. 2. People without jobs 3) people without rental histories 4) people with abysmal credit ratings 4) illegal aliens and 5) vagrants

P. About the fiscal collapse in late 2007 and 2008 being brought about primarily (94-95%??) by the sub-prime lending crisis, that is by people who shouldn’t have received home loans defaulting on their mortgages

Q. About the need to think when President Obama talks about “the people who caused this whole mess” and indicates he means conservatives . . . to figure it out as laid out from A-P above and deciding if the finger of suspicion doesn’t actually point at Barack Obama and all his radical connections.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Obama's Radical Reliance upon R-Word #1's
R-Word #2 is Barack's Goal
Readers of the tales of Arthur Conan Doyle’s masterfully-drawn detective Sherlock Holmes realize that “after all the impossibilities have been eliminated, what’s left, however, improbable must be the right answer.” The burning question left us since roughly 1965 is this: why has the radical left-wing of the Democratic Party, now in TOTAL charge of that party, relied so thoroughly upon the single word: RACISM?” The easy answer is “because it works for them.” The question begged is “Why?”
Racism or “R-word #1,” is a fact, a piece of evidence, which is crystallizing before us and the more we examine the history of this crime, (and it is a crime that the largest and most influential of our nation’s political parties has become the handmaiden of the least principled of persons and their perverted interests) and its ubiquitous presence definitely implies the existence of “R-Word #2, nay, REQUIRES R-wod #2 to be revealed later in the blog.
Rajjpuut suggests that as facts and history pile up ever higher one atop the other . . . and as all of the far more “preferable” and at first more likely answers are eliminated . . . only one highly improbable answer remains: “R-word #2. It is indeed a puzzler . . . .
If in solving the puzzle, we are repeatedly and ceaselessly confronted by the single inglorius word “RACISM” at every turn . . . “IF RACISM IS KEY TO THE ANSWER, (in other words, if use of the word “racism” willy-nilly at every key juncture is the METHOD) WHAT MUST BE THE QUESTION (in other words what is R-word #2, a.k.a. the GOAL)??
As always those who deny or refuse to learn their history are compelled to suffer its consequences. 1965 should have seen the halcyon days for the United States of America. The Civil Rights Act had just been passed. At last, the Civil War, also known as the “War of Nothern Agression” in some parts of the South, was successfully concluded. But the enemy within saw their opportunity and they hijacked the word “RACISM,” R-word #1 from the Civil Rights movement and therein lies our tale.
The country as a whole refused to acknowledge their presence and that made it easy for the enemy soon to come to nearly dominate the leftwing politics of the day. They have been able to disguise themselves, their nature and their goals right up till today. Yesterday so to speak, however, they began to be noticed finally. In a recent poll, 55% of Americans said that the word “Socialist” was a fitting description of Barack Obama, thank God! But at first and until very recently only they were able to make things appear to be quite different on the surface than the reality beneath where they were operating.
They – you are now aware enough to call them “Socialists,” but Rajjpuut has long known them as “Communists” since the first time he read Saul Alinksy’s “Rules for Radicals” or studied the “Cloward-Piven Strategy’s role in the bankruptcy of New York State in 1975-- were helped by the fact that when the first true battles in the Civil Right Movement were engaged after World War II, the Democratic Party was split asunder by the conflict and the smaller splinter group was a tempestuous group of Southern Whites known as the Dixiecrats who ran on a platform of thinly-disguised Confederacy (circa 1860). In fact, it was that single fact, that a highly concentrated group of racists that the rest of the United States came to hate actually existed and actually held the Confederate States of 1860 as an ideal that made the Communist’s takeover a plottable and possible outcome . . . and today that outcome is nearly a fait accompli. And that takeover is our R-word #2: Revolution or “Fundamental Transformation.” Here’s how it all came to be . . . .
It all began to come to a head in late 1945. Among the heroes returning from the South Pacific and Europe at the end of World War II were a large contingent of Black soldiers, 85-90% of them from the south. They were not always regarded as heroes when they got home. The president at that time was Harry S (no period, no middle name, just the initial) Truman, the greatest president of the 20th
In those days all Blacks, 100%, voted Republican, the Party of Lincoln. And the "Solid South" was the Democratic stronghold just as it had been before the Civil War. And the country was much more uniform and far less urban than it is today.
Century though he served less than two full terms. Truman was raised as a Missouri segregationist, so it must have been a tough battle for him. Rajjpuut thinks of Harry S. Truman as the inspiration for the founders of today's TEA Party movement.
Whatever else Truman might have felt about Blacks, Truman was himself a war hero from World War I and when hundreds of the returning Black soldiers were lynched across the south (one poor fellow with his battle ribbons still on display trampled into the ground beneath his corpse) in 1945 and 1946 he would not stand for it. He and the Republican Party and moderates of his own Democratic party quickly passed federal anti-lynching laws and Truman sent U.S. Marshalls into the south to enforce them. He also, by presidential edict, integrated the armed forces. Blacks in the navy, for example, had only been allowed to be cooks and stewards, and in the army had fought in entirely Black units. All the key segregationists of the day such as Harry Byrd, Strom Thurmond, Henry Wallace, Jesse Helms and George Wallace were outraged . . . to their mind another hated Reconstruction period was in the offing brought about by another War of Northern Aggression. They were actually right. This time the civil war took about eighteen years to fight, it was far less bloody but no less intense.
In effect the segregationists of the south, had once again fired upon Fort Sumter (lynchings) and once again the Union had regarded the act as an act of war and responded righteously (the anti-lynching laws and the presence of the U.S. Marshalls and integrating the armed services).
One fringe group needs to be mentioned: the Ku Klux Klan had been a huge power in the country since the earlier groups of Blacks had returned from World War I, and they’d been very popular in the early 20’s, not only in the south, but also dominating politics in some urban east and mideast states and around Rajjpuut’s home, Colorado. But the KKK’s power had been waning since several incidents in 1925 and 1926 had brought their patriotic-sounding rhetoric into obvious conflict with their goonish and sub-human true nature. There would be a resurgence of KKK activity during the next eighteen years but a large percentage of the southern populace and virtually all the rest of the country had moved well-beyond these thugs. Later as the undeniable courage of the Freedom Marchers of the ‘60’s led by Martin Luther King, Jr’s Gandhiesque non-violence surfaced into crystal-clear focus, more and more southern Whites came to appreciate the Black situation and the basic unfairness and injustice of segregation.
When Hubert Humphrey of the Democratic Party at their presidential nominating convention of 1948 introduced an “integration plank” to the delegates, Thurmond, Helms, Byrd and both Wallaces and their ilk walked out of the convention. Soon, calling themselves the States’ Rights Democrats or Dixiecrats they immediately created a third party and nominated Thurmond as their presidential candidate. It was considered only a small gamble. The split of the Democratic Party in ’48 was seen as virtually guaranteeing Truman’s defeat and the election of Republican Thomas Dewey, if Truman didn’t “come to his senses.” Despite all this, Truman continued to campaign vigorously along populist lines while Dewey, with supposedly 55% of the popular vote and 60% of the electoral vote coming his way according to the polls, gloried in the disintegration of the Democratic Party and espoused positions that appealed only to the plutocrats in both parties.
The Dixiecrats were almost as equally smug and reasoned that 1) after they defeated Truman, unless, of course, he invited them back in ’48, their power would be obvious and things would go back to normal or 2) after they won enough southern states to send the election to the House of Representatives, the south would basically control the selection of the President (certainly NOT Truman) and again their power woud be obvious.
What they didn’t foresee was that about 60% of the few Black voters; and the vast majority of other minority voters; and many of the urban white Republican voters and other White voters all across the nation changed their allegiance almost immediately, voters admired Truman and didn’t connect with Dewey and now that the segregationists were out of the Democratic Party many of the most independent felt comfortable voting that way. This was the natural birth of the TEA Party movement, which acted like one huge Independent voter hopping from party to party over the next few years until the communist undercover movement clearly took over the leftwing of the Democratic Party by say 1992.
Unhampered by this decidedly foreign presence in the Democratic party this respect for integrity and progress within tradition represented by the TEA Party would have likely changed the history of the country dramatically. They were the naturally center-right Independents of the country and controlled things from 1948-1960.
Meanwhile, in ‘48 Truman despite being consistently defeated by the Gallup polls defeated Dewey soundly and suddenly those Dixiecrats were a cause without a viable party. The Republicans, Party of Lincoln and far more interested in northern and eastern and urban concerns than in the south, had less room for them then the Democrats did. In presidential politics they were party-less until 1964.
The success of the Civil Rights Movement largely on the back of and inspired by the non-violence of King and the 1964 Civil Rights Act, was the ultimate straw as far as the Dixiecrats were concerned, not only that, but the Republican presidential candidate that year was a conservative named Barry Goldwater and one of the few good things about the Dixiecrats was their respect for traditional values. Unfortunately, “racism” was a traditional value for them too. So now the Old Racists were aligned with the Republican Party in November, 1964, a fact the Democrats haven’t stopped shouting about even since racism went out of style under Ronald Reagan and beyond. It’s ever necessary to keep the Black’s in their place (under the Democrat’s flag) and to remind Independents of what is no longer true. Anytime, in short, that a Democrat candidate is in trouble, the “Racism-Ploy” is appropriate. R-word #1 will never go out of style.
Remember that R-word #2? Revolution! Meanwhile, our enemies had flourished. Lyndon Johnson’s ill-conceived “Great Society” dove-tailed with their plans nicely. Saul Alinksy’s book was their Old Testament and in ’64 two communist Columbia University (NYC) sociology professors Richard Cloward and Frances Piven suggested that implementing Alinsky’s ideas on a large scale could quickly bring about the “fundamental transformation” they were seeking. They suggested the natural “vehicle” for their ascendancy was the Democratic Party of the United States and its weakness for complicated social programs outside the traditional American value structure. With Alinsky as True North they published their ideas now known as Cloward-Piven Strategy, which some have called “forced change through crisis” or “overloading the system.” Then they set about making their goal of a guaranteed national income come true. They aligned with George Wiley, a militant Black chemist and Civil Rights Activist to create an Alinsky-type battle plan.
Together they created Wiley’s NWRO (National Welfare “Rights” Organization) and set about first putting many more people on the state of New York’s welfare rolls, large quantities in NYC. While doing that they set about using these urban poor as their shock troops disrupting the welfare landscape with angry but well-coordinated street uprisings (really orchestrated demonstrations) until by 1968 they’d grown the welfare rolls of the state by 8 million. By 1975, NYC was bankrupt and NY state almost bankrupt . . . the broader welfare crisis they sought to provoke across the nation never materialized and the guaranteed national income was never seriously contemplated except by the extreme left of the Democratic Party. Nevertheless a huge success was, they believed, achieved, and while bragging about their efforts in print, they suggested the next two areas to advance the Popular Front (Communist Movement) should probably be voter registration and housing. Wiley set about creating ACORN.
You know most of the rest, probably, but Rajjpuut will summarize it here:
C-P defiles the housing market and ballot box
The U.S. had the highest home ownership in the world 62-64% depending upon the economic conditions, but Jimmy Carter and the Democrats passed the Community Reinvestment Act in ’77 forcing lenders to make bad loans (it was a mortgage-guarantee program) to people who could not afford to repay them. This program was expanded in ’92 to include Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and George Bush I did NOT veto it. Under Bill Clinton it was expanded three more times (twice in 1995 and the steroid version in ’98).
By ’93, ACORN had begun perfecting its Alinsky techniques. From ‘95-’97 they found out that using lawyers like Barack Obama to shake-down the mortgage lenders and getting free publicity from PBS and network television was their ticket. Between ’99 and 2007, ACORN had it down to a science so that people without IDs, without jobs, without rental history, with horrendous credit ratings and even illegal immigrants could expect to receive forced loans from cowed mortgage companies and bankers . . . often far larger and more expensive homes than typical middle-class Americans owned.
If anything, ACORN’s involvement with the voting process has even been more corrupt. As far as the general election 32 ACORN operatives were convicted of fraudulent activities (the tip of the iceberg). But earlier was when the real problems arose:
ACORN and the Black Panthers helped Barack Obama steal the nomination of the Democratic Party from Hillary Clinton by allowing him to shakedown the system and win thirteen of the fourteen caucus states although being well-beaten overall in other states. Bussing, intimidation, dirty tricks and fraud were the featured activities.
More recently Obama’s Department of Justice in the person of a Deputy Attorney General assigned to head the DOJ, Julie Fernandez, has played politics by dropping a Philadelphia voter-intimidation case for the general election in 2008 against the New Black Panthers which the Bush administration had won with strong video evidence. Only one handslap was given out to a man seen in other videos calling for the killing “of crackers and their cracker babies.” And the aformentioned Ms. Fernandez let a roomful of DOJ employees know there was “no interest in prosecuting or investigating cases with White victims and Black perpetrators; or in investigations along Motor Voter Act.” Richard Cloward and Frances Piven are standing directly behind Bill Clinton in the phots as he signs the Motor Voter Act which has been called “a license for voter fraud.” Now Ms. Fernandez says that even the ultra-weak Motor Voter Act will not be enforced “because it might hurt turnout.” What??? Turnout of dead voters and moved voters will be down; duplicate votes will not occur, other voter irregularities will be culled . . . and Ms. Fernandez doesn't want that happening?
Today, by hook and by crook and by underhanded, under the table activitites, the Constitution of the United States is being shredded before our eyes. Our free-market system is being enslaved to bureaucracy on a dozen fronts, our present economy is being castrated and our children and grand children are being enslaved by Barack Obama’s fundamental transformation. His next target: the ballot box in November, 2010.
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,

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America as Desired by Obama . . .

Morally, Fiscally Bankrupt

You’ve seen those commercials where someone is saying, “ . . . we don’t make things in America any more . . . ,” a sad commentary on what was once the greatest manufacturing country the world ever knew becoming the greatest outsourcing country the world has ever known. Somewhere along the way America lost its greatness. Now, at a moment in our history where greatness is required of our leaders, instead we’ve been blessed with Marxist ideologue Barak Obama who, eschewing mediocre 2nd World status for the country is aiming us toward abject and utter Banana Republicdom$$. His economic policies have all led in the wrong direction and merely enriched the wallets of his supporters, but out of charity let’s forget all that, let’s look at his plans for our future.

Obama has promised his economic and energy policies will “bankrupt the coal industry” and “necessarily cause the price of electricity to skyrocket.”

And all of this madness is based upon a lie called “global warming” which even the ultra-liberal London Times has denounced:

It’s never ever been about cleaning up the atomosphere or about us making the environment better, Obama’s “handler” Joel Rogers has admitted that cap and trade will NOT stop “pollution,” it will just tax those who emit . . . which is a two-fold lie . . . it will tax all of America and all Americans virtually out of existence while enriching the pockets of almost twenty progressive foundations (such as the Tides Foundations, the Joyce Foundation and numerous shadow foundations funded by these two) while, must we remind you, carbon dioxide is NOT actually a pollutant. Profit for the liberal elite and power for Obama. Here’s the endgame he’s brought in store for us . . . .

People like Al Gore (5th largest owner), Obama, Rogers, Richard Sandor, Maurice Strong, Franklin Raines, George Soros, about a dozen Goldman Sachs people and the Goldman Sachs firm itself (10% owner), Gore’s London-based Generation Investment Management company -- all of these groups through their ownership of CCX (the Chicago Climate eXchange) which with the passage of cap and trade legislation will gain commissions on virtually every single “trade” in what Richard Sandor has admitted will be annually “a $10 TRillion industry.” Since cap and trade produces NOT ONE new product and adds NOT ONE new service for Americans or the world . . . this means that America’s $15 TRillion economy will become a $25 TRillion economy overnight (with no new products or services and thus all prices will rise 67% the ultimate tax on breathing . . . . The time has come to ask not “Who is John Galt?” but rather “Where is John Galt”** because the country needs him NOW.

The most important truth YOU need to get out of this blog is this, The situation is bad, critical, nearing meltdown and yet, NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT THE MOST IMPORTANT TRUTHS FACING OUR COUNTRY TODAY. On occasion they’ll mention the roughly $14 TRillion national debt now growing by leaps and bounds under Obama . . . but no one is talking about the $110 TRillion in Unfunded obligations^^ the nation faces from Social Security, Medicare and the federal side of Medicaid . . . nor are they mentioning that it’s highly likely that our Unfunded obligations from Welfare and similar entitlement programs could add another 80% to that figure pushing the nation toward total debt and unfunded obligations in excess of $215 TRillion.

In fact, the U.S. congresses and presidents have made a policy of definitely NOT TALKING about these matters since about 1977 when the combinations of building social security obligations, the new welfare state, Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society” met the new wave of outrageousness with Jimmy Carter’s Community Reinvestment act of 1977 when for the first time the federal government REQUIRED lenders to make knowingly bad loans. The fact that this evil mortgage guarantee program could be expanded four times (’92, twice in ’95 and put on steroids in ’98) while the set-asides since 1934 and 1965 were blithely ignored shows you how corrupt the system was. But in orders of corruption, you ain’t seen nothing yet, baby, because Barack Obama’s now in charge.

Of course, Barack Obama who reportedly was extremely morose during the years 1989-93 when the Berlin Wall fell and the Warsaw Pact nations and U.S.S.R discarded communism . . . now has his opportunity to deliver to the world an utterly bankrupt United States of America and all will end well in the future hee-hee-ho-ha-hee-hee-ho-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha . . . the combination of what progressives have already done to us with their “spread the wealth FDR and LBJ ‘Great Society’ schemes” and what Barack Obama is doing to us, will make disaster concepts like nuclear winter and other contemplated environmental disaster scenarios seem like a day at the beach.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


$$ and meanwhile our media does not report that the real unemployment rate (a.k.a. the functional unemployment rate has reached 17.6% and with underemployment## we're now talking about 22% of the country facing job problems

##underemployment involves only having part-time work; former managers, etc. now having fulltime McDonalds' jobs and the like

^^ Look at how this played into the hands of the progressive enemy among us (folks like Saul Alinsky author of “Rules for Radicals”; and Richard Cloward and Frances Piven whose Cloward-Piven strategy was employed by them to create the American Welfare Rights Organization, AWRO, in 1967 with a black militant named Wiley to bankrupt the city of New York and just miss bankrupting the entire state of New York by using street intimidation tactics to get eight million new welfare recipients on the rolls by 1969. Cloward and Piven when bragging (orally and in writing) about their “accomplishments” recommended that voter registration and housing be their followers’ next areas of emphasis. The picture of President Clinton signing the Motor Voter Act with both C and P of C-P Strategy standing directly behind him is classic. MVA was called “a license for massive voter fraud” for good reason, now a Ms. Fernandez in the Department of Justice, already infamous for not prosecuting the 2008 New Black Panthers’ voter intimidation case and telling roomfuls of people that the DOJ will NOT prosecute Black defendants in voting cases with White victims, in the same roomful of people has stated that Motor Voter Act laws (weak as they are) so that the dead, the moved away, the duplicate and triplicate and other fraudulent voters carried on the rolls of a city, etc. can not be removed from the rolls. And who has been key in voter registration and in housing abuses? Lawyers like Barack Obama shaking down banks and other lenders forACORN . . . ACORN which gave us at least 18 full-out years warring against the system they hate and getting loans for people without I.D., without wealth or income, without jobs, without credit references, with abysmal credit ratings, people without rental histories, people without even rental addresses, and most important of all, even illegal immigrants. Somehow we’re NOT supposed to tie together the fact that the sub-prime lending crisis was the main ingredient in our poisoned soup?

**actually Rajjpuut would NOT recommend either the Fountainhead or Atlas Shrugged from Ayn Rand but instead “Capitalism the Unknown ideal,” “For the New Intellectual,” “The Virtue of Selfishness,” or for fiction fans the brief novelette “Anthem.”

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Obama Political Appointees Tell DOJ,

"We Want you to Ignore 'Motor Voter Law'”

Of all our Constitution-granted rights, “franchise,” the right to vote is the most essential. Recently, however, Obama’s political appointees to the Department of Justice have adopted a policy of only enforcing voter laws and voter cases in line with the interests of Obama himself. Wiping repeat voters, dead voters and fraudulent voters off the voter rolls; and stopping voter intimidation against White voters is apparently not considered to be in line with the nation’s interest.

In the world of Barack Obama and the Obama administration, “racism” is a one-way street. In that world racism can only be expressed by Whites toward Democrats or Blacks, Hispanics and other minority groups and only by policemen against these same minority groups . . . in the Obama world racism can apparently never occur the other way around.

Today, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is scheduled to file its case against the second of Arizona’s two anti-illegal immigration bills. The specter of this case apparently filed by the Obama administration to agitate some Democratic-leaning Hispanic voters, is troubling enough (the Obama administration is apparently trying to rescind the 10th Amendment of the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution) . . . but Rajjpuut has just learned from friends in the media that the very same lawyers chosen to prosecute that case within the DOJ, have already proven themselves less than competent and more than politically corrupt supporters of Obama style racism. These Obama toadies, in their disposition of a case from Election Day, 2008 involving the New Black Panthers, have crawled through miles of broken glass to give Barack Obama the legal decision he wanted . . .

Of all our Constitution-granted rights, “franchise,” the right to vote is the most essential. The right to vote regardless of race, creed, color, religion or political persuasion is fundamental. The case involved is one where New Black Panther members in Philadephia appear in black or navy-blue military get-up and taunt incoming White voters with racial slurs while one of them brandishes a night-stick. Since political representation in our republic is based upon the democratic principles of one man one vote, one uncoerced vote . . . this is about as serious as any voter intimidation^^ case one’s likely to see. The fact that the man with the night stick is shown in separate video of a separate instance (when he was trying to agitiate passing Blacks on the street) carrying a microphone and shouting, “I hate White people, I can’t stand them crackers . . . we need to kill some crackers . . . we need to kill they (sic) babies . . .” only goes to prove how bankrupt the DOJ refusal to prosecute the voter intimidation case vigorously actually is.

The fact that DOJ members guilty of dropping this case were quoted as opining that civil rights laws were created to protect only the minorities from the majority Whites is shameful. The fact that on top of that, a Black Republican poll watcher was told by the Panthers “not to show your ni__er face” and repeatedly terrorized by the group gives a far more complete picture of the nature of racism and political bigotry by the intimidators. Black’s who don’t follow the Democratic party-line (the Clarence Thomases of the world) are just as much a target as the Whites all too many of them hate.

Equally important but thus far drawing less criticism or attention in the media is the fact that an Obama political appointee, a Ms. Fernandez has commanded a roomful (reportedly 40-50) people) of DOJ employees not to enforce the ’93 motor voter law. Thus under Ms. Fernandez, wiping repeat voters, dead voters and fraudulent voters off the voter rolls; and the aforementioned stopping voter intimidation against White voters is apparently not considered to be in line with the nation’s interest.

Richard Cloward and Frances Piven of “Cloward-Piven Strategy” infamy were present when Bill Clinton signed the motor voter law into effect. Many political observers at the time called the motor voter law “a license for unlimited voter fraud.” Cloward and Piven (after their “C-P manufactured crisis strategy” created the American Welfare Rights Organization which swelled state welfare rolls by eight million persons and bankrupted New York City in 1975 and almost bankrupted New York state) in 1976 called for C-P strategy to be applied to housing (as ACORN did) and voter registration (as Clinton’s law did and ACORN did) and now the Obama folks have decided not to enforce even greatly weakened voter laws. If voter franchise is the most cherished right in our republic, then voter registration fraud is its greatest threat.

It’s clearly OK under present corruption for the Obama administration to agitate race relations negatively by claiming Arizona police are inherently racial profilers; it’s OK for president Obama** last year to call Cambridge police actions stupid (when he acknowledged he didn’t yet have the facts) and to insinuate racism in mild-mannered TEA Party members whom he’s never met . . . it’s OK for Blacks to only support McCain with 5% of their vote . . . but anyone pointing out racism by Democrats or by Blacks or other minorities is a Fascist hate-monger. What a brave new world you live in, Mr. Obama, brave new corrupt world.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


^^ Now let’s talk about the fact that this is NOT the first time Obama’s cause has been aided by these type of shenanigans. Obama’s very first victory during the primaries occurred only because of bussing of large groups of “voters” from Illinois to Iowa. Obama devotee voting tricks (such as illegal bussing and intimidation shenanigans similar to the one by the New Black Panthers on Election Day) cost Hillary Clinton thirteen of the fourteen caucus states (many of which held split popular vote-caucus set ups where she won the popular voting earlier in the day but where caucus site intidmidation won Obama those primaries and the eventual nomination) during the Democratic primaries and cost her the opportunity to be the president but, both
Democrats and the media ignored this corruption just as willfully as Democrats and the media are now ignoring the New Black Panthers' atrocities.

** Now lets talk about even earlier (2007) when Raila Odinga in Kenya asked for Obama’s help and . . . .

A. Obama then went campaigning for a communist Odinga for the presidency of Kenya

B. Obama at campaign stops for Odinga twice appeared in Muslim garb

C. Obama’s letter to Odinga infamously advised him if he lost the popular vote to claim voter fraud and to then use violence to get a foothold because of the likelihood of his being eventually made part of the government and then indeed those events happening in precisely that order. Odinga was months after the election and violence appeased by being made prime minister of Kenya.
Odinga signing a secret letter of accord with the Muslims (roughly 12% of Kenya’s

population are Muslims, there are several other religions represented in Kenya with Christianity

at 43% being the largest) to institute Sharia Law in the country akin to what the Taliban has in

other countries. This agreement was discovered and the discovery basically ended Odinga’s

slight chances of becoming president . . . Odinga said the letter was a fraud and a lie but then

later signing another accord with the Muslims (the original letter was blatant and would have

made Islam the religion of Kenya and made missionary work by religions other than Muslims

against the law and banned radio and television missionary programs as well). The eventual

rapings, burning of Christian churches and killings of many Christians and other citizens of

non-Muslim religions. Odinga never speaking
up to stop the violence and indeed benefitting from it.

Obama never acknowledging the violence
or his own role in it . . . all of this ties in with the present
Obama administration policies.
Read more…

Rajjpuut’s guessing at least 60% of Americans (the vast UNinformed) might have felt great relief seeing the recent Newsweek cover saying “America’s Back!” (Hopefully, they didn’t waste their needed funds actually buying that rag.) The two best statistics in Newsweek’s favor are the stock market’s year-long climb and this month’s upswing in housing construction. You, however, as a reader of Rajjpuut's Folly, know that overall the real picture is not that rosy: unemployment is quite high; foreclosures and bank failures are rampant; deficits and national debt are growing semi-geometrically; two of the three American auto companies despite $100+ billion in handouts have NOT turned-around significantly; government size and scope are growing to dangerous liberty-endangering proportions; a new entitlement program Obamacare threatens to put the final nail in the coffin of American capitalism; unions are not interested in cooperating with management to return the nation’s products to competitive-price desirability; unions are not cooperating with states to help the states meet their own financial disasters; and most importantly, we have short-sightedly failed to cut taxes or decrease government spending. How far are we from financial Armageddon? Are we already there?

In actuality, we stand on the cusp of the disintegration of the American Republic as we’ve known it since 1776, the finest experiment in freedom and responsibility ever seen on this earth. For the first time in our history, one generation looks to pass on far less than it inherited from its American predecessors. The politicians have sold away our children's and grandchilren's future. The fiscal-cataclysm that brought us to this point, rather than abating still intensifies creating great distress for our citizens. This distress and the problems leading us to this point have been deliberately shrouded in mystery and dissembled (lied) about for the protection of those who caused the problem, thus the problems persist and intensify rather than improving. Rather than getting to the matter of in depth individual and collective guilt, let’s take a few brief paragraphs and allude to two different approaches to fiscal-downturns: the well-known “New Deal” and the virtually never seriously discussed “Get Government out of the Way” approach a.k.a. the Warren G. Harding “Invisible Depression Approach” . . . .

In 1920 the nation began suffering “the Unknown Depression” a.k.a. “the Invisible Depression,” one of countless such financial panics that the nation has endured in its history. This panic might have been part of the normal ebb and flow of the economy, those normal ups and downs found in all free markets. However, the situation was greatly compounded and exacerbated by the problems created by the end of the economic boom upon many industries and for the American farmer by World War I’s end and the return of the troops (jobless now) to American shores, and the difficulties repaying loans owed America by many nations almost ruined by the war, and the de-stabilizing effect of the so-called Spanish Flu pandemic which began in and around Ft. Riley, Kansas and killed at least 800,000 Americans and up to 100 million people worldwide. On the government front, President Woodrow Wilson was sickly and his wife actually ran much of the government continuing his progressive policies (feeling that the U.S. Constitution is a flawed and thus an insufficient instrument for dealing with modernity and is therefore, something which must be “progressed” beyond by current politicians so much wiser than the founding fathers). Wilson was replaced in 1921 by Warren G. Harding, a do-nothing president more excited by chasing White House staff women into closets than governing and certainly totally UNinterested in creating any grandiose government initiatives. Harding became known, somewhat unfairly it seems although the President is ultimately responsible for what happens on his watch, for the Teapot Dome Scandal (that emerged after his death) and little else. He probably should be remembered as “the nation’s greatest depression fighter.”

So as not to interrupt his Clinton-like oval office carousing, Harding largely kept his hands off the government making almost no serious expansions whatsoever in the structure or functioning of it. There was definitely a depression going on: gross national product plunged 24% from $91.5 billion in 1920 to $69.6 billion in 1921. The number of unemployed people jumped 133% from 2.1 million in 1920 to 4.9 million in 1921. Harding did make three changes, however. The first two changes were seemingly too small to actually matter, but they were important. The last change was huge and utterly inspired:

A. Wilson had (like Obama today) stopped all direct press conferences. Harding restored them twice a week and enjoyed personally dealing with the press’ questions. And the word historically is that he never dodged a question but sometimes clarified things later or asked for cabinet input or said “That’s one I don’t know, but I’ll find out, boys!”

B. Harding, from the first, explained to the press and to the people how the economy worked and constantly decried the negative effects of high taxes, government waste and government spending and interference (what Rajjpuut calls GSBs and GIBs – government spending and government interference boondoggles) on the nation’s productivity and economic health. Harding also championed a completely non-interventionist foreign policy as the best hope for peace. This was completely opposite to Wilson’s approaches. Wilson, as a progressive, had greatly multiplied the size and scope of government during his two terms even before the country entered WWI in 1917. He had promised to keep the nation out of war but as soon as he'd won re-election deliberately steered us into it; and then he'd gone gallivanting around Europe etc. trying to sell the world on a League of Nations (in other words Wilson was almost as huge an “interventionist” as Herbert Hoover, FDR and Obama).

C. Harding’s third change was the single largest lesson in economic history for America and its leaders in business and government ( a change which history books totally ignore and no one, therefore, learns from) . . . he slashed the national government to the bone! Tax cuts and spending cuts were huge. 1920’s $6.3 billion budget dropped to $3.2 billion in 1922 Harding’s first-full year controlling it.

Harding slashed taxes on corporate profits and “excess profits” dramatically as well. He established the General Accounting Office to provide oversight on government spending and waste and he stuck by his guns despite (his Secretary of Commerce) Herbert Hoover’s unceasing urging to help** the unemployed. The low point for federal taxes was reached in 1924. Federal spending reached its low in 1925. The federal government paid off debt, which had been $24.2 billion in 1920, and debt continued to decline and then small surpluses accumulated until 1930. The rebound was swift and almost painless and it ignited the single-most prosperous years in history “the Roaring Twenties” which Hoover’s progressive policies brought to an end and FDR’s ultra-progressivism expanded into a twelve-year depression only alleviated by putting 16 million men to work in the armed forces after Pearl Harbor.

Overall federal taxes decreased almost 40% in less than two years under Harding. As a result, wealth for private citizens increased tremendously. They came for the first time in large numbers to own automobiles, ice boxes and refrigerators, radios and often their own homes. Most rural citizens gained indoor plumbing and electric lighting for the first time. America for the first time became the haven for the world’s investors. The gold-backed U.S. dollar became the world’s default currency or international 'reserve' currency. Later, the true nature of progressive policies (a.k.a. theft) became obvious to our citizens and the world’s investors who would suffer the theft of much of the dollar’s value when FDR confiscated the nation’s gold and changed the exchange rate from $20.76 per ounce to $35 an ounce in an overnight inflation of 41%.

Harding suffered a stroke and died in early August, 1923, the sins of some of his cabinet were supposedly part of his legacy according to progressive historians. His real legacy is, however, that his Vice President (Calvin Coolidge) adopted precisely identical economic policies and the country thrived as never before until Silent Cal chose “not to run” in 1928 and the nation elected Republican progressive Hoover into office. Harding’s 18-month Depression compared to Hoover’s and Roosevelt’s dozen-year malaise stand as stark reminders of the benefits of government “staying out of the way.” Nevertheless, FDR got all the good press and Harding all the bad and the wrong model has been adopted today by FDR-admiring Barak Obama. Let us return to our present economic problem and its causes . . . but first a quick review . . . How exactly did Harding engineer such a stupendous turn-around? In a sentence: he cut government spending by almost 50% and cut taxes by 40% . . . our own predicament is so much worse that in a 21st Century Harding’s place, Rajjpuut would advocate a ten-year plan to maintain spending cuts of 60% and decrease taxes by 45%. Back to 2010 . . . .

Presumably, by now the full-truth about our present financial crisis clearly should have been 100% revealed to the people/voters and the congress and the world by an ever vigilant and conscientious press and honest able economists. However, the ever vigilant conscientious press . . . apparently no longer exists. However, honest and able economists are in short supply . . . certainly those of the Keynesian school which advocate inflation as a viable tool of mega- (and also totalitarian) government have proved themselves repeatedly neither honest nor able. The truth is NOT being revealed . . . why? The truth is not being revealed because it is in the IRrational best interests of the parties involved to keep that truth hidden. Ultimately the voters and the press bear a huge and enduring share of the blame and each would like to point the finger elsewhere. Most of the voters don’t want to be pushed away from their couch-potatoism and so they deny responsibility. The incredible failures of the press to not only NOT alert the public but to actually and willfully hide the truth from the public and present a slanted and self-interested viewpoint clearly verges on the brink of criminal in many cases with our most prestigious and honored newspapers, in particular bearing the largest responsibility (perhaps why they're all going as bankrupt in financial matters as they are in journalistic ones?). But ultimately, the sins of the press and of the voters pale in comparison to those of the politicians and, in particular to the culpability of the Constitution-Trashers and law-abusing legislators.

Rajjpuut counts a full eighteen guilty political groups, including to mention a few: President G.W. Bush and Republicans and Democrats in congress who passed Medicare D; President Obama and other lawyers working for ACORN at forcing banks into clearly unwise housing loans with virtually no chance of ever being paid off; the three Democratic congresses responsible for passing Carter’s 1977 Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) of 1977, the forced mortgage-guarantee expansion to Freddie and Fannie in 1992; and the Clinton 1998 mortgage-guarantee act of 1998, which put the whole process on steroids; and most importantly of all the left-wing think tanks which revered Saul Alinsky’s infamous book “Rules for Radicals." Even before the Cloward-Piven Strategy expanded Alinsky's evil, however, we needed no government-overthrowers to do us in. Today Social Security, Medicare and the federal government side of Medicaid have left us with almost $108 TRillion in unfunded debt and obligations . . . $108 TRillion. How did that happen?
For all Rajjpuut's denigration of FDR, it must be said that SSI (Social Security Insurance) was probably a good idea. But as soon as it was created and ever since . . . the law-abusers (for instance ACORN abused mortgage guarantee laws to get expensive housing for people without jobs; without ID; and even illegal aliens) went to work. Here is a little known fact that paints social security in a completely different light: although, the average life span of men in those days (1935) was roughly 54 years and women lived to roughly 58, the insurance features of SSI kicked in many years after most men and women could be expected to already be dead, in other words it insured that in old age, if you had a relatively extra-long life you were taken care of. Clearly the whole purpose of the original law has been willfully subverted by the Congresses and Presidents that followed. And SSI, just like Medicare and Medicaid are supposed to be "set-asides" like a savings account. The law-abusers have never set aside that money but have confiscated it almost from the start and passed laws with the money confiscated to spend it on other things and NOT just once-in-a lifetime things but on growing more government. In other words, the set asides have triply-fueled the massive growth of government since 1934 via establishment of the bureaucracies themselves; spending the set-aside money; and the new federal programs created and ongoing with the set-aside money now budgeted in.

It is these anti-American Constitution Trashers and law-abusers that more than any other group that have brought us to this financial precipice. Today they are still alive in all the various ACORN clones fully-expecting that Obama’s bill for “reforming” American financial institutions will refund them . . . . Their sordid history should be known by every American but our left-aligned press has willfully refused to investigate the ACORN EVIL history and purposes or the history of the think tanks aiming to overthrow our government. It is these left-wing think tanks that latched onto the “greatness” of Alinsky and continued “perfecting” their vile thinking and processes with the Cloward-Piven Strategy which they used deliberately and purposefully (and bragged about their planning and using) along with their NWRO (National Welfare Relief Organization) they created to bankrupt New York City by 1975 and only missed by a hair of bankrupting the entire state of New York. Since 1977, they have been using the poor as unwitting footsoldiers in their attempt to bring down America and impose their dreary revolution upon us. Now under Obama, blessed by the ACORN-created sub-prime lending crisis . . . their goal is in view. Heaven will never forgive us, should we allow them to succeed.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** when told of a natural disaster in Texas, Harding refused to get involved and vetoed a $50,000 disaster relief bill (big money in those days), saying the bill would just “kill people’s normal charitable instincts." Sure enough state and local individuals and agencies raised over $200,000 to help the stricken area.

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Barakbanking Plans Reincarnation of 51 New ACORN Clones
and Take Over of 9% More of the Nation’s Economy

Just when you thought you were safe from ACORN attack, Barak Obama has decided his Marxist agenda needs advancing and another segment of the U.S. economy must be “transformed,” ‘er, we mean swallowed up and taken over and oh while the great man is working . . . let’s start refunding all those new ACORN clones with unending government grants. The scenario is virtually the same as that which unfolded during the Obamacare fiasco . . . with one important difference the Republicans own one more vote in the senate: the seat won by Scott Brown in Massachusetts against all odds. The house of representatives has already passed Barak’s CFPB bill (that’s Consumer Financial Protection Bureau a.k.a. "Barakbanking").

This time the Barakbanking bill is only 1,336 pages long and plots, while taking over almost 10% more of the the economy by the government, to re-establish funding and re-invigorate the 51 ex-ACORN branches that have all changed their names to protect the guilty. By funnelling huge financial grants to radical activist groups like the notorious ex-ACORNs, the bill amounts to a theft of hundreds of billions of our dollars to help Barak consolidate and perpetuate his power over the nations’ citizens. ACORN, you’ll remember was where Obama worked as an attorney forcing banks and lending institutions to make knowingly horrendous loans that created our sub-prime lending crisis. What’s good for ACORN and Obama is bad for the country and this bill is definitely NO EXCEPTION!

The new immense federal bureaucracy or CFPB will be thrown an enormous budget and will have virtually no limits to its power over ALL our financial dealings and organizations. It will be housed with the Federal Reserve but the FED will have zero power, not one iota of authority over its operations. The CFPB will have no authority but itself to be accountable to as it wields its immense power. The icing on the cake, of course, for Obama is the “Office of Fair Lending and Equal Opportunity (OFLEO) which will be dedicated to working with community groups including all 51 of the ACORN clones most of have forgotten about and other radical organizations advancing their extreme agendas across every community in America by creating an unaccountable slush fund to finance their operations open and covert. These are the same community groups that lobbied for the CRA ’77 under Jimmy Carter (Community Reinvestment Act); then the addition in 1992 of Fannie and Freddy in ’92 forcing the government’s own lenders to be part of the atrocity when the Democrats again owned both houses; and finally the ’98 expansion of the CRA (under Clinton but helped out by about five Republican progressives as well) which put the whole sub-prime disaster on steroids. Americans, not knowing or understanding recent economic history are poised to repeat it . . . .

Most Americans, it seems are just too busy playing with electronic gadgets and watching sitcoms to pay attention to what the progressive element of the Democratic and Republican Parties have bequeathed us. Virtually none know who Saul Alinsky is, or have read his “Rules for Radicals.” Even fewer have ever heard of Richard Cloward and Frances Piven and know about their taking Alinsky’s ideas to their logical extreme. The two radical Columbia University political science professors published their Cloward-Piven Strategy in 1966. The C-P Strategy obstensibly was designed to “force the Democrats to create a national guaranteed income” but the real purpose as acknowledged by its creators was to create a crisis that would virtually overnight, they felt, move the country into socialism. Fewer yet know that the radical National Welfare Rights Organization was created by Cloward, Piven and Black-militant George Wiley to implement C-P Strategy on the Big Apple.

The trio’s plan worked like a charm as they tripled the number of New York City welfare recipients and doubled the number of New York state recipients (by browbeating and “street-drama” within welfare offices) within four years. The city was forced into bankruptcy by 1975 and the state of New York itself was on the verge of bankruptcy. That process took them roughly seven and one-half years but did NOT bring about the momentous shift to total socialism they’d wanted. Nevertheless the trio bragged in print about their “great deed.” ACORN used the three poorly-conceived mortgage-guarantee laws to expand its power and warchest and to virtually bankrupt the company and the nation is still right today pretty much oblivious to those facts or that one of ACORN’s best shake-down artists, attorney Barak Obama arose into power virtually overnight on the wings of the ACORN-caused financial debacle. Today, ACORN has gone underground after federal defunding and widespread problems with voter-registration fraud . . . but only the name has changed. The leadership and the Marxist purpose continue unchanged. The organization uses the poor as storm trooper to bring our country closer to ruin and their beloved Marxism every day. And you, you wonderful couch potato are helping them make it all happen!

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Barak Obama has uttered a string of lies that will probably never be equaled by any man or politician if the earth lasts 50 billion years. Among his last 10,000 or so prevarications, Ol' Rajjpuut here lists some of the most obvious affronts to the truth. In selected cases comments have been added . . . .

"I will serve out my full six-year senate term. You know, Tim, if you get asked enough,
sooner or later you get weary and you start looking for new ways of saying things. But my thinking has not changed. I will not run for president or vice-president in 2008..”

"This stimulus money will prevent unemployment from reaching 8%."

"I am not an ideologue."

". . . will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

"This is NOT socialized medicine."

"I am NOT a socialist, I’m not."

"There will be no increased taxes for the middle class."

"There will be no tax increases for persons making $200,000 yearly or less or families earning $250,000 or less."

"I will be the jobs president."

"We will clean up Washington."

"We’ll run the cleanest, most open and transparent administration in history."

"We’ll have C-SPAN right in the room with us during the health care proceedings."

"I’m always open to bi-partisan suggestions . . . ."

"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States . . . ."

"This bill will reduce the deficit and lower the national debt."

"Before this all happened, I made every possible effort to prevent the housing crisis." Actually, Obama was an ACORN attorney helping the corrupt Cloward-Piven styled organization use shake-down tactics to abuse the three mortgage-guarantee laws and force banks and other lending institution into making dozens of thousands in bad loans to would-be home owners without ID; without jobs; with horrific credit ratings; without downpayments in most cases; to illegal aliens in some cases. Just as C-P's original organization, the NWRO (National Welfare Rights Organization), bankrupted New York City and just missed bankrupting the entire state of New York in 1975 by abusing and overloading the welfare laws . . . ACORN with attorneys like Obama, used the same intimidation tactics to create the sub-prime lending crisis and brought the entire nation to its knees by the end of 2007. The laws in question were all passed by Democratic congresses: Carter's Community Reinvestment Act of '77; the '92 expansion which forced Fannie and Freddie to take part in the same type of mortgage-guarantees; and the Clinton '98 expansion that put the whole process on steroids and played right into ACORN's hands.

"Winning the war in Iraq has always been very important to me."

"Our energy plan will decrease the need for foreign oil."

"I will bring the troops home all of them."

"We’re not going to take over the automotive business, we’re just helping the car companies get over a rough spot . . . . "

"We have created or saved 600,000 jobs."

"We have created or saved 2,000,000 jobs."

"The Atlantic coastline is not the place to look for the answer to our energy problems." Yesterday he gave a confusing set of directives that appear to set in motion a renewal of offshore drilling from the Florida Keys to New Jersey.
"The Recession is over." He's made that statement four different times, perhaps, eventually he may be right when he says it.
"Israel is our most important Middle-East ally, we will never turn our back on Israel." The deliberate creation of a 'crisis' between Israel and us and the recent shunning of the Israeli Prime Minister in the White House speak volumes about our ex-Muslim President's commitments.

"There have been an awful lot of lies told about what’s in this bill, here are the facts: this legislation will improve health care delivery and lower costs for families and businesses and reduce our deficits." The less said about the falsehoods contained in the Obamacare law and the sick process used to pass it the better . . . but those four statements are outright lies.

"America wants this bill."

"I have never been a Muslim. I have never practiced Islam. I have always been a Christian." Actually, Barak Obama was a star student in the Muslim school he attended in Indonesia. He also twice willingly put on Muslim attire to campaign in 2007 on behalf of the Communist candidate for president in his birth-father's country, Kenya. Raila Odinga, that candidate, signed a "Memorandum of Understanding" in exchange for Muslim votes that if elected he would make Kenya a Muslim country. When the 'memorandum' was discovered the revelation of the features of the understanding were so objectionable that purportedly that discovery alone wrecked his chances of election. The Muslims in Kenya wanted laws against radio programs promoting other religions; laws agains missionary activities by other religions; etc. Barak Obama was a knowing part of that. Odinga (educated at the University of East Berlin before "The Wall" came down) and the Kenyan Muslims were responsible for the subsequent riots and arsons against the Christians in that country, but Barak Obama lent his name to Odinga's candidacy and rallied the Muslims to his cause.
"America will have five days to look over this bill."

(at the “Bi-partisan summit”) "That is just not true, we need to get our facts straight." Obama, supposedly moderating this conference impartially, continually interrupted every telling fact or idea of the Republicans attending to call them lies or "talking points" and re-emphasize his own misguided or false principles.

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