obama (1463)

Ol’ Rajjpuut says it’s not a question of “IF,” but rather “WHEN” the U.S. Supreme Court calls Obamacare unconstitutional and sends it back to congress for a do-over. Right now ten states, led by Virginia which is suing on two separate fronts, have filed suit against the federal government for Obamacare miscues. At the same time a total of at least 38 states other than Virginia are seeking to pass recommended model state legislation so that they can have their ducks in order to challenge the federal government against Obamacare.

One weakness, Rajjpuut sees, is that some of the states are talking about Commerce Act challenges rather than direct Constitutional challenges or challenging on both issues. This is a major mistake. The court has always been reluctant to screw around with the Constitution but might very well jump at a chance to modify the Commerce Act.
Since bankruptcy of all 50 states is at stake, Rajjpuut suggests every bullet be fired and instantaneous reloading take place.

As it stands the provisions of Obamacare that force individual states to take over a much augmented Medicaid and a very much augmented state role in paying for Medicaid are almost certain to bankrupt all 50 of the states with the possible exception of Texas (which has special doctor-friendly and insurance-friendly laws in place) by 2020 or 2022 at the latest. This much you already know if you’re a loyal reader of Rajjpuut’s Folly here or at TownHall.com . . . Listening to Fox News the other night was quite enlightening . . . .

The United States is not some single monlithic entity called “America” but rather a federal system of government with the national government holding some important dominion over 50 semi-autonomous states. The Bill of Rights of the Constitution is sort of like a protective armor designed to negate much of the potentially most objectionable power grabs that the national government (acting upon the states and upon the individual citizens) might attempt. Perhaps the least appreciated and little understood of all the Bill of Rights’ ten amendments is the 10th and last amendment which limits the power of the national government just to assume powers willy-nilly a la Obama and his czars and Obamacare.


The 10th Amendment of the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution:

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

The main reason the states will have a powerful case arguing against the provisions of Obamacare that will bankrupt them is that like so much of what Barak Obama has done his so-called “reforms” under Obamacare are merely commandeering the state legislature’s role in every one of the 50 states for federal purposes which always in the past the Supreme Court has labeled “unconstitutional.” In a nutshell the key question is this: “Should the U.S. Government be allowed to pass laws and programs and force the states to pay for them?” If you wanted a stronger form of the question, “Can the federal government be allowed to pass laws, then force the states to pay for them and bankrupt the states?”

This question about the U.S. Congress regulating state governments has been asked many times and always the answer has been a resounding, “NO!” In Obamacare, as the law now exists, Congress has told the states to modify their health care regulation; they must surrender some areas of health care regulations; and they must spend state taxpayer money in the exact manner that the U.S. Congress is telling them to spend it. The U.S. Congress is removing all self-determination and discretion from the state governments in the health care arena.

According to Fox News senior judicial analyst and former New Jersey Superior Judge and author of the book “Lies the Government Told You,” Andrew P. Napolitano, the longstanding precedent of state regulation of the health care industry and healthcare insurance makes the new sweeping federal legislation “all the more problematic” continuing to say, “Barak Obama is one of the worst presidents in terms of obedience to constitutional limitations. I believe we are run by a one-party system in this country called the ‘big-government party.' " The judge went on to delineate a Republican branch that likes war and deficits and assaulting civil liberties. There is a Democratic branceh that likes welfare and taxes and deficits and assaulting commercial liberties. " President Obama stands squarely with the most leftist portion of the Democratic branch.”
Many people today, believe that the differences between today's ordinary American citizens and their government is much larger than the 18th Century differences between Great Britain and the colonists . . . which is another way of saying what the judge has emphasized here. And the reasons for this? In Rajjpuut's view, the communistic leanings of Barak Obama added to the already entrenched view of the Congress that they constitute a privileged special interest group not beholden to the ordinary voter -- this has made the electorate feel that our country's traditions are being struck down in the name of more power for the politicians.

Napolitano is also no lover of FDR, for the same reasons he criticizes Obama. But he would surprise virtually everyone by saying that when it comes to “constitutional fidelity” the least loyal to the provisions of the constitution was Abraham Lincoln. “He waged war on about half the country, without authority for that in the Constitution, a war that killed 700,000 people if civilians are included. Obama is already close to Lincoln and has surpassed FDR in stepping on the Constitution. Ol’ Rajjpuut has known plenty of southerners who blanched at the term the “Civil War” and preferred to call it “The War of Northern Aggression" as they had been taught in their schools” but from a N.J. judge that’s gotta be a surprise . . . .

Back to Obamacare, the judge continues: “the states have had a role in health care delivery for 233 years, a big role since about 1920, and a huge role since Medicaid was passed in 1965, there is no precedent for the federal government to just move in there. I predict that the U.S. Supreme Court will invalidate major portions of the law the president just signed.” However, according to Napolitano, the bad news is that many of the laws provisions will not be "challengable" until 2014 when they’d go into effect. In any case, the Judge says it takes the average court case four years to pass through the system to reach the Supreme Court. “You’re talking abut 2018 which is eight years from now.

Rajjpuut, of course sees a cleaner, better world and has a better way, the thing to do is for 38 states (the 3/4 necessary for citizen creation of a new amendment to the Constitution) to pass an amendment repealing Obamacare and all its provision, eliminating all the 159 new federal bureaucracies created by the law, and unhiring all 1,650 new IRS agents required by the law. This is the single most magic action awaiting the TEA Party's commitment. There has never before been an Amendment created for the Constitution, this is the TEA Party's divine purpose if ever there was one!

Other points raised by the Judge include . . . .

The federal government lacks constitutional authority to order citizens to purchase healthcare insurance or fine them for not doing so.

The sweetheart deals still in the Obamacare law are definitely unconstitutional. The Gatorade exception, Louisiana Purchase and others “create a very unique and tricky constitutional problem (they violate the equal protection clauses and equal process clauses) because they treat some citizens differently from others” based upon the state they’re living in “so these benefits or bribes whatever you call them” force people in other states "to pay for the benefits of states that pay less.”

The U.S. Constitution created the federal government and it was “not created to right every wrong, but rather to operate only in the seventeen specific, discrete areas where the Constitution empowered it to act.”

One of the more objectionable parts of the law was that a takeover of the student college loan industry was added into the bill so that students taking out loans could partially fund Obamacare. Included in the law was an exception so that a congressional member’s bank (he partially owns it, Rajjpuut believes) could still stay in the student loan business.

Exempting union members from so-called “Cadillac taxes” on expensive health care insurance policies while imposing a direct tax on other citizens is “outright discrimination” and unconstitutional.

“This health care legislation will prove that the UNlimited government folks are WRONG in a very direct and in-your-face way.”

A group very much in tune with Judge Napolitano is the recently-emerged TEA^^^ Party (acronym: Taxed Enough Already) which buys his arguments 100% and seeks to find fiscal-conservatives to back this November. One strong reason for the great distress of TEA Party members: Obama's budget initiatives carried into the future have been shown by the Congressional Budget Office to increase the National Debt to Gross Domestic Product ratio from an alarmingly high 53% to an incredible 90+%. The last nation to embark willingly on such a plan was Japan in the late 80's and early 90's. Today Japan, once thought of as an economic super power, faces a debt/GDP ratio of 192% and her glory days are far behind her.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,



Voters across the nation feel closer to the Tea Party movement than they do to Congress according to the latest Rasmussen poll. 52% of U.S. voters believe the average member of the Tea Party movement has a better understanding of the issues facing America today than the average member of Congress while only 30% believe that those in Congress have a better understanding of those key issues. 47% think that their own political views are closer to those of the average Tea Party member than to the views of the average member of Congress. On this point, 26% feel closer to Congress. 46% of voters say that the average Tea Party member is more ethical than the average member of Congress. Twenty-seven percent (27%) say that the average member of Congress is more ethical. There is a wide divide between the tiny Political Class and Mainstream Americans on these questions. Seventy-five percent (75%) of those in the Political Class say that members of Congress are better informed on the issues. Among Mainstream Americans, 68% have the opposite view, and only 16% believe Congress is better informed. By a 62% to 12% margin, Mainstream Americans say the Tea Party is closer to their views. By a 90% to one percent (1%) margin, the Political Class feels closer to Congress.




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There appear to be no French or American officials willing to confirm a rumor from 17tuupjjaR91$$ sources that an alleged 24 year old French hacker got into President Obama’s Twitter account by guessing his password was 71tcOdeR91 and officials in the Obama Administration are pretending the security breach never happened**. In any case, the Frenchman, known as “Hacker Croll” but said to be Francois Cousteix, showed his arrogance by taking bets about his ability to hack into celebrity websites on Twitter and elsewhere and besides Obama got into the accounts of famous folk like Brittney Spears and Lily Allen also allegedly just by guessing passwords. Since his arrest earlier in the week, Cousteix has allegedly admitted responsibility for hacking into dozens of Facebook and Twitter accounts and could spend up to two years in prison for each count of hacking if convicted.

French authorities reportedly took the lead on the investigation, but relied heavily upon the FBI to monitor Cousteix's online activities. The FBI also reportedly took part in the arrest of the hacker. Cousteix who allegedly has admitted to the hacking has reportedly said, "I'm a nice hacker ... It's a message I wanted to get out to users, to remind them that no system is invulnerable," according to comments he made on France 3 television on Thursday after being released from police questioning Wednesday. Cousteix allegedly also leaked internal Twitter documents to other web sites, in 2009. At that time, Google apps were said to be in danger from Hacker Croll. Twitter relies on Google for sharing notes, spreadsheets, ideas, financial details, and other things.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


$$ Ol' Rajjpuut is, after all permanently stuck on his 39th birthday

** There was no word on how long a typical hack takes for Monsieur Cousteix but 71tcOdeR91 would have taken Ol’ Rajjpuut at least five minutes to figure out. Still, it’s not 01learsIlliK02 or 01narIharruH02 : > )

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National Debt Will Grow to 90% of Gross Domestic Project by 2020

You can fool some of the people all of the time, all of the people some of the time and the Congressional Budget Office too much of the time. However, just as it’s not nice to fool Mama Nature, sooner or later the CBO usually does the job they’re paid to do and the fooling around stops. After showing the testicles of an emasculated amoeba and failing to stand up to the Obamacare budget projections last week, this week the CBO finally stopped squeaking liking mice and stood up like men and after projecting Obama’s budgets out into the future said:


The CBO's preliminary analysis indicates the following:

If the President’s proposals were enacted, the federal government would record deficits of $1.5 trillion in 2010 and $1.3 trillion in 2011. Those deficits would amount to 10.3 percent and 8.9 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), respectively. By comparison, the deficit in 2009 totaled 9.9 percent of GDP.

Measured relative to the size of the economy, the deficit under the President’s proposals would fall to about 4 percent of GDP by 2014 but would rise steadily thereafter. Compared with CBO’s baseline projections, deficits under the proposals would be about 2 percentage points of GDP higher in fiscal years 2011 and 2012, 1.3 percentage points greater in 2013, and above baseline levels by growing amounts thereafter. By 2020, the deficit would reach 5.6 percent of GDP, compared with 3.0 percent under CBO’s baseline projections.

Under the President’s budget, debt held by the public would grow from $7.5 trillion (53 percent of GDP) at the end of 2009 to $20.3 trillion (90 percent of GDP) at the end of 2020. As a result, net interest would more than quadruple between 2010 and 2020 in nominal dollars (without an adjustment for inflation); it would expand from 1.4 percent of GDP in 2010 to 4.1 percent in 2020.

The yearly interest on the national debt as a budget entity by 2020 would prohibit virtually any semblance of normalcy. And that's NOT diminishing or paying down the debt, just paying interest upon it. As all truly aware citizens know, the reason for the upcoming drops in deficits shown by the CBO are that a series of new front-loaded taxes are about to be sprung upon the nation (great idea during a recession, eh?) to pay for Obamacare and all the projections for incredible benefits from Obamacare all the while cutting deficits is based upon the most optimistic possible scenarios for economic bounce-back.

Since the “jobs-president” rather than concentrating on jobs has been doing everything possible to annihilate jobs with his jobs-busting economic policies . . . it is very possible that the economic situation come 2020 may be considerably much worse than the CBO projects. Since the president has a whole deskload of initiatives like amnesty and citizenship for illegal aliens on his plate that are all very expensive GIBs and GSBs (Government Interference and Government Spending Boondoggles) . . . it is very possible that the economic situation come 2020 may be much, much worse than the CBO projects. Since Obama is looking to make many more “fundamental transformations” to this country . . . it is very possible that the economic situation come 2020 may be much, much, much worse than the CBO projects. It does NOT appear that Obama is through spending this year or ever.

Rajjpuut suggests three new Amendments to the U. S. Constitution (1. Obamacare and all its effects be immediately repealed 2. Federalism Amendment prevents country from passing laws that state governments must pay for such as Medicaid which is set to bankrupt every state by 2020 3. Federal spending be limited to 12.5% of the previous year’s GDP); that come November the voters reject all those who supported Obamacare; and that Obama be voted out for incompetence and operating contrary to his oath to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”



Visit these two links. Read the words from Barak Hussein Obama, Sr., our president’s father, as he tells us the benefits of 100% taxes for Kenya. He didn't think mere socialism was good enough for Kenya, but that the country needed 100% taxes a.k.a. communism and his non-ending diatribes got him kicked out of government. His son devoted his first autobiography "Dreams from My Father" to that man but took great pains never to reveal his politics. As said and proven in these pages often before, President Barak Obama is a communist and his birth-father, mother and grandfather were all communists. The man is doing all he hoped to do, he is overthrowing the American way of life.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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..but the republican effort was quite lame.

Despite what the majority of the public thinks (50.8% opposed,RealClear Politics poll average, 3/28), obama and the main stream mediaare all giddy over the passing of obamacare.

He has won the war of rhetoric and since we will not know for sure thatthis bill is a front and a fraud for another 7-10 years, obama has thewon the privilege to run about the country as egotistical as ever.

Some in the media will print what lies in the bill below obama'sguess-work rhetoric and expose what the bill really means to theaverage American.

Despite the sensibility of some of these discoveries, some exposed byfacts, obama has the advantage in knowing none of it will be actuallyproven until his presidency is dead and gone.

What a wonderful position for a sleazy politician to find himself.

obama has put off the guts of the bill for another 5 years and untilthen he and his foot soldiers will be able to cast any opposingopinions on the bill as right-wing, tea-bagging nonsense...as politicsas usual and as actions of the status quo.

He'll use pretty speeches and half-assed comedic statements on thestump to energize and indoctrinate his already blind supporters inbelieving his continued rhetoric.

Because we will not see the tragic consequences of this bill's passing until it slaps us up side the head.

obama's staff has told us that they have a mega-marketing campaignplanned to get the word out on what is in the bill. Shouldn't thishave been something they did months ago?

Actually they have, using the same rhetoric and dragging out some poorcrippled person or cancer patient to exploit for political gain.

They will not tell us what is actually in the bill or what it willactually mean to us, really, what they will tell you is how greatchange is and this is something you can believe in.

If you are not questioning why we never heard detailed specifics on howthis bill will work and its affects on the country from obama, his footsoldiers, and the media, then obama's rhetoric will fire you up sillyand you will clap your hands with glee while God blesses your ignoranceand the Constitution protects it.

We will be indoctrinated, not informed, with the message theadministration wants us to believe this bill will do and what itmeans. Unless we dig and search for the truth, obama has the advantageof hiding behind the curtain and providing us only with bright lights,pretty words, and stories of woe.

Most presidents will seek support from the public before a bill ispassed, obama has changed this method by first passing the bill nomatter what the public thinks.


Because he is well aware of how infatuated the public can be overpretty speeches and clever denouncements of the opposition's silly, offfocus antics; especially when supported by a biased and unprofessionalmedia.

With that infatuation, that indoctrination, obama can claim a hugevictory for change and thus an even bigger 'I told you so' at electiontime...yet, like his election, a claim based solely on style andlacking substantive substance.

It could have been different. Republicans in Congress should have donetheir job and reported to their constituencies the more egregiouselements of this bill. Similarly, the voting public could have donetheir research and added a little thought to imagine what couldactually happen under this bill and its affect on further legislation.

Republicans instead stuck by the "scrap it and start over" plan whichwas not a crowd pleaser and which was heavily criticized by the media.Not a good plan.

They played into obama's play on the obstructionist angle and they paid for it.

Then when they did offer 29 amendments to change the bill, obama's foot soldiers gleefully rejected the whole lot.

Yet it did not matter, obama has won the war of rhetoric.

obama could sleep with eldrick's leftovers now and it wouldn't matter for health care...he has won the war of rhetoric.

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Some of the technical background for this blog can be found here:
Of all the many betrayals of Barak Obama, some day the one we may all regret the most under a Brave New One-World government may be his “giving away” of the internet. The information superhighway, internet, worldwide web or just the WEB as we know it may soon become a thing of the past thanks to Barak Obama’s need to prove his compliance with the rest of the world’s power structure and just how cooperative, sharing, inclusive and multi-national in thought he can be.
Understanding the nature of this betrayal comes from first understanding that the internet was from day one an American Department of Defense creation so that computers of the American military could talk to one another, easily, accurately and quickly and so that important American military information could be shared among all American military computers. The system has remained in American hands since the beginning so that no foreign power would ever have the power to disrupt it or interdict our communications. The system as it now stands canNOT be given away without giving away immense amounts of knowledge and potential control over America’s cyber-infrastructure.
Within a year, control and key management of the internet by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce may be non-existent. Could this help tyrants control all communications in their country? Could this allow Barak Obama to control all communications in this country? Remember the internet crackdown in China last year? Remember the role the web played in Iran in allowing dissidents to communicate the activities of their illegally elected president, Iran’s police and just to keep them in touch with each other? Today 90% of the most serious internet information thefts in science, industry and even the military are begun in one country: China . . . how much easier might things be for the Chinese communists if we just give away control of the system we created?
It’s a somewhat long and fascinating story, but let’s leave out 99% of the details and look at it in a nutshell . . . (First of all, Al Gore did NOT invent the internet, in reality he had little to do with it so that statement’s just as inaccurate as anything he’s said about global warming.) The information superhighway as we know it began small with a lot of scientists sharing information over the prototypical equivalents of what today we call a local area network (LAN). A few businesses were doing the same thing, but not many because the process of setting things up was labor extensive and very expensive and worked best in small areas, not for widespread large companies. The connections were hardwired and slow and they might serve a dozen or up to a couple hundred individuals in a relatively small area. The whole thing was limited by its relation to old fashioned telephone-switching techniques which were extraordinarily slow, expensive and unreliable.
The first big breakthrough was a method of switching called “packet- switching” which, once invented, made the server as we know it today possible and changed the whole ballgame. Today’s internet grown immensely complicated and widespread since the invention of packet-switching is just the realization of predictions that go back nearly fifty years. In a series of memos beginning in August 1962, J.C.R. Lichlider of MIT discussed the potential of a "Galactic Network" and how social interactions and educational information sharing might be enabled through networking. The Internet today certainly provides such a nationwide and global infrastructure and already interplanetary Internet communication has been seriously discussed.
Just about the time that scientists from multiple universities were seeing the tremendous potential of sharing information on more extended networks, the American military saw the immense value such systems (if expanded to a dramatically greater extent) would have for offering them strategic and tactical advantages in information gathering and sharing, not to mention virtually instantaneous speed of distribution. Beyond anything else, the American military was the driving force for creating the internet.
About that same time a huge bunch of additional technical breakthroughs were happening. More importantly, two more Americans, Dr.Robert E. Kahn and Dr. Vinton G. Cerf, working for the DOD (Department of Defense) in DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) up to and after 1972 conceived of, designed and oversaw the development and execution of a something called “open-arching” (pronounced “arking”) or open-architecture networking, an immense breakthrough in networking and connectivity which gave birth to the internet as we know it today and gave the whole process its “weblike” quality. Instead of the need to hardwire every single connection, the process relied on a combined 1) receiver-transmitter 2) identity recognition device 3) data storage and 4) switchboard-executing machine called a“server” which in concert with virtually unlimited other servers brought together as first a few individual networks and then a whole series of interconnected networks which thus made the information superhighway virtually unlimited in size and scope.
What made the whole thing possible was the server and . . . thanks to Kahn and Cerf’s conceptions each person or (more accurately) each computer connection onto each server was provided with a unique “identifier,” now known as its tcp/ip that could be instantaneously recognized and instantaneously communicate with others and otherwise interact through the server network. When the process went beyond the DOD and became national, the U.S. Department of Commerce was put in charge.
It wasn’t too long till the whole thing went international and soon other individual businesses, universities, groups, and countries created their own webs within the greater worldwide web. Here is the key thing to understand: ALL vital communication is based upon the abilities to send, receive, identify any and all the other parties to the communication and to make your own identity known. IP means “internet protocol”; TCP means “transmission control protocol.” A protocol in computing is a set of electronic instructions that permit these processes to occur. Not to belabor things with the overly technical, but the magic of the tcp/ip identifier is that the system’s entire “integrity” is based upon it. Ceding control over such processes here in America to foreign powers could lead to sabotage of such a nature and scope as to become cataclysmic.

Nevertheless, the Obama administration is without fanfare, surrendering control over the web to foreign powers. Without American ingenuity and investment of the American taxpayer, no internet as we know it today would exist. Our control “imperative” is via management and control over the Domain Name System (DNS) and the humongous servers that service the present internet. Global coordination of the entire internet on behalf of the U.S. Dept. of Commerce is locked into a system of internet protocol resources. Without an IP address and all these other internet protocols, a person or nation would have no access to the internet itself. Allowing foreign powers that control is definitely NOT in the best interest of the United States. For example, let’s say that China or its buddy Iran wishes to black out information on internal squabbling or the quashing of dissent within its borders, what could be simpler than to simply put the whole system on the fritz until such a time as they felt open communications offered no threat to their perceived interests? The Chinese have already demonstrated the most sophisticated national hacking capabilities of any entity in the world. Obama’s actions will certainly make it much easier for the Sino-fox to dominate the world's and America's henhouses.

Within months of Obama's taking office, his administration, through the Department of Commerce, agreed to give “greater representation to foreign telecommunication companies” and countries. Control and management of this American invention is not only the right of America but also our responsibility. That responsibility is twofold: 1) for American’s economic and national security and 2) for the functionality of the web for the entire international community. No better nation than the United States exists to protect these twin interests. Americans developed and invented it; paid for it and the research for implementing it; we are, despite Mr. Obama’s desire for media control, the freest and most tolerant nation on earth; we gain nothing from the user fees paid to ISPs (internet service providers) which are operated by individual companies and countries all over the world; and we have no policy of censorship unlike an awful lot of other foreign powers. Additionally, the ability of U.S. intelligence to monitor financial movements as well as other communications by terrorists and terrorist organizations will become remarkably compromised if the give away is allowed to happen. As usual, the Obama agenda is not just NOT pro-American, but only pro-Obama and mysterious and virtually unfathomable (unless you, like Rajjpuut, understand his underlying Marxism) to those interested in freedom and prosperity as well as open and honest government dedicated to the best interests of the American people.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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We are in a serious financial crisis. Obama seems to feel he is playing with Monopoly money, but he is now in a danger zone of economic bankruptcy. He either does not have a clue about economics, or he is deliberate in his destruction. Why this man was never vetted is the mystery of the decade. The public is not aware of his academic career, or the subjects he took, or the papers he wrote, much less his grades. I would be curious to see his college writings, and his theses, irrespective of his "books".

With Health Bill, Obama Has Sown the Seeds of a Budget Crisis

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The VAT Cometh

The only way to pay for the behemoth government takeover health care bill is with taxes, taxes and more taxes. You conveniently won't hear much about the upcoming taxes until after the November 2010 mid-term elections, and of course the tax increases already implemented will not hit until early 2011 either. The big push will be the european-style socialized Value Added Tax, more commonly known as VAT.

The VAT Cometh
This massive new entitlement needs a cash cow

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As the left rejoices over their monumental victory, conservatives double down on the upcoming 2010 elections and their campaign strategy. "Repeal the Bill" is a good start, but should not be the focus, as it will be a difficult road and Obama will veto any attempt.

The eye-opening shenanigans by the left such as the backroom bribes, payoffs, and threats in their eternal quest for big government; the takeover of the private sector in financial institutions, the car industry, insurance companies, and now health care; their road to a socialistic re-distribution of wealth; the doubling and tripling our deficit .... should be their focus.


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We have much to be grateful for, and more importantly, a need to fight on for the all important November 2010 elections. They are only a short 7 months away, and as Erick Erickson of Red State said, the time for fence sitting is over. It's time to choose and campaign with all we've got, and keep our chin up. Proud to be an American.

The GOP has been better than expected
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As we pick ourselves up from a gut-wrenching weekend, a battle has been won by Obama and company, but not the war on liberty. This is a new day, and there is no room for compromises. Bi-partisan should be removed from our language, because there is no such thing. The Libs would never compromise in any way, and neither should conservatives anymore. RINOs must be weeded out and defeated. We need to be bold. We need to be agressive. We need not compromise -- and lose. (Thank you Mark Levin for your inspiration)


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A Nation of Fools by Peary Perry(sign up for new columns at www.pearyperry.com)George (Washington) must be turning over in his grave…What a week. What a travesty to this country. Rarely has anyone currently alive observed such an abuse of the political process as that which we have seen these past few days. It is almost too unbelievable to describe. When Princess Pelosi said we were watching history in the making. She was right. We have never seen abuse such as this before and I pray we never will again in the future.Where to begin? There is so much to choose from. Let’s start with Vice President Biden who is always good for a laugh. He introduces the President and forgets that his microphone is own when he whispers to the anointed one that … “This is a big f****** deal.” Nice talk from the second in command of the United States. Here’s a role model for our kids. But I suppose our children shouldn’t be too upset, they hear this language on the television thanks to the liberals in Hollywood. Just another day at the office.Princess Nancy has been grinning so hard since Sunday; it appears her face is frozen. I love her remarks about us having to pass the bill just so we can see what is in it. I didn’t know it has been working this way. I guess I always assumed that our elected representatives were supposed to read and discuss, even debate, pieces of legislation first, before they made it into a law. It just goes to show you how much I know.Of course the special deals and perks which were given out in order to secure the 216 votes necessary to approve the legislation were just deemed as ‘ business as usual’. Nothing new, it’s done all of the time. Everyone does it. What’s the big deal?I’m sure they are correct, it probably is ‘done’ all the time, but that doesn’t make it right, does it? I want laws passed because the people writing and voting on them agree with them not because they give up their votes for bribes. I want lawmakers to make decisions and pass or vote down pieces of legislation because this is what the people in their districts tell them to do, not for what is given for their votes. I want people running this country who have ethics and morals, not thugs and gangsters who slip in and out of back rooms with sex, lies and videotapes. That may be too harsh, perhaps I should have just said judgeships, hospital dollars and special exemptions to the rules.Speaking of rules, how about that paragon of legislation named Alcee Hastings? While he is sitting on a rules committee the other day attempting to determine whether the healthcare bill would be legal to vote upon or not, he professes that “There are no rules, we have no rules, we make them up as we go along.” That really warms the cockles of my heart and I know it does yours as well.What is sad to me is the fact that a large portion of our country labors under the misapprehension that the government can take care of us all from the cradle to the grave for free. It ain’t going to happen. It didn’t happen in Russia, China, North Korea or other communistic/socialistic countries and it won’t happen here. As a friend of mine said this morning… “when everyone is riding on the wagon, who will be pulling?” Think about it. Adding 32 million more people to a healthcare system that is already broke isn’t the answer. Fixing the problem for the existing one and then making some changes is the answer. The democrats believe that selling watermelons for 50 cents each when they cost you a dollar each means you need to buy a bigger truck in order to make some money.The good news? The people are fired up and mad at what has just happened. Our challenge is to keep up the momentum and vote the rascals out. Keep those cards and letters coming, support anyone who is running that is not an incumbent at this time. Make those rallies….as they say in Texas….come early, stay late and be loud.Remember the (ALAMO)-----All Lawmakers Are Moving OutComments go to www.pearyperry.comComplaints go nowhere….
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"Healthcare Hookers Gone Wild....!!!"

A Nation of Fools by Peary Perry(sign up for new columns at www.pearyperry.com)“Health Care Hookers Gone Wild!!!)Donna Summer had a line in one of her songs that went like this… ‘I got what you want, you got what I need…beep, beep….’ This should be the theme song for the democrats who are changing their votes in favor of the healthcare bill this weekend.I’m not sure I’ll have enough time and space to list all of them, but here are the ones we know about so far:Nelson from Nebraska gets a deal to remove the citizens of his state from any healthcare payments. What about the other 49 states?Landrieu of Louisiana gets 300 million taxpayer dollars for her vote.The unions toss in their support in return for enhanced benefits and lower costs for union members.2 California representatives get an EPA ruling changed for their districts for their vote.Dennis Kucinich got a ride on Air Force One (wow!!!!)Scott Matheson managed to secure a judgeship for his brother for his vote.The State of North Dakota gets the only bank in the United States to provide student loans outside of the government.The speaker has announced that democrats voting against the bill will not, WILL NOT receive any party funds to help them in the November elections.The president has stated he will not, WILL NOT campaign for any democrat who votes against the bill.Does the concept of Judas receiving 30 pieces of silver come to your mind? It does mine.I’m certain there are many more that we don’t or won’t know about, but these are enough to make you sick to your stomach. Why not just buy off everyone, including the Republicans? Why not carve out a special deal for each and every vote you need for any piece of legislation in the future? Heck, it’s only money. We can always print more. We have tons of paper and ink and can keep the presses going 24/7 for 365 days a year just to keep you happy. The public be damned. Who cares what they think? Let’s get you rich and provide you with enough perks for the remainder of your life and not worry about the concept of fairness.No, the concept of “by the people, for the people, and of the people” is on its way out the door. It’s to be replaced with “All for one, and all for me…” which will be shouted through the halls of both houses of the congress if this passes tomorrow.The latest abomination is for the democrats to line up 217 votes, one more than needed. This is so their congressman can go home to their districts and proclaim that even if they had voted ‘no’ it wouldn’t have done any good since they only needed 216 to pass the matter.What a shame these people think we are so stupid and dull that we cannot see past something this corrupt. At this time over 50% of the voting population in this country thinks all members should be thrown out and for congress to start over again with new faces.Seems to me that was the basic idea back in 1776.Comments go to www.pearyperry.comComplaints go nowhere…..(sign up for new columns at www.pearyperry.com)
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As Pelosi and Obama attempt to override our Constitution, we can let them know that's not okay. It seems they feel their word is the final word, and like it or not, they will do whatever it takes to make you their serf.

We fought to rid this country of dictatorial rule at the sacrifice of millions and millions of precious lives. It's Taxation Without Representation all over again.

"Democrats are trying to use a sneaky snake oil gimmick..."

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"And they're off and running.."

A Nation of Fools by Peary Perry“And they’re off and running….”Here we are here in the last week before the BIG vote on healthcare….or Obamacare or diastercare or runinationofamericacare. You call it whatever you want, but that’s what I choose and so far it’s still legal for me to express my opinion. This may change soon, so I need to be quick.The president of this country came out today and announced that he will not campaign for any democrat who votes against this bill. In a way that may be a good thing after what happened in New Jersey, Virginia and Massachusetts. The problem I have with this entire business is the sordid method in which this process has taken place. The voting on this bill is being influenced by bribes as well as payoffs to whoever and whatever with our money in order to secure the votes necessary for passage. I don’t care what you believe this is not right. Selling your vote for political largesse is the same as prostitution. You might call it politics; I call it being a, well you know what the word is.I suspect that if you’re reading this column, you probably agree with me and don’t need any more lectures on what we must do to stop this horrible piece of legislation. Since no one has actually read all 2300 pages of this bill which has parts still unwritten, then the phrase taxation without representation comes to my mind. I happen to live in a Republican controlled district, so taking my congressman to task is not an option. He already has said he will vote no when it comes up.What I will do is suggest that those friends and associates of mine who do live in a democratically controlled district keep calling, faxing, writing and e-mailing for as long as they have the strength to do so. Bear in mind that a lot of congressmen turn their fax machines off or don’t answer their phones to avoid talking to you. Do not give up, you must continue to push.You and I know that this present administration is pulling out all of the stops to cajole and bribe anyone who is sitting on the fence and who remains uncommitted. Is this the American way? Is this ethical? No, of course not, but we’re dealing with people without ethics. People who justify the ends by whatever means possible. Treachery has no limits when it comes to the present day occupants of this White House. Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln must be turning in their graves.I don’t need to tell you this; you already know it as well as anyone. What I would like to suggest to you is to bone up on the facts of this issue. For one thing, we all agree that the healthcare industry is broken and needs to be fixed. But there are ways to do so without bankrupting this country or promising favors to ever Tom, Fred (you can’t use the real word or the PC police will grab you) and Harry congressperson that comes down the pike with their hand out. If you ever have owned a business, if you have ever worked for a for-profit business then I ask you… do you honestly think you can insure all of the people in this country with the same level of care we now have without the costs increasing? There are people out here who are naïve enough to believe this. These are the people who are more interested in what the folks attending the Academy Awards are wearing or talking about than they are interested in how their elected representatives are going to vote.When the late night comedians do their ‘man on the street’ routines and ask questions such as … ‘Who is buried in Grant’s tomb?’ Or ‘can you give me the name of the vice-president of the United States?’ and they cannot make an intelligent answer, I cringe to think these are Americans who can actually vote. I am ashamed of them.I have been remiss in these postings for the past week or so because of my dog being sick and in the hospital (see: http://www.pearyperry.com/letters.htm) but in spite of this, I think we cannot afford to give up the fight. We must press on with our opinions and our commitment to voting those out in November who take the bribes and vote in favor of this abomination.Comments go to www.pearyperry.com(sign up for new columns at www.pearyperry.com)
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As Americans watch the shenanigans of Democrats, the shock and awe of the latest cheap maneuver may be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Imagine the horror of the Founding Fathers if they witnessed a Speaker of the House tell the American people she will "deem" a bill to have passed, because she can't get the votes. Hearing the outrage across the wires, it is mind boggling more people have not protested. Where is the press on this? The Constitution Be Damned, as Red State wrote. With the no votes piling up, tyranny is right at our doorstep.


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This is probably on our minds this weekend, so wanted to share a list of the 64 Congressmen (minus Murtha) who voted for the Stupak Amendment, the 30 potential Swing Votes, and the ONE Republican vote.

What's being done by these radicals is worse than unconstitutional. If they get away with "deeming" a bill passed, where does it stop? Deeming Cap & Trade, deeming Illegal Amnesty, deeming youth camps, deeming the next president, deeming him King? God help us:

List attached as PDF


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Traditional Values Coalition

Obama Seeks Control Of America’s Waterways & LakesMarch 12, 2010 – While most Americans are focused on defeating Obama’s plan to nationalize our health care system, the President has been quietly working behind the scenes to engineer another federal takeover.

This time, he’s targeting America’s waterways for seizure by the federal government.

First it was our financial institutions, then it was General Motors. Currently he’s working for complete control of our health care system. Now, he wants control over our water.

Under Obama’s federal seizure plan, he would set up nine regional bureaucracies to “decrease user conflicts, improve planning and regulatory efficiencies and decrease their associated costs and delays; and preserve critical ecosystem function and services.”

This is code for having federal bureaucrats determining who can fish in our oceans, coastal areas, lakes and rivers.

Obama’s Ocean Policy Task Force is overseeing the federal takeover and the selective banning of fishing. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is involved in this takeover as well. NOAA is headed by Obamunist Janet Lubchenco, who has ties to radical environmentalist groups. Lubchenco was a trustee of the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) and served on the Pew Oceans Commission.

Shortly before Obama was elected, a coalition of environmental groups issued a report called “Transition To Green” to push the Obama Administration toward radical environmental policies. According to ESPN, Obama’s task force has followed lockstep in implementing this document.

Recreational fishermen are outraged by what they see as the destruction of a major industry in the U.S. More than a million jobs in America are linked to recreational fishing. Obama’s task force could kill this industry if it begins regulating who can or cannot fish on our nation’s waterways.

“Transition To Green” is a blueprint for the complete takeover of environmental policies by radical greens. The document recommends that Obama enforce green policies largely through the use of Executive Orders, which avoid Congressional oversight.

While the recommendations sound okay on the surface, there is a sinister side to this that will result in a socialist state.

If all of the recommendations in “Transition To Green” are implemented by Obama during the next few years, our nation will be transformed into a European socialist state with a stagnant economy and few freedoms left.

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Being a very young single mother during the mid-60s and 70s, my liberal upbringing took a beating and got a breath of reality. As I struggled on my own (without depending on anyone or any government) to keep a roof over my little boy's head, food on the table, and clothes on his back, I watched young people collecting welfare, food stamps, free clinics, free eye-glasses, asking me for "some change", while marching themselves in protest of the government that gave them these freebies. College campuses were another great stage for more protests, and let us never forget the likes of Hanoi Hannah, Jane Fonda.

These hypocrites (hippies for short) are now running our government, and are very close to their lifelong goal of redistributing wealth by destroying our economy. But in the process, they have underestimated the American spirit, inbred for many generations, now fighting back to preserve the American Dream and our Founding Father's vision.

The left has a very different vision of America than those who hold the founding values of America

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After all the business that has been thrown at the American people the past 18 months, it feels like we all need to take a long hot sanitizing shower. The feeling of being played is not a nice one, and boy, have we been played by this administration. You even heard it from their very mouths in the beginning, when both Rahm Emanuel and Duchess Hillary Clinton proclaimed,

“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. What I mean by that is it’s an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before...."

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The Declaration of Independence was written by some of the most brilliant minds God and Man ever created. Written by men and women who had lived through one of the worst tyrannical rules in history. Most of the time, people don't think about the Declaration of Independence, until recently. Over the years, we have seen the chipping away at the edges of our Constitution, believing that the people we elected would protect it and our freedoms -- until the election of Barack Hussein Obama. Now, with a narcissistic psychopath in the White House, all hell has broken loose.

WHEN IN THE COURSE OF HUMAN EVENTS.... Reconcile this, you distasteful, malevolent little....


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