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Maybe some of you can remember back when ABC, NBC & CBS were not owned by a multi-national conglomerate, our news was only a little slanted not twisted like it is today. In the early 80’s, some of you might recall that ABC was looking to buy an outlet called Capitol-Cities for around a mere $700 Million.

The bottom line was, Cap-Cities didn’t want to be taken over by ABC, what they did in response to ABC’s offer was raise the money needed to buy ABC, a company five times their size. At the time it was a huge thing. It’s time for another huge thing, and it can be done!

It has been said that the Republican Party is working to take over the Tea Party Movement. In this election year, the power base within both parties, Republicans and Democrats, are coming up for election as well, and you can become involved.

Inside these parties at the local level is the ‘Central Committee’. These are the very committees that vote on what platform, issues and candidates the party will endorse. Instead of the Tea Party Movement being taken over by either of these parties, members of the Tea Party Movement should be running for these Central Committee seats. Once we fill 60% of those seats, it would give a powerbase inside that party at a local level to change the direction of those County Parties and a start to taking our country back.

Within 4 years, we in fact could be determining which candidates get vetted for public office. By taking both parties, there would be no need for a 3rd party to split the vote. Gridlock might be broken. The Country might start to function like America once again.

But you have to run for these very important seats. Check with your county Registrar of Voters about what forms you will need to fill out and how many signatures you have to collect to make the ballot.

Just think, in a few short years, we might just be able to start getting the good people we need in office to restore the Constitution to what our Founding Fathers intended.

Please, let me know what you think about this or have to add to it.


Brando Fontaine

US Patriot

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I've joined in the protection of USA

How do I go about helping my area to help all of america?

I do not have internet at my home (can't afford it) so my response is dependant on my getting to a pc hooked to the web. Forgive me if I am slow on replying to anyone!!!!!

24 years in the military, raise two children and now 52 years old, out-of-work, single female who is still willing to fight for my country and the rights for myself, my child and my grandchildren. I felt helpless and hopeless till I learned of the tea party..NOW....I fell brave and ready.

How can I help?

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really want the respect of the american people and lay it on the line indefensibly to the president on national tv? then SOMEONE ask the question that's MOST disturbing to the american people.

"mr president, why is it that congress and their families, and you and your family are exempt from the democrat healthcare legislation? if it's good enough for the rest of the american people and their families, why is it not good enough for you and us and our families?"
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Why would Obama and the Democrat congress invite the Republicans to a healthcare 'summit' (his fav) at this late date? One answer is the ever declining polls and the South Carolina, New Jersey, Massachusetts election results, along with the upcoming ever critical November elections. But, it's more diabolical than that -- it's a trap, and, God willing, the Republicans will not play into their plan, because they have to show up. To not show up at this obvious trap, leaves the door wide open for the Dems to say "See, we tried, and they still are the party of NO", with the Republicans not there to defend their reasons.


Obama planning one final push to pass healthcare with no Republican support

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When I think abou the amount of money that I have paid into social security and the fact that the government took it upon themselves to reach their grubby little hands into my retirement (which I had no choice about contributing to) and use this money as they see fit, it amounts to ARMED ROBBERY. The goverment should never have the right to touch our social security benefits....We have to stop them and their arrogance. They should not be allowed to spend one dollar of our money without our approval. When we fill out our tax returns we should be able to indicate how we would like our taxes spent. We have had TAXATION without REPRESENTATION for too long. We should also refuse to file our tax returns in April.....
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How has your small business been doing under obama’s administration?....

A recent USA TODAY/ survey askeda similar question of small business owners.....

11% of respondents said things were good.....

13% of respondents said things haven’t changed (“change you can believe in!”).....

77% of small business respondents said that obama’s small business policies have negatively affected their small businesses.....

This can’t be!....

As part of the non-spurring stimulus bill left to obama’s administration toimplement, $200 BILLION was to be used to assist small business owners.....

It was to be Main St. over Wall St.....

However, the owner of your favorite coffee shop down the street sat with his other smallbusiness buds and watched as obama’s great economic minds handed out TARP cashto banks and large corporations.....

Things were not going as obama’s treasury secretary Timmy Geitner had originallyplanned.....

So, in March 0f 2009, obama had another plan.....

Give them more money (since the money was notcoming directly from the Treasury, no Congressional approval would benecessary.)....

obama goes for political points as he makes a tiger woods-like public announcementthat $15 BILLION more would beallocated from TARP monies to help out small business guys.....

“This will unlock our frozen credit markets which is essential for economicrecovery,” obama assured us.....

obama’s chosen SBA chief, Karen Mills, said that small businesses “create 70%” of newjobs each quarter.....

The plan was to use tax-payer monies to back 100% of SBA loans. The thinking was that this would loosen upcapital, create jobs and give small business owners “change they can believein.”....

How’s that unemployment rate working out for ya?....

We’re not investment bankers, but we play them in D.C.....

To spur interest, obama signed off on removing the restrictions on executivecompensation for those receiving TALF (small business bailout plan) funds.....

Did it work?....

Between June 2008 and June 2009, 6 months after obama’s small business plan, small business bankruptcies were up81%.....

For the first 3 quarters of 2009 (latest for which figures are available), smallbusiness bankruptcies were up 13%.....

In October 2009, Democratic Senator Mark Warner of Virginia said, woa, we needmore cash for this thing. He proposes thatanother$50 BILLION be made available for this most excellent plan.....

Oh, it worked in some places.....

Back in Maine, where obama’s chosen SBA chief Karen Mills hails from in her pastlife as a venture capitalist; aluminum trailer maker Alcom, Inc easily receiveda $1.1 million dollar loan from obama’s government.....

But down in Fort Lee, New Jersey, small business owner James Daigle said that hewas “laughed off” when he attempted to get a loan for his business.....

They are cheering in Oman and Bahrain however.....

obama’s SBA announced in February of 2010 that they had just entered into a partnershipwith Middle East and African countries to provide access to capitol and tostrengthen small enterprise in those regions.....

Greaaaat; Oman, Bahrain. Those aren’t cities inSouth Dakota.....

Also in February of 2010, obama said an additional $30 BILLION should besent to little community banks around the country…I think he meant thiscountry, not sure. ....

It appears that too many banks that received the original funds for this most awesome plan were just hoarding the cash andnot lending it and the little guys were getting screwed…or so the storygoes. ....

Who’s ordering dusty daiquiris in Bahrain right now?....

Toyota wasn’t doing to bad with the plan.....

$750 million of the original plan funds were to go to World Omni Financial Corp, thecompany that makes loans through Toyota Motor Corp. And a great American company it is.....

Massive amounts of tax-payer money paid out in stimulus funds by the obamaadministration and we watch as large banking executives continue to awardthemselves billions in bonuses.....

Massive amounts of tax-payer money paid out by the obama administration for a jobsstimulus and unemployment rises; then billions more are asked for.....

Massive amounts of tax-payer money paid out by the obama administration for the homemortgage industry and still we see increases in mortgage bankruptcy filings.....

Massive amounts of tax-payer money paid out by the obama administration for a failedsmall business bailout; and still more money is allocated.....

I’ve got another plan. Let’s stop givinganything incorporated any of our money, and start giving the billions out toindividual tax-payers. We will spend,we’re good at that. We’ll savebusinesses, help the economy, and then travel to Bahrain to buy a Toyota.....

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The Founding Fathers

Go Back to whever you came from obama you are a discrace to the United Statea of America, our founding fathers wouls have you impeached the first day you took office, what a discrace you are!
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What an arrogant twit. One has to wonder, do thay all have this narcissistic sociopathic behavior?

The left just doesn't understand the tea party movement, so they dismiss them. When that doesn't work, they defile them. When that doesn't work, they attack them. When those didn't work, apparently Bill Clinton and James Carville are planning a counter offensive.


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We have got to save our country

Between the taxes, illegal aliens, runaway spending,special interest groups and politicians in this country, the hard-working AMERICAN is watching their country be destroyed. We have to secure our borders, bring back jobs from oversees (who wants to speak to someone in India when they have a computer problem. I called in about a problem with my Microsoft word and asked to speak with an American and was told it would cost me $5.oo, this is ridiculous). I am tired of having to push 1 for English. I am tired of people taking 5 breaks during the day so they can pray. Why can't I take 5 breaks a day,not that I would want to...So many fine people have lost so much. We have to clean house in the White House and Washington DC. We have to take back our country. I have been unemployed for over a year. I used to earn over $150,000 a year. I have used up my savings and am worried about taxes going higher. I am mad and frustrated with the stupidity of WDC. Get Pelosi and Reid OUT. Thanks for allowing me to air my grievances. I have been fearful to do it in the past because of BIG BROTHER watching...But who cares, there is not much more they can do to me. GOD BLESS THE AMERICA I grew up in. I hope we can take our country back....

PS Please don't speak to your co-workers in a foreign language when I am checking out at your register...

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Obama's 'plan' appears to be working. Of course, it's not the plan of which he speaks - healthcare for everyone, clean energy, jobs-jobs-jobs (that 3 letter word) and, let's not forget, world peace. No, it's his plan to destroy the America we all know and love, while in the process blaming George W. Bush. The problem is, or not, it appears to be blowing up in his face. This on the one year anniversary of his failed stimulus, for which he is doubling down.


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There's nothing more unsavory than a hypocrite, which is prevalent in politics, but can we keep it to a minimum? Arlen Specter is the front runner, voting too many times in the Obama Camp, giving RINO (Republicans In Name Only) its true meaning, and finally, the turncoat switched parties. Good riddance. Now, the rubber meets the road, and we have politicians changing like a chameleon. The mentality these days seems to be, if Obama can get away with it, why not me?

8 Reasons Conservatives Should Back J.D. Hayworth Over John McCain
Show we learned something from Arlen Specter

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TEA and GOP unite

I am very thankful for the Tea Party impetus. At age 71, a political science teacher for 50 years, a pastor for 20, this return to Constitutional values is a must for America. The GOP is the only Party able to apprehend this fact and prayerfully they have learned their lessons on spending over the last 8 years. So, I would like to see Tea, GOP, Reagan Dems, Indies, Libertarians all unite to oust as many socialist pacifist Dem leftists in Nov. as possible. And please, in ads, do not allow Dems to use the term Progressive. They are not Progressive ala TR. They are liberals. They know that that term turns off voters and it should. 60 years of liberalism has darn near wrecked many Blue States, our education system, our culture with multiculturalism gone wild, policies that have put our economy ind debt and our national security in jeopardy. I blog at quite a bit and have been involved in blasting the socialists for many moons. I became a conservative Pub at age 15 after sharing letters with my hero, William F. Buckley Jr. His recommendation of his, 'God and Man at Yale' changed my life. If you want to know why you are conservative, have founded and funded the Tea Parties, and want a return to the Constitution , go to that book. And for heaven's sake, do not make the mistake of ever going 3rd Party. Perot ruined the nation last time and we got Clinton. We do not need Reid, San Fran Nan or Obama any more than their legal representations. And when the chance comes, let us unite to vote them all out.
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28th Amendment

Subject: The 28th Amendment

For too long we have been complacent about theworkings of Congress. Many citizens have no idea that membersof Congress can retire with full pay after only one term, that theydon't pay into Social Security and that they havespecifically exempted themselves from many of the laws they have passed(such as being exempt from any fear of prosecution for sexual harassment)."Ordinary" citizens must live under all those laws. The latest travesty is that Congresswill exempt themselves from the Healthcare Reformthat is being all of its forms. Somehow, that doesn't seemquite right. We do not have an elite class that is above the law. Itruly don't care if they are Democrats, Republicans, Independents or whatever.The self-serving must stop.

Thisis a good way to do that. It is an idea whose time has come.

Proposed28th Amendment to the United States Constitution:

"Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the UnitedStates that does not apply equally to the Senators and Representatives; and,Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and Representatives thatdoes not apply equally to the citizens of the United States ".
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Bayh balls-z move...

Indiana Democrat Evan Bayh’s decision to retire complicates his party’s efforts to retain control of the U.S. Senate chamber. He isn't running scared, my friends, he's just fed up! Bayh like many Americans, as well as, many members of the TEA PARTY are too! The nice part, Evan's bowing out so close to the filing deadline did everyone a favor EXCEPT for the Obama administration. I've met him he's a good guy.
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Right from the get-go the rhetoric was direct and passionate…yet still only rhetoric.

obama told a crowd in Iowa during a December 2007 speech that “I’m running to tell lobbyists in Washington thattheir days of setting the agenda are over.”

As an Illinois Senator, 40% of obama’s campaign cash came from political action committees,corporations, and unions.

In May of 2008 obama and his party criticized Presidential opponent John McCain for being “less than sincere” onlobbying reform while talking tough but then hiring former lobbyists to work onhis campaign.

As President-elect, November, 2008, obama brings on board to his transition team and eventual WhiteHouse staff at least 9 former lobbyists.

June 6, 2008, obama tells a crowd in Bristol, Virginia: “We (the DNC and democrat party) will not take a dime from Washington lobbyists orspecial interest PACs. We’re going tochange how Washington works. They willnot fund my party. They will not run myWhite House. And they will not drown outthe voice of the American people when I’m president of the United States ofAmerica.”

And the crowd cheered wildly. Are they cheering now?

During a March 2009 radio address, obama told the nation that was listening of the looming battle between lobbyists and federal budgetwriting efforts: “…they’re gearing up for a fight…My message to them, so am I.”

Direct, passionate...yet merely rhetoric.

On February 12, 2010, releases a report that shows lobbyists spent a record setting historic amountof cash lobbying obama’s government in 2009.

The report stated that in 2009 lobbyists spend $3.5 billion attempting to influence obama’s government.


Not bad during tough economic times and with unemployment at 25 year highs.

Influence peddling has reached historic heights during the obama administration.

The top agencies in the federal government that were targeted by lobbyists in 2009 were the obama led and democrat controlled House ofRepresentatives; the obama led and democrat controlled US Senate; theDepartment of Defense; and obama’s White House Office.

Of the total monies lobbyists spent that went directly to campaign donations for members of obama’s Congress, 68% of that total went todemocrats with Senate leader harry reid being the number one benefactor.

obama told his biographer in the book “Hopes and Dreams: The Story of barack obama”that following a speech in college: “I really wanted to stay up there, to hearmy voice.”

Aside from a few people in Bristol, VA. And on, nobody else is as thrilled to hear obama’s voice.

The government that he leads hasn’t been listening.

The Congress that his party leads hasn’t been listening.

His party hasn’t been listening.

Direct, passionate…yet merely rhetoric.

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