Jack Smith's Posts (52)

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Conservative Republicans

Now hundreds of thousands of black racist conservative republicans have revealed why they prefer ben carson as president. In their media-conditioned minds, carson is blacker than obama, and he therefore is a better candidate. Yes its crazy. But how did the conservative republicans get that way? The media conditioned them to become true believers in the value of black skin.

Do you think that negro participation, usually domination, of every commercial on television is an accident? Do they really have something incredibly admirable about themselves, especially as they humiliate white men and are inevitably paired with beautiful white women…in every form of public imagery? Is all that deceitful puke, just a reflection of reality? Do you believe that the black 10% of the US population, which is statistically represented in commercials, advertising and movies as 85% (the white population percentage) of the population is a fair “quota?” Have you wondered why blacks accompany every white star, frequently mocking them, and/or dominating every movie? Is it because blacks are smarter, tougher or simply the most “beautiful and wonderful”? What about sports, where nearly every team is almost totally black? Is it because they are better athletes and have larger penises? Is it the truth that blacks are never racist and that “black lives matter more than white lives?” That’s the propaganda spread by US media, movies and television throughout the world and it is all lies.

The placement of blacks in everything that the world sees is based on up-to-date findings of thoroughly racist research carried out in America, 24-7. The objective of the research is to elevate blacks as the strongest, smartest, toughest, best leaders and deservedly dominant in every sphere, beginning with the premise and continuing with the fraudulent pimp imagery. Yes, it’s all a lie.

It’s a staged propaganda show called “mediated messages”. Mediated messages flood our daily lives, through virtually endless choices of media channels, genres, and content. However, selectivity determines what media messages we attend to and focus on. Every American Must know the factors that influence this selectivity because those selected mediated messages promoting blacks are the most racist propaganda ever seen in the world. Only a few of the very best people even notice the insane spectacle of the dishonest promotion of black cultural dominance by all US communications.

Like the “popular” grotesquely naked dictator obama, who has no clothes or camouflage capable of hiding his evil, his worshipped black skin, causes cataracts of insanity to scale over the eyes of millions of media-conditioned white Americans. Only a few of the most enlightened and intelligent white Americans have ever noticed this peculiar form of black racism as institutionalized by US media, advertising, movies, universities and every form of authority that hammers black-racist lies into the fore brain of Americans, 24-7.

Seminal books on selective racist media exposure were first published in 1960 by and in 1985. But an integrated update on this research field is much needed, as rigorous selective-exposure, pro-black racist research has flourished in the new millennium. In the contexts of political communication, health communication, Internet use, entertainment consumption, and electronic games, the crucial question of how individuals choose what content they consume has garnered much attention. The public needs a book that integrates theories and empirical evidence from these domains and discusses the related research methodologies.

In light of the ever-increasing abundance of media channels and messages, selective black-racist dominance exposure has become more important than ever for media impacts in a nation where a ten percent minority parasite race, with no real earned acclaim by achievement or intellect, dominates a culture with an over 200 million white majority.

A comprehensive review of the research on selective exposure to media messages, which is at the heart of communication science and media effects, is required NOW. It is required reading for every taxpayer, every white person and every wage slave . The victims of black racist dominance propaganda must promise to influence and inspire future research about how the propaganda works and how to annihilate it. In America, where there is no public truth, the manufacturers of lies must be annihilated! Wake up White America!

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What is Behind the Talk of White Genocide?

Marxist-racists enjoy chronicling horrific events that caused the 20th century to witness the largest number of systematic human slaughters, of any century across history. The genocide process is simple because the media does the prep. As the will to genocide grows, a racial target is picked out, demonized, and then targeted for genocide, by the media.

What are the contemporary psychological means that Marxist-racist political leaders use to convince groups of individuals to commit horrific acts in the name of a political or military cause? Massacres in Nanking, Rwanda, El Salvador, Vietnam, and other countries should be remembered in chilling detail, as political successes for evil. But the core issue is what psychological forces are behind large- scale genocide or mass murder?  What psychology can be used to indoctrinate apparently normal people who are both racially prejudiced and prone to emotional violence?

Black people, for example, are suggestible and historically prone to a Groupthink that moves individuals to mass murder brutally and without regret, even when the victims are innocent children. Research black racial history to learn how many times blacks have carried out terribly brutal genocide against white people. African blacks are also the first race to market slaves of their own people and other races to Moslem slave traders.  

Black individuals are also easily convinced to commit carnally sadistic acts, against mostly timid and violence avoiding white people. For years black men and women have used threats, beatings and other coercion against white people from childhood racist gangsterism in the schoolyard, to threatening, raping and murdering white adult victims.

Blacks learned how to scare white children while in grade school. They also discovered that adult white teachers were either so afraid of them, or so sexually attracted to them, or so happy that they “got even with racist whites,” that black thugs realized they could get away with murder and every crime short of it.  

Thus American blacks, exploiting the simple rules of coercion and threatening, have used racist terrorism to get from perennial US leftist political administrations, billions of dollars in handouts annually, a free ride with guaranteed passing grades through all levels of educations, first hiring at all jobs from which they could be fired, and to demonstrate the most bullying and thuggish behavior without being punished as adults. Racist criminality is very successful criminality!

The problem with being treated as both great sex objects and victims simultaneously is that by living lies and benefiting from them, blacks further corrupted themselves. They learned that most white females wanted sex with them, because the media constantly claimed that blacks were sexual supermen with huge human organs. The media modeled beautiful white girls with ugly blacks for decades in commercial and movies and so it become.

The media increased its lies by disallowing blacks to ever be presented in a bad light in any television show, commercial or movie. Blacks were never depicted as they really are. They also modeled blacks as bosses, crime lords, mayors senators and presidents, and suddenly a large minority of idiotic whites demanded black presidents forever. Over 98% of blacks are racist, too.

 Simultaneously white males are being depicted in commercials, television dramas, and in movies, as childish cowards, with neither sophistication or sexual prowess, and most white women began to believe that. In 2007, when white male courage and intelligence had reached such a low point that Marxist black racists and moslems were sure that they could takeover America, the die was cast. A number of immoral jewish billionaires provided the money, and bribed thousands of judges, republicans, the Electoral College and other door-openers. Thus the obama dictator ship was spawn in criminal avarice.

Now the enemies of freedom goose-stepped ahead quickly. They noticed than when fixed elections and media bigotry became well known to white people, they did not rise up to fight for justice, they just got more afraid and ignored reality.

 The weakening of the target white population by years of media subversion, went beyond our enemies’ fondest dreams.  The humiliation and condescension heaped upon white men by the media, was horrendously axiomatic.

Now the blacks looked around them, saw a black dictator in place and a republican party that groveled and helped that dictator. Next they so that conservatives were very anxious to get on the “black is god,” bandwagon too. Suddenly both political parties, ignoring what their constituencies wanted,  demanded only black-skinned negroes as their forever bosses and president too.

Now the blacks are ready for white genocide. So the black panthers and every other black racist organization possible  came crawling out of the now affluent, non-working ersatz black nobility.  Then the blacks began to murder white people and there is no stopping them. Dictator obama applauds their violent zeal. Now conservative republicans are falling all over themselves to promote black Ben Carson as “their black president.” They even lie and claim that Carson is a conservative just like them and is tantamount to “supreme commander of the universe, First Class”.  The weakness and stupidity of such insane whites, is appalling.

After being indoctrinated by the media for decades, that target white  victims are “unjust, racist, inhuman and “viral like a virus” blacks are champing at the bit for mass murder. Blacks are ready to destroy that whites virus and threaten that “whites will be mass-murdered, without any police protection of whites, or blacks will destroy society.

 In the meantime, conservative-republicans, like a gang of morally deranged coyotes are even more crazy for Ben Carson as president.  Such racist swine are truly insane and we must stop them by any means possible

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US Communist (USCOM) Informational Operations (Propaganda)

 Because it is able to easily attain information superiority through direct control of media outlets, the US dictatorship-government has an inherent advantage in information operations (IO) Propaganda. However, this advantage is partially offset by insularity from negative feedback and an inability to identify proper audiences and the best means of reaching them. All USCOM directly-controlled lies are broadcast, from the top, by centralized communist media and advertising. Mostly invulnerable to unfavorable press coverage and without channels for corrective feedback, USCOM has no incentive to provide timely and articulate official responses to negative reports.  Neither can it afford to tell the truth, or in any way be objective, since that would be political suicide. (Beware of any apparently objective support by the media, of any concept, group, individual or action.)

Such characteristics of USW communist propaganda machinery, effectively lends their IO (Propaganda) campaigns a sense of detachment from local attitudes, while not encouraging any motivation among resistance forces. However, there are no US resistance forces. In fact, conservatives (the quarter-assed “resistance” for the past 50 years) have no objective source of information gathering, therefore all conservative propaganda is merely reaction to USCOM media lies. Conservative commentary is careful to never mention ways to forestall the USCOM media propaganda that it reacts to. Conservative propaganda is therefore dependent on the fact that it freely surrenders the initiative to USCOM. USCOM plans and sets political and coercive battles, which it ultimately has won, for the past 50 years.

Another factor in conservative propaganda is its obvious weakness. Conservatives broadcast hardly any criticism of USCOM: media, black racism or Islamic alliance. Why? There are three reasons for this crucial weakness: (1) USCOM propaganda has infected and turned numerous conservatives into becoming partial or complete leftists, still pretending to be patriots. (2) Purposeful conservative ignorance of black racism and Islamic imperialism, inspired by USCOM media that instills fear and guilt. USCOM media propaganda influence  has turned many conservatives into defacto, and/or, true believers who passionately assert that neither black-racism nor Moslem imperialism is a threat to freedom. The once-conservative US military leadership, for example, now wholeheartedly embraces both ideological lies and drives from the service, any officers with opposing views. The US military (especially the Army, the chief means of civilian pacification according to USCOM) conducts regular pro-black racist and pro-Islam sensitivity groups for enlisted personnel. Most large American corporations, recipients of USCOM government payola from the taxes paid by the white majority, practice the same brainwashing methodology and one-sided political bigotry.

The US government places a premium on centralized control of communication messages (propaganda disguised as news) and only rarely will it grant significant initiative to local television and newspaper organizations (although most such organizations are part of large propaganda consortiums that reproduce and support USCOM propaganda). As a result, USCOM propaganda messages are not always locally relevant, while the messengers themselves – whether local administrators, leftist Christian ministers, federal employees or members of the community – are accurately perceived (by the most intelligent locals) as simply restating USCOMs talking points. However certain mainline Christian religions such as Methodists and Lutherans, are firmly in the communist camp since they share most communist values and have signed covert Sharia agreements with Islam in support of a US Moslem caliphate. There is thus a breakdown in USCOM’s local propaganda, which is repaired by dominance of central national “news” networks and advertising agencies that are firmly in the Marxist-Leninist camp.

It takes guts, brains, imagination, knowledge, innovative free thinking (thinking unsullied by media values) and right wing ideology to exploit this USCOM weakness. Conservatives, agents of USCOM propaganda, are stridently resistant to, or incompetent in, all of the above intellectual areas. (Conservative-republicans are ossified by ignorance about most aspects of USCOM. In fact conservative still think that the military, all corporations and all Christians are conservative and never even realize when deceptions and covert maneuvers, beat them!) There are few conservative-republicans (about 5% including Trump) who are capable of  fighting the necessary political war. In fact, 95-98% of conservative-republicans work for the enemies of freedom.

What to do about all this? Organize right wing political pressure groups and become trained in how to win political warfare (certainly not through USCOM controlled elections.). Then attack.

(Prediction) Obama USCOM, extending into the future will promote the Stalinist system that places extensive restrictions on civilian movement and relocation, through the institution of propisky(place of residence registrations) and other tools.

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Most conservative-republicans hate right wingers because right winger advance solutions to problems.

However, ten years ago, a right wing thinker wrote an entire book predicting the refugee invasion of Europe that is going on now. He predicted the EU's weak-willed reaction to it, and he offered viable and workable solutions.

What's My Point?

In order to win, we must train people in how to fight this political war. We especially need highly intelligent, highly competent, and highly ideologically trustworthy people. In other words, right wingers...not losers with a history of five decades of defeat to look back on.

We can create our own vetted experts and political activists,

With such ideologically grounded people, who know how to win, we can gain the initiative, put the enemy on the defensive and roll them up like a tube of tired latex.

BTW, do you really believe that Obama engineered the liquidation of Osama Bin Laden? All you have is obama's own propaganda films and a bunch of military participants that are bound by oaths of silence. Obama plans to use such propaganda to seize a third "electoral coup."

Do you know how many former special forces operatives, of every service, have been murdered by moslems right here in America? Why is no conservative-republican researching this topic?

Conservative republicans only concern themselves with reacting to enemy initiatives. That is the behavior of losers.

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As I write replies on this site, just after I have completed my second paragraph, someone pulls the plug and my entire extemporaneous reaction is gone forever. That pisses me off.

I evidently do much better research than most of you, or I am better trained and experienced or better informed. Even so , most of you cannot tell whether a person knows much about what he is saying and has evidence, or he is just yapping. Most of you just yap. That's egotistical. I am always humble enough to back up what I say with evidence (which I do not always share). You have to be trained to prepare for political activity, if you want to win. Its soo much easy to read conservative propaganda (very shallow).

So many of you fly by the seat of your pants, intellectually. So therefore you assume I fly by the seat of my pants too. When you think like that, you are using the most stupid value of the commie media,  its called mirror imaging. Mirror imaging is based upon the false-idiotic media-originated assumption that "all people are the same and think the same". Then the next step is moronically-logical, look in the mirror, ask yourself what YOU think. Then you know what other people think. Then you know how they feel and can predict their behavior. That's totally absurd.

There are methods of telling what other people think and predicting their behavior. Not a one of you, except James Sales, has demonstrated any proficiency in that skill set. I am also humble enough to use that skill set and I will defeat most of you every time because you are not trained to fight political war. Many of you may have the brains for it, but do you have the interest, drive to win and the energy? Energy, for example, is a habit. If your main past time is watching sports, then you are a sports voyeur and have no intellectual or physical energy for anything more than a masturbatory approach to life. Energy utilization is very different from voyeurism. That is why the media encourages voyeurism, a form of self stimulation or masturbation, especially mental masturbation.

Peter you are too much of a mirror imagery person. You should learn how to be proficient at political warfare. That's what this is.

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As I write replies on this site, just after I have completed my second paragraph, someone pulls the plug and my entire extemporaneous reaction is gone forever. That pisses me off.

I evidently do much better research than most of you, or I am better trained and experienced or better informed. Even so , most of you cannot tell whether a person knows much about what he is saying and has evidence, or he is just yapping. Most of you just yap. That's egotistical. I am always humble enough to back up what I say with evidence (which I do not always share). You have to be trained to prepare for political activity, if you want to win. Its soo much easy to read conservative propaganda (very shallow).

So many of you fly by the seat of your pants, intellectually. So therefore you assume I fly by the seat of my pants too. When you think like that, you are using the most stupid value of the commie media,  its called mirror imaging. Mirror imaging is based upon the false-idiotic media-originated assumption that "all people are the same and think the same". Then the next step is moronically-logical, look in the mirror, ask yourself what YOU think. Then you know what other people think. Then you know how they feel and can predict their behavior. That's totally absurd.

There are methods of telling what other people think and predicting their behavior. Not a one of you, except James Sales, has demonstrated any proficiency in that skill set. I am also humble enough to use that skill set and I will defeat most of you every time because you are not trained to fight political war. Many of you may have the brains for it, but do you have the interest, drive to win and the energy? Energy, for example, is a habit. If your main past time is watching sports, then you are a sports voyeur and have no intellectual or physical energy for anything more than a masturbatory approach to life. Energy utilization is very different from voyeurism. That is why the media encourages voyeurism, a form of self stimulation or masturbation, especially mental masturbation.

Peter you are too much of a mirror imagery person. You should learn how to be proficient at political warfare. That's what this is.

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As I write replies on this site, just after I have completed my second paragraph, someone pulls the plug and my entire extemporaneous reaction is gone forever. That pisses me off.

I evidently do much better research than most of you, or I am better trained and experienced or better informed. I believe that you should have good reasons for your opinions. Even so , most of you cannot tell whether a person knows much about what he is saying and has evidence, or he is just yapping. Most of you just yap. That's egotistical. I am always humble enough to back up what I say with evidence (which I do not always share). You have to be trained to prepare for political activity, if you want to win. Its soo much easy to read conservative propaganda (very shallow).

So many of you fly by the seat of your pants, intellectually. So therefore you assume I fly by the seat of my pants too. When you think like that, you are using the most stupid value of the commie media,  its called mirror imaging. Mirror imaging is based upon the false-idiotic media-originated assumption that "all people are the same and think the same". Then the next step is moronically-logical, look in the mirror, ask yourself what YOU think. Then you know what other people think. Then you know how they feel and can predict their behavior. That's totally absurd.

There are methods of telling what other people think and predicting their behavior. Not a one of you, except James Sales, has demonstrated any proficiency in that skill set. I am also humble enough to use that skill set and I will defeat most of you every time because you are not trained to fight political war. Many of you may have the brains for it, but do you have the interest, drive to win and the energy? Energy, for example, is a habit. If your main past time is watching sports, then you are a sports voyeur and have no intellectual or physical energy for anything more than a masturbatory approach to life. Energy utilization is very different from voyeurism. That is why the media encourages voyeurism, a form of self stimulation or masturbation, especially mental masturbation.

Do not act as a mirror imagery person. You should learn how to be proficient at political warfare. That's what this is.

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“Never apologize and never explain--it's a sign of weakness."--- John Wayne in “She Wore a Yellow Ribbon”"

“Apologizing as a coward to appease murderous communists, Moslems and Black Supremacists is weakness.”----Confede on Scribd

 Obama Hidden Agenda Apologies

Apologizing when carried out by the tyrant Obama is a way of insulting and besmirching the USA. He symbolically informs, evil, twisted and hateful foreign crowds: “I am a felon who seized control of the USA illegally. I seized that power so that I could destroy the US. One part of my destructive strategy is to join America’s enemies in condemning America as bad and problematic. In this way I undermine the hope, pride and honor of white Americans. When they see me, an evil ignoramus, apologize for the heroes of the American past and for mistakes that other nations have made in far greater frequency. I am saying that white Americans who voted me into office to prove how much they love Africans, are  such low down scum that I, President for Life, Tutu Obama will symbolically make them grovel, just as the crook they elected grovels before the thugocracies of the world.”

 Obama's apologies made the US more vulnerable to attack because enemies realize that they can commit mass murder in America and then build mosques on the ashes of the murdered. The Bwana Obama claimed that he wanted to engage enemies through the application of "smart power" (apologies are stupid surrenders of self and power) so you carried out a series of stupid power apologies to mass murderers and tyrants everywhere. Appeasement consists of letting certain special religions and races commit crimes which only white Americans are forced to pay for. Recent missile tests by Iran and North Korea show there's nothing smart in "appeasing rogue states." Thanks to Obama, the US is increasingly "jeered rather than feared" by enemies. No leader in American history has gone to greater lengths than Barack Obama to make amends for his own country. From condemnation of American “arrogance” in a speech in Strasbourg to acknowledging U.S.“mistakes” before millions of Muslims on Arab television, Obama has rarely missed an opportunity to apologize for the actions of the American people.

President Obama has elevated the art of national self-loathing to new heights, and seems to delight in prostrating the most powerful nation on the face of the earth before its critics and rivals, especially on foreign soil. The Obama world view revolves around the central premise that the United States must be humble and “engage” and work with its enemies through the application of “smart power”. There is nothing smart, however, in appeasing rogue states such as North Korea or Iran. The Obama doctrine is now lying in tatters after North Korean tyrant Kim Jong-Il and Iranian demagogue Mahmoud Ahmadinejad met Obama’s recent overtures with missile tests and even a nuclear blast from Pyongyang. The president’s video message in March offering “a new beginning” to “the people and leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran” was followed by the launch of a surface-to-surface missile with a range of 1,200 miles capable of reaching southern Europe. Incredibly,the U.S. response has been to slash defense spending, with a dramatic scaling down of plans for a global missile defense shield.

The world today is considerably more dangerous, than it was in the days of the Bush Administration, and the Obama White House has nothing to show for its weak-kneed, anti-American efforts, but premeditated failure. The brutal truth is that the United States is increasingly viewed as a soft touch by its enemies, increasingly jeered rather than feared.

 It will be hugely tempting for the rock star president “obama” to play to his Arab and European audiences by scoring points against his hugely unpopular predecessor. He could easily rail against the Bush Administration’s enhanced interrogation techniques, boast of the impending closure of the Guantanamo detention facility, or revive the ghosts of Abu Ghraib. The president’s advisers are no doubt furiously trying to outdo one another with the most original mea culpas.

 Obama’s supine approach has become a humiliating spectacle for a country that, together with Great Britain, has done more to advance the cause of liberty and freedom across the world than any nation in the world. Every groveling apology by the president undermines America’s confidence, standing and power, and strengthens the hand of those who seek her destruction.

 Obama is exercising another form of the put-down power of apologies which the racist, minority parasites that he really represents, use to heap scorn on white Americans. It is white Americans who have awarded black treachery, violence and racism by transforming them into the most evil, pampered, privileged synthetic parasitic communist elite in the world. Pampered false elites who have extorted their wealth from the majority simply because their skin color and souls are varying degrees of black, will always stab their benefactors in the back.

 Everyday in North America and Europe gangster minority parasites are wrenching apologies from national political figures. Those apologizing national political figures are always communists who fanatically promote African and Islamic supremacy paid for by the hard work of white working and middles classes. Although the evil wretches and political whores who are pulling the strings behind the scenes of the “Apologies Movement,” are among the most craven political gangsters in the world and are infamous for using their political power to get rich and enrich their cronies, they remain immune from criticism.

The Apologies Movement

The fact that the “Apologies Movement,” is just another communist program to gain more financial handouts for the real constituents of the American democrat-republican party is only sensed by the enraged American public.

It is time to spell out exactly what the “Apologies Movement,” is after. In fact the “Apologies Movement,” has two goals:

 -Extort money and privileges from the white enemy

   A major weapon constantly exercised by professional racist negroes in America is the “Apology Card.” Racist communists claim that apologies are meant to accomplish positive things. However the apologies are always one sided, discriminatory and dishonest. If the minorities seeking apology were honest and sincere, they would also apologize for many of their own shortcoming, violence, murders and racist/religious hate crimes.

  The subversive aspect of the “Apologies Movement,” is important to recognize. Among its several real purposes are the demands that white working and middle class people be apologized “for” by a communist political whore and hypocrite. Such apologies by an arrogant commie political “Ho”, is in fact, nothing more than :

  Humiliation rituals, the apologizing white race must grovel and heap public scorn on itself as evil, although the true facts about each “crime” committed are not honestly brought to light.

   Domination rituals, by apologizing one submits to the minority parasite group and accepts their control.

   Dishonest, there are two or more sides to every issue and the people who are forced to apologize are convicted of guilt without a fair hearing.

   Mercenary, the real purpose of the apology by a lying political whore who presumes to apologize for white America, is to justify more reparations in the form of financial payments to the phony “aggrieved parties.”

   Unfair, political whores who are elected to represent the best interests of all of their constituents decide that one race is guilty and must be apologized for while another race is pimped as heroic victims. In other words the political/cultural apology process is an exercise in deceit and duplicity.

   Institutionalizes communist values: Communism has always preached that groups and/or races are guilty of the “crimes” that their ancestors supposedly committed, and must pay for them currently. The so-called “guilty party” is robbed to enrich the “aggrieved party.” Such reparations never end and in the long run produce a false nobility of racist parasites who are paid to live a life of leisure.

   Illegal: White people are judged as guilty and all rights to legal due process are abrogated in order to satisfy the demands of minority parasites.

   Institutionalizes racism and religious bigotry: White Christians are evil, black muslims are good

    Promotes Anti-Democratic Police State Communism: When one group of people is proclaimed to be guilty, without recourse to the constitutional right to trial by jury, it is illegal. When the same group is forced to pay reparations as well as grovel by participating in humiliating and obnoxious apologies, the group judged guilty is discriminated against. It is thereafter treated as a criminal. Were the architects of the “Apologist Movement,” among the hundreds of thousands (over 500,000 foreign moslems attend US universities at US taxpayer expense) of college professors and student who, a few years ago, signed a petition demanding the genocide of all white Americans?

 Who is Behind the Apology Scam?

    No one should be surprised to learn that the usual combination of back stabbing communists are behind the “Apologies Movement,” scam. That gang of political gangsters includes communist black/Islamic supremacists from: US universities, the federal government and the media. In other words the usual political criminals who re always involved in scheme to embarrass and rob the white working and middle classes are at it again.

    A leading communist academician behind the “Apologies Movement,” is Melissa Nobles, Associate Professor of Political Science at MIT. She holds a BA in history from Brown University and an MA and PhD in political science from Yale University. She is a black racist and has written: The Politics of Official Apologies (Cambridge University Press, 2008). Nobles argues that political apologies help to alter the terms and meanings of national membership. It raises the prestige of one race at the expense of another. Minorities demand apologies in order to focus attention on self-serving and moot historical injustices, the rectification of which, they argue, should guide changes in present-day government policies that favor special rights above the civil rights paid for by taxpayers. When employed by political whores apologizing for white people without their agreement or approval, apologies play an important, if under appreciated, role in bringing certain views about history and moral obligation to bear in public life.

   The apology-reparations process institutionalizes minority parasitism, forever. The so-called “moral obligation” of white working taxpayers, consists of accepting minority parasite charges without questions, apologizing and then awarding the parasitic minority power and financial handouts known as reparations. Nobles preaches that white people owe blacks and moslems reparations and contrite apologies. Examples of such apologies and reparations are the German government’s continuous apology and ongoing reparations for the pay 70 years to Jews after WWII and the state of Israel, and U.S. President Ronald Reagan providing $20,000 to every surviving Japanese-Americans who claimed to be affected by the necessary internment of Japanese fifth columnists during World War II. Nobles insist that, “what is the least desirable is an apology that is just said and is not followed by any kind of compensation...” Guess who has to pay.

 What About Communist-Congress Political Whores of the One Party System?

Two congressional communists, Republican Sam Brownback and Democrat Rep. Stephen I. Cohen are pimping two of the most sweeping, unfair and insulting apology stunts in American history.

Cohen, a Tennessee communist-Democrat, has introduced a resolution apologizing for all of the supposed wrongs suffered by blacks at the hands of the U.S. government, especially slavery and segregation (over a hundred and fifty years ago). And red-leg Brownback, a Kansas communist-Republican, is pushing a measure offering "an apology to all native peoples" for hundreds of years of government hostility and oppression.

 Brownback, who is seeking the GOP presidential nomination (and will never get it now), has offered his American Indian resolution in the last two Congresses, and it was approved by the Senate Indian Affairs Committee in 2005. But it has never been adopted by the full Senate. His co-sponsors consists of a rogues gallery of congressional communist whores who have been robbing the American people for decades, including: Sens. MariaCantwell (D-Wash.), Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), Chris Dodd (D-Conn.), Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) and Mary L. Landrieu (D-La.).

Brownback's resolution opens with declarations that the government "violated many of the treaties ratified by Congress and other diplomatic agreements with Indian tribes" and took numerous official actions that caused immense harm to American Indians, including "extermination, termination, forced removal and relocation, the outlawing of traditional religions and the destruction of sacred places," the resolution says. And these policies contribute to the social and economic problems facing American Indians today. Brownback wants a formal apology to American Indians from the president and Congress.

In a speech on the House floor a few years ago, Cohen, a freshman communist party hack representing a predominantly black district in Memphis, spoke out passionately for his resolution apologizing for the wrongs inflicted on blacks. (Cohen is well hated in TN for his racism.) Gives typically communist reasons why modern, post-slavery white Americans must grovel and pay reparations to rampageous black minority parasites." For 246 years, our Constitution and our laws allowed a system that made people slaves, that divided people from their families and treated them as property," Cohen said. "And for 100 years thereafter, a system of laws in many states throughout the country had Jim Crow laws that deprived people of the opportunity for equal access to education, health care, public facilities and other types of programs. These ended by law in the [1960s], somewhat through the efforts of Thurgood Marshall and other attorneys in Brown v. Board of Education, but the effects are lingering. "This country needs to apologize for a brutal, inhumane system of slavery and Jim Crow laws," Cohen (who is a grotesque black racist bigot and has never mentioned black racism or black supremacy in his white put-down harangues), went on. "President Bush has made remarks similar to this in Senegal; President Clinton also in the [commonwealth] of Virginia most recently."Cohen's resolution is graphic. "Slavery in America resembled no other form of involuntary servitude known in history, as Africans were captured and sold at auction like inanimate objects or animals," it says.

Cohen also states that "the system of de jure racial segregation known as 'Jim Crow,' which arose in certain parts of the nation following the Civil War to create separate and unequal societies for whites and African-Americans" still has some "vestiges" today. Cohen wants the House to acknowledge "the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality and inhumanity of slavery and Jim Crow" and officially apologize to "African-Americans on behalf of the people of the United States" and offer a "commitment to rectify the lingering consequences of the misdeeds committed against African-Americans under slavery and Jim Crow and to stop the occurrence of human rights violations in the future."

Cohen has 36 co-sponsors for his resolution, all of which are the usual communist suspects that have been involved in dozens of criminal rip offs, immoral acts and legislation designed to suppress white civil rights for years, including Reps. Patrick J. Kennedy (D-R.I.) and Dennis J. Kucinich (D-Ohio), as well as House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.), Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) and several other members of the extremely racist and segregated Congressional Black Caucus.

Cohen tried to join the Black Caucus after the November election but was turned down because he's white. He talks the commie talk, but his skin is the wrong color to be accepted by his black racist cronies who insist upon segregation, for themselves only.

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How Obama Communists Operate, A Short Introduction

Groups and institutions are the primary targets for the power seeking efforts of the communists. However, communist media serves as an instrument of terror as it carries out political pogroms against freedom loving whites before the actual political war reaches its highest intensity.

There are four principles or demands by which the commies (democrat-republicans) party is guided in this power-seeking quest: (1) to develop means of access to the groups which are its targets; (2) to neutralize competing elites which may be striving to control such target groups; (3) to legitimate, by the controlled media, whatever positions of power that are gained so that such power positions are recognized and accepted by people as sanctioned authority; and (4) to mobilize the captured groups so that they can be set in motion along the lines desired by the party.

We must analyze effectively (a) the bodies of strategy developed by communists with regard to these four demands and (b) many of the operating tactics employed to implement these strategies. Only a few of the strategies need be mentioned here: the formation of small concealed cadres in the target groups (republican party); their mutual efforts to gain official positions; the discrediting of officials and inner groups who stand in their way; the readiness to espouse vigorously the objectives of the target organizations as a means of moving into power; entering into united fronts in such manner as to make impossible demands (political correctness) and then throw on other groups the onus for the breakdown of the united front; the carrying on of conspiratorial activity behind and beyond the facade of the legitimate tasks of official positions.

In general, the quest for power by communists is marked by high adaptability and expediency in tactics. In an ultimate sense the communists seek to develop progressively a net work of power and control inside of established groups and institutions and, thus, to be in a position at the propitious time to displace constitutional authority in a given society. That communist network is in place and flourishing in the USA at this time. However, obama is behind the scene demanding that he be given the position of dictator for life, because enemies that the democrat-republicans have heretofore discounted are rising for a political war to the death. Thus obama’s ruthless reign is the only way, according to obama, that the commies can ultimately win. Obama advocates the initiation of mass violence against white people and incarceration in concentration camps for them also, by 2017.

However, we must recognize the inherent bestiality of the commie, the black racist and the Moslem. They are used to winning and they have won every fight during the past 40 years, during their slow march to power. Now they get very angry if they perceive the promise of a possible derailment of their train to totalitarianism. That anger is expressed in virulent hatred that calls for murder, (black lives matter) and people on this site. See them squirm. They are dangerous felons that only total annihilation can stop. They do not play by honest or fair rules, and they love terror, torture, slavery and murder. Do not be fooled by their false fascades.

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If You Want To Regain Freedom, Learn Strategem

The history of wars (political and shooting wars) shows that in all times successful military and political  leaders have given great importance to stratagem. They endeavored to force on the enemy false notions concerning their troops and intentions and thereby establish better conditions for victory.

Our enemies here in America have used the stratagems of Marxist-Leninism to beat us down to the level of serfs or wage slaves. The founders of Marxism-Leninism repeatedly pointed to the importance of strategem. F. Engels, in investigating wars, explained the setbacks of the Prussian Army during the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871) to neglect of procedures for misleading the enemy. He criticized the military leaders of the feudal period for the fact that they fought "without any strategems."

V.I. Lenin had high regard for the strategem question. He wrote that "there are no wars without stratagem," and that "it is essential to endeavor to catch the enemy by surprise— and "be able to use the inflexibility..of the enemy and attack it when it least expects an attack."

The experience of the employment of stratagem has accumulated over many centuries. This is clearly shown by world history and the history of our European fatherland.

For example, the methods of armed combat of our ancient European forbears are instructive. Against the routine tactics of the enemy which fought in such formations as the phalanx and cohort, their soldiers successfully employed the strategem: they enticed the enemy troops into positions advantageous for themselves and then attacked. "Often they abandoned their loot as if out of fear," wrote the "Strategicon," "and retreated into the forest and then, rushing by surprise from there, caused great losses to those who approached the loot."

Strategem must be used in political warfare, or else victory is impossible in that sphere. The consequences of the struggle between communist evil and Christian Constitutionalism is too important to do anything but our intellectual best.

The given historical material makes it possible to define strategem as an aggregate of measures aimed at achieving surprise in military and political operations and thereby creating additional opportunities for victory with the least expenditures of men, weapons and time. The main components of strategem are secrecy and misleading the enemy.

Secrecy, in turn, can be defined as a range of measures relating to vigilance, the keeping of military secrecy and camouflage with the aim being to ensure the survival of one's troops and the achieving of surprise.

          Misleading the enemy or deception is a range of measures relating to disinformation, feints and simulation carried out in the aim of creating a false idea in the enemy about one's troops, future methods and forthcoming areas of operations. The aim of deception is to force on the enemy a plan which is advantageous for oneself, to cause the enemy to weaken his group, to divert attention, men and weapons from the areas of real combat to a false sector and thereby achieve surprise.

Of course, the definition given here of strategem and its components is not complete. In fact, I am holding out many secrets of stratagem, because oour enemies will read this. Thus, this concept has not been theoretically elaborated in a proper manner. At the same time, the experience of the past irrefutably shows the importance which strategem has played in various historical periods and under various historical conditions. For this reason, there is an urgent need to study the acquired experience and improve it on a new basis. The 2nd American Revolution will employ stratagem in its political warfare.

The development of scientific and technical progress has led to the development of more modern equipment and weapons and to the appearance of new forms and methods of armed combat. There are also many new political tactics that patriots must become masters of. Such Skills also exist among our probable enemies who in every possible way endeavor to conceal this.

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If you believe that homosexuality is sick the communist micromanagers tell you that you can't say that anymore. You aren't likely to go to jail for saying it, but you might well be penalized in a variety of ways by the thought and culture police from the politically correct far left. Look at how Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty was treated by the media and culture in general for expressing his views on homosexuality. He was fired, made to apologize for his own views, etc. That’s why a man or woman  who refuses to apologize to one of the commie’s iconic untouchable totems, is such a courageous person. Look how courageous the female Kerntucky clerk was. (What did you do to support her?) If you express views, especially about anything related to the homosexual agenda, that are not politically correct, the far left will everything they can to destroy you. Today's news reports a coach for Colorado State University's football team, who alleged called the opposing team's quarterback a “faggott” during the game, and is suspended without pay for that incident. Again, you can't offend the homosexual movement without grave consequences. For using that word, the assistant coach was basically made to apologize to the “GLBTQ community” and required to participate in mandatory anger management and “sensitivity training.”

While this issue is one of censorship, culturally, by the far left, it goes beyond that. It's part of the far left's attempt to enforce conformity and destroy anything and anyone that doesn't comply. It's not enough that you don't express your hideous and politically incorrect views in public, you can't even think them and if you do, you need to be re-educated. The far left won't stop until it has stamped out every bit of even thought that homosexuality is wrong, or sick, or unnatural, or sinful. The far left doesn't want you to believe it, or even think it.

If you dare to make politically incorrect statements about these issues, the far left wants you destroyed. They will try to get you fired from your job even completely blackballed from whatever profession you're in. But stopping you from earning your living isn't enough of a consequence for the far left, for your act of speaking out against the left's politically correct imposed morality. They will get you blackballed from social groups and circles, and make sure you don't get the holiday cards from certain people (can't call the Christmas cards) or invited to the parties, or what it is they can run you out of. Leftists are quick to point out you aren't going to prison for expressing your views, but the ways the far left seeks to destroy can be almost as bad in real life consequences.

But they just stop at punishing you for what you said. In many instances, like the assistant coach at Colorado State, they make you apologize to the very elements you spoke out about in your comments, which is really rubbing your nose in it. So if you spoke out against homosexuals, you're made to apologize to the “homosexual community,” whoever that is. You can't even think the things you said either. They will send you to so-called “diversity training,” which is actually politically correct re-education to badger you into not thinking those politically correct views, and not even believing them. The purpose of such “sensitivity training” is to get you to believe in perversity, accept as normal that which you don't believe in normal, and not only to stop you from holding your politically correct views, but reverse your thinking and turn you politically correct as well. And if they succeed, they want you to come out of sensitivity training preaching against your former views with the zeal of an ex-smoker lecturing smokers to give up their cigarettes. The far left won't stop until you've been completely converted to the politically correct left, or otherwise destroyed and culturally oppressed for speaking out.

Every time they make someone apologize, and cause them to get fired or suspended, for speaking their minds and uttering politically incorrect views, they further enforce the conformity and extend the cultural fascism. Cultural oppression can be very effective in many ways, and it's a lot less expensive to stamp out what the far left finds offensive this way, than to go the old fashioned way and pass laws to ban such speech and put people in jail for doing it. Sure, the left loves to say, we don't put you in jail for saying such things, you still have freedom of speech. But they are the ones quick to put you in the cultural gulag for speaking your mind.

Our course of action, is as plain as the past cowardice of the white majority. We must organize a white political party that is like a labor union in its protection of its members. Every time a member speaks the truth and is punished, we strike back and ferociously pull every tactic of battle that we can think of, legal suits, demonstrations, propaganda and also recruit. If no member speaks we set up situations wherein we call out our enemies.   After awhile white people will be capable of many forms of self defense. Then we become aggressive and force our enemies on the defensive. The cultural war thus becomes real.

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Atlanta Ga, A Future Moslem Base Camp Area

America is Burning While You Read Racist Lies by Commie Lovers of MLK

If you drive up Buford Highway, Route 13 out of Atlanta, you head towards the northern suburbs of Chamblee and Doraville. Both used to be upper class dwelling areas, I know, I used to live there. Of course black racism rules urban Atlanta but foreigners already outnumber blacks and whites. The area is filled with every type of Hispanic and Asiatic, including ChiComs.

Along the Buford Highway travelers cannot fail to notice a mélange of foreign strip malls. This part of balkanized America shows little signs of such Americana as Comfort Inn and Waffle House. Instead businesses run by foreign merchants who communicate in every Hispanic, Asian and Islam dialect,  tell the story of what this place is.

Of course all the relics of the former south are gone along Buford Highway, replaced by the new “obama America” (7 years old) where white men are hated and Islamic thugs rule. Along Buford Highway you will find Tu Banco Local (1st International Bank) and the Buford Farmer’s Market is controlled by central American  immigrants. Despite its bucolic name, the Buford Farmers Market sells oxtails and bull testicles wrapped in plastic for $3.99 a pound.

The locals call Chamblee, “Chambodia”, but the term hardly describes its occupation by a variety of foreign maggots of every stripe and language. Anybody can come here and disappear, and you can purchase iron clad IDs if you darken your skin and pretend not to be white. The landlords don’t require any kind of identification and as long as you keep your mouth shut and pay rent on time, you can live along the network of roads on both sides of Buford Highway. Of course, armed foreign gangs, whom obama has permitted to ignore his anti-gun edicts,  rule. In fact you can buy crew served weapons there, and much more in the future. White slavery is a growth business along Buford Highway and in Atlanta, and many beauteous young southern belles disappear from rural Georgia, annually, to serve evil masters before they die young. Robbery by foreign criminals along with rape and murder of females, is rampant in the Atlanta , Georgia area. The local police have been out-gunned and overrun.

I have gone disguised there, and I can tell you a sorry fact. One day in a couple of years, Buford Highway will bristle with fortified Moslem strongholds and roadblocks, demanding toll “payments” and abusing any white stopped by their road blocks, on the way to Florida. The US government, unless Trump is elected, will favor such activities, as the democrats and republicans smirk that, “its about time that whites got a taste of the third and fourth worlds.” You see, Atlanta has been selected as the epicenter of the new “Islamic Caliphate of America”. You try to fight them and you have to take on the commie army and bureaucracy first.

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Take a Close Look At America's Future. Obama Has Already Put out Feelers About a Third Term

Those insisting that “black lives matter” — and shouting down politicians such as former Baltimore Mayor Martin O’Malley for saying “all lives matter” — are unfazed by this shocking increase in black murders of whites. BLM activists call for murder of police and all whites. Some wear shirts with the words “Assata taught me” — a reference to the woman, now a fugitive in Cuba, convicted in 1977 of murdering a New Jersey state trooper. BLM activists marching outside the Minnesota State Fair chanted, “Pigs in a blanket. Fry ’em like bacon.” That was a day after the Democratic National Committee, meeting in Minneapolis, approved a resolution “condemning extrajudicial killings and affirming black lives matter” and hailing “a generation of young African-Americans who feel totally dismissed and unheard as they are crushed between unlawful street violence and unjust police violence.” “We need to start killing these officers,” shouted a crowd as police arrested a violent woman in Madison, Wisconsin — an ultraliberal university town where, incidentally, blacks are arrested at ten times the rate of whites because they carry out 100 times the crimes.. Across the country some people seem to be acting on that advice. Last December, after the protests of the death in custody of a man on Staten Island, two New York Police Department officers were shot and killed in Brooklyn. On August 2, a policeman was killed during a routine traffic stop in Memphis. On August 29, a sheriff’s deputy was gunned down in Houston. On August 31, a police officer was killed in Fox Lake, Illinois. No wonder a Rasmussen poll conducted on August 31 and September 1 found that 58 percent of Americans think there is a “war on police” today. This violence has evoked little response from Barack Obama, who weighed in unnecessarily on the arrest of scholar Henry Louis Gates in July 2009 and the death of Trayvon Martin in March 2012. In August 2014 he said that the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri — after he robbed a convenience store and charged a policeman — “awakened our nation” to a reality blacks already understood, all of which sounds like the BLM narrative. It is folly to wait out these black murderers, they will only get worse!

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There you go again you lying bigoted media saying: "Only trump could get away with that..." Have you forgotten how you communist media types have covered up for dictator obama, in a thousand different ways, for 8 years? Your refusal to criticize any of obama's thousands of crimes, should convince the most moronic idiot that the media is a gang of biased commie propagandists and the media must be dismembered. Media swine should be hauled outside their studios and hung like the traitorous rats they are. There is no honest, fair or objective media. You are a communist propaganda machine sending out lies, brainwashing and intimidating white people 24-7. You have turned most white people into stupid, ignorant, voyeuristic cowards. But not all of us, there is a growing core of hatred against the media that one day will blossom out and annihilate you enemy propagandists. When it comes to the supporting other traitors who wipe their asses on american flags, while you gleefully snap the pics, you media traitors are right their hurrahing black racist traitors. When it comes to black racist murders, rapes, threats , intimidation and special privileges, you media traitors are always on their side, twisting the truth, belittling innocent white people and scaring white sheeple with your biased terrorism. You are pro-muslim, although moslems are a phony murder cult that wants to turn the world into a charnel house. There is always the US media backing them up. Obama is a crooked marxist racist moslem dictator but to you media swine, he is a demi-god. You coined the term "birther" in a childish attempt to intimidate those who know that obama is illegal, a foreign born hater of america. But the media always lies for him  because , like the media says, "obama can say or do anything, we will make sure of that." You media are marked as totalitarian criminals and you will be treated like all the others of your ilk when justice comes for you. In the meantime you have perverted the idea of a free press. It does not exist. It  is either a commie media that hates everything America once stood for and is a clear and president danger to white people (that's what we have) or a patriotic media that represents the majority. That's what we don't have. Media scum are crazy commies, they have got away with every crime in the book too long by exploiting the lie that freedom of the press leads to a fair and honest press. We will never forget how you media protect obama, filled the world with lies and are a pressure group for authoritarian, totalitarianism Your power and evil must be destroyed along with your twin propaganda advertising.. Damn you to hell forever!

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Disenfranchised White Psychology in 2015

I am working on a book about the strange psychology of US progressives (neo-communists) and so-called “conservative-republicans”  (republicans are a wholly owned subsidiary of the neo-communist democrat party).  Following is an excerpt from that book.

     Many “conservative republicans” white people harbor incongruent, highly stressful, and contradictory thoughts about black racism and “white racism”. Such people are mostly leftists, just under the skin, who swear that they are not leftists. However, their stress level is very high as they observe large numbers of hate crimes, rapes, riots, murders, bullying and criminal behavior by blacks, 24-7. White “conservative-republicans” are afraid to face the truth about the sorry attitudes of: racism, racial-supremacy, minority parasitism and anti-Constitutionalism among blacks. Most blacks harbor no patriotism for the government and flag, that exploits the white majority’s hard economic labors in order to treat blacks like an ersatz nobility of crime.   

      “Conservative-republicans” also fear black violence, bullying, rioting, and hate crimes for which blacks are never punished. They also choose to remain in ignorance about the endless number of above-the-law, special privileges extended by federal government racists to petulant, hate-filled blacks. “Conservative-republicans” can be summed up as pretending to harbor, "white middle-class goodness," an orientation that is more concerned with establishing anti-racist (wnti-white) bona fides than with confronting systematic black racism in all its evil forms.

          Internal psychological contradictions between black racist reality and false leftist fantasies of down-trodden, angelic blacks, cause much suffering among white people trying to lie to themselves and others. There are complex relationships between class and race that seriously endanger contemporary white identity. In fact black racists rave about totally genociding not only white values but also white lives.

       There are four ways pro-black orientation is expressed among white people, each serving to establish their own lack of racism: the denigration of lower-class white people as responsible for ongoing white racism, the demonization of antebellum slaveholders, an emphasis on colorblindness-especially in the context of white childrearing-and the cultivation of attitudes of white guilt, shame, and betrayal.

True white liberals, on the other hand, are even sicker. They deny ALL evidence of black racist crime and displace it entirely, as blame on other whites. Is it any wonder that so many of them are drug addicts, drunks, and practitioners of sexual perversion?  US leftists pretend that blacks are law-abiding, non-criminal, not-racists, not minority parasites and are of no danger to white families.

White people should become aware of black supremacist reality and quit denying it, since “the ostrich approach” encourages more black demands and murders. White men and women, should ask themselves if their tax-paying (used to give black racists a free ride), is actually morally correct.  They should also ask why they are being taxed without enjoying fair representation in government or in any aspect of society. They should further ask themselves, “why do blacks get away with so much criminal behavior unpunished,” while whites are punished very hard for “crimes” that could more honestly described as impotent venting or speaking one’s mind.

Whites need a new ethos of moral courage and aggressiveness that honestly acknowledges black criminality, racism, race supremacy, constant deceit, minority racism, bullying, special racial privileges and intimidation. Then whites should band together for self defense and political action, by creating a political party that represents ONLY the best interests of the white majority. A new, white-representative political party will transform whites into more fully functioning human beings who will be honest and courageous role models for their children.  White people, must mobilize their whiteness in the pursuit of racial justice against black criminality, racism, race supremacy, constant deceit, minority racism, bullying, special racial privileges and intimidation, rather than seeking a self-righteous distance from it.

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Why does nearly everyone of you never criticize the hate crimes of black supremacists? The "black lives matter" movement has advocated hate crimes including white genocide,  innocent whites have been murdered because of the hate crime propaganda of your brothers. That's double hate crimes! Why do you not renounce that? Why are black supremacists allowed to spread propaganda on this site, while white people  are not allowed to address your racist black sites? Why should blacks be allowed to get away with murder, advocacy of murder and circulation of pictures of blacks wiping their asses on the US flag?  That flag represents a government of traitors whose power is "black-racistly" brought to bear ONLY on enemies of black racism! The Confederate Flag represents civil rights for white people. If you are as objective as you pretend, why don't you denounce black hate crime? Does that mean that you agree with murder of whites as justified black supremacy privilege? Race criminality law was supposed to apply to all, not just whites. No more special privileges for blacks! We are the majority and we should demand that every BLACK HATE CRIME be punished!

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The time has come that so many of you have dreaded since 2008. The dictator obama has decided to unleash a genocidal war against white people in stages. The stages include:

(1)               Sporadic criminal violence by black supremacists in urban areas leads to protection efforts by local police. Then the blacks initiate rioting that is supported by the immediate arrival of Department of Justice armed thugs who intimidate, threaten and warn away any attempt at self defense by the local citizens. At the same time black racist rabble- rousers from Chicago and New York arrive to begin negotiating a surrender by the white local government. The local government is forced to hire a black racist chief of police and a mostly black police force. Then the segregated police force is tested by local and imported black racists in further rioting. If the police force folds to black rioting and refuses to protect the local white populace, the city is taken over by a black supremacist soviet. The unfortunate town disappears into the darkness of continuous black racist terror.

(2)             Black racist organizations are created to murder and terrorize white police. Since white police refuse to give in to criminal terrorists, the obama dictatorship protects black murder groups and arson squads from any attempts of the police to defend themselves. Obama threatens local towns  and cities with black martial law hundreds of thousands of police and white people are mass murdered. All over America, local police agencies are paralyzed or wiped out by FBI and DEA airmobile infantry battalions.

(3)             A few white self defense groups get partially organized. Where those white groups are victorious, federal troops are sent in to wipe them out. Entire white populations of resisting urban areas are herded into already built federal concentration camps.

(4)             Obama declares himself dictator for life and begins to mass murder all resisters while their families are raped and enslaved. Millions of white conservative republicans shuffle off into federal incarceration, starvation, disease and brutality executed by black racist guards. Few white people will survive will survive those camps.

(5)             Within two years over 30 million white people are dead, Millions of blacks from Africa and Moslems from the near east immigrate into the USA and occupy white homes.

(6)             The conservative-republicans continue to select black racists as presidents of their organization.


A Warning to All White People.


  1. Organize white self defense groups now. Deploy your families into defensive areas and fortify them.
  2. Approach local police and national guard to seek collaborative efforts and receive crew served weapons and ammunition.
  3. Begin fighting for your lives and those of your families.


You have no choice. This is the “change” obama promised when he elected you.


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Newsweek Calls Donald Trump, Fascist.

There have been a lot of references to GOP presidential contender Donald Trump being a “fascist” on social media. We should exercise some caution in using this term to refer to “the Donald.” Of course the US neo-communist media propaganda monolith is the source of these new accusations. Name-calling is a major tactic of the controlling communist elite in America.

Writing in Newsweek, leftist libertarian (most libertarians and conservatives are now racist leftists) Jeffrey A. Tucker situates Trump firmly in the tradition of interwar period fascism. “Since World War II, the ideology he represents has usually lived in dark corners, and we don’t even have a name for it anymore. The right name, the correct name, the historically accurate name, is fascism. I don’t use that word as an insult only. It is accurate.” Is Trump a fascist?

[Newsweek claimed that Trump gives,“ the Fascist salute?”]

Trump’s campaign is very much a right-wing populist campaign that appeals to disaffected whites, including the middle class and white workers, by placing the blame for their ills on immigrants, black racism and Moslem power-mongering within the USA. In fact, America owes Donald Trump a great debt for exposing the racist and reactionary nature of democrat/republican one-party politics in the U.S. He has ripped the curtain away to reveal the way things really work. His stateman-like stance on the 14th amendment, “birthright” citizenship, and on immigration has pushed the professional politicians in the GOP field to take positions that they would never openly take. Graham, Huckabee, Bush and all of the others have become desperate to posture to the right in response to Trumpism. This includes attacks on the concept of “birthright” citizenship that’s part of the 14th amendment. Trump has gone as far as declaring the Reconstruction-era amendment “unconstitutional.” Heretofore, all republican conservatives were afraid to resist any of the hundreds of totalitarian pushes carried out by Dictator Obama.

Of course, it’s possible for a right-wing populist movement to grow over into overt fascism, but this is not what we are seeing now. The ruling class doesn’t need a fascist movement to keep its hold on power against a rising workers’ movement, to control immigration, to support Islam, or to keep the Black Lives Matter movement alive and lethal. The communists control all policing in America and have bragged that they can "easily crush" any non-violent resistance by the “weak white consumer class.”

Writing about German fascism, Leon Trotsky defined fascism as a mass movement of ruined petty bourgeois forces and de-classed workers who serve as a “battering ram” against the working class. The purpose is to decisively defeat the working class and ensure the continued rule of Marxist Capitalism. Trotsky wrote:

“At the moment that the ‘normal’ police and military resources of the bourgeois dictatorship, together with their parliamentary screens, no longer suffice to hold society in a state of equilibrium — the turn of the fascist regime arrives. Through the fascist agency, capitalism sets in motion the masses of the crazed petty bourgeoisie and the bands of declassed and demoralized lumpen-proletariat — all the countless human beings whom finance capitalism itself has brought to desperation and frenzy by unfair distribution of privileges.

“From fascism the bourgeoisie demands a thorough job; once it has resorted to methods of civil war, it insists on having peace for a period of years. And the fascist agency, by utilizing the petty bourgeoisie as a battering ram, by overwhelming all obstacles in its path, does a thorough job. After fascism is victorious, Marxist finance capitalism directly and immediately gathers into its hands, as in a vise of steel, all the organs and institutions of sovereignty, the executive administrative, and educational powers of the state…”

(Trotsky, Fascism, What it is and how to fight it)

Trump plays with fire

Trump’s rhetoric on immigration and accurate characterization of Mexican illegal immigrants as criminals and rapists has tapped into a reservoir of reactionary middle class, majority sentiment that goes deep in U.S. society. The fact that a minority of communist/black/Moslem fanatics hates that white population segment is enough for their propaganda machine to brand it as fascist.

White nationalism is a more mainstream political idea now than it has ever been. White nationalism is the notion that the U.S. has always been, and always should be, a white-controlled nation. Most white American Independents accurately perceive that the future of this nation is in danger because of the demographic changes initiated by obama, as he continues to pour into the US annually, millions of illegal blacks, Moslems and other criminal types. For example, obama sent millions of Somalian jihadist "refugees" into Maine cities, where no blacks ever resided before. "That's the idea, I promised change," obama smirked. At the same time, the US communist media constantly celebrates their shaped, projected future where whites will no longer be a majority.  Most intelligent people decry the acceptance of minority dictatorships by conservative republicans while simultaneously those pretend-patriots brazenly deny the first edict of democracy, majority rule. Talk of revenge is heard frequently in America as bad blood boils in answer to the discovery of new traitors almost daily.

Yet,there is a significant white nationalist milieu inside the Republican Party around people like Pat Buchanan and Paul Craig Roberts, a former Reagan Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. Roberts is, more recently, a writer for the VDARE.com website. Roberts is also a frequent contributor to Counterpunch, and his work is often reposted by unwitting antiwar activists and progressives because his work often comes off as left-sounding.

The politics of white nationalism is a distinct political current in the U.S. right wing (libertarians and conservatives are now on the left wing) that exploits shifting demographics, but also economic fears, a backlash against perceived successes gained by over 50 years of illegal special privileges for blacks. The  eagerness of America's mainstream media to proclaim "white racism" where none exists,  in- congruently clashes with reluctance of the same media to challenge more pernicious black racism. The  permission given by republican and conservative black racists to advance the black supremacy agenda and elect a perennial black president while denying a white president for eternity, is viewed with silent, simmering hostility by the white majority.

. The white nationalist trend is more interested in permeating the political system and gaining strategic positions for continued white majority rule. (In Africa, the communists celebrate black majority rule, but in America, white majority rules is “racism,” to the controlling communist tyranny.) White majority rule is a polarized value that has emerged in response to the communist-democrat infiltration, subversion and dominance  easily obtained over conservatives and republicans.

The white nationalist political trend is somewhat different from the old extreme right in the sense that they take a more electoralist and permeationist approach to the major parties. We can trace this trend’s foray into mainstream politics back to 1992, the same year as Buchanan’s “culture war” speech at the GOP convention. An open cultural war has raged ever since.

Buchanan’s right populism, and his belief that immigration from Latin America is an existential threat to the U.S., place him firmly in the white nationalist camp. Buchanan is effusive in his support for Trump, “Enter the Donald. If there is a single theme behind his message, it would seem to be a call for a New Nationalism or New Patriotism. He is going to ‘make America great again.’ He is going to build a wall on the border that will make us proud, and Mexico will pay for it. He will send all illegal aliens home and restore the traditional value of U.S. citizenship by putting an end to the scandal of “anchor babies.”” Is Trumpism the Rebirth of Nationalism? (American Conservative, 8/25/15)

Buchanan also praises Trump’s willingness to get tough with global trade “antagonists” like China, Germany or Japan saying, “They took our jobs and factories; now we are going to take them back.”

Writing in the American Free Press, a prestigious political journal, Buchanan notes the insurgent candidacy of communist Bernie Sanders in the Democratic Party, as well as Trump’s disruption of politics as usual in the GOP: “If there is one lesson to be taken from this run-up year to the presidential campaign of 2016, it is that a huge and growing segment of the nation does not want what the establishment of either party has to offer. And as insurgent parties spring up all over Europe, and the two-party system disintegrates there, the Europeanization of American politics may be at hand.” Rise of the Donald Signals Sea Change in U.S. Politics (AFP, 8/25/15)

Regardless of the conservative and media bandwagon against Trump, no informed citizen will fail to dispute the notion that Trump is a “fascist,” To understand the political potential of the Trump campaign, it’s instructive to see how his right populism has shifted the discourse inside the GOP. While he is not a fascist, he is changing the face of U.S. politics even as the illegal totalitarian US government is promising dire retribution if Trump is not eliminated. Suggesting that Trump’s assassination by a well known “conservative republican” would “be great,”  is bandied about frequently inside the communist political beltway in DC. Will that assassination become part of the new conservative bandwagon, now fanatically suppporting negro ben carson, to be the next black president?

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Newsweek Calls Donald Trump, Fascist.

There have been a lot of references to GOP presidential contender Donald Trump being a “fascist” on social media. We should exercise some caution in using this term to refer to “the Donald.” Of course the US neo-communist media propaganda monolith is the source of these new accusations. Name-calling is a major tactic of the controlling communist elite in America.

Writing in Newsweek, leftist libertarian (most libertarians and conservatives are now racist leftists) Jeffrey A. Tucker situates Trump firmly in the tradition of interwar period fascism. “Since World War II, the ideology he represents has usually lived in dark corners, and we don’t even have a name for it anymore. The right name, the correct name, the historically accurate name, is fascism. I don’t use that word as an insult only. It is accurate.” Is Trump a fascist?

[Newsweek claimed that Trump gives,“ the Fascist salute?”]

Trump’s campaign is very much a right-wing populist campaign that appeals to disaffected whites, including the middle class and white workers, by placing the blame for their ills on immigrants, black racism and Moslem power-mongering within the USA. In fact, America owes Donald Trump a great debt for exposing the racist and reactionary nature of democrat/republican one-party politics in the U.S. He has ripped the curtain away to reveal the way things really work. His statesman-like stance on the 14th amendment, “birthright” citizenship, and on immigration has forced the professional politicians in the GOP field to take positions that they would never openly take. Graham, Huckabee, Bush and all of the others have become desperate to posture to the right in response to Trumpism. This includes attacks on the concept of “birthright” citizenship that’s part of the 14th amendment. Trump has gone as far as declaring the Reconstruction-era amendment “unconstitutional.” Heretofore, all republican conservatives were afraid to resist any of the hundreds of totalitarian pushes carried out by Dictator Obama.

Of course, it’s possible for a right-wing populist movement to grow over into overt fascism, but this is not what we are seeing now. The ruling class doesn’t need a fascist movement to keep its hold on power against a rising workers’ movement, to control immigration, to support Islam, or to keep the Black Lives Matter movement alive and lethal. The communists control all policing in America and have bragged that they can "easily crush" any non-violent resistance by the “weak white consumer class.”

Writing about German fascism, Leon Trotsky defined fascism as a mass movement of ruined petty bourgeois forces and de-classed workers who serve as a “battering ram” against the working class. The purpose is to decisively defeat the working class and ensure the continued rule of Marxist Capitalism. Trotsky wrote:

“At the moment that the ‘normal’ police and military resources of the bourgeois dictatorship, together with their parliamentary screens, no longer suffice to hold society in a state of equilibrium — the turn of the fascist regime arrives. Through the fascist agency, capitalism sets in motion the masses of the crazed petty bourgeoisie and the bands of declassed and demoralized lumpen-proletariat — all the countless human beings whom finance capitalism itself has brought to desperation and frenzy by unfair distribution of privileges.

“From fascism the bourgeoisie demands a thorough job; once it has resorted to methods of civil war, it insists on having peace for a period of years. And the fascist agency, by utilizing the petty bourgeoisie as a battering ram, by overwhelming all obstacles in its path, does a thorough job. After fascism is victorious, Marxist finance capitalism directly and immediately gathers into its hands, as in a vise of steel, all the organs and institutions of sovereignty, the executive administrative, and educational powers of the state…”

(Trotsky, Fascism, What it is and how to fight it)

Trump plays with fire

Trump’s rhetoric on immigration and accurate characterization of Mexican illegal immigrants as criminals and rapists has tapped into a reservoir of reactionary middle class, majority sentiment that goes deep in U.S. society. The fact that a minority ruling elite composed of communist/black/Moslem fanatics hates that white population segment, is enough for their propaganda machine to brand it as fascist.

White nationalism is a more mainstream political idea now than it has ever been. White nationalism is the notion that the U.S. has always been, and always should be, a white-controlled nation. Most white American Independents accurately perceive that the future of this nation is in danger because of the demographic changes initiated by obama, as he continues to pour into the US annually, millions of illegal blacks, Moslems and other criminal types. For example, obama sent millions of Somalian jihadist "refugees" into Maine cities, where no blacks ever resided before. "That's the idea, I promised change," obama smirked. At the same time, the US communist media constantly celebrates their shaped, projected future where whites will no longer be a majority.  Most intelligent people decry the acceptance of minority dictatorships by conservative republicans, while simultaneously those pretend-patriots brazenly deny the first edict of democracy, majority rule. Talk of revenge is heard frequently in America as bad blood boils, in answer to the discovery of new traitors almost daily.

Yet,there is a significant white nationalist milieu inside the Republican Party around people like Pat Buchanan and Paul Craig Roberts, a former Reagan Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. Roberts is, more recently, a writer for the VDARE.com website. Roberts is also a frequent contributor to Counterpunch, and his work is often reposted by unwitting antiwar activists and progressives because his work often comes off as left-sounding.

The politics of white nationalism is a distinct political current in the U.S. right wing (libertarians and conservatives are now on the left wing) that exploits shifting demographics, but also economic fears, and a backlash against perceived successes gained by over 50 years of illegal special privileges for blacks. The  eagerness of America's mainstream media to proclaim "white racism" where none exists,  in-congruently clashes with reluctance of the same media to challenge more pernicious black racism. The  permission given by republican and conservative black-racists to advance the black supremacy agenda and elect a perennial black president while denying a white president for eternity, is viewed with silent, simmering hostility by a white majority, about to boil over..

. The white nationalist trend is more interested in permeating the political system and gaining strategic positions for continued white majority rule. (In Africa, the communists celebrate black majority rule, but in America, white majority rule is “racism,” to the controlling communist tyranny.) White majority rule is a polarized value that has emerged in response to the communist-democrat infiltration, subversion and dominance  easily obtained over conservatives and republicans.

The white nationalist political trend is somewhat different from the old extreme right in the sense that they take a more electoralist and permeationist approach to the major parties. We can trace this trend’s foray into mainstream politics back to 1992, the same year as Buchanan’s “culture war” speech at the GOP convention. An open cultural war has raged ever since.

Buchanan’s right populism, and his belief that immigration from Latin America is an existential threat to the U.S., place him firmly in the white nationalist camp. Buchanan is effusive in his support for Trump, “Enter the Donald. If there is a single theme behind his message, it would seem to be a call for a New Nationalism or New Patriotism. He is going to ‘make America great again.’ He is going to build a wall on the border that will make us proud, and Mexico will pay for it. He will send all illegal aliens home and restore the traditional value of U.S. citizenship by putting an end to the scandal of “anchor babies.”” Is Trumpism the Rebirth of Nationalism? (American Conservative, 8/25/15)

Buchanan also praises Trump’s willingness to get tough with global trade “antagonists” like China, Germany or Japan saying, “They took our jobs and factories; now we are going to take them back.”

Writing in the American Free Press, a prestigious political journal, Buchanan notes the insurgent candidacy of communist Bernie Sanders in the Democratic Party, as well as Trump’s disruption of politics as usual in the GOP: “If there is one lesson to be taken from this run-up year to the presidential campaign of 2016, it is that a huge and growing segment of the nation does not want what the establishment of either party has to offer. And as insurgent parties spring up all over Europe, and the two-party system disintegrates there, the Europeanization of American politics may be at hand.” Rise of the Donald Signals Sea Change in U.S. Politics (AFP, 8/25/15)

Regardless of the conservative and media bandwagon against Trump, no informed citizen will fail to dispute the felonious notion that Trump is a “fascist.” To understand the political potential of the Trump campaign, it’s instructive to see how his right populism has shifted the discourse inside the GOP. While he is not a fascist, he is changing the face of U.S. politics even as the illegal totalitarian US government is promising dire retribution if Trump is not eliminated. Suggesting that Trump’s assassination by a well known “conservative republican” would “be great,”  is bandied about frequently inside the communist political beltway in DC. Will that assassination become part of the new conservative bandwagon, now fanatically supporting negro ben carson, to be the next black president?

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When fat traitorous conservative republicans hear the lies of commie peace/love rhetoric, they feel gushes of effeminate reassurance vibes. "Yes, yes," they think. "All we have to do is bend over, turn the other butt cheek and be willing to grovel." "Surely the sinister, killer blacks, told to murder whites by a black president (even while the republicans are licking the feet of the black, Carson, demigod as the next in a never-ending stream of black presidents in a white majority nations)  " and the kindly muslims too,  will be impressed by our christian love. " All we have to do is be sodomized along with our wives and children , while we chant "God is love"...and our deaths will be quick." "If only our ancestors had made blacks kings, like we do now, our unifying love would work even better."

If you believe that crap, then I want to help you go straight to hell. But if you are not a conservative-republican , shemale fool, then join the right wing and fight with us against the consortium of evil.

The best thing that could happen is that conservative-republican she males get rounded up by the moslems and after facing reality, meet their karma, sobbing as usual. Those band-wagon, loser morons, have cost us our freedom and constitution, after pretending to be patriots for five decades, They inevitably made the same stupid set of mistakes, over and over. They deserve the ultimate punishment because their behavior and limited thought processes mark them as sub human (eg bereft of real human love, compassion and revenge). They became that way after years of associating , as  tolerant and forgiving peace lovers, with sub-human totalitarian commies, blacks and moslems, who pushed the brown nosed conservative republicans into the dirt.

We of the right wing see ourselves as simply sane, white men and women. We will not allow the black supremacists, the moslem supremacists and the communist "elite" to lord over us, or turn our homes into charnel houses of rape, torture and murder. Love and Peace, eh? We got it for you right here. We group the criminal conservative republicans with the communists, blacks and moslems.

The only anger and rage that I see among so many phonies on this site, is directed against the right wing. They hate us because they know that we will tolerate them no longer.

This site is NOT a Tea Party site. Obama's police  state operatives killed the original Tea Party. What we have here is a group of commies and conservative republicans working together to subvert any attempted organization of freedom fighters. They are also insane black racist and insist that Ben Carson, another obama clone in sheep's clothing, must ascend to the presidency. The conservative republicans are as insane as the black supremacist and moslem killers.

A new real Tea Party will be formed to stand up for the white majority, Christianity and our European roots.Hooray for Trump. Hooray for the Confederate Flag.

It is despicable that you sit on your flabby butts, screaming for carson as another black racist president, while blacks, licensed to kill, are mowing down our best men, southern sheriffs. I am going to Texas to help the brave sheriff departments to  survive. There will be no worry about collateral damage, or ROEs, or federal sabotage of the war.

If you don't simmer with contempt and righteous anger towards the racist communist moslem mass murderers, and their conservative republican allies,  you deserve what they have in store for you. You will get no help from us.

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