TNSteve's Posts (63)

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They are on the Hill now and Congress stated no one was punished and the review board report was not good.


The Simple questions are:  


Do you personally or know who ordered reduced military and/or security protection for the Ambassador in any of his operational locations including Benghazi?


Did do you personally know and do nothing when the attack happened?


Did someone above you order changes in security?


Did someone above you fail to order or stop military response or other help in Benghazi during the several hour attack?

Can you verify the attack was watched real time? Who all was aware and/or watched the attack? Do you?


Why not pin these guys down?


Was Patrick Kennedy and/or Hillary order any changes in security or any action before or after Benghazi?


Is there anything you can think of that is relevant to the Benghazi attacks that we have not mentioned or may not know?



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Every year 50,000 plus people are killed and a great number of those are teenagers. Some people claim they are drinking when it happens, sometimes it is just an accident, suicide or sadly some are premeditated murder. Of course, they are used in crimes and are very dangerous in the wrong hands, especially young people. Regardless, people die and this must stop, RIGHT? If only the trained police or certain professionals were able to use them the streets would be safer, thousands of citizens would not be killed and we could set an example for the world. There is no doubt that they are very dangerous and with daily deaths mounting we should do something!

I am talking about vehicles, cars and trucks! Yes, the same argument holds for vehicles as does for guns. The primary difference is that many more people are killed with or in vehicles. They do save lives and prevent crimes, as do guns in the hands of citizens, but no one ever wants to talk about those details.

The environmental people should support this ban, but I do NOT! It makes no more sense than banning guns. It s the person, not the instrument that kills people. Knifes, hammers, screw drivers, ice picks, box cutters, etc. are all dangerous in the wrong and evil hands.

I regret any loss of life, but I value my freedom and will not give it up for alleged increased security. Our Founding Fathers warned us to never give up freedom for promised security.

When I went to public school every boy had a  pocket knife and there were no gun free zones and in fact some kids had them in the cars. We have a people and a morals problem today and need to address it. Israel schools have armed teachers, surrounded by terrorists and people who would attack their children if they were in a gun free zone. The incident yesterday might have been stopped, if Bill Clinton had not banned guns from military bases in 1993. Ever on duty soldier should wear a side arm, as they did in past wars and that evil sick man would have been stopped VS. a shooting gallery. Just as my example of banning vehicles does not make sense, neither does gun free military bases or schools.

The Navy shooter was using a shotgun and even crazy uncle Joe said he has one of them. Obama and others will use this crisis to push gun bans and they are chasing the wrong issue. We have a people problem.  


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Air Travel Carbon Credits and more

The EU has signed on and only needs the US, China and India to agree to disclose data and embrace the pay to pollute carbon scheme. What a load of BS that airlines would pay for their carbon footprint that exceeds some limit set by a committee and to pass on the cost to the customers, which essentially makes it a world wide tax.

In addition to that tax our own EPA has delayed the increase in alternative fuel requirement for the US gasoline producers, which also require them to buy carbon credits traded as a commodity. Trading carbon credits are a money making scheme for those who have pushed the carbon credit and trading Ponzi scheme on the world. It would be an amazing story if it were fiction, but it is true. The western world has agreed to pay fines for carbon pollution and the men who designed and pushed the system will make billions. What a scam and a huge waste of money in the form of penitence and a world tax.

This is but one of the pledges that Obama has made to fight pollution in the US and world wide. It also re-distributes western wealth.


Add these taxes onto the nation and company carbon credit trading Ponzi schemes and you have a complete web of money making wealth re-distribution load of BS. People like AL Gore and George Soros own the trading companies and billions will be made brokering all of these various carbon credits. 10 Trillion dollars a year could be made if the US joins the world in this program. Always follow the money! No one could make something like this up and they have sold the world on it via the Kyoto and other global warming treaties. These also require alternative energy which is not commercial so it does drive up costs and diverts more tax dollars to various groups, e.g., ethanol, wind mill and solar panels producers.

 The US should denounce these schemes use all of natural resources and let the market place develop alternative energy as it becomes economically viable. WE have hundreds of years of resources and these world wide taxes and exchanges are nothing but money, power and control for the ones who control them.


If the US will drop these and use our resources jobs will return with lower energy costs. Perhaps some of these people want to see less jobs and a weaker US?


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Obama- The American TIGER

Sadly, today Obama made America into a PAPER tiger.

Just like when Obama usually voted present while in the Illinois State House he chose to vote present today. Also, after Kerry stated how bad it was and how action must be taken now the President  said we can wait a couple of weeks. Then he and Biden went out and played golf. How important those poor souls must feel in Syria and how they must now realize how many Americans feel too. Very disappointed and sad about our Leader. Prepared to give an order, but doesn't, critical response needed, but delay, doesn't need approval, but will wait for it.  

After saying there was a red line and then blinking. While Syria is not a direct threat, but a moral responsibility as a world super power to stop mass murder weights on our country.

The UN, where we pay 25% of the base budget is a worthless, spy den where many of the members oppose the US at every turn. Our self interest, protection and our Constitution are the only things that matter, not the UN.

The issue now is that Iran, Muslim terrorists, N. Korea, Chinese and Russia will see a paper tiger. After drawing a line and doing nothing with Iran and now Syria what can the world do without recourse from the US? Iran is building nuclear weapons, China takes technology, spies, builds the military ASAP and manipulates currency to maintain a trade advantage, terrorists kill America soldiers and others without over whelming reaction from the US, we tolerate open hostile teachings within our border by Muslim activists , we tolerate the same from illegals and leave our borders open, grant asylum to Mexicans while denying the same to German home school parents and their children.

Our Congress and President will have weekend cookouts, the President will travel overseas and nothing happens. Our Congress takes no action while the war on coal and many aspects of America continue to be waged by Obama, much less what happens in Syria.  

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CORE is an approach used by foreign governments, dictated by the Federal government and supported by Gates and the companies that provide the tests. TCAP tests cost $8.00 per student and the CORE tests may run $29.00. Aside from the money and that NY and MA have had lower test scores after CORE, it is not right for the Feds to further control our local school curriculum. Specifically, having math that will consider partial  correct a answer to 4x3 = 11, if you explain your logic with pictures, boxes and statements. The actual math portion is wrong and would be corrected. Also, you can have the correct math answer . but fail to explain and demonstrate your logic via picture boxes and get marked wrong! Then there is the language section which drops some traditional stuff and adds cultural and other enrichment, which includes various life style options. These get more perverse as the KIDS get in the 11th and 12th grades.

The fact that 45 states have adopted this Federal approved and pushed program is enough reason to question it, but there are other serious reasons too.

Now, that Obama has gotten the States to fall in line he is seeking to set up a National School Board to ensure future compliance! Obama's  Secretary of Education was the Superintendent of Chicago schools, which are some of the worse schools in the nation. Arnie Duncan is from Chicago and I guess that trumps all issues when filling any federal appointed position. 

Obama Care and the IRS enforcement is being force feed onto America too. As Obama continues to reduce individual choice, States rights `and local control of our schools, I wonder what is the end objective? I know in history it has been said those that control the youth control the future and to control the school textbooks gives you control of the youths. I am sure that this is the final goal of Obama.

The roots of this approach rest in previous administrations, but its embrace is tremendous and force feed under Obama.

We need local control and simple block grants from the federal government and no Federal Department of Education. We did not have it for most of our history and did better before it was formed.


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While Kerry and Obama say that using chemical weapons is unacceptable they must have forgotten their thoughts on Bush and Iraq. Saddam Hussein gassed an entire village of Kurds  which killed about 5,000 people and everything else alive in that village. Then he continued his aggression against other states and implied he had other weapons of mass destruction, although, as Mr. Kerry said this week chemical weapons are considered in that category. Biden called for Bush's impeachment, Kerry and Obama criticized Bush's war in Iraq for several reasons and yet Obama is expected to attack Syria for one of the same reasons, WMD use. Iraq invaded other nations, attempted to kill President Bush SR., interrupted oil production and supply routes, caused terrible environmental oil spills. Bush had a UN coalition of 30 plus nations and a UN mandate. 

Regardless, if you supported the Iraq action or not, my point is that Obama and his team are hypocrites. I think using  WMD now for action in Syria and criticizing Bush in the past is being hypocritical. It is terrible using chemical weapons, but anything that kills innocent civilians is also terrible. Will we police the entire world? I do think the UN and/or NATO should do something to punish the use of Chemical weapons and we are a part of those groups. Maybe Biden, Kerry and Obama should have  thought glass houses before they all stoned Bush? But then, if they did I guess they would not be politicians.

I wonder, if Hillary would just say, " What difference does it make".

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Yes, while there is not enough money for White house tours or our border security Obama is spending TWO billion US tax dollars for Mexico's SOUTHERN border security. Yes, their southern border, which might make sense if our border with Mexico was secure too.

While Obama wants the DREAM act for millions and bypasses Congress to do it he needs to help protect Mexico.

Where are our Senators and Congressman? Could we use that 2 billion for anything else?  



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Thank God for Rep Brooks protecting our technology.


First Obama agrees to reduce our ICBM force down to 1550 missiles and then the Russian were allowed to see defense missile in old silos that have been converted to defense missiles. While Rep Brooks seeks to block Obama from giving the Russians our technology Obama is still seeking to declassify information about our missiles so they can share it. Wow, Obama is doing the enemies work for them!

I guess this is one of the things Obama meant when he told the Russians he would have more flexibility after the re-election. We know Obama is letting the Chinese attend our Naval exercises and I am sure when they went to meet the Russians afterwards they did not share everything. Obama wants to cut 12 brigades and two of our active carriers, which have a sub and many other ships with them. Seems like a wish list from the Russians and Chinese are Obama's to do list. 


Can not think of why anyone would want to impeach Obama and not just let him do what he does so well until his term expires.


The Washington Free Beacon  reported, "The visit by the Russians is likely to prompt concerns on Capitol Hill from Republicans opposed to the administration’s efforts to share missile defense technology with the Russians.

Rep. Mo Brooks (R., Ala.) revealed in May during congressional testimony from Vice Adm. James D. Syring, director of the Pentagon’s Missile Defense Agency, that the administration has sought to declassify sensitive missile defense technology that could be shared with Moscow.

As a result, Brooks drafted legislation that would prohibit the Pentagon from releasing classified missile defense know-how to the Russians, specifically advanced hit-to-kill missile defense interceptor technology."

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Obama care is going to spend 67 million dollars to hire non regulated, non vetted or finger printed Obama care navigators the mission to get everyone registered. Our private information will be exposed and some of these people will take advantage and/or mis-use this private and confidential information. Groups like Move on or others will be given these millions to get you information and will not be checked because time is running out and Obama wants it down ASAP.


67 Million plus when we are sequestered!!!!!! Wow, what a waste and risk to the citizens.

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Atlanta Breaks record LOW temp

Wow, climate change is upon us and our President still wants to spend billions fighting global warming, I mean climate change. NASA is redirected to research climate change and of course, MUSLIM outreach, the EPA will go around Congress and pursue climate change regulations, coal power plant regulations that will make energy cost skyrocket and fuel alternative fuel regulations that will force billions to be spent buying credits driving up costs further, NINE billion tax dollar subsidy spent on ethanol production which uses 45% of the world corn production driving up this food item and they use 1500 gallons of precious water for each gallon of ethanol produced. If Obama had his way we would pay other countries billions to buy carbon credit which would redistribute our wealth to others and make the brokers billions of dollars too. Al Gore owns part of these carbon credit brokers and even he recently admitted that ethanol production was not a good idea.

I think the made up carbon credit scheme is about power, control and wealth distribution. It is a stupid idea and makes no sense.

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Foreign Deaths Syria, Egypt and Mexico?

Yes, it is terrible about all of the foreign violence and deaths. But, what about the 45,000 plus people murdered in MEXICO in the last few years. Yes, more than all of those other places far away and our troop losses in two wars! I care about all of them and especially Muslim terrorists killing everyone everywhere. What should we do about the country south of our border and the literal bleed over our border into various cities in America?

We should stop foreign aid, strengthen our military and put troops on our border helping to actually seal it ASAP. WE have bad guys coming over with criminals mixed in with people who just want to work.  Now, over 15% of Mexico's population is in the US illegally. Billions were given to illegals in just earned income credit, not to mention other benefits. I know our government tells people that, if you do not have a social security number you can still apply for food stamps and other assistance. I am sure there is no abuse of these programs, Yeah right. Regardless, we need to address the violence and illegals issue. How many illegals and related gang members are in our jails? Google it and you might be surprised. What does that cost? We are so PC that we will not place troops on the border like we did in the 1800's, but we should do so and reduce troops over seas. WE need a fence to keep people out not in the US. The border fence is not the Berlin wall , as we will let anyone leave that wants to leave.

Obama has stated he want to weaken the US military cutting 12 brigades and greatly reduce spending. If allowed he will gut the military to levels not seen since before WWII. As then, enemies will think we are so weak and unable to respond that  world wide violence and attacks will increase. We know Hitler thought it would take us 20 years to respond to him and that encouraged him to attack other countries. He was wrong then, as we had a great manufacturing base. Now, as we have allowed our manufacturing to exit, incurred high electricity costs and have one of the highest in the world corporate tax while we allow credits for foreign tax and business relocation we can not react as quickly.

We sit on more oil reserves than all of the rest known oil reserves in the world and yet we have no energy policy and import half of our oil. This money spent on oil imports empowers our enemies and fuels the world wide terrorists organizations.  WE do not use our tremendous natural gas and coal reserves. In fact drilling on federal land is down  and oil production is only up because of private land production. the EPA and other agencies. My point is that if we used our domestic energy resources, become energy independent ASAP in a Manhattan type effort, cut foreign oil imports to zero, maintained a strong military, bring down electricity costs and fuel costs, used energy to decrease unemployment it would be better for America. Peace through strength is better than Obama's weak, lead from behind and a watered down federally feed education system. Anything that weakens the US and weakens State control, is bad for America and in turn is bad for the world.  

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Rand Paul and Egyptian Aid Comment

I agree with many opinions of rand, but in this case the generals are fighting the Muslim Brotherhood which in turn has been murdering Christians, burning their churches and seeking Sharia law. I think they are doing what needs to be done and probably support a real reform and not one like the MBH tried to implement. Of course, I think all foreign aid should be stopped until we get our budget under control and stop borrowing money to give it away. Also, never give money to those who hate and oppose us. 

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Forget walk softly and carry a stick. Our President leads from behind, confuses everyone and is detached from almost everything but the weekly Whitehouse parties and vacation activities.  We know Obama wants to transform America into a non super power, i.e., reduce our nuclear weapons to a level far below Russia and at or below China's level, supports the use of a world currency vs the US dollar and then retracted that statement by the former US treasury Secretary, Doesn't much like our Constitution, Ignores Federal court orders, his AG refuses to enforce some laws, the AG issued instruction nationwide to his ASST AG's to not present all evidence in regards to some drug cases and to seek less jail time than called for in federal sentencing guidelines, ( This is illegal), instructs agencies to go around the law and Congress, granted asylum and essentially ignores our immigration laws or the intent of those laws selectively.


No wonder Putin and others have no fear and certainly no respect for America and our current President. 38 Christian Churches have been burned down in Egypt and many Christians were murdered before the military stepped in to stop the Muslim Brotherhood.  Where was and is our President on these issues? If he speaks up will anyone listen? Sadly,  I think not, which is not good for the world or America.

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After watching Hannity interview the US Muslim man that wants to have a Muslim march in Washington DC on 9/11/13, I saw a picture of that Muslim smiling in a picture with Joe Biden. WE know Obama has hired several Muslim Brotherhood members and placed some of them in our Homeland Security organization.  Obama had the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood leaders visit the Whitehouse while they were in power and suspending their Constitution, implementing Sharia law after promising otherwise and Christians were being murdered. It is hard to understand what this administration is doing and why they are doing it.


We know Obama regrets that our Constitution is a set of negative rights and restricts him, we know he wants to cut 12 military brigades, we know he would like zero nuclear weapons in the US , but would settle for 300 hundred which is smaller than China's arsenal, we know he unilaterally cut missile defense in Europe to appease Putin and reset our relationship to a weaker position, we know Obama does not like the Second Amendment by his actions and the multitude of democratic anti gun laws pending.


" The fire walls to our Constitution have been breached." Mark Levin. Our Congress is suppose to protect us but so far they have not. Unlike previous Presidents Barak Hussein Obama may not limit his imperial actions but rather continue to expand his abuses of power. Hopefully at some point Congress will have enough while they still have any real power.



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While Rome Burns

The story goes that the Emperor played a musical instrument while Rome burned, which he may have set fire to in the first place. Of course, he wanted to rebuild Rome and needed a clean slate to do it.

While America crumbles, Egypt burns Obama vacations with 70 plus other people party and play golf in Martha's vineyard. Of course, Obama wants to transform America and is working hard on every aspect of our country and life to accomplish his goal. WE know it is a country where the central government controls many or most things, large sections of the population get government checks, private companies are controlled by the Government, i.e., GM and others ( Although there is no Constitutional basis for this control), the Us economy is weaker, the military is weaker, the private civilian army is larger, e.g., (AmeriCorps, Move-On, SEIU,  Homeland Security). Then you add sky high energy prices, ( While we sit on hundreds of years of resources), greatly reduced or eliminated nuclear weapons in the US only, weakened military and hostility/limits in regards to Christianity in the military, 1.8 billion rounds of ammo purchased for US agencies, ( More rounds per person than in the US military), this ammo purchased has dried up civilian supplies, full assault on the Second Amendment via laws, regulations and use of PR, decimation of NASA and redirection to Muslim outreach and Climate change research, and many more actions all geared towards a new America.

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Muslim Brotherhood in the Whitehouse Administration

The Brotherhood , (IBH) ,won the Egyptian election, but immediately threw out judges, top Generals that worked with the West were fired, their Constitution and moved toward making that country an Islamic State under Sharia law.  Christians were murdered and churches burned, so it was bad, very bad.  The administration had supported the spring and the end of Mubarak, who had peace with Israel, pro west and had maintained peace within that country.  He was better than a wolf in sheep's clothing, ( Suits), that once in power moved to make that country a radical place. OSBL was a member of the IBH as well as Hamas and other Islamic terrorist groups. One Egyptian politician openly declared their war was with the US and Israel, not others.

Of course, our President has hired more than one of the IBH members and even placed them in Homeland security positions. Wow, I think that is not good. Are they loyal to America? Remember the Doctor in Fort Hood, who is still on the Army payroll. Maybe these guys are, but in light of the IBH's record have they declared their loyalty? Can we trust them?  Was does Congress think? Any investigations? Not yet.

I hope they are loyal, but it worries me given the record of the IBH.




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While I think we must be able to track terrorists the government must follow the law and not make the law, as they go especially when the AG is the only approval needed. Obama says no spying at the NSA on citizens, well that is not true, ( LIE). No real story out there, so Benghazi or as Hillary stated what difference does it make? A big lie. Mis-direction, unconstitutional actions, abusive executive orders, excessive regulations, murdered Ambassador and three other Americans, dozens of Embassies attacked and recently shut down. Defeated Islamic terrorist (LIE) which caused us to shut dozens of Embassies, Run a way agencies regulating the US to death and blatantly going around our weak kneed Congress, Emails and phone calls collected and read but denied until Snowden leaked, 

Now Hillary is going to be glamorized by the NBC, CNN and others. The President praised her a the best or one of the best Secretary of States we have ever had , ( Payback for Clinton's endorsement). REALLY? Remember Hillary hitting the reset button with the Russians,( Which was not translated correctly and they laughed at her about it) ,  gave in on EU defense missile shield, decimated the Space Program and paying the Russian's 60 million USD for a space ride in older crafts than our shuttle, openly pined about taking our nuclear weapons down to zero or as close as possible,  unilaterally. The Russians have zero respect and fear of the US and demonstrated that with Snowden's Asylum. Dozens of Embassies attacked, Ambassador and 3 other Americans murdered , recently shut down embassies due to defeated terrorists (NOT), Benghazi cover up for illegal weapons and ambush, jailed video maker for offensive film, ( Still in jail for violation of something), What difference does it make comment, Sounds like her comment on Bill, " If I do not care why do you", Throw in Whitewater, while she was a crazy kid, ( Her and Bill both had their law license at the time), Commodity trade which was not legal and where a big Clinton support LOST $100,000, her youthful legal defense team work for the black panthers and then work on the Nixon impeachment investigation. Her progression at Rose Hill Law Firm progressed when Bill's career, etc.

We know when Diane Lane portrays Hillary it will be a rosy uplifting story of struggle and wonderful dedicated public servant who has sacrificed much for her country. Can you say exaggeration? Fluff? A drooling bias pseudo docudrama?   




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