bush (30)

While the overall impact on National Security of having nearly 500,000 classified military documents (about the conduct of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq) exposed has to be rated an unequivocal disaster . . . some seemingly shocking but harmless (from America’s point of view) details about the conduct of the war in Iraq also came to light. These items were revealed in the latest (2nd ) Wiki leaks disclosures:
1) That, yes, Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) were found in Iraq in 2004.
2) Incredible savagery between civil-warring tribal elements in Iraq threatened to blow the whole country apart.
3) Despite complaints and accusations to the contrary, it appears that the United States handled its trust in Iraq with remarkable fairness and long-range balance while striving to leave Iraq better for our presence.
4) And most importantly, the huge role played by Iran in arming, training, and transporting saboteurs and instructors (and then in providing logistic support for this shadow organization harmful to Iraq’s quest for peace is also very well-documented.
A. A few comments seem in order: the poison mustard agents found in two separate caches as well as the blister agents (more a personnel incapacitating agent then a WMD) discovered elsewhere can certainly be called “WMDs” . . . they weren’t the manufacturing facilities that the Bush administration was hoping for . . . but they were certainly WMDs. Why then wasn’t the public notified? Who knew about this? If President G.W. Bush knew and refused to reveal it for whatever purpose, it certainly shows a strong resolve considering the lambasting he received from anti-war groups over the next four and a half years.
B. The idea of Vice President Joe Biden to create three separate nations of Iraq for the Kurds, Sunni and Shiite populations is surely shortsighted – for example why not make it four different countries and include the Christians (there are more Christians (3%) than there are Kurds and there are also plenty of Jews, Mandaeans and Zoroastrianists as well)? However, it is fact that the tribal animosities especially those between the Sunni and Shiite peoples constituting the two major blocs and of Iraq’s Muslim population are part of Sadaam Hussein’s legacy but historically also go all the way back to the death of the Muslim prophet Mohammed. Overall 94% of the Iraqi people are Muslims and Shia and Sunni Muslims constitute 98% of that 94% and they both call each other infidels. The Shaykhist Muslims are a tiny minority constantly striving to keep out of the other two sects’ gun sights at all times. Really we’re talking about tribes here. In Afghanistan the tribal nature of lifestyle there is quite evident, but despite Iraq’s seeming sophistication, tribal hatred is alive and well even today.
C. After reading some of the Wikileak releases, it’s easy to understand why so many Iraqis are so pessimistic about the future and why so many of them called for the United States to maintain a presence for up to ten years . . . we had our problems but generally dealt with matters in Iraq in a very even-handed manner.
D. Could the reason that the WMD discoveries in Iraq went unreported be that Iran’s interference in Iraq might be at least partially justified by fear of WMDs? Hard to say. Nevertheless, there are a good 640 items dealing with the Iranians among the Wikileaked communiqués . . . and their role cannot be called “benign.” Now what do we think about the Iranian nuclear program, in light of the state-sponsored terrorism Iran has been guilty of?
E. How does President Obama’s decision to pull out of Iraq so precipitously look in light of these Wikileak revelations?
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
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This past weekend, America remembered 9-11. There was a miriad of emotion - intense sadness, pride for our first responders, joy for our country, undaunted in the face of terror, and nine years ago today, comforted by our strong leader, commander-in-chief President Bush at Ground Zero. Just as December 7th is remembered as "a day that will live in infamy", so will 9-11.


Just like the ARIZONA in Pearl Harbor, this is hallowed ground... http://bit.ly/b6wkih

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Obama Seeks Texas Scapegoat

for Hurricanes Igor,Julia and Karl

A very strange thing happened to Payne Hertz, the 96-year-old who sometimes substitutes for Ol’ Rajjpuut on those ultra-rare occasions when Rajjpuut has a chance “to get lucky,” ‘er, finds himself with a schedule conflict. You might recall the fine interview that Hertz did with the polar bear** hunter Al Gore . . . .


naturally, we’ll let the elderly gent speak for himself . . . .

It happened this way, I had just left one of my gal’ friends’ apartment about 4:00 in the morning when a couple of juvenile d’s accosted me next to my Pierce-Arrow automobile. They wanted to shake me down, but I was in too good a mood all full of p’ ‘n vinegar to surrender my dignity right then. Of course I immediately pulled out my trusty pack of cards and, using the ancient Monte Carlo martial art form of Stri-chi-baccarat (self-defense with ordinary playing cards), disabled the taller of the two with a quick Jack of Diamonds to the right temple and a trey of Spades to his right knee which dropped him like yesterday’s bowel movement and was firing the niner of hearts full speed at his friend's lower midsection (technically in Stri-chi it’s called a "collateral damage appendectomy") when the tire iron he’d swung connected a glancing blow with my balding pate . . . as I fell, I could see through fuzzy vision he was worse off than me, but than I lost consciousness . . .

Suddenly it was bright daylight, I found myself occupying the body of a much younger, fatter, and far stupider man. I was on a golf course, that much was obvious. And then I saw that my golfing pard with his putter in his hand was none other than the president of the United States Barack Obama. Talk about a shocker! I could see the hammer and sickle stitched into his club covers and the tattoo of Karl Marx peeked through his white golf shirt. Yep, it was Obama all right!

I looked into the mirror of the cart and another surprise, the man that looked back at me was Chris Mathews, the cub reporter who is currently hosting a program called Softballs for Liberals on MSNBC . . . an incredible revulsion grabbed me and I found my new body projectile-vomiting . . . luckily a couple of secret service guards stepped between me and the president and protected him from my disgust. I dropped back weakly into my seat.

They paused the game for about three minutes while I swigged down some bottled water after rinsing my mouth and felt better. We had only three holes to play and let me tell you that being in the body of a younger man, even that out of shape stupid younger man, was great . . . I outdrove Obama on all three holes and outplayed him (what a frigging duffer!) badly and then discovered apparently we’d had a hundred dollar bet. Apparently we’d played several times before and he thought he owned me I guess, because he called my a “racist basta-d”, then smiled like it was a joke as he handed me ol’ Ben Franklin, but I could see he was plenty sore.

Anyhow, the real surprise was passing a newspaper vending machine about ten yards before the clubhouse. The headline was about something called the Hindenburg Omen which didn’t sound good. I could see the date was October 3rd, somehow I’d leaped exactly three weeks into the future besides being in the body of a liberal-slanting cub reporter. Anyway, we retired to the 19th hole and despite the secret service men reminding him that Muslims don’t drink and that he had four state functions scheduled for the rest of the day, he downed about five Miss Piggy Cocktails (I thought Muslims didn’t do pork either?) before he’d even deign to talk to me. No matter, I was preoccupied and too busy for him anyway. Was wondering about how to arrange getting to use my new body with the cocktail waitress I was flirting up . . . nobody was around, just the seven of us, the four secret service agents saw to that . . . just me and Ol’ Poor Sport was allowed in there with this gorgeous auburn-haired . . . .

Suddenly, he sneered, “Your chance to make me look good, Chris-boy!” Which apparently meant he’d allow me to ask him a few questions. I thought I’d kill two birds with one stone, get myself oriented to the happenings of the last twenty-one days and get him in the mood with some easy ones first . . . .

Q: “Mr. President, how would you describe your administration’s accomplishments for the past three weeks? And how do you feel about them?

He glared at me, for a couple seconds.

A: “I’ve told everybody and you should know better, Chris, I’m not answering questions about the problems we’ve had with disaster relief and I’m not answering questions about that Hindenburg stockmarket crap either . . . . Perhaps you might ask me a question about what it’s like travelling in Air Force One?”

Suddenly, the newspaper headlines I’d seen made sense. Apparently the names Igor, Julia and Karl were the names of three tropical storms, maybe even hurricanes . . . and there’d apparently been something real wrong happening on Wall Street. Now I really did want to get on his good side for at least a couple of questions . . . besides with a little luck I could make a killing in the stock market when I got back to my own time . . . IF I ever got back to my own time . . . .

Q: “You know me, Mr. President, I need to get the true picture . . . so that when I slant the story in your behalf, it’s ah . . . it’s got the necessary congruency . . .”

A: Sorry, Chris, must be the drinks, for a moment there I thought I was with Bill O’reilly or Glenn Beck, of course I know you’re in my camp . . . OK . . . OK . . . well, as you know our administration line is that we’re very disappointed in this Hindenburg scandal thing and of course the slow responses on all three hurricanes.”

Q: “Hindenburg scandal . . . thing?”

A: “Yes, yes, we didn’t think that the Business and Financial papers would make such a big deal about a little change like Robby Gibbs was using in his press conferences . . .”

Q: “Little change, Mr. President”

A: “You know calling the 2200 point drop on Wall Street last week ‘the G. W. Bush Crash,’ that’s really not all that much of a thing to overlook in the papers, you’d think . . . And just cause we haven’t helped anybody yet from those three storms . . . .”

Q: “Wow! I mean I can see how that would upset you, Mr. President . . .”

A: “I mean the whole country seemed very understanding -- even though our response was a lot slower than it was for Katrina and Rita -- when I explained that if George W. Bush hadn’t delayed all the vital global warming counter-activity so terribly long we’d have a cooler globe and everyone of the hurricanes wouldn’t be so violent, I mean category-4 twice and then a -three, that’s pretty rough.”

Q: “You blamed George W. Bush for slow response on all three hurricanes and a faltering stock market! ‘er, I mean to say, Mr. President. When you blamed him didn’t your media support stick with you as you expected?”

A: Well, of course, all us neo-marxists understand each oth^^ . . . .

Then, as suddenly as I’d been wisked into Chris Mathews’ fat body I found myself lying on the concrete back in New York twenty-one days earlier with a doozy of a headache and the still bodies of two bloody juvenile delinquents near me . . . . I know it sounds like I’m stretching the truth, but I’ll swear to it. I only regret that I never got to know that little waitress better . . . .

Well, thank you PH, good job under unusual circumstances . . . now do you readers understand why Rajjpuut never takes a vacation?

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** recently the younger Alaskan Al Gore that Hertz interviewed in the earlier blog had some bad news for his cousin the older and uglier and fatter Al Gore from Tennessee we all know and love. 1) It seems that some naturalists recently revealed that the infamous “Inconvenient Truth” scene of a polar bear floating on an ice floe was not the picture of a polar bear in distress, but to the contrary -- pretty standard operating procedure for polar bears who regularly float out 10-12 miles from shore to find the best hunting grounds for seals and 2) Alaska and Canada are both now lifting their embargoes on hunting polar bears because of the large numbers of the beasts now found all up and down the Artic Circle. The Alaskan said, “Sadly, that may turn out to be a couple of inconvenient truths for my cuz” he grunted, “ Of course, now that the hunting ban is lifted, I can operate legally piling up those bountied bear feet for my Tennessee cuz.”

^^ By the way, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) now says that their latest forecasts of government deficits and national debt says that by 2020 half of your taxes will go for interest on the national debt and that the national debt the American public will face by 2020 will amount to more than 100% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The CBO says that national debt per household will rise to $150,000. Damn, that G.W. Bush anyway.

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Obama Seeks Scapegoat for Hurricane Fiona,

Himmicanes Earl and Gaston-Wilbur

A very strange thing happened to Payne Hertz, the 96-year-old who sometimes substitutes for Ol’ Rajjpuut on those ultra-rare occasions when Rajjpuut has a chance “to get lucky,” ‘er, finds himself with a schedule conflict. You might recall the fine interview that Hertz did with the polar bear** hunter Al Gore . . . .


naturally, we’ll let the elderly gent speak for himself . . . .

It happened this way, I had just left one of my gal’ friends’ apartment about 4:00 in the morning when a couple of juvenile d’s accosted me next to my Pierce-Arrow. They wanted to shake me down, but I was in too good a mood all full of p’ ‘n vinegar to surrender my dignity right then. Of course I pulled out my trusty pack of cards and, using the ancient Monte Carlo martial art form of Stri-chi-baccarat, disabled the taller of the two with a quick Jack of Diamonds to the right temple and a trey of Spades to his right knee which dropped him like yesterday’s bowel movement and was firing the niner of hearts full speed at his friend's lower midsection (technically in Stri-chi it’s called a "collateral damage appendectomy") when the tire iron he’d swung connected a glancing blow with my balding pate . . . as I fell, I could see through fuzzy vision he was worse off than me, but than I lost consciousness . . .

Suddenly it was bright daylight, I found myself occupying the body of a much younger, taller and stupider man. I was on a golf course, that much was obvious. And then I saw that my golfing pard with his putter in his hand was none other than the president of the United States Barack Obama. Talk about a shocker!

I looked into the mirror of the cart and another surprise, the man that looked back at me was Brian Williams, the cub reporter who is somehow anchoring at NBC . . . an incredible revulsion grabbed me and I found my new body projectile-vomiting . . . luckily a couple of secret service guards stepped between me and the president and protected him from my disgust. I dropped back weakly into my seat.

They paused the game for about three minutes while I swigged down some bottled water after rinsing my mouth and felt better. We had only three holes to play and let me tell you that being in the body of a younger man was great . . . I outdrove him on all three holes and outplayed him (what a frigging duffer!) badly and then discovered apparently we’d had a hundred dollar bet. Apparently we’d played several times and he thought he owned me I guess, because he called my a “racist basta-d”, then smiled like it was a joke as he handed me ol’ Ben Franklin, but I could see he was plenty sore.

Anyhow, the real surprise was passing a newspaper vending machine about ten yards before the clubhouse. I could see the date was September 15th, somehow I’d leaped twenty days into the future besides being in the body of a liberal-slanting cub reporter. Anyway, we retired to the 19th hole and despite the secret service men reminding him that Muslims don’t drink and that he had four state functions scheduled for the rest of the day, he downed about five Miss Piggy Cocktails (I thought Muslims didn’t do pork either?) before he’d even deign to talk to me. No matter, I was preoccupied and too busy for him anyway. Was wondering about how to arrange getting to use my new body with the cocktail waitress I was flirting up . . . nobody was around, just the seven of us, the four secret service agents saw to that . . . just me and Ol’ Poor Sport was allowed in there with this gorgeous auburn-haired . . . .

Suddenly, he sneered, “Your chance to make me look good, Bry-boy!” Which apparently meant he’d allow me to ask him a few questions. I thought I’d kill two birds with one stone, get myself oriented to the hapnin's of the last twenty days and get him in the mood with some easy ones first . . . .

Q: “Mr. President, how would you describe your administration’s accomplishments for the past twenty days? And how do you feel about them?

He glared at me, for a couple seconds.

A: “I’ve told everybody and you should know better, Bri, I’m not answering questions about the problems we’ve had with disaster relief.”

Suddenly, the newspaper headlines I’d seen made sense. Apparently the names Earl, Fiona and Gaston were the names of three tropical storms, maybe even hurricanes. Now I really did want to get on his good side for at least a couple of questions . . . .

Q: “You know me, Mr. President, I need to get the true picture . . . so that when I slant the story in your behalf, it’s ah . . . it’s got the necessary congruency . . .”

A: Sorry, Bri, must be the drinks, for a moment there I thought I was with Bill O’reilly or Glenn Beck, of course I know you’re in my camp . . . OK . . . OK . . . well, as you know the administration line is that we’re very disappointed in this Gaston scandal thing.”

Q: “Gaston scandal . . . thing?”

A: “Yes, yes, we didn’t think that the meterologists would make such a big deal about a little change like Robby Gibbs was using in his press conferences . . .”

Q: “Little change, Mr. President”

A: “You know calling the third major hurricane to pound the Atlantic Seaboard . . . G.W., that’s really not all that much to ask . . . I mean the storm might have been named 'Gaston-Wilbur,' you know and so G.W. seemed natural enough, but then all those weather people got in a big huff.”

Q: “Wow! I mean I can see how that would upset you, Mr. President . . .”

A: “I mean the whole country seemed very understanding -- even though our response was a lot slower than it was for Katrina and Rita -- when I explained that if George W. Bush hadn’t delayed all the vital global warming counter-activity so terribly long we’d have a cooler globe and everyone of the hurricanes wouldn’t be so violent, I mean category-4 twice and then a -three, that’s pretty rough.”

Q: “You blamed George W. Bush for all three hurricanes! ‘er, I mean to say, Mr. President. When you blamed him didn’t your media support stick with you as you expected?”

A: Well, of course, we neo-marxists understand each oth^^ . . . .

Then, as suddenly as I’d been wisked into Brian Williams’ body I found myself lying on the concrete back in New York twenty days earlier with a doozy of a headache and the still bodies of two bloody juvenile delinquents near me . . . . I know it sounds like I’m stretching the truth, but I’ll swear to it. I only regret that I never got to know that little waitress better . . . .

Well, thank you PH, good job under unusual circumstances . . . now do you readers understand why Rajjpuut never takes a vacation?

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** recently the younger Alaskan Al Gore that Hertz interviewed in the earlier blog had some bad news for his cousin the older and uglier and fatter Al Gore from Tennessee we all know and love. 1) It seems that some naturalists recently revealed that the infamous “Inconvenient Truth” scene of a polar bear floating on an ice floe was not the picture of a polar bear in distress, but to the contrary -- pretty standard operating procedure for polar bears who regularly float out 10-12 miles from shore to find the best hunting grounds for seals and 2) Alaska and Canada are both now lifting their embargoes on hunting polar bears because of the large numbers of the beasts now found all up and down the Artic Circle. The Alaskan said, “Sadly, that may turn out to be a couple of inconvenient truths for my cuz” he grunted, “ Of course, now that the hunting ban is lifted, I can operate legally piling up those bountied bear feet for my Tennessee cuz.”

^^ By the way, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) now says that their latest forecasts of government deficits and national debt says that by 2020 half of your taxes will go for interest on the national debt and that the national debt the American public will face by 2020 will amount to more than 100% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The CBO says that national debt per household will rise to $150,000. Damn, that G.W. Bush anyway.

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As this president will no less take credit for any positive and lay blame for all negative on his Tuesday "War" speech, Obama will more than likely bloviate on his brilliance in winning the war in Iraq. Before he does, a horrifying fact must be made. In the 20 months of this man's presidency, we have lost 632 valiant American lives in Afghanistan, the worst being the last three months, more than under the entire watchful eye of the Bush administration of over 7 years.

Have you heard that in the news?

Counting the Deaths on Commander-In-Chief Obama's Impotent Hands

Something to keep in mind during his speech

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The acrid mixture of gunpowder and blood was everywhere. The timbers of the two sinking ships rudely joined by grappeling hooks groaned in mutual agony. Two mortally wounded sailors a Limey and a Colonist lie immobile as their life’s blood joins in the splintered deck beneath them. Suddenly, the British Captain somewhere in the smoke and fog to their left yells through his megaphone, “Captain, Do you agree to surrender your ship?”
The instantaneous Colonial reply, “I have not yet begun to fight!”
The dying American sailor groaned, “There’s always 10% that never get the word.”
Americans, Generous to a Fault,
Still Love Obama and Tooth-fairy
In a recent poll conducted by some liberal polling group, 55% of Americans called Barack Obama a “Socialist.” After three and a half years of Obama in the national spotlight that’s your best insight, my compatriots? All the evidence is there for anyone seeking the truth, yet . . . totally unwilling still to face the truth of the Commander-in-Chief’s status as an ex-Red-Diaper-Baby, my countrymen are by this suspension of disbelief very likely to sign the death certificate of the Republic.
Friends, Couch Potatoes, Babes in the Woods and other Trusting Souls these are the facts of life . . . .

In reverse order here’s what our gullible people should know but don’t. Our mainstream media needs to get real and do its job. I invite all readers to check my facts for 100% accuracy . . . .

11. Our government has been systematically lying to us or covering up for almost eight decades for example, . . . .

10. Obamacare, one law, a) creates 388 brand new government agencies b) funds abortions with federal money c) increases the deficit d) drives up the cost of health care and health insurance. All of this was easily foreseen but most chose to believe Obama.

9. In 1975 one in 404 home loans was granted with 3% or less down payment. Five mortgage-guarantee laws later, it became in 2005, 34 out of 100 loans at less than 3% down. That's an amazing 13,600% more presumably bad loans today. The progressive left have pushed our lenders into bad loans by sponsoring these ill-conceived laws. This was easily foreseeable, but we were too busy with sitcoms and, of late, reality shows.

8. The United States used to have the world’s highest private home ownership, now Canada does. Our system was not broken, but the progressives fixed us with the Community Reinvestment Act under Carter and four expansions of CRA ’77 mortgage-guarantees in ’92, twice in ’95 and the steroid version in ’98 (the last three under Clinton). We all know better than to “fix what ain’t broke,” yet we allow the politicians we elect to do it every day.

7. Barack Obama was an ACORN lawyer shaking-down lenders to make unwise loans for parts of three years 1994-1996. Once Clinton’s steroid version of the law was passed in ’98, ACORN forced banks and other lenders to make home loans to people without ID; without jobs; with only food stamps to declare as income; without even rental history; with abysmal credit ratings; on welfare; illegal aliens; and other miserable loan prospects. Anyone listening with half an ear could see that all his promises could NOT be kept; anyone inspecting his past could see he was always way to good to be true. His communism was only slightly better hid.

6. ACORN discovered by early 2003 that they could get a $400,000 loan almost as easily as they could get a $120,000 loan for an indigent client and went about it with gusto. Why?
5. Alas, it gets even more sinister. In ’66 Richard Cloward and Frances Piven published their Cloward-Piven Strategy to end poverty by creating GNI, (guaranteed national income). In ’67 these two and George Wiley created the National Welfare Relief Organization (NWRO) put their strategy into action. In eight years they added over six million people to the welfare rolls in New York. By 1975, New York City was bankrupt and needed a federal bailout. New York state just missed bankruptcy. The threesome bragged about their accomplishment even though they made poverty worse and didn’t get GNI. C &P said the next two areas to work their “orchestrated crisis” magic upon were voter registration and housing. The sub-prime lending crisis and the ensuing financial meltdown were Cloward-Pivven at work once again as you'll soon see.

4. When CRA ’77 was passed, ACORN was immediately created in Arkansas (only later would the “A” stand for Association instead of Arkansas) to work C-P Strategy on housing and voter registration. They weren’t hugely successful at first, but they did put Bill Clinton into the governor’s mansion in Little Rock for 12 years; and he became the first ACORN president in ’92. One of his first official signings was the Motor Voter Act (“a license for voter fraud according to conservatives) with Cloward and Piven standing directly behind him in the official pictures. Three Clinton mortgage-guarantees followed in the next five years and ACORN went nuts making lenders meet their silly requirements. In effect Cloward-Piven Strategy was unleashed not on NYC this time but upon the entire USA.

3. Republicans in January, 2005, saw the handwriting on the wall and tried to repeal much of the mortgage-guarantee nonsense but were stopped cold by the Democrats. In July, 2007, enough Dems came to see the truth that a watered-down version of the earlier bill was passed. It was, of course, way too little – way too late. Nevertheless . . . .

2. Last week Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner praised George W. Bush for that 2007 law which he said prevented the recession from becoming much, much deeper and the drop in housing prices from tumbling to dangerous levels. In effect, Geithner altered Barack Obama’s car in the ditch story. You and I now know the bigger story: Obama, ACORN, and progressive Dems and Republicans pushed the car toward a 500-ft. CLIFF. G.W. Bush braked and steered the car into a controlled skid into a friendly-looking ditch.

1. The first ten problems are gnats compared to the herd of elephants in the room right next to us, because with . . . all the unfunded liabilities we face (on top of the National debt and our present economic woes) unbelievable Social Security, Medicare and the Federal Side of Medicaid obligations that amount to $112 Trillion in services the government owes its citizens but has refused to fund (which was required by law lo’ these last 76 years).

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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The homely fellow calls out to a gorgeous girl passing him on the street, “The world’s going to end unless we have sex right now!” Astonished she turns quickly and replies, “Do we have time to get to a motel or must we do it right here?” scene from the movie “The Invention of Lying.”

Obama Puts Integrity and Honor

in the Ditch, Geithner** Says,

Bush Saved Car from Ruin

For those who fancy sound-bites and many people do:

ACORN and ACORN lawyer Barack Obama and progressive Dems deliberately pushed the car toward a 500-foot cliff. George W. Bush braked and steered the vehicle into a controlled skid and allowed it to coast safely into a friendly ditch instead.

For those who believe everything Barack Obama says, Rajjpuut dares you to read this blog . . . . the truth contained in the preceding paragraph relies upon a recent statement by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and a short string of logical and statistical facts that anyone with a 5th grade education can understand. But first a bit of background . . . .

A love letter is not a recipe for turtle soup; a suicide note is not a travelogue; a court summons is not graffiti; a nursery rhyme is not a thesaurus; an encyclopedia entry is not a page in a joke book; etc., etc. To people who think clearly . . . it’s starkly obvious that different styles and distinct types of communication have different purposes altogether. And it’s dramatically evident that some people use “communication” for utterly different and more sinister purposes than honorable folks usually do. For a good example of a bad example, let’s think about Barack Obama.

If one piece of Barack Obama’s medium-length communication can be seen to be “successful” in his eyes, it is clearly the parable of the car in the ditch. He’s repeated that little story at least thirty times. He’s repeated it on all sorts of occasions for a wide variety of audiences. He’s taken to embellishing the story like an old time serial writer getting paid by the word by talking about the heat, having other Democrats help him push the car out of the ditch, even talking about mud and insects in the ditch. Barack Obama loves that story!

If one slogan has been utterly positively met by his audiences over and over and over again, it can be summarized this way: “It’s all George W. Bush’s fault.” He’s repeated that statement or some corollary of it perhaps 500-600 times. He’s repeated it on all sorts of occasions for a wide variety of audiences. In some speeches he’s used that slogan or a corollary four or five times. And he’s seen to it that his administration and his party use the slogan repeatedly. Often the “Blame it all on Bush” slogan and the car in the ditch story are clearly the only really certain applause, however muted, that’s awaited his speeches of late.

Just like the parables of Jesus, Obama’s two terse communications are powerful in part because they are so short. Obviously the car is a metaphor for the U.S. economy and the ditch is a metaphor for the economic collapse. What do these two sound bites have in common? They both sidestep all blame and accuse Obama’s predecessors; they’re both used to create an immediate gut response rather than a thoughtful response; and they are both designed more to obscure the truth than to reveal it . . . in a phrase they’re both examples of a propaganda technique called “the Big Lie.”

Adolf Hitler in chapter 10 of Mein Kampf coined the term “the Big Lie” to refer to two purported Big Lies that he claimed the Jews, Communists and other “November Criminals” (these were his three main scape-goats) had propagated at the end of World War I as they sold Germany out: A) that the German army had been defeated in the field and B) that General Ludendorff was mostly responsible for Germany’s defeat. Of course, Mein Kampf and most of Hitler’s communications were in themselves Big Lies including his creation of the November Criminals idea; repetition of the Zionist Conspiracy among the Jews fable; and fabrication of the notion of Aryan superiority in blood and cultural achievement.

Among the propaganda techniques Hitler discussed, the Big Lie, he said, was a “a lie so colossal that no one would believe that someone ‘could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously’ ergo it must be true." He continues, “In the Big Lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the Big Lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.”

Hitler also advised upon how to exploit the Big Lie which was later summed up by American OSS intelligence officials this way in the profile they created of Der Fuhrer: “His primary rules of conduct are never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough virtually all people will sooner or later believe it.” Since Hitler also advised never admitting a lie was false, but just keep hammering away at it even if you look a bit ridiculous . . . we can predict that his spiritual godson Barack Obama, who seems to operate under the same megalomaniacal modus operandi will never stop blaming Bush and will never stop telling the car in the ditch story.

So for those of us who believe in clear thought and who can spot a “false prophet” miles away . . . . What exactly is wrong with Barack Obama’s “Blame it all on Bush” slogan and his “car in the ditch” parable? And why are Obama and ACORN deliberately pushing the car toward the cliff, in the more accurate sound bite given above?

Again, the Obama soundbites are designed to hide the truth and convince people of the validity of a Big Lie viscerally, in their gut, while bypassing their brains. They have the hyper-added benefit of being wonderful sound-bites themselves while at the same time hiding a truth so damning and yet virtually difficult to convey that ostensibly no sound bite can clear things up. It’s a lot like Mondale’s (“Where’s the beef?”) accusation of Gary Hart during the 1984 Democratic Presidential Primary Campaign which implied that Hart was little more than a pretty boy. So let us now show Barack Obama’s car in the ditch story up for the falsehood it is . . . .

ITEM: some statistics and some facts . . .

A) Richard Cloward and Frances Piven, two leftist Columbia U. professors (NYC) published their article, “The Weight of the Poor: a Strategy to End Poverty” in The Nation magazine in 1966. They opined that a welfare registration drive would put the entire nation in a crisis and the result of the crisis would be the Democratic party would institute (GNI) a guaranteed national income and presto that would be the elimination of poverty. The Cloward-Piven Strategy is based upon one of (self-avowed neo-Marxist community-organizer) Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” (from his book, Rule #4 “Make the enemy live up to his own book of rules.”) Their idea is to manufacture a crisis to move the country to their socialistic ends. In 1967, they enlisted another radical community organizer George Wiley to create the (NWRO) National Welfare Rights Organization to test their theory by hook or by crook, he enlists over six million new welfare recipients. In eight years (1975) New York City is bankrupt and needs to be bailed out by the federal government. New York state barely escapes the city’s fate. Wiley, Cloward and Piven brag openly about their great deed hardly regretting that the GNI idea failed. Cloward and Piven suggest to Wiley and other radicals that housing and voter registration are the next two areas where C-P Strategy should be employed.

B) 1946- 1992 USA has 62-65% private home ownership, the envy of the world, the system was NOT broken and required NO fixing.

C) 99.76% of all US homes are bought with more than 3% down payment in 1975

D) To “fix” the broken home ownership problem, the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 is passed by Jimmy Carter and progressive Democrats to force lending institutes to make bad loans they would otherwise not make. In Arkansas in ’77, ACORN is quickly created by George Wiley’s lieutenant Wade Rathke who will also later found the SEIU union. ACORN goes to work on both C-P recommended new territories: voter registration and housing. The organization also hooks up with Bill Clinton just elected Arkansas Attorney General in 1976, an up and coming politician who they will help and who will help them mightily. The group is mostly ineffective at first because CRA ’77 was so poorly crafted that smart lenders could avoid most of the forced lending to unqualifed people. But ACORN is patient.

E) By 1985, little has changed 99.5% of all home loans still are made with 3% or more down payment. Clinton was elected governor in 1978 at the age of 32. He’s defeated in ’80 but elected again four more times and serves a total of almost 12 years.

F) In 1992, George H.W. Bush who successfully vetoed 44 out of 45 bills he disliked fails to veto a big housing bill. Unfortunately, one of the small portions he hates about the bill expands CRA ’77 so that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (the two huge government agencies) are now made part of the CRA mortgage-guarantee progam. The plot only sickens from here on out.

G) Clinton with the support of ACORN whips Bush and becomes President. One of the first things he does is create the Motor Voter Act (called by conservatives “a license for voter fraud”). He signs the bill into law with Cloward and Piven standing directly behind him in the official photograph (available in several places on the internet). ACORN can finally go to town on voter registration. In 1995, Clinton passes two laws expanding CRA ’77 mortgage-guarantees. Even before that, at the end of 1994, a community organizer named Barack Obama begins working as an ACORN lawyer. He has taught Alinksy’s “Rules for Radicals” to Chicago students and is very good at browbeating and shaking-down unwilling lenders to make them comply with the expansions of CRA ’77. Obama will work for ACORN for parts of the next three years. By 1995, the situation has changed dramatically in housing now 14% of all home loans are made to borrowers who cannot afford a 3%^^ or more home down payment. That is, since CRA ’77 was created lenders are now making 55 times as many questionable loans as they were in 1975.

H) In 1998, Bill Clinton, Democrats and especially Progressive Democrats and Progressive (we need to “progess” beyond the limitations of the "outdated and flawed" U.S. Constitution) Republicans pass a final expansion of CRA ’77 which puts the whole arena of mortgage-guarantees on steroids. Clinton, the first ACORN president, has delivered for them in a huge way on voter registration and on housing. Barack Obama is gone, but now ACORN goes nuts (pun intended). With Clinton’s new bill they immediately start browbeating loans for those without ID; those without jobs; people claiming food stamps as income; other welfare recipients; people without rental histories; people with horrific credit ratings; and even illegal aliens. Worst of all, ACORN gets real aggressive and finds they have little more trouble getting an impoverished applicant qualified for a $400,000 home than for a $120,000 one.

I) In November, 2003, James Stack of investech.com revealed a graph he called the “Housing Industry Bubble” (housing prices had soared, yes, but stocks in the housing industry had risen an amazing 1300% in a relatively short time) and began talking about a coming “sub-prime lending crisis.” We had ample warning, you see. Bush and the Republicans saw the problem within a year themselves and sought to correct things with a bill in January, 2005 that would have undone most of the steroid-like ills brought about by the 1998 final version of mortgage-guarantee legislation. They were defeated. Meanwhile thanks to ACORN and Clinton's law 34% of all home loans are made to applicants who pay less than 3% as a down payment. Roughly 135 times as many questionable loans are being made in 2005 as were made in 1975.

J) Finally in July of 2007, enough Democrats agreed that a problem existed to pass a heavily-diluted law based upon Bush's January, 2005 efforts. It proved to be way too little, way too late, but it did enough good that Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner recognized five days ago that Bush had saved our bacon. Without Bush’s administration passing that law, Geithner said, the recession would have been much, much deeper and housing prices would have dropped far, far lower. Americans that watch FOX News find this out three years after the fact, most Americans inundated by the mainstream media (MSM) will never find this out . . . . and in sum, the facts in a nutshell shaken together to make an accurate parable are that:

ACORN and ACORN lawyer Barack Obama and progressive Dems deliberately pushed the car toward a 500-foot cliff. George W. Bush braked and steered the vehicle into a controlled skid and allowed it to coast safely into a friendly ditch instead.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** Actually, the Treasury Secretary could have told a fuller story here: because Bush's original attempt to stop the bleeding and undo the damage in January, 2005 was rebuffed . . . . almost all of the CRA '77 legislation and its four expansions (including many horrific Clinton-Steroid version of '98 features) is still on the books like a timebomb waiting to explode the next time an ACORN-like entity wants to cause havoc. We need to return to the 1975 levels with perhaps 1/400 home loans made at 3% or less down payment. In other words we need to get out of the private sector's way. One other "tiny detail" should be mentioned to wrap up the last loose end. In 2003, Bush and the Republicans sought to change the oversight for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (contending that congressional oversight was far too lax) but that initiative was also defeated by the Congress and most particularly the progressive Democratic wing of the congress that was abetting the whole process all along. Thank you, Barney Frank.

^^ It bears saying that 3% loans were originally created for fiscally-responsible veterans who qualified under a special program created for them. Once CRA '77 is created; almost anyone can get ZERO-Percent downpayment loans.

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New York City has been seriously endangered by terrorists three times in the last 43 years, but most Americans only know about two of those attacks. In a related story, two days ago, Timothy Geithner, did tw0 things the Obama administration has shied markedly away from . . . he spoke the truth and he praised George W. Bush . . . therein lies a tale . . . .

Our country has been under serious attack from within for at least 44 years. Two Columbia University socialists Richard Cloward and Frances Piven published an article on their “Cloward-Piven Strategy” in a 1966 article in “The Nation,” "The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty" argued that many Americans who were eligible for welfare were not receiving benefits, and that a welfare enrollment drive would create a political crisis that would force U.S. politicians, particularly the Democratic Party, to enact legislation "establishing a guaranteed national income.” Their ideas were based upon those from two books of Saul Alinsky the infamous self-avowed Neo-Marxist community organizer from Chicago. More on Cloward and Piven later . . . .

Those of you who have read Alinsky’s horror masterpiece “Rules for Radicals” know that the main progressive trick is to relentlessly stay on the attack while creating situations in which they’re perceived to have the moral high ground (at least by their own activists and the left-leaning very sympathetic media). Where will they attack? Anywhere that a perception or an actual weakness can be found. Back about March 20, 2007, Dick Morris wrote a great editorial blog that day, three leading progressive Democratic spokespersons were on the attack against Republicans, totally unfairly in retrospect, but George W. Bush and the Republicans around him seemingly went “quietly into that dark night” and refused to defend themselves except in the most milquetoasty of ways.

The four main areas of progressive attack at that time were all bogus 1) supposed corrupt individuals (Stephens and Delay were eventually cleared); 2) Iraq the unwinnable war and the “War on Terror” in general; 3) the economy; and 4) the dismissal of a set of United States Attorneys. Truth fought for resolutely in these four areas might have changed today’s situation dramatically. This fourth situation was the least important at the time but has become very important today. Let’s look at all four of these problem areas more closely . . . .

#1 Nancy Pelosi made a big deal about “draining the swamp” but today the truth can finally be appreciated. Of about six corrupt Democrats that ought to have been in her gunsights only two are now looking at ethics trials. As for the main Republicans, Delay was finally cleared just last week after never seriously being at risk, Stephens died in a plane accident in southeast Alaska, being cleared a few months after losing the election for his senate seat. Most importantly, the loss of Stephens’ senate seat in a very close election in 2008, has allowed the Obama agenda to do an incredible amount of damage by providing that all-important 60-40 cushion. The Republican Party, not having its own truly active ethics policemen on the one hand (a failing that needs to be corrected immediately); giving every “appearance” of inpropriety on the other hand; and not standing behind its members on the third hand allowed this to happen in utterly wimp-like fashion. Truth alone is not enough to ensure that necessary conservative values like fiscal-conservativism and Constitutional conservativism will win the day, Truth needs to be defended energetically.

#2 Bush did NOT mount a spirited defense of his approach in Iraq (the “Surge” or “New Way Forward” was now two months old) generally speaking he remained mum although the news was almost immediately good. While there is much to be recommended in an approach of “under-promise and over-deliver” in comparison with the inanities of the opposite Obama-like notion of HYPE-HYPE-HYPE and more HYPE over-promising and dramatically under-delivering . . . you’ve got to communicate! For example, Rajjpuut saw a History Channel exclusive on the very day of the bus bombings in London that revealed the incredible successes of the U.S. War in Terror and how they were brought about (of perhaps 500 great success stories they admittedly covered only 14-15 in the segment, but it was impressive!). Now clearly, one does NOT want the CIA revealing its most impressive tactics, but for several years of outstanding work being reduced to a 90-minute show on the History Channel (does anyone besides Rajjpuut watch the History Channel) is definitely NOT getting the record of success across. Just revealing once every couple months the nature of some success stories (perhaps themselves six months old) that would have been helpful but instead we got nothing. Compare that preferred approach with the demoralizing “rely on luck”/man-caused disasters/ and “there is NO war on terror” strategems that seem to highlight the Obama approach and you get the picture.

#3 NOT getting the truth about the ECONOMY out to the American people was Bush’s biggest failing and its evils are plaguing us still today. In November, 2003, James Stack of investech.com revealed a graph he called the “Housing Industry Bubble” (housing prices had soared, yes, but stocks in the housing industry had risen an amazing 1300% in a relatively short time) and began talking about a coming “sub-prime lending crisis.” We had ample warning, you see. Bush and the Republicans saw the problem within a year themselves and sought to correct things with a bill in January, 2005 that would have undone most of the steroid-like ills brought about by the 1998 final version of mortgage-guarantee legislation. They were defeated.

Finally in July of 2007, enough Democrats agreed that a problem existed to pass a heavily-diluted law based upon their January, 2005 efforts. It proved to be way too little, way too late, but it did enough good that Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner recognized two days ago that Bush had saved our bacon. Without Bush’s administration passing that law, Geithner said, the recession would have been much, much deeper and housing prices would have dropped far, far lower. Americans that watch FOX News find this out three years later, most Americans inundated by the mainstream media (MSM) will never find this out . . . much like the successes in the war on terrorism, this underlines a severe problem with simple communication.

More importantly, Bush did NOT use the bully-pulpit of the presidency to expose the facts behind the economic threats facing the nation in January, 2005 when they first tried to pass their bill and stop the sub-prime lending crisis in its tracks . . . it’s a long and sordid tale that needed to be told (besides the two attacks on the World Trade Center in 1992 and then on 9/11/2001 by Islamist extremists, American terrorists attacked the city between 1967 and 1975) Bush and his administration and conservatives in general failed us by NOT informing everyday Americans about this internal attack and its continuing endangerment to our system and our people:

A. Cloward-Piven and George Wiley in 1967 create the National Welfare Rights Organization to implement C-P Strategy and bring about their “Guaranteed National Income.” They put almost seven million newbies onto the welfare rolls and by 1975 New York City is bankrupt and required a federal government bailout; New York State just missed bankruptcy. Cloward, Piven and Wiley did not achieve a guaranteed national income but they proclaim success publicly and on his mentors’ advice, Wiley moves to attack weaknesses in voter registration and housing as the next focal area for “manufactured crisis” strategy. He doesn’t have long to wait.

B. Jimmy Carter sweeps into office with a wave of progressive Democrats in November, 1976. In 1977 they pass the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA ’77) which for the first time requires really bad home loans be granted. Thankfully, it’s a very poorly crafted law and lenders can sidestep it fairly easily. Some background: Americans between 1946 and 1998 had the highest home ownership in the world 62-65%, the system is the envy of the whole planet. Only one in 404 loans in 1975 is made with 3% or LESS downpayment. ACORN is established in Arkansas in 1977 by a George Wiley lieutenant named Wade Rathke (later he’ll start up the SEIU union) and immediatedly moves into voter registration and housing and by 1980 becomes a chief backer of Bill Clinton, who’ll become the first ACORN president.

C. By 1985 only 1 in 198 home loans in the country have been made with less than 3% down payment. ACORN isn’t having much success but they’re patiently refining their C-P and Alinsky shakedown approach. Soon lenders will, as a matter of course, accept the “necessity” of making horrifically bad loans to recipients with virtually no chance of ever repaying their mortgages.

D. In 1992, George H. W. Bush fails to veto a bill with an expansion in CRA ’77 to Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac even though he detests the idea. Why? It’s a small part of a much larger bill. A horrible example of why large, complicated bills can be so dangerous. Bush only was over-ridden on one of his 44 vetoes during his four-year term, too bad he didn’t make it 45 vetoes, eh? ACORN now has something to bite on and things get rapidly worse for the country from this point forward.

E. Bill Clinton sweeps into office. He immediately gets the Motor Voter Act passed with Cloward and Piven standing right behind him during the signing ceremony (a photo of which you can find in about twenty places on the internet).

F. A community organizer in Chicago named Barack Obama begins working as a lawyer for ACORN in late ’94 and immediately begins shaking-down home lenders in the area. In ’95, Bill Clinton gets two expansions to the CRA ’77 mortgage-guarantee idea passed. Meanwhile ACORN has learned its craft now a horrific 1/7 of all home loans are made with less than 3% down payment and Freddy and Fannie are on the hook.

G. Bill Clinton gets his ’98 expansion of mortgage-guarantee law passed putting the whole system on steroids. ACORN goes into overdrive shaking down lenders so that people without ID; people without jobs; people claiming foodstamps as “income”; people with horrific credit ratings; people without rental history; people on welfare; and illegal immigrants qualify for home loans . . . many of them “qualify for $500,000 homes. This is 1998, by 2005, 1/3 of all home loans will be made with less than 3% down payments.

In November, 2003, James Stack of investech.com starts publishing his “Housing Industry Bubble” chart and warning of the impending sub-prime lending crisis and you know the rest . . . however, you know it NOW; why didn’t the conservatives warn us over and over and over and over again until Americans got the picture . . . even if voters didn’t take it seriously at first, it would certainly have explained a lot of things later, no? So we have a literal provable and obvious case of two internal terrorist attacks on the USA; the bankruptcy of NYC in 1975 and the financial collapse of 2007 and the Republican Party did NOT have the wherewithal to put them both before the voters for as long as it took????

#4 Let’s talk about a less complicated and less dire example of the progressives’ ability to manipulate truth and create havoc, but one that's very important right now . . . we can use it as a good example of how they work and of what Bush did wrong . . . .

Today, Attorney General Eric Holder and the Obama Department of Justice, under Obama’s appointee Deputy Attorney General Julie Fernandez, is perhaps the most dangerous organization in the government. Without belaboring the point they might steal the 2010 and 2012 elections. For example, the dropping of the already won case of voter intimidation against the New Black Panthers actions in November, 2008 in Philadelphia; the oral order from Fernandez to a roomful of DOJ employees not to prosecute cases where the victims are White and the perpetrators Black; and worst of all, instructions from Fernandez that the DOJ “had no interest in allegations of Motor Voter Law improprieties because that’ll just reduce turnout.” Tie all that into ACORN’s activities and you see we could have a problem at the voting booths. Let’s talk about Bush’s problem . . . .

A surprising example of the impotence of the Bush Administration arose with the dismissal of a bunch of U.S. Attorneys. An immediate, prolonged and vociferous attack on the Administration was mounted by the leftist Democrats. It was also a totally-fabricated and phony “scandal” which the Bush Administration met with a whiny half-hearted defense, cowardly backtracking and concessions instead of forthrightly counter-attacking with full exposure of the underlying lies. Bottom line, the Bush DOJ was immaculate compared to today’s Kangaroo operation under Obama. Let’s refresh your memory . . . .

First of all, the DOJ has the legitimate power and authority to dismiss U.S. Attorneys at any time for any reasonable cause . . . or even without cause. There is no civil servant U.S. Attorney class who got their on merit by passing an exam. They are a part of the executive branch and are assigned by the Attorney General to work prosecuting different areas as the Administration in power sees fit. And what exactly did the EMPLOYEES in question do that caused them to be removed? They all pulled Julie Fernandez-like incompetencies! That’s right it seems they all deliberately went light on prosecuting or even pursuing voter fraud cases. They were removed and replaced with attorneys that the DOJ assigned to vigorously prosecute the voter fraud statutes, such as they are (conservatives in 1993 called Clinton’s Motor Voter Act a “license for voter fraud”). A President has the right without qualms to remove any person who serves at his pleasure. Can a president be unethical in doing so? Of course, think of Richard Nixon and his attorneys general and special prosecutors. Was that the case in Bush’s firings? Not on your life. And, like namby-pamby teddy bears the Administration hemmed and hawed like school boys caught with a Playboy hidden in their history text.

Conservatives, Libertarians (like Ol’ Rajjpuut) and Independents have been

very unhappy campers in this country for quite awhile, most of the time they

find themselves voting Republican and biting their tongues or voting for an

ineffectual 3rd Party. The Republican Party has not stood by their promise of

fiscal conservativism and Constitutional conservativism for the most part and when they actually did, they’ve proven virtually gutless in the process.

Why Bush, Rove, AG Gonzalez, etc. didn’t take the moral high ground and on a case by case basis expose the crucial type of cases these attorneys were refusing to prosecute is anybody’s guess . . . but it amounted to INCOMPETENCE. Truth is not enough. TRUTH NEEDS TO BE MADE OBVIOUS AND TO BE DEFENDED VIGOROUSLY! Hopefully, today’s conservatives have the stomach to do the hard work for as long as it takes until our nation is once again free.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


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Author: Brian D. Hill

Source: USWGO Alternative News

Note: Don't use the term piracy Obama for non commercial file sharing of copyrighted files because that is a misuse of legal terms. Piracyis when you rob boats and non commercial file sharing is when peopleshare files to one another. Is that simple for you Bushama?

This is what I support politically about non commercial file sharing:

  1. I support the legalization of non commercial file sharing
  2. I support the end of Product Activation or legal rights to use activation workarounds for those that legally purchased the softwareand/or operating systems
  3. I support The Pirate Bay and other BitTorrent sites that are going against the corporate monopoly the RIAA and MPAA has over the musicindustry and movies.
  4. I also support that companies need to treat their paying customers with more respect and stop forcing them to get permission to usesoftware they already paid for. Just do something such as if it'spirated then no tech support then that will force those that need helpfrom the company to legally purchase the software and get tech supportand thats money worth spending.
  5. I will never purchase anything from Microsoft again until they remove Product Activation from all of their products, and Linux couldsound nice.
  6. I will never purchase any product that has product activation or forced Internet access install. When I pay for software I expect I willbe able to keep using it until it becomes totally obsolete. I will onlyuse operating systems without product activation.
  7. I also support that older versions of Windows should be released under Public Domain such as DOS, Windows 3.1, and Windows 95.
  8. I also will support the artists I enjoy listening to but I won't ever purchase music with digital protections on it because it violatesmy rights to reverse the audio data (Heck it could have subliminalmessaging which is illegal for advertisers) and it will violate myrights to put music I pay for on CD Players.

It made me feel as though Obama doesn't care about the oil spill victims when Barack Obama was setting a plan just like George W. Bushto crackdownon piracy which means more control of our own private lives. I amfor The Pirate Bay staying afloat and I am also for a File sharingsupporting political Party which thinks non commercial digitaldownloading and sharing should be allowed and totally legal and thatcommercial piracy and bootlegging should be punished under law.

Even if I dislike Michael Moore and his socialist views I do agree that sharing should be allowed as long as you don't make a profit out ofit and if The RIAA is losing money it has nothing to do with filesharing. The true reason the RIAA and MPAA is dying is because they keepforcing people to pay for the same movies and music in differentformats such as video tape (Tape cassette), then DVD (CD), then blu ray(WMA DRM), and then whats next. The economy is in bad shape and we justhad a oil spill and now all of the sudden Barack Obama has the nerveto say lets crackdown on piracy. Right now file sharing is not whatObama should be foscusing on right now he should be focusing every dayon the Oil Spill till it's disappeared.

I support The Pirate Bay now why? Because you have more freedom, independent (aka Indie) artists can finally havea network to publish their creations on, and a lot of times anymorewhen you legally pay for software you cannot use it without someforeign telephone assistants permission (Darn I hate calling into thoseand foreign tech supports suck most of the time and don't understandmuch of what you are saying and they make us get permission to usesoftware with these people). I think Activation workarounds should belegal because Activation is a pain for those that legally purchased acopy of any software or operating system plus their tech supportdoesn't care about you purchasing their software. The fact of thematter is once your treated like a criminal you have to repurchaseanother copy of the software and/or operating system. That is why Ithink activation workarounds should be legal and non commercial sharingshould also be legal is because if people like the software and canafford it they will buy the software but if they cannot afford it theyshouldn't be forced to pay hundreds of dollars. Also for those who havepaid for software I don't want to call in to Microsoft or any company,I just want to use the software and/or operating system because I paidfor it and they don't do this for Laptops that have preinstalledsystems, and they don't do this for TVs when we buy it they don't makeus activate our TV Sets.

Can you imagine being forced to activate your Music CD? Could you imagine being forced to get permission from the government anytime youput music on your MP3 Player?

As long as people don't make money off of software and operating system sharing I think it is OK and not a crime. If we start makingsharing copyright contents a crime it may even land poltical activistsin jail as well because some show news videos from corporate mediaoutlets and others may show parts of a documentary and if a crackdown onpiracy happens then this can also lead to political prisoners,activists being arrested for showing copyrighted content to make apoint. I know that's under Fair Use but even those exceptions havelimitations and the Obama Administration will look for loopholes toarrest activists and take away their fair use exception.

So Mr. Obama will you stop doing the same thing Bush did? Will you stop blaming non commercial file sharing and activation workarounds forthe economy and start trying to fix America like you promised when youwere a Candidate and drive out the illegal immigrants? Obama will youstart repealing NAFTA trade agreement and put a stop to GAT? Of courseyou won't you rather go after innocent customers who has decided theyrather find a way to avoid activating their copies then activate thembecause activation is annoying and makes the product you pay for totallyworthless and many advocates against Product Activation agree.

Micirosoft why don't you just stop product activation then maybe piracy will crackdown by itself!

I support the pirate bay and will add them to my list of links because they have helped the Indie community and made people more freesince they can work around product activation people can be more freeand not a slave to Microsoft and other companies strict licensingnightmares.

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I Support The Pirate bay

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