obama (1463)

James Gencarelli



Dear Friends, Neighbors and Fellow Citizens of the Great State of New Jersey.


It is the time for [A]LL to come together to petition vigorously our Politicians to become answerable to the people, not only to the affluent and the omnipotent [who gets them elected] but to all . [We the People] who elect them and put our trust and confidence into their capacity as our elected representatives must stand for our welfare and interests . We want Representatives with Accountability and Intelligence,responsive to the needs of the People.  Voters afford their elected officials trust and confidence by electing them to office.  In turn, they must be obligated to do their utmost and foremost best for their constituent's legitimate needs .

The State of New Jersey Faces Numerous Obstacles , TODAY !!!!

1. Education: Conforming the cost of education for the average person, permitting every student the opportunity to pursue their goals in life , coexisting with the American dream.

2. Transportation: Roads and Public Transportation that will enhance the quality of life for all the Citizens of our State. Safekeeping the cost of public transportation to coexist with the general population needs. The commuters that journey everyday to work and add Millions of tax dollars to the State coffers.

3. Air Quality: Hard-and-fast air-water quality control laws [over what the Federal Government requires], and then coming generations will not condemn us for degrading the environment.

4. Taxes: Increase Taxes and [less infrastructure betterment ] that is presently what is flowing from the Government. Our State Government must be more accountable before “raising taxes”, i.e. State, Property, and Sales Tax. Taxation with [False Representation ] seems to be the road that our government has taken.

My Campaign hopefully will provoke all those who are concerned about improving and ameliorating our State Government to better serve the people. Please join me in the struggle to passing Bills and Laws that will serve the needs of all the people.  Representing the Citizens of this District and State will be an honor and privilege , with all the fortitude, spirit and grit that one can muster to bring about affirmative change in the government . And last but not least : Immigration

Immigration: Justice to all people of the world. Believing that Migration Laws must be the same that past generations had to abide with in order to become American Citizens . No less , No more , But equal , the qualifications need to be rightful, in order to insure the quality of life in America for everyone.

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Socialism vs. Racism

Socialism vs. Racism

 A young black kid asks his mother, "Mama, what is Socialism and what is Racism?"

 "Well, Child ... Socialism is when white folks work every day so we can get all our stuff free like free cell phones for each family member, rent subsidy, food stamps, EBT, WIC, free school lunch, free healthcare, utility subsidy, and on and on, ... you know.  That's Socialism ".

 "But mama, don't the white people get pissed off about that?

 "Sure they do honey and that's called Racism."

….(Never more simply explained


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Michael Brown

Attached is a video taken from a cell phone, showing how https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=826135017409439&set=vb.100000388463799&type=2&theater.....(yes, the one and the same)....treats a senior black male. This 300 lb. young boy (that's what media calls him) is the same Michael Brown that attempted to take a gun away from a police officer and paid with his life. Here is the fellow that all of the riots are about. Videos don't lie. You will not see this in the media.

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Al Shaton is Funded by Who ?

Comcast, NBCUniversal, MSNBC and (NAN) Fund all of Al Sharpton's Racist Ventures. I for one Don't have Comcast and don't watch MSNBC but who ever does is helping Al Sharpton get a healthy paycheck. I will never watch anything that comes out NBCUniversal. Who ever watches these programs is funding Al Sharpton and we can't forget Walmart. I spend a minimum of $5,000.00 a year at Walmart and I choose to get a little less at a local Grocery Store and will not go to Walmart if it's the last Store on Earth. It makes me feel we are all Accessories to Al Sharpton's Criminal Acts. Now we know why Sharpton is doing the back stroke, he's more worried about his paycheck. He's trying to make everyone think he's sorry MY ASS.

(Click here) Al Sharpton's Funders (WOW)


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The Obama's are both liars and both are not true Americans. They stand for Law Breakers, Period! The Obama's will go down in History as Brainless Thugs with no real purpose in the real World. Obama had the chance to be one of the best Presidents and made everyone believe his white side. If you all remember right WHEN he campaigned for the Presidency he made sure everyone knew he was half white. Now that he is President he has not brought up he's half white anymore and chose to lead America with his Uneducated Racial Black side. The only reason I say this is when all the scandals where piling up he got Sharpton and Holder together and decided to play the Ferguson Race card Nationwide to take the pressure of his lies and scandals off his back and what better way to do it then play the old Race Card Trick. I'm really surprised the American public haven't figured out his Bullsh_t yet again. Who's the real Racist here ? Americans are thinking he's a smart Man. He will never ever be a real man. A President that
loves his Country will bring Americans together and all he has completed is to divide us to keep our eye's off the real problem that he is a failure as a man and a President. Even Martin Luther King Jr. would go for Impeachment. Martin Luther King Jr. summed it up with a Quote that even the Obama's, Holder and Sharpton can't escape.
4064030663?profile=originalObama is a professional liar and we all know that's a fact. A liar never changes it's spots, he just changes the lies. It makes him feel like a man. Do we all get it yet ? Forget about Obama being President for a moment, he is a failure as a man. A real man will admit when he is wrong and not only try to make it right, he will make it Right. Now we can go back to Obama being President. Figure it out yet ? A President of all People should have Great Character. It's to bad his Character that sticks out is lying. Definition of Character: The combination of qualities or features that distinguishes one person, in his case lying. He's in the Christmas spirit though, it's the lies that keep giving to non Americans. Merry Christmas America, you idiots should be proud.

Contact your Senator's and your Congressman/woman and tell them NO on Funding Executive Amnesty. Click on your State and get all Washington Phone Numbers and Emails to your State Senator's and all your State Congressman/woman. Please Contact them for your Families Future. American Lives, American Jobs and America's Future Depends on Americans taking action against Emperor Obama and his disregard for our Constitution and the Laws of the United States of America. He has proven to all Americans and the World that he's not a Man that should be sitting in the Chair over looking the World. Obama's motto is "Fake it till you make it". He didn't make it folks, He is the last person in the World that should be sitting in the White House. Obama has made a Fool of all of us long enough. It's time to Act and make your Voice Heard !  

(Click here) All Emails and Phone numbers to all Senators and All Congressman/Woman in all 50 States


(Click here) Tea Party Impeach Obama Petition


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Imagine that your business is like your child. Not a big stretch, is it?  What if your child were extremely ill and in need of a special procedure to save her?  You have the option of choosing a pediatrician unknown to you but are assured that he is able to perform the procedure and will do it for a lesser price, as he is not a specialist; or you may choose a seasoned surgeon who has performed the required procedure successfully thousands of times. Of course, his services will cost a bit more, but you will have the peace of mind knowing that your child is in the best, most experienced hands.

 When you choose the specialist to save your child, the tried and true option, would you be concerned that some might call you prejudice against pediatricians?  I seriously doubt it. Would you even hear them?  I rather think your focus would be on the health and continuing life of your child; which is right where your attention and concern should be.

Now, change the metaphor. Your child is your business. The pediatrician is an illegal alien, the newest recipient of amnesty, and the specialist is an established American citizen. Now that President Obama has flexed his Executive Order muscle, he wants to cram the new “pediatric work force” down your throats. Or, to put it more nicely, he expects you to jump at the chance to hire cheaper workers and ignore our American people who are in desperate need of work; those who honor our country and its laws, and want to work to improve their lives and keep our country strong. 

He certainly has set a good (?) stage for you: Obamacare has become intrusive in your business decisions, the EPA is hampering growth, and taxes are prohibitive. Add to that the progressives’ widespread attitude, their incessant name-calling and finger-pointing at those who don’t readily accept the President’s demands. In addition, we are now dealing with an incendiary condition in the racial/social justice arena where nerves are raw and the White House is fanning the flames via Al Sharpton and Eric Holder.

For those of you who DID build your company, I implore you to follow the American Dream by hiring (LEGAL) American. Initially it may cut into your bottom line just a bit, but you will be contributing to the strength of our way of life as well as preserving our God-given right to pursue our happiness. You are now in control of your destiny, as you have always been. To the extent you are able, ignore the “discrimination” slings and arrows you will suffer from the current administration; resist the “hire-an-immigrant-incentives” that inevitably will be waved under your nose.

You may not wear camouflage to work, but have no doubt that you are now our homeland’s front line of defense in America’s fight to survive. We consumers will be here to support you.

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By Oscar Y. Harward

After massive loses in the November General Elections, the Democrat Party is searching; anything to stop their hemorrhaging.

Ferguson, Missouri’s Michael Brown was a criminal.  President Obama, AG Holder, Missouri Governor Nixon, Al Sharpton, and other Democrat Party members are labeling racism as any differing action(s) between individuals involving any dissimilar skin of color.

Evidence reveals Michael Brown as a repetitive criminal.  Ferguson’s own community and others protested Brown’s death by rioting, vandalizing, looting, and burning their neighborhood.  Now, President Obama is asking Americans’ taxpayers to rebuild this devastated area.

Eric Garner refused to obey NYPD officers.  In controlling Garner, he told the officers he could not breathe; then died.  A NY grand jury didn’t indict Officer Pantaleo of any wrongdoing.  Many leading Democrats disagree.

Any effort to rescind the ‘grand jury’ process is another effort to destroy our US Constitution.

Demonstrators across America under Obama’s advisor, tax-evading Al Sharpton and others claim Michael Brown’s and Eric Garner’s deaths are racism.

Now, Senate California’s Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein is revealing how CIA uses approved tactical methods obtaining evidence from captured known terrorists; as practiced in their efforts to save Americans’ lives.                                                             

The Democrat Party suffered historical loses in the November 2014 General Election; the Senate, the House, several Governors, and in some states’ General Assemblies.  Sen. Dianne Feinstein and other similar Democrat Party’s activities may destroy their own Democrat Party, the CIA’s international intelligence, and a free America.

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By Oscar Y. Harward

When will Capitol Hill Republican Party’s leaders see and/or hear the November 2014 election messages. The first message in the 2014 election season and ignored by the GOP leadership was the defeat by Virginian Republicans to retire one of the top GOP leaders on Capitol Hill. 

A few other wins with Conservative TEA Party Republican Party defeats followed; however, many other mainstream Republicans may have been defeated and Conservative TEA Party Republican Party candidates elected had Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Speaker John Boehner stayed out of the local GOP ‘Primary’ Elections with their own Political Action Committee (PAC) money.

Local Republicans must be allowed to make their own preference selections in ‘primaries’.  Capitol Hill leaders may endorse their choices; however, national leaders should not, otherwise, get involved unless there is a reason involving a candidate embarrassment.

Conservative TEA Party Republican candidates were in full support of ‘repeal ObamaCare, get government out of our lives allowing entrepreneurs to create jobs in the private sector, stop-the-spending, and stop illegal immigration’; issues all supported by a majority of Republicans and Conservative TEA party Republican candidates.

Prior to the November Election, President Obama said, "I am not on the ballot this fall…. But make no mistake: these policies are on the ballot, every single one of them."

GOP ‘wins’ in the November General Elections results were based more on ‘defeating’ President Obama, his political policies, and his out-of-the-stream radicalism rather than based on Capitol Hill mainstream Republicans leadership proposals.

Will Republicans’  leadership listen now or will they take their own course?  The true message in the General Election is clear; ‘Repeal ObamaCare, get governments out of our lives allowing entrepreneurs to create jobs in the private sector, stop-the-spending, and stop illegal immigration’; issues all supported by a majority of Republicans and Conservative TEA party Republican candidates.

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Speaker Boehner is not a Conservative


By Oscar Y. Harward


How about introducing legislation as our Honorable Senator Jesse Helms and a few others in the past followed to reduce and/or eliminate laws as reducing our National debt.  Liberal Democrats nicknamed Sen. Helms as ‘Senator No’ because of his effort to stop-the-spending.


A major problem with our elected officials on Capitol Hill and across America is for efforts to originate and support more legislations so as they may return home and announce their legislation; regardless of the cost to the American taxpayers and/or adding more deficit spending.  Legislators wish to have programs, buildings, highways, etc. approved and named after them; all costing the taxpayers’ money.


While listening to Capitol Hill hearings on ‘Immigration’ and other political conversations outside of official hearings, it is nauseating and infuriating as to how we see and hear Capitol Hill Democrats, Republicans In Name Only (RINO) Republicans, and our Capitol Hill GOP leadership remaining silent on supporting ‘illegal’ immigration regardless of the messages of the November 2014 General Elections.


Democrats support the continuation of ‘illegal’ immigration while RINO Republicans and our Capitol Hill GOP leadership appears their desire to change our ‘immigration’ laws, only to allow more immigration leading to Amnesty.


Remember the Gang of Eight!  http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/09/03/Border-Patrol-Agents-Don-t-Pass-Gang-of-Eight-Immigration-Bill


More than 50% of ‘illegal’ immigrants are currently living off a bloating government on taxpayers’ money for food, housing, education, and healthcare, etc. 


Most Democrats praise President Obama, AG Eric Holder, and others in the Obama While House.  Earlier, several RINO Republicans, and specifically 2016 Presidential candidates, supported ‘Illegal’ immigration; however, most have softly reversed their previous political positions on ‘illegal’ immigration as the political polls have proven in the November Elections all across America prove how a majority of Americans ‘OPPOSE’ illegal immigration.

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Obama Punishes America

What could go wrong with opening the border for anyone to cross into the U.S. with no medical exam and no restrictions on criminal backgrounds. Next, broadcast to the world that you will take care of all their needs and allow them free movement.  Tell all of them that Obama loves them and will protect them from the mean Tea Party in America.  While making these promises, take tax money paid in from those same Tea Party and no amnesty taxpayers and give it to the new illegals.

Next, the government will give them all driver's licenses and  I.D.s and permission to work and get all the free medical care and food stamps that they can use. Americans are the enemy, so their money will be taken and they will have to pay high premiums for their insurance.  Also, many Americans will be dismissed from the military because they are not the proper race. The idea seems to be:  invite all the the new illegals to join the military so there will be a grateful personal army to keep Americans in line,  Some of them might decide they want to keep some of their money.

This sounds like a  movie plot. Wait, some Americans want to keep their guns for protection from criminals. No problem, get the communist U.N. to take away American guns and sovereignty by invitation. Some people might want body armor and protection from diseases like Ebola and terrorist attacks. To take care of these people, just pass unilateral laws against self-preservation. The MSM will help by talking about being progressive and wanting to issue in the "new world order." This will make papa George Soros so proud. Always obey Valerie Jarrett lest you get on her bad list.  If the so-called president does all these things, he will surely get an "at-a-boy" from his communist friends and big George. The only thing missing from his agenda is giving a damn about Americans.

The biggest mystery here is why the citizens, the military, and the congress stand by and let all of this happen. Could it be that this generation is so uneducated about American history that they are unaware of what is happening? Have people taken their freedoms so lightly that they can't imagine what it would be like to lose them?

It is not unusual for young people to be consumed with starting an adult life and going to school. They are distracted from events in the political realm.  This is not a generation that can so freely ignore what is happening in D.C.  Their lives are being impacted daily by unilateral decisions from the White House and by the consent of the congress to allow illegal actions such as executive orders to be issued with no consequence. As a senior citizen, I will do all I can to fight this tyranny, but the next generation will need to be aware and help with this fight. Otherwise,their hope to be part of a free nation that is the jewel of the world will be jeopardized. The nation which attracts all people who wish for opportunity and freedom will cease to exist.. Many lives were sacrificed to preserve our freedom.  Let's help to make sure that it hasn't been in vain.

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Please contact me fellows Tea  Party Members. We like to get together with members who can help us put together  a forum [with guest speakers  from our local Universities]  for an evening + a month on each of the Amendments to the Bill of Rights and the foundation that  it was constructed from; See; the [Magna Carta]. The U.S. Supreme Court  has diluted  some of those "rights" , but, the States [some] have enhanced them [see ; Federalist Papers ,Hamilton, #33] Yes!!!, Our States have the legal Constitutional  right to construct in our favor and enhance our protection from Government Intrusion and  magnify[in the citizens favor ] any of the 10 Amendments of the Bill of Rights. The fact is: Our Bill of Rights our mostly derived from State Constitutions  [preceding ] the U.S. adoption of , " Bill of Rights ".

[ The great charter]. This June 2015 is the 800 Anniversary of that Charter. E mail me direct at jimmygencarelli@gmail.com or call me at 201.242.9425

A Healthy and Happy Thanksgiving to All.


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By Oscar Y. Harward


Americans are awakening to sadness and anger this morning.  St. Louis County, MO Grand Jury failed to Indict Jefferson, MO police officer Darren Wilson in the death of Michael Brown.


The rioting, vandalizing, looting, and burning that started in August and continued into the night of November 24 is not about racism, but all about terrorism and criminality.


Tax-cheater Al Sharpton, and it appears supported by Obama’s Department of Injustice, Eric Holder, originated and instigates terror and criminality.


Yes, it now appears President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder may be depending on tax-cheater Al Sharpton as a new community organizer with ISIS supported terrorism as we see in the Middle East and North Africa, then transferred into the USA.


President Obama and his administration, with the support of many Capitol Hill Democrats are now reviving the ugly face of racism, from the1960’s and earlier years of our nation. 


Blaming racism for criminality will not work.  Americans are smarter.  President Obama, Eric Holder, Capitol Hill Democrats, and the Main-stream Medias are failing America.  Americans are seeing the illumination as more Democrats move closer to GOP principles.

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Obama's Ferguson hypocrisy


This is Maj. Gen. Harold Greene. He Is Highest Ranking Soldier Killed Since Vietnam. He was killed in Afghanistan by an Afghan soldier.

Do you remember President Obama giving a press conference about his death?

Do you remember him sending Eric Holder over to investigate how he was killed and whether there were any racial tones?

Do you recall him sending representatives to his funeral to show respect?

The answer to all these questions is no. There was no mention of his death, there was no investigation and there was no representative at his funeral.

Shame on this President, using this tragedy as an opportunity to tug at the emotions of people who no longer have confidence in his leadership.

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It amazes me that everyone wants to dismiss the fact that Michael Brown, robbed a convenience store and attacked a police officer, prior to being killed. 

Once again the black community turns a blind eye to the real issues that affect the very lives of our youths. Black on black crime is an epidemic in the black communities. Thousands of black children are brutally killed every year, yet we do not see the Al Sharpton's or Jessie Jackson's, protest their deaths. We do not see the president proclaiming that their lives would reflect the life of his son, if he had one. We do not see Eric Holder demanding answers. 

The black community needs to stop with the excuses and victimization. Stop allowing antagonist to come into their community to promote their agenda. 

It is time to acknowledge the real issues that are hurting black communities; High crime rates, High unemployment, abortions being used as contraceptives, and high drop out rates. 

keeping your heads in the sand until an unfortunate event happens, is no way of living. Stop letting the streets raise your kids. Demand accountability in your neighborhoods. 

If the black community doesn't wake up and face reality, they will realize they are extinct, just like the dinosaurs

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I am eager to meet and greet all who can help me [ and helping them in return] in assisting me next Nov, for my run in the 37th District NJ for State Rep. Last week at the Teaneck meeting I heard the story of that young man [Brian Aitken] that was arrested for having registed guns in the trunk of his car. Well, what Mr. Aitken, should have communicated to the Police Officer that , he would be willing to open his trunk , without a warrant , But, Thomas,would be very sad and maybe angry if he did that , and also maybe John and James . And I would not want to see tears in their eyes. And when the Police Officer asked, " who is Thomas , James and "this John" ?. Well , I would have said, Mr. Jefferson, Mr. Adam and Mr Madison. You see Officer, Thousands of "young" men and women shed their Red American blood , so we would be able to have a "Bill of Rights".See Officer, Its not me that is refusing you to open my trunk [without a warrant] its our Founding Fathers, asking me from the great beyond to deny you that intrusive illegal request , without a warrant. Furthermore, I will wait anywhere you wish, here , in Jail, until you get that warrant ..... From my study of the legal system, the Officer had no "standing" to get a warrant, and if he did , the evidence, ( the legal guns in trunk) would have been suppressed, the fruit of the poison tree. So Please, fellow Tea Party Members, don't let the Government , State /Federal/ Municipal step on our Rights , if you are in doubt , put the blame on the "Founding Fathers" and say NO!!!!! to any [UNCONSTITUTIONAL] Intrusion by Government officials.


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I am eager to meet and greet all who can help me [ and helping them in return] in assisting me next Nov, for my run in the 37th District NJ for State Rep. Last week at the Teaneck meeting I heard the story of that young man [Brian Aitken] that was arrested for having registed guns in the trunk of his car. Well, what Mr. Aitken, should have communicated to the Police Officer that , he would be willing to open his trunk , without a warrant , But, Thomas,would be very sad and maybe angry if he did that , and also maybe John and James . And I would not want to see tears in their eyes. And when the Police Officer asked, " who is Thomas , James and "this John" ?. Well , I would have said, Mr. Jefferson, Mr. Adam and Mr Madison. You see Officer, Thousands of "young" men and women shed their Red American blood , so we would be able to have a "Bill of Rights".See Officer, Its not me that is refusing you to open my trunk [without a warrant] its our Founding Fathers, asking me from the great beyond to deny you that intrusive illegal request , without a warrant. Furthermore, I will wait anywhere you wish, here , in Jail, until you get that warrant ..... From my study of the legal system, the Officer had no "standing" to get a warrant, and if he did , the evidence, ( the legal guns in trunk) would have been suppressed, the fruit of the poison tree. So Please, fellow Tea Party Members, don't let the Government , State /Federal/ Municipal step on our Rights , if you are in doubt , put the blame on the "Founding Fathers" and say NO!!!!! to any [UNCONSTITUTIONAL] Intrusion by Government officials.


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Obama: Black people accept amnesty, Stupid!

4064006738?profile=originalYesterday during an interview, I was asked about the events in Ferguson, MO, When I answered, a caller who identified himself as being an "African American" asked me how a black man could deny the fact that this was injustice. He pointed out that for years, "black people have been suffering at the hands of 'dirty cops' and the all-white government of Ferguson."

I responded by asking him about the high crime rate and unemployment in the neighborhood. He didn't think it mattered. Then I asked him if he lived in Ferguson, he replied "yes." I asked him if he applied to become a police officer or ran for any local government positions. Get ready for it, He was unable to, because he has prior drug convictions and a felony, he was reluctant to reveal. He also told me he was 24 years old and unemployed.

How is the black community going to receive justice, if all they have is a JUST US attitude? They want to overlook the obvious and rally around the so-called injustice.

Why not rally around the fact that;

Black on black crime, is the number-one killer of black children in our communities.

Black communities have the highest crime rates in the country.

The prisons are full of black men.

Many black people, self segregate themselves.

50 percent of black men do not have an education over a high school diploma.

Unemployment for black men is double the true national average.

Abortion is being used as contraception in the black communities.

Black families receive more government assistance than any other ethnic group in the country.

The black communities and their so-called leaders, turn a blind eye to what is really happening to destroy the very fabric of what we would call life.

The old argument of being oppressed and not having a fair opportunity is null and void. We have people like Barack Hussein Obama and Eric Holder, who have convinced black people that they should be treated "special" but not equal.

What would the real civil rights leaders who fought for equal rights, think about that?

Its time the black communities and their leaders wake up and rally around the real issues that have kept them down for years. Demand accountability within the community, not excuses. Excuses are nothing but shackles that keep you bound.

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It is proven that amnesty will hurt not only the black community but the middle class and lower income community throughout the country. The President knows this, and the Democrats know this. Do you think they care? 

I will answer that question for you with a resounding; Hell no! And I can prove it. It is being reported today that the President's staff has drafted an amnesty bill that will be executed under an executive order. In the bill, he is ordering 500,000 technical jobs to be awarded to immigrants through the State Departments visa program. 

Unemployment for Americans is around nine percent. Unemployment for the black community is around 18 percent, yet the President wants to award jobs to people who enter this country illegally. 

People, wake up! There is a reason this administration believes, " the American people are stupid" 4064005893?profile=original

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