pelosi (31)

“If all you have is a hammer, the whole world starts to look like a nail. If all you have is ‘race-card guilt' from the era of slavery in the south, you spend an awful lot of time making senseless and false accusations of racism.” Rajjpuut

Pelosi’s “Swamp-Draining”

Has Racist Motives According to CBC

As Congress returns from break, in a refreshing change of pace America has learned that Black claims of racism can be aimed at liberal-Democrats too. Nevertheless, many Democrats are still blaming their present intramural infighting on GASP! the evil TEA Party and Republicans and other Conservatives, go figure . . . Anyway, accordingly the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), which has been condemning the enforcement of ethics rules as racist since Charlie Rangel was caught with all thirteen hands in thirteen different cookie jars, is now painting the Democratic Party which controls the ethics committee and all of the committees in both the House and Senate as unfriendly folks with a rope and, say, is that a burning cross in the background? Since the Democrats run the House, Black voters who hear the word “lynching” presumably have figured out that the lynchers in this instance are Democrats and the lynchees . . . well, hell, the lynchees are always Democrats.

As Maxine Waters, like Rangel squeals like an incensed pork-barreller and conflicter of interest, the CBC has stated that these trials “look like more than just coincidence”(implying that racism must be behind any and all investigation of any and all members of the Congressional Black Caucus) . . . interesting, no, Rajjpuut suggests that trials are not about appearances but rather about substance as Nancy Pelosi seeks to run the most ethical congress in history (Wake up, Nancy, you lost that battle about fifteen months ago!).

This is the first time in his personal history that Rajjpuut actually feels that Nancy Pelosi is on the right side of any issue. You see, Waters and Rangel both independently chose to “refer their cases” to the Ethics Committee. So had did this pretty little situation arise? The facts revealed so far suggest that both Waters and Rangel overstepped Congressional Ethics badly. Then rather than taking care of the issues in question directly and possibly receiving a meaningless Congressional “censure” both of them played the reverse racism card on Pelosi and are getting burned for it. They apparently took a chance that Pelosi would not risk the spectacle of the Democratic Party taking Black congressmen to trial. How’s that working out for you, Chuck? Maxie?

If all you have is a hammer, the whole world starts to look like a nail. If all you have is ‘race-card guilt' from the era of slavery in the south, you spend an awful lot of time making senseless and false accusations of racism. The embarrassment that the Congressional Black Caucus must be feeling now is palpable. Instead of a slap on the wrist, two of its most important members in their two most important states New York and California will now face a full and nationally-televised trial to rebut the charges against them. And, if found guilty as it appears they must be, loss of their seats is quite likely, possibly even imprisonment.

But, of course, some Dems are actually blaming the TEA Party for this bickering between Democrats. Jim Clyburn the House Whip and a Democratic Representative from South Carolina said that both Waters and Rangel have rights to a trial but said the real problem was not the ethics issues, but rather that TEA Party people “are making this a racial thing!” WOW! There has NOT been one peep out of anybody except Waters, Clyburn, Rangel and the CBC about race at all . . . oh, by the way, Clyburn is a Black and a member of the CBC, yet Clyburn insists that “Those TEA baggers never hesitate to racialize everything.” The TEA Party doesn’t control the House; Conservatives don’t control the House; Republicans + TEA Party members don’t control the house, the Democrats do.

Waters, facing only one conflict of interest charge but a very serious one, is just as adamant that the charges against her are racially-based. The Ethics Committee was compared to a “lynching,” not by the TEA Party but by the CBC, Rangel and Waters. Rangel in particular in this three-year long scandal surrounding him has continually blamed “anti-Black bias” and “anti-Black scrutiny” for his many troubles. Chaka Fattah, a Dem from Pennsylvania and member of the CBC called the investigations into Rangel and Waters “witch hunting” and said that “the Ethics Committee is going after us” presumably meaning attacking members of the CBC because those evil Ethics Committee Members are all racists and presumably closet TEA Partiers? It’s all so very confusing, you won’t be able to identify the racists without a scorecard. Rajjpuut believes somebody is getting hoisted with their own petard and goosed by their own gander . . . .

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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A Mortal Wound for America and Americans?

The worst has happened . . . the 10th Amendment, the most important and unappreciated of our Bill of Rights, may have just been beheaded and America as we know it KILLED. Does Rajjpuut exaggerate? You be the judge . . . .

While Boobus Americanus could NOT be bothered to leave his sitcoms and reality shows and pay attention to the needs of America, the Obama to Pelosi to Reid dance with the devil just fired potentially the final shot of the WAR going on right in front of Boobus Americanus’s eyes and potentially won that war to institute a communist-like socialism upon America. Here’s what happened:

Patriotic and informed Americans thought we had at least a month to relax because the tax-and-spend-and-bend-and-urinate-on-the-Constitution-and American-tradition-parade was ended while congress went on summer vacation. But no, suddenly, Harry Reid found himself voluminously and astoundedly thanking the two Maine** Republicans Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins for betraying you, betraying the Constitution and our founding fathers and betraying America . . . for betraying America, perhaps to death . . . . it’s a short story but extremely ugly. Miraculously (ugh) a $26 Billion spending bill was passed in the Senate. If you ever thought that progressives (“we must progress beyond the outdated and imperfect U.S. Constitution”) were just “well-intentioned” blundering idiots who really did love America the Republic born in 1776, think again. This bill, sent back to the House (once Pelosi rallied the troops back from their vacations) for quick approval and back even more quickly to the Senate (officially, only the House can originate spending bills) before heading to Obama’s desk . . . does three despicable things:

1) It raises a minimum of $45 million dollars for unions to immediately bring to the rescue of Democrats running for office this November. Nifty how that works out, eh, your tax dollars and your DEBT are financing the election of Democrats who’ve spent the last nineteen months undermining everything patriotic Americans have believed in for the last 234 years . . . but that’s just the tip of the icing on the cake to mangle a few appropriate metaphors . . . .

2) It does potentially provide some money for a very few teachers etc. that would have lost their jobs in 47 states (IF state governments decided they’d rather fire essential workers than get rid of non-essential wasteful spending in their budgets). Mostly it’s a bailout for California, Michigan and New York so that their fiscal stupidity won’t be punished and the other 47 states will be punished instead. So it rewards three states that ran themselves into bankruptcy and penalizes 47 other states . . . but that’s not so bad . . . .

3) Most importantly, it does indeed potentially behead the 10th Amendment of the United States by FORCING all fifty states to act irresponsibly and against the best interests of themselves and their citizens for the next several years and instead willing bankrupt themselves, because . . . here’s the rub . . . states who take part of this new bailout money will be forbidden by the provisions of the $26 Billion bailout bill itself from reducing their state budgets in coming years . . . that is, they will be forbidden from saving themselves from bankruptcy by the sensible measure of reducing spending.

Now Boobus Americanus doesn’t get it, but you, the loyal Rajjpuut reader already smell a huge rat don’t you? Economies are saved from severe financial collapse in states and at the federal level when one of two things happens: the country goes to war^^ (WWII provided 16 million jobs effectively ending$$ the Great Depression); or somebody gets the great idea of simultaneously cutting spending and cutting taxes.

History has several good examples for us of what’s works and what fails miserably. The link at the top and bottom of this blog will give you the ugly details . . . in a nutshell@@, however: When government gets involved economic downturns, turn sharply downward and endure much longer. When government gets out of the way (taxes are cut, government spending is slashed or both) economic slumps disappear.

So this bill prevents states who receive this money from acting sensibly. Why in hell, would anyone pass such a law? It’s our old friend Cloward-Piven&& Strategy.

You remember C-P, the “we can fundamentally transform into socialism by creating crises to undermine the capitalist system” strategy . . . the strategy Cloward, Piven, and George Wiley bragged about using when a manufactured welfare crisis bankrupted New York City in 1975 (it took them eight years) and almost bankrupted the entire state of New York. You remember, the strategy that created ACORN and set them about using poorly thought out mortgage guarantee legislation to undermine the country by creating the sub-prime lending crisis (that took them thirty years) that almost bankrupted the nation, but did get their own ACORN lawyer and Saul Alinsky activist Barack Obama voted into the Oval Office). And, of course, loyal Rajjpuut readers know that when the NWRO bankruptcy of New York City worked, Cloward and Piven and Wiley called for moving into housing and voter registration.

What? You forgot about voter registration? In 2006, ACORN registered 1,800 new voters in Washington state. All but six of the names submitted were bogus. The secretary of state called it the "worst case of election fraud in our state's history."

According to Fox News, “ACORN workers told state investigators they went to the Seattle public library, sat at a table and filled out the voter registration forms. They made up names, addresses and Social Security numbers and in some cases plucked names from the phone book. One worker said it was a lot of hard work making up all those names and another said he would sit at home, smoke marijuana and fill out the forms.”

ACORN explained this was an "isolated" incident, yet similar stories have been reported in Missouri, Michigan, Ohio and Colorado — all swing states by the way. ACORN members have been prosecuted for voter fraud in a number of states.

But now the Obama Department of Justice (DOJ) dropped a clear voter intimidation suit against the black panthers and Obama appointee (Deputy Attorney General) Julie Fernandez has instructed a roomful of DOJ employees not to prosecute Black on White hate crimes or voter intimidation; and not to involve themselves at all with violations of the Motor Voter Act. Are we starting to get the picture here? Let’s wrap it up.

What’s going on? The most important and least understood and appreciated of the Bill of Rights amendments, the 10th Amendment has just had its legs cut out from under it. States who take the money are forbidden from exercising fiscal responsibility. Short of almost immediately tens of thousands of Boobus Americanuses and TEA Party folks demonstrating on their own State Capitol steps demanding that their own state legislators REFUSE their part of the $26 Billion . . . short of that and short of that strategy succeeding in about 37-38 states . . . the deepest and most lethal wound so far from the progressive dagger has just been inflicted.

In addition, the most crucial election in American History since the Civil War is coming in November and the DOJ has just told its employees to ignore enforcement of the ultra-weak (yep, that was Richard Cloward and Frances Piven standing right behind Bill Clinton in the 1993 picture when he signed the Motor Voter Act into law) Motor Voter Act that conservatives in ’93 called a “license to commit voter fraud.” So your vote in November is liable to be cancelled out and superseded by votes from the dead, duplicate voters, illegal felons, and other fraudulent voters . . . are we happy now?

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** It sounds “noble” doesn’t it? Saving the jobs of teachers, firefighters, etc. (and Obama’s successfully used that ploy upon taxpayers nine different times) . . . but the devil is, as always in the details. That $26 Billion will incidentally dramatically increase the war chests of the teachers’, firefighters’, etc.’s UNIONS and that money will immediately funnel to the Democrats that UNIONS support 100% and hit the air waves to save the real jobs, Obama-Pelosi-Reid plan to save . . . those of Democratic congressmen. OUCH!

Virtually all of the misery since Republican Scott Brown’s election to the Senate seat once owned by Ted Kennedy has come from the failure of three “Republicans” (Brown himself and the two Maine senators) to actually read and understand the proposals that Harry Reid was presenting in the Senate. Instead of standing strong with the Republican filibuster, one or two or all of this threesome joined Reid to pass some monstrous-sized evil bill forcing greater government and greater debt upon us. It started with Obamacare and continued to the new $26 Billion bailout.

In each case, since February, a big-government big-debt bill whose real purpose had nothing in common with the noble-sounding name of the bill was stymied by a Republican filibuster and America was far, far better off because of it . . . and then, oops, one or more of this triumvirate caved in and the country was stabbed in the chest.

^^Yes, yes we know . . . this is the “Broken Window Fallacy” hiding under the “Blessing of Destruction” disguise . . . .

And, yes, besides all the human misery WAR brings, there is a huge economic downside, even for the victors. But the fact, is that, before you get into all the 75-80 evils of war and the 20-21 economic evils of wars . . . it does tend to solve unemployment (regardless of the litany of other evils that ensue)! Rajjpuut is guessing, Mr. Obama won’t be using that ploy anytime soon, however.

$$ There was, indeed, a speculative bubble which burst nastily, but the real damage from the simple panic that hit Wall Street in October, 1929, was created by the reactions of the two progressives Herbert Hoover and Franklin Delano Roosevelt that turned a simple recession into a 12+ year Great Depression. Months earlier Hoover immediately upon taking office had proven himself the greatest “economic tinkerer” in American History when he abandoned the low tax, low spend policies of Harding and Coolidge (he assumed office upon Harding’s death) which ended the “Invisible Depression” of Wilson very quickly and set about with social re-engineering. The economy was definitely NOT broken when Hoover became president, but he proceeded to fix it . . . .

FDR’s campaign painted Hoover as a socialist for all his government interference and government spending and promised to return to the successful recipe of Harding-Coolidge and dramatically cut taxes and cut government spending. In any case the economy was rebounding in July 1933 before FDR’s own interference set things spinning badly the other way. Among other measures, FDR created 40 new government agencies (Obamacare, one law, created 390 new agencies just this year); and he confiscated all American gold; then a few months later the gold he’d confiscated at $20.76 an ounce was proclaimed worth $35.00 an ounce, effectively stealing 61% of the America’s private wealth and putting it into the government’s hands.

@@ Some of this is repetition, but here’s the history of the last 93 years of severe American recessions-Depressions . . .

A. Progresssive Woodrow Wilson’s “Invisible Depression” was handed off to Warren G. Harding but (despite Commerce Secretary Herbert Hoover’s insistence upon draconian interference measures) simply dried up and blew away when Harding did three things, he paid down the debt 33%; he cut taxes and cut government spending. Notably the cuts in taxes and spending were between 45-49%.

B. Coolidge continued Harding’s policies and boom times resulted

C. Coolidge chose “not to run” and Hoover was elected and immediately began fixing the economy with higher taxes, higher spending and the creation of a whole litany of new government agencies. The Wall Street bubble burst, a financial panic ensued and Hoover (despite the lies of progressive historians who say he did nothing and just fiddled while the economy “burned”) ran around like a chicken with his head cut off trying to intervene in any way possible to stop the bleeding (you have heard of the Hoover Dam, eh?

D. FDR after promising to follow the Harding-Coolidge model made Hoover look like a thumbsucker and nine more years of bad times ensued ended finally by WWII.

E. In more recent times, the stock market collapse of 1973-74 was actually proving rather benign because the whole country was consumed by Watergate and almost no government interference took place. Nixon resigned and Gerald Ford introduced Draconian measures which along with the inflationary policies of the Viet Nam era caused prices to rise across the board. Ford is given the boot (more for pardoning Nixon then anything economically) and inflation got worst under Jimmy Carter (who among other things gave us the Community Reinvestment Act, CRA ’77 which started us on the path to four more mortgage-guarantee expansions and our 2007 collapse) and then much worse and became “stagflation” a stagnant economy during an inflation. Reagan is elected.

F. Reagan with the Democratic congress cuts taxes like madmen. Eventually 20 million new jobs are created and inflation and stagnation are ended. Not a pure example because Reagan wanted his military buildup and the Dems wanted their social programs buildup so spending was high . . . but taxes were cut deeply and the economy boomed.


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Note: The following items, not representing utter worship of Barack Obama, have been largely omitted from the evening news. Shame on the mainstream media . . . .
Item #1: "No administration should be the the chief investigator, judge and jury of its own actions . . ." says Senator Joseph (Joe), supposedly Independent, Lieberman has for the first time in about twenty months bucked the Democrats he caucuses with. And the Obama administration, in its turn has thumbed its nose at Independent Joe, saying they don’t want to “jeopardize an ongoing investigation” and won't share the info he's requesting. The Departments of Homeland Security and Defense have both refused to honor their subpoenas from Democratic Senator Lieberman, Acting as chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. Liebermann is charging the Obama administration and these agencies with deliberate obstruction of the congressional hearings into the Ft. Hood shootings and running a cover-up. Rajjpuut senses that it must be very difficult to prove the case against a fellow with only sixty eye witnesses. Of course, proving that case without once allowing either Army documents or testimony containing the nasty words “Muslim,” “extremist,” “jihad,” “Al Qaeda” and “Awlaki” may be more interesting. Political correctness must be served. Rajjpuut expects prompt settlement of the matter after the 2012 election.

Item #2: You remember H1Ni Flu? It seems that 70% of the vaccine created to fight the virus is about to expire UNused. Which means that a lot of money was wasted. Which also means that 80% of the people the “crucial” vaccine was supposedly of “life or death importance” for never elected to get their shots. Rajjpuut who has never received a flu shot, and never will, remembers calling this a boondoggle way back when. Well if they didn’t get their absolutely vital flu shots, and we still haven’t heard of a rash of deaths and injuries and hospital stays related to the H1N1 Flu . . . sounds like a boondoggle to anyone with ears and a brain. Now what about those complaints of disastrous H1N1 vaccine side effects; or those spray vaccines?

Item #3: If there exists a more frequently abused word in the political vernacular than “reform” Rajjpuut would like to hear it. Just as the media headlines during the Obamacare debates shouted out continually, “Republicans block health care reform”; now as we approach the merry month of May with congress debating the godawful Barack Banking and Wall Street Bill, they ring out “Republicans block Wall Street reform.” While the Republican under Bush screwed us royally with Bailout #1 and before that with Medicare Part D two incredibly massive Government Spending Boondoggles (GSBs) . . . they’ve proven, at long last they’ve earned their “fiscal-conservatives” label. Just because some Obama-worshipping cretins like Pelosi and Reid label some bill “reform” doesn’t mean it’s anything like reform. Reform takes bad situations and corrects them. Reform takes ineffective acts or, in this case laws, and makes them work. Not one item proposed and or passed by the Obama administration thus far other than the ¾- surge in Afghanistan has been an improvement of anything. To paraphrase Forest Gump, when it comes to “reform,” stupid is as Pelosi does.

Item #4: The senate denied passage today to the so-called “Financial Reform Bill” advocated by the Obama administration. The house of representatives voted to pass the more accurately described “Barack Banking Bill” by 223-202. The Democrats believe that the people are easily fooled and want this bill in the headlines till November with “Republicans Oppose Wall Street Reform” and the like. It always sounds bad to be against REFORM, never sounds good, even if it's the only thing a legislator with conscience can do. As S.I Hayakawa said in his semantics masterpiece ("Language in Thought and Action") “the word is NOT the thing.” Obama calling something “reform” is like a child molestor calling his avocation “lollipop distribution.”

Item #5: True bi-partisanship has gone completely unnoticed by both the Democrats and the riotious cacophony of the media clamoring for Cap and Trade and Obamacare and the latest Barak Banking initiatives. There was TRUE bi-partisanship with both Republicans and Democrats voting against Obamacare in the house. Both again voted together against Cap and Trade in the house and both are keeping the matter from coming to a vote in the senate. Today two Democrats voted against Barak Banking in the Senate, including Harry Reid who joined Nebraska’s Ben Nelson in opposition to Reid’s bill. However, that ever- tricky Reid just wanted to be able to re-introduce the bill as soon as possible according to parliamentary concerns. Nelson said he hadn’t had time to study the 3,137 page bill. Of course we know, almost no one else had time to “read” the bill much less study it – but that didn’t stop them from voting on it, get with the program, Nelson! And by the way, yes the House did pass Barack Banking 223 to 203. That means that 27 Democrats had the patriotism and intelligence to oppose Obama’s corrupt transformation to communism. Again it was a bi-partisan vote against Obama’s nonsense.

Item #6: A Rassmussen Reports poll today found that 60% of Americans see capitalism as better than socialism (18% disagree while 21% say they’re not sure; included in that 60%, are 43% of Democrats who agree that capitalism is better while 24% of Dems favor socialism). When the question is altered to replace the term “free market economy” for the term “capitalism,” 77% of Americans prefer a free market economy. A separate poll showed that 58% of Americans oppose Obamacare and want it repealed; while 60% say the bill will increase deficits. Some Democrats in Congress may be fooled about the Obama administration, but increasingly the voters are definitely not.

Item #7: It’s OFFICIAL: GM lied to us . . . . Since GM had not shown much of a profit recently and failed to show a profit at least five of the last seven quarters, it wasn’t hard to be skeptical. The bogus General Motors claim that they’d paid off their bailout “five years ahead of time, including interest” is certainly NOT convincing taxpayers at all and the loyal opposition is all over it. You may have seen the commericials with GM CEO/Chairman Whiteacre asking us to “give GM another chance.” GM officially announced Wednesday last week that it had paid back the $8.1 billion in loans it received from the U.S. and Canadian governments. Of that, $6.7 billion went to the U.S. treasury. Of course, unmentioned is that the GM bailout actually costs nearly $84 Billion including a huge amount of money for the Obama-contributing United Auto Workers Union so that they could own the company in large part. Of course the bailout didn’t payoff the people GM actually owed money too; nor did it pay off others who held GM debt instruments such as several retirement funds. All of the rest of the blog following this and concerning GM is from Fox News”:

Republican Senator Grassley of Iowa said in a letter that a Securities and Exchange Commission form filed by GM showed that $6.7 billion of the tens of billions the company received was sitting in an escrow account and available to be used for repayment. He called on Geithner to provide more information about why the company was allowed to use bailout money to repay bailout money, and how much of the remaining escrow money GM would be allowed to keep.

"The bottom line seems to be that the TARP loans were 'repaid' with other TARP funds in a Treasury escrow account. The TARP loans were not repaid from money GM is earning selling cars, as GM and the administration have claimed in their speeches, press releases and television commercials," he wrote.

Vice President Biden on Wednesday called the GM repayment a "huge accomplishment." You remember "Clueless Joe?" He's the one who said that winning the Iraq War will prove to be "the greatest accomplishment of this administration so far" as Obama's (let's get out, quick as we can)policies in Iraq seem to be snatching defeat from the jaws of victory . . . He's definitely not in the loop on this one, "major accomplishment?"

TARP overseer Barofsky told Fox News"I think the one thing that a lot of people overlook with this is where they got the money to pay back the loan. And it isn't from earnings. ... It's actually from another pool of TARP money that they've already received," he said Wednesday. "I don't think we should exaggerate it too much. Remember that the source of this money is just other TARP money."

Barofsky told the Senate Finance Committee the same thing Tuesday, and said the main way for the federal government to earn money out of GM would be through "a liquidation of its ownership interest."

Grassley criticized the GM scenario in his letter.

"The taxpayers are still on the hook, and whether TARP funds are ultimately recovered depends entirely on the government's ability to sell GM stock in the future. Treasury has merely exchanged a legal right to repayment for an uncertain hope of sharing in the future growth of GM. A debt-for-equity swap is not a repayment," he wrote. Rajjpuut believes GM should go into the magic supplies business – nice sleight of hand*, Whiteacre, NICE!

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


*By the way, the owner of 61% of GM is still the federal government . . . and the greatest conflict of interest with this story lies with the Obama administration which stands to gain public esteem if people fall for Chairman Whiteacre’s bogus claim and start buying GM stock and GM cars

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The infamous words of all-too corrupt Nancy Pelosi have returned to bite the country in the butt. “We have to pass the bill so you can find out what’s in it . . .” the irresponsible Speaker of the House said. While the lambs were being led to slaughter, many of us did know and tried to head it off. Of course, President Obama, Veep Biden, the White House staff, Nancy and other senior members of the Congress and leadership staff there are all exempt . . . so the first thing the country is finding out is that ObamaCare is too much of a threat for our “leaders” to treat themselves to it.

Across the nation at least 7% of all residents are not covered by ObamaCare despite its huge pricetags. In the first full decade the law will cost a minimum of $2.4 TRillion despite removing Medicare Advantage coverage for older citizens. Health Savings Account (HSA) owners will either need to buy new policies are ante-up stiff penalty bucks. Although benefits for the most part won’t start until 2014, taxpayers will begin paying ObamaCare taxes NOW and there are a total of 19 new taxes imposed on us because of ObamaCare’s passage into law.

The CBO estimates that 8-9 million people will now lose their employer-provided health care coverage despite Mr. Obama’s promise “people who like their insurance now can keep it.” Expect a huge new tax burden. Here’s what Nancy dropped on us . . . .

Employers must buy government approved health coverage if they have 50 employees or more and at least one of their employess receives a tax credit for health care or pay a yearly penalty of $2,000 per employee.

16,500 new IRS agents will be hired to enforce the taxes mentioned here and other new ObamaCare taxes . . .

The first federal sales tax in the American Republics history has been passed: 10% tax on all earnings from tanning salons paid directly to the federal government.

Individuals must buy a government approved health policy or they must pay a yearly penalty of $695 or up to 2.5% of their income.

Families must buy a government approved health policy or pay a penalty of $347 per child up to $2,250 per family.

All home sales and all other real estate transaction will be taxed 3.8%. Middle income sellers even if they immediately buy a home the very same day must pay this tax which amounts to $7,600 on a $200,000 home.

Medicare taxes are increased on single taxpayers earning $200,000 or more and couples earning $250,000 a year or more (thus it is a huge marriage penalty tax) by an additional 0.9%.

A new 2.9% medical aid tax on items that never were taxed before has now been imposed. All these and many other Obamacare taxes start immediately.

In 2018, however, those of us with so-called “Cadillac health care plans will be imposed a 40% annual tax if their plan is valued at $10,200 for individuals or more and for families if valued at $27,500 or more. Mr. Obama’s union friends, however, will be exempted from taxes on their Cadillac plans.

Projections made by business leaders recently say that by 2018 taxes associated with Obamacare will cost the country over four million additional lost jobs.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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..but the republican effort was quite lame.

Despite what the majority of the public thinks (50.8% opposed,RealClear Politics poll average, 3/28), obama and the main stream mediaare all giddy over the passing of obamacare.

He has won the war of rhetoric and since we will not know for sure thatthis bill is a front and a fraud for another 7-10 years, obama has thewon the privilege to run about the country as egotistical as ever.

Some in the media will print what lies in the bill below obama'sguess-work rhetoric and expose what the bill really means to theaverage American.

Despite the sensibility of some of these discoveries, some exposed byfacts, obama has the advantage in knowing none of it will be actuallyproven until his presidency is dead and gone.

What a wonderful position for a sleazy politician to find himself.

obama has put off the guts of the bill for another 5 years and untilthen he and his foot soldiers will be able to cast any opposingopinions on the bill as right-wing, tea-bagging politicsas usual and as actions of the status quo.

He'll use pretty speeches and half-assed comedic statements on thestump to energize and indoctrinate his already blind supporters inbelieving his continued rhetoric.

Because we will not see the tragic consequences of this bill's passing until it slaps us up side the head.

obama's staff has told us that they have a mega-marketing campaignplanned to get the word out on what is in the bill. Shouldn't thishave been something they did months ago?

Actually they have, using the same rhetoric and dragging out some poorcrippled person or cancer patient to exploit for political gain.

They will not tell us what is actually in the bill or what it willactually mean to us, really, what they will tell you is how greatchange is and this is something you can believe in.

If you are not questioning why we never heard detailed specifics on howthis bill will work and its affects on the country from obama, his footsoldiers, and the media, then obama's rhetoric will fire you up sillyand you will clap your hands with glee while God blesses your ignoranceand the Constitution protects it.

We will be indoctrinated, not informed, with the message theadministration wants us to believe this bill will do and what itmeans. Unless we dig and search for the truth, obama has the advantageof hiding behind the curtain and providing us only with bright lights,pretty words, and stories of woe.

Most presidents will seek support from the public before a bill ispassed, obama has changed this method by first passing the bill nomatter what the public thinks.


Because he is well aware of how infatuated the public can be overpretty speeches and clever denouncements of the opposition's silly, offfocus antics; especially when supported by a biased and unprofessionalmedia.

With that infatuation, that indoctrination, obama can claim a hugevictory for change and thus an even bigger 'I told you so' at electiontime...yet, like his election, a claim based solely on style andlacking substantive substance.

It could have been different. Republicans in Congress should have donetheir job and reported to their constituencies the more egregiouselements of this bill. Similarly, the voting public could have donetheir research and added a little thought to imagine what couldactually happen under this bill and its affect on further legislation.

Republicans instead stuck by the "scrap it and start over" plan whichwas not a crowd pleaser and which was heavily criticized by the media.Not a good plan.

They played into obama's play on the obstructionist angle and they paid for it.

Then when they did offer 29 amendments to change the bill, obama's foot soldiers gleefully rejected the whole lot.

Yet it did not matter, obama has won the war of rhetoric.

obama could sleep with eldrick's leftovers now and it wouldn't matter for health care...he has won the war of rhetoric.

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As Pelosi and Obama attempt to override our Constitution, we can let them know that's not okay. It seems they feel their word is the final word, and like it or not, they will do whatever it takes to make you their serf.

We fought to rid this country of dictatorial rule at the sacrifice of millions and millions of precious lives. It's Taxation Without Representation all over again.

"Democrats are trying to use a sneaky snake oil gimmick..."

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Why would Obama and the Democrat congress invite the Republicans to a healthcare 'summit' (his fav) at this late date? One answer is the ever declining polls and the South Carolina, New Jersey, Massachusetts election results, along with the upcoming ever critical November elections. But, it's more diabolical than that -- it's a trap, and, God willing, the Republicans will not play into their plan, because they have to show up. To not show up at this obvious trap, leaves the door wide open for the Dems to say "See, we tried, and they still are the party of NO", with the Republicans not there to defend their reasons.


Obama planning one final push to pass healthcare with no Republican support

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FROM DICK MORRIS: Highly informed sources on Capitol Hill have revealed to me details of the Democratic plan to sneak Obamacare through Congress, despite collapsing public approval for healthcare “reform” and disintegrating congressional support in the wake of Republican Scott Brown’s victory in Massachusetts.President Obama, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid all have agreed to the basic framework of the plan.Their plan is clever but can be stopped if opponents of radical healthcare reform act quickly and focus on a core group of 23 Democratic Congressman. If just a few of these 23 Democrats are “flipped” and decide to oppose the bill, the whole Obama-Pelosi-Reid stratagem falls apart.PELOSI AND REID PLOT SECRET PLAN FOR OBAMACARE(List of 23 Congressmen with phone/fax numbers)
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We have all heard about the corruption of politics, but not with the force this administration has wielded. We not only heard about it, but witnessed it in a front row seat. The Democrats always overreach, but this time it was in your face, to use one of Obama's favorite idioms. A classic example of things to come was the scene outside a Philadelphia polling place with Black Panther thugs wielding nightsticks intimidating white voters [charges mysteriously dismissed], but most people didn't want to face that little tidbit.TECHNOCRACY: THE DEMOCRATS' TECHNOLOGICAL THUGGERY
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