tea (318)


of the Tea Party of the United States of America

In the United States of America

October 18, 2013

When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness – That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

We, therefore, the Representatives of the Tea Party of the United States of America, appealing to Almighty God for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name, and by authority of the good people of these United States, solemnly publish and declare, that the Tea Party of the United States is, and of right ought to be a free and independent political party; that it is absolved from all allegiance to the Republican Party of the United States, and that all political connection between them and the Republican Party of the United States, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as a free and independent political party, we have full power to present candidates for national, state, and local government offices and elections,  petition the government for redress, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which independent political parties may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.

National Tea Party Headquarters:

713 Cedar Drive Suite 19

Fairborn, Ohio 45324

Temporary email:


WE, the undersigned hereby affix our names to this document:

Mark R. Winkle, Founding member

To have your name added, email me at teapartyunitedstates@gmail.com

Documents will be filed by the end of this year to establish the Tea Party as a separate political party.

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Herr Obama Has Spoken.

  Of course only das fuehrer knows what's right for this country again. Opening his tirade against Republicans "Obummer" repeated accusations of them, they, Republicans were totally at fault for the government shutdown. While stating that its Congress' job to come up with a budget. Why then when they do, Mr. do-nothing, you have your lackeys refuse to implement such  budgets.

  Being an "Extreme part of the Party" member I am incensed that a Liar and Traitor to the American People would continue to be even opening his big mouth.

  Please step down you faker and let the people of this great country have the White House back.

  Using the Nazi methods of repeating lies until they are perceived to be truth does not make your LIES the Truth. Congress has done its duty by reigning in a wicked and perverse administration by asking for real measures needed to right the wrongs YOU have done to all Americans.

  Stop using the threats of Checks being cut off and looming default that ONLY YOU can cause to scare the people of this great land.

  If you have a Trust issue, take it up with me, or better yet the one true God.

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An Open Letter to the Obama Administration

This letter is addressed to every Socialist, Communist Progressive in the Obama Administration and across my United States of America.

Let me open with the BS of Political correctness, also referred to as civility.

Civility refers to being courteous or polite, whether in word or deed.

The opposite of civility is discourteousness, discourtesy, impoliteness, incivility, rudeness, surliness, ungraciousness.

Being civil does NOT mean I have to be dishonest and say or do something I do NOT feel or believe in.

Telling someone they are pretty when they are ugly as a mud fence is a bold face lie. Telling my child they are the best player in the universe when they fall over their own two feet are also just bold faced lies.  This is considered being NICE but dishonest.  I do not believe in this sort of false behavior. Nor will I participate in it, whether this joke of an administration likes it or not.

I would highly recommend YOUR SIDE practice what you are constantly preaching to the TRUE AMERICANS out here in the real AMERICA you are working hard to destroy.  You all need to practice what you preach or shut the hell up! 

Were I to be open and honest with my feelings of those with Socialist, Communist or Progressive leanings, note I am NOT including the word Democrat, I would invite you to take your Utopian, equal this or that, share everything under the sun selves and find another country to invade then rule.  Take that narcissistic, half white fool sitting in MY White House with you…. PLEASE!

George Soros and his buddy Maurice Strong have more than enough money to start their own government where everyone is a union member, drives anything other than an oil based product container, pays taxes for each breath in AND out, walks around like a Monsanto genetically altered ZOMBIE, shoot I almost said person but that would be a flat lie, a zombie has pretty much a flat affect.

My rights were granted to me by my creator GOD, not the Progressive society.  If you Progressives are so upset with MY Countries founding documents please feel free to execute the action outlined in paragraphs 8 & 9 above and be careful about the door closing behind you.

To the seated House and Senate, may I remind you your seat is offered to you by OUR votes not your looks.  Republicans, Democrats and Independents all need to remember your JOBS.  You are to represent the best interests of your people ALL SIDES of the population you represent.  Taxation without representation is NOT an option.  Remember these golden words:  We voted you in, we will vote you out.

To the DOJ, are you kidding me?  You are all crooks, each and every one of you, you should all be wearing pink underwear and living in tent city, for as long as we could keep you there.  Your sense of justice is to CYA and to hell with the rest of us.  None of us with 25% of functioning grey matter believe our borders are even 2% secure.  What the hell, get an American ID and you’re off to the races, who cares about the citizen who had their ID STOLEN.



Trot out the Health and Human Services….Please, I take responsibility for my own actions and so do most people I hang and work with.  Go figure, 64 and able to make my own decisions, let’s see first amendment rights: Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  I am alive on GOD’s time not ANY governments.  If I want a hamburger, I have the right.  If I want an ice cream cone with two scoops, I have the right.  If I want to skip my multi-vit for today, I have the right.  If I choose to NOT have mammogram, colonoscopy, pap smear or any other procedure, either internal or external, that is not harmful to the general population, I have that right too.  Stay out of my body, my bedroom, my church, my freedom of choice.  Stay out of my grocery cart, my children’s education path, and most of all, the wallet in my purse.

Planned Parenthood AKA Abortion Mill.  If the Pro-Choice groups feel so strongly about a female’s choice, then feel free to fund this entity by private funding and STOP using one cent of MY tax monies to fund something I morally, ethically and from this female’s view totally disagree with.  NOW, from a Christian view, I do NOT want to stand before my Creator and have to defend a single penny of support to kill fetuses.  Again, tax distribution without my choice and totally against my will.  I also feel the Pro-Choice supporters should explain who the founder of Planned Parenthood really is and her drive behind it.  Imagine how the Black population would feel if they knew the TRUTH about Margaret Sanger/Democrat.  Democrat women SHOULD know…..

Margaret Sanger: Communist & Nurse. She founded this program to eradicate the BLACKS in the USA.  What the hell is wrong with you fools, you vote to support the eradication of your own race?  Catholics: White, brown, black, green or purple, same thing, well now the Communist controlled US Government and Muslim raised leaders want to control your faith-based beliefs.  What is WRONG with the people like me allowing for a women’s freedom of choice and upholding her own first amendment rights but NOT being forced to participate with MY tax money.  STOP FORCING ME TO PARTICIPATE IN SOMETHING I VEHEMETLY OPPOSE.  You are trouncing on MY first amendment rights!

John McCain, you are a traitor in my eyes.  I voted for you because you were the lessor of two evils.  I see you as a RIGHT Progressive and feel you are maxed out in Government because you have the backbone of a SPINELESS jelly fish.  I am NOT your friend and neither are most of the idiots on the left you chum around with.  Shame on you, you were a POA, glad you lived but” MY FRIEND”, you are not the only one who was a POA yesterday, today and tomorrow.  Pull up your huevos and stand up for the country you swore to defend and protect.  Political correctness has NO place in politics, have you not yet learned this?  Our country is being systematically dismantled and you still call the enemy a friend?  Time for you to go, and any minions (Flake) being groomed to take your place go right along with you.

Entertainment elite:  Have all of you whiney Liberal Left Progressives forgotten how you started your ascent to richness?  I have YET to hear a startup story of anyone of you that did not have to start from scratch, how you had to reach the heights you did by anything but hard work and perseverance yet you support the “bale out” theory of those in office today.  Are your brains fried from too much partying?  Why is the way you started out not good enough for others that wish to aspire, in their own chosen professions?  Offering a hand UP vs a hand OUT should be the choice.  To respect and push towards success any person, myself included, has to have a vested personal interest in their success.  Oprah, Bill, Melinda, Warren, Robert, Jane, Paul and all you other elites, need to pull your heads out of the darkness and into the light of promoting a person’s self-worth and drive to succeed, instead of pushing for re-distribution yet one more time.  I think all of you should be boycotted in your respective trades and crafts for sleeping with the enemy.  I also think that you could write a check to the IRS under the gift program if you want more taxes from the rich…hint, check your own bank accounts.  I am not at ALL financially secure, but I do NOT think any of you fat cats owe me a single dime or money you earned on your own.  So PLEASE take care of your own conscious and leave other wealthy folks to decide what they want to do with their own earned monies.  Please feel free to refer to paragraphs 8 & 9 and stop trouncing on others rights.  If you do not like America, feel free to leave, again watch that door behind you.

Military leaders:  Are you people NUTS?  How much more strategy are you going to give away?  What the hell is wrong with the modern Military and its leaders?  You all took an oath to uphold and defend and you blurt out not only US strategy but you big mouthed idiots feel you have the right to speak for other countries strategies.  I personally feel you are doing everything you possibly can to see Israel destroyed by the ENEMY.  How dare you set up our friends?  Now to my fellow Jewish Americans…are you people deaf, dumb and blind?  You voted for this Administration with a history of Holocaust behind you?  My mother’s family died in Nazi Austria so I ask you again are you deaf, dumb and blind to what you supported?  You think for one second the destruction of Israel will not result in American Jews not be rounded up yet one more time?  Please, bring your heads out of the stench of crap before it’s too late. AGAIN…….The following men were under YOUR COMMAND….did you all sleep well that night?

Amid contradictory accounts of whether the deadly attack on the US consulate in Benghazi was spontaneous or premeditated, alarming new details have emerged on the September 11 assault, which killed the US ambassador to Libya and three other Americans.

You serve a Commander in Chief that WENT TO BED – took AF 1 to Las Vegas NV to campaign! KNOWING our Ambassador and YOUR command were being slaughtered!  How dare you? Semper Fi my ass.  Semper fidelis means 'always faithful' in Latin. Have you forgotten?

Right to work.  An American right for everyone!  Well, this means I also have a right NOT to join any organization I don’t want to.  This goes for my right NOT to fund any organizations benefits plan that is not my own.  I also have the right to not have to give monies to ANY organization I do not care to support.  NO ONE HAS ACCESS TO MY POCKET WITHOUT MY WRITTEN PERMISSION.  Stand up for your rights before your right to stand up is taken away from you.  That IS coming…..

I shall DIE before I let that happen!

Carol Condit





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By Oscar Y. Harward


When President Obama criticizes Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), President Obama is criticizing middle Americans.


Since President Obama was sworn in as President in January 2009, the Senate majority Democrat Party has passed legislation in difference to the requests of Americans.  The Senate Democrat Party supports the radical socialistic ideals as instituted by President Obama. 


During many Senate hearings for originating new legislation, the Republican Party has offered amendments as supported by America’s taxpayers.  Senate Democrat leaders defeated GOP amendments in committees and on the floor of the US Senate.


Majority Democrats on Capitol Hill “crammed down our throats” ObamaCare while American were saying “NO” then and are still saying “NO”.  Americans are now witnessing radical costs as reflected by ObamaCare.  Even Labor Unions are now saying “NO” to ObamaCare.


Capitol Hill Democrats passed a $787 Billion “stimulus” bill that Americans were told was critical for immediate passage to create jobs.  Since passage, unemployment has increased, rather than decreasing.  Where are the jobs?


America is now facing a near $17 Trillion debt; an enormous debt outside any reasonable payback except for our children, their children, etc.  More than $6 Trillion debt has mounted during Obama’s less than 5 years as President.


Sen. Ted Cruz is promoting and practicing “test and proven” economic ideas to restore our nation’s economy.  These are the Tax Enough Already (TEA) Party principles most Americans understand and trust.


Building the Keystone pipeline is a known source of creating thousands of new jobs; however, President Obama continues to force Americans to purchase higher gasoline prices from Muslim nations who hate America.


"If the Keystone XL pipeline is not approved, Canadian oil will be shipped across the Atlantic and Pacific oceans on enormous tankers to Asia, where it will be refined at facilities with far less stringent standards than any in the United States," said Senator John Hoeven, a North Dakota Republican. "We will effectively create more emissions and lose an opportunity to create jobs and boost our economy."  http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/08/01/us-transcanada-pipeline-idUSBRE9700OZ20130801


“TEA” Party members and supporters are Conservative, usually Republican in political philosophy, and usually ‘middle class’ Americans.  Many “TEA” Party members and supporters are learning the political process for the first time.  “TEA” Party members and supporters are fed up with out-of-control ‘Liberal’ Democrats on Capitol Hill who spend without concern as to taxpayers’ costs and/or how and when the debt may or will be paid. 


“TEA” Party members and supporters truly believe they, as working Americans are Taxed Enough Already”.  TEA Party candidates are gaining ground and winning with election victories; America’s electorate is welcoming more TEA Party candidates and principles.  

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By Oscar Y. Harward


Remember how Americans rejected ObamaCare in General Election 2010?


Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) of General Election 2014 is now acting the same in ‘cramming ObamaCare down (y)our throat’; acting the same as Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) did in General Election 2010 season in ‘cramming ObamaCare down (y)our throat’.


Americans are still rejecting ObamaCare as a continuation of a ‘job-killing’ law slowing and/or stopping our US economy.


President Obama and Capitol Hill Democrats refuse to ‘stop the spending’, restore our economy, and allow entrepreneurs to create jobs in the ‘private sector’.  Most jobs created during Obama’s administration are more ‘government jobs’ in the ‘public sector’; more at taxpayers’ cost.


Have you ever seen so many falsifications as expressed by President Obama and Capitol Hill Democrats?

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Starbucks Doesn't Want Your Guns

due to their inclusion in certain areas of the debate around gun control, Starbucks has issued this statement:

"Our company's longstanding approach to 'open carry' has been to follow local laws: we permit it in states where allowed and we prohibit it in states where these laws don't exist. We have chosen this approach because we believe our store partners should not be put in the uncomfortable position of requiring customers to disarm or leave our stores. We believe that gun policy should be addressed by government and law enforcement — not by Starbucks and our store partners.

"Recently, however, we've seen the 'open carry' debate become increasingly uncivil and, in some cases, even threatening. Pro-gun activists have used our stores as a political stage for media events misleadingly called 'Starbucks Appreciation Days' that disingenuously portray Starbucks as a champion of 'open carry.' To be clear: we do not want these events in our stores. Some anti-gun activists have also played a role in ratcheting up the rhetoric and friction, including soliciting and confronting our customers and partners.

"For these reasons, today we are respectfully requesting that customers no longer bring firearms into our stores or outdoor seating areas—even in states where 'open carry' is permitted — unless they are authorized law enforcement personnel."

read more here:http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2013/09/18/223652632/no-guns-please-starbucks-tells-customers?utm_campaign=nprfacebook&utm_source=npr&utm_medium=facebook

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Putin on American Exceptionalism

Putin said a lot of things in his recent letter to the American people via an opinion article in the New York Times, and while some could be looked at a stretches of truth or reinterpretations of events (Putin is a politician after all), Putin did conclude his writing with a point about American Exceptionalism that, were it to come from someone other than the head of Russia, might actually have been paid attention to. Imagine someone else saying this so that you can read and try to comprehend what he is saying:

"My working and personal relationship with President Obama is marked by growing trust. I appreciate this. I carefully studied his address to the nation on Tuesday. And I would rather disagree with a case he made on American exceptionalism, stating that the United States’ policy is “what makes America different. It’s what makes us exceptional.” It is extremely dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional, whatever the motivation. There are big countries and small countries, rich and poor, those with long democratic traditions and those still finding their way to democracy. Their policies differ, too. We are all different, but when we ask for the Lord’s blessings, we must not forget that God created us equal." - Putin

What do you think about Mr. Putin's words on American Exceptionalism? Does he have any truth in what he says? Is he just trying to distract us? Is he simply a Communist saying things, or do his words contain some semblance of truth?

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Reinstatment of the common law grand jurry

Hi all I want to share with you a way in which we can save are great nation please go to: http://nationallibertyalliance.org/

And watch the power of the common law grand jury it is half way down the page.

There is a supreme court case united states v Williams that backs this video up this is the tool that we all are looking for. God bless any questions please contact me.

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How the Tea Party Will Lose The 2014 Election




Yes, I do believe that conservatives will wake up in November 2014 to find that they have lost the senate and maybe the house; though I will admit we just might retain the house.  Maybe.

All because there really is no Tea Party.  There are the Tea Parties, plural and they don’t talk to each other.  They each have their own agenda.  They don’t even agree on their basic tenets.  There is the “Tea Party Patriots” with a web site here that states their mission as being simply …to restore America's founding principles of Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government and Free Markets.

Then there is the Tea Party Command Center with a web site here with 15 ‘basic tenets’.

And of course the Tea Party express with six points in their mission statement.  Their web site is here.

On each page if you want to see their mission statements for yourself just click on the ‘about’ link at the top of their home pages.

There are others but I think you get the point.  Each of these has their own agenda and each goes after their own political ogres.  And I am sure each will have their own favorite candidates to endorse.  There is no focus within this hodgepodge of political theologies.  They can’t even focus enough to get very detrimental Presidential appointees disapproved!  Thomas Perez as Secretary of Labor???  WOW.  If he has his way, forced unionism will be a federal law that will supposedly override any and all state laws, the tenth amendment not-with-standing.  How about Obama’s socialist bed mate Kathleen Sebelius as Secretary of Health and Human Services overseeing the dreaded Obamacare. 

Ok.  OK.  I’ll get back to the point.

With this much diversity among the so called Tea Parties, they accomplish nothing.  The speaker of the house, a republican in name only (RINO) is touting the immigration reform acts as they come down from his new bosses in the senate.  Who would have thought that a Speaker would go on national TV and call himself a “facilitator”.  Gee I thought he was supposed to be the Leader of the majority party.  I guess with the mind set of our esteemed politicians that just ain’t true anymore.  He has other leadership issues and broken promises, but I said I would try to get back to the point of this blog.

The next point about the fractious Tea Parties is the local organizations.  They, for the most part, are far from local in their focus.  They want to be on the main stage so they go after national issues.  The Tea Party in my own county even refuses to endorse candidates for public offices claiming that they are ‘educational and therefore can’t do that.  I have some news for them.  There are basically only two entities that can’t endorse political candidates.  Any registered religious group due to the separation of church and state and any organization that receives the bulk of their funding from the tax payers such as PUBLIC schools.  Private non religious educational organizations that don’t receive funding from the tax payers are completely free to do so.  The local groups really need to focus on getting local issues made into laws.  Want to take back the senate?  Get behind a good conservative candidate and PUSH!  Want to stop the amnesty?  Deluge your own states senators and representatives with faxes, phone calls and letters telling them to represent their constituents.  Now there’s a revolutionary idea.  An elected representative representing.   I would like to start a new Tea Party in my county.  One dedicated to the two items of interest to our population.  Political education of the issues of local interest and the backing of conservative candidates.  We might call it the Local Tea Party, or some such.

It is up to us, the people that provide the Tea Party leaders with their incomes to make our individual voices heard and demand and accounting.  Why can’t they sit down with the leaders of all of the national Tea Parties and work out a concerted effort on one or two issues and a bunch of national conservative candidates then FOCUS or lose yet another election and perhaps an entire nation.  Let’s face it folks, WE THE PEOPLE pay these people too and they should reflect our needs not their own.


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Im tired

Im very tired of all the talk. Talk, talk, talk, that's all I see being done. It's not helping.Talk about impeachment, abolish the IRS Talk is cheap. What can I do to get some action started?A $100 million dollar vacation and no whitehouse tours?Do we have to surround DC and flush them out or what. No one is doing anything other than useless talk.WE THE PEOPLE want some action starting with obama and holder gone. Then get Reid, Kerry, Clinton dumped with the rest of the trash.Abolish the IRS stop NSA snooping. stop amnesty No one is doing a thing. No one........
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Young Obama in 1981 during
his first year at Columbia University.

What would you do if you knew the top Democrat running for president was lying about his past?

That is the question I was faced with in 2008. I had met the young Barack Obama while he was a sophomore at Occidental College, and I knew that his commitment to socialism was deep, genuine and long-standing.

I had been a leader of the Marxist students at Occidental College myself starting in 1976 when I founded the precursor of the Democrat Socialist Alliance on campus. The young Obama I knew was a Marxist socialist who would have been quite comfortable with Communist party members like his Hawaii mentor Frank Marshall Davis, retired domestic terrorists like Bill Ayers, or active socialist politicians like Illinois State Senator Alice Palmer.

The Obama I knew was nothing like the life-long, pragmatic centrist that he was pretending to be in the 2008 presidential campaign. When I talked politics with the young Obama, he expressed a profound commitment to bringing about a socialist economic system in the U.S. – completely divorced from the profit motive – which would occur, in his lifetime, through a potentially violent, Communist-style revolution. In this context, I saw my report on young Obama as a key piece of evidence suggesting a profound continuity in his belief system.

Although I was surprised by Barack Obama’s insistence on his mainstream ideological credentials, I was shocked that my attempts to spread the news about young Obama’s Marxism failed to gain any media traction during the 2008 presidential campaign with reporters, activists, or campaign staffs.

Once I saw the significance of my face-to-face observations on the young Obama, I went out of my way to get my story on record with the Orange County Register. I tried to contact, among others, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, the folks behind the Swift Boat ads, and the McCain campaign.

I thought I would get a phone call back from Fox News - someone, somewhere – and I still do not understand why no one seemed to catch on to the urgency of the situation. I understand I did not have audio tape of young Obama. I did not have any photos or home movies. Nevertheless, I was extremely active in the leftist politics and counter cultural milieu of Occidental College in the 1970s.

As a younger man, I had earned a Ph.D. in political science from Cornell which, I would think, gave me some credibility in measuring young Obama’s ideological convictions. I quickly saw other people who had known the young Obama were featured in various news articles. It seemed to me I should have been just another interview for any journalist, producer or campaign consultant interested in checking out my story and testing it against the facts.

In frustration, I was also posting what I knew on The Caucus Blog site at the New York Times. My expectation was someone from the Times would call me and follow-up on the leads I was sending out. Here is a sample of what I was doing in October 2008 to get the word out about Obama’s Marxist ideology.
I even thought of scheduling my own press conference on the campus of Occidental College through their campus Republican club. Internally, I was conflicted by the urgency of what I knew and the sense it was best for the story to break out in a manner supportive of the McCain campaign.

What shocked me about my experience in the summer of 2008 is that I thought my background as a Williams College political science professor, as a small business owner, and as a visible presence in the Orange County community would allow my message to immediately go to the very top of the McCain campaign. I thought my story would be welcomed by Fox News.

Since then, things have slowly gotten better. My story on the young Marxist Obama has appeared in Michael Savage’s Trickle-Up Poverty, Paul Kengor’s Dupes, Stanley Kurtz’s Radical-In-Chief and Jack Cashill’s Deconstructing Obama.

Nevertheless, I think there is something broken in our media and campaign system. I do not think most independents or conservatives understand, or fully appreciate, the tremendous advantages the left derives from having the mainstream media serve as the fully paid, completely sympathetic, Dan Rather-level opposition research team of the Democrat party. It is a system that methodically ignores damaging information about flawed candidates like Sen. John Edwards and Rep. Anthony Weiner while routinely elevating minor errors among Republicans to the status of Watergate investigations.

If Republicans are going to win in 2012, I think they need to make some changes so that they are friendlier to the whistle-blowers bringing them bad news about the Obama administration. Personally, I would like to see Republicans create new ways to collect negative news stories on liberals by 1) including web pages requesting opposition research from leakers, 2) establishing guidelines for leakers that help them give campaign decision makers the confidence to pursue appropriate leads, and 3) instituting feedback mechanisms so leakers have some minimal assurance that they have been heard by top campaign managers and that their information has been discarded for technical or strategic reasons and not simply because it was overlooked by a careless staff member.

I think recognition of this problem should be the first step in taking systematic action to prevent flawed Democrat candidates from winning office. In the meantime, I predict we will see more examples of media failure as the left dominates the muckraking journalism profession while the right seems too dependent on a small handful of seemingly obscure, over-worked journalists and – as my case illustrates – unconnected and often baffled citizen activists.

John C. Drew, Ph.D. is an award-winning political scientist.

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Dems Propaganda Cup Spilleth Over.

Below are 2 things that are currently driving the Obummer backers. The Obummer/Dem/Progressive Propaganda Spin Machine is in high gear. The first is a letter sent from the DNC to party loyalists. The second is a piece from Current TV. In the foretelling of George Orwell, the Progressives continue to believe, that Ignorance is Strength.  A word of caution: groups calling themselves Progressive Coalitions are gaining grass roots sympathy by publicly focusing on libertarian causes, but they will ensnare those to their side. A prime example is the Colorado Progressive Coalition. Publicly they work to help unemployed and those facing foreclosure, behind the scenes they are plotting along with the rest to do away with our freedoms. We have to stand strong. Remember when the revolution began, only 3% of the population was in favor of independence. God Bless the United States of America.


In the spirit of the First Amendment, please feel free to comment on this post.




Friend --

Getting in President Obama's way has been the top priority for Republicans in
Congress since day one. But now they've gone too far.

They've been caught red-handed making up so-called 'scandals' out of thin air
to stir up false rumors of vast 'cover-ups' happening in the White House.

Did they find a single shred of evidence to back up their outrageous claims?

But rather than let the truth stand in their way, Republicans actually doctored
emails between administration officials about Benghazi. Then, they released
them to the press, trying to pass them off as real in order to create their
scandal. Fortunately, they got caught in the act when the White House released
all of the actual emails.

Tell President Obama
you've got his back right now, no matter what Republicans come up with next.

While Republican leaders were focused on stirring up controversy, Michele
Bachmann was talking about impeaching President Obama for absolutely no reason,
and Republicans in the House voted to repeal Obamacare -- for the 37th time.

That's how they think they should be spending their time and your money.

Make sure the President knows that you stand behind him and his agenda right
now -- and that you won't let Republican games distract you from advocating for
real change that will benefit all Americans.

Stand with President
Obama today -- and send the message to Republicans that it's time to stop
playing political games and get back to work for the American people:

Its time for them to do their damn jobs.



Brad Woodhouse
Communications Director
Democratic National Committee

Second: http://current.com/shows/the-young-turks/videos/fox-news-habit-of-crying-wolf-hurts-them-when-they-report-real-news

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The IRS Tea Party Scandal grows exponentially daily as more and more revelations of the degree of harassment against the Tea Party organizations, and dozens of other conservative groups, deepen. What is clear and certain with each twisted statement uttered by White House Press Secretary Jay Carney at his daily briefings is the drip, drip, drip of apparent cover up conduct.

Now it has been revealed by Fox News that even the IRS Inspector General’s audit report on Tea Party was coordinated between the IRS, Department of the Treasury and the White House Chief of Staff and the White House Counsel well before the president admitted knowledge of it from news reports.

In actuality, according to J. Russell George, the Treasury inspector general for tax administration admitted last week before the House Ways and Means Committee, that he informed officials of a Tea Party conduct audit at Treasury on June 4 2012, according to the Associated Press. Those officials were Treasury’s general counsel, on June 4, 2012, and Deputy Treasury Secretary Neal Wolin afterward.

The facts that are now being strained by the congressional Oversight Committee from administration witnesses in response to the IRS Inspector General Report are merely the tip of the iceberg. The reality that basic civil liberties of all Americans are at stake if a rouge operation exists within this organization and can impede and invade the rights of Tea Party members.

Only a House Select Committee can combine resources and investigators into who is involved, what was covered up and, as Speaker Boehner said, who should go to jail.

After all, this was not just a break-in of a political office, but was a breakdown of the administration of law and an invasion of the rights of America citizens who care deeply about this nation. The crime they committed, according to the IRS’ offensive criminal conduct, was being a member of Tea Party organizations or other conservative groups.

Impeachment Article 2:4 states in part:

He has failed to take care that the laws were faithfully executed by failing to act when he knew or had reason to know that his close subordinates endeavoured to impede and frustrate lawful inquiries by duly constituted executive, judicial and legislative entities.”

Read more: http://clashdaily.com/2013/05/nixon-and-obama-impeachment-for-irs-scandal/#ixzz2U8NwCEGQ

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Should Karl Rowe share IRS scandals?

By Oscar Y. Harward




Inasmuch as President Obama and many Capitol Hill Democrats criticize the ‘TEA Party’,  ‘Patriots’, and other conservative groups; and,


Inasmuch as several Capitol Hill Democrats, including Senators Schumer, Franken, Udall, Shaheen,  Merkley, Whitehouse, and Bennet has written letters to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and directed the IRS to investigate TEA Party events, pursuits, and activities as well as other conservative groups; and,


Inasmuch as the IRS may have followed these Democrat Senators instructions, then listened and acted; and,


Inasmuch as the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) apparently attacked the TEA Party, their members and supporters, and other conservative groups; and,


Inasmuch as President George W. Bush appointed these last 2 IRS Commissioners defined for the respective relevant times of service; and,


Inasmuch as President G.W. Bush’s Former Deputy Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor, Karl Rowe criticizes the TEA Party, their members and supporters, and many of their TEA supported candidates; and


Inasmuch as George W. Bush’s Senior Advisor, Karl Rowe may have been associated with President Bush’s administration, and aware of his own political view and the appointed IRS Commissioners common dislike of the TEA Party and other conservative groups; Therefore,


Senior Advisor, Karl Rowe may be obligated to share some responsibility of, perhaps, recommending President George W. Bush anti-TEA Party appointments as IRS Commissioner(s).

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                        I received this message in an e-mail from The TEA Party Express and was appalled at what I read.

First Tea Party Victory of the 2014 Cycle

Tea Party Express, the nation's largest Tea Party political action committee, congratulates Mark Sanford on his election victory tonight.

Sanford, a Republican, defeated Democrat Elizabeth Colbert Busch by a 54 percent to 45 percent margin in the 1st Congressional District race to replace Tim Scott.

Thanks to your commitment to elect fiscal conservatives and your generous support, Mark Sanford was victorious in defeating liberal Democrat Elizabeth Colbert Busch in yesterday's special election

Yesterday, a grassroots issue-based campaign upset the national Democratic campaign machine. Voters saw past the personal attacks and elected a Tea Party candidate who is willing to stand up for fiscal responsibility and limited government. Mark Sanford was once rated number one by the National Taxpayers' Union for his efforts to reduce spending and the national debt, and we are confident that he will bring that same conservative leadership back to Washington, D.C.


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Glad to be Here!

This is just a first, test blog post.  I'm just trying to get a feel for the place, and look around a bit.  I've been over at TPC for a few months now, and Deanna gave this place a shout, so I decided to come over and look around.

I'll be back later to tell you all a little more about myself, and why I'm becoming active in the Tea Party.  Until then, thanks for the invitation, and thanks for this very compelling site.  I hope to get to know you all better in the coming days.  Stay tuned!!!


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4063689376?profile=originalChris Matthews Attempted to Pin Boston Terrorism

                              on Conservatives

Chris Matthews Attempted to Pin Boston Terrorism on Conservatives Last week America again became the tragic victim of terrorism. Yet, as Americans were trying to grasp the full measure of an act which caused death, injuries and mayhem, the nation was assaulted again. This time it was the liberal media bias of a pundit whose sole job was to not bring comfort and truth to a nation on edge. Instead, Chris Matthew, anchor of an MSNBC news show, chose to pin this atrocity on conservatives and Tea Party members.

As the nation continues to cope with the possibility of connections to outside state sponsored terrorist plots involving Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, and his brother, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, Matthews chose to yet again attack innocent Americans who support and defend America’s laws and the U.S. Constitution.

What comfort does a person like Chris Matthews draw from spewing vitriolic hatred toward the Tea Party by hoping the act of terrorism was committed by a “white person who is right-wing?” The absurdity of this could be easily dismissed if it were dripping from the lips of an inebriated bar fly sitting in a watering hole. But, this salacious assault was spewed into the public arena from his ratings challenged MSNBC cable show.

Unfortunately recent history has been marked by liberal journalists who have chosen to alarm America with unproven statements of condemnation against conservatives and Tea Party members.

ABC did this in July of 2012 when Brian Ross, ABC News Chief Investigative Correspondent, erroneously and callously linked an innocent Colorado man and Tea party member as being the bomber in Aurora, Colorado. Instead it turned out the real killer was a James Holmes, who just happened to be a Democrat.

That was left unreported by the liberal media. What purpose does it serve to strike fear with persistent lies, except if one’s intention is to engage in a strategic campaign of misdirection and annihilation? Americans who were seeking as much critical information as possible during those crucial hours and days after this terror attack deserved better.

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Leaders of TEA Party Organizations,

I have seen the different groups in the TEA Party family all working independently, or so it                         seems to me, on projects that are all very important.  I know that one of the draws of the TEA Party is independence but the time has come that all of you must unite to fight the common enemy, an out of control government.  Both political parties are unresponsive to the citizens and only getting worse.  There are good conservatives in Congress but they are being beaten down one at a time by a machine that destroys anyone who refuses to bow to the “party loyalty first” crowd and their behind-the-scenes handlers.

The Republican Party “leadership” is in league with the most radical Democrats who have ever been in power.  We are on the verge of losing our freedom because we continue to support those who have turned their backs on us time and again.  Republicans have lied to us so many times I have lost track of the number.  They have “investigated” time and gain yet have given us nothing but hand-wringing and excuses for the evil deeds of politicians of both parties.  It is time to take drastic measures.

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Courage Is No Longer Just a Word

On Sunday, June 26, 2011, the world premiere of the first episode of the new Colony Bay Entertainment series: “Courage, New Hampshire” took place in Monrovia, CA.4063681699?profile=original

The Inspiration channel, which ranks among the fastest growing basic cable networks in America with a broadcast reach of up to 73 million viewers, recently announced it will broadcast “Courage, New Hampshire” nationally on Memorial Day 2013.

See the ISPN trailer:


“We are very excited to make this announcement,” said INSP Senior VP of programming, Doug Butts. “Original scripted dramas are going to play a significant role in INSP’s future programming strategy. Courage, New Hampshire is an outstanding addition to our already strong programming line-up.”

“With the overwhelming success of period shows like Downton Abbey, Pride and Prejudice, North & South, etc., audiences will find Courage, New Hampshire equally compelling,” Butts said. “Courage, New Hampshire fits perfectly with the INSP brand.”

Visionary, screenplay writer, director, actor and co-producer James Patrick Riley noted, “I am looking forward to seeing INSP deliver a large audience.  I am hoping that we will eventually go into regular production, with many more seasons to come.  Likewise, it would be great to establish ourselves in mainstream media, because we have done something really special here.  To have created an American 18th century serial episodic period drama is something really phenomenal.  Not even any of the major networks have attempted that.”

When asked about the future of Courage, Colony Bay Entertainment executive and Courage co-producer Jonathan Wilson replied, “Currently, we are in the pre-planning stages for a season two, so stay tuned.   We can’t say a whole lot about the number of episodes, but we’re pretty sure about one thing…There will be more romance.”

In episode one-“The Travail of Sarah Pine”- The viewer visits the frontier township of Courage, located in western New Hampshire.  When British soldiers arrive in search of deserters their quarry escapes, but one of them catches the eye of Justice of the Peace Silas Rhodes and a dramatic, gripping trail ensues.

Dramatic, believable acting by an outstanding cast of talented actors (featuring Alexandra Oliver as Sarah Pine, Nathan Kershaw as British deserter Bob Wheedle, James Patrick Riley as tavern keeper and Justice of the Peace Silas Rhodes  and Basil Hoffman as royal solicitor Simeon Trapp) propel the show.

In episode two-“The Sons of Liberty”- Justice Rhodes travels to Portsmouth for the execution of two notorious criminals.  Royal Governor Wentworth details how ruling New England will require a “light hand”, and the Township of Courage greets the arrival of a new pastor.

Performances by Donal Thomas-Cappello as the deceptively sinister Reverend Silence Laud, Isabelle Gardo as the desirable Abby Lamb, Greg Martin as the burglar and Joe Massingill as the counterfeiter make this episode delightful and compelling.  Mike Gallagher appears as a jovial barkeep and Andrew Breitbart plays the part of the High Sherriff.

In episode three-“A Snake in the Garden”- Governor Wentworth begins enforcement of the unwelcomed, unpopular white pine act.  The “Reverend” Silence Laud makes romantic advances on the lovely Miss Lamb, and the sons of liberty are the only one who stands between royal imprisonment and a farmer’s freedom.

Donal Thomas-Cappello reprises his role as Reverend Laud, and Isabelle Gardo returns as Abby Lamb.  Jonathan Salisbury as Noah Pine, Allen Marsh as Abraham Fox and Patrick Finerty as William Bramley further drive the drama of this episode.

In episode four-“Ambition”- Reverend Laud becomes ensnared in his own deceit while Governor Wentworth takes steps towards enforcement of royal justice upon Courage.  While at a training day in Portsmouth the neighboring towns’ gathered militias are pushed by Courage townsmen to ponder the question: “are you with us?”

The circle of drama continues as the Sons of Liberty stand against corrupt British rule.

The production quality is top notch, featuring crisp photography and well-paced editing that tells the story while avoiding the pitfalls of encryption or dragging scenes.  The beautiful music is consistently appropriate.  The compelling screenplay employs clever, time appropriate dialogue which evokes a wide range of emotions while conveying time tested morals.

James Patrick Riley and Jonathan Wilson, co-founders of Colony Bay and the driving force behind the success of Courage are to be congratulated for their fine production.  It is highly recommended and can be enjoyed by children of all ages.

To obtain a four DVD copy of Courage, go here:

Give the Gift of Courage



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In a recent blog I suggested a possible way to reverse the domination of the federal government over our lives and return to a true Constitutional Republic by obtaining two things.  Two amendments really.  Term Limits and Voter ID.  It so happens I posted that same blog in three different places on the web and received the same question from several different people which I will attempt to answer here.  I know some will not like this answer, but it is the only one I can envision as being remotely possible.

Allow me to begin with a little background on the enacting of Amendments to the constitution.  Here is what the fifth article of our Constitution states about enacting amendments.  

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.

The simple way is to have the congress propose the amendment then have 75% or 39 states ratify it.  The harder way is for the legislatures of 2/3rds or 34 of the states to call for a constitutional convention.  The only way that I see for this to happen is that second way.  I just cannot see the power mad people in our congress limiting their power in any manner.

OK so now we know the mechanics involved; how do we make it happen?  We have the ability and the means to generate a ground swell of support for this.  It is called The Tea Party.  BUT.  Therein lies another problem.  There is not one Tea Party in this country.  There are at least three national organizations calling themselves “The Tea Party.”  They agree on many things.  The main point of disagreement is all in the how.

The ‘Tea Party Patriots’ as seen at http://teaparty.net I believe was the first to open a site on the web.  They brook almost no outside comment, but do disseminate information.  They have their own set of core beliefs they adhere to.  The second is http://teaparty.org.  They seek comments from members and this blog will be posted on that site.  They also have their core beliefs, which are different in kind form the other two.  The third is the Tea Party Express.  Sorry I don’t have their web site as I don’t personally enjoy some of their methods.  Therein lays the rub.  Their methods.  I will leave an in depth analysis of those methods for another and, trust me, much more boring blog.  Suffice it to say they don’t approach the same problems, on some cases, and certainly go about attacking those problems in vastly different ways.  Now that can be a good thing!  IF they could just focus!  If they got together and used their dissimilar approaches to get those state legislatures to call that convention we could have one in about two years.

Simple, right?  Yeah sure.

Let me close with one thought.  Without, at the very least, the voter ID laws passed in a vast majority of the states, the liberals will continue to win and We The People shall continue to lose.  Because the dead have come back to life and are voting democratic as are the illegals in every state!

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