tea (318)

   This has been one of the most unusual presidential campaigns in modern history;but Hope is Still Alive in some conservative circles, and We the People of the Conservative GOP can still envision a brokered convention that overcomes all of the injustices, potential fraud, corruption, lies, and muddy money thrown at the honorable Statesman, Patriot, and still most qualified to lead and defeat Obama...Newt [You can count on me to support any GOP candidate provided it is a TRUE CONSERVATIVE choice, and not a Mirage]. Our path to VICTORY is simple. For the balance of the primaries, we must rally support behind our former opponent, Dr Ronald Earnest Paul, and here's why: quite simply, he is the only one left with money, machine, and zero debt, to #StopMitt.  #RonPaul cannot likely make 1144 at this point either, but with help from a #NewtRevolution coalition, neither will Mitt Romney.
Last Week, Texas Politico Polling showed Newt within "Striking Distance" in Texas with 45% to Romney, 35% to Newt, and 14% for Ron Paul. If that Poll would hold, then Paul would normally get ZERO delegates from his home state,since he got less than required 15%, and Newt and Mitt would divide them up. However, Newt's suspension of the campaign is big game changer, and, the all too soon unconditional surrender by Randy Evans, Gov Rick Perry, and other surrogates whom quickly endorsed liberal Romney, assures us that the 35% Poll numbers will not hold for Newt, but will plummet to inconsequential levels.
However, Ron Paul is still very much alive on the campaign trail, with money in the bank, zero debt, and a great story to tell. He has already reportedly made an alliance with Santorum followers in Colorado and other places to address injustices and corruption within the party.They are there. No use continuing to be in denial. But we the people still can do something about it.
My main opposition amongst conservatives is worrying about Ron Paul. First of all, this is not about Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum or Mitt Romney. They all have great personalities, or they would not have the big crowds, speaking of which, Paul's crowds have been competing with Obama in size. Yes, i still have problems with Paul on Foreign Policy,but he appears to be trying to mainly get back to putting more war decisions in hands of Congress, vs one man, the presidency.All that said, I AM STILL #WITHNEWT, Period [although I would support any TRUE CONSERVATIVE with a Proven Record and not a Mirage}.
As Conservatives, our goal is NOT "Anybody But Obama". We are NOT against Obama as a person. Rather, we stand against the ideas, philosophy,and policies that are shipwrecking our great country. Newt has always said it best, that this conservative battle is a battle for IDEAS, and that IDEAS MATTER.  The Left in the GOP is begging Paul, Newt, and Santorum supporters to UNITE and to be UNIFIERS, because they want to nominate Mitt Romney, since, if Mitt does manage to beat Obama, the end result is still the same...THEIR IDEAS WIN. To replace Obama with an Obama look alike is ridiculous, and certain suicide for the true conservative cause.
If those with Santorum and Newt will rally behind Ron Paul now, he will gain an amazing number of delagates, and #STOPMITT from ever getting 1144. But Ron Paul will not likely get to 1144 either, at this stage, however, at an Open Convention, everything will be on the table without any outside, disingenuous influence from Democrats in Open Primaries or ballot shenanigans. We the GOP will decide whom our candidate will be, not the liberal and moderate GOP Establishment, not Fox News, CNN, or the lame stream media.
Right Now, I hope you will join me, and the many others whom understand that this could be the Newt's [and Tea Party Patriots'] finest hour; for,  while he may have thought he left the race, truth is, the Spirit of his IDEAS is still very much alive. It is for those IDEAS, and the common cause of defeating the wrong ideas, that I and many others enjoin our efforts with Dr Ronald Earnest Paul, to Save the Republican Party from destroying itself by nominating a self proclaimed "Progressive" (Mitt Romney Video on YouTube,"I'm a non-partisan Republican and a Progressive"], which by definition is "soft communism or socialism".  [ See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progressivism  ]

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T.E.A. Party Doubles-Down on Failed

Over-Involvement Policy and Social Conservativism


                In 2010 the remarkable effect of the T.E.A. (Taxed Enough Already) Party’s Anti-Big Government; Pro-Constitution; and Pro-fiscal Responsibility Platform was truly the news of the hour even if the lamestream-mainstream media were not willing to cover it and Time magazine refused to even consider it a newsworthy movement.  Besides the resurgence of conservatives in the U.S. House of Representatives, a shift of over 600 state legislature positions from liberal to conservative hands was an outstanding result by any fair measurement.  Only trouble?  Three shoo-in semi-conservative U.S. senators were defeated by three T.E.A. Party favorites each of whom proved to be unworthy and ineffective candidates . . . and the liberal Obama-supporting U.S. Senate under Harry Reid continued unbroken to obstruct citizens’ movements for responsible-responsive governments.  At present Reid’s Senate has NOT passed a budget in over 1,190 days just six days short of three full years.  Over the same time period, the House of Representatives under Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi also failed to pass a budget, but the Republican-controlled House after the 2010 “miracle-election” has passed two significant Paul Ryan budgets.  Just imagine how different things might be if the T.E.A. party had not interfered in Colorado, Nevada and Connecticut.  Now it appears that mistake in judgment is about to be repeated in the case of several well-respected Republicans; two quite prominent and most notably, Utah’s Orrin Hatch, a damned decent man in my not-so-humble opinion.

            Today rather than getting credit for the modern miracle they pulled off,  and almost pulled off . . . in many places the T.E.A. (taken enough abuse?) Party is villified and has lost much popularity.  Rather than being seen as the “savior of conservativism,” by Republicans, many moderate Republicans regard the T.E.A.s as a threat and a group of butt-inskies.  Has something gone wrong?  If so what?   What can we learn from the relatively few but remarkably stupid mistakes of 2010? 

  1. 1.       In each of these three cases, rather than emphasizing the T.E.A. Party “Contract from America,” the T.E.A. Party chose to become extremely involved in the early primary and election process itself.  In fact, today, the T.E.A. Party emphasis on the Contract from America has virtually disappeared:  a grievous error.
  2. 2.      In each of these three cases, the T.E.A. Party, rather than playing the role of impartial protectors of the Constitution emphasizing to voters how they ought to be making decisions, decided instead to immerse itself in the political in-fighting. 
  3. 3.      In two of the cases, Colorado and Nevada, the T.E.A. Party embarrassed itself by getting involved with virtually inarticulate SOCIAL-CONSERVATIVES who were easily maneuvered into ugly and untenable positions by experienced liberal politicians.  In Connecticut, their glorious candidate was a sorry excuse for a politician – who vetted that woman – witchcraft, indeed?   Looking at the Contract from America . . . where exactly are we to find any social-conservativism at all?  Or Witchcraft?   If the T.E.A. Party  wants its newly arisen social-conservativism to become the new replacement for the long ineffectual Republican litmus test . . . I guarantee that will be the end of the T.E.A. Party’s ability to create meaningful change in meaningful areas such as those 10 planks of the Contract from America.  In each of these three over-involvement instances, the candidates seemingly refused to mention the Contract from America, but were certainly not reluctant to talk about abortion, creationism in schools, and prayer in schools.  By the way, very little progress has been made on the Contract for America precisely because the U.S. Senate was not won by the Conservatives.  So what’s to be done?
  4. A.      Politics is very expensive, messy and often is NOT conducive to a climate of change.  Avoid actual politics.   Educate, proselytize, be missionaries for the Constitution; for fiscal-responsibility; for small, effective government.
  5. B.      Next to the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution, the most remarkable document for freedom and capital R-type Republicanism from paragraph A before this was the T.E.A. Party’s Contract from America.  When the T.E.A.s virtually abandoned this key document, they abandoned their identity.
  6. C.      Right now 75% of the conservatives in politics are Republicans.  If and when, however, liberal Democrats cannot get elected and liberal Republicans cannot get elected and Progressive anythings cannot even win primaries, then the T.E.A. Party will need to shift to carefully monitoring both parties as fiscal- and Constitutional-Conservativism becomes a winning proposition in both parties.  Till then 75% of the time the T.E.A. Party should support the Republican and 25% support some version of a Blue-dog Democrat or Independent. . . but should NOT get involved with primaries, and elections directly.   Just help people learn about the Contract for America; and fiscal- and Constitutional-conservativism don’t interfere.  Also T.E.A Party volunteers can serve a very big role in 1) helping to get out the Conservative voters and 2) serving as watchdogs at election precincts (do the job of election volunteer, but remain alert to potential voter fraud situations).
  7. D.     The T.E.A. Party can learn a lot from the Libertarian father-son combo of Ron and Rand Paul.  The Pauls’ stance on small government, fiscal-responsibility, low taxes, welfare, abortion and military excursions away from America’s shore’s are well-known.  What’s worked for the Pauls?  1) emphasizing the T.E.A. Party positions found in the Contract for America more than any other approach which covers low taxes, small government, fiscal-responsibility, and to a  lesser extent 2) welfare- reform. 

What’s sort of worked for the Pauls?  3)  Lumping both major parties together as irresponsible (and they sure are) on taxes and big government and fiscal responsibility and 4) pointing at one as champions of an evil and counter-productive welfare-state and at the other of a bloated and almost-imperialistic warfare state? 

What’s absolutely failed to work for the Rands?  5) Social-liberalism on matters like drug-legalization;   and abortion; and 6) any hint of criticism of the American military in war zones.  <when Ron Paul talks about military bases in 156 countries and 120 troops in Gemany and Japan combined – he finds many more sympathetic ears than when he criticizes military missions>.  The Libertarian position on items 5 and 6 virtually guarantees a maximum of 20% support and as little as a 10% following anywhere in the nation – very ineffective.  Ron Paul should realize where his power lies and refuse to comment ever on items 5) and 6).  If he did that, he’d largely be a T.E.A. Party man and find high-receptivity among 45% of the voters minimum.  I love the T.E.A. Party, but have been embarrassed by its gaffs with the three Senators in 2010 and with virtually everything since then.  What works for the T.E.A. Party?   The Contract for America.   Make a new one quickly that reflects 2012 reality.  Refrain from picking candidates until they are nominees.  Refrain from any and all social-conservativism.  Fiscal- and Constitutional- and small-government-conservativism is not only a winner . . . it’s also precisely what the nation needs right now.


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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April 15, 2012 TAX DAY TEA PARTY Watkins Glen NY! This is a formal invite to any and all on this list to attend this event. 

Tax Day Tea Party Rally

Hosted by “We the People”
Sunday, April 15, 2012
2:00pm – 5:00 pm

The Watkins Glen Community Center Clute Memorial Park - On Boat Launch Road just off of Rte 414, Watkins Glen, NY 14891

Bill NoJay
Peter Haidt

Beth Powers & The Liberty Bus
Amy Kremer – The TeaParty Express
Yvonne Donnelly – National 9-12 Project
Sheryl Thomas – TeamWatch NY

*Carl Paladino – 2010 NY gubernatorial candidate

NY State Senate Candidates – George Maragos, Wendy Long and Bob Turner

Space is available for vendors, campaigning candidates, and patriot groups
Cost is $50.00 per Vendor table – Space is limited, contact us soon!


RSVP to Sandy King at ycteaparty@frontier.com or Pat Galvin at pgalvin@rochester.rr.com

or go to MEETUP: http://www.meetup.com/yates-county-tea-party/



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I have to say, and I hope it's true, "That The Sleeping Giant Has A Waken."

I don't know about you all but I am so grateful to God that "We the People" have finally woken from their slumber. We have a long road a head of us, with my challenges before us, and extremely important decisions to make before the November elections, and what may manifest from the enemies camp. I use the term enemy not lightly, for we as Americans' are facing a party that has never before so boldly infiltrated into our nations political arena. Never before have we ever had such a pro-leftist (Marxist) regime running our nation, and I might add running it right into the ground, trying to disband our constitution, as they work diligently to bankrupt our treasury department, our economy (Jobs/Housing Market), our social integrity and morals with their political correctness movement which is nothing more that Marxist hogwash. 

I am proud to be an America, but the nation I do so love, with its freedoms and liberties are slowly being taken away as these Marxist bastards have infiltrated our schools and what has been being taught in them in just over the past twenty years with socialist professors teaching Marxism to our children, not mentioning the slow deterioration of the standards of what is taught in our schools in the first place from 1st Grade on up, better known as drumming down, which began just about 100 years ago and have been making more head way than ever with the ever present assistance of our media as a hole.

As Americans' we need to understand one thing, and that is, if we expect to change what is happening in Washington, we also need to be prepare to change what is happening not only with the news media, but in Hollywood, the story tellers. For it is from the story tellers (the movie Industry as a whole) which first initiates new ideas, that may seem strange and even unacceptable at first, over time becomes more and more tolerated, until it becomes acceptable as part of our society to the majority, even to those who dis-approve, but figure there is nothing we can do anyways.

In closing I just want to say, We as a people must never again accept the status qua, we must never again be silient, we must never again allow those politicians dictate to us what they are going to do, but We the People, need to stand continuously together and dictate to those politicians what they are going to do, or you'll be striped of authority to make decisions for or nation and its people. And that goes for Hollywood also.

Again I am proud to be an America, and I will not be silenced. We need to stop the murdering of our babies, and end this social revolution of sexual sin (homo-sexuality as a life style, for it is not a life style but a life in the style of sin against both God and nature.

God Bless America Again

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And others may have attended the Florida State Tea Party Convention last November where I was invited to do two presentations on the Middle East.

My name is Gerald A. Honigman (Jerry, to you), a Florida educator who has done extensive doctoral studies in Middle Eastern Affairs, is widely published, and whose work goes after Obama with a vengeance. Check out this one example to see what I mean...


Now, remember Newt's comments on the fake "Palestinians" and how everyone jumped on him for that--including Romney?

Please see my own laid back--but potent--You Tube on the same subject...



Here's my own timely new book on these subjects (in a dozen major universities so far, but written in short, easy to read chapters) which provides a far more accurate perspective than is found in too many other sources...

http://q4j-middle-east.com .


E-mail me either at Honigman6@msn.com for it, or get a beautiful, personalized, hard cover copy of my book at the above url via Pal Pal


Glad to be joining you now!

All my best,



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Patriot and conservative activist Miki Booth will be joining us on Tea Party Radio again tonight at 9 pm EDT!  Miki has been "in the trenches" for a long time now.  We'll be discussing what's going on with her ongoing efforts to rid this nation of "Obama," her new book just out---"Confessions of a Community Organizer from Hawaii"  which is now available on Amazon.com in hard-copy, Kindle and computer download (link is below)  Here is some of  what I discussed with her earlier today, and we will be talking about on the air tonight:

Below is the CBS Ch. 5 AZ report of Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Press Conference. More than half a million views so far but apparently its not enough to force the lamestream to report it. CONTINUE TO SHARE THIS VIDEO WITH EVERYONE YOU KNOW UNTIL EVERYONE KNOWS THE TRUTH - THE 'BIRTHERS' WERE RIGHT ALL ALONG!!!

Please view and share Carl Gallups Youtube: I REMEMBER! I WILL NOT FORGET! Obama-Fraud Saga - who is responsible?

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Obama and tuition reduction

So Obama will withhold federal funds if colleges raise tuition.  Where does he get the right to start managing colleges and universities.  Here is the deal, the federal government now controls the federal grants to colleges and universities and is the only one now allowed to loan money for college  tuition.  That gives the federal government control of our higher education.  Their next step is not just tuition cost containment, but whether the students they are paying for are  receiving value for what the government spends and that means control of the curriculum .  They may elect not to pay colleges that have Ayn Rand and Friedrich von Hayek on their mandatory reading lists.  That's how they do it, little by little in small steps.

I wrote a book of short stories to educate Americans about how Obama and his progressive colleagues act and  think.  It has been called a Tea Party primer.  Check it out on Amazon.com in soft cover and Kindle version or on Barns and Noble as an e-book for their NOOK.  The title is OBAMA'S SHORTS.  WARNING: This book contains a political treatise and satire.  The text has not been approved by the U.S. Department of Thought or The Reading Protection Agency.  You may incur tax liability from reading it, pending new regulations from Obama's Kinetic Knowledge Transfer Czar.  READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. 

More book  information at www.obamasshorts.com.  The only way to save America is to educate its citizens about our founding principles. 

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The image below isn't mine, but it perfectly sums up the effects of the Obama economy.  It comes from  the webpage of Congressman Trent Franks (R-AZ) (http://1.usa.gov/zdHUAN). Not to be a conspiracy theorist, but I don't think what has happened to our country in the last three years was an accident.

There are those who assume from the negative results that Obama and his advisors don't know what they're doing.  This assumption is based on the thought that they want the same things we do: prosperity, freedom, and to retain America's status in the world.  I am one that does not make such an assumption. 

I believe they know exactly what they are doing. When Obama said he was going to "fundementally transform the United States of America" he meant to drag us into his vision of a socialistic nation.  What we are seeing now,, the languishing economy, rise in poverty rates, increase in energy costs, expansion of the recipient class, are the results. 

His foremost foreign polcy initiative when he took office was "Muslim Outreach". That was his reason for the Cairo apology speech.  Before his venture into politics, Obama was a leftist community organizer. I don't believe it is a coincidence that after two years of "Muslim Outreach" by a leftist community organizer, that the community got organized in the Muslim world. What has since become known as the "Arab Spring" But, what have been the results? The Muslim Brotherhood now controls Egypt, the Al Quaeda flag flew over Libya, there is civil war in Syria, there is unrest in Tunisia and Yemen still, and Iran is closer to acquiring nuclear weapons. 

We patriots have to be the Paul Revere's of our generation. In this election year, we have to carefully screen our candidates and support those that will return us to our country's founding principles. 

Ronald Reagan once said "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free" (http://bit/ly/11a87R).

This site won't allow me to upload the image. Please go to this site: http://1.usa.gov/zdHUAN

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Those Tea Party extremists

On Sunday’s NBC Meet the Press, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said that he sympathized with the American people’s frustration with Congress. He went on to say that it was due to the “obstructionism on steroids” caused by the Republicans and the extremist Tea Party.
“I hope the Republicans have learned their lesson” Reid continued. The debate on the extension of the payroll tax deduction was “a disaster” for the Republicans (http://bit.ly/yzZa5x).  In that debate, the president and the Democrats proposed, and finally received, a two month extension. The Republicans proposed, and folded on, a one year extension. The problem here was that the liberals, supported by the main stream media, control the dialogue. Somehow, wanting to extend a tax deduction for a full year was turned into a bad thing for the American people and only wanting to extend a tax cut for two months was the more reasonable position.
Harry went on to say that the art of legislation was negotiation and compromise. So, it is the Democratic position that if they propose further spending or a new program, and the Republicans don’t want it at all, it is our responsibility to compromise. That assumes that the creation of the program is a given, it is really just a matter of working out the details. It is further assumed that if the Republicans don’t fall in line, we’re being obstructionists. It is more “extreme” that one party, and the president, will continuously increase spending and grow government at the expense of liberty than it is to attempt to prevent it.
Reid continued by stating that the Tea Party’s influence has been “really bad for this country” (http://bit.ly/yzZa5x). With the national debt currently at $15,241,210,000,000, and over $5 trillion of that added since Obama took office, it is inconceivable how he can consider that good for the country. And, as if that wasn't enough, Obama has asked Congress to authorize another $1.2 trillion raise in the debt ceilling. But, he, and his liberal compatriots do. Because they control the debate, it is the Tea Party and our desire to return this country to our founding principles, small, sound and accountable government that is labeled “extreme”.
By contrast, it is these same liberals that sympathize with the Occupy Wall Street movement. That wave of protestors are supported by the American Communist Party, SEIU, big labor, and socialists. The OWS has a basic Marxist message empower the government to redistribute wealth from the producers in this country to the recipient class.

Even Congressman Bill Owens (D-NY23) said that the Occupy Wall Street movement was “just like the Tea Party” in their protests at a town hall meeting at SUNY Canton in October. This is despite the fact that there have been numerous violent confrontations with police, rapes, assaults, drug use, thousands of arrests and a near universal disregard for private property rights at the OWS protests and not one arrest at any Tea Party event. Yet, we are the extremists?
Harry Reid thinks the Tea Party is dying out because the economy is getting better. First, the economy is not getting better. When Obama was sworn in, the unemployment rate was 7.6% (http://bit.ly/z9CwEg).  It is now 8.5% (http://bit.ly/eT9opV)  and has been over 9% for the majority of Obama’s presidency. The Democrats controlled the presidency, the House of Representatives and the Senate for the first two years of his administration. They were able to force through every progressive policy they wanted with a total disregard for the Republicans or the American people. So, despite all of the rhetoric, despite the $785 billion stimulus, cash for clunkers, Obamacare, green job initiatives, the take over of GM, etc, the unemployment rate is still higher now than at Obama’s inauguration. Yet, because the progressives and liberals control the message, we’re told “the economy is getting better”, the Republicans are “obstructionists” and the Tea Party are the “extremists”.
Harry now says his agenda for next year is creating jobs. So far, no less than three times, the president has stated that creating jobs was his top priority. If the liberal progressive agenda was ever going to work to create jobs, the unemployment rate would be lower now than when he took office. It isn’t. Their agenda doesn’t work and won’t work this time.
On being “obstructionists”. Between the House, the Senate and the president, there are 536 people that can pass laws coercing 300 million Americans at the threat of punishment to comply with their mandates. This process should be hard. It should be slow and deliberate with much debate and thought and consultation with us, We the People. If that means we need to be obstructionists, all the better.

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I just published what is being called a Tea Party primer. Titled Obama's Shorts, it is an Insightful and hilarious collection of stories that exposes what Obama is up to, how he thinks to and the damage he will cause to America's future. 


WARNING: Obama's Shorts contains a political treatise and satire.  The text has not been approved by the U.S. Department of Thought or The Reading Protection Agency.   You may incur tax liability from reading, pending new regulations from Obama's Commission on Kinetic Knowledge Transfer.  READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.  Buy this book before they regulate reading

Read more about the book at www.ObamasShorts.com.  You can buy it now on Amazon.com.  It makes a great gift.  It will have your Tea Party friends laughing and nodding in approval and your liberal friends crying. 

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The obvious choice

Last August, 2011, I indicated that the world communist party is running the U.S. Federal Government via two primary proxies; Mr. Obama and the progressive group in the Senate and to a somewhat lesser extent, the house of representatives.  By the way, don't forget their numerous support groups, the labor unions and "public" education at all levels, as well as 95% of the traditional press outlets, more accurately pegged as communist propagandists. 

I am writing this because it is becoming increasingly obvious that the communist party has infiltrated the Republican presidential nomination process.  Last summer, I warned about Rick Perry.  Now what do you say after the country has had a chance to take a look at him?  Gingrich now enters the fray yet again.  I don't relish having to say this because I still remember when Newt rebuked House Speaker Tip O'Neal by calling him a communist.  This was to Newt's credit because it was an accurate statement that took courage to say.  Very, very few of our representatives have had the courage to call a dog a dog.  Unfortunately, Mr. Gingirch has now himself been co-opted by the communists via Pelosi to accept the environmentalist agenda, yet another communist front or proxie.  So Newt is now an environmentalist and we should know that the environmentalists are the most potent communist front in organizing and implementing the communist regime in America.

So, let's see now.  Only Bachman, Santorum, and Cane remain as viable candidates.   Bachman has recently said she would raise taxes yet her record is clear Tea Party.  Why hasn't Santorum been given more, even any press coverage?  Cane is obviously a threat to the communist agenda since he has been so savagely attacked in repeated attempts to discredit him.  Any of these three might "do."  But just adequate may produce just adequate results.

So who is the diamond hidden among the rough?  Cane, Santorum, Bachmann?  Established psychological principle states that past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior.  This being the case, Bachmann's record clearly indicates she is the true American Patriot.   To raise taxes is rarely good, but even Patrick Henry favored raising taxes for the narrow purpose of funding an American Revolution against tyrannical Britain.

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I don't know about everyone else, but as I  watch and listen in disbelief as our country heads towards a concrete wall in a speeding train. Our president initially calls us terrorists, racists and tries to deny our rights to freedom of speech, right to assemble. He then 'agrees' with the "occupiers" and says he understands their disgust with the wealthy (check out his net worth), and how they were not UNLIKE  the tea partiers..ARE YOU KIDDING ME. This man does not get it!!

But, when all this is being said, the media leaches onto it, and who is there to say " Hey, wait a minute, this is NOT our views". When has anyone been to a rally, had a televised opportunity to ACCURATELY give the American public our true meaning, our true beliefs, our true views. Give the public to understand we LOVE our country and do not like the path it is on.

Lets get a rally together. It would be terrific is we could get a regional rally, or even a national day to rally in EVERY state.. we need to bring the country support to us. Why would someone NOT want our country to be successful? Unless they want to take over it.

Our military cuts are going to cripple our defense of this country.. please help me!!

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For the last three months the two strongest and most consistent Republican candidate debate performances have come from businessman Herman Cain and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. Rajjpuut’s preferred G.O.P. ticket is Cain-Gingrich. The current surge in Cain’s popularity shows that Republican voters as a whole are starting to honor TEA Party principles and repudiate the G.O.P.’s former ugly movement toward bigger, more irresponsible government during the G.W. Bush years. Rajjpuut suggests that Herman Cain needs to outline a "platform" and begin to accentuate his ties to the TEA Party’s Contract from America and to educate American voters upon that document’s principles.  To that end  . . . .
Rajjpuut’s Suggested Herman Cain
“Contract with America’s Voters”
Government is growing too fast, too much, too expensively, too expansively, and too destructively . . . crowding out cherished economic freedoms. This great country will never fulfill its long-run potential to prosper, create jobs and lead the world unless constitutional limits to government are restored. America’s greatness, exceptionalism and historical allure to the oppressed people of Planet Earth is tied to three founding documents the Magna Carta, the Declaration of Independence, and the United States Constitution (and most importantly: within the American Constitution the first ten Amendments known as the Bill of Rights). A Herman Cain presidency will return to these documents as the inspiration and playbook for America’s return to greatness and exceptionalism emphasizing Individual Liberty, Limited Government and Economic Freedom.
While critics of recent Constitutionalist movements (such as the TEA Party) have called these fine Americans “racists,” “haters,” “Nazis,”  “devils” and other slurs without any actual evidence to back up their words, these well-behaved and thoughtful citizens have created a 10-point Contract from America which a Herman Cain presidency would be based upon. The first ten of the eleven main principles “PLANKS” of my presidency are based upon the TEA Party Contract from America.
#1 Protect the Constitution:
by requiring each bill to identify the specific provision of the Constitution that gives Congress the power to do what the bill does.
#2 Reject Cap and Trade and all overstepping by the EPA destroying businesses, jobs and incentives: 
by stopping all costly new regulations and repealing old regulations that have increased unemployment, raised consumer prices, and weakened the nation’s global competitiveness with virtually no impact on global temperatures; and institute a sensible American energy independence policy.
#3 Pass a Balanced Budget and Citizen Tax Freedom
requiring a balanced budget and a pay-down of the debt and funding of heretofore UNFUNDED liabilities. To preserve balanced budgets for posterity require a 2/3 majority in both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate to pass tax increases or to run a temporary deficit;  but only a simple majority in both chambers to reduce or eliminate taxes; or to eliminate a temporary deficit or to pay-down or eliminate national debt.
#4 Enact Fundamental Tax Reform:
by scrapping 100% of the present tax code and replacing it with a 0-0-9-9-9 tax plan. The 0-0-9-9-9 tax plan means that after the first $20,000 of personal income which is NOT taxed (0%); and all inheritance which is also not taxed (0%). . . institute a 9% personal income tax; a 9% corporate tax; and a 9% capital gains tax. To preserve tax freedom for posterity require a 2/3 majority in both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate to pass tax increases but only a simple majority in both chambers to reduce or eliminate taxes.
#5 Restore Fiscal Responsibility & Constitutionally-
Limited Government in Washington, D.C.:
by creating a Blue Ribbon taskforce that engages in a complete audit of federal agencies and programs, assessing their Constitutionality, and identifying FRAUD, MALFEASANCE, duplication, waste, ineffectiveness, and agencies and programs better left for the states or local authorities, or ripe for wholesale reform or elimination due to our efforts to restore limited government consistent with the US Constitution’s meaning.
#6 End Runaway Government Spending and eliminate
federal government-caused-inflation:
by pegging the price of Gold in America at $4,000 per ounce and imposing a statutory cap limiting the annual growth in total federal spending to the sum of  1/2 the rate of inflation until the budget is balanced all national debt is eliminated and all now UNFUNDED liabilities are paid for. Once our fiscal house is in complete order, federal spending can be raised by the yearly percent of population growth added to 1/2 the rate of inflation. (Note: by limiting federal budget increases to ½ the rate of inflation, lawmakers will mainly be hurting their ability to spend and not the populace by inflating the currency.)
#7 Defund, Repeal, & Replace Government-run Health
Care and the Dodd-Frank Financial Act:
Repeal the Dodd-Frank Financial Act. Defund, repeal and replace the recently passed government-run health care with a system that actually makes health care and insurance more affordable by enacting national tort reform and enabling a competitive, open, and transparent free-market health care and health insurance system that isn’t restricted by state boundaries.
#8 Pass an ‘All-of-the-Above” Energy Policy:
by authorizing exploration of proven energy reserves to reduce our dependence on foreign energy sources from unstable countries and reduce regulatory barriers to all other forms of energy creation, lowering prices and creating competition and jobs.   Add a 1% tax upon all profits from energy resources which will be set aside for funding green-energy innovation. All green energy innovation grants will be under control of a blue-ribbon committee of responsible scientists and not bureaucrats. Remove the most burdensome of taxes upon; and 100% of subsidies to all energy businesses.
#9 Stop the Pork:
by asking my party to eliminate all earmarks until our nation’s fiscal house is 100% in order; by vetoing ANY bill which contains earmarks placed before me; and then passing a bill into law requiring a ¾ majority in both the Senate and House to pass any bill with earmarks for the future.
#10 Minimize Taxes:
because a revolt against uncontrolled government, uncontrolled spending and irresponsible attacks upon economic freedom has taken place since 1989.  No intelligent person NOW trusts Washington and its bureaucracy to be good and responsible stewards of our money who put we citizens, voters and taxpayers first . . . a strong emphasis on constitutional limits and restraints on legislation, spending, taxing government interference and government control of the economy must replace business as usual in the Nation’s Capitol.  We must restore and advance the Constitutional-restraint of government championed by Ronald Reagan who ended a debilitating recession and created 20 million jobs.
#11 Re-think and Refine our Foreign Policy:
because America has lost power and prestige around the world in recent times; because Defense and Foreign Aid are such drags upon our nation’s economy; because their appears to be no integrity to recent American actions around the globe . . . we must identify our enemies; identify our friends and allies; strengthen the economic and other bonds with friends; eliminate all foreign aid that is NOT in our national interest and create a new and coherent 21st Century military and foreign policy.
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,

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4063367978?profile=originalTea Party Express V national bus tour begins this Saturday in Napa, CA. As I pack my bags and organize my performance music in preparation to embark on my fifth national Tea Party Express tour, I am a bit frustrated by those still clueless about the Tea Party movement; who we are and our propose.


Please excuse my frankness. Despite all the Tea Party has done to pull our country back from diving over the cliff to it's death into liberal socialistic hell, incredibly, there are still “Republicans” who think we are “fringe loonies”. If God had not sent the Tea Party, America as we know it would be over!


Then, we have the racist Congressional Black Caucus. Rather than abandoning their racial bias to make an honest assessment of President Obama's job performance and his failed economic policies, they blame epidemic high black unemployment on the Tea Party. Their accusation is so despicable and absurd, it is unworthy of a response.


Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-FL), a member of the Congressional Black Caucus said, “Let us all remember who the real enemy is,” she added. “The real enemy is the Tea Party. The Tea Party holds the Congress hostage. They have one goal in mind, and that’s to make President Obama a one-term president.”

Another member of the Congressional Black Caucus, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), said, “The tea party can go to hell.”

Rep. Wilson, you did get one point 100% correct. It is and should be the goal of every patriot who loves, freedom, liberty and America to “make President Obama a one-term president.” I pray, “Dear Lord, pleeeeease make it so.”

Another member of the tag team assaulting and slandering the tea party is the liberal media. I have attended over 200 tea parties nationwide including Alaska. On numerous occasions the media has asked, basically, “Why are you, a black man, hanging with these racist white folks?”

My response is always the same, “These folks are not opposing Obama's skin color. Several even voted for him. They are simply saying no to his socialistic agenda.”

Unfortunately, I have witnessed liberal media completely ignoring the mood and tone of a tea party rally to fit their preconceived report of the event.


Case in point. On a beautiful sunny day at a tea party rally in Michigan, I sang “God Bless the USA” for the finale of my performance. The response of the thousand or more in the audience was tremendous; a celebration of love for America. Afterwards, I could hardly make my way through the crowd because of so many patriots wanting to shake my hand and take pictures.

Also, at that rally was a white woman in a wheelchair who was terminally ill. Her daughter told one of our staff, “My mom said all she wanted to do before dying is to meet Lloyd Marcus.”


Wow, I can not begin to tell you how much that humbles me.

Amidst the overwhelmingly loving, happy and upbeat atmosphere, a stoned faced reporter approached me. She asked me if I felt comfortable at this racist hate-filled tea party. I wanted to say, “Are you nuts?” Despite holding my tongue and trying to politely convince the stern reporter otherwise, she became visibly angry at me, abruptly turned and walked away.


Brother and sister patriots, I am so looking forward to seeing and fellowshipping with you; hanging with my true “homies”; folks who share my love for America.


My plan is to give you daily updates from the road; highlights of the rallies, the local food favorites I sample (my mouth still waters thinking about the awesome bar-b-que spare-ribs a woman greeted our bus with in Memphis; the best I've ever eaten. Sorry mom.) and the extraordinary patriots I meet on every tour.


Please check out our tour schedule. I would love to include you in my “Million Hand Shake March” across America. http://www.teapartyexpress.org/tour-schedule/

And with that, I leave you with a song, “On the road again! I just can't wait to get on the road again. I'm looking forward to seein' all my patriot friends. I can't wait to get on the road again.”

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American


Co-Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.

Please help me spread my message by joining my
Liberty Network.

Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the
American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin


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How to Defeat the Invisible Enemy Within

I'm not surprised by the recent U.S. credit rating downgrade.  But that's not the issue here, only a symptom of very poor representation of the American people in Congress and the Executive Branch.  We must understand clearly what is going on here in our country if we are to reverse this morbid trend.  In this article, I will give some of what I know to be true.   

The atheist communist party has infiltrated all our country's institutions.

First, we have to know the enemy who wages war against us.  The Communist Party is a global political party whose main objective is to undermine and overthrow democracies all over the world along with their supporting Capitalist institutions, i.e., free market capitalism, businesses.  It currently hides in the Democratic Party and to a lesser extent, the Republican as well.  But instead of using the Bolshevik's method of mass violence as was used to overthrow Russia in 1917, they are using Leninism, the idea of incrementalism.  Thus, instead of a sudden military invasion, they do it from within, gradually, imperceptibly, penetrating and undermining through corruption, subversion of Congress, redirecting and guiding the target country down a long road to eventual Communist dictatorship, which includes mass murder and genocide in the order of tens of millions.  This is the method they have used on America at least since the 1900s.  Many people know this intuitively but can't flesh-out the details.  Remember, there in the details is where the Devil loves to play.

Communism is a proxy, front, or cover for a Satanic Cult at its core.

Second, the spirit at the heart of Communism is Satanic.  It took me years of investigating Communistic methods to finally realize that beneath all the methods of deception and trickery characteristic of Communists, was atheism.  Godlessness rules the heart of every Communist.  That explains why the "President" lies constantly with no shame and why Congress makes their wrongheaded decisions which appear strange, psychotic, even bizaare.   Communists HATE Christianity with a passion! (Remember, it was Lenin who said "Religion is the opiate of the masses.")  It is Satan himself we are up against.  Therefore, when we make wise decisions in our government, stick to them and cast votes with the full knowledge that it is actually Satan and his people who we are fighting with Godly positions and voting.

We must understand that the Communists have been waging an all-out war on America for decades:  We have failed to recognize the true nature of our enemy.

So, since Communism is an atheist religion, it seeks naturally to want to destroy God.  But since they know that is going to be very hard to accomplish, their war is targeted at the next best thing, God's people;  Christianity, Capitalism, the Constitution, and just about every traditional western institution.  They wage their attacks primarily through lies and deception, manipulation of our legal system and Judeo-Christian culture, Communist propaganda on television, the movies, newspapers and magazines, and indoctrination through public and even private education now.  They have been feeding us an onslaught of lies for so long, most no longer realize we are constantly being deceived.  The freshest attacks are those made by the awful decisions and excuses made by the majority of our cowardly and wicked governmental leaders about how much to reduce government spending and whether to raise the debt ceiling.  It only takes a little common sense to know that one cannot simultaneously reduce spending by planning to increase it at the same time!

The bottom line is we must not be intimidated.  We MUST have courage to follow through, not wavering.

In the beginning of our country, it was always about Christians building a civilization to glorify God.  The same must be true now for it is still our war.  We must have representatives who have the following:

1.  First, our representatives must pray and draw near to our Father in heaven asking for strength to stand up to the fear, pressure, and intimidation that attempts to pressure us to give in to threats.  We must be the people we were meant to be, to be set-apart, immune from the worldly temptations to compromise.  We are to please God, not man.

2.  Before voting, we must pray to know the right decision.  We must gather together in groups to pray.  Then, we must vote without fear and be strong enough (trusting God completely) to overcome the temptations to compromise that is the norm in Congress now.  Remember that it is Satan who inspires, even demands our enemies to attack us.  (I'm convinced that some among our enemy are actually demon possessed!  Hitler and his immediate officers were Occultists.)  If we stand totally firm, the enemy's mask will eventually come off for all to see.  IF we prove absolutely resolute in our determination to vote the right way regardless, God will intervene on our behalf.  Said another way, IF we remain faithful and obedient, God will go out in front of us!  Before going into any "negotiations", for example, write down what Godly decision you will accept and never deviate from that position no matter how furious the opposition becomes!  Satan will throw fits, but just stay calm and resolute.  God doesn't want us to compromise our faith so why would we compromise with the devil?

3.  We need the prayerful support and encouragement of fellow brothers and sisters.  Throw off pride and selfishness now and call, write, or visit your Tea Party representatives to ask how they are doing and offer prayer and sympathetic companionship to them to help build them up for the next spiritual battle!  Don't just think about doing it and then forget.  When you think about contacting representatives to encourage them, just be obedient and show you have faith plus works, for faith without works is dead! (James 2:26)

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A Battle Victory, but a Turncoat Among Us!

We had a small but significant battle victory yesterday when we stopped the "vote" on the disgusting bill that Mr. Boehner was going to send over to the senate.  That liberal bill would have been twisted further into the communist mold and sent back to the house, eventually being "passed".  That would have been a victory for the communist-led senate. 


But as often occurs during an argument, one can find out what side a person really stands on when the pressure increases.  In this case, Allen West of Florida, showed his true colors.  From what I understand from FOX News this morning, Mr. West was voted in by us, yet he now favors the business-as-usual, liberal and spineless "bill" that John Boehner put forth to be voted upon yesterday.  That bill would have been an aid and comfort to the enemy. 


Take notice Florida Tea Party!  You have a turncoat among you!  You better make plans to VOTE OUT Mr. Allen West the first chance you get.  He apparently likes his new job better than his duty to the citizens of conservative Florida!  Keep throwing the tea overboard!

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Tea Party Theme Song


Please enjoy the tune and be inspired by the pictures from the event that launched the conservative movement.

A rewrite of the words will make the song the battle tune for today’s Tea Party.

Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin would be honored to stand in the shadow of Alice Moore.  Today’s’ preachers should try to follow the footsteps of preachers Hill, Graley, Quigley, and Horan.  Those Tea Party patriots put it all on the line for God, country, and (most of all) their children. 

May God grant that this video will be the turning point leading to the redemption of America.


In God’s perfect timing the video was posted on July 11, 2011.


Evil had 911. May Grace have 711.


Most importantly, let's pray that God will use the video to open hearts and minds to the ministry of the Holy Spirit.


Please pass it on.

Here are tentative partial lyrics for the Tea Party Theme Song to lead us into 2012 and beyond.

Tea Party patriots are looking for reform--what are they doing in this country stirring up a storm?

Don’t they know they’re rousing people ‘round the USA, telling folks right from left and God fearing ways?

Well, the first to stand were at Boston in seventeen seventy-three...

Next to stand were West Virginians in nineteen seventy-four…

One nasty election in twenty-oh-eight liberals were everywhere…

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By Dan DeWalt

Newfane Vermont


While Vermont may be stirring the waves with its march towards universal health care, and marching to its own drummer by expanding collective bargaining rights in the state, its most pressing and immediate issue is one that should rally tea party folks from across the nation to come to its aid.


I'm not talking about the Dick “never met a prostitute's toe I didn't want to suck” Morris' Tea Party, which is simply an attempt to co-opt the movement for the Republican establishment, or the “official” Tea Party, which is more interested in suing to protect its name brand and selling ads disguised as policy statements than it is in actually doing something constructive. No, I'm talking about Americans who are simply mad as hell and are not going to take it anymore. Americans who have had their fill of federal government overreaching and stepping on states' rights. Americans who are tired of seeing powerful corporations raiding the U.S. Treasury for taxpayer dollars in order to cover for their failed business plans. I'm talking about people who are well represented by their local and even state representatives, but discover that that representation is only something to be trampled by corporate lawyers and the federal judiciary.


In short, I'm talking about Americans who recognize that Entergy Nuclear of Louisiana's bid to usurp Vermont state authority in order to shove twenty more years of the leaky Vermont Yankee nuclear reactor down our throats against our will is not only a moral outrage, but is also a key threat to aspects of the Republic as outlined in the Constitution.


The tenth amendment reads as follows: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the States respectively or to the people.”


Entergy Nuclear wants the federal courts to take away Vermont's right to regulate affairs within its borders. For the sake of promoting profits, Entergy wants the federal government to trample Vermont's right to determine the policies that its citizens demand and deserve. It wants the feds to say that we have no voice in determining our own future. If there ever was an issue that brings together a host of important questions that should galvanize citizen action, this is it. Vermonters are calling on citizens from across the country to join us next March, when we will close down the reactor if the feds and Entergy Corporation are still colluding to keep it open. Vermont Yankee was licensed to run for 40 years. That license runs out on March 21, 2012. Entergy, in spite of lying about the existence of underground pipes that leaked large amounts of tritium, along with cesium and other dangerous elements, wants to run the plant for another 20 years. Vermont said no. We said it in town meetings, not town meetings where people simply get a chance to let off steam, but actual legal town meetings where the official business of our towns is decided for the year (one of the last vestiges of true democracy still extant in our nation). We said no in the legislature where, by over a four to one margin, the state Senate voted no to continuing VY operations past 2012. And we said no last November in a clearly defined gubernatorial election when we voted in the governor who campaigned emphatically to make VY close on time.


What part of NO do these people not understand? The part that interferes with their profits. The part of NO that they have not yet experienced is the NO that they will discover on March 21 next spring, when thousands of us will be clogging the streets and fields surrounding their leaky reactor, making operation impossible and forcing them to shut down simply to be able to maintain public order. This is an opportunity for all Americans to say that we have had enough. We have had enough of corporate welfare, enough of federal government over-reach, and enough of having our democracy crushed by powerful monied interests. Vermonters are now calling on the nation to join us in this definitive fight that will stop the erosion of our rights. Help us rebalance the lopsided power that has been concentrated in the hands of the establishment elite. Help us defend the Constitution. Vermont is a state where community and citizenship are still valued and practiced. Join us and become part of a movement that brings our nation back to its democratic roots. Ask yourselves one question: who could you expect to represent your aspirations and interests more, citizens using the democratic process to control their lives, or profit greedy corporations and their political lapdogs trying to promote an industry that the free market has abandoned.


The choice is yours. The future belongs to all of us.


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