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Can One Be Truly Black and Patriotic?

4063520039?profile=originalFamed TV minster Bishop T. D. Jakes said when your “perception is off”, you do not realize or appreciate the true value of what you have until you have lost it. Is it fair to say that, in general, black America's perception is off regarding their country which is, in reality, a tremendous gift from God?

Some may think me insane for suggesting that it was a blessing for my ancestors to be betrayed by fellow blacks, sold to white slave traders, separated from their families and shipped to a strange land to be slaves. But please, hear me out.

Interestingly, black America's journey to fulfill their destiny parallels with that of Joseph in the Bible. Joseph was betrayed by his brothers, separated from everything he held dear, sold into slavery and taken to a strange land. While the Bible says Joseph had great favor with God, Joseph suffered greatly including spending 13 years in prison for a crime of which he was innocent.

Through a series of divinely orchestrated events, remarkably, Joseph became a ruler of the very land which once enslaved and unfairly imprisoned him. Joseph was second in command to the King. Here is what the Bible says about Joseph brothers' betrayal, “They meant it for evil, but God meant it for good.”

We black Americans were betrayed by our African ancestral brothers. They meant it for evil, but God meant it for good.

And yes, blacks have suffered greatly in America. My 84 year old dad's heart still bears deep scares from racism he experienced in his youth. When dad was a young Merchant Marine, while on shore-leave down in the south, whites tried to lynch my dad solely because he was “colored”. Dad's white fellow shipmates rescued him, saving his life.

A point which is often overlooked and deliberately ignored by the Race Industry is that God has always provided a remnant of good, decent, mostly Christian white people to assist blacks in their struggle for liberation and equality.

The Race Industry which is for the most part fueled by the Democratic Party would have you believe all black progress in America has been achieved in-spite of and void of any assistance from white America.

While in reality, white Americans have assisted in every major black achievement. Blacks are only 12% of the population. Therefore, Obama could not have been elected without millions of white votes. Oprah would not be “Oprah” had she not been embraced by millions of white viewers.

American blacks are tremendously blessed to live in the greatest land of opportunity on the planet – for all who choose to go for it! And yet, I sense that most blacks consider it somewhat traitorous to their race to be patriotic. They possess an extremely tragic and destructive false perception of their country.

Black America, this is your country! A lot of white folks died along side blacks to give you the freedoms, opportunity and prosperity you enjoy today. During the Civil War 330,000 white and 30,000 black Union troops paid the ultimate sacrifice to end slavery.

During slavery, it was illegal to teach blacks to read. Still, white Christians taught blacks to read the Bible. It has been said that white slave owners also gave blacks Bibles to keep them in check; referring to the scripture, “Servants obey your masters.” I say, they meant it for evil, but God meant it for good.

Mary Ovington, a white woman founded the NAACP – bet that is a shocker considering Race Industry leaders such as Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Rev. Jeremiah Wright's portrayal of white America.

Rev. Wright said, “Barack knows what it means to be a black man living in a country and culture that is controlled by rich white people.” Wright has also said, God d--- America!

Here is my response to Rev. Wright.

Tell me another country where a black kid from the hood who uses deplorable English, profane language, demeans women, calls for violence against the police, wears his pants down below his butt and raps about how racist America sucks for blacks, can become a ga-zillionaire; critically acclaimed by sycophant whites in the music industry.

Just as God elevated Joseph to ruler of his once torturous strange land, blacks are rulers in America. From the highest office in the land to multimillionaire entrepreneurs, blacks are rulers in America; the same shores on which they first arrived as battered, bruised and abused lowly slaves. Praise God!

What burdens my heart is that it appears the Race Industry has been successful in creating a “false perception of America” in the hearts and minds of many black Americans.

White Christians, you have had our backs in the past. I pray that you will come to our aid once again. Please pray for Black America. Pray that their eyes be opened to see the greatness of America – God's wonderful gift to them. I pray that many more of my fellow blacks will boldly and sincerely join me in saying with great pride, I am an American!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman –

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FL Schools Now Recruiting For Islam!

Has the Florida Department of Education lost all control over what is being taught and/or presented to our children? The ACLU continually screams for separation of church and state however when it comes to Islam there seems to be no boundaries in our schools.

On May 16 and 17 of 2012, Channel One Network, a national distributor of educational videos and newscasts was viewed daily by over 8,000 middle and high schools, aired a two-part video series, titled "Young and Muslim in America" and "Islam in America." 

Having watched both of these video’s I find they are NOT a History lesson or merely an explanation of what Muslim culture is but recruitment video’s. Presenting an idealized, whitewashed image of Islam and its followers, and showing how converting to Islam helps those who are lost and confused, emphasize’ s this programming is nothing short of a disguised recruitment video pushing a religion in a public school setting.

Our textbooks are filled with lies in regard to the status and importance of Islam over Judeo/Christian beliefs and distortions of the truth in regard to historical happenings. We have tried to get the various school districts to present to the classrooms addendums of the correct history but to deaf ears. 

Imam’s allowed to speak to our students without permission of the parents. Presenting recruiting video’s to our children without the permission.  Has the Florida State School Board and Commissioner of Education made a pack that “anything” goes when it comes to our schoolrooms?  You allow them to be taught with a faulty curriculum, non-factual textbooks, lower testing standards, throw in RTTT/CCS when we beg you to turn them down and to put the frosting on the cake you allow “UNSUPERVISED” International/Global/United Nations curriculums into our classrooms and “UNSUPERVISED” Charter Schools to include Gulen “Islamic” schools. 

If there was ever a strong case for changing the Florida Constitution to remove total control of the school district’s from the hands of each individual school district and to change back the office of the Commissioner of Education to an ELECTED office again I don’t know what is!

No wonder Florida is 48th in the country!  Our Education committee’s and school boards along with all the legislative Education committees are filled with NON-EDUCATOR’S and when we complain, again you smile and turn a deaf ear.

In "Young and Muslim in America: How being a part of Islam changed ten years ago, Part 1," students watch as Muhtasham Sifaat, 18, kneels on a prayer rug inside an empty classroom. His voiceover explains how he moved around a lot when he was younger, but Islam has given him stability. What is not revealed is that Mr. Sifaat is a political activist serving as a chapter president of the Muslim Students Association (MSA), one of the most radical Muslim Brotherhood front groups in America.


The MSA pledge states: "Allah is my lord. Islam is my life. The Koran is my guide. The Sunna is my practice. Jihad is my spirit. Righteousness is my character. Paradise is my goal. I enjoin what is right. I forbid what is wrong. I will fight against oppression. And I will die to establish Islam."

Kyle Smith, 22, gives an overview of the five pillars of Islam before the narrator explains:  Kyle, who's president of his university's Muslim Students Association, grew up in a Roman Catholic family, but converted to Islam three years ago after searching for meaning in his life (italics mine)...two of his friends led him to the religion.

Doesn't searching for meaning in life describe almost every American adolescent? Presenting an idealized, whitewashed image of Islam and its followers, and showing how converting to Islam helps those who are lost and confused, this programming is nothing short of a disguised recruitment video pushing a religion in a public school setting.

The airing of "Islam in America: How being Muslim has changed since 9/11, Part 2" on May 17 begins with a news update on the Trayvon Martin case, which deals with the alleged racial profiling of a black teenager. Coincidentally, the video that follows compares "Flying While Muslim" to "Driving While Black." Students learn about Amany Killawi,19, who struggles to board airplanes: Having to be checked at the airport a couple of times is definitely not comfortable, especially if you're Muslim. I often joke if you think driving while black is tough, try Muslim while flying. Because it's really, really tough.

Zana Lee, 14 and wearing hijab, is filmed walking into a store, stopping in front of a candy display, and subtly pointing to a bag of Skittles. Her voice-over:

I do think that Muslims are discriminated against here in America...sometimes it happens to me. Sometimes I could be shopping in the store, or just getting some candy from the corner store and I could just look up at the cashier and she can look at me in a certain way, and it just kinda hurts sometimes.


I believe the whole Education system of Florida needs to take a long hard look at the direction they are headed especially since their seems to be no oversight into what is being taught, recruited, used or spent when it comes to the “government” or “Charter” schools in this state.

Not only our students are failing but you as “leaders” have failed them!


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Dear Fellow Patriots:

What follows is a blog post by George Miller, that I am taking the liberty of sharing with you.

Lord Monckton and Author Tom Ballantyne to speak in Ventura County, CA, Wednesday on Obama (In)Eligibility!

Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 28, 2012:

These are pertinent excerpts from this blog post:


Above: Lord Christopher Monckton

Presenting:  The Climate of Freedom

We know this is VERY short notice, but definitely worth changing almost any plans you might have to come for this wonderful opportunity!  Will also have time reserved for Q&A!  6:30 PM Wed. May 30. Bring friends, family, associates, skeptics.

Forward this widely and ask others to, also.

Lord Christopher Monckton, best known for debunking the man-made “Global Warming”  (AGW) myth of pseudo-science and fighting one-world government schemes, is at it again!   He has become very aware of the fraud perpetrated by “Obama” and his many enablers, including LameStream Media and has spoken out strongly about The One’s ineligibility for office. Monckton is an amazing, accomplished man, much more than just a title.  (MORE about Lord Monckton, a former advisor to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher).

He will speak on the eligibility issue, specific concerns about the man who calls himself “Barack Hussein Obama,” the Arpaio investigation, what is to be done and more. We are assured that he will be unable to resist the temptation to also talk about “Global Warming” and the threat of one-world government, at this very special event.


Note: Americans are waking up!

Thanks again to WND, Obama Ballot Challenge Staff and Sheriff Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse for their unwavering commitment and fortitude to continue the fight.

Americans across the country are waking up to the fact that President Obama is constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of President, as substantiated by his newly released long-form Certificate of Live Birth, which shows that his father was in fact born in Kenya in 1936. At the time, Kenya was a British colony. Therefore Obama Senior was a British subject by birth (due to the fact that he was born within British-controlled territory). When President Obama was born in 1961, he acquired British nationality by descent, because his father was a British subject by birth. When Kenya gained its independence from Great Britain in 1963, President Obama became a citizen of the newly-formed nation.


Additionally, several new organizations, to include active websites, were established to educate and mobilize the American public on the significance of “natural born Citizen” and the 2012 Election, along with an initiative to assist ordinary registered voting citizens wishing to challenge President Obama’s constitutional eligibility and name placement on their state’s 2012 primary presidential ballot. The team that established and maintains this website is currently compiling election laws from all 50 states and in the near future will be providing forms, along with sample letters that registered voters can use to file a complaint. Also included is pertinent information regarding those lawsuits and/or complaints that have been filed by state, to include my own.


Word of Caution:  Although its great that many Americans are now beginning to wake up and are actively taking some action to have President Obama taken off the 2012 Presidential Election Ballots we need to keep in mind that those individuals with unlimited sources and/or resources, to include the deep pockets of anti-American George Soros, our own local and national elected officials and others, with the help of the MSM, who have spent years planning and successively perpetrating what I now believe could be the greatest fraud in American history are not going to go down without a fight and thus, as a result, I also believe that now more than ever we need to stick together as Americans (it's no longer Democrat or Republican) at this crucial time when our country and/or Republic needs us more than ever to see this thru. A Republic for which so many Americans have and continue to give their all to uphold and defend.

So the question isAre you going to be part of the problem by continuing to keep your head in the sand hoping this issue goes away by itself or are you going to be part of the solution by stepping up to the plate and doing what ever it takes to uphold and defend our Republic before its too late?-You Decide:

YOUR TURN: TELL CONGRESS TO PROBE ELIGIBILITY: ‘Not to resolve this monumental, unprecedented constitutional issue intolerable’!-Posted on April 10, 2012:

Continue Reading:

The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!

Could the President’s newly released COLB be a forgery?’s-newly-released-colb-be-a-forgery/

“Food For Thought”

Hope you and your loved ones had a great/safe Memorial Day weekend.

God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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Pictures of America's Medicare Mess

Earlier this month, President Barack Obama sat down with world leaders at the G8 summit and bragged about his track record of supposed good governance -- how he has worked to "bring down our deficits and debt over the longer term" and made "room to take a balanced approach to reducing our deficit and debt." There are plenty of ways to shoot holes in the president's pronouncement, but there is one glaring example of where he has come up far short -- failing to address America's growing Medicare crisis.
In "Medicare at Risk: Visualizing the Need for Reform," Heritage's Kathryn Nix and John Fleming illustrate the facts about Medicare and why Washington must come to the rescue with innovative solutions to preserve the program today and into the future.
President Lyndon Johnson signed Medicare into law in 1965, creating a program that today provides health insurance to some 48 million Americans. Now, though, that program is in desperate need of reform as the United States grapples with retiring baby boomers entering the system, increasing health care costs and a status quo that simply can't be sustained.
Case in point: Medicare spending is growing faster than the rest of the federal budget, and it's the main cause of America's long-term deficits. As Nix and Fleming show, Medicare's costs are projected to shoot through the roof, surpassing Social Security, Medicaid, Obamacare subsidies and all other non-interest spending by 2050. Want more proof on how bad the situation is? By 2040, Medicare's shortfall will account for 81 percent of the federal deficit.


(Read the whole story about how serious a problem this is, and yet, Obama rams through "another" Federal Program instead of solutions to the Medicare Mess, besides stealing 1/2 $Trillion from Medicare!)

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Be Encouraged! 5/29/12

Howdy all!  Well, the long weekend is over, and we head back to work again.  Terri and I had some good fun this weekend, until we did what many Americans do on long weekends; we bought something.  Our something is a zero turn mower.  They look so cool, and can turn on a dime.  Unfortunately as we found out, they can also turn on a garden hose, and an irrigation valve.  Glad they don’t require a license.  They don’t, do they?

Any hoo,..

There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends. ~ John 15:13

The consciousness of having discharged that duty which we owe to our country is superior to all other considerations." --George Washington, letter to James Madison, 1788

There have been so many thanks to our service men and women this weekend, as there should be every day.  But as I read the selections for today, I realized that there is always a chance to say thanks.  There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for another.  So we need to realize that the consciousness of having discharged that duty is superior to all other considerations.  So, I want to take this time to thank everyone who has served our great country, offering themselves for our protection.  And I say one more prayer for those whose offer was discharged.  People like those at MSNBC who feel uncomfortable calling our troops heroes should try to spend one day in their place on the front line, in the air over the attack zone, or even under the sea in harm’s way.  If they had to live like our troops do every day, their tune may be a bit different.  I’ve been under the sea.  I have relatives who have been on the line, and in the air.  I know what courage it takes to stand, and not run.  Let them spend a day alongside our bravest.  See who runs first.

I salute our finest, I pray for those in harm’s way, and I can never thank enough those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for me. 

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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Commemorating Memorial Day in honoring our Military personnel, those who have died, been injured, and those who are fighting for the United States Constitution I am excited to release this new song and video, 'The Lion's Share". In creating this song, and feeling myself to be kind of an instrument from which this music and creation came, I was moved to depict two things:

An honor for military's service and and honor for America's good deeds. So many times the chain reaction of good deeds is unnoticed and I wanted to depict that chain reaction which is amplified clear up to the Constitution of the United States and the honor we as Americans have living under it as The Supreme Law of the Land.

This song is not fiction but a story that is true much of it happening in one day. The song is a celebration of gratitude. Happy Memorial Day - Enjoy! The LION'S SHARE

Cody Robert Judy


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Commemorating Memorial Day in honoring our Military personnel, those who have died, been injured, and those who are fighting for the United States Constitution I am excited to release this new song and video, 'The Lion's Share". In creating this song, and feeling myself to be kind of an instrument from which this music and creation came, I was moved to depict two things:

An honor for military's service and and honor for America's good deeds. So many times the chain reaction of good deeds is unnoticed and I wanted to depict that chain reaction which is amplified clear up to the Constitution of the United States and the honor we as Americans have living under it as The Supreme Law of the Land.

This song is not fiction but a story that is true much of it happening in one day. The song is a celebration of gratitude. Happy Memorial Day - Enjoy! The LION'S SHARE

Cody Robert Judy


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Obama’s Liberal Junkies


This headline depicts the idiotic thought process of the Liberals - MSNBC Host: 'I'm Uncomfortable' Calling Fallen Soldiers Heroes Sun May 27. In honor of our brave Military, American citizens should remove these terrorists from our turf. 4063519551?profile=original

Take a gander at a few of the Liberal Obama worshippers and meet the Liberal junkies who spew a “false ideology”.

They’re not the smartest creatures in the turnip patch, but they religiously sit up, beg, roll over and play dead for their puppeteers.  They are the Communist, Marxist and Rothschild zombies or robots and they’re pre - programmed, brainwashed and unable to function on their own.  

Chris Mathews from MSNBC, the man who gets a tingle up his leg when talking about Obama not only lost his tingle, but lost his marbles too on Jeopardy.  Chris exposed himself as a rather senile disturbed human being when it comes to “smarts.”  Without Soros pulling his strings and writing his script Chris like Biden isn’t safe on the streets by himself; he’s an accident waiting to happen.  

Valerie Jarrett possibly could feign poor eyesight, but her “I’m the Queen” attitude at the Alfalfa Club was over the top.  Jarrett ordered one of our high ranking officers in full dress uniform to bring her a glass of wine.  Jarrett, Obama’s senior adviser has a distinguished nick name that has hung onto her like glue.  The White House gophers have dubbed her “the Worst White House Aide:”  Valerie is the one who had a White House tantrum  and threatened to walk if Obama let the CIA and Seals snuff Osama bin Laden.  Funny thing is neither Obama nor Jarrett had enough clout to stop the CIA and Seals from finishing their job.  Hats off to the CIA, the Navy Seals, Hilary Clinton, Rear Admiral Edward Winters and Leon Panetta for a job well done. 

Maxine Waters another one that idolizes the ground Obama walks on lost her composure and gave the Black Caucus an ear full about Obama’s lack of engagement in the African American community; Maxine was mad because Obama told the African Community to suck it up, stop grumbling and quit complaining.

Waters is the one who said that the Government has the right or power to seize control of private industry.  Waters also said, “"If [the big banks] don't come up with loan modifications and keep people in their homes that they've worked so hard for, we're going to tax them out of business."  So much for intelligence!

Good old Joe Biden reminds us that it doesn’t take brains or political correctness to fill the shoes of Vice President.  Joe never worshipped anyone but “Joe” and he provides the comedy for the Obama Administration by hook or by crook.  Biden is like a stray dog, he’s never been particularly fond of Obama and no one at any time can predict where the stray is going to make his next dump.   Obama has tried without success to keep Biden under lock and key, but Joe is rather illusive and totally resistant to rules and regulations. 

Then there’s Debbie Wasserman Schultz who isn’t exactly the perfect mouth piece for the Democrats.  She’s the Raggedy Ann with the big hair always putting her foot in her mouth.  Debbie would make “Pinocchio” hide his head in shame; her inflammatory crude language makes her Obama’s “Junkyard Dog,” definitely not his attack dog for she bites everything that moves including the Tea Parties, Conservatives, the poor, the Military, the Catholics, unborn babies, the Jews and of course Scott Walker.

In the early 1990’s David Axelrod was given the dirty assignment of mentoring and preparing Obama for the position of Command in Chief.  David sold his soul to the puppeteers years ago and now he’s stuck in the White House as Obama’s janitor.  David tags along after Obama mopping up his messes and putting out his fires.  It’s a dirty job, but I guess someone has to do it. 

The Obama worshippers aren’t exactly what one would call a brilliant articulate group of low lives, but they are faithful followers of those who have worked years to destroy our Nation.  There remain an enemy of our beautiful America; they’re dangerous pawns or gophers in the political chess game.  We must fight back – It is our duty as United States citizens to protect our great Nation.

Above all, we must realize that no arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women. It is a weapon our adversaries in today's world do not have.
Ronald Reagan


May God Bless America

As Always,


Little Tboca

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4063519418?profile=originalOn this Memorial Day, I'm reminded by a fellow blogger, “the blood of patriots must water the tree of freedom.” How noble!  I'm a disabled World War II veteran. I fought the Nazis in Germany and served in the Army of Occupation in Japan. Before I was twenty, I saw with my own eyes the horror of war. There is no glory in my mind to war.  The glory of war is for those who have not seen what I’ve seen.

I didn’t like a lot about what I came back to in America.  The economy was booming. There was work for everyone who wanted to work. But the welfare state that was created during the Great Depression was very much alive, and growing. The American people were voting politicians into office that gave them something out of the taxpayer’s pocket, something they didn’t have to work for.  How could the American people be that dumb? They were on the road to tyranny and didn’t know it.  They had not seen what I saw. It was the work of government.   

I prospered as an entrepreneur, until the federal government put me out of business in 1975—in favor of those government entitled. That’s democracy for you, the majority vote, not the Constitution. For 25 years, I prospered, and then out of business by the acts of government. What did I have to offer? My wife divorced me. My marriage was built on things, not love.  What is marriage?  It isn’t between a man and a woman, and made in heaven.  It’s a convenience. All that I had worked for was tied up in a court battle.  Then, thanks to my wife, the IRS made a deal.  I owed no tax, but the IRS put me on the street. I paid dearly for the crime of being out of business.  There was no excuse. It was all my fault, according to my wife. I’ve blogged here about it several times, with no response.  It was my problem. You have no interest in my problems, which happened to be the American voters’ doing, perhaps your vote.  Maybe one of these days it will be you that the IRS puts on the street.  To the IRS, you are simply a source of money and power.  You have zero rights to one penny. You can find yourself like a chicken with a bloody spot, every chicken in the yard pecking on you.

To be sure, America is the greatest military power on earth, at my expense, and ready to go to war every year or two to solve the world’s problems.  It is the road to enslavement.

More lately, I’ve been reading the Bible, especially the Gospels.  Jesus was a man of peace.  His people wanted a conquering hero.  Jesus called their leaders hypocrites and turned over the money changers’ tables, the source of their leaders’ wealth and power.  They crucified Jesus.  

I wrote “Born for Justice.”  It was of no interest to you people. Certain blogs are picked by the Command Center.  This is not a site for the basics of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. So laugh me off. I’ll leave it at that and go where the message I have to offer will be appreciated.


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“Why did I say Yes?”

The first thing I learned from my military days was NEVER VOLUNTEER FOR ANYTHING. So what possessed me to accept the office of President of the Conservative Party (Florida)? Good question.

I was approached by CP-USA’s Chairman several months ago. Harold reached out to me after reading several of my blog posts trying to change a system that refuses not only to be changed but crucifies the responsible person. We discussed CP-USA and I informed him I was not only aware of the party but had reached out in the past to learn more and what its goals were political ballot registration. We ended the discussion with the promise of staying in touch.

Several months went by and my frustration and rage grew because of the maneuverings of the political powers that were manipulating the Republican Presidential primaries. I registered for the first time in my life (I have been a registered Independent since 1984) as a Republican to specifically vote for the candidate I felt best reflected my viewpoints. Before I could, however, they were eliminated from the race; not by voter choice but by unsubstantiated allegations and political backstabbing.

The Rockefeller Republican arm reached out and choked off every Conservative candidate and left us with a guy who has never been -- or ever will be -- center right on any issue other than tableware for place settings. He is a CINO (Conservative In Name Only) while it suits his campaign, just like the Fascist we now suffer under was a liberator while he campaigned, rescuing us all from the evils of DC “politics as usual” and showing us a whole new meaning to the words Hope and Change. Right now 75% of this country is hoping to survive his change until it can be changed back.

Two years ago I read a great book by Angelo Codevilla titled “The Ruling Class: How they Corrupted America and What We Can Do About It”. Read this eye opening article:

It reminded me of why I’m volunteering to stick my neck out when I know better is: I can no longer wait for them to change, because it is beyond their capability in that environment; neither major party will allow it. We are suffering at the hands of a class system all right but it is not the Entitlement Class but the Ruling Class that exists in both major parties for 100+ years since the Wilson Era of politics. At first it was primarily fostered within an “elite” group of academicians but as their power base grew so did its political arm, the Democrat Party. Since the Republican Party was left playing the role of country club wannabes in DC, they have consistently caved on every important “Conservative” issues to go along to get along.

Republicans have shown the same destructive policy making tendencies as the Democrats; on a smaller scale but just as destructive in the end. The two-party system must end before it destroys our Republic’s political system for good, disenfranchising generations of future voters before they ever get to vote. We have allowed ourselves to become an Oligarchy where a select few delegate to an entire population with very little difference in their approach to ruling.

If I want my vote to count again and the votes of the “Conservative Majority” of which we are part then I/we must get into the game and push back against their two-party rule. We cannot wait for the change that has been promised by the same Republican Party that just gave us Mitt Romney as their presidential candidate.

I am no longer more afraid of what might happen for taking the chance than I am for not taking it. I am no longer worried that some liberal progressive socialist ruling class elite will try their tricks of defamation, condescension, denigration, lies, race-baiting or anything else they might think of to smear me into silence because it won’t work. Their agenda for this Republic is far more frightening to me than anything they can say about me and unless they are stupid enough to go after my family with threats than I am in.

And maybe that last reason is the real reason I said yes. I have said it for almost two years since her birth but it is the truth. When my granddaughter is 15 years old I do not want to answer this question from her: “Grandpa; why didn’t you stop this when you had the chance?”


In Freedom,

Dr. Keith C. Westbrook Ph.D.

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Be Encouraged! 5/28/12

Howdy all!  I had some time to kill early yesterday, so I got on the book of face and played me some good ole Texas Holdem.  A fellow got on there with an icon of 2 guys dressed in full military gear facing each other in what looked like a helicopter. He said he was one of the guys.  So I thanked him for his service and the honor to play him.  The rest of the table followed suit.  It was cool.  And just before writing, I heard the sounds of spring peril on my back porch: a baby owl that fell to the ground from its nest.  You know, they aren’t small even as babies!  Got some pics; maybe I’ll post them if I figure out this dag-bern contraption!

Any hoo,..

But Lord, be merciful to us, for we have waited for you. Be our strong arm each day and our salvation in times of trouble. ~ Isaiah 33:2

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. ~ Thomas Jefferson

Today, We The People celebrate the memory of heroes to us all; those who fell bravely, and those who serve ready to fall if necessary.  They do this out of love of country, duty, honor, respect, and responsibility.  True, America claims the beginning of the summer season today, and vendors across the nation have big sales on everything.  But, as we watch the parades in air conditioned homes, or barbeque on our porch by the pool, brave men and women eat food prepackaged years ago.  They get comfort in a hole they have to dig themselves.  They lay down to sleep on rocky ground, with their rifles and sidearms ready to use.  Jefferson said the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.  But we are not all being vigilant.  They are.  They are vigilant for us, for our safety, for our protection, for our republic.  And don’t think for one minute that they don’t miss the soft pillows, or warm burgers, or fresh watermelon and ice cream.  Yet, we will not hear their complaints.  They won’t let us hear them.  That is part of their price for freedom.  So We the People do offer up in prayer the verse from Isaiah 33:2.  Be merciful to our heroes Lord.  Be their strong arm each day and their salvation in times of trouble. 

They offer their lives for us.  The least we can do is offer our prayers for them.  Maybe a card game or two as well.

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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A moment to remember:
"The flag does not fly because of the wind that blows it.The flag flies
because each soldier's last breath blows it." by -Unknown "Only two defining
forces have ever offered to die for you.... Jesus Christ and the American
Soldier. One died for your Soul, the other, for your Freedom"

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In my tax case before the U. S. Supreme Court, the DOJ: “There is no basis for petitioner’s claim that the income tax is an unconstitutional confiscation of property without due process of law.”  Socialist tyrants don’t consider that the individual has any right to property. 

The Fifth Amendment gives the individual the right to due process of law.

Just prior to my tax court trial, the IRS amended its response to my claim, admitting that it made a mistake (four years earlier).  The money the IRS mistakenly took from me was refunded. After the trial was over, the IRS immedialely made the same mistake again and confiscated my property.

I appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals. It held against me, ignoring the fact that the IRS had violated the tax court order.  I doubt if the court even read my claim. The court probably thought of me as just another crack pot claiming the income tax unconstitutional. The press is responsible for that misunderstanding.  I tried to tell the press. It wouldn't listen.

The DOJ to the Supreme Court: “Petitioner’s charges of fraud and harassment by the IRS are similarly without merit. The charges are based on an error made by the Service in determining petitioner’s 1974 income tax liability…. This error is regrettable, but as the court of appeals found it was corrected prior to trial.”

The Supreme Court, probably without reading my case, taking what the press said for granted, dismissed my claim.

For a third time, I filed a complaint in the district court. Two district courts had dismissed me without a hearing, probably thinking I was one of those nutcake tax protesters.   The third court decided to hear me. The DOJ, after lying to the Supreme Court, admitted that the IRS had wrongfully taken my property. The DOJ told the court it was willing to give my property back.  I received a check.

After receiving the check, the IRS went to my bank and took every cent in my account.  I telephoned the court and requested that my case be reopened.  The judge himself told me he was not going to stick his neck out for me again.  That’s when I went to Palm Beach Post.

An investigation was made.  The IRS was forced to admit to the press that it had been repeatedly mistaken. A front page story was printed.  That was the end of it, as for as anybody but me was concerned.  The IRS continued to harass me, even threatened to take my home. Those IRS mistakes I’ve mentioned had put me on the street once before.

I'm a disabled World War II veteran. You have no appreciation for your freedom. Why are you in the Tea Party?  You don’t believe in freedom, other than your own. Everything rotten thing you get from your government you deserve.



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Born for Justice

4063487436?profile=originalJoe Apaio, Sheriff of Maricopa Country, Arizona, reminds me of my income tax case. I proved that the U. S. system of justice is going along with the biggest fraud in history, federal income tax. There was a front page story about it in The Palm Beach Post.  The IRS admitted that it paid no attention to federal court orders in my favor.  Nobody wanted to talk about it.  There can only be one reason that nobody wants to talk about the Obama forgeries. We, the people, are brainwashed.  Is the Court going to go along with Obamacare?  Probably.  In my tax case, a federal judge, knowing the IRS was lawlessly taking my property, after he ruled in my favor, told me he was not going to stick his neck out and reopen the case. That’s when I went to the news media.

The Roman judge Cicero asserted, “We are born for justice, and right is not the mere arbitrary construction of opinion but an institution of nature.” Hence justice is not for utility’s sake but subject to the more permanent elements of human nature. That means the law is the individual’s foundation of freedom.  The law must fit the fabric of universal order or it is not the law.

Declared Cicero, “It it were possible to constitute right simply by the commands of the people, the decrees of princes, by the adjudications of magistrates, then all that would be necessary in order to make robbery, adultery, or the falsification of wills right and just would be a vote of the multitude.”  For his view on justice, Rome’s orthodoxy exiled Cicero. Cicero asks this question: Why were human beings created with reason and logic?

Ancient Greek astrologer Pythagoras was also a musician.  He spoke of the music of the spheres.  He said that numbers represented  human characteristics and events, figures represented matter.  With numbers we say if this is so that is so. Pythagoras was the father of geometry. Pythagoras fell in disfavor of the orthodoxy. He ran for his life and lived incommunicado in his senior years.

Einstein proved with numbers that the universe can be reduced to vibrations. Vibrations are represented by numbers.  Einstein has been proven wrong. Einstein refused to accept that the universe, besides being quantitative, is qualitative—exists in a state of consciousness. 

We are conscious of only as much as we allow.  And that depends largely on what authority tells us to allow.

Like Sheriff Joe, I’m a non-conformist, a chance-taker, an adventurer.  I don’t move with the ebb and flow. I’m a rock in the stream. Because of my obstinate nature, I make a connection with Jesus.

Ancient religious beliefs furthered by scribes and Pharisees in Jesus’ day brought Jesus to Jerusalem and the temple, where he turned over the money changers’ tables.  Similar to a tax, good money was exchanged with priest money to buy sacrificial animals at far more the going price. Only priest blessed animals could be used as a sacrifice for the people’s sins.   Jesus called scribes and Pharisees hypocrites.  He told us to beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing. 

I make the connection with the present day orthodoxy—people being taxed—horns wagged out of their money and fundamental rights.  We don’t want to talk about it.  

Here we are at a crucial time—ancient religious doctrines opposed to common sense.  We don’t want to talk about it.  It’s racial profiling, or some such nonsense.  It is manmade gods that control us.

Ancient religious doctrines and dogmas, that which Jesus opposed, that which has kept the people’s mental development moving at a snail’s pace, which allows technology to move at an increasingly rapid pace, that which we refuse to discuss, finds ancient religious doctrine using high tech to keep us living in ancient times.  How stupid can we get?

I’ve written a book about my unconventional life, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012.  It will be available this June.  How many can say, in their twilight years, that life doesn’t get any better?  All of my dreams have come true.  I’m not in hiding.  I’m free to tell my story. I must have done something right. Welcome to the world of the two Joes.  Neither of us is caving in to the-day-late-dollar-short orthodoxy.  

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Be Encouraged! 5/27/12

Howdy all!  How’s your weekend going?  So far, I’m digging up pipes, and burying more.  I’m glad my parents got us jigsaw puzzles as a kid.  It has helped me deal with the frustration of connecting irrigation pipes over 10 acres.  (Oh no!  Wrong size!  And I just glued it!!  AARRGGHH!!!)

Any hoo,..

Always be joyful. Never stop praying. ~ 1 Thessalonians 1:2

The legislative department is everywhere extending the sphere of its activity and drawing all power into its impetuous vortex." --James Madison, Federalist No. 48, 1788

Gee, the quote from Madison reminds me of things I hear nowadays!  The impetuous vortex known as Congress is sucking the life out of Americans, just to ‘give’ us what we need.  And that was what Madison was saying!  Imagine what he’d say now.  Thankfully, there are people today who are as dedicated to the constitution as James was.  They aren’t necessarily in one political party or another.  That doesn’t matter.  What does matter is the strength of character that fills each and every one of these patriots.  These patriots are,.. well, you!  You are the great patriots of our time.  It doesn’t matter how much effort you give.  Of course giving more is better.  But what you can give is perfect enough!  Just as in 2010, the naysayers claim the tea party and all the other conservative groups are fizzling out, losing momentum and interest.  Well, if that is what they think, I might remind them of a line from a song by Judas Priest; “YOU GOT ANOTHER THING COMING”.  Just ask Richard Lugar.  Look at the race in Wisconsin.  Senator Feinstein has a fight this year.  Even the wicked witch of the West, Aunt Nancy has a challenge.  And wouldn’t it be fitting to see the DNC Chairhyphen be called former congresswoman?  The tea party is strong, and very much alive.  I would say the OWS crowd has at least been able to get an acronym, but it has withered.  This reminds me of the true quote by Mark Twain, “The report of my illness grew out of his illness (a Clemens cousin in England), thus the report of my death was an exaggeration.”  This is the real quote from Twain, and it fits like a glove.  The OWS movement is so messed up, but the tea party is very strong.  OWS has been more or less a failure.  So it has been easy to exaggerate that we are no longer effective.  Again, I say Richard Lugar.  Now this doesn’t mean we will live forever; by no means at all.  We must continue, press on.  And step up to the plate.  We can’t just talk to each other all the time.  We must spread the news about our country’s condition since the lamestream media won’t.  We must pray all the time to our Creator for help and guidance.  We must get involved.  That’s why I applied for precinct committee officer for my precinct.  And since I had no opponent sign up in time, I win!  Got my certificate from the county Friday.  (Woo Hoo!  Tommy Kiley is a political hack!)  And from what I could see, many of the precincts that had gone pco-less for so long are no longer going without.

We are alive.  We are still here.  And if they think we are going to fall off the radar, they got another thing coming!

Take care, God bless,


Tom Kiley

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