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Signs of the times...Frog-eyed Pelosi, blubbering Boner....
What is that SMELL?!!
Answer: The Rotten Corrupt Obama Administration and The Do-Nothing Congress of Pigs at the Tax Payer Money Breasts Lying in their own corruption....
As Chairman of The Campaign To Defeat Barack Obama, I just returned back home to Florida from Wisconsin which is ground zero in the battle to stop Obama's ruination of America. Like locust, Obama minions have swarmed the state of Wisconsin, devouring all who dare oppose their recall of Gov. Scott Walker for his efforts to restore his state to fiscal sanity. Obama minions organized mob protesters to storm the State Capitol.Death threats have been made against Gov. Walker, the Lieutenant Governor and their families.
Still, Gov. Walker has hung tough and is leading in the polls. This has forced Team Obama to spend more millions and send in the big guns: DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz is headed to Wisconsin.
During my visits to cities across Wisconsin, I have chatted with numerous patriots who are elated and extremely grateful to Gov. Walker for displaying remarkable courage -- fighting back the forces of evil to keep his campaign promise to implement responsible budget reforms.
On this latest trip to La Crosse, Wisconsin, I heard a very disturbing tale from an 80-year-old businesswoman. For her safety, I will refer to her as Patriot Sue rather than using her real name. Patriot Sue's family business has been successful and highly respected since the 50s. But Patriot Sue wrote a local letter-to-the-editor in defense of Gov. Walker's reforms, and all “heck” broke loose – from false accusations in the media that she mistreats employees to threats against her and her family.
Patriot Sue expressed to me her frustration that some people do not understand how recalling Gov. Walker would negatively impact their pocketbooks.
I guess you cannot run a successful family business for over 50 years without having backbone. Though physically moving a little slow, Patriot Sue still has the spitfire of an 18 year old and the heart of a lion. She financially supports the defeat of the recall and still boldly speaks out in defense of Gov. Walker's reforms. You simply to do not tell this woman what she can or cannot do.
But folks, what I find most disturbing is that we have “presidential thugs”, in essence, emotionally threatening, and with threat of physically beating, an 80 year old woman and her family.
What am I saying? I am saying it is all about Obama. Leadership flows from the top down. The late Mary Kay said, “The speed of the leader is the speed of the gang.” Mary Kay's leadership and philosophy of God first, family second and Mary Kay Cosmetics third continue to inspire her army of successful businesswomen.
The Obama administration emits a distinct “Chicago Thug” vibe. In response to any and all opposition to Obama's socialistic agenda, Obama and his minions have used aggressive terms such as “...we will punch back twice as hard”, “punish our enemies”, get in their faces” and “take the SOBs out!” name just a few.
Obama minions include the New Black Panthers and SEIU thugs who are the enforcers – intimating votersand physically beating up black conservatives who dare be on the wrong side of Obama's agenda.
Team Obama is using Chicago-style bullying to award Obama an undeserved second term despite half the country on food stamps, the housing market in the tank, unemployment through the roof and sky rocketing energy prices. Yes, four more years of Obama's liberal-utopia-politically-correct policies is exactly what America needs.
To be re-elected, Obama is relying on class envy via crazy, absurd rants attacking the rich by VP Joe Biden to his dumbed-down base. Obama is relying on Al Sharpton and his “we be black victims gang” to inspire enough hate in the hearts of black Americans to get them to the polls in November. And let us not forget Obama's on-the-street enforcers such as the New Black Panthers and SEIU thugs.
Obama minions take no prisoners. All are fair game, including a feisty 80-year-old businesswoman who dares to support Gov. Walker.
Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman –
Freshman Republicans Switch from Tea to Kool-Aid
byTad DeHaven
This week the Club for Growth released a study of votes cast in 2011 by the 87 Republicans elected to the House in November 2010. The Club found that “In many cases, the rhetoric of the so-called “Tea Party” freshmen simply didn’t match their records.” Particularly disconcerting is the fact that so many GOP newcomers cast votes against spending cuts.
The study comes on the heels of three telling votes taken last week in the House that should have been slam-dunks for members who possess the slightest regard for limited government and free markets. Alas, only 26 of the 87 members of the “Tea Party class” voted to defund both the Economic Development Administration and the president’s new Advanced Manufacturing Technology Consortia program (see my previous discussion of these votes here) and against reauthorizing the Export-Import Bank (see my colleague Sallie James’s excoriation of that vote here).
I assembled the following table, which shows how each of the 87 freshman voted. The 26 who voted for liberty in all three cases are highlighted. Only 49 percent voted to defund the EDA. Only 56 percent voted to defund a new corporate welfare program requested by the Obama administration. And only a dismal 44 percent voted against reauthorizing “Boeing’s bank.” That’s pathetic.
Like everyone else, I can't remember when I've been so disappointed; and even feeling so betrayed by anyone, like this debacle that President Obama has dumped on us! At this point, I'm sure that most of us, have just overcome the overwhelming urge to puke! And like all of us, this is so outrageous and demeaning to see the lack of respect and total disregard of every practical understanding of good wholesome moral's and conduct.
This is probably the most disturbing misuse of the Office of the President, and disrespect toward our 'Constitution' and the 'Principle's of GOD's Word, since our founding-fathers established this wonderful 'Republic of the United States' after. I'm certain, that they are all turning over in their graves. Those of us who lived through the Viet Nam Era, and were not satisfied with the way our government was directed by President Johnson, or the fiasco that President Nixon dealt to us. Not even the wimpy efforts of President Carter effected our Nation, as much as this incredible display of President Obama.
We just pray that since everything has been exposed, and all of these abusive antics that have been unleashed upon us, by this complete and obvious effect of the worst of the Democratic left-wing ideology and the biased liberal stance of most of our News-media who have determined to defy everything that is civil and good. It is so ridiculous that President Obama and his administration have revealed where their lack of understanding and the dismal results that have not impressed most of us that reside in this land.
I had already responded prior to this, as follows:
Yes, there are so many, that do not have a clue! As everyone has seen, I've expressed my chagrin earlier today-"IT IS TIME TO STACK THE FURNITURE", and 'We The People' can dust-off a copy of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878. And then, I believe that the DOJ, the Homeland Security, other areas that are creating all the stone-walling, and absolutely ignoring the 'rule of law', are defiantly in violation of our CONSTITUTION! It may seem scary now, but considering the horrendous options that are looming over all us. Remember, above all else, that there have been too many who have sacrificed their lives, and the generations before us have paid a devastation cost, but 'WE THE PEOPLE' that stand on the principles laid down in the CONSTITUTION by our forefathers!
Most of us realize that our Freedoms are not to be taken for granted! It may not sound very 'Heroric', but “Freedom is not Free” All of those members, who are upstanding citizens, want to see our county restored and proudly desire to see our future generations be able to live in safety and enjoy the return of prosperity.
As for the rest of the rhetoric that is being bantered about, and continues to discovered daily! Some of it is very offensive:
If Larry Sinclair’s book is to be believed, US president Barack Obama is a liar, a cocaine addict and a homosexual.
Although he was welcomed as a saviour, President Obama has slowly begun changing his policies since his electoral campaign. And the critics are becoming louder and louder, with the moves of the new American Administration under the microscope.
In the past months, the media have been completely on the side of Barack Obama. They even published a prediction by Nostradamus according to which Americans will be facing a bright future under the leadership of the first dark-skinned US president.
Still, lately, scandals have began surfacing which are definitely not making the Obama family happy. Some media say they are only a like drop of water in the ocean unless the reforms do not achieve the announced results. It is well known that the media are more than ready to make a loser out of a hero in a very brief period of time and very ruthlessly at that.
The beginning of the poison arrows relates to the just published book by Larry Sinclair entitled “Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair, Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder” that severely incriminates the American president, accusing him of everything mentioned in the title of the book, with an accent on his homosexual affairs.
The White House has so far not made any official statements about the book, but, according to the media, the White House staff have been ordered not to comment about the book in front of the president’s daughters. According to media sources, the First Lady believes that the allegations in the book are absurd, disgusting and untrue. The question is, will the White House be able to ignore the book or will it denounce it as fiction and sue the author for libel.
P.S.~There was a trumped charge brought against Larry Sinclair for defamation of President Obama
but it was thrown out of court by the Judge, because of the lack of evidence!
Oh, is that all? I thought you were going to say he's not a natural born citizen.
If I was Obama and I was a closet sodomite, I’d try very hard to keep it a secret. They don’t want to give Barney Fag another reason to come over to the White House.
The Chicago PD: 3 homosexual members of Trinity have been murdered execution-style, i.e., bullets in the back of the head. One was the choir director. All were members of Rev. Wright's Church there in Chicago, and have been linked as casual acquaintances of President Obama!
I think this stuff has legs, along with Mama O not being Constitutionally eligible to be POTUS. Once this begins to hit the press, we are going to have a crisis that will make anything that happened during the Ahab/Jezebel regime look tame, by comparison!
The first amendment is a wonderful thing.
Ok, now I'm convinced Obama is gay...
Do we really want to put our faith into someone like this?
Thanks for posting some sanity.
If Bawney Frank's staffer, who is running the whorehouse for homosexuals, out of the Congressman's home in DC did not cause him to get tossed, does anyone think this will get rid of DUH Oh?
(How often GOD must weep at humans' folly. Just stand fast. GOD knows all of it,
and HE knows whom shall be held responsible. And we shall all see that HE is doing!) By this time, we all know Obama’s a liar and that he has done cocaine.
The TRUTH is out there !
I saw the results of 2 polygraphic examinations that Sinclair passed with flying colors. He also states emphatically that he possesses graphic details of a couple of Obonehead's intimate physical peculiarities which would be hard to make up, and which are easily enough disproven, if false.
My bet is Obonehead won't dare sue for fear of what will come out in open Court. Sinclair's got some big ones to take on the Oberstermführer and his cartel.
According to the Chicago PD, 3 homosexual members of Trinity have been murdered execution-style, i.e., bullets in the back of the head. One was the choir director.
“Biblical Love, No Butterfly’s Allowed.”
Now that you are aware of the living lie occupying the Whitehouse, and a Reed Senate that refuses to pass a budget, and who will not give us his reason—it is a heinous fraud designed to strip you of your rights—some things that need to come to America’s conscious awareness—and now!
The first thing to know about the Higher Law is movement; nothing in existence ever achieves perfection. The second thing to know is balance in the forces of nature. The third thing to know is that everything that begins must end. You must take back your Constitution or be left enslaved.
The question we need to answer is how to make man’s law compliant with nature’s Higher Law, given the fact that we humans are created with the ability to think apart from concrete reality. We use reason and logic for our answers, or revert back to animal status. My thinking is that the closer we can come to the Higher Law the better we humans can adapt. Notwithstanding environmental concerns, global warming and such that sets us back, strictly by emotion—nothing scientific about it—it was precisely my Constitution’s intent, and my personal experience that set me off. I challenged America’s less than honest authorities where it counts, not that it did any direct good. It was the record I created that “turned the tables” on authority.
It was Jesus’ turning of the tables that left his influence to the world. Be aware that we are entering an age of brotherhood and fraternity. Be a child of the new age.
My past experience is long, varied, and full of mistakes. At midlife, I was forced to change. The change included being left to decide what was best for me, and acting accordingly. This was contrary to the establishment’s teaching. What I did was and is considered by the establishment to be selfish and sinful. Actually, it was personally empowering, not the thing the current American establishment wants. The responsibility for what I did was strictly on me. I could not place the blame on others and become a government dependent. This alone forced me to use my own reason and logic, again not what the establishment wants the individual to be, but what my Constitution encourages—what my conscience demands. Look at history and know.
Taking the bull by the horns resulted in things going my way; whereas, when I did the socially acceptable thing, if anything could go wrong it did, sociologist Robert K. Merton’s consequences for accepting from schemers false definitions of the situation that evoke a new behavior. Schemers prove their case by making the original false notion come true. Jesus called them wolves in sheep’s clothing, bringing to mind the Democrats that refuse to pass a budget.
Getting back to the Higher Law, contrary to progressive control through government regulation, we may be nobodies—and remain that protesting on the street—but the way to success, I found, was not on the street. By putting myself on the same level of authority, who were angrily protesting me and my audacious acts, calling me a “Fifth Amendment freak,” I knew the law; they didn’t. They had to eat crow on the front page of The Palm Beach Post.
How many know that my Constitution still prevails—when used? The phony baloney the news media gives you, parroting authority, is not true. I saw to it that the truth was put in print. That’s what my Constitution can do. Never look to authority for answers. Look within and remain in control of your life.
The experts are rewriting your Constitution and changing history to their benefit and your great loss. I’ve written a book about what your Constitution can do for you, rather than in theory, in fact. It’s not what the constitutional experts want you to know. It is not what the courts want you to know. In Earth as It Is in Heaven will be available this June. It tells you what you need to know, rather than from self-serving wolves in sheep’s clothing, straight from sources, to protect your God-given rights.
Many a time we have discussed or mentioned this is what we thing would happen on Tea Party Blog Talk Radio.
I found this on my homepage on Facebook and the man in this video is telling it like it is.
In other words he's laying it out how and why Obama will cancel the 2012 elections.
It's scarier than HELL but is the truth.
I have shared it with everyone on my mailing list and I know many will delete the email without reading it and I hate to say that half of my mailing list is made up of Tea Party members and that's a sickening thought.
Mr. Pittman knows first hand the dire consequences of not doing what's necessary to stop and revert illegal immigration.
He has seen how the cartels are setting up shop, undisturbed, inside the USA. Please check him out and vote for Carl Pittman on or before May 29 in harris County, Texas
I had the priviledge to meet one on one with Mr. Whet Smith.
I was bbqing on my driveway when this guy walks up and announces that he is running for Texas State Representative in my district (138).
Please note that he was doing THE WALKING campaign: house to house, person by person grass roots and on a Sunday.
We talked for about 30 minutes and he really represents me, and I am sure he represents our all American Values.
- He is totally for eliminating illegal aliens sanctuary cities in Texas.
- He is for English only.
- Whet is for eliminating the bilingual education program from the public schools which is an ill-conceived, wasteful program.
- He is for cutting spending in Texas and having more trasnparent finances.
- He is for welfare recipients getting drug screenings.
- He is requiring ID for voters.
Whet is not apologizing for who he is and he is afraid of nothing. The incumbent is Dwayne Bohac, an arrogant rich guy whom I also met personally but he would not even shake my hand.
In short, Whet Smith won my vote and I encourage you to check him out and help send him to The Texas Legislature. Remember, we can always replace him in a couple of years...
I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into
prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and
trying to lift himself up by the handle.
-- Winston Churchill
This is a copy of an e-mail I received tonight from American' :
I voted for myself to be President! Nyuh! Nyuh! Nyuh!Nyuh! Woop! Woop! Woop! Woop!
Dear Mark, May 18, 2012
There is a desire among Delegates and millions of Americans who have supported Americans Elect to see a credible candidate emerge from this process.
However, the rules, as developed in consultation with the Americans Elect Delegates, are clear. As of this week, no candidate achieved the national support threshold required to enter the Americans Elect Online Convention in June. The primary process for the Americans Elect nomination has come to an end.
Americans Elect, from the outset, has been a rules-based process, with the rules publicly available and open to debate by the Delegates. Our key priorities have been to: 1) honor the trust Americans Elect has built with the Delegates and American public; 2) require candidates to earn the nomination by building support among the Americans Elect Delegate community and American voters; and 3) create a basis for a solid future for the Americans Elect movement.
This decision honors these priorities.
Through the efforts of thousands of staffers, volunteers, and leadership, Americans Elect has achieved its operational goals, including:
Creating a pathway for nationwide ballot access for a balanced presidential ticket unaffiliated with the nominating process of either major party to compete in the 2012 race;
Building the technological platform for the first nonpartisan secure national online primary at;
Attracting a significant base of more than 4 million supporters, including Delegates, petition signers and volunteers;
Educating the national and local media on the Americans Elect mission; and
Finishing an extensive candidate briefing program involving more than 100 potential candidates.
As always, we thank everyone who has helped build this organization and are grateful for the work, efforts, and trust so many people have placed in Americans Elect. We are continuing the Americans Elect mission of creating more choice in our political system, giving candidates unaffiliated with the nominating process of either major party an authentic way to run for office and giving the American people a greater voice in our political process.
I did a search for "gov.duplicate programs". Found 108 duplicates. We talking billions $ which could be cut. Here is on good site, Plus the GOA has plenty of suggestions. The problem is our leaders don't care.... Mitt is my guy.
Federal spending is out of control in the United States, and has been for many years. Even at this late date, there are only feeble attempts to get spending under control. The purpose of this apparent insanity is to protect career politicians. More than half of the American people receive some benefit from the system now in place. The usual answer: tax the rich more. It is killing the goose that laid golden eggs. The American people are not willing to face reality. The ship is sinking. It will not be the politicians or the rich that go down with the ship. It never is. It is always those willing to be led by the nose.
How do we stop this madness? In 1975, my life was in ruins. First, I looked at my Constitution, not the Constitution that the above named have given us. My Constitution does not give Congress the authority to redistribute wealth. The redistribution is all about power and control. The courts have their idea. My income is government’s for the taking. The courts refused to hear me. I took the court record to the press. The press investigated. The IRS admitted it made a mistake. The government cannot do anything unconstitutional in its taxing policy. It is free to make limitless mistakes, ostensibly, for the good of all. It is policy, not the law, which the American people accept. But as for government entitlement, we have a constitutional right to receive them, which the American people accept. God created us with reason and logic. We’ve regressed to animal, but not all of us.
From the day I demanded my God-given rights to the fruits of my labor to exist, the wheel of fortune favored me. Why would it continually stop on my number? How many of you can say you demanded your God-given rights? It is the key that opens the door.
I’ve written a book, In Earth as It Is in Heaven2012. This free-thinking eighty-six year-old guide takes the reader from the ancient past to the cutting edge of science, explaining centuries-old readings of the stars, doctrines and dogmas of religions and quantum physics. This non-Christian tells the reader Jesus is for everyone, no strings attached.
In my demand for my God-given right to exist on the fruits of my own labor, an eleven year court battle with the IRS, all the way to the Supreme Court, my mission became crystal clear. The United States is a lawless renegade. I was victorious in the end. The IRS ate crow. I knew the power that lies within.
When everything should have gone wrong, everything went right, to the point that all of my dreams came true. How many of you can say the same? We have no idea of the power that lies within us. I learned the hard way. Good luck and God bless you.
Just in case you have forgotten, here are nearly two dozen of Obama’s most disgusting frauds to refresh your memory…