A 4 billion dollar tax scam and the IRS is facilitating it.
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In reference to todays "Natural Born Citizen" debate the only opinion that makes any difference at all is that of SCOTUS. Like it or not SCOTUS has already issued an opinion here. In an 1870's voting rights case from Missouri, the court clearly defined a Natural Born Citizen as a person born here with both parents being US Citizens. All these other "legal opinions" do not add up to a hill of beans. SCOTUS has already decided this. The government has chosen to ignore it. IMHO...
The comments to “A Gross Distortion of the Truth,” in and of themselves a gross distortion of the truth, this is exactly where we are at the moment—locked onto an external fraud bigger than any previous fraud. The facts say we are not up to speed. We are abusing and misusing the understanding of how things come together. Technologically, we are far ahead of our mental development and in danger of leaving ourselves history written in the rocks.
The title of my blog is borrowed from quantum physicist and brain doctor Evan Harris Walker’s book. As a student of Dr. Walker, I’m one of those the science fiefdom says is trying to smuggle God into physics. In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012, the title of my book about to be published, I bring the mind and the meaning of human life together, which Dr. Walker adequately covers in his Physics of Consciousness.
In reference to my book title, Jesus followed “in earth as it is in heaven” with “But seek ye first the kingdom of God” (Matthew 6: 33). In Luke 17:20, “And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, ‘The kingdom of God cometh not with observation.’” In Luke 21, said Jesus: “Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” Says the establishment—the Pharisees—perish that thought. As warning, they crucified Jesus. The establishment attempted to crucify me.
A groundswell is building. The Tea Party is evidence. A growing awareness of the Constitution is part of it. The groundswell is going to break and sweep the world. The opposition, the establishment, includes the legal fiefdom, the religious fiefdom, and the science fiefdom, for the sake of expedience, all with their own kingdoms, and none cognizant of the kingdom of God.
If I had invested a lot of money and time into building a reputation for being in the know, I’d be a member of the establishment. But I’m not. I’m a bottom fish. I’m not blinded by surface reflections. I look within for answers.
In 1974, I studied the Constitution with the idea of bringing the lawless IRS to justice. When I read what America’s Founding Fathers left for us, it was voices of the past personally speaking to me. My passion for justice turned into a bigger than life calling. It changed my life.
By 1975, my business enterprise was on the rocks and my second wife was divorcing me. The IRS was threatening me. I was seen as a “Fifth Amendment freak.” The press called me a “tax protester,” a nutcake trying to get out of paying my fair share of the tax burden. The courts called me a “spurious constitutional objector.” The religious called me the “anti-Christ.” I was locked out of my apartment for non-payment of rent. Everyone I knew, including family, thought I’d lost my mind. I was alone in a hostile world. Jesus was not there. All I knew was that I was right; the establishment was wrong. I was going to prove it. The establishment hung itself with its own rope. Jesus was there.
The signers of the Declaration of Independence put their lives on the line. They were telling the most powerful nation on earth they were not going to pay their taxes. Jesus was there. They won America’s independence.
Now we’re dependent on government. Our taxes are outrageously high, as is our debt. The answers we get never address the fact that our makers and keepers of the law caused this outrage. The answers merely address the symptoms of the problems they have caused.
On September 11, 2001, I hunted for my wife’s Scofield Study Bible. I was writing my memoirs and wanted to include the Bible’s reference to something Jesus said. Her Bible had a large Concordance. For some reason, I was reading Scofield’s introduction when the telephone rang. It was my wife calling from her office to tell me to turn on the television. I turned it on and was horrified at what I saw. It came to me as a sign.
Like Jesus said, we are listening to wolves in sheep’s clothing. Turning to Scofield’s introduction, I see that on the day Muslim terrorists took down the World Trade Center, I underlined in the Scofield introduction, “The saying that ‘anything may be proved by the Bible’ is both true and false—true if isolated passages are used; utterly false if the whole divine revelation is in view.”
America’s establishment sees no evil, hears no evil, and speaks no evil. America’s “enemy combatants” read isolated passages in the Koran. They believe that God wrote the Koran. They believe that we are not to question anything God wrote. They don’t believe that God created us with reason and logic. They believe they are good; everyone else is evil—and unfit to live if they don’t believe in Allah. Where does all of this thinking leave you?
After many years of reviewing my life experiences, and many signs, I finally concluded that Jesus was there from the time I felt that voices of the past were speaking to me in the Constitution.
I’ve learned from the school of hard knocks and from reading the Bible that it all fits like a hand in a glove. Everything is in divine order. You can read it in the book I’ve written.
The Spirit Airline Boycotters Are The Real Thugs
All the judge had to hear in the Spirit Airlines vs. Vietnam veteran case was, well just that, dying Vietnam war veteran vs. Spirit Airlines tightfisted CEO Ben Baldanza. In fact these were the precise terms used by Foxnews reporter J. Miller. However the judge in this case ended up being thirty thousand Facebookers threatening a boycott against Spirit Airlines.
Jerry Meekins, a Vietnam vet and cancer patient was told by his doctor not to fly. Spirit Airlines is a no-frills airline and charges for 'every extra' in order to offer rock bottom prices. This is were the problem began. Spirit Airlines has a strict, well publicized no-refund policy and Jerry is a Vietnam vet with cancer. Seems like an open and shut case, Jerry wins.
I have nothing but respect and admiration for a man like Jerry Meekins. However if I had the chance to talk with him I would explain why I believe he has responsibility in this disagreement as well. Passengers flying Spirit Airlines are aware of their no-refund policy and accept the added risk in exchange for a rock bottom fare. Many of you are now calling me a heartless bastard only worried about the evil rich, tightfisted CEO. But wait a minute, aren't we now taking the exact same position as Nancy Pelosi and the libs? The same position we rail about everyday as conservatives.
But Ben and Jerry are not the only ones involved here, I'm involved too. I fly Spirit Airlines all the time and one of the very reasons I choose Spirit is because I don't value the extras the same as other airline passengers do. I prefer to pay as little as possible to get from point A to point B and then spend the savings on a nice dinner or a new Callaway driver. Until last week I thought my relationship with Ben was absolutely perfect. I would give him a small amount of money and he would fly me where I wanted to go. But that was before I was told that Ben and I were doing it all wrong.
Ben was offering a service that was below the acceptable minimums for air travel. Now wait, don't minimum levels of service only apply to health care. With Obamacare I'm not allowed to purchase a bare bones major-medical-only policy. You can't just have major medical, then go to Target and give the clerk nine dollars for contraceptives.
Now it seems I'm being told I can't purchase air travel a-la-carte either. Jerry told Foxnews he appreciated Ben's willingness to refund his ticket out of his own pocket and write a check for $5,000 to the Wounded Warriors Foundation. But “I just want them to agree to take each case and review it, because there are others in my situation and they deserve to be heard”.
I have to disagree with Jerry here. This is exactly what Ben is trying to avoid at any cost. He can't determine whether a stay-at-home-mom deserves a refund but a single-mom-lawyer does not, without it affecting ticket prices. Ben also made the point that Spirit is often the only airline many passengers can afford to fly.
This story hit a nerve with me because the left's reflex is always to condemn the evil CEO. This time it seemed people on my side of the political divide had the same reflex.
Five thousand years ago a Bedouin named Abraham, the founding father of the Jewish faith, set the wheels in motion that now finds Israel surrounded by hostile neighbors. Too bad about that. Israel is going to fight, and likely will fire the first round of World War III before the election of the next U.S. president. America will most likely be subjected to terrorist attacks. The American people will unite. Not good news for America’s present divider. Who is going to be reeducated? I will now tell you.
After the carnage has ended, the world will witness the beginning of a new age, along with a new age the UN that will place the individual in his or her rightful roll. The collective will be spiritual, war mongering politicians a thing of the past, as well as boundaries. The individual will be personally responsible, reliable, and self-governed. Authorities will be functionary.
The God of the new age can be found in the four gospels. Jesus adhered to no religious faith. He preached everyone’s God. Said Jesus: “Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven.” In heaven and earth, said Jesus, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33).” In Luke 17: 21, he said, “Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.”
There are no boundaries in the holistic universe. I’m on a new and different plane of understanding. Think of how far we’ve come in the past century. Technology will move forward like never before. The boundary of understanding will extend exponentially. We will look at the present time-space world as we presently look at the Stone Age. We will be consciously aware of vastly more. The cat will be out of the bag, present control freaks a thing of the past. We will be in communication with extraterrestrials already here.
Goodbye Obama! It has been nice to know you. Your old dog won't hunt.
My book, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012, to prepare you for what is to come, is now being finalized by my publisher. If I don’t find any mistakes, it should be available in early June, and just in time for the fireworks that are sure to come this 2012.
This needs to be petitioned to our Congress and there needs to be a bipartisanship amendment to this loophole immediately!!!!!!!!!!!
Nashville @ a week ago..Michelle Obama says...
"We are so blessed....This President has brought us out of the dark and into
the light."
(She has a bottomless taxpayer credit card, what a wonderful
Just thought I'd try to shed a little light on the situation.
Blue-collar voter resentment building over Obama vacations?
posted at 3:21 pm on April 27, 2012 by Ed Morrissey
It's a tempting target against a demagogue who insists on making "fairness"
an issue in every speech he makes, but will attacking Barack Obama over the
costs of his family's 17 vacations in three years resonate with voters? The
Washington Examiner reports on some focus-group testing performed by
Republican pollsters among blue-collar Democrats in Ohio and Pennsylvania,
two important battleground states, who claim that resentment is building
over what is seen as a lavish lifestyle at taxpayer expense:
Blue collar Democratic voters, stuck taking depressing "staycations" because
they can't afford gas and hotels, are resentful of the first family's 17
lavish vacations around the world and don't want their tax dollars paying
for the Obamas' holidays, according to a new analysis of swing voters. .
McLaughlin handled blue collar and Catholic voters in Pittsburgh on April 3
and Cleveland on March 20. He found that they are very depressed about the
economy and feel that their tax dollars are being sucked up by both the rich
and those living on government assistance.
During the focus group discussions about debt and spending cuts, many in his
group volunteered criticism of the presidential vacations as something that
should be cut. Among the lines McLaughlin wrote down was one from a
Democratic woman who said, "Michelle Obama spends $1 million to take the
kids to Hawaii," and another who said, "President Obama was the only
president to take so many trips."
The theme, said McLaughlin, is that the first family "is out of touch" with
working class voters.
The pollsters conducted their focus-group testing well before Judicial Watch
calculated the cost to taxpayers of just one of those vacations, Michelle
Obama's in Spain. That trip cost nearly a half-million dollars to service
the needs of the Obamas and their several guests:
Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and fights
government corruption, announced today that it obtained documents from the
United States Air Force and the United States Secret Service detailing costs
associated with Michelle Obama's controversial August 2010 vacation to
Spain. According to a Judicial Watch analysis, the records indicate a total
combined cost of at least $467,585. .
.According to U.S. Department of Defense's 2010 published hourly rates, the
total cost of flying Michelle Obama and her guests from Camp Andrews to
Malaga and then to Mallorca and back to the United States was $199,323.75.
This is based on approximately 17 hours and 15 minutes of total flying time.
.The 15-member flight crew stayed at Tryp Guadalmar, a nearby motel.
Lodging cost was $10,290.60 and car rental cost was $2,633.50. Food cost was
$876.30, including $57.68 for four bottles of maple syrup and a package of
pancake mix. .
Secret Service records, meanwhile, show that the costs to the agency for the
vacation were $254,461.20. This total includes $26,670.61 for a chauffeur
tour of Costa del Sol and $50,078.78 for a travel planning company SET P&V,
S.L. (George Soros is 50% owner of the travel company.) Taxpayers also paid
the bill for separate lodging for a dog and its handler.
In August 2010, Michelle Obama, her daughter and friends embarked on what
the press described as a "whirlwind tour of Spain," which included visits to
the coastal towns, shopping and a lunch date with the country's King and
Queen. While the White House claims the Obamas "paid their own way" for the
vacation, the records detail some of the required security and other costs
to taxpayers for the private trip.
The New York Times' Caucus Blog acknowledged the political risk yesterday:
The White House said then that Mrs. Obama and her friends paid for their own
rooms, food and transportation. The first lady reimbursed the government for
the equivalent of first-class commercial tickets for herself and her
daughter, Sasha, with the rest of the seats on her government plane occupied
mainly by Secret Service employees. Her friends flew on separate commercial
flights, the White House said at the time.
But as with every first lady, the cost of actually flying the government
plane far exceeded the money Mrs. Obama reimbursed, and security is paid for
by the government. Secret Service agents travel with any first lady when she
leaves the White House, and they typically insist on government
transportation to better secure her. Some aides came along as well because
Mrs. Obama paid a courtesy call on King Juan Carlos I and Queen Sofia on the
island of Majorca.
Obama told a reporter earlier this month that he has a growing family that
needs to get out of the White House on occasion, which is both an assertion
that no one disputes and is also missing the point. Few families take more
than one such vacation a year, not even families managing to do well in the
stagnant economy. Taking an average of five a year, with the considerable
taxpayer expense involved, is something that most people will find
excessive, especially when those vacations involve significant travel -
like, say, to Spain, rather than Camp David, which exists for a retreat for
Presidents and their families. The Bushes, for instance, mainly vacationed
at their Texas ranch, and even with that, Democrats used to gripe about
Bush's supposedly excessive vacationing then.
Hypocrisy is a powerful argument, especially against a politician attempting
to play the populist card in an election. Still, I wouldn't necessarily
count on this being a big hindrance to Obama garnering votes from committed
Democrats, even in blue-collar states. The economy will make more of an
impact than Obama's vacations. The only impact this might have would be to
blunt Obama's attacks on Romney as an out-of-touch rich man, because I'd bet
that even the Romneys haven't taken 17 vacations in the last three years -
and theirs would have been funded out of their own pockets.
Oh No He Di'int, Yup Romney 'Messed With Texas'
Romney has visited Texas several times during the primary. Not to sell his vision for the country, but more as an ATM stop. Legal experts we contacted agreed this could be considered 'messin with Texas' in a court of law. Most are aware of the risks you run when messin with Sasquatch. So why do people continue to insist on 'messin with Texas'? And more to the point, why do politicians even entertain the thought. Ok he 'messed with Texas', big deal? Well it is a big deal, you can't 'mess with Texas' without messin with Louisiana.
Once you've messed with Louisiana you've messed with Mississippi and Alabama. Within the hour the the 'good-ol-boy' parts of Florida as well as Georgia, South Carolina and Arkansas, are fully aware of the messin. Now with Twitter and Facebook, by the end of the day even their cousins in North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri and Oklahoma all know about the Texas Messin. Everyone below the Mason-Dixon line feels like they've been messed with, and that's not good, cause this is the 'base' of the Republican party.
More than the 'base' you might even call the South 'home freekin plate' of the republican party. The Vatican for Santoriums, Mecca for you Jihadis, and I can guarantee you, Reagan never referred to the South as 'an away game'. Ask James Carville, he'll tell you straight up, people in the South actually believe this 'conservative crap'. You can't just used-car-salesman your way through the South, the 'good-ol-boys' are watching your every step. If Romney tries to etch-a-sketch his way farther and farther to the left, it ain't gonna go over to well in the South.
Romney's going to have to find a way to better feign sincerity when dealing with the South. Now to his credit he's taking steps to do just that. Rumor has it that he has discreetly hired a key adviser for just this purpose. This cannot be independently confirmed, but an inside source, on the condition of anonymity, told an outside source about a conversation that went something like this:
Mitt: “How how long afterwards do you usually have to stay and cuddle, cause these conservatives are really starting to get on my nerves?”
Bill: “Did you tell them you love them?”
Mitt: “Well not exactly but I did call myself a 'severe conservative'”
Bill: “Wow, that's pretty good, try biting your bottom lip while waving your finger”
Mitt: “Got it, thanks, I'll call you back”
But many believe even these steps won't be enough. You can't just show up and say: “hey baby” and move on. Bill can, you can't. If you're playing defense with your own base your opponent is playing offense, and that's a losing hand.
Some of us are wondering why we're even playing this game. Why are we forcing ourselves to play defense on our own territory in states like Florida, North Carolina and Virginia? What's so damn important about Mitt Romney anyway? Some of my very close friends have even gone so far as to say: “screw the unwritten rule that the next one in line has to be the nominee.”
When your mom tried to force-feed your little brother Gerber's Lima Bean Jubilee, it didn't really work, did it? He just spit it out and then started turning his head from side-to-side, like a windshield wiper on high speed, kinda like keep away with his mouth. Well the 'good-ol-boys' ain't chockin down the Jubilee either, so stop trying to force it down all of our throats.
Athletic Director Bob DeCarolis
After an 8 -11 start (2-5) in the Pac 10 conference, Mr. Bob DeCarolis, who’s the Athletic Director of Oregon State University, was considering weather to fire their Basketball Coach Craig Robinson.
Basketball Coach Craig Robinson
When word reached the Undersecretary of Education Martha Kanter in Washington, $17 million of stimulus money was immediately dispatched to the University to save Basketball Coach Craig Robinson’s job.
Undersecretary of Education Martha Kanter
Thanks to Obama’s slush fund, Coach Craig Robinson’s job was saved.
For those of you unfamiliar with Coach Robinson, he just so happens to be the brother in law of none other than our country's beloved President Obama, the brother of Michelle Robinson Obama.
But hey, can't we all come to the conclusion that Coach Robinson's job security was all just a coincidence? I'm sure of it .... Aren't You? Thank Goodness For The Stimulus!!! Our tax dollars at work!!!!! But $17 million for one job? I wonder what mine is worth?
If this doesn't anger you, nothing will... remember to vote in 2012
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says to pass a budget at this stage is foolish. At this stage, government spending out of control, Reid’s statement says bankrupting America is the right thing to do. Half of America’s voters agree with Reid. For this group of voters, equal distribution of wealth is the right way to go, which is not what the Founding Fathers had in mind when they wrote America’s Constitution.
By bankrupting America, Reid and following get to put their ideas into effect. History records that Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Barack Obama deserve more because they are leaders. Their following deserves more. Those who don’t agree deserve to die. Death to infidels agrees with the Koran. It does not matter what they say. It is what they do! Include Reid and company. The individual is no consideration. Destroying one’s self to eliminate opposition gets you to Paradise. It goes with Reid and his following’s territory. Anything for the cause!
Of God, no man can think. God created man to be good, to think no evil, Barack Obama’s idea. Proof of this is in the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden. It was man’s temptation that brought evil into our world. A fake god is responsible for Obama, Reid, Pelosi, and following’s distorted ideas. It’s one for all and all for one—Big Labor’s boot-licking lackeys, Obama, Reid, and Pelosi. Is this picture not what the above mentioned frauds cause?
The other half of America’s voters agree with the Founding Fathers: power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. In my estimation, the truth of the matter is that man was created to know good and evil. America’s Constitution, my Constitution says President Obama, and all who think like him, are deceiving themselves. Jesus advised us to beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing and hypocrites.
God gave us reason and logic, the means of knowing good and evil, the means to know the Higher Law, the law of all times. Why change a good thing? Notwithstanding democracy’s self-serving distortions, and the same for religion’s misguided doctrines and dogmas, my book, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012, about to be published, brings us, universally, to accept Jesus as man’s true teacher. We are born for justice. Long live liberty, and freedom, and independence. Peace be with you. I’m Aquarius, the water-bearer, bringing water to a famished world. God Bless Republican candidate Romney. God bless my America.
Did anyone else see the Lou Dobbs show discussion 5/2/12 about King Obama inviting the Taliban to the G8?
No one thinks it was any big deal that we had the Muslium brotherhood in our Whitehouse for a week in April 2012> even though their manifesto that the FBI leaked says that they will take us out from within our own gov. and rules!
There is no coverage of the matter of fact discussion on Dobbs show and you can find NOTHING on the web even so why is having terroist who are murdering our troops as "guests" to the G8 okay?
Here is the link go to the 2:30 mark
Howdy all! Got through this far into the week. Only a couple of more days, and I can dig up more irrigation piping. Gotta love that spring spirit!
Any hoo,..
The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure. ~ 1 Corinthians 10:13
It is sufficiently obvious, that persons and property are the two great subjects on which Governments are to act; and that the rights of persons, and the rights of property, are the objects, for the protection of which Government was instituted. These rights cannot well be separated. ~ James Madison, Speech at the Virginia Convention, 1829
As mentioned in 1 Corinthians 10:13, God will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. He will instead show you a way to endure. The rub is you must be able to see the way. So the question begs to be asked, “What is the way?” The same applies in our country today. He has given us so many hints to follow and avenues to take. But do we see them? Do we want to see them? My guess is that we the people all do want to know the way. I believe that we already know the way. The problem is the choice to take the path is a hard one to make. It is not a clear path. But it is the obvious path. As Madison said, governments are to act on the protection of our rights to person and property. These two cannot easily be separated, he said. So why does the government try to separate them anyway? The answer is power; not the power that comes from being a strong nation around the world. No, our federally elected employees seek personal power; selfish, greedy personal power. Sadly, we let them do it. Yes we do. If you don’t believe me, then check on the longevity of service for the senators and congressmen/women. How long have yours been in DC? Are they running for re-election? I thought so. And those that are retiring, have they renounced their governmental pension? Yeah, personal power. Congress is for We the People. We granted them the power they have. They continue to take more and we let them. All we have to do is challenge their conservatism. Ask them bold questions. Make them sweat. Tell them that you are their boss, not the speaker, not the majority or minority manager, definitely not the president. We are. That may be hard to convince them. It may be tempting to just sit back and wait to see what happens. But God has not placed before you a temptation you cannot handle. There are people right now working hard to disenfranchise you. They are in the Democratic and Republican parties. They are in management roles. They are not leaders, but they call themselves leaders. It is up to us to step up to the plate. It may be intimidating. But remember, there will be no temptation allowed that is more than you can handle.
Take care, God bless,
Tom Kiley