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Last Friday, my son’s ninth grade class was required to read a four page excerpt from “Silent Spring” by Rachel Carson, a far leftwing environmentalist whack-o. This totally fictional book was one of the main reasons DDT was banned - - - and hundreds of millions of people around the world have died of malaria, typhus and several other diseases. I helped my son write a factual report about DDT and how the ban came about; if your child encounters the same propaganda in school as mine did, please feel free to use the report below in any way you like to clarify matters.

DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane)

DDT: This compound was originally made in 1873 by an Austrian student, but did not receive much attention until it was developed in 1939 to protect U.S. soldiers from typhus and malaria during World War II. In 1948, Paul Hermann Müller received the Nobel Laureate in Medicine for his discovery of the high efficiency of DDT as a contact poison against several arthropods, including plague carrying fleas. The bug-killer is also highly effective in killing mosquitoes and is largely responsible for wiping out malaria in the United States, Canada and Northern Europe.

In the fourteenth century, the Bubonic Plague, carried by fleas, killed one fourth of the people living in Europe and two thirds of the people in Great Brittan. Before DDT and the discovery that it was carried by mosquitoes, yellow fever killed millions and more than one hundred epidemics of typhus, a lethal fever spread by lice, have ravaged Europe and Asia with death rates as high as 70%! However, the biggest killer of all was malaria.

On July 2, 2001, Malcolm Gladwell wrote in the New Yorker: It is hard to overestimate the impact that DDT's early success had on the world of public health. In the nineteen-forties, there was still malaria in the American South. There was malaria throughout Europe, Asia, and the Caribbean. In India alone, malaria killed eight hundred thousand people a year; now, —none there die of the disease.

Silent Spring: In 1962 environmentalist and extremist Rachel Carson published her book, “Silent Spring.” Even she claimed the book as fiction and stated that nothing in it really happened, but she was very much against all pesticides, DDT in particular, and structured her book to alarm the public falsely.

There was an article published in: 21st Century Science & Technology Magazine in 1992 titled: “The Lies of Rachel Carson” by Dr. J. Gordon Edwards — “A well-known entomologist documents some of the misstatements in Carson’s Silent Spring, the 1962 book that poisoned public opinion against DDT and other pesticides.” The author, Dr. Edwards, points out many ways in which Carson deliberately tries to deceive readers; here are some of his examples and comments:

As I neared the middle of the book, the feeling grew in my mind that Rachel Carson was really playing loose with the facts and was also deliberately wording many sentences in such a way as to make them imply certain things without actually saying them. She was carefully omitting everything that failed to support her thesis that pesticides were bad, that industry was bad, and that any scientists who did not support her views were bad.

Dedication: A Lie! In the front of the book, Carson dedicates Silent Spring as follows: “To Albert Schweitzer who said ‘Man has lost the capacity to foresee and to forestall. He will end by destroying the Earth.’”

This appears to indicate that the great man opposed the use of insecticides. However, in his autobiography Schweitzer writes on page 262: “How much labor and waste of time these wicked insects do cause us ... but a ray of hope, in the use of DDT, is now held out to us.” Upon reading his book, it is clear that Schweitzer was worried about nuclear warfare, —not about the hazards from DDT!

The implication that DDT is horribly deadly is completely false. Human volunteers have ingested as much as 35 milligrams of it a day for nearly two years and suffered no adverse affects. Millions of people have lived with DDT intimately during the mosquito spray programs and nobody even got sick as a result. The National Academy of Sciences concluded in 1965 that “in a little more than two decades, DDT has prevented 500 million [human] deaths that would otherwise have been inevitable.” The World Health Organization stated that DDT had “killed more insects and saved more people than any other substance.” A leading British scientist pointed out that “If the pressure groups had succeeded, if there had been a world ban on DDT, then Rachel Carson and Silent Spring would now be killing more people in a single year than Hitler killed in his whole holocaust.”

Extensive hearings on DDT before an EPA administrative law judge occurred during 1971-1972. The EPA hearing examiner, Judge Edmund Sweeney, concluded that "DDT is not a carcinogenic hazard to man... DDT is not a mutagenic or teratogenic hazard to man... The use of DDT under the regulations involved here do not have a deleterious effect on freshwater fish, estuarine organisms, wild birds or other wildlife."

Overruling the EPA hearing examiner, EPA administrator Ruckelshaus, a member of the Audubon Society, banned DDT in 1972. Ruckelshaus never attended a single hour of the seven months of EPA hearings on DDT. Ruckelshaus' aides reported he did not even read the transcript of the EPA hearings on DDT.

After reversing the EPA hearing examiner's decision, Ruckelshaus refused to release materials upon which his ban was based. Ruckelshaus rebuffed USDA efforts to obtain those materials through the Freedom of Information Act, claiming that they were just "internal memos." Scientists were therefore prevented from refuting the false allegations in the Ruckelshaus' "Opinion and Order on DDT." (Note: Ruckelshaus is a Registered Republican who endorsed Obama for the presidency.)

In 2002, The American Council on Science and Health announced that between three-hundred and five-hundred million people suffer from malaria each year, 90% are in Africa and it is the leading cause of death of African children.

In 2006, the World Health Organization reversed years of policy and backed the use of DDT to control malaria outbreaks.

Orlando, Florida Helped Save Countless U.S. Soldiers: In 1942, the J.R. Geigy company of Switzerland sent a hundred kilograms of DDT, the miracle powder, to its New York office. The package lay around, undisturbed, until a chemist, Victor Froelicher, happened to translate the extraordinary claims for DDT into English, and then passed on a sample to the Department of Agriculture, which then passed it on to its entomology research station, in Orlando, Florida. The Orlando laboratory had been charged by the Army to develop new pesticides, because the military, by this point in the war, was desperate for a better way to protect its troops against insect-borne disease. Typhus, —the lethal fever spread by lice had killed millions of people during and after the First World War and was still in the war zones. Worse, in almost every theatre of operations, malaria-carrying mosquitoes were causing illness. As Robert Rice said in this magazine almost fifty years ago, the First Marine Division had to be pulled from combat in 1942 and sent to Melbourne to recuperate because, out of seventeen thousand men, ten thousand were incapacitated with malarial headaches, fevers, and chills. Malaria hit 85% of the men holding onto Bataan. In fact, at any one time in the early stages of the war, according to General Douglas MacArthur, 2/3 of his troops in the South Pacific were sick with malaria. Thousands of candidate insecticides were tested at Orlando, and DDT was by far the best.


Liberty and Tyranny by Mark R. Levin,

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A Christian Nation?

I don't think so. anyone who would make such a statement has never read the Bible. We are ancient greece and rome all over again. Fallen to greed and lust of every kind. when the Federal supreme court declared Pornography as art they legalized prostitution. any hooker with a digital camera can take a pic of her act and call it art. These people called the Supreme court are just as insane with corruption as the fegeral, state, and local goverments. Corruption is the way of life in our once free country, but since there are so many who can be bought and sold, it,I'm afraid is lost to its own demise. Since the fed started regulating our educational system, it has gone down the tubes. Kids aren't learning anything about our Constitution and the price that was paid for these freedoms and hollywood is striving hard to do away with it. Isn't it funny how those wanting Socialism have never lived in it. It is oppressive to all but the so-called leaders of such countries.

I'm afraid the only way we can save and keeep America free is what George Washington said needed to bedone. tear it down and start over. If not the Chinese will be our next government. If we keep our constitution and freedoms established by it then we can always have another election and elect real people, not the bought and paid for pundits that keep destroying freedom for their self gain.

Today, most that are joining our military are joining for job security without even knowing the value of the oath they take when they join. Just like the presidents, senators, and representatives who take the same oath. To them it's just a formality, they don't mean a word of it. Before long we will be the United corporations of the world, not the United States of america.

Miccrosoft and google are part of the Bilderberger society in the effort to rule the world through electronics. do the research yourselves to find the real truth about where we are going as a nation. Obama bin Laden had his seat in the Bilderbergers 6 months prior to the election, as did Bush and Clinton. Our nation is being sold out by the corruption of the government. There is only one way to stop it and that is post Tea Party.

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If the shoe fits........ Since Obama's State of the Union address is almost identical to his Joint Session of Congress speech a year ago, after astounding defeats in Virginia, New Jersey, and Massachusetts, of course he's not an ideologue. Wonder why he felt compelled to profess this in another speech before the recent Republican Conference. Straw man! Jeeze, when does this man 'preside'?


For liberals, the observation that "the peasants are revolting" is a pun.

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Sarah Palin Surprises The Media Again


was the Keynote Speaker at the "National Tea Party Convention" in Nashville, Tennessee. The CNN, Fox Cable News and MSNBC all broadcast her speech live on Super Bowl Sunday weekend Saturday night, live as she electrified the 1,100 Tea Party attendees.

Early in her speech Sarah Palin said that the "Republican Party should embrace the Tea Parties..." to the enthusiastic applause of the audience.

Earlier in the day an organiser of another Tennessee Tea Party group, who did not attend the Convention workshops, was interviewed by the Media and said that the Tea Party was independent of any political party.

We have been chronicling the, Click Link: Tea Parties Since Tax Day

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Getting things done

I am excited that people are speaking out and expressing the need to get our country turned around. I'm excited that the ideas that are coming out in getting our energy from the United States, stopping the senate and house. We need to get more honest people running for office. Have tax cuts and the people who have given up on jobs inspire them in what we can do.dottie
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obama’s elitist persona has been the subject of many insightful articles since he realized that he, in his words, “had game” andcould play at the federal political level.

obama’s body language has revealed signs of arrogance, egoism, and deception.

Aside from his silly obama-isms (and you thought Bush was the only one could whip out a zinger), his words have only strengthened theseimages while also revealing his attitude toward the average citizen.

The common working man has been a jocular target of obama’s.

During the 2008 campaign he spoke of the people of Pennsylvania and “small towns” throughout the Midwest as “clinging to their guns andreligion,” about their being “bitter” and using “anti-immigrant…antipathetic” sentiments to excuse their own failures.

obama traveled to Massachusetts to lend his over-hyped, over-estimated clout to the senate election campaign of Martha Coakley andwhile there he publicly mocked opponent Scott Brown’s use of a pickup truck totravel between campaign stops…

…sort of like al gore mocking owners of SUVs for their gas guzzling, energy burning ways while he himself traveled by private jet or a with a parade of non-greenfriendly vehicles.

While criticizing the executives of the bailed out banks, he implied that it is common for Americans to run to Vegas and blow the rent ortuition money while imagining we were Phil Ivey.

According to obama before he came along Americans feared the coming end of America.

During his inaugural address, obama said we had no “confidence” in America, and we believed that “America’s decline wasinevitable.”

We were a lost people within a lost country and only obama saved us from ourselves.

During the 2009 State of the Union speech, obama said that anyone who was against obama-care, which was a majority of the populationoutside the Democratic Caucus, was stupid.

He said that he hadn’t explained it well enough for us to understand the plan.

In other words, we do not know what we know unless obama has had an opportunity to tell us what we know.

obama also used his annual message to the nation to take cheap, classless, political, potshots at the Supreme Court and thus atdemocracy itself.

As a supposed former community agitator, or organizer, obama hypocritically mocked the “teabaggers” for their grass-roots efforts, sayingthey were merely “playing games…waving their little tea bags around.”

The word “little” is such a condescending little word.

Again, this type of democratic activity roils the elitism in obama.

obama admittedly stands before a black audience and belittles, insults them for what he sees as a their cultural ignorance.

He said that he “often speaks a language that is foreign to them,” thus, he has to change his speaking style, his diction, to suit theblack audiences he faces.

He also pigeon holes whites as he recounted how he felt that his mother “was like most white people” who feel uneasy when they encounterblack strangers.

obama has made light of the mentally handicapped while on Jay Leno and has said that doctors are more interested in making money thancuring the patient .

obama told us that “words matter.”

Thus, his words matter.

His words show that to him the average American matters little.

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Who is really ready?

I just joined and have to interject something here. Do you remember what happened after the first Tea Party? It was WAR, where Americans died for the rights we are losing on a daily basis. Most of the founding fathers died in dire poverty for our freedom from oppression. Obama wasn't elected, he was purchased by a group known as the Bilderbergers, the richest peopele in the world who have been orchestrating "the New World Order' for more than 80 years now. A handful of billionaires whose whole value system is based on subjugating the world for their self gain. Bush, Clinton, and Obama all are on that board of maggots.

These people want to put all of us in our places so they have complete control of the world. maybe that sounds like fantasy, but if you are honest about our recent history, everything the federal government touches turns to feces for us and fills their pockets to overflowing.

My question is, when the tea party is over, who will take up arms to save our nation and our Constitution from tyranny be sought by all living Presidents. They have all violated their oath of office, save maybe 3 or 4 senators.

Our freedom cannot be saved with words and protests. The so-called security agencies and not patriots or they wouldn't be working for the corrupt government agaisnt the people. Traitors all are they.

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Last Tuesday, I filed with other tea party leaders filed a lawsuit in Federal Court against the Mr. Fred O'Neal and Doug Guetzloe (attorney and political consultant) that started "Tea Party" as a political Third Party.The reason why we filed this lawsuit is because Mr. Fred O'Neal and Doug Guetzloe are threatening tea party leaders. He is also claiming all rights to the name "Tea Party." See article "Florida Lawyer Claims Rights To Tea Party Name -- would like to add other tea party leaders to our lawsuit. It will not cost you anything to join. You can see a copy of our complaint at or for more information contact:Michael R. Caputomichaelrcaputo@gmail.comCaputo Public Relations, Inc.12864 Biscayne Blvd, #332North Miami, FL 33181-2007305-733-3431Let's not let the politicians and political parties take over our movement. We can and we will hold true to our mission and values.Sincerely,Everett WilkinsonSouthFloridaTeaParty.orgTeaPartyPatriots.orgPress Release(MIAMI, FL) Legal counsel for Florida Tea Party activists and organizations today filed a complaint against a new political party of the same name seeking a declaratory judgment separating the twogroups. The conservative activists also asked the court to order the newly registered Florida Tea Party to stop threatening them and their colleagues with trademark litigation. “We believe the identity of the Florida Tea Party has been hijacked by cynical forces,” South Florida Tea Party chairman Everett Wilkinson said. “We are especially concerned the group is improperly leveragingthe tea party movement to support the gubernatorial campaign of Sen. Paula Dockery.”Republican campaign consultant Doug Guetzloe and his associates Fredric O'Neal and Nicholas Egoroff registered the name “Tea Party” as a political party with the Florida Secretary of State in August 2009. Two of the founders are cashiered county GOP committeemen; none wereactive in the state’s Tea Party organizations. Since registering, the group has represented themselves as leaders of the Florida Tea Party movement to the media, endorsed Sen. PaulaDockery for governor in the Republican Primary and threatened authentic Tea Party activists with legal action over use of the name. Officers of the new party have also threatened to run third partycandidates against both Republicans and Democrats. Longtime Tea Party activists in the Sunshine State are working toward reform within the Republican Party and view third party candidacies as county- productive.“The registered party and original Florida Tea Party activists are miles apart in our political agenda and priorities,” Wilkinson said. “Make no mistake: the Tea Party on the Florida ballot is not thegrassroots group you may think it is.” “Only through a declaratory judgment will activists across Florida know who is who in this important election year,” Wilkinson said. “Likewise only a judge's order will end the new party’s threats of litigation.”A copy of the complaint can be seen here: Plaintiffs in the lawsuit include the following tea party activists and organizations:TIM MCCLELLAN,A Tea Party activist,EVERETT WILKINSON,A Tea Party activist,SOUTH FLORIDA TEA PARTY, INC.,A Florida non-profit corporation,JUST PATRIOTS, INC.,d/b/a UNITED AMERICAN TEA PARTY,A Florida non-profit corporation,MARTIN 9/12 TEA PARTY COMMITTEE,A group of concerned citizens,NAPLES TEA PARTY,A group of concerned citizens, At press time, more Tea Party activists and groups are signing up asplaintiffs in the complaint. For a PDF of the complaint and more information, please contact Michael Caputo at 305-733-3431 or©2010 South Florida Tea Party | 510 S Broadway Lantana Fl
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People in each state need to get petitions started to vote on term limits for our federal Senators & Congressmen. They can only serve 2 terms in office so we will have no more career politicans. Also, each state should vote on whether or not they deserve a pay raise, how much and whether they deserve an increase on their expense account. These elected officials shouldn't vote on anything for themselves; major conflict of interest. They are the "peoples" servants sent to D.C. to represent their constituents. Their retirement should be based on how many years they serve the people. The military has to serve 20 years to get 50% of their salary, 30 years to get 75%. So, why do our Congressmen and Senators get 100% of the pay after serving 1 day in office. Unbelievable.

NO WHERE does an employee serve 1+ day and get 100% of their base pay. Corruption, fraud and abuse. It is time to STOP these corrupt elected officials. When I worked as a manager for the Army & Air Force Exchange Service, I couldn't accept a cup of coffee let alone money, trips,. etc. So why do we have so many millionaires in Congress and the Senate. Sounds pretty FISHY to me or are our officials being paid off! HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! Time to get rid of all of them!!!!!!!

Let's get started AMERICA! STOP the waste, fraud and abuse by both the Democrat and Republican Senators and Congressmen in Washington D.C. NOW!

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Veteran Affairs Offices ( county )

Whats wrong with our County Service Officers? After finding out I had Parkinson's and lost my job I went to my county service officer to look into benefits . Yes I had my " DD-214 " in hand and information on the V.A. approving Veterans with Parkinson's. He was brand new and I figured gave a damn . Boy was I wrong!
I wasted so much time and after numerous unanswered e-mails and a few visits and now nearly five years ago, I heard nothing but complaints, from other veterans, in my county, in Ohio. You would think being a Veteran himself he would bend over backwards to help? WRONG, turns out hes no different than the last one! Here lies the problem, Is he paid to much? He needs a bigger more comfortable chair? He already has a private office without a view, or is he just plain lazy? Now I know what the problem is " no view." Anyone else have any issues concerning this subject?

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Time to Go!!!!!!!!!

It is time to let our representatives know that it is time for them to go home for good. It seems that they feel that their chairs are a permit part of their "asses". No representative should be in the house or senate for more then two terms. "We the people" should be able to vote on a referendum to that effect. Not the house or the senate. The "PEOPLE" should have their voices heard. For too long "our" so called elected politicians have ignored our voices. It is time that they we wake them up from their slumber, and special interest and make them listen to the people. "WAKE UP AMERICANS". This is our country!!! Many of us have put our lives on the line for the freedoms all people deserve that are native born or naturalized. We do not need to give those rights to terrorists. The rights are only for free men. Those who betray our country being citizens should be tried for treason. May "God" bless this country forever and those who protect it.

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Are you kidding me?

President Barack Obama's African aunt is going before a Massachusetts immigration judge for a second time to argue she should be allowed to stay in the United States. Her status as an illegal immigrant was revealed just days before Obama was elected. Obama says he didn't know his aunt was living in the country illegally. How dumb of a statement was that? I just didn't know...
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Democrates don't really care

The Democratic Party Owes Blacks An Apology
1.Slavery: Democrats Fought to Expand It – Republicans Fought to End It
2.The Civil War: Democrats Seceded From The Union to Preserve Slavery
3.Segregation: Democrats Fought Against Civil Rights – Republicans Fought For Civil Rights
4.In 1866, the Ku Klux Klan was started by Democrats to lynch and terrorize Republicans
5.Republicans Pushed To Achieve The “Brown v. Board of Education” Decision
6.Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “New Deal” Harmed Blacks
7.Republican President Eisenhower Achieved Desegregation Of The Military
8.It was Republican Senator Everett Dirksen from Illinois, not Democrat President Lyndon Johnson, who pushed through the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act. In fact, Dirksen was instrumental in the passage of civil rights legislation in 1957, 1960, 1964, 1965 and 1968.
9.During the 1960’s, Democrats were relentless in their efforts to smear Dr. King and railroad his nonviolent civil rights advocacy.
10.President Barack Obama Practices The Politics of Poverty
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BEHIND OBAMA'S PHONY DEFICIT NUMBERSBy DICK MORRISPublished on on February 1, 2010President Obama is being disingenuous when he says that the budget deficit he faced "when I walked in the door" of the White House was $1.3 trillion. He went on to say that he only increased it to $1.4 trillion in 2009 and was raising it to $1.6 trillion in 2010.Congressman Joe Wilson might have said "you lie," but we'll settle for "you distort."(As Mark Twain once said, there are three kinds of lies: "lies, damn lies, and statistics.")Here are the facts:In 2008, Bush ran a deficit of $485 billion. By the time the fiscal year started on October 1, 2008, it had gone up by another $100 billion due to increased recession-related spending and depressed revenues. So it was about $600 billion at the start of the fiscal crisis. That was the real Bush deficit.But when the fiscal crisis hit, Bush had to pass TARP in the final months of his presidency ( At the Request of the Obama Administration if you remember the begging) which cost $700 billion. Under the federal budget rules, a loan and a grant are treated the same. So the $700 billion pushed the deficit -- officially -- up to $1.3 trillion. But not really. The $700 billion was a short term loan. $500 billion of it has already been repaid.So what was the real deficit Obama inherited? The $600 billion deficit Bush was running plus the $200 billion of TARP money that probably won't be repaid (mainly AIG and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac). That totals $800 billion. That was the real deficit Obama inherited.Then...he added $300 billion in his stimulus package, bringing the deficit to $1.1 trillion. This $300 billion was, of course, totally qualitatively different from the TARP money in that it was spending not lending. It would never be paid back. Once it was out the door, it was gone. Other spending and falling revenues due to the recession pushed the final numbers for Obama's 2009 deficit up to $1.4 trillion.So, effectively, Obama came close to doubling the deficit.Obama seems not to understand that the deficit is the jobs problem. To add to the deficit in the hope of creating more jobs is an oxymoron. Additional deficit spending just crowds out small businesses trying to borrow money to create jobs and consumers seeking credit to buy cars and homes.Soon, when the Fed stops printing money and we have to borrow real funds from real lenders, the high deficit will send interest rates soaring, further retarding growth and creating a cost-push inflation.The interest rate we are now paying for the debt -- about 3.5% -- is totally artificial and based on the massive injection of money supply created by the purchase of mortgage backed securities by an obliging Federal Reserve. Once these injections of currency/heroin stop, the rate will more than double, sending our debt service spending into the stratosphere. Once we had to choose between guns and butter. Now we will have to choose between guns and butter on the one hand and paying our debt service on the other.Obama's program of fiscal austerity in this new budget is a joke. He freezes very selected budget items while he shovels out new spending in his stimulus packages. If he wanted to lower the deficit, here's what he could do:1. Cancel the remaining $500 billion of stimulus spending and2. Cancel the $300 billion of spending in stimulus II.Those are the real numbers. Or, as Al Gore would have it, "the inconvenient truth."
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Nashville this weekend

Recently, some have tried to portray the Tea Party movement as a commercial endeavor rather than the grassroots uprising that it is. Those who do so don't understand the frustration everyday Americans feel when they see their government mortgaging their children's future with reckless spending. The spark of patriotic indignation that inspired those who fought for our independence and those who marched peacefully for civil rights has ignited once again. You can't buy such a sentiment. You can't AstroTurf it. It springs from love of country and the knowledge that we can make a difference if we just stand up and stand together.I thought long and hard about my participation in this weekend's event. At the end of the day, my decision came down to this: It's important to keep faith with people who put a little bit of their faith in you. Everyone attending this event is a soldier in the cause. Some of them will be driving hundreds of miles to Nashville. I made a commitment to them to be there, and I am going to honor it.But participation won't be limited to those in Nashville who have a ticket. It's much bigger than that. Because the Tea Party movement is spread out across the country — with no central offices or annual events — this is an opportunity to connect with like-minded folks. Yes, there will be speeches given in a room in Nashville. But we'll also be speaking with thousands of Americans watching online at, or through various news outlets. And the conversation will continue on my Facebook page.I will not benefit financially from speaking at this event. My only goal is to support the grassroots activists who are fighting for responsible, limited government — and our Constitution. In that spirit, any compensation for my appearance will go right back to the cause.The nature of the Tea Party movement means there may never be a "perfectly orchestrated" event: Democracy in action doesn't come with a manual. But we must not get caught up in the politics or the controversies that some hope will distract from the heart of the movement. The focus must remain on our ideas and beliefs, and on supporting those ideas and beliefs however we can.This weekend, it's Nashville, but in March, I'll head to Searchlight, Nev., for the kickoff rally at the Tea Party Express III. In April, I'll be in Boston for a Tea Party gathering there. Across the country, tea-partiers will be sharing our vision for America's future, a vision that promotes common sense solutions to out-of-control spending and an out-of-touch political establishment.The process may not always be pretty or perfect, but the message is loud and clear: We want a government worthy of the fine Americans that it serves. And we're going to keep spreading that message one convention, one town hall, one speech and one election at a timeSarah Palin
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