A Senate race should never be a national cause celebre, and certainly not a special election to replace someone who died in office. Under the current circumstances, though, it is hard to see how things could have turned out differently. Looked at pragmatically, can we honestly say that the current situation with the Massachusetts special election is one of circumstance? Or is it more arrogance and disregard for true democratic principles?see more at Clean Sweep Beacon Hill BlogRead more…
Posted by Cathy O'Brien on January 11, 2010 at 9:11pm
As today's politics become more and more totalitarian, the overreach of the far left radicals in this administration is beyond belief. A big part of American exceptionalism is our freedom, and voting rights is right up there in the top five. We now have a government hell-bent on transforming America back to the day of King George and the British Empire.Dem Scheme: Seat Brown Late If He Wins, Until After Health Care Gets to Senatehttp://tinyurl.com/ygjyspcRead more…
Posted by Cathy O'Brien on January 11, 2010 at 8:03pm
Lately (oh, about the last 12 months), every day brings another sad bit of news, and this one is a clear sign of the times -- something I don't think any of us thought would come. This is another sign of what happens when the government controls, and this government is controlling more and more every day.CHINA ENDS U.S.'s REIGN AS LARGEST AUTO MARKEThttp://tinyurl.com/yl756hdRead more…
I am interested in taking back our government from the corporations, special interest groups, unions and all those big money people that control our government. As far as I know it's supposed to be Government of the People, by the People, and for the People and until we take back the election process back from big $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ we will never have that. We need real election reform and I wont join any organization that wont work for that.Only The BestCaptain Tony
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Posted by Cathy O'Brien on January 11, 2010 at 11:14am
In an interesting poll analysis, Massachusetts shows weak support for the Democrat health care bill. This is a state that knows first hand what government health care brings -- disaster. Amazing, for a state that has far more registered Democrat voters than Republican.Even in Massachusetts, Weak Support for Dem Health Care Billhttp://tinyurl.com/yz2utz4Read more…
Even though we're disappointed in Congress, the reason we're in a bigger mess now then before is because the Democrats have complete control, and the Democrats are mainly controlled by Liberals and Leftists. Last time we threw out the Republicans, now we need to throw out many Democrats, and if some Republicans need ousting, so be it. Eventually they "might" get it!
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Dear members,I think the time is right to organize as a legitimate political Party, elect a Party spokeperson, set up campaign locations and begin endorsements for candidates. After all we have already had parties like the Federalists and the Whigs. My endorsements for candidate possibilities are; Newt Gingrich, Sara Palin, Mitt Romney, and Mike Huckabee.
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Dear members,A while back I told you about my concept of a new amendment. I now have posted my first draft of that amendment and am looking for support. Please go to;http://www.thepetitionsite.com/3/the-peoples-amendment-draft-1or log on tocare2.com and follow their instructions.Thank you, Wayne K. Lewis
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Posted by Cathy O'Brien on January 10, 2010 at 1:21pm
In an email yesterday, Scott Brown is alerting us about a final push by MoveOn.org and the SEIU in Massachusetts. Since we all know how they fight, it's not pretty, so here is their request for help:An Alert From the Scott Brown Campaign in Mass. Jan 19th Election.MoveOn.org to MoveIn to Massachusetts.http://tinyurl.com/yklg9fkRead more…
Ask anyone wanting an Amnesty one thing, "What do you intend to do with those that enter the U.S. ILLEGALLY "after" another Amnesty, yet another Amnesty later on?" We had a "one-time" Amnesty in 1986 with no enfocement, now we need Enforcement with NO AMNESTY! 15 to 20 MILLION ILLEGAL Trespassers are directly related to many of America'a problems, overcrowded and failing schools, high health care costs because of ILLEGALS using emergency rooms, overpopulation and overuse of America's resources, urban sprawl, more dependency on foreign oil (20 Million ILLEGALS use a LOT of energy), crime, cultural and language problems and non-assimilation, unemployment and low wages, etc., etc., etc..............
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Posted by Cathy O'Brien on January 9, 2010 at 2:55pm
While straddling the fence, through the late 60s and 70s, it was candidate Ronald Reagan's question "Are you better off than you were four years ago?" that finally gave me the shove, never to return. As a young single mother, struggling to hold on to a newly purchased home for my children with the interest rate topping out at 21-3/4%, I swore never to vote Democrat again -- ever!ARE YOU BETTER OFF NOW THAN YOU WERE *BEFORE* HOPE AND CHANGE?http://tinyurl.com/yjggmo4Read more…
THEIR EARS ARE COVERED BUT THEIR WALLETS ARE OPEN!"Question with boldness.; Hold to the truth.; Speak without fear." Glenn Beck speaks of these three mottos on Fox News. These three things I too believe are the root of the problems in America. Not because of them, but for the lack of them.For generation after generation we have lost our identity in this country. Who are we? From where do we stem? Who were/are our parents, our grandparents and their parents back through history? Why did they come to this place we call America? What were their goals, ambitions and hopes? In this day, do we really know or understand? Has our complacency become so instilled in our minds that we brush our heritage aside like a stray hair from our eye? Look back through the years and what our forefathers survived to bring us now to a time where 'WE THE PEOPLE' have now become 'NULL AND VOID."Our constitution was written in such a way as to suppress government control and restrain its power and will. It was amended as we developed as a nation of laws to protect individual rights. It is a political experiment never before conceived and has continued now for over two hundred years only to be threatened by apathy and blind faith. We have to remove the wool from our eyes and closely inspect the body of our country. Search for the flees and ticks sucking the life blood out of our fundamental beliefs this nation was founded upon. IT IS TIME TO WAKE UP!What good is a democratic republic with representatives who fail to represent? What good is a law which states 'No taxation without representation' when the word 'Representation' has been pushed to the side? Why elect officials to represent the issues pursuent to their state when these people not only ignore their constituents but pass outrageous laws that affect the whole nation. What is the purpose of a supreme court whose original directive was to rule on constitutional law and now legislates from the bench? Finally, why do we have a president who needs 'CSARS' to advise him when the presidential cabinet was created for that very purpose? The title 'CSAR' reeks of Communism even though they misspelled 'TSAR'. Its root word still stems from ancient Rome and "CAESAR."I have made a resolution never to use the word 'President' and the name of this man who now sits in the Oval Office within the most elegant public housing this nation has to offer. A man who stutters when a teleprompter is unavailable and who allows his spouse to use Air Force 2 to fly to where he is going in Air Force 1.I approve of the '9/12 Project' and am now a member of the 'Tea Party'. The following is my contribution (at least in theory) to the cause. Please go to the following website and read my proposal;THE PEOPLES AMENDMENTGo to; http://www.thepetitionsite.com/2/the-peoples-amendmentThank you,Wayne L.
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Posted by R.T. Hudgins on January 9, 2010 at 12:00pm
"God Is Busy"A United States Marine was attending some college courses betweenassignments. He had completed missions in Iraq and Afghanistan . One of the courseshad a professor who was a devout atheist and a member of the ACLU .One day the professor shocked the class when he came in. He looked tothe ceiling and flatly stated, 'God, if you are real, then I want youto knock me off this platform. I'll give you exactly 15 minutes.' Thelecture room fell silent. You could hear a pin drop.Ten minutes went by and the professor proclaimed, 'Here I am God. I'mstill waiting.' It got down to the last couple of minutes when theMarine got out of his chair, went up to the professor, and cold-cockedhim, knocking him off the platform. The professor was out cold.The Marine went back to his seat and sat there, silently. The otherstudents were shocked, stunned, and sat there looking on in silence.The professor eventually came to, noticeably shaken, looked at theMarine and asked, 'What the heck is the matter with you? Why did youdo that?' The Marine calmly replied, 'God was too busy todayprotecting American soldiers who are protecting your right to saystupid stuff and act like an idiot. So, He sent me.'THIS IS GOOD. KEEP IT GOING.
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Posted by R.T. Hudgins on January 9, 2010 at 11:57am
~Limbaugh Nailed This One~Love him or loathe him, he nailed this one right on the head..........By Rush Limbaugh:I think the vast differences in compensation between victims of the September 11 casualty and those who die serving our country inUniform are profound. No one is really talking about it either,because you just don't criticize anything having to do with September 11.Well, I can't let the numbers pass bybecause it says something really disturbing about theentitlement mentality of this country.If you lost a family member in the September 11 attack, you'regoing to get an average of $1,185,000. The range is a minimumguarantee of$250,000, all the way up to $4.7 million.?If you are a surviving family member of an American soldierkilled in action, the first check you get is a$6,000 direct death benefit,half of which is taxable.Next, you get $1,750 for burial costs.If you are the surviving spouse, you get$833 a month until you remarry. And there's a payment of$211 per month for each child under 18. When the child hits 18,those payments come to a screeching halt.Keep in mind that some of the people who are getting an average of$1.185 million up to$4.7 million are complainingthat it's not enough.?Their deaths were tragic, but for most,they were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.?Soldiers put themselves in harms way FOR ALL OF US, and theyand their families know the dangers. (Actually, soldiers are put inharms way by politicians and commanding officers.)We also learned over the weekend that some of the victimsfrom the Oklahoma City bombing havestarted an organization asking for the same deal that theSeptember 11 families are getting.In addition to that, some of the families of those bombed in theembassies are now asking for compensation as well.You see where e this is going, don't you? Folks, this is part andparcel of over 50 years of entitlement politics in this country.It's just really sad. Every time a pay raise comes up for the military,they usually receive next tonothing of a raise.Now the green machine is in combat in the Middle East whiletheir families have to survive on food stamps andlive in low-rent housing.?Make sense?However, our own US Congress voted themselves a raise.Many of you don't know that they only have to be in Congressone time to receive a pension that is more than $15,000 per month. And most are now equal to being millionaires plus.They do not receive Social Security on retirement becausethey didn't have to pay into the system. If some of themilitary people stay in for 20 years and get out as anE-7, they may receive a pension of $1,000 per month,and the very people who placed them in harm's wayreceives a pension of $15,000 per month.I would like to see our elected officials pick up a weaponand join ranks before they start cutting out benefits andlowering pay for our sons and daughters who are now fighting."When do we finally do something about this?"If this doesn't seem fair to you, it is time to forward thisto as many people as you can.How many people CAN YOU send this to?****************************How many WILL YOU?
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Posted by Clay Ramsay on January 9, 2010 at 8:37am
I urge you take a close look at the situation in our 5th District, because this race could be a microcosm of the problems the Party is facing right now nationwide. The future or our Party and country depends on how we handle these challenges. We have 7 Republican candidates vying to replace the very liberal, freshman Democrat, Tom Periello. Six of the candidates are conservative. One has served in the State House of Delegates and the State Senate. He has voted for the two largest tax increases in Virginia history. These increases were not to balance the budget, but to grow government. The other six issued a joint press release requesting a district convention to select our nominee. This position was endorsed by the three Tea Parties in our district, because with such a large field, it is the only way to arrive at a consensus candidate. It also would save tax payers at least a quarter million dollars that a primary would cost. The Party unit chairs voted instead by secret ballot to hold a primary. This means that our nominee could win with LESS THAN 20% of the vote, while 80% of the vote would be behind conservative candidates. It is going to be very difficult for any of those candidates, no matter how worthy, to stand out enough from the pack to win over one that has everything stacked in this favor, especially since Democrats are invited to vote en masse in our primary, as they have no primary of their own.None of the conservatives have shown any sign of giving up. They are aggressively trying to gather supporters and get out their message. My candidate, Mike McPadden, has called for a Conservative Pre-Primary Convention to select ONE Republican conservative to run against the liberal Republican in the primary. This race will be a study in inside Party politics. I hope you will help support a Conservative Republican Pre-Primary Convention in the 5th District.Clay RamsayCharlottesville, VirginiaCowboy Up 1776
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OBAMA, The Buck Stop Here = No AccountabilityI regret this Administration is making mistake after mistake. We have survived the blame game and gave you time to own this debacle. A year later we are in more dire straits, but no one is Accountable.Janet Napolitano says, everything worked perfectly for a terrorist threat onboard a U.S. Airliner. The shell game begins. Obama, you admit to a systemic problem, however, it is nobody's fault.We are not going to blame anyone, save the unblamable (OBAMA). How Often do I have to say this. Failed Ideologies generate Failed Policies. You surround yourself with Atheist and Marxist/Socialist. They praise Mao Tse Tung, hello.Obama, you cannot provide a job package because you will not listen to reason. You and your cronies are too busy scheming to actually provide something that benefit Americans. Your group is working the angles. I'm just trying to restore the Constitution.I have been to the White House made inquiries to speak with you, but you and many leaders are too arrogant or surrounded themselves by the chosen that you are unable to hear the truth. I actually wish you success, but there is something wrong when Americans remain out of work and you don't seem to think it that important for an immediate solution. I told your filters before I can kick start this economy in less than 3 months, but you cannot hear or choose not too.Next Monday, You want your cronies to convene only conspire how to steal more. I'm asking you please stop. I will come and help you, but either you care for this Nation or not.We are not so blind to our own ideologies that we want our Nation to be ravaged. People are suffering and your friends are unconcerned. You should have someone there that have suffered and understands. You need those that bring value to your organization, not those that justify errors and act as Usurpers. You need to hold people accountable and if they are not accountable then step down immediately, because We The People Demand Congress, and you to Stop and Listen to us. We have a Job Creation Plan, a Healthcare Plan, Education Plan, etc. But you believe the answer lies within the confines of Institutions and the answer is in the people. Let us work together to rebuild a Great Nation and Restore the People.
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Posted by Sharon Sarno on January 8, 2010 at 7:47am
I listen to Fox News and all the reports on what our government is doing to destroy this country along with the negative attitudes everyone across the United States has toward our crooked government. My question is, "We The People" want to know what action can be put into force to stop what the government is doing to our country? All I hear is talk but no suggested action that can be put into effect to stop what is happening to our country. Everyone agrees that something needs to be done to stop what is going on, but everyone is afraid to create waves for fear that they will end up in jail or found dead. Please advise.SharonRead more…
It truly amazes me the lengths people will go to “not say” what they mean. They couch their speech in many different allegories, alliterations, metaphors, etc, ad infinitum, ad nauseum. This is particularly true of politicians and others. Do you realize how much energy and time is wasted, simply trying to avoid saying what we mean? Political correctness is total nonsense and it almost seems to be a “pass time” event for people who nothing else to do with their lives. It is difficult to have meaningful discussions when we can’t say exactly what something is for fear of upsetting someone else. It would seem that in a country that was 75% or so Christian, the term “Christmas” tree seems appropriate and I cannot, for the life of me, determine why the use of that term or even of the item, would make someone uncomfortable or annoy them. We are now becoming a nation of Semanticists! I was wondering, since we have to remove “crosses”etc. from government buildings and such, are we going to remove all the crosses from the National Cemeteries? Where does political correctness end, or does it?As we watch another terrorist attack on our country unfold, the powers that be are continually finding “another way to say it.” Many areas of the investigation are being covered up in the interest of, “national security”; the age old rant of politicians to stop information detrimental to their way of thinking, from leaking out. It was already predicted that with the changing and loosening of the anti-terrorist regulations from the Bush administration, that there would be another terrorist attack on or in our country and so it is, but we must remember that this is a “man made disaster” or whatever the current terminology is, and not a “terrorist” attack. There goes that political correctness again.To take an idea from someone else, the government considers what happened at Fort Hood as a “disaster” but they consider the Tea Party movement and folks who speak out against the government, and its policies, “extremists”. There seems to be something wrong here. As a matter of fact, the entire country as it is today, seems to have something wrong with it! This is not the country I grew up in, we didn’t have folks telling us that we must purchase health insurance or pay penalities or else go to jail; that we have to pay higher and higher taxes to pay for a monstrosity of a health care bill, that no one has read or cares to read; that our government is completely oblivious to the will of it’s own people and seems to act totally in and for their own interest; we didn’t have Senators saying, when asked about why the Constitution isn’t being followed, “Oh, no-one does that anymore”. We didn’t have politicians trying to raise our energy bills times 4 to pay for something we did or didn’t do, to the atmosphere, and now “ owe a debt to the global economy and as things are unfolding, we find it all may be a hoax?” We didn’t have folks telling us about ”global cooling” and when that idea fell apart; they started up about “global warming.” Now, they do not even know if it even exists, but that doesn’t seem to matter.My ancestors came from Italy and Ireland. They worked in New York city, to become good citizens. They were assimilated into the American society and became good Americans. We still carried our Italian traditions and family roots without having our own communities remaining stalwart and refusing to be assimilated into the society. America didn’t print signs and books in Italian and English, in effect, we became AMERICANS! We were proudly called Americans and we were proud to have earned that right. It seems today that that is a lost idea. Groups come from other countries for the opportunities offered here, and they should embrace our country and be proud that they are here. They should become citizens, learn our language, and be proud of the fact that they are Americans. If they do not wish to do this, why come here? My daughter lives in Sweden and has been there for over 12 years and I notice from our visits, that there are no signs there printed in Swedish and English, although they do teach multi languages in their schools. She had to learn Swedish. She doesn’t live in an “American community” but rather she lives in the city amongst Swedish people. She has embraced the country and has become, to all intents and purposes, a Swede.What is going on in our country? Do we not think for ourselves anymore, do we not have a Constitutional government? I must have missed something along the way. It seems that this document doesn’t stand alone anymore but now we need lawyers and judges to “interpret” what it means and very often that is done with a bias reflecting their particular political parties. We are fast moving away from a Republic, upon which we were founded, to a socialist/Marxist type of democracy. To me, this is the biggest nightmare that could befall our country. The statement “redistribution of wealth”, has always amazed and scared me, in that the very people who spout it, do not do it with their own wealth, only with the wealth of others. They take from everyone else and “spread it around”, but not from themselves and their income. I can understand giving to folks who cannot work because of sickness etc., and folks who need a little to “get by” temporarily, but when I work hard and long to make a better life for my family so that they can enjoy the things I didn’t, and I will be dammed if I will give that to someone who sits on their butt and doesn’t want to work and plays the system and has their hand out for government money. It also seems to me, the folks who spout all these doctrines(politicians), are the ones who seem to be continually, lining their pockets with taxpayer money and benefits and using their positions to further their own personal interests.Look to our children, are they getting a “fair deal”? Since when do we need the government to dictate as to the proper method to educate our children? Are we educating or indoctrinating? We cannot say the words “God”, “Christmas”, or sing Christmas Carols, or have anything remotely resembling Christmas, Hannuka etc., in public schools anymore, but it is OK to have them singing songs of praise about our president. Doesn’t someone see something just a bit wrong about this? Many folks have chosen to home school their children to avoid the government “indoctrination” but even there, they tell you what you must teach and how to teach it. Is there no end to the input that the government has into our lives?Government is growing like a metastatic cancer. We go to the government for health care, for education, for disability, for food in some circumstances, etc. Many of us have to rely on the government for everything and it seems that that is getting worse every day and that is just what they want. Always remember, that the government that gives you everything, can also take everything away and so the power grows. I feel that our freedoms and liberties are being slowly removed, a piece at a time. I notice many people today, are afraid to speak out against the government and their policies for fear of some sort of repercussions. This is not America, at least not the one I know and love! When the government is afraid of the people, as it should be, that is liberty, but when the people are afraid of the government, that is tyranny!! It is not freedom when the government can retaliate against something they don’t like by taxing, or by ignoring some news service because they don’t agree with the “party line”. It is not freedom when the government owns 60% of an automobile company. It is not freedom when the government forces people to buy health care in the name of the “common good”. It is not freedom when the government gives money to institutions so they don’t fail because they are “too big to fail”. It is not freedom when the government makes laws to benefit certain groups but not all. It is not freedom when the government makes statements that are totally false and then makes an excuse that “they didn’t know”. It is not freedom when the government lies to its people and then derides all those who speak out against it! I would advise folks to check out the “Cloward-Piven” strategy by going to http://www.discoverthenetworks.org, a site and guide to the “Political Left”.“ First proposed in 1966 and named after Columbia University sociologists Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, the “Cloward-Piven Strategy” seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse.”From reading this treatise, one can see many similarities to this strategy and the way our government is moving today. To “take apart capitalism, brick by brick”, as stated by one politician, one overloads the system and forces it to collapse upon itself and it seems that is where we are heading.Wake up America and get a grip! We are slowly being decimated and a nation divided against itself , cannot stand. We must take our country back so we can once again stand proud in our traditions! Remember that evil triumphs when a few good men do nothing. This leftist lean must stop and stop soon or we could become a European type of country where our government takes care of us from birth to death and the last thing we need, is “Big Brother” or a nanny! I surely know what is best for me and I definitely don’t need the government telling me how to live my life or what to do! In our day, we didn’t go to the government for much, if anything; we didn’t make a profession out of welfare and trying to figure out how we could get money from the government while not having to work. We worked and did our fair share to help the country and our families and out friends and neighbors. This is the American way. American is not simply a noun but it is also a way of life, a tradition, a methodology if you will, of people helping people, of standing and working together to improve our status, of saving and providing a better life for ourselves and our children and not having the government “provide” for everything from birth to death.
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