Bob VanDeHey's Posts (418)

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Obama was Dead Wrong,

Illegals Cost California Solvency



            A recently revealed lowball study of the state’s budget problems shows that withdrawing services from California’s 2.5 million illegal aliens in the state would save the state roughly $4.5 Billion annually.  The breakdown of the savings was:  $2.5 Billion from the cost of education; $1 Billion from prison budgets; almost $780 Million from medical expenses; and other cost savings amounting to roughly $300 Million yearly.  In short, paying for the illegal aliens who have been welcomed into California (the state has more “Sanctuary Cities” than the rest of the country combined) over a typical period of five years would account for the total California shortfall at its 2009 cited $21 Billion maximum.  Later in this blog, you’ll discover why Rajjpuut used the term “lowball” to describe this recent study.

            How surprising can this statistic be?   A mid-2008 study by FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform) showed that 60% of the nation’s illegal aliens were concentrated in six states mostly in the Southwest.  California’s almost 3.5 million illegals in that study easily topped the list.  That figure you’ll notice is a full one million fewer illegals than found in the more recent lowball study mentioned earlier.  Poor methodology?  Deliberate undercounting?  Probably neither.  Every year that the state’s abysmal Sanctuary City situation has existed, it’s become much harder to accurately count the illegals, never an easy proposition in the best of scenarios.  

            Two years later when FAIR updated and expanded its study in 2010 it found that nationally illegals cost America $113 Billion yearly.  The study then was called “extremist” and compared to a study that said that rather than costing us, illegals raise the nation’s GDP by $245 Billion.  Certainly if that were true, the answer to our budget woes would be to throw open the borders to everyone.  This infamous Perryman Report, rumored to have been funded by “Open Society Initiative” founder George Soros, has been cited by all those seeking further amnesty and even citizenship to all illegals.  The Perryman Report is suspected of flawed, perhaps even deliberately flawed, methodology because “it fails to fully account for the cost to individual counties, cities and towns” which absorb a huge percentage of the cost of accommodation for illegal aliens.

Are illegals really such a big problem?  Ex-governor Arnold Schwarzenegger once said that it would be a “big mistake” to blame California’s huge illegal immigration population for the state’s long-enduring budget crisis.  Any sane review of the figures seems to cough up only one conclusion:  the Guv’s been in deep denial.  The average yearly budget deficit in California is slightly less than the average cost of illegal immigration to the state over 365 days according to the recent figures.

            California, with the other five big alien states, together face a cost of $36 Billion annually for K-12 education, criminal incarceration and health care costs.  Some studies show that the cost to California is NOT the $4.5 Billion recently touted, but rather, almost $12 Billion yearly to accommodate illegal aliens, roughly $3,400 per each man, woman or child LEGLLY residing in the state.  Other studies call even this figure into doubt and indicate the cost could be much, much higher.  Besides the monetary price, there is also the matter of sociological cost . . . .

A recent Supreme Court decision is forcing the state to release “up to 46,000 inmates” before their prison terms are concluded.  California is only expected to release roughly 30,000 “low-risk inmates” from prisons, the biggest release of lawbreakers in American history, as a measure to combat the state’s deficit.  Among ALL the California convicts an estimated 20,000 are illegal aliens about one-seventh of the entire prison population.  The state has deliberately given no indication how many of the projected “parolees” will be illegal aliens.  Nor has the state answered questions about how many illegals might be turned over to immigration officials for deportation or if any will just be allowed to walk freely back into California society.

Schwarzenegger, of course, has infamously guaranteed there was NO connection between the state’s large illegal alien population and its budgetary woes.  The ex-governator, it seems, has been in denial for eight long years. 

His predecessor, Pete Wilson commissioned two separate studies which each reached the same conclusions:  illegals were bankrupting California.  The 1994 Philip J. Romero study showed that illegal immigrants and their American-born children received $3.6 Billion more in state services than they paid in state taxes.  The vast majority of those taxes are sales taxes, not income taxes which few illegals pay.  In 1997 the Jordan Commission’s study conducted under the National Research Council put that figure at a $3.463 Billion cost to California.  But Schwarzenegger even willfully ignored far more up-to-date information:  Romero’s 2007 update of his earlier study.   Because of the state’s Sanctuary City situation, Romero found it far more difficult to pin down the full extent of the problem.  His shocking results:  illegal aliens were now costing California between $9.6 and $ $38.2 billion more in state services than they generate in state taxes. 

Everything about the illegal alien question is debatable.  Recent estimates of their population have used the numbers 12-18 million illegals with 13 Million the most commonly cited figures.  President Obama has used the numbers 11 million and even 10 million in describing them and suggested, in line with the Perryman Report that they constitute a huge NET POSITIVE to the nation’s economy.

Regardless of which figures are used, the logical conclusion is obvious.  California, Texas and other border states are being negatively affected by huge illegal alien populations.  California itself has been bankrupted by several huge policy boondoggles.  The Sanctuary City program in that state is definitely the most costly in the nation and the state’s welcoming of illegals has contributed mightily to California’s ongoing financial meltdown.


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,




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Sowell and Williams, Two Blacks Used to “Racism” Accusations


Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams are used to being called “Racists” and “White Supremacists” by people who hear them on radio or read their words or hear their writings quoted.  The two rather dark-skinned Blacks often get a good belly-laugh when it happens.  So it was natural when Sowell wrote a column praising William’s latest book “Race and Economics,” that both men received scathing online attacks from the Progressive fringe of the political spectrum; and even got called “Uncle Toms” from many Blacks well-informed of the two men’s identities. 

This is not a new experience for either man.  Like Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas; Florida Representative Allen West; Republican Presidential contender Herman Cain; Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice; and famous General Colin Powell . . . fiscal-conservative and Constitutional-conservative Blacks often pay a huge price  and are often labeled “traitors” by large segments of the Black community as a whole.  Williams and Sowell first met back in 1970 when both men were working on the same research project back in Washington, D.C.  A new book that year entitled “The Poor Pay More” was proving to be scandalous press fodder for the liberal media . . . in a very short article, Williams destroyed that book’s argument and it quickly fell out of print.  How did he do it?

Williams agreed, yes, prices were higher in low-income minority neighborhoods. But he unequivocally rejected the book's claim that this was a result of “exploitation” or “racism.”  He simple referred to the common-sense logical approach he’d used to write his doctoral dissertation on the question.  Williams documented that the costs of doing business in many low-income neighborhoods (insurance; no economy of scale; greater shoplifting and other theft threat; etc.) was usually significantly higher and these costs were simply passed on to the consumers there.  That was, according to Thomas, the first time that Walter Williams was called a “White Racist.”

Thomas lauds Williams’ new book Race and Economics and especially loved a couple of its chapters.  In Chapter 6, Williams returns to the original question raised by The Poor Pay More argument.  The clinching bottom-line argument is:  despite higher markups in prices in low-income neighborhoods, there is a lower than average rate of return for businesses there” which, of course, is presumably the main reason why so few businesses choose to operate there.  Thomas continues, “my own favorite chapter . . . is Chapter 3, the most revealing chapter in the book.”


Williams begins Chapter 3 thusly, "Some might find it puzzling that during times of gross racial discrimination, black unemployment was lower and blacks were more active in the labor force than they are today." Moreover, the duration of unemployment among blacks was shorter than among whites between 1890 and 1900, whereas unemployment has become both higher and longer-lasting among blacks than among whites in more recent times.

“None of this is explainable by what most people believe or say in the media or in academia. But it is perfectly consistent with the economics of the marketplace and the consequences of political interventions in the marketplace.”

The book "Race and Economics" explains how such interventions impact blacks and other minorities, whether in housing markets, the railroad industry or the licensing of taxicabs-- and irrespective of the intentions behind the government's actions.

Both Thomas and Williams see minimum wage laws as classic examples of the harm done by government interference. “The last year in which the black unemployment rate was lower than the white unemployment rate was 1930. That was also the last year in which there was no federal minimum wage law.”  Besides the minimum wage laws, the impact of the Unions upon Black employment was also huge.  Throughout labor’s history, the Black worker has been the least welcome in the union halls.  When the Davis-Bacon Act of 1931 was passed in 1931 it required that “that "prevailing wages" be paid on any government construction projects-- "prevailing wages" almost always meant union wages. Since Blacks were kept out of construction unions back then, and for decades thereafter . . . many black construction workers lost their jobs.  The stated purpose of the law was to protect the workers . . . what it did instead was to marginalize even further the poor and minorities.  Before the law was passed an awful lot of non-union Black construction crews were able to underbid union White contractors.  After the bill, the haves prospered while the have-nots suffered.  These problems expanded after the true minimum wage laws were required by the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 and under the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938.  After those laws the negative consequences for black employment across a much wider range of industries was absolutely devastating.  Today young Blacks are unemployed at a 52.7% rate compared to young Whites at 27.2%, but back at the turn of the century before minimum wage laws came on the scene young Whites were much more employable than older ones and young Blacks had lower unemployment rates still.

Thomas concluded his review this way, “The factors that cause the most noise in the media are not the ones that have the most impact on minorities. This book will be eye-opening for those who want their eyes opened. But those with the liberal vision of the world are unlikely to read it at all.”

One thing that Williams said recently on FOXNews’ Stossel show was that “government intervention over the last seventy years did something that no amount of slavery, Jim Crow or discrimination was able to do:  it destroyed the Black Family” citing statistics that roughly 72% of Black children in the 20’s lived in two-parent homes and less than 30% do so today.  “After the Black mother tells Dad to move out, because she might lose her checks . . . the Black father becomes disposable in the community.”


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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“Besides Rasmussen, the often interesting Quinnipiac University polling a few months back showed that only 19% of the voting populace generally trust government to do the right thing “almost all of the time” or “most of the time; but among TEA Party members that number drops to only 4%.
Rasmussen Poll Underlines
Conservative Voter Skepticism, Distrust
        If  the 2010 midterm elections were your way of revolting against the last fifty years of federal government actions, a revolution at the ballotbox by the center and the right, you're not without company.  The term bandied around most by the progressives and other left-wingers over the last 110 years of American history is their Marxist interpretation of the word “revolution.”  These revolting people with the aim of bringing totalitarianism to our shores have ceaselessly talked about “the revolution” and derided the system created by America’s Founding Fathers, the system that has made America a shining beacon of hope around the planet for over 225 years. 
However, throughout real American history it’s been the radical-center and right** that has led the way, who’ve brought great change to these shores . . . and right now, according to a recent Rasmussen Reports it is that same radical-center group that is most likely to “kick the bast_rds out” of the Oval Office and Congress until they get a government that truly represents their interests and highest standards. According to a recent Rasmussen Reports poll of likely Republican voters, if you talk to 64% of them, they now see the divide between the public and their government as the biggest since the American Revolution began in 1775.
In the Rasmussen survey of likely G.O.P. primary voters, 64% of them agree with that sentiment; only 16% disagree and 20% say they aren’t sure. In related questioning, 84% of Republican voters trust the judgment of the American people more than that of the nation’s political leaders and only 4% trust the political leaders more with 12% “undecided.” When Democrats and Independents are added in 76% of the people today trust the people more than the politicians. 
The likely Republican voters deeply distrust their government: 87% say the federal government has become a special interest group with the desire and power to advance its own interests to the public’s detriment. Only 6% of Republicans disagree with that view. 67% of G.O.P. voters think big business and the government often work together in ways that hurt consumers and investors; with only 13% disagreeing and 20% unsure.
Rasmussen Reports founder Scott Rasmussen (who’s run the most accurate and trustworthy polling service in the country for the last dozen years; authored the book In Search of Self-Governance; and co-authored Mad as Hell: How the TEA Party is Fundamentally Remaking our Two-Party System with ex-Clinton aide Doug Schoen) said this in In Search of Self Governance, “Throughout American History, voters tend to be a few decades ahead of the political leadership. Voters gradually adapt to changes in the real world while politicians defend the status quo.” If he’s right, it explains why “Revolution” as it’s seen by the left hasn’t caught on. They dynamic in America is, according to Rasmussen, significantly different than it is in European, Asian or Latin American countries where Marxism has played out its hand.
Rasmussen revealed that 43% of the G.O.P. consider themselves part of the TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Party movement and 22% of all voters align themselves with the TEA Party.   The TEA Party reports that its makeup includes 9% Democrats; 18% Independents and 72% Republicans and Libertarians who are, of course, most likely to vote in the upcoming Republican primaries. The stereotype that the group belongs to “angry old men” is incorrect: 56% of TEA Party members are women and the average age of all regardless of gender is 46. 
Polls by other groups have highlighted some of the problems that the recent Rasmussen’s poll shows Republicans excited about. For example, the often interesting Quinnipiac University polling a few months back showed that only 19% of the voting populace generally trust government to do the right thing “almost all of the time” or “most of the time; but among TEA Party members that number drops to only 4% compared to 24% among non-TEA Party citizens. All this ties in to another Rasmussen poll showing that only 23% of the likely voting public now says the government has the consent of the governed in America.
The main difference, of course between the progressive-radicals and the mainstream radicals is, of course, the question of bullets or ballots.   Many on the left such as Frances Fox Piven have long advocated “bloody revolution.” The quiet revolution via the ballot box is the preferred method of the angry Republicans and TEA Party folk. Surveys of all Americans over the last four decades has shown that the breakdown of self-identification has remained very steady at or around: 44% calling themselves “conservative”; 42% self-labeling as “moderate”; and just 12% “liberal.” The area crippling conservatism’s power in Rajjpuut’s opinion is “social-conservativism” which includes items like strict anti-abortion stands; and desire for creationism and other religious beliefs to be taught in public schools; singing religious Chritmas carols in public schools, etc.. For example: 55% of all Americans are against the strictest anti-abortion views (absolutely no abortion under any circumstances) while only 43% support them. However, combined Constitutional conservativism and fiscal-conservativism as advocated by the TEA Party seems to be an area that at least 55%  of the Independent voters can enthusiastically support.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
** The most obvious examples are the Founding Fathers' efforts before the Revolutionary War fighting against the Stamp Act and the tax on tea; creating the Declaration of Independence; and later in creating the Constitution and Bill of Rights; and even more to the point, the abandonment of the Whig Party and the creation and rise of the Republican Party from 1856-1860 after the Whigs repeatedly refused to take a stand against slavery.  Many consider the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980 to be another example.
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       If Barack Obama were caught on camera raping . . . how much support, if any, would he lose in the liberal mainstream-lamestream media?   Would the headlines read: “Obama Makes Outreach to . . . ?”

After Using U.S. Constitution for Toilet Paper
King Barack, the Deceiver, Still
Praised by Liberal Lamestream Media
ITEM: The Obama administration (which cheer-led the opposition to ex- Egyptian strongman Mubarak and which has been praising the so-called “Arab Spring” movement to replace virtually all Middle-East dictators with Jihadocracies associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, Hamas or various and sundry terrorist groups) has approved $2 Billion to help out the new Egyptian regime whatever its politics. Given that the last six weeks have seen an American reporter raped in public by Egyptian mobs; stoning of Coptic Christians (10% of Egypt’s population) and burning of their Christian churches; and angry mobs yelling, “Kill the Jews!” as they demonstrate against the thirty-year peace treaty with Israel – none of which was even half-imaginable under Mubarak over the last three decades -- it seems likely that Mr. Obama has just given aid and comfort to America’s enemies one more time. Investigation by the liberal press into this matter: non-existent.
ITEM: The President took time off from golf and pick-up basketball to proclaim June “National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans-gender Pride Month. Meanwhile he hasn’t had enough time to actually put forth a serious budget; to do any serious work on eliminating the deficit and national debt; or had his Democrats seriously address the budget and debt-cutting that all spectators and participants have long acknowledged must precede the debt-ceiling expansion he’s been so vociferously calling for. Investigation by the liberal press into this matter: non-existent.
ITEM: Mr. Obama has deliberately dishonored the War Powers Act as he’s continued the U.S. involvement in Libya beyond the 60-day period maximum period that law requires without consulting with Congress and getting congressional approval and funding to continue. By the way, like the situation in Egypt, it appears that the likely beneficiary of our bombs in Egypt will be Al Qaeda leaders. Investigation by the liberal press into this matter: non-existent.
ITEM: Mr. Obama without congressional approval suggested the virtual abandonment of the one free society in the Middle East and our biggest ally there, Israel, without a single liberal media voice being raised in question, much less opposition. Mr. Obama has consistently painted the Israelis as the blood-thirsty ones in the Middle East not as the recipient of unwanted missile, mortar, suicide bombing, sneak raids on innocent families and other attacks. While Rajjpuut is NOT a big fan of Israel and is sympathetic to the dismay and anger of those displaced by its creation in 1948, terrorist groups like the (pre-1933 Nazi-connected) Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas calling for the slaughter of “all Jews from the face of the earth” is probably not the answer to the problem. Mr. Obama has been disingenuous on every single Israeli policy decision he’s made over the last twenty-nine months. Investigation by the liberal press into this matter: non-existent.
ITEM: Mr. Obama’s policies have led to the departure of 74% of the companies drilling in the Gulf and contributed greatly to the present spiked in gas prices. Mr. Obama’s interior department has reneged upon several drilling permits for operations in Alaska as well. Investigation by the liberal press into this matter: non-existent.
ITEM: Mr. Obama has a string of forty-two key promises made while campaigning in 2008 that have all been broken. Investigation by the liberal press into this matter: non-existent.   Details can be found here:
ITEM: Let us discuss briefly roughly half of the broken promises. Since about 2/3 of these promises were aimed at satisfying Obama’s liberal backers, it’s really quite surprising that the President’s trail of broken promises has not raised more ire on the left. Of course the promises most routinely broken by Obama have concerned creating a new more transparent and responsive Washington, D.C. During the first three hundred and twenty days when he held an invincible majority in both the house and senate, the president failed to even try to get his promised “comprehensive immigration bill within the first year;” centralize ethics and lobbying information for voters; allow five days comment before voting on bills; create tougher rules countering the “revolving-door” policies for lobbyists and former officials; planned human missions to the moon for 2020; give an annual “State of the World” address; enact windfall profits taxes from oil companies (this boondoggle approach has been cheered on by Dems since 1973 incessantly; those same Dems stopped all new refineries in the country since 1974 and have constantly constrained drilling in this country . . . thus raising oil prices and oil company profits); within the first year the entire automotive “fleet” in Washington, D.C. was to have been converted to electrical plug-in cars; recognition of the Armenian genocide;  negotiate every aspects of the health care “reform” negotiations televised by C-Span; no family making less than $250,000 will see any form of tax increase; close Guantanamo Bay Detention Center; allow imported prescription drugs; create a foreclosure prevention fund for homeowners; and about a dozen specific different promises to increase transparency, openness and accountability of the federal government all have been broken; the promise to run the most “bi-partisan” administration in history has been shattered, of course; not to mention his promise to be the first post-racial American President. Again visit
to find out about all the various broken Obama promises. Investigation by the liberal press into these matters: non-existent.   
ITEM:  Besides dozens of times breaking promises associated with some version of “the buck stops here,” Mr. Obama has never called the economy his but constantly referred to the lie that the previous administration created the financial meltdown of 2007 (thirty years of CRA ’77 legislation with five expansions – four by Clinton – created the sub-prime lending crisis by forcing home lenders to make knowingly abysmal loans to terribly unqualified buyers; all this was exacerbated by the liberal ACORN organization which Barack Obama was a part of for two years . . . we could go on and on exposing this lie with proof all over the internet, but the liberal media wants no part of the truth, it’s too much fun continuing to kick George Bush around. Bush sought to repeal CRA laws in January, 2005 and for thirty months thereafter. Finally a too-weak version, was passed too late in July, 2007. It helped immensely but was not enough to stem the meltdown.) The liberal media could save America if they wanted to just by printing and broadcasting this little piece of the truth they’ve been deliberating obfuscating for six years.
ITEM: The promise that the auto-bailouts and other bailouts and his $787 billion Obama-stimulus would prevent the jobless rate from ever going above 8% is the biggest obvious broken promise.
ITEM: His cash-for-clunkers program was initiated with the promise that it would save jobs and make the economy heal faster. Instead it was an expensive boondoggle that gave a small temporary boost to the auto industry but no lasting push. It also has raised the prices of used cars by an average of $1,860 each over the last eighteen months. Again Investigation by the liberal press into these matters: non-existent.   
ITEM: Then there’s this matter of a little promise to halve the budget deficit by the end of his first term. Investigation by the liberal press into this matter: non-existent.   
ITEM: Imagine if John McCain had been elected president in 2008, isn’t it likely that each and every single broken promise would have become a cause célèbre? That each failing would be hyped in the newscasts day after endless day? How incompetent must the president be before liberals ask him tough questions in interviews? How often does the President have to treat the U.S. Constitution like toilet paper before one liberal press voice calls him on it? 
The question is: if Barack Obama was caught on camera raping a tee-ball team of ten-year old girls, how much support, if any, would he lose in the liberal mainstream-lamestream media?   Would the headlines read: “Obama Makes Outreach to Youth Sports?” The liberal press’s fair-haired boy seems to have an unexpiring lifetime pass preventing him from ever facing the consequences of his actions in their eyes.
Ya’all live long and strong and ornery,
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Only government can take a perfectly useful commodity such as paper, print a few numbers on it and make it worthless . . . 
American Economy Facing
Death by 100+ Trillion Cuts
Today as President Obama tried to shed his rightful nickname “The Spread-the-Poverty President” by blaming Japan, and the world economy and high oil prices for the recent uptick in the nation’s UNemployment . . . you don’t have to be a gypsy fortune-teller to read-between-the-lines well enough to see that the American economy is dying the death by ten thousand cuts (or perhaps we should say by 100 TRillion+ cuts). Of course, many (if not most) of our fearless leaders in Congress and the White House are proclaiming an ongoing recovery. We’re not talking the Mississippi here, but de-Nile, deep, deep denial. Until we’re willing to face up to the truth, no solutions are possible. The progressive leadership in this country over the last forty-eight years (only Ronald Reagan is exempt among presidents and both chambers of every single congress has been guilty with the verdict still out on our present House of Representatives) have destroyed the greatest economic machinery the world has ever known and substantially weakened and corrupted the greatest and freest society ever known. 
Except for producing reality TV series and useless TV networks, we almost don’t create or build anything anymore . . . we certainly don’t create jobs. The American Dollar whose original symbol was a capital “U” with a capital “S” atop it has been led to a slow death. Thanks to our leaders we are almost literally drowning in debt: $14.3 TRillion officially; plus $115 TRillion in UNfunded liabilities (Social Security; Medicare; the federal side of Medicaid) or a total of almost $130 TRillion we purposefully ignore discussing; plus, oh yes, that Welfare State that just got Obamacare added onto it . . . .
In a recent article the Prison Planet website told a sad story . . . when we’re through examining their cataloging of the situation . . . besides some parenthetical comments you’ll see immediately after each item, Rajjpuut has three shocking insights to add to the picture, Prison Planet said . . . .

The Economic Collapse: 24 signs of economic decline in America
#1 Standard & Poor’s just altered its outlook on U.S. government debt from “stable” to “negative” and warned the U.S. that it could very soon lose its AAA rating (the last time this happened was during the three months following the December 7, 1941 surprise attack on Pearl Harbor).

#2 China has announced that they are going to reduce their holdings of U.S. dollars (China, Brazil, Russia, and several other countries have openly called for elimination of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency and China, Russia, Brazil and India have been moving out of Greenbacks into gold and silver).

#3 Hedge fund manager Dennis Gartman says that “panic dollar selling is setting in” and that the U.S. dollar could be in for a huge decline (the dollar has lost 24% of its value this last decade).

#4 The biggest bond fund in the world, PIMCO, is now short-selling U.S. government bonds.

#5 This cruel economy is causing “ghost towns” and “ghost neighborhoods” to appear all across the United States. There are quite a few counties across the nation that now have home vacancy rates of over 50% (Las Vegas, Nevada has one of the highest home vacancy rates in the nation . . . it’s so bad there that there’s a mini-construction “boom” going on . . . what? why? because rather than clients moving into one of Las Vegas’ many ghost neighborhoods for a bargain price they prefer to get into whole new sub-divisions with other people nearby rather than a seedy area over-run by kangaroo rats).

#6 There are now about 13 million fewer full-time jobs in America than when the recession began back in October, 2007.

#7 The average American family is having a really tough time right now. Only 45.4% of Americans had a job during 2010. The last time the employment level was that low was back in 1983.

#8 Only 66.8% of American men had a job last year. That was the lowest level that has ever been recorded in all of U.S. history.

#9 The average large company’s CEO made 343 times more money than the average American worker did last year.

#10 Gas prices reached five dollars per gallon at a gas station in Washington, DC on April 19th, 2011. Could we see $6 gas soon? The President continues to spit on the concept of American oil jobs and American oil while recently loaning Brazil $2 billion for deepwater drilling and claiming “We want to be your best customers1”

#11 Over the past 12 months the average price of gasoline in the United States has gone up by about 30%.

#12 Due to rising fuel prices, American Airlines lost a staggering $436 million during the first quarter of 2011.

#13 U.S. households are now receiving more income from the U.S. government than they are paying to the government in taxes.

#14 Approximately one out of every four dollars that the U.S. government borrows goes to pay the interest on the national debt.

#15 Total home mortgage debt in the United States is now about 5 times larger than it was just 20 years ago.

#16 Total credit card debt in the United States is now more than 8 times larger than it was just 30 years ago.

#17 Average household debt in the United States has now reached a level of 136% of average household income. In China, average household debt is only 17% of average household income (1/8 as high a percentage on a lot less earnings).

#18 The average American now spends approximately 23 percent of his or her income on food and gas (forty years ago that number was about 7%).

#19 In a recent survey conducted by Deloitte Consulting, 74 percent of Americans said that they planned to slow down their spending in coming months due to rising prices.

#20 Over 59 percent of all Americans now receive money from the federal government in one form or another.

#21 According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average length of UNemployment in the U.S. is now an all-time record 39 weeks.

#22 As the economy continues to collapse, frustration among young people will continue to grow and we will see more seemingly “random acts of violence.” One shocking example of this happened on a Metropolitan Atlanta Mass Transit Area (MARTA) vehicle recently. The following is how a local Atlanta newspaper described the attack . . . .
Roughly two dozen teens, chanting the name of a well-known Atlanta gang, brought mob rule to MARTA early Sunday morning, overwhelming nervous passengers and assaulting two Delta flight attendants.
#23 Some Americans have become so desperate for cash that they are literally popping the gold teeth right out of their mouths and selling them to pawn shops.

#24 As the economy has declined; the American people have been gobbling up larger and larger amounts of antidepressants and other prescription drugs. In fact, the American people spent 60 billion dollars more on prescription drugs in 2010 than they did in 2005.

            To understand the full picture, consider this: Barack Obama’s puppet-master, George Soros (the “man who broke the Bank of England” and chief funder of some 52 progressive-foundations that have been working to undermine the U.S. economy for the last nine years as well as funding Barack Obama’s campaigns) is openly calling for the Chinese Yuan to replace the Dollar as the world’s reserve currency. Soros, who has been called responsible for the destruction of at least six other currencies, is now heavily invested in the Dollar’s destruction. Every day that we refuse to emulate the British and adopt severe austerity measures, the closer Mr. Soros gets to adding another few hundred billion dollars worth of profit to his net worth. However, it’s not likely that Barack Obama will cut his own strings and act for the good of the American people over George Soros.
Real money, such as gold or silver, does not change in value over time although because of supply and demand considerations and new inventions, etc. it may be used to buy more or buy less of certain commodities. Paper money which is NOT backed by gold or silver (fiat money) always becomes worth less over time and eventually worthless. Right now Americans are shocked that the dollar has officially lost 24% of its value in a decade . . . but that’s only the official figure. The Federal Reserve Bankers under Fed Chief Ben Bernanke have not so much been “printing money” but merely creating it electronically. If the official figures took into account all Mr. Bernanke’s shenanigans and the world valued the Dollar accordingly then the 2011 dollar would be worth between 3-4 pennies from the 2001 DOLLAR.  Leave it to government to take a perfectly useful commodity such as paper, print a few numbers on it and make it absolutely worthless . . . by the way, gold prices have risen 45% in the last eighteen months; silver has risen 58% in the last four months as people and nations are abandoning paper currencies like the Dollar, Euro and Yen.
            The combined U.S. National Debt and UNfunded liabilities and Welfare responsibilities of the American government right now is equal to about three and one-half times the Gross Domestic Product ($57 TRillion) of the entire world . . . and yet the highly visible film-maker Michael Moore, all the unions, and the Progressives in congress from both parties claim there is “plenty of money” and refuse to cut spending and are debating when and how and how much to increase the debt ceiling right now. They’re counting on higher taxes upon “the rich” (those married couples earning a combined $250,000 or more who create all our small business jobs) to solve all our problems while continuing to create higher deficits, the one thing NOT on their agenda: spending cutbacks.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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Muslim World Makes Mein Kampf a Best-Seller,
America Sends $2Billion to Egypt, Muslim Brotherhood
Street book peddler selling Mein Kampf
                A few weeks ago in one of these Rajjpuut Folly blogs, I mentioned that Ayn Rand’s two so-called masterpiece novels (her novella Anthem and her shorter non-fiction stuff are excellent and far better) Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead were the biggest “enduring best-sellers” other than the Bible since 1960. Well, one of the main character of my novel-in-progress:   A Member in Good Standing, seems to have struck a similar resonant chord among the populace of the Middle East, yep, you guessed it, Adolf Hitler’s genocidal and war-mongering recipe book Mein Kampf ("My Struggle") is being sold in low-cost editions all over the Muslim world and has become a best-seller there 86 years after it first saw the light of day in Germany. 
            Who, what and where, exactly are we talking about?  We are talking about poor countries, countries where reading usually takes a back seat to just plain survival.   For a long time, the least expensive books to be found anywhere among them were pirated western paperback novels and copies of famous old non-fiction western paperbacks  hawked by young street hustlers hoping to eke out a living.   Now the face of Adolf Hitler is once again being seen everywhere across the Middle East and South Asia on the cover of Mein Kampf.  The population of the Muslim World is variously estimated at between 1.22 and 1.57 billion people; roughly 1.1 billion of them are adherents of Islam. Three of the most heavily populated Islamic countries,Bangladesh, Turkey, and Egypt have already made Mein Kampf a best-seller in the last two months.  Tiny Tunisia has also been unable to resist Der Fuehrer’s charming rants. In Bangladesh the book has been a steady big-seller since it first topped their charts in December, 2009. In Egypt and Tunisia the toppling of the strongmen dictators Mubarak and Ben Ali has seen renewed street agitation whose most popular chant these days is “Kill the Jews.” 
In Egypt, some Coptic Christians (a full 10% of the nation’s population) have found themselves stoned and even killed and about a dozen churches have been burned. But the most popular target for righteous Jihad-craving indignation these days in Cairo anyway . . . has been the thirty-plus year peace with Israel that Mubarak enforced . . . hence the newfound popularity of Mein Kampf. The book was outlawed until Mubarak’s fall and the strongman was well-known for burning banned books captured in police raids. Who would have thought Rajjpuut would ever harken back fondly to days of yore when book burning was practiced?
For those of you who just haven’t been paying attention . . . the “scene” is this: led by American Union leaders and funded by the American supposedly anti-war feminine progressive organization Code Pink; and given strategic instruction and tactical marching orders from 70’s bomb-makers and bomb-planters Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadette Dohrn (she spells the last name six different ways and often calls herself “Bernadine;” Barack calls them “friends;” and Bill ghostwrote Barack’s first book Dreams from My Father) for roughly fourteen months now the radical left and the Jihad-seeking Muslim world have been seriously cooperating to bring down American Capitalism and America and the Western Way of Life: ignore this at your peril and mine. 
Their first official collaborative act was the so-called “Freedom Flotilla” seeking to run the Israeli naval blockade thirteen months ago . . . a second such flotilla has been scheduled and postponed and rescheduled several time but is now set for early July, 2011. The so-called “Muslim-Spring” uprising beginning in January in Tunisia and followed all over the Middle East and patterned upon the Islamic-nationalist revolt of the Ayatollah Khomeini in 1978-79 in which American embassy personnel were taken hostage for 444 days were their next actions. This so-called Arab-Spring “grassroots democracy movement” even struck at the regime of the much-hated Moammar Khadafy and ended up getting America involved in a third war in an Islamic nation.
Though the lamestream mainstream media outlets in this country pooh-poohed the obvious truth, Mr. Obama’s recent speech about peace in the Middle East through the nation of Israel beneath the bus by insisting that the right place to start in peace “negotiations” was for Israel to make itself defenseless. 
Obama, would recoil at this suggestion and argue till he’s blue in the face but our first “post-racial” president, he who spent the formative years of his life attending Muslim school in Indonesia, is clearly an anti-Semite.   Let’s repeat that, in case you weren’t paying attention, Barack Obama is an anti-Semite, no doubt about it. By the way, despite heavy and consistent evidence that the revolts have been staged by the terrorist groups Muslim Brotherhood; Hamas; and Al Qaeda; Obama continues to praise the “democratic” uprisings in the Arab world. Besides bombing Khadafy’s troops with our tax dollars and violating the War Powers Act; Mr. Obama has recently sent the new anti-Semitic and anti-Christian leaders in Egypt $2 billion more dollars of our tax money. Did we mention that every single one of his actions and speeches as seen by the Islamic world regarding Israel since taking office in January, 2009, could be accurately described as anti-Jew?
The philosophers have long wondered how a supposedly advanced nation like 1930’s Germany could come under the spell of the genocidal Hitler . . . well with the cooperation of the lamestream mainstream we-worship-Obama press in this country, Barack Obama will soon show us, “it really ain’t so hard after all.”
You will hear “the anointed one” talk a good game about the “unbreakable bonds between America and Israel” but 100% of his  eighteen presidential actions and his public speeches (where the Muslim world has easy access to them) have laid out a clear course: the Destruction of Israel. Again, disbelieve this at the world’s peril. When he speaks before Jewish groups in America, the fools still applaud him  and even give him standing ovations . . . one would have thought that Hitler’s death camps would have along with all the innocent children he killed – have eliminated all the foolish and gullible genes among the Jewish populace of the world, apparently NOT so.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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G.S. Spent $27 Million Anti-Bush 2004

$1.8 Million with NPR Last Year

Wants Progressive World without Borders


            When you’re a megalomaniacal multi-billionaire, what’s $45 million more or less anyway?  Well one thing that George Soros’s $45 million definitely is . . . is confirmation that inflation is rampant in this country.  Last year’s bribes, er’ donations, to over thirty major American news organizations only cost “Spooky Dude” Soros $27 million . . . so the cost of attempting to control America’s opinions by controlling our media outlets has risen 67%.  Of course the purse strings are always open when it comes to defeating Conservative candidates; Soros donated almost $20 million for President Obama’s 2008 campaign.  Mr. Soros who funds more than 50 progressive (We must ‘progress’ beyond the ‘out-dated and ill-conceived U.S. Constitution’ if we’re ever to make ‘progress’ toward our earthly utopia) foundation aligned with his “Open Society Initiative,” is looking for a world without borders headed up by the United Nations.

            On occasions too numerous to count, Mr. Soros  has said “the biggest obstacle” -- to progressive desiderata like radical environmentalism; to his version of peace around the planet; a borderless enlightened society; etc., etc. -- “is the United States.”  Known as “the Man who Broke the Bank of England,” Soros won his multi-billions by deliberately undermining and then wrecking currencies in Thailand, Malaysia, England, Russia, the Balkans and Japan.  He has recently taken an ultra-aggressive stance (including making speeches to progressive American groups in New York) toward getting the Chinese Yuan to replace the American Dollar as the world’s reserve currency and will profit mightily if and when the Buck takes a serious hit such as that one.

            When it was revealed, in the middle of the recent National Public Radio (NPR) controversies over progressive-biased reporting, that Soros had contributed 1.8 million to NPR, the already strident calls for cutting off NPR’s $455 million in federal funding were multiplied greatly.  One of the most embarrassing revelations came from citizen-journalists playing the role of wealthy Arab sheiks interested in funding NPR, but only if Jews were not involved.  Not surprisingly, NPR-funder Soros was born into a family of semi-practicing Jews and at age 16 under the guise of being a Gentile in his native Hungary, young George assisted the Nazis by playing the role of messenger and Judas goat to the Budapest area Jewish population.  In several interviews since becoming rich, he’s denied any regrets and called those times “some of the most exciting days of my life.”  You’ve undoubtedly heard him comparing G.W. Bush to Hitler and FOXNews to the Nazis.  Here’s a partial interview on CBS’s 60 Minutes program where Steve Kroft asks Soros about working for the Nazis as a boy and wrecking currencies:

Soros not only has no guilt about deliberately working toward destroying the currencies of millions of people; he also has no regrets about helping the Nazis (“if I didn’t do it someone else would have”).  Soros, who spent $27 million trying to defeat President Bush in 2004, has ties to more than 30 mainstream news outlets – including The New York Times, Washington Post, the Associated Press, NBC and ABC.  Prominent journalists like ABC’s Christiane Amanpour and former Washington Post editor and now Vice President Len Downie serve on boards of operations that take Soros cash. This despite the Society of Professional Journalists' ethical code stating: “avoid all conflicts real or perceived.”

Soros’ Open Society Foundations is funded by It is a network of more than 30 international foundations, mostly funded by Soros, who has contributed more than $8 billion to those efforts.  He funds and more or less runs another 24 or 25 (who’s counting?) progressive foundations just in America.  Even though almost all the newspapers associated with Soros are going broke because readers don’t like to have yellow journalists telling them what to think, the left-wing so-called mainstream press considers Mr. Soros’ millions and billions a well-deserved windfall year after year.  How far does Soros’ influence go?  According to an investigation by FOXNews which Rajjpuut will quote in detail:

“Among the supposedly “neutral press” Soros OWNS a 14-person Journalism Advisory Board, stacked with CNN’s David Gergen and representatives from top newspapers, a former publisher of The Wall Street Journal and the editor-in-chief of Simon & Schuster. Several are working journalists, including:

“Jill Abramson, a managing editor of The New York Times; Kerry Smith, the senior vice president for editorial quality of ABC News; Cynthia A. Tucker, the editor of the editorial page of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.”

Soros’ “Center for Public Integrity” is another great example. Its board of directors is filled with working journalists like Amanpour from ABC, right alongside blatant liberal media types like Arianna Huffington, of the Huffington Post and now AOL.  The CPI board is a veritable Who’s Who of journalism and top media organizations, including:

“Christiane Amanpour – Anchor of ABC’s Sunday morning political affairs program, “This Week with Christiane Amanpour.” A reliable lefty, she has called tax cuts “giveaways,” the Tea Partyextreme,” and Obama “very Reaganesque. And . . . Paula Madison – Executive vice president and chief diversity officer for NBC Universal, who leads NBC Universal’s corporate diversity initiatives, spanning all broadcast television, cable, digital, and film properties.  AND Matt Thompson – Editorial product manager at National Public Radio and an adjunct faculty member at the prominent Poynter Institute.  The group's advisory board features: Ben Sherwood, ABC News president and former "Good Morning America" executive producer.”

So what? Journalists, we are constantly told, are neutral in their reporting. According to FOXNews’ investigation:  “In almost the same breath, many bemoan the influence of money in politics. It is a maxim of both the left and many in the media that conservatives are bought and paid for by business interests. Yet where are the journalists raising concerns about where their own money comes from?”

And also according to FOXNews, that “$48 Million number is an understatement. It is gleaned from tax forms, news stories and reporting. But Soros funds foundations that fund other foundations in turn, like the Tides Foundation, which then make their own donations. A complete accounting is almost impossible because one media component or another is part of so many Soros-funded operations.”

            According to the Media Research Centers Business & Media Institute which has been looking into George Soros and his influence on the media.

“ Soros’ influence doesn’t just include connections to top mainstream news organizations such as NBC, ABC, The New York Times and Washington Post. It’s bought him connections to the underpinnings of the news business. The Columbia Journalism Review, which bills itself as ‘a watchdog and a friend of the press in all its forms,’  lists several investigative reporting projects funded by one of Soros foundations.”

Additionally, the “News Frontier Database” includes seven different investigative reporting projects funded by Soros’ Open Society Institute. Along with ProPublica, there are the Center for Public Integrity, the Center for Investigative Reporting and New Orleans’ The Lens. The Columbia School of Journalism, which operates CJR, has received at least $600,000 from Soros, as well.  None of this is new news, however.

The book “Soros: The Life and Times of a Messianic Billionaire,” he has been fascinated by media from when he was a boy where early career interests included “history or journalism or some form of writing.” As one of the world’s richest men (No. 46 on Forbes’ list), he gets to indulge his dreams. Since those dreams seem to involve controlling media from the ground up, Soros naturally started with Columbia University’s School of Journalism. Columbia is headed by President Lee Bollinger, who also sits on the Pulitzer Prize board and the board of directors of The Washington Post.  Not strangely, Bollinger, like many of Soros’ other funding recipients, is pushing for journalism to find a new sugar daddy or at least an uncle – Uncle Sam. Bollinger wrote in his book “Uninhibited, Robust, and Wide-Open: A Free Press for a New Centurythat government should fund media. A 2009 study by Columbia’s journalism program came to the same conclusion, calling for “a national fund for local news.” Conveniently, Len Downie, the lead author of that piece, is on both the Post’s board and the board of the Center for Investigative Reporting, also funded by Soros.

Soros funds more than just the most famous journalism school in the nation. There are journalism industry associations like:  The National Federation of Community Broadcasters; The National Association of Hispanic Journalists; Committee to Protect Journalists; Investigative News Network (INN), a collaboration of 32 non-profit news organizations producing what they claim is “non-partisan investigative news; the James L. Knight Foundation also backs the network and is possibly the most-well-known journalism foundation. Knight President and CEO Alberto Ibargüen is on the board of directors for ProPublica a Soros-funded entity.

            Also according to According to the Media Research Centers Business & Media Institute, INN includes the Investigative Reporting Workshop at American University, the liberal web start-up MinnPost, National Institute for Computer-Assisted Reporting, National Public Radio, and the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism. The network had included the liberal Huffington Post investigative operation among its grants, but HuffPo investigations merged with the possibly even more left-wing Center for Public Integrity, on whose board Arianna Huffington sits.  The Soros corruption seemingly never stops, liberal academic programs, left-wing investigative journalism and even supposedly neutral news organizations all paid for by a man who spends tens of millions of dollars openly attacking the conservatives, the Constitution, and fiscally-concerned citizens in this country.   Is it any wonder that only one news organization in the country is trusted more than distrusted?  (FOXNews +12% with 49% trust; 37% distrust; while the next closest, CNN, is distrusted by 3% more than trusted; NBC -9%; CBS -12%; and ABC is distrusted by 15% more than those who trust it) . . . Our Founding Fathers counted on an unbiased journalist corps to serve as watchdogs.  It looks like the watchdogs are working with the bad guys and the public knows it!


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,



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       General Motors a.k.a. “Government Motors” (henceforth referred to as GM) in late 2010 agreed to sponsor a propaganda film celebrating the 90th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP):   your bailout cash hard at work!  The now completed film, whose title literally translated into English is “The Great Achievement of Founding the Party,” will open all over China on June 15th.  The film produced by the Cadillac division of GM glorifies the CCP, which under their patron saint, Mao Tse Dong, sent some 60 million Chinese souls to heaven a bit earlier than planned.  Young Mao and his lover are featured in the film paying homage to the author of The Little Red Book, he of the face so often seen on T-shirts these days.

       According to an announcement posted on Shanghai GM’s official web site yesterday, the film will discuss events that led up to the formation of the CCP following the 1917 Russian Revolution. When the movie first went into production GM signed up Cadillac as the “chief business partner” with the Communist Party, stating: “Cadillac whole-heartedly supports the making of The Birth of a Party.”

       In the same way that the CCP has married totalitarianism with capitalism; and fools the Chinese people and her guests with entertainment extravaganzas like the recent Olympic Games . . . so too the Obama administration has married the American Communist Party with progressive Democratic political correctness so that today only those songbirds among us echoing the Obama dogma 24-7; or the most abject imbeciles can prosper in the Brave New World of Barack’s Crony- Capitalism.  That the once proud General Motors eagerly takes part in creation of such a shameless propaganda output shows you how easily one loses integrity in the shadow of the Obama White House.  Of course, based on the high quality of GM products like its electric car the Volt, there’s a good chance that the great film will start with a series of snippets from the Usama Bin Laden porn cache with a voice-over of Barack’s most inspiring speeches all served with popcorn and chop suey – phooey!


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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     “The president of the United States, Barack Obama, doesn’t seem to have chosen the right model to copy for his “green economy,” Spain. After the government of José Luís Rodríguez Zapatero demonized a study of different experts about the fatal economic consequences of renewable energies, an internal document from the Spanish cabinet that it is even more negative has just been leaked. 




Green-Tech Model Advocated by Obama

Destroyed the Prosperous Spanish Economy

Undisclosed Debt Revelations Startle Voters



     First Greece, then Ireland and Portugal, now Spain, next America?  Two reports by the every vigilant Pajamas Media (PJM); and numerous other revelations from Spain are painting an ugly picture of political corruption, stupidity and rampant cronyism in eastern Iberia.  The Spanish Socialist government has issued a secret report showing that their green-tech jobs program destroyed the country’s once prosperous economy. 2011’s 21.3% UNEMPLOYMENT  figure confirms their confession as did the PJM’s uncovering of the original story.

     In 1997, Spain was the most prosperous European economy and one of the strongest in the world:  unemployment stood at less than 4%.  The country’s most popular political power, the Socialist Party began movement toward a green economy at that time.  Today, unemployment is five and a half times as high.  The elections in Spain in 2010 sent the ruling Socialists out of power; but people are today none too happy with the traditionally weaker Conservative Party either.  Most people believe that all the politicians in Spain pass laws to benefit themselves and do little for the people.  The country’s tiny Moderate Party made big gains in the 2010 elections and is expected to do even better in the 2012 ones.  The Socialists, however, are truly under-the-gun since recent revelations of heretofore huge unacknowledged debt has dealt an angry surprise to the voters and may force the nation to follow in the footsteps of bankrupt Greece, Ireland and Portugal and require a bailout from the international monetary fund (which American voters largely finance).

     Piles of undisclosed debt in local government associated with the operation of the country’s green-tech jobs programs are shaking up a political scene that was pretty much in chaos to begin with.  Spain, which had been doing everything it could to avoid becoming the next European bailout recipient, is far worse off than its people had been led to believe.  The huge debt revelations in 2010 seemed to indicate that the Socialists were waiting for the Conservatives to discover it after the election so the voters might “shoot the messenger” in the next election.  Unfortunately for the Socialists, the truth emerged and anger has remained rampant along the Costa del Sol and throughout the Spanish countryside over the last year.   Even today Spain has had trouble eradicating the debt and regaining a firm economic footing because of contract disputes with green energy companies created by the Socialist’s green energy programs.

     It all began with the first “offseason” government change earlier in 2010 in Catalonia which revealed a budget deficit there more than twice what had been reported earlier.  Piles of “hidden debt” are still being revealed to the new government related to the green program and to health clinics and other suppliers . . . in short, economists and analysts and numerous anecdotal reports from companies that supply local governments in Spain indicate widespread, unrecorded debt.  Companies complained that the Socialists when in power pressured them to do business off-the-books rather than immediately bill for goods and services according to  Fernando Eguidazu, vice president of the Circulo de Empresarios business lobby group in Madrid.  This chicanery continues to add tens of billions of euros to the official debt figures reported by local and regional governments.

     Undermined by a 21.3% unemployment rate and a perceived slowness in reacting to the country’s economic crisis, the Socialists lost control of the municipal governments of Barcelona and Seville, the country’s second- and third-largest cities.  Young people are protesting everywhere including the main plazas of Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia.  Unemployment among those in their 20’s and 30’s reached 50% in many areas at the height of the Spanish crisis. 

      Pajamas Media’s exclusive original story about the leaked Spanish government report in 2010 was confirmed later by several Spanish newspapers.   Yes, the very same Spanish “green economy” policies  that Barack Obama has modeled his administration’s green-jobs programs upon . . . have been cited by the Socialist government that created them as an “expensive, ineffective and unworkable disaster.”  The first Spanish newspaper on the scent was La Gaceta, a Madrid daily.  At about the time the story “went viral” the Socialist government came out with an admission that it was true. 

For Americans the shocker has to be that the headline in La Gaceta (the Gazette) seemed to be aimed squarely at a USA target audience as it screams out (English Translation Provided by Rajjpuut):

“Spain admits that the green economy

Sold to Obama is a disaster.”



     The Spanish public is still up in arms.  An academic team in Spain revealed all this in 2007 and was treated monstrously by the country’s media and by the ruling Socialists trying to discredit the survey’s purpose as purely political and without merit (Americans will recall that when the results of the Spanis study were brought up in a press conference, Obama Press Secretary Robert Gibbs made fun of the questioner).  Dr. Gabriel Calzada, the Spaniard who first exposed the disaster in 2007 was finally vindicated despite taking mountains of flack from the progressive academic establishment at his own and other universities across the country. 

     Professor Calzada is today often still  featured on all the nation’s most important news and business talk shows.  Despite all the nasty attacks he received, the good professor had enough integrity to stick by his guns these last four years and a year ago even wrote praise for “The dissection of ‘free-ice cream green jobs economics’” on the book jacket of Power Grab:  How Obama’s Green Policies Will Steal Your Freedom and Bankrupt America by American author Christopher C. Horner, a Pajamas Media watchdog whose book bears this enscription on the inside flap:  “Barack Obama’s ‘Green’ Policies Start With Controlling Your Energy…and End With Your Life.”



     This scandal associated with deliberately villifying Calzada and covering up the truth for three years, however, pales in contrast with the undisclosed debt still popping up everywhere in the country.  But Spaniards and Americans would do well to remember that the problems associated with our own financial meltdown** and with Spain’s collapse began years ago with misguided and deliberate progressive policies (more later).  For now remember this, in Calzada’s study:

       A)   2.2 real jobs in the real economy were lost for each green-tech job subsidized by the Spanish government. 

       B)   The average subsidized green tech job there (although counted equally with all the lost permanent jobs in the real economy) lasted less than a year. 

       C)   Only 10% of all the Spanish green-tech jobs proved permanent.

       D)  So, in reality, 22 real jobs in the real economy were lost for every permanent green job created in Spain

       E)   The average green tech job there paid roughly $12.20.

       F)   The owners of Spanish solar plants make 12 times more than what they pay for the energy coming from fossil fuel combustion. The majority of this profit comes from subsidies charged to the consumer via taxes.

     The long-run numbers are even scarier for Spain.  The government itself in recent revelation says that the alternative energies sector are stil scheduled to receive 126 billion euros in the next 25 years.  And things bode very badly for America:   Pajamas Media put it like this: 

      “The president of the United States, Barack Obama, doesn’t seem to have chosen the right model to copy for his “green economy,” Spain. After the government of José Luís Rodríguez Zapatero demonized a study of different experts about the fatal economic consequences of renewable energies, an internal document from the Spanish cabinet that it is even more negative has just been leaked.

     To one of the authors of the first report, Gabriel Calzada, “the government has leaked it intentionally in order to turn the media against renewable energies and to be stronger in negotiations with businesses.”  On eight occasions, the occupant of the White House referred to the Spanish model as an example to follow.  Barack Obama wants us to enjoy the same success the Spanish have known from green energy.


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,




** In America, the second wave of progressive sabotage began with the progressives in the Carter administration in 1977 passing the CRA ’77 legistlation that first forced private sector home lenders to make knowingly ill-advised loans to unqualified home loan applicants.  This travesty was multiplied four times by Bill Clinton (Bush, Sr. has a bit of the guilt on his resume as well); attacked this ridiculous law and exposed its weaknesses using Cloward-Piven Strategy by ACORN which controlled Bill Clintons electoral destiny for eighteen years.  Even ACORN lawyer Barack Obama did his part.  Overall the suspect loan rate in 1975 0.24%; became 0.51% in 1985; 14.2% in 1995 (after a Clinton regulatory expansion and two legislative expansions); and 34% in 2005. 

Thanks to ACORN many of these suspect loans after Clinton’s 1998 steroid version final expansion of CRA’77 put people without jobs; with abysmal credit ratings; with only food stamps to declare as “income” into $250,000 to $450,000 homes at zero downpament.  Bush, Jr. who is getting all the blame now . . . in January, 2005 (one of 19 such speeches and vote efforts) tried to repeal CRA laws and only succeeded thirty months later in getting a very weak version of his law passed in July, 2007.  It all proved too little too late, but did help some.  Today, much of the CRA legislation is still on the books waiting another ACORN push.  Of course, the mainstream media runs with the progressive line that “the conservatives and the free market put our economy into the ditch.”

By the way, the First Wave of sabotage ended when the federal government bailed out bankrupt New York City in 1975.  New York State and many states and other large cities were also driven near the point of bankruptcy and the stock market suffered its biggest losses (46%) since the Great Depression (sound familiar?) . . . thanks to the progressive-left’s implementation of Cloward-Piven Strategy and Alinsky tactics to deliberately double the welfare rolls from eight to sixteen million people in seven years and overload the system as promised. This also was a deliberate sabotage by the progressive left.  Rajjpuut has explained the matter in deep detail in numerous blogs.   Find another take on the Cloward-Piven Strategy history leading to the bankruptcy of NYC, here:


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“No amount of throwing money at such problems (as the $787 Billion Obama stimulus attempted) is going to magic-a booming economy or viable green technology into existence.  No amount of word-magic is going to assure that 8% unemployment will never be reached if real economic principles are ignored.  It is capitalism and inventors that create goods and services and advances technology; NOT the childish dreams of progressive politicos.  In short, Emperor Obama, you’re not wearing any clothes."





Common Sense Vindicated AGAIN!

Obama-Stimulus Killed REAL JOBS



            The (PDF) link above documents a study by economists Timothy Conley and Bill Dupor on the impact of the nearly $800 billion stimulus package passed early months in  the Obama Administration: the stimulus which we were guaranteed would ensure that the nation’s unemployment never would rise above 8%.

            Conley an Dupor’s exhaustive and detailed study (36 pages in summing up) results suggest that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) created or saved approximately 450,000 thousand state and local government jobs and destroyed or forestalled roughly one million private sector jobs.  The common sense verdict that government spending kills private sector jobs was vindicated by the study.  In other words, the most clear-cut principles of good economics from Henry Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson still hold true.


“The bad economist sees only what immediately strikes the eye; the good economist also looks beyond. The bad economist sees only the direct consequences of a proposed course; the good economist looks  also at the longer and indirect consequences. The bad economistsees only what the   effect of a given policy has been or will be on one particular group; the good economist inquires also what the effect of the policy will be on all groups.”


          According to the study, state and local government jobs were saved because the ARRA funds were largely used to offset state revenue shortfalls and mandated Medicaid increases.  Boosting private sector employment seems to have been an afterthought, if it ever occurred to anyone involved with ARRA at all.  The majority of destroyed/forestalled jobs were in growth industries including health, education, professional and business services.

Conley an Dupor suggest the possibility that, in absence of the ARRA, the vast majority of government workers (on average relatively well-educated) would have found private-sector employment had their jobs not been saved.  And across the board roughly 215 such jobs in the private sector were lost or forestalled for each government job saved or created.  Again these findings are consistent with other such studies done in the past four decades.  For example, a study of the impact of the green jobs program in Spain found that the government stimulus (subsidies) cost 2.2 real jobs in the private sector for every new green job created (more on this later).  All of this ties in with the famous Hazlitt “Broken Window Fallacy.”


illustrating another common sense adage:  Government cannot create jobs.  When the government (through taxation) seeks to create jobs, these government-created jobs typically cost 2-3 real jobs in the real economy and sometimes more.
            Meanwhile foolish Keynesian economists (excuse my redundancy) such as the New York Times’ Paul Krugman have suggested that the problem with the stimulus is that it wasn’t big enough.  Krugman infamously has never been known to criticize a progressive (we must ‘progress’ beyond the ‘outdated and ill-conceived U.S. Constitution’ in order to ‘progress’ toward our Marxist-Socialist earthly utopia) boondoggle so long as sufficient debt is incurred.  Let us return to the well-documented Spanish green economy example.  In 1997 Spain had the most vigorous economy in Europe with less than 4% unemployment.  When the study was conducted it had the fifth worst and today it has the third worst economy in Europe with more than 20% unemployment.  What happened?  And what does that mean for the United States here and now?

            What happened was Spanish government interference in the up-to-then relatively free market Spanish economy.  Their government decided that 1998 was the time to begin a transformation to a green-jobs dominated lifestyle to ensure that Spain’s economy remained vigorous and strong.  As mentioned, on average 2.2 real jobs in the real economy were lost for every government-subsidized green job created. 

The average cost of each green job in American dollars was $676,000.  But the story gets worse.  Just as in America, the Spanish government is known for counting subsidized jobs of eight-week and four-month duration just as if they were real permanent jobs in the real economy.  At the end of the day the average green job lasted very little time.  Only 10% of them proved permanent.  Thus 22 real jobs in the real Spanish economy were lost for each of the rare permanent green jobs created.  By the way the average green job created paid $10-$14 per hour.  That’s what happened, that’s why Spain is in the doldrums now.  What it means to us, can be divided into two scenarios.

            First of all, some jobs were created in the private sector by the Obama 

stimulus . . . and a whole lot more private sector jobs were lost.  Just as in Spain among all the jobs in the private sector created by the stimulus, a lot of two-week jobs were counted by the Obama people as if they were real bona fide jobs in the real economy.  The only blessing is that a larger percentage of the government jobs created or saved here in America might prove permanent.  Secondly, the Spanish example is right on in another respect:  Barack Obama has promised/threatened to create five million new green-tech jobs in America.  Taking the Spanish example at its face that means the loss of eleven million real jobs in the private sector . . . and eventually it means only half-a-million permanent green jobs created to show for devastateing the economy.  What’s going on in Barack Obama's mind?

            What’s going on is that arrogance, ignorance and childish “word-magic”  have replaced adult common sense.  When we are children we discover that words have power and virtually every child enters a stage where he believes his words are magical and if he can only find the right words, express them the right way, repeat them the right number of times while shaking one’s fist or stamping one’s feet or lying on the ground turning blue . . . OPEN SESAME, Ala Kazam, PRESTO!  We’ll then be able to make the whole world respond to us and bring us what we want.  The green technology that Obama and the lunatic environmental fringe want is not yet available.  No amount of throwing money at such problems (as the $787 Billion Obama stimulus attempted) is going to magic-a booming economy or viable green technology into existence.  No amount of word-magic is going to assure that 8% unemployment will never be reached if real economic principles are ignored.  It is the sweat and effort and risk-taking of capitalists and inventors that create goods and services and advances technology; NOT the childish dreams of progressive politicos.  In short, Emperor Obama, you’re not wearing any clothes.



Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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               “Besides the ignorant things he said, however, Gingrich suggested that the G.O.P. symbol might be an elephant riding on a magic carpet which (if you look closer) proves to be a paycheck; while the Democrat’s symbol would be a Donkey living in a food stamp book teepee.  Gingrich also said that it was wrong for Republicans to talk about cutting Medicare since it left them open to being demagogued for the next decade and Medicare had only increased 14% under Obama while the federal side of Medicaid had risen 54% and food stamp costs had risen 60% under Obama, then he cited a food stamp increase from 33 million to 47 million Americans now on food stamp rolls an amazing 39.4% jump” in just two years.



Trump, Huckabee Drop-outs and Ex-Speaker’s

Implosion Puts Romney in Catbird Seat

For 2012 G.O.P. Presidential Nomination



               In a dramatic turn of events, the last three days marked climactic upheaval in the ranks of the Republican presidential candidates to replace Barack Obama in the Oval Office starting January, 2013.

               ITEM:  Mike Huckabee cited “spiritual reasons” for deciding NOT to contest the 2012 primary waters in an announcement made at the end of his Huckabee show on FOXNews channel Saturday.  With no effort at all, Huckabee was #2 in the polls among all candidates.  This is a huge game-changer among Republican and many other conservative voters.

               ITEM:  Pressured by his television network, NBC, Donald Trump announced today that he would NOT be running for president either.  Trump said “Business is my greatest passion and I’m not ready to leave the private sector.”  He also cited all the money that his hit show “Celebrity Apprentice” had been making for charity as a reason NOT to run.  Most pundits do NOT believe the Trump announcement changes much in the battle for 2012.  Most conservatives believed “The Donald” was moderate or even liberal; and had very little to offer conservative voters.  Especially after his recent foul-mouthed tirade, he’d lost a lot of his standing as a potential “statesman.”

               ITEM:  Only short days after announcing his decision to be a candidate for 2012 -- saying the election was the most important in America since Abraham Lincoln’s election in 1860 -- Newt Gingrich seemingly committed political suicide and greatly muddied the waters of the debate on Capitol Hill over raising the national debt ceiling and the Ryan Budget.  Gingrich (imitating Joe Biden??) offered not one but two terrific gaffes:

1)      He appeared to say that Obamacare was not so bad and that he personally supported something like it.

2)    He criticized Paul Ryan’s budget.  The Ryan budget which passed in the House with 238 Republican votes, Gingrich said was “radical.”  He continued, “I don’t support social-engineering from the right anymore than I support social-engineering from the left. 

               Unless Gingrich’s ploy will be to run as a Democrat and contest Obama in the primaries, his candidacy can no longer be regarded as valid.


               At this early stage these three key recent developments seem to put Mitt Romney in the driver’s seat.  He’ll presumably emerge with somewhere between 30-35% of the G.O.P. vote in upcoming polls.  He could have a lead of 2 ½ to 1 over his next closest rival presumably Gingrich (who had 15-16% in recent polls but hurt himself recently.  Rajjpuut believes that Mitch Daniels, Indiana Governor; Michelle Bachmann, Minnesota Representative; and businessman Herman Cain would benefit even more than Romney will from the three news items mentioned above.  The big winner, however, might just be the TEA Party.  Let’s look a bit closer at Romney and Gingrich and the TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Party . . . .

               Discussing Romney, put it this way, “Romney was having a terrible week.  His speech on health care was terrible.  With Massachusetts up in arms over Romney-care and Republicans dead set against the individual and employer mandate, his failure to repudiate his program would have cost him dearly.  But now he is sitting on top of the world.”  Much truth there but perhaps a bit too rosy a picture painted for Romney . . . .

               Morris later made a personal appearance on the Hannity show on FOXNews and opined that Gingrich had not actually hurt himself, but rather that people just got the out of context version from the mainstream media.  NOT HARDLY, Richard!  However, in Gingrich’s favor these things must be said.

               Besides the ignorant things he mentioned, Gingrich suggested that the G.O.P. symbol might be an elephant riding on a magic carpet which (if you look closer) proves to be a paycheck; while the Democrat’s symbol would be a Donkey living in a food stamp book teepee.  Gingrich also said that it was wrong for Republicans to talk about cutting Medicare since it left them open to being demagogued for the next decade and Medicare had only increased 14% under Obama while the federal side of Medicaid had risen 54% and food stamp costs had risen 60% under Obama.  Then he cited a food stamp increase from 33 million to 47 million Americans now on food stamp rolls an amazing 39.4% jump in 28 months.

               Michelle Bachmann, Morris told Hannity, would benefit because she might get a lot of the social-conservatives favoring Huckabee.  Since Bachmann is a TEA Party favorite and the emphasis of the TEAs is on fiscal- and Constitutional-conservativism, that does not compute . . . . Rick Santorum and possibly Sarah Palin would be more likely to gain in Rajjpuut’s not-so-humble opinion, with Bachmann and Herman Cain getting some lift as well.

               Morris said that “for Daniels, the withdrawal of Trump opens the way for him to become the main establishment business community rival to Romney.  And Huckabee's withdrawal opens the door for conservatives to support him as well.”  Morris thought that both Daniels and Bachmann needed to enter the race very soon.  Pawlenty, already in the tussle, was another one who Morris said would benefit greatly . . . but he left no doubt that in his view Romney might right now be the presumptive nominee.  Rajjpuut believes there’s a huge long way to New Hampshire not to mention the Oval Office and he doubts that Romney will get 30% of the Republican vote in Iowa or 25% in South Carolina.  Besides, who knows . . .  Chris Christy might just wind up running.


               Mitt Romney is the unquestioned early leader, that’s obvious.  But, the millstone of the Romneycare program in Massachusetts hangs heavy upon him.  His biggest worry has to be the TEA Party.  Romney has already pleaded with some TEA Party leaders for the TEAs NOT to run a third party candidate in 2012; some TEA Party folk recently took the opportunity after Romney’s weak Romneycare speech to call him “a walking hypocrite.” Surely  1) Michelle Bachmann, 2) Herman Cain, 3) Mitch Daniels and 4) Tim Pawlenty (after the three shake-ups this weekend) have to be considered far more compatible with the TEAs than Mitt Romney who is at best a moderate Republican and may because of his failure to repudiate Romneycare be looked upon by some as progressive (like Obama).  We’ve a long hot summer ahead of us . . . if one of these four separates himself or herself from the pack, Romney may be in jeopardy . . . then there’s the specter of a locked convention choosing Chris Christy as everyone’s favorite dark horse . . . we do live in exciting times.


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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               "It’s all GASP been put off!   Damnation, are our beloved Revolutionaries just procrastinators at heart?  Hope this blog puts you in the pink!"    



                          Gaza “Freedom Flotilla” Date
Changed for 4th Time, Now late June
“Beware the Ides of May” is apparently no longer their rallying cry . . . apparently scheduling “The Revolution” is proving a bit more difficult than Marxist-progressive activists anticipated. According to the Associated Press (AP), the much ballyhooed “2011 Gaza Freedom Flotilla, now operating under the name “Gaza Aid Flotilla” has changed its departure date for the fourth time in recent weeks and will now sail in “late June” according to the latest information. Popcorn, drinks and candy will be available in the lobby; please silence your cell phones and no tweeting or texting will be permitted.
The flotilla aiming to create a confrontation again this year with the Israeli Navy,  which monitors all shipments into the Gaza Strip (weapons ammo and “war supplies” are banned), was originally scheduled to sail on May 15, the date of the “Palestinian Holocaust” which the Israeli’s celebrate as the date of their nation’s founding. The history in question occurred 63 years ago. The original sailing date would have marked precisely one year since a similar flotilla attempted to outrun the Israeli naval blockade of the area.
            In that 2010 incident, nine of the people on a Turkish ship were killed and seven Israelis were wounded when the protestors began attacking the Israeli military boarders with sawed-off pipe segments.  One badly-injured Israeli was thrown overboard and had to be rescued.  The media worldwide treated the story as an “unprovoked Israeli massacre.” About a dozen of the well-known Jihadists on that flotilla had created videotapes of their “living wills” . . . so the question of who provoked what is really not a question. 
The sailing date for what’s now expected to be a 9-ship flotilla has changed from May 15, to May 22, to May 31 and now to “late June.” The “event” last year and purportedly the one this year have been funded by the Marxist/Feminist group Code Pink “Women For Peace” and planned by (70’s Weather Underground bombers and bomb-makers) Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dorne (both her names have been spelled various ways and she’s often called “Bernadette” as well) close political allies and personal friends of Barack Obama.  The American Ship “The Audacity of Hope” joins this year’s activities. The original May 15, 2011 date had been trumpeted in progressive and Marxist media as a date when simultaneous “uprisings” against capitalism and oppression would begin.  More on that ongoing collaboration between the radical left and Jihadist Muslims later . . . .
Turkish officials have stepped up criticism of Israel since the three-week “war” in Gaza ended in early 2009, and have stated that the Turkish activists are permitted to sail from its shores.An Islamic aid group in Turkey has said it expects the convoy to be at least twice as big as the one that attempted to reach Gaza last year. If so, since six ships set sail last year the most frequently released “nine boats” information would be a low estimate. This year's convoy includes the Mavi Marmara, the same Turkish vessel operated by IHH (Islamic “Humanitarian Relief “Fund) on which the activists died in the raid, and American vesselThe Audacity of Hope, the title of President Obama's second autobiography and of the sermon from Reverend Jeremiah “God damn America” Wright which Obama based his book upon.
Eight Turks and a Turkish-American died in the “event” last year. Seven Israeli soldiers were wounded. Each side said the other started the violence. The incident  plunged ties between former allies Israel and Turkey to new lows. Israel eased its land blockade of Gaza amid an international uproar over the raid. But it says its blockade policy prevents weapons from reaching Iran-backed Hamas militants who violently seized control of the territory in 2007. The original May 15, 2010 flotilla seeking to outrun the Israeli naval blockade was the first recorded instance of collaboration between the radical American leftwing and Jihadist Islamicists. The sudden and surprising “revolts for democracy” all over the Middle East were planned and funded by American unionists . . . the same people who bragged publicly in Wisconsin that the new union movement in the Middle East was “with us” as they ‘desecrated’ that state’s capitol.
For their part, Israeli military officials have confirmed preparations have been made to stop any new flotilla while avoiding casualties, and that different tactics would be employed this time around. The flotilla sailing on May 15th was lauded as a simultaneous event with mass “walk-ins” by Palestinians crossing the Israeli border to “reclaim” the land they lost 63 years ago. There’s been no mention of that concurrent event being planned this time around or of other synchronized events such as a planned destruction of America’s banking system first revealed by SEIU union bigwig Stephen Lerner planed by him also has not occurred. Here was their original scheduling:
#1 Code Pink, Ayers and Dorne again uniting for a repeat of the blockade-running event on May 15, 2011 with The American ship Audacity of Hope joining the festivities.
            #2 As SEIU Union bigwig Stephen Lerner promised (it’s all on videotape at my Rajjpuut’s Folly blog site in a different blog):
 the assault on the American banking system he’s personally planned . . . and designed to deal the ultimate crippling blow to capitalism is scheduled for May 15, 2011.
            #3 A whole range of nasty union demonstrations are scheduled to coincide with . . . wait for it . . . May 15, 2011.   The Union movement has now gone global (Workers of the world unite!) and far more Marxist. Go to the websites of the AFL-CIO or SEIU and see all their propaganda about all the countries “standing with Wisconsin.” They believe that Capitalism is on the ropes and all they have to do now is keep attacking the free market system until they can land a haymaker . . . and move their twisted statist philosophies into the forefront.
            #4 A restoration of lost land in which Muslim Arabs on all sides of Israel are supposed to simply walk into the country and “reclaim their acreage” is also scheduled for, yep, you guessed it . . . May 15, 2011. Beware the Ides of May???? 'er beware some other date . . . .
         It’s all GASP been put off!   Damnation, are our beloved Revolutionaries just procrastinators at heart?  Perhaps they see discretion as the better part of Marxist valor and now consider coordinated attacks a little too PINK to actually work without bringing backlash?  Nevertheless, despite the postponements, the facts are simple and straightforward, with this being the headline: 
The Radical Left has Now Joined with Radical Islam to
Initiate “THE Revolution” NOT Only Here in the
United States, but Around the World . . .
These moves are a culmination of several trends long in evidence such as the push for Shariah Law across Europe and here in the United States. To say that this new tactic is treasonous is a huge understatement.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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Rajjpuut Explains What Modern Medicine has Overlooked
Feds Sneakily Pay-Off on Vaccines
Implicated in 83 Autism Cases
1,300 Brain Injuries
                They’re called iatrogenic” diseases or iatrogenic injuries or iatrogenic deaths – serious problems caused by medicine or medical treatment. Nobody tells you they are the fourth leading cause of death in the United States. Old health educators like Rajjpuut, natural-foods-advocating doctors, vitamin and nutrient stores and a lot of other open-minded folk have been saying for roughly two decades that there is definitely a strong link between early childhood vaccinations and autism . . . now, it seems the federal government is backing us up . . . albeit sub-rosa (in secret). Recently it’s come to light that those kindly folks in Washington, D.C. have paid huge amounts of money to the families of eighty-three childhood victims of autism and 1,300 brain-damaged youngsters where the connection between vaccination and terrible side effects could not be denied. What exactly is going on?
            We all know that the official government, AMA, and medical research line is that there is ZERO link between childhood vaccines and autism. We all know that the vaccine companies have been ruled “non-culpable” in any case of injury and disease purportedly caused by vaccines of any form (oral, shots, nasal spray).  Well, brother, you can forget all that, everything has changed . . . a whole huge can of worms has been opened. The world of brain-injured children in America will never again be the same.
Now we find out that the federal government has been secretly compensating families of brain-injured children where the link to problems caused by vaccines seems undeniably tied to the vaccine itself and no other cause. You heard us right, the federal government is now in the process of “infra-digging” or lowering itself to the level where (GASP!) they might actually have to admit they’ve been lying to us all these years and that a monstrously large healthcare cover-up has taken place. The lawsuits will get out of control unless the government decides to ‘fess up and ‘fess up soon and fully.  
A new study released earlier this week in the Pace Environmental Law Review revealed that over the last two decades, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) has been quietly compensating dozens of vaccine injury cases involving a child with autism. The National Autism Association is up in arms and calling for an immediate Congressional Hearing and funding for scientific research. Get the initial details here:
                That’s the news, friends, but the story behind the news is twenty times more intriguing . . . . The fact of the matter is that the problem with vaccines especially childhood vaccines has been suspected for a far longer time. For example, those silly Christian Scientists have been opposed to vaccinations for a good one hundred years. Rajjpuut, who has always believed in “a pill and a prayer” rather than just faith healing . . . is not holding the Christian Science beliefs up as smarter than everybody else’s but saying the CS people were not just smoking crack-cocaine either. As far as we’ve been told the root medical cause has not yet been shown, more on that later. However, the root sociological cause is simple, bear with us now: an over-enthusiastic government forcing one-size fits all medicine upon the whole populace. Whoa! Whoa! Where’s the evidence for that?
            Around the turn of the 20th Century, scientists believed they’d solved a few serious questions about human immunology. The model of the immune system they were using might be called the “Gravy” or “Target” or “Magnet” model, but most importantly, it worked. They were in the vanguard of health research. Suddenly in the early 1920’s they were completely rebuffed and their hypothesis totally discarded . . . why? Because their theories implicated the United States government in potentially causing the deadly “Spanish” Flu pandemic that sprang up in 1919. The story is long and complicated and is tied into medical practices in Fort Riley, Kansas – and might even be wrong -- but it comes down to this: government for the first time in history took over medicine in a huge way and several TIME-TESTED individual vaccines were discarded in favor of other experimental vaccines against the same diseases to make inoculating of American doughboys entering World War I a far more efficient and predictable process . . . that is, an “inoculation assembly-line” process could be created. Later after the war, the same process was used on American civilians. Not only did a whole lot of people lose their lives around the globe to the highly virulent “Spanish” flu, but a whole lot more also became semi-comatose, that is, there was a huge outbreak of diseases that seemed to imitate sleeping sickness in America and around the world. That connection, if valid, is somewhat similar to what’s going on today with autism and other childhood brain-disorders where vaccines are suspect.
Only in the last three-plus decades has the discarded “Target” or “Gravy”  or “Magnet” model of the human immune system again received its fair due and seen a return to prominence after almost a half-century on the shelf. The theory talks about phagocytes which eat germs and other alien microbes in the body. But unfortunately, the phagocytes are very erratic in their behavior, sometimes they work wonders and gobble up every imaginable dangerous microbe in sight and other times they sit next to the same microbes and talk to them about the weather and sports. None of this made sense until somebody discovered “anti-body opsonization.”
An opsonin is a substance in the blood which helps the phagocytes work. Some scientists say that certain opsonins act like gravy ladles and once the opsonin pours the gravy on the unwanted microbe, the phagocytes suddenly say, “YUMMY,” but not before. Other scientists say that the opsonin attaches a target identifier to the microbe and without that target identifier the phagocytes will not eat it up.  Recently it’s been said that the opsonin makes the bad microbes positively charged and that the phagocytes are now magnetically attracted to them. What has all this to do with Fort Riley, Kansas? What has it all to do with autism and brain damage to children after receiving vaccinations? 
Apparently the level of opsonins in the blood varies greatly even in very healthy individuals. Give them a shot just about any time and their bodies respond just as “the doctor ordered.”  However, weakened or sick individuals (and even some very healthy ones) have times when their opsonin levels (think of a sine wave) are much, much lower than usual. If the shot or the puncture wound or the knee scrape or the licking of a dirty surface happens then in the debilitated state . . . then it’s far more likely that ill-effects will occur. Short of monitoring opsonin levels in every single baby before they’re given their 3-month; 6-month; etc. shots . . . the vaccination process becomes “a tiny bit of a crap shoot.”
We’ll skip Fort Riley for another time except to say that to the critics, the government’s handling of things left a lot of people ultra-vulnerable to an opportunistic infection on the one hand; and left a lot of other brain-damaged people on the other. Getting back to the here and now . . . here are Rajjpuut’s suggestions for dealing with infant vaccinations to dramatically minimize all chances of ill-effects, especially serious ones:
1)     Eliminate multiple disease (for example MMR) vaccinations and administer each of them one at a time in some sort of sensible order; medical researchers have long documented that abnormal reactions to vaccines are far more likely when combined vaccines are introduced (Fort Riley, again). Yes, it’s very inconvenient.  Yes, they'll probably be more expensive separately.  Yes, it’s the wise thing to do.
2)    Begin the vaccinations one month later (month four) and space them out by three or four weeks as they are administered one by one.
3)    Forget all those one-size fits all ideas: a checklist of “red-flags” needs to be created; wherein the doctor asks the parents about the baby in some depth and, for example, children who are clearly feeling under-the-weather or which have recently suffered an injury or disease are never given shots until they are much better.
4)    Inform the parents of the risks and of what signs or symptoms demand that a child be rushed immediately to medical follow-up; most of the time, even if a “reaction” takes place prompt medical attention can wipe out the very worst of the dangers.
5)    Drumming up vaccines quickly is a very iffy process. Except where it is unavoidable for emergency purposes; it should never be done quickly, not ever. Side effects should always be taken seriously and always monitored and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) should be placed in charge of this process. The CDC is virtually the only non-military government agency in the country that can be labeled “highly competent.”
6)    Stick to dead virus material not live or even “attenuated sources.”
7)    Get the federal government out of the process – except, for example, for public health announcements and follow-ups by the CDC -- leave this up to the state, county and local officials and the doctor and his patients.
Before we sum up here, vaccines can be iffy. For example, influenza is caused by a virus. Rajjpuut has never had a flu shot and believes they’re potentially very dangerous (take that opinion into consideration as you decide on this important matter for yourself). As a military brat and as a Navy man, however, he’s had several dozen shots and traveled through almost thirty countries and would not disparage other primarily bacterial inoculations.  These medicines are life savers without a doubt.  However, across the board, shots usually don’t work nearly so well for viruses and they must be administered only with the greatest of care and never, never in a routine matter-of-fact matter or in an assembly-line manner. Two objections might immediately jump to an educated mind: What about smallpox virus? What about polio virus?
History tells us that it was western medicine which invented Smallpox vaccine.  History lies. The Chinese, 450 years before Jenner, actually blew dried Smallpox scabs up children’s noses aiming to give them a weaker version of the disease. The 0.5-2% mortality the children suffered was considered far better than the 30-40% death rate from full-blown Smallpox itself. Later the Chinese as well as the Turks inoculated against the disease a century ahead of Jenner. However, the highly contagious and highly virulent Smallpox virus was finally and fully eradicated from earth (except in biologic-warfare vaults) by western smallpox vaccines. Note:  the rationale for creating smallpox vaccine in the first place arose after Jenner observed that people working around cattle who got a mild disease called cowpox never ended up catching smallpox. The smallpox vaccine was the most highly researched vaccine in history and the most successful. Years of knowledge paid off, Smallpox vaccines were not just rushed into service and that is why virtually none of us with the VSPula (Vaccination mark:  Small Pox upper left arm) notation on our medical records ever had any reactions at all except a very, very sore arm.
Polio marks a strange situation, indeed. Over a century ago a nurse named Elizabeth Kenny in Australia used simple physical therapies involving hot rags and poultices and massage and full-range repetition of motion of the arms and legs, etc. to avoid the full-scale ravages of the disease and bring full relief.  Her patients and parents loved her, but the medical establishment around the world was aghast and called her “a quack.” The first successful vaccine was created in a lab by a research assistant in 1936.  His name was Maurice Brodie. Brodie ground up the spines of monkeys which had developed polio, and soaked and dried the spines in formaldehyde then inoculated himself and several other assistants – later he would inoculate 3,000 children and except for some mild side-effects no harm was done and none of them ever fell down with polio (no pun intended). Sixteen years later the first approved polio-prevention was a vaccine created by Jonas Salk again from dead polio sources. Shortly afterward, an oral vaccine produced from “attenuated poliovirus” was created by Sabin and approved about 1962 but there have been some episodes where the oral vaccine has been implicated in highly undesirable side effects. Polio has been largely wiped out in the civilized world**. 
In short, the cases of polio vaccine and smallpox vaccine against those two very deadly and serious viruses illustrate very different backgrounds from today’s often hurried-up production of vaccines from live sources routinely undertaken. Time needs to be taken, real science honored and dead matter virus sources used. Finally medicine should be in the hands of professionals, not just one more thing the government mandates. It comes down to informed decisions; informed consent. Although a lot of good is done by childhood inoculations; some very bad side effects are possible in very rare instances. The seven steps recommended above would presumably reduce the number and severity of side-effects dramatically.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
**  The companies that made braces, child crutches and iron lungs and several non-profit foundations centering on polio all, sadly, went out of business . . . the medical establishment noticed and has not cured anything since, now we merely concentrate upon relieving symptoms.
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        “Besides Rasmussen, the often interesting Quinnipiac University polling a few months back showed that only 19% of the voting populace generally trust government to do the right thing “almost all of the time” or “most of the time; but among TEA Party members that number drops to only 4%. 




Rasmussen Poll Underlines

Conservative Voter Skepticism, Distrust



        The term bandied around most by the progressives and other left-wingers over the last 110 years of American history is their Marxist interpretation of the word “revolution.”  Those revolting people with the aim of bringing totalitarianism to our shores have ceaselessly talked about “the revolution” and derided the system created by America’s Founding Fathers, the system that has made America a shining beacon of hope around the planet for over 225 years. 

        However, throughout real American history it’s been the radical center that has led the way, who’ve brought great change to these shores . . . and right now, according to a recent Rasmussen Reports it is that same radical-center group that is most likely to “kick the bast_rds out” of the Oval Office and Congress until they get a government that truly represents their interests and highest standards. According to a recent Rasmussen Reports poll of likely Republican voters, if you talk to 64% of them, they now see "the divide between the public and their government is the biggest since the American Revolution" began in 1775.

        In the Rasmussen survey of likely G.O.P. primary voters, 64% of them agree with that sentiment; only 16% disagree and 20% say they aren’t sure. In related questioning, 84% of Republican voters trust the judgment of the American people more than that of the nation’s political leaders and only 4% trust the political leaders more with 12% “undecided.” When Democrats and Independents are added in, overall 76% of the people today trust the people more than the politicians. The likely Republican voters deeply distrust their government:  87% say the federal government has become a special interest group with the power to advance its own interests to the public’s detriment. Only 6% of Republicans disagree with that view.  67% of G.O.P. voters think big business and the government often work together in ways that hurt consumers and investors; with only 13% disagreeing and 20% unsure.

       Rasmussen Reports founder Scott Rasmussen (who’s run the most accurate and trustworthy polling service in the country for the last dozen years; authored the book In Search of Self-Governance; and co-authored Mad as Hell: How the TEA Party is Fundamentally Remaking our Two-Party System with ex-Clinton aide Doug Schoen) said this in In Search of Self Governance: 

                                    “Throughout American History, voters tend to be a few decades ahead of the political leadership. Voters gradually adapt to changes in the real world while politicians defend the status quo.” 
        If he’s right, it explains why “Revolution” as it’s seen by the left hasn’t caught on. The dynamic in America is, according to Rasmussen, significantly different than it is in European, Asian or Latin American countries where Marxism has played out its hand.  Obviously, the status quo today is an unresponsive, big spending, ever-expanding federal government and gradually diminished freedoms -- all of which the larger part of the voters oppose.

       Rasmussen revealed that 43% of the G.O.P. considers themselves part of the TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Party movement and 22% of all voters align themselves with the TEA Party.  The TEA Party reports that its makeup includes 9% Democrats; 18% Independents and 72% Libertarians and Republicans who are, of course, most likely to vote in the upcoming Republican primaries. The stereotype that the group belongs to “angry old men” is incorrect: 56% of TEA Party members are women and the average age is 44. 

       Polls by other groups have highlighted some of the problems that the recent Rasmussen’s poll shows Republicans excited about. For example, the often interesting Quinnipiac University polling a few months back showed that only 19% of the voting populace generally trusts government to do the right thing “almost all of the time” or “most of the time; but among TEA Party members that number drops to only 4% compared to 24% among non-TEA Party citizens. All this ties in to another Rasmussen poll showing that only 23% of the likely voting public now says the government has the consent of the governed in America.

      The main difference, of course between the progressive-radicals and the mainstream radicals is, of course, the question of bullets or ballots.  Many on the left such as Frances Fox Piven of Cloward-Piven** Strategy infamy have long advocated “bloody revolution.” The quiet revolution via the ballot box is the preferred method of the angry Republicans and TEA Party folk. Surveys of all Americans over the last four decades has shown that the breakdown of self-identification has remained very steady at or around: 44% calling themselves “conservative”; 42% self-labeling as “moderate”; and just 12% “liberal" or "progresssive.” 

      The area crippling conservatism’s power in Rajjpuut’s opinion is “social-conservativism^^” which includes items like strict anti-abortion stands; and desire for creationism and other religious beliefs being taught in public schools; singing religious Christmas carols in public schools, etc.  For example:  62% of all Americans are against the strictest anti-abortion views (absolutely no abortion under any circumstances) while only 37% support them.  When slightly softer anti-abortion views are expressed 55% oppose them and 44% support them.  Separation of Church and State doctrines, of course, are also very popular among voters who instinctively wish to confine religious utterances to churches and private religious schools.  On the other hand, “combined Constitutional conservativism and fiscal-conservativism” as advocated by the TEA Party seems to be an area that at least half of the Independent voters and about 15% of the Democrats can enthusiastically support.


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,




^^ The demographic breakdown is that on social issues Americans say they are “conservative” 36%; moderate 31%; and liberal 30%. This indicates that the most tenable political area lies within the Libertarian’s fiscal- and Constitutional-conservativism; and social-moderatism to social-liberalism. The reason that Libertarianism has never caught on, in Rajjpuut’s opinion is that Libertarian leaders have been genuinely impractical and also inclined to shoot their mouths off about ALL their views instead of confining their politics to fiscal- and Constitutional-conservativism only. Just get into office and dramatically shrink the size of the government and put the fiscal house in order . . . that’s what we need!


Read more…

              “. . . any polling agency which subjects its readers and clients to 8% accuracy has lost all credibility.” 

Heavily Obama-Biased** Reporting

Obstructs AP’s Polling Accuracy



        Did you know that President Obama’s overall job approval rating jumped 14% after the successful Navy SEAL raid that killed Usama Bin Laden?   That amazing statistic comes to us courtesy of the Associated Press’s (the AP provides Yahoo’s news coverage) highly-biased news and opinion polling staff.   In contrast, the venerable Gallup polling showed a 6% jump in presidential approval and Rasmussen Reports showed a 3% jump. What does the AP polling agency know that Rasmussen doesn’t?  Rasmussen Reports, which  notably only surveys “probable-voters” rather than all adults, has been the most accurate polling agency over the last decade-plus so the 11% difference in presidential approval between AP pollsters and Rasmussen immediately raised eyebrows among the politically savvy.


       Right now Rasmussen trends show the American populace favoring Republican candidates by a 41% to 38% margin and 34.4% of the populace calling themselves “Democrats” versus 34.1% calling themselves “Republicans.” Rasmussen typically seeks to take representative samplings of 1,000 or more individuals.  In contrast, however, the recent survey run by the AP featured a 35% Democratic sector versus an 18% Republican sampling fueling the President’s job approval jump from 46% to 60% in the AP poll . . . in other words, where honest statisticians like Rasmussen claim and fulfill a 95% accuracy rating +/-4% (thus 60% fits into the range of 56% - 64%). . . statistical standards rating the recent AP polling would predict an 8% accuracy rating +/-4%.  While the AP’s continued liberal-progressive slant over the last decade and a half has been a clear journalistic abomination . . . any polling agency which subjects its readers and clients to 8% accuracy has lost all credibility.   was passed with the promise that after it was passed the nation's unemployment would never rise above 8.0% . . . (we've had 7.95% unemployment only once over the last twenty-seven months and unemployment has been as high as 10%).  The bottom line:  knowing this (Bin Laden killing) job approval spike for President Obama was doomed to be short-lived, someone at apparently AP decided to make some sort of a pro-Obama statement with their bogus 60% approval rating rather than following normal and accepted polling procedures:  appalling!  We repeat, while the AP’s continued liberal-progressive slant over the last decade and a half has been a clear journalistic abomination . . . any polling agency which subjects its readers and clients to 8% accuracy has lost all credibility.  Rajjpuut is sending this blog to, his favorite ISP telling them that unless some measure of objectivity is restored to Yahoo’s AP news and polling coverage . . . if you concur, please send your opinion to Yahoo and AP as well.
       For what it's worth, the phrase, "It's the economy, Stupid!" is still the most valid predictor of people's voting patterns.  Remember, Mr. Obama promised he would cut the nation's deficit in half by 2013 . . . but, of course, with his $787 Billion stimulus added in . . . Obama has more than quadrupled the deficit; and that same stimulus

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,



“Corruption” is a strong word and suggestions of media bias are serious accusations. . . but well beyond those issues, deliberately skewing supposedly objective polling  results must be considered a real low for any journalistic organization.  Where did this corruption come from? While George Soros’ funding connection to progressive organizations like Media Matters and to National Public Radio (NPR) are well known, recent investigations have also shown that multi-billionaire Soros has contributed large sums of money to more than thirty liberal American media organizations in just the last year. Tying that in with the AP’s proclivity to run liberal-slanted press releases and opinion pieces from any of the 527 Soros-funded non-profit organizations (he also OWNS over 50 such foundations) as if they were actually researched straight news stories; without editing; without fact-checking;  and without getting counter-balancing opinion . . . and the suggestion grows strong that the AP has sold its soul to the “spooky dude’s” agenda.


       Soros, of course, gave $1.8 million to NPR, which became part of the firestorm over NPR's federal funding.  The very progressive^^ (he calls himself "liberal") Soros spent $27 million trying to defeat George W. Bush in 2004 and his widespread influence upon liberal newspapers such as the New York Times and Washington Post is rumored to be the only thing keeping them from bankruptcy.  But mainstream broadcast outlets like NBC, ABC, CBS; and the Associated Press (the subject of this blog) are also well-documented recipients of Soros liberal largesse.
      ^^ Progressives believe we must first 'progress' against the 'outdated and ill-conceived U.S. Constitution' if we are to 'progress' toward their earthly Utopia.  Most conservatives regard progressives as little more than Marxist-socialists.
Read more…



       "If you tell a lie that's big enough, and you tell it often enough, people will believe you are telling the truth, even when what you are saying is total crap.”

Richard Belzer


       “Ho, ho here’s the free market in trouble again and here we in Congress are going to have to bail them out of trouble  . . .  again.”

A comment from (Massachusetts) Representative Barney “The Big Liar” Frank who a) in 2003 and again in 2004, 2005 and 2006 before the financial meltdown affirmed the soundness of  federal government-sponsored mortgage enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac; b) several times denied that progressive politicians like him were undermining the free market mortgage system; and who now is calling for the end of both Fannie and Freddie . . . and then “starting over from scratch” with whole new government mortgage entities controlling the free markets.


Real Capitalism

       (Today’s introductory blog is the first in a series aiming to put the record straight and pinpoint progressives’ lies and other tactics and strategies that have betrayed our country, its economy and our freedom.)



“What, You Don’t Remember Our Lies?

Good, we’ll just recycle them!”


       Before we get to capitalism and the lies told about it by progressives – we’ll use this introduction to start out discussing progressives and something called “The Big Lie.” Political adherents of progressivism (a notion that “we must ‘progress’ beyond the ill-conceived and outdated U.S. Constitution so we may make progress toward earthly Utopia”) who have controlled congress for roughly 95 of the last 110 years in this country (since Teddy Roosevelt succeeded assassinated William McKinley), base their attacks on the United States and its patriotic citizens primarily by using a whole series of what propagandists call “big lies” and upon the constant and consistent inattention of a large part of the voting and non-voting public. Where did the idea of “The Big Lie” come from?

       Adolf Hitler and his chancellor and propaganda minister Josef Goebbels credited their superior and effective use of propaganda from some studying of the British in World War I, but mostly (according to Goebbels’ diaries) from the powerful techniques they gleaned from the administration of progressive American President Woodrow Wilson and his chief Public Information facilitator, Edward Bernays (called by Time magazine one of the Top-100 Influential Americans of the 20th Century).  Hitler was the first to coin the term “The Big Lie” while in Landsberg am Lech prison in 1924 as he dictated Mein Kampf

       Hitler devoted two chapters in Mein Kampf to discussing propaganda. Within those two chapters, “The Big Lie” got most of Der Fuehrer’s attention. The Big Lie according to Hitler was a lie so "colossal" that no one would believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.” 

       Herr Schicklgruber** of the Charlie Chaplin moustache then gave an excellent example of the big lie by first stating the technique was used by Jews to unfairly blame Germany's loss in World War I on German Army officer Erich Ludendorff.   Of course, it was that sweetheart Hitler and his Nazis who created the highly effective Big Lie that the Army had been near victorious in the field in late 1918 and just on the verge of achieving victory when suddenly out of nowhere they had been stabbed in the back by the “November Criminals” (Berlin politicians and civilians back home including Marxists, and especially the Republicans who he said signed the infamous Treaty of Versailles, kicked the monarchy out, and set up the Weimar Republic;  and, of course among the November Criminals, were his favorite scapegoats: the Jews.  That “Stabbed in the Back by the November Criminals” Big Lie was part of at least 1,800 of his speeches over the first decade and a half of the Nazi rise to power (late 1919 to early 1934). Here is Hitler using the Big Lie to accuse others (the Jews) of using a Big Lie . . . .

                                       “. . . it remained for the Jews, with their unqualified capacity for falsehood, and their fighting comrades, the Marxists, to impute responsibility for the downfall precisely to the man who alone had shown a superhuman will and energy in his effort to prevent the catastrophe which he had foreseen and to save the nation from that hour of complete overthrow and shame. By placing responsibility for the loss of the world war on the shoulders of Ludendorff they took away the weapon of moral right from the only adversary dangerous enough to be likely to succeed in bringing the betrayers of the Fatherland to Justice.

                                      “All this was inspired by the principle--which is quite true within itself--that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.

—Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf


       Goebbels expanded upon Hitler’s definition some seventeen years later in a magazine article “Churchill’s Lie Factory” again using the Big Lie to accuse others of using the Big Lie. 


                                                         “The essential English leadership secret does not depend on particular intelligence. Rather, it depends on a remarkably stupid thick-headedness. The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous.”


       Certainly the Big Lie in conjunction with name-calling is the prime progressive tactic used so overtly and commonly against conservatives as to rank almost as a strategic end. Can’t win an argument, no problem that a bit of name-calling and or ridicule can’t solve.   “What? You don’t agree with us, you are a RACIST!” “Don’t buy our philosophy? You must be really stupid!”   It all begins with changing history by asserting some BIG LIE as truth. Among the progressive-left’s favorite big lie is to attribute Nazism and Fascism to conservatives. Associated with this big lie is the labeling of conservatives as “the Right,” that is with those traditionally aligned with monarchies. The “Right” is also then expanded to include Nazis and Fascists and then they kick the monarchists out so only conservatives, Nazis and Fascists constitute the so-called “Right.” This particular Big Lie Complex has proven so successful that 90% of people now unquestioningly buy some of it or the entire intertwined lie . . . that is, even a majority of conservatives believe they constitute “the Right.” Check out your truth vs. B.S. detector by labeling the following twelve statements


TRUE or False. Correct answers follow. What’s the truth?

1.       The first of those right-wing monsters called “Rednecks” were gun-toting mine-workers’ union members attacking mines that had shutdown in defiance of the unions. They wore red-bandanas to avoid shooting each other accidentally.

2.     What we call Fascism began in Italy. The labor unions became so pervasive and strong that pretty soon, they had kicked the business owners out, taken over the companies, and created their own government.

3.     The word “Nazi” is a German acronym that means “National Socialist German Workers’ Party.”

4.     When Communism was banned in Germany the membership in the Nazi Party almost doubled with perhaps 2/3 of the new recruits coming from among the ex-communists.

5.     The bankruptcy of New York City and near bankruptcy of New York State (NYC was bailed out by the federal government in 1975) was part of a strategy plotted by progressive Neo-Marxists Richard Cloward, Frances Fox Piven and George Wiley that doubled (by adding eight million new recipients) the welfare rolls.

6.     Something called C-P Strategy was used by ACORN’s creator Wade Rathke in Arkansas in 1978 to help make Bill Clinton state governor at age 32 and president at age 46.

7.     The financial meltdown of 2007-2008 had its roots in a 1966 magazine article written by the creators of “C-P Strategy;” in a 1977 law (CRA ’77) forcing mortgage companies to knowingly make bad loans to unqualified recipients; and in Rathke’s 1977 creation of ACORN.

8.    The percentage of suspect home loans (granted at 3% down payment or less) in 1975 was 0.24% but thanks to CRA ’77 and five expansions to CRA ’77, it had risen to 34.1% by 2005.

9.     Bill Clinton was the first ACORN president and he paid ACORN back by expanding CRA ’77 four times during his presidency and by passing the Motor Voter Act.

10.Barack Obama was an ACORN lawyer in Chicago shaking down banks and other mortgage lenders to force them to comply with CRA ’77 and make terribly unwise loans.

11.   Bill Clinton’s steroid-version expansion of CRA law in 1998 made it easier to use CRA ’77 laws to get into a $400,000 home in 1999 than it had been to put a more qualified buyer into a $100,000 home a decade earlier.

12.  ACORN in the early 21st Century was able to routinely get home loans for buyers without jobs; without decent credit ratings; without even rental histories; with only food stamps to show as “income”; and even for illegal aliens . . . courtesy of CRA ’77.


As you’ve probably figured out, all twelve statements are TRUE. Here’s some useful explication: 


1.       “The Battle of Blair’s Mountain” in 1921 when the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) union sought to expand their hold on West Virginia Mines was the largest armed insurrection in the nation since the Civil War. Over one million rounds were fired and it required U.S. Army intervention to stop it.  Union workers . . . that’s progressive action by the rednecks, no conservativism involved.

2.       The syndicalist/union movement in Italy began in 1907 as a socialist/Marxist philosophy seeking to help the laborer. It was a splintered socialist movement until 1914 brought World War I. One group was anti-Marxist; the other was very nationalistic and even imperialistic. The groups merged in agreement against Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1914. After the war the old differences emerged until Benito Mussolini recombined the labor emphasis in 1919 and imposed a state-sponsored socialism upon the nation. Listen to his words as he provides his own interpretation:


                                                            "The official Italian Socialist Party has been reactionary and absolutely conservative. If its views had prevailed, our survival in the world of today would be impossible."


       Yep, you’re right Mussolini is claiming Socialism is conservative and even reactionary. Similarly, Hitler and the Nazis would proclaim they offered a “third path” saying, “We’re not communists and not capitalists, we offer a better (third) way.” In practice their words mean nothing, deeds mean everything. Controlled economies by the Nazis and the Italian Fascists definitely bear NO resemblance to capitalism or to free-markets anywhere.

3.     Since “National Socialist German Workers’ Party” is explicitly socialistic and for workers and those words clue us to socialism and unions rather than to individualism and capitalism, only a monstrous lie by the progressives repeated a million times a year would confuse people the way they are now.

4.     According to William Sheridan Allen’s masterpiece The Nazi Seizure of Power (1965), when Communist Party (KPD) scandals  (and several abortive and unsuccessful “uprisings”) were exploited in Germany by political opponents (including the Social Democrats, the more popular branch of Marxism in Germany at the time) the membership in the Nazi Party rose dramatically. Later Hitler would ban the KPD and the Social Democrats. Leaders of the SD and all members of the KPD were subject to arrest and being sent to concentration camps from then on.

5.     In 1966 Cloward and Piven Strategy (C-P Strategy) was created when the two Columbia University Marxists wrote an article in The Nation magazine entitled The Weight of the Poor: a Strategy to End Poverty which advocated exploitation of social-welfare laws to create chaos and push a radical leftist agenda (in this case, Cloward and Piven wanted a GNI (guaranteed national income). After creating the NWRO in 1967 they doubled the welfare rolls.

6.     Cloward, Piven and Wiley never did get their GNI but they bragged about their “success” publicly and also in print. The progressives now had an “overload strategy” to exploit the ever-expanding government that Democratic congresses were giving them. When they shifted to voter registration and housing the whole nation was endangered while Bill Clinton was empowered.

7.     Rathke was a lieutenant of George Wiley (Wiley along with Piven and Cloward created the National Welfare Rights Organization) who had been sent to Arkansas in 1970. After boasting of their success following the ’75 bankruptcy of NYC, the threesome told their advocates to move onto voter registration and public housing. When Jimmy Carter passed the Community Reinvestment Act in 1977, Rathke created the “Arkansas” Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) which expanded to the whole country within a decade and became the “Associations of” Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). 

8.    Just by working in Arkansas, Rathke doubled the nation’s suspect loan rate from 0.24% to 0.51%. He and ACORN also pulled a bunch of shenanigans to get Bill Clinton elected Arkansas governor. Cloward and Piven regarded Rathke’s work as so successful they expanded ACORN to the entire nation.

9.     Although he lost two years later in 1980 during the first Ronald Reagan wave, Bill Clinton was elected to the governor’s mansion every year from 1982 to 1990 and served till 1992. He paid ACORN back by expanding CRA ’77 four times (once by regulatory edict/thrice by legislation) during his presidency and by passing the Motor Voter Act with Cloward and Piven (husband and wife) standing directly behind him during the signing ceremony.

10.Obama was so effective for ACORN that not only did he get individual loans; but he also got promises of future loan quotas; and even got ACORN donations from the banks.

11.   The Republicans canNOT plead “not guilty” in all this. In 1992, George Bush, Sr., who successfully vetoed 45 of 46 bills he opposed, failed to veto a law with one section of it that expanded CRA ’77 to government mortgage companies Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. They also controlled the house and senate in 1995 and still allowed other compromise bills that expanded CRA ’77 twice that year. Progressive Republicans and other Republicans not paying attention helped the more numerous progressive Democrats to do us in. However, Clinton saw the suspect loan totals go from half a percent in 1985 to 14% in 1995 and was still pushing for laws that put the suspect home loan ratio above 34% with many of the loans after 1998 at 0% down payment.

12.  Thanks to ACORN’s street action a la Saul Alinsky (author or Reveille for Radicals (1946) and Rules^^ for Radicals (1971), welfare recipients and illegal aliens got into lots of huge mortgage loans they had no chance of ever paying off. A housing boom ensued, a boom built on blue sky and doomed to fail##.


       These are some of the most obvious of the Big Lies progressives use to confuse the issues and to so severely betray the Constitution and America’s citizens today. Dodging issues by using ad hominem attacks; and by impugning racism, stupidity and callous unconcern against all who want to limit government’s size, power and spending is their illogical but popularly constant refrain.  In their illogical arguments for and against specific legislation they resort to Keynesian economic models that never have worked but which are always referred to as Gospel among those desiring centralized control of every facet of existence. They would have all of us regard the word “conservative” as a curse word. Is that so bad?   Remember this, our Founding Fathers were not “conservatives,” but rather very radical proponents of individual liberty, property rights, economic freedom and limited government . . . Libertarians akin to today’s TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Party. Only one system fulfilled their desiderata: the laissez-faire capitalism that had naturally evolved within the thirteen colonies . . . a brand of capitalism which Ayn Rand has called “The Unknown Ideal.” 


NEXT TIME: “The Morality of Capitalism”




Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,



** About ten years before Adolf’s birth his father changed his name from Schicklgruber to Hitler. “Heil Schicklgruber!” has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?

^^ One of Alinsky’s favorite protégés was Hillary Clinton; Barack Obama taught “Rules for Radicals” while simultaneously teaching a Constitutional Law class in Chicago. “Street Theater” as taught by Alinsky was all about in-your-face-confrontation primarily to get newspaper coverage and gain public support.

##For those of you who truly like to understand rather than merely memorize . . . .

       Mr. Obama has at least a hundred times referred in his speeches to conservatives or free markets or George W. Bush “driving the economy into a ditch.” In truth Bush spoke over 30 times publicly and 18 times to Congress seeking to repeal CRA legislation, beginning in January, 2005. Not until 30 months later in July, 2007, was a very weakened version of Bush’s bill passed. Predictably, while it helped a lot, when it came to dodging the financial meltdown, the bi-partisan 2007 law proved way too little, way too late. So the truth is that:


       George W. Bush saw the progressives and Democrats deliberately pushing the car (the economy) toward a 500-foot cliff; jumped in; grabbed the wheel; and slammed on the brakes to gently guide it into the nearest friendly-looking ditch.

Read more…
            Those so-called "democracy-loving and freedom seeking" Egyptian revolutionaries who got all the press two months ago are now burning out Coptic Christians (10% of Egypt's population) and signing agreements with the terrorist group Hamas . . . suddenly the mainstream American media doesn't have time to cover them . . . nor to mention that the Muslim Brotherhood seeking the upper hand in Libya has already achieved the upper hand in Egypt.  Our old strongman ally in Egypt, Mr. Mubarak will prove to be a saint by comparison to the radical elements that Obama is supporting everywhere.
           The "Gaza Freedom Flotilla" (which attempted to run an Israeli naval blockade a year ago) funded by a  radical feminist-Marxist organization Code Pink; and planned by Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadette Dorn (you remember them, the bomb makers) celebrates its first anniversary this May 15, 2011 and is planning to re-create that event in SPADES.  What else is so special about this date?
Radical Left Joins with Radical Islam
to Initiate “THE Revolution” 
            As reported right here in Rajjpuut’s Folly several times already in the past year . . . “THE Revolution” is underway. “THE Revolution,” you say, “Hold it, hold it, when did this start? Why wasn’t I informed? . . . er’ what revolution?” Note to self:  ignorance is not bliss. Long-form headline:   The Radical Left has Now Joined with Radical Islam to Initiate “THE Revolution” NOT Only Here in the United States, but Around the World . . . these moves are a culmination of several trends long in evidence . . . details to follow, and for those interested in marking your calendar: May 15, 2011 is the key date . . . .
ITEM: If you’ve been plotting something for at least 65 years and been piling up successes furtively under the cover of dark, you must become pretty emboldened to finally come out into the open in the bright light of day . . . that’s the story for socialist and communist Americans and the union LEADERS who are right now openly calling for and planning open revolt.

ITEM:  Those so-called "democracy-loving and freedom seeking" Egyptian revolutionaries who got all the press two months ago are now burning out Coptic Christians (10% of Egypt's population) and signing agreements with the terrorist group Hamas . . . suddenly the mainstream American media doesn't have time to cover them . . . nor to mention that the Muslim Brotherhood seeking the upper hand in Libya has already achieved the upper hand in Egypt.  Our old strongman ally in Egypt, Mr. Mubarak will prove to be a saint by comparison to the radical elements that Obama is supporting everywhere across the Middle East.
ITEM: if you’ve got a grievance 63 years in the boiling (since the creation of Israel, the Jewish State) and been pretty damn violent about it the whole time without success, you’ll welcome anyone who promises to join with you in common cause . . . that’s the story for the Islamic Jihadists who since Sayyid Qutb first came to Greeley, Colorado (see: The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11) to attend the University of Northern Colorado (then called “Colorado State College of Education”) shortly after publishing his first book Social Justice in Islam have been looking for a chance to martyr themselves to bring about an Islamic Caliphate and Mohammed’s Paradise on Earth. Qutb succeeded in 1966 and before his hanging remarked, “Thank God!   I performed Jihad for fifteen years to earn this martyrdom.”
ITEM: Osama Bin Laden, founded Al Qaeda in August, 1988, (even before the defeat of the Soviet Union in Afghanistan less than a year later; largely accomplished thanks to huge cash and weapons influxes and military training from the United States) but the organization was kept a secret. That date is important because already at that date Bin Laden had his eye on western targets even while the war with the Soviets was still raging. Even at that date the ultimate goal was world conquest for Islam. That goal has NOT changed. 
            A believer whenever possible in pure Muslim activism, Bin Laden (a Saudi) went to King Fahd of Saudi Arabia in late 1990 asking to be allowed to free Kuwait from the conquest of Saddam Hussein with a purely Islamic military from many Arabian nations. He was sent away. 
When Bush #1 sent in the coalition forces to neutralize and defeat Saddam Hussein’s forces, Bin Laden was aghast that “infidels” could be invited onto sacred Islamic territory to defeat Muslims. He publicly denounced Saudi Arabia's dependence on the U.S. military, saying that the presence of foreign troops in the "land of the two mosques" (the Holy Cities of Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia) profaned sacred soil.  Not liking to have their monarch criticized publicly, the Saudis tried to catch and silence Bin Laden. Soon after U.S. troops were allowed on Saudi soil, Bin Laden’s organization in Saudi Arabia was raided by Saudi secret police and information released to the American FBI which on November 8, 1990 led to a raid on the New Jersey home of El Sayyid Nosair, a man with numerous Al Qaeda ties, which uncovered a great deal of evidence of terrorist plots against America including plans to blow up New York City (NYC) skyscrapers.  Just a few months later, in 1991 Osama publicly declared unilateral war against the United States.   The Arab world knew about this. The CIA and top level politicians knew about this; you were never told. 
            Despite Bin Laden’s declaration of war and the information discovered from the Nosair raid, the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993 was a partial success for Al Qaeda. The CIA and top level politicians, of course, knew all about all of this; again you were never told. During the next decade Osama and his buddies were responsible for attacks all around the world; most notably for several dozen terrorist attacks in the Middle East, Africa and Asia; and for blowing a hole in the side of the American destroyer USS Cole at port in Yemen in 1998; he and Ayman al-Zawahir co-signed a fatwa that same year declaring the killing of North Americans and their allies “an individual duty for every Muslim”; and most infamously for the September 11, 2001 attacks on the twin towers of the World Trade Center and on the Pentagon in Washington. D.C. Note to self: it does not take two to make a war . . . .
ITEM: “THE Revolution,” (like the attacks from Al Qaeda) constitutes a war whether you like it or not or whether or not you’re even aware of it. You now -- in this blog -- have been given information that the main launch point for highly visible and irrefutable assaults upon you, our Constitution and the American way of life is May 15, 2011. Up to now “THE Revolution” has been going on all around you for forty-four years. 
The ground for the battlefield was originally scouted and prepared by self-proclaimed “neo-Marxist” Saul Alinsky of Chicago with his two books Reveille for Radicals (1946); and Rules for Radicals (1971). The two were how-to primers on radical activism aimed at community organizers in big cities. Alinsky dedicated Rules for Radicals to Lucifer (a.k.a. “Satan”) . . . that dedication has been removed in modern editions but there are still plenty of the old books around and Rajjpuut checked one out of the library less than six years ago, yep “Satan with a starting capital of just one snake” who “won his own kingdom” was lauded as “the first radical.”  Alinsky “tactics” (sometimes called “street theater”) were seen all over the New Left movement of the late 60’s and early 70’s. Some thought they were too “tame.” 
Most notable among these were terrorist Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadette Dorn/Dohrn (both spellings are very common and she’s also given her first name often as ‘Bernadine’) who once they left the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS -- because they were “too busy examining each other’s navels”) joined the Weather Underground sometimes called the Weathermen for whom they made and planted bombs during that era killing and maiming some police and others and losing more than a few Weathermen to incompetence.  Both Ayers and Dorn are still alive; both are close friends of the President of the United States; more on those two later.
ITEM: “Tactics” is how you wage war on a day-by-day basis. “Strategy” is what the long-range goals of the daily tactics aim to accomplish. With Alinsky’s ugly tactics now well-polished, what the progressive- (we must ‘progress’ beyond the ‘outdated and ill-conceived Constitution’ if we are ever to make ‘progress’ toward Utopia on earth) leftists needed now was a grand strategy defining how to make the goal (takeover of the United States and destruction of Capitalism) over time become a reality. Two Columbia University (NYC) Marxist professors Richard Andrew Cloward and his wife Frances Fox Piven provided that strategy with their May 2, 1966 article in The Nation magazine The Weight of the Poor: a Strategy to End Poverty. Suddenly everything fell into place.   Almost immediately the ideas they espoused became known as “Cloward-Piven Strategy” and C-P Strategy has remained the radical left’s most powerful, albeit slow, strategic idea ever since.
ITEM: The theme of the article was that the poor should be used as shock-troopers and only by making the rest of the nation fear them could the poor gain their rightful economic equality. The intermediate goal should be according to Cloward and Piven GNI (a guaranteed national income).   The basis for their strategy was that Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson had the previous year not only got us into war in Southeast Asia; created the two government spending boondoggles Medicare; and Medicaid (with a state side as well as a federal one which now constitute UNfunded liabilities of $75 TRillion); but also launched a “War on Poverty” dramatically expanding old and adding new welfare programs. Cloward and Piven decided that with Alinsky street tactics they could dramatically increase the number of welfare recipients, virtually bankrupt the nation and then get the Democratic Party (where they owned the most influence) to pass a GNI law  . . . POOF! SNAP! Abracadabra! ending poverty and advancing the revolution, they thought, dramatically virtually overnight.
ITEM: It took them part of eight years to know semi-success. The full story is found here in a recent Rajjpuut’s Folly in its painfully-detailed entirety:
The short version is: After creating something called the NWRO in 1967 with Black militant George Wiley, Cloward and Piven crapped in their own nest by bankrupting NYC which was bailed out by the federal government in 1975; and almost bankrupted the State of New York and many other states and big cities by doubling welfare rolls by 1970 from eight to sixteen million recipients. 
C&P and Wiley declared victory even though GNI was never seriously discussed in Congress. They publicly bragged about the great thing they’d done. They told their followers to now concentrate their attention on voter registration and federal housing. In 1977, one of the first things the new progressive president, Jimmy Carter, did was pass a bill called CRA ’77 (the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977) forcing lenders to knowingly make bad loans to unqualified would-be home owners. Wade Rathke, a Wiley Lieutenant sent to Arkansas in 1970 was in 1977 assigned to be the lead in creating a model organization in Arkansas to follow-up 0n the new C&P marching orders while taking advantage of CRA ’77 with C-P Strategies just as they had originally done with the welfare laws. Again the full version of events is found here:
ITEM: The nutshell version is that ACORN (Arkansas Community Organizations for Reform Now) was created in 1977. Using voter fraud** they elected an up and coming young Arkansas lieutenant governor to governor in 1978 and kept him in that post for 12 of the next 14 years until getting him elected president in 1972. Along the way they perfected their voter registration shenanigans and housing corruptions Alinsky-style so well that Rathke’s organization was expanded to every state and renamed (Associations of Community Organizations for Reform Now). They were so successful on the housing front that just by them operating in Arkansas they began to change the face of federal housing very quickly. In 1975 only one in every 404 home loans in the country was considered “suspect.” Typically, this suspect loan was made at 3% down payment to someone considered a very good risk such as an ex-military officer going to college on the GI Bill. After ACORN got involved (just in Arkansas, remember) by 1985 one in every 196 home loans was “suspect” and over half of those suspect loans were CRA ’77 loans in Arkansas and in other states that ACORN had recently spread to. These Arkansas loans were made to absolutely unqualified buyers.
ITEM: after five expansions of CRA ’77 (four expansions by ACORN president Bill Clinton alone) the financial meltdown of 2007 would hit the country like a kidney kick from a mule. As for Barack Obama, he was not only a community organizer in Chicago . . . he was also:
A.     An ACORN attorney in 1994, '95 and '96 shaking down home mortgage companies not only for bad loans now; but for long-range promises of bad loan quotas for the future and even donations to ACORN itself.
B.    An attorney-professor teaching both Constitutional Law and Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals in Chicago.
ITEM: After two legislative expansions of CRA ’77 in 1995 Bill Clinton (he also made a huge regulatory expansion of CRA ‘77 in 1993; and passed the Motor-Voter Act^^ in 1993 with Cloward and Piven standing behind him in the official photo) paid off his ACORN allies handsomely with a steroid-version legislative expansion of CRA ’77 in 1998. By 2005 more than one in three home loans was now suspect (34%) many of them made at 0.0% down payment for homes costing over $300,000 made to virtually homeless## clients.   The full details again should be known by every voting American:
That brings us almost up to date: So what exactly do we mean by “THE Revolution” and why do we say May 15, 2011 is so important? The answer to that question goes back roughly a year ago. About that time, the “near-ground-zero mosque was floated as a trial balloon to see if the American Mainstream media would back it and they did. Shariah Law in America as a viable option has been pressed by the extreme left and Eric Holder’s INJustice Department since that time. On the other end in early spring, 2010, several powerful American Union personalities and other prominent American leftists visited a few European capitals and roughly 17-18 Middle Eastern predominantly Muslim countries. They arranged discussions about forming a coalition to destroy what they hate most -- American Capitalism. Out of that discussion came the wave of so-called Democratic revolts across the Middle East; the so-called “Gaza Freedom Flotilla” blockade run; Shariah$$ Law- acceptability being promoted (it’s actually already part of law in some places in Europe); and plans to unite because “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” 
What we mean by “THE Revolution" is exactly the same thing the left has meant by “THE Revolution" since before Alinsky, Ayers, Cloward, Piven, Wiley and others could talk. It means the downfall of the United States of America; the expansion of leftist efforts in many countries and introduction of a global government believing as they, the leftists do. By the way, the Jihadist will be fine with just the downfall of the United States but they want an Islamic Caliphate and to behead all who fail to capitulate to Islam on some glorious day in the future. But you knew all that . . . here’s what you didn’t know:
Item: The so-called Gaza Freedom Flotilla funded by a feminine Marxist organization called Code Pink; and planned by Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadette Dorn (you remember them, the bomb makers) celebrates its first anniversary this May 15, 2011. 
This was the first known incidence of leftists in America and radical Jihadist Muslims joining forces. They (a group of Jihadist members of the Muslim Brotherhood (an organization that first became serious in Egypt under Sayyid Qutb) attempted to run the Israeli naval blockade (aimed at preventing arms and other military supplies getting to Gaza and to Jihadists elsewhere) and although the violence that naturally followed was at each step of the way begun and escalated by the Jihadists (each of whom had made video wills for their relatives before sailing that were captured by Israeli agents) the mainstream-lamestream media in America covered the whole affair as if it was an Israeli-provoked atrocity. Naturally the Arab press went hog-wild with the story . . . oh, sorry; Muslims don’t go hog-wild, so uh, camel-wild . . . 
Among other results of this evil-vile collaboration:  Mubarak is out and the “Democracy” that follows looks to be a Jihadocracy for Egypt similar to what rules now in Iran with no more enforcement of the (neutral toward) Israel peace agreement or the Trade (with Israel) agreements that Mubarak had long upheld despite their unpopularity among his people; there are now serious uprisings in almost all the Muslim Middle East; and the old version of Moammar Gadhafi is now looking pretty good as America seriously contemplates funding the Jihadist rebels out to oust his despotic butt. Anyway the first anniversary of that blockade-run attempt (May 15, 2011) will see a confluence of openly atrocious events in the Middle East and in America. Four in particular need to be exposed right now: 
            #1 Code Pink, Ayers and Dorn again are uniting once again for a repeat of the blockade-running event on May 15, 2011.
            #2 As SEIU Union bigwig Stephen Lerner promised (it’s all on videotape at my Rajjpuut’s Folly blog site in a different blog): 
the assault on the American banking system he’s planned . . . and designed to deal the ultimate crippling blow to capitalism is scheduled for May 15, 2011.
            #3 A whole range of nasty union demonstrations are scheduled to coincide with . . . wait for it . . . May 15, 2011.   The Union movement has now gone global (Workers of the world unite!) and far more Marxist. Go to the websites of the AFL-CIO or SEIU and see all their propaganda about all the countries “standing with Wisconsin.” They believe that Capitalism is on the ropes and all they have to do now is keep attacking the free market system until they can land a haymaker . . . and move their twisted statist philosophies into the forefront.
            #4 A restoration of lost land in which Muslim Arabs on all sides of Israel are supposed to simply walk into the country and “reclaim their acreage” is also scheduled for, yep, you guessed it . . . May 15, 2011. Beware the Ides of May.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
** ACORN ran a very successful voter registration drive across Arkansas; unfortunately, those who signed up as Republicans never had their paperwork delivered to the voting authorities and that’s how young William Jefferson Clinton won the state governorship in 1978. He lost the post in 1980 during the Reagan landslide, but got elected the next twelve years before becoming our first ACORN president.
^^ Motor-Voter was called “a twelve-lane highway to voter fraud” by those who understood it.
## After Clinton’s Steroid-expansion of CRA ‘77 legislatively in 1998, ACORN found it much easier to put unqualified home loan recipients into $440,000 homes in 1999 than they could into $110,000 homes five or six years earlier. These folks were typically:
A.      Without jobs
B.     Lacking decent credit ratings
C.      Often without even a rental history
D.     Welfare recipients, and especially . . . .
E.      People whose only “income” was food stamps
F.      Even illegal aliens
Even though this blog involves a lot of reading, every educated American voter should know the full details here: 
$$ That means things like total control and oppression of women and the burkha requirement; and solely “mosque activities” of Shariah law be allowed and left alone as long as only Muslims are involved. In other words the U.S. Constitution would NOT apply to Muslims in the country.
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Greenspan, Bernanke
Meltdown Problems
The leaders of the United States Federal Reserve banking system have trotted out the enormous chutzpah required to actually sue the leading German bank for doing a tiny part of what our Federal Reserve allowed and even encouraged here in this country. Putting the matter into the simplest terms, the Fed would like Deutsche Bank to repay a few Billion dollars because they claim that the FED lost money when DB didn’t pay enough attention to whether people receiving home loans in Germany actually had jobs or not.
 We say “chutzpah” (what the British call “cheek”) in describing our Fed Banking because meanwhile, here in the United States the Fed completely ignored for over thirty years far worse banking practices which nearly brought about the complete collapse of the American financial system and that today threatens to give the country stagflation and eventually run-away inflation.  Fed Chief Alan “Don’t-you-dare-tie-me-to-the-meltdown” Greenspan even went so far as to lead the cheerleading for the tricky straw that broke the camel’s back: unregulated derivative investment. To be specific, the Federal Reserve under Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke has for years given a wink and a nod to and ignored the impact of . . . .
A)   The Jimmy Carter 1977 Community Reinvestment Act (CRA ’77) and five expansions of it (four by Clinton; one by Bush, Sr.) between 1992 and 1998 that created the sub-prime lending crisis by forcing banks and mortgage companies to knowingly make very ill-advised home loans.
B)   The activities of ACORN in browbeating and shaking down mortgage lenders and banks to accelerate the evils of CRA ’77 and the sub-prime lending crisis.
C)   The shift in mortgage banking from 1975 when one in every four hundred-four loans was “suspect” (administered at 3% down payment or less); to 1985 when one in every one hundred-ninety-six such loans was suspect; to 1995 when one in just seven loans was suspect; to 2005 when worse than one in three such loans (34%) was highly suspect, granted often without any down payment at all.
D) The final Clinton steroid version expansion of CRA legislation in 1998 which made it easier for ACORN to get unqualified loan-seekers into $450,000 homes in 1999 than it had been to get such people into $110,000 to $120,000 homes a decade earlier.
E)   The final ACORN assault on the nation’s home mortgage industry by abusing the CRA laws to get houses for people . . . .
1)     Without jobs
2)    Without good credit ratings
3)    Without rental histories
4)    With only food stamps to list as “income”
5)    Enrolled in other welfare programs
       6)    and even for Illegal aliens 
F. Fed Chief Alan Greenspan heartily approved the onslaught of derivative investments saying they “held the key to eliminating financial downturns in the future.” Of course, it was derivatives of lumped-together junk mortgages that proved to be the final nail in the financial melt-down coffin which collapsed so many large financial institutes . . . you’re a great man, Alan, a truly great man.
G.    Once retired from his post as Fed Chief, Greenspan worked as a special consultant to . . . wait for it . . . Deutsche Bank . . . that’s right . . . .
H.     In a speech in February, 2004, Greenspan suggested that more home-seekers should take out ARMs (Adjustable Rate Mortgages) after he’d deliberately held the nation’s interest rates artificially low for a decade . . . in effect, sabotaging the individual lenders almost as much as the CRA laws were sabotaging the nation
I.           According to Wikipedia,  in referring to the part Greenspan played in allowing the financial-meltdown, Matt Taibbi called Greenspan a vain "classic con man" and a undistinguished economist who, through political savvy, "flattered and bullshitted his way up the Matterhorn of American power and then, once he got to the top, feverishly jacked himself off to the attention of Wall Street for 20 consecutive years." Taibbi said Greenspan had "established himself as an infallible oracle, and a lot of it had to do with his ability to seduce key media figures, sometimes literally." Taibbi reported a Wall Street term called the "Greenspan put" which "meant that every time the banks blew up a speculative bubble, they could go back to the Fed and borrow money at zero or one or two percent, and then start the game all over", thereby making it "almost impossible" for the banks to lose money. The chapter Taibbi dedicated to Greenspan in his book Griftopia bore the title The Biggest A__hole in the Universe.
J.  Even now as the nation seeks to fight its way back to prosperity, present Fed Chief Ben Bernanke is inflating the currency and denying at every juncture that he’s doing so. The rising price of gas and food is 95% Bumbling Ben’s fault and only 5% due to other extraneous factors.
In fairness to Greenspan it must be said that for the first ten years of CRA ’77 legislation he was not the Fed Chief, Paul Volcker was. In fairness to Volcker, none-zero-nada-zip-not one of the five CRA ’77 expansions to come was law when Volcker was in office . . . and ACORN in those days was largely confined to Clinton’s Arkansas (It began life in 1977, as the “Arkansas Community Organizations for Reform Now”) so the percent of suspect loans in the entire country only doubled in the first decade vs. multiplying by 28-fold under Greenspan. Greenspan never once notified the nation of the immense danger from this cancerous assault upon the nation’s mortgage system or reminded progressive lawmakers of the harm they were doing. Ronald Reagan deserves huge censure for putting a man of such monumental incompetence into such a power seat.
Credit Default Swaps and other derivatives were praised on several occasions by Greenspan as valuable instruments that would make severe financial downturns impossible. In March, 1999, he said, “ . . . I am quite confident that market participants will continue to increase their reliance on derivatives to unbundle risks and thereby enhance the process of wealth creation.” In another speech he opined that “derivatives have increased the standard of living globally.” How could such an idiot get any job in the financial industry? Just about any asinine investment works in a wide-open bull market; the key to understanding dangers is to see what happens in a severe downturn when everybody wants to sell and get out all at once.
The ultimate Greenspan lunacy was uttered in 2004 when he summed up the value of derivatives for protecting the financial markets: “Not only have individual financial institutions become less vulnerable to shocks from underlying risk factors, but also the financial system as a whole has become more resilient.”
So now our FED has the ironic gall to criticize and bring suit against a German bank for a sin perhaps 1/10,000 the size of our own failings which brought the entire world to the brink of financial cataclysm. Good job, Bernanke, good job.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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“It really can’t be called ‘Islamophobia’ -- the terrorists really do want to kill us all.”                                     
"I would have preferred a lot less discussion out of the White House,”
             Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
“The Man Who Killed Usama Bin Laden”
Giving Away the Entire INTEL Farm?
Rajjpuut has been saying this for eight days now, former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld started saying it Sunday. It’s not a popular thought, but since it’s true it ought to be heard loud and clear . . . Barack Obama has adopted a very unprofessional, nay a very amateurish position with regard to the “treasure trove of intelligence” gathered from the Navy SEAL raid that killed Usama Bin Laden. Supposedly, this is the largest gathering of information ever made available to the U.S. intelligence community according to our loud-mouth National Security advisors . . . but even Senator John Kerry has said, "We need to shut up . . . “ in a statement while on the Face the Nation television program.
 IF Obama’s predecessor George W. Bush had sent in the SEALs on this successful raid, it’s highly likely that Bush would have acted far more discreet and professionally with the information. Mr. Obama does not believe we’re in a “War on Terror” and the simplest and wisest paths are therefore, seemingly beyond his ken, for example, the World War II dictum that “Loose lips sink ships.” Why was Barack Obama in such an all-fired hurry? Two reasons jump out at any intelligent observer: A) immediate political gain and B) a silly outreach to Muslims by showing them that Obama had been killed and now Obama would be buried in some semblance of Islamic respect. (Didn’t Mr. Obama once tell us that “terrorists are not Muslims” . . . if that’s true, why the rush to show that we’ll honor Bin Laden’s body like that of a practicing good Muslim?). Like Obama’s commandment to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), that one of his primary goals now was to reach out to the Islamic world** . . . Mr. Obama has certainly got his priorities on backwards again.
Mr. Poker-Face Barack is seemingly turning his cards up for all the world including our most deadly enemies to see and is abandoning even the most obvious sound advice from childhoold:  “That’s for me to know and you to find out . . .” Mr. Obama doesn’t seem to understand that great INTEL in the War on Terror (or should we call it “the War on man-caused disasters?”) is like being dealt two aces in Hold-em poker . . . something you don’t want your opponents to find out about or even suspect until it’s far too late.   And, by the way, Mr. Obama, the war is still going on and two aces don’t always win, and far too often lose . . . all in all for parts of nine days now we’ve seen the actions of a very naïve “leader” . . . and a very weird sort of Muslim^^ outreach.
ITEM: Under George W. Bush, we the American citizens probably still would not have found out that Usama Bin Laden was dead, and only about now, rumors would have started appearing on terrorist websites. The crucial eight or nine days of “surprise” might well have seen us successful capture and or kill several more terrorists in Bin Laden’s Al Qaeda network and even capture one or more other “treasure troves” of actionable information and other key INTEL.
ITEM:   In sick contrast, about as soon as President Obama knew for sure that Bin Laden was dead, he was already writing speeches and planning to reveal the facts to America. Aiming, it seems for short-term political gain at the cost of long-term advantage in the War on Terror.
ITEM: We’ve had more information released about this raid then about all the thousands of successful CIA activities since 9/11 put together. Our methods and our threat to the Al Qaeda network have been greatly compromised.
ITEM: Some in the Democratic Party and the liberal-leaning lamesteam-mainstream media have suggested that this success has made Barack Obama invincible in the 2012 re-election campaign by taking away his opponents’ claim that he’s soft-on-terrorism. Rajjpuut would remind you that one success does not win a war (a War on Terrorism; nor an election campaign) and that when looked at intelligently, all of this well-publicized bravado has done little but to give aid and comfort to our enemies. 
ITEM: One liberal pundit, Susan Estrich, said, “. . . the one thing that conservatives cannot rant and rave about is what has been their most predictable refrain since the Cold War: national security. Of all the things President Obama has done to conservatives in America, this may be the cruelest. He has taken away their national security argument.”
She continued, “Democrats are supposed to be ‘weak’ on foreign policy, the kind of people who love to talk about the UN instead of unilateral action; of diplomacy, not airpower; of bringing the troops home, not sending more to serve abroad. It is because Democrats are supposed to be (and, some would say, often are) so many of those things that they end up wandering around tank factories wearing silly hats. It is because they don't want to be called any of those things that the party would jump to nominate a candidate with military experience, even if he had more experience opposing military positions than serving in them.
Rajjpuut couldn’t disagree more . . . everything Obama has done, other than ordering the raid itself (which was highly commendable), has marked him as an abject amateur. He obviously doesn’t understand that intelligence is far stronger when your enemies have no idea what you know rather than when you’re boasting about it day after day. He’s been given the strongest hand ever offered to an American President against terrorism and it’s fair to say he’s busily p_ssing it away. Bill Clinton and  George Bush would never have fallen into this stupid behavior.
ITEM: Since Mr. Obama’s Justice Department under Eric Holder is now investigating CIA members (for torture) and since it has banned water-boarding and other enhanced interrogation techniques (tying the CIA’s hands) the United States faces the War on Terror (which will surely not end with Usama Bin Laden’s death) greatly disarmed.
ITEM: Even about now, after the Al Qaeda network was beginning to broadcast rumors or even the fact that a raid upon Pakistan had allowed America to kill the “great Usama,” no one would yet, or ever, be told that we’d capture large numbers of cell phone #s; laptops; and an “intelligence trove equal to a small college library.” People captured in further raids brought about with INTEL from the Usama prime raid would have already allowed a deeper spreading of chaos into the Al Qaeda network.
ITEM: Usama and his wives would have been transported to a safe-house and debriefing would have begun immediately. Osama Bin Laden would be alive in our custody and under waterboarding and other enhanced intelligence techniques and he would be adding to the treasure trove of intel.
ITEM: Mr. Obama, it’s really NOT ‘Islamophobia’ when the terrorists really do want to kill us all. Rajjpuut would have preferred not to have known that Bin Laden was dead and that we killed him until it was no longer beneficial to our troops and our CIA to hide that fact.  After, say, seven or eight more high level Al Qaeda operatives were captured or killed seems at a minimum a nice duration for “secret-keeping” before showing the picture of the dead Bin Laden and revealing that a raid took place and he was killed . . . but you, Mr. Obama, kept the secret for the half an hour necessary to get a speech written when you got to use the word “I” twenty-four separate times. There is no “I” in common sense, Sir.
ITEM: Since last week, administration officials have held a series of briefings to go over virtually all the details of the raid, review the decade-long investigation that led to it and to disclose some information about the evidence seized from the compound. The White House last week indicated it would stop providing details about the raid itself -- officials have since kept their comments mostly to the subject of the evidence being analyzed by the CIA.  How much of this should be given freely to Al Qaeda? ZERO-ZILCH-NADA . . . Rumsfeld said,   "The more information that goes out about intelligence, the greater the risks to our people and the less likelihood we're going to be able to capture and/or kill some of the people who would result from the intelligence take here," Rumsfeld told Face the Nation,  "I would have preferred a lot less discussion out of the White House,” Rumsfeld emphasized. AMEN. 
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
**Obama made it clear to the nation and it was further revealed when NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said in an interview with Al Jazeera, the Muslim newspaper, that his “foremost” mission as director of the space agency is to improve relations with the Muslim world. “(President Obama) wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science … and math and engineering,” This while cancelling several space missions and the successful shuttle program . . . great priorities, Mr. President!
^^ While ignoring to mention the Egyptian uprisings (during the last three weeks) aimed against that nation’s 10% Coptic Christian population, Mr. Obama let it be known that the “Holy Quran” had been consulted as far as the treatment of the terrorist’s body as a whole aircraft carrier’s crew stood in dress uniform at attention during a ceremony for Usama Bin Laden conducted in English and Arabian before his body was allowed to slip into the ocean. Mr. Obama, your sensibilities to Islam are very insensitive to me.
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           “ . . . it signaled Obama’s opinion that all jobs are not created equal . . .”      Rajjpuut            
          “ . . . we're going to build a constituency of people who believe in limited government, fiscal common sense and individual liberty."    Matt Kibbe 
Obama’s Heinous Favor
to Union Supporters;
NLRB Complaint
Outrage South Carolinians
When Barack Obama made his recess appointment of Craig Becker to the National Labor Relations Board in late March, 2010, many economists were shocked. Becker’s appointment,  in effect overriding a Senate Republican filibuster, was among the most appallingly partisan political IOUs ever paid and it openly signaled Obama’s opinion that all jobs are not created equal and only union jobs deserved legal protection. Becker, at the time a union lawyer with a particularly nasty resume, had repeatedly and unequivocally stated No worker should have any right to opt out of union representation.”
While work continues at Boeing’s new aircraft assembly site in North Charleston (in South Carolina, a “right-to-work-state”) President Obama set his dogs from the NLRB upon Boeing. The NLRB complaint is that Boeing is planning to build airplanes at a non-union plant in S.C. rather than at its home site in Seattle, Washington. In 2009, Boeing announced it would build some additional assembly lines at a new factory in North Charleston, South Carolina to aid in producing Boeing 787 airliners.  
The move was widely regarded as an economic measure for Boeing since Washington state laws support union-requirements that new workers must join a union to be eligible to work at a union site while South Carolina as a right-to-work-state . . . where each worker can decide individually if he wants to join a union or not . . . is less susceptible to high union pay demands. Of course, they were also naturally thinking of the crippling 2008 strike and the resulting brouhaha at Boeing’s Seattle factory by the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace workers. 
Boeing execs have long asserted that being “knocked offline” by union demands was adversely affecting the business. Clearly, the new factory scheduled to open this summer, makes sense in light of Boeing’s concerns but the union has filed a complaint against Boeing and the NLRB has taken up the complaint claiming that Boeing used “unfair labor practices.”
South Carolinians are up in arms, "This is nothing more than a political favor for the unions who are supporting President Obama's re-election campaign," said S.C. Republican Senator Jim DeMint. "Unfortunately, it comes at the expense of hundreds of jobs in South Carolina and thousands of jobs nationwide." DeMint argues if the complaint goes forward, right-to-work states will struggle to attract jobs and the pace of jobs leaving the country and heading overseas will become a torrent. 
“It will have a chilling effect on job growth in my state and in the country,” said DeMint. Boeing and DeMint point out that the company has added 2,000 jobs in Seattle since the South Carolina construction began. That, however, is no sop to the union demands: "Boeing's decision to build a 787 assembly line in South Carolina sent a message that Boeing workers would suffer financial harm for exercising their collective bargaining rights," IAM Vice President Rich Michalski said in a statement on the union's website.
S.C. Senator Lindsey Graham, another Republican added, "If successful, the NLRB complaint would allow unions to hold a virtual ‘veto' over all business decisions. Left to their own devices, the NLRB would routinely punish right-to-work states that value and promote their pro-business climates." Since the jobless rate is 8.9% and this week saw the largest jump in new claims for unemployment in several years . . . the president’s contradictory claims notwithstanding, we are not seeing a true “rebound,” or “economic recovery” at all -- and his NLRB is doing everything they can to make sure that our economy never does recover.
In any case, this week has given us a “treasure trove” of other Obama contradictions and outrageous proclamations . . . .
ITEM: in other “outrageous news,” the United Nations is now talking about taking the United States to the World Court for “war crimes” associated with taking down Usama Bin Laden, the world’s most notorious terrorist.
ITEM: After dithering for three days before deciding NOT to reveal the photos and videos proving that Usama actually was killed because, “. . . we don’t need to spike the ball, that’s not who we are,” Barack Obama . . . GASP! went ahead and spiked the ball by making a visit to “Ground Zero” in NYC -- his first visit there since the 2008 campaign. Invitations to former presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush to join in the victory lap photo op were declined.
ITEM:  Along with the atrocious recent NLRB actions against South Carolina and Boeing, Obama's administration is this week trying to force businesses bidding on federal government jobs to reveal political contributions . . . obviously this could have a chilling restraint on contributions to opposition parties and a positive effect for in-parties . . . an awfully bad idea.
ITEM: The contradictions just continue to mount up for Barack Obama. He allowed flag-draped coffins of fallen Americans this week to be published and of course, they wound all over the internet in the Muslim World. Meanwhile he won’t publish the death photos of Bin Laden.
ITEM: IF the Guantanamo site had been closed, the threads that led to discovering Usama’s location would not have existed. Obama has fought to close down that site for over seven years. He has also ordered his Justice Department to prosecute CIA (and other) interrogators who helped elicit the clues that finally tied together the whereabouts of Usama Bin Laden.
ITEM: Without the benefits and the threads provided by water-boarding and other EITs (enhanced interrogation techniques) evoking the eventual cooperation from the big three internees in Guantanamo, Usama’s location would still not be known. Mr. Obama has banned the CIA from using not only water-boarding but any EITs at all . . . thus handcuffing the nation’s intelligence-gatherers in the War on Terror. Mr. Obama has actually used the word “terror” recently and eschewed the phrase “man-caused disaster” that he originally preferred. In fact, to his supporters’ chagrin, Mr. Obama has almost totally come to adopt and even expand the “Terror War” exigency measures such as the Patriot Act, Guantanamo, and military courts which were first employed by George W. Bush.
ITEM: The Bin Laden death photos “would inflame the Muslim world” according to Mr. Obama who has banned release of that information. Mr. Obama has also told us that no real Muslim can be a terrorist (remember the great to-do that occurred when Bill O’Reilly visited the TV show “The View” and said “Muslims attacked us on 9/11”) then Obama's recently turned around 180 degrees and proved that the great Bin Laden actually was a Muslim who deserved full burial respect within 24 hours, including the proper ablutions, appropriate burial clothing and sacred words spoken above him. Some might complain that since Mr. Obama in 2009 released over 2,000 photos of Abu Ghraib prison abuses, it might be logical to permit one picture of Bin Laden’s corpse.
ITEM: Mr. Obama reaffirmed his loan of $2 Billion for deep sea oil drilling to Brazil saying, “We look forward to being your best customer,” meanwhile, this week his Department of the Interior has thrown new obstacles in front of land drilling; shallow-sea drilling; and, of course, deep-sea drilling anywhere in and around the United States proper . . . and this country has not built one single new oil refinery in the last 37 years because of congressional restraints . . . while the average price of a gallon of gas has reached $3.99 and the price of food has risen by 36%, Mr. Obama and Treasury Secretary Geithner and Federal Reserve chief Bernanke have denied any responsibility for rising prices and indeed denied that inflation was occurring at all . . . certainly there could be no connection between the Fed’s policies, oil-drilling bans and what we consumers face at the pump and the grocery store checkout counter according to them.
ITEM: Ward Churchill, of Colorado University infamy (he’s the fool who called the innocent victims of the 9/11 attacks “Little Eichmanns”) who was in Tucson, Arizona, with numerous Obama supporters of “social justice” got upset and threw a fit along with the other leftists present because a class advocating that Southwestern lands of the United States must be returned to Mexico was no longer a required class, but just an elective. 
The riot that ensued for the next three hours prevented a school board meeting from occurring. The syllabus of the class in question includes some real gems: “Thanksgiving was the first celebration of the beginning of genocide on the Native Tribes.”   Virtually everything taught in the class is seen only through the lens of supposed White racism and undoubted Marxism. “Capitalism is the oppressive economic belief that the rights of the wealthy are more important than the rights of the poorer working class,” etc., etc. ad nauseum. You can read the full curriculum at as well as seeing Ward Churchill’s mug in the videos. 
The group is calling for Obama’s and Eric Holder’s Justice Department to get involved and protect the students’ rights to hear this anti-American propaganda just as Justice got involved to protect a Muslim teacher’s right to be paid (and to pay for a substitute) during the weeks while she makes a “holy pilgrimage” trip to Mecca.   The teachers’ union, of course, backed her up 100%. One might expect that she could make her pilgrimage after retirement or during summer vacation (if she wasn’t so particular about being there for the Hadj (a.k.a. Hajj) pilgrimage dates) . . . but common sense is probably not appropriate here.
ITEM on the Periphery: Government Motors (a.k.a. GM) has produced a monumental advertising blunder equal to the worst in their history. The same people who decided a generation ago that the perfect GM car for Spanish, and South and Central American markets was their Chevy Nova (any wonder a car called the “Doesn’t Go” <No va>)  in Spanish doesn’t sell really well in lands where Spanish is spoken) have initiated a big ad campaign for the Chevy Camaro featuring an amorphous yellow manlike form. In 90% of the shots, however, the “head” of the yellow form is all that’s seen, and it looks remarkably akin to a certain sour yellow citrus fruit. Rajjpuut can’t speak for you, but he won’t be buying any LEMONS from GM anytime soon. A prediction: if GM and Chrysler ever actually do pay off their debt to the taxpayers who bailed them out, they will face bankruptcy again within ten years (which would be the third bailout for Chrysler: 1979, 2009 were the prior two).
ITEM of Curiosity: Since 1957 when Atlas Shrugged was first published, the three topmost enduring best-selling books year after year in the United States and Great Britain have been:
            #1 The Holy Bible
            #2 Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged (1957)
            #3 Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead (1943)
            It seems that even with those sterling results, improvement was still possible.   Since 2008’s election of Barack Obama to president, Atlas Shrugged has sold over a million copies which is the greatest sales that book has ever known in any similar time period. In 2009, 520,000 copies were sold worldwide. And, of course, Atlas Shrugged Part I has been surprising theater goers for the last three weeks and is now about to jump from limited circulation to 2,000 theaters this week. According to Freedom Works President Matt Kibbe, "In a lot of ways, that project reflects the ethos of the TEA (“Taxed Enough Already”) Party. You had Republicans and Democrats and Independents who feel rejected by the establishment joining the TEA Party, and the same process is going to happen with Atlas Shrugged: We're going to build a constituency of people who believe in limited government, fiscal common sense and individual liberty."
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,

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