Jim Mullen's Posts (15)

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The hate Trump coalition is a hate America cabal

The hate Trump coalition is a hate America cabal

By Jim Mullen

The sudden and generally unexpected defeat of Bill Clinton’s wife, dealt a staggering blow to the far left, and spawned a fringe-element coalition of anti-American extremists unrivaled in U.S. politics. Academia, Hollywood, and the New Socialist Democrat Party, united with the entire mainstream media to wage a vengeful, loathing campaign against anyone or anything American.

President Trump absorbs the brunt of the attacks.  However, the very mention of the Constitution, liberty, American culture, Christians, or law and order, brings unrelenting attacks on traditional Americans by the lowest form of political animals - racists, hate-filled lowlifes, and liberal bullies.  Primarily these American haters are Democrats overwhelmed with uncontrollable rage by Donald Trump’s stunning victory.

The New Democrat Party is not our father or grandfather’s party. It was hijacked by the most corrupt and despicable groups of communists, Marxists and progressive socialists.

Nine years ago, Americans were so eager to elect the first black president; they voted for the darling of the extreme left-wing of the Democrat Party. The fraudulent, and likewise, progressive, mainstream media merged with the Democrats, hoisted Barack Obama on their shoulders and carried him to the White House. The fact that this man spouted leftist gibberish straight from the evil mind of Karl Marx didn’t cool the ardor of talking heads, leftist academics, Hollywood, or the mainstream media. Being a black Marxist sent even more thrills up the legs of leftists.

Dictators know the simplest path to power is creating crises where none exist. Accomplishing this is as simple as separating the country into warring factions of rich against poor, dividing everyone by race, gender, religion and anything causing friction. Obama was an expert manipulator, unprincipled liar, and racist, which made him a skillful fomenter of unrest and hatred. 

Abruptly, Donald Trump, a successful entrepreneur and business mogul with no governmental experience or polish, became President of the United States. This rugged individualist wasn’t tied to a political machine, and was given a zero chance of success by political hacks, media morons, pointy-headed pundits, and both established political parties.

Marxists believe in filtering all businesses, citizen rights, financial institutions, academia, and the media, through an all-powerful government sieve. When we understand that, we can see why Obama was their Messiah. His entire eight years were devoted to fulfilling his idealistic dream of a perfect socialist society using a centralized government to destroy the country.

The President inherited a world with sixty-five million displaced people thanks to Obama’s policies. Democrats care more about illegal aliens, than they do about Americans. To maintain their plantations and ghettos, their power relies on people remaining wards of the government - and voting. President Trump stood strongly against open borders and advocated a southern boundary wall. Additionally, he sought radical changes to the policies of leftist Democrats wanting unlimited pathways into our nation.

Obama lowered unemployment by placing a record number of people on welfare, disability, food stamps, and minimum wage service sector jobs. He maintained an annual economic growth of one percent, and chained businesses and financial institutions to an avalanche of rules, regulations, and high taxes that deliberately stifled growth, increasing the size and power of government. 

President Donald Trump unleashed the power of capitalism with reduced taxes and fewer regulations, and brought money for investment back to the U.S. from foreign countries.  Creating jobs, spurring the stock market, and giving hope and renewed faith in our country are the results of his policies and expertise in economics. 

Leftists universally hate everything for which President Donald Trump stands. He is an entrepreneur, a freewheeling capitalist, an American-first patriot, a Christian, and Republican conservative. He talked straight to Middle America and aroused the nation’s patriots to stand against the eight years of Marxist policies by Barack Obama. Little wonder President Trump is so universally despised and ridiculed by Democrats, establishment Republicans, and other tyrants.

More than anything, the fringe elements of anti-Americans fear the real possibility that President Trump will successfully seize power from the clutches of leftists, and bring America back as the once bright beacon of prosperity and liberty. America didn’t become the greatest country in the world by espousing and adopting Marxism.

The daily barrage by the mainstream media of hit pieces on President Trump is relentless and brutal. Incredibly, they make it their mission to inflame, not to inform. Visceral hatred for anything traditionally American culminated in the bastardization of journalism, and the media plummeted into yellow journalism and “sliming.” 

Every ghetto in the nation is an ugly, open-sore reminder of what happens when people cede control over their lives to Democrats. Their infamous open-mindedness allowed all their common sense and moral decency to evaporate. 

Jim Mullen

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Illegal Immigration

Illegal Immigration

Jim Mullen

Assume someone broke into your home and your urgent call to the authorities was met with derision and disinterest. Imagine them telling you, that unless they were physically harming you, authorities had more pressing things to worry about since breaking into your home is only a misdemeanor. And besides, they are just poor people looking for a safe place to live. Furthermore, it’s the civilized, humanitarian thing for you to care for these people and tend to all their needs, and if you do not, you are a racist.  

Then envision the scenario of being told that you are also responsible for any and all of their family members wishing to live in your home.

Sound ludicrous? It happens every day in our country.

Our federal government has no greater constitutional responsibility, nor more important function than protecting our home borders. There is also no greater failure than the lack of performance of this duty. Hundreds of thousands of our troops guard borders around the world, while an epidemic of illegal immigration to our country goes unchecked.   

Republicans historically have stood against closing our borders to keep the cash pipeline open from businesses to coffers in exchange for cheap labor. Democrats, likewise, refuse all efforts to build a wall or support anything that stems the tide of illegal aliens in the party’s decades-long, successful effort to change the culture, political makeup, and ethnicity of America.

Both parties cry about separating families. American citizens did not separate these families; those coming here illegally separated their families, and reunification awaits their return home.

A country without secure borders cannot protect its citizens, and ceases to exist as a sovereign nation. Where lawlessness is accepted or excused, the lawless reign.  

Mexico demands we accept their low-skilled, uneducated workers, and we subserviently oblige. Money is sent to their families in Mexico, and since they pay little or no taxes, taxpayers subsidize them, and the unscrupulous businesses for which they work.

Additionally, the visa program is systemically broken. Those entering legally from around the world with a visa can simply disappear into a bureaucratic fog.  

Aside from the obvious issues of security; education, health care and social security systems are in deep financial difficulty due, in large part, to the vast invasion of our nation by foreign armies.  

It’s not enough they allow unlawful incursions; politicians warmly embrace hoards of people from terrorist nations who have proven in Europe and nationally to cause upheaval and unnecessary and preventable deaths of thousands of innocent people. 

Despite these unmitigated crises, Leftist politicians move to legalize tens of millions of illegals plus millions more that will claim familiar ties. Cries for “Comprehensive immigration legislation,” are codes for amnesty, legalization, and citizenship.  Amnesty always brings more illegal immigration.

President Trump is the first Presidential candidate to address the massive sieges of our borders; and was elected in large part to his stance on building a fence to end the onslaughts; including importation from terrorist countries.  

The federal government has given up on, and scores at the state and local levels are uncooperative in, enforcement of immigration laws.  Areas in the West and Southwest, and in metropolitan areas controlled by Democrats, are havens for lawless, drug-infested areas populated with illegal aliens.

Despite repeated cries to government about people breaking into our home, the silence says, ‘live with it.’ Furthermore, politicians demand that we assume responsibility for total support of the intruders by paying for their education, healthcare, and indulging them as if they belong in our homes. Our resistance is met with epithets of racist, xenophobe, or Islamophobe.

A steady stream of demagoguery spews from congress and the establishment bureaucrats. It’s time Americans demand that congress back President Trump’s call for the wall, and except under rare circumstances; immigration must be limited, and tailored toward the needs of our nation.

Anti-American ‘Globalists’ and ‘No-borders’ lunatics are powerful, well organized, and well funded; as is the New Socialist Democrat Party. These George Soros-like leftists are united in their quest to weaken America to the point of collapse. America must stand for strength, independence, and constitutional law. Allowing decades of lawlessness by our government is traitorous, and cannot be tolerated.      

Jim Mullen


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Obamacare: an American nightmare

Obamacare: An American nightmare

By Jim Mullen

Barack Obama, the New Democrat Party, and other progressive Marxists designed Obamacare as a series of income redistribution and social justice programs administered by an all-powerful federal government. It destroyed jobs and devastated the finest healthcare system anywhere in the world. Naturally, like all collectivist ideas, the entire scheme is collapsing faster than money can be printed to pay the bills. 

Government successfully placed federal bureaucrats between patients and their doctors. Doctors, clinics, and hospitals find it increasingly more difficult to provide good medical care, and many cease practicing medicine. Falling under heavy-handed functionaries, costs skyrocket, health care collapses, and government decides who lives and dies.  

Increasingly, doctors find themselves relegated to paper pushing for government bureaucrats, while nurses of varying skills attend patients. Actually seeing a doctor is becoming a rare occurrence, especially for physical exams. Personal or family physicians usually cannot attend to patients requiring hospitalization; rather “hospitalists” having no individual knowledge about a patient, assume the role of the primary-care physician. Likewise, patients have no knowledge or trust in the mandated hospital-assigned caretaker.

Doctors find it increasingly more difficult to survive with the substandard payments allowed by the government, thus, they must spend less time with, and see more patients to survive.

Finding a specialist is, likewise, increasingly more difficult, and at times requires extensive travel. Waiting times can now run into months, not weeks.    

Obamacare is the greatest medical crisis in this nation’s history. It is a classic study in failure of Marxism, and the pain and suffering people must endure when we allow leftists to implement their evil, collectivist schemes. Left unchecked, it will literally cost untold thousands of American lives.

When politicians can convince nearly half of America that they can provide full medical care for everyone, including illegal aliens and their unlimited families, at lower cost without reducing quality, it is solid evidence that years of indoctrination by the government has paid big dividends for tyrants.

The betrayal of Americans began with the big lie, “Affordable Health Care Act.”  It continued with Marxist Obama’s blatant, repeated lies, “If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your plan; if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.” To hear more of the dozens of lies from Barack Obama on Health Care, follow the links at the end of this article. After passage, architects of this atrocity admitted they had to lie repeatedly, or it would never have been enacted. 

Democrats revealed their pernicious contempt for the American people when they alone voted and passed this granddaddy of all Marxist coups on a nation crying no, no, no!

Obama and the Democrats lied with impunity and without remorse; now the Republicans in the house and senate exhibit their deceitful scheme of campaigning on a platform of Obamacare repeal and reject all opportunities to do so when they control congress and have an anti-Obamacare president in the white house.

Tyranny comes in many forms and from varied sources. However, when it comes from elected officials whom we place in congress to correct specific wrongs, it is indefensible. We expect the New Democrat Party to do what it does; their ideas are those espoused by Karl Marx. Republicans, conversely, are supposedly free-wheeling, capitalists, and dedicated to the principle of small government. Missing in this equation are inner-political maneuvering and establishment-Republicans’ vitriol towards President Donald Trump. These are hardcore, uncompromising Republicans more aligned to the Democrat Party than to conservative ideology. Maintaining the establishment’s power and demonizing President Trump are more important to these party traitors than the welfare of American citizens.

It’s now up to the voters to hold Republicans to their promises on Obamacare or target them for removal from their entrenched seats of power. 

Obama Lies 16 times in under 3 minutes on ObamaCare -          

More Obama lies on Obamacare https://video.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?fr=yhs-SGMedia-sgm_fb&hsimp=yhs-sgm_fb&hspart=SGMedia&p=obama%27s+lies+about+obama+care#id=4&vid=d17a3d7331496eaba4fb04d272a96320&action=click

Jim Mullen

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Acts by lunatics must never result in loss of liberty for free men

By Jim Mullen

Predictably, after the last appalling act by an evil lunatic on unarmed citizens, the corrupt media and leftwing politicians are ablaze with emotional fear mongering, anti-gun, anti-Second Amendment rhetoric designed to divert attention from the facts. ​

Every tragic shooting brings the radical left and their media vultures swooping in and circling, laying siege to the latest victims. They never miss an opportunity to gain an advantage by picking the bones of victims and furthering their cause for total disarmament of Americans. Liberals’ knee-jerk response is always to disarm the innocent and make Americans more vulnerable to lunatics.

The New Democrat Party’s inherent belief is that the Second Amendment - like the rest of the Constitution - is an outmoded, living, changing document subject to progressive-liberal interpretation and alteration. Essentially, they believe our foundation was built on shifting sand.

The Founding Fathers intended that government never infringe upon a citizen's natural right to self-defense by bearing arms. Having the ability to defend themselves against all enemies and predators - including their own government - was paramount, and their intentions were unmistakably clear in other writings and letters on the meaning of the Second Amendment.

The very liberals believing in disarming Americans are flooding our streets with scum-of-the-earth, lawless hoodlums and hardened criminals who make life in this country perilous at best, and in some places - nearly all controlled by Democrats - death-defying. If this doesn’t necessitate a populace of heavily armed citizens, what does? Keeping the people poor, uneducated, and unarmed form the foundation on which tyranny is built.

There are very good reasons why the wicked attack, rape, assault, and murder the defenseless. That’s where they find easy victims and encounter the least resistance. Liberal tactics only increase lawlessness by encouraging the criminal element and assuring them that malevolence will have no foe, and innocent people will have no refuge. 

Regardless of what they write, or what they say, liberals do NOT want a debate on guns; they want a monologue! They never win any debate on merits or on facts. They use diffusion, emotions, lies, hyperbole, ridicule, and scorn. Their “commonsense, reasonable solutions” will dissolve American gun rights. The media repeat the same anti-constitutional arguments tirelessly while dismissing Second Amendment rights as antiquated and then threatening gun owners with violence, imprisonment, fines, punishing taxes, and weapon confiscation.

The anti-gun zealots try to make the case for disarming Americans with the ludicrous claim that it’s the job of police to carry guns and defend the people, making private ownership unnecessary. Thousands of Americans and tens of millions of people around the world are dead because they bought into this nonsense. Most of the mental giants ascribing to this theory are wealthy enough to afford armed guards for their own protection, or politicians protected by armed guards at taxpayers’ expense.

We must fight these people at every turn. Every small inroad erodes our constitutionally protected rights to bear arms. This process played out in countries around the world, and they found themselves unarmed and defenseless - cowering in their own homes.

The anti-constitutionalists argue that guns in the hands of law-abiding Americans make the country less safe. To the idiots who believe this, let them place signs in their yards announcing their home is undefended by firearms.

Disarming this nation is the goal of most in the new Democrat Party. It has been the goal of the leftwing for decades, and they have admitted it cannot be accomplished all at once. One law, one regulation, and one court ruling at a time will finally shred the most important of our Bill of Rights. Without the Second Amendment, no other constitutional right is secure.

Armchair liberalism works perfectly in the theoretical, immature, progressive mind. They sit safely at their computers or behind their camera lens spewing hatred toward gun owners, but when reality comes knocking at their door with the slightest threat, they reach for the checkbook and hire armed men to protect their sorry butts. Witness the reaction of the (Westchester, N.Y.) Journal News. They’re the brave souls that published and mapped the names and addresses of local citizens who hold legal gun permits, and when they began receiving angry responses, it was a bonanza for groups of armed guards.

Pity, we all can’t afford to hire personal protectors. Perhaps left-wingers will allow us tax deductions for the purchase of our personal security in the form of Smith & Wesson, Colt, or North American Arms.

Peddling fear is the mother’s milk of liberalism. Without promoting fear, liberal-progressives would vanish into rancid, billows of smoke. We must not allow them to reap the fruits of their hatred and fear. The despicable acts of madmen must never result in loss of liberty for free men.

Jim Mullen

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The Conspiracy to Destroy Donald Trump

Fascists and all their lowly comrades, marching under the flag of anti-fascists, abhor this country and everything for which it stands and every free concept on which it was founded.

Leftists blather uncontrollably about hate speech, President Trump, the alt-right, racism, and white people, while enthusiastically embracing lawlessness. Tyrants used the same anarchy for centuries to overthrow free governments and create dictatorships.

Mainstream media, Hollywood, and all local outlets, replay leftwing lunacy on a continuous loop. Attacks on America, President Trump, white people, Christians, and all those believing in the American spirit, consist of talking points and outlandish lies. Their classic drumbeat is that any disagreement with leftist, Marxist tenets is hate speech.

President Trump is the interminable obsession of the corrupt, mainstream media. The Associated Press and New York Times lead the print media with anti-Trump propaganda in nearly every article and Op-Ed. From there it’s picked up by outlets around the globe and repeated as truth. It’s abundantly clear that practically all the MSM are out to destroy Donald Trump and his presidency. Talking head derangement has reached the point where one must question their sanity when engaged in unmistakable delusion.

All public demonstrations by conservative groups invite physical attack, and then vilification by the media. The left classifies as hate speech any demonstrations for free speech by conservatives. This is another effort by totalitarians to squelch debate and free speech.

From where do all these leftist groups come?

Most owe their existence to the continuous hatching of parasitic larvae formulated in government education and academic laboratories. Over ninety percent of college and university instructors and administrators are liberal and devote extraordinary resources toward indoctrinating young people into their leftist orthodoxy. From these corrupt, bureaucratic beginnings, modern Marxists are born.

Others are leftovers from the corrupt and racist presidency of Marxist Barack Obama. They are of the same community organizing, socialist ilk, and hold the identical racist and vitriolic, views about and against America’s founders.  

What unites all leftists is the shocking, surprise victory of Donald Trump over Bill Clinton’s wife in the presidential election. President Trump is doing what he promised; eliminating Obama’s so-called legacy items of presidential orders and decrees. The entire left and much of the Republican Party establishment congregated into a “Hate Trump” coalition. They fear the worst from Donald Trump; that he will do exactly what he promised.

Successfully creating upheaval requires creating wedge issues, crises, and most of all, divisions between races, classes, genders, religions, and anything they can rub together to create friction. None of these abrasive policies can co-exist with personal and economic freedom; therefore, they attack both.

All leftwing groups are collections of vultures and parasites of every species united to destroy our free-market, capitalistic system, and the liberty that defines America. Redistribution of income and wealth are hallmarks of socialism and all other authoritarian governments.

Despite the tragic and deadly results from any leftwing government, the laser focus of all leftist lunacy we see today is primarily to enact a Marxist, Communist government in America. Every phrase, talking point, slogan, and action we hear in the restless streets, read on signs, or watch on television, are duplications of the Maoists, and Communists as they endeavored to crush reigning governments around the globe.

The lawless marauders in America’s streets are strikingly reminiscent of Europe’s Nazi Brownshirts or Storm Troopers, and the Communist useful idiots of Stalin. They operated by overwhelming meetings and brutally attacking any gatherings of opposition political groups; public, or private.      

Multiple cries for diversity, and fairness is left-wing speak for “division.”  Success for them means isolating, and marginalizing their foes. These villainous techniques, most recently taught by Saul Alinsky and Barack Obama, were hand-me-downs from generation to generation by the vilest of men.

Liberal-progressives’ control public education, the media, Hollywood, and academia, thus they hold sway over nearly everything that influences young people and much of the public. Additionally, deep-state bureaucrat extremists control much of government and public institutions.

Moronic speech Nazis attack anyone voicing unapproved words or ideas. Incredibly, using ‘inappropriate’ pronouns is hate speech, as is noting or noticing differences between the sexes. Inconceivably, a person’s gender, is no longer important in showers, locker rooms, and restrooms; even for schoolchildren. Educators tell children to accept this outrage, and they label adults as bigots for standing against this abomination of decency. 

Progressives squeal like wounded animals when they perceive racism everywhere in their long, torturous trek of turning over all of life’s little rocks. They also know when they scream loudly enough; Americans will not exercise their rights as freely if they fear reprisals from tyrannical groups or the media. Equally, it allows them to set what they perceive as a narrative of moral superiority and gain some position of control and advantage. 

It's time Americans drew an unmistakable defensive line.  A line that defines decency, defends constitutional liberties, and protects our culture and religion. Moreover, it must promote American exceptionalism, and outline a vibrant path forward for liberty in this great Republic.  

This line must clearly define the terms of America’s path to victory; this far and no further!


Jim Mullen



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The real legacy of Barack Hussein Obama, Part II

The Real legacy of Barack Hussein Obama, Part II

By Jim Mullen

  • In true Marxist form, Obama pitted one group of Americans against another to create friction and produce strife
  • Weakened the Military to the lowest, softest point since before WWII; Purged the Pentagon and intelligence agencies of all conservatives, replacing them with leftist ideologues and sycophants 
  • Muslim Apologist, enabler and sympathizer who refused to recognize, verbalize, or condemn the butchery many Muslims execute in the name of Allah; Romanticized Islam at every turn; freed five of the world’s most dangerous Islamic terrorists in exchange for Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl; Released nearly all of the world’s most dangerous Islamic terrorists from Guantanamo 
  • After the soft-soaping of Islamic terrorists, he released government reports identifying groups of Americans who oppose Obama as “potential terrorists.” Among those were veterans returning from war, and anyone revering individual liberty or constitutional authority   
  • Unparalleled corruption at every level in his administration: Gun running; IRS targeting any organization advocating freedom; EPA; and the Justice Department; Eric Holder and Loretta E. Lynch led Obama’s war on America. Both are corrupt, arrogant, and viciously efficient at orchestrating Obama’s vindictive crusades  
  • Obama leaves a government exponentially larger and more repressive; He collected a frightening amount of personal data on Americans, and worked tirelessly toward stifling dissent
  • Deepened the fraud of global warming, a swindle of redistribution of Americans’ wealth; Tried to make the insane argument that global warming is more dangerous than terrorism; floated the idea of criminal prosecution of deniers
  • Enacted regulations and taxes that killed millions of jobs by driving companies and businesses into bankruptcy or out of the country
  • Repeatedly summoned Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Black Lives Matter, and other blatantly racist groups and individuals to the White House, while demonizing Tea Party constitutionalists  
  • Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” acolyte; He believed it, taught it, lived it, and successfully ruled by it; He had no tactical skills and ruled using his Marxist ideology; He was a master confidence man and superb actor
  • National debt soared to $20 trillion, nearly doubled under his rule
  • Gave nearly one trillion dollars stimulus money meant for infrastructure, to unions as a payoff for their support
  • Labor participation rate 62%, lowest since 1978; nearly 100 million out of the labor force; only president not to have a single year with 3 percent GDP growth; Americans below the poverty line, up 3.5 percent; real median household income, down 2.3 percent; food Stamps up over 40% - 11 million more; home ownership, down 5.6 percent - lowest since 1965; Worst economic recovery since 1940s; 43 million living in poverty; cost of regulations $873 billion;  
  • Energy policy: Nothing more than a terror campaign against American use of fossil fuels, and a failed campaign for green energy that cost billions of taxpayer dollars that achieved nothing
  • Globalist: Wants America to cede our sovereignty, national identity, and liberty to become united as one with a world government
  • Created a new class of professional victims with no moral core; When elected, he beckoned all the nation’s crazies. They crawled from the leftwing loony bins like cockroaches from woodwork, thinking the election gave them a mandate for pursuing every conceivable loopy and anti-American cause. Now they are afraid Trump will succeed in ‘Making America Great Again,” driving them back into the woodwork
  • His policies allowed scores of Islamic terrorist attacks on our homeland which the Commander-in-Chief refused to acknowledge or properly label
  • The thousands of presidential decrees (executive orders) he decreed will explode like time bombs over the years, causing more Marxist damage and suffering
  • During Obama’s Presidency Democrats Lost More Than 1,030 Seats In State Legislatures, Governor’s Mansions and Congress - worst since 1922
  • 25 million people pushed out of the middle class
  • Obama killed the American dream for tens of millions of people and left inner cities with crime-filled, violent, drug gangs, and hopelessly dependent upon government; 140 cops killed in 2016 because of his policies
  •  Introduced his social experiments into the military, weakening our fighting forces and placing our personnel in harm’s way
  • Obama never controlled world events with decisive, aggressive policies. Events controlled him because of his feckless, naïve schemes and idealistic advisors
  • Tried to pass off his arrogant, condescending attitude as dignity
  • Meddled in Israeli election by using taxpayer’s money and the State Dept in an effort to defeat his hated rival Benjamin Netanyahu for Israeli prime minister
  • Allow hackers from Russia, China, Iraq, and Iran to access American businesses and government to continue unabated for eight years. Not even the theft of personal data from millions of Americans fazed him until Bill’s wife blew an election that would have continued his policies. Then, and only then, did he display outrage

Americans find themselves surrounded by thugs, gangsters, and terrorists. Institutions of higher learning are filled with crybaby, uneducated, indoctrinated young people who are being taught by the worst elements of sixties’ radicals.

History repeatedly beats us over the head with hard lessons that we should learn easily. The world should indelibly emblazon the memory  and legacy of Barack Obama by being grateful for those surviving his slash and burn foreign policy, and by grieving for the dead and enslaved in which his policies culminated.

It was always about the “show” for Obama. He was invariably on stage - as exemplified throughout his most-welcomed farewell address. He was duplicitous, immature, and petulant, but thoroughly adept at sending a thrill up the collective legs of the Mainstream Media, and his adoring posse. In his speech, he reenacted some earlier episodes of producing a tear on cue. As the camera closed in, he daintily dabbed the corner of his eye for a classic Obama, ham-it-up dramatic effect. He complained incessantly about people attacking him, and accepted no blame for his eight years of monumental failures at leading a free nation.  Infesting our nation with Marxism and bringing America down to size to satiate his Father’s hatred of the U. S. and the Western World, were his goals. He still fails to understand why so many Americans would not just shut up and do as he commanded.

For the future of this nation, if history records even a scintilla of justice or fairness, Obama’s real legacy will hang as heavily around his neck as the yoke of tyranny he placed around the necks of the American people and the rest of the world.

Obama never met the truth; if he did, he did not stay around long enough to make friends. In the end, his epitaph should encapsulate his entire mortal life; “Here lies the truth; it must be in him because it never came out.”

As a U. S. President, Obama made a good community organizer. For freedom-loving Americans, one word correctly describes Barack Obama’s legacy; TREASONOUS!

Jim Mullen

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The real legacy of Barack Hussein Obama, Part I

Arrogance personified

The real legacy of Barack Hussein Obama

By Jim Mullen

Upon entering the White House, Barack Obama had control of three major indoctrination sources (main-stream media, entertainment industry, and an altogether corrupt, failing educational system) that gave him the primary colors needed to paint over any Norman Rockwell portrait of Americana. Using his broad, idealistic, Marxist brush, he painted his depictions and visions of a collective Utopia. He depended upon his subservient sources to cultivate electorate ignorance, and his own brazen lies to implement his policies.

After eight years of doing everything in his power to destroy our constitutional Republic, the end is here. Fearing that Donald Trump will undo his undoing of our nation, he cries, whines, and wails about preserving his legacy. The MSM provides him the format to rebuke Americans for their obvious misunderstanding of his magnificence; he feels we still don’t get it. Consequently, he plunges into ever-increasing depths of depression, and frequent panic attacks over losing his legacy.

Below we outline a few of the “accomplishments” for which his Excellency should be known. From day one, they encompass his REAL legacy:

  • Demonstrating his utter contempt for the country that elected him, he immediately began a contrition tour around the globe apologizing for America’s sins. Throughout his reign of power, he dismissed and demeaned our friends and allies, while making nice with his Islamic terrorist friends who are the world’s latest killing machines. Never in history, has a U.S. President actively worked to “bring America down” at home and in the eyes of the world
  • Routinely lectured white Americans on their inherent racism  
  • As a harbinger of his inherited bitterness from his Father, he removed a bust of Winston Churchill from the Oval Office and returned it to England
  • Promptly ordered voucher program for school choice terminated for poor children in D.C., and then worked to do likewise, for the entire country; Doubled down on federal control of education by increasing money to states in exchange for unconditional power and indoctrination of America’s young people
  • He immediately declared war on traditional Americans, their culture, values, religion, laws, and the Constitution; His presidency was one long endeavor of using his Marxist-packed bureaucracies as weapons for destruction.
  • Wasted no time in laying his leftwing, extremist groundwork by surrounding himself with the who’s who of Communists, Marxists, and left-wingers for the most radical administration in U.S. history; Appointed numerous socialists and communists to important positions within his administration; Just a few: Self-avowed communist, Van Jones; former commissioner of Socialist International, Carol Browner; Anti-capitalist and redistributionist of wealth radical, John Holdren; former officer of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, Hilda Solis; and Mao Zedong lover, Anita Dunn


He set these ideological, fascist goons on everything held dear by followers of the Constitution, and implemented his revolutionist philosophy of “fundamentally changing America”

  • Oversaw and led the ‘raping of America’ with his radical, collectivist, Obamacare healthcare plan, where Americans go broke standing in line to die. The program had nothing to do with health care, and everything to do with centralized government controlling the masses, and redistribution of income and wealth; both are Marxist necessities
  • Personally exhorted unlimited millions of legal and illegal aliens into our country, causing catastrophic upheavals on education and healthcare services; Raised taxes on nearly all Americans; Encouraged and abetted sanctuary cities; Refused to incarcerate illegal aliens, including convicted violent felons; Imported tens of thousands of unvetted Muslims from war-torn countries, and then scattered them strategically around the U.S.; Our Republic will suffer for these out-right, traitorous crimes for generations   
  • Proved beyond any shadow of a doubt that he was a blatant racist by spending over twenty years associating with his self-described “friend and mentor,” the racist, anti-American, Jeremiah Wright; Despite twice being elected by this country, he ranted incessantly about racist Americans, racist police departments, and racist state governments; Repeatedly fostered street violence, including against police, by characterizing them as racist; He viciously attacked, discredited, and illegitimized the founders
  • Under the false flag of social justice, he dumped massive numbers of violent felons into society, and then fined businesses and local governments for not hiring them as well as illegal aliens
  • Fought against all voter ID laws, allowing felons, illegal aliens, and other ineligible  people to vote; Worked with leftist state officials to relax or eliminate entirely, all laws on registering and voting
  • Set the world ablaze with his incompetence and naiveté, personally causing the world’s refugee crisis; Most of his foreign policy involved building up Muslim nations like Iran to counteract what he deemed an evil country; Israel.  He gave the radical, Muslim nation of  Iran open access to develop nuclear weapons, and then added the additional bonus of paying them over 150 billion dollars; Nearly every hotspot around the globe can be laid directly on Obama’s policies  
  • Executive orders that saddled businesses, religious groups, energy companies, financial institutions, etc., with stifling regulations and overwhelming taxes; Set massive, powerful agencies like the IRS and EPA upon people and organizations stripping power and resources from freedom-loving groups and individuals; All are, again, Marxist necessities
  • Executive orders to state and local education to integrate restrooms, locker rooms, and showers to all sexes; Meaning, of course, forcing your children to shower with other sexes
  • His solution to the unemployment problem was turning much of the middle class into a welfare class; Removed work requirements for welfare passed by Bill Clinton and the Republicans, and then relaxed requirements for disability; Added tens of thousands of militant, government bureaucrats to better control resistant Americans; Reduced manufacturing and tech employment, while increasing low-paying service positions; Left millions of people trapped in Obama’s web of government dependency  
  • Dictatorial governments know people must be kept poor, ignorant, and defenseless; Obama sent his bureaucratic agents to control the income, wealth, and education of the government’s “subjects;” Equally, they set out to disarm the masses, and make worshiping government the religion of the land
  • Kept blacks, Hispanics, and poor whites on the Democrat plantations located largely in inner cities; commonly known as ghettos; Obama preached social justice while he and Democrat politicians enslaved them; Furthermore, to foment racial unrest and blame white Republicans for their fate, Obama made sure these people remained drugged, uneducated and indoctrinated, as did slave masters of old
  • Named hundreds of far-left federal judges and two to the Supreme Court. The push to the left will be evident for generations 
  • Demeaned free enterprise and capitalism as evil, and promoted government as being there for everyone; The idea was getting as many businesses, useful idiots, and parasites hooked on government as possible; In the last fifty years, the federal government constructed the entire education system around the premise of indoctrination and dependency; Obama doubled down on this concept of rewarding failure
  • Complained, taught, and believed the Constitution was a “charter of negative liberties” that restrained him from completing his Marxist transformation;  Denied the existence of American exceptionalism
  • “Fundamental change” to this Karl Marx follower meant destroying everything resembling an America that made us the most unique and successful free society experiment in history 
  • Labeled people believing in our founding principles as racists, homophobes, xenophobes, and extremists outside the “mainstream”
  • Used political correctness, multiculturalism, oppressive censorship, gun control, social justice, ruling like a monarch with almost daily edicts, and government bureaucrats to attack, quiet and quell resistance to Obama’s “pen and phone” tyranny and enforce his unconstitutional mandates
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Liberals due for a reality check; they lost

By Jim Mullen

Watching a child covering both ears, teeth clinched and eyes tightly closed, repeatedly screaming, “I can’t hear you” over something they find objectionable; like an adult forcing them to face truth and reality, is somewhat amusing and sometimes “cute.”

Watching and hearing adults exhibiting this child-like, petulant behavior, however, is bizarre. A significant segment of the Democrat Party, academia, and the mainstream media ignore the obviousness of the recent presidential election. These infantile ignoramuses, who, despite the overwhelming victory by Donald Trump, insist Bill’s wife, won the election.

These pitiful pundits and pretenders imagine they are of superior intellect, blessed with God-like insightfulness, and that they are endowed with the divine right to rule over the sweaty, unknowing masses. They fancy themselves far above such trivial matters of or resembling reality and truth. These trifles just hold them down and inhibit their ascension to the high moral ground and self-important smugness.  

Leftists live, write, and speak employing preprogrammed liberal talking points (aka preconceived lies) sprinkled with bountiful fairy dust fantasies. Depths of thought and introspection are sorely absent. These thoroughly indoctrinated, idealistic, pipe dreamers living in their own fantasy world will not change reality regardless of how hard they try, invectives they hurl, or how loudly they scream.

Twisted logic, bullying, and misrepresenting facts (AKA) lying, will not liberate anyone from truth and the real world. Recognizing the world as it is will purge those talking points from those overly programmed minds.  

Come on all ye left-wingers - may I suggest you put on your ruby slippers, click your heels together three times, and say, “there’s no place like reality,” and maybe you’ll be transported - or should I say, transformed and liberated.

Ah, yes. The starkness of the world can be stone cold sobering, but accepting it can allow you to live at peace with the truth. You behave like spoiled brats with your incoherent wailing. You’re so used to getting your way you pout and insist the world change to fit your warped version of existence.

As you begin your long journey back to earth from your aerie home in La-La Land, remember; set your unsteady feet squarely in the Republic of the United States of America, and consider the following:

 Our nation is not a direct democracy, but rather a constitutional representative democracy - otherwise referred to as a republic.  We elect representatives to vote for president, and we elect senators and congressional representatives to represent us in Congress. Each state is represented individually in presidential elections; therefore, nationwide voting totals for president are irrelevant. Since each state is apportioned delegates according to their population, this system works well and prevents sizeable population centers like California, New York, and a few other states from overwhelming smaller states and repeatedly selecting the American President. As a result, contenders for president must campaign and interact with voters across the nation, rather than campaigning full-time in large states.

Ignorance of these facts says volumes about the deplorable failures of the government, the media, and especially the corrupt education system with which our nation has been cursed for decades. There was a time when eighth-grade civics taught Americans more about their government and how it works than graduate students in college know today.

Now, for all those back into the realm of reality, get the ludicrous idea that Russia hacked the presidential election, allowing Trump to win, completely out of your mind. Clinton’s soon-to-be campaign manager, John Podesta, fell for an obvious phishing sting and revealed his email password to scammers. His emails provided grist for every political mill in the world. They gave a repulsive insight into the Clinton campaign and exposed corruption, media collusion, racism, anti-Semitism, and seamy discourse between staffers. Clinton’s own staff directed the unflattering, glaring light upon the incompetence and corruption of Mrs. Bill Clinton. No one disputed anything in this tell-all, soap opera- scenario of Podesta emails; in other words, the inconvenient, bare bone's truth, well known by the media was, at last, unmasked and confirmed.  

Our country hacks nations - friends, and foes alike, all over the globe. Likewise, they hack us. In the eight years of Obama’s corrupt regime, our nation was hacked by Russia, China, Iran, Korea, and dozens of other countries. However, nothing even ruffled a feather in Obama’s defensive quiver; until Clinton fumbled at the goal line and lost, what he thought was a sure-win election.  In spite of the theft of millions of federal workers’ personal information, nothing moved him to launch a diplomatic or punitive arrow toward the Chinese perpetrators. In the end, no experts believe Russia hacked our election. Likewise, no experts believe that revelations of these emails or unmasking the truth, led to Clinton’s loss. Americans simply wanted change from the Marxist policies of Barack Obama on which she campaigned. Additionally, she had one qualification for president; she married Bill Clinton.   

Continual histrionics of carping and whining that Bill’s wife won the election is delusional, and smacks of desperation. To be perfectly clear, let’s paraphrase from that infamous, narcissistic, hero-god of liberalism - Barack Obama. Elections have consequences; we won; you lost. Let that penetrate the closed-minded little neurotic worlds of all you liberal ideologues. In the real world, you don’t get to change or make up rules after an election, like you carry out in your progressive dreams.  Allow the inevitable to sink in - Donald J. Trump is President of the United States!

Jim Mullen


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Donald Trump awakens Johnny Freedom; leads freedom-lovers to victory

Jim Mullen

Eight years ago, Americans were so eager to elect a black president; they voted for a darling of left-wing extremists, Barack Obama. The corrupt, and likewise, leftist, main-stream media joined Democrats in hoisting Marxist Barack Obama upon their shoulders, carrying him to the White House.

This Marxist ideologue immediately declared war on traditional Americans, their culture, religion, laws, and the Constitution. His eight years of torturous tyrannical rule were agonizing for all freedom-loving Americans. Constitutionalists suffered through it all hoping and praying that at the end of the nightmare a miracle candidate would emerge.  We were desperate for someone from beyond the binding chains of political chicanery that could stop the hemorrhaging of liberty and resurrect a long-sleeping giant.

Hillary Clinton, a not-so-bright, female political hack and clone of Barack Obama, was chosen by the left-wing lunatics to succeed the worst President in U.S. history.  She pledged to preserve his legacy of Marxist tyranny, and continue his war on America; particularly white Christians. This totally corrupt and despicable woman claimed and exhibited only one qualification for President; marrying Bill Clinton.

Since the Ronald Reagan era, Republican politicians’ empty promises fell on disinterested conservative ears. They promised anything to get elected, and then fell into bed with the Washington establishment; never heard from again until the next election. Conservatives remained in a stupor for decades, realizing not one presidential candidate in either party did anything to propel them toward extraordinary action or allegiance.

This forgotten segment of society, benumbed by decades of main-stream media’ and politicians’ lies and promises, retreated into a quiet, introspective acceptance of the status quo.

Then, a clarion call came from a man who spoke in clear, straightforward, and uncompromising terms. Political correctness was a foreign concept to this man, as was multiculturalism, niceties, and made-up rules of politicians and the media. Supporters loved that he gave no quarter to the anti-American forces in America’s leftist political barrenness. When attacked, he retaliated mercilessly and relentlessly. 

Donald Trump was a successful entrepreneur and business mogul with no political or government policy experience.  Predictably, polish was something on his shoes, not in his oratory. He wasn’t tied to a political machine, and given a zero chance of success by political hacks, media morons, pointy-headed pundits, and the established political parties.

This Republican spoke plainly to disenfranchised Democrats, Republicans, independents, and first-time participants in the political process. He dove headlong into a political campaign using an unorthodox course of action never before witnessed in our nation.

Naturally, sparks ensued and the left exploded in a rage; as did the established Republicans. However, the quiet, forgotten Americans answered the call to patriots and erupted into a freedom-frenzy. They rose up, stood in massive lines, and suffered continuous derision and abuse to hear Donald Trump say the words they all craved; but feared they would never hear again. Similarly, countless numbers of those living on the Democrat plantations, and hard-working union members took heed and joined in this movement for the ages. 

Ignoring mounting, withering attacks, this unconventional, innovator voiced conservative ideas and values, and countermanded the extreme Marxist, anti-American views of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the New Socialist Democrat Party. He spoke of America-first in all dealings with foreign nations, and pounded repeatedly the simple, realistic idea that without secure borders, we will never have security or a country.

Second Amendment supporter, Donald Trump spoke to the hated gun owners, the Christians, the marginalized, and the despised set-asides from Obama’s leftist America. One-by-one he invalidated every policy, ideology, and tyrannical dictate from the destructive Democrats, and the go-along to-get along, mainstream Republicans.

It was a revolution set squarely against the destructive, Obama Marxist revolution.

Businessman Trump also knew that allowing a racehorse economy to again run freely, we must unhitch Obama’s heavy government wagon of regulations and taxes from businesses and corporations. Private sector jobs flourish only when market freedom exists. 

From the coal mines and the hills of West Virginia, Kentucky, and Pennsylvania, they came. From small towns and rural countryside of Americana, from the Great Plains, rustbelt states, and the Gulf Coast, long-suffering voters sprang to life when long-dormant Johnny Freedom (the American spirit) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbyF0Rxw1U0  awakened to end the long siege by Barack Obama and his tyrannical bureaucrats.

Johnny Freedom rose to lead these new patriots toward the inspiring words and welcomed ideas of a man sounding the “cry of freedom from tyranny.” These modern patriots rattled the establishment, perplexed the media, and sent a blood-curdling, paralyzing sense of loss to academia, and the powder-puff liberals. Donald Trump won the election!

The prancing, stomping, and parading mobs rampaging through the streets of the nation and the halls of academia embody the ill educated, misinformed, immature, and lawless rabble that clings like barnacles to the sinking ship of Marxism.  

As seen by the wailing, hysterical lunatics on the left, they would not survive without conservatives to protect them from themselves and ordinary life. Perhaps it’s time for the law of natural selection to decide their fate.

Meanwhile, will Obama, Clinton, and the liberal establishment grieve themselves into a pile of worthless, progressive dreams as their legacy vanishes as quickly as an Obama promise?

Congratulations and welcome President-elect, Donald Trump! Godspeed!

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Donald Trump awakens Johnny Freedom; leads freedom-lovers to victory

Jim Mullen

Eight years ago, Americans were so eager to elect a black president; they voted for a darling of left-wing extremists, Barack Obama. The corrupt, and likewise, leftist, main-stream media joined Democrats in hoisting Marxist Barack Obama upon their shoulders, carrying him to the White House.

This Marxist ideologue immediately declared war on traditional Americans, their culture, religion, laws, and the Constitution. His eight years of torturous tyrannical rule were agonizing for all freedom-loving Americans. Constitutionalists suffered through it all hoping and praying that at the end of the nightmare a miracle candidate would emerge.  We were desperate for someone from beyond the binding chains of political chicanery that could stop the hemorrhaging of liberty and resurrect a long-sleeping giant.

Hillary Clinton, a not-so-bright, female political hack and clone of Barack Obama, was chosen by the left-wing lunatics to succeed the worst President in U.S. history.  She pledged to preserve his legacy of Marxist tyranny, and continue his war on America; particularly white Christians. This totally corrupt and despicable woman claimed and exhibited only one qualification for President; marrying Bill Clinton.

Since the Ronald Reagan era, Republican politicians’ empty promises fell on disinterested conservative ears. They promised anything to get elected, and then fell into bed with the Washington establishment; never heard from again until the next election. Conservatives remained in a stupor for decades, realizing not one presidential candidate in either party did anything to propel them toward extraordinary action or allegiance.

This forgotten segment of society, benumbed by decades of main-stream media’ and politicians’ lies and promises, retreated into a quiet, introspective acceptance of the status quo.

Then, a clarion call came from a man who spoke in clear, straightforward, and uncompromising terms. Political correctness was a foreign concept to this man, as was multiculturalism, niceties, and made-up rules of politicians and the media. Supporters loved that he gave no quarter to the anti-American forces in America’s leftist political barrenness. When attacked, he retaliated mercilessly and relentlessly. 

Donald Trump was a successful entrepreneur and business mogul with no political or government policy experience.  Predictably, polish was something on his shoes, not in his oratory. He wasn’t tied to a political machine, and given a zero chance of success by political hacks, media morons, pointy-headed pundits, and the established political parties.

This Republican spoke plainly to disenfranchised Democrats, Republicans, independents, and first-time participants in the political process. He dove headlong into a political campaign using an unorthodox course of action never before witnessed in our nation.

Naturally, sparks ensued and the left exploded in a rage; as did the established Republicans. However, the quiet, forgotten Americans answered the call to patriots and erupted into a freedom-frenzy. They rose up, stood in massive lines, and suffered continuous derision and abuse to hear Donald Trump say the words they all craved; but feared they would never hear again. Similarly, countless numbers of those living on the Democrat plantations, and hard-working union members took heed and joined in this movement for the ages. 

Ignoring mounting, withering attacks, this unconventional, innovator voiced conservative ideas and values, and countermanded the extreme Marxist, anti-American views of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the New Socialist Democrat Party. He spoke of America-first in all dealings with foreign nations, and pounded repeatedly the simple, realistic idea that without secure borders, we will never have security or a country.

Second Amendment supporter, Donald Trump spoke to the hated gun owners, the Christians, the marginalized, and the despised set-asides from Obama’s leftist America. One-by-one he invalidated every policy, ideology, and tyrannical dictate from the destructive Democrats, and the go-along to-get along, mainstream Republicans.

It was a revolution set squarely against the destructive, Obama Marxist revolution.

Businessman Trump also knew that allowing a racehorse economy to again run freely, we must unhitch Obama’s heavy government wagon of regulations and taxes from businesses and corporations. Private sector jobs flourish only when market freedom exists. 

From the coal mines and the hills of West Virginia, Kentucky, and Pennsylvania, they came. From small towns and rural countryside of Americana, from the Great Plains, rustbelt states, and the Gulf Coast, long-suffering voters sprang to life when long-dormant Johnny Freedom (the American spirit) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbyF0Rxw1U0  awakened to end the long siege by Barack Obama and his tyrannical bureaucrats.

Johnny Freedom rose to lead these new patriots toward the inspiring words and welcomed ideas of a man sounding the “cry of freedom from tyranny.” These modern patriots rattled the establishment, perplexed the media, and sent a blood-curdling, paralyzing sense of loss to academia, and the powder-puff liberals. Donald Trump won the election!

The prancing, stomping, and parading mobs rampaging through the streets of the nation and the halls of academia embody the ill educated, misinformed, immature, and lawless rabble that clings like barnacles to the sinking ship of Marxism.  

As seen by the wailing, hysterical lunatics on the left, they would not survive without conservatives to protect them from themselves and ordinary life. Perhaps it’s time for the law of natural selection to decide their fate.

Meanwhile, will Obama, Clinton, and the liberal establishment grieve themselves into a pile of worthless, progressive dreams as their legacy vanishes as quickly as an Obama promise?

Congratulations and welcome President-elect, Donald Trump! Godspeed!

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Hillary’s Qualification - Marrying Bill Clinton

By Jim Mullen

Another Hollywood-produced, Democrat convention is history. Directed superbly by the main-stream media, this fiasco of smoke and mirrors left a nightmarish image to haunt Americans through the November election.

Useful idiots, parasites, Marxist/communists, pathological liars, anti-police and military delegations represented the grievance wing of society.  Joined by haters, anarchists, thieves, anti-Semites, and every variety of lowlife racists in American society, they presented a perfect cross-section of this New Leftist Party.

As their propaganda unfolded, a few things were immediately apparent:

  • The connecting thread tying the convention to the typical parasitic, modern Democrat was a brutal anti-American, anti-Constitution theme.
  • The Democrat Party contains more criminals than our prisons and jails! The truly terrifying fact is, Obama and his leftist comrades are emptying prisons and flooding states with un-vetted Muslims from terrorist nations.  As a result, the Democrat Party grows at an astronomical rate directly proportional to the number of aliens, and their welfare benefits. Europe made the same politically correct, deadly decisions, and they’re being repaid with death, destruction, loss of sovereignty, and demise of European culture.
  • The primary goal of the Democrat Party is, as always, keeping blacks and poor whites on the Democrat plantations and reservations. Their entire scheme is a conspiracy calculated to keep these people voting for their masters to maintain power, in exchange for paltry welfare benefits. Keeping the masses poor and uneducated is the foundation upon which all tyrannical governments build.
  • Open border and immigration policies by Democrats, and burgeoning welfare rolls they create are designed to enlarge the party and control an even larger segment of America. These are the largest segments of society to whom the Democrats direct their big-government largesse. Granting them the right to vote is paramount in leftists’ plans to wrest control of the government for generations to come.
  • One of the standout issues of note was witnessing the tragic consequences of our corrupt, failed educational system led by Democrats and abetted by Republicans. From pre-K through graduate school, young people are taught capitalism is evil and government is their savior. Marxist philosophy runs rampantly through academia, and like all leftist ideas they use it to indoctrinate, not educate, America’s youth. Just a cursory glance at the product turned out by these ideologues demonstrating in the streets and in the convention hall should lead Americans to shriek in horror. Keep in mind, they demonstrated for more government control, more welfare, higher taxes, and less liberty!
  • Not even the Communist Party Politburo of the Soviet Union contained a larger assemblage of Communists and Marxists than this gathering of Democrats.
  • The most shocking item from this historically racist party was the purely anti-American theme. The entire tone and substance featured and promoted freedom bashing, chaos on the streets, violence against police, open border fanaticism, and American flag burning. Marxism thrives on anarchy; in fact, it cannot gain traction without lawlessness. Nearly every dictatorship in history became entrenched by creating anarchy and promising order by eradicating freedom ruling with brutal force. We must understand; this is exactly the goal of Obama, Clinton, and all their comrades. Chaos and violence now define the Democrats.
  • Representations and exhibitions of pathological liars plying their trade were unparalleled. Pretense, fabrications, deceptions, and outright lies streamed from the lying post through the poisonous atmosphere like rocket-propelled fireworks. Appropriately, the grand finale of falsehoods launched by the queen bee of the Marxist hive, Hillary Clinton, reached a crescendo of fire and brimstone lies.  The evening culminated with this unqualified and dishonest seeker of the United States presidency, spewing thunderous communist propaganda that slashed through the rented crowd and echoed off the massive Cleveland arena’s rafters. She closed out the appropriate rhetorical theme from Obama’s oration of lies.
  • Not one speaker touched the edge of sensibility or reality. Conversely, words of wavy, feel-good, Marxist dreams and talking points put believers in a Shangri-La trance. Predictably, the parasitic-lemmings swooned at the idea of unearned rewards for a promise of meager financial security, paid for by overtaxed, working Americans.
  • Most of these self-absorbed, useful idiots at the convention follow the radical leftists’ feel-good ideology.  In reality, they follow it so closely, they never learned to think or reason successfully. Blind allegiance to a destructive ideology, and government propaganda left them ignorant of Americans’ opportunities. As a consequence, they fell for Karl Marx’s fatal vision and empty promises. It’s doubtful there’s ever been a larger group of government-indoctrinated misfits gathered into one place to abet the destruction of our constitutional Republic.

Marxist/socialism is all about an omni-powerful centralized government controlling commerce, manufacturing, financial institutions, and every aspect of every American’s life. In other words; a dictatorship!

They use punishingly high taxation and crushing regulations handed down and enforced by bureaucratic fiats with tyrannical power. These powers are the weapons and instruments to destroy. Communism and Marxism/socialism differ only in the means of government enforcement. Communists use the gun; Marxism and socialism use the club of financial ruin and threat of prison. Naturally, If all else fails, they resort to guns.

Obama crowed, “We’re not done perfecting our union.” He means they’re not done transforming the US into the perfect Communist/Socialist state! Hillary is determined to continue Obama’s work. Successful implementation of totalitarian government requires extinguishing any spark of hope, and cooling all embers of liberty. Hillary has her mandate!

All of this foofaraw is lost on a woman whose only qualification for President was having married a man who became the President of the United States. How is this inspiring for young American women who strive for excellence and self- determination based solely on their efforts, not whom they married? The message resonates from one of the most corrupt and vile politicians in America’s long history. She portrays an image of exactly what she is, an incompetent, totally unprincipled woman using only marital power to gain her position.

Additionally, Hillary Clinton is eminently unqualified for every job which she aspired to and attained. She has underperformed at everything she attempted, is a notorious, pathological liar, a cheat, and is abusive to those around her. She habitually lies about events to which there is video evidence to countermand her assertions; like landing under sniper fire in Bosnia. There is no possible scenario when this woman should ever be believed or trusted.

Bill and Hillary demonstrated their legendary, disreputable character in a classic manner during their original staining of the White House. Main-stream media reports surfaced revealing they absconded with items from the peoples’ house valued at tens of thousands of dollars!

The entire fate of our nation is in peril as Democrats swamp us with illegal aliens, felons from prisons, questionable Muslims from terrorist countries, and pounding Marxism into every segment of American government and society; including the educational system.  

We elected one unqualified, community organizing, racist President simply because he was black. He has nearly destroyed this nation, and set the world ablaze. Are we now to elect another unqualified, pathologically lying, incompetent President simply because she is a woman?

If Hillary Clinton wins this election, it’s highly unlikely our Republic will survive. The inmates will truly be running the asylum!

Jim Mullen 



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By Jim Mullen

"The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that's good" -- George Washington

The anti-Second Amendment Marxist, Barack Obama, relies upon attacks by terrorists or crazed lunatics to bring cries for bigger, more powerful government to protect us. It’s the same incessant cry always heard from tyrants; give up more freedom in exchange for a promise of security. Every leftist in the country follows Obama’s lead and shamefully exploits tragic events by madmen and terrorists. Consequently, to further their political agendas they do what they do best; attack lawful American gun owners and innocent people by grandstanding and self-aggrandizing.

They use manipulative hyperbole, and emotional rhetoric to push for legislation that has proven repeatedly not only ineffective, but fatally destructive. Like vultures, these zealots immediately circle every despicable shooting by an outlaw, insane person, or terrorist, and use the tragedy and suffering of others to gain an upper hand in implementing their anti-gun tyranny.

These organized attacks are not just on firearms; they are indeed, personal attacks on every American’s freedom who dares defend themselves, their families, and their homes.

It’s obvious to even the densest anti-gun fanatic, that criminals ignore ALL gun-control laws. Therefore, it’s evident that the quest for additional limits on guns remains focused on disarming law-abiding citizens. The facts are irrefutable; restrictive gun legislation disarms or makes criminals of lawful Americans. In other words, gun control only restrains law-abiding Americans! Control of the people is the ultimate aim of all big governments.

Criminals rely on tyrannical government to disarm the public, thus allowing thugs and gangs unrestricted domination of our streets, neighborhoods, and cities. U.S. cities with the strictest gun laws have the highest crime and murder rates. Witness the Democrat-controlled cities of Chicago, Washington, DC, Detroit, Baltimore, and on, and on.

Americans must face reality; it’s apparent that over the last several years, the New Socialist Democrat Party is a mortal enemy of gun owners and the Second Amendment. It’s equally clear that further legislation amounts to placing a bull’s eye on the backs of innocent Americans gathered in gun-free zones, as well as those cowering in fear in their undefended homes.

None of the proposed laws by the fanatical left will reduce gun violence or murder rates in this country. However, under one plan, purchasing or selling a gun from a neighbor, friend, or relative, we would pay for a background check and hope for approval and blessing from the federal government. These extended background checks are another back door, roundabout attempt at registration that allows the government to know who owns guns, what type they are, and where to find them.

Not a word emanates from the mouths of Obama, or any Marxist about the real causes of crime and murder rates in this country. Most violence comes directly from inaction and misguided programs by federal, state, and local governments.

The free exercise of American rights under the Second Amendment does not cause violence.

Here are just a few of the shortcomings, incompetence, and corrupt bureaucracies of government that do result in lawless, senseless mayhem and murder:

• Failure of the liberal courts and the justice system in general to PUNISH criminals
• Failure to build more jails and prisons
• Early release and catch-and-release of criminals; including violent felons, and illegal aliens
• Plea-bargaining and reductions of sentences
• Left-wing lawmakers, state and federal, who consistently and shamefully twist, manipulate, and distort, every societal issue to bestow the victimhood label on criminals, not on real victims; innocent citizens
• Failure to address illegal aliens pouring over our border with drugs, guns, and human cargo
• Overcrowding of prisons, then release of illegals and felons to reduce the overflow
• A corrupt government-controlled educational system that, especially in the inner cities, fails to give young people even a rudimentary education and then dumps them on the streets without sufficient skills to compete in the world
• Gun-free zones that leave unarmed groups of people at the mercy of thugs or armed terrorists

For decades, few talked about long guns of any kind, rather the national discussion was on handguns. Then came the ban on scores of long guns, and Bush let the ban expire because evidence revealed the nation was no safer and there was no increase in mass killings after ten years. To leftists, firearms represent everything that’s evil. The unvarnished truth is that they believe the very existence of the Second Amendment is malevolent.

Concealed permits are under constant attack. By declaring gun-free zones and limiting where one can legally carry a weapon, tyrants hope to make it so restrictive as to make concealed permits worthless. With one such limit, only the most naïve, ignorant, and convoluted of liberal minds could imagine and implement a system of declaring schools as “gun-free zones” to prevent shootings.

Some notable quotes from Obama, the anti self-defense President, should tell everyone where the leftist-in-chief stands:

• “I am consistently on record and will continue on record as opposing concealed carry.”
• “I believe in keeping guns out of our inner cities.”
• “It’s a scandal that Bush didn’t renew the ‘assault weapon' ban.”
• “If you need 19 rounds to shoot a deer, you probably shouldn’t be hunting.”

Here are some notable votes by Obama:

• Voted to uphold civil actions and lawsuits against gun manufacturers, distributors, dealers, and importers of guns and ammunition.
• Voted to ban hundreds of common rifles and shotguns.
• Voted to uphold local gun bans in Illinois.
• Voted to uphold prosecution of people using guns in self-defense.

Obama and his Marxist cult know they cannot ban all gun rights at once any more than a boa can instantly kill and devour its prey. They do it slowly, one contraction at a time. It’s one more reason they must destroy our Constitution.

Little-by-little, one step at a time, Obama, and his ilk formulate their “reasonable rules.” Dictates which are, in reality, slow narrowing and constriction designed to squeeze the life from our Second Amendment and devour our guns.

Knowing what Obama said publicly, what’s in his writings, and knowing the history of the anti-gun radicals, does anyone believe them when they say, “Nobody is coming after your guns?” Disarming America is not a solution or answer for violence; rather it is one of the principal determining factors for the violence raging through the streets of this country. An unarmed nation is a nation on its knees, and that is exactly where the leftist tyrants want Americans.

The free exercise of American rights under the Second Amendment does not cause or exacerbate violence; It provides the same protection from evil-doers and dictatorial government envisioned by our Founders!

For one to see the tragic results of liberal politics and gun control that disarms lawful people, one needs to look at cities and states controlled by the New Democrat Socialist Party. Here, despots ban guns outright or restrict them as to make their right to own guns and defend themselves, a cruel joke. These areas throughout the country are microcosms of what liberals want for the rest of the country.

When liberal-progressive government is in control of peoples’ lives, they must keep citizens, disarmed, poor, uneducated, indoctrinated, and dependent. Take a stand against our government, the media, and the entertainment industry. Under no circumstances, allow them to cast their tyrannical, liberal, spell over this great land. Your personal safety is in YOUR hands; trust it to no one else!

Jim Mullen

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Global warming; biggest scam in history

Global warming; biggest scam in history

By Jim Mullen

American children are under an all-out blitz by the corrupt, government-run educational system.  It’s a continuation of an effort to indoctrinate young people at every age to a nonexistent calamity. Aside from the usual liberal ideologies with which they pollute impressionable, immature minds, the granddaddy of government-made crises; the fraudulent scheme of climate change, continues unabated.

From preschool to grad school, they teach children gloom and doom for the world if we don’t stop everything we’re doing in modern society and revert to Spartan-like amenities. Terrorizing young people is chief among the loony left’s modes of operation. As Saul Alinsky instructs; there are no rules, do anything to win! All forms of dictatorships cement their foundation of tyranny by indoctrinating the young.

To date, Obamacare was the grand-prize winner for the greatest con job in American history. Climate change, however, is the largest scam in the history of man. Its diabolical simplicity is genius, and the dedication to the plan by the evil left, is deserving of admiration. This cunning extortion would make the great con artists of the world envious of such brilliance.

It began with the perceived crisis of global cooling. In the 1970s, university grants by government were common to “prove” the theory of global. Of course, when money flows in to prove something, and dries up when they don’t, researchers and scientists can prove amazing things. And with the help of infamously inaccurate computer models and carefully preened and pruned data from around the world, mixed with free money, that became the accepted theory of many in government and science.

Later, we all know the crisis became global warming. It wasn’t just global warming, but MAN-MADE global warming. With eager help from bureaucrats and academic scientists, dollar signs dancing in their heads, they once again began feeding carefully preened and pruned data into computers. Being paid with mostly government grants that depended upon proving the government’s preconceived points, they concluded the earth is heating up at an alarming rate. The computer models announced to the world, ‘we were in a crisis mode.’ What a surprise!

Notice the use of the word crisis. It’s said that crisis is the rallying cry of the tyrant. Remember Obama’s Marxist sidekick, Rahm Emanuel’s declaration, “Never let a good crisis go to waste?”

Other groups of researchers pointed out that there was little change in temperature for over a decade, and in fact, numerous scientists noticed a decrease. That caught the attention of the great con-artists, and they summoned all those enormous brains for a Mensa meeting. Predictably, like the conniving, thieving, scammers they are, their little cabal came up with an ingenious plan.

“Let’s call it climate change,” they squealed! We can’t go wrong with that. The earth has heated and cooled for billions of years, and hundreds of reasons. If the temperature goes up or down, we win. What would they win, you might ask? Well, we must understand that this whole con-job is about power and money. It’s about redistribution of the world’s wealth.

It’s simple. Americans have much of the money and Obama and the rest of the Marxists in the world want it. They’re willing to do anything to extract it from the rightful owners. Remember Alinsky’s rules.

Imposing crippling carbon taxes on Americans is the payoff to the leftwing revolutionaries. Redistributionists like Obama and the rest of his comrades betray our country, and are willing to collapse America’s economy and deprive more people of work. Implementing their plan would set us back decades while the rest of the world lives high on our money.

Carbon taxes use complicated formulae completely undecipherable by mere mortal men. Nearly everything upon which we live and otherwise depend involves using carbon. It begins, but does not end with utilities, and as Obama admitted, will send electric prices skyrocketing. Likewise, manufacturing and business will necessarily raise prices. Job losses will continue, and more people will join those trapped and confined on the federal government’s welfare plantation, where they are more easily controlled.

It’s a known fact - even if the theory of global warming is factual, and even if it is man-made, and even if we bite the bullet and sacrifice our country for the cause, it wouldn’t make a scintilla of difference in global temperature. China, India and developing countries around the world are building thousands of coal and gas-fired power facilities and will dwarf any carbon emissions we might reduce. Their participation is voluntary!  

Charging large carbon taxes to Americans for energy use, takes our money, and then the thieves divvy it up between the Al Gores’ and dictators around the world. Climate scammers tell any lie, grease any palm, and use any and all branches and bureaucracies of government in this country and around the world to further their cause.

We can compare this government fiasco to the Affordable Healthcare Act.

Obamacare was never intended to give Americans better healthcare; it was designed by Obama and the New Democrat Socialist Party to redistribute the wealth and income of the American people. Not to mention, the secondary bonus was a massive power-grab by the federal government and its designated bureaucratic enforcers. The Democrats knew full well, it would cost lives and cause needless suffering and financial hardship on most of American society.

Remember the deliberate, shameful lies Obama put forth while he intently looked us in the eyes and repeated, for months, about Obamacare? It was one of the first, and climate change is the last step of the fundamental transformation in Obama’s vision of America. Obamacare and climate change exemplify rogue government gone stark-raving mad.

Con artists are so desperate to sell the swindle that the Justice Department is considering ripping up the Constitution and charging climate-change deniers, with racketeering and corruption under the RICO Law. This type of intimidation amplifies the calls to end debate. Obama defiantly cries, “Settled science!” He also assured us we could keep our health-care plan, and hundreds of other bald-faced lies. His latest whopper is that climate change is the principal threat to America. Obama’s treasonous policies are the biggest threats to this country.

Threats will silence voices if Americans do not stand up to the Gestapo terror tactics of the Marxist forces high-stepping across our country. The war Obama is waging against Americans via the EPA over the last seven years, pales in comparison to the all-out government blitzkrieg against America in the great climate-change shakedown. Like all shakedowns, there is only a whiff of truth to support the scam. Don’t let that hint of perfume override the horrendous stench of corruption, greed, special interest power, and government run amuck.

It’s us against the despots, and they are a powerful coalition of the worlds’ most powerful and notorious liars; including Barack Obama. 




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By Jim Mullen

The American electoral process, especially on the federal level, has always been something less than genteel. From the earliest days of our founding, political office seekers attacked each other unmercifully, and acted more like unruly, spiteful children than educated, brilliant men who had just formulated the greatest concept in government ever conceived by man.

Likewise, the news media of the day, newspapers and periodic magazines, chose sides and muckraked politicians and disparaged their families. They used their newborn constitutional freedom to guarantee only the fiercest, thick-skinned individuals survived the ordeal.

In this year’s Democrat primaries, voters are not flocking to the polls as they did in the last two presidential elections. The voters who are voting are split because Hillary Clinton is not radical enough or redistributionist enough. The far-left, after seven years of encouragement by Obama, feels they have a mandate to go for the full Monty, flat-out communism.

Hillary Clinton and her Marxist supporters are deathly afraid Barack Obama’s absence from the ticket will mean blacks will fail to make extraordinary efforts to vote in the fall election. They equally fear that women will get the “I’ve had it up to here” blues and avoid the polls.

What this means is, they must go after the black, and women vote with a vengeance. The country must be ready for an all-out assault on Middle America. Every value and principle, on which this Republic was founded, will be laid low by these two deeply flawed, radical Marxists and their lemming-like supporters.

The Communist indoctrination Sanders and Clinton supporters received in the classrooms of schools and American colleges and universities, will compel them to demonize evil capitalism and demand total control by the federal government. These useful idiots have no concept of the real world or what the country would be under a system they so mindlessly crave and pursue with such zeal.

It’s an understatement to say the left doesn’t play nicely with the truth. Indeed, the two are at war. Leftists use every weapon at their disposal to kill the truth. Marxism depends upon lies, misinformation, indoctrination, intimidation, and finally violence on its path to tyranny.

 “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”  - Joseph Goebbels

From now until Election Day, Goebbel's indoctrination philosophy will be prominent on the national political stage by the party of racism; the Democrat Party. Because they are the party of racism, they incessantly call others racist to deflect from their own history.

For example, they have a history of Jim Crow, the Klan, segregation, Woodrow Wilson, and Hillary Clinton’s favorite, one of the most wicked, immoral racists in history, Margaret Sanger. Founder of Planned Parenthood, she advocated the extermination of blacks, the poor, and any people with infirmities.

They frantically run from their sordid past, but cannot hide when faced with the truth. They rewrite history books, but cannot change history. For years, the Democrat Party has fashioned a public image of working to help the poor and middle class while hiding the reality that it targets the vulnerable.

Liberal progressives tell any lie, use every dirty trick known to man, and then utilize street riots, and civil disobedience to viciously defend their lies. Mischief and mayhem will be standard fare on every left-wing menu until the November election.

They will, of course, be led and abetted by the uber-liberal Main Stream-Media and Hollywood. Using their own version of justifying the unjustifiable, and defending the indefensible, they will shamelessly divide the nation by race, gender, religion, class, and any other possibilities of creating friction.

Being historically racist, the Democrat Party must persist in repeating the big lie that Democrats are the ones that help blacks. What they have done successfully, with help from some liberal Republicans, is placing millions on the Democrat welfare plantation where their policies lay waste to millions of lives. Drug and crime infested ghettos fed by a culture of dependency and a corrupt education system, capture and securely hold generation after generation. By keeping them uneducated, poor, and dependent, Democrats wall off minorities and poor whites keeping them enslaved on government-run plantations and reservations.

The New Socialist Democrat Party has several automatic reset buttons when facts and events connive to reveal the truth about their past. When this happens, their blatant, illusions and lies stand starkly against clear, blue reality. That’s when they desperately reach for the buttons of racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, class warfare, and religious division. Liberals use the fear of being called these names to chill speech. Let the epithets begin!

Truth will never fill the gullet of congenital or ideological liars. Likewise, it falls much too harshly on delicate liberal ears. Therefore, liberals result to pretense, lies, and pettifoggery combined with street riots, physicality, and thuggery to control thought and speech. Angry mobs shouting down truth don’t change the truth. Neither do the media, Hollywood, and Marxist ideologues’ change truth when they attempt to indoctrinate the masses. However, they use extraordinary means to bury it beneath an avalanche of fascist nonsense. 

From now until November, our streets and airways will exhibit the anti-American left fire every fraudulent, deceitful bullet from their big guns. Likewise, we will be regaled with every nonsensical, irrational notion dribbling from the little minds of the useful idiots.

In the next seven months, Democrats must convince minorities and women that Republicans hate them, while making everybody forget the sordid history Democrats have with blacks. Not to mention, Clinton and all the leftists must lie about the Marxist policies that keep most women and minorities poor and under the heel of government. As extraordinarily twisted as it sounds, Hillary and Company must repeatedly convince those on the plantations and those struggling low-income earners that they are lucky to have such caring Marxists on their side.

Yes, that’s correct. Hillary needs the votes of those she helped put on the plantations, so she can continue the policies to keep them there.

Turn on your truth meter, brace yourself, and hold on tight! With Clinton and Obama electioneering, your meter and your head just might explode.

Jim Mullen




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By Jim Mullen


If one had to use one word to describe the entire Obama administration it would be anarchy; a word by which fascists live.

Much of traditional America recoils in horror at the utter chaos and devastation befalling this nation in the last seven years. We are fast becoming a country cowering in fear of an uncontrollable, oppressive government.

How did this happen? It makes no sense to people that leftists like Obama crave the exact opposite of a free, traditional, Constitutionalist America. We rationalize that these radicals are ignorant and mistakenly chose this dangerous path of governance.

However, once we comprehend that they are deliberately following their Socialist/Marxist scheme; their actions make perfect sense.

Nearly all wannabe dictators derive their treacherous, tyrannical philosophy from the Manifesto of the Communist Party, the 1848 pamphlet by German Philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.

As you read Obama’s agenda below, remember his pledge to “…fundamentally transform the United States of America.”  This was his Marxist pledge and a calculated and deliberate takedown of America.

Barack Obama, a devout and leftist-trained, slick-talking revolutionary makes it clear that he despises this country and everything for which it stands.

Obama’s Muslim father hated the entire Western World, and Obama had more than a few Communistic influences in his youth. When watching and listening to this President, it’s good to bear in mind that Communists, Marxists, Muslims, and radical leftists, dominate his ideology and poison his judgment. American Nazis of the thirties preached incessantly that to rule this country; they must first destroy the Constitution. Our Commander-in-Chief follows that doctrine - he stretches, bends, and violates nearly every element of the Constitution and whimsically repudiates established laws as minor inconveniences.

Understanding the background, goals, and motives of Barack Obama, his minions, and his New Democrat Socialist Party is essential if we hope to glean an understanding of why they relentlessly lay siege to our American way of life.

Obama’s and the left’s Marxist agenda and blueprint:

  • Use the power of bureaucratic politician-created offices and departments to target, isolate, and then destroy any citizen or group of citizens resisting government bondage. Obama uses all the numerous bureaucracies to lay siege on Americans. The IRS, Education, Justice, Labor, Homeland Security, Interior, and Energy, are just a few of the departmental weapons he uses to attack and terrorize citizens.
  • Expand illegal Executive power to grow central authority and subject the masses to his whims and dictates.
  • Redistribute income and wealth. Obamacare was the epitome of a Marxist scheme not only reallocating peoples’ money, but in controlling who lives and who dies; the ultimate power.  
  • Maneuver the United States deeper into the United Nations and cede our national identity. We surrender our Constitution, security, culture, religion, and liberty to the New World Order.
  • Employ anti-business economic policies designed to restrict people from employment and snare them in a massive web of dependency. These schemes work well reducing the once-powerful middle class into a new malleable voting block of welfare class.
  • Relax rules and qualifications that allow more people to qualify for disability. Government reliance skyrocketed under this administration. Creates more dependency.
  • Eliminate Charter Schools, home schooling, and all private education programs for easier indoctrination and grooming of children into total acceptance of federal power.
  • The second fatality of this administration was the Welfare to Work legislation enacted during the Clinton presidency. Obama wanted no restrictions on welfare. He guaranteed the welfare class would remain on the Democrat Socialist Party’s federal government plantation.
  • Continue hammering the ‘Big Lie of Climate Change.’ This shameful scam is an effort by Obama-leftists to impose their dream of world-wide American income and wealth redistribution and global governance. The plot is a massive tax hike on the American people.
  • Bestow citizenship to every person in the country.
  • Maintain our open border policy and crowd our country with legal and illegal aliens, Islamic immigrants from countries rife with terrorists, and then emptying prisons of violent convicted felons. Subsequently, placing them surreptitiously and strategically around the country to counter balance and/or replace white Christian voting blocks. Expand sanctuary cities.
  • Enact voter ID laws that encourage fraudulent voting by granting voting rights to every person in the country - including felons and illegal aliens.
  • Accept the staggering debt of Puerto Rico and bring them into the fold of statehood, counting on the added votes of another blue state.
  • Destroy the Electoral College process for determining the President of the United States. Leftists know this Constitutional protection of states and national rights stand in the way of large Democrat-controlled states deciding nearly all presidential elections.
  • Further weaken our Military through monetary cuts and purging the leadership of commanders not toeing the line of leftwing loons. It includes social engineering to undermine and debilitate the American Armed Forces.  
  • Criminalizing and encumbering police officers from doing their job; especially in minority neighborhoods.  Leftist revolutionaries use the streets for riots and demonstrations - therefore, they must demonize police.
  • Eliminate tax deduction credits for charity. It’s more difficult getting people enslaved  to government if private charities help people.
  • Disarm law-abiding citizens and leave them unprotected or create substantial gun-free zones that leave us defenseless wherever lawful Americans may roam.
  • Pack our U.S.  Federal and Supreme Courts with left-wing radicals who redefine the Constitution as a living document subject to modern-day “modifications” or mores.
  • Create divisive strife between classes, genders, religions, races, national origins, and all others Obama rubs together to generate friction and discord.
  • Carry on Obama’s policies of laying waste to the middle class. Unemployment and falling wages effectively create additional plantations over which the slaveholder, centralized government, assumes absolute control. Also, it builds another enormous, guaranteed voting bloc of dependents.
  • Persist with the assault on our monetary, Capitalist, and free-enterprise systems with stifling regulations, fees, and demonization. Mucking up capitalism brings us nearer to the government offering centralized power as the only logical, conclusive alternative. Marxism mandates complete control of all commerce, business, finance, and the citizenry. That is why it always fails so miserably. Government can never compete with liberty; therefore, it must destroy liberty.
  • Continue releasing the world’s most dangerous terrorists and unilaterally making deals with terrorist states. Press on with “Rules for Radicals,” Saul Alinsky’s blueprint for fascist control. Likewise, employing politically correct speech to silence the voices of dissent and liberty.
  • Maintain the practice of using the U.S. Federal Treasury for bribing people, state and local bodies, businesses and schools into accepting money in return for relinquishing control to the feds. This federal policy led to the present-day catastrophe we now call education.
  • Increase Muslim rights. Shariah Law practiced by most Muslims is a complete violation of our Constitution. However, we continue to bring them here. Most are violently intolerant of American ideals, culture, and religion, and the clashing with our values will end in a Holy War and extreme violence. Europe is finally realizing its Muslim folly - far too late.

It is a simple concept; well-educated, employed, and self-sufficient people have little need for an all-powerful entity controlling their lives and robbing them of their income, liberty, and wealth.

Understanding the goals and tactics of Barack Obama and his despotic band of New Socialist Democrats reveals how their ideas relate to the seemingly implausible actions we witness daily. The revolution we see is not a revolution for liberty, but an insurrection for tyranny. Common sense became lost in the fog of fascism.

The deadly extremists inhabiting the White House and their leftist comrades stand as sworn enemies of the United States of America, its Constitution, culture, religion, and entire way of life. They are, by careful design, transforming this country into a Marxist dictatorship. These fascists, abetted by the Main-Stream Media and leftwing Congressmen, embedded themselves into the fabric of government.  Obama collectivists represent the greatest threat to the health, security, and freedom of this nation! They symbolize all that is diabolical in a world ablaze and an America facing imminent peril.

Jim Mullen


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