clinton (180)

Imperial President a "Dictator"


One week ago today, I received a handwritten letter from my primary care physician stating that due to the Obamacare law she could no long administer to many of her patients including myself.  She apologized in the letter saying she was desperately hoping she could find a legal way to retain her patients. In all likelihood she and her husband (who is a physician also) will soon be closing their doors. 

She’s in the prime of her life and her passion is caring for her patients – she has always been on call 24/7 and never ever turned Medicare patients away.  After reading her letter, I wondered how many primary care physicians, surgeons or specialist will end up closing their doors if Obamacare isn’t repealed?

Then as I was listening to Bill de Blasio NY city’s new mayor rambling on about “income equality” and listening  to  Anna Galland executive director of Civil Action on C-Span's Washington Journal program discussing “income equality”   

I realized that the Obama Administration, Democrats and Liberals had their political platform in tact ready to roll out in 2014. Just keep these words in mind – weaken the troops by distracting and dividing. 

All of this merely confirms that Obama is following the Cloward - Piven plan to a “T.”  In the next three years the population of “have nots” is about to explode giving Obama the power to take over our Country via big Government.   In three years, if Obama is allowed to continue his destructive “redistribution” scheme now referred to as “income equality” the “have nots” will far out - number the “haves.”

The biggest red flags are Obamacare, minimum wage changes, immigration changes, IRS controlling our healthcare, weakening our Military and Common Core.  All of the above will trickle down creating a dependency on our Government, which by no means is safe for our Nation or Americans.   

Our Nation is going to “pot” in a hand basket – we the people have lost our voice, our Government, and our freedom and rights are being attacked daily.  Needless to say I’m not a happy camper and would love to stand toe to toe with Obama at the White House and have a serious discussion about the way he is intentionally and with malice destroying the greatest Nation in the World.,

First I would refresh his memory and go back to the day January 20th 2009 when he and Biden took their oath before taking office.  I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Obviously he’s not qualified to serve as President of the United States of America because he hasn’t preserve, protected or defended the Constitution of the United States. It doesn’t take the Supreme Court Justices to confirm that I am correct – his actions are the proof of the pudding.

It’s not the President’s legal right to write or change laws it is his job to enforce laws as written –but we have a President who writes laws, changes laws, bi passes laws and our Constitution as he pleases.  We are governed by an Imperial President acting like a dictator. 

Americans must take a stand, if we have to shut the doors up on the White House and remove the baggage, then so be it.  The Liberals, Socialist and Communists have patiently planned for years for the day that the greatest Nation in the World is brought to her knees and turned into a Social Welfare State controlled entirely by big Government. 

It’s now just a matter of time until we the people are owned lock, stock and barrel by the Government.  If you think I’ve just presented a conspiracy theory just watch what happens as Obama, the Democrats and Liberals roll out “income equality” (Redistribution) scam in 2014.

Every day our Nation is getting poorer, weaker due to our foreign policies, extreme cuts in our nuclear powers, our Military along with the Common Core and the Entitlement society.  Time isn’t on our side and it’s foolish to think that if we’re fortunate enough to place Republicans in control of the House and Senate we can recover – a large majority of the Old Republican Establishment still are in control and they’re not about to give up their comfy positions in order to save our Country. 

The Old Republican Establishment will do in 2016 just what they did in 2012.  They will pick a weak candidate or let’s say one that they can control to run in the next Presidential Election.  We the people will merely experience a re-run of 2008, 2012 again in 2016. 

Why do you think that Boehner keeps waving his white flag and knuckling under the Obama Administration?  He’s owned and controlled by corrupt politicians on both sides and not man enough to fight for our Nation, Constitution and American’s freedom and rights.  He’s not just a “wimp” he’s the Republican Poster Child. 

As Always,

Little Tboca

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Imperial President a


One week ago today, I received a handwritten letter from my primary care physician stating that due to the Obamacare law she could no long administer to many of her patients including myself.  She apologized in the letter saying she was desperately hoping she could find a legal way to retain her patients. In all likelihood she and her husband (who is a physician also) will soon be closing their doors. 

She’s in the prime of her life and her passion is caring for her patients – she has always been on call 24/7 and never ever turned Medicare patients away.  After reading her letter, I wondered how many primary care physicians, surgeons or specialist will end up closing their doors if Obamacare isn’t repealed?

Then as I was listening to Bill de Blasio NY city’s new mayor rambling on about “income equality” and listening  to  Anna Galland executive director of Civil Action on C-Span's Washington Journal program discussing “income equality”   

I realized that the Obama Administration, Democrats and Liberals had their political platform in tact ready to roll out in 2014. Just keep these words in mind – weaken the troops by distracting and dividing. 

All of this merely confirms that Obama is following the Cloward - Piven plan to a “T.”  In the next three years the population of “have nots” is about to explode giving Obama the power to take over our Country via big Government.   In three years, if Obama is allowed to continue his destructive “redistribution” scheme now referred to as “income equality” the “have nots” will far out - number the “haves.”

The biggest red flags are Obamacare, minimum wage changes, immigration changes, IRS controlling our healthcare, weakening our Military and Common Core.  All of the above will trickle down creating a dependency on our Government, which by no means is safe for our Nation or Americans.   

Our Nation is going to “pot” in a hand basket – we the people have lost our voice, our Government, and our freedom and rights are being attacked daily.  Needless to say I’m not a happy camper and would love to stand toe to toe with Obama at the White House and have a serious discussion about the way he is intentionally and with malice destroying the greatest Nation in the World.,

First I would refresh his memory and go back to the day January 20th 2009 when he and Biden took their oath before taking office.  I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Obviously he’s not qualified to serve as President of the United States of America because he hasn’t preserve, protected or defended the Constitution of the United States. It doesn’t take the Supreme Court Justices to confirm that I am correct – his actions are the proof of the pudding.

It’s not the President’s legal right to write or change laws it is his job to enforce laws as written –but we have a President who writes laws, changes laws, bi passes laws and our Constitution as he pleases.  We are governed by an Imperial President acting like a dictator. 

Americans must take a stand, if we have to shut the doors up on the White House and remove the baggage, then so be it.  The Liberals, Socialist and Communists have patiently planned for years for the day that the greatest Nation in the World is brought to her knees and turned into a Social Welfare State controlled entirely by big Government. 

It’s now just a matter of time until we the people are owned lock, stock and barrel by the Government.  If you think I’ve just presented a conspiracy theory just watch what happens as Obama, the Democrats and Liberals roll out “income equality” (Redistribution) scam in 2014.

Every day our Nation is getting poorer, weaker due to our foreign policies, extreme cuts in our nuclear powers, our Military along with the Common Core and the Entitlement society.  Time isn’t on our side and it’s foolish to think that if we’re fortunate enough to place Republicans in control of the House and Senate we can recover – a large majority of the Old Republican Establishment still are in control and they’re not about to give up their comfy positions in order to save our Country. 

The Old Republican Establishment will do in 2016 just what they did in 2012.  They will pick a weak candidate or let’s say one that they can control to run in the next Presidential Election.  We the people will merely experience a re-run of 2008, 2012 again in 2016. 

Why do you think that Boehner keeps waving his white flag and knuckling under the Obama Administration?  He’s owned and controlled by corrupt politicians on both sides and not man enough to fight for our Nation, Constitution and American’s freedom and rights.  He’s not just a “wimp” he’s the Republican Poster Child. 

As Always,

Little Tboca

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Women - Beware of HRC


Although Hillary Clinton is out trying to recoup the women’s votes she had in 2008, it might behoove her avid followers to review this woman’s sordid past.

One can hide and run for a while but sooner or later the past does catch up with us.  It’s not propaganda about the murders, suicides and accidental deaths of her business associates, bundlers and colleagues that plague her past.

For those women who believe Hillary is pro - abortion, please read the following to understand that Hillary does not feel abortion is a fundamental right that only a woman should be the decision maker. 

Here’s what she said, “Abortion is a "sad, even tragic choice"--as she told an audience of New York state abortion providers in 2005--for women, not a fundamental right that only the woman should have a say in deciding. "Yes, we do have deeply held differences of opinion about the issue of abortion," she said. "I, for one, respect those who believe with all their hearts and conscience that there are no circumstances under which any abortion should ever be available." 

Now Hillary will skirt the abortion issue as she makes a run for the Presidency again, because she realizes that if she stands for abortion she will lose those who are against abortion and vice versa.

The fact is although she’ll say that she supports women’s rights to choose, in 2006 she and minority leader Harry Reid promoted the “Prevention First Act.”  This bill did make it easier for women to obtain contraceptives, but in the end the bill was not in favor of women’s abortions.

The working class and poor will be relegated to the ancient history shelf if Hillary wins the 2016 election.  Just because she’s female is no excuse for even considering her for the most prestigious position in our Nation. 

African Americans, Hispanics, the poor are just about to get a shellacking by one who espouses to be a champion of women.  Her platform will be big on “Hope and Change” but in the end just like Obama she’ll dump these poor unsuspecting Americans just like Obama did.  For those concerned with the real issues our Nation faces, it time to put Hillary Clinton’s campaign for the 2016 Presidency into an honest prospective.

The Liberals and their aggressive New Media will paint a picture of bravery, intelligence, leadership and competence but that is merely a fake do-over for a woman in politics for 20 years who hasn’t accomplished “zilch.”  She talks a good game but that’s as far as it goes.

The Liberals have praised her with unearned rewards and trumped up stories bestowing them on a “has been.”  There’s been no major achievements during her term as Sec of State – it’s all show and no go, but she did keep foreign seats warmed with her posterior  and she did travel thousands of miles during this time. 

Hillary cheerleaders brag that she logged nearly a million miles of air travel as Secretary of State. "She reminded the world that Woody Allen was right even when it comes to diplomacy: 80 percent of success really is simply showing up," Megan Garber cheered in The Atlantic

So much for showing up, she showed up after running out of excuses and testified under oath about Benghazi. She informed Americans that she was responsible and would accept full responsibility – edited that merely means she lied under oath, didn’t know or remember anything and willing walked away from the Benghazi murders without even looking back for she had a campaign to prepare for... 

Like Obama, Hillary is a died in the wool Saul Alinsky worshipper and she’s an expert at keeping America distracted and divided, which is what we’ll experience in the near future if she begins her run for the White House. 

Hillary will use Saul Alinsky’s Rule # 8 as she kicks her campaign into high gear.

* RULE 8: “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new. (Attack, attack, attack from all sides, never giving the reeling organization a chance to rest, regroup, recover and re-strategize.) 

Obama has kept our Nation off balance for 5 years, we have three more years to face his radical onslaught - actually Obama and Hillary will join hands the next three years because Obama owes Bill and Hillary several big favors and the Clintons will collect.

As Always,

Little Tboca

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Hillary Clinton's MO


Hillary Clinton has the Liberal News Media primed to usher her into the 2016 Presidency, Soros and other big Liberal bundlers are organized and prepared to finance Hillary regardless of cost.  Many women will fall at her feet and worship her because she would be the first female President in our History - to many that’s more important than her qualifications. 

Others will take the time to vet this woman whose aspiration since college was to hold the position of President of the USA.  Her past reeks of one scandal after another – hers life has been a pathway of destruction, corruption and political manipulation that has harmed our Country.  Her previous position as Sec of State exemplifies how destructive this person has been – even the Democrats must admit that Hillary Clinton has been a total disgrace to Americans and our Nation as Sec of State.


In the early 1970’s Jerry Zeifman, fired Hillary Clinton on her unethical practices, lies and sharing confidential information to persons who were unauthorized. Mr. Zeifman was emphatic about his decision to fire Hillary saying he could not recommend her for any future position of public or private trust. 

White Water Scandal 1978

This was a real estate scandal - Bill and Hillary partnered with James and Susan McDougal. They purchased 220 acres of land that would become the Whitewater Development Corporation.

Quite a bit of money at this time was passed from palm to palm – Bill used his not so friendly persuasion and got Susan McDougal a nice little nest egg amounting to $300,000 dollars that was illegal of course since it was a federally backed loan. Many lost their lives during the White Water scandal. 

The real estate venture was a total flop. Although several of the Clinton’s business associates were convicted for their involvement in the Whitewater Scandal – Bill & Hillary received a “get out of jail free card” because there wasn’t enough conclusive evidence or living witnesses to charge them with criminal conduct. 

BENGHAZIGATE Scandal 9/11/2012   She Lied, Lied and Lied

Body bags, murders, suicides and accidental deaths follow Hillary Clinton even into 2014 as Americans remember her infamous statement that she accepted responsibility for the Benghazi tragedy – that didn’t mean “piddly poop.” 

Let it be noted that her performance under oath about Benghazi was a repeat of her testimony when her partner and long - time friend from Rose Law Firm, Vince Foster supposedly committed suicide.  It has been recorded that Hillary when being interrogated has used the “I don’t know or I don’t remember” testimony over 250 time. 

Gregory Hicks under oath said he talked personally to Hillary telling her the Consulate was under attack, which she already knew from Charlene Lamb who stated that she was following the attack saying under oath, "I could follow what was happening almost in real time."

So what happened next appears to be a well - planned and choreographed scheme by Obama, Clinton, Panetta, Carney, Rice and the Liberal News Media and others to insure that Barack Obama would be elected for a second term.  They started the scuttlebutt on the streets that the Benghazi attack came from a spontaneous protest caused by an anti-Muslim video on YouTube.

Hillary had the guts to stand beside the draped coffins of our brave Americans saying, “We've seen rage and violence directed at American embassies over an awful internet video that we had nothing to do with. It is hard for the American people to make sense of that, because it is senseless and totally unacceptable." 

She lied under oath, used the drummed up excuse about a video and closed the book on Benghazi while on the witness stand by yelling, “At this point, what difference does it make?”  It makes a big difference Hillary Clinton, but you slithered away as usual adding four more brave American men to your hit list.

In all likelihood before 2016 rolls around, there will be more murders, suicides and unexplained deaths of her business associates, bundlers and friends who know the really truth about Hillary Rodham Clinton. 

The World is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it...   Albert Einstein

The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.

Albert Einstein


The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.

Albert Einstein


The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.

Albert Einstein


As Always,

Little Tboca

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Poster Child of Socialism


We can all agree that Hillary Rodham Clinton is no stranger to murder, in fact murder, suicide and unexplained accidents follow this woman like the plague. Don’t forget Mary Mahoney, former White House intern  murdered just before she went public about sexual harassment in the White House by yours truly B. Clinton. 

Most of us remember the suicide story that was spun about Vince Foster, the former White House Councilor and colleague of Hillary R. Clinton at Little Rock’s Rose Law firm.  Hillary treated Vince’s death with the same nonchalance as the Benghazi murders.

 Vince’s personal information and documents disappeared, never to be seen again – the story goes that a courier had been given the dirty job of shredding any and all of Vince’s information so Vince’s joined the other Clintonian’s who supposedly committed suicide.

When the Arkansas Whitewater, drugs and drug trafficking hit the headlines, it was literally duck hunting season in Arkansas or should I say a bloody massacre of those connected to the Clintons... 

Below you will find a list from White House employee Linda Tripp given under oath to Judicial Watch chairman Larry Klayman in December, 1998.  The body bag count is totally unbelievable – but dead is dead and it’s obvious that those in the know were sent to the great beyond via murder, suicide and/or freakish accidents.

It’s probably not strange that Hillary Rodham Clinton under oath said, “What difference does it make” when referring to the murders of our four Americans in Benghazi.  Hillary Rodham Clinton not only has a massive amount of murders trailing her, but other major problems in her past political history that shows she isn’t above lying, threatening or coercing people who get in her way. 

Present day she lied under oath about Benghazi and immediately removed four mid-level White House officials in her office – you can be sure those four either accepted a pay off or have been threatened with their lives or family lives if they should ever testify against her.

  • Supposedly In 2008, Hillary had her “Bud” Jeffrey Thompson and Troy White (Marketing Executive) promote a shaky campaign in her behalf in Texas, Indiana and N. Carolina.  “A Search Of Federal Campaign Records Found No Evidence That Thompson Or White Disclosed The Alleged Expenditures Or Activities To The Federal Election Commission, As Required By Campaign Finance Laws.” (Ann E. Marimow and Philip Rucker, “D.C. Executive Linked To Secret 2008 Aid To Hillary Clinton,” The Washington Post, 9/11/13)


This woman is the face of Socialism and the shining Liberal star that George Soros has chosen to continue the socialist/progressive agenda. Like Obama she is a Saul ALinsky student and worshiper who represents the greatest threat in our history to the greatest Nation in the World. Obama a Soros puppet is paving the way for the most evil women in America’s history in a Government run amok.  Nothing has stopped this woman so far, not even murder – Americans will be the only ones who can save our Nation.

It doesn't take a majority to make a rebellion; it takes only a few determined leaders and a sound cause.
H. L. Mencken 

As Always,

Little Tboca

Next article or blog will continue vetting Hillary Clinton starting back in her college years and coming forward to 2014.

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Soros - The Liberal Agenda 2014


Josh Wolf, MoveOn's Director of Operations who usually works behind the scenes collecting money sent me an email which will serve as a sneak peak for what the Liberals have planned for 2014. 

Josh reminds me of a parrot begging for a cracker - his only reason for contacting me was money.  He asked me for a small donation because he claims MoveOn is a bit strapped for cash.

Anyone who would believe that sob story really must be out of touch with reality.  Josh's boss Soros has plenty of moolah and old Soros will throw millions of dollars to Liberals this coming year because he wants Hillary in the White House.

The email that I received this AM from Josh gave a brief run-down on the Liberal's plans for 2014.  Most of us know that Soros works behind the scenes directing the Liberal News Media and he's already making a move to put Hillary Clinton in the White House in 2016. 4063796900?profile=original

Soros knows that first he has to clean up Hillary's Benghazi problem so with the able assistance of NY Times he's trying to remove her liability for the murders of our four Americans in Benghazi.

The NY TImes is now trying to convince Americans that the Benghazi murders was not a terrorist attack and in no way is connected to ALQaeda. Ironically they're trying the Youtube video lie that the White House beat to death before Obama finally admitted that Benghazi was an orchestrated attack by terrorists.  

So be prepared to see about 30 Soros Liberal News venues marching to the same drum in a feeble attempt to distance Clinton from Benghazi. Their scheme won't work though, because Hillary knew the attack in Benghazi was a terrorist attack and she lost all credibility as Secretary of State when she said, "Who cares." The truth is this - you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear and this is one "s-- who reeks of corruption.

Next on the Soros agenda is fracking - they want to pass legislation that would stop fracking.  I wonder why - could it be that Obama and Soros have a small gold mine off the Atlantic Coast of Espirito Santo and Rio de Janeiro states called Petrobas.  Of course Obama denies any involvement, but several billion dollars of our money was used by Obama to dabble in this oil scheme with Soros.

According to Josh's email this AM, MoveOns projects for 2014 are etched in stone.  Josh asked me this question, "how many resources can we dedicate to helping MoveOn members win their own campaigns?" Gee, Josh don't ask me - ask Ole Soros's new Barbie Doll she probably already has one hand in his wallet and the other in a gold plated coffin.  

Politically they want to take back the House, keep the Senate and ditch Mitch McConnell - in fact Josh suggests that they need to hire enough staff to plan the game-changing elections strategy.  Wow, this would lead me to think voting machines are once again going to undergo a make over by Soros and gang.

Soros has many organizations like MoveOn and each have their marching orders for 2014. He has an army of dedicated gophers at his beck and call.  He's directed all of these organizations to support and defend Obamacare at all costs, so we have our work cut out for us. 

His greatest resource is the Liberal News Media and they already have their canned speeches.  Soros has established a Soros Media Empire (about 30 venues) - they're ready to attack the tea parties, Republicans and all Conservative organizations.  Soros is totally prepared to fund Democrats running for the Senate and House. Obama is just his puppet and will remain in his control until 2016 and probably well beyond.  

Until Conservatives, Tea Parties and Republicans get there act together nothing much will change 2014 - power comes from unity and unity certainly isn't our strong suit.  There must be common ground out there where we could unite and work together, but at this time it appears the "power" struggle has managed to fracture our dream to "Take Back Our Country."  Everyone has their own agenda and no one seems willing to join hands.  

As Always,

Little Tboca



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New York Times Continues Its Hillary 2016 Pitch

The New York Times published an article penned by David D Kirkpatrick about the circumstances surrounding the 2012 attack on the American consulate in Benghazi. And, of course, they put Hilary Clinton in the best possible light, even going so far as to bring up the old "it was because of a video" claim which has long since been retired as nonsense and a lie. The New York Times, defending charges that they were clearing the way for a Hillary Clinton presidential run for 2016, denied it had anything to do with that.

Don't believe the denial for a minute. The main stream press, along with the New York Times, has already elected Hillary "What Difference Does it Make" Clinton as the Democratic nominee and are already preparing her inaugural. Also, the New York Times rebuttal (written Andrew Rosenthal) implied that it was just the GOP who complained which lays the ground work for the idea the dispute is just politics. The issue, however, is not a Republican versus Democrat thing it's a "FOUR people died thing" and we are holding Obama to task with his Sept 12, 2011 televised promise when he said "We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act." Within about a year Obama began referring to it as a "false" conspiracy. Perhaps what he meant to say was "If you want your Benghazi justice; you can keep it." We all know what that kind of promise means.

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Benghazi - Smoke Screen - Cover Ups & Murders


Will the Benghazi murders of our four brave American men ever be solved?  Probably not because the key players have snubbed their noses at Americans pretty much saying, “catch me if you can.”

Darrell Issa has fallen prey to Washington politics anyway you cut it.  This in no way means Darrell Issa has been a willing victim of our defunct judicial system, but it does mean that the Obama Administration has been protected by Obama’s Executive Privilege and Executive immunity.

Darrell Issa did his job and subpoenaed the correct information including telephone calls, emails and other communication sources, but the Obama Administration picked and chose what information would be given to Issa leaving out the pertinent information that would expose or connect him to the Benghazi murders. 

If Mr. Issa could have been privy to all telephone calls, emails and communications the night of the Benghazi massacre, there would be numerous people behind bars as we speak.  But this isn’t the way the Obama Administration works, they altered, changed and rewrote various communications concerning the night our 4 Americans were killed leaving Mr. Issa with nothing but his hat. 

Hang with me and see what has happened to the “key players” in the Benghazi investigation.  It’s hard to believe but it appears that Charlene Lamb, the deputy assistant secretary of state for international programs was the only one on duty at the White House on 9/11/12 – Charlene testified that she watched the Benghazi atrocity in real time.

Obama and Hillary took care of Charlene and placed her on Administrated leave in December 2112 – so one of the key players was removed by Obama and put out of action. * Note at the same time Lamb was hog tied, Hillary swept her office clean removing four midlevel officials who probably could have fingered Hillary, Panetta and Obama.

Next came good old Hillary who stalled when first subpoenaed, because she was banging her head (or something like that), partying and wine testing.   Hillary was definitely the white whale of the entire investigation but she pulled off her testimony under oath with the usual Clinton strategy, lying a lot, yelling and finishing by saying, “What difference does it make?”  Hillary is doing a dress rehearsal for “Clinton” for President as we speak.

Then we have good ole Panetta who managed to step in the Benghazi Gate crap up to his elbows, but somehow slithered away without a scratch.  He testified that the President was pre-occupied and not really interested or engaged in the real time murders were occurring right before his eyes. 

Panetta let Hillary off the hook too saying during all this time our Embassy was under attack; there wasn’t any communication with Hillary Clinton.  He gave Obama and Hillary a clean bill of health by saying, “Don’t ask and I won’t tell.”  Panetta was their guinea pig or Judas goat!

There are many more players who have been shut down by the Obama Administration such as Clapper, Dempsey, Carney, Rice, Petraeus, Pickering, Mullen. Liberal News media and many, many more.  Obama and his Administration have gagged and pretty much hand tied all of these players at this time. 

Over a year since the Benghazi attack and it appears that Darrell Issa has one more investigation that will be silently swept under the rug leaving Americans and the families of the four men nothing but heartache. 

So far Obama appears to have all bases covered in the Fast and Furious gunrunner operation, NSA, IRS, Benghazi and Obamacare – but before 2016 rolls around there will be some brave American Patriot who will honor his or her duty to their Country and fellow Americans – they will take Obama and his Administration down.  It’s only a matter of time and I truly believe in “What goes around comes around.” 

For all Americans it’s important to realize that we’re under the control of a dictator who will stop at nothing including murder as he continues his attack on our Nation.


As Always,

Little Tboca  

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Crybaby Boehner is alienating every true conservative. The GOP is downright worthless just slightly less so than the Democrats. The Dems have tended toward socialism/Marxism beginning with Andrew Jackson and accelerating with Woodrow Wilson ( Income Tax, Internal Revenue Service, Federal Reserve System and on to and through FDR and the Social Security System, tampering with the SCOTUS, the WPA and Lend-Lease, To Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton both of whom decimated our military cause Reagan an Bush to rebuild it to the superb force it is today, unless we allow Obama to totally ruin all five branches. Boehner on his leadership position should be impeaching Obama and indicting him, Clinton, Panetta, and Holder for accessory to Murder and treason. Man up John, do your job or vacate the premises. CLEAN HOUSE! Stop double dealing with Reid and Obama; hold the line on the budget, reduce the deficit, support the military, defund ObamaCare, the EPA, and Common Core. Those are your orders, Carry on or step down! Understood?

Dr. Thomas E. Davis, Colonel, USA (ret)
326 F Nantucket Lane
Monroe Twp, NJ 08831

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Memories Sweet Memories.

     The state of our great country has brought back some fond memories from my past and new insights into the present.
     We had a partying womanizing liar as Commander in Chief caught in an adulterous affair with one Monica Lewdinsky. To take the American peoples mind off his impeachment “Slick Willie” started a WAR against Christians on the other side of the pond.
     Luckily, now, we have a radical left wing anti American doing the same type stuff. In an effort to hide the attacks and deaths of Americans in Lybia, inaction by another Clinton aiding in this fiasco, Obummer has caused a FAKE Fiscal Fiasco, and trying to cause as much harm and Fear in These Great United States as possible by disgracing and disrespecting Real Americans that either Served this country or love it very much.
     By trying to force socialism on us all, this community organizer and Coward (having never served  this country in any real fashion) is trying to break our (real Americans) hearts, minds, souls spirits, and Banks, all to cover up his failure as a leader in any sense of the meaning.
       Whatever did happen in Benghazi and when will this madness ever end?
     Impeach and Defund now. You Guys Know what I mean, I’m sure.
                                                 May God Have Mercy on us all.

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Did you know that that there’s a competitive and contentious governor race going on in Virginia? The two contenders: the state Attorney General Republican Ken Cuccinelli vs. Democrat Terry McAuliffe, “whose controversial business dealings and past life as a party moneyman make him a walking negative ad," wrote POLITICO this month. 4063741318?profile=original

McAuliffe, with a modest lead, Wednesday night during a crucial debate in Northern Virginia each "cast the other as unfit for office, untrustworthy and wrong for the commonwealth," noted the Washington Post.

Blows were thrown, with McAuliffe attempting to cast Cuccinelli as a "right-winger," and Cuccinelli landing a right hook: “If Terry’s elected governor, we’re gonna have to change the state motto from ‘Sic Semper Tyrannis’ to ‘Quid Pro Quo.'" Still, most of the headlines portrayed this debate as uneventful, and there was very little "pounding McAuliffe over transgressions such as the current federal investigation of a “green car” company that the Democrat founded" –– the focus of today's Green Corruption File.

While this battle will end in just over a month, the controversy surrounding the "green car" in question won't, and it serves as another example of how green energy has been hijacked and deceptively used. Even Kimberly Strassel of the Wall Street Journal, a while back had this to say, “Green crony capitalism is proving to be one of the more politically toxic stories of our time…” 

This green energy story has connections all the way from the Clinton's to the Obama White House, as well as other interesting ties, including a Republican governor, and plenty of taxpayer subsidies. Worse, besides "Chinese capitalism" at the helm, political influence, and a flop to boot, it involves exaggeration at best, deception at its worst, all wrapped up in a pile of mystery, and possibly bundled with a "green cards for sale" scheme. Meanwhile, this particular green project "has led to two federal investigations — one by the Securities and Exchange Commission to determine whether company officials improperly raised money and one by the Department of Homeland Security's inspector general to determine whether appeals to obtain visas for foreign investors were improper," reported TribLive News in August. 

The only difference in this tale, other than the potential threat to national security, and that President Obama is not at the center (although there are ties), is the fact that GreenTech is overly sensitive, even when facing facts. Case in point: sometime in April, GreenTech filed an $85 million lawsuit against an online government watch dog for libel, taking issue with two online stories, of which "detail the woes of the government immigration program, called EB-5. In one article, a financial expert criticized the EB-5 program as “a fraud," explained

Later I'll dig into the EB-5 program, but at this juncture it is important to point out that, who has provided a 63-part series on "Terry McAuliffe, gubernatorial candidate and car mogul," stands by its reporting. "Jason Stverak, president of Watchdog’s parent company the Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity, said the lawsuit is baseless," and many on the right have since expressed their outrage over what they deem as an attempt to intimidate and suppress the truth from being exposed.

"Hustler" on the move

Interesting enough, the politically connected heavyweight (a close friend and adviser to both former President Bill Clinton and his wife Hilary) and former Democratic National Committee Chairman, Terry McAuliffe is aligned with President Obama's "war on coal," and he also has the backing of "climate change radical," Big Oil investor, Obama bundler and billionaire buddy, Tom Steyer. I've addressed Steyer's footprint inside this Green Corruption scandal a few times, but now we see that just a bit ago he "has directed his political operation to spend heavily in the Virginia governor’s race in support of Democrat Terry McAuliffe," as reported by POLITICO

Wall Street Journal's Strassel, in covering GreenTech this past April –– “McAuliffe's Solyndra” –– nailed it in her statement, “Turn over any green-energy rock, and wiggling underneath will be the usual creepy mix of political favoritism and taxpayer-funded handouts. Add to this the Clintons, Mississippi and a murky visa program, and you've got a particularly ripe political embarrassment for Terry McAuliffe.”

It all started a few years ago: After losing the 2009 Democratic primary for governor in Virginia, McAuliffe bought a Chinese electric-car company, moved its headquarters to Northern Virginia and tried to set up a manufacturing base in the United States.


In July 2012, Mr. McAuliffe unveiled his signature MyCar at a rock-star event attended by the former President Clinton and then-Gov. Republican Haley Barbour, who is also personal friends with McAuliffe –– an electric car, by the way, that has recently received "awful" reviews by some auto industry experts. Four months later, November 2012, McAuliffe announced his plans to run for Virginia governor in 2013 and he stated in an email, "It is absolutely clear to me that Virginians want their next Governor to focus on job creation..."

McAuliffe has "made his private sector experience a cornerstone of his campaign" and is betting that his slogan, "McAuliffe for Governor: Putting Jobs First," will resonate with the folks. Still, prior to officially beginning his second attempt to be the governor of Virginia (although it seems he never stopped campaigning), sometime in 2009, he began a traveling road show, bragging about GreenTech, and using it as an example of how he was a big job creator, promising hope, hundreds of thousands of green cars and thousands of green jobs.

Due to the fact that Virginia denied access (for various concerns and doubts) to McAuliffe's electric-car dreams, he found a willing participant: "In October 2009, GreenTech Automotive Inc.'s owner, Chinese businessman Xiaolin "Charles" Wang [President and CEO] unveiled four prototype cars during a flashy ceremony and promised to build a $2 billion [some report it as $1 billion] plant in Mississippi, the poorest state in the U.S.," wrote News. With the support of then-Governor Barbour, GreenTech was in line and has already received "public loans and grants that total more than $8 million, with millions more in tax exemptions and rebates."

At that time, GreenTech "promised it would create 1,500 jobs. McAuliffe predicted at least 10,000 cars a year would be manufactured by 2011," as documented by last month –– with another 2009 report stating, "the plant will produce 150,000 vehicles annually in phase one."

Considering that there are conflicting reports on the number of green cars and green jobs –– promised, claimed and actual –– I'll attempt to tackle that part of this tale a bit later. But to give you a hint, also noted, "GreenTech has not met those expectations, undercutting McAuliffe’s claim to be a proven job creator. The New York Times, in an Aug. 9 article, said GreenTech employs 80 people and that company officials would not say how many cars will be built this year."

But being a master job creator is not the only declaration made by McAuliffe: busted him when he claimed that he was a founder of this start-up long after it existed. In May 2011, he told a Democrat audience, "I'm a founder of a company called GreenTech Automotive, a very ambitious project. I'm building 5 cars .... we have 3 hybrids and 2 electrics." However, documented a chronological timeline on how GreenTech evolved by Mr. Wang, "a Chinese national, who first became involved in the project that would become GreenTech Automotive, Inc." –– and it all dates back to March 2008.

Mr. McAuliffe, who became chairman of GreenTech Automotive in March 2010, when things began to heat up, he mysteriously left his green car company sometime in late 2012. McAuliffe's "carbon footprint" may have been scrubbed from the GreenTech website, and all the while as hardball questions, serious accusations and ongoing criticism are hurled his direction, McAuliffe response is to distract and deflect: "Don’t ask me about GreenTech, I was just the Chairman."

Needless to say, evidence has emerged that as of March 2013, McAuliffe is still a GreenTech Exec, and is found to be the largest individual shareholder. This all came to light in a September 21 article by the Washington Post, divulging that McAuliffe "is listed in a recent confidential memorandum to prospective investors." His position, writes, is described as "Chairman Emeritus of the company," noting that the document states McAuliffe "will have such duties and responsibilities as designated by the Board of Directors from time to time." The Post also notes that "the company’s confidential March memo implies to investors that he would remain involved" even if McAuliffe wins his race for governor. Basically, the memo says, that he would “resign all positions with [GreenTech] and appoint a representative to vote his shares.”

Additionally, the pitch to lure potential investors, touted the Democrat heavyweight's political connections, savvy, and McAuliffe’s past promotion of electric vehicles on “national television news programs.” It also included another PROMISE: GreenTech "will enjoy billions in government subsidies and tax credits."

What's quite fascinating is that The Post, in its 2013 analysis of what I am calling "McAuliffe's formula for success" (methodology that has made him a millionaire many times over), while giving an array of examples, concludes: "The prospectus, along with other documents reviewed by The Post, shows how GreenTech fits into a pattern of investments in which McAuliffe has used government programs, political connections and access to wealthy investors of both parties in pursuit of big profits for himself."

However, The Post wasn't so kind in 2009: "McAuliffe is, at his core, a salesman -- and described himself as a hustler in his [2008] autobiography [What A Party!: My Life Among Democrats...]" –– a label that at best is deemed a "go-getter," but has many other negative connotations. I'll keep that to your imagination, but The Post, a paragraph earlier wrote, "He is a deal maker who made millions from investments. And many of his biggest deals came in partnership with prominent donors and politicians, creating a portrait over the years of a Washington insider who got rich as he rose to power within the Democratic Party." In fact, one of the most disturbing references to his methodology is this: “McAuliffe has made a fortune investing -- sometimes in companies that went bust, laid off thousands and drained investors' and employees' savings."

The "Alleged" Corruption 

Special money 

Before he resigned as chairman in December 2012 –– although as documented earlier, we know he's still quite active –– McAuliffe helped raised plenty of private money from foreign investors, but GreenTech Auto also received its fair share of government assistance.

With GreenTech's 2009-promise to build a $2 billion plant in Mississippi, the poorest state in the U.S, "some 100 acres were donated by Tunica County's economic development foundation, at a cost of $1.8 million, and in 2011 the state gave a $3 million loan toward site preparation," as documented by the Huffington Post. 

"Breitbart News confirmed with the Mississippi Development Authority [MDA] on July 22 [2013] that these loans have been completely disbursed." However, Mississippi’s Economic Development Authority says the taxpayer subsidies are contingent on GreenTech raising $60 million by Dec. 31, 2014. If GreenTech fails to meet the capital requirement and hire 350 full-time workers, local and state authorities can “claw back” their investments. Good luck with that...

What's not widely reported is that the MDA got stimulus funds: The Mississippi Development Authority, Energy Division received approximately $40 million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funding from the U. S. Department of Energy (DOE).

Also, I have found conflicting reports on how much taxpayer money GreenTech snagged: it ranges from $5 million to $8 million, and even McAuliffe himself puts the price tag at $18 million. Not to mention for every car purchased, taxpayers again pay –– for example the MyCar NEV states, "...find state and federal incentives to make your MyCar even more affordable."

But the worst part comes from the fact that the private funds for GreenTech involves a program here in the USA called the Immigrant Investor Program, also known as “EB-5,” which was "created by Congress in 1990 to stimulate the U.S. economy through job creation and capital investment by foreign investors." What's relevant here is that "GreenTech has sought overseas investors through [this] federal program that allows foreigners to gain special visas if they contribute at least $500,000 to create U.S. jobs," documented The Post last month.

The other twist here is that "GreenTech partners with Gulf Coast Funds Management (GCFM), a company that is authorized by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to collect EB-5 investments for GreenTech." And, Anthony Rodham, a close friend of McAuliffe who also happens to be the brother of the former secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton, is the President and CEO of GCFM. According to an August 12, 2013 report by the Washington Free Beacon, "GCFM has collected at least $45.5 million from foreign investors for GreenTech through the program."

Special political favors

With so many numbers floating around –– $37.5 million in cash investments, says, with $32 million from the "green cards for sale program" –– it's difficult to track just how much foreign cash McAuliffe and Co. raised for GreenTech Automotive. However, there is strong evidence –– not yet proven beyond a reasonable doubt –– that the USCIS gave them special treatment.

At the core is Alejandro Mayorkas, who currently serves as director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (UCIS), an agency within Homeland Security, and is also the Obama administration's nominee to become the next Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security. This is where it gets even more convoluted. As stated earlier, this "visas for sale" program has caused quite the controversy. Last month, the National Review Online reported that "the Homeland Security Inspector General is investigating to see whether officials gave special treatment to GreenTech because of McAuliffe’s political connections," of which NRO notes that "McAuliffe was central to GreenTech’s effort to get DHS to reverse decisions on visas."

That accusations was preempted by the Daily Beast July report: "in December 2010, McAuliffe wrote to Napolitano on behalf of GreenTech and asked her to expedite the company’s EB-5 requests and reopen consideration of requests that had been previously denied."  Moreover, we find via the New York Times: "Frustrated by government red tape slowing his electric car company, Terry McAuliffe repeatedly sought a meeting at the Department of Homeland Security."

The Times gives a few more details...

He and his lawyers sent a stream of e-mails to a senior official in charge of approving foreign investments that Mr. McAuliffe sought, and he went up the chain of command to Janet Napolitano, the secretary of homeland security... Finally, a 2011 meeting took place, and Mr. McAuliffe and Mr. Wang met with Alejandro Mayorkas [my words here]... As their meeting was wrapping up, Ms. Napolitano popped into the room to say hello, Mr. Wang said. Later, Mr. Mayorkas issued a favorable ruling that cleared the way for GreenTech to recruit more foreign investors.

The Times goes on... "In 2011, Mr. Mayorkas overruled two lower officers in his department, Citizenship and Immigration Services, which allowed GreenTech to recruit more Chinese investors."

In the Daily Beast piece we also discover that "this past January, Rodham wrote to Mayorkas directly and pressed him to speed up approval of EB-5 visas for GreenTech."

This past July NBC News reported that this particular IG investigation, "was opened in September 2012 based on a referral from an FBI counterintelligence analyst," and they gave some key points:

The probe is based on allegations that Mayorkas personally intervened to win an approval for Gulf Coast Funds Management, a financing company headed by Clinton’s brother Anthony Rodham, after USCIS officials rejected its application, according to an aide to GOP Sen. Charles Grassley, who had received internal USCIS emails about the matter from a department whistleblower.

During the course of the probe, the email states, the inspector general learned of other allegations "involving alleged conflicts of interest, misuse of position, mismanagement of the EB-5 program, and an appearance of impropriety by Mayorkas and other" officials within the UCSIS.

By the end of July, Republican senators, due to the ongoing IG investigation, boycotted the confirmation hearing set for Mayorkas, "Obama’s nominee to become the deputy secretary of Homeland Security, a job that could result in him running the department" since Secretary Janet Napolitano stepped down in September," wrote the Daily Beast. Mayorkas' confirmation has since been put on ice, but that was after the hearings proceeded in July without Republican participation, giving him an opportunity to plead his side of the GreenTech case: "I have never in my career used undue influence to influence the outcome of a case," Mayorkas testified in front of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

Even so, according to TribLive News, Senator Grassley, who is pressing for more information on Homeland Security's handling of the EB-5 program, recently charged, "We absolutely gave special treatment to Green Tech at the directive of D1" (“D1″ is an apparent reference to Mr. Mayorkas
). In an August letter, "Grassley told Alejandro Mayorkas that he has received a torrent of whistleblower reports that Mayorkas interfered continuously on behalf of GreenTech."

But a "homeland invasion" is not the only thing hampering McAuliffe and his eco-car's reputation: "in May [2013], the SEC subpoenaed documents from GreenTech Automotive and bank records from a sister company, Gulf Coast Funds Management of McLean," reported the Washington Post last month.

Even though The Post admits that "the full focus of the SEC investigation into GreenTech and Gulf Coast is not known, we do know that "in recent months, the SEC has stepped up its scrutiny of companies that use the visa program, largely over concerns that investors may have been misled or defrauded by the companies seeking their money. The visa program has also raised national security concerns from some lawmakers worried that suspect individuals are using it to gain entry into the country."

More GreenTech Cronies

Detailed thus far in this Green Corruption File has been some influential pals of McAuliffe: former President Bill Clinton, who appeared at a company launch party, Hillary Clinton’s brother Anthony Rodham, who runs the firm’s foreign-investor outreach, as well as former Republican National Committee chair and Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, who not only "helped the company secure millions in state incentives," but stood by Terry's side, even for photo ops. has also exposed Levar Stoney, a former director of the Virginia Democratic Party (2008 to 2009), who served as GreenTech's director of public and government affairs from May 2010 until December 2012. Then this past August we learn via the Washington Free Beacon that the former Virginia Democratic Gov. Tim Kaine, who is now a U.S. senator, in December 2009, "sent a letter to an official at the U.S. Customs and Immigration Service (USCIS), detailing Virginia policies that would benefit Gulf Coast Funds Management (GCFM)" –– and we've already established that GreenTech's sister company is GCFM, and where we find Terry's pal and Hillary's brother Anthony Rodham (President & CEO). 

Considering all that clout, there's a former Obama cabinet official by the name of Rick Wade, whom as Tori Richards (author at and Human Events) puts it, "might be the insider who carries the most weight." Mr Wade, whose history includes "a founding partner of the Axelrod-Wade Group, a global business development firm," joined GreenTech Automotive in 2011, whereas his bio brags that he is currently the "Senior Vice President & Head of China Operations, following a distinguished career at the Department of Commerce."

Wade, while at Commerce, was involved in President Obama's trillion-dollar stimulus spending spree, yet he also had many other key Democratic positions, both during and after his time with Team Obama (see bullet point presentation). And as of late, Wade is planning on getting back into politics, and will be running for the United States Senate against Tim Scott, of which according to the Grio, "He is expected to announce his candidacy early next month." 

  • 2008: Senior adviser role for then-Senator Obama’s 2008 campaign
  • 2008: Wade chaired Obama’s successful South Carolina primary in 2008 against Hillary Clinton
  • 2009: Wade was a member of the White House task forces on Automobile Recovery (a $25 billion effort to prop up the failing U.S. auto industry), which was led by former treasury secretary Timothy Geithner and Economic Council Director Lawrence Summers.
  • 2009: Within Commerce, Wade served as interim chief of staff during the presidential transition, and he contributed to all major policy and personnel decisions. 
  • 2009 to 2011: Wade was also the Senior Adviser and Deputy Chief of Staff for Commerce Secretary Gary Locke, who served that role from March 24, 2009 until October 2011. Gary Locke resigned as the 36th Secretary of Commerce on August 1, 2011 to become the U.S. Ambassador to the People's Republic of China. And then John Bryson, who became Obama’s Secretary of Commerce in October 2011, is another player inside some of this clean-energy dirt. Bryson resigned in June of 2012 following a series of mysterious auto accidents, and now we have Penny Pritzker, the mega-rich pal of Obama, who raised mega-bucks for both of his presidential campaigns and was a member of his so-called jobs council, whereas she is “related” to at least two large Green Corruption stories.
  • 2009-2011: Additionally, while at the Commerce Department, "Wade worked diligently to ensure President Obama’s business and economic programs, including the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, were implemented effectively and efficiently." Some say that Wade even helped craft President Obama's massive stimulus package, of which $100 billion was earmarked for renewable energy. These taxpayer funds have been the centerpiece of the entire Green Corruption scandal, of which I've been tracking and reporting on since 2010 –– even the fact that billions of "green" tax dollars have been shipped overseas to aid production of green ventures in foreign countries. 
  • 2009-2011: According to, "The Commerce Department job also allowed Wade to hone a skill that might explain his value to GreenTech: he became a U.S. envoy on Chinese and Asian trade."
  • 2012: Wade, a member of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), was also a Senior Advisor to the Obama for America presidential campaign and the 2012 Democratic National Convention, which means that he helped run the president’s 2012 campaign while simultaneously serving as a Democratic Party executive and vice president of GreenTech
  • Wade is (was) also part of the Advisory Board for Volt Energy

Now, I haven't found any clear evidence at this time whether Mr. Wade helped in any of the GreenTech dealings, but it's awfully convenient that Wade was not only involved in the 2009-Recovery Act, but worse, since joining GreenTech in 2011, he was actively part of President Obama's re-election bid –– thus he had "access and influence."

And, if you've been following any of my work, you'd know that I've published a series entitled "The RAT in the Recovery and the Gang of Eight”: those individuals and groups that were involved in crafting the energy sector of the 2009-Recovery Act, and who ultimately financially benefited from the $100 billion that was earmarked for renewable energy (with a summary installment coming in the near future). Keep in mind too, as mentioned earlier, the Mississippi Development Authority, Energy Division, –– the one that awarded GreenTech millions in state subsidies –– received approximately $40 million from President Obama's stimulus package.

"Fast Terry": Master Job Creator or Con Man?

Even though many news organizations, watchdog groups, and online forums have exposed the empty promises and debunked the claims in regards to GreenTech's factories, green cars and green jobs, I'll attempt to do my part, starting with a challenge: take the time to view "Fast Terry," a documentary by Citizens United. Besides being informed and infuriated, you'll discover that during the course of his traveling electric-car road show that began in 2009, McAuliffe promised hope, hundreds of thousands of green cars and thousands of green jobs –– all made in America

Two GreenTech Factories: 

The Horn Lake Facility in DeSoto County, Mississippi and The Tunica Plant in Tunica County, Mississippi

According to the New York Times, in 2011, while presenting GreenTech as a catalyst of American job creation, McAuliffe was adamant, “I am sick and tired of seeing our jobs go to China...” Ironically, GreenTech has two manufacturing facilities in Mississippi, where the company has received state subsidies, and one in China, as well as some office locations. 

  • GreenTech Automotive Corporate Office: McLean, VA
  • Tunica Office: Tunica, MS
  • Horn Lake Assembly Plant: Horn Lake, MS
  • Dongguan MyCar Electric Vehicle Technology Limited: located in China

Besides grants and loans from the state of Mississippi (totaling either $5 million$8 million, or $18 million), GreenTech sometime in September 2011, received a sweetheart land deal as part of their location compensation: "The Tunica County Economic Development Foundation, a group in Mississippi headed by Tunica County Chamber of Commerce president and CEO Lyn Arnold, worked out a strategy to secure land [100 acres] for GreenTech without going through the state’s legislative approval process," reported The Daily Caller this past July  –– which also emphasized that "Richmond’s Action News 5 recently reported there is no evidence GreenTech has produced any cars, green or otherwise." 

Meanwhile GreenTech's website (GTA), with a grand picture of their plant –– the Horn Lake Facility in DeSoto County, Mississippi –– claims, "With 380,000 square feet under roof, GTA's first plant will be used for the production of GTA's first vehicle, a neighborhood electric vehicle (NEV) named MyCar. They also claim, "In late 2013, MyCar production will move to GTA's all-new, state-of-the-art manufacturing facility located approximately 20 miles away in Tunica, MS," and that the "groundwork has already begun..." for the Tunica Plant –– again promising "5,000 new direct and indirect jobs in Mississippi and the vendor base nationwide."

It turns out that for more than one year (July 2012 to July 2013), the Action News 5 Investigators have been asking questions about GreenTech Automotive, "and its promise of hundreds of new jobs in North Mississippi." Action News also gave us another McAuliffe promise, followed by evidence that something is wrong...

"If I can be successful and make 10,000 cars over the next 12 months here in Horn Lake and ship them over to Denmark, that's a huge win for me, the company, and most importantly, Mississippi," said McAuliffe in July 2012.

Twelve months later, the Action News 5 Investigators have uncovered no evidence of any major car production and a former Greentech employee raises new questions about the company's operation.

"We were told, you know, when we first went in the fall of '11, we were going to build a 100 by Christmas, didn't happen," said the former employee, who asked to remain anonymous. "Then we were told we were going to build X amount through the year 2012 and that didn't happen."

The employee says workers built cars then deconstructed and rebuilt them over and over again to appear as though they were working.

What was GreenTech's response on reassembling of cars? "Both the plant manager Trey Agner and GreenTech Vice President Marianne McInerney said workers break down and re-assemble the cars for training and quality control," reported Action News.

Action News, in the same report said, "McInerney refused to release the number of vehicles actually made at the facility or sold last year because GTA is a private company. She would only say there are pending orders for the new 2014 MyCar," and McInerney told them that they "would create 350 jobs by the end of 2014 and those are direct jobs."

This investigation also uncovered the fact that GreenTech "told its employees in Northern Mississippi to pretend to build cars to fool foreign investors."

Furthermore, in April of this year, made a visit to the GreenTech office located at a Tunica strip mall, whereas their investigators exposed quite the encounter, "Silence, secrecy, cops follow GreenTech’s China deal." One of the most interesting conclusions came from a local police officer stating, “They’re pretty secretive,” he said. “Just like the Russians.”

In that same April 25, 2013 article, documented the following Intel, which coincides with, and adds another layer to what I just highlighted from the Action News investigation

Next door, in the Desoto County city of Horn Lake, it’s a different story — except for the secrecy and apparent lack of actual manufacturing. Locals said workers almost daily drive GreenTech’s tiny MyCars — two-seater, all-electric vehicles with a 25-mile range — around the facility in what looks like a test-drive caravan.

While some say that "Terry McAuliffe’s GreenTech has tried to import more Chinese Nationals than it has sold cars," on August 12, 2013, the Washington Free Beacon shed some light into what's going on: "Five Things You Need to Know About GreenTech Automotive." The number one issue being that GreenTech has fallen "short on job promises multiple times..." 

The Beacon goes on...

At this point it is unclear whether GreenTech is producing any jobs. 

GreenTech is still operating at what was supposed to be a temporary facility in Horn Lake, Miss. 

Although McAuliffe claimed that ground was broken at the company’s planed permanent facility, local investigators found that there was nothing but overgrown grass covering the plot on which it is supposed to be located.

(NOTE: Both photos are by Dustin Hurst –– one of the GTA office and the other of GTA's proposed production facility at the site in Tunica County, Mississippi, which I wrote about in this section ––  can be found at, yet I placed them on my blog as well.) 

GreenTech Jobs 

As many are still pondering when GreenTech will build (or even begin to break ground) at their proposed $60 million Tunica plant in Mississippi, GreenTech jobs are even more puzzling. I must reemphasize that tracking both the number of cars and jobs –– promised, claimed, or even saved for that matter, versus reality –– has been a difficult task. It seems to be a moving target and depending on the day, what con tactics Terry has up his sleeve, or what the folks at GreenTech are smoking, it changes.

Now, I briefly covered this topic early on, but here is my bullet point presentation of what I found during my two-week crash course research project on GreenTech and all its shenanigans. (NOTE: big shout out to Bearing Drift: Virginia's Conservative Voice, for their list as well). 

  • October 6, 2009 / Memphis Business Journal: "Tunica County will become home to a new hybrid automobile development and manufacturing facility that will initially employ 1,500 with a $1 billion investment. The [Mississippi] plant will produce 150,000 vehicles annually in phase one."
  • 2009: "McAuliffe predicted at least 10,000 cars a year would be manufactured by 2011," as documented by this past August 
  • May 18, 2010 Terry's Newsroom: “McAuliffe has announced his intent is to eventually create 4,500 new jobs for the electric auto manufacturing firm in Virginia as well as Tennessee and Mississippi.”
  • May 20, 2010 / "GTA plans to create thousands of “'green collar'” jobs across Mississippi, Tennessee and Virginia. At full production, GTA will create over 4,000 new US jobs." 
  • October 7, 2010 / Bloomberg News: "GreenTech plans to buy parts abroad and assemble the cars in the U.S., creating around 5,000 jobs in economically depressed areas. Besides Mississippi, McAuliffe is looking at sites in Tennessee and Virginia and says he will go to the state offering the best tax breaks and other benefits." 
  • October 7, 2010, as written by in Dec 2012: "In a 2010 interview, McAuliffe predicted that his company’s first-generation NEV would go on sale mid-2011. GreenTech initially pledged to hire thousands workers to assemble tens of thousands of vehicles a year at its new Tunica, Miss., plant by the end of 2012." At that time, "None of those projections has come close to fruition. The Tunica plant is still under construction, and the payroll barely tops 100 workers. 
  • February 2011 / You Tube clip (R): “I’m going to announce another major plant this year, which is going to be about 3,000 – 5,000 jobs.” – Terry McAuliffe 
  • August 6, 2011, but reported on September 5, 2011 / Automotive News“We can achieve two important goals at once. We can provide China with clean technology and help reduce carbon emissions in the country,” said McAuliffe, chairman of GreenTech, in an Aug. 6 press release about the China factory. The China project will create 2,000 jobs for Americans, he said.
  • November 2011 / Charlottesville Tomorrow: “Denmark has bought GreenTech’s first year of production, about 110 cars, which will be manufactured at a temporary plant in Horn Lake, Miss. McAuliffe is opening a permanent factory in nearby Tunica, which will eventually employ 350 workers." 
  • 2012: "Terry McAuliffe claimed in 2012 that the plant would be churning out 10,000 electric cars this year," reported by the Washington Free Beacon June 18, 2013
  • July 2012 statement by McAuliffe and reported by Action News 5 (July 2013): "If I can be successful and make 10,000 cars over the next 12 months here in Horn Lake and ship them over to Denmark, that's a huge win for me, the company, and most importantly, Mississippi." 
  • July 6, 2012 when GreenTech Automotive unveiled its environmentally friendly, energy efficient vehicle, MyCar / HR Professionals: “Former President Bill Clinton and former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour were on hand to help celebrate GTA’s relocation to the U.S. The company is expected to create 426 new jobs and support about 7,400 more.”
  • July 9, 2012 / “Production of MyCar and its derivatives, plus the all-new vehicles to be added to the product portfolio will lead to the formation of 5,000 new direct and indirect jobs in Mississippi and the vendor base nationwide,” GreenTech boldly says on its Web site.
  • April 12, 2013 / Mother Nature Network by Jim Motavalli: "I also talked to McAuliffe, and he said the company was planning on at least 400 employees in Tunica, Miss., with 3,500 indirect jobs. (The company launched with a temporary facility in Horn Lake, Miss.) “We have 14 job openings right now,” he said. “These cars will be made by American workers.” The 300,000-square-foot plant was supposed to be pumping out cars in mid-2013, which is now, isn’t it? 
  • July 6, 2012 / Wheels Blogs @ the New York Times: “Mr. McAuliffe said the venture would employ 900 workers in Mississippi by the end of the year, as well as create many jobs indirectly.”
  • July 15, 2013 / McAuliffe promised GreenTech Automotive would create 2,000 American jobs and produce cars
  • July 17, 2013 / PR Newswire: designed to have an annual production capacity of 30,000 vehicles in Tunica, Mississippi 
  • July, 2013 / Action News 5: GreenTech Vice President Marianne McInerney "refused to release the number of vehicles actually made at the facility or sold last year because GTA is a private company. She would only say there are pending orders for the new 2014 MyCar," and that the plant "would create 350 jobs by the end of 2014 and those are direct jobs."
  • August 12, 2013 / News: The company says it will be producing cars by April, but its plans have changed dramatically, from a goal of 250,000 a year to 30,000...

Quite the track record, but in an effort to simplify, here a few of the latest stats that I could find on GreenTech jobs, starting in July of 2012 with HR Professionals Magazine, which stated, "As of July, GTA has more than 840 employees enterprise-wide, and they are on track to employ more than 900 more by the end of 2012." Later they add, "As of July [2012] there were 67 employees in the northern Mississippi sites (Tunica/Horn Lake) and eight employees in the McLean, Virginia office."

And July of this year, when Action News 5 Investigators attempted to get back inside GreenTech to check into the Horn Lake operation and its staff, the "GreenTech Vice President Marianne McInerney denied their requests each time, but claimed that 78 employees worked inside."

We also have (as presented earlier in this post) the New York Times, and its August 9, 2013 article that said, "GreenTech employs 80 people and that company officials would not say how many cars will be built this year."

Small Eco-car; Big Green Scam? 

At what stage each of the two GreenTech plants are and how much money they snagged from the taxpayers of Mississippi ($5 to $18 million), is still unclear. Neither do we know the exact status of both investigations, and what they will conclude: the Securities and Exchange as well as the Department of Homeland Security IG. But as the residents of Virginia buy into his campaign slogan, "McAuliffe for Governor: Putting Jobs First," how many green jobs GreenTech has created in the state of Mississippi as well as the number of green cars they've assembled here in the United States remains a mystery.

Since Terry is leading the Virginia governor race, I can only assume that Virginians haven't done their homework or maybe they just don't care, because GreenTech has left many of us in the dark: instead of hope, cars and jobs, McAuliffe and his electric-car dream has perpetuated nothing but confusion and frustration for the folks at Tunica County and many in the state of Mississippi. 

Obviously, GreenTech produces a small eco-car –– we've seen the flashy prototypes after all; like a high-end golf cart. Quite frankly, I wouldn't mind getting one for my teenage daughter (that way she can't go over 25 MPH); but the most critical question remains to be this a big green scam?


We report, you decide....

UPDATE, September 29, 2013: Marita Noon followed my research and this 9/28/13 post, adding her flair, personal experience as well as her take on what's going on with this small eco-car, and can be found at her column: Terry McAuliffe's MyCar Isn't Even a "Real Car": Car and Driver

Two Women –– one Citizen & one Energy Columnist –– join forces on One Mission: to expose one chunk of the Green Corruption Scandal at a time.

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They are on the Hill now and Congress stated no one was punished and the review board report was not good.


The Simple questions are:  


Do you personally or know who ordered reduced military and/or security protection for the Ambassador in any of his operational locations including Benghazi?


Did do you personally know and do nothing when the attack happened?


Did someone above you order changes in security?


Did someone above you fail to order or stop military response or other help in Benghazi during the several hour attack?

Can you verify the attack was watched real time? Who all was aware and/or watched the attack? Do you?


Why not pin these guys down?


Was Patrick Kennedy and/or Hillary order any changes in security or any action before or after Benghazi?


Is there anything you can think of that is relevant to the Benghazi attacks that we have not mentioned or may not know?



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Every year 50,000 plus people are killed and a great number of those are teenagers. Some people claim they are drinking when it happens, sometimes it is just an accident, suicide or sadly some are premeditated murder. Of course, they are used in crimes and are very dangerous in the wrong hands, especially young people. Regardless, people die and this must stop, RIGHT? If only the trained police or certain professionals were able to use them the streets would be safer, thousands of citizens would not be killed and we could set an example for the world. There is no doubt that they are very dangerous and with daily deaths mounting we should do something!

I am talking about vehicles, cars and trucks! Yes, the same argument holds for vehicles as does for guns. The primary difference is that many more people are killed with or in vehicles. They do save lives and prevent crimes, as do guns in the hands of citizens, but no one ever wants to talk about those details.

The environmental people should support this ban, but I do NOT! It makes no more sense than banning guns. It s the person, not the instrument that kills people. Knifes, hammers, screw drivers, ice picks, box cutters, etc. are all dangerous in the wrong and evil hands.

I regret any loss of life, but I value my freedom and will not give it up for alleged increased security. Our Founding Fathers warned us to never give up freedom for promised security.

When I went to public school every boy had a  pocket knife and there were no gun free zones and in fact some kids had them in the cars. We have a people and a morals problem today and need to address it. Israel schools have armed teachers, surrounded by terrorists and people who would attack their children if they were in a gun free zone. The incident yesterday might have been stopped, if Bill Clinton had not banned guns from military bases in 1993. Ever on duty soldier should wear a side arm, as they did in past wars and that evil sick man would have been stopped VS. a shooting gallery. Just as my example of banning vehicles does not make sense, neither does gun free military bases or schools.

The Navy shooter was using a shotgun and even crazy uncle Joe said he has one of them. Obama and others will use this crisis to push gun bans and they are chasing the wrong issue. We have a people problem.  


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4063723163?profile=original            Should America’s Heartland Voters Reject Hillary Clinton Mini-Series?

What does it matter!” cried out the former U.S. Secretary of State defiantly when testifying before a January Congressional Committee investigating the Benghazi murders of 4 Americans. This is the time tested belligerent stagecraft Hillary Clinton has perfected over the previous forty plus years of her public political life that America, New York and Arkansas have become quite familiar with. It is her very indignant attitude and self righteous zeal that has been manufactured in the den of liberalism that the mainstream media and Hollywood adore.

Who but an audacious Hillary Clinton could whipsaw a congressional committee with a chilling snare and at the same time send a tingling up the legs of mainstream media pundits and liberal supporters? She now has reached the pivot point in her life where two alphabet soup networks, NBC and CNN, want to hand her the White House on a small silver screen platter by creating a docudrama and miniseries of her Royal Highness Hillary Clinton. Hold the credits…

A brick has been thrown into the works by RNC Chairman Reince Priebus who is sounding the alarm. Priebus claims, according to Fox News, the airing of these shows is not to reveal the whole truth of the life and times of Ms Clinton, but rather to showcase Hillary Clinton as a “larger than life” presidential candidate.

Coincidentally, while Hollywood and TV reviewers will be sending up kudos and adulation to the film projects, CNN and NBC would be fielding so-called journalists who would be eviscerating Republican presidential contenders during the debates. Or worse yet, they could do a Candace Crowley hatchet number on them as she did to Mitt Romney during the Presidential Debate with Mr. Obama. Crowley’s feigned apology is not accepted.

So should America not care about two networks that have fawned over her and her lady chasing husband former President Bill Clinton? Well, you be the judge. Scandal and misrepresentation of the truth seems to be part of the political theatrics of the Clinton approach to American politics. Sort of has that musical ring to it, and goes something like this… “Ain’t no Mountain High Enough to Keep Me From Lying to You!”

“What does it matter!” she bellows out! Did it matter that during Hillary Clinton first practiced her skills at fabrication by lying while working as part of the legal team during the Watergate hearings investigation of President Richard Nixon?

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Obama Geography Lessons, Hillary and Media Bias

President Obama made some geographic mistakes on Jay Leno this week about ports that are not ports. Of course, Obama also stated when he ran the first time he wanted to go to all 57 States, but his staff would not let him. In this case, the AP cleaned up his comment and did not jump on him like they did anytime Bush mis-spoke or "Mis-remembered" (sic). Nothing here everyone is fair , but it is just that while Bush was not smart, Obama is , so it must be just a mistake. Of course, Bush was the first President to have a MBA, but it was from Harvard. He went to Yale, Harvard and was a fighter jet pilot in the national guard. I know some pilots and the military does not just pass you because of your family name. So, is Bush smart having attended two Ivy league schools and the other stuff like jet pilot? I think so, but he could not read from a teleprompter like Obama and he was not a democrat.
Oh well, can't wait to see the Hillary movie and special fake docudrama. Can you imagine, Diane Lane will portray Hillary. I wonder, if they will include Whitewater, her defense of Black Panthers, commodity trade, her work on Nixon's impeachment investigation, standing by her man, baking cookies, hiring at Rose Hill Law firm when Billy made AG, partner when Billy made Gov., two for one first act of gays in the military proposal that led to DADT, secret health care meetings, Secretary of State activities which include dead Americans, dozens of attacks on embassies, etc.
No, it will just be fluff that makes her look great with a very attractive actress ACTING.
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Who’s Minding the Hen House in DC?


If one should wonder who’s minding the “hen house,” in DC they either just landed here from Mars or they can’t speak or read English.  The “hen house” was exterminated back in early 2009 and the foxes have taken up residence.  They receive exorbitant salaries for hiding, participating and creating crimes against Americans and our Nation. 


First on the list of devious activities would be the disappearance of taxpayer’s money amounting to 787 billion dollars.  Rapidly following that smooth move was the Fast and Furious gunrunner program funded by Obama and choreographed by Eric Holder and Janet Napolitano.  Ask them who was responsible for these crimes and Obama would shake his head and say, “I don’t know anything about this, but I’ll set up a special committee to investigate it meaning his sidekick Holder will sweep everything under the rug.


Then came Obamacare and one must wonder how a bill can be passed when no one has read it.  But, that didn’t bother the foxes – they passed it, helped themselves to a huge bite of our Medicare and sent the insurance companies, the medical field and taxpayers the bill. Obama will tell you it’s the greatest thing since Ford’s auto invention and not to worry because IRS will monitor who’s naughty and nice.  And a bunch of Obama creeps will dictate who gets healthcare and who doesn’t.    


Obama said cost of insurance will be reduced; we can keep our own primary care physician and live happily ever after. News flash – he lied doctors are leaving their professions, insurance rates are skyrocketing along with horrendous out of pocket charges, businesses are in limbo and quality of patient care just keeps taking one hit after another. As of May 16th, 2013 there’s not one Republican, Democrat or rocket scientist in the “hen house” who has the guts to remove this bill. 


We learned that we own all of these various expensive solar panels that no one will buy and ugly defunct wind mills, electric cars that blow up, expensive batteries for the electric cars that don’t work and a bunch of green companies continuing to declare bankruptcy as we speak.


Next comes the Benghazi murders, Obama, Clinton and Panetta all knew about the attack and flew the coop knowing that our Ambassador and other Americans were being attacked by terrorists.  Guess Lamb was the only pigeon in the hen house watching the massacre in real time. 


But to hear the three tell the story, not one of them knew about it and not one of them was in charge – so the question is who really is running the hen house?  Could it be Valarie Jarrett and the old Soros clown? 


Along comes the AP and IRS scandal - Obama does what Obama always does he shakes his head, scratches his ear and says he doesn’t know anything about anything and passes the buck one more time.  Behind the scenes Obama and his administration are frantically scrambling to cover up the cover ups and they’re up to their armpits in lies and on the verge of self destruction. 


Maxine Waters probably followed Debbie Wasserman’s footsteps opening mouth and inserting foot when she started bragging about Obama’s secret database to Roland Martin.


WATERS said: The president has put in place an organization that contains the kind of database that no one has ever seen before in life. That's going to be very, very powerful. That database will have information about everything on every individual in ways that it's never been done before.


Ironically Maxine just exposed why the IRS and AP scandals preempts all other news at this time. This confirms why Conservatives, churches, donors to Mitt Romney etc. are being targeted.


Big brother is watching you, knows what you eat for breakfast, taps your personal phone lines, watches your every move and has infringed on all of your freedoms and rights. Is this really America?


May God Bless America

As Always,

Little Tboca

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Government Run Wild


The Declaration of Independence states that our citizens are 'endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights.' Well folks those rights are rapidly diminishing and we’re definitely headed down the slippery slopes to a Nanny State. 


It’s not a pretty picture and many are still in denial, but our Government is out of control, corrupt, treacherous and most of all very illusive; it appears many politicians are AWOL or they’re sleeping on the job because no one knows anything about anything. 


We hear after the fact that 787 billion dollars of our money has basically gone missing. We hear about green companies after they close their doors, declare bankruptcy and lose our money.  We hear that the not so famous Fisker motor company sneaked off to Finland; they just swallowed our hard earned money and declared bankruptcy. 


Taxpayers dug GM out of a vast hole just in time for them to create the touted Chevy Volt, which was a disaster from start to finish.  Obamacare was jammed down our throats by Obama and Pelosi and now that we’ve read the bill – we know we’re in one ---- of a mess. 


On the flip side of the coin most of us must obey the laws but it’s obvious some of the elite in Washington have free get out of jail cards.  How do I know this is true?   According to Department of Justice website in 2009, the Fast and Furious gunrunner operation was funded and named by Obama. The DOJ website has Holder’s speech in 2009 to the Mexican authorities.  The site also shows that the OIG warned Congress, FBI, CIA and ATF about the dangers of the Fast and Furious gunrunner program. 


 In 2009 Eric Holder and Janet Napolitano toddled off to Mexico together and bragged about their new gunrunner program to Mexicans authorities. The story goes that Eric and Janet worked out the gory details so guns from the USA could walk across the border into the hands of the Cartel.  Two of our brave Americans were murdered by these weapons.


Remember Obama funded the Fast and Furious gunrunner operation in 2009 that would permit guns from our Country to walk across the border.  Now May 6th 2013 in a speech to Mexican authorities President Obama blamed the scourge of gangland murder and violence in Mexico on firearms from the United States.  I do believe that this Obama person talks out of both sides of his mouth – he’s devious, sneaky and a danger to Americans.


Then there is the cover-up of the Benghazi murders, first we were told it was a video. Talk about rubbing it in – for weeks Obama, Rice & Hilary blamed the video.  In an attempt to cover up the Benghazi tragedy Obama and Hillary did a video apologizing to the Middle East Countries and blaming the murders on a video. 


Obama, Panetta, Clinton were in charge; they have blood on their hands anyway you look at it. Hopefully tomorrow will expose the real Benghazi story and those responsible will be placed behind bars.  As far as I am concerned the key people in our Government who have lied and perjured themselves on the witness stand are accomplices to the assassination of our Ambassador and three other Americans.  Unlike the Water Gate scandal the Benghazi scandal involves the murder of four brave American patriots. 


May God Bless America

As Always,

Little Tboca

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                           4063606751?profile=original                    Will Hillary Clinton damage 2016 presidential run with Benghazi attack

                                      cover up Congressional committee testimony

Typically, when most liberal political kingmakers pontificate about the next Clinton to grasp the presidential mantle, it is done with an air of obvious entitlement.  Hillary Clinton has positioned herself for this office ever since her days as a staff attorney for the House Judiciary Committee, which was investigating Watergate.

It was in the congressional backrooms that Hillary, began a pattern of alleged deceitful behavior that would serve her through many a state and federal prosecutorial investigation.  These investigations followed her and her husband, Bill Clinton from Arkansas to the White House, and now beyond.

Yet, the most onerous of Hillary claims has been linked to a web of mangled White House storylines concerning Benghazi Consulate security, attack, murders and what the president knew and when did he know it.

Fabrication of events is not new for Hillary Clinton, and according to her former boss Jerry Zeifman, who was “counsel and chief of staff of the House Judiciary Committee,”  Hillary Clinton was fired from her position on the committee as a s...


The mainstream media kept this embarrassing side note out of the public eye when her husband, Bill Clinton ran for President in 1992 and in her own run for the U.S. seat from New York in 2000.

Yet, Jerry Zeifman, seemed compelled to alert the nation about Hillary Clinton, who in 2006 was making coordinated moves to run for President in 2008.  In his book, “Hillary Pursuit of Power,” he stressed, while working on the Judiciary Committee, Clinton,… engaged in a variety of self-serving unethical practices in violation of House rules."


Therefore it should be of surprise to no one that she was caught up in purported lies while First Lady of Arkansas as well as First Lady of the United States.  These scandals included in Whitewater illegal activities, the Travelgate cover up and her conveniently manufactured lie about coming under attack while visiting Bosnia.

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4063633387?profile=original     How could Ambassador Rice explain an attack that she had no personal knowledge of?

                                     Smells like a Watergate style cover up.


So, now Ambassador Rice surfaces in what seems to be an attempt to regurgitate the exact same inconsistencies and cover up narrative as if, telling a lie often enough will suddenly become the truth.  Not this time Ms. Rice.  Not good enough!.  Your oath of office should have more value than protecting a cover story.  Just ask the White House officials who went to jail because they lied to congress about their own culpability in the Watergate cover up.

Maybe Ms Rice you need to be reminded that these were real people with real families. Their names were: Ambassador Chris Stevens, diplomat Sean Smith, and former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods, and Glen Doherty. 

Again, what was she thinking?


Did Susan Rice truly believe that after the Presidential election, America, the news networks and the congress would go on as business as usual?  Well, Ambassador Rice, America’s business is to find out what the truth really is and why the administration would allow a series of lies to fester in a climate of White House CYA political theatrics.

Four Americans, who had families and had loved ones, only, asked that their Commander in Chief would act like one and defend their lives. The administration reneged on its solemn duty.  The families that saw their loved ones return in coffins deserve more, far, far more than a circle of lies.

History has a way of repeating itself.  Forty years ago, Richard Nixon was reelected president of the United States.  Congress then went to work. Articles of Impeachment were voted on, and well, you know the rest of the story.

Fast forward to 2012, where Obama is doing victory laps and Ambassador Rice is apparently aiming for the Secretary of State seat now being kept warm by Hillary Clinton.  Well if conventional wisdom serves, perhaps, Ambassador Rice should be setting her sights more toward a congressional investigation witness seat.

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4063631957?profile=originalAre you ready to wake up in an America where your family is defenseless against enemies foreign or domestic? This reality is right around the corner. A day after his reelection, Barack Obama signaled the United Nations that he is ready to sign an Arms Treaty to strip you of your U.S. Second Amendment Constitutional right to bear arms.

This is not new. The United Nations made earlier attempts during the administration of former President George W. Bush. But, President Bush soundly rejected the measure. Now, President Obama, fresh off of this presidential win, feels emboldened to go forward with his design to unilaterally dismember the guaranteed constitutional protections citizens of this nation are entitled to.

Do you feel comfortable with the idea that the U.S. State Department under the control of either Ambassador Hillary Clinton will truly represent your interest? What about her possible replacement nominee, America’s United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice. This is the same Ambassador Rice’s who went on five television network shows to cover up the truth of what happened to four Americans murdered on 9/11 in Benghazi, Libya.

Where does that leave Americans?

The real question is what are you prepared to do in order to defend your right to defend your family? Will you wait to see what happens? Or will you take the necessary steps to make certain that you will not have to wait and see if United Nations gun control officials knock at your door, demanding, and “Gun license and registration, please!”

The right to control your guns is not open for debate or for negotiation. It is a sovereign right that no foreign organization, including the United Nations has the right or the authority to undertake, because a president gives the go ahead.

When any president decides to destroy the nation’s U.S. Constitutional rights afforded its citizens, which he has sworn to uphold, he no longer has the authority to represent the nation’s citizens. He must be impeached!

The U.S. Constitution says with great clarity in Article II, Section 4:
"The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."

Your signed petitions should be forwarded to John Boehner, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives.

The impeachment process begins in the House of Representatives according to Article I, Section 2: "The House of Representatives . . . shall have the sole Power of Impeachment."

You do not need the permission of the White House nor do you need the permission of the mainstream media to determine your course of action to demand the impeachment of Barack Obama. Develop a list of particulars that petitioners in all fifty states will sign. The secessionist movement has already gotten the ball rolling.

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